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A Metaanalysis of the Effectiveness and Safety of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs


Abstract and Figures

To determine statistically significant effects of oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs with respect to pain, function, and complication rate. Random-effects metaanalyses were used to estimate outcomes for oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs. A literature search provided relevant studies that were weighted by a study quality score. Separate metaanalyses were performed for visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and modified MacNab outcome scales, as well as for complication rate. Institutional review board approval was not required for this retrospective analysis. Twelve studies were included in the metaanalyses. The inclusion/exclusion criteria, patient demographics, clinical trial rankings, treatment procedures, outcome measures, and complications are summarized. Metaanalyses were performed on the oxygen/ozone treatment results for almost 8,000 patients from multiple centers. The mean improvement was 3.9 for VAS and 25.7 for ODI. The likelihood of showing improvement on the modified MacNab scale was 79.7%. The means for the VAS and ODI outcomes are well above the minimum clinically important difference and the minimum (significant) detectable change. The likelihood of complications was 0.064%. Oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs is an effective and extremely safe procedure. The estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive in view of the broad inclusion criteria, which included patients ranging in age from 13 to 94 years with all types of disc herniations. Pain and function outcomes are similar to the outcomes for lumbar discs treated with surgical discectomy, but the complication rate is much lower (<0.1%) and the recovery time is significantly shorter.
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A Metaanalysis of the Effectiveness and Safety of
Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs
Jim Steppan, PhD, Thomas Meaders, BS, Mario Muto, MD, and Kieran J. Murphy, MD, FRCPC
PURPOSE: To determine statistically significant effects of oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs with respect to
pain, function, and complication rate.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Random-effects metaanalyses were used to estimate outcomes for oxygen/ozone
treatment of herniated discs. A literature search provided relevant studies that were weighted by a study quality score.
Separate metaanalyses were performed for visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and modified
MacNab outcome scales, as well as for complication rate. Institutional review board approval was not required for this
retrospective analysis.
RESULTS: Twelve studies were included in the metaanalyses. The inclusion/exclusion criteria, patient demographics,
clinical trial rankings, treatment procedures, outcome measures, and complications are summarized. Metaanalyses
were performed on the oxygen/ozone treatment results for almost 8,000 patients from multiple centers. The mean
improvement was 3.9 for VAS and 25.7 for ODI. The likelihood of showing improvement on the modified MacNab
scale was 79.7%. The means for the VAS and ODI outcomes are well above the minimum clinically important
difference and the minimum (significant) detectable change. The likelihood of complications was 0.064%.
CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs is an effective and extremely safe procedure. The
estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive in view of the broad inclusion criteria, which included
patients ranging in age from 13 to 94 years with all types of disc herniations. Pain and function outcomes are similar
to the outcomes for lumbar discs treated with surgical discectomy, but the complication rate is much lower (<0.1%)
and the recovery time is significantly shorter.
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2010; 21:534–548
Abbreviations: FIO Italian Oxygen–Ozone Therapy Federation, MCID minimum clinically important difference, MCD minimum detectable change,
ODI Oswestry Disability Index, VAS visual analog scale, SD standard deviation
THE mechanism of pain in the lumbar
region is not fully understood, but it is
likely caused by mechanical and/or in-
flammatory factors. Since 1934 (1), the ac-
cepted rationale for surgical treatment of
disc herniations is that lumbar back pain
is a result of mechanical nerve compres-
sion and that partial surgical removal of
the disc decreases mechanical compres-
sion, which relives the pain. Many com-
mon minimally invasive treatments such
as percutaneous lumbar discectomy (2),
laser discectomy (3), percutaneous plasma
disc decompression (ie, nucleoplasty) (4),
intradiscal electrothermal therapy (5), and
percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency
thermocoagulation (6) rely upon the re-
moval of disc material to reduce pressure
on the ganglion nerve root. The proposed
mechanism of action for each of these pro-
cedures, is that a small change in volume
produces a large change in pressure (7).
Oxygen/ozone treatment is a mini-
mally invasive injection for the treatment
of disc herniations that is widely practiced
in Europe and Asia, as evidenced by the
results of our literature search. Intradiscal
injection of ozone was first reported in the
1990s by Muto and Avella (8) and other
Italian interventional neuroradiologists.
Extradiscal injection of ozone into the
paravertebral muscle adjacent to a herni-
ated disc was first proposed by Verga in
1989 (9). The technique for oxygen/ozone
injection is similar to that used for discog-
raphy and other percutaneous disc proce-
From ActiveO (J.S., T.M.), Salt Lake City, Utah; De-
partment of Medical Imaging (K.J.M.), University
of Toronto, Fitzgerald Building, Room 112, 150
College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E2, Canada;
Department of Interventional Neuroradiology (K.J.M.),
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland; and Neuroradiology Unit (M.M.), A.
Cardarelli Hospital, Naples, Italy. Received May 29,
2009; final revision received October 20, 2009; ac-
cepted December 3, 2009. Address correspondence
to K.J.M.; E-mail:
From the SIR 2009 Annual Meeting.
This study was funded in part by ActiveO (Salt Lake
City, Utah), a company with a product that relates to
the subject of this research. All of the authors acknowl-
edge direct and/or indirect financial relationship(s)
with ActiveO. J.S. and T.M. are salaried employees of
© SIR, 2010
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2009.12.393
dures. A sterile needle is positioned under
image guidance into the nucleus pulpo-
sus. Then 1–3 mL of oxygen/ozone from
a medical ozone generator is injected into
the disc and 7–9 mL is injected into the
paravertebral muscle surrounding the
disc. After the ozone injection, some phy-
sicians may inject pain suppressant (eg,
bupivacaine) and/or a corticosteroid. The
procedure is minimally invasive, very safe
with virtually no adverse events, and
completed in less than 30 minutes.
Ozone is a strong oxidizer that quickly
reacts and oxidizes the proteoglycans in
the nucleus pulposus, which results in a
small disc volume reduction and subse-
quent pain relief. The premise is that a
small volume reduction results in a signif-
icant pressure reduction. Ozone is also a
natural disinfectant. Therefore, the ozone
injected outside the disc serves to mini-
mize risk of infection. In addition, ozone
has been shown to have antiinflamma-
tory/analgesic effects. Additional discus-
sion of ozone’s mechanisms of action can
be found elsewhere (10).
There has been controversy regarding
the safety and effectiveness of medical
ozone (11) and there are no medical ozone
generators for this procedure that are cur-
rently cleared by the United States Food
and Drug Administration. As shown in
our literature search, many studies that
employed a wide range of inclusion/ex-
clusion criteria, ozone concentrations, and
procedures have been performed to deter-
mine the efficacy of oxygen/ozone treat-
ment. The purpose of the present study
was to use a metaanalysis (a method for
statistically combining results of numer-
ous studies to determine an average ef-
fect) to estimate the pain, function, and
safety outcomes of oxygen/ozone treat-
ment for herniated discs. Institutional re-
view board approval was not required for
this retrospective analysis.
Review Methods
Literature searches were performed
using PubMed and the International Jour-
nal of Ozone Therapy Web site with search
Table 1
Study Quality Scoring System
Study Criteria Base Score
Type of study
Randomized 0.9
Prospective 0.8
Retrospective 0.7
Additional Points
Did study use a control arm?
Yes 0.1
No 0.1
Did study present a statistical analysis
on the results?
Yes 0.1
No 0.1
Was it a multiple-center study?
