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Stiff person syndrome presenting with sudden onset of shortness of breath and difficulty moving the right arm: A case report


Abstract and Figures

First described in 1956, stiff person syndrome is characterized by episodes of slowly progressive stiffness and rigidity in both the paraspinal and limb muscles. Although considered a rare disorder, stiff person syndrome is likely to be under-diagnosed due to a general lack of awareness of the disease in the medical community. A 27-year-old Hispanic woman presented to our emergency department with a sudden onset of shortness of breath and difficulty moving her right arm. Her physical examination was remarkable in that her abdomen was firm to palpation and her right upper extremity was rigid on passive and active ranges of motion. Her right fingers were clenched in a fist. Her electromyography findings were consistent with stiff person syndrome in the right clinical setting. Stiff person syndrome is confirmed by testing for the anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody. Her test for this was positive. Stiff person syndrome may not be a common condition. However, if disregarded in the differential diagnosis, it can lead to several unnecessary tests being carried out causing a delay in treatment. This case report reveals some of the characteristic features of stiff person syndrome with an atypical presentation.
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Goodson et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:118
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BioMed Central
© 2010 Goodson et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Case report
Stiff person syndrome presenting with sudden
onset of shortness of breath and difficulty moving
the right arm: a case report
Bradley Goodson
, Kate Martin*
and Thomas Hunt
Introduction: First described in 1956, stiff person syndrome is characterized by episodes of slowly progressive stiffness
and rigidity in both the paraspinal and limb muscles. Although considered a rare disorder, stiff person syndrome is
likely to be under-diagnosed due to a general lack of awareness of the disease in the medical community.
Case presentation: A 27-year-old Hispanic woman presented to our emergency department with a sudden onset of
shortness of breath and difficulty moving her right arm. Her physical examination was remarkable in that her abdomen
was firm to palpation and her right upper extremity was rigid on passive and active ranges of motion. Her right fingers
were clenched in a fist. Her electromyography findings were consistent with stiff person syndrome in the right clinical
setting. Stiff person syndrome is confirmed by testing for the anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody. Her test for
this was positive.
Conclusion: Stiff person syndrome may not be a common condition. However, if disregarded in the differential
diagnosis, it can lead to several unnecessary tests being carried out causing a delay in treatment. This case report
reveals some of the characteristic features of stiff person syndrome with an atypical presentation.
In 1956, Moersch and Woltman of the Mayo Clinic
described an unusual condition of muscle stiffening and
difficulty walking. They coined it "stiff man syndrome"
[1]. A more appropriate name "stiff person syndrome
(SPS)" was later suggested, as the condition affects both
sexes, possibly more women than men. Although consid-
ered a rare disorder, SPS is under-diagnosed due to a gen-
eral lack of awareness in the medical community.
Patients with SPS usually experience a prodrome of
stiffness and rigidity in the axial muscles of their cervical
or lumbar spine. There is a gradual worsening and pro-
gression of the condition over time which involves the
proximal limb muscles. Pain may be an associated symp-
tom, but significant stiffness and rigidity are the classical
features of the disorder. Some symptoms are reported to
cause spinal deformities, such as exaggerated lumbar lor-
dosis [2]. Ambulation can be dangerous because the nor-
mal postural reflexes of patients become replaced by
stiffness, thus placing them at greater risk of fractures.
Sometimes, the severity of proximal limb muscle stiffness
can overwhelm that of the axial muscles, leading to pre-
senting symptoms of arm or leg rigidity. Such a case is
described in this report.
Case presentation
A 27-year-old Hispanic woman presented to the Univer-
sity Medical Center Emergency Department in Las Vegas,
Nevada with a sudden onset of shortness of breath and
increased difficulty in moving her right arm. She
reported that during the evening prior to her presenta-
tion, she was lying down when she began to experience
shortness of breath with worsening right-arm weakness.
