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Broadscale spatial synchrony in a West Nile virus mosquito vector across multiple timescales


Abstract and Figures

Insects often exhibit irruptive population dynamics determined by environmental conditions. We examine if populations of the Culex tarsalis mosquito, a West Nile virus (WNV) vector, fluctuate synchronously over broad spatial extents and multiple timescales and whether climate drives synchrony in Cx. tarsalis, especially at annual timescales, due to the synchronous influence of temperature, precipitation, and/or humidity. We leveraged mosquito collections across 9 National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites distributed in the interior West and Great Plains region USA over a 45-month period, and associated gridMET climate data. We utilized wavelet phasor mean fields and wavelet linear models to quantify spatial synchrony for mosquitoes and climate and to calculate the importance of climate in explaining Cx. tarsalis synchrony. We also tested whether the strength of spatial synchrony may vary directionally across years. We found significant annual synchrony in Cx. tarsalis, and short-term synchrony during a single period in 2018. Mean minimum temperature was a significant predictor of annual Cx. tarsalis spatial synchrony, and we found a marginally significant decrease in annual Cx. tarsalis synchrony. Significant Cx. tarsalis synchrony during 2018 coincided with an anomalous increase in precipitation. This work provides a valuable step toward understanding broadscale synchrony in a WNV vector.
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Scientic Reports | (2024) 14:12479 |
Broadscale spatial synchrony
in a West Nile virus mosquito vector
across multiple timescales
Lindsay P. Campbell
1,2*, Amely M. Bauer
1,2, Yasmin Tavares
3, Robert P. Guralnick
4 &
Daniel Reuman
Insects often exhibit irruptive population dynamics determined by environmental conditions. We
examine if populations of the Culex tarsalis mosquito, a West Nile virus (WNV) vector, uctuate
synchronously over broad spatial extents and multiple timescales and whether climate drives
synchrony in Cx. tarsalis, especially at annual timescales, due to the synchronous inuence of
temperature, precipitation, and/or humidity. We leveraged mosquito collections across 9 National
Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites distributed in the interior West and Great Plains region
USA over a 45-month period, and associated gridMET climate data. We utilized wavelet phasor
mean elds and wavelet linear models to quantify spatial synchrony for mosquitoes and climate and
to calculate the importance of climate in explaining Cx. tarsalis synchrony. We also tested whether
the strength of spatial synchrony may vary directionally across years. We found signicant annual
synchrony in Cx. tarsalis, and short-term synchrony during a single period in 2018. Mean minimum
temperature was a signicant predictor of annual Cx. tarsalis spatial synchrony, and we found a
marginally signicant decrease in annual Cx. tarsalis synchrony. Signicant Cx. tarsalis synchrony
during 2018 coincided with an anomalous increase in precipitation. This work provides a valuable step
toward understanding broadscale synchrony in a WNV vector.
Mosquito borne pathogens are a major threat to human and veterinary health1. ese pathogens are nested within
dynamic systems that include one or more arthropod vectors and vertebrate hosts that must interact in space and
time for transmission to be maintained in the natural environment2. Several factors contribute to the distribu-
tion and magnitude of transmission hazard in an area, including intrinsic population dynamics of vectors and
hosts, and extrinsic environmental conditions that can aect the timing, abundances, and distributions of disease
system components3. Mosquito vectors are one component in these systems, and like all insects, are ectotherms,
with their distributions and abundances closely linked to exogenous environmental variables4. Because of these
linkages and the role of mosquito vectors in pathogen transmission, environmental drivers of mosquito popu-
lation dynamics are oen the focus of investigations attempting to understand outbreaks or epizootic events5.
While informative, the majority of these studies have focused on environmental eects on local-scale variation
in abundances and do not take into account how mosquito populations uctuate together over space and time
at broader scales and extents, despite the potential for synchronous or asynchronous population dynamics in
dierent geographic locations to aect distributions of pathogen transmission68.
Spatial synchrony, i.e. similarities in temporal uctuations of populations occurring across geographically
distinct locations9, is an ecological phenomenon observed across multiple taxa and across local to broad geo-
graphic scales. In insects, spatial synchrony has most oen been studied in groups that have periodic “outbreaks”,
e.g. spongy moths or larch budmoths, and crop pests1015. However, spatial synchrony has been less studied in
mosquito vectors of human and veterinary pathogens16. Mechanistic drivers of spatial synchrony consist of dis-
persal between populations, exogenous environmental conditions (through a process called the Moran eect),
and trophic interactions of the focal species with another species that exhibits synchrony or that is very mobile9.
Given known correlations between the environment, particularly temperature and precipitation, and mosquito
1Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, University of Florida, Vero Beach, FL 32962, USA. 2Department of
Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. 3Department of Ecology,
Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University, New York,
NY 10025, USA. 4Florida Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. 5Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology and Center for Ecological Research, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66047, USA. *email:
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Scientic Reports | (2024) 14:12479 |
population dynamics17,18, mosquito species are strong candidates for investigations of environmental causes of
spatial synchrony across dierent spatiotemporal scales19.
