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Inventions Utilizing Satellite Navigation Systems in the Railway Industry – An Analysis of Patenting Activity


Abstract and Figures

Applications based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), in combination with different communication systems, have significantly helped to increase safety, efficiency and system capacity of operations in different modes of transportation. Here railway transport is no exception, although the number of applications based on GNSS has been considerably behind the number of those used in road transport. Since incorporating e.g. GPS receivers into modern signaling, train control and other railway systems has become usual, it is interesting to examine GNSS/GPS-based inventions and patenting trends more closely in this context. This paper analyses GNSS/GPS-related patents in the railway industry in order to shed light on the patenting activity in different countries/regions and to identify (and to a certain extent make a classification of) the main application areas for this technology.
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Received May 28, 2009 / Accepted September 14, 2009 J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Inventions Utilizing Satellite Navigation Systems in the Railway
Industry – An Analysis of Patenting Activity
Pekka Salmi,1 Marko Torkkeli 2
Applications based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), in combination with different communication
systems, have significantly helped to increase safety, efficiency and system capacity of operations in different modes of
transportation. Here railway transport is no exception, although the number of applications based on GNSS has been
considerably behind the number of those used in road transport. Since incorporating e.g. GPS receivers into modern
signaling, train control and other railway systems has become usual, it is interesting to examine GNSS/GPS-based
inventions and patenting trends more closely in this context. This paper analyses GNSS/GPS-related patents in the railway
industry in order to shed light on the patenting activity in different countries/regions and to identify (and to a certain
extent make a classification of) the main application areas for this technology.
Key words: Railways; transport; satellite navigation; GNSS; GPS; inventions; patents; signaling; train control.
1 Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Prikaatintie 9, FI-45100 Kouvola, Finland. E-mail:
2 Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Prikaatintie 9, FI-45100 Kouvola, Finland. Phone +358
5 62111. E-mail:
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Like in most other modes of transportation, high levels of
safety, efficiency and system capacity of operations are
among the key objectives of railway industry nowadays.
Developing operations and services is important also
because the industry has lost a significant share of
transport volume in Europe during the last decades
(especially in the area of freight transportation; see e.g.
Hilmola, 2007). The increased competition with the other
modes of transport, as well as between the different
railway operators, means that the use of modern
technologies and innovative solutions is crucial for the
competitiveness of railway companies. An example of such
technologies is the Global Positioning System (GPS) which,
in combination with different communication systems, has
significantly helped to reduce accidents and delays, and to
improve capacity and cost effectiveness of transportation
in general. Indeed, satellite navigation/positioning systems
(the standard generic term is Global Navigation Satellite
System, GNSS) and telecommunication systems have a lot
of applications in the area of transportation today.
The rail system, however, differs from other modes of
transportation in that there is less flexibility in managing
the traffic. Moreover, regarding the use of GNSS, there is
obviously no need for vehicle navigation systems as such.
On the other hand, knowing the exact location of a train
has many advantages, including more efficient traffic
monitoring (which helps scheduling both in freight and
passenger transportation and thus enhances connectivity
with other modes of transportation) and logistic
information management, enhanced train signaling (which
improves safety, but also enables e.g. reduced distances
between trains and therefore increased train frequencies),
and the possibility to map the transport infrastructure.
Thus, while the number of applications based on GNSS is
considerably behind the number of those used in road
transport, incorporating GPS receivers into modern
signaling, train control and other railway systems has
become usual. Furthermore, the utilization of GNSS in rail
transportation has been recognized as an important
research area at the European Union level. Projects such
as GADEROS (Galileo Demonstrator for Railway
Operation System), RUNE (Railway User Navigation
Equipment), INTEGRAIL and most recently GRAIL
( were each aimed at supporting
the introduction of GNSS in the railway sector
(particularly in rail safety applications).
Since there has been a rapid growth in the number of
patents related to GPS technology since the end of 1980s
(see e.g. Yuan et al., 2007 for an analysis of the patent data
from the United States Patent and Trademark Office), it is
interesting to examine whether a similar trend can be seen
also in the railway industry. In particular, while examining
patenting activity and the number of patents issued each
year does not accurately reflect the development of a
technology, patent analysis is still useful e.g. in forecasting
technology life cycles (Haupt et al., 2007). In this paper, we
will therefore make an analysis of GNSS/GPS-related
patents in the railway industry in order to shed light on the
patenting activity in different countries/regions and to
identify (and to a certain extent make a classification of)
the main application areas for this technology. To this end,
we will both examine the patent classification codes
disclosed within the patents and make a content analysis of
the patent descriptions.
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we
will briefly review GNSS/GPS technology and discuss a few
of its applications in the land transportation systems. In
particular, we will present some relevant examples of the
utilization of GNSS in the railway sector. A patent analysis
will be made in the third section, which describes the
patent data and search process, as well as presents the
main observed trends in patenting activity and the main
application areas. The results and their practical
implications will be discussed in the final section.
GNSS/GPS technology and its applications in
the land transportation systems
GPS is currently the only fully functional satellite navigation
system (e.g. the Russian GLONASS is still in development
and the European Galileo is in the initial deployment phase,
scheduled to be operational in 2013; The system consists of
a constellation of at least 24 (and up to 32) earth-orbiting
satellites (there were 31 actively broadcasting satellites in
December 2008) that transmit microwave signals, through
which the system enables a GPS receiver to determine its
location, speed, direction, and time.
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
In the 1970s, GPS was originally intended for military
purposes. However, in the 1980s, the US government
made the system available for civilian use and it nowadays
has a number of applications both for military and civilian
users. In civilian use, the most often utilized benefit from
GPS signals is the ability to determine the receiver’s
absolute location. Therefore GPS receivers are typically
used as an aid to navigation or as surveying tools. On the
other hand, many commercial applications combine GPS
with communications and other technologies (see e.g. Pace
et al., 1995, Ch. 4). In the following, we will focus on GPS-
based applications in the field of land transportation, and
especially in the railway traffic.
Applications in the area of transportation
In their overview of GPS applications in the area of
transportation, Mintsis et al. (2004) identify vehicle fleet
management and monitoring as one main category. This
category refers primarily to automatic vehicle location
(AVL) systems (e.g. Lobo, 1998), which enable monitoring
and remote tracking of vehicles. AVL systems can be based
on GPS/GIS (geographic information system) technologies
as well as various communication technologies (such as
GSM), so that the data obtained from GPS receivers can be
transferred to an operating center. AVL systems are
typically used to monitor public transport vehicles and e.g.
Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) systems have
become more commonplace in bus transport (on buses, at
bus stops, as well as inside bus stations) in major European
cities (Firmin, 2006). Further examples of AVL systems
include ambulance management and emergency incident
handling (Derekenaris et al., 2001), and dangerous goods
transportation. Here GPS/GIS-based vehicle monitoring
systems can provide route guidance and scheduling
information for vehicles.
Moreover, GPS/GIS technologies can be integrated e.g.
with engine management systems in order to collect on-
road traffic data from a probe vehicle. This kind of system
can provide data on GPS position, speed, distance traveled,
engine performance, fuel consumption and so on for traffic
congestion studies (Taylor et al., 2000). Another useful
application of GPS technology in the area of transportation
is mapping of transportation networks (roads and rail).
High accuracy digital road maps are essential especially for
the applications in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),
so there is a need to develop new approaches for utilizing
GPS data in maps generation (Guo et al., 2007).
Of course, the above examples are only among the
numerous successful land based transport systems
currently utilizing satellite navigation technology. In recent
years GNSS has also been used in such private and public
road transport applications as: In-Vehicle Dynamic Route
Guidance, Intelligent Speed Adaptation (for improved road
safety), Road User Charging (to better manage
congestion), and Traveler Information Systems (see e.g.
Firmin, 2006).
Applications in the railway sector
One way to categorize different systems utilizing GNSS in
the railway sector is to distinguish between safety-critical
and non-safety-critical applications (cf. Marwedel &
Gebotys, 2004). Safety-critical applications include e.g. train
control and signaling, which in Europe have been subjects
to a standardization process in recent years (the main aim
has been to improve interoperability). In particular, there
is emerging a European standard for train control, signaling
and traffic management called the European Rail Traffic
Management System (ERTMS), which includes two layers
that can rely on satellite navigation: the European Train
Control System (ETCS) and the European Traffic
Management Layer (ETML) [EC-DGTREN (2008)]. Of
these, ETCS deals with control and signaling systems used
e.g. in remote electronic braking, train diagnostics and
train/wagon location monitoring, all of which are functions
whose safety and accuracy could especially be improved
through application of GNSS. For example, combining
GNSS position data with traditional train sensor readings,
such as odometry, can improve the ETCS location
performance and therefore allow e.g. a safe discrimination
between parallel tracks and track change at switches (this
was one of the goals in the INTEGRAIL project; Bedrich
and Gu, 2004). One has to note, however, that since the
performance of GNSS positioning depends e.g. on the
environmental conditions (multi-path and shadowing of
signals; see e.g. Marais et al., 2004), it usually cannot be
used as a sole means for determining location in a train
control system. Yet, in places where there is no trackside
equipment, GNSS positioning can contribute to high safety
levels. Moreover, in cases where GNSS can replace
trackside devices, it provides significant cost-benefits and
enhanced interoperability (Gu, 2005).
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Another safety-critical area where accurate positioning
data provided by GNSS can be used is rail track surveying.
First, testing/inspection systems need to be synchronized
with a positioning system, and here GNSS can provide
more accurate data than traditional techniques, such as
track circuits [EC-DGTREN (2008)]. Secondly, recent
developments in remote monitoring system (which are
typically based on a combination of GNSS/GIS
technologies, wireless communications, signal processing
and embedded computing) have become compact and
relatively inexpensive, and can therefore be used on almost
any rail vehicle (Nejikovsky and Keller, 2000). These kinds
of solutions which enable real-time performance
monitoring contribute significantly to safety since they
allow quicker detection of defects than traditional methods
which are based on separate periodical track inspections.
As a final example of safety-critical applications, one can
mention the use of GNSS data in assisting carbody tilt
control, which allows tilting trains to negotiate sharp
curves at higher speed (thereby enabling shorter traveling
times) and with less centrifugal force inside a car.
Detecting the accurate running position is essential here
and traditionally it has been calculated by monitoring the
number of wheel revolutions and using the ground coils
installed on the track as position reference points.
However, GPS-based systems have been recently
developed which allow a positioning accuracy equal to or
higher than the conventional system (see e.g. Maki, 2005;
one should note that in this case the running position was
determined by a combination of GPS data, track curvature
map and wheel rotating pulse count). Besides being a
cheaper solution than ground-coil-based systems, another
benefit of using GPS is that it allows the system to restore
the location information in a second if the present location
is lost due to wheels slip or some other reason (Sasaki,
Non-safety-critical applications, in turn, are mainly related
to fleet management, goods tracking and other logistic
information management. The ability to effectively track
the location of goods and to estimate their delivery times
is indeed as important in railway sector as in other modes
of transportation. On the other hand, GNSS-based fleet
management will also help to improve the performance of
passenger transportation. Providing up-to-date information
about the arrival and departure times of trains, especially
when there are delays, is an essential part of good service
[EC-DGTREN (2008)]. Yet another non-safety-critical
application, which was already mentioned in the previous
section, is the use of GNSS positioning data in mapping of
railroads (see e.g. Euler et al., 1996).
An analysis of GNSS/GPS-related patents in
the railway industry
Patent data and search process
GNSS/GPS-related patents were searched from the
Software for Intellectual Property (SIP, database. This database comprises
presently more than 50 million documents from the
following publicly available patent databases/offices:
Inpadoc Database, US Patent and Trademark Office
(USPTO), European Patent Office (DOCDB) and German
Patent and Trademark Office.
More specifically, the database includes the following
patent data:
title, abstract, claims, description and Inpadoc legal
status of a patent
publication and filing number/date
country code of the filing country
applicant and inventor
International Patent Classification (IPC)
The database enables one to search for patents according
to their IPC classes, application/publication dates, filing
country codes and inventor/applicant. Also full-text
searches of patent abstracts, claims and descriptions are
possible. In order to find relevant patents for the current
analysis, we made a full-text search of titles and abstracts
of patent applications (using Boolean OR-operation) with
the keywords GPS, GNSS, Galileo, EGNOS, GLONASS,
“navigation satellite” and “satellite navigation” (the last two
search terms were added since most patent abstracts are
in English). The search was restricted to IPC class B61
(Railways) and its subclasses. Date range for the query was
not specified.
