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Abstract and Figures

High-throughput metabolomic experiments aim at identifying and ultimately quantifying all metabolites present in biological systems. The metabolites are interconnected through metabolic reactions, generally grouped into metabolic pathways. Classical metabolic maps provide a relational context to help interpret metabolomics experiments and a wide range of tools have been developed to help place metabolites within metabolic pathways. However, the representation of metabolites within separate disconnected pathways overlooks most of the connectivity of the metabolome. By definition, reference pathways cannot integrate novel pathways nor show relationships between metabolites that may be linked by common neighbours without being considered as joint members of a classical biochemical pathway. MetExplore is a web server that offers the possibility to link metabolites identified in untargeted metabolomics experiments within the context of genome-scale reconstructed metabolic networks. The analysis pipeline comprises mapping metabolomics data onto the specific metabolic network of an organism, then applying graph-based methods and advanced visualization tools to enhance data analysis. The MetExplore web server is freely accessible at
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MetExplore: a web server to link metabolomic
experiments and genome-scale metabolic networks
Ludovic Cottret
*, David Wildridge
, Florence Vinson
, Michael P. Barrett
Hubert Charles
, Marie-France Sagot
and Fabien Jourdan
INRA, UMR1089, Xe
´nobiotiques, F-31000 Toulouse, France,
Division of Infection and Immunity, Glasgow
Biomedical Research Centre, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK,
Bamboo Team, INRIA Grenoble-Rho
38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin,
UMR203 Biologie Fonctionnelle Insectes et Interactions (BF2I), INRA, INSA-Lyon,
´de Lyon, F-69621 Villeurbanne and
´de Lyon, F-69000, Lyon; Universite
´Lyon 1; CNRS,
UMR5558, Laboratoire de Biome
´trie et Biologie Evolutive, F-69622, Villeurbanne, France
Received January 29, 2010; Revised March 30, 2010; Accepted April 17, 2010
High-throughput metabolomic experiments aim at
identifying and ultimately quantifying all metabolites
present in biological systems. The metabolites are
interconnected through metabolic reactions, gener-
ally grouped into metabolic pathways. Classical
metabolic maps provide a relational context to help
interpret metabolomics experiments and a wide
range of tools have been developed to help place
metabolites within metabolic pathways. However,
the representation of metabolites within separate
disconnected pathways overlooks most of the con-
nectivity of the metabolome. By definition, reference
pathways cannot integrate novel pathways nor show
relationships between metabolites that may be
linked by common neighbours without being con-
sidered as joint members of a classical biochemical
pathway. MetExplore is a web server that offers the
possibility to link metabolites identified in
untargeted metabolomics experiments within the
context of genome-scale reconstructed metabolic
networks. The analysis pipeline comprises
mapping metabolomics data onto the specific meta-
bolic network of an organism, then applying
graph-based methods and advanced visual-
ization tools to enhance data analysis. The
MetExplore web server is freely accessible at
Metabolomics aims at identifying the metabolome, i.e. the
full set of metabolites present in a biological system (1).
Cellular metabolite concentrations are ultimately a reflec-
tion of cell function (i.e. gene expression regulation and
protein interactions). They are modulated by genetic or
environmental perturbations and thus can be considered
as central to the phenotype of an organism. These metab-
olites are the inputs and outputs of biochemical reactions
organized into the complex system commonly termed the
metabolic network. To date, techniques that allow the
quantitative measurement of all metabolites within a
given system are not available and this confounds
systems level analysis of output from metabolomics ex-
periments. Methods that permit meaningful connections
to be inferred between metabolites thus offer the potential
to enhance metabolite analysis from the network
The availability of complete genome sequences has
allowed the construction of predicted metabolic
networks for many organisms by using information on
the presence of enzymes inferred from the presence of
the genes that encode them and reference to known bio-
chemical pathways whose structure was determined
through the methods of classical biochemistry (2,3). The
main metabolic databases such as KEGG (4) or BioCyc
(5) are built on this pathway-oriented model. In
metabolomics, these databases are used for the analysis
of metabolites in the context of global metabolism. The
MassTRIX web server (6), for example, shows candidate
metabolites as coloured objects on the KEGG pathway
maps (7). If the positive identification of metabolites has
already been made, tools such as the Omics Viewer of
BioCyc (8) or the pathway projector (9) allow metabolites
to be highlighted on a collection of organism-specific
metabolic maps.
However, in such models, the same metabolite is
duplicated if it is involved in multiple metabolic
pathways. Moreover, some paths linking identified
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +33 561285720; Fax: +33 561285244; Email:
W132–W137 Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, Web Server issue Published online 5 May 2010
ßThe Author(s) 2010. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
by-nc/2.5), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
metabolites can span several pathways and thus are diffi-
cult to detect. Finally, the list of metabolic pathways
supposed to be present in the metabolic databases is
often predicted in an automatic way and can contain
many errors and omissions (10). Furthermore, novel,
organism-specific pathways cannot be integrated into
such networks since construction is dependent upon com-
parison to reference metabolic pathways.
