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Abstract and Figures

The genomes of charophyte green algae, close relatives of land plants, typically do not show signs of developmental regulation by phytohormones. However, scattered reports of endogenous phytohormone production in these organisms exist. We performed a comprehensive analysis of multiple phytohormones in Viridiplantae, focusing mainly on charophytes. We show that auxin, salicylic acid, ethylene and tRNA-derived cytokinins including cis-zeatin are found ubiquitously in Viridiplantae. By contrast, land plants but not green algae contain the trans-zeatin type cytokinins as well as auxin and cytokinin conjugates. Charophytes occasionally produce jasmonates and abscisic acid, whereas the latter is detected consistently in land plants. Several phytohormones are excreted into the culture medium, including auxin by charophytes and cytokinins and salicylic acid by Viridiplantae in general. We note that the conservation of phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling pathways known from angiosperms does not match the capacity for phytohormone biosynthesis in Viridiplantae. Our phylogenetically guided analysis of established algal cultures provides an important insight into phytohormone biosynthesis and metabolism across Streptophyta.
Endogenous phytohormone compounds detected in the biomass of green algae and land plants and ethylene emanation Circle size denotes mean concentration in biomass (pmol per gram fresh weight) and mean ethylene emanation (rightmost column; pmol/h/gFW). No circle, compound not detected (n.d.). Color code denotes the ratio between the concentrations measured in biomass and blank medium (the latter containing no biological material), expressed in logarithmic scale. Blue shading, compound(s) prevalent in blank. Red shading, compound(s) prevalent in biomass. Black, compound(s) absent in blank. Symbols: star, compound only detected in stationary-phase cultures; cross, wild-collected biological material (no blank available). ABA abscisic acid, PA phaseic acid, DPA dihydrophaseic acid, IAA indole-3-acetic acid, IAM indole-3-acetamide, oxIAA 2-oxo-IAA, IAA-Glu IAA-glutamate, IAA-GE IAA-glucose ester, tZ trans-zeatin, cZ cis-zeatin, Z(R)OGs zeatin (riboside)-O-glucosides; both cis- and trans- isomers, iP N⁶-(∆²-isopentenyl)-adenine, MeS methylthio, JA jasmonic acid, OPDA 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid, dnOPDA dinor-OPDA, SA salicylic acid, PAA phenylacetic acid, BA benzoic acid. Minimum n = 3 for biomass (independent cultures; exact sample size for each strain is listed in Supplementary Data 3), n = 2 for blank media. Ethylene measurements for both biomass and blank media were performed in n = 5. Data variation is shown in Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4 and listed in Supplementary Data 8.
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Phytohormone proling in an evolutionary
Vojtěch Schmidt
, Thomas Depaepe
Katarina Kurtović
, Stanislav Vosolsobě
Roberta Vaculíková
, Anthony Pil
, Petre Ivanov Dobrev
, Václav Motyka
Dominique Van Der Straeten
The genomes of charophyte green algae, close relatives of land plants, typi-
cally do not show signs of developmentalregulationbyphytohormones.
However, scattered reports of endogenous phytohormone production in
these organisms exist. We performed a comprehensive analysis of multiple
phytohormones in Viridiplantae, focusing mainly on charophytes. We show
that auxin, salicylic acid, ethylene and tRNA-derived cytokinins including cis-
zeatin are found ubiquitously in Viridiplantae. By contrast, land plants but not
green algae contain the trans-zeatin type cytokinins as well as auxin and
cytokinin conjugates. Charophytes occasionally produce jasmonates and
abscisic acid, whereas the latter is detected consistently in land plants. Several
phytohormones are excreted into the culture medium, including auxin by
charophytes and cytokinins and salicylic acid by Viridiplantae in general. We
note that the conservation of phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling
pathways known from angiosperms does not match the capacity for phyto-
hormone biosynthesis in Viridiplantae. Our phylogenetically guided analysis of
established algal cultures provides an important insight into phytohormone
biosynthesis and metabolism across Streptophyta.
Land plants evolved from within a group of freshwater green algae
called charophytes. Together they form the lineage Streptophyta,
which is embedded in Viridiplantae alongside the earlier-diverging
chlorophyte and prasinodermatophyte algae1. The extant charophyte
lineages are highly morphologically divergent, ranging from uni-
cellular and lamentous to multicellular with differentiated cell types2.
Phytohormones comprise several classes of endogenous,
organic substances that inuence physiological processes at lower
concentrations than vitamins or nutrients3. These phytohormone
classes include auxins, cytokinins (CK), jasmonates, ethylene, absci-
sic acid (ABA), salicylic acid (SA), strigolactones (SL), gibberellins
(GA) and brassinosteroids (BR). Genomic evidence suggests that the
machinery underlying ethylene and CK signaling evolved prior to the
emergence of land plants4, but it is currently unknown whether
ethylene or CK serves as conserved signals between green algae and
land plants. The canonical perception mechanisms of auxin, ABA,
jasmonates, and SA were imposed on pre-existing transcriptional
networks in the last common ancestor of land plants46. Finally, the
receptors of SL, GA, and BR emerged at different points in the evo-
lution of vascular plants79. While the gene families underlying CK
biosynthesis predate plant terrestrialization, these are not easily
distinguishable in green algae and bryophytes from the ancient
mechanisms of tRNA modication and purine metabolism1012. The
canonical biosynthetic pathways (as known from angiosperms) of the
other above-listed phytohormones were assembled in the last com-
mon ancestor of land plants or later in the lineage, even though
Received: 1 September 2023
Accepted: 9 April 2024
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Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Rozvojová 263, 165 02 Prague 6, Czechia.
Department of Experimental Plant Biology,
Charles University, Vinič 5, 128 44 Prague 2, Czechia.
Laboratory of Functional Plant Biology, Ghent University, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000
Ghent, Belgium.
These authors contributed equally: Vojtěch Schmidt, Roman Skokan. e-mail:;
Nature Communications | (2024) 15:3875 1
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homologs of certain genes are present in both charophytes and
Genomic inquiries into the origins of phytohormone biosynthesis
have been paralleled by proling of endogenous phytohormones.
First, it should be noted that the biosynthesis of many compounds
recognized as phytohormones is not restricted to Viridiplantae1618.In
green algae, research to date has prioritized unicellular chlorophytes.
Despite their distant relationship with land plants, chlorophytes were
reported to produce nearly all the compounds known as bioactive
phytohormones19. Charophytes, the closer living relatives of land
plants, have attracted considerably less attention in phytohormone
proling. Results obtained from a few charophyte genera collectively
attest that they can likewise produce compounds known as
phytohormones15,18,2029. However, phytohormone proling in green
algae and bryophytes is not without controversy, as individual studies
do not always agree on the detection of specic compounds in
equivalent biological material. Examples include abscisic acid in the
chlorophyte Draparnaldia spp.22,30, and jasmonic acid in the char-
ophyte Chara spp.26,28 and the bryophyte Marchantia
polymorpha20,21,31,32. Three studies in the charophyte Klebsormidium
spp. differed in both detection and endogenous concentrations of CK
but closely agreed on the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)18,25,27.Indivi-
dual studies tend to be limited in taxon sampling or the selection of
analyzed compounds. Moreover, multiple lineages of charophytes
have never been explored by phytohormone proling, despite their
important phylogenetic position in plant evolutionary research33,34.A
systematic, analytical investigation of phytohormone biosynthesis and
metabolism in Streptophyta that predate transition to land has never
been performed.
To address the inconsistencies and gaps in analytical evidence,
we provide a broad screen of compounds corresponding to multiple
classes of phytohormones in a wide range of Viridiplantae. The
selected taxa represent all families of charophyte algae, but also
include several chlorophyte algae and land plants as outgroups. All
investigated organisms were cultured under closely comparable
conditions and subjected to the same analytical methods. We found
that compounds known as auxin, CK, ABA, jasmonates, SA, and
ethylene are produced in both charophytes and land plants, with
some notable distinctions between the two lineages. In addition,
several phytohormones were found to be released into the culture
media. We discuss our data in the context of current hormonomics
and genomics.
