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Abstract and Figures

Accurate and updated information on airborne pollen in specific areas can help allergic patients. Current monitoring systems are based on a morphologic identification approach, a time-consuming method that may represent a limiting factor for sampling network enhancement. To verify the feasibility of developing a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach, an alternative to optical analysis, as a rapid, accurate, and automated tool for the detection and quantification of airborne allergenic pollen taxa. The traditional cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide-based method was modified for DNA isolation from pollen. Taxon-specific DNA sequences were identified via bioinformatics or literature searches and were PCR amplified from the matching allergenic taxa; based on the sequences of PCR products, complementary or degenerate TaqMan probes were developed. The accuracy of the quantitative real-time PCR assay was tested on 3 plant species. The setup of a modified DNA extraction protocol allowed us to achieve good-quality pollen DNA. Taxon-specific nuclear gene fragments were identified and sequenced. Designed primer pairs and probes identified selected pollen taxa, mostly at the required classification level. Pollen was properly identified even when collected on routine aerobiological tape. Preliminary quantification assays on pollen grains were successfully performed on test species and in mixes. The real-time PCR approach revealed promising results in pollen identification and quantification, even when analyzing pollen mixes. Future perspectives could concern the development of multiplex real-time PCR for the simultaneous detection of different taxa in the same reaction tube and the application of high-throughput molecular methods.
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Biomolecular identification of allergenic pollen: a
new perspective for aerobiological monitoring?
Sara Longhi, MSc*; Antonella Cristofori, MSc*; Pamela Gatto, PhD*; Fabiana Cristofolini, MSc*;
Maria Stella Grando, MSc*; and Elena Gottardini, MSc*
Background: Accurate and updated information on airborne pollen in specific areas can help allergic patients. Current
monitoring systems are based on a morphologic identification approach, a time-consuming method that may represent a limiting
factor for sampling network enhancement.
Objective: To verify the feasibility of developing a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach, an alternative to
optical analysis, as a rapid, accurate, and automated tool for the detection and quantification of airborne allergenic pollen taxa.
Methods: The traditional cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide– based method was modified for DNA isolation from pollen.
Taxon-specific DNA sequences were identified via bioinformatics or literature searches and were PCR amplified from the
matching allergenic taxa; based on the sequences of PCR products, complementary or degenerate TaqMan probes were
developed. The accuracy of the quantitative real-time PCR assay was tested on 3 plant species.
Results: The setup of a modified DNA extraction protocol allowed us to achieve good-quality pollen DNA. Taxon-specific
nuclear gene fragments were identified and sequenced. Designed primer pairs and probes identified selected pollen taxa, mostly
at the required classification level. Pollen was properly identified even when collected on routine aerobiological tape. Preliminary
quantification assays on pollen grains were successfully performed on test species and in mixes.
Conclusions: The real-time PCR approach revealed promising results in pollen identification and quantification, even when
analyzing pollen mixes. Future perspectives could concern the development of multiplex real-time PCR for the simultaneous
detection of different taxa in the same reaction tube and the application of high-throughput molecular methods.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2009;103:508–514.
Respiratory diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis,
and asthma, are distributed worldwide. A meta-analysis1es-
timated prevalences of 400 million people with allergic rhi-
nitis (in 2006) and 300 million with asthma (in 2004) in a
world population of 6.4 billion to 6.5 billion (Population
Reference Bureau, World Population Data Sheet). Further-
more, Bauchau and Durham2estimated that approximately
45% of European adults do not have a diagnosis of allergic
rhinitis. Pollen allergens are 1 of the major sources of respi-
ratory disease. Diffusion of pollen allergens by ambient air is
strictly related to the composition, spatial distribution, and
density of allergenic taxa in an area and to meteorologic
variables, such as wind stress, temperature, and humidity.3
Individual prevention measures are strongly recommended
to control the symptoms of respiratory disease.4Some mea-
sures, however, can be adopted by patients only if accurate
and updated information on the air pollen load is available.
Reports and forecasts for the public (eg, http://www.aaaai.
org/nab/ and are produced by
analyzing data from aerobiological monitoring centers, such
as that in the Trentino area (northern Italy) since 1989. The
applied standard for sampling and counting airborne pollen
grains and fungal spores (UNI 11108:2004) identifies pollen
grains by means of visual recognition of specific morphologic
characteristics5and subsequent counting using an optical
microscope. Correct application of the procedure is time-
consuming and requires specialized personnel. The cost of
these requirements is a limiting factor for sampling network
improvement, which could give more precise information
about the pollen load in specific areas. Nowadays, the pos-
sibility of easily isolating and studying genomic DNA can
help biologists overcome the obstacles of traditional ap-
proaches for the identification and classification of plant taxa.
Analysis of DNA sequence polymorphism, in particular, may
be applied to different fields,6including land plant phylogen-
esis7and diagnostics.8With the advent of real-time polymer-
ase chain reaction (PCR), detection and quantification of
target DNA have been combined into a single reaction; there-
fore, various rapid, sensitive, and accurate assays can be
The aim of this study is to verify the feasibility of devel-
oping a real-time PCR technique, an alternative to optical
analysis, as a tool for the detection and quantification of
airborne allergenic pollen taxa. This could lead to a rapid,
accurate, and automated procedure that would allow an in-
crease in sampling site distribution, useful to represent the
variability especially in orographically and vegetationally
complex regions.
Affiliations: * IASMA Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione Ed-
mund Mach, Trento, Italy.
Disclosures: Authors have nothing to disclose.
Funding Sources: This study was supported in part by Fondazione
CARITRO - Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (CARPOL Project).
Received for publication March 18, 2009; Received in revised form May
21, 2009; Accepted for publication July 4, 2009.
Study Area
This study was performed in Trentino, a subalpine region of
northern Italy extending from 45° 40to 46° 30north lati-
tude and from 10° 30to 11° 50east longitude, with a
surface area of 6.207 km2; the elevation ranges from 65 to
3,764 m above sea level, with most (47%) of the area being
1,000 to 2,000 m above sea level. Consequently, the land-
scape is characterized by many phytoclimatic types, varying
from sub-Mediterranean holly-oak woods to continental
Swiss stone pine woods.9
Plant Species Selection
Plant taxa were selected on the basis of their allergic rele-
vance and their presence in local flora (Table 1). Definition of
the taxonomic level requested for the analysis was resolved
by evaluating 2 main issues: (1) the target of allergic tests
used to diagnose disease in individuals with allergy, depend-
ing on its turn in the pathologic response to allergens, which
may be common in the same genus or family (eg, Poaceae10),
and (2) morphologic characteristics of single pollens and the
consequent identification level achievable under microscopic
Sample Collection, Preparation, and Storage
Pollen and leaf samples of each plant species were collected
at 3 different sites with the aim of including natural genetic
variation. Leaf tissues were sampled to obtain an easily
available DNA template for development of the real-time
PCR assay. Pollens were sampled after single-species flow-
ering time, soon after anther dehiscence. They were desic-
cated and stored at a low temperature (4°C).12 Samples of
young leaves were collected from the same individual plants
and were kept at 80°C.
