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Global vegetation change through the Miocene/Pliocene boundary

Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1997
VOL 389
11 SEPTEMBER 1997 153
Global vegetation change through
the Miocene/Pliocene boundary
Thure E. Cerling*, John M. Harris, Bruce J. MacFadden, Meave G. Leakey§, Jay Quadek,
Vera Eisenmann& James R. Ehleringer#
*Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA
George C. Page Museum, 5801 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90036, USA
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA
§The National Museums of Kenya, PO Box 40658, Nairobi, Kenya
kDepartment of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Laboratoire de Pale
´ontologie, Musee
´National d’Histoire Naturelle, 8 rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
#Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA
............................................................................................................................................................................................. ...........................................................
Between 8 and 6 million years ago, there was a global increase in the biomass of plants using C
photosynthesis as
indicated by changes in the carbon isotope ratios of fossil tooth enamel in Asia, Africa, North America and South
America. This abrupt and widespread increase in C
biomass may be related to a decrease in atmospheric CO
concentrations below a threshold that favoured C
-photosynthesizing plants. The change occurred earlier at lower
latitudes, as the threshold for C
photosynthesis is higher at warmer temperatures.
The C
and C
photosynthetic pathways fractionate carbon isotopes
to different degrees; C
and C
plants have d
C values ranging
from about 22‰ to 30‰ and 10‰ to 14‰, respectively1–5.
(Isotopic ratios are reported relative to the isotopic standard PDB,
where d
C (in ‰) = ½ð13C=12 CÞsample=ð13C=12 CÞstandard 21ÿ31;000Þ.
So the carbon isotope composition of fossil tooth enamel reflects
the C
composition of mammalian diet6–9. Soil organic matter
preserves this isotopic distinction with little or no isotopic frac-
tionation (,2‰), but both soil carbonate and carbonate in
biogenic apatite from large mammals are significantly enriched in
C compared to source carbon7,8,10. Cerling et al.9have studied fossil
soils and tooth enamel from Pakistan and North America and
concluded that C
ecosystems underwent a global expansion
between about 7 and 5 million years (Myr) ago in the late Miocene
and early Pliocene epochs; they suggested that atmospheric CO
concentrations could have fallen below a threshold critical to C
photosynthesis. However, others11–13, also studying fossil soils and
tooth enamel, concluded that there was not a global expansion of C
biomass in the late Miocene, and that there was no link between
changes in C
biomass and atmospheric chemistry. Hill13 sug-
gested that observed dietary changes in Africa ,7 Myr ago need not
signify a vegetation change, but may be explained by faunal
immigration or in situ speciation.
Here we report the results of stable carbon isotope analyses from
more than 500 equids and other hypsodont (that is, having high-
crowned teeth) large mammals from Asia, Africa, North America,
South America and Europe. Our studies emphasized equids because
modern equids are thought to be predominantly grazers, and equids
are abundant in the fossil record. We also analysed other hypsodont
large mammals because the record of equids is more limited in
Europe, Asia, Africa and South America than it is in North America.
Thus, from Europe, Asia and Africa we also report the results of
analyses of fossil proboscideans (elephants and their allies), and
from South America those of notoungulates (an extinct order of
endemic South American mammals). There are several advantages
of using mammalian teeth rather than soils for indications of C
biomass; first, identification is straightforward, and second,
mammals enhance the isotope signal by selective feeding. In most
cases C
diets are indicators of grazing although some C
dicots (for
example, Chenopodiaceae) can be important components of the
diets of certain mammals, especially in regions having saline soils.
grasses today are important in some ecosystems, so that a C
does not necessarily indicate a browsing diet.
We first show that bioapatite (tooth enamel) in large mammals is
,14‰ enriched in
C compared to their diet. Using this discri-
mination factor we then show that large mammals with ages greater
than 8 Myr from a global population all had diets compatible with a
pure C
-dominated, diet. We then show that by 6Myr ago
equids and some other large mammals from low latitudes (,378)
had a C
-dominated diet in Africa, South America, North America
and southern Asia. No evidence is found suggesting a significant C
component in the diets of large mammals from western Europe at
any time. Comparison of the quantum yields of C
and C
cots, which are primarily grasses and sedges, indicates that C
monocots are favoured at atmospheric CO
concentrations less
than 500 parts per million by volume (p.p.m.v.) when accompanied
by high growing-season temperature. The persistance of significant
biomass beginning about 6–8 Myr ago and continuing to the
present is compatible with atmospheric CO
levels in the late
Miocene declining below the ‘crossover’ point where C
are favoured over C
grasses or other C
- and C
-dominated diets
The unambiguous detection of the presence of the C
signal is an
important issue. C
plants have a considerable range in d
C; water-
stressed ecosystems are enriched in
C (as high as 22‰) com-
pared to the average C
value of about 27‰, whereas closed
canopies are depleted in
C, having values as low as 35‰ (refs 5,
14, 15). C
plants have a much more restricted d
C range, where
plants using the NADP-me and NAD-me sub-pathways have
average d
C values of about 11.4‰ and 12.7‰, respectively16.
The isotopic fractionation between diet and bioapatites (such as
tooth enamel) is not well established for large mammals. After
reaction with H
and cryogenic purification, samples were
reacted at 50 8C with silver wool to remove trace amounts of SO
gas which was occasionally identified in both modern and fossil
samples; trace amounts of SO
in CO
can result in positive
shifts greater than 4‰ (unpublished data). Table1 shows the results
of analyses from the hypergrazer alcelaphine bovids (hartebeest and
wildebeest) from Kenya that have a diet of NADP-subpathway
grasses (about 11.4‰; ref. 16), and from restricted feeders from
the Hogel Zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah with a diet of meadow hay
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1997
and alfalfa (26.5‰). These results indicate an isotope fractiona-
tion factor for both C
and C
diets in large mammals: a
1.0143 to 1.0148, or d13Cenamel 2d13Cdiet <14:3‰, where aenamel-diet ¼
ð1;000 þdenamelÞ=ð1;000 þddiet Þ. This enrichment in
C of ,14.3‰
for tooth enamel in large mammals compared to their diet is greater
than observed in laboratory experiments on very small mammals
(mice)17. Therefore a d
C value for enamel of 8‰ would corre-
spond to a dietary intake of 22‰ to 22.5‰, which is within the
range of observed pure C
ecosystems and plants1,2,5,14. Water stress
or high light conditions (or both) causes an enrichment of
C in C
plants5,14 so that 8‰ for the d
C of enamel can be taken as
conservative ‘cut-off value to exclude the possibility of a ‘false
positive’ indicating a significant C
biomass in diet. For fossil
samples, yet another correction should be considered: Friedli and
others18 and Marino and McElroy19 have shown that the d
C of the
atmosphere and plants, respectively, have become 1.5‰ more
negative in the past 150 years because of fossil-fuel burning.