Yes 0.1
No 0.1
Note.—The final study quality score
(Qs) is the base score additional
Table 2
Summary of Clinical Trial Patient Information from Literature Search (21–24,27–33)
No. of
Patient Age (y)
M/F (%) Herniation Type
Herniated Disc Treatment
LocationsRange Mean
ActiveO Trial
50 18–74 45 66/34 Contained L1–L2 (2.3), L2–L3 (2.3), L3–L4 (9.1),
L4–L5 (59.1), L5–S1 (27.3)
Muto et al, 2008 (21) 2,900 19–86 NR 60/40 Contained Between NR and S1
Oder et al, 2008 (23) 621 22–94 63* 39/61 Bulging, contained, and
L1–L2 (NR), L2–L3 (NR),
L3–L4 (NR), L4–L5 (36.1),
L5–S1 (48.3)
Gallucci et al,
2007 (22)
82 18–71 41 56/44 NR L3–L4 (13), L4–L5 (38), L5–S1 (49)
78 18–71 40 55/45 NR L3–L4 (16), L4–L5 (35), L5–S1 (49)
Leonardi et al,
2006 (28)
37 NR 57 45/55 NR NR
52 NR 49 54/46 NR NR
Buric et al, 2005 (27) 30 19–77 45 53/47 Noncontained Between L3 and S1
15 19–77 45 40/60 Noncontained Between L3 and S1
Qing et al, 2005 (29) 602 17–83 NR 57/43 Contained (protrusion) NR
Ying et al, 2005 (30) 323 19–76 46 57/43 Contained and
L2–L3 (2.4), L3–L4 (8.9),
L4–L5 (47.0), L5–S1 (41.8)
Muto et al, 2004 (31) 2,200 13–89 NR NR Contained Between L3 and S1
Andreula et al,
2004 (32)
300 20–80 NR NR Contained L1–L2 (0.7), L2–L3 (1.2), L3–L4 (8.7),
L4–L5 (61.8), L5–S1 (27.6)
300 20–80 NR NR Contained L1–L2 ( 0.7), L2–L3 (1.2),
L3–L4 (8.7), L4–L5 (61.8),
L5–S1 (27.6)
Buric et al, 2003 (24) 104 20–60 NR NR Noncontained Between L2 and S1
He et al, 2003 (33) 258 19–62 45 59/41 Bulging (27), protruded (71),
extruded (2)
Between L4 and S1
Note.—Values in parentheses are percentages. NA not applicable; NR not reported.
* Median.
Steppan et al 535
Volume 21 Number 4
terms associated with ozone treatment of
herniated discs. The following keywords
were searched on PubMed: (i) “ozone and
discectomy,” (ii) “ozone and lumbar
and (disc or disk),” (iii) “intradiscal
ozone,” and (iv) “ozone and herniated
and (disc or disk).” The following key-
words were searched in the International
Journal of Ozone Therapy: (i) “discec-
tomy,” (ii) “lumbar disc,” (iii) “intradis-
cal,” and (iv) “herniated disc.” It was
not necessary to include “ozone” in the
search terms in the International Journal
of Ozone Therapy because the journal is
dedicated to ozone treatment. Any stud-
ies that did not perform intradiscal
ozone injections or did multiple para-
vertebral injections were excluded, as
these procedures are contrary to the rec-
ommended procedure of the Italian Ox-
ygen–Ozone Therapy Federation (FIO)
(12). The FIO procedure has been dem-
onstrated to be safe in oxygen/ozone
treatments on 15,000 patients (12) with
no procedure-related adverse events (ie,
no early or late neurologic or infectious
We also excluded any studies that
treated the cervical discs, as our primary
focus was lumbar discs. Other publica-
tions that were excluded were those that
did not have English translations, those
that we suspected contained results that
were published in multiple papers (in
which case only the most recent results
were used), those that used nonstand-
ard outcome scales that could not be
converted to one of the standard scales
analyzed, those that did not provide
sufficient data or provided data that
could not be estimated with a statis-
tically sound method, and those that
were discussions of oxygen/ozone
treatment without results from clinical
Table 3
Summary of Clinical Trial Inclusion Criteria from Literature Search (21–24,27–33)
(References) Clinical* Neuroradiologic†
ActiveO Trial
(Unpublished data)
3 Single herniated disc between L1 and S1
Muto et al, 2008 (21) 2 Single (% NR) or multiple (% NR) herniated lumbar disc between NR and S1
Oder et al, 2008 (23) 3 Bulging, contained, and non-contained disc between NR and S1 levels
Gallucci et al, 2007 (22) Group B: 0.5–1
Group A: 0.5–1
Lumbar disc herniation between L3 and S1
Leonardi et al,
2006 (28)
Group A: 6
Group B: 6–240
Single herniated disc between NR levels
Buric et al, 2005 (27) Ozone arm 1 Noncontained herniated disc between L3 and S1
Microdiscectomy arm 1 Noncontained herniated disc between L3 and S2
Qing et al, 2005 (29) 0.25–216 Single (39.5), 2 each (42.0), 3 each (18.0), and 4 each (0.5) contained herniated
lumbar discs (level range NR)
Ying et al, 2005 (30) 0.17–264 Single (32.5), 2 each (54.8), and 3 each (12.7) herniated lumbar disc between
L2 and S1
Muto et al, 2004 (31) 2 Single (NR) or multiple (NR) herniated lumbar disc between L4 and S1and
residues of surgical microdiscectomy with recurrent herniation and/or
hypertrophic fibrous scarring
Andreula et al,
2004 (32)
Group A: 3
Group B: 3
Contained disc herniation between L1 and S1 and residues of surgical
microdiscectomy with recurrent herniation
Buric et al, 2003 (24) 1 Non-contained disc herniation between L2 and S1
He et al, 2003 (33) 3–204 Bulging (27), protruded (71), extruded (2) discs between L4 and S1
Note.—Values in parentheses are percentages. FBSS failed back surgery syndrome; NR not reported.
* Low back pain with or without radicular symptoms that did not improve after conservative therapy for at least a certain
number of months.
† CT and/or MR evidence of herniated disc(s) correlating with patients symptoms with or without degenerative disc/vertebra disease.
536 Metaanalysis of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs April 2010 JVIR
Outcome Measures
Pain and function improvements and
complication rates with oxygen/ozone
disc injections were evaluated via meta-
analyses. The visual analog scale (VAS)
was used as the pain metric and the
modified MacNab and Oswestry Dis-
ability Index (ODI) were used to assess
function. The number of complications
reported in each study was used to as-
sess the complication rate. As a result of
the linear relationship relating the Ro-
land–Morris Disability Questionnaire to
the ODI (13), the results from studies that
used the Roland–Morris Disability Ques-
tionnaire were converted to ODI with the
following equation, which was obtained
by performing a linear regression on data
comparing the two scales (13):
ODI 15.72 0.56 · RMDQ (1)
Calculating the Treatment Effect for
Each Study
Three different types of treatment ef-
fects were considered, a pre-/posttreat-
ment mean difference effect, an odds
effect, and a proportion (ie, risk) effect
(14). The pre-/posttreatment mean dif-
ference treatment effect compares the
initial mean scores of a sample popula-
tion versus the mean score of the same
population after a procedure. This treat-
ment effect was used for the VAS and
ODI scales because these scales produce
continuous quantitative data from which
means and standard deviations (SDs)
were calculated.
A pre-/posttreatment contrast could
not be used for the modified MacNab
Neurologic Psychologic Other
Lower back pain and sciatica exacerbated by sitting
and/or standing with recumbent relief
Able and willing to return for follow-up NR
Paresthesia or hypoesthesia over dermatome involved,
slight muscle weakness with congruous myotomal
distribution, and signs of root-ganglion irritation
A firm resolve on the part of the patient to
recover with a commitment to undergo
subsequent physical therapy with
postural and motor rehabilitation
Treated disc level determined by comparing
morphological data, patient’s history, and clinical
examination in consensus with a neurologist
NR Initial ODI 30%
Herniation site congruous with neurologic level NR NR
Level of disc herniation corresponding to level of
Level of disc herniation corresponding to level of
Classic clinical history, symptoms, and physical signs NR Unsatisfactory previous
surgery and other
minimally invasive
Mild or moderate disc herniation consistent with
clinical position assessment
NR FBSS after surgery
Paresthesia or hypoesthesia over dermatome involved,
slight muscle weakness with congruous myotomal
distribution, and signs of root-ganglion irritation
Firm resolve on the part of the patient to
recover with a commitment to undergo
subsequent physical therapy with
postural and motor rehabilitation
Low back pain with positive signs of nerve root
involvement with or without paraesthesia or
hypoesthesia with appropriate dermatome
Level of disc herniation corresponding to level of
Lasegue sign positive reaction NR NR
Steppan et al 537
Volume 21 Number 4
score or complication rate metaanalyses.