Suspensions were prepared from stored pollen samples
with different concentrations of 1 or 2 pollen taxa (50:50),
selecting those that show an overlap in flowering time. The
pollen content of suspensions was evaluated using a micro-
scopic Fuchs-Rosenthal counting chamber. Simulated routine
samples were prepared by spreading collected pollen onto an
aerobiological tape (Melinex; DuPont Teijin Films Luxem-
bourg SA, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg), coated with sil-
icon-based adhesive (Lanzoni s.r.l., Bologna, Italy), aiming to
reproduce samples collected using a Hirst-type volumetric
Setup of a DNA Extraction Protocol
DNA was extracted from leaf (0.1 g) and pollen (0.01– 0.1 g)
following the protocol of Doyle and Doyle13 modified as
described herein. Aerobiological tape spread with pollen was
cut into small pieces of approximately 0.5 cm2. Leaf tissues
were ground using a manual mortar and liquid nitrogen and
were stored at 20°C. Free and on-tape pollen grains and leaf
tissues were incubated at 60°C for 45 minutes with cetyl
trimethyl ammonium bromide buffer containing 0.3 mg/mL
of proteinase K and 0.4% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Complete
DNA extraction from immobilized pollen grains was evalu-
ated by labeling the resumed tape with a DNA-specific probe
(4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) (Sigma-Aldrich, Milan,
Italy)14 and by verifying the absence of fluorescent signals
using a microscope. Isolated DNA was fluorometrically
quantified using PicoGreen solution (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
California) and BioTek Synergy2 Multi-Detection Microplate
Readers (BioTek Instruments Inc, Winooski, Vermont).
Identification and Sequencing of Suitable Taxon-Specific
DNA Regions
A bioinformatics analysis was performed to identify taxon-
specific DNA sequences. The National Center for Biotech-
nology Information ( database
was, therefore, queried for single- or low-copy nuclear genes
or genomic sequences encoding non-repetitive elements. Per-
forming a BLAST analysis15 against the non-redundant nu-
cleotide Viridiplanteae database, taxon specificity of selected
DNA sequences was first evaluated in silico. Whenever this
approach was not successful, a bibliographic search was
Identified DNA regions were PCR amplified and se-
quenced by means of primers designed as described herein.
Two to four nanograms of amplified DNA was used for every
100 base pair to be sequenced in both directions. The PCR
products were purified using ExoSap-IT (Amersham Phar-
macia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) and were sequenced using
the BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied
Biosystems, Foster City, California) in a GeneAmp PCR
System 9700 (Applied Biosystems). After precipitation, the
sequencing products were mixed with 10
L of Hi-Di For-
mamide (Applied Biosystems) and were separated by means
Table 1. Allergenic Pollen Species Studied and the Level of
Classification Required From the Analysis
Family Species
Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa Genus
Alnus incana Genus
Betula pendula Species
Compositae Artemisia vulgaris Family
Corylaceae Corylus avellana Species
Ostrya carpinifolia Species
Cupressaceae Cupressus arizonica Family
Cupressus sempervirens Family
Thuja orientalis Family
Oleaceae Fraxinus excelsior Genus
Fraxinus ornus Genus
Olea europaea Species
Poaceae Anthoxanthum odoratum Family
Dactylis glomerata Family
Lolium perenne Family
Phleum pratense Family
Poa annua Family
Urticaceae Parietaria officinalis Species
VOLUME 103, DECEMBER, 2009 509
of capillary electrophoresis in an ABI PRISM 3130xl Genetic
Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). The resulting data were an-
alyzed using Sequencing Analysis version 3.7 (Applied Bio-
systems) and ChromasPro version 1.3 (Technelysium Pty
Ltd, Tewantin, Australia). Alignment of amplicon sequences
was performed using BioEdit version 5.0.6 (Hall, 1999).
PCR Primer and TaqMan Probe Design
Primers and TaqMan probes were designed using Primer
Express version 2.0 (Applied Biosystems), were manually
checked using Oligo Analyzer version 3.1 (IDT, http://eu., and were synthesized by Sigma-Aldrich Diag-
nostic (St Louis, Missouri). The taxon specificity of each
primer pair was evaluated by means of conventional PCR and
gel electrophoresis using leaf and pollen DNA from different
individual plants as a template.
When taxon-specific sequences revealed polymorphism,
degenerate probes were designed. TaqMan probes were dual
labeled at the 5and 3ends with a 6-carboxy-fluorescein
group and Black Hole Quencher 1 (Biosearch Technologies
Inc, Novato, California), respectively.
Standard and Real-Time PCR Protocols
Standard PCR reactions were performed in a 25-
L final
volume, with 50 ng of leaf DNA or 20 ng of pollen DNA, 0.2
M each dNTP, 0.4
M each primer, and1UofDNA
polymerase (HotStartTaq; Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The
amplification conditions were as follows: 15 minutes at 95°C,
followed by 35 cycles of 45 seconds at 95°C, 1 minute at
60°C and 1 minute at 72°C, and then a final step of 8 minutes
at 72°C. Leaf material and pollen collected at 3 and 2 differ-
ent sites, respectively, were analyzed for each taxon.