Therefore, the ‘cut-off’ for a pure C
diet may be even more positive,
perhaps even 7‰. Others11 have used a ‘cut-off’ of 10.5‰ for
tooth-enamel d
C values to indicate significant C
biomass, which
we believe is too
C-depleted for the reasons discussed above.
We analysed 226 different mammals (bovids, camelids, equids,
proboscideans, rhinocerids, suids, tapirids) older than 8 Myr and
find no evidence for a significant C
component in diets of
mammals from Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Americas. The average
C value for this suite was 210:661:3‰ and only a single
sample gave d13C. 2 8‰ (d13C¼27:5‰). These data are
compatible with all the animals having diets from 22‰ to about
28‰, with an average diet of 25‰ which is in the range of the
carbon isotopic composition for modern C
plants. Figure 1 shows
the d
C values for 825 modern plants; also shown are d
C for tooth
enamel for 309 modern mammals, and 226 fossil mammals with
ages older than 8 Myr. The modern mammals show a distinction
between C
-dominated and C
-dominated diets, and the .8-Myr
mammals indicate diets compatible with an essentially pure C
The d
C of the primary dietary signal is preserved in the fossil
record in tooth enamel and does not seem to be affected by
diagenesis. This is illustrated in Fig. 2 where we show the d
values for east African deinotheres (elephant-like ungulates of the
order Proboscidea), other proboscideans, and equids through the
past 20 million years. Deinotheres always have d
C values consis-
tent with a pure C
diet, whereas the equids and proboscideans have
C values consistent with a C
diet before 8 Myr, but consistent
with a C
-dominated diet after about 7 Myr. The deinotheres were
collected from the same sedimentary deposits as the other fossils. In
addition, palaeosols and other sedimentary carbonates from the
Koobi Fora (Kenya) sequence20 have d
C values intermediate
between the d
C values for C
and C
ecosystem development in Neogene times
The striking change from C
to C
ecosystems was first noted in
palaeosol carbonates in the Siwalik sediments of Pakistan21 which
showed a change in d
C starting about 7 Myr ago with values
averaging about 10‰ and reaching about 0‰ byabout 5 Myr ago.
This can be compared to the record of equid and proboscidean
tooth enamel from the same time interval (Fig. 2). These data show
a significant C
component in both the equid and proboscidean diet
between 8 and 7 Myr, but that the C
endmember diet was not
reached until about 5 Myr (perhaps as early as 6 Myr). The transi-
tion begins at about 7.8 Myr using the palaeomagnetic timescale of
Cande and Kent22, or 7.3Myr using the older palaeomagnetic
timescale of Berggren23. Equids first appear in the Pakistan sequence
about 10.5 Myr, the time of the ‘Hipparion datum’ and become
widespread throughout much of Europe, Africa and Asia. Notably,
the earliest equids in the Siwalik sequence have a C
-dominated diet.
East Africa has an abundant fossil record of proboscideans and
equids. We report data from Maboko, Fort Ternan, the Turkana
basin and the Suguta depression, and include in our discussion
previously published data from the Baringo basin11. Both elephan-
tids and equids changed from a C
-dominated diet to a C
dominated diet between about 8 and 7 Myr, while deinotheres
retained a C
-dominated diet (Fig. 2). Equids appear in east
Africa by about 10 Myr, and in two sites older than 9 Myr equids
have a C
diet. The equids have transitional diets at about 8 Myr as
recorded in the Samburu Hills, and have largely adapted to a C
dominated diet by the time of the oldest sediments in the Lothagam
sequence, estimated to be about 7.5 Myr. Elephantids show a similar
pattern although they seem to lag the equids in making the
transition to a C
-dominated diet.
The South American record was sampled from deposits in
Argentina and in southern Bolivia. Equids entered South America
very late, so notoungulates were also included in our analysis. The
ages of the samples in Fig. 2 are based primarily on the South
American Land Mammal Ages (SALMA), although several samples
are also included from well-dated Neogene (Pliocene + Miocene)
deposits in northern Argentina24. Securely dated notoungulates
have a C
diet before 8 Myr, but show evidence for a significant C
VOL 389
-30 -20 0-10
δ13C (‰)
>8 Myr mammalian
tooth enamel
= 226)
δ13C = -10.6 ± 1.3
-10-30 -20 0
-20 -10 0
Modern mammalian
tooth enamel
= 309)
C3 grasses
δ13C = –26.7 ± 2.3
C4 grasses
δ13C = -12.5 ± 1.1
atmospheric shift
Modern grasses
Figure 1 Histograms of d
C for modern grasses (compiled from refs 5–8, and
unpublished University of Utah data), modern tooth enamel, and fossil tooth
enamel .8 Myr. The d
C for modern and fossil mammalian enamel is from
Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America, and represents all
samples analysed in our laboratory of these age intervals. Fossil samples include
bovids, equids, giraffids, notoungulates, proboscideans and rhinocerids. The
C axis of fossil tooth enamel is shifted by an additional 1.5to adjust for the
anthropogenic shift in d
C in the atmosphere (and therefore diet and enamel)
resulting from fossil-fuel burning18,19.
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1997
component (4.8‰) by 7.6 Myr (ref. 24).
We divided the North American data in a ‘low-latitude’ (,378N)
and a ‘high-latitude’ group (.378N), 378N represents a convenient
dividing line placed at the northern boundaries of Oklahoma, New
Mexico and Arizona, and is the approximate boundary between the
southern Great Plains and the northern Great Plains. We report data
from more than 300 fossil equids from North America. The low-
latitude group includes samples from Mexico, Florida, Texas,
Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and southern California. It
shows a significant isotopic change in the late Hemphillian. All
sites with ages older than 7 Myr have d
C values between 8‰ and
15‰, but are as high as 2.7‰ at 6.8 Myr at Coffee Ranch in
northern Texas. Late Hemphillian sites in Mexico have d
C values
up to +1.7‰ by 5.7 Myr. Equids in the low-latitude region of North
America show considerable scatter in the d
C values, probably
indicating a reliance on both C
and C
grasses possibly during
different times of the year.