She also reported that for the past two months her arm
weakness was characterized as having limited strength
and range of motion. She also complained of chest pains
that were localized behind her sternum. The pain was
characterized as a pressure sensation that was non-radi-
ating. She did not have any aggravating or relieving fac-
tors. Pertinent positive findings included nausea,
* Correspondence:
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Nevada
School of Medicine, Fire Mesa Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89128, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Goodson et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:118
Page 2 of 5
palpitations and lightheadedness. Pertinent negative
symptoms included no loss of consciousness, headache,
vomiting, diarrhea, or vertigo.
Our patient had been evaluated in the same emergency
department two months prior to this presentation for
right-arm weakness and dysphasia. During her prior
admission to the emergency department, she had
received multiple MRI studies of her brain and cervical
spine. A previous MRI of her brain had been unremark-
able but an MRI of her cervical spine had indicated some
mild cervical canal narrowing secondary to end-plate
changes and chronic kyphotic changes. At the time of her
previous admission, she was diagnosed with hemiplegic
migraine headache.
A systemic review of our patient was non-contributory
except for an associated dry cough. She denied having a
history of headaches or migraine headaches. Her vital
signs were stable, and she was afebrile, not tachycardic,
not tachypneic, and normotensive. She appeared anxious
during her physical examination. She also reported being
right-handed. Her cardiac and pulmonary examinations
were unremarkable. There were no murmurs on cardiac
auscultation noted during her examination, and there
were no wheezes, rales or rhonchi while auscultating her
Her physical examination was remarkable in that her
abdomen was firm to palpation and her right upper
extremity was rigid on passive and active ranges of
motion. Her right fingers were clenched in a fist (Figure
1). When her fingers were passively extended the digits
spontaneously recoiled to the flexed and fist position
(Figure 2). Neurologically, she exhibited some dysarthria,
but her cranial nerves were intact.
She demonstrated five of the five muscle strength glob-
ally, despite exhibiting pain while we were assessing the
strength of her right hand. Her deep tendon reflexes were
1+ globally. While testing deep tendon reflexes we
noticed that her left leg was unshaven compared to her
right leg. She reported that because her hand was con-
stantly in a fist position she had been unable to shave her
left leg. The position sensations of both her great toes
were intact.
Our patient was placed under observation to rule out
acute coronary syndrome. Results of her initial routine
laboratory tests and chest X-ray were unremarkable.
Because she was complaining of shortness of breath, the
emergency room physicians ordered a computed tomog-
raphy angiogram (CTA) of her chest to rule out pulmo-
nary embolism, and the results came back negative. She
then underwent a cardiac stress test and a serial troponin
and cardiac enzyme test. Results of her stress test and
cardiac enzyme tests were negative. Because of her past
diagnosis of hemiplegic migraine headache and her per-
Figure 1 Image of our patient's right arm demonstrating fingers
in a fist-like position.
Figure 2 An image of our patient's right arm revealing spontane-
ous recoil of fingers to the flexed and fist positions following pas-
sive extension.
Goodson et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:118
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sistent symptoms and dysarthria, a neurology consulta-
tion was requested. In addition, because her symptoms
did not have an obvious explanation, a psychiatric consult
was also ordered to rule out a factitious disorder, a con-
version disorder or malingering.
The consulting psychiatrist reported that her symp-
toms were not due to a factitious or conversion disorder.
It was also noted that she was not malingering, and her
symptoms were not due to an adjustment disorder. Her
level of anxiety was noted as appropriate.
Meanwhile, her consulting neurologist ordered an array
of laboratory and imaging studies because her clinical
presentation and history did not follow the pattern of
hemiplegic migraine. A vascular, rheumatological, coagu-
lopathy, or autoimmune disorder was further investi-
gated, as the etiology for her symptoms for these
possibilities could not be ruled out.
To rule out vascular etiology as a cause of her symp-
toms, she underwent a variety of imaging studies includ-
ing magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) of her neck
with and without contrast, two separate MRIs of her
brain with and without contrast, an MRA of her head
without contrast, and a CTA of her head. The results of
the imaging studies found no cause for her spastic right
upper extremity. However, incidental findings included a
germ cell tumor in her pineal region, a narrowing of her
left internal carotid artery, and a 9 mm slightly enhancing
macroadenoma of the pituitary.
