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Insect Contribution in Medical Research



Insects, often overlooked, prove crucial in medical research. Beyond pollination and ecosystem roles, they hold untapped therapeutic potential. This article explores their impact, from drug development to wound healing and diagnostics. Compounds from insects, like tarantula hawk wasp venom and silkworm moth larvae, show promise against cancer and infections. Maggot therapy revolutionizes wound care, while insect-derived antimicrobials combat antibiotic resistance. Fruit flies as disease models accelerate research. Biomedical engineering draws inspiration from insects, yielding innovations in adhesives and sensors. Venoms, such as bee venom, offer treatments, and silkworm silk aids drug delivery. Insects, as disease vectors, provide insights crucial for global health.
ISSN : 2581-8317
December 2023
Monthly online magazine in
agriculture, horticulture, food
technology and allied subjects
Volume 05 - Issue 12 - December 2023 525 | P a g e
Insect Contribution in Medical Research
Article ID: 44772
Sandeep K1, Dr. Dinesh Rai2
1M. Sc. (Ag). Department of Entomology, PGCA, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur (Bihar).
2Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist, Department of Plant Pathology, PGCA, RPCAU, Pusa.
Insects, often overlooked, prove crucial in medical research. Beyond pollination and ecosystem roles, they
hold untapped therapeutic potential. This article explores their impact, from drug development to wound
healing and diagnostics. Compounds from insects, like tarantula hawk wasp venom and silkworm moth
larvae, show promise against cancer and infections. Maggot therapy revolutionizes wound care, while
insect-derived antimicrobials combat antibiotic resistance. Fruit flies as disease models accelerate
research. Biomedical engineering draws inspiration from insects, yielding innovations in adhesives and
sensors. Venoms, such as bee venom, offer treatments, and silkworm silk aids drug delivery. Insects, as
disease vectors, provide insights crucial for global health.
Keywords: Insects, Medical research, Antibiotic resistance, Venoms, Drug delivery.
Insects are not only essential pollinators and ecosystem engineers, but they also contribute to medical
research. For many centuries, insects have been used in traditional medicine, and modern science is now
revealing the vast potential of these tiny creatures in the development of new medicines, therapies, and
diagnostic tools (Bloemberg et al., 2021). One of the most promising areas of insect-based medical research
is the development of new drugs. Insects produce a wide variety of compounds that have potential
therapeutic value, including antibiotics, anti-cancer agents, and anti-inflammatory drugs (Sahoo et al.,
2021). For example, the larvae of the silkworm moth produce a compound called sericin, which has been
shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties (Zhu et al., 2021). The tarantula hawk wasp produces
a venom that is one of the most painful stings in the world, but it also contains compounds that have been
shown to be effective in killing cancer cells (Justin and Schmidt, 2019). In addition to developing new drugs,
insects can also be used to improve existing therapies. For example, researchers have developed a way to
use mosquitoes to deliver malaria vaccines. Researchers have also developed a way to use fireflies to create
a new type of diagnostic tool that can detect cancer (Mathias et al., 2021). The potential of insects in medical
research is vast. These tiny creatures have a wealth of untapped therapeutic potential. As we continue to
learn more about insects, we are likely to discover even more ways that they can be used to improve human
Maggot Therapy: Debridement and Infection Control
Maggot therapy, a revolutionary medical treatment, utilizes maggots, the larvae of specific flies, to cleanse
and debride chronic wounds. This ancient practice, deeply rooted in traditional medicine, has gained
renewed scientific attention, revealing its remarkable potential in treating a range of wounds. Maggots
possess the remarkable ability to secrete enzymes that not only break down dead tissue but also promote
healing and combat infection. These enzymes, acting as debriding agents, effectively remove necrotic tissue
from the wound. Additionally, maggots secrete antimicrobial compounds that effectively eliminate bacteria
and fungi. Maggot therapy has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in treating various chronic wounds,
including diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, osteomyelitis, and venous ulcers. Offering a safe and natural
alternative to surgery, maggot therapy holds the promise of reducing amputation risks (Sherman et al.,
Insect-Derived Antimicrobials
Insects possess an innate ability to combat infections, and this remarkable trait has opened the door to the
discovery of novel antimicrobial compounds from these organisms. Cecropin and magainin, two examples
of these insect-derived antimicrobials, have demonstrated efficacy against a broad spectrum of bacteria,
Volume 05 - Issue 12 - December 2023 526 | P a g e
fungi, and viruses. Their mechanism of action involves disrupting the cell membranes of microorganisms,
ultimately leading to their demise. These antimicrobials hold promise in addressing the escalating issue of
antibiotic resistance and may pave the way for the development of novel therapies for cancer and other
ailments (Müller et al., 2013).