One challenge to previous studies of spatial synchrony in mosquito populations is the need for relatively long
and consistent collection records across disparate geographic locations. e result is that the majority of prior
population studies occur over small geographic areas or elevational gradients8,16,1921. However, broadscale spatial
synchrony is not uncommon in other insect species. Sheppard etal.13 found broadscale spatial synchrony in
the timing of adult ight onset of aphid species driven by climate conditions at multiple timescales, and Haynes
and Walter12 highlight how understanding spatial synchrony in insects across scales can be useful to informing
pest management decisions. In addition, vector borne disease dynamics in multiple systems have been linked
to large-scale climate conditions, including anomalous or unusual conditions, for example: Ri Valley fever
virus and heavy precipitation resulting from El Niño in East Africa22; broadscale chikungunya incidence associ-
ated with unusually dry conditions23; and dengue incidence and El Niño-associated dry conditions or elevated
temperatures in ailand24,25, among others26. Needed are studies to determine if mosquito vector abundances
show strong spatially synchronous dynamics at broader extents and timescales and whether their dynamics are
associated with climate conditions which oen also vary over large spatial extents.
e National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) conducts routine mosquito collections at 47 terrestrial
core and terrestrial gradient sites in the United States27,28. e sampling design, temporal resolution, and proto-
cols of mosquito collections at NEON sites were designed specically for the purpose of standardized monitor-
ing of mosquito population abundances, demography, diversity, and phenology, including comparisons among
NEON sites at regional to continental scales28. is monitoring program uniquely provides a means to generate
consistent and continuous time series collections to better understand mosquito population dynamics across
broad geographic scales. Here, we use this resource to investigate whether signicant spatial synchrony exists in
temporal population dynamics of the West Nile virus (WNV) vector species Culex tarsalis across 90 mosquito
traps across 9 widely distributed NEON sites that have the most continuous collection of data. In particular, we
quantify eects of exogenous climate variables on spatial synchrony between study locations.
Culex tarsalis Coquillett is a key vector of WNV (family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus), the leading cause of
mosquito-borne disease in humans in the United States (CDC 2021a). e virus is maintained in the natural
environment between mosquito vectors and avian hosts, and “spills over” to humans and other animals (Camp-
bell etal. 2002, Reisen 2013). Cx. tarsalis are multivoltine with a wide geographic distribution29. e species
is considered a particularly important vector of WNV in the midwest and western regions of the U.S. where it
is oen associated with agricultural irrigation or ditches30. Mosquitoes become active in late spring and early
summer. In temperate zones, adult females overwinter and have been observed in underground sheltered areas,
but they remain active year-round in warmer climates (Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit, 2024).
We hypothesized that we may nd signicant spatial synchrony in Cx. tarsalis abundances at multiple tem-
poral scales, including an annual eect. We also expected that average minimum or maximum temperature,
humidity values, and precipitation may contribute to annual spatial synchrony across the study period. We tested
this directly to determine which climate factors are most important. We also tested if unusual or extreme weather
events, such as widespread heavy precipitation, which occurred in Summer 2018, contribute to signicant spatial
synchrony at shorter timescales. Temperature is a well-known driver of insect population dynamics and has been
shown to aect Cx. tarsalis mosquito development timing31, while precipitation is critical in generating aquatic
habitats required for multiple mosquito life stages4. Humidity can aect mosquito hydroregulation, impacting
activity and survival32. Investigating the population dynamics of vector species and how they uctuate together
across large spatial scales has the potential to provide useful knowledge about risks mosquitoes pose, if outbreaks
are predictable, and how those risks can be mitigated.
Following QA/QC assembled monthly time series of estimated abundances of Cx. tarsalis mosquitoes we included
nine NEON stations in our analyses over a 45month period from 2016 to 2019, and associated gridMET climate
data (Figs.1 and 2). We utilized wavelet phasor mean elds (wpmf) to quantify spatial synchrony at multiple
timescales for mosquitoes and climate (see Methods for full details of cleaning and analysis approach).
Results of wavelet phasor mean eld (wpmf) analyses indicated signicant spatial synchrony in Cx. tarsalis
abundances at an annual timescale across the study period; and during a short-term, isolated event at the 2 to
3month timescale band between August and September 2018 (Fig.3). Although the wpmf output also showed
seasonal spatial synchrony (i.e. ~ every six months), this result was likely a harmonic of the annual timescale
e plot of the wpmf for Cx. tarsalis showed a potential decrease in the strength of annual-timescale spatial
synchrony across the study period. Comparing this possibility to an appropriate null hypothesis based on a
bootstrapping technique (Methods) indicated a marginally signicant (e.g. p-value between 0.05 and 0.10)
decrease in the slope of Cx. tarsalis synchrony at the averaged 10 to 14month timescale (p-value = 0.096), but
when considering only the 12month timescale on its own (p-value = 0.242). Wavelet methods are well known
to commit “leakage,” whereby periodic variational content in time series at a given timescale is detected also at
a range similar timescales. is is because of the nite length of time series, and tradeos between a wavelet’s
abilities to localize a phenomenon in time and timescale space. For reasons of leakage, the results here using
the 10 to 14month band are probably more indicative of annual-timescale behavior than are the results using
solely the 12-month timescale. Analogous slopes for climate variables at the same timescales were not signicant
(Supplementary Table1), i.e., there was no evidence for changes in the strength of synchrony of climate variables.
e wpmf plots for four out of ve environmental variables showed patterns of signicant spatial syn-
chrony at similar timescales and time periods to Cx. tarsalis (Figs.4 and 5B; Fig.5A reproduces Fig.3 for visual
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Scientic Reports | (2024) 14:12479 |
comparison). As expected, cumulative precipitation and temperature variables showed signicant annual syn-
chrony, with both mean minimum and maximum temperature demonstrating the strongest synchrony across
the entire study period. Average minimum and maximum mean VPD showed signicant synchrony across small
portions of the study period at the annual timescale. Cumulative precipitation also showed signicant spatial
synchrony between August and September 2018 (Fig.5B).
