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Analysis of enamel defects in a cave bear maxillary molar, with remarks on incremental markings in bear enamel

  • University of Zagreb Veterinary Faculty


The paper discusses the formation of an enamel defect in the crown of a cave bear ( Ursus spelaeus sensu lato) left maxillary second molar (M ² ), based on macroscopic and microscopic analysis. The tooth belongs to a cranium recovered from the Cerovac caves in Croatia that exhibits a partially healed, depressed lesion in the left squama frontalis and a further lesion in the left maxilla associated with loss of the M ¹ . Microscopic inspection demonstrated an accentuated incremental line in both enamel and dentin of the left M ² . It is suggested that in the defect area the outer enamel had been posteruptively lost along the accentuated line in the enamel that constituted a zone of reduced mechanical resistance. Presence of enamel hypoplasia in both M ² indicated that these developmental lesions reflect a systemic stress event during crown formation of the teeth. The underlying cause of this stress is assumed to have been a trauma to the skull that caused the lesion in the left squama frontalis. It is further suggested that a later trauma to the left maxilla had led to the loss of the left M ¹ and the flaking‐off of enamel along the accentuated incremental line in the left M ² . The defect in the left M ² is thus diagnosed as the result of a developmental lesion during crown formation, related to systemic stress due to a skull trauma, followed by posteruptive damage from a second traumatic impact. In addition to reconstructing the formation of the defect in the crown of the left M ² , the paper, for the first time, describes daily and subdaily incremental markings in ursid enamel and provides preliminary information on enamel secretion rate in a cave bear molar.
Analysis of enamel defects in a cave bear maxillary molar, with
remarks on incremental markings in bear enamel
Uwe Kierdorf
| Dean Konjevi
| Siniˇ
sa Radovi
| Miljenko Bujani
Horst Kierdorf
Department of Biology, University of
Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Institute for Quaternary Palaeontology and
Geology, Croatian Academy of Sciences and
Arts, Zagreb, Croatia
Uwe Kierdorf, Department of Biology,
University of Hildesheim, Universitätsplatz
1, 31141 Hildesheim, Germany.
The paper discusses the formation of an enamel defect in the crown of a cave bear
(Ursus spelaeus sensu lato) left maxillary second molar (M
), based on macroscopic
and microscopic analysis. The tooth belongs to a cranium recovered from the
Cerovac caves in Croatia that exhibits a partially healed, depressed lesion in the left
squama frontalis and a further lesion in the left maxilla associated with loss of the
. Microscopic inspection demonstrated an accentuated incremental line in both
enamel and dentin of the left M
. It is suggested that in the defect area the outer
enamel had been posteruptively lost along the accentuated line in the enamel that
constituted a zone of reduced mechanical resistance. Presence of enamel hypoplasia
in both M
indicated that these developmental lesions reflect a systemic stress event
during crown formation of the teeth. The underlying cause of this stress is assumed
to have been a trauma to the skull that caused the lesion in the left squama frontalis.
It is further suggested that a later trauma to the left maxilla had led to the loss of the
left M
and the flaking-off of enamel along the accentuated incremental line in the
left M
. The defect in the left M
is thus diagnosed as the result of a developmental
lesion during crown formation, related to systemic stress due to a skull trauma, fol-
lowed by posteruptive damage from a second traumatic impact. In addition to recon-
structing the formation of the defect in the crown of the left M
, the paper, for the
first time, describes daily and subdaily incremental markings in ursid enamel and pro-
vides preliminary information on enamel secretion rate in a cave bear molar.
animal paleopathology, enamel defects, enamel incremental markings, Pleistocene, trauma,
The cave bear (Ursus spelaeus sensu lato) is a prominent member of
the Eurasian Pleistocene megafauna (Kurtén, 1976; Rabeder
et al., 2000; Stuart, 2021). The species Ursus spelaeus was erected in
1794 by J. C. Rosenmüller in his doctoral dissertation
(Rosenmüller, 1794). Cave bear remains had already previously been
studied (Esper, 1774), however, without assigning them to a new spe-
cies. The diverse Late Pleistocene cave bear complex evolved from
the Middle Pleistocene Ursus deningeri and comprises several
Received: 8 March 2024 Revised: 5 May 2024 Accepted: 6 May 2024
DOI: 10.1002/oa.3309
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2024 The Authors. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Osteoarchaeol. 2024;e3309. 1of10
morphologically and genetically distinct forms, separated at the spe-
cies and subspecies levels (Baca et al., 2016; Barlow et al., 2018;
Gretzinger et al., 2019; Rabeder et al., 2000). Different lines of evi-
dence indicate that cave bears were herbivorous, with a high amount
of high-quality herbaceous plants in their diet (Bocherens, 2019;
Pacher & Stuart, 2009; Rabeder et al., 2000; Terlato et al., 2019). Cave
bears hibernated in caves, and large numbers of their bones have
been found in caves across Europe (Grandal-d'Anglade et al., 2019;
Kurtén, 1976).