The patent search query from the SIP database initially
produced 262 results. However, a significant fraction of
these belong to a “patent family” (i.e., a collection of
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
related patents published by different patent offices), which
means that they have multiple patent numbers. The search
results include a link to an Inpadoc patent family
description, so we first went through the patent families
for each of the patents (which had up to 35 members) and
made a correspondence table of the patent identifiers.
After comparing the patent numbers and in some cases
also patent abstracts, 175 distinct inventions were
identified (32 of these belong to a patent family including
two or more patents). Furthermore, after making an initial
content analysis of the patent abstracts and claims (see
section ‘A content analysis of the patents’ for more
details), it was found that two inventions actually did not
include or utilize GNSS/GPS. Thus, the first screening
phase yielded 173 patents that were applicable for the
Observed trends in patenting
Yearly development in patenting. When going through
the patent families, the choice between duplicate patents
was first made according to a filing date, i.e., the patent
which had the earliest filing date was selected. If two or
more patents from different databases had the same filing
date, the patent number and country code was selected on
the basis of the nationality of the inventor (or the
company). The number of filed patent applications per year
is shown in Figure 1.
Patent applications per year
200 3
200 8
Figure 1. GNSS/GPS-related patent applications in the railway industry per year.
As one can see, GNSS/GPS-related patent applications
started to appear in increasing numbers from 1994
onwards. Before the year 2000, the number of applications
per year was ten or less, but then increased sharply over
the next three years (the number was 24 in 2002).
However, after 2002 the number of patent applications
started to decrease and was only five in 2007 (the number
for 2008 does not cover the whole year). In order to see
whether this kind of development is a characteristic of
patenting in the railway industry or related to more
general patenting trends, it is useful to compare the above
numbers to the numbers of GNSS/GPS-related patent
applications in general and also in other patent classes.
Since our data is comprised of only one patent family
member for each of the invention, however, making
comparisons to the numbers of patents searched from the
SIP database without removing the duplicates would bias
the results. To minimize this bias, we therefore applied the
‘country’ codes (i.e., patent database identifiers) WO
(World Intellectual Property Organization) and US to the
search and then retrieved the numbers of all GNSS/GPS-
related patents as well as the numbers of GNSS/GPS-
related patents belonging to an IPC class B60 (Vehicles in
general) from the same period. The resulting numbers of
patent applications are shown in Figure 2.
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Patent applications per year
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
WO US WO - B60 US - B60
Figure 2. GNSS/GPS-related patent applications per year (under country codes WO and US).
A similar growth trend in patenting is evident in all four
cases during the 1990s (especially during the latter half of
the decade). It is therefore reasonable to assume that the
increase in the number of patent applications at least partly
reflects the fact that price and size/applicability of GPS
equipment have been steadily declining since 1988 (Pace et
al., 1995). There are significant differences between the
two country codes in the number of patent applications
after the year 2000, however. In particular, while the
number of GNSS/GPS-related patent applications per year
in the IPC class B60 more than doubles (from 16 to 33)
between 2000 and 2004 for the US, for the WO it declines
from 14 to 7 in the same period. On the other hand, the
trends reverse for both country codes after 2004:
especially, the number of applications for the US declines
from 33 to 12. Of course, when the amount of patent
applications per year is fairly small, one cannot make very
strong conclusions about the development trends. Another
interesting trend can be seen by comparing the numbers of
all GNSS/GPS-related patent applications per year for the
US and WO: the ratio of WO/US applications has been
steadily increasing since the beginning of the 1990s (from
0.14 in 1990 to 0.57 in 2007).
Now, if the development of the number of GNSS/GPS-
related patent applications in the railway industry is
compared to that in the class B60, one can see, for
example by taking a yearly average for the US and WO
(not shown), that the trend is fairly similar. In other words,
the GNSS/GPS-related patenting trend in the railway
industry is not atypical, but probably shows that after an
initial surge of ideas the field of applications becomes
saturated and the number of new ideas starts to slowly
decline – especially since railway transport can be
considered as a ‘niche area’ for GNSS/GPS-related
Patents’ country of origin. The nationality of the inventor
was in most cases reported in the applicant/inventor entry
of the SIP database. However, in some cases the nationality
was determined from the excluded member of the patent
family and if there was no information about the inventor,
the country of origin was determined by the patent’s
country code. The resulting distribution of patents
according to their country of origin is shown in the
following Table 1.
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
No. of
patents 76 28 21 11 9 7 5 3 2 11
Other includes one patent for each of the following country code: AU, BR, CA, EP, FI, FR, IN, NZ, RO, SE
and WO (EP = European Patent Office)
Table 1. Patent distribution according to the country of origin
While GNSS/GPS-related technical development and
patenting activity in general have been strong in Japan, in
the railway industry the country has a particularly
significant lead with almost 44 % share of patents included
in the analysis. This is due to the fact that railway research
in Japan has been very active both in the public sector (for
example, Railway Technical Research Institute has five
patent applications) as well as in the private sector. Indeed,
several major Japanese corporations, such as Hitachi,
Mitsubishi, Nippon Electric Co. and Matsushita have
applied patents for GPS-related applications (the numbers
of patent applications for these firms are 10, 9, 4 and 3,
The U.S. is in the second place in the number of patent
applications largely because of General Electric which has
been fairly active in patenting (with eight applications).
After the U.S. come Germany, China and Great Britain,
but in addition to Siemens from Germany (with three
applications) other notable individual inventors/companies
cannot be identified. The number of patent applications
originating from rest of the countries is less than ten – in
most cases only one.
Application areas of patents
Patent classifications. One way to explore various
application areas of GNSS/GPS-related patents is to
examine their IPC codes. Since B61 was used as a search
limiter, all patents obviously include one or more
classification codes for the subclasses of B61 (although in a
few cases no classification codes were shown in the patent
data). Also subclasses of G01 (Measuring) were included in
most patents due to the fact that a satellite navigation
system is utilized in the invention. However, several other
main patent classes were referred to in the patent data as
well. In total, the 173 patents included in the analysis
disclosed 698 IPC codes and their distribution by the
section and the first level number (“section symbol” and
“class symbol”) is shown in Table 2.
