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Chromosomal differentiation between Pinus heldreichii and Pinus nigra


Abstract and Figures

Two tertiary relict pines, Pinus heldreichii and P. nigra, have been considered as taxonomically very close species. Both species have very discontinuous geographical distributions which overlap in some localities in Balkan Peninsula. The pattern of heterochromatin regions distribution (AT-, GC-rich and DAPI positive heterochromatin) and activity of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) were analyzed for these two pines by fluorochrome banding and silver staining respectively. Morphometric data for karyotype of P. heldreichii were presented here for the first time. Chromomycin (CMA) banding pattern was particularly species specific, P. heldreichii possessed 12 and P. nigra 24 bands. In comparison with other species from subsection Pinus, P. heldreichii displayed particular CMA-banding pattern. Hoechst banding was less specific and similar to other pines. DAPI staining was applied after DNA denaturation/renaturation and revealed important differences in number and position of bands between the two species. Number of secondary constrictions (SCs), of NORs and of nucleoli also differed between P. heldreichii (10) and P. nigra (12). Our results proved a clear interspecific differentiation at the chromosomal level between the two species and add some data to discuss about the possible new subsectional placement of P. heldreichii.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Ann. For. Sci. 63 (2006) 267– 274
© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2006
DOI: 10.1051/forest:2006005
Original article
Chromosomal differentiation between Pinus heldreichii
and Pinus nigra
a University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Forestry, Zagrebacka 20, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
b University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory for research and protection of endemic resources,
Zmaja od Bosne 33, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
c Université Paris-Sud, UMR CNRS 8079, Écologie, Systématique, Évolution, Bât. 360, 91405 Orsay, France
(Received 17 October 2004; accepted 12 July 2005)
Abstract – Two tertiary relict pines, Pinus heldreichii and P. nigra, have been considered as taxonomically very close species. Both species
have very discontinuous geographical distributions which overlap in some localities in Balkan Peninsula. The pattern of heterochromatin
regions distribution (AT-, GC-rich and DAPI positive heterochromatin) and activity of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) were analyzed for
these two pines by fluorochrome banding and silver staining respectively. Morphometric data for karyotype of P. heldreichii were presented
here for the first time. Chromomycin (CMA) banding pattern was particularly species specific, P. heldreichii possessed 12 and P. nigra
24 bands. In comparison with other species from subsection Pinus, P. heldreichii displayed particular CMA-banding pattern. Hoechst banding
was less specific and similar to other pines. DAPI staining was applied after DNA denaturation/renaturation and revealed important differences
in number and position of bands between the two species. Number of secondary constrictions (SCs), of NORs and of nucleoli also differed
between P. heldreichii (10) and P. nigra (12). Our results proved a clear interspecific differentiation at the chromosomal level between the two
species and add some data to discuss about the possible new subsectional placement of P. heldreichii.
Pinus / heterochromatin / fluorochrome banding / G-C and A-T rich DNA / interspecific differentiation
Résumé – Différentiation chromosomique entre Pinus heldreichii et Pinus nigra. Deux reliques tertiaires, Pinus heldreichii et P. nigra, sont
considérées comme espèces taxonomiquement très proches. Leur distribution géographique est très discontinue, se chevauchant dans quelques
localités des Balkans. La répartition des régions hétérochromatiques (AT-, GC- riche et hétérochromatine constitutive nonspécifique) et
l’activité des organisateurs nucléolaires (NORs) sont analysées par fluorochrome banding et coloration au nitrate d’argent respectivement. Les
données morphometriques du caryotype de P. heldreichii sont présentées ici pour la première fois. La distribution des bandes GC-riches est
particulièrement spécifique, P. heldreichii possède 12 et P. nigra 24 bandes. En comparaison avec d’autres espèces de la subsection Pinus,
P. heldreichii présente un chromomycin banding particulier. Les bandes AT-riches sont moins spécifiques et leur localisation est similaire aux
autres pins. La coloration au DAPI, effectuée après la dénaturation/renaturation de l’ADN, révèle des différences importantes en nombre et
position des bandes entre deux espèces. Le nombre des constrictions secondaires (SCs), des NORs et des nucléoles diffère également entre
P. heldreichii (10) et P. nigra (12). Nos résultats montrent une différentiation nette au niveau chromosomique entre ces deux espèces et ouvrent
la discussion sur un changement éventuel de subsection pour P. heldreichii.
Pinus / hétérochromatine / fluorochrome banding / ADN riche en G-C et A-T / différentiation interspécifique
Pinus heldreichii Christ. (Bosnian pine) and P. nigra Arnold
(European black pine) have been considered as taxonomically
very close Tertiary relict pine species [49]. Both pines were
classified into subsection Pinus but additional confirmation of
subsectional placement of P. heldreichii is suggested [33, 42].
Certain authors, investigating morphoanatomical features of
Bosnian pine, proposed inclusion of P. heldreichii into group
of species close to P. halepensis Mill. [10, 14]. Recent chemical
and molecular studies provided additional evidences for exclu-
sion of P. heldreichii from subsection Pinus and included it into
group of “Mediterranean pines” [35, 45, 51]. Geographical dis-
tribution of Pinus heldreichii is limited to Balkan high moun-
tains and few localities in South Italy while P. nigra occurs
mostly in mountains of Mediterranean region [1]. Black pine
is highly variable Mediterranean species including five subspe-
cies with many varieties [15, 49]. On the contrary, only two
* Corresponding author:
Article published by EDP Sciences and available at
268 F. Bogunic et al.
varieties of P. heldreichii (var. heldreichii Christ and var. leu-
codermis Ant.) can be recognized [15, 49]. Both species have
very discontinuous geographical distributions which overlap in
some localities of the Balkan Peninsula [12]. Their putative
spontaneous hybrids (P. × nigraedermis Fuk. et Vid.) were
reported from Mt. Rujište (Bosnia and Herzegovina) [13].