High-latitude sites from North America included Alaska, north-
ern California, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon,
South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming. Equids from these sites
consumed a smaller fraction of C
biomass than did the low-latitude
equids. This is to be expected because of the lower abundance of C
grasses in northern North America compared to southern North
America25. Of the high-latitude sites, only those in Nebraska show
significant C
biomass in the diet where one d
C enamel value
reaches 3‰.
European sites in Fig. 2 are from Spain and France, between 388
and 488N. Neither equids nor proboscideans show any evidence of a
significant C
biomass in their diets at any time during the past
20 Myr. This is consistent with the dominance of C
plants in the
region today, and agrees with data obtained from additional
samples of equids and other ungulates from the eastern Mediterra-
nean (for example, Samos, Pikermi, Pasalar)26,27 and from Morocco
and Algeria in North Africa (unpublished data). These data suggest
that C
plants have not been a significant component of the biomass
in western European or Mediterranean ecosystems at any time.
There is now evidence from four different widely separated
regions (Pakistan, East Africa, low-latitude North America, and
South America) for a significant expansion of C
biomass between
about 8 and 6 Myr. All samples older than about 8Myr have d
values between 8‰ and 15‰, yet by 6.8 Myr regions have at least
some d
C values that indicate a C
-dominated diet (.4‰), and
reach d13C<0‰ by about 5 Myr or earlier. Meanwhile, fossil
hypsodont herbivores from high-latitude North America show a
subdued increase of C
biomass in their diets, whereas those from
Europe exhibit no increase. The pattern of dietary change with
latitude (Fig. 3) in equids and proboscideans is compatible with
conditions that would favour C
biomass in hotter regions, but
conditions that also promote C
biomass expansion simultaneously
in widespread parts of the globe. Figure 3 shows that we sampled
both the northern and southern limbs of the C
transition, which
is between about 258and 408latitude in both hemispheres. The high
variability in the C
component of diet in such intermediate
latitudes may be the result of several factors, such as the variability
in growing season for different regions (for example, Mediterranean
climates at about 358have fewer C
plants than monsoonal climates
at the same latitude), variability in C
biomass during different parts
of the growing season (for example, spring versus summer con-
ditions) or long-term climate fluctuations (for example, glacial
versus interglacial). Equatorial sites show low isotopic variability for
equid diets (Fig. 3).
Faunal change in the latest Miocene
The period in the late Miocene and Pliocene when we have
identified significant change in diet was also a period of worldwide
faunal change. Significant faunal turnover is observed in Pakistan,
VOL 389
11 SEPTEMBER 1997 155
( >37 °N)
East Africa
15 10 0
Age (Myr)
15 10 0
Age (Myr)
15 10 0
Age (Myr)
(< 37 °N)
15 10 0
Age (Myr)
15 10 0
Age (Myr)
15 10 0
Age (Myr)
C ()
C ()
C ()
C ()
Figure 2 Changes in d
C of equid and some other hypsodont mammals in the
Neogene. Although most of the data in this are new, we also include previously
published data from Pakistan8,9,41
, North America42, South America24,43, and
Africa11,36. South American samples in bold are samples from a well-dated site24
and the others43 are shown as the average age according to their respective
South American Land Mammal Age (SALMA)44.
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1997
North America, South America, Europe and Africa. There has been
debate as to whether such changes were in response to local climate
change, immigration or other factors13,28, but it is now clear from
stable carbon isotope studies that an important global ecological
change was underway at this time.
In Pakistan, many woodland-adapted mammals were replaced by
more open-habitat representatives between 8 and 7 Myr (refs 29,
30). Tragulids are replaced by hypsodont artiodactyls, and true
giraffes appear in the post-7.5 Myr assemblages, along with hippo-
potamid species30. After 7.4 Myr, local assemblages are dominated
by hypsodont ungulates. Among the primates, Sivapithecus (a large-
bodied hominoid) and lorisids became extinct in Asia between 8
and 7 Myr ago, their place eventually being taken by cercopithecids
(Old World monkeys) that appeared in the latest Neogene31. Late
Miocene changes among the small mammals include extinction of
dormice, and the appearance of more open-adapted advanced
rhyzomyids and hares31.
In North America, equids reached their maximum diversity in the
middle Miocene but their diversity was greatly reduced in the
Hemphillian (late Miocene and earliest Pliocene, or about 7 to
4.5 Myr ago)32,33. Camelids, antilocaprids, palaeomerycids and
gomphotheres were likewise greatly reduced in diversity during
this interval. In general, the more hypsodont lineages from these
families were favoured in the Pliocene. This Hemphillian episode of
extinction was the most severe to be documented in the North
American Neogene, exceeding in extent the late-Pleistocene extinc-
tion event32.
East African mammal faunas showed a marked shift in their
community structure during the Neogene34,35. Early Miocene mam-
malian faunas in east Africa had a tropical-forest character with
common taxa including hominoids, hyraxes, suids, rhinos and
proboscideans. The Pliocene witnessed a sharp increase in season-
ality with the faunas evolving a savanna-mosaic character. Grazing
antelopes and hippos replaced chevrotains and anthracotheres as
the dominant artiodactyls. Among the perissodactyls, three-toed
equids replaced the browsing rhinos and hyraxes. High-crowned
elephantids replaced bunodont long-jawed gomphotheres. Mon-
keys underwent a major radiation, replacing the diverse early and
middle Miocene hominoid assemblage. During the terminal Mio-
cene, open wooded-grassland habitats replaced the earlier less
seasonal woodland/forest habitats; the Lothagam fauna seems to
be transitional between the archaic earlier Miocene and the
advanced Plio-Pleistocene faunas36.
