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Oxidative Injury in The Lungs of Neonatal Rats Following Short-Term Exposure to Ultrafine Iron and Soot Particles


Abstract and Figures

Greater risk of adverse effects from particulate matter (PM) has been noted in susceptible subpopulations, such as children. However, the physicochemical components responsible for these biological effects are not understood. As critical constituents of PM, transition metals were postulated to be involved in a number of pathological processes of the respiratory system through free radical-medicated damage. The purpose of this study was to examine whether oxidative injury in the lungs of neonatal rats could be induced by repeated short-term exposure to iron (Fe) and soot particles. Sprague Dawley rats 10 d of age were exposed by inhalation to two different concentrations of ultrafine iron particles (30 or 100 microg/m(3)) in combination with soot particles adjusted to maintain a total particle concentration of 250 microg/m(3). Exposure at 10 d and again at 23 d of age was for 6 h/d for 3 d. Oxidative stress was observed at both Fe concentrations in the form of significant elevations in glutathione disulfide (GSSG) and GSSG/glutathione (GSH) ratio and a reduction in ferric/reducing antioxidant power in bronchoalveolar lavage. A significant decrease in cell viability associated with significant increases in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, interleukin-1-beta (IL-1beta), and ferritin expression was noted following exposure to particles containing the highest Fe concentration. Iron from these particles was shown to be bioavailable in an in vitro assay using the physiologically relevant chelator, citrate. Data indicate that combined Fe and soot particle exposure induces oxidative injury, cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory responses in the lungs of neonatal rats.
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Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A
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Oxidative Injury in The Lungs of Neonatal Rats Following Short-Term
Exposure to Ultrafine Iron and Soot Particles
Cai-Yun Zhong a; Ya-Mei Zhou a; Kevin R. Smith a; Ian M. Kennedy b; Chao-Yin Chen c; Ann E. Aust
d;Kent E. Pinkerton a
a Center for Health and the Environment, University of California, Davis, California, USA b
Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis, California,
USA c Department of Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Davis, California, USA d
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA
Online publication date: 07 April 2010
To cite this Article Zhong, Cai-Yun , Zhou, Ya-Mei , Smith, Kevin R. , Kennedy, Ian M. , Chen, Chao-Yin , Aust, Ann E.
andPinkerton, Kent E.(2010) 'Oxidative Injury in The Lungs of Neonatal Rats Following Short-Term Exposure to
Ultrafine Iron and Soot Particles', Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 73: 12, 837 — 847
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/15287391003689366
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Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 73:837–847, 2010
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1528-7394 print / 1087-2620 online
DOI: 10.1080/15287391003689366
Cai-Yun Zhong1, Ya-Mei Zhou1, Kevin R. Smith1, Ian M. Kennedy2, Chao-Yin Chen3,
Ann E. Aust4, Kent E. Pinkerton1
1Center for Health and the Environment, University of California, Davis, California
2Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of California,
Davis, California
3Department of Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Davis, California
4Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA
Greater risk of adverse effects from particulate matter (PM) has been noted in susceptible
subpopulations, such as children. However, the physicochemical components responsible
for these biological effects are not understood. As critical constituents of PM, transition met-
als were postulated to be involved in a number of pathological processes of the respiratory
system through free radical-medicated damage. The purpose of this study was to examine
whether oxidative injury in the lungs of neonatal rats could be induced by repeated short-
term exposure to iron (Fe) and soot particles. Sprague Dawley rats 10 d of age were exposed
by inhalation to two different concentrations of ultrafine iron particles (30 or 100 mg/m3) in
combination with soot particles adjusted to maintain a total particle concentration of 250 mg/
m3. Exposure at 10 d and again at 23 d of age was for 6 h/d for 3 d. Oxidative stress was
observed at both Fe concentrations in the form of significant elevations in glutathione disul-
fide (GSSG) and GSSG/glutathione (GSH) ratio and a reduction in ferric/reducing antioxidant
power in bronchoalveolar lavage. A significant decrease in cell viability associated with sig-
nificant increases in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, interleukin-1-beta (IL-1b), and fer-
ritin expression was noted following exposure to particles containing the highest Fe
concentration. Iron from these particles was shown to be bioavailable in an in vitro assay
using the physiologically relevant chelator, citrate. Data indicate that combined Fe and soot
particle exposure induces oxidative injury, cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory responses in
the lungs of neonatal rats.
As critical constituents of particulate matter
(PM), transition metals were postulated to be
involved in a number of pathological and
physiological processes of the respiratory sys-
tem through free radical-medicated damage
(Valavanidis et al., 2005; Risom et al., 2005;
Sorensen et al., 2005; Zhou et al., 2003).
Humans are commonly exposed to iron (Fe)
and soot particles from a variety of emission
sources of PM. Iron was found to be the preva-
lent catalytic metal in all size ranges of the
ambient PM present in Los Angeles (Hughes
et al., 1998), and the highest concentration of
Fe in ultrafine particles was found to be in the
size range of 0.056–0.1 μm in 7 Southern
California cities (Cass et al., 2000).
Received 30 October 2009; accepted 1 February 2010.
Cai-Yun Zhong and Ya-Mei Zhou contributed equally to this work.
The authors appreciate Dr. Suzette Smiley-Jewell for her editorial assistance in the preparation of this article. This work was supported
by grants from the Health Effects Institute, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (R82915 and R832414), National Institutes of Health
(5R01ES012957), and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (OH07550). The preliminary observations for portions of
this research were reported in a limited-distribution final report to the Health Effects Institute (Pinkerton et al., 2008).
Address correspondence to Dr. Kent E. Pinkerton, Center for Health and the Environment, Old Davis Road, University of California,
Davis, CA 95616, USA. E-mail:
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838 C.-Y. ZHONG ET AL.
Potential sources for transition metals in
the atmosphere are multifarious. Larger parti-
cles (i.e., >2.5 μm) containing metals may be
derived from crustal dusts, while ultrafine parti-
cles are more likely to originate from high-
temperature combustion sources. Iron is a
well-known soot suppressant that might be
emitted into the atmosphere in the form of
ultrafine particles. For example, ferrocene has
been commonly used as fuel additive for soot
suppression. Iron oxide generated from the
decomposition and oxidation of ferrocene is
supersaturated and rapidly nucleates into
numerous nano-sized particles that serve as
sites for carbon deposition. Concentric rings of
carbon laid down on Fe particles form an Fe
and soot particle matrix (Boncyzk, 1991; Ritrievi
et al., 1987). Soot is primarily composed of
elemental carbon and also contains limited
amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The emis-
sion sources of soot include diesel engines, fossil
fuels, and wood smoke. Soot is thermodynam-
ically involved in the reduction of Fe oxide in
the flame at high temperatures (Boncyzk, 1991;
Ritrievi et al., 1987; Zhang & Megaridis, 1996)
and is typically considered to exert little effect
when inhaled alone (Jakab, 1992, 1993; Jakab &
Hemenway, 1994). Since ultrafine particles of
soot have large surface areas and mass ratio,
soot might also act as a carrier for copollutants,
such as transition metals, and might transport
co-pollutants into the respiratory tract. Forma-
tion of these complex particles may influence
deposition and clearance from the lungs, thus,
changing biological potential (Lindenschmidt &
Witschi, 1990; Oberdorster, 2001; Schlesinger,
1995; Sun et al., 1989).