Conventional cytogenetics revealed same chromosome
number and prominent karyotype uniformity in both species,
which is a characteristic of genus Pinus, and even of entire fam-
ily Pinaceae [21]. Recent investigations employing modern
molecular-cytogenetic techniques are focused to physical
genome mapping, molecular chromosome structure and
genome size. Fluorochrome banding was firstly reported for
Pinus nigra var. maritima (Aiton) Melville [23], and then for
other pines [24, 25, 27] detecting specific heterochromatin pat-
tern in karyotype. Recently employed techniques of fluorescent
in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed organization of ribosomal
genes in Pinus species [9, 26, 28, 34]. Last decade was partic-
ularly marked by genome size investigations of Pinus species
[2, 20, 29, 39, 40, 48, 50]. All these methods are very useful
for consideration of phylogenetic and systematic relationships
among pine species.
There are many chromosome reports for P. nigra and those
were obtained by conventional [3, 21, 36, 43] and molecular-
cytogenetical methods [23, 28]. Only few data exist concerning
P. heldreichii karyotype [7, 43]. So, chromosomal organisation
of this species is scarcely known and there are still not mor-
phometric data for its karyotype.
Therefore, the aim of the present study is to provide and com-
plete the data on karyotype features and chromosome organi-
zation for P. heldreichii and P. nigra. We also discuss some
systematic aspects in the light of new cytogenetic data for these
two pines.
2.1. Material
Plant material originated from natural populations of P. heldreichii
and P. nigra except of a population of Black pine from the arboretum
(Tab. I). Seeds from adult trees were collected and used for cytological
analysis. Seeds were soaked in 5% sodium hypochlorite to sterilize
surface for 20 min, and rinsed twice in distilled water [21].
Identification and nomenclature of investigated species followed
usual classification system [15, 33, 42]. Vouchers corresponding to
studied pine individuals were deposited in Herbarium of Faculty of
Forestry, University of Sarajevo.
2.2. Methods
Seeds were germinated on moist filter paper in Petri dishes at 23 °C
temperature in incubator. Root tips were pretreated during 23–24 h in
0.05% aqueous solution of colchicine. Pretreated material was fixed
in acetic-alcohol (3:1, absolute ethanol:glacial acetic acid, v/v) and
placed in refrigerator (+4 °C) for 24 h [11]. After fixation plant mate-
rial was washed in distilled water and finally stored in 70% ethanol at
–20 °C until use.
Chromosome spreads were obtained using protoplast technique
[16] with slight modifications. Hydrolysis was made by enzymatic
treatment during 50 min in moist chamber at 37 °C. A universal enzy-
matic mix was used to hydrolyze plant material and to release chro-
mosomes from cytoplasm: 3% cellulase R10 (Yakult Honsha Co.), 1%
pectolyase Y-23 (Seishin corporation, Tokyo, Japan), 4% hemicellu-
lase (Sigma Chemical Co.) in citrate buffer (pH = 4.2).
After hydrolysis, meristems were gently squashed in a drop of 45%
acetic acid to gain protoplast suspension. The quality of chromosome
spreads was controlled under phase-contrast microscope. After removal
of the coverslips with liquid CO2 [8], the slides were dehydrated in
absolute ethanol and air-dried for at least 12 h at room temperature.
To observe GC- and AT-rich regions, chromosomes were stained
with chromomycin A3 (CMA) (Sigma) [31, 46] and Hoechst 33258
(Ho) (Sigma) [37], with minor modifications: CMA3 concentration
was 0.2 mg/mL [47]; 5 mM MgSO4 was added in McIlvain buffer [31]
instead of 10 mM MgCl4 [46]; dystamicin A3 staining was avoided
because it did not improve CMA staining.
After staining with CMA and Hoechst same plates were also
destained and prepared for DAPI (4,6 diamino-2-phenylindol) stain-
ing. The chromosomes were denatured using 70% formamide in
2×SSC, 2 min at 75 °C, then 5 min at 55 °C and incubated at 37 °C in
mixture sond containing 2×SSC overnight following protocols for
FISH experiment [47]. Staining was performed in 2 µg/mL of DAPI
in McIlvain buffer (pH = 7) for 15 min.
For silver staining of nucleoli germinated root tips were fixed in
standard fixative solution (3:1 absolute ethanol/glacial aceti c acid) and
stored 24 h in refrigerator. Meristem tissues were squashed in a drop
of 45% acetic acid. Coverslips were removed by freezing with liquid
CO2 and dehydrated with absolute ethanol, then air-dried at room tem-
perature for at least 12 h. Silver nitrate solution (50% in distilled water)
was dropped on slides and incubated at moist chamber for 15 h at 60 °C
[19]. Nucleoli number was determined on 100 interphase nuclei per
individual. At least three individuals from both species were analyzed.
The chromosome observations were performed using an epifluo-
rescent Zeiss Axiophot microscope with filter set 01 (excitation 365,
emission 480 nm long pass) for Ho and DAPI staining and filter set 07
(excitation 457, emission 530 for long pass) for CMA. Images were cap-
tured with a Princeton Micromax CCD Camera, using Metavue analyser.
Numerical karyotype analysis was done for four populations of
P. heldreichii and two populations of P. nigra (five individuals per
population). Chromosomes were identified and ordered according to
their total length, arm ratio and fluorochrome banding patterns. Fol-
lowing karyological features were analyzed: /TL (total length of each
chromosome) = l (long arm) + s (short arm)/, the ratio between long
and short arm (r), the relative length of each chromosome (RL = 100 ×
TL/ΣTL), the global asymmetric index (AsI = Σl× 100/ΣTL), and the
ratio between the longest and shortest chromosome pairs (R). The chro-
mosome types were characterized according recommended classifica-
tion [32, 44]. Ideograms were drawn from mean values of long and
short arms for each chromosome pair.
Table I . Origin of investigated material.
Species Locality
P. heldreichii Mt. Hranisava, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1780 m
Mt. Rujiste, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1050 m
Blidinje (Mt. Cvrsnica), Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 950 m
Mt. Sar-planina, Serbia and Monte Negro,
1600 m
P. n ig ra subsp. nigra* Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 900 m
P. n ig ra subsp. nigra Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 780 m
* Individuals from Arboretum of Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo.
