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Identification of Paecilomyces variotii in Clinical Samples and Settings

American Society for Microbiology
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
  • UK National Mycology Reference laboratory UKHSA

Abstract and Figures

Paecilomyces variotii is a commonly occurring species in air and food, but it is also associated with many types of human infections and is among the emerging causative agents of opportunistic mycoses in immunocompromised hosts. Paecilomyces can cause hyalohyphomycosis, and two species, Paecilomyces lilacinus and P. variotii, are the most frequently encountered organisms. In the present study, a set of 34 clinical isolates morphologically identified as P. variotii or P. lilacinus were formally identified by sequencing intergenic transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 (including 5.8S rDNA) and a part of the β-tubulin gene. Three isolates were identified as P. lilacinus, and five of the presumptive P. variotii isolates did not belong to the genus Paecilomyces but were identified as Talaromyces eburneus (anamorph, Geosmithia argillacea) or Hamigera avellanea (anamorph, Merimbla ingelheimense). Applying the most recent taxonomy, we found that the clinical P. variotii isolates could be identified as P. variotii sensu stricto (14 strains), P. formosus (11 strains), and P. dactylethromorphus (1 strain). These data indicate that P. formosus occurs in clinical samples as commonly as P. variotii. Susceptibility tests showed that the antifungal susceptibility profiles of P. variotii, P. formosus, and P. dactylethromorphus are similar and that all strains tested were susceptible to amphotericin B in vitro. P. lilanicus, T. eburneus, and H. avellanea had different susceptibility profiles; and flucytosine and voriconazole were the least active of the antifungal drugs tested against these species. Our results indicate that correct species identification is important to help guide appropriate antifungal therapy.
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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 2010, p. 2754–2761 Vol. 48, No. 8
0095-1137/10/$12.00 doi:10.1128/JCM.00764-10
Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Identification of Paecilomyces variotii in Clinical
Samples and Settings
Jos Houbraken,
* Paul E. Verweij,
Anthonius J. M. M. Rijs,
Andrew M. Borman,
and Robert A. Samson
CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Department of Applied and Industrial Mycology, Utrecht, Netherlands
Department of Medical Microbiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands
and HPA Mycology Reference Laboratory, HPA Southwest, Bristol, United Kingdom
Received 15 April 2010/Returned for modification 10 May 2010/Accepted 21 May 2010
Paecilomyces variotii is a commonly occurring species in air and food, but it is also associated with many types
of human infections and is among the emerging causative agents of opportunistic mycoses in immunocom-
promised hosts. Paecilomyces can cause hyalohyphomycosis, and two species, Paecilomyces lilacinus and P.
variotii, are the most frequently encountered organisms. In the present study, a set of 34 clinical isolates
morphologically identified as P. variotii or P. lilacinus were formally identified by sequencing intergenic
transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 (including 5.8S rDNA) and a part of the -tubulin gene. Three isolates were
identified as P. lilacinus, and five of the presumptive P. variotii isolates did not belong to the genus Paecilomyces
but were identified as Talaromyces eburneus (anamorph, Geosmithia argillacea)orHamigera avellanea (ana-
morph, Merimbla ingelheimense). Applying the most recent taxonomy, we found that the clinical P. variotii
isolates could be identified as P. variotii sensu stricto (14 strains), P. formosus (11 strains), and P. dactylethro-
morphus (1 strain). These data indicate that P. formosus occurs in clinical samples as commonly as P. variotii.
Susceptibility tests showed that the antifungal susceptibility profiles of P. variotii,P. formosus, and P. dac-
tylethromorphus are similar and that all strains tested were susceptible to amphotericin B in vitro.P. lilanicus,
T. eburneus, and H. avellanea had different susceptibility profiles; and flucytosine and voriconazole were the
least active of the antifungal drugs tested against these species. Our results indicate that correct species
identification is important to help guide appropriate antifungal therapy.
Paecilomyces variotii is a commonly occurring species that
has previously been isolated from various substrates, including
(pasteurized) foods, soil, indoor air, and wood (23, 36, 41, 42,
43). However, it is also associated with many types of human
infections and is listed among the emerging causative agents of
opportunistic mycoses in immunocompromised hosts. Paecilo-
myces can cause hyalohyphomycosis (1), and two species, Pae-
cilomyces lilacinus and P. variotii, are the most frequently en-
countered (20, 52). Both species are morphologically similar
but can be differentiated on the basis of conidial color and
growth rates (41). However, small-subunit ribosomal gene se-
quences showed that the two species are unrelated: P. variotii
belongs to the order Eurotiales, while P. lilacinus is a member
of the order Hypocreales (27). Although they are uncommon,
Paecilomyces infections are associated with almost any organ
or system of the human body (40). Most cases concern immu-
nocompromised patients and are cutaneous or catheter re-
lated. However, dissemination, for example, that involving the
central nervous system, has been observed in a number of cases
(15, 24). Ocular infections associated with prolonged contact
lens use or ocular surgery have also been reported (40), as
has peritonitis in patients with continuous ambulatory peri-
toneal dialysis (24), which apparently responded well to an-
tifungal therapy, with cures occurring in 11 of the 13 cases.
However, the majority of these patients were treated for Pae-
cilomyces peritonitis and were not severely immunocompro-
mised. In vitro amphotericin B was active against clinical P.
variotii isolates but not against P. lilacinus (8). Among the
azoles, only itraconazole and posaconazole showed clinically
relevant activity against P. variotii. The geometric mean MICs
of voriconazole and ravuconazole were above 4 mg/liter, indi-
cating that these azoles will not be effective in vivo. Interest-
ingly, the echinocandins, especially micafungin and anidula-
fungin, were highly active against P. variotii, with MIC values
being as low as 0.016 mg/liter. Conversely, P. lilacinus was not
inhibited by the echinocandins, underscoring the importance
of correct species identification (8).