Results from wavelet linear model tests showed signicant eects of synchrony in mean minimum tem-
perature on synchrony in Cx. tarsalis at the 10 to 14month time scale (p-value = 0.049). Mean minimum vapor
pressure decit index, i.e., greater humidity, was marginally signicant (p-value = 0.090), and mean maximum
temperature (p-value = 0.125), mean maximum vapor pressure decit index (p-value = 0.472), and cumulative
precipitation (p-value = 0.725) were not signicant. Mean minimum temperature explained a large portion of
the synchrony (99.490%) with low cross-terms (-1.212), and residuals (1.722). A rank plot with corresponding
Figure1. Map of NEON sites included in analyses. Abbreviations for sites follow NEON conventions. Yellow
circles indicate terrestrial core sites and orange circles indicate terrestrial gradient sites. Background aerial map
Earth Start Geographics SIO, Microso Corporation© 2024, available through Bing Maps and accessed through
QGIS v 3.16.16.
Figure2. Time series of monthly mean number of Cx. tarsalis per trap hour for each NEON site.
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band tests for mean minimum temperature and wavelet linear model results for mean minimum temperature
are available in Supplementary Fig.1 and Supplementary Table2.
Although spatial synchrony in cumulative precipitation was nominally signicant between August and Sep-
tember 2018 at the 2 to 3month timescale, the wavelet linear model test was not signicant for 2 to 3month
timescales. is result was expected, given that synchrony in Cx. tarsalis was isolated to a short-term event and
periodicity was not present at the 2 to 3month timescale; wavelet linear models test for consistency of phase
Figure3. Wavelet phasor mean eld plot for Cx. tarsalis abundances. e study period is represented on
the x-axis, and the timescale of spatial synchrony is on the y-axis. Color corresponds to the strength of phase
synchrony in the data at each time and timescale; so areas in red indicate stronger synchrony. Contour lines
indicate statistical signicance at 95% condence level.
Figure4. Wavelet phasor mean eld (wpmf) plots for average minimum and maximum temperature and
average minimum and maximum vapor pressure decit values.
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Scientic Reports | (2024) 14:12479 |
relationships between response and putative predictor variables over the duration of the time series and across
sampling locations, and apparently what happened on 2 to 3month timescales in our Cx. tarsalis data was
instead a one-o event. However, observations of precipitation values coinciding with this time period revealed
that anomalously high precipitation occurred across several study sites, and a visual inspection of estimated
abundance values across NEON sites showed an increase in Cx. tarsalis during this time period across multiple
sites (Fig.5C, see Data Availability).
is study provides some evidence of broad scale spatial synchrony in Cx. tarsalis abundances, and results
demonstrate that Cx. tarsalis populations can uctuate together at an annual timescale and during short-term,
isolated events. is work highlights the need for continued investigation to understand spatiotemporal and
synchronous dynamics of mosquito vectors and their drivers. ese dynamics, which our results suggest may
be predictable, may help in understanding broader WNV system dynamics.
Our nding of signicant spatial synchrony at an annual timescale was expected given the seasonal dynam-
ics of mosquitoes and insects in general33,34. Specically, we found that mean minimum temperatures were a
signicant predictor of synchrony in Cx. tarsalis abundances at an annual timescale, i.e., mosquito synchrony
Figure5. (A,B) Wavelet phasor mean eld plots for Cx. tarsalis monthly mean number of mosquitoes per
trap hour (reproducing Fig.3) and monthly cumulative precipitation for the same time periods and locations.
Time on the x-axis represents the monthly time series from April 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019. Timescale
on the y-axis represents the timescale, or period. Red values enclosed in black lines indicate signicant spatial
synchrony. C Precipitation anomaly map for August to October 2018 adapted from NOAA (https:// www. ncei.
noaa. gov/ access/ monit oring/ us- maps). Units are in inches representing the departure from average precipitation
over the 1901 to 2000 time period. Areas in green represent greater than average precipitation and areas in
brown represent less than average precipitation.
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Scientic Reports | (2024) 14:12479 |
on annual timescales was statistically attributable to synchrony in mean minimum temperatures on the same
timescale range. Temperatures are known to produce synchronizing eects on insects through multiple mecha-
nisms, including a cessation of activity during winter diapause, temperature dependent development where
minimum temperature thresholds must be met for development to occur at dierent life stages, and temperature
dependent mortality at dierent life stages35. Each of these factors or combinations of these factors could have
synchronizing eects on Cx. tarsalis activity and abundances, particularly across a large geographic area that
includes temperate environments where populations undergo winter diapause36,37. In overwintering mosquitoes,
termination of diapause begins with extended photoperiod and warming temperatures, which is then followed by
a post-diapause development period that can result in synchronous spring activity once a minimum temperature
threshold is reached38. In addition, minimum temperatures could produce synchronous abundances through
mortality if minimum temperatures are too cold.