Meanwhile, the following tests were ordered to rule out
a coagulopathy: protein C deficiency, protein S defi-
ciency, factor V Leiden, factor II 20210, anti-cardiolipin
antibody studies, anti-thrombin III, factor II and fibrino-
gen levels, and all were all within the normal limits. In
addition, results of the following rheumatology labora-
tory tests were normal: sedimentation rate, C-reactive
protein, and rheumatoid factor levels. As for autoimmune
laboratory testing, her anti-double-stranded DNA was
above the normal limit with a value of 5. Her anti-nuclear
antibody (ANA) was positive, and the ANA titer was
1:320 and speckled.
With the above laboratory results and the clinical pre-
sentation of our patient, the possibility of an autoimmune
disorder was high. Our patient was informed of these
findings and their implications. She was started on a
medication of one gram Solu-Medrol (methylpredniso-
lone sodium succinate) infused over 24 hours for five
consecutive days. On the second day of her five-day treat-
ment, her consulting neurologist also ordered a lumbar
puncture and electromyography (EMG). However, the
lumbar puncture was unsuccessful because she was
unable to keep still during the procedure.
Meanwhile, EMG testing was performed in her right
upper extremity muscles, including the dorsal
interosseous, pronator teres, pectoral radialis, biceps, tri-
ceps, deltoid and opponens pollicis. In all the muscles
tested, frequent involuntary runs of motor units (contin-
uous motor unit activity) were identified. Through limb
repositioning, her resting activity was studied, revealing
absent fibrillations or positive waves. EMG testing of all
the muscles involved resulted in normal motor unit mor-
phology and normal recruitment. There was no evidence
of myokymic or neuromyotonic discharges. Her EMG
findings were consistent with SPS in the right clinical set-
ting. With this information, her Solu-Medrol (methyl-
prednisolone sodium succinate) treatment was
The confirmatory test for SPS, anti-glutamic acid
decarboxylase (GAD) antibody, was ordered. However,
because the test had to be sent to the Mayo Clinic in
Rochester, Minnesota, it took two weeks to receive the
results. While waiting for the results, our patient was
started on the accepted recommended therapy for SPS:
baclofen 10 mg orally three times per day for spasticity, as
well as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for five days
to increase her immune response. She was also started on
Klonopin (clonazepam) for her anxiety and 5/325 oxy-
codone/acetaminophen for pain.
Over the next five days she began to show clinical
improvement. Remarkable changes in her physical exam-
ination included a decrease in the spasticity of her right
arm, a renewed ability to extend the fingers of her right
hand, and an improvement in her dysarthria (Figures 3
and 4). Her abdominal muscles also became less firm. She
also received physical rehabilitation while in our hospital.
Because of the association between stiff person and para-
neoplastic syndromes, the appropriate laboratory investi-
gations for paraneoplastic syndrome were completed, for
which our patient's results were all negative.
Upon discharge she was referred to outpatient physical
therapy rehabilitation and a neurology follow-up
appointment. She also needed to take three medications
(baclofen, clonazepam and Percocet). Seven days after
her discharge we received the result of her anti-GAD
antibody examination, which was positive with a value of
3145 nmol/L (normal range is ≤ 0.02 nmol/L). It is impor-
tant to point out that the GAD antibody level is not useful
as a marker of disease severity or activity, or even as a
prognostic indicator. However, it is helpful from a diag-
nostic standpoint, as in our case. GAD antibody is highly
correlated with autoimmune conditions such as diabetes
and thyroid conditions. In our case, a thyroid-stimulating
hormone was in the normal range, fasting glucose was
less than 100 mg/dL, and our patient had no family his-
tory of autoimmune disorders. Hemoglobin A1C testing
was not performed on our patient, as her random blood
sugar levels were less than 200 mg/dL during the time of
her hospitalization.
Goodson et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:118
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Our case report illustrates an example of SPS with its
most prominent manifestation seen in the limb muscles.