Paecilomyces variotii grows rapidly on standard agar and
forms velvety olive brown colonies. Conidiophores of P. variotii
are irregularly branched, and the phialides have a broad base
ending in a long and slender neck. Samson (41) noted that P.
variotii is a morphologically variable species, and the taxonomy
of P. variotii and the related Byssochlamys teleomorphs has
recently been revised (45). This revision is based on morphol-
ogy, extrolites, and molecules and shows that P. variotii sensu
lato comprises five species, namely, Byssochlamys spectabilis
(the sexual state of P. variotii), P. brunneolus,P. formosus,P.
divaricatus, and P. dactylethromorphus. The last species was
incorrectly named P. saturatus because P. dactylethromorphus
was validly described in 1957 and has priority. The aim of the
present study was to determine the prevalence of these species
in clinical samples and settings. A total of 34 isolates originat-
ing from various clinical specimens and settings were identified
by sequencing the intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) regions,
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodi-
versity Centre, Department of Applied and Industrial Mycology, Utrecht
3584 CT, Netherlands. Phone: 31 (0)30 2122600. Fax: 31 (0)30 2512097.
Published ahead of print on 2 June 2010.
including the 5.8S rDNA, and a part of the -tubulin gene.
Furthermore, the antifungal susceptibility profiles of these spe-
cies and ex-type strains are reported.
Strains. This study includes 34 strains isolated from clinical specimens and
hospital environments. These strains were identified on the basis of macro- and
microscopic characters and were maintained in various culture collections as P.
variotii or P.lilacinus. In additional, ex-type strains and freshly isolated strains
were also included in this study.
Morphological examination. Isolates (Table 1) were grown for 3 days on malt
extract agar (MEA) and were incubated in the dark at 25, 30, and 37°C. Fur-
thermore, three-point inoculations were made on MEA, Czapek yeast agar
(CYA), and creatine agar (CREA); and the isolates were incubated for 7 days at
25°C (the medium compositions are described by Samson et al. [43]). After
TABLE 1. Isolates used in this study
Strain no.
Species Source
CBS 100.11
** Byssochlamys nivea Unknown
CBS 146.48
** Byssochlamys fulva Bottled fruit, UK
CBS 373.70
** Byssochlamys lagunculariae Wood of Laguncularia racemosa (mangue), Brazil
CBS 605.74
** Byssochlamys verrucosa Nesting material of Leipoa ocellata, Australia
CBS 374.70
** Byssochlamys zollerniae Wood of Zollernia ilicifolia and Protium heptaphyllum, Brazil
UMCN V63-56, DTO 63F6 Hamigera avellanea Human, ear swab; Nijmegen, Netherlands (2007)
CBS 295.48
*Hamigera avellanea Soil; San Antonio, TX
CBS 370.70
** P. brunneolus Nonfat dry milk, Canada
CBS 110430* P. divaricatum Soil, Thailand
CBS 284.48
P. divaricatum Mucilage bottle with library paste, USA
UMCN V54-40, DTO 63F3 P. formosus Human, sputum; Nijmegen, Netherlands (2006)
CBS 296.93 P. formosus Human, bone marrow of patient; Taskent, Uzbekistan
CBS 297.93 P. formosus Human, blood of patient; Taskent, Uzbekistan
CBS 298.93 P. formosus Human, breast milk of patient; Taskent, Uzbekistan
CBS 990.73B
P. formosus Unknown
DTO 45H8 P. formosus Pseudo-outbreak in hospital, blood culture, United Kingdom
UMCN 1274, DTO 63E3 P. formosus (lecythidis type) Human, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; Nijmegen, Netherlands
UMCN V49-58, DTO 63F1 P. formosus (lecythidis type) Human, sputum; Zwolle, Netherlands (2006)
UMCN V56-25, DTO 63F4 P. formosus (lecythidis type) Human, sputum; Nijmegen, Netherlands (2006)
CBS 372.70 P. formosus (lecythidis type) Type of P. lecythidis,Lecythis unsitata (Lecythidaceae), wood, Brazil
DTO 45I1 P. formosus (lecythidis type) Pseudo-outbreak in hospital, blood culture; UK
NCPF 2825, DTO 49D5 P. formosus (lecythidis type) Brain abscess, United Kingdom (1991)
NCPF 2837, DTO 49D6 P. formosus (lecythidis type) Brain abscess, same patient as NCPF 2825, United Kingdom (1991)
CBS 113247* P. formosus (maximus type) Soil, Thailand
CBS 371.70 P. formosus (maximus type) Type of P. maximus,Annona squamosa, Brazil
UMCN 1156,* DTO 63E1 P. lilacinus Unknown source
UMCN 2419,* DTO 63E5 P. lilacinus Human, skin swab; Nijmegen, Netherlands (1994)
CBS 284.36
*P. lilacinus Soil; Ithaca, NY
V52-21,* DTO 63F2 P. lilacinus Human, sputum; Nijmegen, Netherlands (2006)
UMCN V66-47, DTO 63F7 P. dactylethromorphus Human, cornea scrapings from keratomycosis; Nijmegen, Netherlands (2008)
CBS 323.34
P. dactylethromorphus Unknown source
CBS 492.84* P. dactylethromorphus Lepidium sativum, Denmark
CBS 110036, DTO 34C8 P. variotii Cerebrospinal fluid of 60-year-old female with diabetes and cancer;
Istanbul, Turkey
UMCN 1157*, DTO 63E2 P. variotii Unknown source
UMCN 2266, DTO 63E4 P. variotii Human, feces; Nijmegen, Netherlands (1994)
UMCN 3796, DTO 63E6 P. variotii Human, mouthwash; Nijmegen, Netherlands (1995)
UMCN 45H9*, DTO 45H9 P. variotii Liver biopsy; London, UK
UMCN 577, DTO 63D6 P. variotii Human, mouthwash; Nijmegen, Netherlands
UMCN 654, DTO 63D7 P. variotii Human, feces, Nijmegen; Netherlands
UMCN 730, DTO 63D8 P. variotii Hospital environment, elevator shaft; Nijmegen, Netherlands
UMCN 731, DTO 63D9 P. variotii Human, mouthwash; Nijmegen, Netherlands
UMCN 7845, DTO 63E7 P. variotii Human, cerebrospinal fluid; Nijmegen, Netherlands (1998)
UMCN 8490, DTO 63E9 P. variotii Human, mouthwash; Nijmegen, Netherlands (1999)
UMCN V57-21, DTO 63F5 P. variotii Human, abscess; Zwolle, Netherlands (2007)
CBS 101075 P. variotii Type of B. spectabilis, heat-processed fruit beverage, Japan
CBS 102.74
P. variotii Unknown source
CBS 124.97 P. variotii Human, vitreous tumor left eye, neutropenic leukemic patient with acute
endophthalmitis, Hong Kong
CBS 339.51 P. variotii Human, sputum, Netherlands
DTO 45I3 Talaromyces eburneus Pseudo-outbreak in hospital, blood culture, UK
NCPF 2801, DTO 49D4 Talaromyces eburneus Sputum, cystic fibrosis patient, UK (1991)
NCPF 7594, DTO 49D7 Talaromyces eburneus Blood culture, patient with peritonitis, UK (2002)
NCPF 7596, DTO 49D9 Talaromyces eburneus Peritoneal dialysis fluid (same patient source as NCPF 7594)
Strains indicated with one asterisk are not included in the phylogenetic analysis; these strains are used only in the susceptibility tests. The strains labeled with two asterisks
are included in the phylogenetic study but not in the susceptibility tests. NT, neotype; HT, holotype; isoT, isotype. CBS, culture collection of the CBS-Fungal Biodiversity
Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands; UMCN, culture collection of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center; DTO, internal culture collection of CBS-Fungal Biodiversity
incubation, the colony diameters were measured and the reactions on creatine
agar recorded.