Real-time PCR reactions were performed using the Light-
Cycler 480 thermocycler (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim,
Germany) in a 15-
L final volume containing 7.5
LightCycler 480 Probes Master (Roche Diagnostics), 10 ng
of leaf DNA or 2 ng of pollen DNA, 0.2 to 0.5
M each
primer, and 0.15 to 0.25
M specific TaqMan probe. Ampli-
fication conditions consisted of 10 minutes at 95°C, 40 cycles
of 15 seconds at 90°C, and 1 minute at a specific annealing
temperature, then 30 seconds at 40°C (Table 2). The ampli-
fication cycle at which sample fluorescence exceeded back-
ground, defined as threshold cycle (Ct), was determined using
LightCycler 480 software and the fit-point method.16 Three
technical replicates of real-time PCR were performed using
pollen and leaf DNA collected at 2 different sites for each
taxa. Optimal primer and probe concentrations were estab-
lished by running a matrix of forward and reverse primers at
the same and at unbalanced concentrations. The proper probe
concentrations finally ranged from 0.1 to 0.25
Establishment of Standard Curves and Range of Detection
For the realization of standard curves to be used in the
quantification assay, pollen DNA was extracted from approx-
imately 60,000 pollen grains of Ostrya carpinifolia,Betula
pendula, and Parietaria officinalis. Standard curves were
constructed using a 2-fold serial dilution of taxon-specific
pollen DNA in a range from 3,000 to 3 grains, which resem-
bles the number of grains detectable in a typical airborne
pollen sample. Three technical replicates were performed for
each serial dilution, and each standard curve was repeated at
least twice. Standard curves were generated by plotting the
logarithmic number of pollen grains against mean Ct values
obtained by 3 technical replicates. The limit of quantification
(LOQ) was calculated considering the minimum number of
pollen grains at which the linearity of the standard curve was
To check reproducibility, 2 P officinalis standard curves
were generated using DNA extracted from different pollen
samples having the same number of grains. For this purpose,
the confidence interval of the slope and the intercepts of the
2 standard curves were calculated and compared. Ttests and
regression analysis were applied to evaluate the comparison
between real-time PCR results and microscopic counts. Sta-
tistical analysis was performed using R software17 and Mi-
crosoft Excel functions (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, Wash-
DNA Extraction
Good-quality DNA was obtained from leaf tissue of all plant
species, and this template was used for the development of a
taxon-specific detection assay. The addition of proteinase K
and sodium dodecyl sulfate to the cetyl trimethyl ammonium
bromide method13 enabled the isolation of DNA suitable for
PCR from free and immobilized pollen. The DNA extraction
yield was approximately 30 ng/g of pollen. After 4,6-dia-
midino-2-phenylindole treatment, the absence of fluorescent
signal on tape pieces confirmed complete DNA recovery
from trapped pollen.
Taxon-Specific DNA Sequences
By using the bioinformatics approach, appropriate nuclear
gene sequences were identified for B pendula, Artemisia
vulgaris, Olea europaea, Alnus, Fraxinus, and Cupressaceae;
a random amplified polymorphic DNA– derived sequence
was selected for Corylus avellana (Table 2).
On the other hand, a literature search provided candidate
target sequences for Poaceae, P officinalis, and O carpinifo-
lia. A quite conserved region of the single-copy granule-
bound starch synthase gene (GBSS) was amplified and se-
quenced for Poaceae using F-for and K-bac primers based on
the study by Mason-Gamer et al.18 Likewise, the conserved
ortholog set marker At103 was PCR amplified and sequenced
using degenerate primers for P officinalis and O carpinifolia
as described by Li et al.19
Taxon-specific primer pairs, designed ex novo for all iden-
tified sequences, generated PCR products that were rese-
quenced and homologous to the reference sequences. Com-
plementary DNA probes were finally designed for B pendula,
A vulgaris, C avellana, P officinalis, O carpinifolia, Fraxinus
species, and O europaea. Polymorphisms in the target DNA
region were instead observed among plant individuals in the
groups of Alnus species, Cupressaceae, and Poaceae. To meet
the required classification level, degenerate probes, which
hybridized to DNA pools of different species, were designed
in these cases. Owing to single nucleotide polymorphisms
found in the target region of the Needly gene (accession No.
AY988307 and AY988279) in Cupressus species and Thuja
orientalis, 2 different degenerate probes were designed: 1 for
the simultaneous identification of Cupressus species and 1 for
T orientalis. Finally, primers and probes based on the Phan-
tastica gene (accession No. DQ679537), of which several
sequences form Fraxinus excelsior were publicly available,
turned out to amplify Fraxinus and Olea species. Therefore,
the identification assay discriminated at the Oleaceae family
level and not at the Fraxinus genus level as initially required.
Accession numbers (National Center for Biotechnology In-
formation database ID) of target DNA regions, primer pairs,
and probe sequences are listed in Table 2.
Real-Time PCR Assay
No differences in primer pair specificity were detected be-
tween PCR results of different individuals and between leaf
and pollen samples. For A vulgaris,C avellana,O europaea,
Oleaceae, and Poaceae, no PCR products were observed
when related primers were used with other taxa DNA (Table
3). A weak cross-amplification was instead generated using
primers developed for B pendula,P officinalis,O carpinifo-
lia,Alnus, and Cupressaceae. However, high specificity was
achieved when the same primer sequences were applied in
combination with the designed probe in real-time PCR.
Taxon-specific PCR amplification occurred with Ct values
ranging from 25.73 (C avellana) to 35.46 (Cupressus sem-
pervirens), with a mean of 30.38 (Table 4).
Standard Curves and Real-Time PCR Assay
Standard curves were realized by analyzing at least 5 serial
dilutions of pollen DNA starting from 3,000 grains and
Table 2. Primer and Probe Sequences and Reaction Conditions Used for Real-Time PCR
Organism Gene Primer/
probe Sequence 5-3Conc,
Betula pendula BP8 Forward ACGATCGAGTTTTCATCAAACAAA 400 60 Z18891
Corylus avellana RAPD Forward ATGATTCATTTGGTGAGGAAATGG 400 60 CZ257493
Artemisia vulgaris Squalene
Cupressus species Needly Forward GACGATTGGAGACTATGATCTA 500 53 AY988307
Thuja orientalis Needly Forward GACGATTGGAGACTATGATCTA 400 53 AY988307
Fraxinus species Phantastica Forward TCCCGCCATGGATGAATAAC 400 60 DQ679537
Alnus species Adh1 Forward GCTTTTCTTTTTGGCGTGATG 200 60 AM062702
Olea europaea Oleosin Forward CGATACAGCAGAAAGCACCA 400 53 AY083161
Poaceae Waxy Forward GCAGGGCTCGAAGCG 400 60 Mason-Gamer
et al,18
Parietaria officinalis At103 Forward TCATCTTCTACGCCACCTCCT 400 64 Li et al,19
Ostrya carpinifolia At103 Forward GATTAGATGAAAACAGCCAAGAGAAA 400 60 Li et al,19
Abbreviations: Conc, primer and probe concentration; ID, National Center for Biotechnology Information accession number or bibliographic
reference; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Ta, annealing temperature.
VOLUME 103, DECEMBER, 2009 511
achieving LOQ values of 188, 94, and 47 pollen grains for O
carpinifolia,B pendula, and P officinalis, respectively. In no
cases did the real-time PCR assay reach the LOQ value of 3
pollen grains, probably owing to low DNA amount20 or low
sensitivity of the real-time PCR chemistry.21
Standard curves showed a linear regression between input
DNA and Ct values in the 2 independent assays, with deter-
mination coefficients (R2) of 0.97 and 0.99 for B pendula,
0.99 and 0.99 for P officinalis, and 0.95 and 0.96 for O
carpinifolia. Standard curves realized with DNA pollen sam-
ples from different P officinalis individuals showed good
reproducibility because the 2 linear regression analyses dem-
onstrated well-overlapping 95% confidence intervals for the
slope values (replicate 1: 3.56 to 2.65 and replicate 2:
Figure 1. Comparison of standard curves obtained by analyzing 2 Pari-
etaria officinalis replicates. Equations and Rvalues for the linear regression
are shown. Polymerase chain reaction efficiency (E 10
) was 2.1 for
both replicates.
