
The Cambridge Encyclopedia Of The English Language

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... На лексико-семантичному рівні синоніми можна поділити на еквівалентні та інтерпретовані слова залежно від тотожності або відмінності ознак у мотивації [16]. До еквівалентних належать синоніми, в яких звуковий комплекс відтворює ознаки одного мотиву, закріплені різними коренями слів або словотвірними елементами з однаковим чи близьким значенням [6]. ...
... До еквівалентних належать синоніми, в яких звуковий комплекс відтворює ознаки одного мотиву, закріплені різними коренями слів або словотвірними елементами з однаковим чи близьким значенням [6]. Інтерпретовані синоніми демонструють у своєму звуковому оформленні різні мотивувальні ознаки [16]. Відомо, що головною особливістю термінологічної системи є різноманітність. ...
... Зокрема, багато ветеринарних термінів мають надзвичайно широкий спектр застосування в політичній та економічній сферах, які тісно переплітаються один з одним. Наприклад, термін «адаптація» у ветеринарній царині означає пристосування організмів, органів і систем до зовнішніх подразників, а в політичній та економічній -адаптацію економіки країни або окремого підприємства як самостійного господарюючого суб'єкта до умов глобальної конкуренції, відкритих ринків тощо» [16]. ...
... American English's influence extends beyond its geographical boundaries, impacting global communication, business, technology, and entertainment. The prominence of the United States as a political, economic, and cultural power has led to the widespread adoption of American English terms and expressions worldwide (Crystal, 2003). This global reach, however, is not without controversy, as it raises concerns about linguistic imperialism and the potential erasure of local dialects and languages. ...
... British English is not merely a single, uniform linguistic entity; rather, it represents a diverse and intricate collection of dialects that have developed on the British Isles. Rooted deeply in the history and tradition of the United Kingdom, British English bears the marks of its Anglo-Saxon origins and the successive waves of influence from Norse, French, Latin, and other languages due to historical invasions and political changes (Crystal, 2003). It has been shaped and reshaped over centuries, emerging not only as the language of Shakespeare and the King James Bible but also as a global lingua franca during the height of the British Empire. ...
... The global influence of American culture through film, music, and technology in the 20th and 21st centuries has introduced American vernacular into British usage. Conversely, the global spread of English as a second language often draws on British standards, due in part to the British Commonwealth's influence, which has further perpetuated the exchange of vocabulary (Crystal, 2003). In terms of grammar and usage, American and British English share the fundamental structure of English but exhibit differences in certain grammatical conventions. ...
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This study delves into the profound influences of American and British English on the vocabulary of Caribbean English. It examines the historical, cultural, and linguistic exchanges that have contributed to the development of a distinctive English lexicon in the Caribbean region. Drawing from a variety of linguistic theories and analyses, the research explores how the convergence and divergence of American and British English have shaped Caribbean English into a vibrant linguistic entity. The study discusses the impact of American English, propelled by the United States' geographical proximity, media dominance, and economic interactions with the Caribbean. It also considers the longstanding influence of British English, rooted in colonial history and educational systems. Through an extensive review of literature and linguistic examples, the research illustrates the creolization and adaptation processes that have integrated American and British vocabulary into the Caribbean dialects, resulting in unique linguistic forms. Furthermore, the study reflects on the sociolinguistic implications of this linguistic interplay, including aspects of identity formation, language policy, and global English dynamics. It concludes with a consideration of the ongoing evolution of Caribbean English as it continues to engage with the global English-speaking community. The findings underscore the linguistic resilience and creativity of Caribbean English speakers, suggesting that their language practices provide valuable insights into the global phenomenon of English language variation and change. The study affirms the significance of Caribbean English as a field of linguistic inquiry and as a vibrant expression of the region's rich cultural tapestry.
... Peirce adds a third element -the object -thus forming a triadic relation between the elements of the sign (seeMingers and Willcocks (2014) andMingers (2014) for a detailed discussion of the two approaches, and why the Peirceian approach may be considered more suitable for IS research). 5 Also referred to as representation (e.g.,Bailey et al. 2012; Oshri et al. 2018) 6 The term 'convention' refers to agreement to use the same rules in order to communicate(Crystal 2003;Oshri et al. 2018) ...
... Agreement on the rules to use in order to communicate (e.g., Crystal 2003;Oshri et al. 2018). ...
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Traditional understandings of what digital objects are in the IS field center on their representation as either physical or digital components characterized by their ability to process information (Faulkner & Runde, 2019). Faulkner and Runde’s (2019) theorization of digital objects is part of a growing body of studies interested in understanding the nature of IT/IS artifacts (e.g., Akhlaghpour et al., 2013; Chatterjee et al., 2021; Iivari, 2017; Lee et al., 2015; Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001). We join this discourse by attempting to decode the meaning attributed to digital objects in the IS literature and consequently advance our understanding using the unique case of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a digital object.
... One could argue that a crucial element of communication competence is pragmatic competence (Chen 2017). This definition confirms what Crystal (1997) noted, which states that pragmatic competence is the capacity to use language in social interaction, to encounter language-related constraints, and to understand the impact one's language use has on other participants in the communication process. ...
In order to share and deliver ideas or information and exchange knowledge, humans must communicate with one another. However, not all people are good communicators. When a speaker speaks, the listener must pay attention to the context and meaning of the utterances to effectively respond; otherwise, the response will break the communication. For this reason, this paper elaborates on the significance of pragmatic knowledge and pragmatic competence in relation to linguistic communication and linguistic expressions used by the speaker and listener.
... Concrete words have perceivable entities, whereas abstract words are the ones separated from the outer world. (Barsalou et al., 2003;Crystal, 1995;Paivio et al., 1986). There must be complete elaboration on how to learn the different categories of vocabulary, both for the instructors and the learners. ...
