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Host-, Environment-, or Human-Related Effects Drive Interspecies Interactions in an Animal Tuberculosis Multi-Host Community Depending on the Host and Season

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Abstract and Figures

In many Mediterranean ecosystems, animal tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is maintained by multi-host communities in which cattle and different wildlife species establish interaction networks contributing to M. bovis transmission and persistence. Most studies have addressed wildlife–cattle disease-relevant interactions, focusing on reservoir hosts, while disregarding the potential contribution of the so-called accidental hosts and/or neglecting wildlife–wildlife interactions. In this work, we aimed to characterise interspecies interactions in an endemic TB risk area and identify the ecological drivers of interaction patterns regardless of the pre-attributed role of host species on TB epidemiology. For that purpose, spatial–temporal indirect interactions between wildlife mammals and cattle, and between different wildlife species, were investigated through camera trapping. Second, five ecological hypotheses potentially driving species pair interactions in the wet and dry seasons were tested covering water and control sites: human presence (H1), landscape composition (H2), topography (H3), weather (H4), and natural food and water resources (H5). Wild boar (Sus scrofa), red deer (Cervus elaphus), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) were the wildlife species mostly involved in indirect interactions. We found that indirect wildlife–cattle interactions were more frequent than wildlife interactions and, for certain species pairs, interaction rates were higher in the wet season in both wildlife–cattle and wildlife groups. Natural food and water resources (H5) was the most supported hypothesis that influenced the abundance of wildlife–cattle interactions, with positive effects during the dry season and negative effects during the wet season. In contrast, the abundance of indirect interactions between wildlife species was mainly supported by the human disturbance hypothesis (H1), with negative effects exerted on the dry season and variable effects on the wet season. Other tested hypotheses also influenced wildlife–cattle and wildlife–wildlife interactions, depending on the season and host species. These results highlight that indirect interactions, and thus conditions potentially favouring the transmission of M. bovis in shared environments, are determined by different ecological backgrounds.
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Research Article
Host-, Environment-, or Human-Related Effects Drive
Interspecies Interactions in an Animal Tuberculosis Multi-Host
Community Depending on the Host and Season
Eduardo M. Ferreira ,
Mónica V. Cunha ,
Elsa L. Duarte ,
Renata Gonçalves,
Tiago Pinto ,
António Mira ,
and Sara M. Santos
MEDMediterranean Institute for Agriculture,
Environment and Development and CHANGEGlobal Change and Sustainability Institute, University of Évora, Mitra,
Évora 7006-554, Portugal
IIFAInstitute for Advanced Studies and Research, University of Évora, Vimioso Palace, Évora 7002-554, Portugal
Conservation Biology Lab, Department of Biology, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c) and CHANGEGlobal Change and Sustainability Institute,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Biosystems and Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI), Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Évora, Mitra, Évora 7006-554, Portugal
Correspondence should be addressed to Eduardo M. Ferreira;
Received 4 January 2024; Revised 4 May 2024; Accepted 20 May 2024
Academic Editor: Andrew Byrne
Copyright ©2024 Eduardo M. Ferreira et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In many Mediterranean ecosystems, animal tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is maintained by multi-host
communities in which cattle and different wildlife species establish interaction networks contributing to M. bovis transmission
and persistence. Most studies have addressed wildlifecattle disease-relevant interactions, focusing on reservoir hosts, while
disregarding the potential contribution of the so-called accidental hosts and/or neglecting wildlifewildlife interactions. In this
work, we aimed to characterise interspecies interactions in an endemic TB risk area and identify the ecological drivers of
interaction patterns regardless of the pre-attributed role of host species on TB epidemiology. For that purpose, spatialtemporal
indirect interactions between wildlife mammals and cattle, and between different wildlife species, were investigated through camera
trapping. Second, ve ecological hypotheses potentially driving species pair interactions in the wet and dry seasons were tested
covering water and control sites: human presence (H1), landscape composition (H2), topography (H3), weather (H4), and natural
food and water resources (H5). Wild boar (Sus scrofa), red deer (Cervus elaphus), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) were the wildlife
species mostly involved in indirect interactions. We found that indirect wildlifecattle interactions were more frequent than
wildlife interactions and, for certain species pairs, interaction rates were higher in the wet season in both wildlifecattle and
wildlife groups. Natural food and water resources (H5) was the most supported hypothesis that inuenced the abundance of
wildlifecattle interactions, with positive effects during the dry season and negative effects during the wet season. In contrast, the
abundance of indirect interactions between wildlife species was mainly supported by the human disturbance hypothesis (H1), with
negative effects exerted on the dry season and variable effects on the wet season. Other tested hypotheses also inuenced
wildlifecattle and wildlifewildlife interactions, depending on the season and host species. These results highlight that indirect
interactions, and thus conditions potentially favouring the transmission of M. bovis in shared environments, are determined by
different ecological backgrounds.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
Volume 2024, Article ID 9779569, 19 pages
1. Introduction
Wildlifelivestock interfaces are physical spaces where wild-
life and domestic species can overlap in space and time, along
with humans, and where they can potentially interact [1, 2].
Human activities (e.g., agricultural, husbandry practices,
deforestation and industry) have been causing marked trans-
formations in habitats (e.g., encroachment into natural areas,
habitat fragmentation), shaping these interfaces [3, 4, 5]. With
the loss of natural habitats due to anthropogenic land-use
changes, many wildlife species are forced to live in close prox-
imity to those interfaces. In addition, hunting activities have
been leading to a notable overlap of large game hunting areas
with cattle extensive farming in several regions [6, 7]. Such
changes have profound effects on species interactions and
thereby increase the risk of pathogen transmission and the
(re)emergence of multi-host diseases [4, 8, 9].
Pathogens shared by wildlife and cattle that are of eco-
nomic and public health concern are considered an increas-
ing problem worldwide [10, 11, 12, 13]. In the last decades,
various studies have been addressing wildlifecattle interac-
tions in the context of multi-host diseases, including animal
tuberculosis (TB), covering different eco-epidemiological sce-
narios [14]. Animal TB is mainly caused by Mycobacterium
bovis and is a globally distributed zoonosis, affecting cattle
and a wide range of wild mammals [15, 16, 17, 18]. The
negative economic impacts of TB on cattle are related to
premature culling of animals, animal trade restrictions, rejec-
tions at slaughterhouses, and costly eradication plans when
mandatory [19, 20]. Wildlife maintenance hosts, which vary
across ecosystems, hamper eradication efforts via pathogen
spilling back to cattle [17, 21, 22]. Transmission may not only
occur when a susceptible host comes into close contact with
an infected host (direct interaction: same location and time)
but also when animals contact asynchronously through con-
taminated environments (indirect interaction: shared space
use in different time frames) [15, 16, 23]. In this sense, den-
ing these spatialtemporal interactions between mammal
hosts is of major importance for understanding TB transmis-
sion [24, 25, 26]. This has been recognised as a critical step
towards knowing where and when control actions should be
prioritised [27, 28, 29].
Local and global studies have previously shown that direct
interactions between wildlife hosts and cattle are scarce; in
contrast, indirect interactions involving shared environments
occur more frequently [14, 30, 31, 32]. Although explored in
fewer studies, similar trends have been observed between dif-
ferent wildlife species, with indirect interactions being more
frequent [33, 34]. Opportunities for indirect interactions
among wildlife at the wildlifecattle interface are of particular
concern in systems where M. bovis circulates in multi-host
communities along ecosystem boundaries, potentially favour-
ing pathogen transmission [35, 36]. This is the case in Medi-
terranean ecosystems (Iberian Peninsula), where M. bovis is
able to infect multiple domestic (cattle, pigs, and goats) and
wildlife hosts (ungulates and carnivores) that occur in sym-
patry [37, 38, 39, 40].
In Mediterranean ecosystems, the availability and distribu-
tion of water and food resources are deemed important for
animal aggregation and subsequent interspecies interactions
[6, 41, 42], with summerautumn periods promoting increased
disease-relevant interactions [28, 41]. Some studies have exam-
ined the effect of host attributes (e.g., animal density; [6]), as
well as of the environment and landscape contexts (e.g., land
cover; [43]) on patterns of interactions between TB hosts at the
wildlifecattle interface. However, the relative importance of
different ecological factors, and how they contribute to regulate
interspecies interaction patterns in multi-host communities,
remains poorly understood [44]. Moreover, multifaceted
studies that also focus on non-reservoir hosts in the host
spacetime axes and/or beyond the classic wildlifecattle
binomen are lacking. Considering accidental hosts and their
interactions could help reconstruct missing links in M. bovis
transmission chains, either among wildlife populations or
from wildlife to cattle. Therefore, a community-based perspective
when targeting complex multi-host TB systems is crucial [25, 36]
to identify potential host species and to typify the group of animal
interactions that most likely contribute to TB maintenance within
the community [45].
In Portugal, red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus
scrofa) have been recognised as the most TB-relevant wildlife
hosts, with reports of environmental contamination of natu-
ral substrates (soil and water bodies) in areas where wildlife
TB is highly prevalent [46, 47, 48, 49, 50]. In this work, we
aimed to increase global understanding of spatialtemporal
indirect interaction patterns within a multi-host mammal
community (cattle and wildlife: red deer, wild boar, red fox
(Vulpes vulpes), and badger (Meles meles)), focusing on a
high prevalence TB area within a Mediterranean agroforestry
system of Southern Portugal.
