
The evolution of agricultural marketing theory: towards better coordination with general marketing theory

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The thesis of this paper is that in agricultural marketing theory the basic approach to marketing problems should be the 'marketing management' approach. In order to substantiate this thesis, the developments in agricultural marketing and general marketing theory are concisely reviewed. The elaboration of marketing management in agricultural marketing is discussed in relation to the properties of the marketing environment and to the marketing capacities of an agricultural marketing system. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

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... The formation and development of marketing theory have led to the gradual transfer of its postulates to the agricultural enterprise activities in developed countries. However, according to Meulenberg (1986), "the evolution of agribusiness marketing approaches to marketing management was somewhat different for the following reasons: individual farmers have limited contacts with the end user and limited ability to manage the marketing mix (price, product, advertising and distribution); agricultural marketing often works within the institutional and technical constraints imposed by government policies; strong attachment of agrarian marketing to economic theory as its scientific background" (Meulenberg, 1986). Kohls and Uhl (2002) scrutinize the issue of food products marketing organization. ...
... The formation and development of marketing theory have led to the gradual transfer of its postulates to the agricultural enterprise activities in developed countries. However, according to Meulenberg (1986), "the evolution of agribusiness marketing approaches to marketing management was somewhat different for the following reasons: individual farmers have limited contacts with the end user and limited ability to manage the marketing mix (price, product, advertising and distribution); agricultural marketing often works within the institutional and technical constraints imposed by government policies; strong attachment of agrarian marketing to economic theory as its scientific background" (Meulenberg, 1986). Kohls and Uhl (2002) scrutinize the issue of food products marketing organization. ...
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Under reducing domestic demand for food in Ukraine and increasing dependence on the world food market, a significant part of quasi-price rent from its sale is assigned by intermediary exporters, thus reducing the welfare of domestic commodity producers and consumers. To mitigate this negative effect, it is necessary to have a carefully designed marketing business strategy. The purpose of this article is to summarize the practice of using the main elements of the marketing complex, analyze the effective management of marketing activities of agricultural producers in Ukraine and determine the main directions for increasing its effectiveness by establishing marketing relations for the product supply. Given the large area of Ukraine and the complexity to obtain monographic data that are not subject to monitoring by the State Statistics Service, the study was conducted using agricultural enterprises of the typical agricultural district, namely Khrystynivka district of Cherkasy region (Ukraine) as an example. It is revealed that the use of marketing tools by agricultural enterprises is limited due to the specifics of commodity products and the managers’ focus on short-term business goals. The analysis of forming and realizing the marketing complex of the district enterprises using the monographic method has shown that enterprises systematically use only elements such as commodity policy and distribution policy, while relying exclusively on retrospective marketing data. Significant increase in the return on marketing costs in the short term can only be achieved if formal or informal associations of commodity producers are formed on a functional-territorial basis. This will create a scale effect and allow each member to reduce transaction costs and get an additional premium. It is proved that while conducting administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine, it is most appropriate to form such associations within the boundaries of the united territorial communities.
... They do not have contacts with the final consumer (Meulenberg, 1986). Therefore they "price-take" (Blobaum, 1987;Meulenberg, 1986;Wossink, 1990;Giles, 1990;White, 1989) This provides confirmation of the argument presented in Chapter Two that "the organisations that are well adapted to their environment wil survive, and those that are not will die" and also that survival and the subsequent success of the farm is determined by its adaptability to changing conditions in the surrounding environment It is clear that both these two theoretical streams focus on the processes of value (i.e. ...
... They do not have contacts with the final consumer (Meulenberg, 1986). Therefore they "price-take" (Blobaum, 1987;Meulenberg, 1986;Wossink, 1990;Giles, 1990;White, 1989) This provides confirmation of the argument presented in Chapter Two that "the organisations that are well adapted to their environment wil survive, and those that are not will die" and also that survival and the subsequent success of the farm is determined by its adaptability to changing conditions in the surrounding environment It is clear that both these two theoretical streams focus on the processes of value (i.e. wealth) extraction. ...
... Greater majority of rural farmers belong to the category of Limited Resource Farmers (LRF). The LRFs usually act as "price-takers" (Meulenberg, 1986;Wossink, 1990) and hence are incapable of influencing prices they receive for their produce (Cornelius, 1988;Giles, 1990). This tendency by the LRF can be taken as a perspective reinforced by the fragmented nature of agricultural production, with many individuals producing similar produce. ...
... The price-taking nature of the LRF strictly limits the room for maneuver their marketing activities (Giles, 1990). This condition has further been aggravated as LRFs have limited capacities for managing the market mix because they have scarce contacts with the final consumer (Meulenberg, 1986). ...
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Commercialization of agricultural sector through diversification into high value agriculture has been identified as a viable strategy for up-scaling the socioeconomic status of poor rural farmers, the success of which is largely dependant upon their degree of market orientation. This study attempted to investigate business orientation of poor farmers in terms of the extent to which they are market as opposed to production oriented, which was also dependant upon their degree of commercial orientation. The study was conducted among 897 poor dry zone farmers. The study first investigated into the commercial versus subsistence orientation of the farmers. The routine decision criteria adopted by farmers that were devoid of market considerations were considered as production orientated whereas the corresponding decisions that deviated from routine production orientation towards greater integration of market considerations were considered as market orientated. A score were assigned from a scale varying from 1 to 6 for both orientations representing the number of production/marketing criteria considered by each farmer in production related decision making. Findings revealed that the overall business orientation of the farmers culminated in production orientation with a little deviation towards market orientation in the case of Other Field Crops (OFCs), which was mainly grown for commercial purposes as opposed to paddy and vegetables that were mainly grown for fulfilling subsistence requirements. This brings about the need for placing a greater emphasis on inculcating market oriented mind sets among farmers for making rural socioeconomic development a reality.
... Various methods can be used to analyze the agricultural marketing system based on theories of industrial organisation and institutional economics (Kouassi et al., 2006). Kohls & Downey (1972), Meulenberg (1986), Kotler (1992), and Kouassi et al. (2006) proposed four methods. According to these authors, there is a distinction between 1) the product approach focused on product transfer flows from producer to consumer; 2) the functional approach focused on services offered by traders and marketing institutions such as trading and facilitation functions; 3) the institutional approach that deals with the study of structure, role, and performance of marketing institutions; 4) and the marketing approach which emphasises that at least one of the parties must take the initiative to meet the expectations of the other parties. ...
