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The Effectiveness of a Group Counseling Program Based on Feminist Therapy Reducing Feelings of Guilt and Stigma of Battered Women

Baraa Asaad Khatatbeh
Baraa Asaad Khatatbeh
Baraa Asaad Khatatbeh
Manar Saeed Bani Bani Mustafa
Manar Saeed Bani Bani Mustafa
Manar Saeed Bani Bani Mustafa


Objectives: The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a group counseling program based on feminist therapy in reducing feelings of guilt and stigma among battered women. Methods: The study sample included thirty battered women randomly assigned to one of two equal groups: an experimental group (number=15) that participated in the group counseling program and a control group (number=15) that did not participate in any intervention program. To achieve the aims of the study, the researchers gathered data from both study groups using measures of guilt and stigma in pre- and post-tests. They were also employed in the experimental group’s follow-up test. Results: The results of the accompanying variance analysis revealed statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the mean scores on the scale of guilt in the post-test, favoring the experimental group with an arithmetic mean of (2.096) and a standard deviation of (0.352), noting that the program’s effect size reached the value of (0.874%), and on the stigma scale in the post-test with an arithmetic mean of (2.249) and a standard deviation of (0.287), emphasizing that the program’s effect size has attained a value of (0.879%), indicating the program’s efficacy. The results of the post- and follow-up comparisons among the experimental group members revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the measure of guilt between the average of the post-measurement, which was (2.10) and a standard deviation of (0.352), and the follow-up, which was (2.23) and a standard deviation of (0.348), and the absence of statistically significant differences between the mean of the post-measurement, which was (2.10) and a standard deviation of (0.348). Conclusions: Because of its success in reducing guilt and stigma among battered women, the program utilized in the current study within group counseling in counseling centers is needed for women’s service.
Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, Volume 51, No. 3, Supplement 1, 2024
© 2024 DSR Publishers/ The University
of Jordan.
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The Effectiveness of a Group Counseling Program Based on Feminist Therapy Reducing
Feelings of Guilt and Stigma of Battered Women
Baraa Asaad Khatatbeh , Manar Saeed Bani Mustafa*
Department of Psychological and Educational Counseling, Faculty of Education, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Received: 20/9/2022
Revised: 27/5/2023
Accepted: 9/8/2023
Published: 30/6/2024
* Corresponding author:
Citation: Khatatbeh, B. A., & Bani
Mustafa, M. S. B. (2024). The
Effectiveness of a Group Counseling
Program Based on Feminist Therapy
Reducing Feelings of Guilt and
Stigma of Battered Women. Dirasat:
Human and Social Sciences, 51(3),
Objectives: The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a group counseling program based
on feminist therapy in reducing feelings of guilt and stigma among battered women.
Methods: The study sample included thirty battered women randomly assigned to one of two
equal groups: an experimental group (number=15) that participated in the group counseling
program and a control group (number=15) that did not participate in any intervention program.To
achieve the aims of the study, the researchers gathered data from both study groups using
measures of guilt and stigma in pre- and post-tests. They were also employed in the experimental
group’s follow-up test.
Results: The results of the accompanying variance analysis revealed statistically significant
differences between the experimental and control groups in the mean scores on the scale of guilt
in the post-test, favoring the experimental group with an arithmetic mean of (2.096) and a
standard deviation of (0.352), noting that the program’s effect size reached the value of (0.874%),
and on the stigma scale in the post-test with an arithmetic mean of (2.249) and a standard
deviation of (0.287), emphasizing that the program’s effect size has attained a value of (0.879%),
indicating the program’s efficacy. The results of the post- and follow-up comparisons among the
experimental group members revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the
measure of guilt between the average of the post-measurement, which was (2.10) and a standard
deviation of (0.352), and the follow-up, which was (2.23) and a standard deviation of (0.348), and
the absence of statistically significant differences between the mean of the post-measurement,
which was (2.10) and a standard deviation of (0.348).
Conclusions: Because of its success in reducing guilt and stigma among battered women, the
program utilized in the current study within group counseling in counseling centers is needed for
women’s service.
Keywords: Counseling program, feminist therapy, feelings of guilt, stigma, battered women.
 
  
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    
Higher Population Council, 2021.
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    
Corey, 2013
Corey, 2009
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 
Kirby, 2023
   
 
McConnell &
Minshew, 2023
 
Heitz & Rappaport, 2023
                   
Crowder, 2016 
     15 
 30
Hinojsa, 2018
  31
 
Yilmaz & Öz, 2018
RLRS    WCI    
SET, RLRS, WCI
Far, 2017
 
Al-Adli, 2018 
 50 
    
          
Al-Dalaeen, 2020
Crabtree, 2007
 
 
Al-Ali, 2020
 
               
Shukair, 2021
WHO, 2017
%86%90Hyasat & Ibrahim,
   
  Adad & Bakhosh, 2019)
Maung, 2021
α 
α  
 
      
 α    
   :          
        .
-  
 
-  
- 
       
          .
                  
      
    
         :
        
        
 
  
     
   
          
            . 
              
