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Exploring the Successful Factors of Brand Collaborations Between KFC and Genshin Impact: A Case Study Analysis



In a post-pandemic era marked by a decline in consumer purchasing power, particularly in the restaurant industry, this paper delves into the successful collaboration between the international fast-food chain KFC and the popular open-world role-playing game, Genshin Impact. This collaboration, which occurred in 2021, generated extensive buzz and recognition on social media platforms. By analyzing this case, we explore the effective marketing strategies and communication methods that led to the success of this co-branding venture. The study uncovers the significance of cross-domain collaborations, emphasizes the impact of consumer groups, and delves into the role of social media and the fan effect in marketing strategies. It also sheds light on the social comparison effect, pivotal in influencing players' motivations and purchasing behavior. Furthermore, it examines KFC's hunger marketing approach and the integration of fast-food industry characteristics. The paper concludes with suggestions for addressing supply chain management, resource optimization, and service quality in co-branding campaigns. Despite these valuable insights, the study acknowledges certain limitations and points towards future research directions.
Exploring the Successful Factors of Brand Collaborations
Between KFC and Genshin Impact: A Case Study
Yujia Liu1,a,*,†, Jiawen Tan2,†
1Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, 611130, China
2XiWai International School, Shanghai, 201620, China
*corresponding author
There authors contributed equally.
Abstract: In a post-pandemic era marked by a decline in consumer purchasing power,
particularly in the restaurant industry, this paper delves into the successful collaboration
between the international fast-food chain KFC and the popular open-world role-playing game,
Genshin Impact. This collaboration, which occurred in 2021, generated extensive buzz and
recognition on social media platforms. By analyzing this case, we explore the effective
marketing strategies and communication methods that led to the success of this co-branding
venture. The study uncovers the significance of cross-domain collaborations, emphasizes the
impact of consumer groups, and delves into the role of social media and the fan effect in
marketing strategies. It also sheds light on the social comparison effect, pivotal in influencing
players' motivations and purchasing behavior. Furthermore, it examines KFC's hunger
marketing approach and the integration of fast-food industry characteristics. The paper
concludes with suggestions for addressing supply chain management, resource optimization,
and service quality in co-branding campaigns. Despite these valuable insights, the study
acknowledges certain limitations and points towards future research directions.
Keywords: KFC, Genshin Impact, IP, co-branding, advertisement
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
In the post-pandemic era, consumer purchasing power has decreased, especially in the restaurant
industry. Sectors such as chain fast food and tea beverages, facing challenges due to market saturation
and intense competition, are notably affected. Simultaneously, China's gaming market, one of the
world's largest, has entered a highly competitive and stable phase. Dominated by top gaming
companies, it has become challenging for new games to attract fresh players. Consequently, gaming
Intellectual Property (IP) faces the challenges of declining recognition and stagnant player growth.
Against this backdrop, this study aims to explore how collaborative partnerships can enhance the
competitiveness and appeal of gaming IPs.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
© 2024 The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
KFC, as an international fast-food chain, enjoys widespread global recognition. On the other hand,
Genshin Impact is a popular open-world role-playing game developed by Chinese gaming company
miHoYo, released in 2020 and quickly achieved worldwide success. In a highly anticipated co-
branding venture from March 8th to March 21st in 2021, these two giants from different industries
initiated a collaboration that sparked extensive social media discussions and achieved remarkable
crossover effects. Building upon this, the present study aims to investigate effective marketing
strategies and communication methods by examining this successful co-branding case.
1.2. Literature Review
The phenomenon of co-branding has become a hot topic of interest across various sectors of society,
garnering research value in disciplines such as communication, economics, and marketing. It has
attracted numerous scholars to engage in research.
