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User Behavior Analysis Using Web-based Machine Learning Features: New Solutions for IT Business


Abstract and Figures

The development of information technologies in IT business increases the interest in executing machine learning models directly on the client browser, reducing the load on the server and the number of levels of access to it. At the same time, some features have advantages and disadvantages, associated with a smaller amount of information transmitted over the network, limited power of client devices, and others. Among modern client-side tools with machine learning capabilities, Tensorflow.js is suitable, which can be used to analyse user behaviour in web applications for classification and clustering models based on their behavioural patterns, predict future user behaviour trends, detect unusual or suspicious user actions, recommendation models based on their previous behaviour. The article analyses the features of implementation and the limitations associated with the use, specifically regarding the behaviour of users in social networks. The model was formed based on data from news posts on social networks Instagram and Facebook, with the following parameters of user activity, such as the number of likes, comments, and shares according to the post's text. These aspects are a significant addition to the tools that can be applied within the economic, technical, and other means of IT business development. Considering this, it is advisable to study the formation and development of the innovation management system in e-business in the future.
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Path of Science. 2024. Vol. 10. No 5 ISSN 2413-9009
Section Economics 1001
User Behavior Analysis Using Web-based Machine Learning Features:
New Solutions for IT Business
Roman Mysiuk 1, Oleksii Kononenko 2, Andriy Svystovych 2, Oleksii Ozhyhov 2,
Nazar Osadets 2, Yuriy Kuchmak 2, Andrii Pohrebniak 2, Yuriy Honsor 2
1 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
1 Unіversytetska Street, Lvіv, Ukraine, 79000
2 Lviv University of Business and Law
99 Kulparkіvska Street, Lviv, 79021, Ukraine
DOІ: 10.22178/pos.104-5
JEL Classification:
D11, D83, M29, M49
Receіved 27.04.2024
Accepted 25.05.2024
Publіshed onlіne 31.05.2024
Corresponding Author:
Roman Mysiuk
© 2024 The Authors. Thіs
artіcle іs lіcensed under a
Creatіve Commons Attrіbutіon
4.0 Lіcense
Abstract. The development of information technologies in IT business increases
the interest in executing machine learning models directly on the client browser,
reducing the load on the server and the number of levels of access to it. At the same
time, some features have advantages and disadvantages, associated with a smaller
amount of information transmitted over the network, limited power of client devices,
and others. Among modern client-side tools with machine learning capabilities,
Tensorflow.js is suitable, which can be used to analyse user behaviour in web
applications for classification and clustering models based on their behavioural
patterns, predict future user behaviour trends, detect unusual or suspicious user
actions, recommendation models based on their previous behaviour. The article
analyses the features of implementation and the limitations associated with the
use, specifically regarding the behaviour of users in social networks. The model was
formed based on data from news posts on social networks Instagram and
Facebook, with the following parameters of user activity, such as the number of
likes, comments, and shares according to the post's text. These aspects are a
significant addition to the tools that can be applied within the economic, technical,
and other means of IT business development. Considering this, it is advisable to
study the formation and development of the innovation management system in e-
business in the future.
Keywords: business; IT business; machine learning; tensorflow; user behaviour
analysis; data analysis; social network; data processing; е-business development.
In today's world, analysing user behaviour helps
to understand the needs and preferences of users,
develop a personal algorithm for selecting content
in social networks, improve developed products
and offer new services. In addition, the analysis
helps to ensure Internet security and prevent
fraud. Thus, a new term, User Behavior Analytics
(UBA), appeared worldwide.
User Behavior Analytics (UBA) is a process of
tracking, analysing, and interpreting user actions
and interactions within a digital environment,
such as a website or application. It involves
collecting data on user behaviour, including
actions such as clicks, page views, form
submissions, and transactions, and using
analytical techniques to derive insights into user
preferences, patterns, and trends in the same way
as it is described in [1, 2]. By understanding how
users navigate and engage with digital platforms,
organisations can optimise user experiences,
enhance product offerings, and achieve business
objectives more effectively. UBA encompasses
various methods and tools, including data
collection through web analytics platforms,
segmentation techniques to group users based on
common characteristics, and predictive analytics
to anticipate future user behaviour [3, 4, 5, 6].