Analytical design in an evolutionary framework
The algal and land plant strains were selected based on their phylo-
genetic position (Fig. 1), establishment in research as model organ-
isms, availability in axenic cultures, and ease of cultivation (see
Supplementary Data 1). Both biomass and the corresponding culture
media have been sampled at a proliferative stage of growth, but mul-
tiple selected algae were likewise sampled at the stationary growth
phase, particularly the charophytes. A liquid chromatography/mass
spectrometry (LC/MS)-based method designed to detect the broadest
possible spectrum of phytohormone compounds was applied to ana-
lyze the samples (full list of analytes in Supplementary Data 2). Addi-
tionally, the extracellular release of the gaseous phytohormone
ethylene by living algal and plant biomass was investigated using laser-
based photoacoustic spectroscopy. The results obtained were related
to the same analysis performed on blank media containing no biolo-
gical material.
Phytohormones in biomass
The proles of phytohormones and their metabolites measured in
algal and land plant samples are summarized in Fig. 1(see Supple-
mentary Figs. 13 for more detailed versions). The raw dataset is
provided in Supplementary Data 3 for all compounds except ethylene,
which is detailed in Supplementary Data 4.
ABA was detected rarely in green algae, at low concentrations (pM
to units of nM), and universally in the charophyte samples that were
investigated at the stationary growth stage. By contrast, ABA was
detected consistently in the thalli of the investigated land plants (Fig. 1,
Supplementary Fig. 2). The concentrations in the lycophyte Selaginella
uncinata were similar (order of 101nM)whilethoseinbryophyteswere
lower (units of nM) compared to those previously measured in these
lineages (Supplementary Data 5). Only the lycophyte contained the
ABA catabolites phaseic and dihydrophaseic acids (PA & DPA). These
results summarily show that ABA can be produced in charophytes at
low concentrations in stationary-phase cultures, whereas it can be
regularly detected in the growing cultures of land plants. Moreover,
only the tested lycophyte showed evidence of active ABA metabolism
under our conditions.
The auxin prole in our dataset was characterized by the omni-
presence of free IAA, its catabolite 2-oxo-IAA (oxIAA), and the frequent
presence of the IAA precursor indole-3-acetamide (IAM). Land plants
differed from green algae by additionally containing the amide- and
ester-conjugates of IAA (Fig. 1), namely IAA-glutamate (IAA-Glu) and
IAA-glucosyl ester (IAA-GE). The endogenous concentrations of IAA
ranged toward the lower end compared to the available literature,
where these span the entire nanomolar scale (Supplementary Data 5).
The phenolic compound phenylacetic acid (PAA) is known to have a
weak auxin activity and is widespread in the tree of life35;itwas
accordingly omnipresent in our dataset. To conclude, we found that
free IAA, PAA, and some compounds related to both were present in all
the organisms investigated. However, only land plants showed evi-
dence of active IAA metabolism by conjugation into amides and
Among CK, we found that both chlorophyte and charophyte
green algae contained only the tRNA-related CK types, namely N6-(Δ2-
isopentenyl)-adenine (iP), cis-zeatin (cZ) and methylthio CK (MeS-
zeatin and MeS-iP). Land plants likewise contained these, but addi-
tionally produced the trans-zeatin (tZ) type CK and cZ/tZ-O-glucosides.
The last CK type analyzed, dihydrozeatin (DZ), as well as CK-N-gluco-
sides were absent in all strains analyzed (Fig. 1). The measured CK
concentrations varied by strain but were mostly similar between green
algae and land plants and within the ranges reported previously
(Supplementary Data 5), i.e., from pM to units of nM. In summary, we
found that all the tested Viridiplantae contained CK derived from the
post-transcriptional modications of tRNA. However, only land plants
produced the tZ-type CK and CK-O-glucosides, the latter indicating
active CK metabolism.
The analysis of oxylipins/jasmonates (henceforth jasmonates)in
the selected Viridiplantae revealed a particularly patchy prole. A few
individual strains produced copious amounts, whereas other strains
(including all four tested chlorophytes) contained none of the tested
jasmonates (Fig. 1). The most frequently detected and simultaneously
the most abundantly produced jasmonate was dinor-12-oxo-
phytodienoic acid (dnOPDA), with two strains of Coleochaete scutata
containing particularly high (µM) endogenous concentrations (Sup-
plementary Data 3). dnOPDA was altogether found in four char-
ophytes, while its detection in Marchantia polymorpha represented
the only case of jasmonate occurrence in our tested land plants. The
charophytes Coleochaete scutata and the two strains of Klebsormi-
diophyceae constituted the only organisms thatproducedjasmonates
other than dnOPDA, namely OPDA and jasmonic acid (JA). In Kleb-
sormidiophyceae, JA was only found in the stationary-stage cultures.
Jasmonoyl-isoleucine (JA-Ile), the bioactive jasmonate of euphyllo-
phyte vascular plants15, was absent in our entire dataset. The measured
concentrations ranged from nM (JA, OPDA) to µM(dnOPDAinsome
strains). The levels of dnOPDA in Marchantia polymorpha and JA &
dnOPDA in Klebsormidium nitens in our analysis were similar to those
Nature Communications | (2024) 15:3875 2
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tZ types
cZ types
iP types
) wild-collected (no blank)
detected at stationary phase
p-s-l complex
MeS types
−4 04
biomass-to-blank ratio
absent in
−2 2
[pmol/gFW] < 1 1
1 000
10 000
Fig. 1 | Endogenous phytohormone compounds detected in the biomass of
green algae and land plants and ethylene emanation. Circle size denotes mean
concentration in biomass (pmol per gram fresh weight) and mean ethylene ema-
nation (rightmost column; pmol/h/gFW). No circle, compound not detected (n.d.).
Color codedenotes the ratio betweenthe concentrations measured in biomass and
blank medium (the latter containing no biological material), expressed in loga-
rithmic scale. Blue shading, compound(s) prevalent in blank. Red shading, com-
pound(s) prevalent in biomass. Black, compound(s) absent in blank. Symbols: star,
compound only detected in stationary-phase cultures; cross, wild-collected biolo-
gical material (no blank available). ABA abscisic acid, PA phaseic acid, DPA
dihydrophaseic acid, IAA indole-3-acetic acid, IAM indole-3-acetamide, oxIAA 2-
oxo-IAA, IAA-Glu IAA-glutamate, IAA-GE IAA-glucose ester, tZ trans-zeatin, cZ cis-
zeatin, Z(R)OGs zeatin (riboside)-O-glucosides; both cis-andtrans- isomers, iP N6-
(Δ2-isopentenyl)-adenine, MeS methylthio, JA jasmonic acid, OPDA 12-oxo-
phytodienoic acid, dnOPDA dinor-OPDA, SA salicylic acid, PAA phenylacetic acid,
BA benzoic acid. Minimum n= 3 for biomass (independent cultures; exact sample
size for each strain is listed in Supplementary Data 3), n=2 for blank media. Ethy-
lene measurements for both biomass and blank media were performed in n=5.
Data variation is shown in Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4 and listed in Supplemen-
tary Data 8.
Nature Communications | (2024) 15:3875 3
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reported15, although our two studies differed in OPDA detection. In
conclusion, we observed several cases of jasmonate production in the
tested streptophytes, plausibly indicative of a conserved reaction to
the culture conditions but with lineage-specic sensitivity. dnOPDA
was detected in ve of the investigated strains, while only three of
these strains additionally contained ODPA and/or JA.