Although the major focus of studies relating
ambient PM and adverse health effects has
been in adults, a number of epidemiological
studies showed that air pollution is also associ-
ated with respiratory morbidity, mortality, and
decrements in pulmonary function and growth
in children (Delfino et al., 2008; Tecer et al.,
2008; Salvi, 2007; Gauderman et al., 2002;
Calderon-Garciduenas et al., 2000; Conceicao
et al., 2001; Horak et al., 2002; Jedrychowski
et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2002). The response
of a child to particles may be entirely different
from that of an adult, based on differences in
ventilatory rates or maturation of metabolic,
immune, neural, and anatomical systems (Foos
et al., 2008). Furthermore, cellular differentia-
tion, proliferation, physiological function, and
xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes within the
respiratory system rapidly change during post-
natal growth. Exposure of the respiratory tract
to environmental toxicants during this time has
the potential to significantly affect the matura-
tion, growth, and function of critical elements
compromising this system (Pinkerton & Joad,
2000). However, little is known regarding the
susceptibility and environmental characteristics
that may place children at greater risk from
exposure to PM. A study that is designed to
address the association between adverse effects
and specific chemical composition could pro-
vide meaningful information to better under-
stand the health effects of PM on children
during development. Therefore, the purpose of
this study was to examine the responses of
inhaled Fe and soot particles generated by a dif-
fusion flame system in the respiratory system of
rapidly growing neonatal rats. To do this, Spra-
gue-Dawley rats 10 d and 23 d of age were
exposed by inhalation to 2 different levels of
ultrafine Fe particles (30 μg/m3 and 100 μg/m3) in
combination with soot particles adjusted to main-
tain a total particle concentration of 250 μg/m3.
Acetylene and ethylene were purchased
from Airgas (Sacramento, CA). Iron pentacarbo-
nyl, reduced glutathione, glutathione disulfide
(GSSG), glutathione reductase, 5,5-dithio-
bis(2-nitrobenzoic) acid (DTNB), NADPH, 2-
vinylpyridine, ferrous sulfate, ferric chloride,
tripyridytriazine (TPTZ), citrate, and ferrozine
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical
Co. (St. Louis, MO).
Iron and Soot Particle Generation System
A diffusion flame system was used to gener-
ate an aerosol of soot and Fe oxide as described
Downloaded By: [University of California, Davis] At: 16:41 9 April 2010
previously (Yang et al., 2001). Briefly, the fuel
was a mixture of acetylene and ethylene. Con-
centrations of Fe oxide and soot particles in the
post flame gases were controlled indepen-
dently. Iron was introduced by passing ethylene
over liquid Fe pentacarbonyl. The aerosol
emission from the flame was diluted by sec-
ondary air to control the actual particle con-
centration to a level that could be maintained
for the duration of short-term animal exposure
studies. The system was operated to generate
total constant concentrations of aerosol, while
Fe loading varied from 0 to 100 μg/m3 in the
diluted post-flame gases. The two different
concentrations of Fe used in this study were
created by adjusting the flow rate of Fe penta-
carbonyl vapors mixed with acetylene and eth-
ylene fuels. Particles were collected on carbon
grids. The individual size of Fe and soot parti-
cles in the exposure chamber was monitored
using transmission electron microscopy, while
a differential mobility analyzer was used to
measure the size distribution of the aerosol. X-ray
fluorescence was used to measure the mass
concentration of Fe particles (μg/m3). The soot
mass concentration was found by weighing
25-mm Teflon-coated filters (Teflo, Pall, East
Hills, NY) on a microbalance before and after
sample collection. The conditions used in the
diffusion flame system were reproducible in
generating a consistent concentration of Fe
throughout the daily 6-h period of exposure.
Iron Mobilization
The amount of Fe mobilized from Fe and
soot particles was determined as previously
described (Smith et al. 1998), with the follow-
ing modifications. Particles, on filters, were sus-
pended in 50 mM NaCl (1 mg/ml) at a pH of
7.5. The samples were mixed by vortexing for
30 s. Citrate was added to obtain a final con-
centration of 1 mM, and all samples were
placed on an orbital shaker for 24 h. The pH
was readjusted to 7.5 at regular time intervals
throughout the incubation period to prevent
alteration in the rates of Fe mobilization. After
24 h, a 1-ml sample was withdrawn and centri-
fuged at 13,300 × g for 8 min to remove the
particles. The amount of Fe mobilized as the
citrate:Fe complex in the supernatant was
determined, as originally described by Brumby
and Massey (1967) for non-heme Fe determi-
nation, except that ferrozine (0.4%, w/v) was
used instead of 1,10-phenanthroline. This assay
uses ferrozine to quantify both Fe(II) and Fe(III)
as a result of addition of the reductant ascorbate.
The concentration of Fe mobilized by citrate is
reported as nanomoles of Fe per milligram of
Animal Exposure
Sprague-Dawley rats at 10 d of postnatal
age were exposed via whole-body inhalation
to two different concentrations of Fe and soot
particles 6 hr/d for 3 d. The average total particle
concentration was maintained at 250 μg/m3.
Iron concentrations were targeted at 30 and
100 μg/m3, respectively. Control animals were
exposed to filtered air only. Due to the capacity
of the particle exposure, eight animals were
included in each group with half male and half
female rats, and two sets of exposure for each
group were performed. Preweanling neonatal
rats were exposed to particles away from the
dam. Exposure to particles was repeated with
the same group of rats at 23 d postnatal age
under identical conditions done at 10 d post-
natal age. Our rationale for using this dosing
scheme based on postnatal age was to subject
the lungs of neonatal animals to particle inhala-
tion during critical periods of lung growth
where robust cell proliferation occurs in the
process of forming new alveoli (postnatal day
10–12) and again during a period of significant
alveolar airspace expansion (postnatal day 23–25).
Following exposure, samples of bronchoalveolar
lavage (BAL) and lung tissues were collected for
analysis. At the termination day, the lungs of
rats were feasible for conducting BAL proce-
dure. Different sets of exposure were done to
allow BAL and lung tissue analyses separately.
Bronchoalveolar Lavage
Preparation of BAL was done following
Harrod’s protocol with some modifications
(Harrod et al., 1998). Within 2 h following the end
of particle exposure at 23 d postnatal age, rats
were anesthetized using sodium pentobarbital,
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840 C.-Y. ZHONG ET AL.
50 mg/kg body weight, ip (Nembutal Cardinal
Health Inc., Sacramento, CA). The trachea was
cannulated, and BAL was performed 4 times
sequentially with phosphate-buffered saline
(Dulbecco’s PBS, Mg2+ and Ca2+-free, pH 7.0,
GibcoBRL, Grand Island, NY), using a volume
equivalent to 28 ml/kg body weight. The 4
aliquots of BAL were centrifuged at 500 × g
for 10 min, supernatant was removed, and
cell pellets were pooled together for deter-
mination of total cell number, viability, and
cell differentials. BAL supernatant was ali-
quoted and stored at 70°C for biochemical
BAL Fluid (BALF) Analysis for
Determination of Lung Injury
Cell pellets were resuspended in 500 μl
PBS. Total cell count and viability were deter-
mined by trypan blue exclusion with a
hemocytometer. A minimum of 1 × 105 cells
was used to prepare slides in duplicates by
cytospin of 100 μl cell suspension at 600 rpm
for 5 min. Cells were stained with Hema 3
(Fisher Scientific Company, Swedesboro, NJ)
for the determination of the proportion of
macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils.
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was
measured using a colorimetric kit (Sigma-Aldrich,
St. Louis, MO) based on the activity of LDH
released from damaged cells into the BAL
Glutathione (GSH) was measured in BAL
supernatant according to the enzymatic method
proposed by Tieze and colleagues (1969) and
modified by Anderson (1985), using DTNB-
oxidized glutathione reductase recycling assay.
Reduced GSH was oxidized by DTNB to glu-
tathione disulfide (GSSG) with stoichiometric
formation of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (TNB).
GSSG was reduced to GSH by the action of
glutathione reductase and NADPH. The rate of
TNB formation was followed at 412 nm and
was proportional to the sum of GSH and GSSG
present. GSSG was determined after GSH was
first derivatized with 2-vinylpyridine.
