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Impact of the Acetyl Group on Cysteine: A Study of N‐Acetyl‐Cysteine through Rotational Spectroscopy

  • Universidad de Valladolid| Uva
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Abstract and Figures

Herein, we report a spectroscopic study of N‐acetyl‐L‐cysteine, an important antioxidant drug, using Fourier‐transform microwave techniques and in isolated conditions. Two conformers are observed, where most stable structure adopts a cis disposition, and the second conformer has a lower abundance and adopts a trans disposition. The rotational constants and the barriers to methyl internal rotation are determined for each conformer, allowing a precise conformation identification. The results show that the cis form adopts an identical structure in the crystal, solution, and gas phases. Additionally, the structures are contrasted against those of cysteine.
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Impact of the Acetyl Group on Cysteine: A Study of
N-Acetyl-Cysteine through Rotational Spectroscopy
S. Mato,[a] S. Municio,[a] J. L. Alonso,[a] E. R. Alonso,[a] and I. León*[a]
Herein, we report a spectroscopic study of N-acetyl-L-cysteine,
an important antioxidant drug, using Fourier-transform micro-
wave techniques and in isolated conditions. Two conformers
are observed, where most stable structure adopts a cis
disposition, and the second conformer has a lower abundance
and adopts a trans disposition. The rotational constants and the
barriers to methyl internal rotation are determined for each
conformer, allowing a precise conformation identification. The
results show that the cis form adopts an identical structure in
the crystal, solution, and gas phases. Additionally, the structures
are contrasted against those of cysteine.
Many health conditions, such as neurodegeneration, diabetes,
and cancer, originate from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress
arises from an imbalance between free radicals generated
during various cellular processes and the body‘s antioxidants.
This imbalance is particularly concerning as free radicals bind to
essential cellular components such as DNA, RNA, lipids, and
proteins, disrupting the antioxidant defense system, redox
homeostasis, interfering with cellular signaling, and altering the
functionality of these biomolecules.[1–3] Hence, antioxidant drug
development has been increasing over the years for addressing
these diseases and has been effectively employed for their
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC, see Figure 1) is an important
antioxidant drug included in the WHO Model List of Essential
Medicines.[4] NAC is a L-cysteine (Cys) derivative, as well as a
precursor of glutathione (GSH), an endogenous antioxidant (see
Figure 1). NAC follows different mechanisms within the organ-
ism to act as an antioxidant.[5] On the one hand, NAC can act as
a direct antioxidant where the free thiol group, in its active
thiolate form, reacts with oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS).
However, among all endogenous antioxidants, NAC is consid-
ered relatively weak. Conversely, NAC can also function as an
indirect antioxidant by replenishing GSH levels in the organism.
Moreover, the administration of NAC promotes the incorpo-
ration of GSH, thereby neutralizing toxic byproducts resulting
from paracetamol metabolism. This property makes NAC a
widely employed drug for paracetamol overdose treatment.[5–7]
Aside from its antioxidant properties, NAC is also a potent
reducing agent for protein disulfide cross-links, utilizing the
classic thiol-disulfide interchange mechanism. This attribute is
responsible for its mucolytic activity, as it disrupts disulfide links
present in mucoproteins, reducing mucus viscosity. Conse-
quently, NAC has practical application in the treatment of
chronic bronchopulmonary disorders.[5–7] Additionally, NAC
demonstrates promising anti-inflammatory and metal-chelating
activities. Regarding anti-inflammatory properties, NAC func-
tions by inhibiting NF-kB, a key player in the inflammatory and
immune response triggered by oxidative stress. NAC effectively
mitigates inflammatory processes by preventing NF-kB trans-
location into the cell nucleus and activation genes associated
with inflammation. Furthermore, NAC reduces the release of
inflammatory cytokines in activated macrophages, including
TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-6. In metal chelation, NAC employs its thiol
group to bind to active redox metal ions, encompassing
transition and heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium,
chromium, arsenic, and gold. This results in the formation of
easily excretable complexes for the body.[7] Due to these
multifaceted properties, ongoing clinical studies are exploring
the potential of NAC in treating various psychiatry/neurology
disorders such as Alzheimer’s, anxiety, bipolar disorder, meta-
bolic syndrome (including diabetes), and other health
[a] S. Mato, S. Municio, J. L. Alonso, E. R. Alonso, I. León
Grupo de Espectroscopia Molecular (GEM), Edificio Quifima Laboratorios de
Espectroscopia y Bioespectroscopia, Parque Científico Universidad de
Valladolid, 47011, Valladolid, Spain
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under
Figure 1. Chemical structure of N-acetyl-L-cysteine and its indirect antiox-
idant mechanism to convert it in GSH. GCS stands for the enzyme γ-
glutamylcysteine and GS stands for the enzyme Glutathione synthetase.