Phylogeny and molecular identification. Strains were grown on MEA (Oxoid)
for 4 to 7 days at 25°C. Genomic DNA was isolated using an Ultraclean microbial
DNA isolation kit (MoBio), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Frag-
ments containing ITS region 1 (ITS1) and ITS2, including 5.8S rDNA) and a part
of the -tubulin gene were amplified and subsequently sequenced and analyzed
according to the procedure described previously (22). For parsimony analyses,
PAUP (version 4.0) software was used (48) and Byssochlamys verrucosa CBS
605.74 was used as the outgroup.
Antifungal susceptibility tests. The susceptibilities of the majority of the
strains listed in Table 1 were tested; exceptions were the (ex type) strains of
uncommon species in clinical environments, such as Byssochlamys nivea,B. fulva,
B. verrucosa,B. lagunculariae,B. zollerniae, and P. brunneolus.Paecilomyces
divaricatus is also uncommon, but it is included to provide a representative
overview of the susceptibility of the members of the Paecilomyces variotii com-
plex. Isolates were revived by subculturing twice on Sabouraud dextrose agar
tubes for 5 to 7 days at 35°C. Conidial suspensions were adjusted spectrophoto-
metrically and were further diluted in RPMI 1640 medium (with L-glutamine and
without bicarbonate; Gibco BRL, Life Technologies, Woerden, Netherlands).
Microtiter plates were inoculated with an initial concentration of 1 10
to 5
conidia/ml, as recommended by the CLSI (formerly the NCCLS) for mold
testing (30).
The antifungal activities of amphotericin B (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Woerden,
Netherlands), flucytosine (5FC; Valeant, Zoetermeer, Netherlands), itracon-
azole (Janssen Pharmaceutica BV, Tilburg, Netherlands), voriconazole (Pfizer,
Capelle aan de IJssel, Netherlands), posaconazole (Schering-Plough, Maarssen,
Netherlands), terbinafine (Novartis Pharma, Arnhem, Netherlands), and caspo-
fungin (Merck, Sharpe, and Dohme, Haarlem, Netherlands) were determined in
vitro using a broth microdilution method, according to CLSI guidelines (M38-A)
(30). The concentration range for amphotericin B, terbinafine, itraconazole,
voriconazole, and posaconazole was 0.016 to 16 mg/liter; a range of 0.062 to 64
mg/liter was used for 5FC and caspofungin. MICs were determined after 24 and
48 h of incubation. For amphotericin B and the azoles itraconazole, voriconazole,
and posaconazole, the MIC was defined as the lowest concentration that showed
no visible growth. For 5FC and terbinafine, the MIC was defined as the lowest
concentration at which 50% inhibition of growth compared with that of the
control was measured (32). For caspofungin, the minimum effective concentra-
tion was determined. All susceptibility tests were performed in duplicate.
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. The sequences newly generated in
the present study are deposited in GenBank under accession numbers GU968650
to GU968703.
Identification. Identification of the strains was performed by
combining phenotypic characteristics and the sequences of the
ITS regions and part of the -tubulin gene. The investigated
clinical strains were maintained in various collections as P.
variotii or P. lilacinus. Critical examination of the cultures
showed that one Hamigera avellanea isolate and four Talaro-
myces eburneus isolates were present among the isolates which
had previously been identified as P. variotii. The ITS sequences
of three T. eburneus isolates (NCPF 7594, NCPF 7596, and
DTO 45I3) were identical and had 99.8% homology with the
type strain of T. eburneus (CBS 100538). Isolate DTO 49D4
was more divergent and shared 96.4% homology with the type
strain of T. eburneus and 98.8% similarity with the type strain
of Geosmithia argillaea (NRRL 5177). Although this strain is
more closely related to G. argillaea, we identified this strain as
T. eburneus, since both species are claimed to be conspecific
(53). The T. eburneus strains were isolated from patient mate-
rial in three separate cases: from the sputum of a patient with
cystic fibrosis (NCPF 2801), from a blood culture (DTO 45I3),
and from the peritoneal dialysis fluid and blood of a patient
(NCPF 7594 and NCPF 7596). P. variotii superficially resem-
bles T. eburneus in its olive brown conidial colors and thermo-
philic nature. However, it differs in growing very slowly at 25°C
(attaining a diameter of between 10 and 25 mm) and having a
Geosmithia anamorph. Geosmithia anamorphs are character-
ized by cylindrical phialides, ornamented conidiophores and
phialides, and cylindrical conidia (Fig. 1). A further presump-
tive isolate of P. variotii was identified as H. avellanea. The ITS
sequence of this strain had a similarity of 98.0% with the type
strain of this species (CBS 295.48). This species macroscopi-
cally resembles P. variotii in many respects and also forms
powdery olive brown colonies, and it has a high growth rate at
25°C and 37°C. However, H. avellanea can be distinguished
from P. variotii by the presence of a Merimbla-type anamorph
(Fig. 1). Three strains were identified as P. lilacinus, and the
ITS sequences of these strains have 100% homology with the
type strain of P. lilacinus (CBS 284.36).