1.2.1. The Overview of Co-branding
Before proceeding with further analysis, it is essential to establish a formal definition of
"collaborative brand partnerships," exploring what it entails. Scholars in this field have made various
attempts to define it. A group of scholars provided a definition, stating that "Collaborative commerce
concerns information and idea exchanges between the supply chain members, allowing them to
design, develop, and manage products and services collaboratively." [1] This definition clearly
outlines the fundamental functionality of collaborative brand partnerships and aligns with the
prevailing practices in brand collaborations during the time of the study. Subsequent scholars have
further developed this concept. Scholar Xu expanded the definition of collaborative brand
partnerships from two dimensions: the research domain dimension of C-Commerce (collaborative
innovation, promotion, and operations) and the supply chain (SC) structure dimension of C-
Commerce (all supply chain members, i.e., the "organizations"). They define collaborative commerce
(C-Commerce) as an operational strategy that enables members from various supply chain structures
to exchange information and collaborate, typically employing information technologies, to enhance
the effectiveness and efficiency of supply chain operations for physical or service products. This
includes product innovation, promotion, and operations. [2] In recent research, Scholar Cao
succinctly characterizes collaborative brand partnerships as "brand collaborative marketing," where
brands collaborate with others to design and produce new products or a series of products, ultimately
launching and promoting them jointly or individually.[3] This definition closely aligns with the focal
point of this study.
1.2.2. Consumer Groups
Players will buy the uniqueness, rarity, and innovation of KFC co-branded products. But it also
depends on the cost performance of the KFC package and the contents in the package. For example,
the same IP is the co-name of the Genshin Impact, but Watsons and KFC have completely different
sales volumes, which is caused by the different audience groups. The clay film launched by Watsons
limits the users who buy such products to a certain extent. As an open-world mobile game, the
proportion of male players is significantly larger than that of female players, which means that only
a small number of players will have the willingness and opportunity to use the products they buy. But
KFC, as a catering industry, can achieve the direction of men and women, young and old. If the player
buys the package inside the accessories for him are not practical, or beautiful, then the player's desire
to buy will be greatly reduced. [4] The player will then compare the event with other co-branded
events, which means that he will largely give up buying the product. If a product can make consumers
shine, or have cost performance, the hot sales is inevitable, and will continue to soar with the help of
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
IP. Therefore, the joint effect of the Genshin Impact and KFC is particularly outstanding, because of
the uniqueness of the fast food industry and the limitations of the game audience.
1.2.3. Communication of Social Media
After the joint public, the Genshin Impact company will deliver all kinds of advertising in TikTok,
for example, which has a large number of users of social network platform, not limited to the Genshin
Impact official account of propaganda and preheating, have a certain fan base of the Genshin Impact
blogger released video propaganda, and other kinds of person who are using internet release activities
through figure, etc. When the player sees the video posted after opening the social platform, he will
be the first to know the specific rules and content of the event. This not only gives the activity heat,
so that more people can pay attention to it, but also pushes the content about the Genshin Impact and
KFC to some corresponding people who may be interested in it, so that they are also curious about
such activities, so as to stimulate their exploration and discovery. At the same time, unofficial
publicity will make the ordinary people feel marketing, but to regard such content as the feeling and
experience of ordinary people, which is more real and credible, so that the ordinary people also have
the desire to buy, not to mention the Genshin Impact players who are themselves targeted for
2. Research Methodology
In analyzing the dissemination effects of marketing campaigns that combine the fast-food industry
with gaming IPs, this study employs the following key research methods: literature analysis and case
2.1. Literature Analysis
This study collects both domestic and international literature related to classic marketing cases, the
chain restaurant industry, gaming operation cases, co-marketing theories, consumer purchase
decisions, price management of food items, and brand image. Qualitative analysis is applied to review
and summarize existing theories and research. The goal is to extract relevant theories, models, and
methods from the existing literature regarding marketing campaigns that combine the fast-food
industry with gaming IPs. This process establishes a theoretical foundation for this study.
2.2. Case Study
This study focuses on the partnership between KFC, a dominant chain fast-food brand in the Chinese
market, and Genshin Impact, a globally popular open-world game IP. The investigation centers on
their "IP cross-border collaboration" campaigns. It examines the multi-channel distribution,
innovations, successful marketing strategies, resulting effects, and the influences present within the
campaigns. Furthermore, the study analyzes both the exposed and potential issues and proposes
corresponding enhancement strategies. The ultimate aim is to leverage strengths and mitigate
weaknesses in future brand alliance activities.
