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Vegetation promotes flow retardation and retention in deltaic wetlands

Limnology and Oceanography Letters

Abstract and Figures

We introduce a new approach to observe the impact of vegetation on tidal flow retardation and retention at large spatial scales. Using radar interferometry and in situ water level gauge measurements during low tide, we find that vegetation in deltaic intertidal zones of the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, causes significant tidal distortion with both a delay (between 80 and 140 min) and amplitude reduction (~ 20 cm). The natural vegetation front delays the ebb tide, which increases the minimum water level and hydro‐period inside the deltaic islands, resulting in better conditions for wetland species colonizing low elevations. This positive feedback between vegetation and hydraulics demonstrates the self‐organization functionality of vegetation in the geomorphological evolution of deltas, which contributes to deltaic stability.
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Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2024
© 2024 The Authors. Limnology and Oceanography Letters published by Wiley Periodicals LLC
on behalf of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.
doi: 10.1002/lol2.10376
Vegetation promotes ow retardation and retention in deltaic wetlands
Xiaohe Zhang ,
*Cathleen E. Jones,
Marc Simard,
Paola Passalacqua,
Talib Oliver-Cabrera,
Sergio Fagherazzi
Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA;
Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA;
Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and
Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA;
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA
Scientic Signicance Statement
The vegetation of coastal wetlands can dampen and delay incoming tides, affecting residence time and uxes of nutrients and
sediments. In the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA, we nd that vegetation species like Nelumbo lutea colonizing the transition
zone between submerged and emergent areas act as ecosystem engineers, creating more suitable hydrodynamic conditions for
themselves. This natural vegetation front delays the ebb tide, augments the minimum water level inside the deltaic islands,
and increases hydro-periods, thus creating better conditions for wetland species colonizing low elevations. This positive feed-
back between vegetation and hydraulics demonstrates the self-organization functionality of vegetation in deltaic stability.
We introduce a new approach to observe the impact of vegetation on tidal ow retardation and retention at
large spatial scales. Using radar interferometry and in situ water level gauge measurements during low tide, we
nd that vegetation in deltaic intertidal zones of the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, causes signicant tidal
distortion with both a delay (between 80 and 140 min) and amplitude reduction (20 cm). The natural vegeta-
tion front delays the ebb tide, which increases the minimum water level and hydro-period inside the deltaic
islands, resulting in better conditions for wetland species colonizing low elevations. This positive feedback
between vegetation and hydraulics demonstrates the self-organization functionality of vegetation in the
geomorphological evolution of deltas, which contributes to deltaic stability.
Coastal wetlands are widely recognized as sustainable and
valuable natural barriers to destructive waves and ooding, with
an average economic value of $1.8 million km
across the
U.S. coast alone (Temmerman et al. 2013; Woodruff et al. 2013;
Sun and Carson 2020). Wetland plants can naturally attenuate
waves, reduce ow velocity, and accumulate sediments (Nepf
Present address: Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, School of Ocean Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Associate editor: Stephen Monismith
Author Contributions Statement: XZ analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript with support from SF, CJ, and MS helped supervise the project.
XZ and SF conceived the original idea. CJ and TOC processed the UAVSAR data and provided the UAVSAR data. PP provided critical feedback for writing
and gures. All the authors work for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Delta-X Mission.
Data Availability Statement: Data are available in the GitHub repository at
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
and Vivoni 2000; Fagherazzi et al. 2012). However, the extent to
which vegetation promotes adaptation to sea-level rise is
unknown (Chadwick et al. 2022; Saintilan et al. 2022). Under-
standing the feedback between vegetation and hydrodynamics
across the coastal landscape is, therefore, a scienticpriority.
Previous work has mainly focused on the role of vegetation
in attenuation of waves and peak water levels during storms
(Möller et al. 2014; Stark et al. 2015; Montgomery et al. 2019;
Temmerman et al. 2023). Only a few studies have addressed
the effects of vegetation on ponding time and water storage at
a large spatial scale (Montgomery et al. 2019). Numerical
models show that vegetation induces ow attenuation and that
a phase shift can affect water depth and inundation time and
extent, further promoting the establishment and survival of
vegetation (Rodríguez et al. 2017). In the Wax Lake Delta, Loui-
siana, USA, it is known that vegetation controls the
hydrological connectivity of channels and islands (Hiatt and
Passalacqua 2017; Sendrowski and Passalacqua 2017). However,
sparse point measurements cannot capture spatial variations in
tidal propagation over complex terrains like coastal marshes
and swamps, and large-scale direct observations to estimate
ow retardation and retention in these systems are needed.