... It is partly a reflection of the firm's propensity to innovate, especially when it's the order of the day to see opportunity in every change that comes along. Meulenberg (1986), observes that the times of seeing marketing as economic activity, where the 'marketer is the initiator and controller' of marketing programmes have given way to marketing as 'the exchange of value' placing a consumer at an elevated power position. Consequent to this paradigm shift, the information and persuasion variables are taking lead in customer relationship management debate (Boerman, Willemsen & Van Der Aa 2017;Malthouse et al., 2013;Kaptein & Eckles, 2012). ...
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Purpose: Even when soft drink production as an entrepreneurial activity has had tremendous impact on society, it continues to face heightened challenges as the world Corona Virus pandemic continues. The choice of a relevant communication strategy however will influence how they attain their goals. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between interactive marketing practices and market performance of soft drink enterprises in Kigali City, Rwanda. Methodology: Cross-sectional design was employed in this study to collect data on samples at a point in time. Simple random sampling technique helped researchers to select 322 soft drink enterprises in Kigali city and data was collected using structured self-administered questionnaire and interview guide in line with critical realism philosophy. Zero-order Pearson correlation analysis was used to test the set hypothesis and regression techniques for prediction. Findings: Results revealed that interactive marketing practices have a positive and significant association with market performance (r=.267, p<.01). Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study uniquely contributes to interactivity literature by providing further evidence on the positive relationship that exist between interactive marketing practices and market performance in a soft drink setting in Kigali City. Managers in these enterprises will acquire new insights related to the significance of interactive marketing practices in achieving their promotional and performance objectives. It was recommended that soft drink enterprises orient their strategic decisions towards disseminating their marketing information using interactive communication channels. This has been found out by this study to help them maintain warm relationship with their clients which has future sales leads and profitability implications.
... Unequivocally, in the conditions of market relations the role of marketing in business structures at maintenance of their steady market positions and acquisition of consumer advantages should not be underestimated [10]. However, the development and further implementation of marketing programs of the enterprise require appropriate financial support for a long period of time. ...
... Ár-és elosztás orientált marketing (3) Teljes marketing (4) Forrás: Meulenberg, 1986 ...
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A helyi, rövid élelmiszerláncok témakörében végzett kutatások tanúsága szerint a hazai élelmiszerfogyasztók között növekszik az a réteg, amely egyre fontosabbnak tartja a minőségi jellemzők között a termékek hagyományos előállításmódját, származását, de emellett a termelővel való közvetlen kapcsolatot is. A hazai élelmiszerpiacon tehát egyre nagyobb a létjogosultsága a hagyományos, tájjellegű valamint a helyben termelt vagy feldolgozott kézműves termékeknek. A régióban előállított élelmiszerek különleges minősége, termelési hagyományai, a gasztronómiai kultúra szervesen hozzátartoznak az adott régió identitását megtestesítő és megőrzését elősegítő jellemzőkhöz. A termelők, fogyasztók és régióban élők érdekeit egyaránt szolgálja az élelmiszerek eredet-megjelölésének ésvédelmének szabályozása az EU-ban, melynek hazai alkalmazását a Hagyományok-Ízek-Régiók (HÍR) gyűjteménye és védjegye alapozza meg. Az adatbázisban szereplő termékek fontos részei az Európai identitásnak és a hazai nemzeti-kulturális örökségnek egyaránt. A tanulmány egy tágabb körű vizsgálat részeként, néhány kiválasztott nemzetközi és hazai szakirodalom megállapításaira valamint egy Dél-Dunántúli hentesáru kisvállalkozás helyzetéről készített esettanulmányra építve körvonalazza a hagyományos, vagy eredeti élelmiszer terméket előállító vállalkozások piaci és marketing sajátosságait.
... Jak dowodzą Chotkowski i Deluga 103 pierwsze działania o charakterze marketingowym zostały zastosowane około 1850 roku w USA przez Cyrusa McCormicka 104 , który był wynalazcą i producentem żniwiarki. Od tej pory teoria marketingu ogólnego wykorzystywała zasady przez niego wypracowane 105 , by później, szczególnie w fazie globalizacji być przydatną w rozwoju nowych koncepcji marketingu rolnego 106 . Wpływają na nie poziom kosztów i cen, które na wewnętrznym rynku są atrakcyjne zarówno dla producentów, jak i nabywców. ...
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Streszczenie W przedstawionej pracy autor analizował stan rozwoju przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w sektorze agrobiznesu i jego determinanty. Faza transformacji polskiej gospodarki utwierdziła analityków rynku rolnego w przekonaniu, że poziom funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego jest zależny od stanu rozwoju agrobiznesu. Czynnikami szczególnie istotnymi w jego rozwoju są sprawne i elastyczne funkcjonowanie mechanizmu rynkowego oraz zdolność do szybkiego reagowania na wszelkie zmiany. Współpraca, konkurencja oraz konieczność skonfrontowania i weryfikacji funkcjonowania w grupie przedsiębiorstw na arenie międzynarodowej mogą być stymulatorem dla ich rozwoju, poszerzenia produkcji i zdobywania nowych rynków zbytu. Objęcie polskiego rolnictwa mechanizmami WPR stworzyło potencjalne możliwości poprawy sytuacji dochodowej rolnictwa, a poprawa poziomu życia i dochodów rolników po akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej stała się niepodważalnym faktem. Konstrukcja rozprawy została określona na podstawie wyznaczonego celu oraz przedmiotu analizy merytorycznej. Analiza ma charakter teoretyczno – empiryczny, a weryfikacja hipotez badawczych została przeprowadzona z wykorzystaniem narzędzi statystycznych i ekonometrycznych. Praca autora stanowi krytyczny wkład w dział nauki ekonomii poświęcony problematyce funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w sektorze agrobiznesu. Sektor rolno – spożywczy stanowi jeden z największych działów polskiej gospodarki, jak również największy dział przemysłu i zapewnia bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe, jako wyrażające dążenie międzynarodowej społeczności do usunięcia rażących regionalnych różnic w zaspakajaniu głodu. Celem metodologicznym pracy (teoretycznym) było kompleksowe zaprezentowanie aktualnego stanu funkcjonowania sektora agrobiznesu i przeanalizowanie wpływu kluczowych czynników warunkujących rozwój przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego. W przeprowadzonych badaniach spróbowano potwierdzić tezę A. Wosia, że „…sektor agrobiznesu to dobrze zorganizowany kompleks gospodarki żywnościowej, który oznacza powiązanie ze sobą ogniw gospodarki narodowej bezpośrednio lub pośrednio uczestniczących w wytwarzaniu i dystrybucji żywności”. Głównym celem niniejszej rozprawy była analiza i ocena