SA was detected inall tested species, with no apparent differences
between land plants and green algae (Fig. 1). We likewise observed the
omnipresence of benzoic acid (BA), which can serve as an immediate
SA precursor5, but also is a more general primary metabolite36.The
measured SA concentrations ranged on the nanomolar scale, as pre-
viously reported in green algae, bryophytes, and many vascular plants
(Supplementary Data 5)5. In short, we observed that all tested Vir-
idiplantae produced SA and BA.
As ethylene is a gaseous, diffusable phytohormone, we mea-
sured its accumulation in enclosed vials containing biomass and
culture medium over a period of 6 hours using laser-based photo-
acoustic spectroscopy. A reduced sample set was analyzed com-
pared to the LC/MS screen. Both land plants and charophytes
released ethylene into the environment (Fig. 1and Supplementary
Fig. 4), although the latter at much lower amounts (12 orders of
magnitude). The exceptions among algae are, peculiarly, the
chlorophyte Chlorella sorokiniana and the early-diverging char-
ophyte Mesostigma viride, both of which released ethylene at levels
similar to land plants. The rate of ethylene release by Spirogyra sp.
was closely comparable to an analogous measurement performed
previously in Spirogyra pratensis29. Hence, we found that repre-
sentatives across Viridiplantae can produce ethylene. However,
land plants produced much higher amounts compared to the more
closely related charophyte lineages.
Last but not least, we note that our LC/MS method allows for the
detection of certain GA, BR, and SL (Supplementary Data 2), although
these compounds are typically measured using optimized purication,
extraction, and analysis procedures. We detected none of the analyzed
compounds under our approach, although other studies had pre-
viously reported their detection in similar biological material. This
includes GA in unicellular chlorophytes, Chara spp. and Selaginella
moellendorfi3739, BR in unicellular chlorophytes40 and SL in
Phytohormones in culture and control media
Phytohormones are recognized for developmental control in the
three-dimensional bodies of land plants with differentiated tissues and
cell types. Most green algae do not possess this morphological com-
plexity, leading to discussions about whether an ancestral function of
phytohormones, if present in ancient or extant green algae, might be
facilitated via their release into the environment42,43. This motivated us
to analyze the content of phytohormone compounds not only in bio-
mass, but also in the corresponding culture media. The results are
summarized in Fig. 2a (raw data in Supplementary Data 3) and hen-
ceforth described.
CK and phenolics (SA, PAA, BA) were detected in the culture
media from the majority of investigated strains. CK levels in culture
media were lower compared to biomass. Phenolics varied in their
prevalence between culture media or biomass by the specicanalyte
and individual organism. Auxins were detected less frequently in the
culture media compared to biomass, and the ratio between the two
again varied by analyte and species. While free IAA was detected in the
culture medium of half the investigated organisms, oxIAA was nearly
omnipresent. Among green algae, ABA was only found in the culture
medium of charophytes that also contained it intracellularly. By con-
trast, land plants contained endogenous ABA but did not release it into
the culture media. The only cases of jasmonate content in the culture
media were represented by JA in the charophytes Interlum para-
doxum and Coleochaete scutata, which also contained it intracellularly.
Further context to the measurements performed in biomass and
culture media is gained from the same analysis in blank media, which
contained no biological material. We revealed that IAA, ABA, jasmo-
nates, and most CK were absent in the blank media (black circles in
Figs. 1and 2b). Hence, their presence in either biomass or medium
resulted from the activity of living organisms. Ethylene release was
likewise detected only in the setups containing living material except
for one positive case in the blank medium of Chara braunii (Supple-
mentary Data 4), which might be explained as an artifact of the med-
ium composition. Certain other analytes were frequently detected in
the blank media. This includes oxIAA and iP-type CK, which were
present at lower levels in blanks compared to biomass (Fig. 1)andthe
culture media (Fig. 2b), suggesting that the living organisms addi-
tionally produced and released these compounds on their own. Phe-
nolics were likewise present in blanks, and the ratiotoward the content
in biomass and culture media varied by analyte and species. For
instance, Mougeotia scalaris and Mesotaenium endlicherianum pro-
duced PAA and released it into the environment. Klebsormidiophyceae
enriched the culture medium with PAA and BA but did not accumulate
these intracellularly. Selaginella uncinata degraded SA and BA present
in the medium upon inoculation, possibly by uptake and internal
metabolization. Summarily, we found that the detection of ABA, aux-
ins, CK, jasmonates and ethylene in either biomass or culture medium
could be entirely or predominantly attributed to the action of living
organisms. Phenolics were not only produced by the living biomass
but frequently also had been a part of the culture media prior to
inoculation with living cultures, and individual species differed in their
production, uptake, and release.
The content of certain phytohormones in blank media motivated
us to further address the possible sources of these contaminants by
analyzing different purity grades of water and three brands of agar
(Fig. 2c). Amongall analyzed compounds, the watersamples contained
only the phenolic BA. However, BA was the only analyte in our analysis
which lacked the qualier ion, so the signal might not be entirely
specic to BA. The agar samples (incorporated in MilliQ grade water)
contained oxIAA, iP-type CK, and considerable amounts of the phe-
nolics BA, SA, and PAA (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Data 3). Hence, the low-
level detection of additional compounds in blank media compared to
these agar and water controls is likely to be attributed to different,
unknown sources of contamination.
Phytohormones and biological contamination
The issue of contamination of algal material by eukaryotic or prokar-
yotic microorganisms in phytohormone measurements and treat-
ments haslong been debated35,44. In our effort to obtain axenic cultures
whenever possible (see Supplementary Fig. 5 for the culture con-
tamination test), we managed to obtain three sets of charophyte
strains, corresponding to three charophyte lineages. Each set con-
tained two strains from the same lineage, one axenic and the other
contaminated. These sets constituted two strains of Mesostigma viride
(Mesostigmatophyceae), Chlorokybus cerfiand C. melkonianii (both
Chlorokybophyceae), and two strains of Coleochaete scutata (both
Coleochaetophyceae). Remarkably, we found that phytohormone
proles in the biomass were qualitatively similar within lineages,
regardless of strain contamination (Supplementary Fig. 6). Some
qualitative differences could be observed in the culture media, but
these were lineage-specic (Supplementary Fig. 6). For instance, the
contaminated Chlorokybus cerficulture medium contained IAA, in
contrast to the axenic strain Chlorokybus melkonianii.However,the
opposite pattern could be observed between the axenic and con-
taminated strains of Mesostigma viride and Coleochaete scutata.This
could be attributed to a lineage-specic reaction to contamination
among charophytes, or the activity of different (though unidentied)
microorganisms present in these cultures. In summary, we did not
detect any shared patterns in phytohormone biosynthesis and
Nature Communications | (2024) 15:3875 4
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excretion in response to microbial contamination. This suggests that
lineage-specic patterns are likelymore profound than the inuence of
microbial contamination.
Comparing our results to the available literature on phytohormone
proling, we see that certain compounds are being detected more
consistently than others. Our ndings align with the ubiquitous
occurrence of IAA and oxIAA throughout Viridiplantae (Supplemen-
tary Data 5), much like the phenolic phytohormone SA5.IAA-amides
were absent in green algae in our screen and certain other studies25,26,
though isolated occurrences at low amounts had been reported
elsewhere18. The detection of the jasmonate JA had previously varied in
charophytes and bryophytes, while OPDA and dnOPDA were found to
tZ types
cZ types
iP types
tZ types
cZ types
iP types
MilliQ + agar #3
MilliQ + agar #2
MilliQ + agar #1
MilliQ (in flask)
tap water
−2 02
[pmol/g or ml]
<1 1 10 100
absent in
−2 0 2
P. patens
P. patens
M. polymorpha
Spirogyra sp.
M. scalaris
Closterium p-s-l
M. endlicherianum
C. scutata
Nitella sp.