Repeat-pass synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) interferometry
(InSAR) enables measurements of water level changes within
vegetation canopies (Lu and Kwoun 2008). The method relies
on the fact that double bounce scattering of radar microwaves
between water and vegetation results in a measurable phase
shift between two measurements that is proportional to the
water surface elevation change (Alsdorf et al. 2000; Lee
et al. 2020). This spaceborne methodology has limited appli-
cability in coastal areas due to the long revisit orbital period
(days) compared to the duration of a tidal cycle (Wdowinski
Fig. 1. Sub-canopy water level change measured by the uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic-aperture radar (UAVSAR). (a) Schematic map of UAVSAR
campaigns during the ebb tide and the double bounce radar scattering effects. InSAR was used to measure the change in water surface elevation, Δh,
between times T1 and T1 +Δtfor each pixel in the scene. The tidal phase delay between channels and wetlands caused by vegetation friction leads to
ow retention within wetlands. (b,c) Water surface elevation changes from 14:08 h to 15:08 h (b), and from 14:08 h to 16:07 h (c) on 16 October
2016 (GMT), during low tides in the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA (29.52N, 91.44W). The WL gauge recorded water level data (NAVD 88) in the
same period.
Zhang et al. Deltaic wetlands: vegetationsow control
et al. 2013; Liao et al. 2020). However, the use of an airborne
instrument can shorten the repeat time interval to tens of
minutes or hours, thereby directly measuring water level
changes induced by tidal propagation during a single tidal
cycle (Oliver-Cabrera et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2022).
Here, we develop an empirical model linking water level
changes to tidal delay and minimum water level based on
eld observations. These algorithms are then applied to water
level change datasets from the uninhabited aerial vehicle SAR
(UAVSAR) instrument, solving for the time delay and tidal dis-
tortion amplitude at low tide across the Wax Lake Delta. The
high-resolution spatial dataset (10 m) of ow retardation and
water retention, together with data on elevation and vegeta-
tion distribution, enable us to explore the interactions
between vegetation, morphology, and hydrodynamics at a
large spatial scale and at high resolution.
Materials and methods
The Wax Lake Delta is a naturally prograding river delta
located in Atchafalaya Bay within the greater Mississippi River
Delta. The Atchafalaya River distributes water and sediment
into Atchafalaya Bay through the Wax Lake Outlet, which
was dredged in 1942. Over time, the river formed a low-lying
delta with distributary islands and channels (Shaw
et al. 2013). The water level is modulated by a mixed semidi-
urnal micro-tide with a mean tidal range of up to 0.4 m. The
average annual river discharge varies seasonally from 2500 to
5000 m
. The dominant vegetation species are the Salix
nigra tree in the island highlands, the Colocasia esculenta,
Polygonum punctatum,Nelumbo lutea, grasses, oating vegeta-
tion, and submerged aquatic vegetation in the intertidal zones
(Carle et al. 2015; Ma et al. 2018; Jensen et al. 2019;see classi-
cation map in Supporting Information Fig. S2).
UAVSAR is a fully polarimetric (quad-polarization) L-band
(wavelength λ=0.2379 m, frequency ν=1.257 GHz) SAR
operated by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration (NASA) and is deployed on a Gulfstream-3 aircraft
(Fore et al. 2015). In this paper, we use UAVSAR data products
representing water level changes during low tides collected
between 14:08 h to 16:38 h on 16 October 2016 (Fig. 1) (Jones
et al. 2021), and concurrent water level observations at a tidal
gauge (WL site) installed in the Pintail channel (Fig. 2).
InSAR-derived data of water level change and tide-gauge com-
parison show the error could be as low as 0.67 cm if carefully
processed (Oliver-Cabrera et al. 2021). Time series UAVSAR
data of water level change measured at 30-min intervals over
the 2.5-h period are collected for validation of tidal time delay
results (Fig. 4). Water surface elevation change with millimeter
accuracy at the WL site was recorded every 5 min using in situ
pressure transducers during the NASA Pre-Delta-X Campaign
on 13 October 201620 October 2016 (Simard et al. 2020).