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Please cite this paper as follows: Bagheri Nevisi, R., & Modarresi, M. H. (2023). The effect of audiovisual input on EFL learners' receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge of concrete and abstract words. Teaching English Language, 17(2), 325-360. Abstract Not only is vocabulary a pivotal constituent of language learning, but also it does constitute an important part of the instructional process of a foreign language. Considering the undeniable role of vocabulary plays in language learning, this study explored the effects of audiovisual input on EFL learners' receptive and productive knowledge of concrete and abstract words. To this end, 24 upper-intermediate English language learners were selected from Iran Language institute in Qom, with an age range of 15 to 25. A 30-item pretest of concrete and abstract words was administered prior to the study. The words were selected from one movie and its corresponding book that included both receptive and productive vocabularies. During the eight-session treatment, the control group was instructed through the written input (the book) and the experimental group was taught via the audiovisual input (the movie). Results of the delayed posttest pointed to significant differences between the two groups in terms of vocabulary gains and the audiovisual group outscored the written input group regarding the vocabulary knowledge. More specifically, the study revealed that the audiovisual input significantly impacted learning concrete words. The study is a confirmation on the importance of audiovisual input in learning all different classifications of 1 Corresponding author: 326 Teaching English Language, Vol. 17, No. 2 The Effect of Audiovisual Input … vocabulary in general and concrete words in particular. The study further implies that there would be a way for a more detailed scrutiny on the methods of acquiring various categories of vocabulary.
... The two least phoneme-rich idioms, Pirahã (Native South American) and Rotokas (Papua New Guinean), share only 7 of their 11 sounds; the vastest inventory is found in !Xu, a South African language, which uses a large amount of click sounds in addition to the more frequent pulmonary ones. English is one of the more phonemerich languages, with around 42 sounds (and variations depending on the dialect); most languages have fewer sounds than English, in particular fewer vowels (Crystal, 1995; Leitung der Abteilung Phonetik der Goethe-Universität, 2018). To an extent, the sound substitutions and omissions clinicians can expect in speakers of English as an additional language are thus predictable; we will provide more detail on this below. ...
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This chapter is intended to provide a succinct overview of linguistic and communicative variations clinicians may encounter in speakers whose first language is not English. Speakers of varieties other than the Standard dialect of American English (SAE) are also considered. The chapter's goal is to prepare clinicians for working with speakers from any linguistic background; in order to achieve this, it necessarily has a narrow focus, outlining communication and language differences in an overview form. The central emphasis is to show how clients' cultural and linguistic background may lead to communicative actions and linguistic productions that do not match the SAE norm typically used in clinic, and yet that are not, in and by themselves, indicative of a disorder. To this end, the chapter introduces the reader to the dual nature of language as both a knowledge base and a set of skills; outlines cultural and structural differences pertaining to communication and language; and gives an overview of language families. The prevalence of bi-and multilingualism and related issues such as translanguaging and codeswitching is discussed in a dedicated section. In the central part of the chapter, common types of communicative and linguistic interference and transfer will be listed to give clinicians a practical guideline for navigating pertinent differences. After a brief introduction to using publicly available linguistic information for assessment, the chapter concludes with an insight on how human commonalities outweigh communicative and linguistic barriers.
... All of these more recent activities have to some extent been shaped by co-occurrence of a series of socio-economic and political phenomena, encouraged by the collusion of scientists and science editors across the multilingual West. At the moment, more people in the world speak English as a first or second language than spoke any other single language in the history of the world (Crystal, 1997a(Crystal, , 1997b. There are a number of identifiable factors that contributed to the emergence of English as a global language. ...
Any given language is replete with metaphors through which speakers of that language experience and interpret the world in which they live. Consequently, every language contains a more-or-less unique set of metaphors; speakers of each language see the world slightly differently, in part at least because they perceived their world through unique set of metaphors. This article is an exploration of some of those unique interpretations of the world by speakers of English, historically as well as by way of various contemporary uses of language.
... Also, when a British says "I want to go to the bathroom", it does not necessarily mean s/he likes to go to the toilet but when an American says "I want to go to the bathroom", s/he euphemistically means to use the toilet. Crystal (2003) states that the word "flyover" exists in both varieties. However, the AmE "flyover" is the equivalent of the BrE "flypast", while the BrE "flyover" is the equivalent of the AmE "overpass". ...
The focal point of this research work is to find out the lexical distinctions between British and American varieties of English and their persistently reciprocal impacts. Over the years, both the British and American vocabularies have been influencing each other, specially due to politics, economics, diplomatic relationships, information technology and globalization. From time to time, the variance of vocabulary in the two varieties results in increasing the number of English synonyms which is, in fact, an asset for the language. But sometimes, the synonyms may cause serious differences in meaning as some words may mean something in British English; the same may denote something else in American English and vice versa. One should, therefore, be careful and consistent about their use.It is most probable that as a result of various procedures of the change in lexical meaning and language, the two varieties would someday merge by turning them into an identical entity. So, this paper intends to provide the reader and/or the user of English with the correct application of the two varieties for our day-to-day life.
... " He argues that the English language is increasingly becoming no-man's property; and, due to its spread, it is difficult to maintain the native norms of the language. The argument is grounded basically on works by Crystal (1995; and Kachru (1992) who present evidences on intelligibility among speakers of English in the outer and expanding circles and the growing number of non-native speakers (150-300 million) in the outer circles and about 100-1000 million speakers in expanding circles, which is far greater than that of native speakers (about 320-380 million). Wang (2013) asserts that it is more common for non-natives to interact with another non-native speaker than with a native speaker of English in the Outer and Expanding circles . ...
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Transforming Education for Development in Africa is a product of the TRANSLED (Transformation, Language and Education for Development) project. The book contains selected peer reviewed papers presented in the 1st International TRANSLED conference, which was held in January 2016 in Zanzibar. TRANSLED is a NORHED (Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development) project, funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).TRANSLED is a South-South-North collaboration project with three key partners: State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), the main partner in the South, University of Oslo (UiO) as the Norwegian partner, and the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). Transforming Education for Development in Africa unpacks the four thematic themes of the project in several chapters. These themes are: policy issues around the language in education in Africa, the drop out problem, youth, gender and generation studies and transformations of education. In her chapter, she critiques the educational system in Zanzibar which she sees as still plagued by postcolonial apparitions. By examining the history, curriculum, and language difficulties of this system, she paints a complicated portrait of a system that is overburdened, over-experimented, under resourced and underfinanced. The chapter explains colonial narratives that run through the educational system, compromising the quality in education. Chapter 1 explores three central concepts – language, education and development – by situating Zanzibar historically and assessing whether the continued use of English in postcolonial contexts is helpful or not for learners. The chapter concludes that it is unfortunate for Zanzibar to have opted to use English as Lol in Science, Mathematics, Geography and ICT from the fifth grade without having checked the readiness of teachers, and preparing the primary teachers properly. The chapter considers that educators and scholars in Zanzibar may be playing part in perpetuating a problematic education reform.
