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Determining Variables that Affect Innovative Work Behavior: An Empirical Study at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

SAGE Publications Inc

Abstract and Figures

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries plays an important role in making the sea the future of the nation with three mission pillars, namely the mission of sovereignty, sustainability, and welfare. To realize this missions, the ministry carries out bureaucratic reform and innovates in community service, which depends on the innovative work behavior of its middle managers. This study analyzes the direct effect of transformational leadership and self-determination on innovative work behavior. The mediation roles of person-organization fit and social media usage are also tested. One hundred thirty middle managers were selected as respondents and completed the questionnaire online. The analyzing of this research data was carried out with structural equation modeling. This research output clearly shows innovative work behavior improvement among middle managers. It can be used as a basis for consideration for middle managers in formulating policies related to innovative work behavior by focusing on more appropriate transformational leadership and self-determination, as well as the involvement of person-organization fit and social media usage.
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Original Research
April-June 2024: 1–18
ÓThe Author(s) 2024
DOI: 10.1177/21582440241260945
Determining Variables that Affect
Innovative Work Behavior: An Empirical
Study at the Ministry of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries
Helmi Buyung Aulia Safrizal
, Anis Eliyana
, Ahmad Rizki Sridadi
Fatin Fadhilah Hasib
, Andika Setia Pratama
and Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries plays an important role in making the sea the future of the nation with three
mission pillars, namely the mission of sovereignty, sustainability, and welfare. To realize this missions, the ministry carries out
bureaucratic reform and innovates in community service, which depends on the innovative work behavior of its middle man-
agers. This study analyzes the direct effect of transformational leadership and self-determination on innovative work behavior.
The mediation roles of person-organization fit and social media usage are also tested. One hundred thirty middle managers
were selected as respondents and completed the questionnaire online. The analyzing of this research data was carried out
with structural equation modeling. This research output clearly shows innovative work behavior improvement among middle
managers. It can be used as a basis for consideration for middle managers in formulating policies related to innovative work
behavior by focusing on more appropriate transformational leadership and self-determination, as well as the involvement of
person-organization fit and social media usage.
Plain language summary
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia has three missions: sovereignty, sustainability,
and welfare. To achieve these purposes, the ministry reforms bureaucracy and innovates community service, which
depends on its middle managers’ inventive efforts. This study examines the relationship between transformational
leadership and innovative work behavior. Also assessed are person organization fit and social media use. 130 middle
managers took the online survey. This research data was analyzed via structural equation modeling. This study’s findings
provide a clear picture of the development of innovative work behavior among middle managers.
transformational leadership, self-determination, person-organization fit, social media usage, innovative work behavior, process
innovation, quality jobs, effective institution
Due to rapid changes in the strategic environment and
the rapid expansion of science, technology, communica-
tion, and information, the development of the
Indonesian bureaucracy confronts a number of obsta-
cles. The Indonesian bureaucracy is required to be more
professional in carrying out its responsibilities and
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Corresponding Author:
Anis Eliyana, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Data Availability Statement included at the end of the article
Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of
the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
fostering the ethos of community development (Rusfiana
and Supriatna, 2021). By reflecting on this fact,
Indonesia’s marine and fisheries sector must be indepen-
dent, advanced, strong, and based on national interests
to realize its long-term goals. The ministry’s bureaucratic
performance is expected to be more effective and effi-
cient through a systematic approach and achieve good
governance to create a state apparatus that is clean, pro-
fessional, responsible, and innovative. This bureaucratic
reform was initiated by the Indonesian government with
the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand Design of
Bureaucratic Reform 2010 to 2025 One way to accom-
plish this mission is by fostering the innovative work
behavior among the ministry’s middle managers.
These middle managers can achieve exceptional opera-
tional efficiency through their capacity to originate ideas
and implement them into effective services. Some aca-
demics and professionals believe innovative work beha-
vior can contribute to organizational success (Pradhan &
Jena, 2019). They also support the fact that innovative
work behavior has a major influence on the survival and
effectiveness of the organization, which ultimately leads
to sustainable organizational development. Middle man-
agers must think creatively and implement innovative
ideas to respond appropriately to changes in the work
environment. In this setting, middle managers can
increase organizational performance by generating crea-
tive ideas and using them as building blocks to improve
services and work processes as the key to organizational
success (Lam et al., 2018).
Transformational leadership is effective in encoura-
ging positive behavior to create significant changes for
followers and organizations (Hasib et al., 2020). In addi-
tion, transformational leader can generate creativity and
motivate followers to engage in innovative work beha-
vior because followers get guidance and inspiration.
Furthermore, self-determination can be important
because it includes human motivation based on the need
to fulfill basic psychological needs. The level of satisfac-
tion with those needs predicts a person’s positive work
outcomes regarding competence, autonomy, and related-
ness. These three main psychological needs are necessary
to motivate humans independently or intrinsically. Self-
determination is individuals’ autonomy to choose how to
perform tasks (Bos-Nehles et al., 2017). Motivation is
very important for the growth of creativity because it is
conducive to conditions of persistence and the growth of
newness. The growth of this creativity will directly
encourage the growth of innovative work behavior
among middle managers. In addition, this study suggests
that a high person-organization fit helps middle manag-
ers perform beneficial behaviors for the organization and
employee innovation which can be one form of this
behavior. Person-organization fit is crucial to maintain
inspired, flexible, and committed personnel (Afsar and
Badir, 2017).
The rapid changes in information technology have
made most organizations want to take advantage of the
things that lead to the innovative possibilities offered by
its use. Some of the innovations made by the Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of
Indonesia are related to information technology, such as
the web and mobile-based e-Extension application sys-
tem, the Fast Service Permit Information System, the
Follow-up Data Information System for Monitoring
Results of the Government Internal Supervisory
Apparatus. Along with the development of information
technology, the use of social media within the ministry is
expected to help carry out work to be inevitable. Social
media has been described as a web-based application
and collaboration platform that allows for creating,
adapting, discussing, and exchanging user-generated
content (Aichner & Jacob, 2015). The ministry has used
social media a lot for public relations in the form of
external communication with the community, making it
easier to get feedback from the public. It is also impor-
tant for communication between middle managers.
Today’s organizations increasingly use social media to
increase their activities (Braojos et al., 2019). Social
media is the modern stream of the revolution since its
potential is well-known, and several researchers and
experts have done various studies to explain this tremen-
dous media popularity (Khan et al, 2019). Social media
presence has penetrated the organization, facilitating
communication and previously difficult knowledge work.
Garcia-Morales et al. (2018) show that social media
usage will enable organizations to become adept at reor-
ganizing resources and acting on various opportunities
by encouraging their networks to spread organizational
knowledge and innovative work behavior.
This research examines innovative work behavior that
is beneficial to be applied in improving employee and
organizational performance, which is reflected in the
influence of transformational leadership and self-deter-
mination. Analyzing the factors that influence innovative
work behavior is an important issue because this topic is
rarely found in the literature of public service institu-
tions, such as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries in Indonesia. It also responds to study recom-
mendations from Islam et al. (2022) to investigate inno-
vative work behavior in developing countries. This
research fills the gap in leadership roles and self-
development by paying attention to self-determination
when individuals need to carry out continuous innova-
tion for organizational success. In addition, according to
previous research, person-organization fit and social
media usage can be effective supports to lead to better
2SAGE Open
implementation of innovative work behavior. There are
similarities from previous studies, but there is still a lack
of attention to orientation at the Ministry of Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries in Indonesia.