A key feature of our patient's diagnosis was the occur-
rence of muscle spasms that were preceded by sudden
movement, loud noise or emotional stress, as described
in the literature [3]. Specific examples during our
patient's hospitalization that precipitated these episodes
included being awoken from sleep in the morning and
when the medical team entered her room for rounds, as
well as an intense fear that made her unable to tolerate a
lumbar puncture procedure. Autonomic dysfunction has
also been described in the literature. Our patient exhib-
ited some features of this when she had difficulty swal-
lowing, which may have been related to esophageal
dysmotility or laryngeal and pharyngeal spasms.
The manifestation of stiffness in an arm, as opposed to
the legs or the thoraco-lumbar spine, accompanied by
weakness is a peculiar presentation of SPS. However, we
feel that the multidisciplinary approach taken to arrive at
this diagnosis (neurology and psychiatry) helped us con-
sider many other possibilities.
A recent clinical follow-up on our patient revealed that
her symptoms are currently well controlled on a regimen
of oral diazepam 7.5 mg twice daily and oral baclofen 20
mg every six hours.
The GAD antibody is found in a number of neurologi-
cal conditions. One of the main inhibitory neurotrans-
mitters in the central nervous system, gamma-
aminobutyric acid (GABA), is regulated by GAD. A
decrease in function of the GAD enzyme can lead to less
available GABA and, subsequently, heightened stimula-
tion of muscles by motor neurons. The presence of GAD
antibodies explains part of this pathophysiological pro-
cess, because some patients with SPS are GAD antibody-
negative. However, GAD is not the only source of GABA.
There are other biochemical pathways involved in this
disorder that remain to be clarified.
The clinical associations of SPS with other disease pro-
cesses have been observed, including thyroid disorders,
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and epi-
Figure 3 Example of our patient's ability to actively extend fin-
gers of the right hand five days following the initiation of treat-
Figure 4 An image of our patient's right hand following passive
extension and without immediate recoil to the flexed position af-
ter five days of treatment.
Goodson et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:118
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lepsy. Much understanding has come from a positive
association with GAD antibodies. According to one study
[4], IDDM is the most thoroughly documented condition,
observed in 25% of patients presenting with SPS. Others
cite the figure closer to 60% [5].
Electromyography can be helpful in the diagnosis of
SPS, with the detection of continuous motor unit activity,
especially in the paraspinal muscles. MRI or CT scanning
of the brain is only indicated if there are focal deficits
detected on neurological examination, such as abnormal
reflexes or frontal lobe signs. However, many patients
with SPS will have already undergone extensive imaging
as other more common or life-threatening diagnoses
were initially being investigated.
First described by Howard in 1963, diazepam is a well-
established therapy for SPS [6]. In this case, our patient
was initially prescribed the long-acting benzodiazepine
relative, clonazepam, and showed an improvement with
this medication while she was still in our hospital. Not
surprisingly, she also benefited from a muscle relaxant.
As in this case, IVIG can be used as an adjunctive therapy
in patients with SPS [7]. Although many patients with
SPS may not be able to tolerate physical therapy, it was
fundamental to our patient's recovery. While weakness is
not a typical symptom of SPS, some patients may feel
weak and have difficulty with newly regained voluntary
movements and fine motor skills.
Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody that binds to the
CD20 antigen on B-lymphocytes, has been associated
with the long-term remission of SPS, described in a case
report from the UK [8]. This report describes a 41-year-
old woman with SPS who did not respond to the tradi-
tional treatments described above. However, two weeks
following the administration of rituximab, her stiffness
improved dramatically. Her remaining symptoms were
well controlled with low dosages of benzodiazepines, fol-
lowed by a repeated course of rituximab several weeks
later. A phase II clinical trial conducted by the National
Institutes of Health investigating the use of rituximab in
patients with SPS was recently completed [9]. Although
no study results are available at this time, this information
may prove helpful to further assess the efficacy of this
immune modulator in the treatment of patients with SPS.
Stiff person syndrome is not a common condition, but it
should be considered in the differential diagnosis to avoid
unnecessary tests and a delay in treatment. Our case
report reveals some of the characteristic features of SPS.
However, because of its puzzling presentation, a multi-
disciplinary approach helped us reach a correct diagno-
Written informed consent was obtained from our patient
for publication of this case report and any accompanying
images. A copy of the written consent is available for
review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.