3. Findings
3.1. The Efforts of Genshin Impact
3.1.1. Innovation and Development
When co-branded with other products, IP often uses a new image to stimulate their desire to buy. This
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
image change is usually very rare, so players will value the occurrence of such activities. When your
favorite character can appear in front of him in a new image, it will gain satisfaction and increase the
freshness. At the same time, not only the game IP aspect, but also the joint catering industry will also
appear to the public with a new image, so that many onlookers will change the image of its company.
Perhaps in the past, most customers thought the industry is rigid, but through this event will reverse
the positioning of the whole company, which adds a hot topic.
3.1.2. Targeted Users
Not only on social platforms, the game officials will also make announcements in the game to inform
and remind all their known audience, and usually appear in the game email or interface. When the
Genshin Impact player opens their game account, relevant content pop up. In addition, because the
game official knows that the player is the audience, he will specially mark the "rare" items and limited
co-branded products contained in the package, so that players can feel a sense of crisis and curiosity.
But usually, these contents do not explain the rules of the activity too much, so players will naturally
go to other social platforms such as Microblog or WeChat public account to further understand.
3.1.3. Fan Effect
The phenomenon of the fan effect plays a crucial role in the domains of brand collaboration and
marketing strategies. The case of Genshin Impact vividly illustrates the complexity of this
phenomenon and its impact on co-branding collaborations.
The fan effect, quite literally, is the enthusiasm and loyalty exhibited by a group of devoted
supporters towards a brand or product. This enthusiastic engagement often translates into active
purchases, advocacy, and community interaction.
Genshin Impact is a game that has been a subject of controversy, with both ardent fans and fervent
critics. However, the existence of this controversy paradoxically enhances player engagement and a
sense of belonging to the game's community. The fan effect plays a pivotal role in fostering
interactions and social activities among players, regardless of their stance on the game.
This fan effect also extends to co-branding collaborations. Devoted players of Genshin Impact
exhibit a keen interest in co-branded products associated with the game, owing to their strong
connection with the beloved game. They willingly purchase co-branded products, further reinforcing
their loyalty to the brands involved. This brand loyalty, in turn, motivates them to actively participate
in co-branding collaboration events and become advocates for these partnerships.
In summary, Genshin Impact effectively harnesses the fan effect, highlighting the crucial role of
devoted fan communities in brand marketing and co-branding efforts. This phenomenon provides
valuable insights for future co-branding collaborations, emphasizing the opportunities and intricacies
involved in utilizing the fan effect as a marketing strategy. The interactions between devoted
supporters and critics within the Genshin Impact community showcase the nuanced nature of the fan
effect, making co-branding collaborations a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.
3.1.4. Social Comparison Effect
The social comparison effect, often referred to as social comparison, is a psychological theory that
describes how individuals assess themselves through comparisons with others. This theory can
explain how players in the current co-branding event compare themselves to others and the resulting
emotions and behaviors.
In this context, the social comparison effect can be categorized into upward and downward social
comparison. Upward social comparison occurs when individuals perceive themselves as being in a
favorable position in comparison and tend to feel proud and positive. Conversely, downward social
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
comparison refers to when individuals perceive themselves as being in an unfavorable position and
may experience jealousy and anxiety.
In the case of the Genshin Impact co-branding event, players who purchase the co-branded package
gain access to unique wing equipment, which holds prestige within the game. Consequently, those
who successfully participate in the event may undergo upward social comparison, feeling confident
and content. However, other players may experience downward social comparison as they find
themselves at a disadvantage compared to those who obtained the wing equipment.
This social comparison effect can play a crucial role in explaining players' motivations and
purchasing behavior during the co-branding event. On one hand, it can motivate some players to
actively engage in the event, thereby boosting sales. On the other hand, it may prompt other players
to take more proactive actions to reduce the gap with their competitors, ultimately driving the success
of the brand collaboration.