Differentiation of Pinus heldreichii and P. nigra 269
3.1. Karyotype analysis
Karyotypes of both species present the same diploid number
2n = 24 (Fig. 1). Morphometri c data of chromosome lengths for
P. heldreichii ranged from 8.94 to 14.93 µm (Tab. II).
Decreasing in chromosome lengths was in generally con-
tinual and gradual in each metaphase plate (Fig. 2A,
Tab. II). Two smallest chromosome pairs decreased sharply
and possessed submedial centromeres, particularly pair 12.
Chromosome pair 11 belonged to meta-submetacentric (m-sm)
type. Hence, chromosome complement was symmetric and
homogenous (AsI% = 53.04). Mean value of total haploid
karyotype length was 152.74 µm. Value of r ranged from
1.06 to 1.78. The first ten chromosomes had r values ranging from
1.02 to 1.1, while this value varied from 1.30 to 1.78 for chro-
mosome pairs 11 and 12 (Tab. II). Significant differences were
Figures 1. Pinus heldreichii (1) and
P. nigra (2): CMA (a), Hoechst (b) and
DAPI (c) banding patterns.
Table II. Morphometric data for karyotypes of Pinus heldreichii and P. nigra.
P. heldreichii P. nigra
ChP l ± SD (µm) s ± SD (µm) TL ± SD (µm) r/t l ± SD (µm) s ± SD (µm) TL ± SD (µm) r/t
I 7.78 ± 0.35 7.15 ± 0.45 14.93 ± 0.74 1.09/m *6.63 ± 0.18 5.89 ± 0.29 12.53 ± 0.20 1.12/m
II 7.44 ± 0.45 *6.98 ± 0.43 14.33 ± 0.85 1.06/m 6.45 ± 0.19 5.59 ± 0.31 12.04 ± 0.35 1.15/m
III 7.33 ± 0.46 6.71 ± 0.44 14.05 ± 0.81 1.09/m 6.39 ± 0.21 *5.62 ± 0.61 12.02 ± 0.51 1.15/m
IV 7.16 ± 0.52 6.54 ± 0.43 13.70 ± 0.86 1.09/m 6.16 ± 0.20 *5.65 ± 0.28 11.81 ± 0.33 1.09/m
V 6.94 ± 0.46 *6.47 ± 0.47 13.41 ± 0.91 1.07/m *6.16 ± 0.17 5.43 ± 0.18 11.60 ± 0.32 1.13/m
VI 6.83 ± 0.42 *6.37 ± 0.45 13.21 ± 0.82 1.07/m 5.89 ± 0.30 5.48 ± 0.16 11.37 ± 0.40 1.07/m
VII 6.67 ± 0.37 *6.30 ± 0.41 12.97 ± 0.73 1.06/m *5.68 ± 0.26 5.18 ± 0.32 10.87 ± 0.57 1.09/m
VIII 6.60 ± 0.38 6.14 ± 0.42 12.75 ± 0.75 1.07/m 5.56 ± 0.22 5.13 ± 0.22 10.69 ± 0.62 1.08/m
IX 6.43 ± 0.40 *5.94 ± 0.40 12.38 ± 0.75 1.08/m 5.46 ± 0.34 *4.95 ± 0.25 10.42 ± 0.56 1.10/m
X 6.08 ± 0.40 5.51 ± 0.27 11.60 ± 0.60 1.10m/ 5.04 ± 0.16 4.61 ± 0.36 9.65 ± 0.51 1.09/m
XI 5.97 ± 0.30 4.34 ± 0.32 10.32 ± 0.54 1.38/m-sm 5.14 ± 0.14 3.87 ± 0.04 9.01 ± 0.17 1.32/m-sm
XII 5.72 ± 0.43 3.22 ± 0.31 8.94 ± 0.60 1.78/sm 4.70 ± 0.29 2.85 ± 0.29 7.55 ± 0.52 1.65/m-sm
THL (µm) 152.74 129.60
AsI (%)
ChP: chromosome pair; l: long arm; s: short arm; TL: total length of chromosome; r: ratio long/short arm; t: morphological type of chromosome; THL:
total length of haploid chromosome set; *: position of secondary constrictions; R: ratio of the longest and shortest chromosome pairs; SD: standard
270 F. Bogunic et al.
not detected by ANOVA test among populations for mean
chromosome lengths. Secondary constrictions (SCs) were
located at five chromosome pairs: 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9 (Tab. II). The
highest values of total lengths of haploid chromosome sets
were observed for Sar-planina (153.60 µm) and Blidinje
(153.63 µm) samples (Tab. III).
Similar karyotype pattern is observed for P. nigra (Figs. 1
(2a) and 2B), but mean values of chromosome lengths were
lower than in P. heldreichii. Therefore, mean value of total
length of haploid chromosome set (THL) was only 129.60 µm
(Tab. II). Chromosome length values decreased continually
and gradually, from 12.53 to 7.55, and sharply decreased from
9th to 12th chromosome pair (Tab. II). Strong decreasing was
Table III. Comparison of some morphometric karyotype data
among studied populations of P. heldreichii.
THL (µm) 152.41 153.63 151.30 153.60
ΣTLl (µm) 81.3 80.93 80.19 81.55
AsI% 53.34 52.67 53.00 53.09
R1.68 1.66 1.60 1.73
THL: Total length of haploid chromosome set; ΣTLl: total length of long
chromosome arms; AsI%: Asymmetric index; R: ratio of the longest and
shortest chromosomes lengths; H: Hranisava; B: Blidinje; R: Rujiste; S:
Figure 2. Idiograms of P. heldreichii (A) and P. nigra (B) showing CMA (lines), Hoechst (white), DAPI (black) banding patterns.
Differentiation of Pinus heldreichii and P. nigra 271
recorded between chromosome pair 11 and 12. Karyotype was
composed from ten metacentric and two smallest meta-submet-
acentric pairs. Karyotype was also very symmetric and homog-
enous (AsI% = 53.48) like in P. heldreichii. The r values of first
ten chromosome pairs ranged from 1.07 to 1.15, while chro-
mosome pairs 11 and 12 had r values 1.32 and 1.65, respec-
tively. Chromosome complement of black pine possessed 12
secondary constrictions which were located on chromosome
pairs: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 (Tab. II).
