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Is the coral-algae symbiosis really 'mutually beneficial' for the partners?

  • Catchment to Reef Management Solutions, Newcastle Australia

Abstract and Figures

The consideration of 'mutual benefits' and partner cooperation have long been the accepted standpoint from which to draw inference about the onset, maintenance and breakdown of the coral-algae endosymbiosis. In this paper, I review recent research into the climate-induced breakdown of this important symbiosis (namely 'coral bleaching') that challenges the validity of this long-standing belief. Indeed, I introduce a more parsimonious explanation, in which the coral host exerts a 'controlled parasitism' over its algal symbionts that is akin to an enforced domestication arrangement. Far from being pathogenic, a range of well-established cellular processes are reviewed that support the role of the coral host as an active 'farmer' of the energy-rich photoassimilates from its captive symbionts. Importantly, this new paradigm reposes the deleterious bleaching response in terms of an envelope of environmental conditions in which the exploitative and captive measures of the coral host are severely restricted. The ramification of this new paradigm for developing management strategies that may assist the evolution of bleaching resistance in corals is discussed.
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Prospects & Overviews
Is the coral-algae symbiosis really
‘mutually beneficial’ for the partners?
Scott A. Wooldridge
The consideration of ‘mutual benefits’ and partner
cooperation have long been the accepted standpoint from
which to draw inference about the onset, maintenance and
breakdown of the coral-algae endosymbiosis. In this
paper, I review recent research into the climate-induced
breakdown of this important symbiosis (namely ‘coral
bleaching’) that challenges the validity of this long-stand-
ing belief. Indeed, I introduce a more parsimonious expla-
nation, in which the coral host exerts a ‘controlled
parasitism’ over its algal symbionts that is akin to an
enforced domestication arrangement. Far from being
pathogenic, a range of well-established cellular processes
are reviewed that support the role of the coral host as an
active ‘farmer’ of the energy-rich photoassimilates from its
captive symbionts. Importantly, this new paradigm
reposes the deleterious bleaching response in terms of
an envelope of environmental conditions in which the
exploitative and captive measures of the coral host are
severely restricted. The ramification of this new paradigm
for developing management strategies that may assist the
evolution of bleaching resistance in corals is discussed.
.coral bleaching; mutualism; parasitism; symbiosis;
Symbiodinium; zooxanthellae
The high productivity and extensive accretion of skeletal
carbonate by shallow-water tropical reef ecosystems is testa-
ment to the evolutionary success of the symbiotic association
between scleractinian (‘reef-building’) corals and unicellular
dinoflagellate algae of the genus Symbiodinium (‘zooxanthel-
lae’) (Box 1) [1, 2]. Within this association, often mixed con-
sortia of zooxanthellae types reside within the gastrodermal
cells of the animal host and perform intensive photosynthesis
(Fig. 1A). The vast majority (95%) of this assimilated organic
carbon (‘photosynthate’) is typically translocated to the coral,
contributing substantially to its carbon and energy needs
[3, 4]. For their part, the zooxanthellae receive protection
from external predators whilst receiving access to host-
derived substrates, principally carbon dioxide (CO
) and
ammonium (NH
) [3, 4].
Despite its widespread conceptual appeal, in this paper I
reconsider the mutualistic status of this ‘producer-within-con-
sumer’ relationship, noting that symbioses are inclusive of a
variety of interactions that occur along a continuum including
mutualistic, commensal and parasitic associations[10]. The
evolutionary process of natural selection cautions scientists
to carefully consider apparent mutualistic symbioses.
Selection shapes organisms to maximise individual fitness
and conflict of interests are expected to arise whenever
non-relatives interact. Such conflicts pose a challenge for
the maintenance of mutualisms because each partner might
benefit most from either exploiting or abandoning the other
[11]. Attempts to reconcile evolutionary pathways leading to
the onset and maintenance of mutualisms must therefore
demonstrate that each organism can provide some benefit
to its partner so that the success of one is bound to the success
of the other; i.e. mutualism requires that both partners main-
tain benefits that exceed the costs [12, 13]. Thus far, a number
of conflict avoidance factors have been identified as crucial for
the continuous achievement of this mutualistic requirement.
Following Herre et al. [13] these factors include: (i) vertical
transmission, (ii) genetic uniformity of symbionts within the
host and (iii) restricted options outside the relationship.
However, as considered in this review, none of these features
are universally employed by the coral-algae symbiosis.
DOI 10.1002/bies.200900182
Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB 3, Townsville MC, Queensland
4810, Australia
*Corresponding author:
Scott A. Wooldridge
ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CCM,CO
-concentrating mechanism; MI,
mitotic index; PAR, photosynthetic available radiation; pCO
pressure; ROS, reactive oxygen species.
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The classical experimental test for mutualism is to evaluate
the performance of organisms before and after its partner has
been removed. For the coral-algae symbiosis, such exper-
iments demonstrate that the symbiotic condition can deliver
substantial growth and reproduction benefits to the coral host
[3, 4], highlighting that the zooxanthellae are beneficial for the
coral host in most situations. However, the benefit of the
symbiotic condition for the zooxanthellae is more equivocal.
For example, zooxanthellae growth rates when in symbiosis,
where doubling times are on the order of 70–100 days [14], are
significantly slower than for the equivalent zooxanthellae in
culture, where doubling times are approximately three days
[15]. Such a result implies a fitness cost to the zooxanthellae
whilst in symbiosis, which by definition is symptomatic of a
parasitic relationship. The strength of this inference is, how-
ever, limited by the extent to which culture conditions share
equivalence with the external environment experienced by
zooxanthellae in their free-living state.
The breakdown of the coral-algae symbiosis in which the
zooxanthellae are expelled en masse (namely coral bleaching)
[16] provides an additional focal point to understand the
nature of this symbiotic association. Recent experimental
findings that detail the altered physiological states of the
symbiont partners in the period leading up to (and including)
climate-induced bleaching events thus provide a wealth of
new information with which to test the parsimony of compet-
ing ideas. In a recent synthesis of this information, Wooldridge
[17] identified the onset of CO
limitation within the ‘dark
reactions’ of zooxanthellae photosynthesis as a potential uni-
fying cellular mechanism for the classic bleaching sequence of
zooxanthellae photoinhibition, oxidative damage, and host
cell disruption (Fig. 1B).
In this way, biophysical factors that cause the demand for
to exceed supply within the coral’s intracellular milieu
are identified as bleaching risk factors (Fig. 2). In terms of the
demand for CO
, an enlarged endosymbiont population
increases the likelihood of CO
becoming a limiting internal
substrate during periods of peak photosynthesis [18, 19].
Several environmental factors favour increased zooxanthellae
densities (particularly on a per host cell basis), including: (i)
elevated nutrient levels (e.g. dissolved inorganic nitrogen,
DIN) in the surrounding sea water [20], elevation of the CO
partial pressure (pCO
) in the surrounding sea water [21], and
diffusive (i.e. branching) coral colony morphologies [22].