This study will focus on middle managers because
they lead the work implementation, carry responsibility
as leaders, facilitate change, and ensure smooth opera-
tion. Middle managers also have more opportunities to
implement innovative ideas daily. Furthermore, the
involvement of middle managers is needed to generate
creativity in creating good and appropriate quality work
for innovation and organizational effectiveness. Based
on the thoughts and empirical facts described previously,
this research is designed to improve the innovative work
behavior of the middle manager at the Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of
Literature Review
Conceptual Overview
Transformational Leadership. By creating a more effec-
tive, targeted, and controlled work environment, leader-
ship becomes important in persuading followers or
subordinates to achieve common goals because the influ-
ence of leaders can help middle managers achieve com-
pany goals (Abadiyah et al., 2020). Transformational
leadership is effective in encouraging positive behavior to
create significant changes for followers and organizations
(Hasib et al., 2020). These leaders can direct organiza-
tional strategy, mission, structure, and culture changes to
promote products and work innovation (Hasib et al.,
2020). They are also known to be more likely to be open-
minded and visionary, which can motivate middle man-
agers to work more than expectations (Syabarrudin
et al., 2020). The leader will regularly engage followers
by providing training and offering feedback as part of a
process that ensures followers’ needs are consistent with
the organization’s objective to give possibilities for
growth and self-actualization (Amankwaa et al., 2019).
When these middle managers can recognize growth
opportunities, they are more likely to engage in discre-
tionary behavior that benefits the organization and cre-
ate a future vision that motivates, inspires, persuades,
and attracts followers.
Self-Determination. Self-determination itself refers to
the ability to identify and achieve goals based on the
knowledge and judgment of the individual himself (Field
et al., 1997). The concept of self-determination will come
from the self-determination theory. It refers to indepen-
dent motivation based on the values in the minds of mid-
dle managers, which will lead to workplace morale and
constant attempts to obtain and share information
(Wahyudi et al., 2019). Self-determination theory is a
theory of motivation that focuses on the psychological
needs necessary for growth and the conditions that drive
their fulfillment. According to self-determination theory,
fulfilling these needs will lead to a higher level of self-
motivation than before. According to the notion of self-
determination, there are two primary types of motiva-
tion: autonomous and controlled (Gagne
´& Deci, 2005).
Self-determination is the autonomy to choose how to
perform one’s duties (Bos-Nehles et al., 2017). Thus, it
can be concluded that self-determination is a form of
someone’s motivation related to one’s ability to fulfill
their own psychological needs.
Person-Organization Fit. Person-organization fit refers to
the congruence between individual and organizational
values, emphasizing the degree to which individuals and
organizations share the same qualities and fulfill each
other’s requirements (Kristof-Brown & Billsberry, 2013).
Person-organization fit is a form of conformity that
refers to values, knowledge, abilities, skills, and personal-
ities between individuals and the entire organization
(Wahyudi et al., 2019). According to the study, a high
person-organization fit is also stated to provide a better
understanding of organizational expectations and indi-
vidual realization of their unique tasks. It is supported
by (Afsar and Badir’s (2017) statement that person-orga-
nization fit is crucial for sustaining inspired, adaptable,
and devoted staff. Explaining a high-performing work-
force is intriguing because it demonstrates that individu-
als and organizations are attracted to each other based
on shared values and goals. Therefore, person-
organization fit can consider the individual and organi-
zational scope, which helps describe positive employee
attitudes and behaviors.
Social Media Usage. Because user activity on social
media is motivated more by intrinsic motivators than
monetary benefits, the social media setting differs signifi-
cantly from the corporate context (Cao et al., 2016).
Social media are a web-based application and collabora-
tion platform that permits the production, modification,
debate, and exchange of user-generated material
(Aichner & Jacob, 2015). Social media usage in organiza-
tions will benefit from the interactivity, peer support,
and quick response provided by tools that social media
can use in the workplace, improving the learning envi-
ronment (El Ouirdi et al., 2015). According to the
research, the popularity of social media technology may
be due to its flexible access, timely delivery, and cost-
effectiveness. Khan et al. (2019) have also stated that
social media usage can make employees work effectively
and creatively through knowledge transfer. In addition,
social media usage will also impact employee outcomes
Safrizal et al. 3
and play a key role in increasing transparency and
accountability in public organizations (Picazo-Vela
et al., 2016).
Innovative Work Behavior. An employee’s innovative
work behavior can be determined when the employee has
exceeded the responsibilities and scope of requirements
for basic work, which can also involve initiating, realiz-
ing, and commercializing new, useful, and creative ideas
and solutions (Kustanto et al., 2020). Innovative work
behavior is also expressed as a combination of ideas, pro-
motion of thoughts, and implementation of intermittent
and interrelated ideas to benefit work roles, work groups,
and organizations (Nurjaman et al., 2019). Innovative
work behavior results from all thinking and implementa-
tion processes that generate new services, products, busi-
ness processes, or new approaches. Innovative work
behavior refers to a series of behaviors introducing new
ideas that are relevant and beneficial to create and imple-
ment to enhance employee and organizational perfor-
mance (Wahyudi et al., 2019). In particular, innovative
work behavior is all individual actions in the form of
creative ideas.
Hypothesis Development
Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work
Behavior. Innovative work behavior of middle managers
in the workplace depends heavily on interactions with
colleagues, supervisors, subordinates, and clients. It is
known that one of these valuable interactions leads to
innovative ideas and creative work solutions that occur
between an employee and his superior (Pradhan & Jena,
2019). Various leadership styles can be applied in an
organization, but not all can effectively build innovative
work behavior (Setiawan et al., 2020). The study states
that transformational leadership influences employee
innovation work behavior the most. According to
Pradhan and Jena (2019), transformational leadership is
a leadership style that leads to an extraordinary perfor-
mance by connecting middle managers’ self-concepts
through organizational missions and encouraging their
subordinates to think outside the box. Innovative work
behavior is extra-discretionary role performance beha-
vior that is only possible to engage with if transforma-
tional leadership affects significant aspects of employee
work attitudes (Amankwaa et al., 2019).
Transformational leader will give middle managers suffi-
cient freedom, space, and authority to carry out their
work (autonomy). It can encourage middle managers to
explore new ways of dealing with problems and create
meaningful value for innovative work behavior.
Transformational leader offers followers an attractive
vision by stimulating their intelligence and encouraging
them to challenge existing mental models and innovate
better solutions to bring positive change that can
increase innovative work behavior (Pradhan & Jena,
2019). Transformational leader also leads by example by
taking calculated risks and engaging in non-conventional
and work behavior innovations that can stimulate inno-
vation among followers. In addition, transformational
leader tends to recognize differences in employee
strengths and adopt an individual approach that accom-
modates employee work conditions and personal growth
that, eventually, creates a sense of support from the
leader. It, in turn, can encourage middle managers to
engage in innovative work behavior (Amankwaa et al.,
2019). Several empirical studies have reported that trans-
formational leadership positively affects individual,
group, and organizational innovation, leading to innova-
tive work behavior (Amankwaa et al., 2019; Pradhan &
Jena, 2019). Thus, this study hypothesizes that:
H1: Transformational leadership has a significant
effect on innovative work behavior.