Since we do not have water level measurements in vege-
tated surfaces in 2016, we use data obtained from loggers
installed on ve islands (Fig. 2) and one in the Pintail channel
(H site) in August 2014 (Sendrowski and Passalacqua 2017).
The river discharge during August 2014 is comparable to the
UAVSAR campaign in 2016. Since the 2014 water level data
are not vertically georeferenced, we calculate the water level
relative to the mean water level in tidal cycles at each site.
We select the tidal cycle in 2014 during which the water
elevations at site H are closest to the signal at site WL in 2016
(Pintail channel). The comparison of water elevations in 2014
and 2016 yields an R
=0.995 and RMSE =0.011 m
(Supporting Information Fig. S1). We, therefore, assume that
the water levels in the vegetated areas of the islands during
Fig. 2. Field measurements of water level. (a) Locations of eld sites
(A, C, E, G, H, J) where tidal gauges were located in 2014 (Sendrowski
and Passalacqua 2017) and WL gauge in 2016, plotted on top of the
DEM. (b) Water levels relative to the mean tidal water levels in 2014.
Zhang et al. Deltaic wetlands: vegetationsow control
the selected tidal cycle in 2014 are very similar to the water
levels during the 2016 UAVSAR campaign.
tal elevation model (DEM) composed of LiDAR datasets and
sonar transects in channels referred to the NAVD88 vertical
datum (Denbina et al. 2020). We calculate the normalized differ-
ence vegetation index (NDVI) during the vegetation peak season,
using Sentinel-2 imagery taken on 13 October 2016. NDVI is a
proxy for vegetation abundance with values ranging from 0 to
1. Maps of vegetation species and biomass (Byrd et al. 2018;
Jensen et al. 2021) are also utilized to understand the role of veg-
etation on tidal propagation (Supporting Information Fig. S3).
Since UAVSAR data are collected during low tides, a higher
value of water level change implies a fast drop in water level,
resulting in a small tidal time delay and a lower minimum
water level (Fig. 2b). Therefore, we use the tidal signals mea-
sured at few gauges and concurrent UAVSAR data to derive
the large-scale spatial distribution of hydrodynamic parame-
ters. We are particularly interested in the tidal signal delay
between the channel and island vegetation and in the mini-
mum water level during the tidal cycle, which is a proxy for
water storage in the vegetated area. Specically, time delays of
low tidal signals at ve gauges on different islands (A, C, E, G,
J in Fig. 2) relative to one gauge in channel water (H) are cal-
culated to build the regression model between time delay and
water level change (Fig. 3a). Similarly, the regression model
between minimum water levels and water level changes is
built based on data of ve gauges on the islands (Fig. 3d).
Fig. 3. Spatial maps of tidal time delay and minimum water level. (a) Time delay and (d) minimum water level as a function of water level change
observed at locations indicated in Fig. 2,(b) time delay computed using the relationship in (a), and (e) derived minimum water levels computed using
the relationship in (d); (c) time delay and (f) minimum water level only within the range 7.48 cm < dh <3.26 cm. dh indicates water level change
within 2 h (Fig. 1c).
Zhang et al. Deltaic wetlands: vegetationsow control
These two models are then applied to UAVSAR data to derive
the spatial distribution of tidal time delay and minimum
water level (Fig. 3b,e).
We use several methods to control the quality and accuracy
of model results. First, because the reference gauge is located
in a deltaic channel, the regression models are only valid for
the ow exchange between channels and islands. Results at
the island tails where tidal ows are coming from the ocean
should be excluded (see red colors in Fig. 4a). Second, we fur-
ther limit the results within the range of water level change
dh detected by UAVSAR (7.48 < dh <3.26 cm within the
2 h observed by UAVSAR) and assume the regression results
outside of this range are less accurate. While UAVSAR can
detect dh in a range of around 10 cm (Fig. 4a), the limited
range of 7.48 < dh <3.26 cm based on the tidal signal at
ve gauges used for the regression analysis can increase accu-
racy. Finally, the regression model is only valid during the ebb
tide and not for the turning of the tidal signal (Fig. 4a). There-
fore, the regression between UAVSAR and gauges is limited to
the ebb tide between 14:08 h and 16:07 h, before the begin-
ning of the ood phase (Fig. 1).