Ultimately, UBA enables organisations to make
data-driven decisions, improve user satisfaction,
and drive business growth in the digital realm.
Tensorflow.js tool provides an API for developing
machine learning models in JavaScript that runs
on the web. This feature makes it available to
many web developers and can be used for various
Path of Science. 2024. Vol. 10. No 5 ISSN 2413-9009
Section Economics 1002
tasks. Today's most common example is training
and running machine learning models directly in
browsers or on the server using Node.js. Servers
usually have more resources to handle such tasks
since models are stored and executed directly on
the client side. When calculating on the client side,
special attention should be paid to critical
parameters, which can be considered as they are
in articles [7, 8, 9].
Therefore, this can result in less data that needs to
be transferred over the network. This can be a
significant advantage for large models as it
reduces loading time. Some aspects involve
running the models directly on the client device,
which can help keep the data private as it never
leaves the user's device. Disadvantages include
the limited power of client devices, which can lead
to limitations in the size and complexity of models
that can be used.
The article aims to improve theoretical and
practical aspects of the IT business, which relate
to user behaviour analysis using web-based
machine learning features.
Methods and features of implementation of
web-based machine learning. Implementing
web-based machine learning involves several
methods and features to deploy machine learning
models on web platforms effectively. One
approach is to leverage frameworks like
Tensorflow.js or PyTorch.js to deploy models
directly in the browser, enabling client-side
inference. Additionally, using RESTful APIs or
GraphQL endpoints allows seamless integration
of machine learning functionalities into web
applications, facilitating communication between
frontend and backend systems. Feature-wise,
scalability, security, and latency optimisation are
crucial considerations. Implementing techniques
like model quantisation, caching, and
asynchronous processing can enhance
performance and user experience, ensuring
smooth operation even with large-scale
deployments. Furthermore, incorporating user
feedback mechanisms and continuous model
monitoring enables iterative improvement and
maintenance of deployed machine learning
А. Web-Based Methods of User Behavior Analytics.
Web-based methods of user behaviour analytics
encompass a range of techniques aimed at
understanding and optimising user interactions
with web applications. These methods leverage
various data sources, tools, and analytical
approaches to gather insights into user behaviour
patterns, preferences, and engagement metrics.
One fundamental aspect of web-based user
behaviour analytics is the collection of data
related to user interactions with the website or
application. This data can include page views,
clicks, scroll depth, form submissions, time spent
on a page, and navigation paths. Tools like Google
Analytics, Adobe Analytics, or custom event-
tracking solutions are commonly used to gather
this data.
Once data is collected, it needs to be processed
and analysed to derive actionable insights. This
involves data cleaning, aggregation, and
visualisation techniques to uncover patterns and
trends within the user behaviour data.
Visualisation tools like Tableau, Power BI, or
custom dashboards can help present the data in a
meaningful and digestible format. Segmentation
is a crucial aspect of user behaviour analytics,
where users are grouped into segments based on
common characteristics or behaviours.
Segmentation can be based on demographic
information, geographic location, device type,
referral source, or user actions. By segmenting
users, organisations can better understand the
needs and preferences of different user groups
and tailor their web experiences accordingly.
Behavioural analysis techniques, such as funnel
and cohort analyses, track and optimise user
journeys through the website or application.
Funnel analysis involves mapping out the steps
users take to complete a specific goal, such as
making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter
and identifying drop-off points where users
abandon the process. Cohort analysis involves
grouping users based on shared characteristics
(e.g., sign-up date) and tracking their behaviour
over time to identify trends and patterns. Machine
learning and predictive analytics can further
enhance user behaviour analytics by identifying
patterns and making predictions based on
historical data [10]. For example, machine
learning algorithms can predict user churn,
recommend personalised content or products,
detect anomalies or fraudulent activities, and
optimise conversion rates.
Real-time analytics enables organisations to
monitor user behaviour and respond promptly to
emerging trends or issues [11, 12]. Real-time
analytics platforms like Google Analytics Real-
Path of Science. 2024. Vol. 10. No 5 ISSN 2413-9009
Section Economics 1003
Time or custom-built solutions allow
organisations to track user interactions as they
happen and make data-driven decisions on the fly.