Cave bear extinction occurred between about 28 to 25 kyr BP
across most of its range, broadly coinciding with Greenland stadial
3, the coldest phase of the last glacial (Baca et al., 2016; Pacher &
Stuart, 2009; Terlato et al., 2019). Younger dates of 24,200
23,500 cal yr BP for skeletal remains from NE-Italy indicate somewhat
longer survival in refugia with more favorable climatic conditions
(Terlato et al., 2019). Cave bear extinction was preceded by a decline
in population size that started approximately 25,000 years before its
final disappearance (Stiller et al., 2010). The ultimate cause(s) of
extinction are a matter of debate (Kurtén, 1976; Stuart, 2021). Some
authors suggest that vanishing of the cave bear was caused by cli-
matic deterioration and associated decreased productivity of the veg-
etation, with extinction being preceded by range fragmentation and
formation of isolated small subpopulations (Baca et al., 2016;
Pacher & Stuart, 2009). Others have concluded that, in combination
with climatic deterioration, increasing human pressure was a major
factor leading to cave bear extinction (Gretzinger et al., 2019; Stiller
et al., 2010; Terlato et al., 2019).
The large number of skeletal remains available for study facili-
tated numerous studies on pathological changes or developmental
abnormalities in cave bear bones and teeth (Abel & Kyrle, 1931;
Capasso, 1998; Capasso & Caramiello, 1999; Esper, 1774;
Kurtén, 1976; Marciszak et al., 2024; Nowakowski & Stefaniak, 2015;
Rabeder et al., 2000; Tasnádi-Kubacska, 1962; Toledano et al., 2010;
Withalm, 2004). Mostly, the pathological specimens were analyzed
only macroscopically, and rather few studies addressed histological
and/or radiological aspects of the skeletal and dental lesions
(Capasso, 1998; Marciszak et al., 2024; Nowakowski &
Stefaniak, 2015; Toledano et al., 2010).
The permanent dentition of the cave bear comprises 30 teeth,
the dental formula being I 3/3, C 1/1, P1/1, M 2/3 (Thenius, 1989;
van Heteren et al., 2014). Compared with other ursids, the number of
premolars is reduced, with only the P4 remaining. Cave bear molars
are large with rather complex occlusal surfaces, regarded as an adap-
tation to the processing of plant material (Rabeder et al., 2000). A
study by von Koenigswald (1992) revealed that, despite its herbivo-
rous diet, enamel structure of the cave bear is similar to that of other
Carnivora. In line with this statement, Loch et al. (2022) recently
described the enamel structure in the carnivorous polar bear (Ursus
maritimus) as being very similar to that of the cave bear.
The present paper describes and analyzes enamel defects in a
maxillary second molar (M
) of a cave bear cranium from a fossil site
in Croatia. Additionally, information on incremental markings in ursid
enamel is given for the first time.
2.1 |The fossil site
The studied tooth originates from a cave bear cranium recovered from
the Cerovac caves (Cerovaˇ
cke pe
cine) located in the municipality of
cac (county of Zadar, Croatia). The three karst caves (lower, middle
and upper Cerovac cave) are situated on the NE slope of Mt. Crnopac
in the Velebit mountain range and have been studied in different cam-
paigns between 1913 and 2019 (Kureˇ
c et al., 2021; Malez, 1965).
The caves yielded a huge amount of cave bear skeletal remains, repre-
senting individuals from all age classes that used the caves for hiber-
nation over many generations (Malez, 1965). Based on our current
understanding of Late Pleistocene cave bear phylogeography
(Gretzinger et al., 2019), it is assumed that the cave bears from the
Cerovac site belonged to the Ursus ingressus clade within the
U. spelaus sensu lato complex.
2.2 |Cave bear cranium CER-2962
The cave bear cranium with collection number CER-2962 is housed in
the Institute for Quaternary Paleontology and Geology of the
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. The specimen has
been initially described and depicted by Malez (1965); however, with-
out mention of the dental pathology. The cranium is fragmentary with
both nasal bones and portions of both zygomatic arches missing, and
its facial portion is slightly deviated to the left (Figure 1a). The mandi-
ble is missing. The cranium exhibits an impression with rounded mar-
gins in the region of the left squama frontalis, with a thinning and
localized perforation of the bone (Figure 1a). This defect is diagnosed
to represent a partially healed depressed lesion of the skull roof. Adja-
cent to the impression, the interfrontal suture is bent to the left
(Figure 1a).
Inspection of the cranium indicated that the individual had
originally possessed a complete and fully erupted permanent upper
dentition. Using the age scoring system of Stiner (1998), cranium
CER-2962 was assigned to an individual of late juvenile age at death
(age state III). All six incisors are missing; however, the fact that their
alveoli are intact and unfilled indicates that these teeth were lost
postmortem. Of the remaining teeth, only the left M
is missing
(Figure 1b). A larger portion of the buccal wall of the M
alveolus has
been resorbed, and the bone surrounding this defect zone shows
increased porosity indicative of an inflammatory process (Figure 1b).
The M
alveolus shows minor osseous infilling (insert in Figure 1b).