To validate model results, we use time series data of
UAVSAR at 30-min intervals at two locations on Sherman
Island (Fig. 4). The water levels at these locations are still
decreasing at the time of the last acquisition, while the water
levels in the channel are already increasing after reaching the
lowest water level. At these locations, we can, therefore, com-
pute the time delay directly from the UAVSAR time series and
use it to validate the model results.
The UAVSAR measurements show a large gradient in water
level change within deltaic islands (Fig. 1). The water level
drops about 6 cm seaward along the 3.5 km-long Pintail
Island within a 2-h window during the low ebb tide (Fig. 1).
The gradients imply a large change in amplitude and time
delay of the tide during its propagation within the island.
Fig. 4. Measured water level change (WLC) vs. time. (a) Cumulative water level change over the 2.5-h period on 16 October 2016, measured by
UAVSAR using InSAR. The white circles show the locations of two in-channel water level gauges that provide concurrent measurements with the UAVSAR
collections. (b) Time series of water level change measured at 30-min intervals over the 2.5-h period for the area outlined in (a). (c) Tidal time delay from
the model for the region shown in (b). The patterns of delay follow the patterns of water level change shown in (b). (d) Water level change for the water
gauges and interior island locations (denoted by stars in (a)), all referenced to the water level at the time of the rst UAVSAR acquisition (T0). The minima
measured by gauge WL occurs around time T0 +1.5 h. The water levels at the two inland locations are still decreasing at the time of the last acquisition,
1 h later. The model shows minima in the island interior occurring from 1 to 3 h after the minima at WL, with the earlier minima occurring at the same
locations that the UAVSAR data show rapid water level change.
Zhang et al. Deltaic wetlands: vegetationsow control
Relatively small water level changes in the uplands of
Sherman Island and along the margins of secondary channels
are probably due to high elevations and the presence of high-
land vegetation species (e.g., S. nigra) that reduce ow connec-
tivity. Because the water level in the islandsinterior drops
less than at the islandsmargins and adjacent channels, water
retained in the islandsinterior fails to discharge into the
ocean before the next incoming tide oods the island. As a
result, a portion of the tidal volume is stored in the islands
during low tide (Fig. 1; Montgomery et al. 2019).
The time delay of the minimum water level is linearly cor-
related to the 2-h water level change (Fig. 3a,y=12.91x+
193.85, R
=0.90, p< 0.001). The calculated time delay gener-
ally increases from the island tail to the head, while in Camp-
ground Island, it increases eastward following the elevation
gradient (Fig. 3b). The time delay is between 80 and 140 min
in most areas of the islands (Fig. 3c). The results indicate a
sharp time delay at low tide in the islands tail relative to the
signal in the channel, with a delay of 100 min at the island
margin. The modeled time delay agrees well with the delay
directly computed from the time series of UAVSAR data of
water level change (Supporting Information Fig. S2b,c). As
locations in Sherman Island have not reached the minimum
water level during the UAVSAR campaign, the time delay is at
least 1 h with respect to the channel gauge (Supporting Infor-
mation Fig. S2d).
The low water levels are also linearly correlated to the 2-h
water level changes (Fig. 3d,y=3.62x0.84, R
p< 0.001). The difference in low water levels from the island
to the channel banks is up to 40 cm, with a large spatial vari-
ability (Fig. 3e). We nd that most of the phase shift and
attenuation of the tidal range occurs during low tide rather
than high tide (Fig. 2b), which highlights the importance of
tidal distortion during low water levels in modulating tidal
To understand the inuence of topography and vegetation
on hydrodynamics, we compute the time delay of the low tide
and lowest water level as a function of elevation and domi-
nant vegetation species (Fig. 5). We limit the calculation to
2-h water level changes ranging from 7.48 to 3.26 cm
(Figs. 2a,3c,f). We nd that the delay in tidal propagation
and minimum water level generally increases with elevation,
but a sharp increase occurs at intermediate elevations ranging
from 0.1 to 0.15 m. The average time delay increases by
about 11 min and the minimum water level increases
by about 4 cm within this 0.25 m elevation range (Fig. 5).