A/B testing, or split testing, is a common
technique used in user behaviour analytics to
compare the performance of different variations
of a web page or feature. By randomly assigning
users to other variations and measuring key
metrics such as conversion rate or click-through
rate, organisations can determine which version
performs better and iterate accordingly. Privacy
and data security are paramount concerns in web-
based user behaviour analytics, particularly with
the increasing focus on data protection
regulations such as the General Data Protection
Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy
Act. Organisations must ensure that they collect
and process user data compliant and ethically,
with appropriate safeguards in place to protect
user privacy [1316]. In conclusion, web-based
methods of user behaviour analytics encompass a
diverse set of techniques and tools aimed at
understanding, analysing, and optimising user
interactions with web applications. By leveraging
data-driven insights, organisations can improve
user experiences, drive engagement, and achieve
their business objectives effectively.
In Figure 1, the example of code for training model
and testing with a count of likes, comments, and
shares in the same way as it is described in [17].
Figure 1 An example of code for training model and
testing with a count of likes, comments and shares
Step 1. The data is loaded from the "data.json" file,
where the input contains data on the number of
likes, comments, and shares for each text, and the
output includes labels that indicate the text's
interest. This can be done using standard
programming language tools or a library to work
with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data.
Step 2. A neural network is created from several
layers, which are used to analyse the input data
and determine the interest of the text. In the case
of text interest classification, dense layers are
usually used. For example, "tf.sequential()"
creates a sequential model.
Step 3. The model is compiled using the Adam
optimiser and the binary cross-entropy loss
function since this is a binary classification
problem. The Adam optimiser is a popular choice
for many neural network training tasks because it
usually helps speed up the training process and
improve model convergence. It combines two
other optimisation methods: Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD) and Adaptive Learning Rate
(AdaGrad) method. For binary classification
problems where each example can belong to only
one of two classes (e.g. "positive" or "negative",
"true" or "false"), the binary cross-entropy loss
function is often used because it is well suited for
estimating the difference between predicted and
actual values in such problems.
Step 4. The model is trained on input and output
data. The "fit" method is used for this, which
adapts the model parameters to the training data.
Step 5. After training, the model can be used to
predict the interestingness of new text by
providing input to the expected method input.
The "predict" method returns probability vectors
indicating the probability of each input sample
belonging to the classes.
Each row in the input list represents the input
characters for each text, where the first element
corresponds to the number of likes, the second to
the number of comments, and the third to the
number of shares. Each item in the output list
indicates whether the text is intriguing (1) or not
interesting (0) [17].
The model example for training can be set
similarly to that in Figure 2.
В. Features of Implementation Tensorflow.js.
Tensorflow.js offers cross-platform compatibility
for developing machine learning applications on
web browsers and Node.js, enabling client-side
inference for faster response times. It facilitates
model deployment by converting trained models
from Tensorflow or Keras into web-compatible
formats. With support for transfer learning and
customisation, developers can efficiently fine-
Path of Science. 2024. Vol. 10. No 5 ISSN 2413-9009
Section Economics 1004
tune models and experiment with different
architectures. Tensorflow.js seamlessly integrates
with web technologies like HTML and WebGL,
optimising performance through hardware
acceleration. Its security features, including
model encryption, protect sensitive data, while
continuous updates and a vibrant community
contribute to its ongoing development and
Figure 2 Part of training model example in data.json
Some details regarding the specifics of using web-
based machine learning can be highlighted.
Tensorflow.js allows you to run machine learning
models directly in the user's browser. This can
provide fast and efficient user behaviour analytics
without sending data to the server. Tensorflow.js
can be easily integrated with web applications,
allowing developers to create user behaviour
analysis tools. Using WebGL and other
technologies, Tensorflow.js can handle large
amounts of data and complex models, making it
suitable for extensive web services.
At the same time, there are some limitations to
using this approach, which are related to the
limited client resources. Sometimes, the amount
of data may be so large that processing it on the
client may be inefficient or impossible due to
limited device resources. Since machine learning
models run on the client device, this can raise
questions about user data privacy, mainly if the
data is analysed directly on the device.
The prospects of such an approach are associated
with some valuable features for data analysis.