Table 3. Summary of Amplification Results of Conventional PCR
Plant species
vulgaris Cupressaceae Fraxinus
carpinifolia Poaceae Alnus
B pendula ⫹⫹⫹
C avellana ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫹
A vulgaris ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹
Cupressus sempervirens ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Cupressus arizonica ⫹⫹⫹
Thuja orientalis ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹
Fraxinus ornus ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹
Fraxinus excelsior ⫹⫹⫹
O europaea ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
P officinalis ⫹⫹⫹
O carpinifolia ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹
Poa annua ⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
Lolium perenne ⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
Anthoxanthum odoratum ⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
Dactylis glomerata ⫹⫹⫹
Phleum pratense ⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
Alnus glutinosa ⫹ ⫹⫹⫹
Alnus incana ⫹⫹⫹
Abbreviations: PCR, polymerase chain reaction; ⫹⫹⫹, strong amplification; , weak amplification.
Table 4. Real-Time PCR Detection of Selected Taxa
Taxon Cycle threshold,
mean (SD)a
Betula pendula 28.55 (0.14)
Corylus avellana 25.73 (0.40)
Artemisia vulgaris 33.30 (0.42)
Cupressus sempervirens 35.46 (0.07)
Cupressus arizonica 33.62 (0.29)
Thuja orientalis 34.34 (0.37)
Fraxinus ornus 29.20 (0.21)
Fraxinus excelsior 27.39 (0.43)
Olea europaea 32.42 (0.11)
Olea europaea 29.84 (0.08)b
Parietaria officinalis 26.50 (0.22)
Ostrya carpinifolia 26.92 (0.34)
Poa annua 29.51 (0.20)
Lolium perenne 32.76 (0.13)
Anthoxanthum odoratum 32.33 (0.14)
Dactylis glomerata 32.42 (0.2)
Phleum pratense 32.60 (0.06)
Alnus glutinosa 30.35 (0.53)
Alnus incana 28.48 (0.32)
Abbreviation: PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
aCycle threshold of each amplification calculated on 3 technical
bValues for O europaea were obtained with family-specific primers
and probes.
3.75 to 2.91) and highly comparable intercepts (37.88
and 37.76) (Fig 1).
No statistically significant differences were found compar-
ing mean microscope counts with mean estimated real-time
PCR pollen grain numbers, analyzing either single taxa or
balanced mixes (Table 5). Linear regression applied to mean
pollen grain numbers counted using a microscope vs real-
time PCR showed an high determination coefficient (R2
0.97), demonstrating good agreement between the estimates
provided by the 2 methods (Fig 2). Furthermore, pollen
quantification produced comparable values when analyzing
mixed- or single-species samples.
Pollen recovery is heterogeneous, showing differences ac-
cording to pollen settling velocity and the distance between
sampling sites and the pollen source.22 The deviation may be
even larger in mountainous regions, especially when charac-
terized by an orographic complexity and consequent differ-
ences in climatic variables that strongly affect the distribution
and development of vegetation. Current allergy warning sys-
tems, based on information about airborne pollen content
obtained via morphologic microscopy analysis, require qual-
ified operators and result in a time-consuming task. An in-
crease in sampling sites is desirable to improve information
regarding allergen exposition, helping individuals with al-
lergy to plan correct management of their disease. Therefore,
more efficient approaches to rapid identification of airborne
pollen grains have been searched for in other fields. Spectro-
scopic studies, for example, reported a potential capability of
chemical classification through Fourier transform infrared23
and Raman24 pollen spectra. Both approaches make an effort
in the direction of automating the pollen identification pro-
cess but show limitations in pollen mixes or pollen quantifi-
cation analysis.
In the present study, we aimed to develop a real-time PCR
method based on TaqMan technology capable of identifying
and quantifying a subset of the main allergenic pollen types.
Similar approaches have already been applied in many dif-
ferent fields, for example, to the detection and quantification
of genetically modified organisms,25 allergens contained in
foods,26 fungi,21 nematodes,27 bacteria,28 and viruses.29 A new
DNA extraction protocol was successfully developed and
applied on a wide spectrum of airborne pollens, even when
immobilized on monitoring tape, enabling the use of standard
aerobiological samples.
By exploiting DNA sequences available in international
databases or sequencing DNA regions ex novo, powerful
Figure 2. Quantification of pollen grains by real-time polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) estimated using taxon-specific standard curves. Pollen grain
numbers were estimated from threshold cycle values using the standard
curves specific for each taxon, and, subsequently, mean values quantified by
real-time PCR analysis were compared with mean microscopic counts. Data
were fitted using a linear regression equation (shown in the figure). Error
bars represent SE.
Table 5. Mean Values of Estimated Number of Pollen Grains Analyzed Via Microscopic Counts and Real-Time PCR Quantification
Taxon No. of
Microscopic counts Real-time PCR counts
Mean Standard error Mean Standard error
Parietaria officinalis 5 500 25 389 40.981 .07
6 1,000 50 911 56.838
Betula pendula 3 250 7.5 248 42.532 .19
6 500 15 591 78.319
3 1,000 30 1,087 98.376
Betula pendula mix 3 500 12.5 354 41.94 .45
6 1,000 25 987 101.96
Ostrya carpinifolia 2 250 5 250 1.5 .92
3 500 10 593 65.531
7 1,000 20 860 61.329
2 1,500 30 1,390 20
3 2,000 40 2,127 448.22
Ostrya carpinifolia mix 3 1,000 25 945 168.33
Abbreviation: PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
aUsing the paired ttest.
VOLUME 103, DECEMBER, 2009 513
diagnostic TaqMan assays were developed for each consid-
ered taxon. Although plant investigation mainly uses molec-
ular sequences of chloroplast or nuclear ribosomal DNA, in
this study, single- or low-copy nuclear genes were preferred
because of their higher structure conservation and slower rate
of sequence evolution.30
The biomolecular method developed in this study allowed
successful pollen quantification, statistically comparable with
the aerobiological method. The main advantage of the new
approach lies in its time requirement: in the time needed for
the visual evaluation of weekly samples from a monitoring
station by highly specialized personnel, the biomolecular
method could manage the analysis of samples from 6 devices.