Antioxidant Power
Antioxidant power was determined in BAL
supernatant by ferric reducing/antioxidant
power (FRAP) assay according to Benzie and
Strain (1999). At low pH, ferric tripyridytrizine
(Fe3+-TPTZ) complex was reduced to the fer-
rous form and was monitored by measuring
the change in absorbance at 593 nm. The change
in absorbance is directly related to the total
reducing power of the electron-donating anti-
oxidants present in the reaction mixture.
Preparation of Lung Homogenate
Twenty-four hours after the last exposure,
rats were anesthetized and the lungs were
removed immediately from the thorax, frozen
in liquid nitrogen, and subsequently homoge-
nized in ice-cold Tris-HCl buffer (25 mM
Tris, 1 mM ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
[EDTA], 10% glycerol, 1 mM dithiothreitol
[DTT], pH 7.4) with a glass homogenizer. The
homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 × g for
20 min at 4°C. The supernatant was aliquoted
and stored at 80°C.
Western Blot Analysis for Ferritin
Western blot analysis was used to determine
ferritin levels in the lungs. Briefly, 40 mg protein
of lung homogenate was loaded and separated
on 12% sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacryla-
mide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed
by transfer to a nitrocellulose polyvinylidene fluo-
ride (PDVF) membrane (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA).
The membrane was blocked for 1 h at 25°C in
Tris-buffered saline containing 0.1% Tween 20
and 5% nonfat dry milk and probed with pri-
mary antibody against human ferritin (rabbit
anti-human ferritin polyclonal antibody, Dako,
Carpinteria, CA) at a dilution of 1:3000. Secon-
dary antibody (horseradish peroxidase-linked
goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin [Ig] G, Santa
Cruz Biotech. Inc., Santa Cruz, CA) was added at
a dilution of 1:5000. Purified human liver ferritin
(CalBiochem, San Diego, CA) was used as a
positive control. The blots were developed by
enhanced chemiluminescence detection kit (ECL,
AmerSham Pharmacia Biotech, Inc., Piscataway,
NJ) with exposure on autoradiography film.
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Immunoreactive protein bands were quantified
by image densitometry.
ELISA for Proinflammatory Cytokines
Protein levels of proinflammatory cytokines
interleukin (IL)-1b and tumor necrosis factor
(TNF)-a were measured in lung homogenates
by rat enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) kits according to the manufacturer’s
instructions (R&D System, Minneapolis, MN).
A 1:2 dilution of samples into calibrator diluent
provided in the kit was used for the cytokine
determination. Quantitation of cytokines was
normalized to total protein in the sample.
Statistical Analysis
Student’s t-test was applied to all data with
Staview computer software. All values are pre-
sented as mean ± SE. Differences were consid-
ered significant at p < .05.
Particle Characterization
The mass concentrations of Fe particles
generated in combination with soot under 2
conditions were 30 ± 7 μg/m3and 100 ± 28 μg/m3.
Overall mass concentration of the combined
Fe and soot for all studies was 250 μg/m3. The
majority of Fe particles generated were Fe
oxide in composition with the morphologic
appearance of distinct polyhedrons as deter-
mined by transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy
(EELS) (Figure 1). EELS analysis of particles
spectra demonstrated a ratio of Fe to oxygen
ranging from 0.5 to 0.7, suggesting the stoichi-
ometric composition of Fe2O3. The average
particle diameter of mixed Fe and soot was 72
nm with a size distribution ranging from 45 to
110 nm. Since Fe pentacarbonyl was present
in the combustion flame, other forms of Fe
may have been produced in smaller amounts
through interaction with soot.
Iron Mobilization From Particles
Incubation of Fe and soot particles in 50 mM
NaCl (pH 7.5), in the absence of a metal
chelator, did not result in mobilization of Fe.
Incubation of Fe and soot particles in the phys-
iologically relevant chelator citrate resulted in
Fe mobilization with levels of 37.7 ± 0.9 nmol
Fe/mg particles after 24 h. Incubation of blank
filters under identical conditions resulted in no
detectable mobilization of Fe.
Cytotoxicity Assessment
To assess the cytotoxicity of inhaled Fe and
soot particles, total cell number, cell viability,
cell differential, and LDH activity in BAL were
used for the determination of acute pulmonary
injury (Table 1). There were no significant dif-
ferences in total cell number or the cell differ-
ential between exposure groups. However,
exposure to 100 μg/m3 Fe in combination with
soot particles resulted in significant decrease in
cell viability and increase in LDH activity. No
marked changes were observed in animals
exposed to particles containing 30 μg/m3 Fe
combined with soot particles.
Intracellular ferritin levels in homogenized
lung tissues were measured using Western blot-
ting following Fe and soot particles exposure. A
significant increase in ferritin expression was
noted (2.5-fold) in the lungs of animals exposed
to particles containing 100 μg/m3 Fe (Figure 2).
No significant difference was present in rats
exposed to particles containing 30 μg/m3 Fe.
FIGURE 1. Photomicrograph showing carbon support film,
graphitic carbon, and iron oxide. Bar = 100 nm.
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842 C.-Y. ZHONG ET AL.
Oxidative Stress
Reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glu-
tathione (GSSG), the ratio of GSSG/(GSH+GSSG)
or glutathione redox ratio (GRR), and ferric/
reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) were used
as markers of oxidative stress. There were no
significant differences in GSH levels between
exposure groups. However, exposure to both
30 and 100 μg/m3 Fe-containing particles
resulted in a significant elevation in GSSG and
GRR (Figure 3) as well as a significant reduction
in antioxidant power (Figure 4).
Proinflammatory Cytokines
Proinflammatory cytokines IL-1b and TNF-a
in lung tissues were measured as markers of
inflammatory response. Exposure to particles
containing 100 μg/m3 Fe was associated with a
significant increase in IL-1b (Figure 5). No sig-
nificant difference in TNF-a levels was found
between groups.
TABLE 1. Changes in BAL Fluid Parameters Following Exposure to Iron and Soot Particles in Neonatal Rats
Group LDH (units/L) Total cells/ml × 105Cell viability (%) Macrophages (%) Lymphocytes (%) Neutrophils (%)
Control 4.18 ± 1.47 8.23 ± 2.72 94 ± 2.2 98 ± 0.9 1.34 ± 0.89 0.52 ± 0.46
Exposure 1 5.09 ± 0.92 7.38 ± 2.73 92 ± 2.6 98 ± 0.6 0.99 ± 0.58 0.80 ± 0.57
Control 4.09 ± 1.83 16.93 ± 10.16 81 ± 6.1 99 ± 0.5 0.56 ± 0.44 0.26 ± 0.33
Exposure 2 6.96 ± 2.60* 12.74 ± 7.76 66 ± 17.0* 99 ± 0.2 0.41 ± 0.23 0.27 ± 0.17
Note.Exposure 1: iron = 30 μg/m3 with addition of soot to maintain total mass concentration as 250 μg/m3. Exposure 2: iron = 100 μg/m3
with addition of soot to maintain total mass concentration as 250 μg/m3. Values indicate mean ± SE of eight rats per group. Asterisk
indicates significant difference from controls at p < .05.
FIGURE 2. Western blot analysis of ferritin expression in rat lung
homogenates. (A) Exposure to particle mixture with 30 μg /m3 of
iron. (B) Exposure to particle mixture with 100 μg /m3 of iron.
Lanes 1 to 4: control animals; lanes 5 to 8: exposure animals;
lane 9: positive control with purified human liver ferritin. (C) Rela-
tive band intensity of ferritin expression by imaging densitometry.
Asterisk indicates significant difference from control (p < .05).
FIGURE 3. Glutathione redox status in bronchoalveolar lavage
fluid (BALF). GSH = reduced glutathione; GSSG = glutathione
disulfide; GRR = GSSG/(GSH+GSSG), glutathione redox ratio.