In the present study, we have adopted the taxonomy of
Paecilomyces variotii and related species proposed by Samson
et al. (45), which uses morphological characteristics, in combi-
nation with extrolite data and sequences. Combined molecular
and morphological examination of the remaining P. variotii
sensu lato isolates showed that three different species were
present, namely, P. variotii,P. formosus, and P. dactylethromor-
phus.P. variotii was the species encountered the most fre-
quently (12), 11 isolates were identified as P. formosus, and 1
isolate was identified as P. dactylethromorphus. These three
species can be differentiated on the basis of morphological
criteria. P. variotii morphologically resembles P. formosus, but
the latter produces acid components on creatine agar and
grows faster at 30°C than at 37°C. P. dactylethromorphus can be
differentiated from the other two species by its cylindrical
conidia and regular branched conidiophores (Fig. 1). Figure 2
shows the results of the phylogenetic analysis of the ITS and
partial tubulin sequences. Both sequenced regions gave similar
identification results, and all the species of the P. variotii com-
plex can be differentiated by either their ITS or partial tubulin
sequences. A high degree of variation was present in the ITS
and tubulin sequences of the P. formosus isolates. Two distinct
groups, with high bootstrap support, were observed. A propor-
tion of the isolates (5) formed a group together with the type
strain of P. formosus, and the other group clustered together
with the type strain of P. lecythidis. These two groups could
represent two cryptic species but were not treated as such since
they are morphologically similar and produce the same pattern
of extrolites (45). Three strains (CBS 296.93, CBS 297.93, and
CBS 298.93) received as P. variotii var. zaaminella and claimed
to be the causal agent of zaaminellosis (11) were identified as
P. formosus.
Susceptibility testing. Susceptibility data, i.e., the geometric
mean (GM) of the MIC and the MIC range, are shown in
Table 2. For those isolates that were not inhibited by the
highest drug concentration, the next higher concentration was
used to calculate the GM MIC; if no growth was observed in
the well with the lowest drug concentration, the next lower
concentration was used. The activities of most of the antifungal
agents differed between the seven different species. Posacon-
azole and terbinafine showed good in vitro activity against all
the species tested. Posaconazole showed the lowest MICs, as
all isolates except T. eburneus were inhibited by a concentra-
tion of 0.25 mg/liter; T. eburneus had slightly higher MIC val-
ues (MIC range, 0.25 to 1 mg/liter). All isolates (except one P.
FIG. 1. Macro- and micromorphological features of various species related to P. variotii. Columns, from left to right, MEA, conidiophores, and
conidia, respectively; rows, from top to bottom, P. variotii,P. formosus,P. dactylethromorphus,Hamigera avellanea,Talaromyces eburneus, and
Paecilomyces lilacinus, respectively. Bars, 10 m.
formosus isolate) were inhibited by terbinafine at a concentra-
tion of 1 mg/liter or lower. Itraconazole was the second most
active azole, having in vitro activity against all Paecilomyces
species except P. lilanicus and T. eburneus. The P. lilanicus
isolates were not inhibited by itraconazole, which was also true
for three of four of T. eburneus isolates. H. avellanea was
moderately susceptible to itraconazole, but only two isolates
were available for testing. Voriconazole was the least active
azole and had in vitro activity only against P. lilanicus and H.
avellanea. Amphotericin B was active in vitro against all species
tested with the exception of P. lilanicus and T. eburneus. Flucy-
tosine was also active against most of the species tested; the
exceptions were P. lilanicus and H. avellanea. For amphotericin
B, itraconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole, and flucytosine,
little intraspecific variation in antifungal susceptibility was
noted. This was not the case for caspofungin, where minimal
effective concentration values varied between 0.063 and 4 mg/
liter for different isolates of the same species.
Of 32 isolates which were identified as P. variotii by their
phenotypic characteristics, 5 were shown here not to belong to
the genus Paecilomyces and instead proved to be Talaromyces
eburneus (anamorph, Geosmithia argillacea)orHamigera avel-
lanea (anamorph, Merimbla ingelheimense). These two species
superficially resemble P. variotii, but the micromorphology is
distinct from that of Paecilomyces (35). The occurrence of
these two species in clinical environments might be more com-
mon than has been noted to date. Screening of the StrainInfo
bioportal ( identified two other Hamigera
isolates that have been reported from clinical environments.
One isolate (CBS 128.90) originates from continuous ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis liquid of a dialysis patient, and the other
(UAMH 2531), maintained under the anamorphic name M. in-
gelheimense, was isolated from skin between the toes of a man.
Multiple isolates of G. argillacea originating from bronchial wash-
ings (UAMH 7717, UAMH 8639, UAMH 9714, UAMH 9854,
UAMH 10232), a brain abscess (UAMH 9833), and a dissemi-
nated infection in a German shepherd dog (UAMH 10932,
UAMH 10933 [21]) are also present in the UAMH culture
collection. In addition, this species has recently been proposed
to be a potential new pathogen that colonizes patients with
cystic fibrosis lung disease (6, 19). The remaining isolates be-
longed to three different Paecilomyces species. P. variotii and P.
formosus predominated, although one isolate of P. dactylethro-
morphus was also detected. The presence of these species in
the clinical samples might be explained by the fact that these
species occur more commonly in food and indoor environ-
ments than the other members of the P. variotii complex (J.
Houbraken, unpublished results).