It is now clear that the expansion of C
grasses was a global
phenomena beginning in the late Miocene and persisting to the
present day. It was accompanied by important faunal changes in
many parts of the world. It is not likely that the expansion of C
biomass in the late Miocene is due solely to higher temperature or to
the development of arid conditions. There have always been some
parts of the Earth with hot, dry climates yet it seems that the C
expansion was triggered by a single phenomenon as this expansion
occurred simultaneously in widespread regions of the world that
were separated by oceans (for example, the Old World, South
America, North America). Significantly, C
plants in the cooler
parts of the planet did not respond as effectively as in the hotter
regions. Thus the C
expansion is not documented in the enamel of
equids and proboscideans from the late Miocene and early Pliocene
of western Europe, although by the lower Ruscinian of Europe
hipparions (that were so abundant in the Miocene) have virtually
disappeared, probably because of changing climate conditions37.
Quantum yields, temperature and atmospheric CO
Plant metabolism responds directly to atmospheric CO
concentrations38,39. C
plants respond to changes in atmospheric
VOL 389
Table 1 d
C values for modern mammals and their diet
C () Name Name
Wild grazers, Athi plains, Kenya (year of death,1969): estimated d13 Cdiet ;211:4*
3.1 Coke’s hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii
1.9 Coke’s hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii
3.0 Coke’s hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii
3.2 Coke’s hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii
3.8 Coke’s hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii
2.9 Wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus albojubatus
3.9 Wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus albojubatus
3.2 Wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus albojubatus
3.9 Wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus albojubatus
3.7 Wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus albojubatus
3:260:6 (d13Cenamel 2d13 Cdiet ¼14:6)
Hogel Zoo animals: estimated d13 Cdiet 226:5(n¼5)
12.8 African elephant Loxodonta africana
12.7 African elephant Loxodonta africana
13.7 Bactrian camel Camelus bactrianus
12.9 Bactrian camel Camelus bactrianus
13.0 Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis
12.0 Pigmy hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis
12.8 Pigmy hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis
12.0 Zebra Equus burchelli grantii
12.0 Zebra Equus burchelli grantii
12.4 Zebra Equus burchelli grantii
212:660:5 (d13Cenamel 2d13 Cdiet ¼13:9)
Hartebeest and wildebeest of East Africa are hypergrazersand have d
C values 1– 2more
positive than zebra of the same year of death and from the same location (unpublished data).
The large mammals fromthe Hogel Zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah, all have a diet that is primarily
meadow hay.
*The average d
C of C
grasses using the NADP sub-pathway is 11.4(ref.16). C
in the Athi plains predominantly use this subpathway.
Five samples of meadow hay and alfalfa pellets collected in 1991 give
d13C¼226:560:7. Year of death for these animals was between 1980 and 1990.
The ,14.3%difference between diet and enamel is compatible with the data in Bocherens
et al.50
60 30 0 30 60
South North
Latitude (degrees)
δ13C ()
Figure 3 d
C of modern and fossil Equus versus latitude (all samples below
2,000 m elevation); we include data from Thackarey and Lee-Thorp45 and data
from Fig. 2. The equatorial dominance of C
grasses, the transition to C
in intermediate latitudes (30– 408), and the dominance of C
grasses at high
latitudes (,.458), can be seen.
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1997
with decreased maximum net photosynthetic rates that are
related to lowered CO
levels because of both inherent CO
substrate limitations and higher photorespiration rates. C
are less sensitive to atmospheric CO
The quantum yield (photosynthetic efficiency) of C
relative to C
grasses varies with both atmospheric CO
levels and
temperature (Fig. 4). The crossover point favouring C
over C
grasses is dependent on temperature and partial pressure of CO
) such that C
-dominated ecosystems are favoured under low
conditions when accompanied by elevated temperature. The
modern world is a ‘C
-world’ where C
plants make up an important
biomass in tropical, sub-tropical and some temperate ecosystems.
When atmospheric CO
levels are high, above about 500 p.p.m.v.,
the C
photosynthetic pathway would be favoured in all conditions
except those with extremely high temperatures. The ‘C
where C
plants do not make up a significant fraction of the biomass
even in tropical regions, is predicted to have been the more
productive pathway from the origin of terrestrial vascular plants
at about 400 Myr ago until the late Miocene between 8 to 6Myr
when the ‘C
-world’ became established. A possible exception to
this could have been during the late-Carboniferous to Permian
glaciation if p
levels were low enough and some plants indepen-
dently evolved the C
pathway, which was subsequently lost in the
Mesozoic when CO
levels were again high.
The model of Fig. 4 explains some interesting features of the
temporal change in diets of mammals shown in Fig. 2 and in the
spatial change in diets shown in Fig. 3. The change from C
to C
diet in equids occurred somewhat earlier in tropical regions than in
higher latitudes. In East Africa (38S to 58N), the transition is very
rapid and is complete between 8 to 7.5 Myr; in Pakistan (32–338N)
the transition is slightly more gradual and occurs between about 7.8
and 6 Myr; in southern North America (20– 378N) it takes place
between 6.8 and 5.5 Myr; in central North America (Nebraska; 40–
438N) the oldest sample analysed so far with a definite C
signal is
about 4 Myr and no samples have d
C values above 2‰; in
western Europe (between 408and 508N), there is no indication of
a C
diet at any time. This is compatible with a history where the
‘crossover’ of quantum yields favouring C
plants over C
plants was
reached first at low latitudes, and at later times at successively higher
latitudes (because of lower temperature) as atmospheric CO
declined during the Neogene. It further implies we are unlikely to
find evidence for widespread C
plants in periods of the Earth’s
history where p
was higher than about 500 p.p.m.v.
The modern spatial pattern of C
and C
grasses shows that C
grasses dominate in tropical and subtropical regions, that the
transition to C
grasses takes place between about 308and 458
latitude, and that C
grasses dominate at high latitudes (Fig. 3).
Figure 4 shows that the crossover for the modern atmospheric level
of CO
(280 p.p.m.v. for the pre-industrial value of CO
) is between
16 8C and 20 8C (daytime growing-season temperature), with C
grasses being favoured in cooler regions (such as high latitudes and
high altitudes).
This model is compatible with gradually decreasing CO
in the
atmosphere during the Tertiary, and crossing a threshold important
to C
photosynthesis near the end of the Miocene. Changes in
atmospheric CO
levels are related to continental weathering;
increased weathering rates during the past 40 Myr, especially in
the tectonically active Himalayan –Tibetan region, have resulted in a
lowering of CO
(ref. 40). The culminating effect is a world where C
plants are increasingly starved by decreasing atmospheric CO
in the late Neogene, a world where C
plants have an advantage over
plants in many environments.