rozwoju przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w sektorze agrobiznesu oraz przedstawienie determinant ograniczających jego funkcjonowanie. Okresem badawczym objęto fazę transformacji polskiej gospodarki wraz z okresem przedakcesyjnym oraz początkową fazę pełnego członkostwa. Realizacji głównego celu służyły cele szczegółowe, a mianowicie: analiza aktualnego stanu i rozwoju agrobiznesu w polskiej gospodarce rynkowej, określenie roli jaką współczesny agrobiznes pełni w rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego, charakterystyka wybranych czynników warunkujących rozwój przedsiębiorstw przemysłu – rolno – spożywczego, diagnoza ekonomiczna przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego, przedstawienie możliwości programowania rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w aspekcie wybranych czynników, ocena aspektów strategicznych rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego przez kadrę kierowniczą, analiza szans realizacji strategii rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego na tle przeprowadzonych badań. Podstawowym przedmiotem badania był sektor agrobiznesu. Definicję sektora możemy przyjąć za M.E. Porterem, która mówi, że sektor to część przemysłu grupująca przedsiębiorstwa produkujące wyroby i usługi o podobnym przeznaczeniu i sprzedające je na tym samym geograficznie rynku. Aby przedstawić aktualne status qwo tychże przedsiębiorstw dokonano ich diagnozy w ujęciu ekonomicznym i organizacyjnym. Samo diagnozowanie organizacji jest oczywiste i akceptowane w praktyce zarządzania. Polega na przedstawieniu cech charakterystycznych (patologii) występujących w organizacji oraz przedstawieniu ich klasyfikacji w postaci określonego zestawu. J. Zieleniewski przyjął, że „…diagnoza pozwala ustalić priorytet potrzeb, które mają być w danym systemie zaspokojone. Głównym celem diagnozy badanego sektora było ustalenie jego „mocnych i słabych stron” oraz ocena stosowanych w nim metod i sposobów działania. Jest to badanie rozpoznawcze stanu faktycznego i jako działanie celowe zmierza do postawienia hipotez oraz postulatów, co do kierunku, zakresu i sposobu zmiany obiektu ocenianego jako nieprawidłowy. Przedmiot analizy rozprawy dotyczył sprawdzenia hipotezy głównej i hipotez szczegółowych, które zostały zweryfikowane w wyniku przeprowadzonych badań. Jako główną hipotezę badawczą przyjęto, że „czynniki wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne warunkują stan, efektywność ekonomiczną i rozwój przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w sektorze agrobiznesu”. W oparciu o hipotezę główną, jako uzupełniające przyjęto następujące hipotezy szczegółowe: o jakości przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego decydują warunki ekonomiczne i polityczne, ilość i jakość kapitału ludzkiego gromadzonego w przedsiębiorstwach rolno – spożywczych decyduje o ich strukturze i poziomie rozwoju, determinantą określającą zdolność konkurencyjną wewnętrzną i międzynarodową przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego są rozwiązania instytucjonalne, ingerencja państwa w funkcjonowanie sektora agrobiznesu poprzez instrumenty polityki społecznej i gospodarczej sprzyja generowaniu rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego, finansowa pomoc unijna zaktywizowała rozwój agrobiznesu i restrukturyzację rolnictwa, integracja Polski z Unią Europejską zainicjowała szansę modernizacji polskich przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego poprzez likwidację pozataryfowych barier handlowych, wzrost wzajemnych obrotów, napływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych i przepływ technologii. Prezentowane opracowanie składa się z siedmiu rozdziałów. Pierwsze trzy wprowadzające rozdziały, to teoretyczno – metodyczne przedstawienie teorii agrobiznesu i jego roli w rozwoju współczesnej gospodarki. Na wstępie wyodrębniono agrobiznes jako dział nauk ekonomicznych, jego genezę i stan aktualny. W przedstawionej pracy autor analizuje najważniejsze kategorie ekonomiczne – konkurencję, konkurencyjność, pozycję konkurencyjną i międzynarodową zdolność konkurencyjną przedsiębiorstw. Stwierdza, że konkurencyjność sektora rolnego i gospodarstw rolnych determinowana jest uwarunkowaniami zewnętrznymi, a zwłaszcza polityką makroekonomiczną. Dla zobrazowania stanu atrakcyjności sektora i jego działów wykonano analizę aktualnego stanu rolnictwa, rybołówstwa, leśnictwa, przemysłu spożywczego, przemysłu środków produkcji, usług materialnych oraz obrotu towarowego. Nakreślono podstawowe cele przedsiębiorstw w każdym dziale, stan ich zasobów oraz sporządzono ocenę otoczenia rynkowego. Przeprowadzona analiza umożliwiła wyznaczenie miejsca polskich przedsiębiorstw agrobiznesu w Unii Europejskiej i świecie oraz zaprezentowanie roli przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w łańcuchu żywnościowym. Szczególnie istotne znaczenie dla zbadania głównej hipotezy badawczej niniejszej pracy miało określenie czynników zewnętrznych, wewnętrznych i systemowych warunkujących stan, efektywność ekonomiczną oraz rozwój przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w sektorze agrobiznesu. Temu zagadnieniu poświęcono trzeci rozdział, w którym merytorycznie wyeksponowano wpływ uwarunkowań makroekonomicznych i instytucjonalnych. W pracy ukazano znaczącą rolę otoczenia agrobiznesu, którego czynniki warunkują jego funkcjonowanie. Są to czynniki o charakterze ekonomicznym, politycznym, społecznym i technologicznym. Pozytywne znaczenie mogą mieć zinstytucjonalizowane formy działań zbiorowych np. w postaci ruchu spółdzielczego (banki spółdzielcze, spółdzielnie rolnicze) lub grup marketingowych i producenckich, mające przynieść szybsze osiągnięcie prognozowanych pozytywnych przemian polskiej wsi. W rozprawie poruszono problem wpływu globalizacji na agrobiznes w gospodarce krajów europejskich i na świecie. Obecnie spotykamy się z rozwojem światowej gospodarki rolniczo – żywnościowej, szczególnie w trzech wysoko rozwiniętych regionach świata (Ameryka Północna, Europa Zachodnia, Japonia). Doświadczenia wysokorozwiniętych państw mogą służyć jako wzorce przeprowadzenia przemian i celowego rozwoju sektora agrobiznesu. Takie podejście pozwala na uniknięcie popełnienia błędów w kształtowaniu zasad i strategii rozwojowych. W tym rozdziale wyeksponowano też rolę kapitału ludzkiego, jako niezbędnego czynnika zapewniającego rozwój przedsiębiorstw. Ponadto zauważono, że o miejscu i roli przedsiębiorstw w polskiej gospodarce świadczy także notowanie ich akcji na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie, co jest postrzegane jako czynnik wzrostu ich konkurencyjności, zdobywanie wiarygodności i prestiżu. Następne trzy rozdziały to empiryczno – statystyczne przedstawienie efektywności i konkurencyjności firm sektora agrobiznesu oraz przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w Polsce w okresie przedakcesyjnym. Przewagę konkurencyjną przedsiębiorstwa tworzą często zasoby o charakterze niematerialnym: reputacja, marka, lojalność klientów i pracowników, system organizacji, kompetencje i umiejętności, kultura organizacyjna, umiejętność kooperacji i współpracy oraz informacje. Część empiryczna jest uzupełnieniem nurtu teoretycznego i obejmuje badanie przedsiębiorstw spożywczych w ujęciu krajowym pod względem efektywności, ale także dotyczy oceny kluczowych czynników warunkujących ich