Experimental manipulations confirm the higher expulsion
rate of zooxanthellae during periods of high irradiance in
branching corals [23] and in corals exposed to DIN and
enrichment [24, 25].
However, since a coral’s total photosynthetic demand for
is determined by the dynamic interplay between zoox-
anthellae population density and solar irradiance levels, a
decline in either should return equilibrium and terminate
the expulsion process. The problem arises in circumstances
where an initial irradiance-driven reduction in zooxanthellae
numbers also triggers disruption in the supply of CO
the remnant zooxanthellae population. A range of host
enzymes which function as active ‘CO
-concentrating mech-
anisms’ (CCMs) underpin the bulk supply of CO
for the
intracellular zooxanthellae (Box 2). A tight-cycling between
the cellular energy needed to activate the CCMs and the receipt
of photosynthates from the zooxanthellae [26, 27, 28, 29]
dictates that the zooxanthellae indirectly play a role in gen-
erating the CO
that they themselves require for photosyn-
thesis. Therefore, if the flow of photosynthates from the
zooxanthellae is disrupted, the capacity of the coral host to
energise the CCMs could become limiting, leaving a proportion
of the zooxanthellae vulnerable to CO
limitation (and expul-
sion), thereby further enhancing the reduction in photosyn-
thate flux.
Figure 1. A: Conceptual overview of the internal carbon cycling that
is maintained by the coral-zooxanthellae symbiosis. Zooxanthellae
photosynthesis takes place within the algae chloroplast, with the
‘light reactions’ occurring in the thylakoid membranes, and the ‘dark
reactions’ (Calvin-Benson cycle) in the stroma. The vast majority
(95%) of the assimilated photosynthates ((CH
) are typically
transferred to the coral host. B: Conceptual representation of the
breakdown of the symbiosis (¼zooxanthellae expulsion), as trig-
gered by a limitation of CO
substrate for the dark reactions of
zooxanthellae photosynthesis (according to Wooldridge [17]). With
no means to turn over ATP and NADPH, the photosynthetic electron
transport chain becomes blocked, which damages the light-sensitive
photosystems and generates damaging reactive oxygen species.
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Wooldridge [17] links the proximal driver of this destructive
(self-enhancing) feedback to the specific growth rate (‘mitotic
index’, MI) of the remnant zooxanthellae population following
an initial irradiance-driven expulsion event, which is a syner-
gistic function of temperature, nutrient availability and zoox-
anthellae type. When a large number of zooxathellae are
expelled (per day) and then subsequently produced (per
day), the increased respiratory cost of such turnover can lead
to a negative autotrophic balance [30] where more carbon per
day is directed into new cell production than is transferred to
the coral host. This inverse relationship between photosyn-
thate transfer and symbiont MI has been documented in
corals, sea-anemones and jellyfish [31, 32, 33]. Indeed, the
differential expulsion of zooxanthellae with high MI compared
with those retained in the symbiosis [34, 35] supports the
deleterious impact of high zooxanthellae MI on the localised
stability of the symbiosis during bleaching conditions.
The key inference arising from the bleaching sequence
outlined by Wooldridge [17] is that the maintenance of the
coral-algae symbiosis is conditional on a continuous tight-
cycling of autotrophic energy, which in turn requires the algal
symbionts to incur a ‘fitness cost’ in terms of their specific
growth rate and population density. In this paper, it is my
intent to synthesise the available evidence to suggest that this
fitness cost is enforced by the coral host, rather than benignly
conferred by cooperating algal symbionts. Far from being
unequivocally mutualistic, such symbiotic functioning is best
explained in terms of a controlled parasitism whereby the
coral host actively ‘farms’ its domesticated zooxanthellae in
order to optimise the receipt of autotrophic energy. In this
way, the breakdown of the symbiosis is reposed as a break-
down in the exploitative and captive measures of the coral
The coral host as an active ‘farmer’ of its
captive photosynthetic symbionts
Numerous host-controlled processes are fundamental to the
onset, maintenance and breakdown of the coral-algae endo-
symbiosis (Fig. 3). In this section, I review these processes to
demonstrate how their integrated functioning is consistent
with the proposed role of the host as an active ‘farmer’ of
its photosynthetic symbionts.
Symbiont acquisition (‘capture’)
Uptake of symbionts from the ambient environment at every
generation is by far the most common acquisition mode
(>85%) in cnidarian species hosting zooxanthellae [36]. In
this case, the host utilises chemosensory ‘attractants’ to lure
free-living zooxanthellae within proximity to their coelenteral
mouth, whereupon they are engulfed into the gastric cavity
[37, 38]. The zooxanthellae are subsequently ingested into the
endodermal cells lining the gastric cavity [37, 39]. The capture
and uptake process is initially non-selective in terms of the
different types of zooxanthellae [40, 41, 42]; however, a pro-
gressive winnowing process occurs over time (hours to years),
so that only one to a few zooxanthellae types establish the
long-term symbioses that are characteristically found in
adults [9, 43]. Emerging evidence [44, 45] indicates that this
winnowing process is largely driven by the symbiotic perform-
ance of the zooxanthellae, in particular the capacity to main-
tain photosynthate transfer across a hierarchy of constraints,
including: (i) the abiotic and biotic conspecifics of the intra-
cellular habitat, (ii) the microenvironment created by the
skeletal morphology of the coral colony and (iii) the variable
envelope of external environmental conditions. Indeed, exper-
imental manipulations highlight that whilst photosyntheti-
cally inhibited zooxanthellae are initially taken up, they are
quickly labelled by specific host-binding proteins which per-
mit lysosomal fusion and subsequent degradation [46].
Symbiont ‘domestication’ and waste management
Once ingested, the zooxanthellae are surrounded by a host-
derived ‘symbiosome’ membrane, which separates them from
the cytoplasm of the host cell [47] and thus delineates their
constrained (in hospite) environment. In its free-living state,
zooxanthellae can exist as motile zoospore [48]. However,
Box 1
A reef coral is a symbiotic association between an animal
(the host) and unicellular dinoflagellate algae (the sym-
bionts). Within this association, the dinoflagellate algae of
the genus Symbiodinium (‘zooxanthellae’) reside within
the gastrodermal cells of the coral host. Originally it
was believed that only a single zooxanthellae species
engaged in the symbiotic relationship with corals.
However, it is now understood that Symbiodinium are
genetically diverse: consisting of eight major divergent
lineages (clades A-H), with each clade containing multiple
subclade genotypes [herein referred to as type(s)]
(reviewed by Baker [5]). The genetically diverse zooxan-
thellae types differ in their phenotypic response (e.g.
growth rate, photosynthetic yield) to external conditions,
particularly light and temperature regimes [6, 7]. Modern
genomic techniques demonstrate that many coral species
can associate with multiple zooxanthellae types (often
simultaneously). In this case, the symbiosis is typically
dominated by one type, with other types present at low
and previously undetectable ‘background’ levels [8]. The
extent to which this flexibility is available to all symbiotic
corals remains uncertain [5, 9].