We found that the strength of annual Cx. tarsalis synchrony showed a marginally signicant decrease across
the study period, but we did not observe a signicant decrease in the strength of annual synchrony of minimum
temperature across the study period. According to the wavelet Moran theorem of13, two factors contribute to the
strength of synchrony induced in a population variable by a synchronous environmental variable: the strength of
synchrony of the environmental variable; and the strength/consistency of the relationship between the population
variable and the environmental variable. us, annual timescale Cx. tarsalis synchrony could have been caused
by temperature synchrony, and could have declined over our study period even while temperature synchrony
held steady, if the inuence of temperature on mosquito annual dynamics became less pronounced over the
study period. is could have happened, for instance, if an overall warming trend in minimum temperatures
interacted with threshold dependencies in mosquito life history processes so that thresholds were less frequently
a limiting factor in the growth of some populations38,39. In general, warmer diapause temperature has been found
to desynchronize eclosion in the green-veined white Pieris napi Linnaeus (Lepidoptera:Pieridae) butteries40.
Other factors could also contribute to a decrease in annual synchrony in Cx. tarsalis even while temperature
synchrony remains strong: increased local stochasticity in population dynamics, altered biotic interactions, or
increasing variation in asynchronous regional environmental conditions that drive local Cx. tarsalis dynamics
could all result in reduced annual spatial synchrony across the study period.
An outstanding question that can only be addressed through continued long-term mosquito collections is
whether the marginally signicant result of a decrease in annual spatial synchrony in Cx. tarsalis observed here
is part of a longer-term, consistent trend, or instead is part of a periodic phenomenon, so that the decline in
synchrony will be reversed in due course12 provide a summary of insect populations where longer-term shis
in the strength of spatial synchrony have been observed, and highlight the need for longer-term monitoring
to understand synchronous population dynamics and the eects of global climate change on insects. Reuman
etal. (In Review) point out that, even for systems where time series length is long (those authors consider some
time series which are almost 2000years long), the evidence suggests that yet longer time series can reveal even
longer-timescale synchrony. For mosquito vector species, understanding these patterns is particularly relevant
because the strength of spatial synchrony across multiple timescales may be informative for understanding and
predicting for the timing and abundance of mosquitoes, which relates through a set of other complex processes
to transmission risk.
In addition to signicant annual synchrony, we found evidence of signicant synchrony during a single,
short-term event that occurred between August and September 2018. ese results demonstrate that spatial
synchrony in Cx. tarsalis is not conned to annual cycles alone and emphasizes the need to consider how short
durations or individual events can lead to one-o, spatially synchronous elevations in abundances. e timing
of this event is relevant because it occurred during the peak WNV transmission season and during a year with
broadscale spillover41. Here we show that precipitation between August and October 2018 was unusually high,
with record breaking values occurring across several sites in and around our study area (Fig.5C) (https:// www.
ncei. noaa. gov/ access/ monit oring/ us- maps).
Although synchrony in precipitation was not a signicant predictor of synchrony of Cx. tarsalis during this
event, this result was not unexpected given that spatial wavelet analyses focus on periodicity, and single events
that are short in duration may not trigger signicant wavelet coherence in wavelet linear models. However,
observations of strong spatial synchrony in Cx. tarsalis and knowledge of anomalous precipitation during the
same time period warrants further investigation. Understanding not only interannual patterns but eects of
the timing and distribution of intra-annual, widespread, anomalous weather events on mosquito population
synchrony may reveal environmental drivers that are precursors to potential elevated vector borne disease
transmission hazard. Investigation of such isolated events should probably proceed via statistical methods other
than the wavelet approaches we have used here.
We close by noting some limitations of this work and next steps. First, while the geographic coverage of
the NEON sites spanned a broad area, our study was limited to 90 mosquito traps across 9 locations owing to
sampling coverage and distribution of Cx. tarsalis mosquitoes. Second, we lack the longer time series needed to
determine synchrony on timescales longer than about 16 to 18months. ird, short time series limit statistical
power to detect environmental drivers of synchrony, especially on longer timescales, which is demonstrated
in our nding of a marginally signicant decrease in the strength of spatial synchrony in Cx. tarsalis abun-
dances over our study period. To establish signicance of a relationship between mosquitos and temperature,
the wavelet methods we used looked for consistency, across both space and time, in phase dierences between
annual-timescale uctuations in Cx. tarsalis and temperature. But, on annual timescales, only a few oscillations
of both variables occur during the duration of our data, limiting the potential of our methods to detect con-
sistent phase relationships. Longer datasets would mitigate this problem. In addition, although we conducted
a broadscale analysis of Cx. tarsalis mosquitoes, the distribution of the NEON sites encompasses a relatively
small portion of their geographic range, and our ndings are specic to the study region.Although, evidence
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Scientic Reports | (2024) 14:12479 |
indicates mosquito-mediated dispersal of West Nile virus in the western United States42, we consider it unlikely
that dispersal is a driver of synchrony on the spatial scales we examine because of the large geographic distance
between NEON sites in our analyses.
is work sets the stage for integrating longer time series over more sites, including in regions outside the
United States where Cx. tarsalis are abundant and to other WNV mosquito vectors. Longer-term time series
of mosquito collections from monitoring programs including NEON or from mosquito trap collections con-
ducted by mosquito control programs may provide the opportunity to investigate more robustly environmental
correlations with unusual events and to identify common precursors, such as periodic ENSO oscillations, to
synchronous population uctuations.