C. braunii
K. nitens
I. paradoxum
C. melkonianii
M. viride
D. communis
C. sorokininana
T. annulata
P. salinarum
S. uncinata
S. uncinata
aMedium-Blank RelationMedium-Biomass Relation absent in
) wild-collected (no blank)
detected only at stationary phase
MeS types
log(medium/biomass) log(medium/blank)
MeS types
Fig. 2 | Detection of phytohormone compounds in culture media and control
samples of water and agar. a Ratio between concentrations detected in culture
medium and the corresponding biomass, in logarithmic scale. Color code: blue
shading, compound prevalent in biomass; red shading, compound prevalent in
medium; black, compound absent in biomass. bRatio between concentrations
detectedin culture medium andblank medium (containing no biological material),
in logarithmic scale. Color code: blue shading, compound prevalent in blank; red
shading, compound prevalent in medium; black, compound absent in blank. The
circle sizein a,bdenotes the meanconcentration in culture media (pmolper gram
or ml). No circle, compound not detected (n.d.). Minimum n= 3 for culture media
(independent cultures; exact sample size for each strain is listed in Supplementary
Data 3), n= 2 for blank media.cCompounds detected in different purity grades of
water and three brands of agar (1.5% w/v, incorporated in MilliQ grade water). The
circle size denotes mean concentration (pmol per gram or ml); n=3samples.No
circle, compound not detected (n.d.). Compound abbreviations are listed in the
legend in Fig. 1. Data variation is shown in Supplementary Fig. 3 and listed in
Supplementary Data 8.
Nature Communications | (2024) 15:3875 5
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be more consistent (Supplementary Data 5). We detected endogenous
jasmonates in multiple charophytes, often at considerable con-
centrations, but found land plants to be nearly devoid of jasmonates
under similar culture conditions. As suggested by the role of ODPA and
dnOPDA in a thermotolerance response conserved inStreptophyta15,45,
the jasmonate-rich charophyte strains in our analysis may have been
growing outside their temperature optimum. Additional stimuli such
as wounding regulate jasmonate production in land plants15, plausibly
accounting for their near-absence in land plant material under our
conditions. The published CK proles in non-seed Viridiplantae have
been inconsistent at the lineage level. Despite numerous qualitative
disagreements (see Supplementary Data 5), our results at least support
two general trends in green algae and bryophytes: CK proles are
dominated by the tRNA CK types, and CK-N-glucosides are absent18,19,46.
We detected ABA in all the tested land plants but only a few green
algae, whereas ABA presence in green algae and non-Viridiplantae
lineages has been well-established in literature17,26,27,42,4749. Since ABA
was only found in stationary-phase chyrophyte samples, we speculate
that ABA production at detectable levels in green algae may result
from certain stress conditions that were rarely achieved among our
cultured strains. In summary, we conrm that free auxins, tRNA CK,
and SA are produced universally in green algae, bryophytes, and
lycophytes. By contrast, the biosynthesis of ABA in charophytes and
jasmonates in Streptophyta at detectable levels appears to depend on
certain stimuli, in our case manifested from culture conditions. We
found tZ and IAA- and CK-conjugates to be restricted to land plants,
but conicting reports had been published. Regarding ethylene
release, to our knowledge, current literature lacks data comparable to
our dataset.
Our LC/MS prole in green algal and land plant biomass was
complemented with the same analysis performed in the correspond-
ing culture media. CK proles in biomass were generally mirrored at
lower concentrations in culture media, supporting earlier isolated
reports of extracellular CK release in Viridiplantae50.Ithasbeen
reported that chlorophytes excrete ABA and IAA49,5154, which is con-
trary to our ndings. All chlorophytes in this study also lacked intra-
cellular ABA. On the other hand, charophytes that contained
intracellular ABA were also excreting it into the media. The excretion
of IAA in charophytes was previously proposed to reect an ancestral
function in inter-organismal communication43,55.Wemeasured
increased IAA concentrations in the culture medium of Klebsormidium
nitens compared to biomass, coinciding with the conserved auxin
efux function of the PIN-FORMED (PIN) proteins in the genus56.
However, we also found that cases of auxin excretion among char-
ophytes did not universally correlate with PIN conservation43.Inthe
control measurements of agar samples, the content of auxins, CK, and
SA may reect the original biological source in agarophyte red
algae5759. Although culturing plants on agar is equivalent to treatment
with ca. 1020 nM SA, the effective doses used in treatments of plants
are much higher60. In all, we revealed that phytohormones were
released into the culture media in streptophytes. This mainly included
auxin, CK, and phenolics, with lineage-specic differences. Addition-
ally, we show that certain phytohormone compounds are present at
basal levels in culture media as contaminants from the media
Our comparison of certain axenic vs. xenic (contaminated) char-
ophyte cultures revealed little inuence of contaminants on the overall
phytohormone proles. No conserved reaction to contamination was
revealed among three investigated charophyte lineages, in
either intracellular or extracellular phytohormone content. As for the
contaminating microorganisms, little interpretation could be made;
previous studies on phytohormone biosynthesis and responses in
bacteria and fungi have been focused dominantly on the strains
associated with vascular plants6163. Although our results do not
suggest that the recognized phytohormones are relevant in
charophyte-microorganism interactions, a dedicated future investi-
gation should include the isolation and identication of microbial
strains living in natural association with the algae. Natural multi-algal
consortia could be studied in a similar fashion.
Plant evolution is researched in large part by tracking the con-
servation of genesknown from angiosperms.However, phytohormone
proles in Viridiplantae regularly do not match genomic inferences.
IAA and oxIAA are omnipresent in Viridiplantae, whereas we only
detected glucosylated IAA in bryophytes and a lycophyte. Yet, the
enzymes recognized for auxin biosynthesis, non-decarboxylative IAA
oxidation, and IAA glucosylation, respectively, are only conserved in
land plants, angiosperms, and seed plants13. Inversely, the charophyte
Klebsormidium spp. lacks endogenous IAA amides (this study and
ref. 18) despite uniquely containing gene homologs of IAA-amide
synthases, which are otherwise restricted to land plants13. CK are well
known to regulate development in bryophytes via signaling conserved
with angiosperms64, but no such knowledge exists in charophytes.
organisms to contain tZ-type CKs, which are known to be highly
bioactive65. However, these investigated land plants lack the adenylate-
type isopentenyltransferases recognized for tZ biosynthesis, i.e., do
not differ from green algae in the genomic evidence for CK
biosynthesis12. To make matters more complicated, green algae can
process applied IAA into IAA-amides and break down applied tZinto
adenine and adenosine, despite lacking IAA-amidases and CK
dehydrogenases18,23. We found all but one of the investigated Vir-
idiplantae to release ethylene into the environment. Yet, the enzyme
directly responsiblefor ethylene biosynthesis is only conserved in seed
plants14. Two SA biosynthesis pathways are deeply conserved in land
plants. Among green algae, only certain charophyte lineages contain
all the known components of at least one (the β-oxidation-based) of
these pathways5. Regardless, SA is produced ubiquitously in Vir-
idiplantae (our study and5). Interestingly, the chlorophyte Chlamydo-
monas reinhardtii lacks some genes of the β-oxidation-based SA
biosynthesis pathway, but a mutation in one enzyme conserved with
the angiosperm Oryza sativa results in decreased endogenous SA
levels in both species5. These examples remind us there is much left
unknown in the lineages outside of seed plants, including secondary
metabolism6. More research into these organisms will help us over-
come the limits of viewing plant evolution through the prism of
knowledge gained mainly in angiosperms.
The question of the origins of phytohormone function has been
approached by analytical proling of native compounds, treatments
by externally applied phytohormones, and comparative genomics.