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once internalised, chemical signalling by the host arrests the
zooxanthellae life cycle within a cell-dividing (vegetative)
non-motile state [48, 49].
To reap the caloric benefits of housing photosynthetic
zooxanthellae, the coral host must expose itself to sunlight,
which includes not only photosynthetic available radiation
(PAR, 400–700 nm) but also damaging ultraviolet radiation
(UVR, 280–400 nm), conditions that are normally avoided by
non-symbiotic epifauna [50]. To counter the threat of UVR-
induced cellular damage, the coral host coordinates the
accumulation of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) within
its tissues [51, 52, 53]. The MAAs function as biochemical
sunscreens that absorb UVR and dissipate UV energy as heat
without forming potentially toxic, reactive intermediates such
as free radicals [52, 53].
The coral host also provides ‘waste treatment’ of the photo-
synthetic by-products (namely O
) from the zooxanthellae.
Before photosynthetic O
diffuses to the external sea water,
it causes local hyperoxia (two- to three-fold above atmospheric
normoxia) within the symbiosome and host tissues [54, 55].
Hyperoxia enhances the photodynamic generation of reactive
oxygen species (ROS), among them free radicals, which, if
unchecked, produce oxidative stress involving oxidation of
membrane lipids, DNA or proteins, and thereafter cellular
ageing and death [55, 56]. The host’s treatment of ROS is
two-fold: firstly, the host maintains a range of ROS-scavenging
systems, including enzymatic antioxidants such as superoxide
dismutases, catalases and peroxidases, that detoxify ROS [54,
56]. Secondly, the host can initiate programmed cell death to
selectively delete host cells containing dysfunctional (exces-
sively ROS-generating) symbionts [57, 58].
Optimal ‘harvest’ strategies
Maximise symbiont photosynthesis
The intracellular location of zooxanthellae dramatically
affects the supply of CO
needed for carbon fixation within
the ‘dark reactions’ of photosynthesis. A limited availability
of CO
can trigger the deleterious sequence whereby the
conversion of PAR through the ‘light reactions’ of photosyn-
thesis becomes stalled, so-called photoinhibition [59].
Photoinhibition reduces the efficiency of photosynthetic car-
bon fixation, and in extreme cases can initiate the bleaching
response [7, 30]. To enhance the intracellular supply of CO
needed for optimal photosynthesis, the coral host maintains a
range of active CCMs (Box 2). Importantly, the linkage of these
CCMs to the receipt of photosynthates also represents a strong
disincentive for zooxanthellae to shift towards parasitism
(cheating). In essence, stability is maintained because ‘defec-
tors’ (exploiters) become victims of their own success. If the
zooxanthellae fail to invest in the host, they will generate local
selection, i.e.CO
limitation !expulsion !replacement.
The CCMs are complemented by additional host-controlled
processes that attenuate the peak flux of PAR entering the
photosynthetic ‘light reactions’ of the zooxanthellae, thereby
reducing excess (endpoint) demand for CO
within the
photosynthetic ‘dark reactions’. For example, fluorescent pig-
ment proteins within host tissues help to lower the incidence
of chronic photoinhibition by absorbing, scattering and
Figure 2. Schematic overview of the biophysical factors that interact
to determine the demand- and supply-side dynamics for CO
substrate within the intracellular endosymbiont population. Factors
that promote enlarged zooxanthellae densities increase CO
demand whilst factors that promote high zooxanthellae growth rates
ultimately decrease CO
supply via ATP limitation of host ‘CO
concentrating mechanisms’ (CCMs). Factors that can forestall ATP
limitation help to maintain the CCMs (according to Wooldridge and
Done [105]). The notation f(factors) indicates a function of those
f(solar irradiance, zooxanthellae density, CCM)
zooxanthellae expulsion
zooxanthellae (re )growthf(temperature, nutrients, zooxanthellae type)
f(host tissue stores, heterotro phic capacity)
CCMhos t
photosynthate transfer
f(pCO2, nutrients, morphology)
self enhancing
‘bleaching’ response
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dissipating high-energy PAR by fluorescence [60]. Similarly,
the typical daytime retraction of coral polyps in high-light
environments functions as an efficient photoprotection mech-
anism for the contained zooxanthellae [61].
Maximise transfer of symbiont photosynthates
The coral host maintains intracellular (symbiotic) conditions
that help to ensure its bulk receipt (>95%) of the fixed-carbon
products. In the first instance, this includes processes which
maintain the zooxanthellae in a growth-limited state;
restricting the intracellular availability of essential nutrients
(especially NH
) needed to undertake algal cell cytokinesis,
the host can arrest zooxanthellae growth and compel the bulk
transfer of fixed-carbon products [62, 63]. Whilst eutrophic
conditions may limit the effectiveness of these processes, the
host tissue activity of the NH
- assimilating enzyme, gluta-
mine synthetase ( GS), is fundamental in ensuring the
nitrogen-limited growth state of the zooxanthellae in more
optimal (oligotrophic) conditions [4]. Importantly, the effi-
ciency of the GS enzyme is dependent on ATP. This dictates
that the effectiveness of the host in maintaining the zooxan-
thellae growth-limited is modulated via its receipt of autotro-
phic carbon (energy), as evidenced by the significantly higher
GS activity in symbiotic than in aposymbiotic animals [64],
here again illustrating how the stability of the symbiosis
benefits from the parasitic control of the host.
The diversion of photosynthates away from zooxanthellae
metabolism towards release is further stimulated by putative
‘host factor’ (HF) signalling molecules [65, 66]. Recently,
Wooldridge [67] proposed a cellular pathway linking the HF
response to an integrated host-symbiont lipogenesis sequence,
which also functions as a photoprotective mechanism during
periods of excess irradiance. Importantly, the identified HF
molecules originate from digestive metabolism that includes
Box 2
To enhance the intracellular supply of CO
for its zoox-
anthellae (Z), the coral host maintains a range of active
CCMs. These CCMs supplement respiratory CO
providing access to DIC available from the sea water, the
most abundant form (>90%) of which is membrane-imper-
meable HCO
3. The efficient conversion of sea water HCO
into readily diffusible CO
requires the expenditure of
metabolic energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP). For example, at the ectodermal surface, hydration
of HCO
3to CO
is achieved via an H
-ATPase enzyme in
combination with carbonic anhydrase (CA) [26, 27].
Similarly, by functioning to increase the availability of
within the coelenteron, the Ca
-ATPase enzyme
that underpins host skeletal accretion also represents an
important energy-driven CCM [28, 29]. The ATP needed to
activate the CCMs is ultimately derived from the autotrophic
carbon products of the zooxanthellae. For example, the
quick release of energy-rich photosynthates (within 1 min
of fixation) [3] ensures the rapid activation of the
-ATPase enzyme [29]. This tight-cycling of autotrophic
carbon dictates that the zooxanthellae effectively ‘pay’ for
the delivery of CO
that they require to maintain optimal
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heterotrophic feeding and/or catabolism of host tissue reserves.