2.3 |Imaging of the cheek teeth and processing of
the left M
First, digital images of the cheek teeth of cranium CER-2962 were
obtained. Following removal from the maxilla, which caused some
damage to its root and crown (Figure 2a,b), the left M
photographed with a digital microscope (VHX 7000, Keyence, Osaka,
Japan). Subsequently, the tooth was embedded in epoxy resin
E12, Biodur Products, Heidelberg, Germany) and longitudi-
nally (axio-buccopalatally) sectioned through its mesial (anterior) lobe
(Figure 3a). The section surface of the mesial segment was manually
smoothed using a graded series of silicon carbide sandpapers, fol-
lowed by polishing on a motorized rotary polisher (Labopol 5, Struers,
Ballerup, Denmark) using a 3 μm diamond suspension and a 0.3 μm
alumina slurry.
The polished section surface of the tooth was viewed under
reflected light in the VHX 7000 digital microscope. Subsequently, the
uncoated surface was examined in a scanning electron microscope
(SEM, Evo Ma 15, Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany), operated in the
backscattered electron (BSE) mode at 20 kV. Gray level variation in
BSE images of topographically flat mineralized tissues reflects local
variation in mineral content, with brighter gray levels characterizing
areas of higher, and darker levels areas of lower mineral content
(Boyde & Jones, 1983; Skedros et al., 1993). For better visualization,
the gray-scale images were converted to pseudo-color images using
the 16-colors lookup table of ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, USA). For that,
the 256 gray values from black (0) to peak white (255) were converted
to 16 bands of equal width, each represented by a different color.
Following acquisition of the BSE images, the mesial tooth slab
was mounted on a microscopic slide with its polished side down, using
the epoxy resin as glue. A thin ground section of about 50 μm thick-
ness was then produced by grinding with a graded series of sandpa-
pers and a final polishing step using a leather cloth and a dry-polishing
compound. The cover-slipped section was viewed and photographed
with the Keyence VHX 7000 digital microscope and a Zeiss Axioskop
2 plus microscope equipped with an Axiocam 503 color digital camera
(Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany), using plain transmitted light with
phase contrast enhancement and linearly polarized transmitted light.
To achieve the same orientation as the reflected light and SEM images
of the block surfaces, the light microscopic images of the ground sec-
tions were horizontally mirrored. All image processing was done using
Adobe Photoshop software (Adobe Inc., San Jose, USA).
The mesiobuccal cusp (paracone) of the left M
of cranium CER-2962
exhibited a large enamel defect that extended along the occlusal half
of the buccal side of the tooth crown (Figure 2a). A pronounced ledge
separated the defect area from the adjacent crown portion
(Figures 2a and 3ac). Further distally, the zone of reduced enamel
thickness was bordered both occlusally and cervically by thicker
enamel (Figure 2a). On macroscopic inspection, the palatal enamel of
the tooth appeared normal (Figure 2b), but smaller defects were
observed in its occlusal enamel. In the right M
, numerous pit-type
enamel defects, some of which had become confluent, were present
in the tip regions of the paracone and metacone (Figure 2c). The
affected cusp areas exhibited a brownish staining of their enamel sug-
gestive of hypomineralization (Figure 2c).
Microscopic analysis of the polished block surface and the thin
section of the left M
revealed the presence of an accentuated incre-
mental line in the enamel (Figures 3bdand 4a,b). Along this line, the
FIGURE 1 Cave bear cranium CER-2962 from the Cerovac caves. (a) Dorsal view of the cranium showing the healed depressed lesion (arrow)
in the left squama frontalis. Arrowhead: deviation in the course of the interfrontal suture. (b) Left lateral view of the cranium showing P
empty M
alveolus. Note defect in M
alveolar wall (arrow) and signs of inflammation (increased porosity) of the surrounding alveolar bone. Inset
image: ventral view of the cranium showing minor osseous infilling (arrow) of the M
continuity of the enamel prisms was disrupted (Figures 3d and 4ac).
Light microscopic inspection at higher magnification demonstrated a
zig-zag pattern at the border between an inner zone of prismatic
enamel and the externally adjacent accentuated incremental line that
lacked a prismatic structure (Figure 4c). The accentuated incremental
line in the enamel corresponded to an accentuated line in the dentin,
which was characterized by interglobular spaces, that is, zones of
unmineralized dentin matrix (Figure 3d). The accentuated lines in
enamel and dentin converged towards the enamel-dentin-junction
(EDJ). The line in dentin met the EDJ slightly further cervically than
that in enamel, reflecting the earlier onset of dentin formation com-
pared with enamel formation.
In places, the enamel bordering the defect zones in the crown
exhibited a convexly rounded, smooth surface (Figure 4a,b). In other
places, the defect margins and the defect bottom exhibited the
uneven, ragged topography of a fracture plane, indicating that the
outer enamel had flaked off along the accentuated incremental line.
The position of the fracture plane relative to the accentuated incre-
mental line indicated that some enamel located internal to the line
had also been lost (Figure 4a). The enamel defects were partly
occluded by mineralized deposits, representing dental calculus and/or
sediment (Figure 4b). The peripheral dentin of the left M
some areas affected by diagenesis that on the polished block surface
presented as dark zones when viewed under reflected light
(Figure 3b).
Light microscopic inspection of the ground section also revealed
some normal structural details of the enamel. An inner enamel zone of
varying width was characterized by pronounced Hunter-Schreger
FIGURE 2 Maxillary cheek teeth of
cranium CER-2962. (a) Buccal view of the
left M
. Arrow: extended defect in the
buccal enamel of the paracone, white
arrowhead: crown-root border, black
arrowhead: defect of enamel caused
during tooth removal. Note damage also
to the root caused by tooth removal.