FIG. 2. One of the most parsimonious trees from each of the two analyzed loci sequenced. (A) ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S rDNA (consistency index
0.796; retention index 0.938, rescaled consistency index 0.747); (B) partial beta-tubulin data (consistency index 0.745; retention index
0.909; rescaled consistency index 0.677).
Species identification of fungi in the past has primarily been
based on morphological features. However, identification
solely on the basis of morphology appears to be difficult, and
trained staff is required for correct identification. Identification
of fungi from clinical samples might even encounter the prob-
lem that isolates grow atypically on inappropriate agars or
become atypical if antimycotics are used (31). Therefore, mo-
lecular-based methods, such as sequencing, appear to be more
reliable and are a robust alternative to discriminate fungal
species (4, 9, 17, 39). Sequencing data are objective and fast,
and reliable identification of uncommon species can be ob-
tained. The ITS regions are recommended for use for identi-
fication of species in a clinical setting, since they are easy to
amplify and large data sets are present in various databases,
such as GenBank and European Molecular Biology Labora-
tory Nucleotide Sequence Database. These databases will ex-
pand dramatically in the near future since the ITS region has
become the prime bar coding region (5, 46; U. Eberhardt,
personal communication). The disadvantage of the ITS region
is that it does not have sufficient discriminatory power in
various genera, for example, the genera Aspergillus,Penicil-
lium, and Fusarium (5, 18, 33, 47). In this study, the ITS
regions and part of the -tubulin gene were used, and both
loci were shown to exhibit sufficient interspecific variation
for identification purposes.
Paecilomyces variotii is a commonly occurring species and
has previously been isolated from various substrates. Immuno-
suppression is the critical risk factor for infection; and cases of
pneumonia (7), sinusitis (13, 34, 50), endophthalmitis (25, 49),
otitis media (12), wound infection in a transplant recipient
(26), cutaneous hyalohyphomycoses (3, 29), onychomycosis
(2), osteomyelitis in a patient with granulomatous disorder
(10), and dialysis-related peritonitis (38) have all been re-
ported to be caused by this fungus. This species can be con-
sidered extremotolerant and is able to grow at high tempera-
tures, on decaying wood, and on creosote treated wooden
utility poles (E. de Meyere et al., unpublished data). The ability
to grow on creosote-treated wooden poles suggests that this
species is able to break down aromatics and is able to grow
under stressful conditions (very hot conditions, dry conditions,
conditions very low in micronutrients). Additionally, P. formo-
sus has also been isolated from toluene gas biofilters. However,
these isolates were misidentified as P. sinensis and P. variotii,
and the correct name for these isolates is P. formosus (14, 16,
37). The extremotolerant nature is suggested to contribute to
the pathogenic potential of fungi. Prenafeta-Boldu´ et al. (37)
speculated that there might be a link between neurotropism
and assimilation of aromatic substrates, and this might be one
of the factors that enable fungi to grow in the human brain,
with its unique chemical properties. This suggested link is also
found in our study, as we have also encountered four strains of
three independent cases originating from brain or cerebrospi-
nal fluid.
Correlations of species identities with susceptibility profiles.
Major differences in in vitro antifungal susceptibility profiles
were found between the investigated species. In general, vori-
conazole is not active against members of the Paecilomyces
variotii complex but is active against P. lilanicus and H. avella-
nea. Treatment of infections due to P. lilanicus may be com-
plicated, as amphotericin B also showed no activity in vitro.
TABLE 2. Susceptibility results for Paecilomyces species, Hamigera avellanea, and Talaromcyes eburneus strains, by species and antifungal agent
Species No. of
Geometric mean (range) MIC (mg/liter)
P. variotii 16 0.11 (0.03–0.5) 0.03 0.04 (0.008–4) 11.3 (1–32) 0.02 (0.008–0.125) 0.08 (0.031–0.5) 0.52 (0.063–4)
P. lilanicus 4 32 128 5.7 (0.063–32) 0.15 (0.063–0.25) 0.2 (0.008–0.25) 0.04 (0.031–0.063) 0.59 (0.5–1)
P. formosus 14 0.13 (0.063–0.25) 0.04 (0.031–0.25) 0.13 (0.063–1) 26.25 (16–32) 0.08 (0.031–0.25) 0.12 (0.031–2) 1.16 (0.063–4)
P. dactylethromorphus 3 0.16 (0.125–0.25) 0.05 (0.031–0.125) 0.08 (0.031–0.125) 32 0.03 0.31 (0.125–1) 0.25 (0.125–0.5)
P. divaricatus 2 0.25 (0.125–0.5) 0.008 0.5 (0.25–1) 32 0.18 (0.125–0.25) 0.06 (0.031–0.125) 0.71 (0.25–2)
H. avellanea 2 0.5 2 (1–4) 0.031 0.09 (0.063–0.125) 0.031 0.04 (0.031–0.063) 0.063
T. eburneus 4 3.3 (1–8) 0.032 12.5 (1–32) 28 (16–32) 0.69 (0.25–1) 0.032 0.31 (0.25–0.5)
For caspofungin, the minimum effective concentration was determined. AMB, amphotericin B; 5FC, flucytosine; ITZ, itraconazole; VCZ, voriconazole; POS, posaconazole; TB, terbinafine; CAS, caspofungin.
Posaconazole may be the only appropriate alternative agent,
although the lack of an intravenous formulation and limited
penetration into the cerebrospinal fluid might limit its use.