Despite limitations, this work provides a rst step toward understanding broad scale population synchrony
in a key WNV mosquito vector. Our results highlight the need for additional investigations into eects of
synchronous population dynamics on disease system dynamics during normal and unusual environmental
conditions, over multiple timescales and dierent geographic areas. Future investigations will benet from a
systems approach that includes not only environmental correlates but other components of the WNV disease
system, including avian host populations, migration phenology, and detected spillover events. Understanding
the timing and distribution of inter- and intra-seasonal synchronous mosquito vector population dynamics
across geographic scales may provide needed insight and a piece of the puzzle toward overcoming outstanding
challenges in predicting the magnitude and extent of WNV transmission. Overcoming these challenges can
ultimately help better inform prevention and control agencies.
Materials and methods
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) routine mosquito collections (Product: DP1.10043.001)
between April 1, 2016 and December 31, 2019 were used in this analysis43. Mosquitoes at NEON sites are col-
lected using CO2 baited Centers for Disease Control (CDC) light traps, and within each NEON site, mosquitoes
are typically collected at ten trap locations, referred to as plots. Traps are set at a minimum distance of 310m, and
here, the maximum distance between 2 traps occurred at one NEON site (SRER) with a distance of ~ 14.36km.
Terrestrial core sites collect mosquitoes every two weeks during the eld season and then sample three trap
locations weekly during the o season27,28. Following three consecutive trapping events with zero mosquitoes
collected, terrestrial core sites change their sampling scheme to the o season protocol where traps are set weekly
at three plots. is increase in temporal sampling at a reduced number of sites is designed to capture the return
of adult mosquito ight activity following winter conditions. Terrestrial gradient sites collect mosquitoes every
four weeks during the eld season, cease collections when the terrestrial core site within their domain changes to
the o season protocol, and then resumes collections when mosquito activity begins at the terrestrial core site27,28.
Here, we conducted our analyses at a monthly temporal resolution and used the following steps to assemble time
series of Cx. tarsalsis abundances for analyses.
First, we reduced site locations to those that had collected at least one Cx. tarsalis mosquito between 2016
and December 2019 for a total of 26 candidate sites. Next, we performed QA/QC on individual sampling records
to ensure that trap issues did not compromise sampling. We considered a trap collection compromised if any
event occurred that could aect the mosquito counts collected or recorded. ese events included interference
with CO2 sublimation because of blockage, traps tipped over and on the ground, holes in catch cups, ants in
catch cups, samples frozen and irretrievable from the sides of catch cups, damaged samples, or lost and discarded
samples. In each of these cases, the number of mosquitoes or the magnitude of damage to the sample could not
be assessed, introducing an unknown level of uncertainty to abundances. Individual counts recorded in NEON
data reect the number of mosquitoes per species identied out of a subsample of the total trap collection. In
order to estimate the Cx. tarsalis abundance for each record, the individual count is divided by the proportion
of the total trap collection identied. We calculated the estimated count and then created a monthly template
beginning April 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2019. If a trap collection did not include Cx. tarsalis, we entered
a zero for the count, and if the trap was not set during the month, we entered NA.
Next, we estimated trapping eort and calculated Cx. tarsalis counts per trap hour per month across the 10
locations within each of the 26 NEON candidate sites for each month of the study period, resulting in one value
per site per month. Following this step, we checked sample coverage across the study period for each NEON site
and reduced the analysis to nine sites with consistent sampling during active mosquito time periods. ese sites
consisted of six terrestrial core sites and three terrestrial gradient stations, and they are predominantly located
in the interior West and Great Plains region (Fig.1). Because the spatial wavelet analysis soware we will apply
(see below) requires continuous time series, we replaced NA values with zeros during winter and early spring
months for temperate sites when collections did not occur, using the assumption supported in the literature36,37,44,
that Cx. tarsalis mosquitoes were not active during winter time periods. We note that cessation of sampling dur-
ing winter must be preceded with 0 counts in abundance at the terrestrial core site within the NEON domain,
providing a strong basis for making the assumption that mosquitoes are not active. All sites with mean number
of mosquitoes per trap hour per month are available in supplementary materials, including NA values when
sampling did not occur (see Data Availability).
Aer assembling and cleaning site-level data, we then calculated the centroid of the ten mosquito trap loca-
tions within each NEON site for each of the nine sites to obtain a single geographic point reference for environ-
mental data preparation. GridMET daily cumulative precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature, and
minimum and maximum mean vapor pressure decit index (a measure of humidity) at a 4km spatial resolu-
tion were downloaded for each NEON site between April 1, 2016 and December 31, 2019 using the ‘climateR
package45,46. Daily data was binned by month, and we calculated total cumulative precipitation for each month,
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Scientic Reports | (2024) 14:12479 |
and average values for all other variables (e.g., minimum and maximum temperature and relative humidity)
using functions available in the ‘dplyr’ package in R47.
Once monthly abundance and climate data were assembled, we used the ‘wsyn’ package in R for spatial
synchrony analyses48. First, we used the ‘cleandat’ function with clev = 3 to individually de-mean, detrend, and
standardize the variance of the monthly time series for Cx. tarsalis and each environmental variable. Next, we
calculated wavelet phasor mean elds (wpmf) to quantify whether signicant spatial synchrony occurred at one
or more timescales for monthly estimated abundances of Cx. tarsalis and each environmental variable. Given
a collection of time series measured at the same times (e.g., our Cx. tarsalis time series), the wpmf technique
provides a plot which displays the strength of phase synchrony in the input time series as a function of time
and timescale, with signicance contours. Intense colors on the plot indicate strong synchrony at the given time
and timescale. is method and a suite of closely related and now well developed methods have been applied
numerous times to study synchrony of ecological time series15,4956, and the methods are implemented, open
source, in the wsyn package on CRAN48. e wsyn package includes a “vignette” which gives a straightforward,
operational introduction to the methods implemented therein.