3.2. Fluorochrome banding and silver staining
In P. held reichii CMA staining displayed 12 GC - rich bands.
Ten intercalary bands were located on short arms, while chro-
mosome pair 7 possessed also the centromeric band. Three
types of chromosomes could be distinguished in P. heldreichii
karyotype by CMA staining: chromosome pairs without any
CMA bands (1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11 and 12), chromosome pairs with
intercalary bands (2, 5, 6 and 9) and one chromosome pair (7)
with both intercalary and centromeric bands (Figs. 1 (1a) and
2A). Sporadically, some individuals were characterized with
13th intercalary band on the short arm of chromosome pair 11.
Karyotype of P. nigra was characterized by more of CMA
bands (24 bands). In contrast to P. heldreichii, black pine pos-
sessed only three chromosome pairs that lacked bands (3, 6 and
9), 4 chromosome pairs with intercalary CMA bands (pairs 1,
4, 7 and 8), 2 with only centromeric bands (pairs 11 and 12)
and 3 pairs (2, 5 and 10) having both intercalary and centro-
meric bands (Figs. 1 (2a) and 2B).
In karyotype of P. heldreichii 26 Hoechst (Ho) bands were
registered mostly in centromere regions (Fig. 1 (1b)). Only pairs
5 and 10 had intercalary Ho bands on their long arms (Fig. 2A).
CMA bands appeared Ho negative.
As for CMA staining, P. nigra possessed more of Ho bands
(34) (Fig. 1 (2b)). Only three pairs (2, 8 and 12) lacked Ho sig-
nals. Most of signals were located in centromeric regions and
some were intercalary on one or both arms. Weak spot signals
were observed at centromeres of chromosome pair 10 (Fig. 2B).
All CMA bands appeared negative after Ho staining.
DAPI staining after DNA denaturation/renaturation
revealed many bands at the centromeric region in most chro-
mosomes of both species, and also many intercalary bands
(Fig. 1 (1c, 2c)). This staining produced more prominent band-
ing pattern for both pines. Numerous DAPI bands coincided
with CMA and Hoechst signals, but also additional DAPI sig-
nals were detected (Figs. 2A and 2B). According to the position
of DAPI bands (44 bands) four types of chromosomes can be
recognized for P. heldreichii: chromosome pairs with only cen-
tromeric band (pairs 4, 6, 10 and 11), chromosome pairs with
centromeric and intercalar bands on short arm (pairs 2, 7, and
8), chromosome pairs with centromeric and intercalar bands on
long arm (pairs 5, 9 and 12) and chromosome pairs with cen-
tromeric band and intercalar bands on both arms (pairs 1 and 3).
DAPI signals were observed at CMA positions of chromosome
pairs 2 and 7. Also, DAPI coincided with all Ho centromeric
signals and intercalary signals of chromosome pairs 5 and 12.
DAPI banding displayed the highest number of signals (58) in
karyotype of P. nigra. The number and position of mentioned
specific bands are presented on ideograms (Figs. 2A and 2B).
The nucleoli number of analyzed nuclei was different and
range from 2 (minimum number) to 10 (maximum number),
with five nucleoli per nuclei as the most frequent case in P. hel-
dreichii (Fig. 3). Maximum number of nucleoli for P. nigra was
12, minimum number was 2, and the most frequent nucleoli
number was 6 (Fig. 3).
Basic karyological features of P. heldreichii have already
been known [7, 43]. Authors reported the chromosome number,
Figure 3. The frequency of observed
nucleoli in P. heldreichii (gray) and
P. nigra (white) nuclei.
272 F. Bogunic et al.
details on chromosome morphology and the number of second-
ary constrictions (SCs): one chromosome pair bearing SCs was
observed, but the origin of plant material is unknown [43],
while karyotype from Calabria population showed three pairs
with SCs [7], The first morphometric data on P. heldreichii
karyotype is presented here. Chromosomes of P. heldreichii are
long, ranging from 8.93 to 14.93 µm, these values being the
highest within subsection Pinus [21].
Chromosomal reports on P. nigra are numerous [4, 5, 21, 30,
36, 41, 43]. Chromosome lengths (12.79–7.55 µm), much l ower
than those observed in P. heldreichii (14.93–8.94 µm), reflect
also obvious differences in genome size which was 45.5 pg and
50.01 pg respectively (Tab. IV) [2]. Values of r and AsI (%) for
both species are in concordance with the results obtained by
other authors [4, 21, 43] which emphasizes karyotype uniform-
ity found by conventional cytogenetical techniques. Discord-
ance in number and position of SCs is particularly obvious,
because of arm lengths and total chromosome lengths that are
nearly identical. Thus, inversion in the position of individual
chromosomes in karyotype may easily occur.
Despite the earlier mentioned facts certain relations can be
discussed only when same methods are applied. Hence, the two
species differ in mean values of chromosome lengths, number
and position of SCs as well as morphological types of chromo-
somes. Two smallest chromosome pairs of P. nigra and the last
chromosome pair of P. heldreichii belong to m-sm type
(Tab. IV).
In this study fluorescent-banding methods were used to
identify individual chromosomes and analyze interspecific
relationships. Thus, banding pattern displayed marked differ-
ences between the two species (Tab. IV), but also common fea-
tures with other Pinus species [23–25, 27] were evident.
Karyotype of black pine showed much more of CMA, Hoechst
and DAPI signals than P. heldreichii (Tab. IV). In spite of great
differences in the number of CMA bands (12 bands for P. hel-
dreichii and 24 for P. nigra) these two species possess some
common features: chromosomes having interstitial signals and
those having both interstitial and centromeric signals. Further,
chromosomes with both interstitial and centromeric signals are
found for species from subgenus Pinus, while it was not yet
recorded in subgenus Strobus [27], but the authors had analysed
only one species from soft pines group. Centromeric bands
were not observed using C-banding technique for Strobus
investigated pines either [36].