Amphotericin B showed good activity against all other species
tested, as was also the case for flucytosine. The combination of
amphotericin B and flucytosine may therefore be an option in
complicated infections due to Paecilomyces species other than
P. lilanicus. Flucytosine was recently shown to be active in vitro
and in vivo against A. fumigatus, with the MIC measured at pH
5.0 being found to correlate better with the outcome in a
murine model of disseminated aspergillosis than that deter-
mined at pH 7.0 (51). It would be of interest to determine the
activity of flucytosine at pH 5.0 against other molds, including
Paecilomyces species. As published previously, terbinafine also
shows potent activity against all species tested (8). However,
the clinical use of this drug for the treatment of invasive fungal
infections remains limited due to its pharmacological proper-
ties. The role of the echinocandins remains unclear, as the in
vitro activity of caspofungin was variable, with the MIC ranges
within species being broad. This indicates that the activity of
the drug is not easily predictable, thereby precluding a prom-
inent role in the first-line therapy of Paecilomyces infections. In
general, the antifungal susceptibility profiles of P. variotii,P.
formosus,P. dactylethromorphus, and P. divaricatus appeared to
be similar, although a limited number of species have been
tested. The profiles of P. lilanicus,T. eburneus, and H. avellanea
are different. This is in agreement with the phylogeny, since T.
eburneus and H. avellanea are not related to Paecilomyces or
Byssochlamys (45, 53) and P. lilacinus will shortly be accom-
modated in a new genus because it is only distantly related to
P. variotii and the other species hitherto placed in the genus
Paecilomyces (27, 28). In summary, it is clear that correct spe-
cies identification of Paecilomyces isolates is important to help
guide appropriate antifungal therapy. The correlation between
the in vitro activity and the in vivo efficacy of these agents
against Paecilomyces species remains to be investigated fur-
Andrew Borman thanks Elizabeth Johnson for her interest in the
study and permitting him to collaborate in this study.
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... P. variotii is a common environmental mould that is widespread in composts, soils and food products [1]. P. variotii is an emerging causative agent of hyalohyphomycosis in the immunocompromised patient [1]. ...
... P. variotii is a common environmental mould that is widespread in composts, soils and food products [1]. P. variotii is an emerging causative agent of hyalohyphomycosis in the immunocompromised patient [1]. P. variotii is associated with various types of infections in humans, with the most common sites affected being the peritoneum and the lungs [2]. ...
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Background paecilomyces and Penicillium are considered as rare opportunistic pathogens in immunocompromised hosts, and pneumonia caused by Paecilomyces and Penicillium is rare. In this study, we present first case of severe pneumonia with pleural effusion caused by co-infection of Paecilomyces variotii (P. variotii) and Penicillium oxalicum (P. oxalicum) in a 66-year-old female with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. Case presentation A 56-year-old woman patient presented to hospital for nausea, poor appetite, and vomiting for one day. On the second day of admission, blood culture and renal puncture fluid culture grew multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli (imipenem/cilastatin sensitive), and she received combination therapy with imipenem/cilastatin (1 g, every 8 h) and vancomycin (0.5 g, every 12 h). On the fourth day, she developed symptoms of respiratory failure. Pulmonary computed tomography (CT) showed an increase in pneumonia compared to before, with minor pleural effusion on both sides. Two fungi were isolated repeatedly from BALF culture, which were confirmed as P. variotii and P. oxalicum by Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing. Her pleural effusion was completely absorbed, pneumonia symptoms have significantly improved and discharged with receiving liposomal amphotericin B treatment for four weeks. Conclusions It is worth noting that clinicians and laboratory personnel should not simply consider Paecilomyces and Penicillium species as contaminants, especially in immunocompromised patients. Early fungal identification and antifungal drug sensitivity are crucial for clinical drug selection and patient prognosis.
... Aminaei & Ershad, 1989;Mozaffari et al., 2005;Ghelichi et al., 2012; (Houbraken et al., 2010) . (Bauch et al., 199;Butin, 19951 (White et al., 1990;Glass & Donaldson, 1995) . ...
... ).Jiménez-Fernández et al., 2011;Saeedi & Jamali, 2021).Heidarian et al., 2015;Torabi et al., 2019).Samson et al., 2009;Houbraken et al., 2010). ...
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Accurate identification of the host species is critically important for disease detection and informing appropriate disease management decisions. Paecilomyces formosus, a causal agent of dieback and decline of oak, is an emerging threat that may cause severe risk to the Zagros forests of Iran in the future. In this study, a nested PCR assay for the identification of P. formosus was developed with the species-specific primer pairs PaMF and PaMR designed from the comparisons of nucleotide sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed space regions (ITS) from P. formosus isolates and other closely related taxa. To accomplish this, we sampled forest trees with dieback symptoms in Kermanshah and Ilam provinces. The Paecilomyces isolates were identified based on morphological characteristics, acid production on keratin sucrose agar medium, and sequencing of the ITS-rDNA region and part of the beta tubulin gene. Nested PCR was successfully amplified a 441 bp product exclusively from P. formosus genomic DNA, and no cross-reactions were observed with any other species, and also P. variotii. The nested PCR method can detect 100 fg of P. formosus genomic DNA. Sixty of symptomatic forest trees from seven locations in Zagros foreste were assayed, resulting in the discovery of Amygdalus lycioides, Cerasus avium, Cerasus microcarpa, Quercus libani, Acer spp., Acer monspessulanum, Ficus carica, Ziziphus spina-christi, Tamarix ramosissima and Ziziphus spina-christi as new host species, and all seven infested areas. To fulfill Koch's postulates, the experiments were carried out on detached branches and attached healthy branches of trees at the forests in Kermanshah and Ilam provinces, Iran. The PCR-based method developed here can be used for a fast and reliable diagnosis of P. formosus, monitoring the epidemics, and assessing management strategies in Zagros forests. Extended Abstract Introduction Accurate identification of the host species is critically important for disease detection and informing appropriate disease management decisions. Paecilomyces formosus, a causal agent of dieback and decline of oak, is an emerging threat that may cause severe risk to the Zagros forests of Iran in the future. The present study was aimed to develop a nested PCR assay for the identification of P. formosus with the species-specific primer pairs designed from the comparisons of nucleotide sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed space regions (ITS) from P. formosus isolates and other closely related taxa. Materials and Methods During 2020 to 2021, forest trees that exhibit branch dieback symptoms were sampled for fungal isolations from Ilam and Kermanshah provinces. The causal agent was isolated and purified using routine plant pathology methods. Paecilomyces formosus isolates were identified using a combination of morphological and sequence data from ITS-rDNA region and beta tubulin gene. Seqeunce data of ITS-rDNA region for all of Paecilomyces were obtained from GenBank and aligned together with seqeunce data gnerated in this study. A pair of species-specific primer (PaMF and PaMR) with expected amplicon size of 441 bp was designed for P. formosus.
