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Comparisons of special education teachers and faculty's perceptions of employing augmented reality for pupils with intellectual disabilities


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of the current study is to investigate the comparisons between faculty and special education teachers' views of the use of augmented reality with learners with intellectual disabilities. In recent years, the Saudi education minister has made many reforms to advance the use of assistive technology in the teaching of learners with intellectual disabilities. The design of descriptive research was methodologically used to gather data from a hundred and sixty-five faculty members from Taif University and ninety special education teachers from Taif schools through an electronic survey. The questionnaire is divided into two parts: the first part includes demographic variables, namely gender and academic experiences. The second part included statements that focused on the views of special education teachers and faculty members regarding the use of AR technology for students with ID. The findings showed that faculty have more agreeable perceptions compared to special education instructors in Saudi Arabia. Also, there was a significant impact on special education teachers' perceptions of using augmented reality for students with intellectual disabilities based on gender. However, years of teaching experiences did not impact the special education teachers and faculty perceptions of using augmented reality with students with intellectual disabilities. Thus, the implication of the study recommends that special education teachers and faculty members should be more exhibited in training courses emphasizing raising awareness on the utilization of augmented reality for students with intellectual disabilities within general and university education.
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International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(4) 2024, pages: 1338-1344
ISSN: 2617-6548
Comparisons of special education teachers and faculty's perceptions of employing augmented
reality for pupils with intellectual disabilities
Rasheed Khuwayshan Algethami
Special Education Department, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
The purpose of the current study is to investigate the comparisons between faculty and special education teachers' views of
the use of augmented reality with learners with intellectual disabilities. In recent years, the Saudi education minister has
made many reforms to advance the use of assistive technology in the teaching of learners with intellectual disabilities. The
design of descriptive research was methodologically used to gather data from a hundred and sixty-five faculty members
from Taif University and ninety special education teachers from Taif schools through an electronic survey. The
questionnaire is divided into two parts: the first part includes demographic variables, namely gender and academic
experiences. The second part included statements that focused on the views of special education teachers and faculty
members regarding the use of AR technology for students with ID. The findings showed that faculty have more agreeable
perceptions compared to special education instructors in Saudi Arabia. Also, there was a significant impact on special
education teachers' perceptions of using augmented reality for students with intellectual disabilities based on gender.
However, years of teaching experiences did not impact the special education teachers and faculty perceptions of using
augmented reality with students with intellectual disabilities. Thus, the implication of the study recommends that special
education teachers and faculty members should be more exhibited in training courses emphasizing raising awareness on the
utilization of augmented reality for students with intellectual disabilities within general and university education.
Keywords: Augmented reality, Faculty, Intellectual disabilities, Special education teachers.
DOI: 10.53894/ijirss.v7i4.3295
Funding: This study received no specific financial support.
History: Received: 1 March 2024/Revised: 6 May 2024/Accepted: 24 May 2024/Published: 14 June 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors’ Contributions: All authors contributed equally to the conception and design of the study. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Transparency: The authors confirm that the manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study; that no
vital features of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned have been explained. This study
followed all ethical practices during writing.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The Ethical Committee of the Taif University, Saudi Arabia has granted approval for this
study on 17 November 2023 (Ref. No. 85216).
Publisher: Innovative Research Publishing
International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(4) 2024, pages: 1338-1344
1. Introduction
In recent years, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made many reforms to enhance the education of learners with
intellectual disabilities (ID) through the adaptation of assistive technology [1]. Students with ID are currently utilizing
various types of devices, including cognitive and hearing supports, VocieOver apps, and electrical assistive tools, which
can help students with ID surf the internet, use them as academic resources, and take notes in various schools and centers in
Saudi Arabia [1].
Assistive technologies aid students with ID in overcoming their academic challenges, and it is crucial for teachers to to
enhance their understanding and utilization of these technologies [1]. The field of technology is constantly evoloving to
incorporate new technologies like augmented reality (AR), which serve as an assistive and instructional tool for teachers
working with students withID [2].