The proportion treatment effect was
used in the complication rate outcome.
For the modified MacNab outcome,
an odds treatment effect was used by
converting the results from each study
into binary data by assigning each of the
outcome categories into either a success-
ful or failed category. This allowed the
treatment effect to be the odds of a pa-
tient showing improvement in the mod-
ified MacNab scale. In this analysis, the
logit method was used because it has
been shown that, when using odds as
the treatment effect, the metaanalysis
overestimates the degree of heterogene-
ity across the studies if the logit method
is not used (15). The logit method in-
volves using the natural log of the odds
as the treatment effect and performing
all calculations on this basis.
Weighting the Studies
Each study included in the metaanaly-
ses was weighted by study size and qual-
ity score. For the VAS, ODI, and modified
MacNab analyses, the initial study weight
was a direct inverse of the study variance
and was used to give more weight in the
metaanalyses to those studies that used
larger sample sizes and therefore pro-
duced the most statistically accurate re-
sults. For the complications rate analysis,
the study was weighted by the sample
size directly.
A study quality score was included
in the VAS, ODI, and modified MacNab
analyses in an effort to account for the
wide range in the type and quality of
studies used in our metaanalyses. The
quality score could range from 0.4 to 1.2
based on the components of the study
(see Table 1)(16). The study quality
score was multiplied by the inverse of
the study variance plus the inter study
treatment effect variation to obtain an
adjusted study weight. The adjusted
study weight gave more weight in the
metaanalyses to studies that were well
designed, executed, and analyzed.
Table 4
Summary of Clinical Trial Ranking and Treatment Procedures from Literature Search (21–24,27–33)
Treatment vs
Control Trial Type
No. of
Addition to Ozone
Corticosteroid Anesthetic
ActiveO Trial
0.7 No Prospective 1 Shapiro-Wilk
W, matched-
pairs t,
Yes Yes Yes
Muto et al,
2008 (21)
0.6 No Retrospective 2 NR NR NR NR
Oder et al,
2008 (23)
0.6 No Retrospective 1 U, Kruskal-
NR Yes Yes
Gallucci et al,
2007 (22)
1 Yes (steroid,
Randomized 1
Yes Yes Yes
Yes (Ozone,
Yes Yes Yes
Leonardi et al,
2006 (28)
0.4 No Retrospective 1 NR NR Yes Yes
No Retrospective NR NR Yes Yes
Buric et al,
2005 (27)
0.9 Yes
Prospective 1 Wilcoxon
NR No No
Yes (Ozone) Prospective Wilcoxon
NR No No
Qing et al,
2005 (29)
0.4 No Retrospective 1 NR NR Yes Yes
Ying et al,
2005 (30)
0.4 No Retrospective 1 NR NR NR NR
Muto et al,
2004 (31)
0.6 No Retrospective 3 NR NR NR NR
Andreula et al,
2004 (32)
1 Yes (ozone, steroids,
Retrospective 2
Yes No No
Yes (ozone) Retrospective
Yes Yes Yes
Buric et al,
2003 (24)
0.4 No Retrospective 1 NR NR NR NR
He et al,
2003 (33)
0.4 No Retrospective 1 NR NR Yes NR
Note.—NR not reported.
* Epidural or intraforaminal.
† Authors reported volume.
538 Metaanalysis of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs April 2010 JVIR
Calculating the Overall Treatment
A DerSimonian and Laird weighted
least-squares random-effects model (17)
was used to combine the studies and ob-
tain an overall treatment effect in the VAS,
ODI, and modified MacNab analyses. The
overall treatment effect was calculated for
two different groups of studies: (i) all
studies that used ozone and (ii) only those
studies that used inclusion/exclusion cri-
teria and treatment procedures similar to
those outlined by FIO (12). As a result of
the large number of studies that reported
zero adverse events, the DerSimonian and
Laird random-effects model may not be
accurate for determining a combined
treatment effect for the complication rate
metaanalysis. Therefore, we used an exact
method of combining these studies as
suggested by Tian et al (18).
Check for Bias
It was important to check if bias was
influencing the results of the metaanaly-
ses. Publication bias in particular was a
concern because our analyses mainly in-
cluded published studies. Publication
bias occurs because research with statis-
tically significant results is potentially
more likely to be submitted, published,
or published more rapidly than work
with null or nonsignificant results (19).
For our case, it was more likely that stud-
ies with data for or against oxygen/ozone
therapy were published, leaving out stud-
ies that may have only marginal results
and thereby influencing the estimated ef-
fect in one direction or the other.
To assess publication bias, one can
use the qualitative funnel plot test; how-
ever, we used the quantitative linear re-
gression test (20) to assess for the prob-
ability of bias. This method statistically
Needle Size
(wt %)
Volume (mL) Second Treatment
Included in
Results Image Guidance
Time (mo)Intradiscal Extradiscal*
No 22 2.0 mL† 1–3 7–9 No CT 1
NR 18–22 2.3–3.0 3–4 10 Yes (% NR) CT 6 and 12
NR 22 2.3 6 4 NR Fluoroscopy, CT 2 and 6
NR 22 2.1 5.8 6.5 No CT 6
NR 22 NA NA NA No CT 6
NR 22 2.0 4 10 No Fluoroscopy 1, 6, and 18
NR 22 2.0 4 10 No 18 7.17
No 22 2.3 NR NR Yes (20%) Fluoroscopy 18
Yes NA NA NA NA No NA 18
NR NR 3.4–4.2 4–9 10 NR X–ray 3–24
Yes No. 6 2.6–3.4 6–15 5–10 Yes (a few) Fluoroscopy 3–12
NR 18–20 2.3 3–4 10 NR CT 6 and 18
NR 22 2.0 4 8 NR Fluoroscopy 0.5, 2, and 6
NR 22 2.0 4 8 NR CT 0.5, 2, and 6
NR 22 3.0 1.5–4 Some (leaked
from disc)
Yes (3.8%) Fluoroscopy 2, 6, 12, and 18
Yes 19–21 2.3–3.0 4–6 15 Yes (60%) Fluoroscopy
Steppan et al 539
Volume 21 Number 4
examines the symmetry of the funnel
plot. This is done by first performing a
linear regression of the adequate stan-
dardized effect (Y
*) (see equation 2)
versus the precision (P
) (see equation 3)
of each study to obtain the y-intercept. If
bias is not affecting the study, the y-
intercept will be zero. Therefore, we test
whether the y-intercept is zero. It has
been recommended that the 90% confi-
dence level (ie,
of 0.1) should be used
for this test (20). Therefore, if P.1,
there is no adequate evidence to support
the existence of bias at the 90% confi-
dence level.
Standardized effect Yi
Precision Pi1
, (3)
where Yi is the study treatment effect
and Vi is the study variance.
Estimating Missing Data
In some cases, the literature did not
report data that were needed to perform
the metaanalyses. If possible, these data
were estimated with the use of statistical
methods. If there was not a practical
way to estimate these data, the study
was removed from the metaanalysis. The
most common missing piece of data was
the SD required for the ODI and VAS
metaanalyses. To estimate the missing
SDs, the average SD was calculated from
those studies that reported SD and used
comparable inclusion/exclusion criteria
to those outlined in our contemporary un-
published study. Missing SDs from Muto
2008 (21) for both VAS and ODI were
calculated from raw data we obtained
from the author for 300 of the patients in
this study (21). Subsequently, these
SDs were used in calculating the es-
timates for those studies that did not
report SDs.
The study of Gallucci et al (22) re-
ported only the percentage of patients
who had a posttreatment ODI score
less than 20 points. By assuming that
the change in ODI score followed a
normal distribution, we were able to
determine the mean group posttreat-
ment ODI score based on the defini-
tion of a normal distribution and the
method discussed earlier for deter-
mining the SD.