This elevation range is characterized by the dominant vege-
tation species N. lutea, which covers more than 50% of the
island area (Supporting Information Fig. S2). This intermedi-
ate elevation range is characterized by higher NDVI and vege-
tation biomass values relative to the island highlands
(Supporting Information Fig. S3). The margin of N. lutea (see
class 5 in Supporting Information Fig. S2) exerts a strong con-
trol on ow retardation and retention, while elevation is of
secondary importance and has a stronger effect on tidal distor-
tion outside this vegetated strip (Supporting Information
Fig. S4). For unvegetated areas with elevations between 0.6
and 0.2 m, the elevation-averaged tidal phase delay is about
5 min. The delay time doubles to 10 min in vegetated areas
with elevation between 0.2 and 0.15 m (Fig. 5), highlighting
the role of vegetation in delaying the ow.
Our results show potential evidence that N. lutea encroach-
ment at intermediate elevations engineers the interior of the
islands to retain more water and reduce tidal range. The vege-
tation delays the ebb tide, increases the minimum water level
inside the islands, creating deeper water, and longer hydro-
periods. Long hydro-periods prevent the encroachment of less
ood-resistant vegetation that would outcompete N. lutea.
N. lutea can thus spread in topographically higher areas, fac-
ing less competition, further increasing water retention and
tidal delay in positive feedback. Since the delta experienced in
recent years a signicant expansion of N. lutea with an
encroachment rate of 2.7 km
(Jensen et al. 2021), this
positive feedback between vegetation and hydraulics might
showcase the self-organization functionality of vegetation in
the geomorphological evolution of deltas.
While previous work regarding the effects of vegetation on
coastal wetland hydrodynamics mainly focused on the attenu-
ation of waves and ooding peak water levels (Möller
et al. 2014; Stark et al. 2015), we introduced a new method to
quantify at high spatial resolution vegetation-induced water
storage at low tide. This method is based on a combination of
Fig. 5. Role of vegetation on tidal delay and water retention. Minimum
water level and time delay (data from Fig. 3c,f, respectively) as a function
of elevation (NAVD 88). Elevation range of dominant vegetation species
(red line, 25
percentile, mean and 75
percentile values). Data are
shown with 1σcondence intervals binned by 0.05 m of elevation. SAV
represents submerged aquatic vegetation (Jensen et al. 2021).
Zhang et al. Deltaic wetlands: vegetationsow control
airborne rapid repeat InSAR technique, eld observations
of water levels, LiDAR-derived topography, and vegetation
index derived from optical satellite imagery. Our results dem-
onstrate that deltaic island vegetation causes signicant tidal
distortion with both a delay (between 80 and 140 min in
most areas) and amplitude reduction (20 cm) during low
tide. The large spatial gradients of time delay and low water
levels calculated over the wetlands clearly illustrate the loca-
tion where water ponding is more pronounced (higher water
storage during low tide).
We demonstrate that sub-canopy water level changes
detected by repeat-pass interferometry can be used to derive
information on both tidal propagation delay and minimum
water level during low tides. Current spaceborne radar images
with a repeat time interval of a few days to weeks cannot cap-
ture the hydrodynamics during one tidal cycle and can only
provide information on long-term hydrological processes in
coastal wetlands (e.g., river discharge and neap-spring tides;
Liao et al. 2020). Future spaceborne missions with a shorter
repeat time interval would offer a cost-effective and efcient
way to acquire tidal hydrodynamic data across more coastal
The water storage effect highlighted by our data changes
inundation depth and hydroperiod, likely affecting residence
time and nutrient removal (Knights et al. 2020), carbon seques-
tration (Shields et al. 2017), sediment deposition (Nardin and
Edmonds 2014), and vegetation zonation (Day et al. 2006). For
example, Knights et al. (2020) found that intermediate eleva-
tion areas in the Wax Lake Delta, corresponding to the ones
identied here (Fig. 5), are hot spots for nitrate removal. This
effect might be enhanced if a large fraction of tidal water is
stored in a tidal cycle, thus increasing residence time. The rising
sea level worldwide would further complicate these ecological
and hydrodynamic functionalities, for example, stronger salt-
water intrusion, longer ow residence time, and more water
storage could substantially modify the vegetation zonation pat-
terns (Kirwan and Gedan 2019). Therefore, high spatial
temporal data of water quality from spaceborne and airborne
sensors should also be involved in future research to better
understand the ecological and morphological evolution of wet-
land systems.