... Based on when and how Spanish is acquired (first-language acquisition or second-language acquisition) and contact language, Spanish speakers can be divided into (i) native speakers and (ii) non-native speakers, with a distinction between (ii.a) second-language speakers and (ii.b) foreignlanguage speakers. A basic typology of different types of varieties (see Crystal 2004) of Spanish language may be as follows: ...
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If we understand Language as everything that is selected, numbered, merged and sent, and Grammar (both of the language and of the individual) as the union of Lexicon and Syntax, we share the same theoretical vision [...]
... The study focused on written grammar, which is often more carefully crafted than spoken language (Derewianka 2011;Strauss et al. 2018) and is not learned in the same way as spoken grammar (Crystal 1992). The teaching of written grammar has seen lengthy controversy, starting with the Braddock et al. (1963) report, which stated that the teaching of grammar could be regarded as being detrimental to success in writing, a position supported by Hillocks (1986). ...
... There are several important types of meaning loss in translation, among them are denotative meaning and connotative meaning. The former refers to the meaning of a word or expression used in everyday life and to other words and expressions, whereas the latter relates to the emotive and associative aspects of a term (McArthur, 1992;Crystal, 2018). ...
... При виявленні лексико-семантичного поля "look" враховувався аналіз дефініцій кожної лексеми: "tо admire 'to feast your eyes on somebody/something'; tо avert your eyes/gaze 'to look at someone or something for a long time'; tо glance -tо glimpse -to thumb through something -tо peek -tо gape -tо riffle through 'to quickly look at someone or something; tо glare -tо glower -tо scowl -tо cloud over 'to look angrily at someone for a long time'; tо examine -tо scan -tо search -to eye -to peer 'to look at something carefully and thoroughly'; tо watch -tо pore over something-tо stare-tо survey -tо gaze 'to look at someone or something for a period of time, paying attention to what is happening'" [3]. Відповідно до аналізу словникових дефініцій у кожному визначенні є інтегральна сема "to see". ...
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Увага сучасних лінгвістів спрямована на аналіз окремих лексем і на асоціації слів, у яких виникають парадигматичні відносини. Це лексико-семантичні групи, тематичні групи, семантичні парадигми тощо. Важливою особливістю лексико-семантичної царини мови є наявність принципу групування слів за їхньою семантичною схожістю. Цей принцип є експліцитним вираженням взаємозв'язків між словами та основою для визначення лексико-семантичної структури мови. В основі лексико-семантичного поля лежить спільна сема або гіперсема, що представляє клас об’єктів. Одиниці лексико-семантичного поля характеризуються одним понятійним корелятом. Лексико-семантичне поле – термін, який найчастіше використовують у лінгвістиці для позначення сукупності мовних одиниць, об’єднаних деякою спільною (інтегральною) лексико-семантичною ознакою [1]. Спочатку такими лексичними одиницями вважали одиниці на рівні слів, проте з часом лінгвісти стали зараховувати до лексико-семантичного поля словосполучення і речення.
У статті розглянуто значення української та іноземних мов для формування мовної особистості Лесі Українки. Звернуто увагу на використання мов у родинному вихованні, у літературній та громадській діяльності письменниці в часи імперської заборони української мови кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. На матеріалі епістолярію та художньо-публіцистичних текстів з’ясовано її ставлення до рідної та іноземних мов, розуміння ролі мови в суспільстві, у національному визволенні народу. Виокремлено бачення шляхів розвитку української мови у стильових різновидах, із залученням фольклорних джерел і діалектів, виробленням усталених мовних норм та єдиного правопису, потреби знання іноземних мов для збагачення української мови та культури.
Навчально-методичний посібник “Термінознавство” призначений для здобувачів вищої освіти спеціальності 035 «Філологія» спеціалізації 035.04 «Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно)». У посібнику пропонується конспект лекцій та перелік завдань для виконання на практичних заняттях / самостійної роботи при підготовці до практичних занять з навчальних дисциплін «Термінознавство» та «Термінологія міжнародного морського права (контрастивний аспект)». Запропоновані завдання спрямовані на вироблення навичок термінознавчих досліджень англійської мови.
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Atenção crescente tem sido dada, nos últimos anos, aos estudos que privilegiam a prosódia, reconhecendo o valor deste aspecto da linguagem na interação. Sabe-se, portanto, que a prosódia não só abrange as estruturas suprassegmentais das línguas, mas que também é responsável pelo sistema de ritmo, tom e entonação (SCARPA, 1999). Dessa forma, elegemos a prosódia como um todo, e a entonação em particular, como objeto de estudo dentro de aquisição de linguagem. Buscamos, assim, tratar do primeiro sistema entonacional da fala de uma criança em quatro momentos de funcionamento (balbucio, jargões, primeiras palavras e blocos de enunciado), caracterizando e mapeando o seu desenvolvimento entonacional de 1;0 a 1;6 de vida. Assim, em nossas análises, observamos que mesmo os enunciados de uma sílaba do nosso sujeito não são produzidos num vácuo entonacional. Ao analisar o desenvolvimento tonal do nosso sujeito, percebemos que os primeiros contornos distintivos do seu sistema entonacional são do tipo ascendente ou descendente, e foi só a partir de 1;4 que as primeiras palavras da criança tiveram variação de altura reconhecidas como diferentes atos de fala, e apenas aos 1;6 mapeamos uma expansão de tons, com variações ascendentes, descendentes, ascendentes-descendentes e descendentes-ascendentes em sua fala.
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This study is devoted to the multilayered and controversial problem of multiculturalism, in the context of national identity in the territory of modern Great Britain. The article deals with the problems of the transformation of the linguistic and cultural components of the life of the country, and the perception and acceptance of ethnic diversity by the population of Britain. Particular attention is paid to the emergence of new varieties of the English language - ethnolects and multiethnolects, resulting from the relationship between different ethnic groups in the context of multiculturalism. In the article, the author gives examples that testify to the fiasco of multiculturalism and reflects on the social and linguistic aspects of the process of integrating non-racial, non-religious migrants into European and, in particular, English society. The paper considers such a phenomenon as the “cancellation culture” of the white race. The questions of the formation of a hybrid identity are touched upon, as well as concerns are expressed about the possible negative impact of the osternization of Europe.