Data are presented as mean ± SE (n = 8 per group). Asterisk
indicates significant difference from control (p < .05).
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Exposure to environmental toxicants during
periods of rapid lung development has the poten-
tial to significantly affect overall growth and func-
tion of the respiratory system (Pinkerton & Joad,
2000; Pinkerton et al., 2004). Children may be
especially susceptible to air pollutants since
the relative deposition of respirable particles is
increased compared with adolescents and adults
(Bennett & Zeman, 1998). The effects of ambient
PM have been studied and characterized to some
extent in adults, but little is known about effects
in the developing lung. The present study pro-
vides new insights that exposure to ultrafine Fe
and soot particles results in lung injury, oxidative
stress, and inflammatory response in a dose-
dependent pattern in neonatal rats.
Although 24-h average PM2.5 concentrations
above 65 mg/m3 are relatively rare in the eastern
United States, those concentrations are more
prevalent in California, reaching over 150 mg/m3
(24-h average) in winter in some cities (Ostro,
1995). In the United States, the proportion of Fe
may be as high as 16% as measured in Phoenix
(U.S. EPA, 2002). Therefore, the particle concen-
tration and compositions used in the present
study are environmentally relevant.
Iron is essential for metabolic processes.
However, increased availability of Fe may medi-
ate the production of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) via the Fenton reaction and may induce
oxidative injury and cellular toxicity. Ferritin is
an Fe storage protein in the cytoplasm of cells
and responsible for the regulation of intracellular
Fe (Crichton & Charloteauz-Wauters, 1987;
Harrison & Arosio, 1996). Increased synthesis
of ferritin reflects an increase in the storage
capacity of free Fe (Cermak et al., 1993) and is
indicative of bioavailable Fe following expo-
sure to Fe-containing particulate (Fang & Aust,
1997). The current study revealed that a signif-
icant induction of ferritin occurred in lungs of
neonatal rats exposed to Fe-containing parti-
cles at 100 μg/m3, but not at 30 μg/m3, in com-
bination with soot particles. The amount of Fe
mobilized from Fe and soot particles by citrate
in the present study is approximately 2.2-fold
greater than that reported for diesel exhaust
particulate (Aust et al., 2002), and the amount
of Fe mobilized from Utah coal fly ash with a
diameter less than 2.5 μm was approximately
1.5-fold higher than from Fe and soot particles
(Smith et al., 1998). Thus, the mobilization of
Fe from Fe and soot particles is mid-range for
what has been reported for other particles.
Smith et al. (1998) demonstrated a direct
correlation between the amount of ferritin
FIGURE 4. Changes in ferric/reducing antioxidant power
(FRAP) in BALF. Data are presented as mean ± SE (n = 8 per
group). Asterisk indicates significant difference from control
(p< .05).
FIGURE 5. Effect of iron and soot exposure on protein levels of
cytokines (A) IL-1b and (B) TNF-a in lung homogenates. Values
are mean ± SE (n = 6 per group): Asterisk indicates significant
difference from control (p < .05).
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844 C.-Y. ZHONG ET AL.
induced in human lung epithelial (A549) cells
treated with coal fly ash and the amount of Fe
mobilized from these particles by citrate in the
absence of cells. However, mobilization of
Fe by citrate did not correlate with total Fe
content of coal fly ash (Smith et al., 1998) or
urban PM (Smith & Aust, 1997). Thus, simply
determining the amount of Fe present in parti-
cles is not likely to allow prediction of bioavail-
ability of Fe. The amount of Fe mobilized from
particles is more likely due to factors including
the form of the Fe or the surface area of the
particles. Bioavailable Fe in urban PM (Smith &
Aust, 1997), crocidolite asbestos (Lund & Aust,
1992), and silicates (Hardy & Aust, 1995) was
demonstrated to be responsible for catalyzing
the formation of ROS. In the present study,
the significant induction of ferritin in animals
exposed to particles containing 100 μg/m3 Fe
suggests that at least part of the Fe from ultrafine
Fe and soot particles deposited in the lungs of
neonatal rats is bioavailable. Possible mecha-
nisms accounting for bioavailable Fe follow-
ing particle exposure may be due to potential
interaction between Fe and soot particles lead-
ing to reduction of Fe oxide, or enhancement
of particle deposition in the lungs and uptake
by cells. In support of this possible mechanism
is our previous study, which demonstrated that
although exposure to Fe or soot particle alone
did not induce biological effects, significant
oxidative responses in rats exposed to a mix-
ture of these particles were observed, illustrat-
ing a synergistic interaction between Fe and
soot particles (Zhou et al., 2003).
Previously Zhou et al. (2003) reported that
exposure of adult rats to the combination of Fe
and soot particles induced pulmonary oxida-
tive stress and IL-1b elevation, effects not asso-
ciated with decrease in cell viability and increase
in LDH activity. Data from our present study
revealed the vulnerability of developing lung to
the exposure of environmentally relevant con-
centrations of these particles, as evidenced by
the induction of oxidative stress, IL-1b elevation,
and lung injury. Oxidative stress was observed
in neonatal rats exposed to both 30 and
100 μg/m3of Fe in combination with soot par-
ticles, as demonstrated by a significant increase
in oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and elevation
in GRR, associated with a decrease in antioxidant
power. Furthermore, animals exposed to 100 μg/
m3 Fe in the presence of soot demonstrated
lung injury in the form of decreased cell via-
bility and increased LDH activity, as well as
elevation of proinflammatory cytokine IL-1b.
It is postulated that higher Fe concentration
(100 μg/m3) in combination with soot leads to
greater bioavailability of Fe, resulting in severe
cellular responses including oxidative injury
and inflammatory response. Indeed, Smith et al.
(2000) reported a direct relationship, above a
threshold level of bioavailable Fe, between levels
of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-8
(IL-8) and bioavailable Fe in A549 cells treated
with coal fly ash. Induction of this cytokine was
inhibited by antioxidants, suggesting a role of
ROS. In addition, pretreatment of coal fly ash
with the metal chelator to remove mobilizable
Fe prior to treatment of A549 cells resulted in
attenuation of IL-8 production to levels similar
to those in untreated cells, suggesting a role of
Fe in increased cytokine production. The obser-
vations in our current study, that exposure to
Fe and soot particles induced elevation in
proinflammatory cytokine IL-1b, but not in
TNF-a, are consistent with the results of previ-
ous Fe-containing particle studies (Broeckaert
et al., 1997; Dreher et al., 1997; Kodavanti
et al., 1997; Zhou et al., 2003). It is notewor-
thy that although Fe and soot particle exposure
resulted in decreased in cell viability and
increased LDH activity in BAL fluid, although
no significant change in inflammatory cell
count was found. A possible explanation for
this observation is that exposure to Fe and soot
particles induced cell death of local bronchoal-
veolar cells and LDH elevation in the absence
of the recruitment of inflammatory cells at the
examination time point in our study; the
recruitment of inflammatory cells might be
influenced by the concentrations of exposures
as well as the phases of inflammatory responses.
In conclusion, these findings suggest that
exposure to the mixture of Fe and soot parti-
cles induces oxidative injury and inflamma-
tory response in the lungs of neonatal rats in
a dose-dependent pattern. The responses
Downloaded By: [University of California, Davis] At: 16:41 9 April 2010
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... Significant protein oxidation was observed for Fe 2 O 3 in the presence of carbon black as well as lipid peroxidation when both particles were in combination but not for either particle alone ). This effect was also seen with Fe oxide in the presence of soot particles which produced a significant increase in oxidized glutathione, indicative of oxidative stress (Zhong et al. 2010). ...