Though requiring further experimental verification, this host
‘husbandry’ process may assist in explaining why heterotrophic
feeding helps to sustain the photosynthetic quantum yield of
zooxanthellae even during periods that are sub-optimal for
‘normal’ carbon assimilation [68].
Maximise symbiont diversity
Many coral species maintain simultaneous symbiosis with
more that one zooxanthellae type (Box1). Phenotypic trait
variations within the cosmopolitan consortia provide the
opportunity for specific zooxanthellae types to be superior/
inferior symbionts when exposed to different environmental
conditions. In this way, dynamic ‘shuffling’ in the relative
dominance of different zooxanthellae types is understood to
maximise the receipt of photosynthates by the coral host
across the entire dynamic (seasonal) range of environmental
conditions [69].
Wooldridge [17] outlines a passive host mechanism by
which the relative dominance of the different zooxanthellae
types dynamically reshuffle based on their comparative
temperature-dependent growth characteristics, with faster
growing zooxanthellae being superior competitors for avail-
able host habitat during cooler (low irradiance) conditions,
and slower growing zooxanthellae favoured in warm (high
irradiance) conditions. This mechanism is underpinned by the
highlighted ability of the coral host to differentially expel
zooxanthellae that exceed the crucial growth dynamic
(i.e. autotrophic threshold), wherein more photosynthetically
fixed carbon is dedicated to new algal cell growth than is
transferred to the coral host. In essence, the coral host utilises
the differential growth rates and competition that exists
between zooxanthellae types [44, 70] to maintain a dynamic
symbiont population that is optimally matched to the prevail-
ing conditions, particularly in terms of photosynthate deliv-
ery. This ability to detect and expel exploiters may help to
explain why the coral symbiosis does not confirm virulence
theory in its prediction that hosting of multiple symbiont
genotypes should promote the evolution of symbiont exploi-
tation (parasitism) of the host [71].
Symbiosis breakdown (¼loss of parasitic control)
An easily identified Achilles’ heel of the zooxanthellae dom-
estication arrangement outlined here is the necessary require-
ment for tight-cycling of autotrophic energy. It follows that
any external environmental perturbation that disrupts the
transfer of photosynthates to the coral host can quickly erode
its parasitic control and lead to the breakdown of the sym-
biosis. In support of this interpretation, disruption in auto-
trophic capacity is known to precede the thermal expulsion
of zooxanthellae [72, 73], which is accompanied by an
increase in MI of the remnant zooxanthellae in hospite[23,
35]. Wooldridge [17] explains this coral bleaching sequence in
terms of an energy-dependent loss of control by the host of the
intracellular conditions experienced by the zooxanthellae
(namely the availability of CO
and NH
). A self-enhancing
downward spiral triggered by PAR-induced CO
Figure 3. Host-controlled cellular processes that underpin the onset,
maintenance and breakdown of the coral-algae endosymbiosis.
Additional details surrounding the operation of these processes
are provided within the main body of text.
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(¼zooxanthellae expulsion) and progressively unconstrained
-replete) division of the remnant zooxanthellae
ensures that a greater proportion of autotrophic carbon is
directed into new algal cell production than is transferred
to the coral host, further compromising the host’s energy
requirements needed to maintain parasitic control of the
Only upon the reduction in PAR and/or a lowering in
zooxanthellae division rates (as mediated by lower tempera-
tures) can the coral host re-establish a beneficial association.
Where available, zooxanthellae reshuffling in favour of slow-
growing zooxathellae types (e.g. clade D Symbiodinium spp.;
R. Berkelmans, unpublished data) can enhance resistance to
this deleterious breakdown sequence [74]. However, once
mass expulsion of zooxanthellae has occurred, it is ultimately
the potential of the coral to derive alternate caloric input from
heterotrophic catabolism that defines its survival prospects in
the interim period (several weeks) until the symbiosis can be
re-established [75]. This outlined bleaching sequence is com-
mensurate with the paradoxical observation that the majority
of expelled zooxanthellae remain photosynthetically compe-
tent [76], since it is the failure to transfer photosynthates
rather than compromised photosynthetic capacity per se that
is predicted to be the ultimate driver of the self-enhancing
expulsion dynamic.
An alternative triggering agent for bleaching, namely pro-
longed exposure to darkness, provides additional evidence
that the breakdown of cnidarian symbioses represents a
release of the algal partner from its host control. For example,
a cnidarian host can loose >50% of its zooxanthellae when
exposed to darkness for more 10 days [77]. However, as pre-
dicted by the energy-dependent release of the zooxanthellae
from its demographic control by the host, the darkness treat-
ment also gives rise to a transient (2–4 days) increase (two- to
three-fold) in the MI of the zooxanthellae, before its eventual
decline [77]. It is thus consistent that coral colonies found at
low-irradiance sites, whether due to depth or turbidity, are
often differentially populated by slow-growing Clade D zoox-
anthellae [78, 79], reinforcing the earlier prediction that reef
conditions that are sub-optimal for photosynthate transfer
should favour the host’s establishment of symbionts with slow
intrinsic growth dynamics.
Controlled parasitism: A general host
strategy for the ‘producer-within-
consumer’ relationship?
Based on the contextual evidence outlined here, it is apparent
that the conventional labelling of the coral-algae symbiosis as
‘mutually beneficial’ is tantamount to believing that domestic
dairy cattle and humans have a comparable relationship
because we provide them with food and shelter and regulate
their population before we harvest (exploit) their milk pro-
duction. Given the numerous examples in nature where
inherent parasitism is detrimental (even lethal) to the enacted
partner, it is not surprising that it is difficult for scientists to
reconcile the widespread evolutionary success of the coral-
algae symbiosis with a parasitic underpinning.
However, the negative connotation of parasitic relationships
most readily fits with the exploitation of hosts by unwelcome
symbionts. The notion of hosts exploiting their symbionts is
less evident, yet precedent examples have been suggested
wherein a controlled manipulation by the host can facilitate
a stable and persistent relationship. For example, the lichen
symbiosis has been explained in terms of a controlled para-
sitism by the fungal (host) on its photobionts (green alga/
cyanobacterium) [80]. As detailed here for the coral-algae
symbiosis, the growth and reproduction of the photobionts
in lichen symbiosis are restrained and controlled by the fun-
gus host in order to optimise the ‘harvest’ of photoassimilates
[81]. A similar controlled parasitism has been proposed for the
association between certain marine invertebrate species (e.g.
clams, mussels and tube worms) and chemosynthetic bac-
teria, which flourish upon hydrothermal vents in the unlit
recesses of the deep ocean [82].