Specically, we aimed to:
(i) typify the interaction patterns between cattle and
wildlife, and between wildlife species, and discuss
these patterns in relation to pathogen transmission
(ii) compare the interaction rates between wildlifecattle
and between wildlife groups in the dry and wet sea-
sons, and
(iii) evaluate the potential effect of a set of 18 ecological
factors related to human disturbance, landscape com-
position, topography, weather, and natural resources
on both wildlifecattle and wildlifewildlife interac-
tions in the dry and wet seasons.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area. This study was conducted in Barrancos,
located in Southeast Portugal (Alentejo region), close to
the Spanish border (38˚08N; 6˚59W) (Figure 1). This area
is considered a hotspot for TB in cattle and is included in the
ofcial epidemiological TB risk area where special measures
(a mandatory veterinary examination of carcasses to search
for TB-compatible lesions) apply to hunted big game species
2 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
(red deer and wild boar) [48, 51, 52]. Ungulates are abundant
in the region (wild boar density =34 individuals/km
; red
deer density =48 individuals/km
) [53]. Barrancos is an
important Montado region (i.e., woodland, a savannah-like
open tree forest) with extensively cattle breeding in sympatry
with wildlife (e.g., big game). Herd TB prevalence was esti-
mated at 1.83%for the Alentejo region in 2022 [54]. A local
study specically conducted in Barrancos in 20142015
points towards a TB prevalence of 3.1%and 1.8%for red
deer and wild boar, respectively [55]. While ofcial numbers
are remarkably lower, a meta-regression and systematic
review analyses estimated the pooled TB prevalence at a
national scale as 27.5%and 13.3%for the red deer and
wild boar, respectively [56].
The study area (SA) has a Mediterranean climate, with
mild and wet winters and hot and dry summers. Mean
annual temperature ranges from 5 to 14°C during the winter
(January), and from 15 to 34°C during the summer (July)
(Beja; 19812010; [57]). During this study period, the mean
temperature in January was 8.9°C and in July was 25.5°C.
The average annual precipitation is 555 mm, concentrated
between October and May. The topography is characterised
by gentle to moderate undulating relief, with altitude ranging
between 160 and 350 ma.s.l. The landscape is dominated by
holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia)Montado, with varying tree
and shrub density (Agro: holm oak stands with low or absent
shrub cover due to grazing and other pastoral activities; For-
est: holm oak stands or mixed woodland patches with high
shrub cover) (Figure 1). Other less representative land cover
types include olive groves and few shrub and agricultural
area mosaics.
2.2. Study Design. We used camera-trapping to assess
spatialtemporal patterns of interactions involving wildlifecattle
and wildlifewildlife species over a year (from April 2021 to April
2022). Besides cattle, we used as target species the TB reservoir
hosts described for Portugal (red deer and wild boar [17, 53]),
and two other susceptible species that occur in the region: the red
fox and the badger [38, 58].
We selected ve free-ranging adjoining farms with simi-
lar management practices, comprising an area of ~3,048 ha
(farm size ranging from 148 to 980 ha), with an average of
136 adult cows per farm. A 1 km grid was overlaid on the SA
[59, 60]. One camera was installed on each 1 km
cell, to assure
spatial independence of sampling sites and land cover repre-
sentativeness. From this grid, we rst selected key sites (water
and supplementary food sites; [24])known as important
aggregation points between speciesprioritising sites located
in different grid cells [61], and an even distribution across
farms. The remaining empty cells were dened as control sam-
pling sites, and camera-traps were placed on their centroids. A
total of 38 sampling sites (hereafter called camera sites; Figure 1)
were dened: three food sites for cattle (hay feeders); 16 water
sites (natural water sources and water trough) and 19 control
sites (without any water sources or supplementary food, e.g.,
forest animal path). Minimum distance between camera sites
averaged 686 m (range: 3501,300 m).
Each camera site consisted of a single camera-trap (Busn-
hell Trophy Cam HD Aggressor or Reconyx Hyperre)
placed 3050 cm above the ground, attached to trees or arti-
cial stakes. At water and food sites, the cameras were facing
towards areas highly used by cattle and wildlife to maximise
the detection of interaction between different species. At
Barrancos municipality
0 1 2 km
Camera sites
Land use
Other land use types
Study area limits
FIGURE 1: Study area location in Barrancos region, Portugal, showing camera sites and main land uses.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 3
control sites, we prioritised animal trails or other areas (e.g.,
resting sites) potentially used by cattle and wildlife in suitable
habitats. No bait of any kind was used. We programmed
cameras to operate 24 hr a day, taking three sequential pic-
tures per trigger with a 30-s delay between consecutive trig-
gers [24, 61]. On average, every 1015 days, we visited camera
sites for battery and memory card replacement.
2.3. Data Coding and Processing. Pictures recorded by each
camera were individually classied by visual observation. The
following information was recorded in an Excel database:
camera coordinates, camera site type(water, food, or control),
target species (cattle, red deer, wild boar, red fox, and badger),
and number of individuals (minimum number of individuals
recorded in each picture). In addition, datetime of picture
capture were retrieved using the open-source software Exif-
Tool [62]. An independent observation of the same species
(hereafter called detections) was considered at a given cam-
era site when pictures were taken at least 15min apart
[6, 24, 63].
If cattle were unable to reach a given camera site in a
certain period (due to cattle grazing rotation and manage-
ment), that period from that camera was excluded from
analyses. We assumed that the fences were permeable to
wildlife [6], as conrmed in the eld and several times in
the camera pictures. The three camera sites initially classied
as food sites had no food for long periods of time, and thus
were excluded from further analyses.
2.4. Denition and Estimation of Interactions. An indirect
interaction was dened as the detection of one species at a
given camera site, following the detection of another species
within a pre-established critical time window, CTW, related
to estimated M. boviss environmental survival time. A CTW
of 3 days for the dry season (JuneSeptember) and of 12 days
for the wet season (OctoberMay) was assumed, following
the procedures of Kukielka et al. [24] and Cowie et al. [33],
applied in a similar eco-environmental context (Figures S1
and S2). A direct interaction was dened whenever indivi-
duals of different species were captured in the same picture
[14], although it was not analysed in this study due to the
much lower number of observations recorded.
The number of indirect interactions was calculated for
each camera site and month, discriminated by species pairs.
The species pairs considered in this study are composed of
the combinations of the ve target species and are divided
into two groups: the wildlifecattle group includes four spe-
cies pairs: BT_CE (cattlered deer), BT_SS (cattlewild boar),
BT_MM (cattlebadger), and BT_VV (cattlered fox); and
the wildlife group includes six species pairs: CE_MM (red deer
badger), CE_SS (red deerwild boar), CE_VV (red deer
red fox), SS_MM (wild boarbadger), VV_MM (red foxbad-
ger), and VV_SS (red foxwild boar). For each species pair and
camera site, we calculated monthly rates of indirect interactions
(RatesInt) as a function of the number of interactions (nr of
interactions) per time (RatesInt =nr of interactions/time),
adapted from Ferreira et al. [14] study. Time was expressed as
a proportion, corresponding to active camera days (days
when cameras were operational and recording without any
interference) divided by the number of days in a given month.
We summarised RatesInt by species pairs and seasons (indirect
interactions/month/camera), computing RatesInt means along
with the corresponding standard errors. Generalised linear mod-
els (GLM) were used to inspect potential differences in RatesInt
between wildlifecattle and wildlife groups, across seasons.
2.5. Human, Landscape, and Environment Predictors. To
address the third objective, we dened a total of 18 eco-
environmental predictors that inuence the abundance of
the target species and thus may inuence species interaction
patterns. These predictors were arranged according to ve
ecological hypotheses that might regulate species interac-
tions: (H1) human disturbance (n=4 predictor variables);
(H2) landscape composition (n=5); (H3) topography (n=3);
(H4) weather (n=3); and (H5) natural food and water
resources (n=3) (Table 1).
We estimated human disturbance (H1) for each camera
site through the total number of days with human records
(visually extracted from pictures); and through the Euclidean
distance of camera sites to the nearest houses, to hunting
sites (stand sites for hunting, where baiting is placed nearby
for attracting wildlife) and road density metrics of unpaved
roads (length of roads/total area within a given neighbour-
hood) in the SA (Quantum GIS v. 3.0.3; [69]). For landscape
composition-related predictors (H2), we computed the pro-
portion of land cover, considering the main land uses (agro-
forest and forest) occurring in the SA; the Shannon landscape
diversity index, and the Euclidean distance of camera sites to
forest edges. Those metrics were obtained from the Corine
Land Cover (2018) dataset (European Union, Copernicus
Land Monitoring Service, European Environment Agency)
and were retrieved from the landscapemetricsRpackage
[70]. In addition, tree cover density was derived from the
Tree Cover Density (2018) dataset (Copernicus Land Monitor-
ing Service, European Environment Agency) (Table 1).
Regarding topographic predictors (H3), we estimated
elevation from a 30-m digital elevation model (DEM) and
derived terrain ruggedness index and slope from the DEM
using Quantum GIS v. 3.0.3. Weather-based predictors (H4;
i.e., Rain and Temp) were obtained from data collected at a
local weather station. Lastly, for H5, the water content
(Water_cont) was visually estimated based on the area cov-
ered by standing water (using some marks in situ to retrieve
estimates) during eld work visits throughout the sampling
period. The typology of each camera siteStation_site (con-
trol or water)was used as a categorical variable. The nor-
malised difference vegetation index (NDVI) was derived
from the LANDSAT 8 image collection (level 2, Tier 1),
with a 30 m spatial resolution, and processed in Google Earth
Engine [71]. The NDVI has shown a high correlation with
vegetation biomass and dynamics in various ecosystems
worldwide. Several authors have used NDVI to assess vege-
tation productivityrepresenting resource quantity and
qualityand the dynamics of habitat use by wild mammals,
including ungulates and carnivores [72, 73, 74]. For this
reason, we used NDVI as a proxy for natural food availabil-
ity. We only retained high-quality images with 5%of cloud
4 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
TABLE 1: Study hypotheses and description of the eco-environmental predictors used for modelling interspecies interactions.