... Solubility of both Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ were reported to rise with (1) increasing acid strength (2) in epithelial cells exposed to Fe 3 O 4 particles a decrease in cell viability and (3) elevation in interleukin production when acid or secondary organic aerosol or both were added along with the particles (Baber et al. 2011;Ghio et al. 2009). It is known that Fe becomes bioavailable following inhalation as investigators demonstrated a significant increase in ferritin expression following inhalation in rats indicating an elevation in bioavailable Fe (Zhong et al. 2010;Zhou et al. 2003). ...
... Pulmonary effects A significant increase in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was seen in a number of studies indicating cellular injury (Demokritou et al. 2010;Park et al. 2015;Zhong et al. 2010) as well as elevation in total protein indicating altered vascular permeability (Srinivas et al. 2012). Park et al. (2010); found that 2 mg/kg dose of iron oxide NPs in mice produced a sixfold rise in apoptotic cells with increasing intracellular Fe concentrations shown to promote ferroptosis, a nonapoptotic form of cell death characterized by reduced mitochondrial size with enhanced membrane density which is believed to occur via the Fe-mediated accumulation of lipid peroxidation (Manz et al. 2016). ...
Ambient air pollution is a leading risk factor for the global burden of disease. One possible pathway of particulate matter (PM)-induced toxicity is through iron (Fe), the most abundant metal in the atmosphere. The aim of the review was to consider the complexity of Fe-mediated toxicity following inhalation exposure focusing on the chemical and surface reactivity of Fe as a transition metal and possible pathways of toxicity via reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation as well as considerations of size, morphology, and source of PM. A broad term search of 4 databases identified 2189 journal articles and reports examining exposure to Fe via inhalation in the past 10 years. These were sequentially analyzed by title, abstract and full-text to identify 87 articles publishing results on the toxicity of Fe-containing PM by inhalation or instillation to the respiratory system. The remaining 87 papers were examined to summarize research dealing with in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological studies involving PM containing Fe or iron oxide following inhalation or instillation. The major findings from these investigations are summarized and tabulated. Epidemiological studies showed that exposure to Fe oxide is correlated with an increased incidence of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and several respiratory diseases. Iron PM was found to induce inflammatory effects in vitro and in vivo and to translocate to remote locations including the brain following inhalation. A potential pathway for the PM-containing Fe-mediated toxicity by inhalation is via the generation of ROS which leads to lipid peroxidation and DNA and protein oxidation. Our recommendations include an expansion of epidemiological, in vivo and in vitro studies, integrating research improvements outlined in this review, such as the method of particle preparation, cell line type, and animal model, to enhance our understanding of the complex biological interactions of these particles.
... PM 2.5 -induced oxidative stress has been identified as a key molecular mechanism of these pollutants' bio-hazardous effects (Deng et al., 2013). There is evidence that transition metals in PM 2.5 are involved in several pathological processes of the respiratory system through damages triggered by free radicals (Zhong et al., 2010). It has been established that the FRAP assay, which measures the non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity is a useful method for oxidative stress studies . ...
... The Fe concentration in the particles are related to this variation in antioxidant capacity. As reported earlier, higher Fe content in urban areas cause severe cellular reactions such as oxidative damage and inflammation (Zhong et al., 2010). ...
The detrimental effects of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5) on human health are of major global concern. PM2.5-bound metals are toxic compounds that contribute to cellular damage. To investigate the toxic effects of water-soluble metals on human lung epithelial cells and their bioaccessibility to lung fluid, PM2.5 samples were collected from both urban and industrial areas in the metropolitan city of Tabriz, Iran. Oxidative stress indices, including proline content, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), cytotoxicity, and DNA damage levels of water-soluble components of PM2.5, were evaluated. Furthermore, an in vitro test was conducted to assess the bioaccessibility of various PM2.5-bound metals to the respiratory system using simulated lung fluid. PM2.5 average concentrations in urban and industrial areas were 83.11 and 97.71 μg/m3, respectively. The cytotoxicity effects of PM2.5 water-soluble constituents from urban areas were significantly higher than in industrial areas and the IC50 was found to be 96.76 ± 3.34 and 201.31 ± 5.96 μg/mL for urban and industrial PM2.5 samples, respectively. In addition, higher PM2.5 concentrations increased the proline content in a concentration-dependent manner in A549 cells, which plays a protective role against oxidative stress and prevents PM2.5-induced DNA damage. Also, the partial least squares regression revealed that Be, Cd, Co, Ni, and Cr, were significantly correlated with DNA damage and proline accumulation, which caused cell damage through oxidative stress. The results of this study showed that PM2.5-bound metals in highly polluted metropolitan city caused substantial changes in the cellular proline content, DNA damage levels and cytotoxicity in human lung A549 cells.
... Combustion-derived diesel exhaust includes soot particles containing elemental carbon and iron, which is the most common transition metal found in PM [127]. Iron in PM can occur from fuel additives and as a product of normal engine wear [74,113], and iron-soot (IS) exposure has previously been shown to cause oxidative lung injury, induce inflammation of the lungs, and can cross the blood-brain barrier through nasal inhalation [48,126,127]. The links between PM and worsening of asthma symptoms and increased risk of neuropsychiatric disorders in offspring make PM exposure during pregnancy an important area that merits investigation. ...
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Inflammation during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). Increased gestational inflammation can be a result of an immune condition/disease, exposure to infection, and/or environmental factors. Epidemiology studies suggest that cases of NDD are on the rise. Similarly, rates of asthma are increasing, and the presence of maternal asthma during pregnancy increases the likelihood of a child being later diagnosed with NDD such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Particulate matter (PM), via air pollution, is an environmental factor known to worsen the symptoms of asthma, but also, PM has been associated with increased risk of neuropsychiatric disorders. Despite the links between asthma and PM with neuropsychiatric disorders, there is a lack of laboratory models investigating combined prenatal exposure to asthma and PM on offspring neurodevelopment. Thus, we developed a novel mouse model that combines exposure to maternal allergic asthma (MAA) and ultrafine iron-soot (UIS), a common component of PM. In the current study, female BALB/c mice were sensitized for allergic asthma with ovalbumin (OVA) prior to pregnancy. Following mating and beginning on gestational day 2 (GD2), dams were exposed to either aerosolized OVA to induce allergic asthma or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 1 h. Following the 1-h exposure, pregnant females were then exposed to UIS with a size distribution of 55 to 169 nm at an average concentration of 176 ± 45 μg/m³) (SD), or clean air for 4 h, over 8 exposure sessions. Offspring brains were collected at postnatal days (P)15 and (P)35. Cortices and hippocampal regions were then isolated and assessed for changes in cytokines using a Luminex bead-based multiplex assay. Analyses identified changes in many cytokines across treatment groups at both timepoints in the cortex, including interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), and IL-17, which remained elevated from P15 to P35 in all treatment conditions compared to controls. There was a suppressive effect of the combined MAA plus UIS on the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Potentially shifting the cytokine balance towards more neuroinflammation. In the hippocampus at P15, elevations in cytokines were also identified across the treatment groups, namely IL-7. The combination of MAA and UIS exposure (MAA–UIS) during pregnancy resulted in an increase in microglia density in the hippocampus of offspring, as identified by IBA-1 staining. Together, these data indicate that exposure to MAA, UIS, and MAA–UIS result in changes in the neuroimmune environment of offspring that persist into adulthood. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12974-023-02930-7.
... Combustion-derived diesel exhaust includes soot particles containing elemental carbon and iron, which is the most common transition metal found in PM (Zhou et al., 2003). Iron in PM can occur from fuel additives and as a product of normal engine wear (Mayer et al., 2010;Steiner et al., 2016), and iron-soot (IS) exposure has previously been shown to cause oxidative lung injury, induce in ammation of the lungs, and can cross the blood brain barrier through nasal inhalation (Zhong et al., 2010;Zhou et al., 2003;Hopkins et al., 2018). These links to worsening of asthma symptoms and increased risk of neuropsychiatric disorders in offspring make PM exposure during pregnancy an important area that merits investigation. ...