(b) Palatal view of the left M
. Arrow:
crown-root border. Note damage to the
root caused by removal. (c) Bucco-occlusal
view of right maxillary cheek teeth (P
). Arrow: pit-type defects in buccal
enamel of the M
paracone, arrowhead:
crown-root border of M
. Note brownish
staining of enamel at the cusp tips of the
cheek teeth. [Colour figure can be viewed
FIGURE 3 Legend on next page.
bands (Figure 3c), while the prisms in the outer zone showed little or
no decussation. At higher magnifications, regular incremental mark-
ings were observed in the enamel. These markings consisted (1) of
lines (laminations) that crossed the prism course at oblique angles and
(2) of prism cross-striations between consecutive laminations. In sec-
tions viewed under polarized light, the cross-striations presented as
alternating bright and dark bands along the course of individual prisms
(Figure 4d). Given the nature of laminations as daily incremental mark-
ings (Emken et al., 2021; Kierdorf et al., 2013), the enamel secretion
rate for the outer lateral enamel zone depicted in Figure 4d was
reconstructed to be in the range of 17 to 19 μm/day.
The observations on the left M
of cranium CER-2962 allow some
conclusions regarding the formation of the dental defects. The find-
ings indicate that a pronounced systemic stress event affected amelo-
blasts as well as odontoblasts, causing the simultaneous formation of
the accentuated incremental lines in enamel and dentin. The presence
of such lines and the occurrence of interglobular dentin along the
course of accentuated incremental lines in the dentin are indicative of
developmental disturbances during tooth formation (Hillson, 2014;
Kierdorf et al., 2021; Richter et al., 2010). We assume that the dis-
turbed enamel and dentin formation in the cave bear molar was
caused by the trauma to the frontal bone, and possible sequelae of
this event.
It has previously been suggested that the lesion in the left squama
frontalis of cranium CER-2962 was inflicted by a Paleolithic hunter
(Malez, 1965). However, this author did not provide data to support
his hypothesis. A recent study on cave bear skeletal remains from the
lower Cerovac cave provided no evidence of bone modifications by
hominins (Kureˇ
c et al., 2021). We therefore tend to reject the sce-
nario proposed by Malez (1965) and instead favor two other possible
explanations. Thus, the lesion could represent a bite wound from an
interspecific or intraspecific aggressive encounter. Several cases of
bite damage to the frontals and other skull bones of cave bear have
been reported and were attributed to attacks by either large
predators, mostly cave lions (Panthera leo spelaea), or conspecifics
(Capasso, 1998; Diedrich, 2011,2014; Nowakowski & Stefaniak,
2015). Like in the case reported here, some of these lesions show
signs of healing. Alternatively, the lesion in the frontal bone of CER-
2962 could represent a depressed fracture caused by a larger piece of
host rock or a speleothem that had dropped from the cave ceiling and
hit the cave bear's head.
The topography of the internal border of the accentuated incre-
mental line in the enamel of the left M
denotes an abrupt detach-
ment of the secretory ameloblasts from the surface of the forming
enamel due to the stress event. In mammals, fully active secretory
ameloblasts possess two sites of matrix secretion at their distal cell
extension, which is referred to as the Tomes' process (Nanci, 2018).
While interprismatic (interrod) enamel is formed adjacent to the proxi-
mal portion of the Tomes' process, the prisms (rods) are formed in
relation to the distal portion of this process that protrudes into the
enamel layer (Nanci, 2018). When the sheet of secretory-stage amelo-
blasts is detached from the surface of the forming enamel, this leaves
a series of pits, each of which was previously occupied by a
distal Tomes' process. The zig-zag (picket-fence) topography
(Boyde, 1989) observed along the internal border of the accentuated
incremental line in the longitudinally sectioned left M
of cranium
CER-2962 is considered to represent the morphological result of such
a detachment of the ameloblast layer.
The impact on the ameloblasts is considered to have caused a
temporary or permanent stop of their secretory activity, and the asso-
ciated formation of hypoplastic enamel defects. In areas, where ame-
loblast secretory activity had eventually been resumed, the initially
formed enamel was prismless (aprismatic), indicating that early after
the restart of matrix secretion the ameloblasts had not yet reestab-
lished their distal Tomes' processes. Corresponding observations have
previously been made in fluorotic cervine and porcine enamel
(Kierdorf et al., 2000,2004; Kierdorf & Kierdorf, 1997).