Hypothesis Inclusion rationale Prediction Predictor acronym Description
H1. Human disturbance
Wildlife species tend to show a
spatialtemporal avoidance of humans and to
humans-related activities, which in turn may
inuence patterns of interspecies interactions
[64, 65, 66]
We expect a negative association between
human disturbance and abundance of
interspecies interactions. We also expect that a
greater human presence may also imply a
greater presence of domestic species which
increases the likelihood of wildlifecattle
Dist_houses Distance of camera sites to the nearest articial
houses/facilities (m)
Dist_hunt Distance of camera sites to the nearest hunting
site (m)
DensRoad Density of unpaved roads within 100, 250, and
500 m spatial scales around camera sites
Human_days Number of days with occurrence of humans (a
proxy for human presence)
H2. Landscape composition
The occurrence and distribution of species
depend on their habitat requirements, and thus
landscape context may be a key driver for
interspecies interactions [6, 56, 65]
We predict that landscape composition is the
most important mechanism driving
interspecies interactions. We expect a positive
relationship between forest and heterogeneous
areas and wildlife interactions; and a positive
relationship between agro-dominated areas and
wildlifecattle interactions
Percentage of agroforest land (holm oak stands
with low or absent shrub cover due to grazing
and other pastoral activities) within 100, 250,
and 500 m spatial scalesaround camera sites (%)
Percentage of forest (holm oak stands or mixed
woodland patches with high shrub cover)
within 100, 250, and 500m spatial scales
around camera sites (%)
Proportion of tree cover density within 100,
250, and 500m spatial scales around camera
sites (%)
Dist_edgeF Distance of camera sites to the nearest edge of
forest patches (m)
Shannons landscape diversity index within
100, 250, and 500 m spatial scales around
camera sites
H3. Topography
Terrain features are important drivers that
regulate species co-occurrence and thus
inuence shared space among host species
[64, 67]
We expect a negative relationship between
topography-based predictors and species
Altitude Terrain altitude within 100, 250, and 500 m
spatial scales around camera sites
Rugg Terrain ruggedness index within 100, 250, and
500 m spatial scales around camera sites
Slope Topographic slope within 100, 250, and 500 m
spatial scales around camera sites
H4. Weather
Weather conditions shape species activity and,
in turn, can drive interactions among hosts
across space and time gradients [24, 60, 68]
We predict that weather conditions exert
positive or negative effects on interspecies
interactions, being species-specicand season
Temp Minimum monthly temperature (°C), used in
the wet season
Temp Maximum monthly temperature (°C), used in
the dry season
Rain Total monthly accumulated precipitation (mm)
H5. Natural food and water resources
Food and water resources can facilitate species
aggregation, thus being an important factor
shaping spatial and temporal patterns of
interactions between mammal host species
[24, 28]
We predict that food-rich areas, along with
water abundance, have a positive inuence on
interspecies interactions, particularly during
the dry season
Water content at each camera site (mean
monthly water area size; m
), calculated by
visual estimation in the eld
Station_site Typology of the camera sites: control sites and
water sites
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index within
100, 250, and 500 m spatial scales around
camera sites
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 5
cover considering the whole SA (more details are available in
[75]). For the missing data in our time series (a 3-month gap,
non-consecutive months), we used images from the month
before and after (time interpolation; [76]) to estimate the
NDVI values [77].
A multi-scale approach was carried out to cover a wide
range of scales and thus maximise potential responses with
the target species [78]. Continuous predictors not based on
distances (Dens_roads, TreeD, Altitude, Rugg, Slope, and
NDVI) were stacked in a 30 m spatial resolution multi-raster
layer. We then applied the following spatial scales of analysis:
90, 240, and 510 m focal-radius moving window as a proxy
for 100, 250, and 500 m neighbourhood scales of analysis
around camera sites. Mean was used to summarise the raster
values within each spatial scale A similar procedure (in terms
of scales) was applied to Agro, Forest, and Shidi using a
spatial resolution basis of 10 m, and thus a focal-radius mov-
ing window of 100, 250, and 500 m (Table 1).
We also estimated the relative abundance index of each
target species (e.g., RAI), discriminated by camera site and
season, to be used as a proxy of animal density in the model-
ling process. Animal abundance was calculated as the num-
ber of detections of each species in a month/(number of
active camera days/number of days of a given month).
2.6. Modelling: Hypotheses Explaining Interspecies Indirect
Interactions. Interaction analyses were conducted separately
for each species pair, and for the dry and wet seasons, allow-
ing the identication of potential differences in the effects of
predictors driving interactions between seasons. As pre-
modelling procedures, we checked for outliers and inspected
collinearity among variable predictors. Pairwise Spearman
correlations were calculated among all predictors to check
for multicollinearity. Numeric predictors with skewed distri-
butions were transformed (square-root, logarithmic, or arc-
sine) to approach normality and to reduce the inuence of
extreme values [79]. In addition, all continuous predictors
were standardised, allowing comparisons of their strength in
the modelling process.
We tted the response variablenumber of species
interactionsto generalised linear mixed models (GLMM)
with a Poisson or negative binomial family distribution and
log link (package glmmTMB[80]), using camera site as a
random factor because each camera site was sampled repeat-
edly through time. The log of the number of active camera-days
was used as offset in the models to integrate sampling effort
between camera sites over time [24]. This procedure avoided
transforming count data (log-transformed data or RatesInt), as
recommended by Zuur et al. [79] and OHara and Kotze [81].
The ve ecological hypotheses (H1H5) were indepen-
dently evaluated [82], rst through simple models, testing
one predictor at a time. These simple models always included
the abundances of each species (RAI) involved in a given spe-
cies pair interaction as xed predictors, since higher host abun-
dance increases interaction levels [14]. Then, if more than one
predictor was informative within a hypothesis, a multivariate
model was built for each hypothesis with all informative
Model example: species pair AB|season
Number of interactions~animal abundance (A)+animal
abundance (B)+predictor X+random (1|camera site), offset
(log (camera days)), family (Poisson/negative binomial).
A predictor variable was considered informative when:
(1) the 95%condence intervals (CI: 95%)of the variable
coefcient being tested did not include zero; and (2) a
deltaAICc >2(ΔAICc; Akaikes information criterion adjusted
for small sample sizes) was obtained when comparing the
tested model with the reference model (without the specic
predictor; [79, 83, 84]). If highly correlated informative pre-
dictors (r>0.7) were identied, we only retained the one
producing a lower AICc to be included in the multivariate
model. This procedure also involved comparing multiple
scales for a given predictor. Multivariate models were built
with all possible combinations of the informative predictors of
each hypothesis, always keeping animal abundance (RAI) in
all competing models, and limiting each model to a maximum
of four predictors to avoid model instability. We selected the
best multivariate model for each hypothesis using AICc. Mod-
els having a ΔAICc <2 are considered equally supported.
When several models had ΔAICc <2 : 1) all associated pre-
dictors were included in a single best multi-model [85] if
four predictors were selected; (2) all models within ΔAICc <2
of the top-ranked models were retained for interpretation,
The dredge function (R package MuMIn[86]) was used
for model selection. Once we identied all the best models for
the hypotheses tested (H1H5), we again ran the models with
a restricted maximum likelihood (REML). Since it is impor-
tant to assess model adequacy [87, 88], models were evaluated
and validated using diagnostic tools (normality, outliers, and
zero ination) available in the DHARMapackage [89].
3. Results
We obtained a total of 15,537 detections of cattle and target
wild mammal species over 6,170 effective trap days across the
35 camera sites (mean =176 Æ61 sd trap days per camera
site) during the study period. Cattle were the most frequently
detected species (66.8%;n=10,379). Red fox (10.5%;n=
1,631), red deer (8.6%;n=1,335), and wild boar (7.3%;n=
1,141) were detected in similar numbers and were widespread
in the SA (detection in >85%of camera sites). The badger
occurred at lower rates (2.5%;n=382), although it was also
widespread in the SA (detection in >75%of camera sites).
3.1. WildlifeCattle and Wildlife Species Interactions. Wild-
lifecattle indirect interactions represented 52.7%(n=3,619)
of the interaction data (only 0.1%(n=7) were direct interac-
tions involving cattle). The wildlife species that were most
frequently involved in these interactions were the red fox
(BT_VV; mean RatesInt: wet season =6.1 and mean RatesInt:
dry season =4.5), followed by the wild boar (BT_SS; mean
RatesInt: wet season =4.8 and mean RatesInt: dry season =
2.8) and red deer (BT_CE; mean RatesInt: wet season =4.5
and mean RatesInt: dry season =2.5). The badger (BT_MM;
mean RatesInt: wet season =1.6 and mean RatesInt: dry
6 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
season =1.5) interacted less frequently with cattle (Figure 2(a)).
Interactions with cattle involving the three most detected spe-
cies (red fox, wild boar, and red deer) occurred in all farms, at
more than 80%of camera sites during the wet season, and at
30%60%of camera sites in the dry season. Interaction rates
were signicantly higher in the wet season for the pairs
BT_VV (GLM; coef: wet season =0.361, CI: 95%(0.050;
0.672)), BT_SS (GLM; coef: wet season =0.304, CI: 95%
(0.024; 0.585)), and BT_CE (GLM; coef: wet season =0.441,
CI: 95%(0.167; 0.714)).
Indirect interactions between wildlife represented 46.8%
(n=3,210) of the interaction data (only 0.4%(n=25) were
direct interactions). The wildlife species pairs most frequently
interacting were CE_SS (mean RatesInt: wet season =3.6 and
mean RatesInt: dry season =2.2), CE_VV (mean RatesInt: wet
season =3.3 and mean RatesInt: dry season =2.7), and
VV_SS (mean RatesInt: wet season =3.4 and mean RatesInt:
dry season =2.3) (Figure 2(b)). Indirect interactions between
the three main species (red fox, wild boar, and red deer)
occurred at more than 80%of camera sites during the wet
season, and at 40%60%of camera sites during the dry season.
