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Diagnostic and co-dominant PCR markers for wheat stem rust resistance genes Sr25 and Sr26


Abstract and Figures

Wheat stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat. A new race of the pathogen named TTKSK (syn. Ug99) and its derivatives detected in East Africa are virulent to many designated and undesignated stem rust resistance genes. The emergence and spread of those races pose an imminent threat to wheat production worldwide. Genes Sr25 and Sr26 transferred into wheat from Thinopyrum ponticum are effective against these new races. DNA markers for Sr25 and Sr26 are needed to pyramid both genes into adapted germplasm. The previously published dominant markers Gb for Sr25 and Sr26#43 for Sr26 were validated with eight wheat lines with or without Sr25 or Sr26. We tested six published STS (sequence tagged site) markers amplifying diagnostic bands of Th. ponticum. Marker BF145935 consistently amplified well and can be used as a co-dominant marker for Sr25. Among 16 STS markers developed from wheat ESTs mapped to deletion bin 6AL8-0.90-1.00, none was co-dominant for tagging Sr26. However, five 6A-specific markers were identified. Multiplex PCR with marker Sr26#43 and 6A-specific marker BE518379 can be used as a co-dominant marker for Sr26. The co-dominant markers for Sr25 and Sr26 were validated with 37 lines with known stem rust resistance genes. A diverse set of germplasm consisting 170 lines from CIMMYT, China, USA and other counties were screened with the co-dominant markers for Sr25 and Sr26. Five lines with the diagnostic fragment for Sr25 were identified, and they all have 'Wheatear' in their pedigrees, which is known to carry Sr25. None of the 170 lines tested had Sr26, as expected.
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Theor Appl Genet (2010) 120:691–697
DOI 10.1007/s00122-009-1186-z
Diagnostic and co-dominant PCR markers for wheat stem rust
resistance genes Sr25 and Sr26
Sixin Liu · Long-Xi Yu · Ravi P. Singh · Yue Jin ·
Mark E. Sorrells · James A. Anderson
Received: 24 June 2009 / Accepted: 9 October 2009 / Published online: 31 October 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009
Abstract Wheat stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis
f. sp. tritici, is one of the most destructive diseases of
wheat. A new race of the pathogen named TTKSK (syn.
Ug99) and its derivatives detected in East Africa are
virulent to many designated and undesignated stem rust
resistance genes. The emergence and spread of those races
pose an imminent threat to wheat production worldwide.
Genes Sr25 and Sr26 transferred into wheat from Thinopy-
rum ponticum are eVective against these new races. DNA
markers for Sr25 and Sr26 are needed to pyramid both
genes into adapted germplasm. The previously published
dominant markers Gb for Sr25 and Sr26#43 for Sr26 were
validated with eight wheat lines with or without Sr25 or
Sr26. We tested six published STS (sequence tagged site)
markers amplifying diagnostic bands of Th. ponticum.
Marker BF145935 consistently ampliWed well and can be
used as a co-dominant marker for Sr25. Among 16 STS
markers developed from wheat ESTs mapped to deletion
bin 6AL8-0.90-1.00, none was co-dominant for tagging
Sr26. However, Wve 6A-speciWc markers were identiWed.
Multiplex PCR with marker Sr26#43 and 6A-speciWc
marker BE518379 can be used as a co-dominant marker for
Sr26. The co-dominant markers for Sr25 and Sr26 were
validated with 37 lines with known stem rust resistance
genes. A diverse set of germplasm consisting 170 lines
from CIMMYT, China, USA and other counties were
screened with the co-dominant markers for Sr25 and Sr26.
Five lines with the diagnostic fragment for Sr25 were iden-
tiWed, and they all have ‘Wheatear’ in their pedigrees,
which is known to carry Sr25. None of the 170 lines tested
had Sr26, as expected.
Wheat stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici,
has historically caused severe wheat (Triticum aestivum)
production losses worldwide, and had been controlled
eVectively with the deployment of resistant wheat cultivars
for the last several decades. However, a new race of stem
rust pathogen, Ug99, with virulence to a widely used resis-
tance gene Sr31, was detected in Uganda in 1999 (Pretorius
et al. 2000), and was named TTKS based on the North
American stem rust race nomenclature system (Wanyera
et al. 2006, Jin et al. 2008). Most wheat cultivars currently
grown are susceptible to TTKS (Jin and Singh 2006; Singh
et al. 2006), and the stem rust population is evolving rap-
idly. Another race, TTKST, with virulence to the widely
used gene Sr24 was detected in Kenya in 2006 (Jin et al.
2008). Only 1 year later yet another race, TTTSK, with vir-
ulence to gene Sr36 was discovered in Kenya (Jin et al.
2009). Emergence and spread of these new races of stem
rust pose an imminent threat to wheat production worldwide
Communicated by X. Xia.
S. Liu · J. A. Anderson (&)
Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics,
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
L.-X. Yu · M. E. Sorrells
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
R. P. Singh
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT),
Apdo Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico D.F., Mexico
Y. Jin
USDA-ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory,
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
692 Theor Appl Genet (2010) 120:691–697
(Singh et al. 2006) and demand the rapid development of
wheat cultivars with durable resistance to stem rust.
The durability of eVective resistance genes can be
enhanced by deploying them as pyramids in cultivars.
Genes Sr25 and Sr26 are among the few major genes eVec-
tive against the TTKS lineage that includes races TTKST
and TTTSK (Singh et al. 2006; Jin et al. 2007). Both Sr25
(Sharma and Knott 1966) and Sr26 (Knott 1961) genes
were transferred into wheat from Thinopyrum (Th) ponti-
cum (Podp.) Barkworth and Dewey (2n=10x= 70) [syn.
Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauvois and syn. Lophopy-
rum ponticum (Podp.) Löve]. Gene Sr25 and the linked leaf
rust resistance gene Lr19 were translocated onto the long
arm of wheat chromosome 7D (Friebe et al. 1994). Initial
use of germplasm containing Sr25/Lr19 was limited
because of linkage with another Th. ponticum derived gene
that resulted in undesirable yellow Xour. Knott (1980) pro-
duced two mutant lines, Agatha-28 and Agatha-235, with
reduced levels of yellow pigment in Xour. The Sr25 gene
was lost in the mutant line Agatha-235 (Friebe et al. 1994).