IPC code
60 61 63 64 65 01 04 01 05 06 07 08 09 01 04
No. of codes 26 38
7 1 1 4 10 1 11
8 8 33 4 56 6 4 39
Table 2. The IPC section and class codes disclosed within the patents
First, one can note that there are 26 references to the
class B60 (Vehicles in general) and 6 references to the
classes B63, B64 and B65 of the section B (i.e.,
Transporting; the classes refer to ‘ships’, ‘aircrafts’ and
‘conveying’), which shows that some of the inventions are
not solely aimed at railway transport but can be applied to
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
other forms of transport as well. Worth noticing is also
that there are 10 references to the code E01 which refers
to construction of railways. In this case, the invention (and
positioning device) can be related e.g. to system which
monitors the condition of a track or provides position
information for track maintenance personnel. Regarding
the section G, many patents disclose codes G06 and G08,
which refer to computing and signaling, respectively. This
may mean, for example, that in these inventions a
positioning device is embedded in a larger operation
control system. Finally, the code H04, which refers to
‘Electronic communication technique’, was included in the
description of 39 patents related e.g. to various data
transmission and train operation control systems.
If we examine the classification codes at the most detailed
level (including also “subclass symbol”, “group number”
and “subgroup number”), the distribution of the most
frequently used codes is as follows (Table 3):
No. of
codes 79 75 43 33 25 23 13 12 11 10
Table 3. The most frequently used IPC codes in the patents
As can be seen, 8 of the 12 most frequently used codes
belong to the class B61 L: guiding railway traffic / ensuring
the safety of railway traffic. First, inventions in the subclass
L25 are related to “Recording or indicating positions or
identities of vehicles or vehicle trains or setting of track
apparatus”, so it’s unsurprising that so many patents
include these codes. The descriptions of other disclosed
B61 L subclasses are the following:
L3 - Devices along the route for controlling devices
on the vehicle or vehicle train, e.g. to release brake,
to operate a warning signal
L23 - Control, warning or like safety means along
the route or between vehicles or vehicle trains
L27 - Central traffic control systems
L29 - Safety means for rail/road crossing traffic
The frequency of these codes indicates that different safety
and/or warning systems are the main application area of
GNSS/GPS-related patents in the railway industry. That is,
GNSS/GPS-based systems are typically used in measuring
(safe) distances between trains, controlling their speed,
indicating whether some vehicle approaches a safety
critical area (e.g., a level crossing), and so on. Furthermore,
the one remaining code under the class B61, K9/00, refers
to “Railway vehicle profile gauges; Detecting or indicating
overheating of components; Apparatus on locomotives or
cars to indicate bad track sections; General design of track
recording vehicles” and is therefore also often disclosed in
patents which aim at safety improvements.
Regarding the other classification codes, the subgroups
under the class G01 (G01S5/14 and G01C21/00) refer to
determining distances/positions and navigation. Finally,
H04Q7/34 refers to “Test or monitoring equipment” and
is disclosed e.g. in patents which describe a system
monitoring the relative distance between two vehicles and
issuing a warning when the distance is inadequate.
A content analysis of the patents. Since the various
codes and classes of IPC system examined above do not
reflect very well different application areas of GNSS/GPS-
related inventions and the patent data in a few cases did
not include a classification code, a content analysis of the
patent abstracts and claims was made. The patent
descriptions were read iteratively in order identify one or
more key concepts for each invention. Eventually, after
carefully reviewing the identified key concepts, seven main
application areas were defined (see a summary in Table 4).
At the outset one must note, however, that these classes
are not intended to be mutually exclusive, but should
rather capture the main feature and/or functionality of the
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
invention. For example, while perhaps a majority of the
patents could be seen to enhance safety in railway
transport, only inventions which were aimed at avoiding
accidents/collisions, included an automatic braking system,
or otherwise were explicitly related to safety issues were
classified under ‘Safety systems’. Similarly, while almost all
inventions included a GPS device for tracking a locomotive
or specific wagons, patents were classified under ‘Logistic
management’ only if their description mentioned a logistic
operation. The brief descriptions of these areas are as
1. Locomotive and railcar monitoring/tracking:
Inventions is this class are mainly aimed at monitoring the
position of a locomotive and/or railcars, so that one can
automatically determine the length of a train, confirm its
integrity, or otherwise ensure that the train has the right
members (cars). One patent also describes a solution for
detecting the track train is using (by monitoring
locomotive turns) and is therefore included in this class.
2. Safety systems: This class includes various safety
devices and systems for avoiding accidents and/or
warning locomotive drivers (or other users) of hazards.
These systems may, for example, control the speed of a
train or apply brakes when necessary. One specific type
of safety control is related to monitoring whether the
train occupies a given track section or block.
3. Track monitoring: In this class, the patents describe
systems which detect defects in the track, switches or
rolling stock wheels, determine or record track
condition (e.g. alignment), detect foreign objects, and so
4. Logistics management: Here positioning systems
are typically used in locating/tracking e.g. containers on
railcars. However, some of the inventions describe
systems which aim at improving the performance of
different logistic operations or making these operations
automatic. They may, for example, support shunting
operations, remote control of locomotives (in switching
yards) or railcar usage optimization.
5. Communication & data transmission systems: In this
class, the positioning devices are included in various
(wireless) data communication and information
monitoring or managing systems.
6. Integrated train monitoring and control systems:
Compared to the previous class, here positioning
systems form part of a larger train operation
control/management system. For example, a system may
control the interaction among trains and other vehicles.
In this class, GNSS/GPS-based solution may also be used
as an alternative or additional positioning method.
7. General navigation & positioning systems: Inventions
in this class are most often related to track position
management (e.g. determining a distance or traveling
time from a current position to a target) and
destination/route searching. Additionally, these systems
may compare GPS-data with stored data (in order to
determine the position) or create operation support
In addition to the patents in the above classes, 35
inventions were found to be relevant for railway
operations (no common class was defined for these,
however). Here, examples of utilization of GNSS/GPS-
based positioning include systems for controlling train
body incline (tilting) in curved track sections, measuring
parameters of a track or mapping terrain, detecting oil
application areas (oiling wheel flanges), monitoring railroad
power system (e.g. detecting a train position on a power
system in case of short-circuit accidents), monitoring,
storing and transmitting information relating to railway
engines, and other information recording.