Insect Models for Disease Research
Insects offer a unique and valuable approach to studying human diseases due to their rapid lifespans,
straightforward genetic makeup, and translucent bodies. This combination of traits facilitates the study of
disease progression and the evaluation of novel therapies in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Fruit
flies, or Drosophila melanogaster, serve as a prime example of an insect model effectively employed in the
investigation of a diverse range of diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The
benefits of utilizing insect models are multifaceted. Their rapid lifecycles enable researchers to observe
disease progression in a condensed time frame, accelerating the pace of discovery. Additionally, their simple
genetics provide a convenient platform for manipulating genes and examining their impact on disease
development. The translucency of many insect bodies further enhances the study of disease progression by
allowing researchers to visualize changes in real-time. These advantages highlight the significant
contributions of insect models to the advancement of biomedical research (Andre et al., 1989).
Venom for Therapeutic Purposes
Insect venom has medicinal properties that can be harnessed for therapeutic purposes. For example, bee
venom has anti-inflammatory properties and is being investigated as a potential treatment for rheumatoid
arthritis. By understanding the composition of insect venoms, researchers can isolate and synthesize
specific components for targeted therapeutic applications, opening up new possibilities for pain
management and immune modulation (Ali, 2012).
Drug Discovery and Biotechnology
Insects have become crucial players in drug discovery and biotechnology. The silk produced by silkworms,
for example, has unique properties that make it an ideal material for drug delivery systems. Furthermore,
the cultivation of insect cells for the production of recombinant proteins has become a common practice in
the biotechnology industry. Insects provide a cost-effective and scalable platform for the production of
therapeutic proteins and vaccines (Vilcinskas, 2020).
Vectors of Disease
While insects are often associated with the transmission of diseases, such as malaria by mosquitoes and
Lyme disease by ticks, this dark aspect of their existence also presents an opportunity for medical research.
Studying the interactions between pathogens and their insect vectors helps researchers understand the
mechanisms of disease transmission. This knowledge is crucial for developing strategies to control and
prevent the spread of diseases that affect millions of people worldwide (Tobias, 2016).
In conclusion, insects, often overlooked, present a rich source for medical breakthroughs. From maggot
therapy's wound-healing prowess to insect-derived antimicrobials combating antibiotic resistance, these
tiny creatures hold vast therapeutic potential. Insect models accelerate disease research, while their
inspiration fuels biomedical engineering, yielding innovative technologies. Insect venom offers medicinal
properties for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. In drug discovery, silkworm silk becomes an ideal
material for drug delivery, and insect cells prove vital in biotechnology. Despite their role as disease vectors,
studying interactions with pathogens informs strategies for disease prevention. In the intricate world of
insects, ongoing exploration promises groundbreaking advancements in human health.
1. Ali, M. A. A. S. M. (2012). Studies on bee venom and its medical uses. Int J Adv Res Technol, 1(2), 69-83.
2. Andre, R. G., Wirtz, R. A., Das, Y. T., & An, C. (1989). Insect models for biomedical research. Nonmammalian animal models
for biomedical research, 61.
3. Bloemberg, J., Stefanini, C., & Romano, D. (2021). The role of insects in medical engineering and bionics: towards
entomomedical engineering. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 3(4), 909-918.
Volume 05 - Issue 12 - December 2023 527 | P a g e
4. Mathias, D. K., Plieskatt, J. L., Armistead, J. S., Bethony, J. M., Abdul-Majid, K. B., McMillan, A., ... & Dinglasan, R. R. (2012).
Expression, immunogenicity, histopathology, and potency of a mosquito-based malaria transmission-blocking recombinant
vaccine. Infection and immunity, 80(4), 1606-1614.
5. Müller, H., Salzig, D., & Czermak, P. (2015). Considerations for the process development of insectderived antimicrobial
peptide production. Biotechnology progress, 31(1), 1-11.
6. Sahoo, A., Swain, S. S., Behera, A., Sahoo, G., Mahapatra, P. K., & Panda, S. K. (2021). Antimicrobial peptides derived from
insects offer a novel therapeutic option to combat biofilm: A review. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 661195.
7. Schmidt, J. O. (2019). Arthropod toxins and venoms. In Medical and veterinary entomology (pp. 23-31). Academic Press.
8. Sherman, R. A., Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Grassberger, M., & Tantawi, T. I. (2013). Maggot therapy. In Biotherapy-history, principles
and practice: a practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of disease using living organisms (pp. 5-29). Dordrecht: Springer
9. Tobias, N. J. (2016). Insect vectors of disease: untapped reservoirs for new antimicrobials?. Frontiers in microbiology, 7, 2085.