The reluctance to assign the lowered reproductive capacity
of in hospite zooxanthellae to a parasitic host has largely
arisen from the belief that symbiosis-forming zooxanthellae
are unable to survive and flourish in free-living forms within
tropical reef habitats. However, this belief originates from a
significant knowledge gap with regard to the presence and
diversity of free-living zooxanthellae within the water column
surrounding reef habitats. Only recently studies have
started to document the existence of a free-living ‘pool’ of
Symbiodinium genotypes, with the emerging evidence indicat-
ing that a diverse population of symbiosis-forming zooxan-
thellae types flourish in the sediment and sea water adjacent
to Ref. 8384 [85], including the potential displayed by certain
types to alternate between a free-living and an endosymbiotic
lifestyle[86]. This indicates that the zooxanthellae are unlikely
to be solely dependent upon the intracellular host habitat in
order to ensure their ecological persistence. In the same way,
alga in the lichen symbiosis can thrive and grow faster when
free-living than in symbiosis [80], whilst sulphide-oxidising
bacteria survive and flourish in a free-living state, whereas
their invertebrate hosts are completely unable to do so [82].
The existence of an environmental pool of free-living
Symbiodinium provides the coral host with the opportunity
to interact and potentially select from these populations,
thereby perpetuating their endosymbioses. Specific individ-
uals within these free-living assemblages may currently be
excluded from engaging in endosymbiotic interactions with
coral hosts, depending on their competitive abilities to pro-
liferate in the host and maintain optimal photosynthate trans-
fer. However, if environmental conditions select against the
current endosymbiotic complement, alternative individuals
from the free-living state may suit the newly available endo-
symbiotic niche. Periodic ‘switching’ of the endosymbiont
population with opportunistic zooxanthellae types helps to
explain the lack of congruence between Symbiodinium and
coral host phylogenies [5, 87]. Periodic switching of symbionts
from an external free-living population also explains the lack
of host-symbiont coevolution within lichen, protist and che-
mosynthetic symbiosies [88, 89, 90].
Despite lower reproductive rates in hospite, it is often
argued that Symbiodinium may have benefited from a wider
distribution and overall abundance through their association
with corals and other marine invertebrates. Indeed, whilst
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there is no correlation between host and symbiont phylogenies
at the scale of clades, higher levels of coevolution are evident
at the lower taxonomic ranks [5]. This identifies allopatric
differentiation within the host habitat as a potentially
important driver of Symbiodinium diversification during the
Cenozoic [91]. In this case, intense selection pressure within
the host cytoplasm, aided by symbiont competition and var-
iable external environmental conditions, is predicted to gen-
erate small founder populations susceptible to genetic drift
and/or ‘genetic revolutions’. In particular, because the host is
capable of influencing the growth rate of zooxanthellae in
hospite, natural selection may be driven to favour those traits
that enhance the existing host regulation of demographic
parameters of the symbiont. This notion of evolved traits that
are suboptimal for independent survival in the free-living state
has been used to argue against the ultimate mutual benefit of
particular evolved symbiosis, including the coral-algae sym-
biosis [92, 93]. The basis of this conclusion bears direct com-
parison to the question of whether farmed animals ultimately
benefit from their domestication, as witnessed by the fact that
over one third of domestic animal breeds are currently at risk
of extinction [94].
Modern sequencing and genomic techniques do provide an
experimental avenue to test the host-controlled parasitism
hypothesis. For example, it is consistent that no studies to
date have identified any novel (symbiosis-specific) housekeep-
ing genes for zooxanthellae (reviewed by Yellowlees et al. [4]).
Moreover, in line with the host’s control of the symbiosis, basic
local alignment search tool (BLAST)-based approaches
indicate extremely small contributions (1–6%) of the sym-
biont’s genome to unique gene sequences in the mixed
host-symbiont transcriptome [95]. Such evidence exists in
opposition to the integrated host-symbiont transcriptome,
which is expected to underpin the high levels of cooperation
and specificity implicitly within mutualistic relationships. It is
interesting to speculate that if the host is actively manipulat-
ing a controlled parasitism (with low symbiont specificity,
other than selection based on photosynthate receipt) then it
may not need to alter its own existing protein pathways
significantly to engage the symbiosis. Such a suggestion finds
support from the small number of differentially expressed host
genes during the establishment of the coral-algae symbiosis
[96], and lessens the reliance on speculation that this response
is best explained in terms of the symbiont’s ability to enter the
host in a stealth manner.
Again, this contrasts the expected pattern for highly
evolved mutualisms. For example, in accordance with the
high levels of coevolution and host-symbiont specificity evi-
dent in the symbiosis between squid and luminous bacteria
[97], it has been noted that many hundreds of genes are
differentially expressed upon its initiation [98]. Based on
the host-controlled parasitism standpoint, the most likely
place to look for differentially expressed (or indeed novel)
host genes will be in the outlined host’s ‘husbandry’ functions
associated with: (i) enhancing intracellular CO
including its link to CaCO
deposition, (ii) moderating light-
driven intracellular CO
demand, (iii) neutralising ROS,
including programmed host cell death and (iv) maintaining
the endosymbionts in a growth-limited state. Future genomic
studies are needed to confirm the robustness of these
predictions, though early evidence is consistent with the pro-
posed bleaching sequence linking reduced calcification,
increased oxidative stress and host cell death [99].
Implications for study and potential
protection of corals undergoing bleaching
Acceptance of the host-controlled parasitism hypothesis pro-
vides a new standpoint from which to test the mechanistic
details underpinning the potential evolution of bleaching
resistance in response to future climate change. In particular,
it focuses attention on the adaptive capacity of the host to
maintain control of the reproductive traits (namely growth
rates and density) of its endosymbionts as ocean temperatures
and pCO
levels rise. Since the specific growth rate of many
zooxanthellae types increases rapidly with rising tempera-
tures (e.g. key representatives from clade C) [6, 23], this adap-
tive potential includes the capacity demonstrated by some
corals to ‘switch’ or ‘shuffle’ their endosymbiont population
with alternate zooxanthellae types that have lower kinetic
growth rates (e.g. specific representatives from clade D; R.
Berkelmans, unpublished data). For example, shuffling from
clade C to clade D symbionts facilitates a 1–1.5 8C increase in
the thermal bleaching threshold of Acropora millepora [74].