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ChemPhysChem 2024, e202400191 (1 of 10) © 2024 Wiley-VCH GmbH
Research Article
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We report a detailed structural study of cytisine, an alkaloid used to help with smoking cessation, looking forward to unveiling its role as a nicotinic agonist. High-resolution rotational spectroscopy has allowed us to characterize two different conformers exhibiting axial and equatorial arrangements of the piperidinic NH group. Unexpectedly, the axial form has been found as the predominant configuration, in contrast to that observed for related molecules, such as piperidine. This anomalous behavior has been justified in terms of an intramolecular NH···N hydrogen bond. Moreover, this interaction justifies the overstabilization of the axial conformer over the equatorial one and is crucial for the mechanism of action of cytisine over the nicotinic receptor, further rationalizing its behavior as a nicotinic agonist.
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Sulfanilamide, a widely used antibacterial drug, has been brought into the gas phase using laser ablation techniques, and its structure has been characterized in the isolated conditions of a supersonic expansion using Fourier transform microwave techniques. A single conformer stabilized by an N-H⋯OS intramolecular interaction in an equatorial disposition has been unequivocally characterized. To emulate the microsolvation process, we studied its hydrated cluster. The results show that a single water molecule alters the conformational preference and forces sulfanilamide to switch from its initial eclipsed configuration to a staggered disposition. The observed hydrated cluster adopts a structure in which water forms three hydrogen bonds with sulfanilamide stabilizing the molecule.
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Raman and Raman Optical Activity (ROA) spectra of N‐acetyl‐L‐cysteine (NALC), a flexible chiral molecule, were measured in water and in methanol to evaluate the solvent effects. Two different solvation approaches, that is, the DFT based “clusters‐in‐a‐liquid” solvent model and the ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations, were applied to simulate the Raman and ROA spectra. Systematic conformational searches were carried out using a recently developed conformational searching tool, CREST, with the inclusion of polarizable continuum model of water and of methanol. The CREST candidates of NALC and the NALC‐solvent complexes were re‐optimized and their Raman and ROA simulations were done at the B3LYP−D3BJ/def2‐TZVP and the B3LYP‐aug‐cc‐pVDZ//cc‐pVTZ levels. Also, AIMD simulations, which includes some anharmonic effects and all intermolecular interactions in solution, were performed. By empirically weighting the computed Raman and ROA spectra of each conformer, good agreements with the experimental data were achieved with both approaches, while AIMD offered some improvements in the carbonyl and in the low wavenumber regions over the static DFT approach. The pros and cons of these two different approaches for accounting the solvent effects on Raman and ROA of this flexible chiral system will also be discussed.
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Initially adopted as a mucolytic about 60 years ago, the cysteine prodrug N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is the standard of care to treat paracetamol intoxication, and is included on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines. Additionally, NAC increasingly became the epitome of an "antioxidant". Arguably, it is the most widely used "antioxidant" in experimental cell and animal biology, as well as clinical studies. Most investigators use and test NAC with the idea that it prevents or attenuates oxidative stress. Conventionally, it is assumed that NAC acts as (i) a reductant of disulfide bonds, (ii) a scavenger of reactive oxygen species and/or (iii) a precursor for glutathione biosynthesis. While these mechanisms may apply under specific circumstances, they cannot be generalized to explain the effects of NAC in a majority of settings and situations. In most cases the mechanism of action has remained unclear and untested. In this review, we discuss the validity of conventional assumptions and the scope of a newly discovered mechanism of action, namely the conversion of NAC into hydrogen sulfide and sulfane sulfur species. The antioxidative and cytoprotective activities of per- and polysulfides may explain many of the effects that have previously been ascribed to NAC or NAC-derived glutathione.
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N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a medicine widely used to treat paracetamol overdose and as a mucolytic compound. It has a well-established safety profile, and its toxicity is uncommon and dependent on the route of administration and high dosages. Its remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity is the biochemical basis used to treat several diseases related to oxidative stress and inflammation. The primary role of NAC as an antioxidant stems from its ability to increase the intracellular concentration of glutathione (GSH), which is the most crucial biothiol responsible for cellular redox imbalance. As an anti-inflammatory compound, NAC can reduce levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukins (IL-6 and IL-1β) by suppressing the activity of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). Despite NAC’s relevant therapeutic potential, in several experimental studies, its effectiveness in clinical trials, addressing different pathological conditions, is still limited. Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the medicinal effects and applications of NAC to human health based on current therapeutic evidence.