Interaction rates were signicantly higher in the wet season
for the pairs CE_SS (GLM; coef: wet season =0.283, CI: 95%
(0.031; 0.535)), CE_VV (GLM; coef: wet season =0.302, CI:
95%(0.045; 0.559)), and VV_SS (GLM; coef: wet season =
0.297, CI: 95%(0.038; 0.556)).
3.2. RatesInt between WildlifeCattle and Wildlife Groups.
Globally, interaction rates (RatesInt)were higher in the wet
season for both wildlifecattle and wildlife groups when
compared to the dry season. The mean interaction rates of
the wildlifecattle group were 1.8 and 1.6 times signicantly
higher than the wildlife rates for the dry and wet seasons,
respectively (GLM dry season; coef wildlife: 0.156, CI: 95%
(0.285; 0.0269); GLM wet season; coef wildlife: 0.269,
CI: 95%(0.354; 0.184)).
3.3. Ecological Hypotheses Driving Species Interactions. All
models were tted with a Poisson family distribution. The
predictors Slope, Rugg, Agro, and Forest were not used simul-
taneously in the same model due to multicollinearity pro-
blems. Locations with high terrain ruggedness had also
higher slope (rs =0.99) and low percentage of Agro (rs =
0.73). On the other hand, locations with high percentage
of Agro had low percentage of Forest (rs =0.74). Model
residual patterns revealed a good to adequate t of most of
the models to the data (Figures S3, S4, S5, and S6: DHARMa
diagnostic plots showing residual, dispersion, and zero-
ination ts of the tested models). Four of the ve
ecological hypotheses tested were signicantly associated
with abundance of wildlifecattle interactions, covering one
to three species pairs, depending on the hypothesis (Table 2
and Figure 3(a)). Three of the ve ecological hypotheses tested
RatesInt (indirect interactions/month)
Dry season
Wet season
RatesInt (indirect interactions/month)
Dry season
Wet season
FIGURE 2: Weighted means and standard errors of RatesInt (indirect interactions/month) summarised by species pairs and seasons and
displayed by animal group ((a) wildlifecattle; (b) wildlife). Species pair acronyms are (BT_CE) cattlered deer; (BT_MM) cattlebadger;
(BT_SS) cattlewild boar; (BT_VV) cattlered fox; (CE_MM) red deerbadger; (CE_SS) red deerwild boar; (CE_VV) red deerred
fox; (SS_MM) wild boarbadger; (VV_MM) red foxbadger; and (VV_SS) red foxwild boar.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 7
TABLE 2: Summary of the hypotheses (H) tested and predictors (highlighted in bold) signicantly related to wildlifecattle species pair interactions.
Species pair Season H Model id Null model AICc Model ref AICc Model AICc DeltaAIC Predictors Coeff. CI: 95%IRR
BT_CE Wet H2 BTCE_wH2 1,110.9 601.6 598.1 3.5
BT abundance 0.945 (0.792; 1.098) 2.573
CE abundance 1.021 (0.901; 1.141) 2.776
Forest_100 0.175 (0.023; 0.326) 1.191
BT_CE Wet H4 BTCE_wH4 1,110.9 601.6 597.0 4.6
BT abundance 0.871 (0.726; 1.015) 2.388
CE abundance 1.065 (0.944; 1.186) 2.902
Temp 0.088 (0.155; 0.020) 0.916
BT_CE Wet H5 BTCE_wH5 1,110.9 601.6 594.7 6.9
BT abundance 0.937 (0.794; 1.080) 2.552
CE abundance 1.090 (0.973; 1.207) 2.974
Station_site: water 0.361 (0.595; 0.127) 0.697
BT_CE Dry H2 BTCE_dH2 248.7 165.5 161.6 3.9
BT abundance 0.626 (0.246; 1.005) 1.870
CE abundance 1.363 (0.949; 1.778) 3.908
TreeD_100 0.868 (1.659; 0.077) 0.420
BT_CE Dry H4 BTCE_dH4 248.7 165.5 160.9 4.6
BT abundance 1.071 (0.561; 1.580) 2.917
CE abundance 1.362 (0.936; 1.788) 3.902
Rain 0.314 (0.061; 0.568) 1.369
BT_CE Dry H5 BTCE_dH5 248.7 165.5 151.3 14.2
BT abundance 0.855 (0.402; 1.309) 2.352
CE abundance 1.248 (0.852; 1.643) 3.483
NDVI_500 0.198 (0.074; 0.471) 1.219
Water_cont 0.878 (0.367; 1.388) 2.405
BT_SS Wet H1 BTSS_wH1 1,042.8 629.2 624.6 4.6
BT abundance 0.743 (0.611; 0.875) 2.103
SS abundance 1.013 (0.904; 1.123) 2.754
Human_days 0.180 (0.321; 0.039) 0.836
BT_SS Wet H2 BTSS_wH2 1,042.8 629.2 624.7 4.5
BT abundance 0.796 (0.662; 0.929) 2.216
SS abundance 0.998 (0.896; 1.100) 2.713
Agro_100 0.141 (0.247; 0.035) 0.868
BT_SS Wet H5 BTSS_wH5 1,042.8 629.2 625.7 3.5
BT abundance 0.707 (0.580; 0.833) 2.027
SS abundance 1.052 (0.945; 1.159) 2.863
NDVI_100 0.088 (0.162; 0.014) 0.915
BT_SSDry ——
BT_VV Wet H1 BTVV_wH1 1,386.5 688.3 683.4 4.9
BT abundance 0.985 (0.841; 1.129) 2.678
VV abundance 1.013 (0.908; 1.119) 2.755
Human_days 0.110 (0.193; 0.026) 0.896
BT_VV Wet H5 BTVV_wH5 1,386.5 688.3 681.9 6.4
BT abundance 0.983 (0.841; 1.125) 2.671
VV abundance 0.999 (0.897; 1.102) 2.717
NDVI_500 0.073 (0.137; 0.008) 0.930
Station_site: water 0.308 (0.571; 0.045) 0.735
BT_VV Dry H1 BTVV_dH1 287.8 180.3 175.9 4.4
BT abundance 0.752 (0.490; 1.013) 2.120
VV abundance 1.551 (1.215; 1.887) 4.715
DensRoad_250 0.384 (0.682; 0.086) 0.681
BT_VV Dry H4 BTVV_dH4 287.8 180.3 171.8 8.5
BT abundance 1.026 (0.672; 1.380) 2.789
VV abundance 1.550 (1.179; 1.921) 4.711
Rain 0.296 (0.111; 0.481) 1.344
8 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
TABLE 2: Continued.
Species pair Season H Model id Null model AICc Model ref AICc Model AICc DeltaAIC Predictors Coeff. CI: 95%IRR
BT_VV Dry H5 BTVV_dH5 287.8 180.3 173.1 7.2
BT abundance 0.966 (0.643; 1.289) 2.627
VV abundance 1.651 (1.262; 2.040) 5.211
NDVI_100 0.360 (0.124; 0.596) 1.433
BT_MM Wet H2 BTMM_wH2 651.1 371.3 368.5 2.8
BT abundance 0.920 (0.703; 1.137) 2.508
MM abundance 1.174 (1.037; 1.312) 3.236
Agro_100 0.206 (0.391; 0.020) 0.814
BT_MMDry ——
For each species pair and season, we provided the best model according to the models AICc (Akaikes information criterion adjusted for small sample sizes). The AICc of the reference model and the null model are
also provided. DeltaAICc (ΔAICc) was obtained between the reference model and each best model for a given hypothesis. The coefcients (Coeff.) and corresponding 95%condence intervals (CI: 95%) for each
tested predictor are presented. Incidence rate ratios (IRR) are reported as exponentiated results. (asterisk) was used to mark species pairs and seasons for which we did not nd asignicant association with the
tested hypotheses.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 9
were signicantly associated with the abundance of wildlife
interactions, covering from one to four species pairs, depending
on the hypothesis (Table 3 and Figure 3(c)). Wildlifecattle
interactions were most related to natural food and water
resources hypothesis (H5) (Figure 3(b)), while wildlife
interactions were often associated with human disturbance
hypothesis (H1) (Figure 3(d)).
3.3.1. Modelling: WildlifeCattle Interactions. The number of
wildlifecattle interactions, involving the red fox and wild
boar, increased in areas with a lower human presence during
the wet season (H1, models: BTVV_wH1 and BTSS_wH1;
Table 2). Additionally, in this season, interactions encom-
passing the red deer, wild boar, and badger increased in more
forested areas (e.g., areas with low Agro cover; H2, models:
BTCE_wH2, BTSS_wH2, and BTMM_wH2). More interac-
tions between cattle and red deer were associated with low-
temperature periods (H4, model: BTCE_wH4). The higher
abundance of interactions, covering red deer, red fox, and
wild boar, occurred in areas where natural resources are less
abundant (i.e., control sites and less productive areas (NDVI))
(H5, models: BTCE_wH5, BTVV_wH5 and BTSS_wH5). Dur-
ing the dry season, wildlifecattle interactions increased in areas
with lower road densities, as evidenced for the red fox (H1,
model: BTVV_dH1), and in areas with lower tree cover, in the
case of the red deer (H4, model: BTCE_dH2). Rain had a positive
inuence on the abundance of wildlifecattle interactions (H4,
models: BTCE_dH4 and BTVV_dH4), and interactions were
more frequent in sites with higher water content and in more
productive areas, for carnivores and ungulates, such as the red
fox and the red deer, respectively (H5, models: BTVV_dH5 and
BTCE_dH5). Overall, animal abundance had a strong effect size
in all models: with one-point increase in animal abundance
(wildlife or cattle), number of interactions would be expected
Number of species pairs
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
H2 H4
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
Number of species pairs
H1 H2
(–) (–)
FIGURE 3: Number of species pairs inuenced by ecological hypotheses regarding indirect interactions, displayed by wildlifecattle (a) and
wildlife (c) groups and considering sampled seasons. For each hypothesis, the sign of the coefcient effect is shown (positive, negative, or
null). Treemaps show the number of times the tested predictors, underlying ecological hypotheses, were associated with species pair
interactions, displayed by wildlifecattle (b) and wildlife (d) groups.
