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Abstract and Figures

Clopidogrel, a second-generation thienopyridine drug, is extensively utilized for inhibiting platelet aggregation in the management of coronary artery disease (CAD) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Inspite extensive use of clopidogrel its resistance poses a significant challenge, impacting its therapeutic efficacy. The mechanisms of underlying clopidogrel resistance, encompassing both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors, and it explores various platelet function tests utilized for evaluating clopidogrel responsiveness, which includes Verify Now, VASP, and TEG assays. TEG is common application used in clinical applications. Additionally introduction of innovative drug delivery system-sublingual film formulation. The sublingual film's rapid dissolution and oromucosal absorption offer a promising alternative route for administering antiplatelet therapy giving patients choice with of more compliance. Paper discusses about future directions, pre-emptive genetic testing and artificial intelligence various approaches, aimed at optimizing antiplatelet therapy selection and improving clinical outcomes with CAD and PCI patients. This extensive review provides insight into addressing clopidogrel resistance its definition and improving the effect of antiplatelet therapy through innovative drug delivery strategies and personalized medicine approaches. Sublingual film that are available in the market with respective manufacturer, brand name and its indications. Factors such as pH, flow of saliva, residence time and drug absorption that are require for formulations stability and potency.
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© 2024 JETIR May 2024, Volume 11, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Swati Pandey, Ashutosh Badola, Meenu Chaudhary
Student, associate professor, professor
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Patel Nagar Dehradun, Uttarakhand,
248001, India
Clopidogrel, a second-generation thienopyridine drug, is extensively utilized for inhibiting platelet aggregation
in the management of coronary artery disease (CAD) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Inspite
extensive use of clopidogrel its resistance poses a significant challenge, impacting its therapeutic efficacy. The
mechanisms of underlying clopidogrel resistance, encompassing both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
factors, and it explores various platelet function tests utilized for evaluating clopidogrel responsiveness, which
includes Verify Now, VASP, and TEG assays. TEG is common application used in clinical applications.
Additionally introduction of innovative drug delivery systemsublingual film formulation. The sublingual
film's rapid dissolution and oromucosal absorption offer a promising alternative route for administering
antiplatelet therapy giving patients choice with of more compliance. Paper discusses about future directions,
pre-emptive genetic testing and artificial intelligence various approaches, aimed at optimizing antiplatelet
therapy selection and improving clinical outcomes with CAD and PCI patients. This extensive review provides
insight into addressing clopidogrel resistance its definition and improving the effect of antiplatelet therapy
through innovative drug delivery strategies and personalized medicine approaches. Sublingual film that are
available in the market with respective manufacturer, brand name and its indications. Factors such as pH, flow
of saliva, residence time and drug absorption that are require for formulations stability and potency.
Keywords: clopidogrel, clopidogrel resistance, platelet function test, sublingual film, pharmacogenetic testing,
artificial intelligence.
second-generation thienopyridine drug clopidogrel is used for inhibiting platelet aggregation, for effective
medication of CAD and percutaneous coronary intervention1. It is widely used for lower cost and rate of
bleeding than third generation p2y12 inhibitors2. It was introduced in 1998 in the United States. Clopidogrel is
a prodrug taken orally, which requires hepatic bioactivation to generate the active metabolite responsible for
platelet inhibition3,4. Injury in CVD is triggered with platelet activation or abnormal vascular endothelium,
cause platelet aggregation, subsequent pathologic thrombus formulation and ischemic events so antiplatelet
therapy is the mainline and preventive treatment of CVD5. Clopidogrel has superseded the first generation
thienopyridine ticlopidine in both better tolerability and safety. In addition, none of them requires for routine
monitoring, and they have an equivalent efficacy6. The common side effects including bleeding, gastrointestinal
© 2024 JETIR May 2024, Volume 11, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
disorder and rash, hepatotoxicity and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura are also possible, but rare. As a
result, patients tolerate them extremely well7.
