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O artigo tem como objetivo compreender a vulnerabilidade geográfica de Moçambique diante das mudanças climáticas, considerando os desafios relacionados ao rápido crescimento populacional e à urbanização desordenada, fatores que contribuem para aumentar sua fragilidade, especialmente em relação aos aspectos educacionais. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa exploratória e fundamenta-se na análise crítico-documental. Os dados indicam que, no período de 1983 a 2023, Moçambique foi impactado por mais de 26 ciclones tropicais, resultando em 6.249.273 pessoas afetadas, 3.004 feridos e 1.352 óbitos. O estudo conclui que é possível reduzir as consequências desses eventos por meio de ações coordenadas entre diferentes setores e uma maior fiscalização interna. Dentre as alternativas, recomendam-se políticas e reformas educacionais com a incorporação, no currículo escolar, de temas como resiliência, adaptação, resistência e vigilância, objetivando minimizar os danos causados pelas mudanças climáticas.
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As mudanças climáticas preocupam os governos de todo mundo, pois são obrigados a encontrar soluções para mitigar seus efeitos, e Moçambique não foge à regra. O Índice de Vulnerabilidade às mudanças climáticas aponta Moçambique como o quinto país mais vulnerável do mundo. Concorrem para esta posição factores como exposição ao risco, por ser banhado pelo Oceano Índico (zona propensa a ciclones tropicais), e pelo facto de localizar-se junto às principais bacias hidrográficas da região. Como prova desta classificação, nos últimos anos, o país tem sido assolado ciclicamente, por desastres naturais, tais como: cheias e inundações, secas, ciclones tropicais, com destaque para Idai, Kennet, Eloise e Guambe e a subida do nível das águas do mar, o que tem aumentado a necessidade de a sociedade dar atenção a questões relacionadas a estes fenómenos climáticos. O artigo discute os impactos das mudanças climáticas na economia de Moçambique e para o alcance deste objectivo, a metodologia usada foi pesquisa bibliográfica, baseada na interpretação de diferentes autores sobre o objecto de estudo. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que as mudanças climáticas impactam negativamente a economia nacional através de: redução do Produto Interno Bruto, aumento dos custos de reconstrução de infraestruturas socioeconómicas e de medidas preventivas, perda de produção (sobretudo agrícola e pecuária), bem como os níveis de saúde das pessoas.
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Climate change (CC) is the greatest environmental, economic and political threat for society. The scientists of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) consider that an increase of 2 °;C with respect to the temperature of the pre-industrial era is the limit for dangerous and catastrophic changes in our planet Earth. For this reason, the international community has recognized the need to improve our mitigation and adaptation policies, where education has an important role as an agent to create awareness, train and mobilize young people in the face of the challenges of Climate Change. Although the role of Education is recognized, it is not fully implemented as a strategic resource. The motivation of this project is to create an objective diagnosis of the current state of formal education on Climate Change, propose new strategies to develop the important tasks that Education must complete on this issue and finally, building new concepts and frameworks to push the role of Education as a real solution. We have introduced the new concept of Climate Competence. which organizes knowledge, awareness and skills. The work also includes creating tools to evaluate the efficiency and fitness of traditional curriculums and new education tools such as online reaching or MOOCs.
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Resumo Na perspectiva de uma geografia urbana, este artigo trata da urbanização moçambicana contemporânea. Objetiva-se, primeiro, apresentar algumas características dominantes dessa urbanização; em seguida, esboçar a sua dimensão; e, por último, expor os principais desafios que a urbanização contemporânea em questão tem para instituir, constituir e conservar o desenvolvimento urbano num em um país marcadamente pobre e subdesenvolvido. O trabalho de campo e a documentação consultada permitem inferir que a urbanização contemporânea se manifesta cada vez mais como extensiva. A marcha dessa extensividade é realizada pela valorização atual das áreas periféricas. A população mais pobre migra para locais bem distantes do centro. Concomitantemente, aumentam-se os problemas de mobilidade urbana e de falta de serviços e infraestruturas urbanas. Ressalta-se que as características mais dominantes são, nomeadamente, as seguintes: a dualidade urbana, a ruralidade no urbano, a informalidade e o crescimento demográfico urbano. Para que essa realidade seja modificada em Moçambique, é preciso ocorrer muitas transformações que serão realizadas ao longo do tempo e à medida que se vão criando as capacidades humanas, sociais, políticas, institucionais, tecnológicas e econômicas para a resolução dos problemas urbanos.
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The urban sprawl is a type of urbanization that was characterized by low-population land use in peripheral areas. It is promoted mainly by the inclusion of cars in urban life-styles. In general, the urban sprawl shows impacts in the growing demand for energy and natural resources; occupancy of areas environmentally fragile or susceptible to natural hazards; and aspects related to the quality of life and health of the population. From a geographic-historical analysis, we use the example of urban spatial productionin Maputo, and we show how the environmental degradation, the socio-spatial segregation and peripheralization structures are particularities of urban dispersion in Mozambique. As observed in other countries, the urban sprawlin Mozambique is also an obstacle to implementation of public policies and universalization of the urban infrastructure and services. It also trends to reinforce, amplify and crystallize historical processes still unresolved in Mozambican socio-spatial formation.