In river deltas like Wax Lake Delta, the water surface eleva-
tion in the channel is often higher than in the island. As a
result, a signicant amount of lateral outow (2354% of dis-
charge) debouches into the island wetlands even at low river
discharge (Hiatt and Passalacqua 2015). Therefore, detailed
analyses of wetland hydrodynamics are necessary to quantita-
tively evaluate the critical role of deltaic wetlands in regulat-
ing ow discharge, tidal propagation, and sedimentation. The
results demonstrate the successful implementation of UAVSAR
and derived tidal hydrodynamics in a microtidal system with
multiple vegetation species. We expect that in other tidal sys-
tems with large tidal signals, the signicant sub-canopy water
level changes could be more easily detected, allowing us to
better capture the spatially varying hydrodynamics of coastal
wetlands. On the contrary, in deltaic wetlands with very short
vegetation or where the vegetation is completely submerged
or always emergent UAVSAR would not provide meaningful
data. Deltas with large, vegetated areas that undergo wetting
and drying would also be amenable to this method.
Our novel methodology provides a promising way to quan-
tify the interactions between vegetation and hydrodynamics
over large areas, with potential applications in other coastal
wetlands around the globe.
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This work (NASA Delta-X mission) was funded by the Science Mission
Directorates Earth Science Division through the Earth Venture Suborbital-3
Program NNH17ZDA001N-EVS3. This work was partly performed by the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under
contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA). All the data are provided in the Supporting Information file.
SF was also partially funded by NSF grants DEB-1832221 to the Virginia
Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research project and OCE-2224608
to the Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research project.
Submitted 29 October 2023
Revised 10 January 2024
Accepted 15 January 2024
Zhang et al. Deltaic wetlands: vegetationsow control
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River deltas are home to hundreds of millions of people worldwide and are in danger of sinking due to anthropogenic sea-level rise, land subsidence, and reduced sediment supply. Land loss is commonly forecast by averaging river sediment supply across the entire delta plain to assess whether deposition can keep pace with sea-level rise. However, land loss and deposition vary across the landscape because rivers periodically jump course, rerouting sediment to distinct subregions called delta lobes. Here, we developed a model to forecast land loss that resolves delta lobes and tested the model against a scaled laboratory experiment. Both the model and the experiment show that rivers build land on the active lobe, but the delta incurs gradual land loss on inactive lobes that are cut off from sediment after the river abandons course. The result is a band of terrain along the coast that is usually drowned but is nonetheless a sink for sediment when the lobe is active, leaving less of the total sediment supply available to maintain persistent dry land. Land loss is expected to be more extensive than predicted by classical delta-plain–averaged models. Estimates for eight large deltas worldwide suggest that roughly half of the riverine sediment supply is delivered to terrain that undergoes long periods of submergence. These results draw the sustainability of deltas further into question and provide a framework to plan engineered diversions at a pace that will mitigate land loss in the face of rising sea levels.
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Human activities have increased nitrate export from rivers, degrading coastal water quality. At deltaic river mouths, the flow of water through wetlands increases nitrate removal, and the spatial organization of removal rates influences coastal water quality. To understand the spatial distribution of nitrate removal in a river‐dominated delta, we deployed 23 benthic chambers across ecogeomorphic zones with varying elevation, vegetation, and sediment properties in Wax Lake Delta (Louisiana, USA) in June 2018. Regression analyses indicate that normalized difference vegetation index is a useful predictor of summertime nitrate removal. Mass transfer velocity were approximately three times greater on a vegetated submerged levee (13 mm hr⁻¹), where normalized difference vegetation index was greatest, compared to other locations (4.6 mm hr⁻¹). Two methods were developed to upscale nitrate removal across the delta. The flooded‐delta method integrates spatially explicit potential removal rates across submerged portions of the delta and suggests that intermediate elevations on the delta—including submerged levees—are responsible for 70% of potential nitrate removal despite covering only 33% of the flooded area. The channel network method treats the delta as a network of river channels and suggests that although secondary channels are more efficient than primary channels at removing received nitrate, primary channels collectively contribute more to overall removal because they convey more of the total nitrate load. The two upscaling methods predict similar rates of nitrate removal, equivalent to less than 4% of nitrate entering the delta. To protect coastal waters against high nitrate loads, management policies should aim to reduce upstream nutrient loads.