Mechanism of action
Hepatic cytochrome (CYP) P450 enzymes including CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP2C19 convert, intestinally
absorbed inactive clopidogrel bisulphate prodrug to active Clopidogrel thiol metabolite (CTM)8. CTM consists
of four isomers; H1-H4, where H3 (inactive form) and H4 (active circulating form) are mainly considered in
monitoring the action of clopidogrel9. These isoenzymes are commonly found in hepatocytes, but also in other
tissues like the gut and skin10. CTM irreversibly bind to form a disulfide bridge with two cysteine residues
(cys17 and cys270) present in the extracellular domain of the (ADP) p2Y12 receptor11. Thus, it inhibits platelet
dense granule secretion, leading to a reduction in arachidonic acid (AA), collagen, and thrombin-induced
platelet activation observed in clopidogrel. This effect causes the activation of intracellular pathways and
inhibits the conformational change of platelet Glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptors necessary for fibrinogen
crosslinking and platelet activation. Additionally, clopidogrel exhibits anti-inflammatory effects by reducing
CRP, platelet leukocyte aggregation, p-selectin, and CD40L levels. It may also impact the enzymatic
components of coagulation, lowering speed of thrombin formation. The cumulative outcome of these processes
is the activation of intracellular pathways and inhibit the conformational change of platelet Glycoprotein (GP)
IIb/IIIa receptors crucial for fibrinogen cross-linking and platelet activation11.
Clopidogrel resistance
While there is currently no universally agreed-upon definition for this occurrence, there exists a commonly
accepted description that the prolonged activity for clopidogrel target, namely the P2Y12 receptors on platelets,
persists despite an appropriate antiplatelet regimen12.Clopidogrel resistance platelet function testing can be
defined in two main ways. Firstly, it involves a inadequate reaction to clopidogrel therapy, evaluated by the
change in ADP-induced platelet reactivity compared to the baseline. Secondly, it can be identified as high
"ontreatment" platelet reactivity, aligning with the assessment of other drug responses, by applying international
normalized ratio for warfarin13.The primary association with clopidogrel resistance is linked to the loss-of-
function allele CYP2C19*2 genotype. Additionally, genetic variations impact active metabolite conversion with
CYP P450, which contribute significantly to resistance. Studies indicate that prevalent clopidogrel resistance in
the population ranges from 4% to 30%, with variations allotted by utilization of diverse platelet function
Clopidogrel Resistance Mechanisms
Pharmacokinetic Factors
Firstly, intestinal absorption can be hindered, potentially because of genetic variations in ABCB1 gene, which
encodes a P-glycoprotein efflux transporter. The nucleotide polymorphism of ABCB1 gene C3435T reduces
clopidogrel absorption, dose ranging from 300 mg or 600 mg LD, regardless of whether it is in homozygous or
heterozygous form. Significantly, in studies individuals with the homozygous form dose were more likely to
experience adverse events such as death, nonfatal MI, stroke. Secondly, there exists significant interindividual
change in the hepatic CYP P450 enzymes crucial for transformation of clopidogrel into active metabolite.
Pharmacogenetic factors are increasingly recognized in this domain, with CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP2C19 all
linked to clopidogrel activation15. Suh et al. demonstrated that patients with the non-expressor genotype for
CYP3A5 exhibited both reduced clopidogrel responsiveness and poorer outcomes following stent implantation,
although conflicting studies exist. CYP2C19 may hold particular importance, responsible for clopidogrel
activation. Various clopidogrel therapy revealed that individuals carrying CYP2C19 loss of function alleles
experienced an increased chance of cardiovascular events, especially among PCI patients. Among these alleles,
CYP2C192 increases risk of cardiovascular events16.
Obese associated with high weight referred from the BMI index or patients having diabetes
exhibit an increased tendency for "resistance" and heightened sensitivity to ADP concerning
both platelet adhesion and aggregation 17. The genetic factors also influence clopidogrel's
© 2024 JETIR May 2024, Volume 11, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
efficacy involving P2RY12 and ITGB3 genes, although investigations have not consistently
linked genes encoding the P2Y12 receptor with clopidogrel responsiveness. While some
indicate a correlation between genetic change in the GPIIb/IIIa receptor and clopidogrel
response diversity. Additionally, polymorphisms in platelet membrane receptors like GP1a,
crucial for the aggregatory response, have been reported. Poor responders may exhibit
upregulation in intracellular P2Y12-dependent and -independent pathways, including those
reliant on the P2Y1 pathway or other platelet agonist as AA, thrombin, and collagen 18,19.