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Climate change caused by human action can be considered a major challenge facing human kind in the 21st century. Its potential to cause economic and social impacts is considerable, as it directly affects standards of living of coastal populations. This challenge can only be overcome through integrated actions taken by various sectors of society and supported by a deep knowledge of current and expected scenarios. This paper is a contribution to this knowledge, as it defines the vulnerability level of the Brazilian coastal zone based on a combination of environmental, social, and technological standards set forth in Macrodiagnóstico da Zona Costeira e Marinha (Macrodiagnosis of the Coastal and Marine Zone) by the Ministry of the Environment in 2008. Low-lying, densely populated, socially underprivileged regions with intricate technological networks are the most vulnerable and require a prioritized integrated action from policymakers. Throughout the entire country, several areas were rated as vulnerable or highly vulnerable, particularly the metropolitan regions of Belém, capitals of the Northeast, Rio de Janeiro, and Santos. Its potential to cause economic and social impacts is considerable, as it directly affects standards of living of coastal populations. This challenge can only be overcome through integrated actions taken by various sectors of society and supported by a deep knowledge of current and expected scenarios.
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O autor faz um estudo da resistência em grupo baseado na obra de Siegmund Heinrich Foulkes, fundador da Psicoterapia Grupo Analítica. Foulkes utilizava os conceitos da Psicologia da Gestalt e da Teoria do Campo para fazer compreender o processo de mudança nos seus grupos, embora essas referências passassem desapercebidas, talvez pela dificuldade epistemológica que ele encontrava em combinar Psicanálise e essas teorias. O autor retoma os rastros de Foulkes e desenvolve, a partir dos conceitos de figura e fundo e aqui e agora, uma visão diferente na perspectiva foulkesiana, acenada por ele, mas não desenvolvida. Foulkes tem também uma linguagem fenomenológica que o autor procura explorar.
This article presents and evaluates a model made for climate change education – the bicycle model. The model was created based on an extensive literature review, from which, essential aspects of climate change education were drawn out. The bicycle model is a representation of holistic climate change education and emphasizes the importance of the following aspects: knowledge, thinking skills, values, identity, worldview, action, motivation, participation, future orientation, hope and other emotions, and operational barriers. In this study, the model is also evaluated by climate education researchers and educators. The evaluation was done through documented group discussions and an electronic questionnaire. The findings suggest that the model is useful in developing climate change education policy, research and practice. The findings also give insight into expert's perceptions on climate education. Finally, the article discusses how this model could be developed further.
Climate change is one of the most serious issues to affect modern society. What originated as a scientific question has evolved into a complex political and social issue. The policy context recognises the pivotal role of education in encouraging effective engagement and behavioural responses to projected climate changes. It is relatively easy to nod assent to the principles of climate change education and engagement, but harder to deliver. This paper explores experiences of educating and engaging current and future decision makers, namely pupils, teachers, charity workers, small business owners and councillors on the subject of climate change in Wales. It draws conclusions about the existing climate for learning as well as the potential for overcoming challenges associated with information needs of these existing and future decision-makers. It considers the broader issue of whether current climate change information and education frameworks are fit for purpose and able to support effective climate change mitigation and adaptation activities. The findings suggest that many climate change communications from international organisations are not being received or understood at local levels, indicating a need for further and simpler ‘translation’ of science. Despite a strong formal education system in Wales, there are variations in basic skills (such as map reading and graph interpretation), required for simple climate change science interpretation. Finally, our results point to a need for climate literacy to be gained through interactive long-term learning rather than one-off training, particularly given some of the entrenched views of the older age groups involved in the study.
The resilience perspective is increasingly used as an approach for understanding the dynamics of social–ecological systems. This article presents the origin of the resilience perspective and provides an overview of its development to date. With roots in one branch of ecology and the discovery of multiple basins of attraction in ecosystems in the 1960–1970s, it inspired social and environmental scientists to challenge the dominant stable equilibrium view. The resilience approach emphasizes non-linear dynamics, thresholds, uncertainty and surprise, how periods of gradual change interplay with periods of rapid change and how such dynamics interact across temporal and spatial scales. The history was dominated by empirical observations of ecosystem dynamics interpreted in mathematical models, developing into the adaptive management approach for responding to ecosystem change. Serious attempts to integrate the social dimension is currently taking place in resilience work reflected in the large numbers of sciences involved in explorative studies and new discoveries of linked social–ecological systems. Recent advances include understanding of social processes like, social learning and social memory, mental models and knowledge–system integration, visioning and scenario building, leadership, agents and actor groups, social networks, institutional and organizational inertia and change, adaptive capacity, transformability and systems of adaptive governance that allow for management of essential ecosystem services.