Results of the analysis of compound samples imply that the
quantification assay of a species is not affected by the pres-
ence of other DNA templates. Given the high complexity of
aerobiological samples, this issue becomes particularly rele-
vant and supports this technique as a promising alternative to
the traditional microscopic approach. To our knowledge, this
is the first study of the use of real-time PCR for the detection
and quantification of pollen grains. Additional efforts are
required to lower the minimum number of detectable pollen
grains by quantitative PCR, reaching values of the same
magnitude order (101) as microscope counting.
Future developments could include the use of designed
primer pairs and probes in a multiplex reaction to detect and
quantify simultaneously different pollen taxa, speeding up the
analysis and reducing analytical efforts. In addition, the iden-
tified taxon-specific sequences could be a starting point for
the application of high-throughput molecular methods, such
as hybridization chip or resequencing strategies.
We thank Maria Cristina Viola (Fondazione Edmund Mach)
for her work in pollen collection and Claudio Varotto (Fonda-
zione Edmund Mach) for his suggestions and conserved
ortholog set primers supply.
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Requests for reprints should be addressed to:
Antonella Cristofori, MSc
IASMA Research and Innovation Centre
Fondazione Edmund Mach - Environment and Natural Resources Area
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38010 San Michele all’Adige, Trento, Italy
... Aerobiology is an established research discipline focused on aerosolized bacteria as well as pollen and fungi as aeroallergens or pathogens (e.g., Sánchez-Parra et al., 2021;Rowney et al., 2021;Banchi et al., 2020a;Kraaijeveld et al., 2015;Longhi et al., 2009;Abrego et al., 2018;Tordoni et al., 2021) including crop pathogen monitoring (reviewed in Mahaffee & Stoll (2016)). Important biological associations on Earth's surface may be maintained in the air. ...
... While previous reports of sequenced garlic DNA captured at altitude do not exist, others have identified Quercus and Pinaceae sequences in dust samples (Craine et al., 2017;Damialis et al., 2017) and Pinaceae in air samples (Sánchez-Parra et al., 2021) including off-target detection of Pinus at 10,000 ft MSL over a forested area of the Sierra Nevada mountains (Jaing et al., 2020). Transport modelling of deciduous hardwood pollen in air (Skjøth et al., 2007) suggests the possibility of large-scale aeroallergen exposure (Longhi et al., 2009). In addition to aerosolized plant matter from urban and suburban residences, agroecosystems, and fertilizer application, it is also possible that some of the plant detections such as Festuca (fescue) are from aerosolized manure containing digested plant matter, underscoring the connectivity of air DNA assemblages captured from the atmosphere. ...
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Air is a medium for dispersal of environmental DNA (eDNA) carried in bioaerosols, yet the atmosphere is mostly unexplored as a source of genetic material encompassing all domains of life. In this study, we designed and deployed a robust, sterilizable hardware system for airborne nucleic acid capture featuring active filtration of a quantifiable, controllable volume of air and a high-integrity chamber to protect the sample from loss or contamination. We used our hardware system on an aircraft across multiple height transects over major aerosolization sources to collect air eDNA, coupled with high-throughput amplicon sequencing using multiple DNA metabarcoding markers targeting bacteria, plants, and vertebrates to test the hypothesis of large-scale genetic presence of these bioaerosols throughout the planetary boundary layer in the lower troposphere. Here, we demonstrate that the multi-taxa DNA assemblages inventoried up to 2,500 m using our airplane-mounted hardware system are reflective of major aerosolization sources in the survey area and show previously unreported airborne species detections ( i.e ., Allium sativum L). We also pioneer an aerial survey flight grid standardized for atmospheric sampling of genetic material and aeroallergens using a light aircraft and limited resources. Our results show that air eDNA from terrestrial bacteria, plants, and vertebrates is detectable up to high altitude using our airborne air sampler and demonstrate the usefulness of light aircraft in monitoring campaigns. However, our work also underscores the need for improved marker choices and reference databases for species in the air column, particularly eukaryotes. Taken together, our findings reveal strong connectivity or mixing of terrestrial-associated eDNA from ground level aerosolization sources and the atmosphere, and we recommend that parameters and indices considering lifting action, atmospheric instability, and potential for convection be incorporated in future surveys for air eDNA. Overall, this work establishes a foundation for light aircraft campaigns to comprehensively and economically inventory bioaerosol emissions and impacts at scale, enabling transformative future opportunities in airborne DNA technology.
... This method entailed sequencing purified PCR amplicons for single or multiple species samples or sequencing amplicon clones that were randomly chosen from PCR products. However, these approaches have largely been replaced by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) for DNA metabarcoding [39,64,82,83]. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) investigations commonly employ one of the three primary methodologies for preparing sequencing libraries, i.e., ligation-based "tagmentation" kits [70,71], dual-indexed barcoded primers [69], or singleindexed barcoded primers [65,67,68,84]. ...
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This review is engaged in determining the capability of plant pollen as a significant source of evidence for the linkage between suspects and crime location in forensic sciences. Research and review articles were collected from Google Scholar, the Web of Science, and PubMed. Articles were searched using specific keywords such as “Forensic Palynology,” “Pollen metabarcoding,” “Plant forensics,” and “Pollen” AND “criminal investigation.” Boolean logic was also utilized to narrow the articles to be included in this review article. Through the literature and exploratory research, it has been observed in the current study that with advancements in technology, forensic palynology has found its application in creating an association between the crime scene and suspected individuals to have a link to it, as pollen DNA is a long-lasting investigative tool that can effectively help forensic investigations. Moreover, the literature shows that the DNA of pollen and spores has helped forensic scientists link suspects to crime scenes, and the introduction of pollen DNA metabarcoding tools has eased the efforts of palynologists to analyze pollen DNA. The introduction of DNA metabarcoding techniques to analyze pollen from plants has helped identify the geological locations of the plants and ultimately identify the culprit. Graphical abstract
... Different methods can be applied for pollen identification and classification, including image-based, spectroscopic and DNA-based detection (Landsmeer et al., 2009;Longhi et al., 2009;Rittenour et al., 2012). The identification of pollen by morphological characteristics using a light microscope allows identification to family and genus level, but rarely to species level (e.g. ...
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We studied the modern pollen rain in two different landscapes from Hyrcanian lowland forests up to the slopes of the Alborz Mountains in Gilan province for the first time. Pollen traps were installed for one year and moss samples were collected along two altitudinal transects from 100 to 1800 m and from 100 to 2300 m elevations. The results of pollen counting and environmental DNA barcoding (metabarcoding) of the collected pollen and moss samples were compared from 32 locations. In total, 81 vascular plant species from 36 families were identified by metabarcoding, and 68 taxa belonging to 39 families were identified by pollen counting. The pollen counting results reflect mainly wind-pollinated families, such as Betulaceae and Fagaceae while results from metabarcoding of the rbcL and ITS2 loci were more in line with the vegetation around the pollen traps and the moss samples. Furthermore, this study showed that the rbcL region is able to identify more taxa than the ITS2 region, while applying both markers provides higher confidence. Also using both metabarcoding and pollen data provides a better local and regional vegetation representation.