ANA: anti-nuclear antibody; CT: computed tomography; DNA: deoxyribonu-
cleic acid; EMG: electromyography; GABA: gamma-aminobutyric acid; GAD:
glutamic acid decarboxylase; IDDM: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; IVIG:
intravenous immunoglobulin; MRA: magnetic resonance angiogram; MRI:
magnetic resonance imaging; nmol/L: nanomole per liter; SPS: stiff person syn-
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions
TH was the attending physician. KM was a second-year family medicine resi-
dent physician and BG was a first-year psychiatry resident physician. BG per-
formed an extensive literature search. Both KM and BG wrote the manuscript.
TH reviewed and edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
Author Details
Department of Psychiatry, University of Nevada School of Medicine, West
Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102, USA and
Department of
Family and Community Medicine, University of Nevada School of Medicine,
Fire Mesa Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89128, USA
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spasm ("stiff-man" syndrome): report of a case and some observations
in 13 other cases. Mayo Clin Proc 1956, 31:421-427.
2. Lorish TR, Thorsteinsson G, Howard FM Jr: Stiff-man syndrome updated.
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3. Kimura J: Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle: Principles
and Practice. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: FA Davis; 1989.
4. Solimena M, Folli F, Aparisi R, Pozza G, DeCamilli P: Autoantibodies to
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5. Dalakas MC, Fujii M, Li M, McElroy B: The clinical spectrum of anti-GAD
antibody-positive patients with stiff-person syndrome. Neurology 2000,
6. Howard FM Jr: A new and effective drug in the treatment of stiff-man
syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc 1963, 38:203-212.
7. Dalakas MC: Intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with anti-GAD
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8. Baker MR, Das M, Fawcett PRW, Bates D: Treatment of stiff person
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9. National Institutes of Health: Rituximab to Treat Stiff Person Syndrome.
Bethesda, MD; Identifier: NCT00091897 [http://].
doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-4-118
Cite this article as: Goodson et al., Stiff person syndrome presenting with
sudden onset of shortness of breath and difficulty moving the right arm: a
case report Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:118
Received: 21 October 2009 Accepted: 27 April 2010
Published: 27 April 2010
This article is available from:© 2010 Goodson et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Journal of Medical Case Repo rts 2010, 4:118
... Sonuç olarak kaslarda sertlik ve spazmlar meydana gelir. Fakat, GABA üretiminden sorumlu farklı yolaklar da mevcut olduğundan, GAD otoantikorlarının negatif olduğu vakalar da mevcuttur (12). ...
... Ağrı, SPS hastalarında sık karşılaşılan bir şikayettir. Rijiditenin olduğu bölgeye lokalize, dirençli ve gittikçe kötüleşen bir ağrı, bazen ilk semptom olabilir (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14). Bel bölgesine lokalize olan ağrı paraspinal kas rijidesine bağlı olarak artan lomber lordoz ve eşlik eden kas spazmları ile ilişkilidir. ...
Stiff-Person Syndrome (SPS) is a rare disorder that is characterized by stiffness and rigidity of the axial, abdominal, and extremity muscles. It is associated with several autoimmune diseases or paraneoplastic conditions. We report a case of SPS with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis who complained of low back pain. Her physical examination was remarkable in that her abdominal and axial muscles were firm to palpation, and she had hyperlordosis of the spine. Active range of motion of the spine was limited, and she had a robotic gait. Electromyography demonstrated continuous motor unit activity in the agonist and antagonist muscles. Diagnosis of SPS was confirmed because antiglutamic acid decarboxylase was present in the cerebrospinal fluid. She favorably responded to intravenous administration of immunoglobulin, diazepam, and baclofen and stretching, strengthening, and range of motion exercises. © 2015 by Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
... [4] Decrease in Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), one of the main inhibitory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS) regulated by GAD, leads to a heightened stimulation of the muscles by motor neurons. [5] Positive anti-GAD levels are often implicated with strong antagonistic muscle contractions leading to rigidity in the lower limbs -a key feature in SPS. [4] Interestingly, our patient initially presented with spasmodic dysphonia-like symptoms, which made this case a diagnostic challenge. ...