AR technology is software linking the actual world environment with items or virtual facts to support the user's
identities through devices and contents in a combined approach [3]. Also, it is described as a technological tool that
associates the actual life with technological information using different AR devices [4]. Currently, AR technology has been
increasingly utilized for enhancing living and educational independence [5]. Past studies have been accomplished to
explore the merits, challenges, and benefits of AR applications in education [6-10]. For instance, Garzón and Acevedo [11]
found that AR effects can be reasonable on student’s learning gains, but they can be more significant when the intervention
incorporates AR means. Cakir and Korkmaz [12] highlighted the importance of structuring and enriching the education
setting in a way that enables children with disabilities to acquire skills of life independence and other effective services, and
they recommended the utilization of the advancement of AR to improve children’s skills and environment.
2. Literature Review
2.1. The Utilization of Augmented Reality in Schools
Many teacher education programs are excessively integrating some technologies, such as AR, to aid the teaching of
disabled students in classrooms [13]. AR is one of various media-combined learning applications that can be a supportive
tool for the learning process and help students represent knowledge and information in a new and advanced way, which
increases both teachers' and students' motivation to deliver meaningful learning and schooling environments [14].
Although Alqarni [15] believed that teachers of students with special needs had positive attitudes as their student's
experiences positive contributions in their willingness, enthusiasm, motivation, and self-concept by using AR technology in
learning sciences. They also believed that it is an innovative learning tool for students with disabilities as it enhances the
fun of the learning environment, is permanent learning, and is beneficial to teaching other lessons Sulaimani and Bagadood
[1]. Cihak, et al. [16] accomplished a research focusing on the implementation of video modeling-based AR technology in
teaching the skills of brushing teeth for students with autism. They found that teachers were satisfied with using this tool to
finish additional visual aids and suggest them to other educators as it increases the learning performance, motivation,
independent learning, and social acceptance of students with disabilities [17] as well as the satisfaction of teachers, parents,
and students with disabilities [18]. It is a fact that AR can offer numerous benefits to the students with ID in inclusive
classrooms. To begin with, utilizing AR can reduce the dependence of students with ID on the assistance of their teachers
[19]. Also, it can help teachers authentically teach academic skills to students with ID by guiding the learning environment
through mobile technologies and devices [17]. In addition, AR can be an assistive and instructional technology based on the
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to allow students with ID to learn efficiently [17].
AR technology embodies the principles of UDL, a framework for planning effective teaching emphasizes engagement,
action, and expression through a variety of representation methods [10, 12, 20]. There is a lot of support in scientific studies
for the engagement of UDL principals to develop the accessibility of curriculum content for students with ID [21, 22].
Furthermore, teachers can enhance the learning outcomes of students with ID by utilizing strategy-based technology and
pedagogy to facilitate their access to the general curriculum [23]. As a result, teachers can have multiple options, enabling
them to display information to meet the needs of students with disabilities if curriculum materials are digitally formatted
2.2. The Utilization of AR in Higher Education
The utilization of AR in university education is not limited to students with low achievement; it can be a helpful
technology for students with ID. The development of AR technology in higher education has benefited many
underachieving students and provided valuable support to college students with ID [24]. Their study found that AR
interventions improved the daily living skills of three young adults with ID. They pointed out that their usage of AR
intervention was beneficial to making all students with ID independent in the university and helpful to boost their social
acceptance and inclusion within the university residency.
AR technology is not only supportive of the social acceptance of college students with ID, but it can also be an
important element in the progression of social skills [20]. They systematically investigated the implications of social skills
for students with ID through the engagement of AR or Virtual Reality (VR) technology; which is defined as a simulation of
three-dimensional (3D) setting that allows students to discover and interrelate with a virtual environment that approximates
reality. They pointed out that AR or VR technology had impacted the social skills of students with ID in higher education.
However, they found that many studies had limitations in terms of the study methods, the possibility of generalizing
findings, and measures. Despite the capabilities that AR technology gives to students with ID, it is important to employ it to
support their living and interaction needs with all university students. McMahon and Walker [20] conducted a study on
three college students with ID, examining the impact of utilizing AR technology in conjunction with Google Maps and
International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(4) 2024, pages: 1338-1344
virtual maps on their transportation. The purpose of the study was to measure the student's abilities in terms of making
decisions when traveling to unknown places. The results of the study showed that students were able to travel more
successfully through AR technology than through Google Maps or even paper maps, and their skills in navigating between
sites improved significantly [20].