Tensorflow.js can be the basis for building new
tools for analysing user behaviour directly in the
browser, providing new opportunities for
analytics and personalisation of web applications.
Local data processing and analysis approaches
can increase data-intensive web applications'
efficiency and speed. Analysing user behaviour
directly on the user's device can help keep their
data private because the data never leaves the
Сomparison of client-side and server-side
implementation Тensorflow. Сomparisons
between client-side and server-side
implementations of Tensorflow include
differences in the execution environment,
hardware, privacy, scalability, security, network
usage, availability and some aspects described in
[1822] as it is in Table 1.
Table 1 Comparing performance and validity metrics
for web-based and server-based machine learning
Type of implementation of Tensorflow with
different aspects
Location of
Runs in the
browser or
Runs on
Relies on the
typically less
Can leverage
hardware on
the server
Limited by
the client's
and browser
scalable, as
it can utilise
Network Usage
model and
code to the
initial load
time and
sending data
to the server
usage during
Limited by
the client's
and network
Can achieve
on server
and network
Path of Science. 2024. Vol. 10. No 5 ISSN 2413-9009
Section Economics 1005
Type of implementation of Tensorflow with
different aspects
Data is
to and
on external
Can leverage
hardware on
the server.
Many different indicators can be used to evaluate
efficiency and reliability. For example, execution
speed is determined by the time required to
perform client and server device operations. The
resource usage indicator estimates CPU, memory,
and other resource usage on the client and server
devices. Another indicator is scalability, which
allows the system to expand to handle larger
volumes of data or a higher number of requests.
The security score can be evaluated based on the
security measures applied to the Tensorflow
client and server implementation [23, 24, 25, 26].
Estimate the data transfer between the client and
server environments during model training or
Based on the information provided, it can be
concluded that there is a growing interest in
executing machine learning models directly on
client browsers due to the development of
information technologies in the IT business. This
approach offers benefits such as reducing the load
on servers and minimising the number of network
access levels.
Tensorflow.js emerges as a suitable tool among
modern client-side machine learning capabilities,
enabling the analysis of user behaviour in web
applications. However, there are both advantages
and disadvantages associated with client-side
execution. On the positive side, there's a reduction
in network traffic due to processing data locally,
and it offers the potential for real-time analysis
without the need for constant server requests.
Nonetheless, there are limitations, such as the
restricted processing power of client devices,
which can affect the complexity and efficiency of
models. In analysing user behaviour in social
networks, Tensorflow.js presents opportunities
for building classification and clustering models
based on behavioural patterns. It can aid in
predicting future trends in user behaviour,
detecting unusual actions, and providing
personalised recommendations based on past
The article highlights the features and limitations
of implementing machine learning models for
analysing user behaviour on social networks,
mainly focusing on data from Instagram and
Facebook posts. A model can be trained to gain
insights into user engagement and preferences
within these platforms by considering parameters
like the number of likes, comments, and shares.
These aspects are a significant addition to the
tools that can be applied within the economic,
technical, and other means of IT business
development. Considering this, it is advisable to
study the formation and development of the
innovation management system in e-business in
the future.