... First, historical features purported to support the diagnosis of FMD can be misleading, as many of these are also prevalent in organic disorders. For instance, organic disorders may be perceived to appear [5] or truly manifest [6] suddenly, yet this is a historical feature adopted as supportive of a functional etiology [7]. Furthermore, we have seen many patients in whom a slower and more progressive course has been used to argue against the diagnosis of a FMD despite all clinical evidence supporting the contrary. ...
Full-text available
Published diagnostic criteria for functional (psychogenic) movement disorders (FMDs) include psychiatric symptoms and some historical variables to affect the threshold between categories of diagnostic certainty. Clinically probable and possible categories, however, do not suffice to rule in FMD or rule out complex organic movement disorders and therefore are of little practical help. In contrast, a handful of unequivocal and reliably incongruent or inconsistent clinical features in each functional movement phenotype, when present, allow a clinically definite diagnosis of FMD, regardless of any psychiatric symptom. We suggest that the use of phenotype-specific clinically definite FMD diagnostic criteria will increase inter-rater reliability and minimize false-positive diagnostic errors. This process involves the ascertainment of core (mandatory) examination features instead of supportive but insufficiently sensitive historical, psychiatric, and inconsistent examination features.
... The exact cause of the disease is yet unknown. Most patients with classical SPS have antibody against Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), an enzyme that plays a vital role in the regulation of an important inhibitory neurotransmitter of Central nervous system, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) .Destruction of the GAD enzyme results in less availability of GABA neurotransmitter and hence, leads to excessive stimulation of the muscles by motor neurons causing muscle stiffness (4) . SPS is a clinical diagnosis, confirmed using Electromyography (EMG). ...
Full-text available
Stiff person syndrome (SPS) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by progressive muscle stiffness and rigidity, mostly involving axial muscles, resulting in functional disability. It is associated with elevated anti-Glutamic acid decar-boxylase (GAD) antibody levels. Electromyography findings are often diagnostic. We present a case of a 48 years old male, who presented with progressive stiffness and rigidity of axial muscles and limbs. His EMG was consistent with SPS. Anti GAD antibodies were markedly elevated. He was treated with rituximab and has improved significantly. SPS is a difficult diagnosis, usually under diagnosed due to lack of awareness among medical community. There is a dire need to further study the disease and invent better treatment options for patients suffering from SPS. C A S E R E P O R T CASE REPORT A 48 year old male, known case of Type l Diabetes Mellitus and depression, presented to Neurology Outpatient department with complaints of progressive pain and stiffness of neck, shoulder and abdominal muscles for the past six months. The pain and spasm aggravated with stress and movement and was temporarily relieved on taking Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants. Initially he did not have any disability and despite stiffness he was able to carry out his daily life activity. However, the stiffness worsened over time, resulting in difficulty in walking and performing daily tasks. Physical examination revealed stiffness over muscles of neck, shoulder and abdominal regions. He had a robot like gait.
... [4] Decrease in Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), one of the main inhibitory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS) regulated by GAD, leads to a heightened stimulation of the muscles by motor neurons. [5] Positive anti-GAD levels are often implicated with strong antagonistic muscle contractions leading to rigidity in the lower limbs -a key feature in SPS. [4] Interestingly, our patient initially presented with spasmodic dysphonia-like symptoms, which made this case a diagnostic challenge. ...