Navigation is a specific skill related to the ability to find locations that require people to be able to make decisions
when traveling McMahon and Walker [20]. McMahon, et al. [17] carried out study on three college students with ID,
examining the impact of utilizing AR technology in conjunction with Google Maps and virtual maps on their
transportation. The study showed an improvement in their abilities to move comfortably when moving on foot between the
corridors of the university campus. Also, students with ID can use their “iPhone” device, as it is a popular portable device
that frees them from many of the restrictions found in some assistive technologies, which may carry some kind of stigma
when they travel [17].
Application-based AR technology can also be used to carry out daily life requirements to identify food allergens that
worry many individuals with ID [20]. For example, using the Red Laser application on mobile devices is of great benefit in
identifying the substances and elements that cause allergies in different foods [20]. Although it may take six weeks to teach
students with ID about identifying the substances and elements that cause food allergies and how to avoid them, it is worth
noting the importance of training these students and increasing their skills for living independently [20].
Educationally, the integration of AR technology into higher education institutions has increasingly grown to support
secondary school students with ID to acquire modern knowledge, concepts, and classifications in various fields of science
[17]. It gives faculty members alternative options when teaching students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
when asking them to solve mathematical verbal questions [22]. Moreover, many faculty members believe that employing
AR technology is educationally beneficial because it allows students with disabilities to generate innovative ideas [25]. It
can also be educationally beneficial because it increases learning success and stimulates the desire to complete tasks [20]. It
aids in comprehending information, improving orientation, and engagement [26].
2.3. The Purpose of the Study
Previous research has shown that no studies have examined the disparities in faculty members' and special education
teachers' perspectives about using augmented reality (AR) technology with pupils who are intellectually disabled in the
Saudi educational system. Therefore, the current study aims to investigate the perception of faculty members and
instructors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding the use of augmented reality (AR) technology with their intellectually
disabled students.
2.4. The Importance of the Research
The study’s significance lies in the many benefits that AR technology has for the educational progress of students with
ID in the Saudi education system. First and foremost, AR technology is considered one of the modern technologies that has
gained widespread popularity among many educators because it provides them with innovative ways to teach students with
ID. Secondly, providing decision-makers in universities and schools benefit from the familiarity of faculty members and
special education teachers with AR applications suitable for students with ID. Third, comparing the opinions of special
education teachers with those of faculty members is a good opportunity for them to repair their weaknesses and increase
their strengths regarding the use of AR technology for students with ID. As a result, the research addressed three crucial
questions to close the current study’s research gap. These questions center on contrasting the perspectives of faculty
members and special education teachers to promote the integration of students with ID into suitable educational
institutions: (1) What differences exist between the perspectives of faculty members and special education teachers
regarding the use of augmented reality technology for students with ID? and (2) Is there any evidence of statistically
significant variations in faculty and teacher perspectives of AR with students with ID because of the gender variable? (3)
Are there any statistically significant changes in the faculty and teachers' perceptions of using AR with students with ID
due to their teaching experiences?
3. Materials and Methods
Research design, research population, instrument, validity and reliability tests.
3.1. The Design of Research
This study employed descriptive survey research to gather information about perceptions and comparisons between
faculty members and special education teachers regarding the use of AR technology for students with ID in the city of Taif,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This inductive method is considered one of the methods that is useful in collecting data and
learning about the different conditions among a group of participants.
3.2. Research Population
The current study randomly selected 255 instructors to participate and complete an online questionnaire. 165 faculty
members from Taif University and 90 special education teachers from Taif schools participated, and they had different
variables related to teaching experiences and gender. The faculty members participated from Taif University, Colleges of
Humanities and Education; however, special education teachers participated from three inclusive schools.
International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(4) 2024, pages: 1338-1344
3.3. Instrument
We distributed an electronic questionnaire to special education teachers in Taif schools and faculty members at Taif
University in Saudi Arabia to compare their perspectives on the use of AR technology for students with ID. Also, the
survey contained two main parts: the beginning part included demographic variables, namely gender and academic
experiences. The second part included statements that focused on the views of special education teachers and faculty
members regarding the use of AR technology for students with ID. Additionally, using a Likert scale to answer these
statements, (1) indicated strongly disagreeing, while (5) strongly agreed. After preparing the questionnaire we sought
permission from Taif University’s Deanship of Scientific Research to conduct the study on participants in accordance with
scientific research ethics. Also, there was a question in the questionnaire regarding participants' consent to participate.