Self-Determination and Innovation Work Behavior. Middle
managers will be strongly relied upon to continue inno-
vating for organizations to attain competitiveness and
quick market changes. With increased pressure to
develop new products and services quickly and effec-
tively, organizations will continue to support innovative
employee work behavior to sustain and enhance long-
term performance (Van Burg et al., 2014). Self-determi-
nation theory, where autonomous motivation is founded
on the values in the employee’s head, also leads to work
ethic and ongoing efforts to obtain and share knowledge
with others (Wahyudi et al., 2019). It is regarded to be
capable of fostering innovation among middle managers
in the organization (Wang & Hou, 2015). According to
Bos-Nehles et al. (2017), the effect of autonomy on inno-
vative work behavior can be explained by various the-
ories, especially the self-determination theory. With self-
determination, the empowered middle managers are
more intrinsically motivated and, in turn, will trigger
proactive behaviors such as innovative work behavior.
Intrinsic motivation as the effect of self-determination
will also positively affect autonomy in innovative work
behavior. They further argue that different job groups
feel different levels of intrinsic motivation, affecting
innovative work behavior (Bos-Nehles et al., 2017). In
addition, based on ideas from self-determination theory,
proper task composition can help motivate middle man-
agers to undertake complex jobs where they acquire
knowledge and skills that help generate and apply new
ideas essential to innovative work behavior. Self-determi-
nation is very important for the growth of creativity
because it creates a conducive condition for positive
influence, persistence, and the growth of novelty which
4SAGE Open
will be useful for other aspects of innovative work beha-
vior, such as implementation. Empirical research con-
ducted by Wang et al. (2020) on medical companies
shows that the basic psychological needs satisfaction of
the self-determinant is positively and significantly related
to innovative work behavior. Thus, this study hypothe-
sizes that:
H2: Self-determination has a significant effect on the
innovation work behavior.
Person-Organization Fit and Innovative Work Behavior. Middle
managers can make choices and deal with constant
exchanges about various problems when carrying out inno-
vative work behavior, especially those related to humans.
People generally avoid engaging in innovative work beha-
vior when they fear it will cause others to view them nega-
tively. According to Akhtar et al. (2019), person-
organization fit can aid in improved socialization, leading
to the development of social support for innovation-critical
ideas. Person-organization fit can also assist individuals in
establishing long-term ties with their organizations, where
they are more likely to display behaviors that favor perfor-
mance results (e.g., increased productivity and innovative
work behavior). It is essential since innovative work beha-
vior involves not just initiating an idea but also realizing
and commercializing it, which requires a long-term com-
mitment to an individual’s concept. In addition, according
to Afsar (2016), person-organization fit refers to the con-
formity of middle managers’ values, abilities, and needs
with the organization’s values, demands, and supplies. It is
considered effective in increasing innovative work behavior
to stay competitive. Middle managers do not consider this
behavior mandatory, but this behavior is very important
for all industries (Afsar, 2016). Some studies from Afsar
(2016), Afsar and Badir (2017), Akhtar et al. (2019),
Pudjiarti and Hutomo (2020) show a positive and signifi-
cant relationship between person-organization fit and inno-
vation work behavior. Thus, this study hypothesizes that:
H3: Person-organization fit has a significant effect on
innovative work behavior.
Social Media Usage and Innovative Work Behavior. Social
media refers to internet-based apps that permit the devel-
opment and distribution of user-generated content (Obar
& Wildman, 2015). Social media usage reveals individual
factors that can function as things that can help reveal
important differences between individuals (Pan et al.,
2017). Strengthening social media usage will help exploit
work in users’ daily lives and generate more website traf-
fic. In contrast, varied usage will aid job exploration by
deploying new features with additional innovations, and
can promote user-made innovations, and get more
value from users (Pan et al., 2017). Therefore, it will lead
to innovative work behavior. Understanding and appre-
ciating innovation in creative work behavior is only pos-
sible with a solid concept and supporting infrastructure
that facilitates its successful implementation. With the
aid of social media, organizations may comprehend mar-
ket trends, enhance their reputation, innovate and boost
their productivity, and recruit and retain middle manage-
ment (Jiang et al., 2016). The emphasis on social media
usage for innovation has been around for a long time.
Companies can filter social media content to identify dis-
satisfaction among middle managers, coworkers, super-
visors, and clients. For innovative behavior to be
successful, effective communication of innovative busi-
ness values is a mandatory requirement (Cui et al.,
2015). Thus, social media usage can quickly assist in
effective, innovative work behavior communication to
large segments (Raman & Menon, 2018). The study also
stated that social media usage for innovative behavior
research was due to their inability to cull large amounts
of data, most of which was ‘‘noise.’’ Thus, organizations
warn to rely on something other than the number and
word cloud as this leads to general ideas while it will miss
out on innovative things (Raman & Menon, 2018).
Empirical research conducted by Han and Xia (2020)
has shown that social media usage positively and signifi-
cantly affects innovative work behavior. In addition,
Saleem et al. (2017) research shows a significant positive
relationship between social media usage and innovative
behavior. Thus, this study hypothesizes that:
H4: Social media usage has a significant effect on
innovation work behavior.
Transformational Leadership and Person-Organization Fit.
Transformational leadership is characterized by its pro-
pensity to create in its followers a shared identity regard-
ing aims and ideals and a sense of organizational pride
by expressing an appealing vision that stresses shared
values (Deinert et al., 2015). It will affect followers
towards transformational leadership who tend to see the
values in line with their organization, not only their lead-
ers but because their values align with a common vision
(Raja et al., 2018). Thus, these middle managers typically
recognize that they are a part of something larger and, as
a result, will identify with the organization, resulting in
individual-organizational compatibility. Moreover,
transformational leadership can establish a high level of
person-organization fit because leaders who are proud of
their organization’s past and future can communicate
these values to their followers, creating a person-
organization fit (Raja et al., 2018). The relationship
between transformational leadership and person-
organization fit can also be explained by the leader’s
Safrizal et al. 5
ability to manage employee needs. When middle manag-
ers are considered individually, they tend to be motivated
to acquire further job skills (Bui et al., 2017). Bass and
Riggio (2005) suggest that transformational leadership
will disseminate approaches such as inspirational moti-
vation to influence employee attitudes towards their
work, increase meaning in work, and link work with
larger goals (Bui et al., 2017). Therefore, transforma-
tional leadership can increase the person-organization fit
that middle managers feel. Hence, it is known that trans-
formational leadership inspires followers to challenge the
status quo and find innovative solutions to organiza-
tional problems, thus creating a high level of person-
organization fit in their organizations. Previous studies
have concluded that transformational leadership has a
positive and significant relationship with the person-
organization fit (Chi & Pan, 2012; Raja et al., 2018).
Thus, this study hypothesizes that:
H5: Transformational leadership has a significant
effect on person-organization fit.
Self-Determination and Person-Organization Fit. Self-deter-
mination theory is a motivation theory that states that
individuals experience various motivations ranging from
controlled motivation to autonomous motivation (Deci
et al., 2017). According to Saether (2019), self-
determination will result in person-organization fit,
which refers to the correlation between a person’s traits
and environment. Person-organization fit will pertain
directly to the relationship between a person and their
organization. It is because person-organization fit
encompasses all the compatibility between individuals
and organizations that occurs when at least one entity
delivers what the other requires and both have similar
core features (Saether, 2019). People are more likely to
have their basic psychological needs met in an environ-
ment that provides appropriate resources, has more suit-
able personnel experience, and offers greater
opportunities (Gabriel et al., 2014). Consequently, per-
sons who perceive a greater fit with their environment
are more likely to exhibit a higher level of autonomous
motivation, contributing to person-organization fit. An
empirical study by Gilal et al. (2019) shows that self-
determination positively and significantly affects person-
organization fit. Thus, this study hypothesizes that:
H6: Self-determination has a significant effect on per-
son-organization fit.