This model also has important implications concerning the
present glacial–interglacial period of Earth’s history, and the
future of the Earth where atmospheric CO
concentrations are
increasing because of fossil fuel burning. First, this model implies
that at very low CO
conditions, such as during the glacial periods,
grasses would have been at a great disadvantage worldwide so
that at intermediate and low latitudes an expansion of C
would be expected. The CO
concentration minima of about 160 to
180 p.p.m.v., reached during the Last Glacial Maximum, seems to be
near the limit for successful competition of C
grasses with respect
to C
grasses. Second, this model implies that C
grasses will be at an
increasing disadvantage as CO
levels increase owing to human-
kind’s energy appetite, in agreement with other models. This has
further evolutionary implications because the past 7 Myr of evolu-
tion, including the evolution of hominids, has been in the ‘C
world’. By increasing atmospheric CO
concentrations humans may
be changing the Earth’s atmosphere to conditions not favourable to
a ‘C
-world’, which were the conditions in which they originally
evolved. M
Received 26 December 1996; accepted 23 July 1997.
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VOL 389
11 SEPTEMBER 1997 157
C3 grasses
C4 grasses
Daytime growing-season temperature (°C)
Atmospheric CO2 (p.p.m.v.)
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Acknowledgements. Wethank W. Akersten,R. Anderson, T. M. Bown, J. D.Bryant, B. Engesser, J. Fleagle,
J. A. Hart, J. Hearst, H. Hutchison, L. L. Jacobs, E. H. Lindsay, E. L. Lundelius, H. G. McDonald,
N. Mudida, M. Voorhies, A. Walker, D. Whistler, D. Winkler and M. O. Woodburne for assistance in
obtaining samples. Wealso thank J. Kappelman and G. Farquhar for comments. This work was supported
by the US NSF.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.E.C. (e-mail: tcerling@mines.utah.
VOL 389
... We observe that losses in the large herbivores' functional diversity commenced following the environmental changes of the late Miocene. Prior to~8 Ma, woodlands and forests were prevalent across eastern Africa 57,58 . During the terminal Miocene before~5 Ma, grasslands expanded 53,57,[59][60][61] (Fig. 1, left-most blue region) and formed more open environments among the sites at which the large herbivores occurred ( Supplementary Fig. 2). ...
... Prior to~8 Ma, woodlands and forests were prevalent across eastern Africa 57,58 . During the terminal Miocene before~5 Ma, grasslands expanded 53,57,[59][60][61] (Fig. 1, left-most blue region) and formed more open environments among the sites at which the large herbivores occurred ( Supplementary Fig. 2). Habitats possessing ≤~40% woody cover (i.e., wooded grasslands 53 ) persisted at these sites to 5 Ma (Fig. 1a). ...
... Bovids ancestral to modern-day buffalo and antelopes, as well as members of novel genera like Hippopotamus were emerging. These taxa were well-adapted to the open grassland habitats that had become prevalent on the eastern African landscape 16,53,57,73,74 , including within the sites at which they occurred ( Fig. 1a; Supplementary Fig. 2). ...
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Mammalian megafauna have been critical to the functioning of Earth’s biosphere for millions of years. However, since the Plio-Pleistocene, their biodiversity has declined concurrently with dramatic environmental change and hominin evolution. While these biodiversity declines are well-documented, their implications for the ecological function of megafaunal communities remain uncertain. Here, we adapt ecometric methods to evaluate whether the functional link between communities of herbivorous, eastern African megafauna and their environments (i.e., functional trait-environment relationships) was disrupted as biodiversity losses occurred over the past 7.4 Ma. Herbivore taxonomic and functional diversity began to decline during the Pliocene as open grassland habitats emerged, persisted, and expanded. In the mid-Pleistocene, grassland expansion intensified, and climates became more variable and arid. It was then that phylogenetic diversity declined, and the trait-environment relationships of herbivore communities shifted significantly. Our results divulge the varying implications of different losses in megafaunal biodiversity. Only the losses that occurred since the mid-Pleistocene were coincident with a disturbance to community ecological function. Prior diversity losses, conversely, occurred as the megafaunal species and trait pool narrowed towards those adapted to grassland environments.
... The accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in the atmosphere with fossil fuel burning has increased the global gross primary productivity (GPP) and decreased the ratio of heavier ( 13 C) to lighter ( 12 C) carbon isotopes of atmospheric CO 2 over the past century -known as the Suess effect 1 . Keeling et al. (2017) 2 estimated that the isotopic composition of atmospheric CO 2 (δ 13 CO 2 ) -the ratio of 13 C to 12 C as compared to a standard -has decreased by about 0.027‰ per year over the period 1978-2014. However, this is less than what we would expect after accounting for land and ocean carbon cycling and uptake (about 0.032‰ per year following Keeling et al. (2017) 2 's method). ...
... In contrast, C 3 photosynthesis is stimulated at high atmospheric CO 2 concentrations -also known as the CO 2 fertilisation effect -providing them an advantage over C 4 photosynthesis in elevated CO 2 environments 10 . Since C 3 plants are depleted in 13 C compared to C 4 plants [11][12][13] , knowledge of C 3 and C 4 cover can be used to estimate average δ 13 C across terrestrial environments and so global Δ 13 C. ...
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How changes in the abundance and distribution of C 3 and C 4 plants are influencing the terrestrial carbon cycle is still unclear. Here, we use a simple C 3 /C 4 distribution model based on optimality principles to investigate the impact of climate-related changes in C 3 and C 4 plants on global gross primary production (GPP) and atmospheric carbon isotopic discrimination (Δ ¹³ C). We estimate that the fraction of total C 4 plants including natural grasslands and crops has decreased from 17.6% to 14.4% over 1982–2016, despite an increase in the fraction of C 4 crops, reflecting the declining competitive ability of C 4 photosynthesis as atmospheric CO 2 concentrations increased. When ignoring this decline, the model predicts a strong increase in global GPP (18.6 ± 2.1 PgC) and slight increase in Δ ¹³ C (0.003 ± 0.001‰ ppm-1). However, when considering this decline, the increase in global GPP is slightly reduced (16.5 ± 1.8 PgC) and that of Δ ¹³ C increased (0.014 ± 0.001‰ ppm-1). The rate of Δ ¹³ C increase is consistent with independent atmospheric estimates but greater than that derived from another C 4 distribution model. We conclude that the magnitude of the decrease in global atmospheric δ ¹³ CO 2 can be partly explained by global changes in the distribution of C 3 /C 4 plants.