Next, we observed the wpmf plot for Cx. tarsalis to determine whether spatial synchrony was signicant
across one or more timescales. We then t univariate wavelet linear models using the ‘wlm’ and ‘wlmtest’ func-
tions in wsyn to quantify whether spatial synchrony in the climate variables were signicant predictors of spatial
synchrony in Cx. tarsalis at the same timescales. Wavelet linear models were originally developed by13,54, and
have now been applied several times in ecology15,4953 to identify environmental causes of synchrony; they are
especially useful when causes of synchrony may dier by timescale. ese tools can identify not only which
environmental drivers likely help cause synchrony on a given timescale band, they can also indicate the fractions
of synchrony explained by each driver and by interactions between drivers. Wavelet linear model methods make
statements of statistical signicance based on resampling/randomization procedures; the number of randomiza-
tions in the ‘wlmtest’ function was set to 10,000. e ‘bandtest’ and ‘plotrank’ functions in wsyn were used to
quantify signicance. If a climate variable was identied as a signicant driver of synchrony in Cx. tarsalis, the
percent synchrony explained by the variable was then obtained from the wlm model, with associated cross-terms
and residuals.
Aer observing the wpmf output for Cx. tarsalis, we tested whether a signicant decrease in the strength of
spatial synchrony occurred across the study period at the annual timescale by generating 10,000 “synchrony pre-
serving surrogates” using the ‘surrog’ function in wsyn, with surrtype = ‘aa’54. Synchrony preserving surrogates
are so-called surrogate datasets, i.e., articial, bootstrapped datasets of the same structure as the original data
(same number, length, and sampling frequency of time series), but which have been randomized in such a way
that synchrony between the time series is maintained in its strength and timescale structure, but any directional
changes through time in synchrony are eliminated. us, comparing patterns of change through time in the
synchrony of real data against the same patterns computed for the surrogate datasets provides a test of whether
synchrony has directionally changed, to a signicant extent, against an appropriate null hypothesis.
We calculated the synchrony values for our observed Cx.tarsalis data at the 12month and averaged 10 to
14month timescales, regressed these quantities against year to obtain two slopes, and calculated the same
statistics for each of the 10,000 synchrony-preserving surrogate datasets. We then calculated the proportion of
the 10,000 surrogate slopes which were less than the observed slopes to obtain a p-value for the test of the null
hypothesis that observed decreases in annual-band Cx.tarsalis were no more than could have been expected by
chance. Signicance was measured with an ɑ < 0.05 and we report marginal signicance with an ɑ < 0.10. We
also tested whether a signicant decrease in the strength of annual spatial synchrony was present in the climate
variables, using the same methods.
Data availability
e data used in this study, including the data le prior to lling NA values, is available through GitHub (https://
github. com/ Campb ell- Lab- FMEL/ Culex- tarsa lis- synch rony).
Code availability
All code used to perform analyses and to create gures is available through GitHub (https:// github. com/ Campb
ell- Lab- FMEL/ Culex- tarsa lis- synch rony).
Received: 4 March 2024; Accepted: 16 May 2024
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We would like to acknowledge the National Ecological Observatory Network and personnel for the collection,
identication, and hosting of the mosquito data used in this study and Sara Paull for clarication on the NEON
mosquito collections data and sampling scheme. e National Ecological Observatory Network is a program
sponsored by the National Science Foundation and operated under cooperative agreement by Battelle. is
material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the NEON Program.
LPC is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch project #1021482; AMB is
supported through the University of Florida Graduate Student Fellowship Award; and this work was partially
supported through the University of Florida Biodiversity Institute Seed Fund. DCR was partly supported by NSF
Bio-Oce grant #2023474 and by the McDonnell and Humboldt foundations. Guralnick acknowledges support
from NSF CIBR grant #2223512.
Author contributions
LPC and DR designed the study with help from RPG. AMB, LPC, and YT performed the analyses. LPC led the
manuscript writing with help from RPG, DR, AMB, and YT. AMB coordinated the deposition of data and code
on GitHub.
Competing interests
e authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary Information e online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/
10. 1038/ s41598- 024- 62384-6.
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Cross-ecosystem subsidies are critical to ecosystem structure and function, especially in recipient ecosystems where they are the primary source of organic matter to the food web. Subsidies are indicative of processes connecting ecosystems and can couple ecological dynamics across system boundaries. However, the degree to which such flows can induce cross-ecosystem cascades of spatial synchrony, the tendency for system fluctuations to be correlated across locations, is not well understood. Synchrony has destabilizing effects on ecosystems, adding to the importance of understanding spatiotemporal patterns of synchrony transmission. In order to understand whether and how spatial synchrony cascades across the marine-terrestrial boundary via resource subsidies, we studied the relationship between giant kelp forests on rocky nearshore reefs and sandy beach ecosystems that receive resource subsidies in the form of kelp wrack (detritus). We found that synchrony cascades from rocky reefs to sandy beaches, with spatiotemporal patterns mediated by fluctuations in live kelp biomass, wave action, and beach width. Moreover, wrack deposition synchronized local abundances of shorebirds that move among beaches seeking to forage on wrack-associated invertebrates, demonstrating that synchrony due to subsidies propagates across trophic levels in the recipient ecosystem. Synchronizing resource subsidies likely play an underappreciated role in the spatiotemporal structure, functioning, and stability of ecosystems.