... Longhi et al. [44] showed the possibility of replacing routine analysis with light microscopy methods with quantitative PCR analysis but did not test the method on real monitoring data. Successful detection of three plant species individually in pollen samples with TaqMan probes and a good correlation between PCR cycle and pollen grain abundance by Longhi et al. [43] showed the possibility of replacing routine analysis with light microscopy methods with quantitative PCR analysis. ...
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Grass pollen is one of the leading causes of pollinosis, affecting 10–30% of the world’s population. The allergenicity of pollen from different Poaceae species is not the same and is estimated from moderate to high. Aerobiological monitoring is a standard method that allows one to track and predict the dynamics of allergen concentration in the air. Poaceae is a stenopalynous family, and thus grass pollen can usually be identified only at the family level with optical microscopy. Molecular methods, in particular the DNA barcoding technique, can be used to conduct a more accurate analysis of aerobiological samples containing the DNA of various plant species. This study aimed to test the possibility of using the ITS1 and ITS2 nuclear loci for determining the presence of grass pollen from air samples via metabarcoding and to compare the analysis results with the results of phenological observations. Based on the high-throughput sequencing data, we analyzed the changes in the composition of aerobiological samples taken in the Moscow and Ryazan regions for three years during the period of active flowering of grasses. Ten genera of the Poaceae family were detected in airborne pollen samples. The representation for most of them for ITS1 and ITS2 barcodes was similar. At the same time, in some samples, the presence of specific genera was characterized by only one sequence: either ITS1 or ITS2. Based on the analysis of the abundance of both barcode reads in the samples, the following order could describe the change with time in the dominant species in the air: Poa, Alopecurus, and Arrhenatherum in early mid-June, Lolium, Bromus, Dactylis, and Briza in mid-late June, Phleum, Elymus in late June to early July, and Calamagrostis in early mid-July. In most samples, the number of taxa found via metabarcoding analysis was higher compared to that in the phenological observations. The semi-quantitative analysis of high-throughput sequencing data well reflects the abundance of only major grass species at the flowering stage.
... For monitoring terrestrial vertebrates on land, air is an obvious direct source for eDNA, but until recently, has primarily been used to study allergens and pathogens (Abrego et al., 2018;Korpelainen & Pietiläinen, 2017;Kraaijeveld et al., 2015;Longhi et al., 2009;Mohanty, Buchheim, & Levetin, 2017), which may survive longer in air than vertebrate eDNA and cells. A proof-of-concept paper showed that terrestrial vertebrate eDNA could be actively collected from air using a pump that drew air through a filter . ...
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Abstract Environmental (e)DNA has rapidly become a powerful biomonitoring tool, particularly in aquatic ecosystems. This approach has not been as widely adopted in terrestrial communities where the methods of vertebrate eDNA collection have varied from the use of secondary collectors such as blood feeding parasites and spider webs, to washing surfaces of leaves and soil sampling. Recent studies have demonstrated the potential of direct collection of eDNA from air sampling, but none have tested how effective airborne eDNA sampling might be in a biodiverse environment. We used three prototype samplers to actively sample a mixed neotropical bat community in a partially controlled environment. We assess whether airborne eDNA can accurately characterize a high diversity community with skewed abundances and to determine if filter design impacts DNA collection and taxonomic recovery. Our study provides evidence for the accuracy of airborne eDNA as a detection tool and highlights its potential for monitoring high density, diverse assemblages such as bat roosts. Analysis of air samples recovered >91% of the species present and some limited relationship between species abundance and read count. Our data suggests this method can accurately depict a diverse mixed‐mammal community, particularly when the location is contained (e.g., a roost, den or burrow) but also highlights the potential for secondary transfer of eDNA material on clothing and equipment. Our results also demonstrate that simple, inexpensive, battery‐operated homemade air samplers can collect an abundance of eDNA from the air, opening the opportunity for sampling in remote environments.
... The vast majority of countries collect airborne pollen with volumetric Hirsttype traps, working on the basic principle of the rudimentary Blackley's suction sampler (Blackley, 1873), where airborne pollen impacts an adhesive surface and a manual optical analysis of pollen grains is performed by light microscopy: EN 16868:2019 (CEN, 2019). Since the procedure is time-consuming and requires a high level of personnel training, much research is focused on finding alternative approaches to optimize the timing and quality of pollen analysis, starting from spectroscopy to DNA based research (Gottardini et al., 2007;Johnson et al., 2021;Laucks and Davis, 1998;Leontidou et al., 2021;Longhi et al., 2009). ...
Pollen is the most common cause of seasonal allergies, affecting over 33 % of the European population, even when considering only grasses. Informing the population and clinicians in real-time about the actual presence of pollen in the atmosphere is essential to reduce its harmful health and economic impact. Thus, there is a growing network of automatic particle analysers, and the reproducibility and transferability of implemented models are recommended since a reference dataset for local pollen of interest needs to be collected for each device to classify pollen, which is complex and time-consuming. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate the reference dataset collected from other devices in different locations. However, it must be considered that laser-induced data are prone to device-specific noise due to laser and detector sensibility. This study collected data from two Rapid-E bioaerosol identifiers in Serbia and Italy and implemented a multi-modal convolutional neural network for pollen classification. We showed that models lost their performance when trained on data from one and tested on another device, not only in terms of the recognition ability but also in comparison with the manual measurements from Hirst-type traps. To enable pollen classification with just one model in both study locations, we first included the missing pollen classes in the dataset from the other study location, but it showed poor results, implying that data of one pollen class from different devices are more different than data of different pollen classes from one device. Combining all available reference data in a single model enabled the classification of a higher number of pollen classes in both study locations. Finally, we implemented a domain adaptation method, which improved the recognition ability and the correlations of transferred models only for several pollen classes.
... When the biomass was the same but the body size composition was different, the higher the proportion of small body size individuals in the population, the higher the eDNA concentration. Special attention needs to be paid to the body size composition of the population to avoid the biomass estimation being Introduction Environmental DNA (eDNA) refers to DNA noninvasively extracted from any environmental sample, such as water (Ficetola et al., 2008), sediments (Willerslev et al., 2003), or air (Longhi et al., 2009). It is thought to be derived from mixtures of feces (Martellini et al., 2005), skin cells (Ficetola et al., 2008), mucus (Merkes et al., 2014), and secretions (Bylemans et al., 2018) of organisms. ...