The complementary capacity of the host to enhance ther-
mal bleaching resistance by constraining absolute densities of
zooxanthellae (independent of the zooxanthellae type) is dem-
onstrated by the known acclimatisation response of corals in
which pre-exposure to environmental conditions that induce a
lowering of the endosymbiont population helps to reduce the
future susceptibility to bleaching. For example: (i) Coles and
Jokiel [100] highlight that pre-treatments which left Montipora
verrucosa semi-bleached assisted survival at higher tempera-
tures; (ii) Brown et al. [101] demonstrate that exposure to a
high solar radiation event (that lowered symbiont densities by
15–20%) prior to maximal seasonal sea water temperatures
helped to limit thermal bleaching in Goniastrea aspera; (iii)
Ulstrup et al. [102] demonstrate that regional-scale differences
in densities of zooxanthellae directly relate to the bleaching
susceptibility in Pocillopora damicornis, with the corals that
hosted larger zooxanthellae densities in the field showing the
earliest and severest thermal stress in the laboratory and (iv)
Berkelmans and Willis [103] found that during winter (when
symbiont densities are typically higher by 20–50%) [104],
the bleaching threshold for P. damicornis was 1 8C lower than
the summer threshold. In each of these examples, the zoox-
anthellae type was presumed to be uniform across treatments,
highlighting that within reasonable functional limits, lower
densities of zooxanthellae may confer greater bleaching resist-
ance on many modern symbiotic corals. Moreover, it alludes to
the loss of optimal host control of endosymbiont densities
given modern environmental conditions.
Indeed, the emerging envelope of environmental con-
ditions – characterised by elevated sea surface temperatures,
rising pCO
and increased levels of inorganic nutrients – are
clearly antagonistic to the outlined host processes that con-
tribute demographic control to the endosymbiont population.
For example, corals that are exposed to external nutrient
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enrichment are characterised by enlarged, fast-growing zoox-
anthellae populations [18, 20], and it is thus consistent that
nutrient-enriched reefs are more susceptible to thermal
disruption, with bleaching thresholds 1–2 8C lower than
for reefs with reduced levels of enrichment [105, 106].
Similarly, unchecked proliferation of photobiont populations
and concomitant disruption of the symbiosis is a well-estab-
lished response to excess nutrient fertilisation of lichens [107]
and freshwater protozoa [108].
More research is needed to understand the entire suite of
regulation mechanisms available to the coral host and how the
emerging envelope of environmental conditions may conspire
against (or potentially assist) their functional efficiency. The
combination of nutrient sufficiency, elevated pCO
increasing temperature is likely to be detrimental to the out-
lined CO
limitation regulation strategy (Fig. 2), since an ever-
increasing proportion of the symbiont population is released
to function autonomously on environmental (diffusive) CO
and thereby reside outside of the strict host sanctioning that is
implicit with the photosynthate feedback function of the
It is noteworthy that the juxtaposition of the clocked
phylogenetic tree for Symbiodinium with the long-term pat-
terns in Cenozoic global climate reveals that the major diver-
sifications in genotypes occurred during periods of global
cooling and falling pCO
levels (Fig. 4). In this case, the
progressive lowering of the constraint imposed by the ‘poten-
tial’ thermal (kinetic) growth rate may be understood to have
provided additional degrees of freedom for the selective enve-
lope of the additional growth co-factors, principally defined by
nutrient status, irradiance levels (depth) and zooxanthellae
type. If true, it must be considered that the present ocean
warming trajectory will be quickly acting to reduce those
relaxed degrees of freedom such that persistence of the sym-
biosis necessitates that one of the other growth co-factors
provides a limiting ‘bottleneck’ to the increasing thermal
growth potential. On this note, it is consistent that present
global locations which display the highest levels of bleaching
resistance are united by extreme oligotrophic conditions in the
warmer summer months (e.g. Red Sea) [109] and/or the pres-
ence of zooxanthellae types that exhibit slow intrinsic growth
dynamics (e.g. clade D) [74].
Logical extrapolation of these ideas (namely alternating
relaxation and imposition of growth bottlenecks) provides the
necessary functionality that is needed to explain the resilience
of symbiotic corals to major climate changes over geological
time, despite short-term fluctuations and losses. Moreover, it
provides crucial insights into how ‘local’ water quality
improvement strategies in combination with ‘global’ CO
reduction strategies may help to maintain the existing para-
sitic control mechanisms and/or assist the adaptive capacity
available to the coral host [105, 106].
Conclusions and prospects
It has long been realised that the coal-algae symbiosis is a
finely tuned association, based on the ‘slack’ between photo-
synthetic carbon assimilation and its retention for growth by
the symbionts. Yet, the associated question of why the algal
partner would incur reproduction costs in order to benefit the
coral host has remained perplexing. In this review, a much
greater importance has been considered for the role of the
coral host in the control of the symbiotic association. Far from
being benignly mutualistic, it concluded here that the evol-
utionary functioning of the coral host is best described in
terms of a controlled parasitism in which the autonomous
functioning of the symbionts is constrained and manipulated;
a conclusion that appears broadly consistent for a range of
alternative symbioses based on the producer-within-consumer
relationship. Future testing of this new paradigm offers the
hope of developing new insights into tackling climate-induced
coral bleaching.
This work was supported by the Australian Government’s
Marine and Tropical Science Research Facility (MTSRF). The
manuscript benefited from the comments of three anonymous
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...Prospects & Overviews S. A. Wooldridge
Bioessays 32: 615–625,ß2010 WILEY Periodicals, Inc. 625
Review essays
... Indeed, symbionts housed inside host cells are considered some of the most close-knit associations, but residing inside host cells also allows the host more control over its symbiont. For example, hosts can produce chemicals to limit symbiont mobility and cell division and to control the influx of metabolites that the symbiont receives (Wooldridge 2010;Russell et al. 2014). For single-celled hosts (e.g., protists), the replication rate of symbionts can depend on host generation time. ...
... Host control mechanisms thus allow hosts to exploit their symbionts to derive maximal benefits. Examples Corals capture dinoflagellates and through host controlled processes, "farm" the algae in order to obtain their photosynthetic products, incurring a fitness cost to the symbiont in the process (Wooldridge 2010). Indeed, several symbioses involve symbiont farming, where hosts facilitate symbiont growth to establish a nutritional reserve (Hoang et al. 2019). ...
... However, from an ecological or evolutionary standpoint, increased fitness in symbiosis versus outside of symbiosis may be a better indicator of a reciprocal mutualism (Law and Dieckmann 1998;Mushegian and Ebert 2015). A classical test of mutualism calls for measuring fitness of one partner in the absence of the other (Douglas and Smith 1989;Wooldridge 2010;Mushegian and Ebert 2015), but this is likely not possible for symbionts that cannot be grown without hosts. Furthermore, any benefits identified from being in symbiosis for these symbionts may be confounded by their dependence on the host, and dependence may not actually require the exchange of benefits (Douglas and Smith 1989;Douglas 2015). ...