The extended enamel defect on the paracone of the left M
some of the smaller enamel defects are diagnosed as posteruptive
lesions. It is suggested that due to a physical impact the enamel in
these locations had flaked off along the grossly accentuated incre-
mental line, which, due to the prism discontinuity, constituted a zone
of reduced mechanical resistance. That an extended loss of enamel
along the accentuated incremental line had occurred only on the buc-
cal side of the paracone of the left M
is likely attributable to its prox-
imity to the region of the left M
, which had been affected by a
traumatic impact. This impact is considered to have caused damage to
the M
and local destruction of the alveolar bone. Alveolar recession
eventually resulted in the loss of the left M
. The fact that the (partly
destroyed) M
alveolus shows only minor osseous infilling suggests
the tooth was lost relatively shortly before death. We further assume
that the traumatic impact had also caused the posteruptive enamel
of the cave bear. (a) Occlusal view of the tooth, mesial (anterior) to top of image. The yellow line indicates the
section plane along which the mesial tooth segment used for microscopic analysis was removed. Arrowhead: cingulum. (b) Polished
section surface of the mesial tooth segment viewed under reflected light, occlusal to top of image. D: dentin, E: enamel, white asterisks: enamel-
dentin-junction (EDJ), black asterisk: area of dentin demineralization, large arrow: fracture plane, small arrow: accentuated incremental line in
enamel. (c) Thin ground section of mesial tooth segment viewed under transmitted polarized light; occlusal to top of image. D: dentin, E: enamel,
asterisks: EDJ, arrow: accentuated incremental line in enamel. Note pronounced Hunter-Schreger banding of the enamel. (d) False-color SEM-BSE
image of polished section surface of mesial tooth segment, occlusal to top of image. The 16 gray-level bands spanning the gray value range from
0 (black) to 255 (peak white) are indicated. D: dentin, E: enamel, asterisk: EDJ, arrows: accentuated line in enamel, arrowheads: accentuated line
in dentin, presenting as zone of interglobular spaces. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
loss in the left M
. Enamel flaking in this tooth is thus considered to
have occurred during life rather than post-mortem.
On macroscopic inspection, the right M
, which was not sub-
jected to destructive analysis, also showed enamel defects. These
were diagnosed as pit-type hypoplastic lesions that had partly become
extended by posteruptive loss of enamel. It is suggested that the
hypoplastic lesions extend down to the accentuated incremental line,
which is assumed to exist also in the enamel of this tooth. The brown-
ish staining of the cusp tips of the right M
that were affected by
enamel hypoplasia indicates enamel hypomineralization in these
crown areas, suggestive of impaired ameloblast function also
during the maturation stage of amelogenesis. Discoloration of
FIGURE 4 Light microscopic images of thin ground section of the left M
of the cave bear, occlusal to top of images. (a) Defect zone in
buccal enamel. The fracture surface of the enamel (arrowhead) is uneven and located slightly internal to the former location of the accentuated
incremental line that is marked by the arrow in the cervically adjacent enamel. D: dentin, E: enamel, asterisk: EDJ. Transmitted light with phase-
contrast enhancement. (b) Defect zone in occlusal enamel. D: dentin, E: enamel, asterisk: EDJ, arrows: accentuated incremental line in enamel,
white arrowhead: exposed accentuated incremental line covered by mineralized deposits (+). Note convexly rounded outline of the defect (black
arrow) and fracture surface of enamel (black arrowhead). Transmitted light with phase-contrast enhancement. (c) Higher magnification showing
picket-fenceappearance and prism discontinuity along the accentuated incremental line in the enamel (arrows), due to a temporary detachment
of the secretory ameloblasts from the enamel growth front. Note the difference in prismatic structure between the enamel internal to the
accentuated line (iE) and that external to it (eE), asterisk: zone of prismless enamel. Polarized transmitted light. (d) Incremental markings in outer
lateral enamel. Two groups of four laminations (white arrowheads), each group marking three daily enamel growth increments, and the course of
an individual lamination (yellow asterisks) are indicated. Yellow single-headed arrows: prism cross-striations (subdaily markings), yellow double-
headed arrow: width of a daily growth increment, white arrows: course of individual prisms. Polarized transmitted light. [Colour figure can be
viewed at]
hypomineralized enamel has been shown to develop posteruptively
and attributed to infiltration of substances into the porous tissue
(Kierdorf et al., 2004; Kierdorf & Kierdorf, 2007). If the staining
reflected diagenesis of fully mineralized enamel, we would expect also
other crown areas to exhibit enamel discoloration.
A similar sequence of events as that deduced for the cave bear
left M
, that is, detachment of the secretory ameloblasts from the
enamel surface followed by the formation of prismless enamel, has
previously been reconstructed for enamel of domestic pigs and wild
boars as a result of excess fluoride exposure during amelogenesis
(Kierdorf et al., 2000,2004; Kierdorf & Kierdorf, 2007). While in some
cases a prismatic structure was eventually reestablished in the
affected teeth, in others the entire enamel formed after the impact
was either prismless or matrix secretion had not restarted at all. In
consequence, hypoplastic enamel defects of different size and depth,
ranging from pit-type to more extended lesions were present in these
teeth. Interestingly, also in some of the fluorotic wild boar teeth, pos-
teruptive flaking-off of larger portions of enamel had occurred along
the grossly accentuated incremental lines (Kierdorf et al., 2000).
In conclusion, a detailed analysis of the enamel defects in the
molars of cranium CER-2962 suggests that they are the result of two
major traumatic impacts. According to our reconstruction, the first
impact occurred during crown formation of the M
. This trauma
caused the lesion in the frontal squama and a systemic disturbance of
amelogenesis and dentinogenesis that is manifested by the presence
of accentuated incremental lines in enamel and dentin. The second
traumatic impact affected the left maxilla, leading to the eventual loss
of the left M
and intravital enamel flaking along the accentuated
incremental line in the left M
. Thus, in the latter tooth, a develop-
mental lesion resulting from a systemic disturbance during crown
growth was later modified (overprinted) by a local trauma.