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In this highly developed technological world, newspapers and news shows have mostly been replaced by online news. The world-renowned news agencies, as well as social media platforms, report their news online, providing information to the public. However, readers are sometimes disappointed to find a misleading headline with quite different web content. This deceiving technique called clickbait uses ambiguity to provoke the user into clicking a link. The present article explores the sociolinguistic strategies employed in Armenian and English clickbait headlines by bloggers, vloggers, and news reporters. The study aims at revealing how language is manipulated to engage and persuade users in online media. The exploration conducted from a sociolinguistic perspective unveils the intricate interplay between language, culture, and societal norms in English and Armenian clickbait headlines. The findings contribute to the understanding of how linguistic styles, word choices, and persuasive techniques vary across different languages and cultures. It also emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between clickbait and regular headlines, as well as the potential impact of clickbait on trust and reader engagement in the digital media landscape.
Объект исследования – иноязычное образование в средних и высших учебных заведениях Крыма конца XX – начала XXI вв. Цель исследования: системно-исторический, ретроспективный, современный и предиктивный анализ состояния развития иноязычного образования в средних и высших учебных заведениях Крыма конца XX – начала XXI вв. и актуализация их опыта в современных условиях. Для решения поставленной проблемы использовались теоретические, поисково-библиографические и исторические методы. В результате проведенного исследования была расширена сущность и структура понятия «иноязычное образование»; выявлены предпосылки и этапы развития иноязычного образования в исследуемый период; систематизированы и охарактеризованы содержание, формы и методы иноязычного образования в средних и высших учебных заведениях Крыма конца XX – начала XXI вв.; определены приоритетные направления развития иноязычного образования Крыма на современном этапе. Результаты исследования внедрялись в учебный процесс высших учебных заведений Республики Крым и г. Севастополя.
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p>Situasi paradoks di Indonesia di mana bahasa Inggris, meskipun merupakan bahasa internasional, tidak diwajibkan dalam kurikulum sekolah dasar, dan ditetapkan sebagai muatan lokal. Akibatnya, timbul kekhawatiran terkait kemampuan siswa dalam bahasa Inggris di jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi akibat perhatian yang kurang pada tingkat pendidikan dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kesadaran dan tanggapan sekolah dasar Islam terhadap bahasa Inggris yang dikategorikan sebagai tidak wajib, dukungan orang tua terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, pendekatan pengajaran yang efektif, dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh sekolah-sekolah ini terkait materi pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa sekolah-sekolah mengakui bahasa Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran yang tidak wajib, yang mengakibatkan kesulitan dalam transisi pendidikan menengah dan ujian masuk untuk pesantren. Studi ini menganjurkan pendekatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan 50% instruksi dalam bahasa Inggris mulai dari tingkat awal, dengan fokus pada ekspresi komunikatif sehari-hari. Tantangan termasuk kurangnya guru yang mahir dalam bahasa Inggris dan materi yang sesuai dengan syari’at dan prinsip-prinsip Islam, menandakan perlunya solusi komprehensif dalam pendidikan bahasa Inggris di tingkat dasar.</p
A note to our readers: What you are about to read is the result of three-way, organic conversations on queering Australian English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classrooms undertaken by three practitioner researchers working in Australian higher education. Bri, Julian, and Leonardo embody various gender identities (cis-gender, non-binary), ethnicities (White, Asian, Latino), use a variety of pronouns (she/her, they/them, he/him), and come from diverse disciplinary backgrounds (history, social science, applied linguistics, TESOL). Together, we explore and unpack how our teaching is shaping, and is shaped by, our intersectional identities and lived experiences with an awareness of the great need for LGBTQIA+ inclusive education in Australia.
Transformasi kehidupan abad 21 makin mengubah pola komunikasi masyarakat menuju komunikasi virtual berbasis siber. Platform Instagram menjadi salah satu wahana ekspresi bahasa yang sebagian besar digunakan oleh Generasi Y/Milenial kelahiran 1981-1995. Tantangan terbesar dalam komunikasi berbasis siber ialah ketika identitas kultural yang melekat dalam penggunaan bahasa (salah satunya bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas yang berciri cablaka) harus dihadapkan pada ekosistem siber. Inilah problematik bahasa di media sosial. Penelitian ini berfokus pada penjelasan konstruksi identitas Banyumasan dalam komunikasi di Instagram, sebagai fenomena pemertahanan bahasa di satu segi dan fenomena masyarakat global di segi yang lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui analisis konten digital dengan menggunakan observasi virtual sebagai taknik utamanya serta didukung dengan kajian dokumen digital dalam komunikasi siber. Secara metodologis, analisis data akan dilakukan menggunakan model alir dengan mencakup tiga alir terpadu, yaitu: (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) verifikasi. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi teoretik berupa pemetaan ruang berbahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas (BJB) dalam platform Instagram, konstruksi baru identitas Banyumasan dalam penggunaan bahasa di ruang virtual, dan eksistensi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumasan di media sosial. Secara praktis, hasil penelitian ini dapat memberi kontribusi langsung bagi masyarakat Banyumas, para peneliti bahasa, serta Badan Perlindungan dan Pengembangan Bahasa dalam upaya pemertahanan kekayaan kultural pada era industri 4.0. The transformation of life in the 21st century is increasingly changing people's communication patterns towards cyber-based virtual communication. The Instagram platform is a vehicle for language expression, which is mostly used by Generation Y/Millennials born in 1981-1995. The biggest challenge in cyber-based communication is when the cultural identity inherent in the use of language (one of which is the Banyumas Javanese dialect which is characterized by cablaka) must be faced with the cyber ecosystem. This is the language problem in social media. This study focuses on explaining the construction of Banyumasan identity in communication on Instagram, as a phenomenon of language defense on the one hand and a phenomenon of global society on the other. This study uses a qualitative approach through digital content analysis using virtual observation as the main technique and is supported by the study of digital documents in cyber communication. Methodologically, data analysis will be carried out using a flow model that includes three integrated flows, namely: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) verification. This research provides a theoretical contribution in the form of mapping the Javanese language space with the Banyumas dialect (BJB) on the Instagram platform, the new construction of the Banyumasan identity in the use of language in virtual spaces, and the existence of the Banyumasan Javanese dialect on social media. Practically, the results of this study can make a direct contribution to the Banyumas community, language researchers, and the Language Protection and Development Agency in an effort to maintain cultural wealth in the industrial era 4.0.