funkcjonowanie w województwie małopolskim. Badanie efektywności zostało przeprowadzone na podstawie danych rachunkowych wszystkich firm zajmujących się agrobiznesem w Polsce i przedkładających sprawozdania finansowe. Przeprowadzono diagnozę przedsiębiorstw wszystkich działów sektora agrobiznesu i branż przemysłu rolno – spożywczego. W każdym dziale sektora agrobiznesu i w każdej z branż przemysłu rolno – spożywczego wyodrębniono grupę przedsiębiorstw najlepszych, średnich i najsłabszych w latach 1998-2002. Okres przeprowadzonych badań został wybrany jako końcowa faza przekształceń transformacyjnych przystosowujących polską gospodarkę do warunków funkcjonowania w grupie państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Przeprowadzone badania wyznaczyły ogólny poziom funkcjonowania wszystkich członów agrobiznesu warunkujących jego niezawodność i sprawność. Oprócz badań diagnostycznych oceniono i scharakteryzowano stan i poziom funkcjonowania wszystkich działów sektora agrobiznesu i branż przemysłu spożywczego pod względem jakościowym. Badania diagnostyczne zostały wykonane na podstawie analizy bilansów sprawozdań finansowych podmiotów gospodarczych polskiego sektora agrobiznesu i przemysłu rolno – spożywczego, a scenariusz rozwoju zestawiono na podstawie roczników statystycznych GUS i studiów literatury przedmiotu. W rozprawie przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych, które opracowano na podstawie kwestionariusza ankiety dotyczącego wpływu uwarunkowań rynkowych na funkcjonowanie i rozwój przedsiębiorstw w przemyśle rolno – spożywczym. Badania empiryczne związane z realizacją ankiety oraz badania o charakterze bezpośrednim przeprowadzano z osobami pełniącymi najważniejsze funkcje w firmach przemysłu rolno spożywczego na terenie województwa małopolskiego. Dokonano szczegółowej kwantyfikacji i doboru zmiennych oraz prezentacji metod umożliwiających wyznaczenie hierarchii zmiennych (czynników) decydujących o rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych wywiadów podjęto próbę analizy i oceny najważniejszych problemów dotyczących funkcjonowania firm, w wyniku czego stworzono hierarchizację uwarunkowań kluczowych czynników wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych określających stan, efektywność ekonomiczną i rozwój przedsiębiorstw przemysłu spożywczego. Jako kwestię priorytetową przyjęto konieczność współuczestnictwa samorządów i przedsiębiorców w tworzeniu globalnej strategii rozwoju przemysłu rolno – spożywczego. Stwierdzono, że jedną z najważniejszych determinant określającą zdolność konkurencyjną wewnętrzną i międzynarodową przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego są rozwiązania instytucjonalne, a ingerencja państwa w funkcjonowanie agrobiznesu przez instrumenty polityki społecznej i gospodarczej sprzyja generowaniu ich rozwoju. Przeprowadzenie diagnozy funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw sektora agrobiznesu i przemysłu rolno – spożywczego umożliwiło w rozdziale szóstym i siódmym podjęcie próby wyznaczenia kierunków ich rozwoju w Polsce. Sporządzono możliwe strategie rozwoju dla przedsiębiorstw w aspekcie hipotetycznego scenariusza rozwoju sektora oraz jego otoczenia. Niewątpliwy wpływ na aktualny kształt przyjętych strategii oraz ich przyszłe kreowanie będzie miała strategia zrównoważonego rozwoju i przyjęty 6 września 2005r. przez Radę Ministrów Narodowy Plan Rozwoju na lata 2007-2013 zmodyfikowany w Strategię Rozwoju Kraju 2007-2015. Szerzej na ten temat traktuje rozdział szósty, który przedstawia programowanie rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego w sektorze agrobiznesu. W rozdziale siódmym opisano aspekty strategiczne rozwoju przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno-spożywczego w sektorze agrobiznesu. Nakreślono możliwości wykorzystania metod scenariuszowych w badaniu rozwoju polskiego agrobiznesu oraz opracowano scenariusz wpływu makrootoczenia na rozwój przedsiębiorstw przemysłu rolno – spożywczego. Podkreślono rolę krajowych instytucji we wdrażaniu strategii, w aspekcie realizacji Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej Unii Europejskiej. Pracę podsumowują wnioski wynikające z przeprowadzonych badań i dokonanej analizy merytorycznej. Wśród proponowanych przekształceń wyeksponowano konieczność wprowadzenia zmian w zasobach, strukturach, systemach, procesach i technologii oraz usprawnienie funkcji kierowniczych. Podniesiono kwestię organizacji pracy według procesów (reenginieering), wykorzystanie szeroko rozumianego benchmarkingu, logistyki, outsourcingu, zarządzania wiedzą, wprowadzania nowoczesnych technik i technologii, zdobywania certyfikatów jakości dotyczących produkcji i wyrobu oraz wprowadzania zarządzania przez jakość. Summaries: In this work, the author analyses the development of the food industry in the agribusiness sector and its determinants. The transformation phase of the Polish economy has confirmed agriculture market analysts in their belief that the performance of food industry enterprises is dependent upon the level of development of agribusiness. The key factors in its development are an efficient and flexible market mechanism and the capacity to react quickly to all changes. Co-operation, competition, and the need to confront and verify their operations with enterprises on the international arena, may stimulate their development and help them expand production and acquire new sales markets. The fact that Polish agriculture has become subject to CAP mechanisms means that there is potential for improving agricultural incomes. Improvement in farmers’ incomes and standards of living following Poland’s accession to the European Union is an indisputable fact. This work has been structured according to its designated goal and the subject of the analysis. The analysis is theoretical and empirical, and the research hypotheses have been verified using statistical and econometric tools. The author’s work constitutes a critical contribution to that branch of economics devoted to the operation of food industry enterprises in the agribusiness sector. The food sector is one of the largest branches of the Polish economy; it is also the largest branch of industry. It ensures food security, thus reflecting the aim of the international community to eliminate extreme regional differences in the satisfaction of hunger. The work comprises seven chapters. The first three, introductory chapters constitute a theoretical and methodological presentation of agribusiness theory and its role in the development of modern economies. First, agribusiness is identified as a branch of economics, and its evolution and current state is described. The author analyses the most important economic categories – competition, competitiveness, competitive position, and the international competitive capacity of enterprises. He states that the competitiveness of the agriculture sector and farms is determined by external factors, in particular, by macroeconomic policy. In order to depict the attractiveness of the sector and its branches, the author analyses the current state of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, the food industry, the machine industry, material services and commodity turnover. The author identifies the key goals and resources of enterprises in each branch, and assesses the market environment. The conducted analysis enables the author to