3.4. Validity and Reliability
After translating the questionnaire from English to Arabic, five translation and disability experts evaluated it. On the
Arabic version of the survey, the translators suggested a few modifications. Disability specialists also reviewed the
questionnaire and confirmed its readiness for distribution. Finally, the reliability of the questionnaire was examined on 30
participants using Cronbach’s alpha, and the score was 0.86.
4. Data Analysis
The current study aims to investigate faculty members and special education instructors' perspectives regarding the
usage of augmented reality technology in children with ID. We performed both descriptive and inferential analyses
quantitatively on the present research using SPSS 23. We posed the initial question to compare the perceptions of special
education teachers and faculty members regarding the use of AR technology for students with ID. The researcher identified
the responses to this question by calculating the mean and standard deviation. The second question focused on how the
gender variable affected the perceptions of AR among students with ID among faculty members and special education
teachers. We used an independent-sample t-test gender-based perception of professors and special education instructors for
this particular question. The third inquiry focused on how different special education instructors' and faculty members'
perspectives on utilizing augmented reality technology with students with ID differed depending on their prior teaching
experiences. A one-way between-groups analysis of variance was used to compare the perspectives of faculty and special
education instructors based on their respective teaching experiences on this particular topic.
5. Results
Table 1 displays the results of faculty and special education instructors' in Saudi Arabia regarding the use of
augmented reality (AR) technology with students who have intellectual disabilities. According to the mean score of special
education teachers' perceptions (M = 3.26, SD = 1.194), there is no consensus among them about the usage of augmented
reality (AR) technology with pupils who have intellectual disabilities in Saudi Arabia. Faculty opinions are in agreement
about the employment of augmented reality technology with students with ID in Saudi Arabia, as evidenced by the mean
score of faculty perceptions (M = 4.03, SD =.773). This suggests that faculty members' perceptions are more favorable than
those of special education teachers.
Table 1.
The averages and standard deviations of the opinions of faculty members and special education instructors regarding AR.
Teachers' responses
I find using the different augmented reality
programs to be simple.
AR creates instructional materials for children
with ID with skill.
I feel competent when it comes to using AR-
designed educational materials to teach pupils
with ID.
Before use AR with students who have IDs,
instructors must receive training.
AR is usable in classrooms where students
have disabilities.
AR can help children with ID learn more
AR helps students with ID learn and acquire
critical competencies.
Schools are equipped and have the
infrastructure needed to use augmented reality.
The AR apps that are available are expensive.
Tablets and other augmented reality gadgets
are pricey.
International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(4) 2024, pages: 1338-1344
Table 2.
Comparisons of special education instructors and faculty perceptions of employing AR technology based on gender variable.
Teachers' perceptions
Std. error
Equal variances
Levene's test for equality of variances
Sig. (2-tailed)
Equal variances
not assumed
Faculty perceptions
Std. error
Equal variances
Levene's test for equality of variances
Sig. (2-tailed)
Equal variances
not assumed
Table 2 presents a comparison of the gender-based perceptions of the special education teachers by performing an
independent-sample t-test. Male special education teachers' scores (M = 3.24, SD = 1.29) and female special education
teachers' scores (M = 3.27, SD = 1.12; t (88) = -.107, p =.932, two-tailed) do not differ significantly. We also use an
independent-sample t-test to compare their perceptions of gender with those of the faculty. The outcomes show that the
scores of the male and female faculty members are not significantly different (M = 3.93, SD =.837) or different (M = 4.22,
SD =.612, t (88) = -2.333, p =.033, two-tailed). This suggests that neither special education instructors' nor faculty
members' opinions on utilizing AR with students with ID are influenced by gender.
Table 3.
Comparisons of special education instructors and faculty perceptions of employing AR technology based on teaching experiences variable.