... Pollen results show that the vegetation composition of the section was almost terrestrial plants (>99%), which likely suggests the continued dominance of organic carbon derived from the paleosols. Given that the ultimate source of soil organic carbon is the overlying vegetation (Cerling et al., 1989;Farquhar et al., 1989), organic matter preserved in paleosols can be used to reconstruct C 3 /C 4 vegetation characteristics (Cerling et al., 1997;Fox and Koch, 2003;Sarangi et al., 2021). To quantitatively demonstrate the trend and magnitude of the variation, we use the calibrated C 4 biomass (Text S3 and Table S2), which is the percentage of C 4 plants estimated for the surrounding area, as an alternative assessment indicator (Wang et al., 2008a). ...
... It should be noted that minimum growing season temperature is an important prerequisite for C 4 expansion at middle and high latitudes (Sage and Kubien, 2007). Similarly, higher pCO 2 during the MMCO contradicts the CO 2 starvation hypothesis that lower pCO 2 would favor C 4 expansion (Cerling et al., 1997;Rae et al., 2021) (Fig. 5j). Second, assuming that these global factors drove, the C 4 expansion should have occurred globally and simultaneously in similar regions. ...
... Alkenone and Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions reveal prominent cooling in both hemispheres from 7.8 to 5.8 Ma, i.e., Late Miocene cooling (LMC), followed by a rapid SST rebound in the latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene (5.5 to 5 Ma) (2,3). Ocean cooling was concurrent with enhanced aridification (5)(6)(7)(8), marked by expansion of global C 4 grasslands (plants using the C 4 photosynthetic pathway) (9)(10)(11), and restructuring of mammal communities (12) on land. While some previous studies inferred that a decline in pCO 2 gradually drove ocean cooling (2,3) and terrestrial ecosystem changes (10,11) during the Late Miocene, other studies invoked paleogeographic changes [e.g., ocean gateways closure (4,8) and regional mountain uplift (13)] as the main triggering mechanisms. ...
... Ocean cooling was concurrent with enhanced aridification (5)(6)(7)(8), marked by expansion of global C 4 grasslands (plants using the C 4 photosynthetic pathway) (9)(10)(11), and restructuring of mammal communities (12) on land. While some previous studies inferred that a decline in pCO 2 gradually drove ocean cooling (2,3) and terrestrial ecosystem changes (10,11) during the Late Miocene, other studies invoked paleogeographic changes [e.g., ocean gateways closure (4,8) and regional mountain uplift (13)] as the main triggering mechanisms. Disentangling these potential drivers is especially challenging in Asia where this extensive climate transition during the LMC may have been concurrent with regional uplift of the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (14) and/or rain shadow development behind the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (15). ...
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In parallel with pronounced cooling in the oceans, vast areas of the continents experienced enhanced aridification and restructuring of vegetation and animal communities during the Late Miocene. Debate continues over whether pCO2-induced global cooling was the primary driver of this climate and ecosystem upheaval on land. Here we present an 8 to 5 Ma land surface temperatures (LST) record from East Asia derived from paleosol carbonate clumped isotopes and integrated with climate model simulations. The LST cooled by ~7 °C between 7.5 and 5.7 Ma, followed by rapid warming across the Miocene-Pliocene transition (5.5 to 5 Ma). These changes occurred synchronously with variations in alkenone and Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperatures and with hydroclimate and ecosystem shifts in East Asia, highlighting a global climate forcing mechanism. Our modeling experiments additionally demonstrate that pCO2-forced cooling would have altered moisture transfer and pathways and driven extensive aridification in East Asia. We, thus, conclude that the East Asian hydroclimate and ecosystem shift was primarily controlled by pCO2-forced global cooling between 8 and 5 Ma.
... Marked faunal turnover occurred at this transition, as most typical "Miocene" components across many major clades, such as Hystricops, Leptodontomys, Leptarctus, Sthenictis, and Barbourofelis went extinct (Tedford et al., 2004). This coincides with C4 grassland expansion in North America, especially in its southern part (Cerling et al., 1997). Similar to the scenario of replacement of Indarctos species by Huracan and Agriotherium, Nimravides catocopis was fully replaced temporally by the more cursorial Amphimachairodus coloradensis at this turnover (Martin, 1998;Tedford et al., 2004;Antón et al., 2013;Jiangzuo and Hulbert, 2021). ...
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Among the fossil members of the giant panda subfamily of ursid carnivorans, Ailuropodinae, one group of species is of giant size, those of Indarctos. Indarctos species have some dental resemblances to and may be closely related to Agriotherium, although there are other clear differences between these taxa, and no known species has definitive shared derived traits that could link these two genera. Here we describe a rich suite of fossil material from both North America and eastern Asia, all belonging to a new genus, Huracan, which possesses characters shared with both Agriotherium and Indarctos but also has diagnostic autapomorphies. The new taxon was distributed widely in the Holarctic during the latest Miocene, including at least four species: the type species Huracan schneideri (previously Agriotherium schneideri) from the latest Hemphillian (Hh4) and possibly early Blancan North American Land Mammal “Ages” (NALMAs), North America; H. coffeyi from the early Late Hemphillian (Hh3) NALMA, North America; H. qiui, sp. nov., from the Baodean Asian Land Mammal “Age” (ALMA), northern China; and H. roblesi from the MN13 zone (latest Miocene–earliest Pliocene) of Spain. Huracan is the nearest sister taxon to Agriotherium, the latter herein considered to be an ailuropodine (in the tribe Agriotheriini) rather than a hemicyonid, and the common ancestor of both genera evolved from Indarctos (with resultant paraphyly of that taxon) or another Indarctos-like ailuropodine bear, likely in eastern Asia. The dentitions of Huracan and Agriotherium both are more specialised for carnivory than most Indarctos species, indicating a radiation of diverse ecological carnivores earlier in the history of the later-diverging, highly specialized herbivores in the giant panda lineage. Their postcranial morphology suggests that species in both genera (Huracan and Agriotherium) were more cursorial than species assigned to Indarctos, and thus well adapted to more open habitats. These derived traits may explain the worldwide replacement of Indarctos species by Huracan and Agriotherium species during the latest Miocene, in response to significant global cooling and expansion of C4 grasslands that occurred at that time.