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Мета. Метою дослідження є вдосконалення економіко-математичної моделі максимізації прибутку підприємства в системі цінностей сталого розвитку. Методологія / методика / підхід. У роботі використано методи системного аналізу, систематизації, узагальнення та конкретизації, графічний метод і метод порівняння (процесів, показників тощо), а також економіко-математичні методи моделювання систем та експертні методи. Результати. Удосконалено структурну схему (триконтинуумну модель як концептуальну схему інформаційної технології) керування фінансовими і технологічними процесами, інноваційними ризиками, яка враховує вплив інновацій на діяльність (внутрішні змінні, бізнес-процеси) підприємства, обмеження (за виробництвом, реалізацією, постачанням, фінансами) і умови їх дотримання при оптимальному обсязі виробництва (реалізації), а також синергетичний ефект у контексті максимізації прибутку, у системі «вид інновації – вид розвитку», у системі цінностей сталого розвитку. Ця структурна схема є основою запропонованої економіко-математичної моделі максимізації прибутку підприємства в системі цінностей сталого розвитку. Запропоновано мультиплікативний критерій ефективності менеджменту, який включає методики визначення рівня якості розвитку підприємства та керування розвитком підприємства в системі «вид інновації – вид розвитку». З’ясовано, що рівень якості розвитку підприємства (у системі виробничого менеджменту і з урахуванням системи цілей маркетингу) залежить від: рівня ритмічності і бездефектності виробництва продукції; рівня задоволення потреб споживачів готовою продукцією. Оригінальність / наукова новизна. Удосконалено економіко-математичну модель максимізації прибутку підприємства в системі цінностей сталого розвитку, яка базується на теоретичних і прикладних засадах менеджменту, маркетингу, ураховує особливості системи діагностичних цілей економічної діагностики, інструментарій моніторингу параметрів діяльності підприємства, їх взаємозв’язок, а також містить окремі положення теорії обмежень, методи оптимізації та економіко-математичного моделювання, і, на відміну від наявних, з огляду на дослідження операцій, дозволяє розв’язати загальну економічну задачу на практиці – максимізувати прибуток підприємства в системі цінностей сталого розвитку. Практична цінність / значущість. Результати дослідження можуть бути використані в практичній діяльності підприємств усіх форм власності.
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The study aims to diagnose the corrosion current density in the coating defect on the outer surface of the ammonia pipe depending on the distance to the pumping station, taking into account the interaction of media at the soil-steel interface and using modern graphical data visualization technologies and approaches to model such a system. The use of an automated system for monitoring defects in underground metallic components of structures, in particular in ammonia pipelines, is proposed. The use of the information processing approach opens additional opportunities in solving the problem of defect detection. Temperature and pressure indicators in the pipeline play an important role because these parameters must be taken into account in the ammonia pipeline for safe transportation. The analysis of diagnostic signs on the outer surface of the underground metallic ammonia pipeline is carried out taking into account temperature changes and corrosion currents. The parameters and relations of the mathematical model for the description of the influence of thermal processes and mechanical loading in the vicinity of pumping stations on the corresponding corrosion currents in the metal of the ammonia pipeline are offered. The paper evaluates the corrosion current density in the coating defect on the metal surface depending on the distance to the pumping station and the relationship between the corrosion current density and the characteristics of the temperature field at a distance L = 0…20 km from the pumping station. The relative density of corrosion current is also compared with the energy characteristics of the surface layers at a distance L = 0…20 km from the pumping station. An information system using cloud technologies for data processing and visualization has been developed, which simplifies the process of data analysis regarding corrosion currents on the metal surface of an ammonia pipeline. The study was conducted for the section from the pumping station to the pipeline directly on a relatively small data set. The use of client-server architecture has become very popular, thanks to which monitoring can be carried out in any corner of the planet, using Internet data transmission protocols. At the same time, cloud technologies allow you to deploy such software on remote physical computers. The use of the Amazon Web Service cloud environment as a common tool for working with data and the ability to use ready-made extensions is proposed. Also, this cloud technology simplifies the procedure of public and secure access to the collected information for further analysis. Use of cloud environments and databases to monitor ammonia pipeline defects for correct resource assessment.
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Purpose. The purpose of the article is to suggest an evaluation method of the level of the usage of social instruments for human resource management by example of agro-processing enterprises of Ukraine. Methodology / approach. The research described in the article was carried out according to the method developed by the authors for evaluation of the level of the usage of social instruments for human resource management on the enterprise. This method is based on the self-evaluation of social instruments for human resource management by HR managers together with top managers of the enterprise, comparing these results with the desired indicators of development of each of the social instruments in accordance to strategic guidelines, and development of a Plan of actions on the development of social instrument for human resource management. Results. According to the results of authors’ method approbation of analysis of the level of the usage of social instruments for human resource management on the agro-processing enterprises of Ukraine it is established that the usage of social instruments of human resource management by these enterprises is estimated as average (41–58 points). The predominant social instruments for human resource management on the enterprises under investigation are the welfare of employees and working life, planning and development of employees’ career, efficiency management and conflict management. The low level of the usage of social instruments of employees’ participation in enterprise management, setting-up of effective social partnership, feedback, counseling and coaching reflect the out-of-date understanding of the staff as a work force rather than the most important resource. On the basis of the conducted analysis it was determined that unsystematic usage of social instruments for human resource management is observed at the enterprises of agro-processing industry of Ukraine. Neglecting of the social instruments as an important factor of formation of human resource of an enterprise and increasing its competitiveness reduces industrial and innovative development of an enterprise in general. Originality / scientific novelty. The methodical provisions for evaluation of the level of the usage of social instruments for human resource management on the enterprise are improved. For the first time the content of each social instruments of human resource management is offered and a total scale for evaluation of the level of the usage of social instruments for human resource management on the enterprise and the characteristics of each level are submitted. Practical value / implications. The proposed authors’ evaluation method of the level of the usage of social instruments for human resource management of the enterprise is successfully tested at the agro-processing enterprises of Ukraine and it demonstrates its viability and practical usefulness. The evaluation method is recommended for enterprise’s HRM services as a tool to evaluate the level of the usage of social instruments for human resource management.