The phenomenon of negation is part of perception and a universal property of all human languages. The focus of this study lies on morphological, syntactic and lexical negation, with the main goal to determine how they are perceived in terms of the degree of negativity by English language and literature students (N=91). The main administered instrument was the Polarity scale, comprising utterances with the three broad types of negation. The obtained results were analysed via IBM SPSS 21. Overall, the sample evaluated the affixal–syntactic negation pairs fairly equally, as negative or mildly negative. On the aggregate scores, though, the affixal negation (Neg. pref. + Adj) was evaluated more negatively than the syntactic one (not + Adj). The participants evaluated the absolute negative never more positively than its semantics implies (as negative only), and semi-negatives, and negated frequency and quantity adverbs were rated quite evenly. In future studies, we propose the use of utterances with inanimate subjects in addition, as well as replication in different cultural settings to check whether there are culturally induced differences or else cognitive similarity.
Teaching Pride Forward takes queer theory, activism, and practice in new directions. Allyship is complex and multifaceted. How can you, as an ally in the English language teaching field, work effectively and productively on behalf of your LGBTQ+ students and colleagues? How can you be thoughtful and reflective about your commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access? This book explores how allies advocate for equal rights for humans, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity. With 11 inspirational chapters contributed by educators in varied contexts from around the world, this book offers readers a thoughtful combination of theory, on-the-ground research, advocacy, and practice. The authors cover important, timely topics, such as: What an ally is and does Developing responsive practices to engage with LGBTQ+ learners Acknowledging students’ identities Future directions for research, practice, and activism We are all learning, together Teaching Pride Forward will show you how to further diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility for and with LGBTQ+ community members in our field and in the world.
At present, great importance is paid to the stabilization of terms and term formation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The terms of the business sphere are constructed based on Greek and Latin languages and spread around the world through English. Newly proposed terms in the field of business should be supported in terms of structure meaning and systematization by the state and from the point of linguistics. In this direction, the main goal of the research is to determine the models of term formation by making a comparative analysis of the word-formation of Kazakh and English business terminology. Contrastive analysis of Kazakh business terms with English language, a representative of European languages, helped to reveal the peculiarities of our language. The structural-componential analysis and contrastive methods were used in the course of the research. The statistical data analysis of business terminology dictionaries determined that most of the business terminology in the Kazakh language consists of international terms. The main results of the research include the identification of structural similarities and differences in Kazakh and English business terminology. At the same time, analysis of ways of creating Kazakh and English business terminology and morphological and syntactic models allowed us to group the original terminology of the Kazakh language according to the linguistic elements of the mother tongue. There is an opportunity to apply research materials and terminological models for researchers in the field of business terminology, lexicographers, and special terminology courses.
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The tenor and effort-efficient acquisition of a foreign language sound system remain firmly rooted outside the realms of seamless decryption and readily accessible discenment. The English phonemic repository appears consigned to the preserve of the elect loath to give up the prerogative thus forcing the proverbial hand and pace of the non-native many set off againt the relative native few. The notion of a 'good' accent is often disingenuously relegated to a less pertinent rung of L2 learning, but the contention does remain incintroverible, as evidenced by the routinely unspoken hauteur of those 'in the know', that if one does not move in the same articulatory circles, when the music stops, and stop it shall, if no chair is hastily procured, the one left standing is simply discarded and labelled as not part of the old boy network or the inner circle of appropriacy wihout the perquisite to sit in linguistic judgement. Hope, however, is far from lost. As Percy Bysshe Shelley's The Masque of Anarchy adapted line reads 'We are many, they are few'. Solace should be found in this assertion, but equlity and prestige as well, and in no small measure at that. The paper will delve into the liminal recesses of English pronunciation as generated by L2 English spakers. A germane transcription corpus shall serve as the lynchpin of exemplification for the purpose of an apposite analysis and theoretical discussion.
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Against the background of comparatively insufficient, expressly dedicated studies on double particle verb person nominalisations, this paper offers a qualitative, cognitive-constructionist approach to the properties of doubler-upper nominalisations of particle verbs in English and a reappraisal of some of the available analyses thereof. On the assumption of the validity of the flexicon stance on the organisation of words in the human mind, and on the basis of a preliminary semantic analysis of 300 types of doubler-upper nouns extracted from two corpora and Urban Dictionary, it is claimed that there are no identifiable constraints on the possibility of double-er marking over any of the positionally specified single markings and no particular properties of particle verbs as bases to preclude double -er marking. A hypothesis is formulated that, despite their deviance, doubler-uppers strike the optimal balance between complexity and unity and appear to be the most natural and morphophonologically best-fitting pattern for particle verb -er nominalisation (at least in spoken discourse and the media).