Table 5
Summary of Outcome Measures from Literature Search (21–24,27–33)
(References) Treatment Arm VAS Change Pts. with Improved VAS (%)
ActiveO Trial
(Unpublished data)
Single 3.7 75
Muto et al, 2008 (21) All 385
Soft disc herniation NR NR
Multiple disc herniations NR NR
Oder et al, 2008 (23) All Arms 3.4 62.5
Group I: bulging disc 3.5 NR
Group II: herniated disc 3.5 NR
Group III: postoperative 3 NR
Group IV: osteochondrosis 2.5 NR
Group V: nondiscal 2.7 NR
Gallucci et al, 2007 (22) Group B: ozone and steroid NA NA
Group A: steroid only NA NA
Leonardi et al, 2006 (28) Group A: symptoms lasting 6 months NA NA
Group B: symptoms lasting 6 months NA NA
Buric et al, 2005 (27) Ozone 4.0 90
Microdiscectomy 4.1 93
Qing et al, 2005 (29) Single NA NA
Ying et al, 2005 (30) Single NA NA
Muto et al, 2004 (31) Group 1: degenerative disease complicated by herniation NA NA
Group 2: L4–L5 or L5–S1 herniated discs NA NA
Group 3: multiple disc herniations NA NA
Group 4: FBSS NA NA
Group 5: calcified disc herniations NA NA
Group 6: herniated disc associated with stenosis NA NA
Andreula et al, 2004 (32) Group A: ozone NA NA
Group B: ozone and steroid NA NA
Buric et al, 2003 (24) Single 3.77 NR
He et al, 2003 (33) Single NA NA
Note.—FBSS failed back surgery syndrome; JOA Japanese Orthopaedic Association; NA not applicable; NR not reported.
* Surgery required.
540 Metaanalysis of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs April 2010 JVIR
Some of the studies (23,24) used
median ODI or VAS values instead
of the mean. For us to use these stud-
ies in the metaanalyses, we assumed
that the median was equal to the
Forest plots were created to summa-
rize the results of each metaanalysis.
The forest plots provide a convenient
way to compare the overall treatment
effect between ozone treatments and
other techniques. The study weight was
also shown on the forest plots for con-
venience. The weights shown on the
plots were calculated with all the in-
cluded ozone studies.
The outcome scale plots include
the minimum detectable change
(MDC) and the minimum clinically
important difference (MCID) lines
for the respective scale. The MDC is
the minimum statistically significant
change (95% CI) that indicates im-
provement (VAS, 1.5 [25]; ODI, 15
[26]). The MCID is the minimum
change that a patient perceives as
beneficial (VAS, 1.9 [25]; ODI, 10
[25]). The numbers used for the ODI
MCID and MDC are conservative.
Hagg et al (25) listed the MDC for the
ODI as 10, whereas Fritz et al (26)
listed the MCID for the ODI as 6. We
used the highest values as a worst
case condition.
Excel 2003 (Microsoft, Redmond,
Washington) was used to perform the
calculations and generate the forest
plots. All data input was checked by an
independent reviewer, and the spread-
sheet was validated with metaanalysis
input data with known outputs.
Literature Review
The literature search yielded 65 re-
sults, of which 11 studies (21–24,27–33)
and our unpublished contemporary
study were included in the metaanaly-
ses. Tables 2–6 (21–24,27–33) summa-
rize the patient demographics (Table 2),
inclusion criteria (Table 3), clinical trial
relative ranking (ie, study quality score)
Postprocedure MacNab Outcome (%) ODI/JOA
Good, or Fair Excellent Good or Fair Poor Failed* ODI/JOA
Patients with Improved
80 25 55 7 7 ODI 28.4 73
75 40 35 25 NR ODI NR NR
77 32 45 25 NR ODI NR NR
60 25 35 40 NR ODI NR NR
NA NA NA NA NA ODI 38.4 74
NA NA NA NA NA ODI 37.5 47
NA NA NA NA NA ODI 10.8 67
96.5 56 41 3 NR NA NA NA
92.9 39 54 13 NR NA NA NA
78.0 40 38 22 NR NA NA NA
76.0 62 14 24 NR NA NA NA
68.0 56 12 32 NR NA NA NA
62.0 43 19 39 NR NA NA NA
51.0 33 18 49 NR NA NA NA
50.0 25 25 50 NR NA NA NA
70.3 50.3 20.0 25.0 4.7 NA NA NA
78.3 53.3 25.0 16.7 5.0 NA NA NA
77.0 62 15 22.9 NR NA NA NA
Steppan et al 541
Volume 21 Number 4
and treatment procedures (Table 4),
outcome measures (Table 5), and com-
plications (Table 6) of the included
studies. There was considerable varia-
tion in the treatment procedures (ie, an-
esthetic agents and drugs used, ozone
concentration, volumes injected intra-
discally and extradiscally), inclusion/
exclusion criteria, herniation type (ie,
contained, extruded, and migrated),
disc levels treated (ranging from L1–L2
to L5–S1), and patient ages (13–94 years)
in the included studies. The included
studies were divided into those that had
similar and dissimilar inclusion/exclu-
sion criteria and treatment procedures
(as indicated in Figs 1–3) to our unpub-
lished contemporary study, which used
inclusion/exclusion criteria and treat-
ment procedures believed to give the
best results when performing oxygen/
ozone therapy based on recommenda-
tions from FIO (12). A total of 54 studies
were excluded for one or more of the
following reasons: (i) article was not
available, (ii) cervical discs were treated
and reported, (iii) discussion with no clin-
ical results, (iv) inadequate details, (v)
multiple paravertebral injections were ad-
ministered, (iv) no English translation was
available, (vii) ozone was not injected in-
tradiscally, (viii) article was a response to
a literature article, (ix) it was suspected
that the same patient population from an
included study was reported, or (x) it was
an unrelated study.
Figures 1–3 show the results of the
metaanalyses for VAS, ODI, and mod-
ified MacNab score, respectively. The
overall treatment effect for study arms
with similar inclusion/exclusion crite-
ria as our unpublished contemporary
study shows a mean improvement of
3.9 points in VAS and 25.7 points in
ODI, whereas the modified MacNab
outcome analysis indicates a 79.7%
likelihood of improvement. The ran-
dom-effects model for all included
study arms shows a mean improve-
ment of 3.5 points in VAS and 21.0
points in ODI and a 78.2% likelihood
of an improvement based on the mod-
ified MacNab scale. The 95% CI for the
random-effects model of all ozone
studies on the ODI scale is just below
the MDC at 14.1 points. All other esti-
mated mean treatment effects and
95% CIs are greater than the MCID
and MDC values for the respective
Figure 4 shows the results of the meta-
analysis for the complication rate. The ex-
act-inferences metaanalysis yielded
an estimated 0.064% chance (95% CI,
0.000%–0.136%) of having a procedure-
related complication.
Check for Bias
The results of the bias test are shown in
Figures 5–7. In addition to the bias linear
regression line, a second linear regression
line that was forced through zero was
added to each plot. The slope of the sec-
ond regression line represents the theoret-
ical unbiased case. The linear regression
Table 6
Summary of Oxygen/Ozone Treatment Complications from Literature Search (21–24,27–33)
(References) No. of Pts. Complications Description of Complication(s) Status
ActiveO Trial
(Unpublished data)
50 0 NA NA
Muto et al, 2008 (21) 2,900 0 NA NA
Oder et al, 2008 (23) 621 38 (6.1) Aggravation of symptoms Transient
Gallucci et al, 2007 (22) 82 0 NA NA
Leonardi et al,
2006 (28)
37 0 NA NA
52 0 NA NA
Buric et al, 2005 (27) 30 0 NA NA
Qing et al, 2005 (29) 602 3 (0.5) Severe cardiohypogastric pain and
distension; lumbar pain and
distension; lower extremities
and buttock pain and distension
Symptoms resolved automatically
in 24 h; no special treatments
Ying et al, 2005 (30) 323 8 (2.5) Mild respiratory impairment,
dyspnea and cornea stimulation
caused by ozone
Symptoms alleviated upon
leaving ozone environment and
inhaling oxygen and calming
the patient
Muto et al, 2004 (31) 2,200 0 NA NA
Andreula et al,
2004 (32)
300 0 NA NA
300 2 (0.7) Impaired sensitivity in the lower
limb ipsilateral to the treatment
Resolved spontaneously after 2 h
presumably because of
periganglionic anesthetic
Buric et al, 2003 (24) 104 0 NA NA
He et al, 2003 (33) 258 0 NA NA
Total 7,859 51 (0.6)
Note.—Values in parentheses are percentages. NA not applicable.