10. Vilcinskas, A. (2020). Insect Biotechnology: Insects as a Resource. Biological Transformation, 247-260.
11. Zhu, H., Zhang, X., Lu, M., Chen, H., Chen, S., Han, J., ... & Dong, Z. (2020). Antibacterial mechanism of silkworm seroins.
Polymers, 12(12), 2985.
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Biofilms form a complex layer with defined structures, that attach on biotic or abiotic surfaces, are tough to eradicate and tend to cause some resistance against most antibiotics. Several studies confirmed that biofilm-producing bacteria exhibit higher resistance compared to the planktonic form of the same species. Antibiotic resistance factors are well understood in planktonic bacteria which is not so in case of biofilm producing forms. This may be due to the lack of available drugs with known resistance mechanisms for biofilms. Existing antibiotics cannot eradicate most biofilms, especially of ESKAPE pathogens (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter species). Insects produce complex and diverse set of chemicals for survival and defense. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), produced by most insects, generally have a broad spectrum of activity and the potential to bypass the resistance mechanisms of classical antibiotics. Besides, AMPs may well act synergistically with classical antibiotics for a double-pronged attack on infections. Thus, AMPs could be promising alternatives to overcome medically important biofilms, decrease the possibility of acquired resistance and treatment of multidrug-resistant pathogens including ESKAPE. The present review focuses on insect-derived AMPs with special reference to anti-biofilm-based strategies. It covers the AMP composition, pathways and mechanisms of action, the formation of biofilms, impact of biofilms on human diseases, current strategies as well as therapeutic options to combat biofilm with antimicrobial peptides from insects. In addition, the review also illustrates the importance of bioinformatics tools and molecular docking studies to boost the importance of select bioactive peptides those can be developed as drugs, as well as suggestions for further basic and clinical research.
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Seroin 1 and seroin 2 are abundant in silkworm cocoon silk and show strong antibacterial activities, and thus are thought to protect cocoon silk from damage by bacteria. In this study, we characterized the expression pattern of silkworm seroin 3, and found that seroin 3 is synthesized in the female ovary and secreted into egg to play its roles. After being infected, seroin 1, 2, and 3 were significantly up-regulated in the silkworm. We synthesized the full-length protein of seroin 1, 2, and 3 and their N/C-terminal domain (seroin-N/C), and compared the antimicrobial activities in vitro. All three seroins showed higher antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria than against Gram-negative bacteria. Seroin 2 showed better antibacterial effect than seroin 1 and 3, whereas seroin 1/2/3-N was better than seroin 1/2/3-C. We found that seroin 2-C has stronger peptidoglycan binding ability than seroin 2-N per the ELISA test. The binding sites of seroin 2 with bacteria were blocked by peptidoglycan, which resulted in the loss of the antibacterial activity of seroin 2. Collectively, these findings suggest that seroin 1 and 2 play antibacterial roles in cocoon silk, whereas seroin 3 functions in the eggs. The three silkworm seroins have the same antibacterial mechanism, that is, binding to bacterial peptidoglycan by the C-terminal domain and inhibiting bacterial growth by the N-terminal domain.
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With the increase in antibiotic resistance among infectious diseases, the need for new strategies for identifying compounds with inhibitory effects is dire. Traditional methods of genome sequencing and systematic characterization of potential antimicrobial gene clusters, although effective, are unfortunately not yielding results at a speed consistent with the rise in antimicrobial resistance. One approach could be to use a more targeted approach to antimicrobial compound discovery. Insect vectors often mediate the transmissions of parasitic infections for example, leishmaniasis, malaria, and trypanosomiasis. Within the insect, among the pathogens, are commensal and/or obligate symbiotic bacteria, which often undergo a population shift upon colonization of the insect host. The remaining bacteria may be either resistant to the effects of the respective parasites, or possibly essential for a successful colonization and continued spread of the parasite due to an obligate symbiosis between bacteria and insect host. Interestingly, these shifts are often toward groups of bacteria known to harbor many polyketide synthase and non-ribosomal peptide synthetase gene clusters involved in bioactive molecule production. This perspective explores the possibility to exploit the natural interactions between parasite, symbiont, and insect host for a more targeted approach toward natural product discovery, in an environment where potential compound producers are naturally interfacing with human pathogens.