To restore realistic connectivity between metabolites
and to overcome the problems of metabolic pathway iden-
tification, the metabolism of an organism is best inter-
preted as a network gathering all pathways into a single
structure. The MetExplore web server allows the mapping
of data from metabolomic experiments onto genome-scale
metabolic networks. Beyond the mapping functionalities,
the network can also be analysed using graph-based
methods. A graph is a mathematical object made of
nodes and edges connecting them. In MetExplore,
graphs are used to offer several advanced mining
features including choke point analysis (11), computation
of biosynthetic capacity (12) and potential precursor de-
termination for any set of identified metabolites.
MetExplore provides novel filters to restrict metabolism
to a particular set of pathways and to discard cellular
macromolecules such as proteins, RNA and DNA.
Filters were also created to remove ubiquitous compounds
or generic reactions. Finally, filtered metabolic networks
can be exported into SBML files and metabolic graph files.
MetExplore provides a unique framework to link
metabolomics experiments, metabolic network visualiza-
tion and modelling.
The fact that many metabolites contribute to multiple
pathways means that a network approach can offer ad-
vantages to interpretation of metabolomic experiments. A
network approach can, for example, be used to show how
two metabolites that may each be transformed directly to,
or from, a common metabolite, but as members of
separate classical pathways, are separated by only a
single chemical species within the metabolic network.
MetExplore follows the workflow given in Figure 1. It
consists in building tailor-made filtered networks in
order to place experimental data into the context of the
known, or predicted, metabolism of a selected organism.
For each functionality, various outputs are proposed.
The first building block of MetExplore is a relational
database (freely available on request) containing the meta-
bolic networks of about 50 organisms. Metabolic informa-
tion currently comes from BioCyc-like databases
(5,13–17). The list of organisms and their source is avail-
able in the online documentation of MetExplore. The
latter also contains two databases containing metabolic
information from multiple organisms: PlantCyc that de-
scribes metabolic pathways present in 250 plant species
( and MetaCyc that contains
1400 pathways from more than 1800 organisms (5).
Analysing the networks as stored in the databases can
lead to misinterpretations. For instance, ubiquitous com-
pounds like water or ATP contribute to many reactions
and can overload networks in spite of their not represent-
ing formal transitional steps in classical biochemical
pathways (18). To overcome this limitation, MetExplore
proposes various filters that can be applied to the stored
Once a relevant network is built for a given organism,
two kinds of function can be used to perform metabolite
analysis. First, MetExplore can map to the genome-
inferred metabolic networks the list of metabolites
generated from metabolomics experiments (using metab-
olite masses or metabolite identifiers). Second,
MetExplore provides computational functions that allow
investigation of the network features of a set of metabol-
ites, allowing, for example, searches for potential drug
Each MetExplore function returns a web browsable
table and allows visualization of the results through the
graph visualization tool, Cytoscape (19). Each filtered
Figure 1. MetExplore work flow.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, Web Server issue W133
metabolic network can be exported as an SBML file (20)
or as a graph file to allow further studies using other
modelling tools as described.
The filters available in MetExplore have three functions.
First, their implementation can allow investigation of
selected subparts of metabolism. Second, they can be
used to avoid sources of misinterpretation in metabolic
graph analyses and finally, they can aid in providing
clearer visualizations of the network, by restricting
analyses to only small molecule metabolites excluding
cellular macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids,
glycoconjugates, etc.).
A common problem during metabolic network
modelling is to deal with the so-called ubiquitous com-
pounds. These compounds, involved in many reactions,
can cause artefacts when considered in the same way as
components of a linear transformation series as metabol-
ites of classical biochemical pathways. These molecules,
e.g. ATP, which provides phosphate to hundreds of reac-
tions, short-circuit the network and confound network
analysis (18).
Two ways are proposed in MetExplore to filter out
these compounds. First, we can distinguish between
main compounds and side compounds in the metabolic
pathways stored in the BioCyc-like databases. The main
compounds are involved in the backbone of the metabolic
pathway, while the side compounds are molecules such as
common cofactors that contribute to reactions as chemical
donors or recipients without being part of the transform-
ation chain of the metabolic pathway. The MetExplore
filter removes metabolites that are annotated as a side
compound for given reactions regardless of the metabolic
pathway considered. The second MetExplore method to
deal with ubiquitous compounds uses a list of 62 cofactor
transformations (available in the online documentation).
The filter removes these compounds from each reaction in
which they participate together. For instance, ATP, ADP
and phosphate are removed in each reaction where the
transformation ‘ATP = ADP + Phosphate’ appears.
Unlike the previous filter, this function does not use any
pathway information and deals with reactions not classi-
fied in any metabolic pathway. Filtering ubiquitous com-
pounds also simplifies the visual representation of the
metabolic network by removing highly connected nodes.