Finally, 11 patents were found to be not specifically related
to the railway transport. That is, while the patents included
the B61 identifier, their description indicated that the
application was developed more generally for transport or
traveling. As examples, the patent descriptions included
concepts such as “portable guiding device”, “travel
assistant device”, “mobile communication guide”, “route
distribution device” and “arrival announcement”.
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Application areas No. of patents
Locomotive and railcar monitoring/tracking
determining order and orientation of locomotives/railcars, the length of a train,
locating end of train units; confirming train integrity
detecting locomotive turns / the track train is using
automatically generating a train manifest (determining whether an unknown car is a
member of a moving train)
automatic tracking system
Safety systems
accident/collision avoidance
automatic speed control / braking
warning systems and devices
monitoring occupancy of track sections, block systems
safety / train control systems (other)
Track monitoring
detecting track/switch defects
detecting defects in the rail / railway rolling stock wheels
determining track condition / alignment, recording condition data for tracks, etc.
detecting track damage or foreign objects (and automatic braking)
Logistics management
locating/tracking e.g. containers on railcars or other transported units
position control, loading and unloading operations
remote control of locomotives [in switching yards]
railcar usage optimization [within a rail yard]
wagon changing systems [GPS-based control]
shunting operations
Communication & data transmission systems
wireless communication / signal control systems
other data communication and information monitoring/managing systems
Integrated train monitoring and control systems
train operation control/management
controlling the interaction among trains and other vehicles
GPS as an alternative/additional positioning method
General navigation & positioning systems
track position management (determining a distance or traveling time from a
current position to a target)
destination/route search
monitoring the running direction (in order to create operation support data)
other navigation/positioning applications (incl. systems which compare GPS-data
with stored data in order to determine the position)
J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Other GPS applications
measuring (e.g. geometric parameters of rail track), three dimensional terrain
mapping, other information recording devices, train body incline [tilting] control,
automatic oil-spraying, oiling devices, monitoring, storing and transmitting
information relating to railway engines, railroad power system control, etc.
Table 4. The main application areas of the examined patents
Although the number of applications based on GNSS/GPS
in railway transport has been considerably smaller than
that of other modes of transportation, our analysis of the
SIP database documents shows that almost 170
GNSS/GPS-related, distinct patent applications have been
filed since 1994. The patenting activity in the industry was
highest in 2002 with 24 applications, but has been declining
in recent years. Since the amount of patent applications
per year has been fairly small, however, it is difficult to
estimate whether this is a temporary trend or indicates
that after an initial surge of ideas the field of applications
has become saturated. Moreover, by comparing this to
patenting activity in the class B60 (Vehicles in general), one
can see that the trend is fairly similar. Nevertheless, it is
reasonable to expect that since railway transport is a
‘niche area’ for GNSS/GPS-related inventions, patenting
activity will not increase significantly in the near future.
Regarding the nationality of the inventors, it was found
that GNSS/GPS-related patenting activity has been highest
in Japan (with almost 44 % share of patents included in the
analysis). Japan’s high share was largely expected since
railway research in the country has been very active both
in the public and private sectors. In particular, several
major Japanese corporations, such as Hitachi, Mitsubishi,
Nippon Electric Co. and Matsushita have applied patents
for GPS-related applications. General Electric has also been
active in patenting and largely because of this the U.S. is in
the second place in the number of patent applications.
After Japan and the U.S., Germany, China and Great
Britain were most often the countries of origin for the
examined patents applications.
The analysis of the application areas of patents consisted of
both examination of IPC codes and content analysis of the
patent descriptions. First, the IPC codes disclosed within
the patents showed that part of the inventions are not
solely aimed at railway transport but can be applied to
other forms of transport as well. For example, several
patent descriptions indicated that the invention was
designed to be used also in road transport. Secondly, both
the IPC codes and the content analysis showed that
ensuring or enhancing the safety of railway traffic is the
most important application area for GNSS/GPS-based
inventions. More specifically, the patents described various
devices and systems which aim at avoiding
accidents/collisions, warning train crew and other users of
hazards, automatically controlling speed and applying
brakes when necessary, and monitoring occupancy of track
sections. Train monitoring/control systems and logistics
management were found to be other major application
areas for GNSS/GPS-based inventions in the railway
sector. The content analysis, however, revealed also
numerous other interesting applications related to e.g.
track monitoring, track position management and
information recording. Indeed, the variety of the types of
inventions that were identified in the analysis made it
difficult to assign all patents to more general classes.
Since this paper provides only an initial overview of
GNSS/GPS-related patents in the railway industry, we
conclude by mentioning some potential areas for further
research. First, one could make additional comparisons of
patenting activity between the railway sector and other
modes of transportation. Our preliminary analysis suggests
that the GNSS/GPS-related patenting activity in the railway
sector to a large extent follows patenting trends in other
sectors, but more detailed studies could identify some
important differences between sectors. Comparing
patents’ country of origin between different transportation
sectors is another possible area for future research. For
example, is Japan’s significant lead in patenting in the
railway sector a notable exception or are there other
countries that have been equally strong in patenting in
other sectors of transportation? Furthermore, one could
concentrate on some specific type or class of patents (e.g.
collision avoidance systems) and make more detailed
analysis of these inventions. Finally, one could examine
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
different GNSS/GPS-based applications that are in actual
use in railways nowadays and evaluate to which extent the
patented inventions have been utilized in practice.
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Papers/2007bai7343.doc (Accessed 1 April 2009)
ISSN: 0718-2724. (
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
About the Authors
Pekka Salmi (M.Sc.) is a researcher in the Department of
Industrial Management at Lappeenranta University of
Technology. His research interests focus on innovation and
technology management, knowledge management and
interorganizational collaboration. He has presented his
works in several forums in the fields of innovation and
knowledge management, and organization science..
Dr. Marko Torkkeli is a Professor of Technology and
Business Innovations at the Lappeenranta University of
Technology in Kouvola, Finland. His research interests
focus on technology and innovation management, strategic
entrepreneurship, and decision support systems. His work
has been published in journals and conferences in the fields
of technology management, innovation management and
information systems. He has more than 100 publications to
his name in these fields. He is a member of the editorial
boards of Int. J. of Services Sciences and Research J. of
Business Management. He is a Visiting Researcher at
INESC Porto (Portugal). He serves as the Vice President of
Publications of the International Society for Professional
Innovation Management (ISPIM).