Transformational Leadership and Social Media Usage.
Numerous academics and scientists have conducted stud-
ies demonstrating that the popularity of social media is
well-known for elucidating this powerful media reputa-
tion. Additionally, social media has permeated the orga-
nization, facilitating previously difficult organizational
communication, and knowledge work (Chang et al.,
2015). Good use of social media can be influenced by
transformational leadership through the power of moti-
vation and influence that can encourage followers to use
social media. Transformational leader will motivate peo-
ple to put common goals ahead of their self-interests,
educate their positive attitudes toward the vision, and
facilitate them to expand their thinking strategies to be
more creative at work. Transformational leader can
encourage followers to use social media to enhance their
self-concept and social identification (Chen et al., 2016).
A high-quality relationship between followers and lead-
ers with a transformational leadership style will encour-
age followers to use social media and increase their
commitment, impacting follower performance and orga-
nizational effectiveness and leaders (Khan et al., 2019).
In addition, to boost their social media usage and job
commitment, followers of transformational leaders
should be urged to be creative in their activities.
Additionally, social media can facilitate information
transfer, making tasks easier, more creative, and faster
(Khan et al., 2019). An empirical study by Khan and
Khan (2019) concluded that transformational leadership
indirectly affects employee innovation through organiza-
tional learning and knowledge sharing and has a direct
and significant positive relationship with social media
use, task performance, and affective commitment. Thus,
this study hypothesizes that:
H7: Transformational leadership has a significant
effect on social media usage.
Self-Determination and Social Media Usage. Self-determi-
nation refers to social and environmental factors that
reflect the assumption that intrinsic motivation, which is
the inherent tendency of organisms, is catalyzed (not
caused) when individuals are in supportive conditions
(Demircioglu, 2018). The study stated that social media
usage facilitates the right performance, which can be
influenced when improving employee self-determination.
The self-determination theory can analyze social media
usage’s effect on better work objectives. Social media
usage is useful for work purposes and can positively or
negatively impact employee attitudes and performance.
If social media usage has interesting experiences and
engagements, the level of performance important for
work results will increase. Likewise, it was found that
social media usage can be affected by the user’s self-
determination because they tend to have a higher level
of satisfaction with the use of social media (Hoffman &
6SAGE Open
Novak, 2012). The function of social media usage is in
line with the principle of self-determination because
social media usage is linked to work purposes with sta-
keholders that can increase employee autonomy, com-
petence, and relatedness (Demircioglu, 2018).
Empirical research conducted by Masur et al. (2014)
concluded that social media Employee usage positively
relates to employee satisfaction needs (autonomy,
relatedness, and competence) and intrinsic work moti-
vation. The similarity with this research is that both
elements of self-determination are intrinsic motivation
and social media use. The difference is that the research
does not use identified motivation. Thus, this study
hypothesizes that:
H8: Self-determination has a significant effect on
social media usage.
Mediation Role of Person-Organization Fit. The relation-
ship between transformational leadership and person-
organization fit can also be explained by the ability of
transformational leader to influence to be open-minded
and visionary, which can motivate middle managers to
work beyond expectations (Syabarrudin et al., 2020).
Raja et al. (2018) show that transformational leadership
has a positive and significant relationship with person-
organization fit. Furthermore, middle managers with a
suitable person-organization fit and broad-minded about
their work will feel satisfied and intrinsically motivated
to show higher innovative work behavior. In addition,
self- determination can also be an important element in
influencing person-organization fit, which can be
observed from several studies such as those conducted
(Gilal et al., 2019) in showing that self-determination has
a positive and significant effect on person-organization
fit. Self-determination of middle managers will demon-
strate a high level of autonomy motivation. They will see
if their values align with organizations where they work
that enable fulfilling values important to them. Thus,
they will be better able to channel innovative work beha-
vior into their work (Jang et al., 2012). The mediating
role of person-organization fit on the effect of transfor-
mational leadership on innovative work behavior and
the effect of self-determination on innovative work beha-
vior has yet to be explicitly researched. It is known that
the relationship between these variables has been
explored more deeply in the form of fragments. For
example, Silverthorne (2004) found that individuals with
intermediate value congruence between organization and
themselves are more likely to show innovative action. As
well as research Varghese (2020) found that value con-
gruence can mediate the relationship between transfor-
mational leadership to innovative work behavior.
Several other studies place person-organization fit as a
mediating variable, such as Afsar and Badir (2017).
Thus, this study hypothesizes that:
H9: Person-organization fit significantly mediates the
effect of transformational leadership on innovative
work behavior.
H10: Person-organization fit significantly mediates
the effect of self-determination on innovative work
Mediation Role of Social Media Usage. The effect of trans-
formational leadership on social media usage can be
observed from studies such as those conducted by Khan
and Khan (2019), which have shown that transforma-
tional leadership indirectly affects employee innovation
through organizational learning and knowledge sharing.
The research shows transformational leadership has a
direct positive relationship with social media usage, task
performance, and affective organizational commitment
and a positive indirect relationship between social media
usage on positive task performance. According to Khan
and Khan (2019), social media usage can influence the
interaction between transformational leadership and
innovative work behavior to strengthen innovative
employee behavior by encouraging organizational learn-
ing and impacting knowledge sharing. In addition, self-
determination demonstrates that perceived autonomy can
facilitate the integration of activities into individual val-
ues, making individuals feel that social media usage is
good and attracting them to find the information they
need (Li & Wang, 2018). It is important to pay attention
to this because it will help understand how employee atti-
tudes can be improved properly and make middle manag-
ers very satisfied and motivated towards innovative work
behavior, work better, and work harder (Demircioglu,
2020). Khan and Khan (2019) show the role of social
media usage as a mediating variable between transforma-
tional leadership and positive performance results. The
study shows that transformational leadership has a direct
and significant positive relationship with social media
usage, task performance, and affective commitment and
a significant indirect positive relationship with task per-
formance through social media use. Research Tijunaitis
et al. (2019) shows social media usage as a mediating
variable for virtuality in the workplace toward social cap-
ital. The results show that social media usage is a signifi-
cant mediator in the relationship between virtuality in the
workplace and social capital as a whole (partial media-
tion). Thus, this study hypothesizes that:
H11: Social media usage significantly mediates the
effect of transformational leadership on innovative
work behavior.
Safrizal et al. 7
H12: Social media usage significantly mediates the effect
of self-determination on innovative work behavior.
The hypotheses are conceptualized in the following
Figure 1.
Research Method
Research Approach
This research is explanatory research investigating causal
relationships in certain phenomena. The phenomenon in
this research is the innovative work behavior of middle
managers at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, which is associ-
ated with transformational leadership, self-determina-
tion, person-organizational fit, and social media usage.