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La incidencia de la incorrecta localización del acento léxico en el marco de ELF Resumen La noción de inteligibilidad se ha transformado en un eje central en los estudios de en-señanza de la pronunciación de lenguas extranjeras. En este trabajo limitamos el significado del término inteligibilidad a las características propias del signo de habla, es decir, el grado a través del cual el correlato acústico-fonético es reconocible por el oyente. En este sentido, inteligibilidad forma parte de un constructo más amplio dentro del fenómeno de la com-prensibilidad. El propósito de este estudio es identificar variaciones fonológicas que produ-cen rupturas en el discurso hablado espontáneo en interacciones entre hablantes de inglés no-nativos de diferentes nacionalidades. Un estudiante de China y otro de Bangladés com-pletaron una tarea comunicativa en inglés. La conversación fue grabada, transcripta y anali-zada utilizando la "Lingua Franca Core" (Jenkins 2000). Los resultados demostraron que el incorrecto emplazamiento del acento léxico resultó ser la mayor causa de ruptura en la comunicación. Dada la relevancia de este aspecto prosódico en el plano comunicacional, proponemos la necesidad de incorporar el tratamiento del acento léxico al listado de ítems fonológicos sugerido por Jenkins en su LFC para su enseñanza y aprendizaje. 1. Marco teórico Una de las consecuencias que tuvo la globalización fue el desplazamiento de las barreras lingüísticas que en un momento separaban al mundo. Este fenómeno trajo aparejado la necesidad de contar con una lengua universal que funcione co-mo un nexo para establecer una comunicación fluida entre las diferentes comuni-dades lingüísticas. Este contexto contribuyó a que el inglés se diseminara paulati-namente alrededor del mundo hasta adquirir un protagonismo internacional, y convertirse en la lengua franca de nuestros tiempos. A la fecha, más de 350 millones de anglo-parlantes no-nativos utilizan el inglés para comunicarse en diferentes escenarios y áreas tales como el comercio, la in-dustria, la ciencia y la educación (Graddol 2996). Para que estos hablantes puedan interactuar efectivamente entre sí, la inteligibilidad fonológica debe ser garantiza-da. Entendemos a la inteligibilidad no solamente como la producción y reconoci-miento de las propiedades formales de las palabras y enunciados sino también co-mo la habilidad de producir y percibir las formas fonológicas. Este último aspecto es un requisito indispensable para que el inglés como lengua franca funcione exi
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Nobody can argue that language does not undergo changes. Language is not static but on the contrary it is alive and it is on a path of constant shifts and changes. English is no exception. There have been substantial changes in the pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, so too have been substantial changes in every other aspect of the structure of the English language. Fundamental changes were brought by the Middle English period in the English language. Many Old English grammatical features were simplified or disappeared. The process of gradual development from the highly synthetic language of the Old English period to the analytic language of the Late Middle English and Modern English period can be observed through the reduction of inflections. However, my paper is concentrated only on some of the inflectional changes (such as: gender in nouns was lost, the number of cases was diminished, the morphological division into stems or types of declension disappeared) that the nominal system underwent from the Old English period to the Middle English period. Furthermore, it describes the process of reduction of inflections in nouns in Middle English period and observes its advancement through the course of the period.
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The current study aimed to pragmatically explore the deviation from Leech's (2014) politeness maxims in the former president of the US Donald Trump's political speeches. A qualitative approach was followed to collect and analyze the data. Two oral documents; an interview and a speech that were taken from YouTube were adopted in this study as an instrumentation. These documents, which were selected purposively to saturate the data, were Trump's interview with Fox News Channel reporters, Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier in Scranton on March 6, 2020, and Trump's direct speech to the crowd in Illinois on June 25, 2022, in support of his candidates to win the Congressional election. A discourse analysis method was used to examine the data. The findings showed that Trump from the maxims to convince the people that his opponents are unacceptable, elect Trump's candidates, influence the crowd to change their views of the world, ruin his rivals' image, show his period as the US president incomparable and better than any US presidents, deny accountability, reject to release others from blame, influence the public that the election was stolen to invoke wrath among his supporters, express his hatred towards others, and vent his own feelings to make people sympathetic to him.
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The paper addresses the issue related to the functioning of terminological elements in the metalanguage of legal linguistics. The study aims to identify the semantic features of the term “genre” functioning in legal-linguistic discourse. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the term “genre” has become the subject of research taking into consideration its functioning in a new scientific discourse, i.e., legal-linguistic discourse, for the first time. The term “genre” is quite often encountered in theoretical texts, as well as in research materials, i.e., in texts of a practical nature. The meanings embedded in the term “genre” are examined and analyzed, specifically those from explanatory and specialized linguistic dictionaries. The results of the study show that a new semantic charge has been discovered in legal-linguistic discourse, which is not recorded in any of the existing definitions to date, namely, the meaning of the method of analyzing linguistic material, providing the opportunity for interpreting not only explicit but also implicit semantic charge of the data presented for analysis.
The paper focuses on the cultural component in teaching the English language to students specializing in English, Journalism and Law. This is a case study where the authors pursued the following aims:1) to fi nd out culturally sensitive spheres where students need more attention; 2) to evaluate the level of students’ cultural competence; 3) to outline the ways of coping with diffi culties; 4) to work out recommendations to eliminate the diffi culties. A mixed procedure was elaborated based on open and closed questionnaires carried out among senior students at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Forty-seven students majoring in English, 42 – in Journalism and 52 – in Law were involved in the research carried out in the autumn term of 2020. The results of the survey show that students are fully aware of the necessity to develop cultural competence. The contrastive approach revealed diff erent culturally sensitive spheres for students of three groups. The research discloses the necessity to integrate more deeply cultural studies into the curricula of specialties under investigation. Key words: culturally sensitive sphere, English, journalism, law, teaching, ELT.
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Language is used as a means of communication in social intercourse. It can be used to propose one’s ideas, deliver particular messages, and to express emotions. One of many ways of using language is by producing swear word. Swear word is an offensive word which often used to express humiliation, anger and any other tense emotions. This study concerns with the descriptive analysis and function of swear word found in some Hollywood films like Fast and Furious 6, Suicide Squad, Bad Boys II, and Deadpool. This study was aimed at examining the use of swear word in the movies with different topics and characters. The objectives if this study were to find out the how many using swear word in the movies. This study was conducted by descriptive qualitative method. The source of data was transcript the movies.
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This paper explores the common path of sentence negation patterning in the Early West Germanic languages. The intention is to determine the general set of markers, which realize the negation pattern. Our assumption is that West Germanic languages, as it has been shown in many papers, contrast with East Germanic and North Germanic languages in negation marking. Our aim is to determine the status of the grammatical phenomenon in question within the suggested period. Assuming that all West Germanic languages share a similar sentence negation pattern, we lay special emphasis on their structural characteristics. We also hypothesize that the gradual changes of this period were occurring due to the general rearrangement of these language systems, which incurred the elimination of the redundant elements. According to Jespersen’s Cycle, all the languages under consideration exhibited multiple negation, i.e., the phenomenon of negative concord (NEG-concord). The latter implies that the preverbal negative particles were removed from the negation construction due both to their weakening and to the rise of the new supportive element, which originated from the independent structural unit wiht ‘thing’. The rise of the supportive element in the Early West Germanic languages is considered to be a part of the Common Germanic NEG-concord pattern. This lexical-grammatical element turned out to be the one that permitted further elimination of multiple negation in the West Germanic languages. Key words: negation, Old Germanic languages, negative concord, grammaticalization, grammatical redundancy
English is the most widely acknowledged global language communicated across the nations for formal and social use. This paper attempts to highlight how Corporate and New Englishes are used for employability and survival purposes worldwide. As Computerization and the Internet has accustomed the twenty first century world order, English language has been instrumental for gaining knowledge and success of any individuals and further it encompasses the development of elite society. This study reviews how corporate communication has positioned English language as a leading mainstream to root from education to the industry and in turn surging the role of English as a global language. This paper examines how the emergence of global English has accelerated and promoted the professional, societal, and cultural exchanges today. Further, this study implies that the perennial role and use of English in education, research, industry, communication, and the media has made it an indispensable language for global communication.