... Satellite navigation and positioning technologies have assumed a pivotal role within the contemporary transportation industry. In recent times, there has been a tremendous surge in demand for their integration into various domains such as vehicle navigation, rail transport, smart toll collection, aviation, maritime transport, and Pavement Management Systems (Salmi and Torkkeli 2009). Several of these satellite systems are in use around the world. ...
Conference Paper
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Mobile devices increasingly rely on GPS for location tracking. However, terrains like mountains, urban canyons, and tunnels often hinder accurate signal reception. Japan's Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), locally referred to as "MICHIBIKI," addresses these challenges by supplementing conventional GPS functionality. This research investigated the QZSS's positional accuracy and reliability in road inspections, focusing on its Centimeter-level and Submeter-level Augmentation Services. The study area spanned a 14.5 km road segment in Japan's Hokuriku region, encompassing diverse terrains from open spaces to mountains and tunnels. The roadway, vital to the region, experiences varying traffic conditions which potentially influenced the data collection consistency. The results indicated that while MICHIBIKI's augmentation performs admirably in open terrains, its accuracy in more challenging environments mirrors the limitations observed with GPS, GLONASS, and other systems. In mountainous areas, the performance hinged on satellite availability at the time of signal reception. Conclusively, MICHIBIKI exhibits remarkable potential in open spaces but encounters challenges in complex terrains. A multi-constellation GNSS receiver that integrates signals from QZSS, GPS, GLONASS, and other systems is therefore recommended for road inspections in challenging environments such as urban canyons, mountainous terrains, and tunnels.
... Karasev et al. researched the technology trend of foreign railway using bibliometric patent analysis, but there is a limitation in that it is limited to bibliographic analysis [54]. Moreover, Salmi and Torkkeli researched the patent trend of utilizing satellite navigation systems in the railway industry, but there is a limitation in that it is limited to bibliographic analysis [60]. ...
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The railway main transformer is considered one of the most important electrical equipment for trains. Companies and research institutes around the world are striving to develop high-performance railway main transformers. In order to be the first mover for railway main transformer technology, companies and research institutes should predict vacant technology based on the analysis of promising detailed technology areas. Therefore, in this study, a patent analysis to predict vacant technologies based on identified promising IPC technology areas is provided. In order to identify promising detailed IPC technology areas, the technology mapping analysis, the time series analysis, and the social network analysis are conducted based on the patent-IPC matrix, extracted from the data information of 707 patents from the patent database of Korea, China, Japan, United States, Canada, and Europe. Then, through the GTM analysis based on promising detailed IPC technology areas, one vacant technology node and three analysis target nodes surrounding the vacant technology node are obtained to predict vacant technologies. From the analysis, we predict the following three groups of vacant technologies: (1) blowerless technology, (2) oil-free technology, and (3) solid-state technology. This study provides insights on the technology trend in railway main transformers, as well as the analysis framework for the development of R&D strategies based on the patent data.
... In [12], the author presented a GPS-and-GPRS-based railway crossing alert. In [13], writers proposed a GNSS to boost railway safety, efficiency, and system capacity. The system uses GPS. ...
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Human ineptitude and human error have been the primary contributing factors in the majority of the train accidents that have occurred in India. The primary objective of this project is to utilize wireless communication in order to reduce the number of train accidents and train collisions. Train operators can benefit from using our equipment. Large numbers of signals spaced at specific intervals are required in order to keep the train traffic moving smoothly. A train driver is required to keep a constant watch for any red signals that may pop up on the post, as this is the traditional procedure. On the basis of these signals, the train driver will next decide whether to come to a complete stop or to continue down the route that he has been given. However, it is quite difficult for the drivers to keep a watchful eye out for any visual symbol. An amazing system known as wireless red signal alerting for trains has been developed by engineers in order to simplify the lives of train drivers as well as the workers who are responsible for maintaining and repairing trains. At this point in time, the train would be getting steadily slower; yet they still permit a powerful control device.
... An elaborate system that uses onboard computer that compares the train's location and speed with authorized speed limits, automatically applying the train's brakes when necessary, is provided by Signalling Solutions [6]. Some applications of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to rail traffic are discussed in [7] and [8]. ...
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Majority of accidents experienced with railway transportation involve collision with automobiles or other vehicles and collision with other trains. These collisions can be averted by putting safety measures in place. Part of the measures can be achieved by using computerized railway station traffic control systems that use microcontrollers and electromechanical devices to shift traffic from one rail lane to another and also to operate the level crossing gate. The two major stages of the system being described here are thus the track switching stage and the level crossing gate stage. The system makes use of microcontrollers for decision making. The microcontrollers are programmed to detect signals from sensors and to output the processed signals to control electromagnetic devices through motor drivers. The codes for the microcontrollers were written in PIC Basic programming language and were debugged and compiled using Micro Code Studio Integrated Development Environment. The resultant Hex files were programmed into the memory of the microcontrollers with the aid of a universal programmer. Software simulation was carried out using the Proteus virtual system modeling software. A scaled down prototype of the system was built and tested. The prototype was able to execute all the decisions required to control the given railway station. A practical real life system would require the scaling up of the power required to drive the various motors; the logic of the system would however remain unchanged. The inclusion of the automated traffic control lighting system at the level crossing gate in the system eliminates the fatigue and tedium associated with a manually controlled traffic system. The computerized railway station traffic control system which helps in track switching and level crossing gate traffic control is capable of improving reliability, speed, operational safety and efficiency of the railway transportation system.
... communication systems, have been identified to contribute to efficiency, safety and system capacity of operations in different kinds of the other transportation, such as road and sea [2] [3] [4] [5]. On the other hand, studies on utilising satellite technology are quite rare and the technology itself is relatively new to the railway industry and researchers [6]. The design of Rail-Track Geometric Systems has been analysed through satellite measurements [7] and decision support system based on GIS and satellite remote sensing analysis after any earthquake explored to learn whether emergency transportation routes for railways were identified and evaluated [8]. ...