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Symbiosis can benefit hosts in numerous ways, but less is known about whether interactions with hosts benefit symbionts—the smaller species in the relationship. To determine the fitness impact of host association on symbionts in likely mutualisms, we conducted a meta-analysis across 91 unique host-symbiont pairings under a range of spatial and temporal contexts. Specifically, we assess the consequences to symbiont fitness when in and out of symbiosis, as well as when the symbiosis is under suboptimal or varying environments and biological conditions (e.g., host age). We find that some intracellular symbionts associated with protists tend to have greater fitness when the symbiosis is under stressful conditions. Symbionts of plants and animals did not exhibit this trend, suggesting that symbionts of multicellular hosts are more robust to perturbations. Symbiont fitness also generally increased with host age. Lastly, we show that symbionts able to proliferate in- and outside host cells exhibit greater fitness than those found exclusively inside or outside cells. The ability to grow in multiple locations may thus help symbionts thrive. We discuss these fitness patterns in light of host-driven factors, whereby hosts exert influence over symbionts to suit their own needs. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13199-024-00984-6.
... The models presented here assume no a priori coadapted benefits of the association, and offer an alternative to the often unstated assumption that intracellular symbioses are governed by "host control" of the interactions (e.g., Fautin and Buddemeier, 2004;Frean and Abraham, 2004;Dimond and Carrington, 2008;Yellowlees et al., 2008;Wooldridge, 2010;Damore and Gore, 2011;Dean et al., 2016;Lowe et al., 2016). Our models complement work that explains the maintenance of biodiversity as a result of adaptive niche specialization operating at a local scale that manifests as neutrality at regional/landscape scales (Leibold et al., 2019). ...
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Intracellular symbioses provide a useful system for exploring evolutionary and ecological forces that shape mutualistic partnerships. Within- and among-host competitiveness driven by different strategies that symbionts adopt as they transfer materials to the host across a sub-cellular membrane might explain patterns of host:symbiont association observed in natural systems. We tested the hypothesis that different translocation strategies employed by symbionts affect their ability to occupy host habitats using two distinct modeling approaches. The first involved constructing a deterministic, Lotka-Volterra-type model with two symbiont species competing for access to a single host. The model recovered expected behaviors of co-occupancy/coinfection as well as competitive exclusion. However, a specialization coefficient allowed advantages to accrue to one of the symbionts and permitted otherwise inferior competitors to displace superior competitors. The second approach involved developing and implementing a detailed, highly configurable, and realstic agent-based model (ABM), facilitating experimentation of multiple symbiont strategies in competition simultaneously. The ABM emphasizes bidirectional movement of materials between symbiont and host (e.g., photosynthate from algae to heterotrophic host). Competitive interactions between symbionts based on simple strategies led to exclusion of the inferior symbiont or co-occupancy of the host. As in the first model, inferior competitors could overtake superior competitors when “affinity” terms (i.e., specialization) were included in the model. Both models lay bare the importance of coevolutionary specialization as a selectively advantageous strategy, and they offer a new conceptual framework for interpreting the dynamic patterns observed in extant host and mutualist associations by challenging the idea of “host control” of outcomes, and identifying specific points where coevolutionary specialization might accrue.
From cells and multicellular bodies to offices, empires, or computer programs, complex entities around us usually consist of numerous largely independent modules. This is especially true of entities that could be called agents, organisms included. In this chapter, we summarise what modularity is and why we encounter it in living nature so often. A search for the origins and subsequent development of a modular arrangement in systems that undergo evolution will lead us to a realisation that it can potentiate transitions to even higher levels of modularity. Modularity and its changes are therefore a key factor in the emergence of new agents at different levels of organisation.
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Globally tropical Scleractinian corals have been a focal point for discussions on the impact of a changing climate on marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Research into tropical Scleractinian corals, particularly the role and breakdown of photoendosymbiosis in response to warming, has been prolific in recent decades. However, research into their subtropical, temperate, cold- and deep-water counterparts, whose number is dominated by corals without photoendosymbiosis, has not been as prolific. Approximately 50% of Scleractinian corals (> 700 species) do not maintain photoendosymbiosis and as such, do not rely upon the products of photosynthesis for homeostasis. Some species also have variable partnerships with photendosymbionts depending on life history and ecological niche. Here we undertake a systematic map of literature on Scleractinian corals without, or with variable, photoendosymbiosis. In doing so we identify 482 publications spanning 5 decades. In mapping research effort, we find publications have been sporadic over time, predominately focusing on a limited number of species, with greater research effort directed towards deep-water species. We find only 141 species have been studied, with approximately 30% of the total identified research effort directed toward a single species, Desmophyllum pertusum, highlighting significant knowledge gaps into Scleractinian diversity. We find similar limitations to studied locations, with 78 identified from the global data, of which only few represent most research outputs. We also identified inconsistencies with terminology used to describe Scleractinia without photoendosymbiosis, likely contributing to difficulties in accounting for their role and contribution to marine ecosystems. We propose that the terminology requires re-evaluation to allow further systematic assessment of literature, and to ensure it’s consistent with changes implemented for photoendosymbiotic corals. Finally, we find that knowledge gaps identified over 20 years ago are still present for most aphotoendosymbiotic Scleractinian species, and we show data deficiencies remain regarding their function, biodiversity and the impacts of anthropogenic stressors.
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Background Synthetic algal–fungal and algal–bacterial cultures have been investigated as a means to enhance the technological applications of the algae. This inclusion of other microbes has enhanced growth and improved stress tolerance of the algal culture. The goal of the current study was to investigate natural microbial consortia to gain an understanding of the occurrence and benefits of these associations in nature. The photosynthetic protist Euglena mutabilis is often found in association with other microbes in acidic environments with high heavy metal (HM) concentrations. This may suggest that microbial interactions are essential for the protist’s ability to tolerate these extreme environments. Our study assessed the Cd tolerance of a natural fungal–algal–bacterial (FAB) association whereby the algae is E. mutabilis. Results This study provides the first assessment of antibiotic and antimycotic agents on an E. mutabilis culture. The results indicate that antibiotic and antimycotic applications significantly decreased the viability of E. mutabilis cells when they were also exposed to Cd. Similar antibiotic treatments of E. gracilis cultures had variable or non-significant impacts on Cd tolerance. E. gracilis also recovered better after pre-treatment with antibiotics and Cd than did E. mutabilis. The recoveries were assessed by heterotrophic growth without antibiotics or Cd. In contrast, both Euglena species displayed increased chlorophyll production upon Cd exposure. PacBio full-length amplicon sequencing and targeted Sanger sequencing identified the microbial species present in the E. mutabilis culture to be the fungus Talaromyces sp. and the bacterium Acidiphilium acidophilum. Conclusion This study uncovers a possible fungal, algal, and bacterial relationship, what we refer to as a FAB consortium. The members of this consortium interact to enhance the response to Cd exposure. This results in a E. mutabilis culture that has a higher tolerance to Cd than the axenic E. gracilis. The description of this interaction provides a basis for explore the benefits of natural interactions. This will provide knowledge and direction for use when creating or maintaining FAB interactions for biotechnological purposes, including bioremediation.