Both species have four chromosome pairs with only inter-
stitial CMA signals, but only one pair with both interstitial and
centromeric signals in P. heldreichii and three in P. nigra were
observed. Three pairs with interstitial signals have the same
positions in the complements (2, 5, 7). The second, fifth and
tenth pair of P. nigra possesses centromeric signals as well,
while P. heldreichii has CMA centromeric bands in pair 7. Two
smallest chromosome pairs of P. nigra have centromeric bands.
Present CMA banding pattern is very similar to previous results
for P. nigra var. maritima [23]. We found same number of
CMA bands (24), but some differences exist in band positions
and chromosome type. While six chromosome pairs with inter-
stitial signals were described in var. maritima [23], present
study showed one more chromosome pair with both interstitial
and proximal band in P. nigra subsp. nigra. However, intraspe-
cific variation in number and size of heterochromatic bands is
not rare case in plant karyotypes [18].
Recent study on pines pointed out the presence of centro-
meric CMA bands in two smallest chromosome pairs which
sequences have been used as PCSR (Proximal CMA-band spe-
cific repeats) probes in FISH experiment [28]. Proximal CMA
signals of pairs 11 and 12 are characteristic for most investi-
gated pines, especially for all species belonging to subsection
Pinus: P. densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. (both pairs), P. thunberghii
Franco (pair 12), P. luchuensis Mayr (pair 12), P. yunannensis
Franch (both pairs), P. tabuleformis Carr. (both pairs) [27]. The
correlation between PCSR and CMA signals was found at prox-
imal regions of chromosomes [28], but our results showed one
chromosome pair with both proximal and interstitial signal
more than in Black pine from Slovakia.
The source of these slight differences may be linked to dif-
ferent investigated taxa of black pine, thus supposing possible
karyotypic differentiation between geographical races within
species. Interindividual variation of CMA bands has already
been observed in P. nigra var. maritima [23] and P. densiflora
and P. thunberghii [25].
However, P. heldreichii is very interesting and unique
because it does not possess any proximal CMA signal at chro-
mosome pairs 11 and 12. In comparison to P. nigra, P. heldre-
ichii has half as much CMA signals (Tab. IV). An interesting
fact is also the number of chromosome pairs with both inter-
stitial and proximal signals. Evidently, Asian pines display in
general more CMA signals, higher number of chromosomes
having both interstitial and proximal signals and higher number
of long chromosomes with proximal signal [27]. Pinus heldre-
ichii and European black pine have more chromosomes with
interstitial signals.
The results of hybridization in situ of PCSR, telomere
repeats and rDNA in P. densiflora, P. sylvestris, P. thunberghii
and P. nigra showed that P. nigra is not so close to the other
three species [28]. To our knowledge P. heldreichii is pine with
the lowest number of CMA bands except of P. bungeana [27]
that belongs to subgenus Strobus. In P. heldreichii the number
of CMA signals (12) corresponded to numbers of SCs and
Table I V. Comparison of some cytogenetic characters of P. heldreichii and P. nigra.
T THL (µm) SC Nl CMA Ho DAPI 2C DNA (pg)
P. heldreichii 10 m, 1 m-sm, 1 sm 152.74 10 10 12 26 44 50.01
P. n ig ra 10 m, 2 m-sm 129.60 12 12 24 34 58 45.50
T: morphological type of chromosome; THL: total length of haploid chromosome set; SC: number of secondary constrictions; Nl: number of nucleoli;
CMA: number of CMA bands; Ho: number of Hoechst bands; DAPI: number of DAPI bands; 2C DNA: mean value of genome size (from [2]).
Differentiation of Pinus heldreichii and P. nigra 273
nucleoli. This confirms that all NORs could be active. Black
pine has the 6 chromosome pairs with a secondary constrictions
carried a NOR which corresponded to the 6 nucleoli in the most
observed nuclei and that was already reported [36], while 14
intercalary CMA signals were observed. Consequently, two
signals do not correspond to NORs.
Distribution of AT-specific regions in chromosomes
showed generally similar pattern for both species. Ho signals
were mostly observed at centromeric positions of P. heldreichii
karyotype except in chromosome pair 7 which possess CMA
centromeric signal, but DAPI confirmed weak spot signals also.
Centromeric position of Ho bands is confirmed for other con-
ifers, such as Cedrus spp. [6]. Authors confirmed positive CMA
signals that appeared Ho negative, and this pattern was also
found for Picea species [47]. These results are typical for plant
chromosomes after use of DAPI fluorochrome [46], and par-
ticularly for Pinus chromosomes [23, 25]. In our case DAPI was
applied after denaturation of DNA and in this way it detects
constitutive heterochromatin. All centromeric DAPI signals
coincided to Ho signals, but also signals corresponding to a new
DAPI positive heterochromatin in P. heldreichii karyotype
were detected. DAPI coincided with CMA signals at two chro-
mosome pairs (2 and 7). CMA-bands localized at the SCs usu-
ally contain 18S-5.8S-26S rRNA [22, 26]. CMA signals
appeared Ho negative except in chromosome pair 10 in P. nigra,
but in this case DAPI confirmed both CMA and Ho signals and
also displayed new regions of DAPI positive heterochromatin.
Intercalary DAPI signals, AT-rich, are specific for chromo-
somes of Pinus spp., too. So, numerous intercalar DAPI signals
corresponding to telomere repeat sequences were detected by
hybridization in situ [9, 28]. Unspecific DAPI heterochromatic
signals may be explained by possible alternation of AT- and
GC- rich repetitive DNA sequences, with a number of base rep-
etitions not sufficient to allow binding of specific fluorochrome
(5 AT and 3 GC are minimum motifs for Ho and CMA fluo-
rescence respectively, [17]). Hence, these signals are expressed
as DAPI positive heterochromatin. Always intensive interca-
lary DAPI band of chromosome pair 11 were located in long
arm for P. sylvestris, P. densiflora, P. thunberghii and P. nigra
[28], but P. heldreichii had it on a long arm of pair 12 (Fig. 2A).
Recent investigations of phylogenetic relationships of
Dyploxylon pines (subgenus Pinus), based on plastid sequence
data, include P. heldreichii into group of Mediterranean pines
(subsections Halepenses, Canarienses and Pineae) [35, 51].