The structure and mechanical properties of ursid enamel have
been studied by several workers (Loch et al., 2022; Renteria
et al., 2021; Stefen, 2001; von Koenigswald, 1992; Weng et al., 2016;
Zikiu & Youheng, 1987). The pronounced Hunter-Schreger banding
observed by us in the analyzed M
corroborates earlier SEM findings
by von Koenigswald (1992) on cave bear enamel. In addition, the pre-
sent paper, for the first time, provides information on the nature of
regular incremental markings in ursid enamel. The lines oriented
obliquely to the prism course are laminations, which constitute the
most prominent incremental markings in non-primate mammalian
enamel (Kierdorf et al., 2019; Nacarino-Meneses et al., 2017;
Tafforeau et al., 2007). Labeling experiments in sheep and pigs con-
firmed that laminations constitute daily incremental markings, while
prism cross-striations between consecutive laminations represent
subdaily markings (Emken et al., 2021; Kierdorf et al., 2013). The
enamel secretion rate of 17 to 19 μm/day established for outer lateral
enamel of the cave bear molar corresponds well with values recorded
for the same enamel zone in pig molars (Emken et al., 2023; Kierdorf
et al., 2019). Enamel incremental markings can be used to reconstruct
crown growth and life history parameters of extinct mammals
(Dean, 2006; Funston et al., 2022), and studies using this approach in
cave bear and other ursid species are therefore encouraged.
The expert technical assistance of Sabrina Kohne and Thomas
Kierdorf is gratefully acknowledged. Two anonymous reviewers pro-
vided helpful comments on the manuscript. Open Access funding
enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The data that support the findings of this study area available from
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Uwe Kierdorf
Dean Konjevi
sa Radovi
Miljenko Bujani
Horst Kierdorf
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Nadachowski, A., & Mackiewicz, P. (2016). Retreat and extinction of
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How to cite this article: Kierdorf, U., Konjevi
c, D., Radovi
c, S.,
c, M., & Kierdorf, H. (2024). Analysis of enamel defects
in a cave bear maxillary molar, with remarks on incremental
markings in bear enamel. International Journal of
Osteoarchaeology, e3309.
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This comprehensive study examines fossil remains from Niedźwiedzia Cave in the Eastern Sudetes, offering detailed insights into the palaeobiology and adversities encountered by the Pleistocene cave bear Ursus spelaeus ingressus. Emphasising habitual cave use for hibernation and a primarily herbivorous diet, the findings attribute mortality to resource scarcity during hibernation and habitat fragmentation amid climate shifts. Taphonomic analysis indicates that the cave was extensively used by successive generations of bears, virtually unexposed to the impact of predators. The study also reveals that alkaline conditions developed in the cave during the post-depositional taphonomic processes. Mortality patterns, notably among juveniles, imply dwindling resources, indicative of environmental instability. Skeletal examination reveals a high incidence of forelimb fractures, indicating risks during activities like digging or confrontations. Palaeopathological evidence unveils vulnerabilities to tuberculosis, abscesses, rickets, and injuries, elucidating mobility challenges. The cave’s silts exhibit a high zinc concentration, potentially derived from successive bear generations consuming zinc-rich plants. This study illuminates the lives of late cave bears, elucidating unique environmental hurdles faced near their species’ end.
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Based on the previously established periodicity of enamel growth marks, we reconstructed crown growth parameters of mandibular second molars from two wild boar and two domestic pigs of the Linderöd breed. Body weight gain and progression of dental development were markedly faster in the domestic pigs than the wild boar. While the final crown dimensions of the M2 did not differ between domestic pigs and wild boar, mean crown formation time (CFT) of this tooth was considerably shorter in the domestic pigs (162 days) than in the wild boar (205 days). The difference in CFT was mainly attributable to a higher enamel extension rate (EER) in the domestic pig. Generally, EER was highest in the cuspalmost deciles of the length of the enamel‐dentine‐junction and markedly dropped in cervical direction, with lowest values occurring in the cervicalmost decile. In consequence, the cuspal half of the M2 crown was formed about three times faster than the cervical half. In contrast to the EER, no marked difference in daily enamel secretion rate (DSR) was recorded between domestic pigs and wild boar. The duration of enamel matrix apposition as well as linear enamel thickness in corresponding crown portions was only slightly lower in the domestic pigs than the wild boar. Thus, the earlier completion of M2 crown growth in the domestic pig was mainly achieved by a higher EER and not by an increased DSR. The more rapid recruitment of secretory ameloblasts in the course of molar crown formation of domestic pigs compared to wild boar is considered a side‐effect of the selection for rapid body growth during pig domestication. Left: Sectioned M2 of wild boar (a) and domestic pig (b) showing labels in enamel (E) and dentine (D) from fluorochrome injections given at different days after birth. Right: Reconstructed course of buccal (a) and lingual (b) crown flank formation based on the analysis of the fluorochrome labels.