determine the place of Polish agribusiness enterprises in the European Union and in the world, and to present the role of the food industry in the food chain. Of key importance in verifying the main research hypotheses of this work was determining the external, internal, and systemic factors governing the condition, economic effectiveness, and development of food industry enterprises in the agribusiness sector. This issue is addressed in chapter 3, in which the impact of macroeconomic and institutional factors is explained. The author reveals the important role of the agribusiness environment, whose factors have an impact on how agribusiness operates. These factors are economic, political, social and technological. A positive impact can be exerted by institutionalised forms of collective action, such as the co-operative movement (cooperative banks, agricultural cooperatives) or marketing and producers’ groups, whose purpose is to help achieve more rapidly the expected positive transformations in the Polish countryside. In this work, the author addresses the problem of the impact of globalisation on agribusiness in European and world economies. Currently, we are witnessing the development of a global food economy, especially in the three most highly-developed regions of the world (North America, Western Europe, Japan). The experiences of highly-developed countries may serve as a paradigm for conducting transformations and targeted development in the agribusiness sector. Such an approach enables mistakes in the creation of development rules and strategies to be avoided. The author also presents the role of human capital as a key factor in ensuring the development of enterprises. Furthermore, he notes that the place and role of enterprises in the Polish economy is also attested by their listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, which is perceived as evidence of their increasing competitiveness, credibility and prestige. The next three chapters constitute an empirical and statistical presentation of the effectiveness and competitiveness of firms in the Polish agribusiness sector and food industry during the pre-accession period. A firm’s competitive advantage is often based on intangible resources: reputation, brand, customer and employee loyalty, the system of organisation, competencies and skills, organisational culture, the capacity for co-operation, and information. The empirical part of the work supplements the theoretical part and includes an analysis of food enterprises across Poland in terms of their effectiveness and an assessment of the key factors governing the performance of enterprises in the Małopolskie region. The analysis of enterprise effectiveness was conducted on the basis of accounting data for firms involved in agribusiness in Poland that submit financial reports. The author looked at enterprises in all branches of the agribusiness sector and all branches of the food industry. He identified the best, average and weakest enterprises for the years 1998-2002 in each branch of the agribusiness sector and each branch of the food industry. The selected period for the research was the final phase of the transformations adjusting the Polish economy to the conditions under which European Union member states operate. The research determined the general level of performance of all segments of agribusiness that have an impact on its reliability and efficiency. Aside from diagnostic research, the author assessed and characterised the current state and performance of all branches of the agribusiness sector and all branches of the food industry in terms of quality. The diagnostic analysis was conducted on the basis of financial reports for all economic entities in the Polish agribusiness sector and food industry, while the development scenario was put together on the basis of statistical yearbooks published by the National Statistical Office (GUS) and a review of the relevant subject literature. In this work, the author presents the results of his own research, prepared on the basis of a questionnaire survey concerning the impact of market conditions on the performance and development of enterprises in the food industry. The empirical research for the questionnaire survey, as well as direct research, was carried out amongst people holding top positions in food industry companies in the Małopolskie region. The author carried out a detailed quantification and selection of variables and presentation of methods. This enabled him to identify a hierarchy of variables (factors) that determine the development of food industry enterprises. On the basis of the conducted interviews, the author attempted to analyse and assess the main problems relating to the performance of enterprises, as a result of which he was able to create a hierarchy of key internal and external factors governing the current state, economic effectiveness, and development of food industry enterprises. The need for local governments and entrepreneurs to co-operate in the creation of a global development strategy for the food industry was treated as a priority issue. The author found that one of the most important determinants of the domestic and international competitive capacity of food industry enterprises is institutional solutions, and that state intervention in agribusiness, through the use of social and economic policy instruments, is conducive to the growth of those enterprises. The author’s analysis of the performance of enterprises in the agribusiness sector and food industry enabled him, in chapters 6 and 7, to attempt to determine their development trajectories in Poland. He devised possible development strategies for enterprises according to a hypothetical development scenario for the sector and its environment. The sustainable growth strategy and the National Development Plan for the Years 2007-2013, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 6 September 2005 and later modified in the National Development Strategy 2007-2015, will undoubtedly have an impact on the current shape of adopted strategies and their future creation. This subject is dealt with in greater detail in chapter 6, which presents the development programming of food industry enterprises in the agribusiness sector. In chapter 7, the author describes strategic aspects of the development of food industry enterprises in the agribusiness sector. He emphasises the possibility of using scenario methods to analyse the development of Polish agribusiness and presents a scenario for the impact of the macroenvironment on the development of food industry enterprises. The author stresses the role of domestic institutions in implementing strategies in accordance with the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy. The work ends with conclusions based on the conducted research and substantive analysis. Among the proposed transformations, the author emphasises the need to introduce changes in resources, structures, systems, processes and technologies, and to streamline management functions. He raises the issues of work organisation based on processes (reenginieering), the use of benchmarking, logistics, outsourcing and knowledge management, the introduction of modern techniques and technologies, the acquisition of quality control certificates for products and production methods, and the implementation of quality management.