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Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by the presence of decreased social interactions and an increase in stereotyped and repetitive behaviors. Epidemiology studies suggest that cases of ASD are on the rise. Similarly, rates of asthma are increasing, and the presence of maternal asthma during pregnancy increases the likelihood of a child being later diagnosed with ASD. Particulate matter (PM), via air pollution, is an environmental factor known to worsen the symptoms of asthma, but also, PM has been associated with increased risk of neuropsychiatric disorders including ASD. Despite the links between asthma and PM with neuropsychiatric disorders, there is a lack of laboratory models investigating combined prenatal exposure to asthma and PM on offspring neurodevelopment. Thus, we developed a novel mouse model that combines exposure to maternal allergic asthma (MAA) and ultrafine iron-soot (UIS), a common component of PM. In the current study, female BALB/c mice were primed for allergic asthma with ovalbumin (OVA) prior to pregnancy. Following mating and beginning on gestational day 2 (GD2), dams were exposed to either aerosolized OVA or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 1 hour. Following the 1-hour exposure, pregnant females were then exposed to UIS or clean air for 4 hours. Offspring brains were collected at postnatal days (P)15 and (P)35. Cortices and hippocampal regions were then isolated and assessed for changes in cytokines using a Luminex bead-based multiplex assay. Analyses identified changes in many cytokines across treatment groups at both timepoints in the cortex, including interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), IL-2, IL-13, and IL-17, which remained elevated from P15 to P35 in all treatment conditions compared to controls. In the hippocampus at P15, elevations in cytokines were also identified across the treatment groups, namely interferon gamma (IFNγ) and IL-7. The combination of MAA and UIS exposure (MAA-UIS) during pregnancy resulted in an increase in microglia density in the hippocampus of offspring, as identified by IBA-1 staining. Together, these data indicate that exposure to MAA, UIS, and MAA-UIS result in changes in the neuroimmune environment of offspring that persist into adulthood.
... Nano-sized metal particles of Cu in the air may affect neurological diseases, and soluble Zn in airborne particles can damage lung cells (Richards et al., 1989;Richards, 2003;Manigrasso et al., 2019). Studies have shown that combined exposure to Fe and black carbon particles induces oxidative damage, cytotoxicity, and pro-inflammatory responses in the lung (Zhong et al., 2010). Long-term exposure to black carbon may also lead to increased eye pressure (Manigrasso et al., 2019). ...
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Aerosol ultra-fine and nano-particles are playing essential roles in the evolution of the Earth environment because of their deep connections to the chemical conversions and solar radiation energy transfer in the atmosphere, and have also become an urgent public concern in recent years due to their adverse health effects. Electron microscopes, as major tools being able to accurately identify the physical and chemical characteristics of individual particles in micron and submicron size, have been widely used in aerosol studies, although some barriers remain for their low efficiency and high cost. In this work, current understandings on the physical and chemical characteristics, mixing state and heterogeneous chemical reactions of individual aerosol particles, mainly obtained with electron microscopes, are reviewed. First, the techniques of individual particle analyses are briefly summarized and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Then, the morphology and composition of major atmospheric particle types obtained with these techniques and how the information was used to identify particle sources are introduced. The effects of aerosol particles on the environment, climate, human health, and global geochemical cycles are also discussed based on the data from individual particle analyses. Finally, challenges faced in individual particle studies are prospected.
... A recent whole-body inhalation exposure study using iron-soot combustion particles (Count median diameter (CMD) 50.4 ± 4 nm) found that iron NPs were transported to the brain via the olfactory nerves and were associated with indicators of neural inflammation [26]. A few inhalation studies assessing pulmonary toxicological effects have reported oxidative stress, macrophage infiltration and inflammation [27][28][29][30][31], although none, even those using repeated high exposure doses, reported effects on breathing rate or mortality. In contrast, some other studies reported little if any pulmonary effects [25,[32][33][34]. ...
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Iron is typically the dominant metal in the ultrafine fraction of airborne particulate matter. Various studies have investigated the toxicity of inhaled nano-sized iron oxide particles (FeOxNPs) but their results have been contradictory, with some indicating no or minor effects and others finding effects including oxidative stress and inflammation. Most studies, however, did not use materials reflecting the characteristics of FeOxNPs present in the environment. We, therefore, analysed the potential toxicity of FeOxNPs of different forms (Fe3O4, α-Fe2O3 and γ-Fe2O3) reflecting the characteristics of high iron content nano-sized particles sampled from the environment, both individually and in a mixture (FeOx-mix). A preliminary in vitro study indicated Fe3O4 and FeOx-mix were more cytotoxic than either form of Fe2O3 in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B). Follow-up in vitro (0.003, 0.03, 0.3 µg/mL, 24 h) and in vivo (Sprague–Dawley rats, nose-only exposure, 50 µg/m3 and 500 µg/m3, 3 h/d × 3 d) studies therefore focused on these materials. Experiments in vitro explored responses at the molecular level via multi-omics analyses at concentrations below those at which significant cytotoxicity was evident to avoid detection of responses secondary to toxicity. Inhalation experiments used aerosol concentrations chosen to produce similar levels of particle deposition on the airway surface as were delivered in vitro. These were markedly higher than environmental concentrations. No clinical signs of toxicity were seen nor effects on BALF cell counts or LDH levels. There were also no significant changes in transcriptomic or metabolomic responses in lung or BEAS-2B cells to suggest adverse effects.
... Thus, because the aforementioned heating inactivates bacteria, these results indicate that PM2.5 without bacteria cannot induce inflammation. Moreover, heat inactivation of soot PM2.5 followed by exposure indicated that a low dose of soot particles does not acutely aggravate established allergic airway inflammations in mice [22]. Based on these comprehensive studies, we did not use heat-activated PM2.5 as control in our studies. ...
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Air pollution events frequently occur in China during the winter. Most investigations of pollution studies have focused on the physical and chemical properties of PM2.5. Many of these studies have indicated that PM2.5 exacerbates asthma or eosinophil inflammation. However, few studies have evaluated the relationship between bacterial loads in PM2.5, and especially pathogenic bacteria and childhood asthma. Airborne PM2.5 samples from heavily polluted air were collected in Hangzhou, China between December 2014 and January 2015. PM2.5 and ovalbumin (OVA) were intratracheally administered twice in 4-week intervals to induce the allergic pulmonary inflammation in adolescent C57/BL6 mice. PM2.5 exposure caused neutrophilic alveolitis and bronchitis. In the presence of OVA, the levels of the Th2 cytokines IL-4, IL-12, and IL-17 were significantly increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALF) after PM2.5 exposure, while eosinophil infiltration and mucin secretion were also induced. In addition to adjuvant effects on OVA-induced allergic inflammation, PM2.5 exposure also led to the maturation of dendritic cells. These results suggest that PM2.5 exposure may aggravate lung eosinophilia and that PM2.5-bound microbial can exacerbate allergic and inflammatory lung diseases.
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Background Artisanal refinery operations can produce a significant volume of air pollutants, among which are carbon soot particulate matter. Although these operations are widespread, especially in developing countries, the impact of exposure to carbon soot particulate matter on both respiratory and reproductive health remains poorly understood. Objective In this study, we aimed to examine the effects of controlled exposure to carbon soot particulate matter on the respiratory and reproductive systems of male albino Wistar rats. To simulate the exposure conditions found in artisanal refineries, we developed an experimental setup where rats were exposed to different concentrations of carbon soot particulate matter for 28 days. Results Respiratory health was evaluated by examining the cytoarchitecture of the lungs and quantifying inflammatory markers, including Tumour-Necrosis-Factor alpha (TNF-α), as well as oxidative stress parameters such as Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the lungs. Haematological parameters were also assessed. The reproductive impact was investigated through a thorough analysis of the cytoarchitecture of the testis. Conclusions Our study provides valuable insights into the health risks associated with exposure to carbon soot particulate matter, thus underscoring the urgent need for stricter regulatory measures to control air pollution in areas surrounding artisanal refineries.