542 Metaanalysis of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs April 2010 JVIR
test detected possible bias at a statistically
significant level in the VAS (P.001) and
ODI (P.03) metaanalyses but not in the
modified MacNab scale metaanalysis
(P0.22). The influence of bias on the
predicted outcomes was examined by
comparing the bias linear regression line
to the unbiased (ie, forced through zero)
linear regression line. Bias was found to
be small (10%) for both VAS and ODI.
These results as well as potential causes
for the bias are discussed later.
Our metaanalyses demonstrate the
effectiveness and safety of oxygen/
ozone therapy for the treatment of her-
niated discs with data from almost 8,000
patients and from multiple centers in
multiple locations. Because the overall
treatment effect is greater than the
MCID and MDC levels, it is concluded
that the treatment has a significant effect
that is greater than the sensitivity of the
scales being used, and it is beneficial
from the patient’s perspective. This is
impressive in light of the broad inclu-
sion criteria that included patients rang-
ing in age from 13 to 94 years.
Our analyses show that inclusion/
exclusion criteria have only a minor in-
fluence for Modified MacNab score
(1.9%) and VAS (11.4%), but a more sig-
nificant effect for ODI (22.4%). This
shows that the patient selection criteria
are important to obtain the best results,
but that the oxygen/ozone therapy is
still effective even with broad inclu-
sion/exclusion criteria. When compared
with studies that used the ArthroCare
SpineWand (34,35), discectomy (2), and
microdiscectomy (27), the oxygen/ozone
treatment is similar for pain and function
outcomes. The selected SpineWand and
discectomy studies were chosen because
they had the largest number of patients of
the studies that were identified that used
the VAS and ODI outcome scales. The
safety of the oxygen/ozone treatment is
far superior to that of other treatments for
herniated lumbar discs, as it has a very
low complication rate of 0.064% (Fig 4). In
addition, no cases of discitis were re-
ported after oxygen/ozone therapy, un-
like all the other methods of disc volume
reduction. This is most likely because
ozone is a strong oxidizer and an excellent
disinfecting agent.
The complications shown in the meta-
analysis (Table 6) are minor and transient,
and are easily avoidable by using a device
that is designed to eliminate these types of
complications (eg, ozone leakage into the
treatment room and high ozone concen-
trations) during this procedure. The esti-
mated complication rate from the meta-
analysis is consistent with the FIO results
Minimum Clinically Important Difference
VAS Minimum Detectable Change
Weight95% CIMean ImpYearLead Author: Study ArmRef
ActiveO Trial (Unpublished)
Muto: All Arms
Oder: Bulging Disc
Oder: Herniated Disc
Oder: Post Operative
Oder: Osteochondrosis
Oder: Non-Discal
Buric: Ozone Arm
Buric: Microdiscectomy Arm
Butterman: Discectomy Arm
CMS: SpineWand Meta-Analysis
Random Effects Model
(All Ozone Studies)
Random Effects Model
(Similar Studies)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Mean Improvement (Before - After) in VAS Score
Similar Inc/Exc Criteria to ActiveO TrialDissimilar Inc/Exc Criteria to ActiveO Trial Non-Ozone (Control Arm) Treatments Random Effect Model (All Ozone Studies) Random Effects Model (Similar Studies)
Figure 1. Metaanalysis of improvement in VAS scores after oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs.
Steppan et al 543
Volume 21 Number 4
(ie, no procedure-related adverse events
in treatments on 15,000 patients) (12).
In addition to the complications sum-
marized in Table 6, there have been a few
published case reports documenting com-
plications associated with oxygen/ozone
treatment as referenced in the FIO publi-
cation (12) and in the study of Oder et al
(23). These complications are avoidable if
the FIO procedure is followed, which in-
cludes image guidance, 2%–3% ozone by
weight, small injection volumes, and slow
injection rates.
Although quality weighting is often
incorporated into metaanalyses, it has
been stated that caution should be used
when quality weighting a study because
quality scores are not direct measures of
precision and may lack statistical or em-
pirical justification (36). However, we
used quality weighting to account for
the large variation of study quality. Sen-
sitivity analyses were performed to de-
termine the influence of quality weight-
ing. Quality weighting had only a small
effect, in which the VAS scores were
nearly unaffected (0.3% difference), the
ODI scores decreased slightly (10% dif-
ference), and the MacNab scores in-
creased (2.7% difference).
Missing data, especially SDs, was a
problem in multiple studies used in
these meta-analyses. We believe our es-
timate of SDs from comparable studies
yields a good approximation for each of
the lacking studies. The estimated SDs
were based on a large sample size of
greater than 350 patients. The SDs re-
ported in studies that used nonsimilar
inclusion/exclusion criteria were also
similar to this estimate.
As previously discussed, Gallucci et
al (22) reported the percentage of pa-
tients who had ODI scores less than 20%
at the 6-month follow-up instead of the
mean difference in ODI score. There-
fore, the mean post-treatment ODI score
was estimated based on normal distri-
bution definitions and equations. This
produced a calculated mean difference
that is significantly higher than that of
all other studies. This high mean differ-
ence value may be a result of differences
in the treatment method of Gallucci et al
(22). These were the only investigators
who performed an intradiscal steroid
injection in addition to intradiscal ozone
and epidural ozone and epidural steroid
The linear regression test indicated
that bias may be a factor in the VAS and
ODI metaanalyses. Comparison of the
slope of the biased regression line to the
unbiased regression shows that they are
within 10% of each other in the VAS and
ODI cases, suggesting that the effect of
the bias on the metaanalyses was small.
In addition, most of the studies are be-
low the nonbias regression line, indicat-
ODI Minimum Detectable Change
Minimum Clinically Important Difference
Ref Lead Author: Study Arm Year Mean Imp 95% CI Weight
ActiveO Trial (Unpublished)
Muto: All Arms
Oder: Bulging Disc
Oder: Herniated Disc
Oder: Post operative
Oder: Osteochondrosis
Oder: Non-discal
Leonardi: Short Term
Leonardi: Long Term
Buric: Ozone Arm
Buric: Microdiscectomy Arm
Gallucci: Ozone+Steroid
Gallucci: Steroid Only
Butterman: Discectomy Arm
Mirzai: SpineWand
Random Effects Model
(All Ozone Studies)
Random Effects Model
(Similar Studies)
18.82-32.61 NA
Mean Improvement (Before - After) in ODI Score
Similar Inc/Exc Criteria to ActiveO Trial Random Effect Model (All Ozone Studies) Dissimilar Inc/Exc Criteria to ActiveO Trial Random Effects Model (Similar Studies) Non-Ozone (Control Arm) Treatments
Figure 2. Metaanalysis of improvement in ODI scores after oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs.
544 Metaanalysis of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs April 2010 JVIR
ing that the smaller studies are underes-
timating the treatment effect. Therefore,
it appears that our metaanalyses are
conservative. Sources of the bias may be
related to true heterogeneity among
studies because of varying technique,
varying skill levels and experience
among doctors, poor methodologic de-
sign of studies, and/or inadequate pa-
tient analysis.
Criticism of the quality of studies
that have been performed in the treat-
ment of herniated discs with oxygen/
ozone has been published (37). We
agree that most of the studies performed
do not meet the quality of a well de-
signed and executed randomized con-
trolled trial. Therefore, as suggested by
Barker and Carter (38), in the event of
limited randomized controlled trials,
care was taken to include only those
studies that included some of the impor-
tant aspects found in randomized con-
trolled trials such as clear inclusion/ex-
clusion criteria and the use of outcome
assessments that have been shown to be
effective and objective. Trials that were
randomized or prospective were rated
higher than retrospective studies in an
attempt to minimize bias from lower-
quality studies.