Platelet function test
The Clopidogrel PFT is used to assess an individual's reaction to antiplatelet medication. It helps identify on-
treatment high platelet reactivity (HPR), correlated with a rise in events of cardiovascular, and low platelet
reactivity (LPR), linked to an increased bleeding risk13.Clopidogrel and its effect is often assessed through
platelet function tests. Firstly, light transmission aggregometry with ADP stimulation is considered gold
standard, but point-of-care tests like Verify Now and specific assays like VASP platelet reactivity index provide
alternative for it. The VASP platelet reactivity index is a specific assay for P2Y12 receptor blockade. It
measures levels of the protein VASP, which is phosphorylated in the presence of P2Y12 stimulation, using flow
cytometry. VASP has shown correlation with optical aggregation and has been used to guide treatment
modifications in clopidogrel poor responders, potentially leading to improved clinical outcomes secondly,
Thromboelastography (TEG) assay, particularly its modified version (mTEG), offers a more comprehensive
assessment of clopidogrel's impact on blood clotting by evaluating enzymatic coagulation, overall clotting
tendency, and platelet activation which is induced by arachidonic acid. Clopidogrel plays a crucial role in
managing cardiovascular conditions, and platelet function tests helps in evaluating its efficacy in individual
patients. TEG shows a good correlation with optical aggregation in detecting the effects of clopidogrel, and
results can be obtained in 15 minutes. This makes it appropriate for common clinical application, offering a
more global perspective on the impact of clopidogrel on various aspects of blood clotting20,21.
Sublingual film
Mouth dissolving films or strips represent an innovational drug delivery system designed for oral
administration, leveraging the technology utilized in transdermal patches. These films consist of ultra-thin strips
that are effortlessly kept on the patient's tongue or any oral mucosal tissue. Upon exposure to saliva, the film
rapidly hydrates and adheres to the site of application. Subsequently, it undergoes swift disintegration and
dissolution, facilitating the delivery of medication for oromucosal absorption. Moreover, through formula
modifications, these strips can maintain their quick-dissolving properties, enabling gastrointestinal absorption
upon swallowing. Sublingual strips share similarities with tablets, as they readily melt and dissolve rapidly in
mouth, exemplified by medications like Suboxone22. This innovative concept introduces a novel sublingual
film design utilizing a blend of components, including a water-soluble carrier encased with fine particles of
active substances and a bioadhesive polymer. This formulation facilitates rapid dissolution while concurrently
reducing drug dispersion within the oral cavity through bioadhesion23,24. The drug absorption through the
sublingual region is significantly higher, ranging from 5 to 10 times greater compared to other delivery systems,
making it a preferable option over hypodermic injection. Additionally, the minimal saliva present in this area
reduces chance of tablet breakage. Moreover, the veins returning from this region directly enter systemic
circulation, bypassing presystemic drug elimination mechanisms. Various drug properties, such as solubility,
crystal morphology, particle size, hygroscopicity, compressibility, and bulk density, serve important roles in
assessing the effectiveness of sublingual medications24.
Physiological factors influencing sublingual drug delivery
Consideration of these factors is crucial for optimizing sublingual drug delivery, ensuring effective and safe
medication administration.
1. Residence Time of Formulation:
Absorption depends on how long the drug stays in sublingual areas.
Formulations include tablets, films, wafers, or sprays.
Patients should avoid eating, drinking, or swallowing to prevent decreased
© 2024 JETIR May 2024, Volume 11, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
2. Drug Absorption:
Drug needs balance between hydrophilic and lipophilic properties.
Should be soluble in buccal fluids and have high lipid solubility for
membrane crossing.
Suitable for low to medium molecular weight drugs.
Open sores or inflammation can affect absorption.
Smoking can decrease absorption due to vasoconstriction.
3. pH of Saliva:
Affects drug absorption by influencing ionization state.
Passive absorption pathways depend on physicochemical characteristics.
Favorable when drug is non-ionized and lipophilic.
High pKa drug values are preferred.
Saliva pH can be altered by various factors, affecting absorption.
4. Flow of Saliva:
Influences drug delivery by affecting formulation disintegration and
Dry mouth can hinder absorption, while excessive saliva flow can lead to
swallowing before absorption.
Saliva flow can be influenced by age, medications, and medical conditions
like Sjögren’s syndrome or dysphagia25.
Table 1: Commercialized marketed products for sublingual film
brand name
sublingual film
sunovion medical.