Biotechnology-motivated studies have revealed that unicellular
chlorophytes natively produce the most known phytohormones and
show growth responses to their external application. Similar results
were obtained in microalgaefrom non-Viridiplantae lineages,
including Eustigmatophyceae, Euglenozoa, or Cyanobacteria
(reviewed in refs.19,66,67). As phytohormones are dened as natural
compounds affecting physiological processes at low concentrations3,
these observations would suggest that phytohormone identity of
multiple organic compounds is widespread in the tree of life. However,
no underlying mechanism, genetic or otherwise, conserved between
land plants and any of these lineages has yet been shown. Research
through comparative genomics provides a different perspective; the
molecular machineries underlying the responses to most phyto-
hormones only became operational in the last common ancestor of
land plants or later in this lineage49. Our results showed that land
plants but not green algae (chlorophytes or charophytes) consistently
contained ABA and produced auxinand CK metabolites. Otherstudies
focusing on these hormones have likewise found differences between
land plants and green algae. In treatments, lower micromolar doses of
Nature Communications | (2024) 15:3875 6
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
ABA, auxin, and CK elicit growth phenotypes in land plants such as
bryophytes6872, but comparably higher doses of auxin and ABA (and
much higher than the levels detected as endogenous in this study) are
necessary to achieve comparably milder effects in charophytes7376.No
data are available regarding CK treatments in charophytes. Compara-
tive genomics revealed that the genes coding for auxin and ABA
receptors are functionally conserved across land plants but are absent
in charophytes71,72,77,78, whereas the CK receptor homologs present in
charophytes arerelated to a cladethat does not act in CK perception in
land plants12. Additionally, gene homologs of CK signaling in the
charophyte Spirogyra pratensis are not transcriptionally responsive to
applied CK79. Collectively, our results together with the above-listed
observations imply that ABA, auxin, and CK might only have assumed
phytohormoneidentity in an ancestralland plant. Itmust be noted that
much morework lies ahead of us to properly understand the evolution
of phytohormone responses. Recent research has revealed that both
charophytes and land plants utilize OPDA and dnOPDA in a thermo-
tolerance response, which is distinct from the role of these compounds
in jasmonate signaling that only evolved in land plants15,45.Canonical
auxin signaling is likewise a land plant invention77,yetappliedIAA
elicits rapid changes in plasma membrane potential and protein
phosphorylation in both land plants and charophytes; while the native
function in charophytes remains unknown, it may involve a reaction to
light or osmotic stress80. As charophytes become better explored and
established as model organisms, we are likely to be updating our views
regarding the evolution and origins of phytohormone responses.
How can we interpret the presence of phytohormones in organ-
isms that lack a bona de phytohormone response? The similar pro-
les of IAA and tRNA CK in many green, red, and brown algae, fungi,
animals, and other organisms17,18,48,57,8183 might simply reect the
metabolism of indoles and purines/tRNA84,85. Similarly, the presence of
ABA in algae such as Dunaliella spp. may be a side-effect of carotenoid
metabolism22,86,87. Increased ABA production from carotenoid oxida-
tion under stress conditions has been proposedas an evolutionary pre-
requisite to ABA functioning as a stress hormone6.Indeed,extant
green algae can accumulate ABA under stress without signs of ABA
itself affecting stress responses88. On a related note, it may be worth
considering that the compounds recognized as phytohormones, such
as IAA or CK, might only reect phytohormone action when natively
present in amounts that exceed specic thresholds. After all, phyto-
hormone function in angiosperms follows a strict dose-response
relationship and is often coupled with their considerable accumulation
in specic tissues and developmental stages8992. Therefore, if com-
pounds known as phytohormones have physiological functions in
extant charophytes, conserved with land plants or not, these may be
spatiotemporally or developmentally restricted (e.g., to developing
zygospores). Uncovering such possible functions would yet require a
considerable amount of research.
In the past two decades, bryophytes have been the torch illu-
minating the dark corners of plant evolutionary research. A new
frontier is currently opening in charophyte algae, perhaps even
more challenging due to longer divergence times coupled with
considerable diversity in morphology and physiology. We revealed
that charophytes are capable of producing most organic com-
pounds known as active phytohormones in land plants. However,
certain patterns in biosynthesis and metabolism coupled with
genomic and empirical evidence indicate that major, perhaps fun-
damental innovations underlying phytohormone action have only
evolved after the transition to land. Hence, this study represents
one piece in the puzzle of the origins and evolution of phyto-
hormone responses.
Supplementary data 6 lists the chemicals used in this study.
Algal and plant strains and cultivation
Algal strains were obtained from the following institutions: Microbial
culture collection, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsu-
kuba, Japan (NIES); Culture collection of algae, Goettingen University,
Germany (SAG); Central collection of algal cultures, Duisburg Uni-
versity, Essen, Germany (CCAC); Culture collection of algae, University
of Texas at Austin, USA (UTEX); Culture collection of algae, Depart-
ment of Botany, Charles University, Prague, Czechia (CAUP). Selagi-
nella uncinata (Comenius, original strain) was obtained from the
Botanical garden at the Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, and
established asa sterile culture. The wild-collected samples of Nitella sp.
and the surrounding water (ash-frozen in liquid N
in situ) were
obtained from a freshwater spring pond under sandstone rocks (GPS:
50.6402767 N, 14.5147078E) in April 2021; the surrounding water was
notably pure and the algae not obviously covered with epiphytic
See Supplementary Data 1 for a complete list of strains with source
identiers and the culture media used. MurashigeSkoog medium
(Duchefa M0221), Gamborg medium (Duchefa G0210), and Bolds
Basal Medium (BBM; Merck B5285) were purchased commercially.
BCD medium supplemented with diammonium tartrate (BCDAT) was
prepared according to93. C medium, Pro medium, and a modied
version of the SWCN-4 medium for Charophyceae were prepared per
instructions from the NIES collection (
02medium-e.html). Modied SWCN-4 as follows: garden soil was
mixed with river sand (1:4), dampened with dH
O, autoclaved 3×, laid
into sterile test tubes (3 cm height), and supplemented with 40 ml
sterile dH
O. BBM, C, and Pro media were supplemented with custo-
mized vitamin doses: B
10 mg/l medium, B
2mg/l, B
10 mg/l. Indi-
vidual vitamin stocks (1000×) were dissolved in dH
O, sterilized by
ltration (Millex SLGS033SS), stored at 20 °C, and added into cooled-
down but not yet solid agar-supplemented medium, or upon algal
inoculation (liquid medium). All media were sugar-free.
Land plants were cultured on solid media in plates sealed with
surgical tape (Micropore 15300). Marchantia polymorpha were
inoculated from individual gemmae. Physcomitrium patens protonema
were homogenized weekly using Ika T25 Digital Ultra Turrax with 8G
disperser tool (IKA-Werke, Germany) and spread on plates containing
medium overlaid with cellophane foil. When necessary, cultures were
left to grow without homogenization to allow gametophore emer-
gence. Selaginella uncincata (chosen for itssuperb growthin vitro) was
inoculated from apical branch cuttings. 23 apical explants of Chara
braunii (each with at least two nodes) were inoculated per one test
tube containing soil and culture medium. Other algae, if not grown for
analysis, were inoculated into the fresh medium from a fraction of the
original culture (210% biomass) in 68 week intervals or longer,
depending on the growth character of each strain.
Although we have generally avoided this measure in cultures
intended for phytohormone analysis, certain algal strains (Supple-
mentary Data 1) require supplementation of the c ulture media with soil
extract for continuous proper growth. Soil extract was prepared by
mixing soil with dH
O (1:3 volume), autoclaving, passing through lter
paper overnight, and autoclaving again. The soil (without obvious leaf
litter) was collected in a submontane forest of European beech (Fagus
sylvatica; GPS: 50.8653578 N, 15.1046144E) at the end of winter.