Therefore, the social comparison effect offers a valuable perspective for understanding the
psychology and behavior of Genshin Impact players in co-branding events and provides strategic
recommendations for brands and partners on how to address this phenomenon.
3.2. The Efforts of KFC
3.2.1. Huger Marketing
"Hunger marketing" is an economic and marketing theory that relies on the scarcity of goods or
services to stimulate demand. In the offline stores of this collaborative brand partnership, a newly
designed image tailored for the event was limitedly printed on the packaging of the special edition
meal sets. A limited number of these collaborative family bucket paper buckets were even resold on
second-hand online platforms for 35 Chinese yuan. On one hand, this satisfied the collecting instincts
of some gamers, and on the other hand, those adept at DIY could repurpose them as display-worthy
collectibles and showcase them on social media platforms. Additionally, the collaborative meal sets
offered the in-game item "Wings of Gourmet," a type of equipment that is challenging to obtain within
the game. The collaborating parties positioned this item as in limited supply, incentivizing players to
make purchases. Furthermore, an interesting Easter egg was the trigger for the "group photo" event
with the catchphrase "异世相遇,尽享美味" (Meeting in a different world, savoring the delicacy),
which was enabled by a limited quantity of character badges—only 90 pairs available per theme store
daily. Consumers had to purchase the designated meal set and utter the passphrase to store staff to
receive this badge. The restricted supply of collaborative packaging, products, and freebies was
perceived as exceedingly scarce by the extensive Genshin Impact player base, creating a sense of
urgency. To obtain these products, Genshin Impact players, as well as speculative resellers, often
expended a significant amount of money or attention. Moreover, this event was exclusively available
in mainland China during the initial launch and only expanded overseas a year later. Overseas players
eager to acquire the collaborative merchandise ahead of time needed to invest a greater effort. These
strategies are aligned with the scarcity effect within hunger marketing, where individuals are more
inclined to pursue goods that feel scarce or challenging to obtain.
3.2.2. Communication and Attitude of Players
The brand stores corresponding to the co-branded products provide an offline place for consumers,
which is not only a favorable interactive platform for the second peers, but also to identify more
people with the same interests and hobbies, but also to give those who have not paid attention to such
topics an opportunity to know and understand. In addition, in offline activities, there are usually many
recognizable items, such as standing cards or group photo cards, which gives those consumers a good
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
sense of experience and comfort. At the same time, there will also be many people dressed up as their
favorite characters to come to the scene to clock in and interact. When such content is posted on social
platforms, it will bring a wave of heat to the topic. Many people will go with the flow to express their
experience, and others will choose to go to offline activities because they know their experience or
"follow the trend".
3.2.3. Alignment with Fast-Food Industry
The fast-food characteristics of KFC outlets align closely with the demands of collaborative branding
initiatives. The fast-food industry is renowned for its swift service and efficient supply chain, traits
that synergize effectively with the nature of collaborative ventures. Collaborative branding endeavors
typically generate substantial foot traffic, with each customer harboring a sense of urgency to acquire
the target products. Inside KFC outlets, quick order placement and food preparation cater to the
immediate gratification expectations of on-site patrons. Meanwhile, the well-established supply chain
outside the outlets ensures the efficient distribution of collaborative products to the stores,
contributing significantly to the success of collaborative branding campaigns. Furthermore, KFC, as
a dominant player in the fast-food industry within the Chinese market, often strategically situates its
outlets in prime commercial districts, boasting ample space and visibility. This strategic positioning
equips KFC with the capacity to accommodate the fervor generated by such collaborative initiatives.