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One of the emerging significant advances in engineering, satellite imaging (SI) is becoming very common in any kind of civil engineering projects e.g., bridge, canal, dam, earthworks, power plant, water works etc., to provide an accurate, economical and expeditious means of acquiring a rapid assessment. Satellite imaging services in general utilise combinations of high quality satellite imagery, image processing and interpretation to obtain specific required information, e.g. surface movement analysis. To extract, manipulate and provide such a precise knowledge, several systems, including geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS), are generally used for orthorectification. Although such systems are useful for mitigating risk from projects, their productiveness is arguable and operational risk after application is open to discussion. As the applicability of any novel application to the railway industry is often measured in terms of whether or not it has gained in-depth knowledge and to what degree, as a result of errors during its operation, this novel application generates risk in ongoing projects. This study reviews what can be achievable for risk management of railway turnouts thorough satellite imaging. The methodology is established on the basis of other published articles in this area and the results of applications to understand how applicable such imagining process is on railway turnouts, and how sub-systems in turnouts can be effectively traced/operated with less risk than at present. As a result of this review study, it is aimed that the railway sector better understands risk mitigation in particular applications.
... In [6], author proposed a new alarm system for railway crossing based on GPS & GPRS Technology. In [7], authors proposed a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) which help to increase safety, efficiency and system capacity in railway transportation. This system also depends upon GPS technology. ...
... These include route mapping for railway asset management [13], rail track profiling [10], train navigation [14] and automated train control [11]. Naturally, the number of patents issued related to GNSS train applications shows a steady growth [15]. ...
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The rail industry in the UK is undergoing substantial changes in response to a modernisation vision for 2040. Development and implementation of these will lead to a highly automated and safe railway. Real-time regulation of traffic will optimise the performance of the network, with trains running in succession within an adjacent movable safety zone. Critically, maintenance will use intelligent trainborne and track-based systems. These will provide accurate and timely information for condition based intervention at precise track locations, reducing possession downtime and minimising the presence of workers in operating railways. Clearly, precise knowledge of trains’ real-time location is of paramount importance.The positional accuracy demand of the future railway is less than 2m. A critical consideration of this requirement is the capability to resolve train occupancy in adjacent tracks, with the highest degree of confidence. A finer resolution is required for locating faults such as damage or missing parts, precisely.Location of trains currently relies on track signalling technology. However, these systems mostly provide an indication of the presence of trains within discrete track sections. The standard Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), cannot precisely and reliably resolve location as required either.Within the context of the needs of the future railway, state of the art location technologies and systems were reviewed and critiqued. It was found that no current technology is able to resolve location as required. Uncertainty is a significant factor. A new integrated approach employing complimentary technologies and more efficient data fusion process, can potentially offer a more accurate and robust solution. Data fusion architectures enabling intelligent self-aware rail-track maintenance systems are proposed.
This chapter analyzes the train traffic control systems for 1435- and 1520-mm railway gauges, as well as their compatibility issues. The British Rail Traffic control system is analyzed. European train control systems (ETCS) and ETCS levels are described. Differences between European train control systems in 1435- and 1520-mm railway gauges related technical problems and proposed solutions are presented with regard to ETCS implementation in the Baltic states. The existing train control systems do not meet requirements of traffic safety in light of increased train speeds.
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Technological Innovation in Chilean Firms: An Empirical Study Based on Patents Literature has focused on studying patents in particular industries, subsectors or firms, mainly in developed countries. The level or quantity of patents in Chile during the period 2007-2012 on average reached 12 triadic families, while in countries like Argentina and Mexico presented averages of 12 and 15 respectively. The overall average for the same period amounted to 48,242 OECD triadic patent families. This shows the interest of the scientific community to study the phenomenon of patent creation, and, on the other hand, the large technological gap between developed and developing countries. We propose to study the determinants of patenting in Chilean firms, as a case of a developing country. We use a probit model where the dependent variable takes value one if the firm has or is in the process of obtaining an invention patent (technological) and zero if not. Our database has 4,338 Chilean firms, is cross-sectional and corresponds to an extract of the Eighth Survey of Innovation in Firms 2011-2012. The results show that the age of the firm, the base of existing knowledge, and the use of governmental instruments to support R&D have a positive effect on creation of patents.
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Literature has focused on studying patents in particular industries, subsectors or firms, mainly in developed countries. The level or quantity of patents in Chile during the period 2007-2012 on average reached 12 triadic families, while in countries like Argentina and Mexico presented averages of 12 and 15 respectively. The overall average for the same period amounted to 48,242 OECD triadic patent families. This shows the interest of the scientific community to study the phenomenon of patent creation, and, on the other hand, the large technological gap between developed and developing countries. We propose to study the determinants of patenting in Chilean firms, as a case of a developing country. We use a probit model where the dependent variable takes value one if the firm has or is in the process of obtaining an invention patent (technological) and zero if not. Our database has 4,338 Chilean firms, is crosssectional and corresponds to an extract of the Eighth Survey of Innovation in Firms 2011-2012. The results show that the age of the firm, the base of existing knowledge, and the use of governmental instruments to support R&D have a positive effect on creation of patents.
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Due to the availability of precise satellite navigation systems, namely GPS and in the near future Galileo, which provide reference position, time and integrity information on a global and uniform basis, rail traffic is facing a revolution in terms of flexibility of operations. Autonomous satellite navigation receivers combined with a communication subsystem, so-called telematics systems, are used in a vast variety of ground transport applications today, predominantly road and maritime transportation. The railway sector was more reluctant in the past, but becomes more and more convinced about the benefits of the GNSS-based telematics technology. To conquer these demands, a mobile telematics prototype system called INTEGRAIL has been developed by Kayser-Threde and Bombardier Transportation during the last three years. The basic objective of the INTEGRAIL development was to demonstrate the profitable use of GNSS for advanced rail traffic management. INTEGRAIL is the first step towards providing train position, velocity and heading by means of satellite navigation to safety-critical rail applications. At this stage it allows already for the more profitable exploitation of low-density rail lines. Eventually, INTEGRAIL will provide a GNSS-based odometry interface within the already emerging ERTMS standard to serve high-speed lines as well.