All living material was cultured at 23 °C, 16:8 hours light:dark
regime. The cultures were illuminated by mixed-spectrum uorescent
light tubes using Osram Fluora TLD 36 W (Osram Licht AG, Germany)
and Philips Master TLD Super 36 W (Koninklijke Philips N.V., The
Netherlands); see Supplementary Data 7 for details on illumination
spectra and intensity.
Culture contamination tests
The axenic status of living cultures was examined by two approaches.
First, the algal biomass used for analysis was observed under a
Nature Communications | (2024) 15:3875 7
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microscope (Supplementary Fig. 5). Second, the algal and land plant
biomass was inoculated on four types of media designed to support
the growth of bacteria and fungi. These media were labeled as LB,
Euglena, Trebouxia, and Sabouraud (all supplemented with 1.5% w/v
agar, Duchefa P1001) and were prepared per instructions of the Culture
Collection of Algae at the University of Texas, Austin (UTEX) (https://
you-test-for-contamination-). After inoculation, the plates were sealed
with paralm and cultured in the dark at 37 °C for 7 days. All plates
were photographed and examined microscopically (Supplemen-
tary Fig. 5).
Sample preparation
Algal biomass was sampled during the proliferative phase of culture
growth (1.53 weeks after inoculation, depending on individual
strains). Streptophyte algae were additionally sampled during the
stationary phase of growth (46weeks).Marchantia polymorpha thalli
were sampled on day 19. Physcomitrium patens protonema and
gametophores were sampled after 1 and 5 weeks of growth, respec-
tively. Selaginella uncinata was sampled after 5 weeks of growth.
Samples for LC/MS were harvested as follows (see Supplemen-
trary Data 1): liquid-cultured algae were collected by pipetting (cutoff
tips) and ltration through a nylon mesh lter (20 μm, Merck Millipore
NY2004700) using underpressure. Strains with smaller cells, i.e.,
Picocystis salinarum,Desmodesmus communis,Mesostigma viride,and
Closterium p-s-l complex were collected by centrifugation (1000 × g)
and supernatant decantation. Algae and moss protonema growing on
solid media were scraped with a spatula and ltered to remove
excessive moisture. Chara braunii and Nitella sp. thalli (without rhi-
zoids) were washed with dH
O, and excessive moisture was removed
with a cotton pad. Bryophyte thalli and Selaginella uncinata apical
cuttings were directly transferred into collection tubes. Biomass
samples (10-50 mg fresh weight each) were transferred into 2-ml thick-
walled microcentrifuge tubes (SSIbio 2340-00, Scientic Specialities,
USA) with screwable lids (SSIbio 2002-00), ash-frozen in liquid
nitrogen and stored at 80 °C. Liquid culture media were sampled by
pipetting, centrifugation (1000 × g), and decanting as 100 µl samples.
Samples of solid culture media were scraped from inside the solidagar
(avoiding any residual biomass) with a cut pipette tip and sampled as
ca. 50 mg each. Blank media were sampled similarly. The media sam-
ples were likewise ash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 °C.
Phytohormone analysis
Samples were extracted with 100 µl 1 M formic acid solution. The fol-
lowing isotope-labelled standards were added at 1 pmol per sample:
-IAA (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Tewksbury, MA, USA); 2H
SA (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA); 2H
-PA, 2H
-ABA, 2H
-JA, 2H
-tZ, 2H
-tZR, 2H
-tZRMP, 2H
-tZ7G, 2H
-tZ9G, 2H
tZOG, 2H
-tZROG, 15N
-cZ, 2H
-DZ, 2H
-DZR, 2H
-DZ9G, 2H
-iP, 2H
-iPR, 2H
-iP7G, 2H
-iP9G, 2H
)-IAA-Asp and (2H
)-IAA-Glu (Olchemim, Olomouc,
Czech Republic). The extracts were centrifuged at 30,000 × gat 4 °C.
The supernatants were applied to SPE Oasis HLB 96-well column plates
(10 mg/well; Waters, Milford, MA, USA) conditioned with 100 µLacet-
onitrile and 100 µl 1 M formic acid using Pressure+ 96 manifold (Bio-
tage, Uppsala, Sweden). After washing the wells three times with 100 µl
water, the samples were eluted with 100 µl 50% acetonitrile in water.
The eluates were separated on Kinetex EVO C18 HPLC column (2.6 µm,
150 × 2.1 mm, Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA). Mobile phases were as
follows: A, 5 mM ammonium acetate, and 2 µM medronic acid in water;
B, 95:5 acetonitrile:water (v/v). The following gradient was applied: 5%
B in 0 min, 5-7% B (0.15 min), 10-35% B (5.112 min), and 35-100% B (12-
13 min), followed by a 1 min hold at100% B (13-14 min) and return to 5%
B. Hormone analysis was performed with an LC/MS system consisting
of UHPLC 1290 Innity II (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) coupled to
6495 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA,
USA). The Jet Stream (AJS) ion source parameters included: gas tem-
perature 180 °C, gas ow 19 l/min, sheath gas temperature 400 °C,
sheath gas ow 12 l/min, nebulizer pressure 25 psi, capillary voltage:
positive/negative 3000 V/2500 V, nozzle voltage: positive/negative
0 V/1000 V. The compounds were analysed in multiple reaction
monitoring modes (transitions are listed in Supplementary Data 2),
with quantication by the isotope dilution method. Data acquisition
and processing were performed with Mass Hunter software B.08
(Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Data processing was performed using
Agile2 integration algorithm followed by manual verication. For cal-
culation of concentrations reecting the amount of sample and
internal standards, see Supplementary Data 3.
For ethylene measurements, we adapted an established
protocol94.Blankmediawereprocessedrst to determine any possible
background levels or noise and enable subsequent correction of the
biomass samples. A set volume (Supplementary Data 4) of liquid or
solid medium in clear-glass 10-ml chromatography vials (Thermo
Fisher 10623633) was left standing (lid open) for 1 hour. The vials were
then sealed air-tight with a rubber septum (Thermo Fisher 11845060)
and a snap cap (Thermo Fisher 11805020) using a manual crimping
tool (Thermo Fisher 10372525), then kept at 21 °C in low light condi-
tions (35 µmol m2s1)under4uorescent tubes (Philips TLD 36 W/33-
640). After 6 hours, ethylene levels within the headspace were mea-
sured using laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy (ETD-300, Sensor
Sense) in stop-and-ow mode. Algal biomass samples were suspended
in fresh medium (same volume as used in blank measurements, see
Supplementary Data 4) and transferred into the chromatography vials.
Land plant samples were transferred into chromatography vials con-
taining solid culture medium and a minimum volume of pure water
(MilliQ grade) (Supplementary Data 4); no pure water was added to
Physcomitrium patens gametophores, which were previously cultured
in the vials. The biomass samples were then processed as the blank
media, i.e., left open to acclimatize for 1 h, sealed for 6 h, and measured
for total ethylene accumulated. Samples were measured in 5 biological
and 5 blank medium replicates. The system was calibrated using
standard ethylene mixtures (Air Liquide 23209012).
Presentation of results and statistical evaluation
Phytohormone proles are presented as means and related to other
sample categories by logarithmic ratio to visualize possible back-
ground of compounds in media (relation to corresponding blank
media), or possible excretion of compounds to media (relation to
culture media). Relative errors of biological and technical replications
of LC/MS analysis are provided in Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supple-
mentary Data 8. The signicance of cultivation effects (e.g., culture
stage and strainaxenicity; Supplementary Figs. 2 and 6)were evaluated
by linear mixed effects model after logarithmic transformation (lme4
package95) and tested by Likelihood-ratio test (lmerTestpackage96.