3.2.4. Scene-based Marketing
Because of the particularity of offline stores, it is not like the network platform across the screen,
even if you understand it will not make immediate decisions. But when a passer-by accidentally
passes a crowded crowd of active customers, he goes to watch out of curiosity. Because that's the way
he can get the answer right away, rather than going to social media platforms for other evidence and
reference. When completely different decorations and signs appear on the store, customers may get
some effective information because of a curiosity and search for the content related to the IP. When
he becomes interested in this topic, this is the first step to the success of offline scenario-based
3.3. Other Successful Factors
3.3.1. Effective Promotion on Social Media
This collaborative branding campaign incorporates a "social death" trigger mechanism, where
participants are required to vocally proclaim the phrase "异世相遇,尽享美味" ("Meeting in a
Parallel World, Savoring Delicacies Together") within the physical store to obtain collaborative
merchandise. Many gamers attended the event wearing cosplay costumes, rendering the entire event
highly visual and engaging. Participants, as well as onlookers, often captured these "social death"
moments using their smartphones and shared them on video-sharing platforms, particularly on short-
video platforms like Douyin (TikTok) and Kuaishou. These videos gained extensive circulation due
to their compelling nature. Diverging from conventional silent collaborative branding approaches, the
KFC and Genshin Impact collaboration adopted a vibrant and visually appealing strategy, which
facilitated greater attention on social media platforms. This approach aligns with the principles of
social media dissemination theory, emphasizing the significance of social media platforms in
information propagation and interaction. The campaign meticulously planned visual and attention-
grabbing events, motivating participants and spectators to generate copious user-generated content,
fostering word-of-mouth marketing, and thereby achieving an impressive outreach on social media
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
3.3.2. Synergistic Collaboration: "1+1>2"
KFC, one of the world's largest fast-food chains, and Genshin Impact, a recently prominent and
controversial global video game, both possess significant brand recognition and influence. Their
collaboration, a case of "1+1>2," aligns with market theory, which suggests that combining two
market leaders from different domains can result in a synergistic effect, cumulatively increasing
market share. As partners, these two brands complement each other: KFC brings physical
monetization and offline visibility to the virtual gaming world, while Genshin Impact injects fresh
trends and new customer flows into standardized fast-food offerings. Furthermore, they share
overlapping consumer profiles—primarily young, experiential-focused individuals who emphasize
service quality. This collaborative campaign attracted loyal fans of both brands, who not only became
consumers but also actively promoted the collaboration through positive word-of-mouth, attracting a
broader audience. Additionally, KFC's robust capacity for customer flow management effectively
accommodated the vast Genshin Impact player base, and the game's player loyalty and spending
habits boosted the sales of collaborative fast-food items. The partnership skillfully harnessed factors
like market dynamics, partner selection, and brand collaboration effects, demonstrating that the
impact of this collaboration exceeded the sum of the two individual brands. This study provides
valuable insights for future research on brand collaborations.
3.3.3. Good Utilization of Social Attributes
This study also highlights a crucial aspect of the collaboration: its strong social dimension, which
provides significant emotional value to the audience. Beyond the relatively affordable collaborative
offerings, the campaign delivers additional emotional value that aligns with consumer demands. This
attribute reflects principles from social psychology, particularly the concept of social influence. Social
influence theory posits that individuals are often influenced by the behaviors and emotions of others
in social contexts. In the context of this collaboration, participants are required to loudly chant a
slogan in KFC stores, creating social pressure that encourages more people to join in. Furthermore,
the sharing of videos on social media platforms illustrates the concept of social proof in social
psychology, where individuals tend to mimic and engage in behaviors they observe in others.
Additionally, KFC stores provide spacious "third spaces" for customers, with themed decorations that
cater to the interests of the anime and gaming community. These spaces serve as venues for social
interactions, photo opportunities, exchanges, and sharing. The collaboration becomes a catalyst for
social gatherings among like-minded enthusiasts, fulfilling the requirements of emotional marketing,
which underscores the importance of emotional experiences in consumer purchasing decisions. The
joy and sense of belonging that consumers experience during the campaign can transcend the material
value of the collaborative meal itself. Leveraging this emotional added value associated with its social
dimension can enhance consumer loyalty to the brand, motivating them to actively participate in the
campaign and promote the brand further.
4. Co-branded problems
4.1. Supply chain management
Usually this kind of game IP and catering company co-branded, often will be revealed and revealed
in advance. This is closely related to the wide range of activities and the high heat. At the same time,
because there are too many places involved, there will be more personnel involved, but the more
internal personnel, the worse it is to manage. When this happens, it makes the player lose their
expectation and freshness when they get the official notice.