(Counseling program)         
    
Al-Ali, 2014
 (Feminist Therapy)     
 
     
Robbie, 2009.
Guilt 
Jones & Kugler, 2008
(Stigma)  
Abo-Sbeitan, 2014
(Battered Women)
WHO, 2003      
                      
   
(Counseling program)     
     
(11)    -90   
  
(Feminist Therapy
(Battered Women)
1849 
Perdighe, et al., 2015Saleh & Hussein, 2018Malinakova, et al., 2020
 
25 
 (Pearson)   
0.69- 0.440.30 Hattie, 1985
 
        (Cronbach Alpha)   
    250.79
           
  
 
    
    0.87
0.70Odeh & Malkawi, 2010
5 (43 21)
10020      
 :(20 4647 73
Abo-Sbetan, 2014 
 0.86- 0.49 
       
   
  
           
    
  (10)         
 .   
         (%80)         
 
25 
 (Pearson)  
0.74- 0.44 
        (Cronbach Alpha)    
    250.88
           
 
 
    
   0.91
 0.70Odeh & Malkawi, 2010
23 
115-23       
       
      :
   (23 53)
 54 84 
 
        Feminist Therapy
Hinojsa, 2018 
              
     
      (Crowder,
2016; Hinojsa, 2018 (       :
            (11)     9
 
 90 
                (8)    
           
      
.        .
               
    :
R G1: O1ab X O2ab O3ab
R G2 O1ab - O2ab -
G1G2 RO1O2
  O3ab X-
 
  
  :1    30  :  
   
    .         
       
       
          
               
        ANOVA      
(MANOVA)    (T-test)     .
 
     
  
 (One way ANCOVA)
One way ANCOVA 
 
 
 
 
 α
 
     
 
(One way ANCOVA)
One way ANCOVA
  
 
%0.879             
             
 
 
      
 α   
     :      
          .
         ""  Paired Samples T-test)
    
   
 (7) 
              
      15
 
7:              
   15
                
  :     
 .
         
     .            
 
 α         
            
         
                   
             
Alfar, 2017; Saleh & Hisen, 2018; Aladlie, 2018
                 
             
Crabtree, 200 7;Al-Ali, 2020; Moustafah, 2020)
        
      
       Hinojsa, 2018; Crowder, 2016; 
      
Brown, 2018
Yilmaz & Öz, 2018
 
 
Corey, 2013
      
  
        
                 
                
         
      
        
             
     
     
 
   
Brawn, 2018.
    
        
  
       
   
 
          :
 