Finally, a MetExplore user can choose to keep or
to remove all of the reactions involved in the pathways
identified in the selected organism, but for which
no enzymes are assigned [classically called pathway
holes (21)].
User input
After choosing an organism and tuning the network
filters, the required input data for metabolome mapping
is a tabulated file. Depending on the selected mode, the
first column of the input file corresponds either to
measured masses, database metabolite identifiers or me-
tabolite names. In the mass mapping mode, an error limit
in p.p.m. (parts per million) has to be defined. The iden-
tification of metabolites by their masses is not always
satisfactory since, even with high resolution mass spec-
trometry, the identification may be ambiguous (22), par-
ticularly with respect to isomers that by definition are of
identical mass. For this reason, MetExplore also uses me-
tabolite identifiers or user-defined names. The names can
be described by a regular expression when their syntax is
not exactly known. For instance, if the user does not know
if the metabolite coenzyme A is stored in the database as
co-A, coenzyme-A, or coA, he can use the regular expres-
sion co.*a that corresponds to any metabolite name that
starts by co, followed by any number of additional char-
acters and ends by a (the case is not sensitive). Additional
columns of the input file correspond to numerical values
that quantify, for instance, the retention time or the peak
Each mass, name or identifier is compared to the infor-
mation stored in the MetExplore relational database for
the selected organism. As queries to external databases are
not required, the processing is quite fast: a mapping of 380
masses on the complete metabolic network of MetaCyc,
for example, takes 6 min.
MetExplore is capable of mapping experimental data
uploaded by the user onto user-selected metabolic
networks. The output is a list of identified metabolites
which is enriched by metabolic network informa-
tion such as metabolic pathways involving these
Whatever the selected mode, a result table as described
in Figure 2A is displayed. The name of each identified
metabolite is a hyperlink to the source database. The
pathways in which the metabolite appears in the filtered
metabolic network are also indicated. Each numerical
value from the input file is reported and coloured depend-
ing on the quartile computed in the whole column to
which it belongs. A glyph corresponding to the local
topology around the metabolite in the filtered metabolic
network is also displayed. Simple visual inspection is thus
sufficient to indicate whether the metabolite is a source, an
output or a choke point (see definition below) in the
filtered metabolic network. To facilitate interpretation of
the results, it is possible to visualize identified metabolites
on the filtered metabolic network by launching Cytoscape
directly from MetExplore. The user does not have to
install Cytoscape since it is loaded via Java Web Start
(the only requirement is that the browser supports Java
1.5 or higher). A MetExplore visual style is automatically
applied and highlights the identified metabolites
(Figure 2B). Moreover, metabolic network attributes
including Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers, metabolic
pathways, masses and chemical formulae are loaded as
attributes in Cytoscape. All of these attributes and the
SBML file corresponding to the filtered metabolic
network are also downloadable from the MetExplore
W134 Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, Web Server issue
The graphical representation of the entire metabolic
network of an organism can be very dense (i.e.with
many nodes and overlapping edges). Following reaction
paths connecting identified metabolites can be difficult
within such an output. To improve visualization in such
circumstances, we have developed a Cytoscape plug-in
(GapFiller) to compute subnetworks of identified metab-
olites (23) (Figure 2C). Finally, by creating a MetExplore
account, users can create a history of all analyses allowing
subsequent consultation without reprocessing.
In addition to offering the potential to store and visualize
data from metabolomics data sets within the context of a
virtual metabolome, MetExplore provides several func-
tions based on graph analysis that facilitate understanding
of the role of metabolites within the network. For
example, these methods can be used for drug target
identification (11) or to decipher the biosynthetic links
between metabolites (24,12).
Choke points
One successful and practical use of global metabolic
networks has been the introduction of choke point
analysis. Choke points are defined as reactions that
either uniquely consume a specific substrate or uniquely
produce a specific product (11). Choke point analysis,
such as used for the malaria parasite Plasmodium falcip-
arum has shown current drug targets are far more likely to
be choke points within the network than other reactions
(11). Furthermore, comparison between choke points in
parasites and their hosts identifies parasite-specific choke
points as being even better candidate targets.
The scope of metabolites allows the identification of the
potential biosynthetic capacity of an organism from a
Figure 2. Mapping results. (A) Table of results (B) Visualization of the identified metabolites in the metabolic network. (C) Extraction of the
subnetwork linking the identified metabolites.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, Web Server issue W135
given set of metabolites (12). The scope of a set of metab-
olites (so-called seeds) is defined as the sum of all metab-
olites that the seeds are able to produce using the reactions
available in an organism. In contrast to the shortest paths
computed in simple graphs, the scope concept takes into
account the availability of all of the substrates used in a
reaction. The scope is computed in an iterative way
[referred to as the expansion process (12)]. A table is
generated to display information about the metabolites
produced during the process.