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The superiority of the environmental DNA (eDNA) method for estimating the biomass of aquatic species has been demonstrated. However, the relationship between eDNA concentration and biomass is difficult to clarify under the influence of complex water flow and habitat conditions. It seriously restricts the popularization and application of the eDNA method in estimating aquatic biomass. In this paper, a typical fish species of rivers in southwest China, Schizothorax prenanti, was selected as the target species. Under standardized laboratory hydrostatic conditions, two environmental factors, water pH and water temperature were firstly determined through pre-experiments. Then we investigated the correlation between eDNA concentration and biomass under different body sizes and different body size compositions. The experimental results showed that water pH and the water temperature had a great influence on eDNA concentration. Therefore, the effects of these environmental factors need to be considered simultaneously when using eDNA concentration to estimate biomass. Under the premise of consistent environmental conditions, the biomass of Schizothorax prenanti was positively correlated with the eDNA concentration when the individual body size was the same. For each 1% increase in biomass of the fish, the eDNA concentration of adult (larger size) fish increased by 0.98%, while the eDNA concentration of juvenile (smaller size) fish increased by 1.38%. The smaller the size of individual fish, the greater the increase of eDNA concentration with biomass, and the increase of juvenile fish was about 1.4 times that the adult fish. When the biomass was the same but the body size composition was different, the higher the proportion of small body size individuals in the population, the higher the eDNA concentration. Special attention needs to be paid to the body size composition of the population to avoid the biomass estimation being lower than the actual value when the smaller size fish are dominant. The experimental results provide a strong basis for a more accurate estimation of aquatic biomass in reservoirs, lakes, and other still water areas by using the eDNA method.
... Isolation of eDNA from air is a novel survey method capable of detecting and characterising taxa from airborne particles (Folloni et al., 2012;Johnson et al., 2019a). Initial air eDNA studies targeted airborne pollen (Kraaijeveld et al., 2015;Longhi et al., 2009) and spores (Pashley et al., 2012;Williams et al., 2001) using aerobiological tape and vacuum pumps. Since then, eDNA has been used to characterise trace amounts of airborne DNA from microbes, plants, fungi, and animals in a variety of systems (Clare et al., 2021;Johnson et al., 2019;Tong et al., 2017;Tordoni et al., 2021). ...
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Global food production, food supply chains and food security are increasingly stressed by human population growth and loss of arable land, becoming more vulnerable to anthropogenic and environmental perturbations. Numerous mutualistic and antagonistic species are interconnected with the cultivation of crops and livestock and these can be challenging to identify on the large scales of food production systems. Accurate identifications to capture this diversity and rapid scalable monitoring are necessary to identify emerging threats (i.e. pests and pathogens), inform on ecosystem health (i.e. soil and pollinator diversity), and provide evidence for new management practices (i.e. fertiliser and pesticide applications). Increasingly, environmental DNA (eDNA) is providing rapid and accurate classifications for specific organisms and entire species assemblages in substrates ranging from soil to air. Here, we aim to discuss how eDNA is being used for monitoring of agricultural ecosystems, what current limitations exist, and how these could be managed to expand applications into the future. In a systematic review we identify that eDNA-based monitoring in food production systems accounts for only 4 % of all eDNA studies. We found that the majority of these eDNA studies target soil and plant substrates (60 %), predominantly to identify microbes and insects (60 %) and are biased towards Europe (42 %). While eDNA-based monitoring studies are uncommon in many of the world's food production systems, the trend is most pronounced in emerging economies often where food security is most at risk. We suggest that the biggest limitations to eDNA for agriculture are false negatives resulting from DNA degradation and assay biases, as well as incomplete databases and the interpretation of abundance data. These require in silico, in vitro, and in vivo approaches to carefully design, test and apply eDNA monitoring for reliable and accurate taxonomic identifications. We explore future opportunities for eDNA research which could further develop this useful tool for food production system monitoring in both emerging and developed economies, hopefully improving monitoring, and ultimately food security.
... For plants specifically, eDNA biomonitoring has been deployed using air (Longhi et al. 2009), soil (Yoccoz et al. 2012) as well as water samples. Our literature review quantified a total of 4114 eDNA studies across all organisms, illustrating a precipitous increase in recent years. ...
Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has recently transformed and modernized biodiversity monitoring. The accurate detection, and to some extent quantification, of organisms (individuals/populations/communities) in environmental samples is galvanizing eDNA as a successful cost and time-efficient biomonitoring technique. Currently, eDNA’s application to plants remains more limited in implementation and scope compared to animals and microorganisms. Thus, this review evaluates the development of eDNA-based methods for (vascular) plants, comparing its performance and power of detection with that of traditional methods, to critically evaluate and advise best practices needed for innovating plant biomonitoring. Recent advancements, standardization, and field applications of eDNA-based methods have provided enough scope to utilize it in conservation biology for numerous organisms. eDNA also has considerable potential for plants, where successful detection of invasive, endangered and rare species, and community-level interpretations have provided proof-of-concept. Monitoring methods using eDNA were found to be equal or more effective than traditional methods, however species detection increased when both the methods were coupled. Additionally, eDNA methods were found to be effective in studying species interactions, community dynamics, and even effects of anthropogenic pressure. Currently, elimination of potential obstacles (e.g., lack of relevant DNA reference libraries for plants) and the development of user-friendly protocols would greatly contribute to comprehensive eDNA-based plant monitoring programs. This is particularly needed in the data-depauperate tropics and for some less-concern plant groups. We further advocate it may be valuable to couple traditional methods with eDNA approaches, as the former is often cheaper and methodologically more straightforward, while the latter offers a non-destructive approach with the ability to identify plants in situations where morphological identification is difficult or impossible. Furthermore, in order to make a global platform for eDNA, governmental and academic-industrial collaborations are essential to make eDNA surveys a broadly adopted and implemented, rapid, cost-effective, and non-invasive plant monitoring approach.
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Globally, the diversity of arthropods and the plants upon which they rely are under increasing pressure due to a combination of biotic and abiotic anthropogenic stressors. Unfortunately, conventional survey methods used to monitor ecosystems are often challenging to conduct on large scales. Pan traps are a commonly used pollinator survey method and environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding of pan trap water may offer a high‐throughput alternative to aid in the detection of both arthropods and the plant resources they rely on. Here, we examined if eDNA metabarcoding can be used to identify arthropods and plant species from pan trap water, and investigated the effect of different DNA extraction methods. We then compared plant species identified by metabarcoding with observation‐based floral surveys and also assessed the contribution of airborne plant DNA (plant DNA not carried by arthropods) using marble traps to reduce putative false positives in the pan trap dataset. Arthropod eDNA was only detected in 17% of pan trap samples and there was minimal overlap between the eDNA results and morphological identifications. In contrast, for plants, we detected 64 taxa, of which 53 were unique to the eDNA dataset, and no differences were identified between the two extraction kits. We were able to significantly reduce the contribution of airborne plant DNA to the final dataset using marble traps. This study demonstrates that eDNA metabarcoding of pan trap water can detect plant resources used by arthropods and highlights the potential for eDNA metabarcoding to be applied to investigations of arthropod‐plant interactions.