Actually, it forms sister clade with Mediterranean pines.
According to the classical taxonomic schemes P. nigra is
regarded as the closest relative of P. heldreichii but incongru-
ence between taxonomic and phylogenetic systems is not rare.
Different classification schemes of species emerge as the result
of paucity of discrete characters, homoplasy of morphological
characters and their plesiomorphic nature in the genus Pinus
[35]. However, it has been showed that P. heldreichii had dif-
ferent terpen composition than P. nigra [38]. Seed protein anal-
ysis also supported P. heldreichii being more closely related to
Mediterranean pines than other members from subsection Syl-
vestres [45]. Probably, P. heldreichii and P. nigra shared common
evolutionary history, but diverged separately in circummedi-
terranean area. Our results provide additional corroboration
indicating high genomic differentiation between these two spe-
cies (Tab. IV). Concerning all these facts, subsectional replace-
ment of P. heldreichii into group of “Mediterranean pines”
seem to be natural and future investigations will be focused on
interspecific relationships with species from that group.
Acknowledgements: This study was partly supported by the funding
of Federal Ministry of Education and Science, Federation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina (No. 04-39-4013/03). The authors also thank Odile
Robin for technical support and Dr Dalibor Ballian for help in collec-
tion of samples.
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... Al., 1972;Dial and Statler ,1980;Salazar 1983, Mehra, 1988Hizume, 1988, Hizume et al., 1983, 1990, 1992, 2001, 2002a, 2016a, 2016bOhri and Khoshoo, 1986;Muratova and Kravstov, 1988;Xing and Kang, 1989;Karvonen et al., 1993;Doudrick et al., 1995;Lubaretz et al., 1996;Muratova, 1997;Jacobs et. al., 2000;Cesca and Peruzzi, 2002;Silva-Mann, 2002;Bogunic et al., 2006Bogunic et al., , 2011aBogunic et al., , 2011bCai et al., 2006;Islam-Faridi et al., 2003Nunes et al., 2009;Liu et al. , 2003;Mehes-Smith et al., 2011;Muratova et al., 2008;Pavia et al., 2014;Shibata et al., 2016 3. ...
... Distinct patterns of CMA and DAPI bands have been observed in P. radiata and P. taeda, while in the former there are centromeric DAPI bands in all the 12 pairs, no consistent DAPI bands appear in P. taeda, and the CMA bands in P. radiata occur at the sites of secondary constrictions in six pairs while they occur at both interstitial position co-localizing with secondary constrictions and at centromeric position in P. taeda (Jacobs et al., 2000). Bogunic et al. (2006) studied five sub species of Pinus nigra and observed 24-26 CMA bands some of which are associated with rDNA repeats. DAPI bands are present in larger numbers ( (Table 3). ...
... Similarly a study in four Pinus species shows interspecific differences in banding patterns. All these species are characterized by multiple number of bands, i.e. 12, 24, 34, 32 CMA and 44, 58, 64, 48 DAPI bands in P. heldreichii, P. nigra , P. mugo and P. uncinata respectively with different positions on their respective chromosomes (Bogunic et al., 2006(Bogunic et al., , 2011a(Bogunic et al., , 2011b ( Table 3). Many species belonging to two subgenera of Pinus have been studied to identify individual chromosomes by CMA and DAPI banding patterns (Table 3) which make a clear distinction between the two subgenera by the presence of thick CMA or DAPI band at proximal region in subg. ...
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The present study describes the published karyotypes of 338 conifer taxa comprising of 302 species belonging to 59 genera of conifers. The somatic chromosome numbers range from 2n=18 in Phyllocladus (Podocarpaceae) to 2n=66 in Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae). Polyploidy is rare as out of 512 conifer taxa known cytologically 2.80 per cent are polyploid and 2.20 per cent have both diploid and polyploid cytotypes. Various families show uniform somatic numbers such as Pinaceae (2n=24), Araucariaceae (2n=26), Cupressaceae (2n=22) except for some cases of polyploid taxa, and Podocarpaceae (2n=18‐38) caused by centric fissions. In Pinaceae the genus Pinus has the most symmetrical karyotype and Larix has the maximum bimodality. The karyotype diversity in rest of the families has been discussed in the phylogenetic framework. This apparent uniformity of karyotypes is not reflected in diversity of fluorescent bands and rDNA loci. These additional markers have taxonomic relevance and also facilitate chromosome identification in a number of cases. This karyotype conservation is reflected in very weak interspecific crossing barriers with the hybrids showing normal meiosis, and also in the conservation of gene content and order.
... The fluorescent band method sequentially using two base-specific fluorochromes is more easy and simple technique by just staining and supplies comparable results for FISH. Fluorescent band patterns were reported in four and eight taxa of subgenera Pinus and Strobus, respectively (Hizume et al. 1983(Hizume et al. , 1989(Hizume et al. , 1990Bogunić et al. 2006). In more species chromosomal information is need for understand of species relationships in respect to chromosomes in a large genus Pinus. ...
... DAPI-bands appeared at proximal region and thin DAPI-bands did at interstitial region. DAPI-dots were observed at centromeric region as previous reports (Hizume et al. 1983(Hizume et al. , 1989(Hizume et al. , 1990Bogunić et al. 2006). Number of interstitial CMA-bands, and proximal bands of CMA and DAPI varied among species. ...
... The fluorescent banding pattern of each species showed some variation of mainly in interstitial CMA-bands and fluorescence of proximal bands as previous reports (Hizume et al. 1989;Bogunić et al. 2006). Intraspecific variations of fluorescent bands in each species were not described this time. ...