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Objective: To review the clinical usefulness of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) as treatment or adjunctive therapy in a number of medical conditions. Use in Tylenol overdose, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive lung disease has been well documented, but there is emerging evidence many other conditions would benefit from this safe, simple, and inexpensive intervention. Quality of Evidence. PubMed, several books, and conference proceedings were searched for articles on NAC and health conditions listed above reviewing supportive evidence. This study uses a traditional integrated review format, and clinically relevant information is assessed using the American Family Physician Evidence-Based Medicine Toolkit. A table summarizing the potential mechanisms of action for N-acetylcysteine in these conditions is presented. Main Message. N-acetylcysteine may be useful as an adjuvant in treating various medical conditions, especially chronic diseases. These conditions include polycystic ovary disease, male infertility, sleep apnea, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, influenza, parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, stroke outcomes, diabetic neuropathy, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, schizophrenia, bipolar illness, and obsessive compulsive disorder; it can also be useful as a chelator for heavy metals and nanoparticles. There are also a number of other conditions that may show benefit; however, the evidence is not as robust. Conclusion: The use of N-acetylcysteine should be considered in a number of conditions as our population ages and levels of glutathione drop. Supplementation may contribute to reducing morbidity and mortality in some chronic conditions as outlined in the article.
A combined experimental and theoretical study has been carried out on 4-fluoro-threonine, the only naturally occurring fluorinated amino acid. Fluorination of the methyl group significantly increases the conformational complexity with respect to the parent amino acid threonine. The conformational landscape has been characterized in great detail, with special attention given to the inter-conversion pathways between different conformers. This led to the identification of 13 stable low-energy minima. The equilibrium population of so many conformers produces a very complicated and congested rotational spectrum that could be assigned through a strategy that combines several levels of quantum chemical calculations with the principles of machine learning. Twelve conformers out of 13 could be experimentally characterized. The results obtained from the analysis of the intra-molecular interactions can be exploited to accurately model fluorine-substitution effects in biomolecules.
An integrated experimental-computational strategy for the accurate characterization of the conformational landscape of flexible biomolecule building blocks is proposed. This is based on the combination of rotational spectroscopy with quantum-chemical computations guided by artificial intelligence tools. The first step of the strategy is the conformer search and relative stability evaluation performed by means of an evolutionary algorithm. In this step, last generation semiempirical methods are exploited together with hybrid and double-hybrid density functionals. Next, the barriers ruling the interconversion between the low-lying conformers are evaluated in order to unravel possible fast relaxation paths. The relative stabilities and spectroscopic parameters of the ``surviving' conformers are then refined using state-of-the-art composite schemes. The reliability of the computational procedure is further improved by the inclusion of vibrational and thermal effects. The final step of the strategy is the comparison between experiment and theory without any ad hoc adjustment, which allows an unbiased assignment of the spectroscopic features in terms of different conformers and their spectroscopic parameters. The proposed approach has been tested and validated for homocysteine, a highly flexible non-proteinogenic alpha-amino acid. The synergism of the integrated strategy allowed the characterization of five conformers stabilized by bifurcated N-H-O=C hydrogen bonds, together with an additional conformer involving a more conventional HNH-O hydrogen bond. The stability order estimated from the experimental intensities as well as the number and type of conformers observed in the gas phase are in full agreement with the theoretical predictions. Analogously, a good match has been found for the spectroscopic parameters.
The present review paper focuses on the chemistry of oxidative stress mitigation by antioxidants. Oxidative stress is understood as a lack of balance between the pro-oxidant and the antioxidant species. Reactive oxygen species in limited amounts are necessary for cell homeostasis and redox signaling. Excessive reactive oxygenated/nitrogenated species production, which counteracts the organism's defense systems, is known as oxidative stress. Sustained attack of endogenous and exogenous ROS results in conformational and oxidative alterations in key biomolecules. Chronic oxidative stress is associated with oxidative modifications occurring in key biomolecules: lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, carbonyl (aldehyde/ketone) adduct formation, nitration, sulfoxidation, DNA impairment such strand breaks or nucleobase oxidation. Oxidative stress is tightly linked to the development of cancer, diabetes, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, eye disease. The deleterious action of reactive oxygenated species and their role in the onset and progression of pathologies are discussed. The results of oxidative attack become themselves sources of oxidative stress, becoming part of a vicious cycle that amplifies oxidative impairment. The term antioxidant refers to a compound that is able to impede or retard oxidation, acting at a lower concentration compared to that of the protected substrate. Antioxidant intervention against the radicalic lipid peroxidation can involve different mechanisms. Chain breaking antioxidants are called primary antioxidants, acting by scavenging radical species, converting them into more stable radicals or non-radical species. Secondary antioxidants quench singlet oxygen, decompose peroxides, chelate prooxidative metal ions, inhibit oxidative enzymes. Moreover, four reactivity-based lines of defense have been identified: preventative antioxidants, radical scavengers, repair antioxidants, and those relying on adaptation mechanisms. The specific mechanism of a series of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants in particular aspects of oxidative stress, is detailed. The final section resumes critical conclusions regarding antioxidant supplementation.