Agatha-28, which contains Sr25/Lr19, was backcrossed
into the Australian wheat backgrounds and has been used in
the CIMMYT breeding program (Bariana et al. 2007).
The segment carrying Sr26 was transferred to the long
arm of wheat chromosome 6A (Friebe et al. 1994), and has
been used as a source of resistance only in Australia where
the Wrst cultivar, Eagle, was released in 1971 (Martin
1971). Despite the reported yield penalty associated with
the Th. ponticum segment (The et al. 1988), several culti-
vars with Sr26 in addition to Eagle were developed and
released (McIntosh et al. 1995). New lines with shortened
alien segments have been developed and they do not suVer
from the yield reduction of the original Sr26 containing
lines (Dundas et al. 2007).
Stacking two or more eVective rust resistance genes into
a common background using rust bioassays is challenging
due to a lack of isolates with speciWc avirulence/virulence
gene combinations that enable unambiguous assignments
of resistance genotypes. This is particularly true for broadly
eVective genes such as Sr25 and Sr26 (Singh et al. 2006;
Jin et al. 2007). Furthermore, Weld bioassays for the TTKS
lineage and related races can only be conducted in regions
where they are already present. So, molecular markers for
Sr25 and Sr26 are needed to facilitate selection of desirable
genotype combinations. Prins et al. (2001) converted an
AFLP (ampliWed fragment length polymorphism) fragment
speciWc for the Th. ponticum segment containing Sr25/Lr19
into a dominant STS (sequence tagged site) marker Gb,
which ampliWed a 130 bp fragment speciWc to Sr25/Lr19
lines. Similarly, a dominant STS marker Sr26#43 for Sr26
was developed (Mago et al. 2005). Both markers have been
used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in breeding pro-
grams (Bariana et al. 2007). The objectives of this study
were to (1) test previously available markers for genes Sr25
and Sr26; and (2) develop and validate co-dominant mark-
ers for Sr25 and Sr26.
Materials and methods
Plant materials
Wheat cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ and its chromosome group
6 and 7 nullisomic–tetrasomic lines (N6AT6D, N6BT6D,
N6DT6B, N7AT7D, N7BT7A, and N7DT7A) (Sears 1966)
were used for identifying DNA markers located on the tar-
geted chromosomes 6A and 7D. Initially, eight wheat lines
including two lines with Sr25, ‘Wheatear’ and CIMMYT
line C80.1/3*Batavia//2*Weebil, the Wrst Sr26 cultivar
‘Eagle’, and Wve lines without genes Sr25 or Sr26, ‘Cran-
brook’, ‘Weebil’, MN02072-7, MN03130-1-62 and
MN03148, were used to validate markers for Sr25 and
Sr26. Thirty-seven lines with known stem rust resistance
genes and Wve genetic background cultivars (Table 1) were
used to further validate the co-dominant markers for Sr25
and Sr26. These lines were chosen because they are or are
likely, resistant to races of the TTKS lineage (Jin et al.
2007). To test whether the co-dominant marker can be used
to select for Sr26 on shortened alien segments (Dundas
et al. 2007), the recurrent parent ‘Angas’ and Wve lines with
shortened alien segments, WA1, WA5, WA6, WA8 and
WA9, were also genotyped with the co-dominant marker
for Sr26. A total of 170 lines (Table 2) from several coun-
tries were screened with these co-dominant markers for
Sr25 and Sr26.
DNA marker validation
TCGCATACATCCA) (Prins et al. 2001) for Sr25 and
ACAAAATCATGCACTA) (Mago et al. 2005) for Sr26
were used for initial tests. Ayala-Navarrete et al. (2007)
developed STS markers from wheat ESTs mapped to chro-
mosome 7DL (Qi et al. 2004), that is homoeologous to the
translocated segment of Th. ponticum containing Sr25 and
Lr19. Six STS markers amplifying diagnostic bands of Th.
ponticum were tested for use as co-dominant markers for
Sr25. Dundas et al. (2007) reported that Sr26 is located in
the extreme distal portion of the 6Ae#1 chromosome. To
develop DNA markers for Sr26, 16 wheat ESTs mapped to
deletion bin 6AL8-0.90-1.00 (Qi et al. 2004) were chosen
to design STS markers with Primer 3 software (Rozen and
Skaletsky 2000). DNA extraction and PCR protocols were
the same as described by Liu and Anderson (2003) with the
exception of 400 nM instead of 100 nM for each primer,
Theor Appl Genet (2010) 120:691–697 693
and annealing temperature 60°C was used for all markers.