This Element offers a comprehensive account of the unprecedented spread of English as a global language by taking historical, sociolinguistic, and pedagogical perspectives. To realize this mission, it opens with an accessible discussion of the historical trajectory of the English language with qualitative and quantitative connections to its contemporary diversity in terms of forms, roles, functions, uses, users, and contexts of English as a global and multilingual franca. Built upon this synchronic-diachronic symbiosis, the discussion is complemented by an overview of major analytical paradigms and trends that promote systematical scrutiny of the English language and its sociolinguistic and educational implications. It ends by showcasing instructional practices, recommendations, reflective questions, and future directions for language educators to revamp their beliefs, commitments, and practices considering the changing needs and realities of the present-day global sociolinguistic ecology and individuals therein.
One of the results of international cooperation and competitiveness is the need to remove the language barrier between its participants. In accordance with this, ensuring the mastery of a foreign language for free communication is the most important task of the education system at the present stage of development. In the proposed article, dialogical speech activity is considered as a necessary component for the formation of students ' foreign language communicative competence, which is one of the main goals of teaching a foreign language in a modern university. The article considers the characteristics and features of dialogical speech activity, the importance of speaking as a type of speech activity. The relevance of the research is related to the use of two types of teaching dialogical speech activity: deductive and inductive. Teaching foreign language dialogical speech activities should be systematic, purposeful, as close as possible to the conditions of real reality, which contributes to achieving a positive result in teaching a foreign language. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the application of the method of dialogical speech activity in teaching a foreign language at the present stage, taking into account trends towards international intercultural interaction.
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There is one principal point in which linguists differ from other people: they will marvel at things that other people take for granted. And indeed, who would ever stop to think about the little 'prefixating' syllable ge-, which the Germans and the Dutch utter so frequently, while the English are entirely unaware of it? It will be worthy of note what the reasons are like that the prefix is now missing in our tongue. Is it only due to purely phonetic circumstances, as linguists have often claimed? The present article is meant to show that the more plausible explanation lies in certain facts of semantic and syntactic character: the most substantial changes are believed to be the ones that took place in the system of inflection, word order, and so-called phrasal verbs. All this discussion is framed into a larger sociolinguistic context; here the issues of language contact and diglossia seem to have played the most important role. Introducing the issue We have always been fascinated by the frequency that ga-as an unaccented prefix showed in Gothic. Just in one single Verse 11 by St. Mark, Ch. 14, it appears four (!) times: Iþ eis gaháusjandans fagin d dun jah gahaíháitun imma faíhu giban; jah s kida hwáiwa gatilaba ina gal wid di. 1 Old English texts, too, are abundant in this prefix, in the form ge-, of course, but it is difficult to say for certain whether its frequency was or was not gradually decreasing. Yet it is for sure that it does not exist in Modern English and that it was on retreat as early as in Middle English. As Clerk (129) has it, in its (for laymen) indiscernible form y-/ i-it existed no longer than till Late Middle English or Early New English. Thus in Chaucer, 2 for example, we read: And the yonge sonne | Hath in the Ram his halfcours yronne; Well nyne and twenty in a compaignye | Of sondry folk by aventure yfalle| In felaweshipe; At mete wel ytaught was she with alle; Y-clothed was she fresh, for to devyse; And whan the fox saugh that he was y-gon| Allas! quod he…; The mone shoon| men mighte wel y-see… , etc.
A large and growing body of literature has investigated the standardization process of the English language in the Late Modern English period (Auer 939–948, Percy 55–79, Tieken-Boon van Ostade 37–51), with various factors contributing to it, such as the printing press, spelling reforms, normative grammars and dictionaries. In the process of standardization, which “involves the suppression of the optional variability” in a language(Milroy and Milroy 6, original emphasis), prescriptivism played a crucial role, and it has been argued that, by the early eighteenth century, English spelling had become standardized and stable (Scragg 80). However, Tieken-Boon van Ostade points out that in the eighteenth century two spelling systems coexisted, i.e., a public and a private one (11). The present study provides additional evidence to the existing knowledge of the topic through the analysis of the spelling and punctuation system of the text in London, Wellcome Library, MS 3731, aneighteenth-century collection of medical instructions and cookery recipes. By means of the study of contractions, superscript letters, capitalization and line breaks, this article unveils new insights into the variability and characteristics of the spelling and punctuation system in this period. The findings provide valuable evidence and enrich our understanding of the broader standardization process in English historical linguistics.
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The apostrophe was introduced into the English orthographic system by the mid sixteenth century as a printer's mark especially designed ‘for the eye rather than for the ear’ (Sklar 1976: 175; Little 1986: 15). Whereas the uses of the apostrophe today are limited to the Saxon genitive construction ( the woman's book ), to verbal contractions ( you'll ‘you will’ or you're ‘you are’) and to other formulaic expressions ( o'clock ), its early uses also included other cases of elision and some abbreviated words (Parkes 1992: 55‒6; Beal 2010a: 58). Among this plethora of uses, perhaps one of the most distinctive functions of this symbol is the indication of the genitive construction, which has no full form in Present-day English after the progressive extinction of the genitive case affix. Such a development could have also happened in the regular past morpheme, but its outcome differed, as it continues to be spelled out today. The present article is then concerned with the standardisation of the apostrophe in the English orthographic system in the period 1600–1900 and pursues the following objectives: (a) to study the use and omission of the apostrophe in the expression of the past tense, the genitive case and the nominative plural in the period; (b) to assess the relationship between the three uses and their likely connections; and (c) to evaluate the likely participation of grammarians in the adoption and the rejection of each of these phenomena in English. The source of evidence for this corpus-based study comes from A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers (ARCHER 3.2, Denison & Yáñez-Bouza 2013), sampling language use in different genres and text types in the historical period 1700–1900. Additionally, the Early English Books Online corpus (EEBO, Davies 2017) has also been used as material to investigate the early uses of the possessive apostrophe in the late sixteenth century. A preliminary data analysis confirms the second half of the seventeenth century as the period that saw the definite rise of the genitive apostrophe in English, refuting the early assumptions which considered it to be an eighteenth-century development (Crystal 1995: 68; Lukač 2014: 3). The results also suggest that this phenomenon was to some extent associated with the decline of the apostrophe in other environments, more particularly in the expression of the regular past tense forms. Moreover, there seems to be no indication that standardisation emerged from linguistic prescription; instead, grammars seem to have been shaped after use.