Background Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Dietary bioactives have been used as alternative therapeutics to overcome various adverse effects caused by chemotherapeutics. Curry leaves are a widely used culinary spice and different parts of this plant have been used in traditional medicines. Curry leaves are a rich source of multiple bioactives, especially polyphenols and alkaloids. Therefore, extraction processes play a key role in obtaining the optimum yield of bioactives and their efficacy. Purpose We aim to select an extraction process that achieves the optimum yield of bioactives in curry leaves crude extract (CLCE) with minimum solvent usage and in a shorter time. Further, to investigate the anticancer properties of CLCE and its mechanism against lung cancer. Methods Different extraction processes were performed and analyzed polyphenol content. The bioactives and essential oils present in curry leaves were identified through LC-MS/MS and GC-MS analysis. The cytotoxicity of microwave-assisted CLCE (MA-CLCE) was investigated through MTT and colony-forming assays. The DNA damage was observed by comet assay. The apoptotic mechanisms of MA-CLCE were investigated by estimating ROS production, depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and apoptotic proteins. The glutathione assay estimated the antioxidant potential of MA-CLCE in normal cells. Results Generally, conventional extraction methods require high temperatures, extra energy input, and time. Recently, green extraction processes are getting wider attention as alternative extraction methods. This study compared different extraction processes and found that the microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method yields the highest polyphenols from curry leaves among other extraction processes with minimum processing. The MA-CLCE functions as an antioxidant under normal physiological conditions but pro-oxidant to cancer cells. MA-CLCE scavenges free radicals and enhances the intracellular GSH level in alveolar macrophages in situ. We found that MA-CLCE selectively inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in cancer cells by altering cellular redox status. MA-CLCE induces chromatin condensation and genotoxicity through ROS-induced depolarization of MMP. The depolarization of MMP causes the release of cytochrome c into the cytosol and activates the apoptotic pathway in lung cancer cells. However, pretreatment with ascorbic acid, an antioxidant, inhibits the MA-CLCE-induced apoptosis by reducing ROS production, which impedes mitochondrial membrane disruption, preventing BAX/BCL-2 expression alteration. Simultaneously, MA-CLCE downregulates the expression of survival signaling regulator PI3K/AKT, which modulates Nrf-2. MA-CLCE also diminishes intracellular antioxidant proficiency by suppressing Nrf‐2 expression, followed by HO-1 expressions. Conclusion Among several extraction methods, MA-CLCE is rich in several bioactives, especially polyphenols, alkaloids, and essential oils. Here, we reported for the first time that MA-CLCE functions as a pro-oxidant to lung cancer cells and acts as an antioxidant to normal cells by regulating different cellular programs and signaling pathways. Therefore, it can be further developed as a promising phytomedicine against lung cancer.
Nanotoxicology is a branch of toxicology that is related to potential effects of nanoparticles of diameter less than 100 nm. Due to relatively small size, they are reported to enter through biological tissue barriers and cellular membranes leading to toxic effects. Release of nanoparticles on the target surface also induces high level of toxicity in target cells. The nanoparticles are usually cationic and are easily attracted to the anionic biological membrane, resulting in the destruction of the membrane and interaction with proteins, DNA, and enzymes of the host cell. The carcinogenicity of some multiwall carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles are also reported in recent researches. Various concerns about the usage of nanoparticles including systemic translocation, direct effects on the central nervous system, intestinal tract involvement, biocompatibility, deposition, and clearing are reported till date. In this book chapter, we will review the potent role of nanomaterials to confer their toxicity at cellular and subcellular levels. Efforts have been made to summarize the new aspects of interactions with other toxicants either by reducing or enhancing health risks and the potent negative effects associated with nanomaterial pollution.
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A diffusion flame system was used to generate an aerosol of soot and iron oxide. The primary fuel was ethylene. Iron was introduced by passing ethylene over liquid iron pentacarbonyl. The aerosol emission from the flame was diluted by secondary air to a level that could be used in animal exposure studies. The system was designed to operate at a constant soot production rate while the iron loading was varied from 0 to 50 g m-3 in the diluted postflame gases. The impact of the iron on soot production was counteracted by the addition of acetylene to the fuel. Particles were collected on carbon grids and were examined via transmission electron microscopy. Electron energy loss spectroscopy was employed to characterize the aerosol. A differential mobility analyzer was used to measure the size distribution of the aerosol. The iron particles were typically 40 nm in diameter and often appeared in isolation from the soot aerosol, suggesting that either they were not formed concurrently with the soot or they remained after oxidation of the surrounding soot. Samples collected from within the flame, and downstream of the flame, indicated that the iron may have been present as very small particles comingled with the soot. The iron particles apparently melted and coalesced as they passed through the high temperature flame tip. Crystallization of the iron proceeded as the postflame gases cooled by mixing with external air. The flame system was shown to be capable of consistently producing steady concentrations of soot and iron for delivery to animals, without the confounding presence of toxic gaseous compounds.
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Atmospheric ultrafine particles (with diameter less than 0.1 μm) may be responsible for some of the adverse health effect observed due to air–pollutant exposure. To date, little is known about the chemical composition of ultrafine particles i the atmosphere of cities. Ultrafine particle samples collected by inertial separation on the lower stages of cascade impactor can be analysed to determine a material balance on the chemical composition of such samples. Measurements of ultrafine particl mass concentration made in seven Southern California cities show that ultrafine particle concentrations in the size rang 0.056–0.1 μm aerodynamic diameter average 0.55–1.16 μg m−3. The chemical composition of these ultrafine particle samples averages 50% organic compounds, 14% trace metal oxides, 8.7% elemental carbon, 8.2% sulphate, 6.8% nitrate, 3.7% ammonium ion (excluding one outlier), 0.6% sodium and 0.5% chloride. The most abundant catalytic metals measured in the ultrafine particles are Fe, Ti, Cr, Zn, with Ce also present. A sourc emissions inventory constructed for the South Coast Air Basin that surrounds Los Angeles shows a primary ultrafine particl emissions rate of 13 tonnes per day. Those ultrafine particle primary emissions arise principally from mobile and stationar fuel combustion sources and are estimated to consist of 65% organic compounds, 7% elemental carbon, 7% sulphate, 4% trac elements, with very small quantities of sodium, chloride and nitrate. This information should assist the community of inhalatio toxicologists in the design of realistic exposure studies involving ultrafine particles.
Atmospheric ultrafine particles (diameter < 0.1 μm) are under study by inhalation toxicologists to determine whether they pose a threat to public health, yet, little is known about the chemical composition of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere of cities. In the present work, the number concentration, size distribution, and chemical composition of atmospheric ultrafine particles is determined under wintertime conditions in Pasadena, CA, near Los Angeles. These experiments are conducted using a scanning differential mobility analyzer, laser optical counter, and two micro-orifice impactors. Samples are analyzed to create a material balance on the chemical composition of the ultrafine particles. The number concentration of ultrafine particles in the size range 0.017 < d_p < 0.1 μm, analyzed over 24-h periods, is found to be consistently in the range 1.3 × 10^4 ± 8.9 × 10^3 particles cm^(-3) air. Ultrafine particle mass concentrations are in the range 0.80−1.58 μg m^(-3). Organic compounds are the largest contributors to the ultrafine particle mass concentration. A small amount of sulfate is present in these particles, at concentrations too low to tell whether it exists as unneutralized sulfuric acid. Iron is the most prominent transition metal found in the ultrafine particles. These data may assist the health effects research community in constructing realistic animal or human exposure studies involving ultrafine particles.