Oxygen/ozone therapy for the treat-
ment of herniated discs is an effective
and extremely safe procedure. The esti-
mated improvement in pain and func-
tion is impressive in view of the broad
patient inclusion criteria that included
patients ranging in age from 13 to 94
years with all types of disc hernia-
tions. In addition, the pain and func-
tion results are similar to the results
for lumbar discs treated with surgi-
cal discectomy, but the complication
rate is much lower (0.1%).
Acknowledgments:The assistance of Ms.
Brandie Allen in preparing and Dr. Chett
Boxley in reviewing this manuscript is
greatly appreciated.
97.5%95%90%80%70%60%50% 99%
ActiveO Trial (Unpublished)
Muto: Soft disc herniation
Muto: Multiple herniations
Muto: FBSS
Muto: All
Andreula: Ozone
Andreula: Ozone+Steroid
Random Effects Model
(All Ozone Studies)
Random Effects Model
(Similar Studies)
NA 79.68
79.00 65.57 - 88.14
73.32 - 76.61
72.30 - 81.11
53.06 - 66.56
73.15 - 76.77
95.29 - 98.10
89.65 - 95.32
71.47 - 81.73
64.88 - 75.20
73.28 - 82.60
72.54 - 82.92
74.22 - 84.24
RefLead Author: Study Arm Year Imp (%) 95% CI Weight
1.00 10.00 100.00
Odds of Improvement in MacNab Score
Similar Inc/Exc Criteria to ActiveO TrialDissimilar Inc/Exc Criteria to ActiveO Trial Random Effect Model (All Ozone Studies) Random Effects Model (Similar Studies)
Percent Chance of Improvement in MacNab Score
Figure 3. Metaanalysis of improvement in modified MacNab scores after oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs.
Steppan et al 545
Volume 21 Number 4
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Ref Lead Author: Study Arm Year Complications (%) 95% CI Weight
ActiveO Trial (Unpublished)
Muto: All
Oder: All
Gallucci: Ozone+Steroid
Leonardi: Short Term
Leonardi: Long Term
Buric: Ozone Arm
Muto: A ll
Andreula: Ozone+Steroid
Andreula: Ozone Only
All Studies Combined
NA 0.064
0.000 0.000 - 6.150
0.000 - 0.112
4.471 - 8.306
0.000 - 3.837
0.000 - 8.142
0.000 - 5.926
0.000 - 9.863
0.097 - 1.527
1.175 - 4.895
0.000 - 0.148
0.000 - 1.077
0.021 - 2.559
0.000 - 3.049
0.000 - 1.251
0.000 - 0.136
Proportion of Patients with Complication
Percent Chance of Complication
Figure 4. Metaanalysis of complication rate during and/or after oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs.
27 Buric: Ozone Arm
24 Buric
23 Oder: Non-Discal
23 Oder: Osteochondrosis
23 Oder: Post Operative
23 Oder: Herniated Disc
23 Oder: Bulging Disc
21 Muto: All Arms
NA ActiveO Trial (Unpublished)
y = 4.852x - 6.574
= 0.997
y = 4.5574x
= 0.9872
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Precision (1 / Standard Deviation (StDev) of Study)
VAS Standaridized Effect (Study Treatment Effect / StDev of Study)
p = 0.001
Probability that Regression Line Intersects Y-axis at Zero
(p<0.1 Indicates Bias at 90% CI)
Bias Linear Regression Line (with 90% CI)
Non-Bias Linear Regression Line
Figure 5. VAS linear regression bias test.
546 Metaanalysis of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs April 2010 JVIR
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22 Gallucci: Ozone+Steroid
27 Buric: Ozone Arm
28 Leonardi: Long Term
28 Leonardi: Short Term
23 Oder: Non-discal
23 Oder: Osteochondrosis
23 Oder: Post operative
23 Oder: Herniated Disc
23 Oder: Bulging Disc
21 Muto: All Arms
NA ActiveO Trial (Unpublished)
y = 31.31x - 6.83
= 0.97
y = 28.358x
= 0.9467
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Precision (1 / Standard Deviation (StDev) of Study)
ODI Standaridized Effect (Study Treatment Effect / StDev of Study)
p = 0.03
Probability that Regression Line Intersects Y-axis at Zero
(p<0.1 Indicates Bias at 90% CI)
Bias Linear Regression Line (with 90% CI)
Non-Bias Linear Regression Line
Figure 6. ODI linear regression bias test.
32 Andreula: Ozone+Steroid
32 Andreula: Ozone
33 He
30 Ying
29 Qing
31 Muto: All
21 Muto: FBSS
21 Muto: Multiple herniations
21 Muto: Soft disc herniation
NA ActiveO Trial (Unpublished)
y = 0.91x + 3.10
= 0.70
y = 1.1377x
= 0.6318
05101520 25
Precision (1 / Standard Deviation (StDev) of Study)
MacNab Standaridized Effect (Study Treatment Effect / StDev of Study)
p = 0.22
Probability that Regression Line Intersects Y-axis at Zero
(p<0.1 Indicates Bias at 90% CI)
Bias Linear Regression Line (with 90% CI)
Non-Bias Linear Regression Line
Figure 7. Modified MacNab linear regression bias test.
Steppan et al 547
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548 Metaanalysis of Ozone Treatments for Herniated Lumbar Discs April 2010 JVIR
... The extradiscal injection of ozone into the paravertebral muscle adjacent to an HD was first proposed by Verga in 1989, and the intradiscal injection of ozone was first reported in the 1990s by Muto and Avella and other Italian interventional neuroradiologists [26]. ...
... Commonly used applications of O 2 -O 3 therapy on lumbar spine encompass intradiscal, periganglionic, periradicular, and paravertebral injections. Meta-analyses dealing with the efficacy of the O 2 -O 3 treatment of lumbar spine pain usually involve hundreds of patients [26,38,39]. Steppan et al. [26] conducted a meta-analysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for lumbar HDs. ...
... Meta-analyses dealing with the efficacy of the O 2 -O 3 treatment of lumbar spine pain usually involve hundreds of patients [26,38,39]. Steppan et al. [26] conducted a meta-analysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for lumbar HDs. Based on the study results, authors consider O 2 -O 3 treatment to be effective and very safe. ...
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Minimally invasive oxygen–ozone (O2-O3) therapy utilizing the biochemical effects of O2-O3 mixture is commonly used in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. The literature dealing with O2-O3 therapy of spinal pain focuses mainly on the lumbosacral region. The aim of this review is to evaluate the efficacy of O2-O3 therapy in musculoskeletal pain in the neck region. The Medline (PubMed), SCOPUS, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were searched for clinical studies, using the free text terms: ozone, neck, cervical, spine, pain, disc, hernia, nucleolysis, paravertebral, treatment, and various combinations of them. In total, seven studies (two randomized controlled trials and five observational studies) were found. These studies dealt with the intradiscal or intramuscular paravertebral application of O2-O3 mixture in patients with myofascial pain syndrome, cervical disc hernias, and chronic neck pain. All these studies proved a significant decrease in neck pain (evaluated by Visual Analog Scale or Numerical Rating Scale), and most of them showed improvement in functional status (measured by Oswestry Disability Index or Neck Disability Index). In addition, other pain assessment scales and function and quality of life measures (DN4 questionnaire, pain pressure threshold, cervical lateral flexion range of motion, Japanese Orthopedic Association scale, 12- and 36-Item Short Form Surveys, modified MacNab criteria, and analgesic drug intake reduction) were used. Changes in these measurements also mostly supported the efficacy of O2-O3 treatment. No significant complications of the treatment were reported. The available evidence is sparse, but despite this, the O2-O3 treatment of musculoskeletal neck pain can be considered potentially beneficial and relatively safe.
... Bệnh lý đĩa đệm được cho là nguyên nhân chính gây đau lưng ở người trẻ (30-50 tuổi) và chiếm 39-58% các nguyên nhân gây các triệu chứng thần kinh tọa [1]. Tại Việt Nam, có nghiên cứu hồi cứu trong 10 năm cho thấy tỷ lệ BN (BN) bị TVĐĐ nhập viện khoa nội thần kinh chiếm tỷ lệ cao nhất (26.9%) [2] Các phương pháp điều trị can thiệp tối thiểu qua da dưới hướng dẫn chẩn đoán hình ảnh ngày càng phát triển đối với TVĐĐ không đáp ứng nội khoa như đốt nhiệt, laser, vi sóng hoặc dùng hóa chất tiêu nhân nhầy trong đó phương pháp tiêm Ozone trực tiếp vào đĩa đệm thoát vị dưới hướng dẫn của cắt lớp vi tính (CLVT) đã được ứng dụng rộng rãi trên thế giới từ những năm 1990, đặc biệt ở châu Âu do hiệu quả điều trị tốt, chính xác, dễ áp dụng, ít tác dụng phụ và biến chứng [3]. ...