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Vector‐borne diseases cause significant financial and human loss, with billions of dollars spent on control. Arthropod vectors experience a complex suite of environmental factors that affect fitness, population growth and species interactions across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Temperature and water availability are two of the most important abiotic variables influencing their distributions and abundances. While extensive research on temperature exists, the influence of humidity on vector and pathogen parameters affecting disease dynamics are less understood. Humidity is often underemphasized, and when considered, is often treated as independent of temperature even though desiccation likely contributes to declines in trait performance at warmer temperatures. This Perspectives explores how humidity shapes the thermal performance of mosquito‐borne pathogen transmission. We summarize what is known about its effects and propose a conceptual model for how temperature and humidity interact to shape the range of temperatures across which mosquitoes persist and achieve high transmission potential. We discuss how failing to account for these interactions hinders efforts to forecast transmission dynamics and respond to epidemics of mosquito‐borne infections. We outline future research areas that will ground the effects of humidity on the thermal biology of pathogen transmission in a theoretical and empirical framework to improve spatial and temporal prediction of vector‐borne pathogen transmission.
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Quantifying synchrony in species population fluctuations and determining its driving factors can inform multiple aspects of ecological and epidemiological research and policy decisions. We examined seasonal mosquito and arbovirus surveillance data collected in Connecticut, United States from 2001 to 2020 to quantify spatial relationships in 19 mosquito species and 7 arboviruses timeseries accounting for environmental factors such as climate and land cover characteristics. We determined that mosquito collections, on average, were significantly correlated up to 10 km though highly variable among the examined species. Few arboviruses displayed any synchrony and significant maximum correlated distances never exceeded 5 km. After accounting for distance, mixed effects models showed that mosquito or arbovirus identity explained more variance in synchrony estimates than climate or land cover factors. Correlated mosquito collections up to 10-20 km suggest that mosquito control operations for nuisance and disease vectors alike must expand treatment zones to regional scales for operations to have population-level impacts. Species identity matters as well, and some mosquito species will require much larger treatment zones than others. The much shorter correlated detection distances for arboviruses reinforce the notion that focal-level processes drive vector-borne pathogen transmission dynamics and risk of spillover into human populations.
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Introduction The Aedes mosquito species, which are the vectors for the transmission of the dengue virus (DENV) to humans, are becoming increasingly susceptible to the formidable effects of influential factors, especially temperature. However, there are still very few studies that have systematically reviewed the existing literature. Hence, in the present study, a systematic literature review and meta-analysis was conducted into the effects of temperature on dengue vectors. Method Several research methodologies were incorporated into the current study, and a review was carried out using PRISMA as a guide. The publications for this study were chosen from two prominent databases, Scopus and Web of Science. All of the studies were assessed, reviewed, and evaluated independently by two reviewers. The meta-analysis tool, Review Manager (RevMan Copenhagen Version 5.4.1), was used to record the extracted data for the meta-analysis. Moran's I² and a funnel plot were utilized to measure heterogeneity, and publication bias was investigated. A 95% confidence interval (CI) and overall risk difference (RD) were estimated using a random-effects model. Result and discussion As a consequence of the search efforts, a total of 46 articles were selected for inclusion in the systematic review and meta-analysis. This review was divided into five major themes, based on a thematic analysis: (i) hatching rate, (ii) development time, (iii) longevity, (iv) survival rate, and (v) wing morphology. In addition, the development time, survival rate, and wing morphology revealed significantly higher risk differences between the maximum and minimum temperatures (RD: 0.26, 95% CI: 0.16, 0.36; p = < 0.00001; RD: 0.10, 95% CI: 0.05, 0.14; p < 0.0001; and RD: 0.07, 95% CI: 0.02, 0.12; p = 0.006, respectively). This study makes several substantial contributions to the body of knowledge and to practical applications. Finally, a number of recommendations are made at the conclusion of this research for the future reference of researchers.
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Spatial synchrony is a ubiquitous and important feature of population dynamics, but many aspects of this phenomenon are not well understood. In particular, it is largely unknown how multiple environmental drivers interact to determine synchrony via Moran effects, and how these impacts vary across spatial and temporal scales. Using new wavelet statistical techniques, we characterised synchrony in populations of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera, a widely distributed marine foundation species, and related synchrony to variation in oceanographic conditions across 33 years (1987–2019) and >900 km of coastline in California, USA. We discovered that disturbance (storm‐driven waves) and resources (seawater nutrients)—underpinned by climatic variability—act individually and interactively to produce synchrony in giant kelp across geography and timescales. Our findings demonstrate that understanding and predicting synchrony, and thus the regional stability of populations, relies on resolving the synergistic and antagonistic Moran effects of multiple environmental drivers acting on different timescales. Spatial synchrony is a ubiquitous feature of population dynamics, but it is largely unknown how multiple environmental drivers interact to determine synchrony via Moran effects, and how these impacts vary across spatial and temporal scales. Using new wavelet statistical techniques, we characterized synchrony in populations of giant kelp, a widely distributed marine foundation species, and related synchrony to variation in oceanographic conditions. We discovered that disturbance and resources—underpinned by climatic variability—act individually and interactively to produce synchrony across geography and timescales, demonstrating that predicting regional population stability relies on resolving the synergistic and antagonistic Moran effects of multiple environmental drivers acting on different timescales.