... Cependant depuis le début de l'ère industrielle, le d AC C a progressivement diminué de plus de 1,5‰ (Marino etMcElroy, 1991), en raison des rejets dans l'atmosphère de COW fossile. Ainsi, la valeur du d AC C atmosphérique estimée à environ -6,5 ‰ pour l'Holocène tardif (Leuenberger, Siegenthaler etLangway, 1992) sera utilisée au profit de celle actuelle (-8 ‰ (Peterson et Fry, 1987;Natelhoffer et Fry, 1988;Boutton, 1996;Finlay et Kendall, 2007 Kennedy et Krouse, 1990;Cerling et al., 1997;Cerling et Harris, 1999) (Figure 32). Ces deux types de plantes ayant une signature isotopique spécifique, elles forment un apport d'informations précieuses sur les régimes alimentaires des consommateurs primaires (organismes herbivores) mais également sur le type de chaînes alimentaires qu'elles initient (alimentation basée sur une végétation en C3 ou en C4) (Kelly, 2000). ...
Sylviornis neocaledoniae est un oiseau non-volant présent durant l'Holocène en Nouvelle-Calédonie (sur la Grande-Terre et l'Île des Pins). Cet oiseau est un Galliformes géant, connu depuis les années 1980, qui reste encore très énigmatique ; son écologie, sa biologie, ses capacités cognitives sont mal connues. Cette thèse propose donc d'apporter des réponses sur ces points afin de mieux comprendre cet oiseau grâce à une approche pluridisciplinaire, combinant des études de paléontologie, de morphologie, de paléoneuroanatomie, de géochimie isotopique, et de paléoprotéomiques. Nous avons pu déterminer que S. neocaledoniae était un oiseau crépusculaire avec un sens de lâodorat et tactile du bec développés, et une capacité visuelle adaptée aux environnements de faible luminosité. Parallèlement, son régime alimentaire a été étudié grâce à une étude de géochimie isotopique, permettant de conclure sur une alimentation carnivore durophage, basée sur des mollusques marins et terrestres. Une étude paléoprotéomique a permis, pour la première fois, de mettre en évidence cinq séquences peptidiques propre à S. neocaledoniae, qui permettront de le positionner phylogénétiquement au sein des Galliformes et de mieux comprendre ses relations de parenté et son évolution.
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The impact of climate change on vegetation dynamics and fire regimes has been the subject of much interest in determining how anthropogenic climate change might alter ecological communities. Here, I study the C4 grassland expansion during the late Miocene-Pliocene epoch in N.W. Argentina from paleosols from three terrestrial sedimentary basins- Palo Pintado, La Viña and Río Iruya. I hypothesize that increased seasonality associated with the strengthening of the South American Summer Monsoon drove the spread of C4 grasses and increased fire frequency, leading to a positive feedback between increased C4 cover and fire regimes. We test this hypothesis using multiproxy analysis using novel biomarkers (i.e. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) as a proxy for fire frequency and vegetation type, carbon isotopic analysis of bulk organic matter as a proxy for C4 vegetation and bulk elemental geochemical analysis of paleosols as a proxy of mean annual precipitation and temperature. We observe the appearance of ~50% C4 cover in La Viña and Río Iruya prior to the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. Precipitation appears to play an important role in the spread of C4 cover in both La Viña with decreasing precipitation resulting in the greater spread of C4 cover. We do not observe a significant change in fire regimes during this spread in C4 vegetation at La Viña and Río Iruya. We establish that the lack C4-fire feedback is either due to the lack of high enough C4 cover, or the absence of this feedback mechanism in late Miocene-Pliocene South America. However, we observe trends in gymnosperm proliferation with changes in fire regimes, with one proxy showing a decrease in gymnosperm proliferation with increasing fire frequency and two proxies showing an increase in gymnosperm proliferation with decreasing fire frequency.
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New δ13C values are presented for tooth enamel of 65 herbivorous fossil mammal specimens from low- and middle-elevation localities in Argentina ranging in age from Deseadan (ca. 27 Ma) to Lujanian (potentially as young as ca. 10,000 yrs BP). Prior to the Huayquerian (late Miocene; 9-6.5 Ma), all faunal levels have mean δ13C values of about -11 ± 1‰, indicating ancient terrestrial ecosystems with predominantly C3 plants. During the late Miocene through Pleistocene (i.e., after ca. 8 Ma), there is a statistically significant carbon isotopic shift so that: (1) taken together, later faunal levels have a combined mean δ13C value of -7.6‰ and (2) the data set includes significantly larger ranges of δ13C values (i.e., individual specimens are as positive as ca. +1‰). These post-8 Ma data indicate isotopically mixed terrestrial plant communities containing a significant component of C4 grasses. Both the magnitude and timing of this ca. 3.5‰ mean carbon isotopic shift is consistent with data reported previously from numerous late Miocene localities in the northern hemisphere and selected equatorial regions. Analysis of the δ13C values for high-crowned, presumed grazing mammals from post-8 Ma localities between 21 to 35° S lat. (in Argentina and Bolivia) indicate an isotopic gradient in which mean δ13C values (and hence percentage of C3 plants) are proportional to latitude. The δ13C values presented here indicate that the original spread of grasslands during the middle Tertiary, and the so-called "precocious hypsodonty" of corresponding South American herbivores, occurred in a regime of predominantly C3 grasses. The modern ecological landscape in which grasses (and corresponding grassland biomes) are predominantly C4 in mid-latitudes, is a relatively recent global event that is first recorded in South America during the late Miocene and became relatively widespread thereafter.
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DETAILED palaeorecords of terrestrial environments are critical for interpretations of the late Miocene mammalian evolution. Here we assess the development of modern tropical grassland (C4) biomes, an important ecosystem for modern faunas. We present enamel apatite 13C/12C isotope ratios of fauna from two sequences, the Siwaliks from the Potwar Plateau in northern Pakistan, and the Tugen Hills Succession in Kenya (Fig. 1). Our data do not support previous suggestions of a restricted global date for C4 emergence associated with decreased atmospheric CO2 around 7 Myr ago1. Instead, C4 grasses are first recorded as a dietary component in Pakistan at 9.4 Myr and increase as a foraging resource over the next few million years. In Kenya, C4 grasses are present by 15.3 Myr but are not the primary dietary resource of herbivores until 7 Myr. A wide range of C3 and C4 dietary signals characterizes the latest Miocene/Pliocene of Kenya.