The PCR products were separated on 3% agarose gels and
visualized with ethidium bromide under UV light. Due to
the small size diVerences among alleles, 5% standard poly-
acrylamide gels were used for marker BF145935 (F: CT
ACCACCTTGAAGG) instead of agarose gels. Heterozy-
gotes for Sr26 were simulated by mixing equal of amounts
Table 1 Wheat lines with
known stem rust resistance
genes used to validate co-domi-
nant markers for Sr25 and Sr26
Name Sr gene Background Fragments ampliWeda
BF145935 Sr26#43/
BE518379 (bp)
Vernstein 9e CS 7A, 7D 6A (303)
K253/3*Steinwell//8*LMPG 9e LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Combination VII 13(+17) W2691 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Khapstein/9*LMPG 13 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Line A sel 14 W2691 7A, 7D 6A (303)
CS_T_mono_deriv 21 CS 7A, 7D 6A (303)
T. mono. Deriv./8*LMPG 21 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Sr22TB 22 7B?, 7D 6A (303)
T. momoc.Deriv./9*LMPG 22 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
LcSr24Ag 24 Little Club 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Agent/9*LMPG 24 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
LcSr25Ars 25 Little Club 7Ae#1, 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Agatha/9*LMPG 25 LMPG-6 7Ae#1, 7A 6A (303)
Eagle (Aus) 26 7A, 7D 6Ae#1 (207)
PW327/4*Tc//9*LMPG 26 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6Ae#1 (207)
73,214,3-1/9*LMPG 27 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
W2691/Sr28Kt 28 W2691 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Pusa/Etoile de Choisy 29 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Pld*8/Et. de Choi//6*LMPG 29 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
CnsSr32 A.s. 32 CS 7A, 7D 6A (303)
C82,1CS+Sr32/6*LMPG 32 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
RL 5405 33 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Tetra Canthatch/7*LMPG 33 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Mq(2)5*G2919 35 Marquis 7A, 7D 6A (303)
W2691SrTt-1 36 W2691 7B?, 7D 6A (303)
CI12632/8*LMPG 36 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
W3563 37 W2691 7A, 7D 6A (303)
RL 6082 39 7A, 7D 6A (303)
RL 6088 40 7A, 7D 6A (303)
TAF-2 44 7Ai#1?, 7A 6A (303)
CnsSrTmp Tmp CS 7B?, 7D 6A (303)
Triumph 64 Tmp 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Thatcher Thatch 7A, 7D 6A (303)
TAM 107 1A.1R 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Amigo 1A.1R 7A, 7D 6A (303)
W199/Tt113*W199 Tt-3 7B?, 7D 6A (303)
Federation SrTt-3/6*LMPG Tt-3 LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
LMPG-6 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Chinese Spring 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Little Club 7A, 7D 6A (303)
Marquis 7A, 7D 6A (303)
W2691 7A, 7D 6A (303)
aPlease refer t o Figs. 1 and 2 fo r
the designation of each DNA
fragment ampliWed with co-
dominant markers for Sr25 and
694 Theor Appl Genet (2010) 120:691–697
of DNA of lines with and without this gene prior to PCR,
and using 400 nM of primer for Sr26#43 and 400 or
800 nM of primer for BE518379 (F: AGCCGCGAAATCT
Validation of previously published dominant markers
for genes Sr25 and Sr26
Marker Gb for Sr25 and Sr26#43 for Sr26 were validated
with eight wheat lines. As expected, a faint 130 bp frag-
ment was ampliWed with marker Gb in the two lines with
Sr25, Wheatear and C80.1/3*Batavia//2*Weebil (data not
shown). The other six lines without Sr25 did not amplify
any detectable fragment with primers of marker Gb. Only
the cultivar Eagle was positive for marker Sr26#43 and no
PCR product was observed for the other seven lines (data
not shown).
Development and testing of co-dominant markers for Sr25
Since co-dominant markers are needed to distinguish
homozygotes from heterozygotes, we developed and tested
co-dominant markers for genes Sr25 and Sr26. Among the
six STS markers tested on the eight wheat lines, BE404744
and BF145935 were co-dominant in marking Sr25. We
focused on marker BF145935 because it consistently
worked well and was easier to score. Marker BF145935
ampliWed two DNA fragments from most lines tested
(Fig. 1). Based on aneuploid analysis, the lower band of
Chinese Spring is located on chromosome 7A, and the top
band is on chromosome 7D. The highest molecular weight
fragment found in Sr25-containing lines, such as Wheatear,
are located on the 7Ae#1 segment that is translocated onto
wheat chromosome 7DL.
Marker BF145935 was used to genotype each of the 42
lines in our validation set (Table 1). The Ae#1 fragment is
unique and ampliWed only from Wheatear and the other two
Sr25-containing lines LcSr25Ars and Agatha/9*LMPG
(Fig. 1). Line Agatha/9*LMPG has the same marker geno-
type as Sr25-containing line Wheatear, and the recurrent
parent LMPG has the same marker genotype as Chinese
Spring. So, the top fragment of Wheatear and Agatha/
9*LMPG was ampliWed from the 7Ae#1 segment carrying
Sr25/Lr19. Instead of two DNA fragments, the 7D, 7Ae#1
and 7A fragments were ampliWed from line LcSr25Ars
(Fig. 1), indicating that this line is heterozygous for marker
BF145935. This result was conWrmed with DNA extracted
from two individual plants of this line. Both plants con-
tained fragments located to 7A, 7D, and 7Ae#1. Among the
40 lines (Table 1) without Sr25, 35 lines have the same
genotype for BF145935 as that of Chinese Spring. The
marker genotypes of the other Wve lines, Sr22TB,
W2691SrTt-1, CnsSrTmp, W199/Tt113*W199, and TAF-
2, were diVerent from that of Chinese Spring or Wheatear.
Four of these lines, Sr22TB, W2691SrTt-1, CnsSrTmp and
W199/Tt113*W199, have the same marker genotype for
BF145935 (Fig. 1). Compared to the genotype of Chinese
Spring, the Chinese Spring 7A fragment was replaced with
a fragment larger than the Chinese Spring 7D fragment. We
suspect that this larger fragment might be located on chro-
Table 2 Wheat germplasm screened with co-dominant markers for
Sr25 and Sr26
Country/institution Growth
Number of lines
Total Sr25 Sr26
CIMMYT Spring 89 5 0
China 24 winter/
19 spring
43 0 0
Cornell University Winter 7 0 0
of Minnesota
Spring 6 0 0
India Spring 1 0 0
Kenya Spring 3 0 0
Kazakhstan Winter 4 0 0
Kyrgystan Winter 4 0 0
Tadjikistan Winter 1 0 0
Turkmenistan Winter 3 0 0
Uzbekistan Winter 5 0 0
Azerbaijan Winter 2 0 0
Russia Winter 1 0 0
Turkey Winter 1 0 0
Fig. 1 Genotypes of control lines and representative wheat lines with
known stem rust resistance genes genotyped with marker BF145935
on a polyacrylamide gel. The chromosome assignment of each DNA
fragment is indicated at the right
Chinese Spring
Little Club
Agatha/ 9*LMP G
Chinese Spring
Theor Appl Genet (2010) 120:691–697 695
mosome 7B because wheat lines without a translocated
group 7 chromosome and containing three DNA fragments
for BF145935 were identiWed (see below). The larger frag-
ment of line CnsSrTmp was not ampliWed from either of its
two parental lines, Chinese Spring and Triumph 64, indicat-
ing cross contamination of plant material or DNA. The
Sr44-containing line TAF-2, which is an addition line con-
taining an extra pair of group 7 chromosomes from Th.
intermedium, has a unique fragment (Fig. 1). The lower
band has the same size as the Chinese Spring 7A fragment,
however, the upper band is the largest among all fragments
ampliWed with marker BF145935.