At the same time, the supply of products is also a big factor. Usually companies don't go out to
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
know the amount, so they sell it in limited time and limited ways rather than book. Although this
reduces the workload of brands, it brings great inconvenience to consumers. When the consumer is
excited to be told that he does not have the goods that they need, he will inevitably feel disappointed,
because the customer wastes his time and energy, even money, but did not get any benign results. The
limited way makes the price of co-branded products on the second-hand platform. Players will chase
after these rare items because it gives them satisfaction and vanity. But in fact, this has caused a great
disruption to the market.
4.2. Resource optimization
Co-branded products, especially those between IP and catering companies, usually only offer one or
no more than three different packages for consumers to choose from. Take the "joint name of the
Genshin Impact and KFC" as an example, KFC only provides a double bucket package for players to
buy, which means that no matter whether the player has the ability or willingness to buy, there is only
one choice. However, the company also adjusted the fact of only one exchange code for a double
meal. Although it was "forced" to increase the purchase willingness of consumers to some extent,
consumers could not reasonably solve the food contained in the package. This not only wastes public
resources and food, but also increases the workload of the staff.
4.3. Reduction of service quality
Because the joint activities lead to a sharp increase in passenger flow, even dozens of times or even a
hundred times more than in the past, of course, this is also the result that the company and the joint
party want to get. However, the significant increase in the number of customers also means that the
shop staff in the store cannot pay attention to every consumer, which greatly reduces the service
quality in the store. At the same time, the increase of customers means the increase of order volume.
Although many co-branded parties will choose the type of fast food industry to achieve a "win-win"
effect, even so, the quality of the product cannot be guaranteed, and even the same morning and
afternoon restaurants have a completely different taste. In addition, the waiting time of customers will
become longer, and the main advantage of services such as the fast food industry is that the fast
preparation time and the relatively unified taste are guaranteed, but now it has completely lost the
original intention of "fast food". Even ordinary customers who want to order because they save time
and energy will have to give up because the waiting time is too long.
5. Recommendations
First, differentiate the joint products. To ensure both consumer experience and the effectiveness of
the event, different types of joint products can be prepared based on the anticipated number of
participants. Specific measures include conducting targeted in-game surveys during the pre-launch
phase to estimate the number of players participating in the package purchase. Prepare an adequate
quantity of low-cost paper packaging based on survey results to meet the needs of the majority of
players and other offline consumers, which can serve as a promotional tool. Distribute virtual item
redemption codes equivalent to the survey participants to enhance the event's effectiveness. Limit the
availability of physical joint gifts, such as badges, to maintain their scarcity and achieve the effect of
hunger marketing.
Second, ensure the quality of store services. To ensure that the joint event does not affect the quality
of store services, the following measures should be taken: allocate sufficient staff to handle potential
peaks in customer traffic. Ensure store cleanliness and orderliness to provide a good consumer
experience and a professional brand image. Expedite service delivery to meet consumer needs and
ensure their satisfaction while in the store. By maintaining store order and providing high-quality
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
service, effective conversion among loyal fans can be achieved. It's important to note that the
increased popularity of the joint event will inevitably result in a doubled workload, and the degree of
fatigue will affect the quality of work for employees. Therefore, considerations should be given to
the rest and recognition of the staff to alleviate their fatigue and ensure service quality.
Third, in order to minimize food waste resulting from bundled sales while ensuring the
effectiveness of the co-branding campaign and enhancing player experiences, we suggest the
following academic measures for the authorities: optimize and readjust the products and
specifications within the co-branded meal packages. The objective of this measure is to prevent
players from purchasing excess food, thereby utilizing food resources more reasonably. This not only
safeguards consumer rights but also enhances their satisfaction and overall experience.