... Paecilomyces variotii is a species that has a thermotolerant nature, it can contaminate herbs and spices such as ground red pepper. This may increase its pathogenic potential, leading to human and animal diseases (Houbraken et al., 2010;Ham et al., 2016;Borba and Brito, 2015). In humans, P. variotii was isolated from clinical manifestations that belong to subcutaneous/cutaneous and ocular infections (Vasudevan et al., 2013;Borba and Brito, 2015;Evans et al., 2015;Trinh et al., 2017). ...
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The importance of searching for natural alternatives away from chemicals in poultry health and treatment has benefits for humans in many directions, as we control the bad effect of the accumulation of harmful chemicals in their meat, as well as reduce the risk of zoonotic infection and preserve the environment from chemical pollution. Enormous fungi induce a considerable level of annihilation in the poultry industry and human consumers due to their zoonotic implications. This study was designed to explore the effects of keratogenic and toxigenic skin fungal affection and the effects of dietary-essential oils on broiler chickens (n-120). Skin scrapings and feather samples were examined mycologically in association with PCR sequencing for genomes of the culturally detected fungi (in South Korea) based on phylum tree and all Sequences data was deposited in GenBank and each was assigned an accession number. Sera samples of the tested broilers were examined by ELIZA against biogenic amine mainly histamine during the summer season, also a histopathological examination of skin sections before and after taking feed additives (essential oils) as anti-fungal for thirty days, the broiler-fed diet was supplemented with peppermint, thyme, and Carvacrol 70 mg/kg (w/w) in dietary feed. The isolated fungi were: Fifteen fungal species belonging to 9 genera of filamentous fungi which were isolated from skin scrapings and feathers of chickens. Aspergillus niger and A. flavus are the most prevalent species (20 samples representing 100% of total samples for each. Rhizopus oryze 20% and Fusarium oxysporum 15% were cultured from total samples respectively. Four fungal species appeared in 10% of the tested samples which are Aspergillus qudrilineatus, Paecilomyces variotii (Byssochlamys spectabilis), Scopulariopsis brevi-caulis and Exserohilum rostratum. Finally, the other seven fungi presented as 5% from tested samples. The average level of serum histamine before treatment was 16.6 ng/ml and after feeding was 12.3 ng/ml (significant decrease, P < 0.05) referring to the significant role of the essential oils in broilers ration.
... These traditional methods are less reliable and less sensitive compared to modern molecular techniques which are rapid, specific and sensitive [4] and appear to be more reliable and robust alternatives to differentiate fungal species. Sequencing data are objective and fast, and leads to reliable identification of uncommon species [5]. Recent advances in molecular based methods have led to many useful techniques taking into account the house-keeping genes as well as targeting other gene catalogues such as 26S, 28S, β-tubulin, calmodin and actin [6]. ...
The purpose of this study was to characterize fungal isolates contaminating locally processed rice in Nigeria and to assess the genetic similarity in the fungi isolates. Fungal species were characterized by amplification of a segment of the β-tubulin gene using Bt2aF (5’-GGTAACCAAATCGGTGCTGCTTTC-3’) and Bt2bR (5’ACCCTCAGTGT GT GACCCTTGGC-3’) primers and phylogenetic relationship established using the Maximum Likelihood method. Amplification of between 450 and 550bp of the β-tubulin region of the genomic DNA of the fungal isolates was obtained from thirty-eight samples (89%). Members of Aspergillus section flavi and section nigri groups were differentiated as A. flavus, A. parasiticus, A. tubigensis, A. sydowii and A. niger respectively. Molecular method identified Paecilomycesformosus with 99% similarity index while all the morphologically identified Penicillium species were identified to genus level as P. formosus, P. steckii and P. citrinum with a percentage similarity ranging from 95%-100%. Collectotrichum fruticola and Talaromyces flavus from SGS and NGS zone respectively were documented for the first time in the locally processed rice with 100% and 89% similarity index respectively. All the Aspergillus species were closely related to one another and narrowly diverged from the Penicillium species. Aspergilla and Penicillia were the predominant genera identified and the isolates were genetically similar irrespective of their agroecological zones.
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The coconut mite (Aceria guerreronis - Eriophyidae) attacks coconut fruits, inhabits the meristematic region, and causes losses in fruit production. Chemicals are the main control measures but successive applications can cause resistance in mites. In this sense, it is necessary to search for ecological alternatives that assist in sustainable management, as consumers seek products grown using more eco-friendly techniques. This study aimed to identify an entomopathogenic fungal isolate and evaluate its ability to control the mite A. guerreronis, which is present in commercial areas in the municipality of Santa Izabel do Pará, Brazil, in the Eastern Amazon. The efficiency of fungi on mites was tested using six treatments: water (control), chemical acaricide, and fungi of the genera Purpureocillium, Metarhizium, Beuaveria, and Trichoderma; the treatments were applied to the bunches at a concentration of 10⁸ conidia mL⁻¹. The results demonstrated a reduction in mites on fruits, with the B. bassiana and P. lilacinum treatments being the most successful. This study demonstrates that these fungi have acaricidal action and may present an economically viable and ecological alternative for controlling phytophagous mites in coconut cultivation in the Amazon. Key words: biocontrol; coconut pests; Amazon biome; sustainability
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Contaminated hands are one of the most common modes of microorganism transmission that are responsible for many associated infections in healthcare, food industries, and public places such as transportation parks. Public health approaches during COVID-19 pandemic have shown that hand hygiene practices and associated knowledge are critical measure to control the spread of infectious agent. Hence, assessment of commercial transport users’ knowledge, belief and practices on hand hygiene, and potential contamination with infectious agents which is the aim of the study, aligns with general health concern of quantifying contamination risk levels to predict disease outbreaks. This study utilized a randomized sampling approach to select 10 frequently used commercial parks within two districts in the State: Enugu and Nsukka. The parameters analysed include a cross-sectional questionnaire survey, hand swab and hand washed samples collected from dominant hand of participants. A total of 600 participants responded to the questionnaire survey, while 100 participants’ hand swabs were examined for microbial contamination. This study recorded a high prevalence of fungal (90.0%) and bacterial (87.0%) species; 20 species of fungus were identified with prevalence range of 1% to 14%; 21 bacterial species were isolated with prevalence range of 1% to 16%. These species were identified as either opportunistic, non-invasive, or pathogenic, which may constitute a health concern amongst immunocompromised individuals within the population. Aspergillus spp. (14%), was the most common fungal species that was exclusively found amongst Nsukka commercial users, while E. coli was the most prevalent isolated bacterial species amongst Nsukka (12%) and Enugu (20%) commercial park users. Prevalence of fungal contamination in Nsukka (94.0%; 47/50) and Enugu (86.0%; 43/50) were both high. Prevalence of bacterial contamination was higher in Enugu than Nsukka but not significantly (47[94.0%] vs. 40[80.0%], p = 0.583). A greater number of participants (99.3%) were aware of the importance of hand hygiene, however with low compliance rate aside “after using the toilet” (80%) and “before eating” (90%), other relevant hand washing and sanitizing practices were considered less important. With these observations, we can emphatically say that despite the COVID-19 scare, commercial park users within the sampled population do not efficiently practice quality hand wash and hygiene measures, hence, risking the widespread of infectious agents in situation of disease outbreak or among immunocompromised individuals.