Among the 170 lines (Table 2) genotyped with marker
BF145935, only Wve CIMMYT lines have the 7Ae#1 frag-
ment. All these Wve lines have the Sr25 line Wheatear in
their pedigrees. Most of the lines have the same genotype
as Chinese Spring. Three lines, one from CIMMYT, ‘Tom’
(a cultivar developed at the University of Minnesota) and
‘Mirbashir-158’ (a cultivar from Azerbaijan), have the
same genotype as line Sr22TB. We did not identify any
lines with the same genotype as line TAF-2 among this set
of lines. However, two new genotypes were observed.
Three CIMMYT lines ampliWed only one DNA fragment
and this was the same size as the Chinese Spring 7A allele.
These three lines may have a null 7D allele for marker
BF145935. Another new genotype was observed in Wve
winter wheat lines including ‘Foster 159’ and ‘E0028’ from
Cornell University, ‘Kupava’ and ‘Polovchanka’ from
Uzbekistan and the Russian cultivar ‘Bezostaja’. Three
DNA fragments, corresponding to fragments located on
chromosomes 7A, 7B, and 7D in Fig. 1, were ampliWed
from these Wve lines.
Development and testing of co-dominant markers for Sr26
Among the 16 STS markers developed from wheat ESTs
mapped to deletion bin 6AL8-0.90-1.00, none of them was
co-dominant between lines with or without Sr26. However,
Wve markers speciWc to chromosome 6AL ampliWed no
PCR product from Eagle. We reasoned that multiplex PCR
with the combination of one 6AL-speciWc marker and Sr26-
speciWc marker Sr26#43 could be used to distinguish Sr26
homozygotes from heterozygotes. Because the 6AL-spe-
ciWc marker BE518379 consistently worked well and the
expected 303 bp allele can be unambiguously distinguished
on agarose gels (Fig. 2) from the 207 bp fragment ampliWed
by marker Sr26#43, we combined equal amounts of primers
for marker BE518379 and Sr26#43 to genotype additional
wheat lines. The 207 bp fragment was ampliWed from Eagle
and lines without Sr26 have the 303 bp allele (Fig. 2). The
303 bp allele was stronger after doubling the amount of
primer for marker BE518379. Simulated heterozygotes for
Sr26, consisting of a mixture of DNA from Eagle (contains
Sr26) and Wheatear or C80.1/3*Batavia//2*Weebil (do not
contain Sr26) prior to PCR produced the expected two
Either the 207 bp band or the 303 bp band was observed
for marker Sr26#43/BE518379 among the 42 lines listed in
Table 1. The two Sr26 lines, Eagle and PW327/4*Tc//
9*LMPG, have the expected 207 bp allele and all the other
lines have the 303 bp allele. The Wve Sr26 lines with short-
ened alien segments, WA1, WA5, WA6, WA8 and WA9,
have the expected 207 bp allele and recurrent parent Angas
has the 303 bp allele. Therefore, marker Sr26#43/
BE518379 is a co-dominant and diagnostic marker for
None of the 170 lines genotyped with Sr26#43/
BE518379 has the 207 bp allele and only the 303 bp allele
was ampliWed from all lines. This result indicates that none
of these lines has Sr26.
Marker-assisted selection and postulation
for genes Sr25 and Sr26
Diagnostic and co-dominant markers for Sr25 and Sr26
reported in this study can facilitate MAS for Sr25 and Sr26,
which are eVective against races of the TTKSK lineage
(Singh et al. 2006; Jin et al. 2008, 2009). We were success-
ful to use both markers to screen segregating populations
for Sr25 and Sr26. However, the 303 bp allele was weaker
than the 207 bp allele for Sr26 heterozygotes when equal
amounts of primers of markers Sr26#43 and BE518379
were used for multiplex PCR. After doubling the primer
Fig. 2 Banding patterns of multiplex PCR of markers Sr26#43 and
BE518379 on an agarose gel. The lanes containing Eagle + Wheatear
and Eagle + C80.1/3*Batavia//2*Weebil were from equal mixtures of
DNA from the two lines prior to PCR. The chromosome assignment
of each DNA fragment is indicated at the right
Chinese Spring
Eagle + Wheatear
Eagle + C80.1/3*Batavia//2*Weebil
500 bp –
200 bp –
696 Theor Appl Genet (2010) 120:691–697
concentration for marker BE518379, the 6A-speciWc allele
and the Sr26-speciWc allele were ampliWed with similar
Among the 170 lines screened with markers reported in
this study, none had Sr26 and only Wve lines carried Sr25.
This is consistent with the limited use of both resistance
genes in breeding programs (McIntosh et al. 1995). How-
ever, we anticipate the use of Sr25 and Sr26 will increase
for several reasons. First, more wheat breeding programs
are increasing eVorts to develop cultivars with stem rust
resistance due to the threat posed by races of the TTKS
lineage. Genes Sr25 and Sr26 are among a few major genes
eVective against these races (Singh et al. 2006; Jin et al.
2007); second, Sr25/Lr19 from the mutant line with white
wheat Xour has been recently transferred into Australian
and CIMMYT wheat backgrounds (Bariana et al. 2007);
third, the Th. ponticum segment carrying Sr25/Lr19 can
increase yield potential under irrigated condition (Singh
et al. 1998; Monneveux et al. 2003), and the yield penalty
observed in the original Sr26 lines has been removed with
shortened alien segments (Dundas et al. 2007); Wnally, the
co-dominant markers reported in this study will improve
the eYciency to select for Sr25 and Sr26 in wheat breeding
The markers reported in this study are useful as a prelimi-
nary step to identify lines containing these genes. Many of
the lines genotyped in this study have shown consistently
high levels of resistance to stem rust for the last few years in
Stem Rust Resistance Screening Nursery at Njoro, Kenya.
We are genotyping these lines with additional markers asso-
ciated with known stem rust resistance genes in order to
identify lines that may have new stem rust resistance genes.
Even though markers BF145935 and Sr26#43/BE518379
were diagnostic in this study for Sr25 and Sr26, respectively,
they may produce false positives with other genotypes, espe-
cially lines with alien chromosomes or fragments. Neither of
the markers was derived from the sequences of resistance
genes and the diagnostic genotypes reported in this study are
associated with the Th. ponticum fragments carrying Sr25 or
Sr26. Some lines not included in this study may have the
diagnostic marker genotypes but lack resistance genes Sr25
or Sr26. Positive marker genotypes should be validated with
rust bioassays and/or pedigrees.
Converting dominant markers to co-dominant markers
with multiplex PCR
Combinations of markers linked to a trait in coupling phase
and in repulsion phase can mimic a co-dominant marker
capable of diVerentiating homozygotes from heterozygotes.
Mago et al. (2005) developed a robust dominant marker
Sr26#43 for Sr26, but attempts to develop co-dominant
markers failed. Fortunately, more genomic resources have
become available to develop better DNA markers. For
example, thousands of wheat ESTs have been mapped into
chromosome deletion bins (Qi et al. 2004) and many
genome-speciWc primers have been developed and vali-
dated during the process of single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) discovery (
index.shtml). Taking advantage of these available genomic
resources, we developed a chromosome 6A-speciWc marker
based on the wheat EST BE518379. The Th. ponticum
chromosome segment does not recombine with wheat chro-
mosome 6A during meiosis (Knott 1980), and is inherited
as a single linkage block. Thus, multiplex PCR with
Sr26#43/BE518379 behaves like a single co-dominant
marker. We believe this multiplex PCR strategy can be
applied to other traits to convert dominant markers to co-
dominant markers with multiplex PCR.
Marker BF145935 may also be useful to study gene Sr44
The Sr44 line TAF-2 used in this study is a chromosome
addition line (2n= 44) with a pair of group 7 chromosomes
from Th. intermedium (Cauderon et al. 1973). This line has
a unique marker genotype among the 220 lines we geno-
typed with marker BF145935. We suspect the top band was
ampliWed from the added Th. intermedium chromosomes.
This is consistent with the report that marker BF145935 can
amplify diVerent sized bands from group 7 chromosomes of
T. aestivum, Th. ponticum and Th. intermedium (Ayala-
Navarrete et al. 2007). Thus, marker BF145935 may also
be useful to study gene Sr44.
Acknowledgments This study is a part of the Durable Rust Resis-
tance in Wheat Project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda-
tion. We would like to thank Drs. Zhonghu He, Ian S. Dundas for
providing Chinese wheat lines and the Sr26-containing lines with
shortened alien segment used in this study, and Jennifer A. Gee for her
technical support in the lab.
Ayala-Navarrete L, Bariana HS, Singh RP, Gibson JM, Mechanicos
AA, Larkin PJ (2007) Trigenomic chromosomes by recombina-
tion of Thinopyrum intermedium and Th. ponticum translocations
in wheat. Theor Appl Genet 116:63–75
Bariana HS, Brown GN, Bansal UK, Miah H, Standen GE, Lu M
(2007) Breeding triple rust resistant wheat cultivars for Australia
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... Sr24 gene first determined Sr24 to reside on the chromosome 3DL a spontaneous translocation from the 3Ag chromosome of Agropyron elongatum. Sr25 originating from Thinopyrum ponticum by Barkworth and Dewey was introduced into wheat and is effective against Ug99 (Liu et al., 2010). Additionally, the leaf rust gene Lr19 is connected to Sr25, having been relocated onto wheat chromosomes 7D (1) and 7A. ...
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Ug99, a menacing strain of stem rust, emerged as a specter haunting wheat fields worldwide. Its arrival in Uganda in 1999 sent shockwaves through the agricultural community, raising alarm bells for the vulnerability of vital wheat crops. This formidable adversary, armed with mutations that defy conventional resistance in wheat, poses a substantial threat to global food security. The super strain, the ability of Ug99 to swiftly overcome resistant varieties propelled an urgent quest for new, innovative defense strategies. Researchers and scientists mobilized in a race against time, collaborating across borders to develop resistant wheat varieties capabale of withstanding Ug99’s destructive might. The battle against this potent rust strain symbolizes a relentless pursuit to protect the world’s wheat supply, ensuring sustenance for generations to come. This review delved into Stem Rust’s past to present: history, life cycle, control measures especially marker assisted selection for controlling its pace.
... Lr37/Yr17/Sr38 gene was found in 25 entries; this result coincided with the work of Cristina et al. (2015) and Ismail et al. (2021). None of the entries shows the presence of Sr26 (Liu et al. 2010) and Lr35/Sr39 as these translocated alien gene segments have been least used in the breeding Ismail et al. (2021) have found similar results. Entries possessing major QTL Lr34/Sb1 should be used in the breeding programme as they provide near immune levels of leaf rust and spot blotch resistance when combined with other minor genes (Singh and Dhaliwal 2000). ...
Terminal heat stress and foliar diseases like rusts and spot blotch are the major concerns for sustainable wheat production in South Asia. Eastern Indo-Gangetic plains witness the crucial role of heat stress during grain-filling duration (GFD) and occurrence of rust diseases and spot blotch in wheat. One hundred promising wheat genotypes were selected from five international wheat yield trials and evaluated at three sites in India for yield components and disease resistance. To identify potential donors, these lines were further screened under timely sown (normal sown) and late sown (heat stress) conditions. Analysis of variation in the studied traits revealed significant differences among all the genotypes in both environments. Grain yield showed a positive and significant correlation with NDVI, chlorophyll index, flag leaf length, flag leaf area, tiller per plant, number of grains per spike, peduncle length and 1000 grain weight (TGW) in both environments. Grain zinc and iron content was substantially increased under late sown condition. As per heat susceptibility index of GFD, TGW, NDVI and grain yield per plot, 10 tested entries were found heat tolerant. Ten promising entries with low disease score were listed as spot blotch donors. Markers linked with seven rust resistance genes, three spot blotch genes and two markers linked with quality-related traits, namely yellow pigment (Psy-A1) and polyphenol oxidase activity (Ppo-1A) and rust pathotypes, were also used to identify the presence of individual genes. Promising entries 46 (CWYT-613; GID 7631433) and 58 (41ESWYT-137; GID 8240588), common for both tested conditions, were identified and promoted under the breeding programme.
... Tritici) -Several markers linked to Sr resistant genes have been identified. In brief, gwm533, gwm389 and Stm559n SSR markers were tightly linked to Sr2 (29, 62), Xwmc453 and Xcfd43 markers were linked to Sr6 (66), SSR marker Xgwm47 link to Sr9a (67), barc71 and wmc633 markers were linked to Sr24 (47,53), BF145935 marker linked to Sr25 (42), BE518879 marker linked to Sr26 (42,47), SSR markers Xbarc51 (codominant), Xcfa2076 (dominant) and Xwmc169 (codominant) were used to verify the presence of Sr35 (75), SSR marker Xwmc477 link to Sr36 (68), CAPS marker VENTRIUP-LN2 used for detecting the presence of genes Sr38, Lr37, Yr17 and Sr38 (30), Sr39F2/R2 marker link to Sr39 (Sr39/Lr35) (24), FSD-RSA marker reported as the closest marker to SrCad resistant gene (35). ...
... Currently molecular markers associated to Sr genes are one of the focus areas of research. Markers linkage with genes Sr2, Sr13,Sr22,Sr25,Sr26,Sr28,Sr32,Sr35,Sr39,Sr40,Sr47,Sr52, SrCad and SrWeb have been documented (Spielmeyer et al., 2003;Hayden et al., 2004;Khan et al., 2005;Mago et al., 2005Mago et al., , 2009Mago et al., , 2011Dundas et al., 2007;McNeil et al., 2008;Yu et al.,2009;Hiebert et al., 2010Hiebert et al., , 2011Liu et al., 2010;Niu et al., 2011;Periyannan et al., 2011;Qi et al., 2011;Simons et al., 2011;Klindworth et al., 2012;Rouse et al., 2012; These markers will improve the potential of incorporating Sr genes into susceptible varieties to Ug99 but widely adapted and assist for the development of new elite lines resistant to Ug99 and its derivatives. ...
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the resurgence of stem rust in wheat, particularly with the emergence of the virulent Ug99 race in the late 1990s, has reignited efforts in breeding for resistance to this devastating disease. The global wheat community, through initiatives like the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI), has swiftly responded by launching screening services to identify resistant wheat lines. Significant progress has been made in identifying race-specific and adult plant resistance (APR) genes that can be utilized to enhance wheat germplasm. Several genes, including Sr55, Sr56, Sr57, Sr58, and Sr2, have been characterized for conferring slow rusting, and new possibilities for rust control are emerging through the development of multiple resistance gene cassettes. The spread of the Ug99 strain to different regions, accompanied by the evolution of new variants, highlights the need for continued vigilance and research. However, it is worth noting that as of now, the Pgt-Ug99 strain reported in Iran in 2007 has not shown further evolution or extended its reach to neighboring Pakistan or India, posing any significant crop failure. These findings emphasize the importance of ongoing monitoring and collaborative efforts in mitigating the threat of stem rust and safeguarding global wheat production.
Wheat is one of the main staple foods in the world. Significant yield increases in wheat production in the last 40 years have resulted in a stable supply-demand balance. However, projected global population growth rates and dietary changes mean that significant yield increases will be needed in the coming years to meet this increasing demand. To overcome this challenge, better management of fungal diseases, which cause %15-20 annual yield loss, is required. This review aims to provide an overview of the major fungal diseases in wheat and to examine these diseases at the molecular level, to better understand the complexity of the genetic background of diseases, and to consider them holistically.
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Septoria nodorum blotch (SNB), caused by Parastagonospora nodorum, is a disease of durum and common wheat initiated by the recognition of pathogen-produced necrotrophic effectors (NEs) by specific wheat genes. The wheat gene Snn1 encodes a wall-associated kinase that directly interacts with the NE SnTox1 leading to the development of SNB. Here, sequence analysis of Snn1 from 114 accessions including diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat species revealed that some wheat lines possess two copies of Snn1 (designated Snn1-B1 and Snn1-B2) approximately 120 kb apart. Snn1-B2 evolved relatively recently as a paralog of Snn1-B1, and both genes have undergone diversifying selection. Three point mutations associated with the formation of the first SnTox1-sensitive Snn1-B1 allele from a primitive wild wheat were identified. Four subsequent and independent SNPs, three in Snn1-B1 and one in Snn1-B2, converted the sensitive alleles to insensitive forms. Protein modeling indicated these four mutations could abolish Snn1-SnTox1 compatibility either through destabilization of the Snn1 protein or direct disruption of the protein-protein interaction. High-throughput markers were developed for the causal mutations and evaluated on panels of durum and common wheat. The markers were able to correctly identify 96.9 % of SnTox1-sensitive durum wheat accessions, and a marker for the null allele was 100% accurate at predicting SnTox1-insensitive lines in both durum and spring wheat. Results of this study increase our understanding of the evolution, diversity, and function of Snn1-B1 and Snn1-B2 genes and will be useful for marker-assisted elimination of these genes for better host resistance.
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Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a devastating fungal disease of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum). Several genetic loci were previously identified that control FHB resistance in wheat, including Fhb1. Fhb7, a major QTL conferring resistance to FHB, controlling for mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) production, has been introgressed into soft red winter wheat (SRWW). As an exotic QTL, Fhb7 is associated with linkage drag, affecting agronomic and end-use quality performance. This study outlines a breeding strategy for introducing and pyramiding Fhb7 into SRWW breeding populations that already possessed Fhb1 and harbored some additional disease-resistance genes. In addition to the Fhb1-Fhb7 pyramiding, we developed gene-based markers for both genes and examined them on 57 SRWW breeding lines. Our data showed that 15 out of 57 breeding lines possessed both Fhb1 and Fhb7 resistant alleles. Two years of phenotypic data from the inoculated and misted irrigation field showed that the combination of Fhb1-Fhb7 lowers mycotoxin DON accumulation in kernels, which provides protection for end-users and the milling industry. The Fhb gene-pyramided lines, with the additional regionally important disease resistance genes, produced in this breeding pipeline showed reasonable agronomic traits and can be used in crossing programs for the widespread introgression in elite wheat cultivars.
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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) diseases are major factors responsible for substantial yield losses worldwide, which affect global food security. For a long time, plant breeders have been struggling to improve wheat resistance against major diseases by selection and conventional breeding techniques. Therefore, this review was conducted to shed light on various gaps in the available literature and to reveal the most promising criteria for disease resistance in wheat. However, novel techniques for molecular breeding in the past few decades have been very fruitful for developing broad-spectrum disease resistance and other important traits in wheat. Many types of molecular markers such as SCAR, RAPD, SSR, SSLP, RFLP, SNP, and DArT, etc., have been reported for resistance against wheat pathogens. This article summarizes various insightful molecular markers involved in wheat improvement for resistance to major diseases through diverse breeding programs. Moreover, this review highlights the applications of marker assisted selection (MAS), quantitative trait loci (QTL), genome wide association studies (GWAS) and the CRISPR/Cas-9 system for developing disease resistance against most important wheat diseases. We also reviewed all reported mapped QTLs for bunts, rusts, smuts, and nematode diseases of wheat. Furthermore, we have also proposed how the CRISPR/Cas-9 system and GWAS can assist breeders in the future for the genetic improvement of wheat. If these molecular approaches are used successfully in the future, they can be a significant step toward expanding food production in wheat crops.
To ensure adequate diversity of genetic resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) destructive stem rust disease, the potential threat posed by Ug-99 race group or other new virulence should be taken into account. A total of 117 wheat germplasm including 64 ICARDA genotypes carrying stem rust (Sr) resistance genes and 53 Egyptian cultivars were appraised against stem rust during 2020–2022 at two locations (Sakha and Sids Research stations). Stem rust susceptibility at both locations during the year 2021 was higher than other years, since they reached 90S for cultivars at Sids and 100S for Sr genes at Sakha. Eleven Egyptian cultivars, Sakha-93, Sakha-94, Gemmeiz-3, Gemmeiza-12, Giza-144, Giza-155, Giza-156, Giza-170, Sids-8, Sids-11, Sids-13 and three resistance genes Sr31, SrSatu and SrNin, exhibited specific resistance (0-MR) at both locations over three years. However, the most susceptible cultivars were Misr-1 and Misr-2, since they reached maximum severity 80S and 90S, respectively. The most effective all stage resistance genes were Sr31 (100%), followed by Sr24 and Sr38 (92.30%). A strong and perfect negative correlation were recorded between average coefficient of infection (ACI) and relative resistance index (RRI) appraised on Egyptian cultivars and resistance genes at adult plant stage. Gene postulation and molecular markers both indicated to the presence of effective genes Sr31 and Sr24 in resistant wheat cultivars mentioned above, while ineffective gene Sr25 was detected in both highly susceptible cultivars Misr-1 and Misr-2. Although genes Sr31 and Sr24 both confer effective resistance against local Pgt races. However, additional broad-spectrum resistance genes should be incorporated in breeding program.
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Stem or black rust, caused by Puccinia graminis tritici , has historically caused severe losses to wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) production worldwide. Successful control of the disease for over three decades through the use of genetic resistance has resulted in a sharp decline in research activity in recent years. Detection and spread in East Africa of race TTKS, commonly known as Ug99, is of high significance as most wheat cultivars currently grown in its likely migration path, i.e. to North Africa through Arabian Peninsula and then to Middle East and Asia, are highly susceptible to this race and the environment is conducive to disease epidemics. Identifying/developing adapted resistant cultivars in a relatively short time and replacing the susceptible cultivars before rust migrates out of East Africa is the strategy to mitigate potential losses. Although several alien genes will provide resistance to this race, the long-term strategy should focus on rebuilding the 'Sr2-complex' (combination of slow rusting gene Sr2 with other unknown additive genes of similar nature) to achieve long-term durability. A Global Rust Initiative has been launched to monitor the further migration of this race, facilitate field testing in Kenya or Ethiopia of wheat cultivars and germplasm developed by wheat breeding programmes worldwide, understand the genetic basis of resistance especially the durable type, carry out targeted breeding to incorporate diverse resistance genes into key cultivars and germplasm, and enhance the capacity of national programmes. A few wheat genotypes that combine stem rust resistance with high yield potential and other necessary traits have been identified but need rigorous field testing to determine their adaptation in target areas.
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Stem rust susceptibility of European wheats under Australian conditions posed a significant threat to wheat production for the early British settlers in Australia. The famous Australian wheat breeder, William Farrer, tackled the problem of stem rust susceptibility through breeding fast-maturing wheat cultivars. South eastern Australia suffered a severe stem rust epidemic in 1973, which gave rise to a national approach to breeding for rust resistance. The National Wheat Rust Control Program was set up in 1975, modelled on the University of Sydney's own rust resistance breeding program, at the University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute, Castle Hill (now Cobbitty). Back-crossing of a range of sources of resistance provided genetically diverse germplasm for evaluation in various breeding programs. Current efforts are directed to building gene combinations through marker-assisted selection. Major genes for resistance to stem rust and leaf rust are being used in the back-crossing program of the ACRCP to create genetic diversity among Australian germplasm. Stripe rust and to a lesser extent leaf rust resistance in the Australian germplasm is largely based on combinations of adult plant resistance genes and our knowledge of their genomic locations has increased. Additional genes, other than Yr18/ Lr34 and Yr29/ Lr46, appeared to control adult plant resistance to both leaf rust and stripe rust. Two adult-plant stem rust resistance genes have also been identified. The development of selection technologies to achieve genotype-based selection of resistance gene combinations in the absence of bioassays has evolved in the last 5 years. Robust molecular markers are now available for several commercially important rust resistance genes. Marker-assisted selection for rust resistance is performed routinely in many wheat- breeding programs. Modified pedigree and limited back-cross methods have been used for breeding rust- resistant wheat cultivars in the University of Sydney wheat- breeding program. The single back-cross methodology has proved more successful in producing cultivars with combinations of adult plant resistance genes.
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This paper presents a review of projects undertaken over the past 2 decades aimed at improving the yield and/ or quality attributes of translocation lines carrying rust resistance genes from species related to wheat, so as to make these lines more suitable for use in breeding programs. Homeologous recombination between the alien chromosome segments and normal wheat chromosomes was induced in a ph1bph1b background. Lines with shortened alien chromatin were selected using dissociation patterns of molecular-based markers. A new line of bread wheat was developed containing a shortened chromosome 1RS segment carrying rust resistance gene SrR (Secale cereale L.), in which a defect affecting dough- quality appears to have been deleted. In addition, several advanced lines were produced with modified 6Ae#1L chromosome segments with Sr26 (Thinopyrum ponticum), 2S#1 chromosome segments with Sr32, and a previously unnamed gene, a 2S#2 chromosome segment with Sr39 (Triticum speltoides), 4G#1 chromosome segments with Sr37, and 2G#2 chromosome segments with Sr40 (T. timopheevii).
Designing PCR and sequencing primers are essential activities for molecular biologists around the world. This chapter assumes acquaintance with the principles and practice of PCR, as outlined in, for example, refs. 1, 2, 3, 4.
The discovery that the 21 different chromosomes of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fall into seven homoeologous groups of three (Sears, 1952, 1954) was based primarily on the ability of each tetra-some to compensate for the nullisome of each of the other two chromosomes of the same group. Supporting evidence has come from the finding of Okamoto and Sears (1962) that the pairing in haploids is largely between chromosomes belonging to the same homoeologous group, and from the work of Riley and Kempanna (1963), who found only pairing of homoeologues when increased pairing was induced by the absence of chromosome 5B.
The rust resistance of a 56-chromosome wheat-Agropyron derivative was found to be controlled by a gene or genes on a single Agropyron chromosome. Resistant wheat plants having 21II of wheat chromosomes plus a single added Agropyron chromosome were produced. Spikes of these plants were irradiated with either gamma rays or X-rays and seeds were irradiated with thermal neutrons. As a result of the irradiation, in at least five lines and possibly seven a piece of the Agropyron chromosome carrying the gene or genes for rust resistance was transferred to a wheat chromosome. One of the translocations is transmitted normally through the gametes but the remaining six show irregularities in transmission particularly through the pollen.
Species belonging to the genus Agropyron are an important source of disease resistance for bread wheat. Several resistance genes have been transferred. C-banding and in situ hybridization are the methods of choice for analyzing introgressed alien chromatin. Using these methods, we characterized radiation-induced wheat-Agropyron elongatum chromosome translocation lines carrying the rust resistance genes Sr26 and Sr25/Lr19. Data show that Sr26 is located on the translocation chromosome T6AS.6AL-6Ae#1L
Stem rust resistance in wheat cultivars with Sr31 has been effective and durable worldwide for more than 30 years. Isolates of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici with virulence to Sr31 were detected in Uganda in 1999 (1). During 2003 and 2004, a majority of current Kenyan cultivars and a large portion of CIMMYT wheat germplasm with gene Sr31 planted in Kenya were susceptible to stem rust. Six isolates collected during 2004 at different locations in Kenya were tested for virulence on the 16 North American stem rust race differentials with the following Sr genes: Sr5, 6, 7b, 8a, 9a, 9b, 9d, 9e, 9g, 10, 11, 17, 21, 30, 36, and Tmp. An extended set of designated Sr genes (Sr13, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 44, and Wld-1) was also tested at the seedling stage. An isolate from Uganda collected in 1999 with virulence on Sr31 was used for comparison. Urediniospores suspended in a lightweight mineral oil were inoculated onto 7-day-old seedlings. Inoculated plants were placed in a dew chamber f...
A major QTL (quantitative trait locus) for Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance, Qfhs.ndsu-3BS, derived from 'Sumai 3', has been identified and verified by several research groups via molecular marker analysis. Further study of this QTL is worthwhile because it explains a large portion (25-60%) of the variation in FHB resistance in the reported studies. The objectives of this study were to (i) identify additional molecular markers for Qfhs.ndsu-3BS, (ii) construct a cytologically based physical map of chromosome 3BS, and (iii) identify germplasm with novel FHB resistance genes with SSR markers near Qfhs.ndsu-3BS. Two new simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (XBARC133 and XBARC102), two sequence tagged site (STS) markers (XSTS3B1 and Xsun2), and one restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker (Xfbb185), were mapped to the Qfhs.ndsu3BS region. On the basis of deletion line analysis, this major QTL is likely located on the deletion bin 3BS 0.78-0.87. Fifty-four FHB resistant lines from throughout the world and 20 North American spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines of historical prominence were genotyped by five SSR markers (Xgwm389, Xgwm533, XBARC133, Xgwm493, and XBARC102) associated with Qfhs.ndsu-3BS. The Sumai 3 haplotype is rare. Only 25 out of 54 FHB resistant lines and one North American spring wheat line have Sumai 3-type alleles for at least one of these five SSR markers. Twelve FHB resistant lines have the same SSR allele as Sumai 3 for at least four of the five SSR markers, and therefore most likely contain this major QTL. The other 42 FHB resistant lines may carry novel FHB resistance genes, and are worthy of further genetic study.