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Coastal wetlands are productive ecosystems driven by highly dynamic hydrological processes such as tides and river discharge, which operate at daily to seasonal timescales, respectively. The scientific community has been calling for landscape-scale measurements of hydrological variables that could help understand the flow of water and transport of sediment across coastal wetlands. While in situ water level gauge data have enabled significant advances, they are limited in coverage and largely unavailable in many parts of the world. In preparation for the NISAR mission, we investigate the use of spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations of phase and coherence at L-band for landscape-scale monitoring of water level change and vegetation cover in coastal wetlands across seasons. We use L-band SAR images acquired by ALOS/PALSAR from 2007 to 2011 to study the impact of seasonal changes in vegetation cover on InSAR sensitivity to water level change in the wetlands of the Atchafalaya basin located in coastal Louisiana, USA. Seasonal variations are observed in the interferometric coherence (γ) time-series over wetlands, with higher coherence during the winter and lower coherence during the summer. We show with InSAR time-series that coherence is inversely correlated with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Our analysis of polarimetric scattering mechanisms demonstrates that double-bounce is the dominant mechanism in swamps while its weakness in marshes hinders estimation of water level changes. In swamps, water level change maps derived from InSAR are highly correlated (r2 = 0.83) with in situ data from the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS). From October to December, we observed that the water level may be below wetland elevation and thus not inundating wetlands significantly. Our analysis shows that water level can only be retrieved when both images used for InSAR are acquired when wetlands are inundated. The L-band derived-maps of water level change show large scale gradients originating from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway rather than the main delta trunk channel, confirming its significant role as a source of hydrologic connectivity across these coastal wetlands. These results indicate that NISAR, with its InSAR observations every 12 days, will provide the measurements necessary to reveal large scale hydrodynamic processes that occur in swamps across seasons.
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Since 2000, interferometric synthetic-aperture radar (InSAR) has been an effective tool to map 2D water-level changes beneath vegetated wetlands with a high spatial resolution and centimetric accuracy. In the last two decades, SAR images obtained from different wavelengths and polarization modes have been tested across various wetland systems, and InSAR-derived water-level-change maps have improved our understanding of wetland hydrology and hydraulics. In this article, we discuss the feasibility and challenges of applying InSAR to wetland areas, present a comprehensive review of InSAR applications for hydraulic and hydrologic analysis, and discuss future trends.
Much uncertainty exists about the vulnerability of valuable tidal marsh ecosystems to relative sea level rise. Previous assessments of resilience to sea level rise, to which marshes can adjust by sediment accretion and elevation gain, revealed contrasting results, depending on contemporary or Holocene geological data. By analyzing globally distributed contemporary data, we found that marsh sediment accretion increases in parity with sea level rise, seemingly confirming previously claimed marsh resilience. However, subsidence of the substrate shows a nonlinear increase with accretion. As a result, marsh elevation gain is constrained in relation to sea level rise, and deficits emerge that are consistent with Holocene observations of tidal marsh vulnerability.
Tidal marshes and mangroves are increasingly valued for nature-based mitigation of coastal storm impacts, such as flooding and shoreline erosion hazards, which are growing due to global change. As this review highlights, however, hazard mitigation by tidal wetlands is limited to certain conditions, and not all hazards are equally reduced. Tidal wetlands are effective in attenuating short-period storm-induced waves, but long-period storm surges, which elevate sea levels up to several meters for up to more than a day, are attenuated less effectively, or in some cases not at all, depending on storm conditions, wetland properties, and larger-scale coastal landscape geometry. Wetlands often limit erosion, but storm damage to vegetation (especially mangrove trees) can be substantial, and recovery may take several years. Longer-term wetland persistence can be compromised when combined with other stressors, such as climate change and human disturbances. Due to these uncertainties, nature-based coastal defense projects need to adopt adaptive management strategies. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Marine Science, Volume 15 is January 2023. Please see for revised estimates.