10 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
TABLE 3: Summary of the hypotheses (H) tested and predictors (highlighted in bold) signicantly related to wildlife species pair interactions.
Species pair Season H Model identier Null model AICc Model ref AICc Model AICc DeltaAIC Predictors Coeff. CI: 95%IRR
CE_SS Wet H1 CESS_wH1 928 539.7 537.8 2.0
CE abundance 0.740 (0.632; 0.847) 2.095
SS abundance 0.788 (0.672; 0.903) 2.198
Dist_houses 0.083 (0.001; 0.164) 1.086
CE_SS Wet H4 CESS_wH4 928 539.7 537.1 2.6
CE abundance 0.747 (0.638; 0.856) 2.111
SS abundance 0.752 (0.635; 0.870) 2.122
Temp 0.082 (0.157; 0.007) 0.921
CE_SSDry ——
CE_VV Wet H1 CEVV_wH1 906.1 529.9 527.4 2.5
CE abundance 0.933 (0.832; 1.033) 2.542
VV abundance 0.892 (0.784; 1.000) 2.440
DensRoad_100 0.116 (0.224; 0.008) 0.891
CE_VVDry ——
CE_MMWet ——
CE_MM Dry H4 CEMM_dH4 205.4 90.4 83.7 6.7
CE abundance 0.757 (0.295; 1.218) 2.131
MM abundance 1.043 (0.736; 1.350) 2.838
Rain 0.455 (0.118; 0.791) 1.575
VV_SS Wet H1 VVSS_wH1 859.4 546.1 543.8 2.3
VV abundance 0.837 (0.708; 0.966) 2.310
SS abundance 0.920 (0.788; 1.051) 2.509
Human_days 0.161 (0.318; 0.004) 0.851
VV_SS Wet H2 VVSS_wH2 859.4 546.1 538.7 7.4
VV abundance 0.855 (0.737; 0.972) 2.350
SS abundance 0.929 (0.807; 1.051) 2.532
Agro_100 0.091 (0.191; 0.008) 0.913
Shidi_100 0.108 (0.024; 0.192) 1.114
VV_SS Dry H1 VVSS_dH1 251.2 136.3 132.3 4.0
VV abundance 1.220 (0.838; 1.602) 3.387
SS abundance 1.054 (0.762; 1.345) 2.869
Dist_houses 0.376 (0.708; 0.043) 0.687
SS_MMWet ——
SS_MM Dry H1 SSMM_dH1 173.4 94.3 89.2 5.1
SS abundance 1.111 (0.676; 1.545) 3.036
MM abundance 1.065 (0.811; 1.319) 2.900
DensRoad_100 0.635 (1.122; 0.147) 0.530
VV_MMWet ——
VV_MMDry ——
For each species pair and season, we provided the best model according to the models AICc (Akaikes information criterion adjusted for small sample sizes). The AICc of the reference model and the null model are
also provided. DeltaAICc (ΔAICc) was obtained between the reference model and each best model for a given hypothesis. The coefcients (Coeff.) and corresponding 95%condence intervals (CI: 95%) for each
tested predictor are presented. Incidence rate ratios (IRR) are reported as exponentiated results. (asterisk) was used to mark species pairs and seasons for which we did not nd a signicant association with the
tested hypotheses.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 11
to increase by an average IRR of 2.93 (sd =0.58), holding all
variables constant. Ecological predictors, linked to the study
hypotheses, had a lesser pronounced effect (positive predictors:
average IRR =1.49, sd =0.46; negative predictors: average IRR
=0.79, sd =0.15).
3.3.2. Modelling: WildlifeWildlife Interactions. During the wet
season, wildlife interactions involving ungulates increased at
longer distances to houses (H1, model: CESS_wH1; Table 3),
and in areas with lower road densities, for the species pair
through human presence, also had a negative effect on the
abundance of wildlife interactions in this season: in this case
between wild boar and red fox (H1, model: VVSS_wH1).
Furthermore, wildlife interactionsencompassing VV_SS
and CE_SS species pairsincreased in areas with higher
landscape diversity (H2, model: VVSS_wH2) and when the
temperature was lower (H4, model: CESS_wH4). In the dry
season, wildlife interactions also increased as a function of
low road densities, specically for the SS_MM species pair
(H1, model: SSMM_dH1), while interactions between the
red fox and wild boar increased at reduced distances
from houses (H1, model: VVSS_dH1). Furthermore, wildlife
interactionsinvolving badger and red deerincreased in
rainy periods (H4, model: CEMM_dH4). Overall, with a
one-point increase in animal abundance (wildlife), the num-
ber of interactions would be expected to increase by an aver-
age IRR of 2.52 (sd =0.39), holding all variables constant.
Ecological predictors, linked to the study hypotheses, had a
lesser pronounced effect size. Positive predictors had an
average IRR of 1.26 (sd =0.27), while predicators exhibiting
a negative relation with the number of wildlife interactions
had an average IRR of 0.80 (sd=0.149), meaning that a one-
point increase in a given predictor would be expected to result
in a decrease in the rate ratio for the number of interactions.
4. Discussion
Pathogen transmission at shared interfaces is a heteroge-
neous and dynamic process, signicantly dependent on spa-
tial and temporal processes. Despite being overlooked in
certain TB risk areas, characterising spatialtemporal varia-
tion in interaction patterns, addressing all relevant hosts, is
essential to properly understand pathogen transmission dynam-
ics in complex animal communities.
We demonstrated that (1) wildlifecattle and wildlife
indirect interactions occur frequently. All the target species
contributed to the network of disease-relevant interactions
yet, wild boar, red deer, and red fox were the wildlife hosts
mostly involved in indirect interactions across seasons. Regard-
less of the group considered, speciespairinteractionsweregen-
erally higher in the wet season; (2) the rates of indirect
interaction involving wildlifecattle were higher than the inter-
actions between wildlife species, in both seasons; (3) several
hypotheses inuenced indirect interactions, although responses
differed among groups and seasons. Wildlifecattle interactions
were more frequently related to the natural food and water
hypothesis (H5), while wildlife indirect interactions were more
associated with the human disturbance hypothesis (H1).
4.1. WildlifeCattle and Wildlife Interaction Patterns. Inter-
species direct interactions were rare, as previously documen-
ted in other studies [31, 33, 63]. This highlights that even
generalist species, with similar ecological requirements, tend
to partition resource use and habitat exploitation spatially
and temporally [59, 60, 90]. On the other hand, wildlifecattle
and wildlife indirect interactions were frequent and wide-
spread throughout the study area. Such results are consistent
with previous ndings reported in Mediterranean ecosystems,
supporting the hypothesis that M. bovis transmission (and
other multi-host pathogens with similar excretion routes) is
mainly indirect through contaminated shared environments
[23, 36, 91]. Agroforestry systems like Montadoknown as
Dehesa in Spainare highly complex structures often consid-
ered as high nature value farming systems, supporting high
levels of biodiversity [92]. Human activities (e.g., hunting
interests), along with other ecological and social factors,
have been shaping these interfaces, promoting a notable overlap
between wildlife (e.g., big game hunting) and cattle farming.
Consequently, Montado interfaces have become increasingly
interconnected, requiring improved management practices, as
shared space is expected to favour interspecies disease transmis-
sion. Indeed, the long-term excretion and viability maintenance
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex bacteria (MTBC) in
environmental substrates [50] increase animal exposure risk,
particularly in animal aggregation areas that are asynchronously
used by different species. In Mediterranean Spain, host species
richness has been correlated with increased community compe-
tence to maintain and transmit MTBC, oppositely to other epi-
demiological settings where biodiversity could favour a dilution
effectand moderate pathogen transmission [93].
Wild boar, red deer, and red fox were the wildlife hosts more
frequently involved in indirect interactions, as shown in previous
studies conducted in similar environments [6, 91, 94, 95]. The
positive relationship between wildlife/cattle abundance and the
number of interactions is notable, with signicant effects
observed in all tested models. This pattern is compatible with
a density-dependent mechanism, a hypothesis previously sug-
gested in the context of animal interactions within disease sys-
tems [96], including TB [6, 14]. Thus, higher interaction events
involving ungulates and red foxes are expected, as they are
more abundant in our study area. On the other hand, the
low number of indirect interactions involving badgers could
be related to their lower local abundance, in contrast to other
Iberian environments (e.g., Asturias, Northern Spain) and
other European TB contexts (e.g., UK), known to have higher
badger population densities and where signicant shared space
between badgers, cattle, and other wild mammals has been
documented [91, 97]. From an epidemiological perspective,
these results highlight that reservoir hosts (wild boar and red
deer) potentially play a key role in disease transmission in the
study region and should therefore receive increased attention
[53]. Wild boar has been identied as a TB maintenance host in
most study sites across the Iberian Peninsula. In the context of
multi-pathogen networks (study conducted in Spain), wild
boar is considered as the key and most connected species of
the system community, bridging several hosts relevant to the
epidemiology of MTBC [45, 53]. Also, TB prevalence in wild
12 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
boar and the red deer was considered an important factor
positively linked to TB in cattle farms of Iberian regions
[98, 99]. Nevertheless, additional research (e.g., pathogen
excretion patterns and burden) is needed, including for other
non-reservoir hosts, given their potential to indirectly interact
with various species, as the case of the red fox in our study. The
red fox is a generalist carnivore that can exploit a variety of
habitats, including farm-related sites [100], and was recognised
as a spillover host in certain regions [101]. However, despite
recent insights about MTBC environmental contamination in
the Iberian Peninsula [50, 102], the relative importance of cer-
tain TB hostsincluding the red foxto environmental con-
tamination remains poorly understood in TB risk areas.