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The global positioning system (GPS) allows the accurate positioning of an object using satellite signals. There are a lot of applications of this technology in many scientific fields all over the world. In recent years, the rapid increase in the development of the geographic information system technology (GIS) has led to the development of GPS/GIS applications. Therefore, the geometric and geographic information obtained by the use of GPS can be introduced to GIS database and thus thematic maps can be produced. In the framework of this paper, a short overview of applications in the area of transportation in Greece and abroad is presented. Emphasis is placed on an ongoing application in railway mapping, through the presentation of its pilot phase in Greece. The use of modern technologies, the problems identified and the results produced are presented and discussed.
Conference Paper
This paper focuses on real-world applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The key advantages offered by satellite technology of observation, telecommunications and navigation, are highly suited to the needs of future transport systems of all kinds. The paper will outline the various current European based applications of satellite navigation systems to intelligent transport systems, drawing on recent European telematic research project findings and good case study examples of early system implementation throughout Europe. With regards to recent EU research, the paper will give an overview of current cutting edge transport research and its implications for the use of satellite navigation technologies and will summarise the key findings from recent test implementation schemes and detail the opportunities for future market exploitation. With regards to the case study examples, a range of full scale and partially implemented Intelligent Transport Systems will be highlighted, with reference made to costs and benefits to society. The paper will therefore report on a wide range of successful land based transport systems utilising satellite navigation technology which have been brought to the market in recent years, including developments in the following systems: Automatic Vehicle Location for monitoring public transport; Real-Time Passenger Information for public transport users; In-Vehicle Dynamic Route Guidance for car drivers; Road User Charging to better manage the demand for road space in congested networks; Intelligent Speed Adaptation to control the speed of vehicles externally for improved road safety; Demand Responsive Transport to provide a door-to-door service for disabled and elderly travellers; Traveller Information Systems for improved and integrated travel information for travel by all modes; and, Fleet Tracking Systems for better management of freight movements and goods delivery. Future transport applications will also be considered, with the emphasis being placed on novel and interesting potential developments to aid safety, improve the flow of traffic and provide enhanced travel information services and thus generate an integrated transport system with social, economical and environmental benefits. Potential future applications include: Automated Highways, Remote Sense Parking, Vehicle Access & Control systems, Floating Vehicle Data, Automated Freight Delivery Systems, Personal Navigation, and future transport modes such as Personal Rapid Transit and Cyber-Cars, i.e. driver-less vehicles. In conclusion the paper will outline some exciting new developments and intriguing future applications for Satellite Navigation Technology in the field of Intelligent Transportation services provision.
By using the global positioning system (GPS), a novel train detection system has been established to assist trains with carbody tilt control. Japanese tilting trains can be equipped with an onboard database to store the current location and track conditions, thereby controlling the body tilt angle. This paper describes method to detect a train current position precisely by a combination of GPS and curvature collation, using the onboard database. This system was subjected to a running test to prove that its positional error was less than four meters.
Purpose Railway freight transportation in Europe is in a state of change. The system has been freed from protection from the beginning of 2007 and market forces will start to act. Demand for, and the market share of, this form of transportation has been declining for decades. Therefore, there is a need to know more about the efficiency and productivity of this sector, in order to understand the nature and magnitude of potential restructuring changes. This paper aims to address this issue. Design/methodology/approach Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to analyze different European countries throughout the longitudinal observation period of 1980 to 2003. Also partial productivity analysis is used to support DEA evaluation. Findings Based on DEA results, it is found that those countries that were showing the highest efficiency levels in the 1980s, without exception, experienced an efficiency collapse in the 1990s. These include both former Eastern Bloc and West European countries. Based on partial productivity analysis, it is proposed that productivity of locomotives and railway tracks should be the primary target of productivity improvement in these formerly highly efficient countries. The efficiency analysis shows also that currently the most efficient railway freight transportation is located in the Baltic States, namely Estonia and Latvia. If one does not include data from Estonia and Latvia in the overall analysis, in a European context the only truly improving performance indicators are partial productivities of freight wagons, and staff. Research limitations/implications In contrast to previous efficiency studies in this sector, railway freight transportation shows high differences between European countries; it is necessary to address further research in the efficiency and productivity area in this respect to identify ongoing structural change. Practical implications Restructuring in European railways is just taking its first steps, and a combination of downsizing and greater freight volumes is needed if this mode of transportation is going to prosper in the future, and take market share back from others. Restructuring within this sector will most probably result in increased internationalization, mergers and acquisitions, and intermodal transportation solutions. These all represent new avenues for research. Originality/value This article helps to advise clear remedies for European railways and suggests interesting avenues for further research.
A combination of technological advances in systems which track buses and the continuing fall in prices of computing hardware has led to Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) systems becoming an attractive and affordable proposition for many bus operators. However, AVL technology is still relatively new to the bus industry and little research has been carried out as to the potential benefits of these systems. AVL systems can be based on a variety of technologies, namely, dead reckoning (odometer and compass); beacon and either tag or radio; radio triangulation (using a network of ground‐based transmitters); or Global Positioning System satellites. Many factors need to be considered before specifying an AVL system, but the type of technology on which the system is based is probably the most important for many applications.
Conference Paper
We present a novel approach to dynamically generate high accuracy road maps through the statistical analysis of in- vehicle GPS trace data. Our approach opens a possibility to implement an optional system in a very economic way for mapping roads to support the applications in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The results presented in this paper show the potential with respect to the map update technology.
The Transport Systems Centre (TSC) has developed an integrated Global Positioning System (GPS) – Geographical Information System (GIS) for collecting on-road traffic data from a probe vehicle. This system has been further integrated with the engine management system of a vehicle to provide time-tagged data on GPS position and speed, distance travelled, acceleration, fuel consumption, engine performance, and air pollutant emissions on a second-by-second basis. These data are handled within a GIS and can be processed and queried during the data collection (from a notebook PC in the vehicle) or saved to a file for later analysis. The database so generated provides a rich source of information for studies of travel times and delays, congestion levels, and energy and emissions. A case study application of the system is described focusing on studies of congestion levels on two parallel routes in a major arterial corridor in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. As part of these investigations, a discussion of the nature of traffic congestion is given. This provides both a general definition of traffic congestion and the discussion of a number of parametric measures of congestion. The computation of these parameters for the study corridor on the basis of data collected from the integrated GPS–GIS system is described. The GIS provides a database management platform for the integration, display, and analysis of the data collected from GPS and the in-vehicle instrumentation.