Differences between groups were determined by post-hoc comparison
(Tukey method, emmeanspackage97. The same statistical evaluation
was used to determine the signicance of ethylene emanation by the
biomass, due to the presence of mediaduring ethylene measurements
on living material (Supplementary Fig. 4). Statistical comparisons of
LC/MS data between biomass/culture media and blank media were not
performed, as these were analyzed as separate samples. Statistical
analyses and data plotting were performed using R software package
4.2.3 (R Core Team) with tidyversepackage environment (v2.0.0).
Figures were nally composed using Adobe Illustrator 2020.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature
Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
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Data availability
All raw LC/MS data generated in this study have been deposited in the
Zenodo repository:
data are provided with this paper.
Code availability
Code for data plotting and statistical analyses is deposited at the
following links:
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We acknowledge Pavel Škaloud (Department of Botany, Charles Uni-
versity, Prague, Czechia) for providing the CAUP algal cultures and
valuable advice; Norbert Zlámal (Botanical Garden, Comenius Uni-
versity, Bratislava, Slovakia) for identifying and providing Selaginella
uncinata; Marie Korecká (Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Acad-
emy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia) for assistance with experimental
work. This work was supported by Czech Science Foundation project no.
20-13587S, and Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK), project no.
393422. D.V.D.S. acknowledges the Research Foundation Flanders
(FWO; G082421N) and Ghent University (BOF-BAS) for nancial support.
Author contributions
V.S. and R.S. cultivated the biological material, analyzed data, and wrote
the text. K.K. and S.H. cultivated and prepared samples of certain ana-
lyzed organisms. R.V. and P.D. performed mass spectrometry. T.D. and
A.P. measured ethylene production. V.S. and S.V. performed the statis-
tical analysis. V.M., D.V.D.S. and J.P. supervised the work and writing.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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... If we look outside the terrestrial plant, we do not find homologs of the canonical auxin F-box protein family receptor-based signalling pathway, nor do we even find homologs of key genes for auxin synthesis. However, we do find the IAA and its metabolites across the whole green lineage (Schmidt et al., 2024) and an apparent conservation of auxin carrier genes ensuring auxin export from the cytoplasm, namely, proteins from the PIN-FORMED (PIN) and PIN-LIKES (PILS) families (Carrillo-Carrasco et al., 2023;Vosolsobě et al., 2020). While the former family has been intensively studied for several decades, as its members are among the most important morphogenetic regulators in plants, PILS were discovered only a decade ago (Barbez et al., 2012;Feraru, 2012) and, in contrast to PINs, only provide homeostatic regulation of auxin levels in the cell, not its export from the cell to the environment. ...
... ; 1101/2024 Divergency of PIN and PILS and the ancestral function of AEC Despite the fact that PIN and PILS proteins were described to play similar roles in auxin transport in plants, all obtained topologies in our phylogenetic analysis clearly show that these are lineages separated deeply at the prokaryotic level (Fig. 3) in agreement with previous studies (Bogaert et al., 2022;Feraru, 2012). Eukaryotic PINs are sister to the clade present mainly in Psudomonadota (form. ...
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The resolution of the 3D structure of PIN proteins and the ability to universally predict protein structures using AlphaFold allowed us to reconsider the classification of Auxin efflux carriers within the BART superfamily, and we propose to merge members of this superfamily, possessing a characteristic fold with a helical crossover, with other families carrying this fold (BASS, NhaA, CPA and others) into a newly proposed superfamily named X-Helices Carriers (XHC). We further demonstrate a profound divergence between PIN and PILS proteins and monophyly of eukaryotic PINs with the animal cholesterol receptor GPR155/LYCHOS. We hypothesise that its signalling capacity is derived from a general feature of PIN proteins to interact with membrane lipids within the core membrane fold. Finally, we discuss the auxin-transport ability of PIN and PILS proteins in the context of the described properties of bacterial homologs that act as organic acid permeases. Disclaimer This version is a draft and it will be updated during the next few weeks. Highlights PINs are in plants and fragmentary in many algae and protists, but never in fungi Eukaryotic PINs are monophyletic together with animal cholesterol receptor GPR155 PILS are frequently present in protists and in all fungi, but not in animals PINs/PILS split is occurred very early in Prokaryota AECs belongs to proposed superfamily of transporter with helical crossover
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Angiosperms, especially Arabidopsis and rice, have long been at the center of plant research. However, technological advances in sequencing have led to a dramatic increase in genome and transcriptome data availability across land plants and, more recently, among green algae. These data allowed for an in-depth study of the evolution of different protein families – including those involved in the metabolism and signaling of phytohormones. While most early studies on phytohormone evolution were phylogenetic, those studies have started to be complemented by genetic and biochemical studies in recent years. Examples of such functional analyses focused on ethylene, jasmonic acid, abscisic acid, and auxin. These data have been summarized recently. In this review, we will focus on the progress in our understanding of cytokinin biology. We will use these data to synthesize key points about the evolution of cytokinin metabolism and signaling, which might apply to the evolution of other phytohormones as well.
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Different plant species employ different jasmonates to activate a conserved signalling pathway in land plants, where (+)‐7‐iso‐JA‐Ile (JA‐Ile) is the ligand for the COI1/JAZ receptor in angiosperms and dn‐cis‐OPDA, dn‐iso‐OPDA and Δ⁴‐dn‐iso‐OPDA act as ligands in Marchantia polymorpha. In addition, some jasmonates play a COI1‐independent role. To understand the distribution of bioactive jasmonates in the green lineage and how their biosynthetic pathways evolved, we performed phylogenetic analyses and systematic jasmonates profiling in representative species from different lineages. We found that both OPDA and dn‐OPDA are ubiquitous in all tested land plants and present also in charophyte algae, underscoring their importance as ancestral signalling molecules. By contrast, JA‐Ile biosynthesis emerged within lycophytes coincident with the evolutionary appearance of JAR1 function. We identified that the OPR3‐independent JA biosynthesis pathway is ancient and predates the evolutionary appearance of the OPR3‐dependent pathway. Moreover, we identified a negative correlation between dn‐iso‐OPDA and JA‐Ile in land plants, which supports that in bryophytes and lycophytes dn‐iso‐OPDA represents the analogous hormone to JA‐Ile in other vascular plants.
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Auxin plays pleiotropic roles in plant development via gene regulation upon its perception by the receptors TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE 1/AUXIN SIGNALING F-BOX (TIR1/AFBs). This auxin-regulated transcriptional control mechanism originated in the common ancestor of land plants. Although the complete loss of TIR1/AFBs causes embryonic lethality in Arabidopsis thaliana, it is unclear whether the requirement for TIR1-mediated auxin perception in cell viability can be generalized. The model liverwort Marchantia polymorpha has a minimal auxin signaling system with only a single TIR1/AFB, MpTIR1. Here we show by genetic, biochemical, and transcriptomic analyses that MpTIR1 functions as an evolutionarily conserved auxin receptor. Null mutants and conditionally knocked-out mutants of MpTIR1 were viable but incapable of forming any organs and grew as cell masses. Principal component analysis performed using transcriptomes at various developmental stages indicated that MpTIR1 is involved in the developmental transition from spores to organized thalli, during which apical notches containing stem cells are established. In Mptir1 cells, stem-cell- and differentiation-related genes were up- and down-regulated, respectively. Our findings suggest that, in M. polymorpha, auxin signaling is dispensable for cell division but is essential for three-dimensional patterning of the plant body by establishing pluripotent stem cells for organogenesis, a derived trait of land plants.
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Plant (archaeplastid) evolution has transformed the biosphere, but we are only now beginning to learn how this took place through comparative genomics, phylogenetics, and the fossil record. This has illuminated the phylogeny of Archaeplastida, Viridiplantae, and Streptophyta, and has resolved the evolution of key characters, genes, and genomes – revealing that many key innovations evolved long before the clades with which they have been casually associated. Molecular clock analyses estimate that Streptophyta and Viridiplantae emerged in the late Mesoproterozoic to late Neoproterozoic, whereas Archaeplastida emerged in the late-mid Palaeoproterozoic. Together, these insights inform on the coevolution of plants and the Earth system that transformed ecology and global biogeochemical cycles, increased weathering, and precipitated snowball Earth events, during which they would have been key to oxygen production and net primary productivity (NPP).