Precursors are the set of metabolites from which a defined
set of target metabolites can be produced. Precursor sets
can be calculated by the inverse of the expansion process
described in the scope function, starting with a set of given
target metabolites, then moving backwards through the
dataset until a metabolite is reached that is not
produced by any reaction or metabolite already visited
during the process. Two outputs can be generated from
this computation: a table containing all the metabolites
visited during the process and the precursors or a table
containing only the precursors. For instance, these precur-
sors might then be considered essential components of any
defined culture medium required for growth of a microbial
organism or cell type.
When Cytoscape is launched via the scope and precur-
sor functions, the filtered metabolic network and the sub-
network visited during the process are automatically
While MetExplore, especially used in conjunction with
visualization environments such as Cytoscape, offers
multiple functions regarding presentation and analysis of
metabolomic data sets, clearly there are a multitude of
additional software options that may be useful in further
analysis of MetExplore file outputs. SBML is an XML-
based format dedicated to the description of systems
biology type data sets including metabolic networks (20).
Filtered networks from each MetExplore function
described above and the corresponding attributes can be
exported directly to SBML. Moreover, the extended
SBML that we created stores information about masses,
EC numbers, links between genes, reactions and pathways
not present in a classical SBML file. This format is
described in the online documentation.
From the filtered metabolic networks, MetExplore is
able to build three kinds of graphs: the compound
graph, the reaction graph and the bipartite graph [for def-
initions see (3)]. Each one is available in edge-list format
and can be visualized in Cytoscape or used to perform
other graph analyses.
Here, we describe novel software to help visualize,
navigate, mine and draw biological inference from
metabolomics experiments set within the context of
global metabolic networks. MetExplore gathers a set of
original functionalities that can be easily and freely
accessed through its web server. The mapping function
enables identification of metabolites predicted within
the metabolism of a given organism, using either mass
information, database identifiers or their simple names.
Since metabolite names are frequently poorly formatted,
MetExplore allows the inclusion of regular expressions
to describe them. As MetExplore does not require access
to other web servers, the processing involved in mapping is
very fast as it queries only the MetExplore database.
Rather than mapping the identified metabolites to individ-
ual pathways or to a collection of pathways, MetExplore
maps them onto a single metabolic network. This yields
topological information about the identified metabolites.
Another advantage of MetExplore resides in its ability to
highlight identified metabolites within the metabolic
network by directly launching Cytoscape from the
MetExplore interface. It is thus possible to visualize
output from metabolomic experiments with the attributes
of the metabolic network also loaded. To generate a
clearer visualization or to study only a subsection of
the metabolic network, MetExplore contains various
filters to be applied to networks prior to mapping.
Moreover, the GapFiller plug-in installed in the
Cytoscape version loaded from MetExplore further facili-
tates analysis by computing subnetworks that link
identified metabolites.
MetExplore also provides additional high-level func-
tions that allow further inference from the mapping
results. By computing the choke points in a filtered meta-
bolic network, it is possible in MetExplore to detect weak
points in the metabolic network, which offer potential
drug targets. Furthermore, the scope function imple-
mented in MetExplore helps to decipher which metabol-
ites and reactions can be affected by the changes in
concentration of a set of metabolites. In a converse
function, since metabolomics generally measures the
outputs of the metabolism, MetExplore also computes
which metabolites are necessary to produce those
observed experimentally. The results of these functions
can also be directly visualized by launching Cytoscape.
Finally, the possibility to save the filtered metabolic
networks into SBML and several graph formats facilitates
the first steps of the metabolic network modelling.
We are currently working on further improvements for
MetExplore. The database currently contains only about
50 organism-specific data sets. We plan to increase this
number, especially by including data sets from other data-
bases such as KEGG (4) or HMDB (25). Furthermore, we
are working on the possibility of applying the MetExplore
functions to a metabolic network uploaded by the user.
Other graph analysis tools will be included in future
versions of MetExplore. For instance, some topological
graph measures including betweeness centrality (26)
should facilitate an appreciation of the importance of
identified metabolites in a metabolic network. Inclusion
of data from other sources (e.g. proteomics and
transcriptomics) is also under consideration for
enhanced analysis through MetExplore.
W136 Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, Web Server issue
French projects (ANR REGLIS NT05-3 45205 and ANR
MIRI BLAN08-1335497); French-UK projects (ANR-
BBSRC MetNet4SysBio ANR-07-BSYS 003 02 and
ANR-BBSRC SysTryp). Funding for open access
charge: University of Glasgow.
Conflict of interest statement. None declared.
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Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, Web Server issue W137
... Additionally, computational modeling and systems biology approaches can help unravel the complex relationships between genetic variations, molecular pathways, and metabolic outcomes. Integrating metabolic network analysis and pathway enrichment tools provides a valuable resource to conduct systems-level analyses, enabling the exploration of metabolic alterations, pathway dysregulations, and the dynamic rewiring of metabolic networks (Table 1) [96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114]. As technology and knowledge advance, researchers are working towards unraveling the intricate connections between genetics, molecular biology, and the clinical realities of endocrinological disorders, ultimately leading to improved diagnostics, targeted therapies, and personalized medicine. ...