Teachers' perceptions
Between groups
Within groups
Faculty perceptions
Between groups
Within groups
Table 3 shows the impact of special education instructors' teaching experiences on their perspectives of utilizing
augmented reality (AR) technology with their ID students byusing a one-way between-groups analysis of variance. The
results also reveal three groups of special education teachers divided based on the length of time they had been teaching
(group 1: less than 29 years, group 2: 30-44 years, and group 3: 45 years and above). The results for the three teaching
experience groups show statistically significant differences (F (2, 87) = 3.08, p =.05. As for the actual difference in mean
scores between the groups, it is rather moderate, even though it reaches statistical significance. We determine the effect size
to be 0.06 using eta squared.
However, we also divide the faculty into three groups based on the duration of their teaching experience (group 1: 29
years or less, group 2: 30-44 years, and group 3: 45 years and above). This suggests that special education teachers with
less experience, as opposed to those with more experience, have more positive opinions of augmented reality. The three
teaching experience groups' scores did not differ statistically significantly at the p <.05 level from those of special
education teachers (F (2, 162) = 1.008, p =.367). This finding indicates that the teaching experience variable significantly
influences the opinion of the special education instructors about using augmented reality (AR) for students with intellectual
disabilities, while faculty perceptions are unaffected.
6. Discussion
The current study aims to compare the views of Saudi faculty members and special education teachers regarding the
use of AR for students with ID. The analysis of this particular study's data shed light on how special education teachers and
faculty experienced the AR involvement of students with ID. According to Jwaifell [14] teachers view augmented reality
(AR) as a useful tool in contemporary teaching; therefore, they have positive opinions about using it with students who
have ID. Firstly, it was found that many faculty members have favorable perceptions compared to special education
teachers who neither agree nor disagree on utilizing AR with their students with ID. These results align with a previous
study by Alqarni [15] who found that instructors have an optimistic disposition towards teaching their students by using AR
technology and developed a lot of meaningful skills such as self-concept, enthusiasm, and motivation. In comparison to
faculty members, Khatoony and Altınpulluk [27] believed that faculty members hold positive perceptions toward using AR
technology as it can enhance motivation and learning achievements among learners. Second, the current study
demonstrated that special education instructors' opinions toward utilizing augmented reality (AR) for students with ID were
unaffected by their gender. This result was consistent with Alalwan, et al. [28] who believe that the majority of instructors,
both male and female, have positive opinions about augmented reality (AR) and how important it is for students with ID to
International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(4) 2024, pages: 1338-1344
study. However, this result was contradicted by Jwaifell [14] who demonstrated a statistical difference between male and
female teachers using AR with students with ID. Specifically, female teachers perceived using AR more than male special
education teachers performed. This is explained by the fact that female teachers are more social than male teachers [14].
The current study’s results indicate that gender of the faculty did not influence their use of AR with ID students. This
finding was consistent with Alsadoon and Alhussain [29] who mentioned that there was no distinction between the faculty
members' genders regarding their familiarity with and usage of AR technology with college students. Finally, the current
study’s results demonstrated statistical differences in the use of augmented reality (AR) by special education teachers with
students with intellectual disabilities, with those with less experience having more experience with AR. Alalwan, et al. [28]
confirmed this finding and believed that this is explained by the fact that teachers with more experience mostly intend to
use a teaching technique and do not like to change it. However, the results of the current study showed that there were no
variations in the faculty members' perspectives of their teaching experiences when it came to using augmented reality (AR)
for students with ID. This suggests that faculty members with both large and small teaching experiences had the same
views regarding using AR with students with ID. This outcome was in line with the findings of Alsadoon and Alhussain
[29] who discovered no disparities in faculty members' opinions about how university students use augmented reality
7. Conclusion
The purpose of the current study was to compare how faculty members and special education teachers used augmented
reality (AR) technology with students who had intellectual disabilities. According to the current study, faculty members'
perceptions are more positive than those of special education instructors. Furthermore, the study found that years of
teaching experience significantly influenced the attitudes of special education teachers towards the use of AR with ID
students. Teachers' and faculty members' opinions about using augmented reality (AR) with ID students are unaffected by
8. Implications
It is recommended that male and female educators undertake training courses on the employment of AR apps and
become familiar with their importance in the learning process. The outcomes of the present study could be beneficial for
both faculty members and teachers. Firstly, the results of this research can provide significant benefits to university faculty
and teachers, enabling them to better support their students by incorporating AR technology into their educational practices.