This study adopted instrument measurement variables
from previous studies. The transformational leadership
instrument was adopted from Bass and Riggio (2005) con-
sisted of 13 indicators. Furthermore, the self-determina-
tion instrument was adopted from Gagne
´and Deci (2005)
consisted of six indicators. Meanwhile, eight indicators to
measure person-organizational fit were adopted from
Kristof (1996). In measuring the social media usage, this
study adopts six indicators from Hu et al., (2017). Finally,
the measurement of innovative work behavior was carried
out using 12 indicators (De Jong & Den Hartog, 2010).
Data and Sample Collection Techniques
Data collection was done in August 2020 to January 2021
through questionnaires. The use of this technique was to
obtain primary data from respondents as research subjects
regarding the variables being measured. The questionnaires
focused on respondents’ perceptions of items related to
transformational leadership, self-determination, person-
organization fit, social media usage, and innovative work
behavior. The population of this research is the middle
managers who work at the head office of the Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia,
with a population of 130 middle managers. In this case, the
middle manager includes the position of Head of Division
of 82 people, and Head of Subdirectorate of 48 people.
This study uses sampling techniques through total samples
for data collection. The number of samples used in this
study is the same as the population.
Data Analysis Techniques
The method of analysis used in this study to analyze the
empirical data includes descriptive and inferential statis-
tical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis is intended
to determine the frequency distribution of answers from
the questionnaire results. Meanwhile, inferential statisti-
cal analysis focuses on the field of analysis and interpre-
tation of data to improve conclusions. The inferential
statistical method used in this data analysis is Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM).
The variable assessment was carried out by the Ministry
of Marine Affairs and Fisheries middle managers by
answering various statements in the questionnaire.
Table 1 shows four demographic variables that show
data as Gender, Age, Education, and Years of Work.
Figure 1. Conceptual framework.
8SAGE Open
Based on Table 2, it is known that the results of the
convergent validity and reliability test in this study have
shown that all indicators have met the research require-
ments, and it is stated that all indicators in this study
affect the latent variables used. It can occur because the
validity and reliability test results have met the validity
and reliability requirements for the study (\a= .05
regression weight on factor loading and ..70 on CR).
Table 3 shows the complete results for testing the nor-
mality of data on all research variables used. It explains
the significance level of five percent (5%), then the C.R.
value, which is between 21.96 and 1.96, is said to be nor-
mally distributed, univariate, and multivariate data.
Table 4 shows the p-value of the exogenous variables:
transformational leadership (X1) with self-determination
(X2), .082. The p-value of the exogenous variables rela-
tionship ..05, so it can be said that there is no multicol-
linearity problem in the analyzed data.
Based on Table 5, the outlier test results in this study
are presented at Mahalanobis distance or Mahalanobis
d-squared. Mahalanobis value .Chi-square table or p1-
value \.001 is said to be an outlier observation. This
study had no outlier data, as shown in the table contain-
ing the top 10 data.
Table 7 and Figure 2 show that the path coefficient is
positive (indicating a unidirectional change), and if the
critical ratio value .1.96 and the probability of signifi-
cance (p)..05, it is declared to have a significant effect.
After being processed with the analytical techniques
used, the result of hypothesis testing showed that trans-
formational leadership had a positive and significant
effect on the innovative work behavior . In line with pre-
vious studies, transformational leadership affect
innovation positively at the individual, group, and orga-
nizational levels, leading to innovative work behavior
(Amankwaa et al., 2019; Pradhan & Jena, 2019). The
result showed that transformational leadership at the
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries led to perfor-
mance that exceeded expectations by linking the self-con-
cept of middle managers through organizational
missions and encouraging their subordinates to think
outside the box and display innovative work behavior.
Transformational leadership also provided middle man-
agers with sufficient freedom and space, and authority to
carry out their work to explore new ways to deal with
problems and create meaningful value for innovative
work behavior.
Next result showed that self-determination had a posi-
tive and insignificant effect on the innovative work beha-
vior of the middle managers. It indicated that the idea of
self-determination theory could not significantly moti-
vate middle managers to generate and implement new
ideas, which are important for innovative work behavior.
Furthermore, person-organization fit showed a posi-
tive and insignificant effect on the innovative work beha-
vior. It was not in line with the prior studies (Afsar, 2016;
Afsar & Badir, 2017; Akhtar et al., 2019; Pudjiarti &
Hutomo, 2020), which showed a positive and significant
relationship between person-organization fit and innova-
tive work behavior. It indicated that person-organization
fit could not significantly foster better socialization to
support ideas needed for innovative work behavior It
was stated that the innovative work behavior of the mid-
dle managers at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and
Fisheries could be supported by other things.
The hypothesis testing results showed that social
media usage had a positive and significant effect on the
innovative work behavior. It aligned with previous
empirical study conducted by Han and Xia (2020), which
showed that social media usage positively and signifi-
cantly affected innovative work behavior. In addition,
the research by Saleem et al. (2017) also showed a signifi-
cant positive relationship between social media usage
and innovative behavior. Social media usage was found
to assist middle managers understand public opinion,
improve reputation, innovate and increase productivity,
and form effective communication important for innova-
tive work behavior.
Next, transformational leadership had a positive and
significant effect on the person-organization fit . It
aligned with previous studies conducted Raja et al.
(2018) and Chi and Pan (2012), which resulted in the
conclusion that transformational leadership had a posi-
tive and significant relationship with person-organization
fit. The result indicated that transformational leadership
tended to see values that aligned with their organiza-
tions, either because of the leaders or common visions.
Table 1. Demographic Characteristics.
N= 130 Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 98 75.4
Female 32 24.6
Age 20–30 Years old 12 9.3
31–40 Years old 56 43.0
41–50 Years old 48 36.9
.50 Years old 14 10.8
Recent Education Diploma 0 0
Bachelor 80 61.6
Master 46 35.4
Doctoral 4 3.0
Tenure 1–2 Years 0 0
3–4 Years 2 1.6
5–6 Years 9 6.9
7–8 Years 9 6.9
.8 Years 110 84.6
Safrizal et al. 9
Thus, the middle managers realized that they were part
of the organizations that lead to person-organization fit.
The following showed that self-determination posi-
tively and significantly affected the person-organization
fit. It aligns with studies conducted by Gilal et al. (2019)
and Saether (2019), which has shown that self-determi-
nation positively and significantly affects person-organi-
zation fit. The results of this study indicate that self-
determination leads to the person-organization fit of the
middle managers at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and
Fisheries concerning the correspondence between a per-
son’s characteristics and their environment. The person-
organization fit of middle managers is specifically
concerned with the relationship between an individual
and their organization which includes all the compatibil-
ity between people and organizations that occurs when
at least one entity provides what the other needs and
they have similar fundamental characteristics.
The results of hypothesis testing show that transfor-
mational leadership has a positive and significant effect
on social media usage. It is in line with previous research
by Khan and Khan (2019), which concluded that trans-
formational leadership indirectly influences personnel
innovation through organizational learning and knowl-
edge sharing and has a direct and significant positive
relationship with social media usage. The results of this
Table 2. Validity and Reliability Test.