... OmicsNet [112] Integrates multi-omics data (e.g., genomics, proteomics, metabolomics) and visualizes molecular interactions Cytoscape [113] Helps visualize metabolic networks and omics data in a network context MetExplore [114] Facilitates the visualization and interpretation of metabolomics data in the context of genome-scale reconstructed metabolic networks Copyright © 2023 Korean Endocrine Society ...
Full-text available
Metabolism is a dynamic network of biochemical reactions that support systemic homeostasis amidst changing nutritional, environmental, and physical activity factors. The circulatory system facilitates metabolite exchange among organs, while the endocrine system finely tunes metabolism through hormone release. Endocrine disorders like obesity, diabetes, and Cushing’s syndrome disrupt this balance, contributing to systemic inflammation and global health burdens. They accompany metabolic changes on multiple levels from molecular interactions to individual organs to the whole body. Understanding how metabolic fluxes relate to endocrine disorders illuminates the underlying dysregulation. Cancer is increasingly considered a systemic disorder because it not only affects cells in localized tumors but also the whole body, especially in metastasis. In tumorigenesis, cancer-specific mutations and nutrient availability in the tumor microenvironment reprogram cellular metabolism to meet increased energy and biosynthesis needs. Cancer cachexia results in metabolic changes to other organs like muscle, adipose tissue, and liver. This review explores the interplay between the endocrine system and systems-level metabolism in health and disease. We highlight metabolic fluxes in conditions like obesity, diabetes, Cushing’s syndrome, and cancers. Recent advances in metabolomics, fluxomics, and systems biology promise new insights into dynamic metabolism, offering potential biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and personalized medicine.
... The model was used for flux balance analysis (FBA) prediction of carbohydrate utilization and validation from the phenotype data. The pathways and reactions were visualized in MetExplore tool, which was input with the SBML model file from ModelSEED [43]. ...
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Lactiplantibacillus plantarum stands out as a remarkably diverse species of lactic acid bacteria, occupying a myriad of ecological niches. Particularly noteworthy is its presence in human breast milk, which can serve as a reservoir of probiotic bacteria, contributing significantly to the establishment and constitution of infant gut microbiota. In light of this, our study attempted to conduct an initial investigation encompassing both genomic and phenotypic aspects of the L. plantarum PU3 strain, that holds potential as a probiotic agent. By employing the cutting-edge third-generation Nanopore sequencing technology, L. plantarum PU3 revealed a circular chromosome of 3,180,940 bp and nine plasmids of various lengths. The L. plantarum PU3 genome has a total of 2962 protein-coding and non-coding genes. Our in-depth investigations revealed more than 150 probiotic gene markers that unfold the genetic determinants for acid tolerance, bile resistance, adhesion, and oxidative and osmotic stress. The in vivo analysis showed the strain’s proficiency in utilizing various carbohydrates as growth substrates, complementing the in silico analysis of the genes involved in metabolic pathways. Notably, the strain demonstrated a pronounced affinity for D-sorbitol, D-mannitol, and D-Gluconic acid, among other carbohydrate sources. The in vitro experimental verification of acid, osmotic and bile tolerance validated the robustness of the strain in challenging environments. Encouragingly, no virulence factors were detected in the genome of PU3, suggesting its safety profile. In search of beneficial properties, we found potential bacteriocin biosynthesis clusters, suggesting its capability for antimicrobial activity. The characteristics exhibited by L. plantarum PU3 pave the way for promising strain potential, warranting further investigations to unlock its full capacity and contributions to probiotic and therapeutic avenues.
... The HeLa cell lines metabolic model was generated by using RNA-seq data and evaluated with metabolome mapping, showing interesting results for the identification of cancer related metabolites in different cell lines [37]. In this study, HeLa cells metabolic models were uploaded into MetExplore web server [38] and the observed metabolite levels were used to get insights into the metabolic pathways that were changed by the uptake of Crotamine. ...
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Sequestering and reprogramming of cellular metabolism represents one of the principal hallmarks of several cells. Antimicrobial peptides have been shown to exhibit selective anticancer activities. In this study, the secreted metabolome of HeLa cells under action of the antimicrobial peptide Crotamine from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus was evaluated. Crotamine has been shown to be selective for highly proliferating cells and is able to extend the in vivo lifespan. The present study using a cell line of cervical cancer, HeLa cells, provide insights into how Crotamine acts in cell metabolism. NMR spectroscopy was used to identify and quantify relative metabolite levels, which are associated with Crotamine uptake. Statistical analysis reveals that Crotamine dramatically affects metabolites related to glycolysis, metabolism and biosynthesis of amino acids and pyruvate metabolism. The developed machine learning model is found to be robust by ROC curve analysis, suggesting that the metabolic state of HeLa cells treated with Crotamine is different from the control samples. To account for metabolite levels, it is suggested that Crotamine would have to act on glycolysis, which, in turn, affects several other metabolic pathways, such as, glutathione metabolism, TCA cycle and pyruvate metabolism. The observed metabolic changes shed light into the mode of Crotamine function.
The human microbiome has an impact on human health. In physiological settings, genome-scale metabolic modeling (GSMM) is a comparatively modern method to predict diet-microbiome, microbe-microbe, and host-microbe interactions. Recent discoveries have led to a completely new outlook on the subject that suggests our microbiota may play a role in the onset of many different diseases, such as cancer, gastrointestinal problems, and metabolic disorders. Due to the complicated etiology of various disorders, the precise mechanisms by which certain alterations in the makeup of the gut microbiota are related to the emergence of such diseases in humans are yet unknown. Multiple metagenomics and metabolomics studies have shown that microbial dysbiosis increases cancer risk through a variety of mechanisms. Using a systems biology strategy for facilitating learning of the underlying variations of the microbiome between physiological and pathological phases can ultimately help to uncover potential innovative therapeutic and diagnostic approaches.
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M odern views recognize that aging is a complex dynamic process manifesting at multi-scale levels in the organism 1-3 , ultimately leading to biological, physical and functional impairments, along with the onset and increased incidence of age-related diseases 4. As a product of the exponential scientific and technological progress during the past 30 years 5 , comprehensive characterization of the multivariate nature of aging has led to the emergence of Big Data (BD) as an invaluable tool in preclinical research (Fig. 1a and Box 1; see also ref. 6 for milestones in the aging field). Driving forces of this progress are represented by the perva-siveness of high-throughput omics technologies 7 , network science 8 , the narrowing gap between theoretical and experimental biology 9 , interdisciplinarity 10 , the second coming of artificial intelligence (AI) 11 , and advances in bioinformatics 12. These conceptual and technical developments are at the root of the cross-disciplinary field of systems biology, the emerging paradigm to understand aging (Fig. 1a and Box 1). In light of the aforementioned convergence of scientific developments , preclinical aging research has evolved into subdisciplines of specialized themes and techniques. In rodent models, the research scope and experimental approaches have extended considerably, for example, from molecular-scale-focused research on epigenetic reprogramming 13,14 to the organism-level characterization of circa-dian changes of behavior 15 or changes in energy metabolism 16 across the lifespan. In this Review Article, we focus on key approaches that at present are leading to conceptual and/or technical advances in the understanding of basic aging biology and their translational impact. We favor research that showcases the integration of data across disciplines because this approach could provide greater insight into the aging process than any individual discipline alone. When available, we refer to published reviews covering other aspects of the topics addressed herein. We begin by giving an overview of common BD sources. Next, we discuss approaches (concepts, methods, tools and challenges) to leverage three major categories of BD in preclinical aging research in rodent models: molecular omics, organism-level deep pheno-typing, and computer vision. We then showcase some of the main BD integrative approaches that have been developed so far and discuss future perspectives to push forward BD use in preclinical aging research.
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The book "Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology" was conceived to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research and developments in this field. As we realized the tremendous potential of biotechnology to enhance crop productivity, improve disease resistance, and reduce environmental impact, and wanted to compile a collection of research from distinguished scientists and experts worldwide to share their knowledge and experience in various aspects of agricultural biotechnology. This book seeks to advance the goal of achieving sustainable and efficient agricultural practices that can contribute to global food security and environmental sustainability.
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Primary liver cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Liver cancer metabolism includes both the reprogramming of intracellular metabolism to enable cancer cells to proliferate inappropriately and adapt to the tumor microenvironment and fluctuations in regular tissue metabolism. Currently, metabolomics and metabolite profiling in liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have been in the spotlight in terms of cancer diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. Metabolomics is the global analysis of small molecules, chemicals, and metabolites. Metabolomics technologies can provide critical information about the liver cancer state. Here, we review how liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and HCC therapies interact with metabolism at the cellular and systemic levels. An overview of liver metabolomics is provided, with a focus on currently available technologies and how they have been used in clinical and translational research. We also list scalable methods, including chemometrics, followed by pathway processing in liver cancer. We conclude that important drivers of metabolomics science and scientific technologies are novel therapeutic tools and liver cancer biomarker analysis.
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Fourier transform mass spectrometry has recently been introduced into the field of metabolomics as a technique that enables the mass separation of complex mixtures at very high resolution and with ultra high mass accuracy. Here we show that this enhanced mass accuracy can be exploited to predict large metabolic networks ab initio, based only on the observed metabolites without recourse to predictions based on the literature. The resulting networks are highly information-rich and clearly non-random. They can be used to infer the chemical identity of metabolites and to obtain a global picture of the structure of cellular metabolic networks. This represents the first reconstruction of metabolic networks based on unbiased metabolomic data and offers a breakthrough in the systems-wide analysis of cellular metabolism.
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Now that complete genome sequences are available for a variety of organisms, the elucidation of gene functions involved in metabolism necessarily includes a better understanding of cellular responses upon mutations on all levels of gene products, mRNA, proteins, and metabolites. Such progress is essential since the observable properties of organisms – the phenotypes – are produced by the genotype in juxtaposition with the environment. Whereas much has been done to make mRNA and protein profiling possible, considerably less effort has been put into profiling the end products of gene expression, metabolites. To date, analytical approaches have been aimed primarily at the accurate quantification of a number of pre-defined target metabolites, or at producing fingerprints of metabolic changes without individually determining metabolite identities. Neither of these approaches allows the formation of an in-depth understanding of the biochemical behaviour within metabolic networks. Yet, by carefully choosing protocols for sample preparation and analytical techniques, a number of chemically different classes of compounds can be quantified simultaneously to enable such understanding. In this review, the terms describing various metabolite-oriented approaches are given, and the differences among these approaches are outlined. Metabolite target analysis, metabolite profiling, metabolomics, and metabolic fingerprinting are considered. For each approach, a number of examples are given, and potential applications are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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We present the first exact method based on the topology of a metabolic network to find minimal sets of metabolites (called precursors) sufficient to produce a set of target metabolites. In contrastwith previous proposals, our model takes into account self-regenerating metabolites involved in cycles, which may be used to generate target metabolites from potential precursors. We analyse the complexity of the problem and we propose an algorithm to enumerate all minimal precursor sets for a set of target metabolites. The algorithm can be applied to identify a minimal medium necessary for a cell to ensure some metabolic functions. It can be used also to check inconsistencies caused by misannotations in a metabolic network. We present two illustrations of these applications.
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We present MetaRoute, an efficient search algorithm based on atom mapping rules and path weighting schemes that returns relevant or textbook-like routes between a source and a product metabolite within seconds for genome-scale networks. Its speed allows the algorithm to be used interactively through a web interface to visualize relevant routes and local networks for one or multiple organisms based on data from KEGG. Availability: Contact: Supplementary information: Supplementary details are available at
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The network analysis tools (NeAT) ( provide a user-friendly web access to a collection of modular tools for the analysis of networks (graphs) and clusters (e.g. microarray clusters, functional classes, etc.). A first set of tools supports basic operations on graphs (comparison between two graphs, neighborhood of a set of input nodes, path finding and graph randomization). Another set of programs makes the connection between networks and clusters (graph-based clustering, cliques discovery and mapping of clusters onto a network). The toolbox also includes programs for detecting significant intersections between clusters/classes (e.g. clusters of co-expression versus functional classes of genes). NeAT are designed to cope with large datasets and provide a flexible toolbox for analyzing biological networks stored in various databases (protein interactions, regulation and metabolism) or obtained from high-throughput experiments (two-hybrid, mass-spectrometry and microarrays). The web interface interconnects the programs in predefined analysis flows, enabling to address a series of questions about networks of interest. Each tool can also be used separately by entering custom data for a specific analysis. NeAT can also be used as web services (SOAP/WSDL interface), in order to design programmatic workflows and integrate them with other available resources.
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A metabolic network is the sum of all chemical transformations or reactions in the cell, with the metabolites being interconnected by enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Many enzymes exist in numerous species while others occur only in a few. We ask if there are relationships between the phylogenetic profile of an enzyme, or the number of different bacterial species that contain it, and its topological importance in the metabolic network. Our null hypothesis is that phylogenetic profile is independent of topological importance. To test our null hypothesis we constructed an enzyme network from the KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) database. We calculated three network indices of topological importance: the degree or the number of connections of a network node; closeness centrality, which measures how close a node is to others; and betweenness centrality measuring how frequently a node appears on all shortest paths between two other nodes. Enzyme phylogenetic profile correlates best with betweenness centrality and also quite closely with degree, but poorly with closeness centrality. Both betweenness and closeness centralities are non-local measures of topological importance and it is intriguing that they have contrasting power of predicting phylogenetic profile in bacterial species. We speculate that redundancy in an enzyme network may be reflected by betweenness centrality but not by closeness centrality. We also discuss factors influencing the correlation between phylogenetic profile and topological importance. Our analysis falsifies the hypothesis that phylogenetic profile of enzymes is independent of enzyme network importance. Our results show that phylogenetic profile correlates better with degree and betweenness centrality, but less so with closeness centrality. Enzymes that occur in many bacterial species tend to be those that have high network importance. We speculate that this phenomenon originates in mechanisms driving network evolution. Closeness centrality reflects phylogenetic profile poorly. This is because metabolic networks often consist of distinct functional modules and some are not in the centre of the network. Enzymes in these peripheral parts of a network might be important for cell survival and should therefore occur in many bacterial species. They are, however, distant from other enzymes in the same network.