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Accurate quantitation of the number of cells of individual bacterial species in dental plaque samples is needed for understanding the bacterial etiology of periodontitis. Real-time PCR offers a sensitive, efficient, and reliable approach to quantitation. Using the TaqMan system we were able to determine both the amount of Porphyromonas gingivalis and the total number of bacterial cells present in plaque samples. Using species-specific primers and a fluorescent probe, detection of DNA from serial dilutions of P. gingivalis cells was linear over a large range of DNA concentrations (correlation coefficient = 0.96). No difference was observed between P. gingivalis DNA alone and the same DNA mixed with DNA isolated from dental plaque, indicating that P. gingivalis levels can be determined accurately from clinical samples. The total number of cells of all bacterial species was determined using universal primers and a fluorescent probe. Standard curves using four different bacterial species gave similar results (correlation coefficient = 0.86). Levels of both P. gingivalis and total bacteria were determined from a series of human plaque samples. High levels of P. gingivalis were observed in several of the samples from subjects with periodontitis and none of those from healthy subjects. Real-time quantitative PCR provided a sensitive and reliable method for quantitating P. gingivalis . In addition, it allowed the determination of the total number of bacterial cells present in a complex sample so that the percentage of P. gingivalis cells could be determined.
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Molecular data have had a profound impact on the field of plant systematics, and the application of DNA-sequence data to phylogenetic ,problems ,is now ,routine. The majority of data ,used in plant molecular phylogenetic studies derives from chloroplast DNA and nuclear rDNA, while the use of low-copy nuclear genes has not been widely adopted. This is due, at least in part, to the greater difficulty of isolating and characterising low-copy nuclear genes relative to chloroplast and rDNA sequences ,that are readily amplified with universal primers. The higher level of sequence variation characteristic of low-copy nuclear genes, however, often compensates for the experimental effort required to obtain them. In this review, we briefly discuss the strengths and limitations of chloroplast and rDNA sequences, and then focus our attention on the use of low-copy nuclear sequences. Advantages of low-copy ,nuclear sequences ,include a higher ,rate of evolution ,than for organellar sequences, the potential to accumulate datasets from multiple unlinked loci, and bi-parental inheritance. Challenges intrinsic to the ,use of low-copy ,nuclear sequences ,include distinguishing orthologous ,loci from divergent paralogous loci in the same gene family, being mindful of the complications arising from concerted evolution or recombination among paralogous sequences, and the presence of intraspecific, intrapopulational and intraindividual polymorphism. Finally, we provide a detailed protocol for the isolation, characterisation and use of low-copy nuclear sequences for phylogenetic studies. SB03 015 Us e of n uclear ge nesi n pl antphyl ogeny R. L. S ma ll etal .
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Molecular data have had a profound impact on the field of plant systematics, and the application of DNA-sequence data to phylogenetic problems is now routine. The majority of data used in plant molecular phylogenetic studies derives from chloroplast DNA and nuclear rDNA, while the use of low-copy nuclear genes has not been widely adopted. This is due, at least in part, to the greater difficulty of isolating and characterising low-copy nuclear genes relative to chloroplast and rDNA sequences that are readily amplified with universal primers. The higher level of sequence variation characteristic of low-copy nuclear genes, however, often compensates for the experimental effort required to obtain them. In this review, we briefly discuss the strengths and limitations of chloroplast and rDNA sequences, and then focus our attention on the use of low-copy nuclear sequences. Advantages of low-copy nuclear sequences include a higher rate of evolution than for organellar sequences, the potential to accumulate datasets from multiple unlinked loci, and bi-parental inheritance. Challenges intrinsic to the use of low-copy nuclear sequences include distinguishing orthologous loci from divergent paralogous loci in the same gene family, being mindful of the complications arising from concerted evolution or recombination among paralogous sequences, and the presence of intraspecific, intrapopulational and intraindividual polymorphism. Finally, we provide a detailed protocol for the isolation, characterisation and use of low-copy nuclear sequences for phylogenetic studies. SB03 015 Us e of nuclear genes in pl ant phylogeny R. L. S ma ll et al .
Accurate quantitation of the number of cells of individual bacterial species in dental plaque samples is needed for understanding the bacterial etiology of periodontitis. Real-time PCR offers a sensitive, efficient, and reliable approach to quantitation. Using the TaqMan system we were able to determine both the amount of Porphyromonas gingivalis and the total number of bacterial cells present in plaque samples. Using species-specific primers and a fluorescent probe, detection of DNA from serial dilutions of P. gingivalis cells was linear over a large range of DNA concentrations (correlation coefficient = 0.96), No difference was observed between P. gingivalis DNA alone and the same DNA mixed with DNA isolated from dental plaque. indicating that P. gingivalis levels can be determined accurately from clinical samples. The total number of cells of all bacterial species was determined using universal primers and a fluorescent probe. Standard curves using four different bacterial species gave similar results (correlation coefficient = 0.86). Levels of both P. gingivalis and total bacteria were determined from a series of human plaque samples. nigh levels of P, gingivalis were observed in several of the samples from subjects with periodontitis and none of those from healthy subjects. Real-time quantitative PCR provided a sensitive and reliable method for quantitating P. gingivalis. In addition, it allowed the determination of the total number of bacterial cells present in a complex sample so that the percentage of P. gingivalis cells could be determined.
Abstract Interest in the use of low-copy nuclear genes for phylogenetic analyses of plants has grown rapidly, because highly repetitive genes such as those commonly used are limited in number. Furthermore, because low-copy genes are subject to different ...
DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylin-dole) is a DNA-specific probe which forms a fluorescent complex by attaching in the minor grove of A-T rich sequences of DNA. It also forms nonfluorescent intercalative complexes with double-stranded nucleic acids. The physicochemical properties of the dye and its complexes with nucleic acids and history of the development of this dye as a biological stain are described. The application of DAPI as a DNA-specific probe for flow cytometry, chromosome staining, DNA visualization and quantitation in histochemistry and biochemistry is reviewed. The mechanisms of DAPI-nucleic acid complex formation including minor groove binding, intercalation and condensation are discussed.