6. Limitations& Future Directions
Despite the in-depth exploration of the KFC and Genshin Impact co-branding campaign in this study,
there are still some limitations. Firstly, we faced challenges in acquiring specific operational data
from official sources, which has somewhat constrained the accuracy of our analysis. Future research
could consider establishing more data collaboration or access channels to obtain more comprehensive
information. Secondly, this study focused solely on one co-branding campaign between KFC and
Genshin Impact, which represents a relatively narrow research scope. Subsequent studies could
expand this scope to investigate co-branding collaborations between a wider range of brands to
deepen our understanding of co-branding marketing. Furthermore, this research primarily employed
case analysis and literature review methods, which may not uncover all potential causal relationships.
Future research could incorporate additional methods such as field research and experimental design
to conduct a more thorough analysis of the impact of co-branding campaigns. Lastly, this study was
limited to the Chinese market, potentially limiting the applicability of our findings on an international
scale. Future research could broaden the geographical scope to examine the co-branding marketing
effects in different regions and cultural contexts.
Looking ahead, future research endeavors could delve into a more profound exploration of the
causal relationships between co-branding campaigns and their effects on brands and consumers, thus
elucidating the mechanisms through which co-branding activities impact various stakeholders.
Interdisciplinary research could provide fresh perspectives and methodologies to comprehensively
understand the multifaceted effects of co-branding marketing. Strengthening on-site investigations of
consumers and businesses could provide deeper insights into their needs and feedback, offering more
tailored recommendations for the planning and implementation of co-branding campaigns.
Additionally, research attention could be directed towards issues of resource waste and social
responsibility within co-branding campaigns, with the aim of proposing sustainable solutions that
benefit all stakeholders in the long run. In-depth investigations in these areas will contribute to a more
comprehensive understanding of the impact of brand co-branding activities and optimize their
7. Conclusion
In conclusion, our research has shed light on the dynamics of co-branding campaigns, with a
particular focus on the KFC and Genshin Impact collaboration. We've highlighted key findings,
including the significant influence of social attributes and emotional value in such campaigns.
Additionally, we've proposed practical measures to address issues related to supply chain
management and food waste in bundled sales.
This study offers valuable insights into the world of co-branding marketing, emphasizing the need
for differentiation in joint products, maintaining service quality, and optimizing product specifications.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
While these findings were drawn from a single case, they pave the way for future research into co-
branding collaborations between a wider range of brands and across different cultural contexts.
Looking ahead, interdisciplinary research and deeper consumer and business investigations
promise a more comprehensive understanding of co-branding's impact. Our research highlights the
complex yet promising nature of co-branding marketing, emphasizing its potential to create a win-
win scenario for both brands and consumers.
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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7064/30/20231547
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This research aims to investigate the contributions of interorganisational relationships and knowledge-management practices as predictors of collaborative commerce (c-commerce) adoption. A non-compensatory adoption decision process was modelled using a neural network approach to examine the predictors of c-commerce adoption. A survey was undertaken in 136 firms for this research. The results showed that both interorganisational relationships and knowledge-management processes played an important role in predicting the adoption of c-commerce. In particular, variables from interorganisational relationships such as trust, communication, collaboration, and information sharing are found to contribute strongly to the predictive power of the model when compared with knowledge-management processes. This study provides insights for firms that would like to improve their supply-chain collaboration through the implementation of c-commerce. The findings lead to an understanding of what attributes of interorganisational relationships and knowledge-management processes can contribute to the improved adoption of c-commerce in the supply chain. Unlike past adoption studies which have tended to focus on technology, and organisational and environmental factors, this research examined interorganisational relationships and knowledge-management processes which are increasingly gaining the attention of researchers and practitioners. This study has also extended the existing literature by examining a non-compensatory model for technology adoption.
Co-Branding Marketing Strategies of Holiland
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They Say They Are Poor, But They Throw a Thousand Gold
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Gao Wanpeng, "They Say They Are Poor, But They Throw a Thousand Gold," Chinese Brands, no. 11, pp. 40-41, 2022.
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Ma Jinhan, "Case Study on Joint Marketing of Old and New Brands: Marketing Case Analysis of 'Coconut Cloud Latte.,'" Small and Medium Enterprise Management and Technology, no. 08, pp. 141-143, 2022.