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Metabolomics experiments seldom achieve their aim of comprehensively covering the entire metabolome. However, important information can be gleaned even from sparse datasets, which can be facilitated by placing the results within the context of known metabolic networks. Here we present a method that allows the automatic assignment of identified metabolites to positions within known metabolic networks, and, furthermore, allows automated extraction of sub-networks of biological significance. This latter feature is possible by use of a gap-filling algorithm. The utility of the algorithm in reconstructing and mining of metabolomics data is shown on two independent datasets generated with LC–MS LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Biologically relevant metabolic sub-networks were extracted from both datasets. Moreover, a number of metabolites, whose presence eluded automatic selection within mass spectra, could be identified retrospectively by virtue of their inferred presence through gap filling. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11306-009-0196-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Biochemical pathways provide an essential context for understanding comprehensive experimental data and the systematic workings of a cell. Therefore, the availability of online pathway browsers will facilitate post-genomic research, just as genome browsers have contributed to genomics. Many pathway maps have been provided online as part of public pathway databases. Most of these maps, however, function as the gateway interface to a specific database, and the comprehensiveness of their represented entities, data mapping capabilities, and user interfaces are not always sufficient for generic usage. We have identified five central requirements for a pathway browser: (1) availability of large integrated maps showing genes, enzymes, and metabolites; (2) comprehensive search features and data access; (3) data mapping for transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic experiments, as well as the ability to edit and annotate pathway maps; (4) easy exchange of pathway data; and (5) intuitive user experience without the requirement for installation and regular maintenance. According to these requirements, we have evaluated existing pathway databases and tools and implemented a web-based pathway browser named Pathway Projector as a solution. Pathway Projector provides integrated pathway maps that are based upon the KEGG Atlas, with the addition of nodes for genes and enzymes, and is implemented as a scalable, zoomable map utilizing the Google Maps API. Users can search pathway-related data using keywords, molecular weights, nucleotide sequences, and amino acid sequences, or as possible routes between compounds. In addition, experimental data from transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses can be readily mapped. Pathway Projector is freely available for academic users at (
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Most human diseases are complex multi-factorial diseases resulting from the combination of various genetic and environmental factors. In the KEGG database resource (, diseases are viewed as perturbed states of the molecular system, and drugs as perturbants to the molecular system. Disease information is computerized in two forms: pathway maps and gene/molecule lists. The KEGG PATHWAY database contains pathway maps for the molecular systems in both normal and perturbed states. In the KEGG DISEASE database, each disease is represented by a list of known disease genes, any known environmental factors at the molecular level, diagnostic markers and therapeutic drugs, which may reflect the underlying molecular system. The KEGG DRUG database contains chemical structures and/or chemical components of all drugs in Japan, including crude drugs and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) formulas, and drugs in the USA and Europe. This database also captures knowledge about two types of molecular networks: the interaction network with target molecules, metabolizing enzymes, other drugs, etc. and the chemical structure transformation network in the history of drug development. The new disease/drug information resource named KEGG MEDICUS can be used as a reference knowledge base for computational analysis of molecular networks, especially, by integrating large-scale experimental datasets.
Twenty years ago the Human Genome Project was initiated aiming to uncover the genetic factors of human diseases and to develop new strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Despite the successful sequencing of the human genome and the discovery of many disease related genes, our understanding of molecular mechanisms is still largely incomplete for the majority of diseases. In the KEGG database project we have been organizing our knowledge on cellular functions and organism behaviors in computable forms, especially in the forms of molecular networks (KEGG pathway maps) and hierarchical lists (BRITE functional hierarchies). The computerized knowledge has been widely used as a reference for biological interpretation of large-scale datasets generated by sequencing and other high-throughput experimental technologies. Our efforts are now focused on human diseases and drugs. We consider diseases as perturbed states of the molecular system that operates the cell and the organism, and drugs as perturbants to the molecular system. Since the existing disease databases are mostly for humans to read and understand, we develop a more computable disease information resource where our knowledge on diseases is represented as molecular networks or gene/molecule lists. When the detail of the molecular system is relatively well characterized, we use the molecular network representation and draw KEGG pathway maps. The Human Diseases category of the KEGG PATHWAY database contains about 40 pathway maps for cancers, immune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. When the detail is not known but disease genes are identified, we use the gene/molecule list representation and create a KEGG DISEASE entry. The entry contains a list of known disease genes and other relevant molecules including environmental factors, diagnostic markers, and therapeutic drugs. The list simply defines the membership to the underlying molecular system, but is still useful for computational analysis. In the KEGG DRUG database we capture knowledge on two types of molecular networks. One is the interaction network of drugs with target molecules, metabolizing enzymes, transporters, other drugs, and the pathways involving all these molecules. The other is the chemical structure transformation network representing the biosynthetic pathways of natural products in various organisms, as well as the history of drug development where drug structures have been continuously modified by medicinal chemists. KEGG DRUG contains chemical structures and/or chemical components of all prescription and OTC drugs in Japan including crude drugs and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) formulas, as well as most prescription drugs in USA and many prescription drugs in Europe. I will report on our strategy to analyze the chemical architecture of natural products derived from enzymatic reactions (and enzyme genes) and the chemical architecture of marketed drugs derived from human made organic reactions in the history of drug development, towards drug discovery from the genomes of plants and microorganisms.