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After the end-Cretaceous extinction, placental mammals quickly diversified1, occupied key ecological niches2,3 and increased in size4,5, but this last was not true of other therians6. The uniquely extended gestation of placental young7 may have factored into their success and size increase8, but reproduction style in early placentals remains unknown. Here we present the earliest record of a placental life history using palaeohistology and geochemistry, in a 62 million-year-old pantodont, the clade including the first mammals to achieve truly large body sizes. We extend the application of dental trace element mapping9,10 by 60 million years, identifying chemical markers of birth and weaning, and calibrate these to a daily record of growth in the dentition. A long gestation (approximately 7 months), rapid dental development and short suckling interval (approximately 30–75 days) show that Pantolambda bathmodon was highly precocial, unlike non-placental mammals and known Mesozoic precursors. These results demonstrate that P. bathmodon reproduced like a placental and lived at a fast pace for its body size. Assuming that P. bathmodon reflects close placental relatives, our findings suggest that the ability to produce well-developed, precocial young was established early in placental evolution, and that larger neonate sizes were a possible mechanism for rapid size increase in early placentals. Using palaeohistology and geochemistry, the placental-like life history of a pantodont species 62 million years of age is determined.
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Mammalian dental hard tissues exhibit incremental markings that reflect the periodic variation of appositional growth rates. In order to use these markings to characterize dental growth processes and to infer life‐history traits, an unequivocal identification of their periodicities is required. We performed a fluorochrome labelling study on forming enamel and dentine in molar teeth of wild boar and domestic pigs to establish the periodicity and temporal correspondence of incremental markings in enamel and dentine. The dominant incremental markings in enamel (laminations) and dentine (von Ebner lines) recorded in the pig teeth are of a daily nature. In addition, long‐period incremental markings with a periodicity of 2 days were recorded in enamel (striae of Retzius) and dentine (Andresen lines). The 2‐day growth rhythm was also expressed at the lateral crown surface, as evidenced by the pattern of perikymata. In enamel, also markings with a sub‐daily periodicity, representing an ultradian growth rhythm, were observed. Our study provides experimental evidence for the periodicity of incremental markings in porcine enamel and dentine. The findings correct previous misconceptions on incremental markings in dental hard tissues of pigs and other ungulates that had led to erroneous conclusions regarding crown formation parameters. Buccolingual ground section of mandibular second molar from a domestic pig exhibiting fluorochrome labels in enamel (E) and dentine (D)
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During archeological excavations in the Lower Cerovačka Cave (Mt. Velebit, Croatia), the test trench penetrated to a depth of 1.8 m. An undisturbed sequence of sediments was exposed. Considering that caves represent highly efficient sediment traps it was possible to recognize changes in the depositional mechanisms during the Pleistocene–Holocene period. Using the multiproxy approach, the mineralogical, petrographic, and biostratigraphic characterization of the cave sediments was performed. Facies analysis revealed several stages in the development of the clastic filling of cave channels. Allochthonous origin of the sediment was assumed. Sedimentation took place under various conditions from pronounced cold and dry climate during Pleistocene stages in the base of the profile, to humid periods with anthropogenic influence during the Holocene at the very top of the profile. Although traditionally these sediments were believed to be of a Pleistocene age, here for the first time a stratigraphic calibration of the profile has been performed based on luminescence dating of detrital cave sediments and radiometric dating of speleothems.
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Kurzfassung: Die Zoolithenhöhle liegt entlang des Wiesenttals (Oberfranken, Bayern, Süd-Deutschland) und hat eine lange „Spatenforschungs“-Historie. Die Fundstelle ist von internationaler Bedeutung aufgrund ihrer fünf validen Holotypen-Eiszeittier-Schädeln des „Höhlenbären“ sowie Top-Prädatoren (Eiszeit-Löwe, -Hyäne, -Wolf und -Rotwolf). Das große Höhlensystem entwickelte sich auf drei Etagen und hat drei fluviale Haupt-Sedimentsequenzen inklusive zwei Haupt-Speleothem-Genesephasen unter wechselnden Ponor-, Trocken- und Nassphasen während des Oligozän/Miozän (Neogen) über das Pliozän/Frühpleistozän bis hin zum Spät-Pleistozän. Die ersten Höhlenbären-Populationen Oberfrankens mit Ursus deningeri nutzen die Höhle als Horst bereits im MIS 6–8 (Holstein-Interglazial/Saale-Glazial). Isolierte P4 Zahn- sowie die Schädelmorphotypen (= “Höhlenbären-Uhr”) datieren verschiedene Höhlenbären-Arten/Unterarten (U. spelaeus eremus/spelaeus, U. ingressus) in das Spät-Pleistozän (MIS 3–5d). Ihre Knochen wurden in etlichen Fällen zuerst durch Top-Prädatoren beschädigt. Letztendlich wurden die Knochen aller pleistozänen Großsäuger während des Hochglazials (= Last Glacial Maximum, Post-U. deninger-Zeit oder Postglazial) von zwei ehemaligen Eingangsbereichen in Höhenlagen um 455 m NHN bis zu 30 Meter in tiefere Höhlenbereiche besonders über die Vertikalschäfte durch Hochflutereignisse verschwemmt. Dieses wurde in historischer Zeit als „biblische Sintflut“ interpretiert. Die jüngsten „Flussterrassen-Dolomitkiese“ in Höhlenlagen um 455 m NHN werden als Reliktsedimente in verschiedenen Höhlen um Muggendorf angetroffen und können in solchen extremen Höhenlagen 130 Meter über der heutigen Wiesent nicht mehr mit „natürlicher Erosion/Flussterrassenstratigraphie“ erklärt werden. Sie müssen im noch unklaren glazialen Kontext stehen. Letztendlich hinterließen Eisenzeit-La Tène-Menschen Sekundärbestattungen (Schädel, Langknochen, Keramik und Jenseits-Nahrungs-Haustier-Beigaben) nur im ersten tiefen Vertikalschaft (= Aufzugschacht), ähnlich wie in der nahegelegenden Esperhöhle.