The higher rates of interactions during the wet season
may be due to different factors (e.g., species-specic beha-
viours, animal density; [6, 28]) but are mostly driven by two.
First, the higher availability and abundance of resources dur-
ing the wet season (e.g., autumn). While summer periods
tend to drive species aggregation around spatially limited
resources (e.g., water sites), the wet season is characterised
by high availability and abundance of natural food and water
sites. This could attract species to new areas, resulting in
indirect shared space across landscapes, which can be signif-
icant when considering common and generalist species as in
the case of red deer, wild boar, and red fox. Second, in our
study area, cattle are conned to fewer grazing plots during
the dry season when compared to the wet season. This may
also be a plausible explanation for the lower rates of inter-
actions involving cattle in the dry season (less sites where
animal hosts may engage), and contradicts other studies that
referred to a generalised increase in indirect interactions in
dry periods (but also in autumn periods) [24, 33].
4.2. Differences between WildlifeCattle and Wildlife Interaction
Rates. Wildlifecattle indirect interaction rates were almost two
times higher than wildlife interaction rates in both seasons.
Triguero-Ocaña et al. [95] have also found that wildlifecattle
interactions involving red deer, fallow deer (Dama dama), and
wild boar were more frequent than interactions between wildlife
species. Such patterns could be related to how species partition
resources across the landscape and to species-specicbehaviour
traits, which may differ between the two groups. The response of
wildlife to cattle presence (e.g., behavioural effects) can be het-
erogeneous when considering different animal species and land-
scape contexts [103]. Although some studies have shown that
cattle presence had a negative inuence on space use by some
carnivore host species (e.g., badger and red fox; [64, 104, 105]),
others have shown that cattle presence was positively associated
with wildlife occurrence, namely for the wild boar and red deer
in agroforestry areas [6, 63]. Regarding the spatialtemporal
proles of wildlife species, some studies demonstrated that even
habitat-generalist carnivores (e.g., red fox and badger) may
exhibit contrasting habitat preferences at a small-scale in agro-
forestry systems [59]; and mesocarnivore co-occurrence is lim-
ited by landscape homogeneity [67], a trait observed to some
extent in our study area. In addition, species (e.g., ungulates)
can segregate in terms of space and time to avoid competitive
and agonistic encounters [60]. Therefore, in Mediterranean
ecosystems characterized by multifunctional landscapes, inter-
species avoidance through shared resources between cattle and
wildlife should be smaller [106] than between nocturnal wild-
life species with more similar activity rhythm periods, sizes, and
diets [94, 107]. In turn, animal co-occurrence patterns may
dictate indirect interaction between hosts through shared
environments, and thus having considerable inuence on ani-
mal TB epidemiology.
4.3. Ecological Hypotheses Driving WildlifeCattle and Wildlife
Indirect Interactions. The abundance of natural food and water
resources (H5) markedly inuenced wildlifecattle indirect
interaction patterns, particularly those involving red deer,
wild boar, and red fox. Our results indicate that, in the wet
season, wildlifecattle interactions increased in less productive
areas (e.g., forested areas with high shrub cover), and around
control sites; while during the dry season, wildlifecattle indi-
rect interactions were associated with more productive areas
andoccuredsignicantly more at sites with higher water con-
tent. Water and food resources (natural and articial) have
been previously identied as key components, highly used by
both cattle and wildlife at shared interfaces, thereby favouring
interspecies transmission of M. bovis [24, 31, 32]. The seasonal
patterns evidenced in our work may be related to changes in
resource availability and abundance throughout the year. In
the wet season (mainly autumn and early winter), acorns
(important for ungulates) and pastures (important for cattle,
ungulates, and carnivores) are abundant in the study area and
more water sites are available. Oppositely, water and natural food
resources tend to be scarce and more spatially limited in the dry
season. Given that, in the wet season, although lower levels of
wildlifecattle interactions are expected at specic sites (due to
the use of different resources), spatial co-occurrence between
cattle and wildlife continues to take place outside key resource
areas in different habitats, as documented in other studies [91].
On the other hand, highly productive natural food areas and
water sites become more attractive to numerous animal hosts
in the dry season. This leads to spatial aggregation of hosts at
specic sites, increasing the probability of indirect interactions
around key resources, as shown in previous studies [31, 41].
The tested hypotheses also revealed that the wildlifecattle
interactions increased in areas with low human presence
(H1), more dense vegetation (H2; e.g., Forest), and in periods
of low temperature (H4) during the wet season; and, during
the dry season, wildlifecattle interactions increased in areas
with lower road densities (H1), in more open areas (H2; i.e.,
less tree cover) and during rainy periods (H4). The effect of
land use [41] and human disturbance (e.g., hunting effects;
[63]) on species interactions have previously been suggested
in other Mediterranean areas. In addition, weather effects
(H4) can also play a role in interactions involving cattle, since
wildlife movement behaviour on farms can be affected by
temperature and rain (e.g., red fox and badger; [108]). Overall,
our results indicate that the critical conditions for animal
interactions, depending on the season, are shaped by several
ecological components. This highlights the importance to
consider a broad range of different ecological factors when
determining when and where disease transmission can occur.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 13
Effects associated with human disturbance hypothesis
(H1) were observed for wildlife interactions as well, which
have been largely understudied in the context of TB until
now. During the wet season, wildlife interactions were nega-
tively related to road density and human presence, and posi-
tively related to the distance to houses. In the dry season,
lower road densities and increased distances from houses
were also found to be key conditions where transmission
of M. bovis may be favoured between wildlife species (i.e.,
high rates of indirect interactions). Studies have demon-
strated that wildlife occurrence is strongly affected by differ-
ent anthropogenic factors, such as roads (e.g., ungulates and
carnivores in relation to dirt roads; [109, 110]), human pres-
ence (e.g., ungulates; [66]), or even human settlements (e.g.,
carnivores; [111]). We hypothesised that in the study area,
wildlife species (both carnivores and ungulates) tend to avoid
unpaved roadsthey are frequently used by local workers
and hunters throughout seasonsand areas close to houses
(particularly interactions involving the red deer). By adopt-
ing such behaviours, species reduce the probability of distur-
bance, which, as expected, results in lower abundance of
indirect interactions through common space use in those
areas. In the dry season, the higher probability of wildlife
interactions in areas close to houses could be explained by
the characteristic behaviour of the species involved, namely
the red fox and wild boar. These are opportunistic species
that can take advantage of resources close to human settle-
ments when those resources are scarce elsewhere, as docu-
mented in other Mediterranean areas and habitats [64]. This
may also explain why wildlife indirect interactions involving
those species increase in more heterogeneous areas (H2), but
in this case, evidenced during the wet season when various
resources are often available across different habitats. Finally,
models showed that wildlife interactions were inuenced by
weather conditions (H4; ungulates in relation with tempera-
ture and red deer and badger in relation to rain). We
hypothesised that during the wet season, species home range
could increase as a function of temperature, as documented
for ungulates and some carnivores [68, 112]. As a result, this
can lead species to use different spatial resources, likely
reducing the abundance of interactions under these circum-
stances. On the other hand, species can boost their activity
during the dry season in rainy periods (very infrequent
events), which could be linked to increased prey activity
and/or immediate water availability, for instance. Because
resources are more limited in the dry season, such patterns
can result in negligible spatial segregation, and thus probably
increase indirect interactions between wildlife species, par-
ticularly at specic resource sites (e.g., water sites).
Overall, improving our understanding of the ecological
and environmental drivers underlying disease-relevant inter-
actions at the wildlifecattle interfaces is likely to provide
valuable insights into the real nature of pathogen transmis-
sion events. This knowledge can help rene and guide effec-
tive control actions in risk areas wherein disease still persists.
Currently, TB surveillance in wildlife in Portugal almost
exclusively relies in veterinary inspection of hunted large
game animals in specic areas with endemic circulation of
M. bovis. Moreover, conventional biosecurity measures can
be particularly difcult to implement in animal extensive
production systems, posing a considerable challenge for con-
trolling multi-species pathogens. Still, additional preventive
measures could be considered for disrupting M. bovis trans-
mission chains. One example could involve implementing
selective fencing and gating systems in specic areas where
wildlife and cattle frequently share space, and where increas-
ing interaction rates are expected (e.g., water sites in the dry
season; [113]). Data from the present study may guide future
actions as it could help rene disease risk maps, which pres-
ently mainly rely on data from disease breakdowns in cattle
herds. Furthermore, wildlife densitiesgiven their role in
our studyshould be closely monitored, along with environ-
mental sampling to assess contamination of natural sub-
strates, particularly in areas highly used by different hosts.
4.4. Study Limitations and Future Perspectives. We identied
three main aspects that should be further scrutinised by
researchers in the multi-host TB context: rst, in our study,
the even distribution of cameras across the landscape, encom-
passing different land uses, enhances the representation of
features inuencing animal detection proportionally to their
availability. However, this does not eliminate the overall
detection bias arising from the landscape, which can inuence
the eld of vision of camera traps (e.g., reduced detection eld
in dense environments compared to open areas). Future stud-
ies on interaction patterns should integrate new tools (e.g.,
occupancy models) to address imperfect detection of indivi-
duals. Additionally, exploring animal-based metrics (e.g., via
REMrandom encounter model) that consider the collective
viewsheds of a camera array could improve animal detection
rates and related estimates (e.g., interactions) across varying
spatial gradients and external drivers [59, 114]; second, host
behaviour may determine the relative importance of a host
within a disease system. Even if not very abundant, the beha-
vioural repertoire could favour an increased contact with
other hosts through shared environments [12, 115]. For
instance, certain risk behaviours (e.g., wallowing, drinking)
can promote frequent and prolonged contact with various
infection sources and affect infection outcome and excretion
patterns per host. This topic needs further research as it
remains poorly understood in the Iberian context; third, since
indirect transmission depends on M. bovis survival time in
environments, the use of CTW is crucial for generating reli-
able estimates. However, as M. bovis can survive for extended
periods, depending on climate, substrates, and others [116],
important questions arise: where should the baseline (CTW,
in time axis) be established in a given context? Should the
infectious period be based on the average environmental per-
sistence of M. bovis? Should we examine the frequency of
indirect interactions that occurred within a plausible range
of CTWs, according to hosts, to better dene baselines?