Background: Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is a rare autoimmune disorder that leads to progressively worsening stiffness and spasm of thoracic and proximal-limb musculature. Dyspnea has been reported but not analyzed in patients with SPS. Materials and methods: For this prospective study, 17 patients were recruited from a university-based neurology clinic. History and exam were performed, demographic information collected and available imaging reviewed. Dyspnea was assessed using vertical visual analog scales (VAS), the University of California San Diego Shortness of Breath Questionnaire (UCSD-SOBQ) and dyspnea "descriptors". Standardized assessments of SPS severity were performed by an experienced neurologist. Forced vital capacity (FVC) spirometric analysis was performed on all patients. Results: Fifteen of 17 patients complained of dyspnea, including dyspnea at rest, with exertion, and disturbing sleep. A restrictive pattern was the most common abnormality noted on spirometry. FVC (r = -0.67; P < 0.01) and forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) (r = -0.76; P < 0.01) percent predicted correlated with dyspnea measured by VAS over the preceding 2 weeks. Pulmonary function did not correlate with UCSB-SOBQ or standardized measures of SPS severity. Conclusions: Dyspnea in SPS is common and occurs at rest with exertion and disturbs sleep. The finding of restrictive physiology and correlation between pulmonary function variables and dyspnea support the hypothesis that thoracic cage constriction by rigidity and/or spasm of the muscles of the trunk causes or contributes to the sensation of dyspnea. The possibility of diaphragmatic involvement requires further study.
Full-text available
Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) is manifested by increased tone of the trunk muscles that gradually spreads to the limbs. The mechanism underlying this muscle hypertonia involves derangement of the inhibitory action of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at cortical and spinal levels with subsequent continuous motor unit activity. A co-contraction mechanism with a board-like abdomen and painful lumbar hyperlordosis plays an important role. Symptomatic treatment involves drugs that enhance inhibition (baclofen and benzodiazepines). Causal treatment focuses on immunosuppression (corticosteroids, intravenously administered immunoglobulins, and plasmapheresis). A combination of SPS and another genetic disease has not yet been described. We describe a case study of a 46-year-old man with gradual development of severe SPS whose electromyography (EMG) showed continuous motor unit activity as well as several myotonic discharges. Genetic testing was indicative of myotonic dystrophy type 2 (DM2).
Full-text available
This case report is about the novel use of the anti-CD20 antibody, rituximab, in the treatment of a 41 year old woman with stiff person syndrome. She was admitted to hospital as an emergency with prolonged and painful extensor spasms affecting the neck and back, arms, and legs. The disease had progressed despite a favourable initial response to conventional treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin and cytotoxics. Treatment with rituximab induced a lasting clinical remission.
Dr. Kimura has built upon his extensive experience teaching electromyography (EMG) around the world and has transferred his knowledge to this resource, which is intended for clinicians who perform electrodiagnostic procedures as an extension of their clinical examination. It covers noninvasive electrodiagnostic methods, particularly electromyography (EMG). This resource provides a comprehensive review of most peripheral nerve and muscle diseases, including specific techniques and locations for performing each test.
This 672-page volume written by a single author contains 26 chapters in seven parts and three appendices. Part 1 deals with basic anatomy and physiology of the neuromuscular system and basics of electrodiagnosis, including recording apparatus. The next three parts contain nerve conduction studies, tests for neuromuscular transmission, and electromyography, including single-fiber electromyography. Part 5 contains reviews of blink reflex, F wave, H-reflex, and somatosensory evoked potentials. The disorders of the spinal cord, peripheral nervous system, neuromuscular junction, myopathies, and abnormal muscle activity are discussed in the last two parts. The appendices cover a historical review of electrodiagnosis, the fundamentals of electronics, instrumentation, and a glossary of terms approved by the American Association of Electrodiagnosis and Electromyography.The book is intended for practicing electromyographers and all those concerned with electrodiagnostic tests in clinical practice. The author's extensive experience in electrophysiological studies prompted him to write this book.The notable feature
Stiff-man syndrome is a rare disorder of the central nervous system of unknown pathogenesis. We have previously reported the presence of autoantibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in a patient with stiff-man syndrome, epilepsy, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. GAD is an enzyme selectively concentrated in neurons secreting the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and in pancreatic beta cells. We subsequently observed autoantibodies to GABA-ergic neurons in 20 of 33 patients with stiff-man syndrome. GAD was the principal autoantigen. In the group of patients positive for autoantibodies against GABA-ergic neurons, there was a striking association with organ-specific autoimmune diseases, primarily insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. These findings support the hypothesis that stiff-man syndrome is an autoimmune disease and suggest that GAD is the primary autoantigen involved in stiff-man syndrome and the associated insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Our findings also indicate that autoantibodies directed against GABA-ergic neurons are a useful marker in the diagnosis of the disease.