Recent epidemiological studies suggest that children may be more susceptible than adults to effects of inhaled particulate matter. To determine if children receive an increased lung dose of particles compared to adults we measured fractional deposition (DF) of fine particles in children, age 7-14 yr (n = 16), adolescents, age 14-18 yr (n = 11), and adults, age 19-35 yr (n = 12). Each subject inhaled 2-μm monodisperse Carnauba wax particles while following a breathing pattern previously determined by respiratory inductance plethysmography for that subject (i.e., that subject's spontaneous pattern at rest). Breath-by-breath DF (ratio of particles not exhaled/total particles inhaled) was determined by photometry at the mouth. Among the children there was no variation in DF with subject age or height, but DF was dependent on intersubject variation in tidal volume (V1) (p < .001). DF for the children versus the adolescents was 0.22 ± 0.08(sd) and 0.20 ± 0.03, respectively (NS), also not different from the adults, DF = 0.22 ± 0.09. On the other hand, the rate of deposition normalized to lung surface area, nD(rate), tended to be greater (35%) in the children versus the combined group of adolescents and adults for resting breathing of these particles (p = .07). The variable nD(rate) is a function of the DF, the subject's minute ventilation, and his or her lung size. The increase in nD(rate) in the children is due to their higher minute ventilation in relation to their lung size. These results may prove useful in determining age-relative risks that may be associated with the inhalation of pollutant particles in ambient air.
Residual oil fly ash (ROFA), an emission source particulate, has been shown to induce acute lung injury and fibrosis in the rat. However, the mechanism(s) and the identities of various inflammatory mediators induced by ROFA are not known. Also the extent to which ROFA-associated metals contribute to proinflammatory gene induction is yet to be determined. To examine the mechanism of ROFA-induced lung injury, male Sprague-Dawley rats (60 days old) were intratracheally instilled with 0.3 ml of either acidified saline (brought to pH 2.5 using H2SO4, similar to the pH of the ROFA suspension in saline), ROFA (2.5 mg/rat in saline, yields pH of 2.5), or predominant ROFA-associated metals such as Fe2(SO4)3 (Fe, 0.54 μmol/rat), VSO4 (V, 1.7 μmol/rat), and NiSO4 (Ni, 1.0 μmol/rat), individually or as a mixture (Fe + V + Ni). The quantity of metals instilled reflected the amount present in the leachable material of ROFA. Histopathological findings indicated marked and progressive acute focal lung injury characterized by inflammation, edema, alveolar cell hyperplasia, thickening of the alveolar and airway walls, and bronchiolar secretory cell hypertrophy following ROFA exposure. The metal mixture induced similar pathology; however, the severity of lesions appeared less pronounced than with ROFA. Hi by itself caused the most severe damage, hemorrhage and inflammation, while V and Fe alone at a concentration present in ROFA produced less severe pathology. ROFA-instilled rats showed denudation of airway epithelium at 3 h that was less severe with individual metals and the metal mixture. Focal alveolar fibrosis was found in the case of ROFA and the metal mixture, and alveolar wall hyperplasia in the case of Ni, which predominated at 96 h postinstillation. Results obtained from semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analyses indicated that interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and IL-5 were induced as early as 3 h and returned to control levels by 24 h following ROFA exposure. The metal mixture as wee as Fe and V produced similar induction of IL-1β and IL-5 at 3 h. Although the extent of IL-1β and IL-5 induction by Ni was similar to ROFA at 3 h, unlike ROFA or the other metals, this induction persisted for up to 96 h postexposure. Macrophage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2) and IL-6 mRNA were induced by ROFA, the metal mixture, and individual metals, as early as 3 h after instillation. Both cytokines remained elevated especially in ROFA-, metal mixture-, and Ni-instilled rats at 24 h. MIP-2 expression remained elevated through 96 h in Ni-instilled rats. Surprisingly, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) mRNA was not affected by ROFA or metals at any time points examined. Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expression was increased slightly by ROFA, the metal mixture, and Ni, but not by Fe or V, at 3 h and returned to control levels by 24 h postexposure. E-selectin mRNA increased following ROFA, metal mix, V, and Ni instillation at 3 h, again returning to control levels by 24 h postexposure. These studies suggest that ROFA could induce a number of proinflammatory cytokine genes very early and that much of this induction was due to ROFA-associated metals. Overall, the persistency and the extent of cytokine induction over 96 h by ROFA and metals were in the order of Ni > ROFA ≤metal mix ≤ V ≤Fe. The persistency of cytokine induction rather than degree was more closely associated with the histopathology induced by ROFA and associated metals.
An experimental investigation is presented on the origin of the soot suppressing role of ferrocene additive in laminar, coannular, ethylene/air nonpremixed flames. The conditions examined involve laminar flames operating above and below their smoke point. In-flame diagnostics are employed to discern the interaction between the soot matrix and additive combustion products. The data presented in a previous study, as produced by thermophoretic sampling, transmission electron microscopy and high-resolution microanalysis techniques, are supplemented by soot volume fraction, temperature, and soot primary size measurements to unravel the mechanisms through which ferrocene combustion products influence soot formation processes. Furthermore, Z-contrast scanning/transmission electron microscopy is used to examine the over-fire aerosol and, in turn, provide insight on the fine-scale dispersion of iron fragments within the carbonaceous soot matrix. It is shown that ferrocene seeding of the fuel stream accelerates the particulate inception mechanisms, but does not influence soot loadings when soot growth is dominant. Ferrocene is also found to enhance soot oxidation rates near the flame terminus. It is concluded that the fine-scale incorporation of iron compounds within the soot matrix is a primary factor for the soot suppressing role of ferrocene in nonpremixed flames.
Abstract The goal of this study was to investigate whether exposure to formaldehyde vapors decreases resistance to respiratory infections through dysfunctions of the alveolar macrophage phagocytic system. Additionally, the study explored whether the interactions of formaldehyde and respirable carbon black particles result in an altered susceptibility through delivery of the absorbed formaldehyde to the deep lung with the inhaled particle. This aim was accomplished through in vivo studies of alveolar macrophage-dependent intrapulmonary killing of Staphylococcus au-reus and ex vivo alveolar macrophage k-receptor-mediated phagocytosis. Exposure to 15 ppm formaldehyde impaired lung antibacterial defenses when exposure followed bacterial challenge; however, this effect was found at 1 ppm when formaldehyde exposure preceded and was continued after bacterial challenge. Coexposure to target concentration of 3.5 mg/m3 carbon black and 2.5 ppm formaldehyde or 10 mg/m3 carbon black and 5 ppm formaldehyde for 4 h after bacterial challenge had no effect on intrapulmonary staphylococcal killing; nor was there any bactericidal dysfunction found in mice coexposed for 4 h/day for 4 days followed by bacterial challenge 1 day after cessation of exposure. To determine whether any possible effect was delayed, a surrogate assay for alveolar macrophage phagocytosis, Fc-receptor-mediated phagocytosis, was performed at 1–, 3–, 5–, 10–, 14-, 25-, and 40-day intervals after cessation of exposure to target concentrations of 10 mg/m3 carbon black and 5 ppm formaldehyde for 4 h/day for 4 days. Alveolar macrophage phagocytosis was progressively suppressed through day 25, and thereafter the phagocytic potential recovered by day 40. Exposure to target concentration of either 10 mg/mg3 carbon black or 5 pprn formaldehyde alone had no such effect. These data demonstrate that the coexposures to carbon black and formaldehyde suppress alveolar macrophage phagocytosis whereas exposure to either agent alone has no effect.