Full-text available
The spatial distribution of dengue and its vectors (spp. Aedes ) may be the widest it has ever been, and projections suggest that climate change may allow the expansion to continue. However, less work has been done to understand how climate variability and change affects dengue in regions where the pathogen is already endemic. In these areas, the waxing and waning of immunity has a large impact on temporal dynamics of cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Here, we use 51 years of data across 72 provinces and characterise spatiotemporal patterns of dengue in Thailand, where dengue has caused almost 1.5 million cases over the last 30 years, and examine the roles played by temperature and dynamics of immunity in giving rise to those patterns. We find that timescales of multiannual oscillations in dengue vary in space and time and uncover an interesting spatial phenomenon: Thailand has experienced multiple, periodic synchronisation events. We show that although patterns in synchrony of dengue are similar to those observed in temperature, the relationship between the two is most consistent during synchronous periods, while during asynchronous periods, temperature plays a less prominent role. With simulations from temperature-driven models, we explore how dynamics of immunity interact with temperature to produce the observed patterns in synchrony. The simulations produced patterns in synchrony that were similar to observations, supporting an important role of immunity. We demonstrate that multiannual oscillations produced by immunity can lead to asynchronous dynamics and that synchrony in temperature can then synchronise these dengue dynamics. At higher mean temperatures, immune dynamics can be more predominant, and dengue dynamics more insensitive to multiannual fluctuations in temperature, suggesting that with rising mean temperatures, dengue dynamics may become increasingly asynchronous. These findings can help underpin predictions of disease patterns as global temperatures rise.
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Background Estimates of the geographical distribution of Culex mosquitoes in the Americas have been limited to state and provincial levels in the United States and Canada and based on data from the 1980s. Since these estimates were made, there have been many more documented observations of mosquitoes and new methods have been developed for species distribution modeling. Moreover, mosquito distributions are affected by environmental conditions, which have changed since the 1980s. This calls for updated estimates of these distributions to understand the risk of emerging and re-emerging mosquito-borne diseases. Methods We used contemporary mosquito data, environmental drivers, and a machine learning ecological niche model to create updated estimates of the geographical range of seven predominant Culex species across North America and South America: Culex erraticus, Culex nigripalpus, Culex pipiens, Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex restuans, Culex salinarius, and Culex tarsalis. Results We found that Culex mosquito species differ in their geographical range. Each Culex species is sensitive to both natural and human-influenced environmental factors, especially climate and land cover type. Some prefer urban environments instead of rural ones, and some are limited to tropical or humid areas. Many are found throughout the Central Plains of the USA. Conclusions Our updated contemporary Culex distribution maps may be used to assess mosquito-borne disease risk. It is critical to understand the current geographical distributions of these important disease vectors and the key environmental predictors structuring their distributions not only to assess current risk, but also to understand how they will respond to climate change. Since the environmental predictors structuring the geographical distribution of mosquito species varied, we hypothesize that each species may have a different response to climate change. Graphical abstract
The causes of spatial synchrony in population dynamics are often elusive. We review how recent advances have enhanced understanding of the causes of the spatial synchrony of insect populations and revealed previously underappreciated complexities in patterns of synchrony. We highlight how regional-scale studies of population genetic structure have helped elucidate the role of dispersal in population synchronization and how novel data analytic approaches have revealed variation in spatial synchrony across timescales and geographies and the underlying drivers. We also stress the limited current understanding of the impacts of climate change on the spatial synchrony of insect populations and the potential ramifications of these effects for pest management as well as species conservation.
Purpose Vector-borne and zoonotic pathogens comprise a substantial portion of the global disease burden causing ∼1.4 million deaths annually, and account for approximately 17% of the entire disease burden due to infectious diseases. Current Public Health and Department of Defense surveillance systems track individual infectious disease cases to report disease trends across populations, but these are retrospective and do not provide predictive information that could identify high-risk areas to better protect public health as well as deploying military personnel. Methods & Materials We have built an integrated system which ingests (1) historical outbreak data from ProMED, PAHO and other sources; (2) global climate data sourced from NOAA and NASA including rainfall, land surface temperature etc; (3) Population data from the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) at Columbia University, and (4) Chikungunya vectors (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus) location data from VectorMap (WRBU) and VectorBase (NIAID-BRC). We employ Machine Learning techniques to assess the relationship between locations of chikungunya outbreaks, climate variables and ancillary data. The Random Forested model was selected as the best performing model and used in deriving current and forecast risk maps globally. Results We derive both current and forecast risk maps at admin level 2 globally. Validation results for 2019, indicate that 80% of reported locations with chikungunya activity were predicted to be at risk by the current risk maps and ∼70 % of reported locations with chikungunya activity were predicted to be at risk by the forecast risk maps. This information can be visualized in CHIKRisk App at and is updated on a monthly basis. Conclusion Global Chikungunya Monitoring and Forecasting System (CHIKRisk App) presents progress towards monitoring and forecasting on vector-borne diseases by utilizing publicly available climate and outbreak data. This system is now being utilized by the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Division - Global Emerging Infections Surveillance Branch to inform Force Health Protection (FHP) decisions and by PAHO for public health surveillance. We hope to use this framework to build other next generation early warning systems for vector-borne diseases of global public health significance.