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Phytohormones play an important role in the adaptive evolution of terrestrial plants. Brassinosteroids (BRs) are essential hormones that regulate multiple aspects of plant growth and development in angiosperms, but the presence of BR signaling in non-seed plants such as ferns remains unknown. Here, we found that BR promotes the growth of Ceratopteris richardii, while the synthetic inhibitor PCZ inhibits the growth. Using full-length transcriptome sequencing, we identified four BRI1-like receptors. By constructing chimeric receptors, we found that the kinase domains of these four receptors could trigger BR downstream signaling. Further, the extracellular domains of two receptors were functionally interchangeable with that of BRI1. In addition, we identified a co-receptor, CtSERK1, that could phosphorylate with CtBRL2s in vitro. Together, these proved the presence of a receptor complex in Ceratopteris richardii that might perceive BR and activate downstream hormone signaling. Our results shed light on the biological and molecular mechanisms of BR signaling in ferns and the role of BR hormone signaling in the adaptive evolution of terrestrial plants.
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The monophyletic group of embryophytes (land plants) stands out among photosynthetic eukaryotes: they are the sole constituents of the macroscopic flora on land. In their entirety, embryophytes account for the majority of the biomass on land and constitute an astounding biodiversity. What allowed for the massive radiation of this particular lineage? One of the defining features of all land plants is the production of an array of specialized metabolites. The compounds that the specialized metabolic pathways of embryophytes produce have diverse functions, ranging from superabundant structural polymers and compounds that ward off abiotic and biotic challenges, to signaling molecules whose abundance is measured at the nanomolar scale. These specialized metabolites govern the growth, development, and physiology of land plants—including their response to the environment. Hence, specialized metabolites define the biology of land plants as we know it. And they were likely a foundation for their success. It is thus intriguing to find that the closest algal relatives of land plants, freshwater organisms from the grade of streptophyte algae, possess homologs for key enzymes of specialized metabolic pathways known from land plants. Indeed, some studies suggest that signature metabolites emerging from these pathways can be found in streptophyte algae. Here we synthesize the current understanding of which routes of the specialized metabolism of embryophytes can be traced to a time before plants had conquered land.
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LONELY GUY (LOG) was first identified in a screen of rice mutants with defects in meristem maintenance. In plants, LOG codes for cytokinin riboside 5'‐monophosphate phosphoribohydrolases, which convert inactive cytokinin nucleotides directly to the active free bases. Many enzymes with the PGGxGTxxE motif have been misannotated as lysine decarboxylases, conversely not all enzymes containing this motif are cytokinin‐specific LOGs. As LOG mutants clearly impact yield in rice, we investigated the LOG gene family in bread wheat. By interrogating the wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome database, we show that wheat has multiple LOGs. The close alignment of TaLOG1, 2, and 6 with the X‐ray structures of two functional Arabidopsis thaliana LOGs allows us to infer that the wheat LOGs 1‐11 are functional LOGs. Using RNA‐seq data sets, we assessed TaLOG expression across 70 tissue types, their responses to various stressors, the pattern of cis‐regulatory elements (CREs), and intron/exon patterns. TaLOG gene family members are expressed variously across tissue types. When the TaLOG CREs are compared with those of the cytokinin dehydrogenases (CKX) and glucosyltransferases (CGT), there is close alignment of CREs between TaLOGs and TaCKXs reflecting the key role of CKX in maintaining cytokinin homeostasis. However, we suggest that the main homeostatic mechanism controlling cytokinin levels in response to biotic and abiotic challenge resides in the CGTs, rather than LOG or CKX. However, LOG transgenics and identified mutants in rice variously impact yield, providing interesting avenues for investigation in wheat.
The plant-signaling molecule auxin triggers fast and slow cellular responses across land plants and algae. The nuclear auxin pathway mediates gene expression and controls growth and development in land plants, but this pathway is absent from algal sister groups. Several components of rapid responses have been identified in Arabidopsis, but it is unknown if these are part of a conserved mechanism. We recently identified a fast, proteome-wide phosphorylation response to auxin. Here, we show that this response occurs across 5 land plant and algal species and converges on a core group of shared targets. We found conserved rapid physiological responses to auxin in the same species and identified rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma (RAF)-like protein kinases as central mediators of auxin-triggered phosphorylation across species. Genetic analysis connects this kinase to both auxin-triggered protein phosphorylation and rapid cellular response, thus identifying an ancient mechanism for fast auxin responses in the green lineage.
Salicylic acid (SA) plays a pivotal role in plant response to biotic and abiotic stress. Several core SA signaling regulators and key proteins in SA biosynthesis have been well charactered. However, much remains unknown about the origin, evolution, and early diversification of core elements in plant SA signaling and biosynthesis. Here, we identified ten core protein families in SA signaling and biosynthesis across green plant lineages. We found that key SA signaling receptors, the nonexpresser of pathogenesis-related proteins (NPRs), originated in the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of land plants and formed divergent groups in the ancestor of seed plants. However, key transcription factors for SA signaling, TGACG motif-binding proteins (TGAs), originated in the MRCA of streptophytes, arguing for the stepwise evolution of core SA signaling in plants. Different from the assembling of core SA signaling in the ancestor of seed plants, SA extensively exists in green plants, including chlorophytes and streptophyte algae. However, the full isochorismate synthase (ICS)-based SA synthesis pathway was first assembled in the MRCA of land plants. We further uncovered that the ancient abnormal inflorescence meristem 1 (AIM1)-based β-oxidation is crucial for the biosynthesis of SA in Chlorophyte algae, and this biosynthesis pathway may have facilitated the adaptation of early-diverging green algae for the high light intensity environment on land. Taken together, our findings provide significant insights into the early evolution and diversification of plant SA signaling and biosynthesis pathways, and highlight the role of SA in stress tolerance during plant terrestrialization.
Poultry products are an essential animal source of protein for humans. Many factors could destroy the balance of the poultry production chain and cause an overstock of products, which need to be stored in the frozen storage warehouse for a long time. The long-term frozen storage may affect the quality of meat products. In this study, the changes of small molecular substances were revealed in duck meat during long-term storage using non-targeted metabolomics. The results showed that compared with fresh meat, even if the meat is stored under frozen storage conditions, the number of differential metabolites of frozen storage meat continues to increase with the prolongation of storage time, indicating that the meat composition has changed significantly with the storage time increased. With the increase in storage time, the nitrogen-containing small molecular compounds in duck meat increased (carnosine and anserine, aspartic acid, and tyrosine, 1H-indole-3-acetamide, 2-Hydroxyphenethylamine, 2-Naphylamine, allocystathionine, and O-phosphoethanolamine), the nucleotides decomposition process strengthened (IMP and AMP, GMP and UMP), and the content of organic acid increased (5-hydroxy indole acetic acid, 5-hydroxypentanoic acid and phenylacetate, taurine) and carbohydrate (1-O-sinapoyl-beta-d-glucose, 4-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannose, and alpha-D-glucose). These small molecular substances can be used as biomarkers to detect long-term stored duck meat deterioration. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that protein catabolism, nucleotide catabolism, fat decomposition and oxidation, and carbohydrate decomposition were the main metabolic processes of meat deterioration during the long-term storage of duck meat. In addition, Non-target metabolome technology is a powerful tool to reveal the meat deterioration process during long-term storage systematically. This study provided a reference for optimizing domestic poultry meat storage methods and ensuring food safety.