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The Guilt and Shame Experience Scale (GSES) is a new, brief self-report instrument for assessing experiences of guilt and shame. It includes two distinct scales: feelings of shame and feelings of guilt. The present report focuses on results from a final validation study using a nationally representative sample of 7899 adolescents (M age = 14.5 ± 1.1 years, 50.7% boys) who participated in the 2014 Health Behavior in School-aged Children study. For factor analysis, the dataset was divided into two groups. One group (n = 3950) was used for the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the second (n = 3949) for the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The EFA results in a one-factor model of the GSES scale, while the CFA suggests a two-factor solution mirroring two scales, feelings of shame and feelings of guilt. Both models have a good fit to the data, and the scale also showed high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.89). A nonparametric comparison of different sociodemographic groups showed a higher disposition for experiencing guilt and shame among girls, students of the ninth grade, and religious respondents. A comparison of the results to previously published results obtained from adults indicates that adolescence is a developmental period involving low differentiation between moral emotions like guilt and shame compared with adulthood. Moreover, positive association with religious attendance shows a need of addressing these issues in a pastoral care setting.
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This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of empowerment program on increasing self-esteem, learned resourcefulness, and coping ways in women exposed to domestic violence. This experimental study was conducted between October 2012 and June 2014 in the obstetrics and gynaecology departments of the Giresun Maternity Hospital, and at the Family Counseling Center (FCC) in Turkey. Sixty women who agreed to participate in the study were randomly assigned into two groups. Data were collected by the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI), The Rosenbaum's Learned Resourcefulness Scale (RLRS), and the Ways of Coping Inventory (WCI). The assessment of the women before and after the empowerment program showed that women in the intervention group showed significant improvements in the SEI, RLRS, and WCI scores compared with controls. These results suggest that the empowerment program is an effective practice for increasing the levels of self-esteem, learned resourcefulness, and coping ways of women exposed to domestic violence.
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Survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) often have trouble regaining a lost sense of self, even after years of ‘good’ feminist therapy. Both postmodern feminism and Buddhist philosophy have common ideas about the constructed nature and fluidity of the self, and feminist and Buddhist ontologies can inform each other—the former on the nature of subjectivity under oppression, the latter on how to relate differently to the self by not identifying with our stories as who we are. Therefore, one might assume that mindfulness-based approaches might be helpful with this problem. However, social justice values that feminists and social workers prize seem absent in mindfulness approaches that appear to be individual-focused and politically passive. This article argues that feminism and mindfulness have points of congruence as well as much to offer each other where they diverge, and it presents exploratory research investigating the role of mindfulness and self-compassion on reconstructing a sense of self and agency in survivors of IPV by comparing outcomes of a community-based feminist group and a mindfulness-based group. The findings provide a glimpse into the strengths of each approach and suggest some benefit in weaving these into a mindfulness based feminist therapy for survivors of IPV.
Given best practices for serving nonbinary clients, how can supervisors and supervisees collaborate to provide equitable, affirming services? Building on the importance of affirming practice in working with nonbinary clients, it is fruitful to explore how a collaborative-affirmative approach in feminist supervision can foster a supportive, affirming therapist-client relationship. Using analytic autoethnography, supervisor and supervisee will articulate what it means to work through a feminist lens with nonbinary clients. Their reflexive collaborative narrative will discuss the importance of examining their own social identities in supervision while highlighting the value of a collaborative-affirmative approach to supervision for a developing clinician working with nonbinary clients.
There has been growing awareness of the overlap between transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive (TNBGE) and neurodivergent identities in recent years. However, many clinicians do not receive adequate training around either gender diversity or neurodiversity, much less their intersection. Further, the ubiquity of the pathology paradigm contributes to practices that further marginalize TNBGE autistic clients. We illustrate how feminist therapy’s four realms of power provides a valuable framework for empowering clinical work with autistic TNBGE clients, with an aim toward centering the experiences of TNBGE autistic people. We also provide recommendations for clinical practice and systems-level change.
This clinical case example illustrates the benefits of a feminist approach to therapy in addressing the unique experiences of gender questioning adolescents. We will illustrate the successful use of feminist therapy in our work with a biracial, bisexual, adolescent client who reported questioning his gender expression and gender identity. The client used he/him/his pronouns at the time of our work together; we also regularly checked in with our client about pronouns throughout our sessions. The authors conducted co-therapy with this client, working as a treatment team. Feminist therapy offers an affirmative, intersectional, and strengths-based approach to work with gender diverse clients. Feminist therapy is particularly well-suited to this work because it explicitly connects the personal with the socio-political.
This study carried out to see "violence against married women in Jordanian society," A field Study: The Role of the Family Protection Department, "the study population consisted of women who have been subjected to violence and applied formal complaint against their husbands in three areas ( Family Protection headquarters, Family Protection Department east of Amman, Family Protection Department north of Amman) this includes the study population "'dynamic society" meaning it's variable which makes it difficult to determine the number of audits of women on an continuous basis, Family Protection Department was chosen of being interested in battered issues and cases are formally recorded, due to the difficulty of accessing to the population of the study, the researcher had to take a random sample of (155) battered women at the Family Protection Department centers, but (5) questionnaires were disqualified for non-suitability tests for statistical analysis, and thus the number of questionnaires qualified to perform statistical analysis operations was (150), using (Statistical Package for Social Sciences -SPSS, ver15) in order to reach the goals and objectives of this study.; and the most prominent results of the study consisted of the following: The highest percentage subjected to violence were with little education, as for the percentage of people with university education were the lowest, and that the majority subjected to violence were a low-income, and the most prevalent form of violence was sexual violence by (1.5219)), followed by physical violence by (1.5011)) followed by psychological violence by (1.4517). One of the main reasons behind the problem of violence against married women is the low level of household income, the spouse engagement in social media and the intervention of the husband's family in the marital life of the wife. Family Protection Department has a leading role in addressing the problem of violence against women, especially with the existence of legal protection provided by the Family Protection Administration to assist battered women and specialists to deal with cases of violence against women as well as awareness and guidance sessions administration.
This book traces the intersection of radical feminism, composition, and print culture in order to address a curious gap in feminist composition studies: the manifesto-writing, collaborative-action-taking radical feminists of the 1960s and 1970s. Long before contemporary debates over essentialism, radical feminist groups questioned both what it was to be a woman and to perform womanhood, and a key part of that questioning took the form of very public, very contentious texts by such writers and groups as Shulamith Firestone, the Redstockings, and WITCH (the Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell). Rhodes explores how these radical women's texts have been silenced in contemporary rhetoric and composition, and compares their work to that of contemporary online activists, finding that both point to a "network literacy" that blends ever-shifting identities with ever-changing technologies in order to take action. Ultimately, Rhodes argues, the articulation of radical feminist textuality can benefit both scholarship and classroom as it situates writers as rhetorical agents who can write, resist, and finally act within a network of discourses and identifications.
Stigma creates significant barriers to service access and recovery for persons with psychiatric disorders. In this chapter, we define stigma, examine its consequences for persons with mental illnesses, and discuss its implications for EI programs. We then describe approaches to reduce stigma that can be implemented by local communities. By incorporating stigma reduction strategies into EI efforts, we can maximize their benefit and support recovery and opportunities for full inclusion.
The following case study highlights the application of a conceptual framework that incorporates feminist theory, trauma theory, and the importance of attending to identity development with individuals who have experienced gender-based violence. This case study illustrates the treatment of a 25-year-old female survivor of sexual assault suffering from depression, anxiety, and feelings of self-blame. Findings show a decrease in depression and anxiety, which provides support for the effectiveness of an integrated feminist and trauma-informed therapeutic approach. Because very few graduate training programs incorporate feminist theory and trauma theory in their curricula, recommendations for clinicians and students are provided.