Мета. Метою виконаного дослідження є розвиток методичного інструментарію оцінювання рівня стабільності аграрних підприємств на основі дослідження стохастичних рядів значень результуючих параметрів. Методологія / методика / підхід. Під час виконаного дослідження застосовано метод моделювання стохастичних величин, зокрема, рівняння Ферхюльста для дослідження динаміки значень результуючого параметра відносно монотонно зростаючого ряду значень і різних значень коефіцієнта «скупчення щільності». Для прогнозування значень дисперсії результуючого параметра застосовано GARCH модель, а для визначення залежності стану підприємств від факторів внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовищ – застосовано регресійний аналіз. Результати. Прийнято на основі досліджень попередників, що значення логістичної функції Ферхюльста імітують поведінку стохастичної величини, тому цю функцію можна використовувати для вимірювання точки переходу системи із стабільного стану в стан нестабільності. Доведено, що, враховуючи стохастичну та рефлексивну природу розвитку аграрних підприємств, прогнозування їхнього стану доцільно здійснювати на основі порівняння дисперсій значень результативного параметра. Аргументовано, що застосування функції зміни степеневих коефіцієнтів дозволяє отримати найбільш повну інформацію про вплив суб’єктивних факторів внутрішнього середовища аграрних підприємств на їхній стан. Оригінальність / наукова новизна. Розвинуто методичний інструментарій оцінювання рівня стабільності аграрних підприємств, який базується на застосуванні рівняння Ферхюльста для дослідження динаміки значень результуючого параметра відносно монотонно зростаючого ряду значень і різних значень коефіцієнта «скупчення щільності», і, на відміну від наявних, дозволяє ідентифікувати точку біфуркації та встановити залежність результуючого параметра від факторів внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовищ аграрного підприємства. Практична цінність / значущість. Практична цінність розвинутого методичного інструментарію полягає в можливості його застосування керівниками аграрних підприємств для прогнозування їхнього стану із урахуванням впливу факторів внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовищ. Ураховуючи те, що прогнозування зводиться до одного результуючого параметра, то запропонований інструментарій є простим до застосування. Його доцільно використовувати для обґрунтування прийняття регулювальних рішень, зокрема, під час адаптивного управління та раціоналізації процесів управління персоналом й інтелектуальним потенціалом працівників.
Research-based on user behavior analysis for authentication is the motivation for this research. We move ahead using a behavioral approach to identify malicious users and legitimate users. In this paper, we have explained how we have applied big data analytics to application-layer logs and predicted malicious users by employing a Machine Learning algorithm based on certain metrics explained later in the paper. Machine Learning would present a list of IP addresses or user identification tokens (UIT),deduced from live data which would be performing a malicious activity or are suspected of malicious activity based on their browsing behavior. We have created an e-commerce web application and induced vulnerabilities intentionally for this purpose. We have hosted our setup on LAMP[1] stack based on AWS cloud [2]. This method has a huge potential as any organization can imply this to monitor probable attackers thus narrowing down on their efforts to safeguard their infrastructure. The idea is based on the fact that the browsing pattern, as well as the access pattern of a genuine user,varies widely with that of a hacker. These patterns would be used to sort out the incoming traffic from and list out IP addresses and UIT that are the most probable cases of hack attempts.