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Objectives: To study pre- and early postnatal tooth formation and to analyze the effects of physiological disturbances on enamel and dentin formation in deciduous teeth of infants from the Late Epipaleolithic (Natufian) site Shubayqa 1. Materials and methods: Ten deciduous teeth from six infants (ages at death between 21 and 239 days) were analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Marked prism cross-striations and an abnormal wavy course of the prisms were recorded in pre- and postnatal enamel of all analyzed teeth. Single or multiple accentuated incremental lines were observed in prenatal enamel of nine teeth and in postnatal enamel of eight teeth. Accentuated Andresen lines and broader zones exhibiting an enhanced calcospheritic pattern were recorded in the pre- and postnatally formed dentin of nine teeth. Discussion: The structural abnormalities in the pre- and postnatally formed enamel of the infants are considered indicative of chronic stress that negatively affected the activity of secretory ameloblasts. The structural aberrations in pre- and postnatal dentin denote that odontoblasts were also affected by this stress. The presence of single or multiple accentuated incremental lines in pre- and postnatal enamel is interpreted as reflecting (short-term) impacts of higher intensity superimposed on the chronic stress. Our findings suggest compromised maternal health affecting the late fetus and compromised health in newborns. Although limited by the small number of analyzed individuals, the present study contributes to the knowledge of maternal and early infant health conditions in Late Epipaleolithic populations. KEYWORDS accentuated incremental lines, dental development, infant skeletons, maternal stress, Natufian, neonatal line
Objective To investigate the microstructure, elemental composition and mechanical properties of polar bear teeth. Design Incisors, canines and fourth premolar teeth of two subadult male museum specimens were analysed. Teeth were measured, photographed, embedded in Epoxy resin, sectioned, polished and etched for scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging, elemental composition and nanomechanical testing analyses. Results The thickness of enamel ranged from 350 to 430 µm in canines, 220 to 330 µm in incisors and 320 to 510 µm in premolars. SEM images showed distinct transversely-oriented undulating Hunter Schreger bands (HSB) from the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) to the outer enamel surface. Enamel prisms had a hexagonal shape, with open prism sheaths. Prisms measured 6-8 µm in diameter. The EDJ was straight with no evidence of scalloping. Larger tubules adjacent to the EDJ were observed in the mantle dentine zone. Enamel Hardness and Elastic modulus values were higher in premolars (6.9 GPa and 269 GPa), followed by canines (6.5 GPa and 230 GPa) and incisors (4.9 GPa and 187 GPa). Dentine Hardness and Elastic modulus values were higher in canines. CaO and P2O5 were the components with higher oxide weight percentage in both enamel and dentine. Conclusions Understanding the microstructure, elemental composition and mechanical properties of polar bear teeth can help elucidate the biology and functional morphology of this globally threatened species and could be used as a proxy for studies with fossil ursids.
The natural armors and weapons of the animal kingdom are serving as inspiration in the development of next-generation engineering materials. In this pursuit, seldom considered are the variations in properties across taxa that have evolved to meet their unique functional demands. Here, teeth from six different mammalian species were acquired and categorized according to their bite force quotient (BFQ), which accounts for the allometric scaling between bite force and body size. Selected chemical, microstructural, and mechanical properties of the enamel were quantified across the enamel thickness using spectroscopy and indentation techniques. Results showed that the chemical composition of enamel was significantly (P < 0.05) different between the Low and High BFQ groups, whereas the apatite crystallinity was not. The enamel of all animals exhibited a spatial gradient in mechanical properties that was consistent when evaluated using a normalized framework. Although the elastic modulus, hardness and indentation brittleness were significantly lower in the High BFQ group, the fracture resistance of enamel was significantly higher in this group, potentially reflective of bite force requirements related to diet and predation. Enamel rod decussation was present in all teeth, but there were differences in specific microstructural features. Overall, these results highlight that the diversity of tooth enamel across species should be considered in the pursuit of nature-inspired structural materials. Statement of significance Natural weapons are serving as inspiration in the development of next-generation engineering materials. Tooth enamel is a viable candidate, but variations in the structure and properties of enamel across taxa have not been explored. Here, teeth from six different mammalian species were categorized according to their bite force quotient (BFQ), and the enamel was compared in terms of selected chemical, microstructural, and mechanical properties. We show that specific aspects of the chemical composition and properties of the Low and High BFQ groups are unique, which appears reflective of bite forces associated with diet and predation. Overall, the results highlight that the diversity of tooth enamel across species should be considered in the pursuit of nature-inspired structural materials.