Should different CTW estimates based on M. bovis survival
be considered across various substrates associated with sam-
pling sites? [34]. Progress in addressing these important
questions has been made, with a few studies pioneering the
implementation of CTWs through different approaches to
14 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
dene host interactions [31, 63]. Adopting similar frame-
works, with environmental survival as a gold-standard metric,
will improve integration and comparison of results across
studies. Nevertheless, researchers will also benet from stud-
ies exploring multiple CTWs as a function of interaction
gradients, as well as the denition of CTWs according to
sampling spatial conditions [33]. This is key to developing
general theory on this topic, also applicable to other infectious
diseases at the wildlifecattle interface.
5. Conclusions
This is the most comprehensive study carried out in Portugal
focusing on species indirect interactions in an endemic TB
context, and identifying the most likely key ecological factors
driving these interactions across shared environments. Our
study conrmed that the availability of natural food and
water was a main driver of wildlifecattle interactions, while
wildlife indirect interactions were more associated with human
disturbance. However, other ecological hypotheses inuenced
indirect interaction patterns, suggesting that the conditions
favouring the complex transmission of M. bovis are determined
by multiple factors, depending on the host species and season.
Future studies should combine interaction data with the extent
of environmental contamination with M. bovis to properly
assess transmission risk in multi-host communities. Further-
more, the composition and structure of multi-host communi-
ties determining complex interaction patterns in space-time
axes should also be considered when establishing priority mea-
sures for disease control in shared environments.
Data Availability
The data associated with this research are available from the
corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Conicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
Eduardo M. Ferreira, Elsa L. Duarte, Mónica V. Cunha,
António Mira, and Sara M. Santos conceived the study.
Eduardo M. Ferreira collected the data, analysed the data,
and wrote the rst manuscript draft. Eduardo M. Ferreira,
Renata Gonçalves, and Tiago Pinto processed the data.
Eduardo M. Ferreira and Sara M. Santos developed the anal-
ysis protocol. All authors contributed substantially to revi-
sions and gave nal approval for publication.
We thank landowners, farmers, and game managers for
engaging in this collaborative research project. A special
thanks to Noudar Nature Park (EDIA, S.A.) for their collab-
oration and invaluable support for this work. This study was
funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Tech-
nology (FCT), namely with two PhD grants (SFRH/BD/146037/
2019; DOI: to
Eduardo M. Ferreira and (2020.04581.BD) to Tiago Pinto;
Eduardo M. Ferreira was also nanced by MED (DOI: https:// and CHANGE (DOI: funds to PhD stu-
dents. This work was also funded by FCT within the scope of
MOVERCULOSIS project (2022.06014.PTDC)combining
animal behaviour and movement to assess the inuence of
wildlifelivestock interactions on the spatiotemporal trans-
mission risk of animal tuberculosis (
54499/2022.06014.PTDC). We also acknowledge strategic
funding from FCT to cE3c and BioISI Research Units (DOI: and DOI: https://, respectively), to MED
Research Unit (UIDP/05183/2020 and UIDB/05183/2020),
and to the Associate Laboratory CHANGE (DOI: https://
Supplementary Materials
Additional supplementary information includes tempera-
ture/rainfall comparisons between Ciudad real (Spain) and
Barrancos (Portugal), and DHARMa diagnostic plots of the
tested models. (Supplementary Materials)
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Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 19
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The management of animal tuberculosis (TB) is a priority for European Union animal health authorities. However, and despite all the efforts made to date, a significant part of Spain has as yet been unable to obtain the officially tuberculosis-free (OTF) status. Information regarding wildlife disease status is usually scarce, signifying that the role played by wildlife is usually ignored or poorly assessed in large-scale TB risk factor studies. The National Wildlife Health Surveillance Plan in Spain now provides information on infection rates in wildlife reservoirs at a national level, but there are limitations as regards the sample size, the spatio-temporal distribution of the samples, and the lack of homogeneity of the diagnostic techniques employed. The objective of the study described herein was, therefore, to employ a Bayesian approach with the intention of identifying the risk factors associated with four TB rates in cattle: prevalence, incidence, maintenance and persistence in Spain during the period 2014–2019. The modeling approach included highly informative spatio-temporal latent effects with which to control the limitations of the data. Variation partitioning procedures were carried out, and the pure effect of each factor was mapped in order to identify the most relevant factors associated with TB dynamics in cattle in each region. This made it possible to disclose that the movement of cattle, particularly from counties with herd incidence > 1%, was the main driver of the TB dynamics in cattle. The abundance of herds bred for bullfighting was retained in all four models, but had less weight than the movements. After accounting for farm-related factors, the TB prevalence in wild boar was retained in all the models and was significantly related to incidence, maintenance and persistence. With regard to the incidence, variation partitioning revealed that wildlife was the most explicative factor, thus suggesting that it plays a role in the introduction of the pathogen into uninfected herds, and consequently highlighting its importance in breakdowns. These results show, for the first time on a national scale, that wild ungulates play a relevant role in the spatio-temporal variability of TB in cattle, particularly as regards their disease status. Moreover, the spatial representation of the pure effect of each factor made it possible to identify which factors are driving the disease dynamics in each region, thus showing that it is a valuable tool with which to focus efforts towards achieving the OTF status.
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Two characteristics of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) are particularly relevant for tuberculosis (TB) epidemiology and control, namely the ability of this group of pathogens to survive in the environment and thereby facilitate indirect transmission via water or feed, and the capacity to infect multiple host species including human beings, cattle, wildlife, and domestic animals other than cattle. As a consequence, rather than keeping the focus on certain animal species regarded as maintenance hosts, we postulate that it is time to think of complex and dynamic multi-host MTC maintenance communities where several wild and domestic species and the environment contribute to pathogen maintenance. Regarding the global situation of animal TB, many industrialized countries have reached the Officially Tuberculosis Free status. However, infection of cattle with M. bovis still occurs in most countries around the world. In low- and middle-income countries, human and animal TB infection is endemic and bovine TB control programs are often not implemented because standard TB control through testing and culling, movement control and slaughterhouse inspection is too expensive or ethically unacceptable. In facing increasingly complex epidemiological scenarios, modern integrated disease control should rely on three main pillars: (1) a close involvement of farmers including collaborative decision making, (2) expanding the surveillance and control targets to all three host categories, the environment, and their interactions, and (3) setting up new control schemes or upgrading established ones switching from single tool test and cull approaches to integrated ones including farm biosafety and vaccination.
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Modeling of infectious diseases at the livestock-wildlife interface is a unique subset of mathematical modeling with many innate challenges. To ascertain the characteristics of the models used in these scenarios, a scoping review of the scientific literature was conducted. Fifty-six studies qualified for inclusion. Only 14 diseases at this interface have benefited from the utility of mathematical modeling, despite a far greater number of shared diseases. The most represented species combinations were cattle and badgers (for bovine tuberculosis, 14), and pigs and wild boar [for African (8) and classical (3) swine fever, and foot-and-mouth and disease (1)]. Assessing control strategies was the overwhelming primary research objective (27), with most studies examining control strategies applied to wildlife hosts and the effect on domestic hosts (10) or both wild and domestic hosts (5). In spatially-explicit models, while livestock species can often be represented through explicit and identifiable location data (such as farm, herd, or pasture locations), wildlife locations are often inferred using habitat suitability as a proxy. Though there are innate assumptions that may not be fully accurate when using habitat suitability to represent wildlife presence, especially for wildlife the parsimony principle plays a large role in modeling diseases at this interface, where parameters are difficult to document or require a high level of data for inference. Explaining observed transmission dynamics was another common model objective, though the relative contribution of involved species to epizootic propagation was only ascertained in a few models. More direct evidence of disease spill-over, as can be obtained through genomic approaches based on pathogen sequences, could be a useful complement to further inform such modeling. As computational and programmatic capabilities advance, the resolution of the models and data used in these models will likely be able to increase as well, with a potential goal being the linking of modern complex ecological models with the depth of dynamics responsible for pathogen transmission. Controlling diseases at this interface is a critical step toward improving both livestock and wildlife health, and mechanistic models are becoming increasingly used to explore the strategies needed to confront these diseases.
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Context The Mediterranean basin is characterized by a heterogeneous landscape historically shaped by human activities. Land abandonment and extensive monocultures, however, have led to increasing homogeneity of Mediterranean habitats. Albeit the effects of habitat heterogeneity on wildlife have been widely studied, the available information on how habitat homogenization impacts the organization of mesocarnivore communities is still scant. Objectives We investigated the relationship of environmental characteristics with occupancy, activity, community organization, and co-occurrence of mesocarnivore species in space and time. We focused on five key species (Vulpes vulpes, Genetta genetta, Meles meles, Herpestes ichneumon, and Martes foina) widely distributed throughout Mediterranean ecosystems. Methods The study was conducted in north-central Portugal between June 2019 and June 2020. We used 300 camera trap sampling points coupled with occupancy, activity, and co-occurrence analysis to assess how different environmental characteristics influence mesocarnivores community. Results We found that the occupancy of mesocarnivores is influenced by topography, landscape composition and structure, and human activity. We observed that landscape homogeneity limits the co-occurrence of mesocarnivores. In heterogeneous landscapes we recorded a greater overlap in activity (seven of ten species pairs) and spatial co-occurrence (six of the seven species pairs analyzed) of mesocarnivores species. Conclusions We demonstrated the importance of landscape characteristics in the composition of the mesocarnivores community. Our findings support the adoption of management measures able to mitigate the impacts of landscape homogenization. Maximizing the heterogeneity is an important step to benefit the mesocarnivore community in altered Iberian landscapes.