... -The structure of farming consists of thousands of small businesses in which individual farmers have little contact with the consumer and are characterised by a limited capacity to manage the agricultural marketing mix of product, price, promotion and distribution (Meulenberg, 1986;Ritson, 1986). ...
Following the previous paper,. the authors enter in the details of production and marketing of olive oil and wine products. A new methodology is presented in order to assess the potential impact of improved commercialisation
... utz et al., 1995 . While small traders operating in maize markets can be characterized as Alimited marketing firmsB traders operating on a larger scale, such as interregional traders, can be termed as Aprice-and distribution-oriented firmsB. Under these conditions, competition is Ž generated through efficiencies in logistics and competitive prices Muelenberg, . 1986 . Recent studies of the Ghanaian food markets have failed to confirm the widespread view that long distance traders with tied transaction with food crop farmers may, in fact, keep farmers at a bargaining disadvantage and extract monopsony profits, neither was it possible to substantiate the argument that increased profits are generated ...
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This paper utilizes recently developed threshold cointegration tests that allow for asymmetric adjustment toward a long-run equilibrium relationship to examine price linkages between principal maize markets in Ghana. Unlike previous studies, the approach employed here assumes that economic agents only act to move the system back to equilibrium when the deviation from equilibrium exceeds a critical threshold, whereby the benefits of this adjustment exceed the costs. The findings indicate that major maize markets in Ghana are well integrated. Both the threshold cointegration and asymmetric error correction models reveal that wholesale maize prices in local markets (Accra and Bolgatanga) respond more swiftly to increases than to decreases in central market (Techiman) prices. Accra prices are found to react faster than Bolgatanga prices to changes in Techiman market prices.
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Tarım, insanların ihtiyaç duyduğu temel gıdaları üreterek yaşamlarını sürdürmelerine yardımcı olmaktadır. Küresel ekonominin en kritik sektörlerinden biri olan tarım, ekonomik kalkınmanın da yapıtaşını oluşturmaktadır. Tarımsal pazarlama, çiftçiler tarafından üretilen ürünlerin, çiftliklerden nihai tüketicilere taşınmasında yer alan tüm işlemleri ve bunları yürüten kurumları ve kişileri kapsamaktadır. Tarımsal pazarlama, ilk tarımsal üretim noktasından nihai tüketicinin eline geçene kadar ürün/ hizmet akışında yer alan tüm ticari faaliyetlerdir. Tarımsal pazarlama, tarım sektörünün büyümesinin ana itici gücüdür. Tarımsal pazarlama, işsizliğin azaltılması, çiftlik gelirlerinde artış, tarıma dayalı endüstrilerin büyümesi, yurtiçi ve yurtdışı pazarlara erişimi genişletme gibi birçok avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma tarımsal pazarlama için geniş bir teorik bir çerçeve oluşturmaya odaklanmaktadır. Ayrıca, çalışma, tarımsal pazarlamanın faydaları, tarımsal pazarlamada karşılaşılan zorluklar ve tarımsal pazarlama stratejilerini de inceleyerek pazarlama yöneticilerine ve kamu yetkililerine ilgili kararları alırken yardımcı olmayı hedeflemektedir Agriculture helps people survive by producing the basic foods they need. Agriculture, one of the most critical sectors of the global economy, is also the building block of economic development. Agricultural marketing encompasses all the operations involved in the transport of products produced by farmers from farms to final consumers, and the institutions and individuals who carry out them. Agricultural marketing is all commercial activities in the product/service flow from the first agricultural production point to the final consumer. Agricultural marketing is the main driver of the growth of the agricultural sector. Agricultural marketing provides many advantages such as reducing unemployment, increasing farm income, growing agro-based industries, expanding access to domestic and international markets. This study focuses on establishing a broad theoretical framework for agricultural marketing. In addition, the study aims to assist marketing managers and public authorities in making relevant decisions by examining the benefits of agricultural marketing, the challenges faced in agricultural marketing, and agricultural marketing strategies
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At the present stage of economic development, the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine is one of the most important parts of the economic systems of most countries with market economies. It is developing in conditions of high energy security, the use of a wide range of agronomic techniques, greening based on the use of modern energy and environmental technologies, methods and ways of managing agro-industrial enterprises. The production base of the agro-industrial sphere is based on an extensive infrastructure network and a system of research support for its development. Ways of development of the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine include balanced and interconnected structural restructuring of all its branches, maximum introduction into production of the most important achievements of scientific and technological progress, world experience, the most progressive forms of economy and organization of production. property, including the deepening of land ownership relations and the introduction of mechanisms for the realization of property rights; privatization of processing enterprises; restructuring of enterprises and forms of management; development of cooperation; introduction of market management methods - management and marketing; state regulation of the agricultural economy through more efficient use of price levers, financial and credit and tax systems; development of markets for agricultural products, material and technical resources and services; intensification and diversification of foreign economic activity, etc. The priority of the development of the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine and its leading industries makes it possible to provide the population with foodstuffs, industry with raw materials, and foreign trade with export goods.
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The term agricultural marketing is composed of two words-agriculture and marketing. Agriculture, we can think about the soil, the forests, the sea, so it includes all the primary activities of production systems in relation to animal, plant, food production. But, generally, it is used to mean growing and/or raising crops and livestock. The study of agricultural marketing comprises all the operations, and the agencies conducting them, involved in the movement of farm-produced foods, raw materials and their derivatives, such as textiles, from the farms to the final consumers, and the effects of such operations on farmers, middlemen and consumers. In our primer research a questionnaire was made by us. The topic of the questionnaire was the consumption of these local products and the knowledge about the common agricultural marketing. The main group of our research was the graduated people, we think, they have more information and income, so they attitude is positive for these products. We have known, the most of the participants had heard about the agricultural marketing, but the main institute, AMC not yet. The problems with the local products – in the opinion of the participants are: higher price, less choice, no too comfortable shopping.