(sublingual film)
igalmi ®
hydrochloride +
narcotic opioid
subuzone ®
(sublingual film)
used to treat
stomach bloating
gas-x thin strips®
novartis consumer
Genetic testing and artificial intelligence
The text discusses the potential benefits of pre-emptive pharmacogenetic testing in addressing the challenge of
rapidly obtaining genetic test results, particularly in the context of coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, and
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This approach involves incorporating CYP2C19 genotype data into
electronic medical records, enabling alerts whenever clopidogrel is prescribed to individuals with a CYP2C19
LOF allele. The increasing popularity of direct-to-consumer genetic testing is noted, with results becoming
available to healthcare providers. Given the low adverse event rate in PCI patients, the focus is on identifying
high- or low-risk individuals through genetic testing, potentially guiding the adjustment of antiplatelet therapy.
Scores combining CYP2C19 genetic testing and clinical factors have been effectively created for this objective.
Additionally, approaches such as machine learning are being employed to integrate pharmacogenomic and
clinical data, aiming to identify personalized risk profiles using high-resolution profiling to select antiplatelet
therapy in stroke and CAD patients28.
© 2024 JETIR May 2024, Volume 11, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
In conclusion, clopidogrel, a second-generation thienopyridine drug, plays a important part in inhibiting platelet
aggregation for therapy of CAD and percutaneous coronary intervention. Overcoming the resistance of
Clopidogrel, genetic variations, and other factors contribute to various challenges and reduced efficacy.
Understanding both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors also patient-specific factors, that contribute
to resistance. Platelet function tests, including Clopidogrel Platelet Function Test (PFT), are employed to assess
individual responses to antiplatelet therapy, aiding in identifying high platelet reactivity or resistance. To
enhance the effects of clopidogrel, its sublingual film formulations offer an advance drug delivery system with
possible benefits. This approach leverages rapid dissolution and oro-mucosal absorption, providing an
alternative to traditional oral administration. Looking toward the future, pre-emptive genetic testing and
artificial intelligence approaches hold promise in addressing clopidogrel resistance. Incorporating CYP2C19
genotype data into electronic medical records, combine with machine learning approaches, allows for
personalized risk profiling and the optimization of antiplatelet therapy, particularly in the context of CAD,
stroke, and PCI.
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Full-text available
Clopidogrel is the most common and widely used antiplatelet agent for patients with coronary artery disease following confirmation by electrocardiographic studies. The nonresponsiveness of patients to clopidogrel and the possibility of testing for clopidogrel resistance by platelet function assays (PFA) are contentious issues. Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is considered as the gold standard test among all PFA. In this review, the most commonly used PFA used for monitoring the effect of clopidogrel, LTA, vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein assay phosphorylation, rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) delta and ROTEM platelet, thromboelas-tography, PFA-100, VerifyNow P2Y12 assay, Multiplate analyzer, Plateletworks assay and pharmacogenetic studies, are comparatively discussed including their principles of action, advantages, and disadvantages. VerifyNow P2Y12 assay can be accepted as the ideal point of care test out of the discussed assays. However, modified assays are required which could overcome the limitations associated with currently available assays. K E Y W O R D S clopidogrel, HPLC, platelet function assays, pharmacogenetic assays
Full-text available
The sublingual and buccal routes of administration have significant advantages for both local and systemic drug delivery. They have shown to be an effective alternative to the traditional oral route, especially when fast onset of action is required. Drugs can be rapidly and directly absorbed into the systemic circulation via venous drainage to the superior vena cava. Therefore, they are useful for drugs that undergo high hepatic clearance or degradation in the gastrointestinal tract, and for patients that have swallowing difficulties. Drugs administered via the sublingual and buccal routes are traditionally formulated as solid dosage forms (e.g., tablets, wafers, films, and patches), liquid dosage forms (e.g., sprays and drops), and semi-solid dosage forms (e.g., gels). Conventional dosage forms are commonly affected by physiological factors, which can reduce the contact of the formulation with the mucosa and lead to unpredictable drug absorption. There have been a number of advances in formulation development to improve the retention and absorption of drugs in the buccal and sublingual regions. This review will focus on the physiological aspects that influence buccal and sublingual drug delivery and the advances in nanoparticulate drug delivery approaches for sublingual and buccal administration. The clinical development pipeline with formulations approved and in clinical trials will also be addressed.