Variables Indicator(s) Factor loading Construct Reliability
Transformational leadership (X1) X1.1 .512 .899
X1.2 .708
X1.3 .757
X1.4 .557
X1.5 .716
X1.6 .711
X1.8 .566
X1.9 .740
X1.10 .721
X1.11 .630
X1.12 .683
X1.13 .520
Self-determination (X2) X2.1 .897 .844
X2.2 .867
X2.3 .565
X2.4 .651
X2.5 .507
X2.6 .600
Person-organization fit (Z1) Z1.1 .524 .831
Z1.2 .659
Z1.3 .502
Z1.4 .723
Z1.5 .529
Z1.6 .748
Z1.7 .515
Z1.8 .713
Social media usage (Z2) Z2.1 .652 .789
Z2.2 .613
Z2.3 .760
Z2.4 .569
Z2.5 .572
Z2.6 .546
Innovation work behavior (Y) Y1 .611 .832
Y2 .506
Y4 .658
Y5 .727
Y6 .504
Y7 .566
Y9 .537
Y10 .612
Y11 .512
Y12 .507
10 SAGE Open
study indicate that a high-quality relationship between
followers and leaders at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs
and Fisheries with a transformational leadership style
will encourage middle managers to take advantage of
social media usage.
In addition, self-determination positively and signifi-
cantly affects the social media usage . In line with previ-
ous research conducted by Masur et al. (2014), the
conclusion is that social media usage by middle manag-
ers is positively related to employee satisfaction needs
Table 3. Normality Assessment.
Indicator(s) Min Max Skew C.R. Kurtosis C.R.
X1.1 3.000 5.000 .342 1.592 20.747 21.739
X1.2 3.000 5.000 .066 0.309 20.431 21.002
X1.3 3.000 5.000 .017 0.077 20.172 20.400
X1.4 3.000 5.000 .209 0.974 20.633 21.473
X1.5 3.000 5.000 .107 0.497 20.599 21.395
X1.6 3.000 5.000 .027 0.127 20.448 21.042
X1.8 3.000 5.000 .183 0.850 20.619 21.442
X1.9 3.000 5.000 .117 0.545 20.493 21.147
X1.10 3.000 5.000 .560 0.726 20.602 21.401
X1.11 3.000 5.000 .020 0.474 20.455 21.059
X1.12 3.000 5.000 .156 0.726 20.602 21.401
X1.13 3.000 5.000 .178 0.828 20.794 21.847
X2.1 3.000 5.000 2.086 20.401 20.418 20.973
X2.2 3.000 5.000 2.093 20.433 20.544 21.266
X2.3 3.000 5.000 .055 0.255 0.502 1.169
X2.4 3.000 5.000 2.330 21.538 20.818 21.903
X2.5 3.000 5.000 2.123 20.572 20.486 21.132
X2.6 3.000 5.000 2.236 21.100 20.642 21.495
Z1.1 3.000 5.000 2.024 20.113 20.229 20.532
Z1.2 3,000 5.000 2.025 20.118 0.164 0.381
Z1.3 3.000 5.000 .003 0.012 0.095 0.221
Z1.4 3.000 5.000 .000 0.000 20.292 20.679
Z1.5 3.000 5.000 .006 0.030 0.021 0.049
Z1.6 3.000 5.000 .134 0.624 20.710 21.652
Z1.7 3.000 5.000 .015 0.071 0.016 0.037
Z1.8 3.000 5.000 .013 0.060 20.346 20.805
Z2.1 3.000 5.000 2.107 20.497 20.450 21.046
Z2.2 3.000 5.000 .080 0.374 20.616 21.433
Z2.3 3.000 5.000 2.013 20.060 20.346 20.805
Z2.4 3.000 5.000 .073 0.339 0.940 1.149
Z2.5 3.000 5.000 2.001 20.007 20.111 20.259
Z2.6 3.000 5.000 .107 0.497 20.599 21.395
Y1 3.000 5.000 2.011 20.052 20.249 20.581
Y2 3.000 5.000 2.110 20.512 20.446 21.038
Y4 3.000 5.000 .110 0.512 0.087 0.202
Y5 3.000 5.000 2.107 20.497 20.599 21.395
Y6 3.000 5.000 2.068 20.315 20.375 20.873
Y7 3.000 5.000 2.079 20.366 20.474 21.104
Y9 3.000 5.000 2.029 20.136 20.296 20.690
Y10 3.000 5.000 .034 0.158 21.058 22.461
Y11 3.000 5.000 2.120 20.559 20.678 21.578
Y12 3.000 5.000 2.055 20.257 20.330 20.768
Multivariate 20.340 1.864
Table 4. Multicollinearity Assessment.
Exogenous variables Estimate SE Critical ratio p
Transformational Leadership (X1) \.Self-Determination (X2) .070 .040 1.750 .082
Safrizal et al. 11
(autonomy, relatedness, and competence) and intrinsic
work motivation. The results of this study indicate that
social media usage will be in line with the principle of
self-determination by middle managers so that social
media usage is linked for work purposes with stake-
holders that can increase the autonomy of middle man-
agers in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.
The results of hypothesis show that the indirect effect
of transformational leadership on innovative work beha-
vior through the person-organization fit shows an insig-
nificant value. It shows that the effect of transformational
leadership on innovative work behavior through person-
organization fit has a less significant or insignificant
effect. It is because although the results of the effect of
transformational leadership on person-organization fit
show a significant value which can be seen from the sig-
nificance value, but the effect of person-organization fit
on innovative work behavior shows the insignificant value
which can be seen from the significance value. The results
of this study indicate that transformational leadership
towards innovative work behavior can be formed well for
middle managers at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and
Fisheries without having them through person-organiza-
tion fit or through the conformity between individual val-
ues and organizational values.
The results of hypothesis testing show that the indi-
rect effect of self-determination on innovative work
behavior through the person-organization fit have insig-
nificant value. It shows that the effect of self-determina-
tion on innovative work behavior through person-
organization fit has a less significant or insignificant
effect. It is because although the result of the effect of
self-determination on person-organization fit shows a
significant value, but the effect of person-organization fit
on innovative work behavior shows an insignificant
value. The results of this study indicate that the self-
determination of the middle managers at the Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries is not able to provide a
good influence on innovative work behavior even though
it is through a person-organization fit.
The results of hypothesis testing show that the indirect
effect of transformational leadership on innovative work
behavior through social media usage shows a significant
value. It can be seen based on Table 8, which shows the
significance or p-value of transformational leadership
towards social media usage through person-organization
Table 7. The Results of Testing Direct Effect.
Hypothesis Standardized coefficient Critical ratio Prob. Result(s)
X1 !Y 0.262 2.212 .028 Significant (H1 accepted)
X2 !Y 0.212 1.171 .241 Not significant (H2 rejected)
Z1 !Y 0.380 1.228 .219 Not significant (H3 rejected)
Z2 !Y 0.241 2.089 .037 Significant (H4 accepted)
X1 !Z1 0.627 4.531 .000 Significant (H5 accepted)
X2 !Z1 0.450 3.748 .000 Significant (H6 accepted)
X1 !Z2 0.360 2.958 .003 Significant (H7 accepted)
X2 !Z2 0.399 3.507 .000 Significant (H8 accepted)
Note. X1: Transformational Leadership; X2: Self-Determination; Z1: Person-Organization Fit; Z2: Social Media Usage; Y: Innovative Work Behavior.
Table 6. Model Testing Results.