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Use of honey and other bee products in human treatments traced back thousands of years and healing properties are included in many religious texts including the Veda, Bible and Quran. Apitherapy is the use of honey bee products for medical purposes, this include bee venom, raw honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis, and beeswax. Whereas bee venom therapy is the use of live bee stings (or injectable venom) to treat various diseases such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, sciatica, low back pain, and tennis elbow to name a few. It refers to any use of venom to assist the body in healing itself. Bee venom contains at least 18 pharmacologically active components including various enzymes, peptides and amines. Sulfur is believed to be the main element in inducing the release of cortisol from the adrenal glands and in protecting the body from infections. Contact with bee venom produces a complex cascade of reactions in the human body. The bee venom is safe for human treatments, the median lethal dose (LD50) for an adult human is 2.8 mg of venom per kg of body weight, i.e. a person weighing 60 kg has a 50% chance of surviving injections totaling 168 mg of bee venom. Assuming each bee injects all its venom and no stings are quickly removed at a maximum of 0.3 mg venom per sting, 560 stings could well be lethal for such a person. For a child weighing 10 kg, as little as 93.33 stings could be fatal. However, most human deaths result from one or few bee stings due to allergic reactions, heart failure or suffocation from swelling around the neck or the mouth. As compare with other human diseases, accidents and other unusual cases, the bee venom is very safe for human treatments.
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Vaccines have been at the forefront of global research efforts to combat malaria, yet despite several vaccine candidates, this goal has yet to be realized. A potentially effective approach to disrupting the spread of malaria is the use of transmission-blocking vaccines (TBV), which prevent the development of malarial parasites within their mosquito vector, thereby abrogating the cascade of secondary infections in humans. Since malaria is transmitted to human hosts by the bite of an obligate insect vector, mosquito species in the genus Anopheles, targeting mosquito midgut antigens that serve as ligands for Plasmodium parasites represents a promising approach to breaking the transmission cycle. The midgut-specific anopheline alanyl aminopeptidase N (AnAPN1) is highly conserved across Anopheles vectors and is a putative ligand for Plasmodium ookinete invasion. We have developed a scalable, high-yield Escherichia coli expression and purification platform for the recombinant AnAPN1 TBV antigen and report on its marked vaccine potency and immunogenicity, its capacity for eliciting transmission-blocking antibodies, and its apparent lack of immunization-associated histopathologies in a small-animal model.
Insects are important agents in ecosystems. Their diverseness and developed coping mechanisms also make them interesting for direct application and as a source of inspiration in medical engineering. We summarized the main contribution of insects in biomedical applications. Medical centers in North America, and Europe use fly larvae for maggot therapy to remove necrotic tissue, decrease infection risk, and improve wound healing. Ant mandibles are used as a suturing technique by African tribes and as sources of inspiration for surgical clamps. Both the mosquito fascicle and the wasp ovipositor are sources of inspiration for the design of medical needles. Herein, a new research field called “ entomomedical engineering, ” is proposed. We define entomomedical engineering as the branch of engineering that uses insects either directly or as a source of inspiration to design and develop medical treatments or instruments. In addition, we want to emphasize the importance of preserving insects because of their function in the ecosystem, medicine, and medical engineering.
Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) could evolve into new therapeutic lead molecules against multi-resistant bacteria. As insects are a rich source of AMP, the identification and characterization of insect-derived AMPs is particularly emphasized. One challenge of bringing these molecules into market, e.g. as a drug, is to develop a cost-efficient large-scale production process. Due to the fact that a direct AMP isolation from insects is not economical and that chemical synthesis is recommended for peptide sizes below 40 amino acids, a viable option is heterologous AMP production. Therefore, previous knowledge concerning the expression of larger proteins can be adapted, but due to the AMP nature (e.g. small size, bactericide) additional challenges have to be faced during up and downstream processing. Nonetheless the bottleneck for large scale AMP production is the same as for proteins; mainly the downstream process. This review introduces opportunities for insect-derived AMP production, like the choice of the expression system (based on previously derived data), depending on the AMP nature, as well as new purification strategies like ELP/intein based purification strategies. All of these aspects are discussed with regard to large scale processes and costs. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2014
Insect models for biomedical research. Nonmammalian animal models for biomedical research
  • R G Andre
  • R A Wirtz
  • Y T Das
  • C An
Andre, R. G., Wirtz, R. A., Das, Y. T., & An, C. (1989). Insect models for biomedical research. Nonmammalian animal models for biomedical research, 61.
Maggot therapy. In Biotherapy-history, principles and practice: a practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of disease using living organisms
  • R A Sherman
  • K Y Mumcuoglu
  • M Grassberger
  • T I Tantawi
Sherman, R. A., Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Grassberger, M., & Tantawi, T. I. (2013). Maggot therapy. In Biotherapy-history, principles and practice: a practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of disease using living organisms (pp. 5-29). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.