Full-text available
Drug delivery via the oral mucous membrane is considered to be a promising alternative to the oral route. Sublingual route is a rapid onset of action and better patient compliance than orally ingested tablets. Sublingual literally meaning is “under the tongue”, administrating substance via mouth in such a way that the substance is rapidly absorbed via blood vessels under tongue. The portion of drug absorbed through the sublingual blood vessels bypasses the hepatic first‐pass metabolic processes giving acceptable bioavailability. Sublingual technology is convenient for dosing in geriatric, pediatric and psychiatric patients with dysphagia. Sublingual drug delivery shows fast therapeutic action than orally ingested drugs with fewer side effects. This review highlights advantages, disadvantages, different sublingual Gland, sublingual formulation such as tablets, films drops, sprays etc, evaluation parameters. Keywords: Sublingual delivery, dysphagia, sublingual gland, improved bioavailability, evaluations.
Full-text available
Dual antiplatelet therapy of aspirin and clopidogrel is pivotal for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. However, the variable platelets reactivity response to clopidogrel may lead to outcome failure and recurrence of cardiovascular events. Although many genetic and nongenetic factors are known, great portion of clopidogrel variable platelets reactivity remain unexplained which challenges the personalization of clopidogrel therapy. Current methods for clopidogrel personalization include CYP2C19 genotyping, pharmacokinetics, and platelets function testing. However, these methods lack precise prediction of clopidogrel outcome, often leading to insufficient prediction. Pharmacometabolomics which is an approach to identify novel biomarkers of drug response or toxicity in biofluids has been investigated to predict drug response. The advantage of pharmacometabolomics is that it does not only predict the response but also provide extensive information on the metabolic pathways implicated with the response. Integrating pharmacogenetics with pharmacometabolomics can give insight on unknown genetic and nongenetic factors associated with the response. This review aimed to review the literature on factors associated with the variable platelets reactivity response to clopidogrel, as well as appraising current methods for the personalization of clopidogrel therapy. We also aimed to review the literature on using pharmacometabolomics approach to predict drug response, as well as discussing the plausibility of using it to predict clopidogrel outcome.
The current article is focused on ideal characteristics, patented technologies, significant features and formulating methods including the use of superdisintegrants, which achieve rapid onset of action, better patient compliance and increased bioavailability. Sublingual tablets dissolve instantaneously, releasing the drug, within a few seconds without the need of water and chewing. The objective behind this review was to summaries the benefits of sublingual formulation, mechanism of action, advantages of route of administration, factors affecting permeability of drug, various in vitro evaluation parameters and commercially available sublingual dosage forms. Different sublingual technologies address pharmaceutical industries and patient needs to enhanced lifecycle and appropriate dosing for pediatric, geriatric, psychiatric patients also patients with dysphagia. Consequently, many scientific techniques including freeze drying, molding, spray drying, sublimation, direct compression, mass extrusion, melt granulation method etc. have been employed for development of sublingual tablets. Due to its better stability and bioavailability, the sublingual route could be considered as a promising alternative to oral and parenteral routes.
Antiplatelet therapy is used in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndromes, stroke, and those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Clopidogrel is the most widely used antiplatelet P2Y12 inhibitor in clinical practice. Genetic variation in CYP2C19 may influence its enzymatic activity, resulting in individuals who are carriers of loss-of-function CYP2C19 alleles and thus have reduced active clopidogrel metabolites, have high on-treatment platelet reactivity and increased ischemic risk. Prospective studies have examined the utility of CYP2C19 genetic testing to guide antiplatelet therapy, and more recently published metanalyses suggest that pharmacogenetics represents a key treatment strategy to individualize antiplatelet therapy. Rapid genetic tests, including bedside genotyping platforms that are validated and have high reproducibility, are available to guide selection of P2Y12 inhibitors in clinical practice. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the background and rationale for the role of a guided antiplatelet approach to enhance patient care. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Volume 63 is January 2023. Please see for revised estimates.