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In Pinus , Subgenus Pinus 16 species were investigated on their somatic chromosomes by a fluorescent banding technique using chromomycin A 3 (CMA) and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The chromosome number of 2n=24 was commonly counted in all the species studied. Their karyotypes were composed of many long metacentric chromosomes and a few short submetacentric chromosomes, and two karyotypes were recognized in respect to number of short chromosomes in the subgenus. CMA-bands appeared at an interstitial and/or proximal region of chromosomes and DAPI-band did at a proximal region. Thin DAPI-bands appeared at interstitial regions and DAPI-dots appeared at a centromeric region in most chromosomes. In a chromosome complement each homologous chromosome was identified on the base of its shape and fluorescent banding pattern. The typical banding patterns were compared among the species studied. Many interstitial CMA-bands at the secondary constrictions appeared on many metacentric chromosomes. Proximal fluorescent bands varied in fluorescent nature and number and divided into several groups. Section Pinus short three chromosome pairs were two or three patterns of fluorescent banding. The section Trifolae species had many proximal DAPI-bands and less proximal CMA-bands than section Pinus. The shortest chromosome had proximal bands indicating two groups on the kinds of fluorescent band.
... DAPI (4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole) or Hoechst ( bisbenzimide 33,258 Add H ), on the other hand, is specific for AT-rich DNA. Comparative patterns of fluorochrome banding may be useful not only in identifying homologous chromosomes but also in revealing phylogenetic relationships among species [9,16,17]. ...
Chapter 18: Siljak-Yakovlev S., Pustahija F., Vičić-Bočkor V., Robin O. Molecular Cytogenetics (Fluorescence In Situ hybridization - FISH and Fluorochrome Banding): Resolving Species Relationships and Genome Organization. Fluorochrome banding (chromomycin, Hoechst, and DAPI) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) are excellent molecular cytogenetic tools providing various possibilities in the study of chromosomal evolution and genome organization. The constitutive heterochromatin and rRNA genes are the most widely used FISH markers. The rDNA is organized into two distinct gene families (18S–5S–26S and 5S) whose number and location vary within the complex of closely related species. Therefore, they are widely used as chromosomal landmarks to provide valuable evidence concerning genome evolution at chromosomal levels.
... Many aspects of the species biology and ecology are still insufficiently known. A limited number of studies have aimed at classical morphology and phenology in a particular geographic region (Tucović & Stilinović, 1972, 1975, 1977Popnikola, 1975Popnikola, , 1978Ballian et al., 2005), molecular genetic variation (Morgante et al., 1991;Boscherini et al., 1994;Naydenov et al., 2005) and genome organization (Bogunić et al., 2006). The chemical composition and its variation are the most thoroughly studied aspects of this pine (Nikolić et al., 2007(Nikolić et al., , 2015Bojović et al., 2011). ...
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Pinus heldreichii (Bosnian pine) is a Balkan-Apennine endemic and relict pine species that inhabits high mountains in the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean regions. Nineteen populations of P. heldreichii from the Western Balkans encompassing 187 individual trees were examined to evaluate morphological variation, a rarely studied aspect of the species. Univariate and multivariate statistics were applied in order to assess the variation of morphological traits of cones and seeds, evaluate the relationships among the sampled populations and verify geographic differentiation in the Dinaric Alps versus Scardo-Pindic mountains. The observations of P. heldreichii covering the populations from the western margins and the centre of the species distribution range indicated a morphological variation among populations and their geographic structure. In general, the southern populations (Scardo-Pindic group) had lower values for the most of morphological traits than the northern ones (Dinaric group). The observed geographic differences between these populations exhibit a northwestern to southeastern gradient, with a few inconsistencies. The south-ernmost sampled population, Tomorr in Albania, showed remarkable morphological divergence from the other studied populations and appeared to be a distinct morphological group. The pattern of morphological variation in Bosnian pine most likely resulted from multiple effects of long-term isolation and fragmentation in high mountain systems, adaptation to extreme environments and human disturbances.
... An increase in the constitutive heterochromatin formation in polyploids may correspond to a general consequence of chromosome doubling that may lead to emergence of new heterochromatic blocks (Comai, 2005;Otto, 2007;Garcia et al., 2009b). An interesting characteristic feature was also observed, where, a highly heterogeneous nature of the heterochromatin banding pattern among the polyploids was noticed with similar results described for tetraploid Artemisia alba (Vallès and Siljak-Yakovlev, 1997), Pinus species (Bogunic et al., 2006) and Artemisia argillosa (Garcia et al., 2007). The analysis of chromosome and heterochromatin distribution pattern could help in deciphering the intricacies of chromosomal modification occurring in polyploids. ...
... [3] Despite of morphological similarity and sometimes overlapped natural ranges with indication of natural hybridization, [5] P. heldreichii and P. nigra differ in morphological characters, in area of distribution (P. heldreichii is Balkan subendemite, while P. nigra is one of the most widespread pine species in Europe with fragmented distribution range that extends from North Africa through the northern Mediterranean and eastwards to the Black Sea), chemical composition, [6] cytogenetics, [7] [8] and molecular genetics. [3] According to various systematists, P. heldreichii and P. nigra are classified into different subsections (Pinaster and Pinus, resp.) of section Pinus. ...
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The n‐alkane composition in the leaf cuticular waxes of natural populations of Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii), Austrian pine (P. nigra) and Macedonian pine (P. peuce) was compared for the first time. The range of n‐alkanes was wider in P. nigra (C16‐C33) than in P. heldreichii and P. peuce (C18‐C33). Species also diverged in abundance and range of dominant n‐alkanes (P. heldreichii: C23, C27, and C25; P. nigra: C25, C27, C29, and C23; P. peuce: C29, C25, C27, and C23). Multivariate statistical analyses (PCA, DA and CA) generally pointed out separation of populations of P. nigra from populations of P. heldreichii and P. peuce (which were, to a greater or lesser extent, separated too). However, position of these species on the basis of n‐alkane composition neither was in accordance with infrageneric classification nor with recent molecular and terpene investigations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... DAPI, a counterstain used in FISH analysis after denaturation/ renaturation of DNA, reveals heterochromatin (Bogunic et al., 2006(Bogunic et al., , 2011Muratovic et al., 2010;Souissi et al., 2012). DAPI bands were observed in present study, mostly located at the ends of the long chromosome arms (Fig. 4). ...