Also, both faculty members and teachers can be knowledgeable and aware of the merits of AR technology. Moreover, the
outcomes of the current study might be advantageous for students, as they can allocate their time to achieving their learning
goals with AR technology. In other words, learners can apply AR technology as a valued learning instrument that opens up
valuable learning opportunities.
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There are few studies related to programs based on augmented reality in the educational field, so measuring the effectiveness of augmented reality technology programs on the educational environment in higher education needs to be explored. Therefore, this study aimed to know the effectiveness of a program based on augmented reality on enhancing the skills of solving complex problems for the students of the optimal investment diploma. The participants were 60 participants from the Optimal Investment Diploma students at the College of Education at Najran University. They were randomly divided into two groups (control and experimental), each group included 30 participants. So that the control group studies the course "Issues and Problems in Teaching Digital Skills" in the traditional way, and the experimental group studies the same course through a program based on augmented reality. And 7 tasks of the Micro-DYN test battery were used as a tool to achieve the objective of the study. The study found the effectiveness of the program based on augmented reality in enhancing the skills of solving complex problems, mainly the acquisition and application of knowledge.
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The advancement of technologies especially Augmented Reality (AR) in the field of education has brought special conditions where teachers and learners have controversial perspectives in using new technologies for educational purposes. Therefore, this study tried to investigate the faculty members' ideas about Augmented Reality English Trainer (ARET) as a researcher-made application in the contexts of Iran and Turkey to ensure how educational beneficiaries can implement this application in face-to-face or distance education, and how their views are different. Subsequently, the basic phenomenological-qualitative design was chosen by the researchers of the study to investigate the views of faculty members in these countries. To do so, an online elite interview (based on Instant Messaging Applications and Google Forms) was designed with seven questions to reflect the faculty members' views during using ARET as an educational application by focusing on English vocabulary learning. Therefore, the mentioned questions were sent to the faculty members in Anadolu University (Eskişehir, Turkey), Uludağ University (Bursa, Turkey), Islamic Azad University Central, and West Tehran branch (Tehran, Iran) through convenient sampling and snowball sampling. The results of transcription and theme analysis of interviews in the NVIVO software revealed that both Turkish and Iranian have positive views toward using ARET in face-to-face or distance education and found it as an edutainment application. Despite the disadvantages like distraction, lack of access to mobile phones, short time lessons, and inequality in education which were mentioned by the participants of the study; Iranian and Turkish faculty members mentioned that ARET can increase the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of learners. Although ARET has some technical issues like insecure installation, it can Exploring Iranian and Turkish faculty members' views toward using Augmented Reality English Trainer (ARET) application for educational purposes: A Comparative Study in different university faculties 129 be implemented as an educational AR-based application in educational systems. Various educational beneficiaries like material developers, game and application designers, teachers, and learners can benefit from the results of this study.
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This study examined the impact of the Augmented reality (AR) use on Jordanian 6th grade students' attitudes towards science and their learning outcomes. A quantitative quasi-experimental study is preceded with the Pre-test and Post-test control group design model, where 24 students who identified to have special needs participated in this study and were randomly divided into two groups. Two groups, control group 12 students were taught conventionally, and 12 students were designated as the experimental group, they used the AR technology for four weeks. The two scales used in this research were reliable and validated. The results show significant results for the AR technology in enhancing student learning outcomes. Additionally, results supported that AR technology has the potential to enhance students with learning disabilities positive attitudes. The result shows that AR technology helped students in promoting positive attitudes towards students and enhance students learning outcomes. Keywords: augmented reality, attitudes towards science, learning disabilities, learning outcomes
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The concepts of virtualization for facilitating learning have become the focus of attention in several countries. Yet, the limited understanding of how technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can be used to improve the learning and teaching of science makes it difficult for educational policy makers to apply additional measures in order to ensure the availability of equipment and trained staff. A semi-structured interview was used to gather data from primary school teachers about the challenges and prospects of utilizing VR and AR technologies in teaching science subjects. A set of evidence and recommendations on AR and VR utilization for teaching science were provided based on an interview of 29 science teachers. It was determined that lack of competency, limited instructional design, lack of focused attention, lack of time, and limited environmental resources were common challenges in VR and AR utilization. In addition, we found that both technologies can be used to promote exploratory behavior and perceived usefulness and develop a positive attitude. Other findings related to these aspects were identified and described. The outcomes from this study can provide insights for administrators and policy makers to set priorities for using VR and AR in school practice to carry out various reflective and exploration tasks.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a video-based instruction packet for teaching math-based vocational skills delivered through augmented reality (AR) to three adults with intellectual disabilities. The dependent variable was the percentage of steps performed correctly to solve each selected type of math problem. The independent variable was the video-based math intervention delivered via AR, which modeled the individual steps for solving three different multistep math problems: (1) adjusting a recipe to serve a different number of people, (2) calculating salary, and (3) calculating unit prices. Visual and statistical analyses demonstrated a functional relationship between the video-based math intervention and an increase in the percentage of steps completed correctly for each type of problem. All three participants showed significant gains immediately after receiving the intervention and maintained the learned skills following withdrawal of the intervention. Implications for practitioners and further research are discussed.