The calculation
results Result(s)
Significance probability <0.05 0.000 Good fit
RMSEA <0.08 0.073 Good fit
GFI <0.90 0.865 Marginal fit
CMIN/DF <2.00 1.871 Good fit
TLI <0.90 0.944 Good fit
CFI <0.90 0.955 Good fit
Note. Based on Table 6 shows the results of testing the goodness of
overall fit model with the AMOS version 26 program. Seven criteria are
used to assess the feasibility of a model used. The test results show that
some model goodness-of-fit criteria have been met. So, the structural
model that is arranged is acceptable or means that it shows a match
between the model and the data.
Table 5. Mahalanobis Distance.
Observation number Mahalanobis d-squared p1p2
118 75.851 .001 .129
79 73.835 .002 .022
125 71.921 .003 .006
44 69.025 .005 .006
106 68.966 .005 .001
107 68.782 .006 .000
19 67.205 .008 .000
56 65.651 .011 .000
16 65.302 .012 .000
8 63.120 .019 .000
12 SAGE Open
fit, it shows that the effect of transformational leadership
on innovative work behavior through person-organiza-
tion fit has a real or significant effect. The results of this
study indicate that the social media usage of middle man-
agers can influence the interaction between transforma-
tional leadership and the influence on innovative work
behavior, with the aim of strengthening the innovative
behavior of middle managers by encouraging organiza-
tional learning and impacting knowledge sharing well.
Table 8 shows the path coefficient is positive (indicat-
ing a unidirectional change), and if the critical ratio value
.1.96 and the probability of significance (p)..05, it is
declared to have a significant effect.
The results of hypothesis testing show that the indirect
effect of self-determination on innovative work behavior
through social media usage shows a significant value. It
shows that the effect of transformational leadership on
innovative work behavior through person-organization
fit has a real or significant effect. The results of this study
indicate that the self-determination of the middle manag-
ers will demonstrate a perceived autonomy that can
facilitate the integration of activities into the values of
the middle managers which can create a perceived relat-
edness and make them feel that social media usage is
good and attracts them to find the information they
need. Thus, the attitude of the middle managers at the
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries can be
improved properly and make them very satisfied and
motivated towards innovative work behavior.
Conclusions and Implications
In various innovations to provide the best service for the
community/public in Indonesia, the Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries is, of course, very dependent on the
innovative work behavior of its middle managers. The
results of this study can realize innovative work behavior
precisely through the variables used and give the right influ-
ence to produce creativity in creating good quality work
appropriate to innovation and organizational effectiveness.
Figure 2. Path coefficient.
Table 8. The Results of Testing Indirect Effect.
Hypothesis Standardized coefficient Critical ratio Prob. Result(s)
X1 !Z1 !Y 0.138 1.183 .237 Not significant (H9 rejected)
X2 !Z1 !Y 0.090 1.165 .244 Not significant (H10 rejected)
X1 !Z2 !Y 0.152 2.881 .004 Significant (H11 accepted)
X2 !Z2 !Y 0.107 2.932 .003 Significant (H12 accepted)
Note. X1: Transformational Leadership; X2: Self-Determination; Z1: Person-Organization Fit; Z2: Social Media Usage; Y: Innovative Work Behavior.
Safrizal et al. 13
The findings of this study can be used by management to
develop an acceptable innovation process connected to
giving the community or public the finest service possible.
impact of transformational leadership and self-
determination on person-organization fit, social media
usage, and innovative work behavior based on the discus-
sion and findings given in this study. The outcomes also
showed that transformational leadership stimulates inno-
vation behavior by encouraging middle managers to think
creatively and in novel, inventive ways. Social media is
also recognized to promote the development of innovative
behavior. The organization’s social media users will benefit
from the peer support, interaction, and quick responses
offered by social media. The Ministry of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries can benefit from social media technology’s
capabilities because so many data sources are available
from interactions with individuals, organizations, and
other public agencies. Government agencies’ ability to use
social media will also promote service offerings, sources of
solutions for societal issues, and public policy.
Practically it is important for organizations to under-
stand the things that can encourage innovative work
behavior among middle managers and other employees.
Paying attention to the application of better transforma-
tional leadership is one of the supporters for the creation
of innovative work behavior. Based on the results of
this study, it has been proven that transformational
leadership can influence innovative work behavior.
Transformational leadership is known to encourage crea-
tive thinking of middle managers to reconsider old ways
and change them into more innovative ways. In addition,
transformational leadership also offers an interesting
vision to his subordinates by stimulating their intelli-
gence. Its can be done by encouraging middle managers
and other employees to innovate through better solutions
to bring about positive change. Therefore, this research
confirms that transformational leaders are leaders who
are able to set an example by practicing what they convey
by taking calculated risks to engage in creative and
unconventional behaviors. The role of self-determination
is positive for middle managers and other employees
within the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of
the Republic of Indonesia. The self-determination para-
digm has demonstrated the role of motivational theories
that focus on the psychological needs necessary for
growth and the conditions that promote better individual
fulfillment. According to the self-determination theory,
meeting these needs will lead to a higher level of self-
Then this research also confirms the antecedent that
encourages innovative work behavior directly is social
media usage. The use of social media technology in orga-
nizations is beneficial in increasing interactivity, peer
support, and quick response to an issue. This research
proves that social media technology enables the produc-
tivity of public services through search capabilities and
allows individuals to find resources and knowledge effi-
ciently, and is able to connect employees and commu-
nities to develop social networks. Social media usage is
also known to enable individuals and organizations to
share and filter information efficiently. A collection of
social media technologies useful for interactions between
organizations and society with innovative growth poten-
tial. Organizations can take advantage of the technologi-
cal capabilities of social media because many sources of
data are available from interactions with citizens, busi-
nesses, and other public administrations.
Limitations and Directions for Future Research. This
research has certainly been conducted to the best of
knowledge and ability. But there are some limitations
that can be considered for further research. In this study,
variables are only measured from the perspective of the
middle manager and one time only. Therefore, further
research needs to use a time-lagged mechanism to collect
data from various sources to minimize common method
bias. Then this research is limited to transformational
leadership, self-determination, person-organization fit
social media usage, and innovation work behavior vari-
ables. Future research can also add other variables that
have the potential to more comprehensively explain
innovation work behavior such as trust, psychological
empowerment, justice, and perceived organizational sup-
port. In addition, further research also needs to examine
the role of moderating variables that contribute to
strengthening innovative work behavior.
14 SAGE Open
Appendix Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Anis Eliyana
Andika Setia Pratama
Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil
Data Availability Statement
Data related to this article is available and can be obtained
through the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Transformational leadership
1. Confidence of subordinates (X1.1)
2. Pride of subordinates (X1.2)
3. Proximity of subordinates (X1.3)
4. Interesting description (X1.4)
5. Confidence that the goal is achieved (X1.5)
6. Finding the meaning of work (X1.6)
7. Showing a sense of optimism (X1.7)
8. Allowing new ways (X1.8)
9. Providing new ways (X1.9)
10. Thinking of new ideas (X1.10)
11. Personal attention (X1.11)
12. Developing subordinates’ strengths (X1.12)
13. Paying attention to subordinates’ uniqueness (X1.13)
1. Enjoy doing work (X2.1)
2. Exciting work (X2.2)
3. Interesting work (X2.3)
4. Importance in doing work (X2.4)
5. Work in line with personal values (X2.5)
6. Personal meaning to work (X2.6)
Person-organization fit
1. Conformity of self-worth with the institution (Z1.1)
2. Maintaining value conformity (Z1.2)
3. Congruence of goals with colleagues (Z1.3)
4. Goal compatibility with leaders (Z1.4)
5. Compatibility with institutional structure (Z1.5)
6. Compatibility with institutional systems (Z1.6)
7. Compatibility of personal characteristics with institutional
climate (Z1.7)
8. Compatibility of personal characteristics with institutional
culture (Z1.8)