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As in many other sectors, major changes are taking place in all parts of agribusiness. On the demand side consumers play the leading part. Consumers are changing their life styles, eating habits, shopping preferences, and attitudes. The consumer wants tasty products that: have built-in convenience; come in small portions; offer a lot of variation; meet ever higher health, safety, and animal welfare standards; and can be bought at places and times that suit her, and increasingly him, best.
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Highlighting the gap between the theories of agricultural marketing and general marketing: that the former has developed with a policy orientation, whereas the latter with a business one, this article argues the necessity of a marketing management approach for international marketing of fresh produce. The empirical investigations incorporate excerpts of seven case studies on international marketing of fresh fruit and vegetables from Belgium, Chile, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, and Turkey. Each case has been investigated in terms of specific marketing management components, and a brief demonstration of product, price, distribution, and promotion concepts in modern marketing has been made for fresh produce. It is concluded that international marketing of fresh produce through the adoption of marketing management provides scope for academic contributions as well as commercial practices.
Agribusiness industries face a stiff competition originating mainly from the EU trade barrier’s removal and the rapidly changing marketing environment of the single European market. Therefore, certain need has been identified towards the development and proper utilization of updated market research tools and methodologies in the field of agricultural marketing. The aim of this paper is to show the usefulness of multicriteria approach in analyzing consumer’s preference data and its ability to support new product development processes by agricultural firms. The paper outlines first the philosophy of agricultural marketing by emphasizing on the features, which differentiate it from general marketing. Several methodological issues in agricultural marketing are then presented through a state-of-the art survey. Then, the paper develops a consumer-based methodology to support product development decisions where the key-role is played to determine the preference model which explains a single consumer’s ranking; a decision support system summarizes the analysis on the whole set of interviewed consumers to prescribe the `ideal' profile of a new product and to simulate its penetration strategy into the market. Results from the application of the methodology to a survey data base coming from the Paris olive oil market are presented. Finally, the paper concludes with some recommendations about marketing practice in agribusiness.
The present study examines the way consumers form their purchase intentions for organic products using the concepts of perceived quality and value. A model of relationships among quality cues, evaluative judgments, and willingness to buy for organic foodstuff is then developed and explored empirically with respect to biological olive oil. The data provide support for the critical importance of perceived value on consumers' purchase intention. The discussion centres on theoretical and especially managerial implications for organically and naturally produced food.
A properly functioning market for agricultural products is generally perceived as the best organisational structure to achieve more efficient decisions of producers, consumers and traders (cf. Bardhan, 1990). However, efficient trade does not automatically follow from spatial differentiation between production and consumption and a network of connecting markets. A mix of institutional regulations coordinates the exchange process. In this respect, the question is not to choose between the two extremes — market or government planned system — but to develop the right institutional environment that facilitates exchange and market performance. Getting prices right is a major objective in agricultural policies (cf. Timmer, 1986). Nevertheless, it is not easy to determine the right mix of market freedom and government intervention to realise the optimum outcome (cf. Killick, 1989). “The challenge for the 1990s is to balance the enabling macro-economic environment with sound sectoral policies and the alleviation of micro-economic constraints” (Lele, 1992, p.576).
This article is concerned with the subject of agricultural marketing and how it has developed down a different, and longer, path than modem business marketing. It is argued that the applied economics character of agricultural marketing can be elucidated by viewing the controllable variables of the marketing mix in the context of economic theory; and that the traditional subject matter of agricultural marketing can be placed in a modern business marketing framework, It is suggested that the increasing propensity to view agricultural marketing as applications of modern marketing principles to agricultural and food businesses is a consequence of the evolution in patterns of demand for food products; and that a degree of convergence between marketing and agricultural marketing is partly associated with marketing ‘maturing’ as a subject, embracing issues and approaches long familiar to agricultural marketing.
This paper reviews the methodology used to study the price integration process in spatially separated spot markets, and applies it to the Benin maize market. An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model is derived to take into account the sluggishness of price adjustments. Hypothesis testing concerns stationarity and both long- and short-run integration of the price series. Long-term integration is tested with co-integration analysis. Error correction models are used to test for short-run integration and to estimate the speed of price adjustment. It is concluded that the arbitrage system is functioning, but with a significant time lag for several markets. This implies that there is scope for improving market performance.
Is a general theory of marketing possible? If so, what would it look like? This article (1) briefly examines the nature of theory in marketing, (2) explores the characteristics of general theories in the philosophy of science, (3) proposes what a general theory of marketing would attempt to explain and predict, (4) delineates the structure of general theories, both in and of marketing, and (5) evaluates the status of general theories in/of marketing.
Following the 1974 sugar shortage prices of presweetened cereal rose by 24% in nine months. This natural price experiment is analyzed to illustrate how events of this type can be used to estimate price elasticity. The results show a relatively high price elasticity for presweetened cereals compared to the cereal category as a whole.
Challenges agricultural economists and policy makers to consider the more important issues facing our contemporary economic system. Argues that change is needed within the agricultural economics profession to deal with problems outside the farm structure.-after Author
Static analysis concerned with the economically optimal expenditure on advertising in the long run. When supplies are uncontrolled, the variables are: the price elasticity of demand, the long-run effects of advertising expenditures on demand, the price elasticity of industry supply, the nature and extent of external economies or diseconomies of scale to the industry, and the rate of return on alternative forms of investment.
Now nearing its 60th printing in English and translated into nineteen languages, Michael E. Porter's Competitive Strategy has transformed the theory, practice, and teaching of business strategy throughout the world. Electrifying in its simplicity -- like all great breakthroughs -- Porter's analysis of industries captures the complexity of industry competition in five underlying forces. Porter introduces one of the most powerful competitive tools yet developed: his three generic strategies -- lowest cost, differentiation, and focus -- which bring structure to the task of strategic positioning. He shows how competitive advantage can be defined in terms of relative cost and relative prices, thus linking it directly to profitability, and presents a whole new perspective on how profit is created and divided. In the almost two decades since publication, Porter's framework for predicting competitor behavior has transformed the way in which companies look at their rivals and has given rise to the new discipline of competitor assessment. More than a million managers in both large and small companies, investment analysts, consultants, students, and scholars throughout the world have internalized Porter's ideas and applied them to assess industries, understand competitors,, and choose competitive positions. The ideas in the book address the underlying fundamentals of competition in a way that is independent of the specifics of the ways companies go about competing. Competitive Strategy has filled a void in management thinking. It provides an enduring foundation and grounding point on which all subsequent work can be built. By bringing a disciplined structure to the question of how firms achieve superior profitability, Porter's rich frameworks and deep insights comprise a sophisticated view of competition unsurpassed in the last quarter-century. Book Description Publication Date: June 1, 1998 | ISBN-10: 0684841487 | ISBN-13: 978-0684841489 | Edition: 1 Clique Aqui
Model implementation starts with introductory steps that include orienting management, forming a team, selecting and formulating a problem, calibrating the model, and initial use. Then on-going steps take over with firefighting, tracking and diagnosis, updating and evolution, and re-use. Calibration of the model is approached eclectically in stages that include judgment, analysis of historical data, tracking, field measurement, and adaptive control. A three-year case study shows that unexpected events intersperse a planned implementation. The model emerges with multiple roles in the marketing management process.