The propagation of tides and riverine floodwater in coastal wetlands is controlled by subtle topographic differences and a thick vegetation canopy. High-resolution numerical models have been used in recent years to simulate fluxes across wetlands. However, these models are based on sparse field data that can lead to unreliable results. Here, we utilize high spatial-resolution, rapid repeat interferometric data from the Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) to provide a synoptic measurement of sub-canopy water-level change resulting from tide propagation into wetlands. These data are used to constrain crucial model parameters and improve the performance and realism of simulations of the Wax Lake wetlands in coastal Louisiana (USA). A sensitivity analysis shows that the boundary condition of river discharge should be calibrated first, followed by iterative correction of terrain elevation specified originally by a Digital Terrain Model derived from LiDAR measurements. The calibration of bed friction becomes important only with the boundary and topography calibrated. With the model parameters calibrated, the overall Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency for water-level change increases from 0.15 to 0.53 with the RMSE reduced by 26%. In areas with dense wetland grasses, the LiDAR signal is unable to reach the soil surface, but the L-band UAVSAR instrument detects changes in water levels that can be used to infer the true ground elevation. The high spatial resolution and repeat-acquisition frequency (minutes to hours) observations provided by UAVSAR represent a groundbreaking opportunity for a deeper understanding of the complex hydrodynamics of coastal wetlands.
Here, we present an enhanced algorithm to correct interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) phase unwrapping errors by incorporating iterative spatial bridging between islands and phase closure among interferograms. We use rapid repeat airborne synthetic aperture radar acquisitions from NASA’s airborne uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar (UAVSAR) instrument to estimate short-term changes in water level within coastal wetlands from a stack of consecutive interferograms acquired with very short temporal separation (~30 min). The algorithm is applied to six consecutive UAVSAR images collected in tidal wetlands of the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA. Validation of our water level change retrievals with in situ field observations was conclusive with high correlation and an RMSE generally smaller than 3 cm. Comparison of our algorithm with other phase unwrapping error correction methods shows significant improvement (30%–35% increase in the number of correctly unwrapped pixels) when applied to rapid changes in water level. The set of corrections presented in this work enables measurement of water level change in deltas and other areas where tides drive highly dynamic flooding of inland vegetated areas. Although demonstrated for water level change, the method is applicable to other InSAR datasets with large spatial gradients or observed discontinuities between coherent but spatially isolated areas.
The Wax Lake Delta (WLD) is an actively prograding delta in the Mississippi River Delta Plain that is otherwise experiencing widespread degradation and submergence of its coastal wetlands. The WLD is actively accumulating mineral and organic sediment that increases soil surface elevation, changing emergent wetland communities as the young delta develops. There is uncertainty in how the dynamics of community composition respond to net changes in soil elevation and determine aboveground biomass and carbon storage. This study utilizes high resolution imaging spectrometer data captured on October 17, 2016, to map the delta's dominant vegetation species and wetland types. We validated this vegetation map (overall accuracy = 77.62%, Kappa = 0.72) and compared it with a published species map that used WorldView-2 data collected five years earlier on October 16, 2011. This allowed us to map changes resulting from five years of delta development to determine changes in wetland forest species (Salix nigra), two dominant herbaceous wetland species (Colocasia esculenta and Polygonum punctatum), and various grass species. Results show an increase in C. esculenta and a marginal increase in forested wetlands (S. nigra). C. esculenta's expansion occurred largely from the delta island heads toward the fringes into wetland area previously occupied by P. punctatum, which saw a corresponding decline. Additionally, this study leveraged these species distributions with a published aboveground biomass (AGB) dataset to examine the dominant plant types' growth patterns across elevational gradients. We characterized variability in AGB by marsh platform elevation and across different elevational zones categorized by hydroperiod, or hydrogeomorphic zones. We found that the herbaceous plant species peak in AGB in the low intertidal zone and decrease with elevation before increasing slightly in the higher elevations, consistent with previous field-based mesocosm experiments for C. esculenta. With vegetation distributions, succession, and growth patterns in the WLD characterized, this study may inform future restoration efforts throughout the Mississippi River Delta Plain regarding the changing vegetation composition that may emerge following changes in surface elevation with sediment deposition.
Coastal wetlands dampen the impact of storm surge and strong winds. Studies on the economic valuation of this protective service provided by wetland ecosystems are, however, rare. Here, we analyze property damage caused by 88 tropical storms and hurricanes hitting the United States between 1996 and 2016 and show that counties with more wetland coverage experienced significantly less property damage. The expected economic value of the protective effects of wetlands varies widely across coastal US counties with an average value of about $1.8 million/km ² per year and a median value of $91,000/km ² . Wetlands confer relatively more protection against weaker storms and in states with weaker building codes. Recent wetland losses are estimated to have increased property damage from Hurricane Irma by $430 million. Our results suggest the importance of considering both natural and human factors in coastal zone defense policy.