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Roads can negatively impact ecosystems by fragmenting habitats and affecting animal movements and behaviour. One of the major noticeable effects of roads is animal mortality by vehicle collisions, a paramount threat to wildlife, especially for amphibians. In the context of reduced water availability, particularly in the Mediterranean region, amphibians are projected to be one of the most negatively affected animal groups. In this study, we used 14-year road mortality data collected along 120 km of roads, combined with landscape and remote sensing variables, to identify the drivers of amphibian mortality spatial patterns in a Mediterranean landscape, in Southern Portugal. We recorded 5116 carcasses belonging to five amphibian species. Generalised linear models showed that for most of the species, roadkill numbers increased with the decrease in water availability in water bodies. Also, the distance of water bodies to the roads was important in understanding amphibian roadkill patterns, with a general increase in mortality at reduced distances. Land use variables were also significant drivers for amphibian road mortality, with species-specific responses. Roadkill numbers decreased for the Iberian ribbed newt and the fire salamander in agricultural dominated areas. Our results also show an increase in roadkill numbers for the natterjack toad in areas with higher percentage of olive groves, and an opposite response for the fire salamander. We recognize the importance of long-term studies in assessing roadkill patterns, and their value for amphibian monitoring and conservation.
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Context Conservation of biodiversity in cities depends on ecologically sensitive urban planning, informed by an understanding of patterns of species distributions and richness. Because urbanized landscapes are heterogeneous mosaics, and many species move between different land-cover types, it is valuable to compare ‘whole landscapes’ (broad-scale spatially heterogeneous areas) that systematically differ in landscape structure. Objectives We tested the relative influence of housing cover and canopy tree cover on avian species richness, to identify the components of landscape structure that most strongly influence landscape-scale richness (i.e., the pooled richness of multiple sites within a whole landscape). Methods We selected 30 residential landscapes (each 1 km²) in Melbourne, Australia, stratified to represent concurrent gradients of housing and canopy tree cover. Five point-count surveys were conducted at each of 10 sites per landscape (for a total of 50 surveys per landscape) and the data pooled to represent the whole landscape mosaic. Results Up to 82% of variation in avian richness was explained by properties of the whole landscape. Housing cover was most dominant and a strong predictor for multiple response groups including native, terrestrial, forest, and aquatic birds. As housing cover increased, the richness of all groups decreased. Tree cover, primarily comprised of scattered trees in residential areas, had less influence on richness. Nonetheless, for forest birds, the extent of native vegetation surrounding a landscape had an important positive influence, indicating the value of potential source habitat for urban bird populations. Conclusions Cities can be home to a diverse avifauna. The strong influence of landscape structure on species richness indicates a scope to plan and manage urbanized areas to support a diversity of birds that require natural habitat elements. We conclude that urbanizing environments can best be designed to benefit native birds by protecting patches of native vegetation (particularly large source areas) combined with localized higher housing cover, rather than uniform (lower) housing cover across the entire landscape.
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Abstract Quantifying spatiotemporally explicit interactions within animal populations facilitates the understanding of social structure and its relationship with ecological processes. Data from animal tracking technologies (Global Positioning Systems [“GPS”]) can circumvent longstanding challenges in the estimation of spatiotemporally explicit interactions, but the discrete nature and coarse temporal resolution of data mean that ephemeral interactions that occur between consecutive GPS locations go undetected. Here, we developed a method to quantify individual and spatial patterns of interaction using continuous‐time movement models (CTMMs) fit to GPS tracking data. We first applied CTMMs to infer the full movement trajectories at an arbitrarily fine temporal scale before estimating interactions, thus allowing inference of interactions occurring between observed GPS locations. Our framework then infers indirect interactions—individuals occurring at the same location, but at different times—while allowing the identification of indirect interactions to vary with ecological context based on CTMM outputs. We assessed the performance of our new method using simulations and illustrated its implementation by deriving disease‐relevant interaction networks for two behaviorally differentiated species, wild pigs (Sus scrofa) that can host African Swine Fever and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) that can host chronic wasting disease. Simulations showed that interactions derived from observed GPS data can be substantially underestimated when temporal resolution of movement data exceeds 30‐min intervals. Empirical application suggested that underestimation occurred in both interaction rates and their spatial distributions. CTMM‐Interaction method, which can introduce uncertainties, recovered majority of true interactions. Our method leverages advances in movement ecology to quantify fine‐scale spatiotemporal interactions between individuals from lower temporal resolution GPS data. It can be leveraged to infer dynamic social networks, transmission potential in disease systems, consumer–resource interactions, information sharing, and beyond. The method also sets the stage for future predictive models linking observed spatiotemporal interaction patterns to environmental drivers.
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Humans have been altering the Mediterranean landscapes for millennia. To diminish the probability of encounters with domestic animals, humans and their activities, many species adjust their behavior to become more nocturnal. Even habitat-generalist species, such as red fox and stone marten that are somehow tolerant to environmental changes, might be affected by anthropic disturbances. Nevertheless, only a small number of studies were implemented in Iberia targeting these mesocarnivores’ activity patterns, and fewer have assessed the temporal ecology of these species in Eucalyptus plantations, the current main forest cover in Portugal. Based on camera traps, we aimed to analyze: 1) the temporal and spatio-temporal activity patterns of red fox and stone marten; and 2) how they are affected by distinct human disturbances (i.e., humans, livestock, dogs, plantations, and hunting). Foxes presented a higher crepuscular activity, while martens were entirely nocturnal, suggesting some avoidance behavior. Both mesocarnivores showed a higher overlap with dogs’ activity than with humans or livestock. Foxes’ activity patterns vary between seasons and habitats but were not influenced by the hunting period. Results suggest that both mesocarnivores, besides setting apart their activity from humans related disturbances, also show a tendency to temporally avoid each other. While the increase of nocturnality may indicate an anthropic disturbance impact, a reduction of activity overlap between mesocarnivores may be a strategy to reduce competition. These results may help support the sustainable management of landscapes by highlighting critical periods where activity overlaps may occur, and thus the anthropic impacts on wildlife are higher.
Ecological interactions involving wildlife (wild mammals) and cattle Bos taurus are considered fundamental drivers of animal tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis at the wildlife–livestock interface. Despite recent insights about the role of direct and indirect interactions on TB dynamics, a mechanistic evaluation of studies addressing patterns of wildlife–cattle interaction at the global level is lacking, and the most likely factors explaining interaction rates under different epidemiological scenarios remain poorly understood. We began by reviewing the main criteria used to define a wildlife–cattle interaction relevant to Mycobacterium bovis transmission under different methodological approaches (camera-trapping, proximity loggers and Global Positioning System collars). Secondly, we applied a generic framework to estimate and characterise interaction patterns between susceptible wildlife and cattle hosts worldwide, testing the effect of potential ecological and methodological factors on interaction rates. We synthesise two main criteria to define direct interactions and five criteria to define indirect interactions between wildlife and cattle. Using data from 31 studies, our meta-analysis showed that wildlife–cattle direct interaction rates were low (mean = 0.03 interactions/month per species pair, range: 0.00–0.12). In contrast, indirect interaction rates were 154 times higher than the mean of direct interaction rates (mean = 4.63 interactions/month per species pair, range: 0.16–30.00). To prevent TB transmission to cattle, attention should be given to indirect interactions between wildlife and cattle in shared environments. Indirect interactions significantly increase with increasing wildlife density, which, hypothetically, could result in a higher TB transmission risk for cattle. We outline recommendations to achieve harmonised integration and comparison of results in future studies. Consolidation of knowledge in this field will contribute towards guiding control and biosecurity measures, also applicable to other infectious diseases at the wildlife, domestic species and human interfaces.
Mycobacterium bovis, a member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), circulates in multi-host mammal communities. While interactions between different host species are mainly indirect, current knowledge postulates interspecific transmission is favored by animal contact with natural substrates contaminated with droplets and fluids from infected animals. However, methodological constraints have severely hampered monitoring of MTBC outside its hosts and the subsequent validation of this hypothesis. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the extent to which environmental contamination with M. bovis occurs in an endemic animal TB setting, taking advantage of a new real-time monitoring tool we recently developed to quantify the proportion of viable and dormant MTBC cell fractions in environmental matrices. Sixty-five natural substrates were collected nearby the International Tagus Natural Park region, in the epidemiological TB risk area in Portugal. These included sediments, sludge, water, and food deployed at unfenced feeding stations. The tripartite workflow included detection, quantification, and sorting of different M. bovis cell populations: total, viable, and dormant. Real-time PCR targeting IS6110 to detect MTBC DNA was performed in parallel. The majority of samples (54 %) contained metabolically active or dormant MTBC cells. Sludge samples had a higher burden of total MTBC cells and a high concentration of viable cells (2.3 × 104 cells/g). Ecological modelling informed by climate, land use, livestock and human disturbance data suggested eucalyptus forest and pasture cover as potential major factors affecting the occurrence of viable MTBC cells in natural matrices. Our study demonstrates, for the first time, the widespread environmental contamination of animal TB hotspots with viable MTBC bacteria and with dormant MTBC cells that are able to recover metabolic activity. Further, we show that viable MTBC cell load in natural substrates is superior to the estimated minimum infective dose, providing real-time insights into the potential magnitude of environmental contamination for indirect TB transmission.