While the study of marketing has long been concerned with the creation of time, space, and possession utilities, much of the literature of the field has dealt with the problems of ownership. Issues involving space and time, in particular, have been scarcely touched. The role of time with respect to the character of the structure of distribution channels, for example, has just begun to be charted. The purpose of this article is to derive a principle describing the effect of temporal factors upon distribution systems.
I. Introduction It is generally accepted that price may enter into the determination of consumers' choice in two ways: as an indicator of cost and as an indicator of quality. Contemporary demand theory rests heavily on the first of these two functions while the second tends to be treated as if it were an exceptional and anomalous phenomenon, to be mentioned only in order to be dismissed as unimportant. Indeed, it is of considerable analytical convenience to ignore price as a quality indicator, because if this is not done, the utility function of the individual must be formulated so as to incorporate an additional set of independent variables, namely the prices of all the commodities in the market. The problem is not intrinsically insoluble but it leads to difficulties which can be avoided simply by denying the relevance of this aspect of price.
Agricultural marketing in Britain has been primarily concerned with government policies towards distribution and processing of farm produce; the theoretical framework on which it rests is that of economics. It is argued here that: the orientation of agricultural marketing studies has been too restricted in that they have given insufficient attention either to marketing as a business subject or to ‘social marketing’; and that the behavioural sciences are a necessary complement to economics as a theoretical framework for studies in agricultural marketing. The review examines the role of these alternative theoretical approaches and illustrates their value by reference to two selected topics of importance in Britain; first‐hand marketing institutions and the marketing of meat and livestock. Résumé LA COMMERCIALISATION AGRICOLE: UNE REVUE CRITIQUE DES TEXTES PUBLIEAS SUR LA THÉORIE DE LA COMMERCIALISATION ET D'APPLICATIONS SÉLECTIONNÉES La commercialisation agricole en Grande‐Bretagne s'est établie primordialement jusqu'à présent sur la politique gouvernementale afférente à la distribution et la transformation des denrées agricoles. Le cadre théorique sur laquelle elle repose est celui des sciences économiques. Le raisonnement de l'auteur est que l'orientation des études de commercialisation agricole est trop limitée en ce sens qu'elles accordent une attention insuffisante aussi bien à la commercialisation en tant que sujet commercial qu'à la ‘commercialisation sociale’, et que les sciences du comportement sont un complément nécessaire aux sciences économiques comme cadre théorique des études de commercialisation agricole. L'auteur examine le rôle des méthodes qu'il voudrait voir appliquer pour remplacer ca cadre jugé trop étroit, en illustrant leur valeur àl'aide de deux sujets sélectionnés, importants pour la Grande‐Bretagne, à savoir, les organismes de commercialisation situés en amont et la commercialisation de la viande et du bétail sur pied. Zusammenfassung LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHES MARKETING: EIN ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DIE LITERATUR ZUR MARKETINGTHEORIE UND ZU AUSGEWÄHLTEN ANWENDUNGSBEISPIELEN Das landwirtschaftliche Marketing in Grossbritannien hat sich hauptsächlich mit der Regierungspolitik, die auf die Verteilung und Verarbeitung von Farmprodukten ausgerichtet ist, beschäftigt; das theoretische Rahmenwerk, auf dem es beruht, ist nationalökonomischer Natur. Es wird hier argumentiert, dass die Orientierung der landwirtschaftlichen Marketingstudien insofern zu beschränkt war als sie weder dem Marketing als Gewerbe noch dem ‘sozialen Marketing’ genügend Beachtung geschenkt haben und dass die Verhaltenswissenschaften eine notwendige Ergänzung zur Nationalökonomie als einem theoretischen Rahmenwerk für Studien des landwirtschaftlichen Marketings sind. Der Überblick prüft die Rolle dieser alternativen theoretischen Näherungsversuche und zeigt ihren Wert auf unter Hinweis auf zwei ausgewählte für Grossbritannien wichtige Themen, den unmittelbaren Marketinginstitutionen und dem Marketing von Fleisch und Vieh.
CALLPLAN is an interactive computer system designed to aid salesmen or sales management in allocating sales call time more efficiently. The system increases their capacity to consider the allocation in a logical and consistent manner. CALLPLAN uses as input the salesman's own best estimates of expected contribution of all possible call policies for each account and prospect. The computer can help the estimating procedure by fitting curves through estimated points on a response function or by obtaining expected values from probability estimates. The system solves a mathematical program which determines the best time allocation to maximize contribution according to these estimates. Factors considered by the system include travel time and costs to get to geographical areas within the territory, amount of time required per call on an account within an area, account profitability, and minimum and maximum account call frequency limitations. An efficient incremental analysis routine is discussed as a solution procedure for the mathematical program. CALLPLAN seems best suited to repetitive selling situations where the amount of time the salesman spends with an account is an important factor in the magnitude of sales generated. Preliminary applications have been made by fourteen salesmen in six sales situations. A transcript of a session at the computer terminal of one application is presented. Anticipated sales increases, based on the salesman's judgmental inputs, for the call policy generated by CALLPLAN were between five and twenty-five per cent in the majority of applications.
Sumario: I. Prices and demand -- II. Developing internal costs for pricing -- III. Pricing decisions and price administration -- IV. Special topics on pricing.
This paper deals with models and measurement procedures, recently developed in the field of consumer research, that can help to obtain useful information for the marketing of agricultural and food products. The models described take a multidimensional approach where the dimensions that are assumed to influence consumers' perceptions and preferences can be physical as well as psychological. The methods described can be used (i) to determine the dimensions (attributes), by which agricultural and food products are judged by consumers (the perceptual dimensions) (ii) to examine how consumers weigh these attributes against one another when determining their preferences between the alternatives. The approach offers benefits especially in product development, market segmentation and marketing communication.
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