Legal English is known as a complex language system characterized by the use of formal terminology, complex syntax and a complicated style of writing. However, over the last 40 years legal English has been undergoing reforms which were initiated by the proponents of the Plain English Campaign. The main goal of this movement has been to simplify legal language, in particular the language of legal acts, for the purpose of making it equally comprehensible to both legal experts and ordinary citizens. This paper gives a brief overview of the most significant reforms that have taken place in the sphere of verb phrase focusing on the „deletion“ of the modal shall and the reduction of passive sentences, which are nowadays considered widely recognized rules in the drafting of not only British but also legal acts of all the English-speaking jurisdictions. Keywords: Plain English Campaign, verb phrase, legal acts, reform, shall, passive voice
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The paper presents the results of the phonopragmatic analysis of the communicative styles of BA students in teaching and CELTA candidates. The focus is made on classroom management and prosodic characteristics used in the speech of two groups of non-native informants. We aim to find the connection of speakers’ national identity and language teaching. Regarding pronunciation as part of a person’s identity, the authors carry out a comparative analysis of English and Russian cultures and examine linguistic and paralinguistic expression of national indexical features in communication. Singling out the strategies that allow teachers to carry out classroom interactions with their students, identifying the correlation of classroom interaction language and speech prosody with politeness strategies provide the novelty of the research. We clearly stated that conventionality of classroom language discourse varied at the level of prosody and reflected national specific characteristics in the speech of a foreign language teacher. Due to perceptive and analytical methods of analysis, we recognized that CELTA candidates follow standardized teaching framework requirements, whilst future language teachers demonstrate the influence of native language interference to a greater degree. The findings show that the tendencies that reveal the status inequality in classroom interactions between teachers and students are in the choice of prosodic features and language construction. University students in teaching realize strategies of positive politeness culture typical of their own Russian culture; in the group of CELTA candidates the level of phonetic competence and personal experience is higher thus they choose phonetic features characteristic of negative politeness culture.
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The current study constitutes a comprehensive review of the field of World Englishes. In addition to delineating the evolving linguistic landscape, it undertakes an examination of international English models, with a particular focus on their pedagogical applications and implications. Furthermore, it delves into the characterization of Pakistani English within the framework of these models. Kachru's 1984 conception of World Englishes, which underscores the diverse sociolinguistic contexts in which English is utilized, challenges the longstanding assumption of a singular, standardized English. The review critically surveys a wide spectrum of theories that elucidate the global utilization of English in its multifaceted forms. The review encompasses various theoretical frameworks, commencing with Strevens' World Map of English and extending to Haswell's Global Model of English. Through a meticulous analysis, it dissects their conceptual foundations, intellectual lineage, and practical significance. Furthermore, the review examines the intricate sociolinguistic processes that shape the Beyond the Standard: Exploring Models and Dynamics of World Englishes.. . LinFo 57 Linguistic Forum 5(1), 2023 emergence and evolution of World Englishes. Ultimately, the review posits the idea that the era of a single, monolithic standard of English has given way to the development of regional standards. Consequently, it underscores the imperative for policymakers to take cognizance of these findings and tailor English Language Teaching curricula to reflect the distinctive features of local English varieties.
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Türkçede sözcükler arasında anlamsal ilişkiler kuran sözcük türü olarak tanımlanan ilgeçler, alan yazınında dil bilgisel sözcük ya da enklitik sözcüğü gibi terimlerle karşılanmıştır. Çoğunlukla son çekim edatı olarak kabul edilen için ilgeci ise araştırmacılar tarafından farklı terimler eşliğinde tanımlanarak bu ilgecin amaç, hedef, dolaylılık gibi anlamları kodladığı dile getirilmiştir. Ancak hem sözcük türü olarak ilgeçlerin hem de için ilgecinin derlem tabanlı eşdizimlilik örüntülerini yorumlayan bir araştırma kuramsal art alanda mevcut değildir. İlgeç kategorisinde karşılaşılan zorlukların telafisinde eşdizimlilik örüntülerinin ve dolayısıyla derlem temelli araştırmaların önemli olduğunu varsayan bu çalışmada, öncelikle sözcük türü olarak ilgeç ve Türkçede için ilgecine dair alan yazını özetlenmiş, ardından derlemden elde edilen eşdizimlilik verileri eylem ve ad tabanlı olmak üzere iki ana başlıkta yorumlanmış ve sonuç kısmında için ilgecinden yola çıkarak ilgeçler ve ilgili oldukları diğer dil bilgisel kategoriler hakkında çeşitli çıkarımlar yapılmıştır. Alan yazınındaki probleme için ilgeci ile çözüm önerileri getiren bu çalışmada, Türkçe Ulusal Derlem'de için ilgecinin eşdizimlilik örüntüleri, eylem ve ad tabanlı örüntüler olarak sınıflandırılmış ve Türkçede için ilgecinin hem anlamsal hem sözdizimsel hem de söylemsel bir işlemci olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları doğrultusunda Türkçede için ilgeci, ana ve yan tümceyi neden-sonuç, amaç-sonuç ve istek bakımından birbirine bağlayan; basit tümce sınırları içinde tümleçleri yükleme yönelme, amaç, neden ve ilgi bakımından bağlayan; kimi durumlarda ise işaret adıllarıyla birlikte söylemdeki iki bağımsız tümceyi artgönderimsel olarak birbirine bağlayan bir ilgeçtir. Türkçede için ilgeci nedeniyle, amacıyla, dolayısıyla, isteğiyle, karşın, göre ilgeçleri ve yönelme durum biçimbirimi (+A) ile de anlamsal ve biçimsel bakımdan kesişme göstermektedir.
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