Social media usage
1. Finding and disseminating information (Z2.1)
2. Getting information (Z2.2)
3. Participating in work events (Z2.3).
4. Communicating with colleagues (Z2.4)
5. Using social networks at work (Z2.5)
6. Tools for socializing at work (Z2.6)
Innovative work behavior
1. Looking for new ways (Y1)
2. Developing service improvement (Y2)
3. Developing ideas (Y3)
4. Problem solving innovation (Y4)
5. Creativity of new ideas (Y5)
6. Innovative solutions (Y6)
7. New methods in the work environment (Y7)
8. Convincing to support the idea (Y8)
9. Enthusiasm for new ideas (Y9)
10. Offering unique services (Y10)
11. Promoting new services (Y11)
12. Applying the latest technology (Y12)
Safrizal et al. 15
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Purpose Innovation has become a necessity for the information technology (IT) sector, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how knowledge sharing affects employees’ innovative work behavior (IWB). Specifically, the study examined occupational self-efficacy (as mediating mechanism) and entrepreneurial leadership (as boundary condition) to encourage IWB. Design/methodology/approach The study used social media platforms to collect data from 270 employees working in the IT sector through “google forms” on convenience basis between March and August, 2021. The study applied structural equation modeling in two stages to examine the measurement model (for uni-dimensionality) and the structural model (for hypotheses testing). Findings The study noted that knowledge sharing positively affects employees’ IWB and occupational self-efficacy positively explains this association. In addition, employees’ perception of entrepreneurial leadership strengthens the association between knowledge sharing and IWB. Research limitations/implications The study collected data from a developing country during COVID-19 by using a cross-sectional design that may restrict causality. However, the findings suggest the management not only encourages knowledge sharing environment but also engages employees in various training that motivate them to experiment with new ideas and techniques. Originality/value This study extends the existing literature on knowledge sharing and IWB by exploring occupational self-efficacy as mediating mechanism and entrepreneurial leadership as a boundary condition.
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This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, leadership and supply chain (information flow) management on employee green behavior through organizational culture as a mediator variable on the employees of PT. X in East Java. This research is a quantitative research type with a sample of 86 employees. By using Smart PLS as an analytical tool to examine the relationship between variables and mediation of organizational culture variable. The correlation of motivation and leadership to employee green behavior variables showed that motivation and leadership had a significant positive effect on employee green behavior, motivation had a significant positive effect on employee green behavior through organizational culture as a mediator variable, and organizational culture had a significant effect on green employee behavior at PT. X.
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This study focuses on transformational leadership as the basis for a positive relationship between superiors and subordinates. Then, the perception of lead member exchanges is also examined concerning improved performance. This study uses a quantitative approach and the data in this study were obtained through observation and distribution of questionnaires to all employees at the Surabaya City Culture and Tourism Office. The population in this study was 45 employees of the Surabaya City Culture and Tourism Office, and the sampling method used in this study was random (random) sampling. The data testing technique used in this study was SEM-PLS or partial least square and Sobel Test to test the mediation effect of the LMX.
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The present study investigates the mediating role of perceived organizational support, trust and affective commitment in the relationship between person-organization fit and innovative work behavior. Sample consists of 151 respondents. Existing validated questionnaires were used for the collection of data from nurses employed in different hospitals of Islamabad, Pakistan. PROCESS Macros technique is applied to test the hypothesized model. The results show that affective commitment, perceived organizational support, and trust have an indirect effect on the relationship between person-organization fit and innovative work behavior. Managerial implications, directions and limitations for the future studies are mentioned at the end.
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Drawing on self-determination theory (SDT; E.L. Deci & R.M. Ryan, 1985, 2000) and using corporate samples (N = 284; 63% Male; Mean Age = 34, SD = 6.09) from high-tech firms in China, this empirical study explored the path model from satisfaction of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, through autonomous motivation to employees' innovative work behavior ("IWB"; J. De Jong & D. Den Hartog, 2010). It also simultaneously examined the interactions between autonomous work motivation and individual values (collectivism, H.C. Triandis (1995); uncertainty avoidance, R. J. House, P. J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P. W. Dorfman, & V. Gupta (2004); and power distance, J. Farh, R.D. Hackett, & J. Liang (2007)) in the conditioned path model. The regression results obtained from conditional PROCESS analysis (A.F. Hayes, 2013, 2018) suggest that basic psychological needs satisfaction is positively related to employees' IWB via autonomous motivation, but that these indirect effects were weaker when employees' power distance value orientation was high. Implications, limitations, and future research directions are discussed.
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In relation to the problem of SME productivity, it is necessary to investigate whether there is a problem of mismatch between workers and work and groups and corporate cultural values. This study aims to analyze whether the concept of innovative work behavior can mediate the relationship of person-job fit, person-organization fit and person-group fit to job performance. The study was conducted in the metal SME industry in Tegal Regency, with 256 respondents. Data collection tools use questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis is done with a structural equation model. Based on the results of the analysis, there is a positive relationship between variables. This illustrates that the challenges of SMEs in the future are to maintain the best human resources to remain committed to the organization. In maintaining its existence, alignment of individual values with work, organization and groups is the best tool to achieve goals through innovative changes in employee behavior, and also to lay a solid foundation in the recruitment and selection process of new employees that have the potential to increase job performance.
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Despite increasing research on public sector innovation in recent years, the organizational and demographic contextual variables that affect innovation implementation are not well known. Utilizing two datasets (2012 and 2017) from the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), this study tests how organizational and demographic contextual variables affect innovation in public organizations. The results reveal that both organizational and demographic contextual variables are associated with the implementation of innovation in public organizations. In particular, employees working in larger organizations and policy agencies tends to be less innovative whereas men, more educated employees, more experienced employees, and organizational managers are more innovative.
We examined employee voice as the mediator in the social media use–employee innovative behavior relationship in the current Web 2.0 age. We used structural equation modeling to test this mediating role with 178 employees of a large enterprise in China. The results showed a significant positive relationship between social media use and employee voice, and between employee voice and innovative behavior, and a positive but not significant relationship between social media use and employee innovative behavior. Results also supported a full mediating role for employee voice in the social media use–employee innovative behavior relationship. Our findings extend prior research and suggest some mechanisms of social media use. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
This study uses diffusion of innovation theory to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and employee innovation via the mediation of organisational learning and knowledge sharing, as well as to examine the moderating role of social media use. A total of 375 employees and supervisors were recruited via random sampling from 89 municipal committees (one of the tiers of local government organisations) in Pakistan. Results indicate that transformational leadership has a positive impact on organisational learning and knowledge sharing. Similarly, organisational learning and knowledge sharing have a significant impact on employee innovation. Likewise, transformational leadership indirectly influenced employee innovation via organisational learning and knowledge sharing. Surprisingly, the moderating influence of social media use on the relationship between organisational learning and employee innovation proved insignificant. However, social media use had a significant effect on the relationship between knowledge sharing and employee innovation. This study provides informative insights by demonstrating that public sector leaders undertaking the transformational role and encouraging followers to use organisational learning, knowledge sharing and social media can help facilitate employee innovation in the public sector.