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The aim of this study was to gain insight into the basic genetics of Chrysanthemum zawadskii Herbich ssp. lucidum (NAK.) Y. Lee, a Chrysanthemum subspecies from Ulleung Island, South Korea, by investigating its karyotypic and cytogenetic characteristics, and to contribute to the karyosystematic study of the genus Chrysanthemum (tribe: Anthemideae). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to characterize the ploidy level, chromosome constitution, and distribution of 5S and 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and Arabidopsis-type telomere repeats (TTTAGGG)n in C. zawadskii ssp. lucidum chromosomes. The somatic metaphase chromosome number of C. zawadskii ssp. lucidum was tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36). Signals from four 5S rDNA loci were detected in the middle of the long arms of some chromosomes, whereas signals from eight 18S rDNA loci were located at the termini of the short arms. The two rDNA markers localized to different chromosomes with no co-localization. The Arabidopsis-type telomeric repeats, however, co-localized with 18S rDNA sites at the ends of both chromosomal arms. This co-localization of telomeric sequences and 18S rDNA has also been observed in other Chrysanthemum species with various levels of ploidy, indicating that it is a general feature of the genus. DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) bands incidentally detected after FISH are also illustrated. These preliminary data contribute towards understanding the karyotypic trends and role of polyploidy in the evolution of the genus Chrysanthemum.
... heldreichii var. leucodermis), which are geographically closest to the populations we investigated, points to a high level of heterogeneity (Kapur et al. 2003) and the separation of the species' chromosome garnitures from Pinus nigra (Bogunić et al. 2003(Bogunić et al. , 2006(Bogunić et al. , 2007. ...
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Variability of eight morpho-anatomical characters of 2-year-old needles of the Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii Christ.), collected from natural populations in Montenegro (Lovćen, Zeletin and Bjelasica) and Serbia (Zlatibor-Pešter) were investigated. The needles have 0-13 resin ducts, predominantly of the medial type (settled in mesophyll tissue). The average values were as follows: 7.86 cm (needle length), 1.44 mm (needle width), 0.85 mm (needle thickness), 20.82 μm (cuticle+epidermis thickness), 21.08 μm (height of hypodermal cells), 3.31 (number of hypodermis layers), 4 (number of resin ducts) 57.05 μm (resin duct diameter). Needle width and thickness were the most variable characters. Principal component analysis separation of the geographically most distant populations Lovćen and Zlatibor-Pešter from themselves and from other populations. Cluster analysis suggests biggest similarities between populations Lovćen and Bjelasica and biggest differences between Lovćen and Zlatibor-Pešter.
The study of conifer genomes began in 1933 with the publication by Sax and Sax (1933) of chromosome numbers found in several conifer species. From 1933 until the beginning of the application of recombinant DNA technologies in the 1970s, the study of conifer genomes was done using classical cytogenetic techniques. From the 1970s until the late 1990s, a suite of developing DNA technologies was applied to the study of conifer genomes. We have labeled the years between 1933 and the late 1990s as the classical era in the study of conifer genomes. Beginning in the late 1990s, high-throughput DNA sequencing began to be applied. We have labeled this period as the modern era which will be covered in Chap. 3. In conifers, like all higher plants, there are three genomes; the nuclear genome (nDNA), the chloroplast genome (cpDNA), and the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). In this chapter we will discuss what was learned about chromosome number, ploidy, karyotypes, genome size, and basic genome content in all three genomes during the classical era.
The gymnosperms are the modern representatives of the most ancient group of seed-bearing plants. Their chromosomes have been studied extensively and chromosome numbers are known for representatives of all but three genera. A unique feature of the gymnosperms is the relative uniformity of their chromosome numbers both between species within genera and between genera in families. Polyploidy is very rare. Gymnosperm chromosomes are characteristically large and within most genera karyotypes also show uniformity, the exceptions being amongst some cycads. Despite this overall uniformity of shape and number differential banding patterns with Giemsa and base-specific fluorochromes reveal considerable variation in the number, size, location and base-composition of bands. Similarly, fluorescence in situ hybridization also demonstrates significant variation in number and location of many repetitive DNA elements within and between genera and families. Karyotype evolution does not appear to involve extensive structural rearrangements as meiotic pairing in F1 hybrids is usually regular and where available genetic maps suggest the conservation of large syntenic groups of genes.
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Somatic chromosomes (2n=24) ofPinus luchuensis Mayr at metaphase were observed by fluorescent banding methods with chromomycin A3 (CMA) and DAPI. CMA-bands appeared at the interstitial and/or proximal regions of nearly all chromosomes. DAPI-bands appeared at the interstitial and/or centromeric regions of nearly all chromosomes, and pairs of DAPI-dots appeared at the centromeric regions. Each homologous pair of chromosomes in the chromosome complement was identified by the CMA and DAPI fluorescent banding patterns. The interstitial CMA-bands were mostly localized at the secondary constrictions of the Feulgen-stained chromosomes. The fluorescent banding pattern ofP. luchuensis was very similar to that ofP. thunbergii, but was different from that ofP. densiflora.
Nuclear 1C DNA content in haploid megagametophyte tissue of 18 North American and one exotic Pinus species was determined using scanning microspectrophotometry. The nuclear DNA content in root meristematic cells of Zea mays L. ssp. mays, inbred line Va35 (4C = 10.31 pg) was used as a standard. DNA content measured by microspectrophotometry was verified using laser flow cytometry with two additional standards, Hordeum vulgare cv. Sultan (2C = 11.12 pg) and P. eldarica (2C = 47.30 pg). DNA values obtained by both methods were significantly correlated (r = 0.987). The 1C nuclear DNA content ranged from 21 pg to 31 pg. The ratio of DNA content in embryo tissue of P. eldarica to that in megagametophyte tissue was 1.72 by scanning microspectrophotometry and 1.74 by laser flow cytometry. To date, this is the most comprehensive data set available for North American Pinus species. Relationships between genome size of 18 North American Pinus species and climatic factors and indices of growth were investigated using regression and correlation analyses. Positive correlations were observed between nuclear DNA content and growth indices, minimum seed-bearing age, and seed dimensions. Strong negative correlations were observed between nuclear DNA content and two climatic factors, the lowest mean annual and monthly precipitation (excluding January) and the highest mean monthly spring air temperature. These correlations suggest that the large genome size and its variation in Pinus are adapted responses to the habitats of these species.