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Backgroud Paecilomyces variotii has important economic value in stimulating crop growth, biodegradation, and other aspects. Up to now, there are no research reports on its mitochondrial genome. Methods and results The mitochondrial genome of Paecilomyces variotii was determined with the next-generation sequencing method (Illumina, NovaSeq), and its characteristics were analyzed using various bioinformatics approaches. The length of complete mitochondrial genome sequence of P. variotii is 40,965 bp and consists of 14 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 1 ribosomal protein S3 gene, 26 transport RNA genes. The results of phylogenetics analysis using Bayesian inference and Maximum likelihood methods showed that P. variotii belongs to the Eurotiales order in the Thermoascaceae family, and 9 genera within the Eurotiomycetes class were effectively distinguished with high support rates (bootstrap value > 92% and posterior probabilities > 99%). The analysis of synonymous substitution rates and nonsynonymous substitution rates indicated that the Ka/Ks values of the 14 PCGs in the mitochondrial genomes of the two orders in the Eurotiomycetes class ranged from 0 to 0.4333. Conclusions This study revealed the structural and sequence information characteristics of the mitochondrial genome of P. variotii, and the phylogenetic results strongly support its classification within the family Thermoascaceae, consistent with traditional morphological taxonomy studies. The 14 PCGs in the mitochondrial genomes of the two orders in the Eurotiomycetes class are subject to strong purifying (negative) selection. The results of this research provides an important molecular basis for the development of genomics, evolutionary genetics and molecular markers of P. variotii in the future.
Numerous fungal species of medical importance have been recently subjected to and will likely continue to undergo nomenclatural changes as a result of the application of molecular approaches to fungal classification together with abandonment of dual nomenclature. Here, we summarize those changes affecting key groups of fungi of medical importance, explaining the mycological (taxonomic) rationale that underpinned the changes and the clinical relevance/importance (where such exists) of the key nomenclatural revisions. Potential mechanisms to mitigate unnecessary taxonomic instability are suggested, together with approaches to raise awareness of important changes to minimize potential clinical confusion.
Nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal DNA was used to examine phylogenetic relationships in Paecilomyces sensu lato. Phylogenetic analysis of the 18S nr DNA demonstrates that Paecilomyces is polyphyletic across two subclasses, Sordariomycetidae and Eurotiomycetidae. The type species, Paecilomyces variotii, and thermophilic relatives belong in the order Eurotiales (Trichocomaceae), while mesophilic species related to Paecilomyces farinosus are in the order Hypocreales (Clavicipitaceae and Hypocreaceae). One species, Paecilomyces inflatus, had affinities for the order Sordariales. Within the Eurotiales, Paecilomyces is monophyletic. Within the Hypocreales, species of Paecilomyces are polyphyletic, although the data failed to fully resolve these relationships.
We report a case of onychomycosis of the toenails caused by Paecilomyces variotii, it is one of the first reports of the literature. This fungus is a hyphomycete and is an omnipresent saprophyte. It has been found as a causal agent of ocular pathology and also may infect other organs in immunocompromised patients. Exceptionally, it has been isolated of the ungual plate on healthy subjects.
Talaromyces eburneus, previously unregarded as a heat resistant fungus, is redescribed on new isolate from a spoilage outbreak that involved a pasteurized pineapple juice in Japan. Based on examination of the new isolate, type studies, and the D1/D2 region of 28S rDNA sequence analysis, we conclude that Geosmithia argillacea is assigned to the teleomorphic species T. eburneus as an anamorph. Heat resistant fungus identification such as this finding is important in the study of food spoilage.
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
The first and second editions of Fungi and Food Spoilage established a reputation as the foremost book on foodborne fungi. This completely revised and updated third edition is an invaluable reference for food microbiologists investigating fungal spoilage and sources of mycotoxin contamination in foods. The introductory chapters of the book deal with the ecology of food spoilage and give an overview of how food processing, packaging and storage affect fungal growth. Subsequent chapters cover the fundamentals of classifying and naming fungi and current methods for isolation and enumeration, including general and special purpose media, incubation conditions, etc. The major part of the book provides keys, descriptions and illustrations of all yeasts and moulds commonly encountered in foods. Characteristics of the species, including their ecology and potential for mycotoxin production, are also included. The broad and practical nature of the coverage will appeal to microbiologists, mycologists and biotechnologists in the food industry, academic, research and public health institutions. Dr John Pitt and Dr Ailsa Hocking are both Honorary Research Fellows at CSIRO Food Science Australia, North Ryde, NSW, Australia. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009. All rights reserved.