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The present study reviewed nine publications related to the application of augmented reality (AR)-based interventions to people with intellectual disabilities (ID). The lines of research developed focus on the areas of education, personal autonomy and health promotion. The studies are theoretical frameworks, design of AR-based applications, or quasi-experimental study designs without a control group. The samples, all of less than 15 subjects, have been chosen under intentional criteria. The devices that seem to prevail as preferred for its application in this group are the portable ones due to the wide range of intervention possibilities that they offer as well as the development potential of the personal autonomy that they allow. Results offer a positive view of the application of this technology to people with ID, although the characteristics of the studies do not allow yet its generalization. Among the reported benefits are: enhancing learning achievement, motivation and enjoyment of tasks, helping to understand information, enhancing orientation, raising the level of engagement.
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This paper investigates the readiness degree among in-service science teachers in Ma'an Governorate for integratingaugmented reality in teaching according to Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge TPACK frameworkand its domains. The study sample consisted of (60) in-service science teachers enrolled voluntary in the study. Theresearcher used descriptive statistics, ANCOVA and T-test. The data analyses revealed significant differences amongteachers' readiness in a high degree. Paired sample t-test showed female teachers' readiness higher than male teachersat all of the TPACK the domains. Results of ANCOVA revealed that experience of teachers' readiness do not differsignificantly. The study recommended the focus on integrating augmented reality within learning environments.
Individuals with an intellectual disability (ID) have complex learning needs, and often experience difficulty acquiring new skills that rely solely on traditional teaching materials. Assistive technology (AT) is a powerful tool that plays an important role in addressing many of the issues encountered by those with ID, via the integration of technology in their learning process. This study explores teachers' views of AT facilities in different special education programs for students with ID in the Makkah province of Saudi Arabia, in order to identify the uses of the AT tools used to teach them. The study employs semi-structured interviews as the data collection method, seeking to determine the current state of AT integration in this field. The data is analyzed using qualitative methods, and the findings reveal that the teachers interviewed incorporate AT into the academic setting, and agree that such technology can foster student learning, assignment completion, and engagement.
The use of technology in special education has been rapidly increased in recent years. Augmented reality (AR) is one of these technologies that combines real world and virtual objects together. AR has the potential to be used as a teaching technique for students with special needs to develop their daily lives skills, supporting learning, increasing comfort and confidence and improving physical, navigation skills and social skills. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate studies on the effects of using AR for the education of students with special needs. Specifically, this literature review investigates the research designs of these studies, the disability groups that AR applications used with, the skills that were taught using AR applications, the opinions of the students and teachers regarding the AR application and influence of AR applications on learning performance of individuals with special needs. Findings show that the use of AR has potential advantages and disadvantages for the education of students with special needs.
Augmented reality (AR) applications can be used in almost all education and training environments. In this study, it reveals the relationship between perceived usefulness, utility and attitudes regarding the use of AR applications in educational environments as well as the relationship between attitude levels and academic achievements. It also reveals the effect of AR application use on academic achievement in education. According to the findings obtained in the study, the followings have been found: the perceived ease of use of students regarding AR applications in educational environments has a strong positive effect on perceived benefit; the perceived benefit and ease of use influence the attitude levels strongly in the positive direction; there is no semantic relation between attitude levels and academic achievement; and the use of AR applications in educational processes increases the academic achievement of students.