Background: Ischemic event rates are low after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), conversely second generation P2Y12 inhibitors increase bleeding therefore identifying patients at risk to enable precision in prescribing dual anti-platelet therapy (DAPT) is of clinical interest. Prior machine-learning predictive analyses have been limited by use of older generation stents and lack of genetic data. We utilized clinical and genetic data of patients with new generation stents enrolled in TAILOR-PCI, a 40-center international trial to predict ischemic events after PCI. Methods: There were 4398 eligible post PCI patients with acute coronary syndromes or stable coronary artery disease who were randomly split into training (n=3299) and validation (n=1099) cohorts. The primary endpoint comprising of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or stent thrombosis within 12 months of PCI was predicted with patient characteristics prior to hospital discharge. First, random forests were used for feature selection with 1,000 bootstraps comprising equal numbers of those with and without ischemic events to minimize the bias of sample imbalance. Features were selected by a consensus on variable-importance over bootstraps. Second, using these features in the training cohort, support vector machines (SVM) with a polynomial kernel was trained with repeated 5-fold cross validation to choose a model with highest area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) which was then used to predict ischemic events in the validation cohort. Results: The primary endpoint occurred in 2.4% of patients. Using 89 clinical and genetic variables in the random-forest feature selection step, variable importance-based consensus identified 50 top predictors. These 50 predictors achieved AUC=0.703 in the SVM training cohort and AUC=0.744 (specificity=0.84; sensitivity =0.43) in the SVM validation cohort. Conclusions: Machine learning methods using baseline clinical and genetic data enables prediction of infrequent ischemic events in post PCI patients receiving new generation stents. The role of such artificial intelligence algorithms in individualization of DAPT by identifying high or low risk patients needs to be explored.
Background Buccal delivery is an alluring course of organization for fundamental medication conveyance and it leads direct access to the systemic flow through the interior jugular vein sidesteps drugs from the hepatic first-pass digestion gives high bioavailability. Objective This article aims at buccal medication conveyance by discussing the structure and condition of the oral mucosa and the novel strategies utilized in evaluating buccal medication ingestion. Methods This review highlights the various pharmaceutical approaches for buccal delivery such as buccal tablets, buccal lozenges, buccal micro/nanoparticle, wafer and semisolid dosage forms like chewing gums, buccal patch, buccal gel or ointment and some buccal liquid dosage forms like buccal solutions and buccal sprays and recent patents filed or granted for these approaches. Results Recently, some patents are also reported where a combination of various approaches is being employed to achieve very effective mucosal delivery. The various patent search sites were used to collect and analyze the information on buccal drug delivery systems. Conclusion The present study provides valuable information, advantages, limitations and future outlook of various buccal drug delivery systems.
A large body of data from observational studies indicates that clopidogrel therapy is associated with major pharmacodynamic (PD) limitations including wide response variability and nonresponsiveness (high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HPR) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP)) that have been linked to post-percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) ischemic event occurrence, including stent thrombosis (ST). Insufficient active metabolite generation is the primary explanations for clopidogrel nonresponsiveness, and it is due to (i) variable or limited intestinal absorption that may be influenced by ABCB1 gene polymorphism and (ii) functional variability in P450 isoenzyme activity that is influenced by drug-drug interactions (DDI) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes encoding CYP450 isoenzymes. Treatment with high-dose clopidogrel (600mg loading dose plus 150mg maintenance dose) is not an optimal strategy to overcome clopidogrel HPR and to reduce recurrent ischemic event occurrence, and more potent P2Y12 receptor blockers, such as prasugrel and ticagrelor, are credible alternative strategies to overcome HPR during clopidogrel therapy.
Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel in PCI patients, though effective, is still associated with thrombotic complications. These are multifactorial in origin, but partially attributable to “clopidogrel resistance.” However, how best to identify and manage “clopidogrel resistance” remains unclear. Targeting therapeutic changes specifically at those individuals with poor response to clopidogrel is likely to be a solution. A “one size fits all” approach to clopidogrel dosing is probably flawed. This review will explore (1) the definition and mechanisms of clopidogrel resistance, (2) assessment of clopidogrel resistance by (i) platelet function testing and (ii) genetic testing, (3) the management of “clopidogrel resistance,” and (4) newer antiplatelet agents, and evolving stent technology. A pubmed literature review was performed using the keywords “clopidogrel”, “resistance”, “poor response”, “adverse events”, “platelet function tests”, and “genetic tests”. In looking at new agents, keywords “prasugrel”, “cangrelor”, “ticagrelor”“Elinogrel”, and “P2Y12 receptor antagonists” were used. Third, a search was performed looking at “stent design”, “IVUS”, “bioabsorbable stents”, and “stent apposition”. Whilst new P2Y12 receptor antagonists and improved stent technology may reduce thrombotic events in the future, there is still a need for clopidogrel. There is good evidence that poor response to clopidogrel is associated with adverse outcome. Platelet function tests probably provide more clinically useful data than genetic tests, but the question of how best to identify and manage variability in response to clopidogrel demands further research.