Stiff-man syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by intermittent spasms and stiffness of the axial muscles, is associated with an electromyographic pattern of continuous motor unit activity in affected muscles. Since the initial description in 1956, the stiff-man syndrome has been reported to occur in various clinical and neurologic settings. In this study, we reviewed the current state of knowledge about this syndrome, defined diagnostic criteria, provided a long-term follow-up of the disorder, and assessed rehabilitative attempts in affected patients. Use of rigorous criteria that identify patients who have the stiff-man syndrome is important because the initial clinical manifestations are similar to those of other neuromuscular diseases. Analysis of 13 patients with stiff-man syndrome examined at the Mayo Clinic during the past 30 years revealed that treatment with diazepam decreased the muscle spasms. Because some muscle spasms usually persist, rehabilitation is an important adjunct that may further improve function when it is centered on the treatment of low-back pain and hyperlordosis, mobility problems, gait abnormalities, and muscular stiffness.
To evaluate the clinical spectrum of anti-GAD-positive patients with stiff-person syndrome (SPS) and provide reproducible means of assessing stiffness. SPS can be difficult to diagnose. Delineation of the clinical spectrum in a well defined population will increase diagnostic sensitivity. In 20 anti-GAD-positive patients with SPS (six men, 14 women), screened among 38 referred patients, the authors assessed symptoms and signs, degree of disability, associated conditions, and immunogenetic markers. Degree of bending, distribution of stiff areas, timed activities, and magnitude of heightened sensitivity were examined monthly for 4 months in five patients. Average age at symptom onset was 41.2 years. Time to diagnosis was delayed from 1 to 18 years (mean 6.2). Stiffness with superimposed episodic spasms and co-contractures of the abdominal and thoracic paraspinal muscles were characteristic. All had stiff gait and palpable stiffness in the paraspinal muscles. Stiffness was asymmetric or prominent in one leg in 15 patients (stiff-leg syndrome) and involved facial muscles in 13. In one patient spasms lasted for days (status spasticus). Twelve patients needed a cane and seven a walker due to truncal stiffness and frequent falls (average three to four per month). Distribution of stiffness and degree of heightened sensitivity were two reproducible indices of stiffness and spasms. Autoimmune diseases or autoantibodies were noted in 80% and an association of with DRss(1) 0301 allele in 70%. SPS is 1) frequently misdiagnosed due to multifaceted presentations and asymmetric signs, 2) disabling if untreated, and 3) associated with other autoimmune conditions.
Controlled trials with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) were conducted in patients with Stiff-Person Syndrome (SPS) and dermatomyositis (DM), two humorally mediated neurological disorders, and in inclusion body myositis (IBM), a T-cell-mediated inflammatory myopathy. The clinical efficacy was compared with alterations on tissue expression of complement, cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules, and immunoregulatory genes. The following patients were randomized in three separate trials to receive IVIg or placebo for 3 mo: (a) 16 patients with anti-GAD antibody-positive SPS; (b) 15 patients with DM resistant to therapies; and (c) 19 patients with IBM. After a washout, they crossed to the alternative therapy for another 3 mo. Efficacy was based on the difference in the respective disease scores from baseline to the second and third month of the infusions. In patients with SPS and DM, the scores changed positively and significantly from months 1 through 3, but returned to baseline when the patients crossed to placebo. In contrast, the scores in the placebo-randomized group remained constant or worsened from months 1 to 3, but improved significantly after crossing to IVIg. The muscle scores of patients with IBM did not significantly change between IVIg or placebo. In SPS, the anti-GAD65 antibody titers declined after IVIg but not after placebo. In DM, there was reduction of complement consumption, interception of membranolytic attack complex formation, downregulation of inflammation, fibrosis, cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules, and alterations in thousands of immunoregulatory genes. We conclude that IVIg is a safe and effective therapy for patients with SPS and DM unresponsive to other agents. In tissues, IVIg restores tissue cytoarchitecture by suppressing the inflammatory mediators at the protein, mRNA, and gene level.