The focus on adopting practices that ensure long-term food production while minimizing environmental impacts has gained considerable prominence in sustainable agriculture. To achieve sustainable agricultural practices, plants must interact with the soil microbiome in a complex manner, which includes arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) fungi and phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs). In fostering plant health and resilience, these microorganisms play an important role. The improved nutrient absorption facilitated by AMF is instrumental in promoting plant growth, development, and resistance to various environmental stresses. PSMs play a similarly significant role in this intricate interdependence, if not more so. The low solubility of phosphorus in soil makes it inaccessible to plants, a fundamental element in plant physiology. These insoluble phosphorus compounds are converted to readily available forms for plant uptake by PSMs, which secrete specific enzymes, primarily phosphatases. PSMs contribute to plant health in more ways than just phosphorus solubilization; they produce growth stimulants and create a robust environment, enhancing plant health overall. Ultimately, AM fungi and PSMs have a vital role to play in agriculture. According to this assessment, there is a need to address existing knowledge gaps and actively promote the comprehensive integration of these microorganisms into modern agricultural practices. To ensure a well-rounded perspective and successful implementation of these practices, it is critical to acknowledge potential challenges, such as education, technical expertise, regulatory hurdles, cost-effectiveness, and scaling up.
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Known as the Roscoff worm or mint-sauce worm, Symsagittifera roscoffensis is an Acoel distinguishable due to the presence of symbiotic alga Tetraselmis convolutae, held beneath the epidermis. Isolated populations of S. roscoffensis span a broad geographical range along the north-eastern Atlantic coast, from Wales to Portugal. The only known population of the worm in the United Kingdom was discovered in Wales decades ago, but very little research has been conducted since. For 13 months, we measured how environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity and light intensity coincided with population size at the Welsh field site. To establish phylogenetic relationships among the different populations and their algal symbionts, we designed new polymerase chain reaction (PCR) oligonucleotides to assess the nucleotide diversity of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I subunit (COI) gene in gDNA extracted from representative worms across their known range (Wales, France, Portugal, Spain, and Guernsey). We also targeted the 18S rRNA gene of their algal symbiont, Tetraselmis convolutae. We observed temporal shifts in environmental factors coinciding with fluctuating worm colony size, notably temperature. Based on the molecular data, the worm exhibited different ecotypes across locations, while the algal symbiont showed little genetic variation.
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With the birth of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, genomic data in public databases have increased exponentially. Unfortunately, exogenous contamination or intracellular parasite sequences in assemblies could confuse genomic analysis. Meanwhile, they can provide a valuable resource for studies of host-microbe interactions. Here, we used a strategy based on DNA barcodes to scan protistan contamination in the GenBank WGS/TSA database. The results showed a total of 13,952 metazoan/animal assemblies in GenBank, where 17,036 contigs were found to be protistan contaminants in 1507 assemblies (10.8%), with even higher contamination rates in taxa of Cnidaria (150/281), Crustacea (237/480), and Mollusca (107/410). Taxonomic analysis of the protists derived from these contigs showed variations in abundance and evenness of protistan contamination across different metazoan taxa, reflecting host preferences of Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, Oomycota and Symbiodiniaceae for mammals and birds, Crustacea, insects, and Cnidaria, respectively. Finally, mitochondrial proteins COX1 and CYTB were predicted from these contigs, and the phylogenetic analysis corroborated the protistan origination and heterogeneous distribution of the contaminated contigs. Overall, in this study, we conducted a large-scale scan of protistan contaminant in genomic resources, and the protistan sequences detected will help uncover the protist diversity and relationships of these picoeukaryotes with Metazoa.
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Symbiotic associations are not only ubiquitous in nature, but they also play fundamental roles in ecology and evolution. This paper discusses symbiosis with regards to the fitness costs and benefits conferred to the organisms involved in such interactions, and how the varying nature of these costs and benefits impinges on the way these associations are labelled. Focusing on recent research as examples, we discuss the influence of environmental factors, ontogenetic and evolutionary time, and the symbionts’ life history traits on the interaction dynamics of symbiotic associations, and argue that symbiotic interactions are highly plastic across circumstances and timescales. We conclude that many symbioses do not fit neatly into the traditional categories of mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism, and urge caution when using such labels to describe biotic interactions.
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Single polyps of Galaxea fascicularis were fixed to glass vials with underwater epoxy resin. After regeneration into microcolonies they were used for microsensor measurements of photosynthesis and calcification under different incubating temperatures. Gross photosynthesis was found highest at temperatures of 23 and 26°C (ca.0.022 mole O2 m-3 s-1), close to the ambient temperature (i.e. 26°C). At 35°C, gross photosynthesis was irreversibly inhibited as the microcolonies bleached. The net photosynthesis rapidly decreased with temperature and became negative at temperatures higher than 29°C. Profiles of O2 and Ca2+ showed a strong effect of temperature on them. The concentrations of Ca2+ measured on the polyp surface also showed temperature dependence of Ca2+ uptake. In the dark and below 29°C, the surface Ca2+ concentration was temperature independent. During illumination, the surface Ca2+ concentration showed a dip at 26 °C (ca. 8.7 mM), indicating maximum uptake rates at ambient temperature. However, at 32°C and higher, Ca2+ was slightly higher at the tissue surface than in the seawater, in both light and dark, resulting from calcium dissolution. The surface pH in light increased gradually from 8.3 to 8.6 with increasing temperature to 23°C, and thereafter remained constant to 29°C. At 32°C, the pH became slightly acidic compared with the water phase, probably due to a decrease in the uptake of CO2 by photosynthesis. The largest difference in pH between light and dark incubations was at temperatures between 23 and 29°C (7.5-7.7 in dark versus 8.6-8.7 in light), which indicate high rates of photosynthesis and respiration in this temperature range. It is concluded that photosynthetic activity in the coral is maintained up to rather high temperatures (32°C), but corals at super-optimum temperatures (above 26°C) consume more O2 than they produce, decalcify and produce CO2.
Most cnidarian-microalgae symbioses exhibit some degree of specificity in host-symbiont pairing. Among taxa with aposymbiotic larvae, specificity must be established each generation. Newly settled polyps of the gorgonians Plexaura kuna and Pseudoplexaura porosa rapidly acquired zooxanthellae, in both laboratory and field settings. Initial zooxanthella acquisition by polyps was non-selective and did not reflect adult host specificity. When placed in shallow backreef and forereef habitats, and on the deep forereef, newly settled polyps naturally acquired zooxanthellae belonging to Symbiodinium clades A, B and C (based on restriction fragment length analysis of small subunit ribosomal DNA). Over time the taxonomic diversity changed such that by 3 mo, the majority of polyps (77%) harbored only algae belonging to Symbiodinium clade B, the same algal clade found in the adult hosts. A survey of naturally occurring juvenile gorgonians (those 10 cm or less) showed that all contained only algae belonging to Symbiodinium clade B at this life history stage. These data are the first to characterize the early ontogenic change in zooxanthella diversity and confirm models of specificity in cnidarians in which a broad group of dinoflagellates initially enter the host followed by a change in algal genotypes that leads to the specificity observed in the adult host.