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Lothagam is a richly fossiliferous late Miocene site near the western shore of Lake Turkana, northern Kenya. This site has yielded a diverse fauna documenting a chronological interval poorly known from elsewhere in Africa. Lothagam was first collected by an American research group in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Field studies by the National Museums of Kenya between 1989–1993 have recovered many additional vertebrate fossils, including species previously unknown from Lothagam. This contribution presents a revised, formal stratigraphic framework, initial results of a vertebrate systematic revision, and new interpretations of the paleoenvironmental setting. Analysis of the sedimentary facies and their fossil content indicates the presence of a large, slow moving, well-oxygenated perennial river with abundant backswamps and ponds. Comparisons with faunas from earlier middle to late Miocene Kenyan localities suggest that a major environmental change occurred at the end of the Miocene.
The feasibility of using bone apatite for stable carbon isotope analysis of ancient bone for palaeodietary studies has been the subject of much controversy, and attempts to determine whether isotopic signatures are stable over time have produced contradictory results. We have tested this stability by measuring the delta ¹³C values of chemically treated bone or tooth mineral of herbivores of known diet (browsers), in a temporal series. The results indicate that diagenesis of biogenic carbonates in the mineral over time is unexpectedly limited, and that chemical pretreatment further reduces diagenetic alteration of the biogenic signal. Enough biogenic carbonate remains to distinguish clearly between browsers and grazers, even after 3 million years. - Authors
The carbon. and oxygen isotope composition of carbonate in enamel hydroxylapatite can provide information on photosynthetic pathways of plants at the base of food webs, and on hydrological conditions. Retrieval of palaeoenvironmental information from isotopic composition of vertebrate fossils is complicated by potential diagenetic overprinting. In this study alteration has been assessed by examining the extent to which expected biological carbon and oxygen isotope patterns are disrupted in fossils of species whose diets cart be independently predicted by other criteria. The biological patterns used are 1) the differences in carbon, isotope composition between grazers and browsers, and 2) the differences in oxygen isotope composition between hippopotamus and terrestrial herbivores. Results obtained on, enamel samples from Tighenif (Algeria, approximate to 700,000 yr), Melka-Kunture (Ethiopia, 0.7-1.5 myr), and Anabo Koma (Djibouti, approximate to 1.6 myr) suggest that in vivo carbon and oxygen isotope compositions are preserved in most cases. Moreover, in all three regions, modern, patterns of C-3 versus C-4 grass dominance were present within the Pleistocene.
This book aims to present fossil horses in a modern context that makes use of the recent advances in palaeontology and related disciplines. The emphasis is on fossil horses from North America because the principal evolutionary history of this group occurred there. The majority of the book is intended to be a synthesis of previous work but some original research results are also included. The book is organized into several informal sections: chapters 1-4 provide an extended introductory background; chapters 5-7 cover the systematics and distribution of horses in time and space; chapters 8-10 examine how fossil horses contribute to an understanding of processes and patterns in evolution; the final section, chapters 11-13, discusses functional morphology and ecology. Two appendices, on abbreviations used and classification of the Equidae, references, and subject and taxonomic indexes are provided. -G.E.Hodgson
The substrate specificity factor, V cKo/VoKc, of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was determined at ribulosebisphosphate concentrations between 0.63 and 200 μM, at pH values between 7.4 and 8.9, and at temperatures in the range of 5° C to 40° C. The CO2/O2 specificity was the same at all ribulosebisphosphate concentrations and largely independent of pH. With increasing temperature, the specificity decreased from values of about 160 at 5° C to about 50 at 40° C. The primary effects of temperature were on K c [Km(CO2)] and V c [Vmax (CO2)], which increased by factors of about 10 and 20, respectively, over the temperature range examined. In contrast, K o [Ki (O2)] was unchanged and V o [Vmax (O2)] increased by a factor of 5 over these temperatures. The CO2 compensation concentrations (Γ) were calculated from specificity values obtained at temperatures between 5° C and 40° C, and were compared with literature values of Γ. Quantitative agreement was found for the calculated and measured Γ values. The observations reported here indicate that the temperature response of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase kinetic parameters accounts for two-thirds of the temperature dependence of the photorespiration/photosynthesis ratio in C3 plants, with the remaining one-third the consequence of differential temperature effects on the solubilities of CO2 and O2.
Responses of the rate of net CO2 assimilation (A) to the intercellular partial pressure of CO2 (p i ) were measured on intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves at different irradiances. These responses were analysed to find the value of p i at which the rate of photosynthetic CO2 uptake equalled that of photorespiratory CO2 evolution. At this CO2 partial pressure (denoted Г), net rate of CO2 assimilation was negative, indicating that there was non-photorespiratory CO2 evolution in the light. Hence Г was lower than the CO2 compensation point, Γ. Estimates of Г were obtained at leaf temperatures from 15 to 30°C, and the CO2/O2 specificity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase (E.C. was calculated from these data, taking into account changes in CO2 and O2 solubilities with temperature. The CO2/O2 specificity decreased with increasing temperature. Therefore we concluded that temperature effects on the ratio of photorespiration to photosynthesis were not solely the consequence of differential effects of temperature on the solubilities of CO2 and O2. Our estimates of the CO2/O2 specificity of RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase are compared with in-vitro measurements by other authors. The rate of nonphotorespiratory CO2 evolution in the light (R d ) was obtained from the value of A at Г. At this low CO2 partial pressure, R d was always less than the rate of CO2 evolution in darkness and appeared to decrease with increasing irradiance. The decline was most marked up to about 100 μmol quanta m(-2) s(-1) and less marked at higher irradiances. At one particular irradiance, however, R d as a proportion of the rate of CO2 evolution in darkness was similar in different leaves and this proportion was unaffected by leaf temperature or by [O2] (ambient and greater). After conditions of high [CO2] and high irradiance for several hours, the rate of CO2 evolution in darkness increased and R d also increased.