... Nghiên cứu phân tích tổng hợp của Jim Steppan trên 8000 BN[3] và của Magalhaes trên 876 BN [9] nhận thấy các nghiên cứu thường chọn lựa BN nhóm tuổi trẻ (40-50), đĩa đệm tổn thương mức độ nhẹ/trung bình và tương xứng triệu chứng lâm sàng. Độ tuổi trung bình trong nghiên cứu chúng tôi cũng tương tự các tác giả khác (48,8). ...
Mục tiêu: đánh giá hiệu quả ban đầu của tiêm Ozone đĩa đệm qua da và phong bế rễ bằng Ozone kết hợp corticoid dưới hướng dẫn của CLVT trong giảm đau CSTL do TVĐĐ. Đối tượng và phương pháp nghiên cứu: 100 BN đau CSTL hoặc đau thần kinh toạ đã được chẩn đoán phình hoặc thoát vị đĩa đệm mức độ nhẹ/ trung bình trên cộng hưởng từ tương ứng với các triệu chứng lâm sàng. Các BN được tiêm Ozone trong đĩa đệm và phong bế rễ bằng Ozone kết hợp corticoid dưới hướng dẫn của cắt lớp vi tính. Hiệu quả giảm đau về lâm sàng và hình ảnh CHT được đánh giá ở thời điểm 3 tháng và 6 tháng sau can thiệp. Kết quả: Hiệu quả giảm đau và cải thiện triệu chứng lâm sàng có ý nghĩa thống kê ở thời điểm trước và sau can thiệp 3 tháng, 6 tháng với điểm VAS giảm trung bình 4,7 điểm và điểm ODI giảm 14 điểm. Tỷ lệ thành công kỹ thuật của thủ thuật là 100% và không có trường hợp nào gặp tai biến, biến chứng. Kết luận: Tiêm Ozone đĩa đệm là phương pháp dễ thực hiện, chi phí không cao, thời gian điều trị ngắn, hiệu quả điều trị tốt, ít tai biến và tác dụng phụ.
... Ozone therapy for disc herniation is considered to be relatively safer than other modalities of treatment and has a few adverse effects at therapeutic levels of ozone therapy. The documented occurrence of adverse effects is about 0.1% [20]. According to some case reports, injuries to the eyes, headaches, and paresthesia are the most typical side effects of ozone treatment, which are transient in nature. ...
... No complications or adverse events were reported over the follow-up period of the study, which is in line with previous studies underlining the safety of this treatment [25,26]. While generally considered safe with low rates of complications and adverse events, the treating physician should still keep in mind that severe complications after percutaneous application of oxygen-ozone can still occur in rare cases. ...
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Objectives: To assess the effect of oxygen-ozone therapy guided by percutaneous Computed Tomography (CT) compared to corticosteroids in individuals experiencing lower back pain (LBP) not attributed to underlying bone-related issues. Methods: A total of 321 patients (192 males and 129 females, mean age: 51.5 ± 15.1 years) with LBP were assigned to three treatment groups: group A) oxygen-ozone only, group B) corticosteroids only, group C) oxygen-ozone and corticosteroids. Treatment was administered via CT-guided injections to the intervertebral disc (i.e., intradiscal location). Clinical improvement of pain and functionality was assessed via self-reported pain scales and magnetic resonance (MR) and CT imaging. Results: At all follow-up times, the mean score of the numeric rating scale and the total global pain scale (GPS) of study groups receiving oxygen-ozone (groups A and C) were statistically significantly lower than the study group receiving corticosteroids only (group B), with p < 0.001. There was a statistically significant difference between groups A and C at 30 days for the numeric rating scale. Conclusions: The percutaneous application of oxygen-ozone in patients with LBP due to degeneration of the lumbosacral spine showed long-lasting significant pain reduction of up to two years post-treatment when compared to corticosteroids alone. Combination therapy of oxygen-ozone and corticosteroids can be useful as corticosteroids showed statistically significant improvement in LBP earlier than the oxygen-ozone-only treatment.
... Oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) gas injection into the nucleus pulposus is a viable percutaneous intervention for herniated discs, but using this method is challenging and there is not a same voice about using it (1). It has long been practiced in Europe and there are several studies that investigated its safety and effectiveness in relieving pain and improving function (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). ...
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Background: Oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) gas mixture as a newly prescribed substance became popular among clinicians to relieve low back pain (LBP) in discogenic patients as an alternative method rather than surgery. We developed this study to uncover whether this combination could be helpful in the Middle Eastern population or not. Methods: In the present randomized clinical trial, we included 40 patients with L1 to S1 disc herniation assigned to schedule for intervention [a single course of ozone (O3) therapy without corticosteroids] or to consider as the control (physiotherapy including exercises based on extension). All patients were followed with a mean time of 12 weeks after injection, and pain severity and level of quality of life (QOL) were assessed. The severity of disc herniations was evaluated by a spine surgeon within the Michigan State University (MSU) classification frame. Results: The current study represented two identical groups regarding lumbosacral segment involvement during 12 weeks of our survey (P > 0.05). The QOL level was equivalent in two groups. The mean pain score was decreased in the intervention group against the control group after two weeks, but it failed to thrive in the further weeks and was raised afterward. On the other hand, the mean pain score for the control group [6.1; 95% confidence interval (CI): 5.4-6.8] proceeded with a steady slope notably lower than the intervention group (7.5; 95% CI: 6.9-8.2) (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Patients with LBP do not get more benefit from O2-O3 mixture injection.
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Lumbar back pain is one of the main causes of disability around the world. Most patients will complain of back pain at least once in their lifetime. The degenerative spine is considered the main cause and is extremely common in the elderly population. Consequently, treatment-related costs are a major burden to the healthcare system in developed and undeveloped countries. After the failure of conservative treatments or to avoid daily chronic drug intake, invasive treatments should be suggested. In a world where many patients reject surgery and prefer minimally invasive procedures, interventional radiology is pivotal in pain management and could represent a bridge between medical therapy and surgical treatment. We herein report the different image-guided procedures that can be used to manage degenerative spine-related low back pain. Particularly, we will focus on indications, different techniques, and treatment outcomes reported in the literature. This literature review focuses on the different minimally invasive percutaneous treatments currently available, underlining the central role of radiologists having the capability to use high-end imaging technology for diagnosis and subsequent treatment, allowing a global approach, reducing unnecessary surgeries and prolonged pain-reliever drug intake with their consequent related complications, improving patients’ quality of life, and reducing the economic burden.
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El dolor lumbar es una condición médica compleja y heterogénea, que incluye una amplia variedad de síntomas, y es uno de los diagnósticos más frecuentes en la atención primaria. En este capítulo se presentan recomendaciones para realizar un diagnóstico lo más certero posible y optar por la mejor alternativa de tratamiento posible, de acuerdo con la medicina basada en evidencias, con la información más actualizada en el momento. Se hace énfasis en que son imprescindibles un interrogatorio detallado y un examen físico completo, que incluya la evaluación neurológica. Asimismo, se describe la importancia y pertinencia de las herramientas de ayuda diagnóstica que disponemos en el momento, sobre todo de la resonancia magnética nuclear, para el estudio de los pacientes con dolor lumbar complicado. Se presentan las opciones de tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico (terapia física y procedimientos intervencionistas), las recomendaciones para su uso y los algoritmos o flujogramas para la toma de decisiones.
Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) stands for the most frequent cause of low back pain. Finding a cure for this disease is an important challenge as current conservative treatments and surgical interventions fail to bring a solution to this disease. Ozone therapy (O2-O3) has yielded outstanding outcomes in intervertebral disc pathology. The ozone’s efficacy in the treatment of IDD remains unconfirmed. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of intradiscal ozone injection on IDD induced in a rat. Effects of ozone therapy on the viability of nucleus pulposus cells were evaluated by CCK-8 assays. Macrophage immunoreactivity was detected by immunohistochemical, the expression of collagen type II was evaluated by western blot, and measurement of oxidative stress parameters was realized. Molecular docking studies were carried out in order to predict the interaction formed between O3 and the target enzymes, on the one hand, O3 with PI3K and, on the other hand, O3 with COX-2. IRM, X-ray, hematoxylin-eosin, and bleu alcian staining were realized to assess the therapeutic impacts of ozone in the puncture-induced rat model of IDD. In vivo, O3 ameliorated the IDD in the early stage of this disease. It was also displayed in molecular docking that O3 might bind to PI3K to suppress the PI3K/Akt/NF- κB signaling pathway. This study’s results show that the O3 should be administered at the low grade of IDD and at an early stage because it cannot restore the advanced inflammatory alteration of the IVD. Our results corroborated also that O3 inhibits the progression of IDD via the PI3K/Akt/NF-κB signaling pathway, which supports O3 as an effective therapeutic option for treating IDD.
Introdução: A ozonioterapia é uma terapia secular, utilizada durante a primeira guerra mundial, por médicos ingleses e alemães, que implantaram essa terapia nos feridos de guerra. A terapia possuía o objetivo de regenerar e tratar feridas, sendo que os soldados tratados com ozônio apresentaram maior rapidez na cicatrização, menos risco de sofrerem amputações, com resposta mais rápida ao tratamento. O ozônio é um gás que se origina a partir de 3 átomos de oxigênio e é um potente oxidante. É importante ressaltar que o ozônio é naturalmente produzido no organismo humano, no processo de ativação de anticorpos, motivo pelo qual é considerado molécula biológica. Objetivo: Presente estudo consistiu em descrever casos da prática clínica, em pacientes acometidos por patologias osteoarticulares, que foram submetidos ao tratamento de ozonioterapia aplicado por distintas áreas e vias. Metodologia: Os casos relatados foram de 08 pacientes atendidos previamente em uma clínica particular, sendo os dados obtidos dos prontuários médicos com abordagem qualitativa. Resultados e Discussão: Para todos os casos observou-se melhora progressiva da amplitude de movimento, logo após a primeira aplicação da ozonioterapia. Todos os pacientes também relataram melhora na dor crônica e aumento da capacidade para realização de atividades da vida diária. Ao longo dos anos o ozônio tem demostrando ação analgesia, anti-inflamatória e antioxidante. Tornou-se uma terapia usual frequente, sendo implementada em diversas patologias, por distintas vias (subcutânea, intramuscular, intradiscal, intracavitária, intrauretral, vesical e em auto-hemoterapia ozonizada). No entanto, são escassas as evidências científicas que endossem a eficácia dessa terapia complementar. Conclusão: a ozonioterapia se mostrou eficaz e segura nos pacientes estudados, melhorando a dor crônica e as limitações funcionais decorrentes dos quadros clínicos de base, sem quaisquer relatos de reações adversas, na forma como o ozônio fora aqui aplicado.
This study compares the results obtained after O2-O3 chemonucleolysis in patients treated early and patients with long-standing symptoms. Because very few patients are referred in the acute stage, we considered patients treated early all those with symptoms of less than six months duration. Patients were divided into two groups: Group A: 37 patients with symptoms lasting less than six months; Group B: 52 patients with long-standing symptoms lasting from more than six months up to 20 years. Intradiscal and periganglionic injection was administered by extraspinal lateral approach using a 22 G × 17.78 cm spinal needle. Results were assessed by a modified version of the Oswestry questionnaire to make the evaluation as objective as possible. The questionnaire was administered to patients before chemonucleolysis and one, six and 18th months after treatment.
We further studied the reliability, safety and utility of percutaneous ozone-puncture chemonucleolysis (POC) to treat lumbar disc protrusion, and compared this therapy with other mini-traumatic treatments. We adopt the methods of needle percutaneous puncture, and internal and external injection into the intervertebral disc: concentration 45-55 mg/L, O3 inner disc oxidation dosage 4-9 ml, exterior disc and intervertebral foramen 10ml, average hospital stay, five days. We treated 602 patients and 1078 intervertebral disc, including 238 mono-disc, 255 bi-disc, 106 tris-disc, and 3 tetra-disc. The oldest patient was 83 and the youngest 17 years, with 3-24 months' follow-up and an 87.9% excellency rate. Within 12 hours after treatment, 40% patients had mild discomfort and the symptoms subsided automatically within 24 hours. Compared with other mini-traumatic invasive technologies, its prominent advantages are high safety, minimum distress, straightforward, easy to master technique, lost cost and obvious safer for patients. After previous trial usage in a small cohort of patients, within the last two years, the treatment has been applied to more patients with observation and clinical study. POC is the first choice for patients with lumbar disc protrusion, and local hospitals have more advantages of developing this technology.
Objective: To study the clinical effect and the range of indications of oxygen-ozone treatment for lumber disc herniation. Methods: 6 - 15 ml of oxygen-ozone (35 - 45 μg/ml) were injected percutaneously into lumbar disc. In case of multiple disc herniations, the proceduce could be taken with two discs for once. Results: 323 patients with 433 discs were treated by oxygen-ozone injection procedure. Total effective rate was 77.7%. Conclusions: The t reatment of lumber disc herniation by oxygen-ozone injection is simple, safe and effective with mild trauma. Oxygen-ozone not only can oxidize the proteoglycan in the nucleus leading to the contraction of nucleus, but also provide anti-inflammation effect with pain relief and without complication yet.
We studied the clinical effect of oxygen-ozone treatment of lumber disc herniation. Oxygen-ozone was administered by percutaneous injection (35-yong/ml), 6-15 ml into the intralumbar disc, and a few patients needed re-injection 48 hours later. We treated 323 patients with 433 discs with a total effective rate of 77.7%. Treatment of lumber disc herniation by oxygen-ozone was simple, safe and effective. With minimal trauma, oxygen-ozone not only oxidizes the proteoglycan in the nucleus, leading to its contraction, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect and alleviates pain. No complications of treatment have been encountered so far.
This prospective control study with 18 months follow-up was designed to disclose the differences in outcome between intradiscal ozone chemonucleolysis and microdiscectomy in patients with non-contained lumbar disc herniations. Forty-five patients were enrolled on the basis of precise inclusion and exclusion criteria and divided into two treatment groups selected by the patients themselves. The patients were followed by Visual Analogic Scale (VAS), Roland-Morris Disability Questionaire (RMDQ) and Overall Patient Rating Scale (OPRS). Disc herniation volume morphology was evaluated for five months by control MRI scanning. Twenty-seven patients (90%) in the chemonucleolysis group showed a statistically significant improvement in pain (P<0.001, Wilcoxon test) and function (P<0.001, Wilcoxon test) and the same was true for 14 patients (93.3%) in the microdiscectomy group. The mean satisfaction with the treatment on OPSR was 79.3% for the chemonucleolysis group and 82.1% for the microdiscectomy group. There were no major complications related to procedures. This study indicates that patients from both groups achieved a statistically significant improvement in pain and disability at 18 months follow-up and that there is no statistically significant difference in results between the two treatments.
Oxygen-ozone therapy exploits the chemical properties of ozone, an unstable allotropic form of oxygen with the symbol O3 and a molecular weight of 48 kDa. Many biologic effects have been attributed to ozone: increased glycolysis, effects on red blood cells, effects on rheology, bactericidal, fungicide and virustatic, immunomodulating action and analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This broad spectrum of action explains the many indications for medical ozone administration. We assessed the results obtained in treating 15,000 patients with oxygen-ozone therapy and in particular to describe possible complications or collateral effects. The only thing we can understand is that the authors did not use correct asepsis and hygiene procedures. Hence, the low costs of oxygen-ozone therapy and the lack of any complications or collateral effects make this minimally invasive procedure safe and useful for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation.