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Epidemiology of prehospital emergency calls according to patient transport decision in a middle eastern emergency care environment: Retrospective cohort‐based

Health Science Reports
  • Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service

Abstract and Figures

Background and Aim Though emergency medical services (EMS) respond to all types of emergency calls, they do not always result in the patient being transported to the hospital. This study aimed to explore the determinants influencing emergency call‐response‐based conveyance decisions in a Middle Eastern ambulance service. Methods This retrospective quantitative analysis of 93,712 emergency calls to the Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service (HMCAS) between January 1 and May 31, 2023, obtained from the HMCAS electronic system, was analyzed to determine pertinent variables. Sociodemographic, emergency dispatch‐related, clinical, and miscellaneous predictors were analyzed. Descriptive, bivariate, ridge logistic regression, and combination analyses were evaluated. Results 23.95% (N = 21,194) and 76.05% (N = 67,285) resulted in patient nontransport and transportation, respectively. Sociodemographic analysis revealed that males predominantly activated EMS resources, and 60% of males (n = 12,687) were not transported, whilst 65% of females (n = 44,053) were transported. South Asians represented a significant proportion of the transported patients (36%, n = 24,007). “Home” emerged as the primary emergency location (56%, n = 37,725). Bivariate analysis revealed significant associations across several variables, though multicollinearity was identified as a challenge. Ridge regression analysis underscored the role of certain predictors, such as missing provisional diagnoses, in transportation decisions. The upset plot shows that hypertension and diabetes mellitus were the most common combinations in both groups. Conclusions This study highlights the nuanced complexities governing conveyance decisions. By unveiling patterns such as male predominance, which reflects Qatar's expatriate population, and specific temporal EMS activity peaks, this study accentuates the importance of holistic patient assessment that transcends medical histories.
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Received: 7 November 2023
Revised: 5 March 2024
Accepted: 1 April 2024
DOI: 10.1002/hsr2.2056
Epidemiology of prehospital emergency calls according to
patient transport decision in a middle eastern emergency
care environment: Retrospective cohortbased
Hassan Farhat
|Guillaume Alinier
|Kawther El Aifa
Ahmed Makhlouf
|Padarath Gangaram
|Ian Howland
|Andre Jones
Cyrine Abid
|Mohamed Chaker Khenissi
|Ian Howard
Moncef Khadhraoui
|Nicholas Castle
|Loua Al Shaikh
|James Laughton
Imed Gargouri
Ambulance Service, Hamad Medical
Corporation, Doha, Qatar
Faculty of Sciences, University of Sfax, Sfax,
Faculty of Medicine Ibn El Jazzar, University
of Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK
Weill Cornell MedicineQatar, Doha, Qatar
Northumbria University, Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK
College of Engineering, Qatar University,
Doha, Qatar
Faculty of Health Sciences, Durban
University of Technology, Durban,
South Africa
Laboratory of Screening Cellular and
Molecular Process, Centre of Biotechnology
of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Biotechnology,
University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Faculty of Medicine, University of Sfax, Sfax,
Hassan Farhat, Ambulance Service, Hamad
Medical Corporation, Doha PO Box 3050,
Funding information
Qatar National Library
Background and Aim: Though emergency medical services (EMS) respond to all
types of emergency calls, they do not always result in the patient being transported
to the hospital. This study aimed to explore the determinants influencing emergency
callresponsebased conveyance decisions in a Middle Eastern ambulance service.
Methods: This retrospective quantitative analysis of 93,712 emergency calls to the
Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance Service (HMCAS) between January 1 and
May 31, 2023, obtained from the HMCAS electronic system, was analyzed to
determine pertinent variables. Sociodemographic, emergency dispatchrelated,
clinical, and miscellaneous predictors were analyzed. Descriptive, bivariate, ridge
logistic regression, and combination analyses were evaluated.
Results: 23.95% (N= 21,194) and 76.05% (N= 67,285) resulted in patient nontran-
sport and transportation, respectively. Sociodemographic analysis revealed that
males predominantly activated EMS resources, and 60% of males (n= 12,687) were
not transported, whilst 65% of females (n= 44,053) were transported. South Asians
represented a significant proportion of the transported patients (36%, n= 24,007).
Homeemerged as the primary emergency location (56%, n= 37,725). Bivariate
analysis revealed significant associations across several variables, though multi-
collinearity was identified as a challenge. Ridge regression analysis underscored the
role of certain predictors, such as missing provisional diagnoses, in transportation
decisions. The upset plot shows that hypertension and diabetes mellitus were the
most common combinations in both groups.
Conclusions: This study highlights the nuanced complexities governing conveyance
decisions. By unveiling patterns such as male predominance, which reflects Qatar's
Health Sci. Rep. 2024;7:e2056.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2024 The Authors. Health Science Reports published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
expatriate population, and specific temporal EMS activity peaks, this study
accentuates the importance of holistic patient assessment that transcends medical
cohort study, emergency medical service, Middle East, patient decisions, prehospital care
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) constitute a fundamental
cornerstone of prehospital care to guarantee prompt medical
interventions for patients outside traditional healthcare settings.
EMS ensures timely patient transfer to dedicated facilities for
comprehensive medical examination and treatment. The continuous
development of EMS has mirrored the dynamic necessities of a
populational requirement for assured, efficacious emergency care.
competitive prehospital care system is an important indicator of
effective patient outcomes.
To ensure service excellence, EMS have instituted dedicated
emergency helplines (e.g., 999, 911, and 190) in some Middle Eastern
and North African countries and indicated their unwavering
allegiance to public health and safety.
Various patients refuse
transportation to healthcare institutions after emergency response
and onsite medical care provision.
This behavioral conundrum
impacts EMS efficiency and judicious resource allocation, with
broader ramifications for patient health outcomes that necessitate
the identification of epidemiological decisionmakingrelated factors.
Qatar, similar to its Middle Eastern counterparts, presents a rich
tapestry of demographics, with maledominated demographic con-
figurations predominantly populated by South Asians and Arabs,
including indigenous Qataris.
Qatar's leading prehospital emergency
medical care provider is the Hamad Medical Corporation Ambulance
Service (HMCAS) stands as the sole provider in the country, ensuring
emergency medical responses for the community through the 999
emergency call service.
The emergency response units (ERU) are
distributed across eight hubs and locations where paramedics
commence their shifts, replenish their response units, and respond
to all emergency calls to the HMCAS communication call centre in
the National Command Center (NCC).
On receiving a call, operators
identify a medical emergency and transfer the call to the HMCAS
emergency medical dispatchers (EMD) for processing and triage using
the computeraided ProQAdispatch system.
The EMD then
dispatches the most appropriate ERU and provides emergency callers
prehospital safety and lifesaving instructions until the ERU arrives.
The ERU crew provides appropriate emergency medical assessment
and treatment if needed, according to their HMCAS Clinical Practice
Guidelines (CPG)defined scope of practice.
In Qatar, patients or
their legal guardians can refuse transportation to the hospital by
signing the electronic patient report form (ePCR). The HMCAS
operational ethos gravitates towards encouraging patient
conveyance to hospitals rather than primary healthcare centers and
does not involve clinicianadvised nonconveyance, given the risk of
undertriaging due to language barriers or unusual critical clinical
presentations that require inhospital diagnostic intervention and
clinical care. The HMCAS ERU consist of Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and
Delta units. Alpha and Bravo have two Ambulance Paramedics (AP)
competent in conducting emergency medical evaluations and
administering emergency treatment. Charlie's units consist of a
Critical Care Paramedic and Assistant equipped for more advanced
interventions. Delta units, led by a senior supervisor, manage multi
agency scenes.
The complex epidemiological framework guiding patient
conveyance decisions in the Middle East remains underexplored. A
granular analysis of potential determinants will enable judicious
strategies and informed decisionmaking. We posited that an
amalgamation of human sociodemographic, clinical, and potentially
systemic factors contributes to conveyance determination in Qatar.
This study aimed to outline the various determinants influencing
patients' conveyance decisions following prehospital emergency calls
in the Middle Eastern environment.
2.1 |Study design and setting
This retrospective quantitative cohort (Transported vs. Not Trans-
ported) analysis of 93,712 emergency calls received between January
1 and May 2023 involved data from the HMCAS electronic record
system managed by the business intelligence (BI) division. This
study adhered to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
(CONSORT) guidelines for cohort studies and was approved by the
HMC Medical Research Center (Reference: MRC0122264). We
used RStudiofor data arrangement and analyses.
2.2 |Participants
The inclusion criterion was 999 emergency calls that resulted in at
least one ERU dispatch wherein the paramedic performed onsite
patient assessment, with either hospital conveyance or a patient
decision against it. The exclusion criteria were: (1) cases involving a
deceased patient and (2) calls originating from healthcare facilities, as
patients can still receive timely medical attention, offsetting the need
for advanced care, unlike that in communitybased 999 emergency
2.3 |Variables
The HMCAS BI team provided an initial data set comprising 73
variables. After data wrangling, six variables underwent nomenclature
adjustments, 14 new variables were derived or transformed from
their preliminary configurations, and 47 were excluded. Two
supplementary variables, namely the longitude and latitude of the
999 calls, were incorporated to construct the emergency call map.
Twenty variables were retained for indepth analysis and classified as
outcome variables and sociodemographic, EMDrelated, clinical, and
miscellaneous predictors.
2.3.1 |Outcome variable
The variable Handoverwas designated as the outcome variable to
segment the cohort into Transportedand Not Transportedgroups
as follows:
i. Transportedgroup: Patients who were conveyed to hospitals
following a 999 call and an onscene assessment by the
HMCAS crew.
ii. Not Transportedgroup: Encompassed three subcategories:
Refused Transport Treated At Scene,”“Refused Transport,and
Treated At Scene Not Transported.
Entries labeled DOA (death on arrival) Not Transportedwere
systematically omitted from the analysis.
2.3.2 |Sociodemographic predictors
The categorical variables were: (1) sex, (2) nationalities represented as
Nationalities_CAT,(3) age categorized as Age_CAT,(4) region, and
(5) weight categorized as Weight_CAT.Categorization of age and
weight is a common practice in the clinical field and helps provide a
more nuanced understanding of risk factors across different
2.3.3 |Emergency medical dispatchrelated
i. The Categorical Variables were: (1) Call Service Owner denoted
as CFS_Owner,(2) emergency caller's geographical coordinates
represented as Location_LATand Location_Long,(3) type of
location denoted as LocationType,4) ProQAProtocol Labeled
as ProtocolName,(5) dispatch type: defined as DispatchType,
(6) response priority levels for the scene (PriorityToScene) and
hospital (PriorityToHospital), and (7) ERU type denoted as
ii. The Continuous Variables were: (1) Unit identification time in
minutes from the 999 call until the nearest unit is identified,
referred to as TimeToFindTheNearestUnit.(2) Response
Duration was defined as the time the ERU took to reach the
scene, labeled TimeToReachOnScene.(3) Patient Interaction
Duration: Span from the paramedic's arrival to either the patient
handover to a healthcare facility or obtaining a refusal form
signature, referred to as TimeWithPatientUntilAvailable.(4)
Unit inDispatch duration: Duration from the dispatch of the
ERU until it is available for the next call, denoted as
2.3.4 |Clinical predictors
The clinical predictors are all categorical and include (1) Provisional
diagnoses categorized as ProvisonalDiagnoses_CAT,(2) Receiving
facility denoted TransportedTo,(3) Receiving unit referred to as
PatientTriagedArea.The comorbidities were each under a separate
variable, including (1) Pregnancy CurrentlyPregnant,(2) Asthma, (3)
CardioArteryDisease CAD,(4) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease COPD,(5) Cardiovascular Accident CVA,(6) Seizure, (7)
Diabetes Mellitus DM,(8) Hypertension, (9) Surgeries, (10) Others,
(11) None, and (12) Unknown.
2.3.5 |Miscellaneous predictors
i. Categorical: (1) Week of the year WeekNumber,(2) Day of the
week Week Day.
ii. Continuous: (3) Hour of the day when an emergency call was
received, referred to as Hour_Received.
2.4 |Statistical methods
Descriptive statistical analyses were performed by calculating the
count and percentage of categorical variables and the median for
continuous variables. Shewhart Statistical Process Control (SPC)
charts were designed to observe the timeseries variations in
transported patients following 999 emergency calls. A function for
bivariate analysis was created in R (Supporting Information S1:
Appendix 1and Appendix 2). The null hypothesis (H
) was: There is
no correlation between Handover and the studied categorical variables.
The chisquare test for categorical variables determined a significant
association between two categorical variables. For specific variables
that retained categories with low counts after exhaustive iterations
where the chisquare test was unsuitable because of data sparsity,
the variables were refined. Fisher's exact test was used as needed.
Cramer's V coefficient was used to measure the strength of the
association of categorical predictors with transport groups (range: 0
[indicating no association] to 1 [indicating perfect association]).
Odds ratios (OR), which measure the exposureoutcome association
and indicate the intergroup odds of an event happening, were
calculated. For continuous variables, mean intergroup differences
were determined using the MannWhitney Utest.
Ridge regres-
sion, used to handle multicollinearity, was used,
and the outcome
variable Handoverwas transformed into a categorical format to
facilitate binary logistic regression.
The ridge regression model
facilitated the extraction of coefficients indicating the influence
probabilities of each predictor on Handover.Comorbidity is crucial
in patient management and prognosis.
A comorbidity combina-
tion analysis was conducted by creating UpSet plots, a visualization
technique to depict more than three intersecting sets,
It enabled
a greater understanding of the interaction and confluence of
different comorbidities on patientconveyance decisions.
3.1 |Descriptive statistics
Among the 88,479 participants enrolled after data wrangling
(Figure 1), 67,285 (76.05%) and 21,194 (23.95%) were and were
not transported, respectively. Supporting Information S1: Appendix 3
shows unstable weekly variations in the number of transported
patients, which increased interpretationrelated challenges, whilst the
intraday variation showed increasing proportions of transported
FIGURE 1 Map for distribution of patients transported and not transported by the HMCAS. (The dimensions of the map are determined
automatically by the ggmappackage according to the coordinates provided)
TABLE 1 Descriptive statistics results.
Not transported Transported
N= 21,194
N= 67,285
Female 8505 (40%) 23,209 (34%)
Male 12,687 (60%) 44,053 (65%)
Missing 2 (<0.1%) 23 (<0.1%)
Qatari 5094 (24%) 11,187 (17%)
GCC Other 893 (4.2%) 2513 (3.7%)
MENA 5,363 (25%) 14,463 (21%)
East Asia & Pacific 968 (4.6%) 3699 (5.5%)
South Asia 5052 (24%) 24,007 (36%)
SubSaharan Africa 1899 (9.0%) 6848 (10%)
Europe and Central Asia 936 (4.4%) 1565 (2.3%)
North America 139 (0.7%) 244 (0.4%)
Latin America &
45 (0.2%) 90 (0.1%)
Other 495 (2.3%) 1257 (1.9%)
Missing 310 (1.5%) 1412 (2.1%)
Urban 9667 (46%) 31,361 (47%)
Rural 3441 (16%) 12,705 (19%)
Missing 8086 (38.1%) 23,219 (34.1%)
Age categories
Age<14 2488 (12%) 7459 (11%)
14Age<29 6021 (28%) 17,669 (26%)
29Age<44 7314 (35%) 24,273 (36%)
44Age<59 2698 (13%) 9894 (15%)
59Age<75 1720 (8.1%) 5167 (7.7%)
75Age<90 845 (4.0%) 2300 (3.4%)
Age90 108 (0.5%) 353 (0.5%)
Missing 0 (0%) 170 (0.3%)
Weight<45 2273 (11%) 6833 (10%)
45Weight<70 8609 (41%) 24,513 (36%)
70Weight<95 9159 (43%) 31,244 (46%)
95Weight<120 995 (4.7%) 4018 (6.0%)
Weight120 154 (0.7%) 629 (0.9%)
Missing 4 (<0.1%) 48 (<0.1%)
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Not transported Transported
N= 21,194
N= 67,285
CFS owner
EMS 10,096 (48%) 34,499 (51%)
No call taking/missing 8084 (38%) 23,193 (34%)
Other 3014 (14%) 9,593 (14%)
Dispatch type
Zulu (Z) 2611 (12%) 11,309 (17%)
Yankee (Y) 6285 (30%) 24,338 (36%)
Xray (X) 4170 (20%) 8337 (12%)
Tango (T) 17 (<0.1%) 23 (<0.1%)
Uncompleted ProQa 26 (0.1%) 85 (0.1%)
No call taking/Missing 8084 (38%) 23,193 (34%)
Not in use 1 (<0.1%) 0 (0%)
Location type
Airport 3266 (15%) 2433 (3.6%)
Beach/sea/ocean 85 (0.4%) 296 (0.4%)
Farm 36 (0.2%) 232 (0.3%)
Home 10,259 (48%) 37,725 (56%)
Industrial area 118 (0.6%) 1589 (2.4%)
Other 946 (4.5%) 2175 (3.2%)
Public area 737 (3.5%) 2,119 (3.1%)
Recreation (sport) 52 (0.2%) 252 (0.4%)
School 353 (1.7%) 1222 (1.8%)
Street (road) 4206 (20%) 13,762 (20%)
Work 523 (2.5%) 3941 (5.9%)
Missing 613 (2.9%) 1539 (2.3%)
Priority to scene
P1 17,411 (82%) 56,595 (84%)
P2 3459 (16%) 10,382 (15%)
Missing 324 (1.5%) 308 (0.5%)
Priority to hospital
P1 0 (0%) 3367 (5.0%)
P2 0 (0%) 62,418 (93%)
P3 0 (0%) 436 (0.6%)
Missing 0 (0%) 1064 (1.6%)
ERU Type
Alpha 8453 (40%) 29,612 (44%)
patients from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. that significantly decreased in the
evening and early morning.
Table 1presents descriptive data on the study population. The
sociodemographic predictors showed a predominantly male repre-
sentation in both the transported (65%; 44,053) and nontransported
(60%; 12,687) groups. Within nationalities, South Asians constituted
the largest portion of the transported group (36%; 24,007), whereas
the nontransported group exhibited roughly equivalent proportions
of Qataris, Middle East, North Africa (MENA), and South Asians.
Approximately half of the individuals in both categories resided in
urban areas (Table 1and Figure 1). The age demographic most
represented across both groups was 2944 years. A significant
proportion of both groups weighed 7095 kg.
The median response times were 6.2 and 5.9 min (within the
international benchmark) (Figure 2), and the time from ERU dispatch
until assigned was 63.3 and 43.1 min for transported and non
transported patients, respectively. The Yankee (Y) and No call
taking/Missingdispatch type was predominant among transported
and nontransported patients, respectively, which includes walkin
patients who visit nearby HMCAS ERU standby points instead of
calling 999 because of location proximity. As expected, the primary
emergency location was Homesfor both categories because 999
emergency calls are communitygenerated. In both groups, the
majority had a P1priority to the scene where ambulances moved
with lights and sirens.
Alpha was the predominant ERU category. For
the ProQAcalltaking protocols, RTA (P29) and sick persons (P26)
were the predominant protocols used in both groups (Supporting
Information S1: Appendix 4). For clinical variables, patients were
predominantly transported to governmental healthcare facilities
without prenotification requirements. Most patients were triaged at
an adult assessment Emergency Department (ED), as they did not
require critical care. Despite several comorbidities, a significant
percentage of patients in both groups presented without known
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Not transported Transported
N= 21,194
N= 67,285
Bravo 1425 (6.7%) 641 (1.0%)
Charlie 996 (4.7%) 4724 (7.0%)
Delta 1157 (5.5%) 3730 (5.5%)
Hazmat 285 (1.3%) 1488 (2.2%)
Life Flight (LF) 72 (0.3%) 543 (0.8%)
Specialized Emergency
322 (1.5%) 1202 (1.8%)
Other 397 (1.9%) 2152 (3.2%)
Missing 8087 (38%) 23,193 (34%)
Transported to
Airport clinics 0 (0%) 1642 (2.4%)
Governmental with no
0 (0%) 58,064 (86%)
Governmental with
0 (0%) 331 (0.5%)
Pediatric Emergency
Care (pec)
0 (0%) 5763 (8.6%)
Private 0 (0%) 457 (0.7%)
Other 0 (0%) 144 (0.2%)
Patient triaged area
Adult assessment ED 0 (0%) 36,325 (54%)
Low acuity ED 0 (0%) 16,713 (25%)
Bypass criteria ED 0 (0%) 3703 (5.5%)
0 (0%) 2426 (3.6%)
Pediatric ED 0 (0%) 5589 (8.3%)
Dialysis 0 (0%) 2 (<0.1%)
Other 0 (0%) 1037 (1.5%)
Asthma 777 (3.7%) 2368 (3.5%)
CAD 750 (3.5%) 2996 (4.5%)
COPD 64 (0.3%) 261 (0.4%)
Cva 140 (0.7%) 911 (1.4%)
Seizure 170 (0.8%) 1096 (1.6%)
DM 2678 (13%) 9093 (14%)
Hypertension 2768 (13%) 9953 (15%)
None 13,892 (66%) 40,072 (60%)
Others 2285 (11%) 9533 (14%)
Surgeries 360 (1.7%) 1797 (2.7%)
Unknown 810 (3.8%) 4489 (6.7%)
Currently pregnant 306 (1.4%) 2884 (4.3%)
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Not transported Transported
N= 21,194
N= 67,285
Sunday 1644 (7.8%) 5686 (8.5%)
Monday 2135 (10%) 7960 (12%)
Tuesday 1748 (8.2%) 6787 (10%)
Wednesday 2207 (10%) 7088 (11%)
Thursday 1798 (8.5%) 5248 (7.8%)
Friday 1725 (8.1%) 5487 (8.2%)
Saturday 1853 (8.7%) 5836 (8.7%)
Missing 8084 (38%) 23,193 (34%)
n(%); Median (IQR)
comorbidities, with the predominant category of a provisional
diagnosis of lowacuity trauma and medical care (Supporting
Information S1: Appendix 4). Considering miscellaneous predictors,
despite considerable missing data, Monday was the peak day for
prehospital 999 emergencies in the transported group, whereas the
nontransported group saw a weekend surge (Table 1).
3.2 |Bivariate and multivariate analyses
Table 2presents the association level of both cohort groups with the
remaining variables. Most variables showed significant associations
between both groups and continuous and categorical variables
(p< 0.01). The strength of these associations could be inferred from
the Cramer's V values; for instance, ProtocolNamehas a moderate
association strength of 0.15, while LocationTypehas a stronger
association at 0.22. It is worth noting, however, that some conditions
like Asthmaand COPDwere not significantly associated with both
Handovergroups. Variables with an OR greater than one had a
greater likelihood of the Handoverevent not being in the Not
Transported group. An undetermined OR indicates a potentially
strong but nonquantifiable association warranting largesample inves-
tigation. For the MannWhitneyU tests, significant differences in
distributions were observed for Hour_Received,”“TimeToReachOn-
Scene,”“TimeWithPatientUntilAvailable,and TimeFromDispatchUn-
tilAvailable(p< 0.01). However, TimeToFindTheNearestUnitdid not
show a statistically significant difference. The significant association in
the bivariate analysis with most variables indicate that many examined
variables were significantly associated or showed intergroup differ-
ences, suggesting potential multicollinearity, which could distort the
estimated regression coefficients.
3.3 |Ridge logistic regression analysis
To address potential issues related to multicollinearity, ridge
regression was applied to our data set (Table 3and Figure 3) after
encoding the categorical variables and preventing the regression
model from being overly influenced by correlated predictors to
ensure more reliable findings. Figure 5included the Lambda plots,
FIGURE 2 Mirror plots of dispatch and response durations distribution.
histogram for predicted probabilities, and the receiver operating
characteristic area under the curve (ROC AUC) plot. The Lambda
plots enable minimizing the model's generalization error, resulting in
more robust results. The histogram for predicted probabilities
provides insights into the model's calibration, specifically how well
the predicted probabilities align with the observed outcomes.
Notably, a significant number of predicted probabilities cluster
around a value of 1, coherent with the findings presented in the
ROC AUC and Table 3and indicative of a high likelihood for certain
cases to be transported. The ROC AUC is a graphical representation
TABLE 2 Bivariate analysis.
1) Summary of chisquare tests for categorical variables
Variable ChiSquare statistic Degrees of freedom pValue Cramer's V Odds ratio
CFS_Owner 103.82 3 <0.01 ——
ProtocolName 1915.60 33 <0.01 0.15
DispatchType 1081.50 6 <0.01 0.04
PriorityToScene 274.40 2 <0.01 0.06
PriorityToHospital 88,479 4 <0.01 1
Week Day 180.78 7 <0.01 0.04
Region 131.18 3 <0.01 0.04
LocationType 4,422.80 11 <0.01 0.22
Hour_Received 455.86 23 <0.01 0.07
Gender 225.43 2 <0.01 0.05
Nationalities_CAT 1672.55 10 <0.01 0.14
Age_CAT 161.36 7 <0.01 0.05
Weight_CAT 179.03 5 <0.01 0.05
Unit_Type 2,775.06 8 <0.01 0.17
WeekNumber 163.14 14 <0.01 0.04
Asthma 0.97 1 0.32 0.00 0.96
CAD 32.98 1 <0.01 0.02 1.27
COPD 3.02 1 0.08 0.00 1.29
CVA 65.43 1 <0.01 0.03 2.06
Seizure 77.53 1 <0.01 0.03 2.04
DM 10.71 1 <0.01 0.01 1.08
Hypertension 39.135 1 <0.01 0.02 1.15
None 242.91 1 <0.01 0.05 0.77
Others 159.45 1 <0.01 0.04 1.36
Surgeries 63.63 1 <0.01 0.03 1.59
Unknown 231.97 1 <0.01 0.05 1.78
CurrentlyPregnant 724.17 2 <0.01 ‐‐
2) Summary of MannWhitneyUtests for continuous variables
Variable Statistic pValue CI_lower CI_upper
Hour_Received 730,904,066 <0.01 4.12 × 10
4.66 × 10
TimeToFindTheNearestUnit 713,927,809 0.77 6.15 × 10
1.22 × 10
TimeToReachOnScene 678,944,256 <0.01 0.35 0.25
TimeWithPatientUntilAvailable 527,265,766 <0.01 13.44 12.48
TimeFromDispatchUntilAvailable 544,683,551 <0.01 1.57 1.47
that illustrates the diagnostic ability of our logistic ridge regression
model at varying classification thresholds. It ranges between zero and
one. The closer to 1, the better. The coefficients in Table 3indicated a
high likelihood for certain cases to be transported. Positive
coefficients indicated that the chances of a Transportedoutcome
increased as certain predictors increased. For example, patients with
missing provisional diagnoses are more likely to be transported.
Cases diagnosed with Cardiac Arrestwere more likely to be
transported as expected, while a Hypoglycemiadiagnosis tended to
decrease transportation likelihood.
3.4 |Comorbidities combination analysis
UpSet plots, as exemplified in Figures 4and 5,serveacriticalrole
in the visualization and analysis of complex datasets, particularly
when assessing the presence of intersecting data sets. In our
study, the UpSet plot was employed to discern the patterns of
comorbidities among the patients, specifically the cooccurrence
of DM and hypertension. This type of visual representation is
particularly useful for combination analysis as it allows for a clear
and concise depiction of how often different conditions appear
together within a data set. UpSet plots provide an intuitive means
of displaying intersections across categorized groups, such as the
coexistence of DM and hypertension among patients. In this case,
the plot explained that most patients did not have a significant
medical history combining these two conditions regardless of their
group categorization. Additionally, Figure 4offers a comparative
insight, highlighting that the comorbidity of DM and hypertension
was more frequently observed within the Transportedgroup
versus the Not Transportedgroup, suggesting potential implica-
tions for patient transport decisions. UpSet plots helped facilitate a
better understanding of the underlying patterns in patient medical
histories and their possible impacts on treatment and transport
Deciding patient transportation ensures the effectiveness of the 999
emergency response and mitigates morbidity and mortality risks. This
cohort study explored various dimensions of EMS utilization and
identified determinants of conveyance decisions, revealing both
congruence and departure from the prevailing literature.
One salient finding was the conspicuous male predominance
across transported and nontransported cohorts, which resonates
with empirical evidence from recent studies of nonconveyance
decisions in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, including
during the COVID19 pandemic, and highlighted a similar male
centric inclination for EMS activation.
We identified a marked representation of South Asian demo-
graphics, especially within transported patient groups. Juxtaposed
against recent literature, as most South Asian populations include
lowincome workers compared to patients from other ethnicities, the
prehospital healthcare service in Qatar is equally accessible to both
citizens and expatriate populations.
Broader ethnicityin
healthcare discussions inevitably entangle complex strands of
socioeconomic status and health behaviors
that are potentially
A temporal pattern in our data set indicated a 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
surge in patientconveyance activities, potentially indicating
workplaceassociated stressors as important triggers, as previously
Such discernments can strategically guide EMS resource
allocation and optimize spatiotemporal response protocols.
TABLE 3 Ridge regression coefficients analysis results.
Variable Coefficients
PriorityToHospitalMissing 3.08
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATMissing 2.11
TransportedToNot Applicable 1.78
PriorityToHospitalP2 1.70
PatientTriagedAreaNot Applicable 1.65
GenderMissing 1.55
TransportedToOther 1.48
TransportedToGouvernemental no Prenotif 1.16
PriorityToHospitalP3 1.11
Weight_CATMissing 0.97
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATDOA 0.95
PriorityToHospitalP1 0.92
TransportedToPrivate 0.74
TransportedToPEC 0.70
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATCardiac Arrest 0.64
ProtocolName9 0.54
ProtocolName31 0.54
TransportedToGouvernmental with Prenotif 0.54
PatientTriagedAreaDialysis 0.48
PatientTriagedAreaLow_Acuity_ED 0.48
PatientTriagedAreaPaed_ED 0.47
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATCOPD 0.47
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATCardiovas_Other 0.42
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATHemothorax 0.41
LocationTypeBeach/Sea/Ocean 0.40
PatientTriagedAreaByPass_Crit_ED 0.39
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATCroup/Epiglottitis 0.38
ProtocolName15 0.37
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATHypoglycemia 0.37
ProvisonalDiagnoses_CATPneumothorax 0.37
For locational tendencies, our data unequivocally positions
Homesat the epicenter of emergencies. Though granular household
risk factors as potential emergency catalysts have been investigated,
other issues, such as compromised indoor air quality, deficient
lighting, and structural integrity of domiciles as risk multipliers, have
been highlighted in empirical studies.
Identifying contributory
variables necessitates a comprehensive homesafety exploration
model involving community education, audits, and interagency
collaboration for safer dwellings. Moreover, the free prehospital
healthcare in Qatar potentially incentivises the use of emergency
care at home and refusal of transportation, possibly to avoid
congested Emergency Departments (ED). Conversely, some, antici-
pating bypassing extended ED waiting times,
may consent to
transportation. Public awareness campaigns could guide the public
towards alternative healthcare options, such as health centers while
clarifying optimal care pathways.
The unpredictable nature of medical emergencies, as evident
from our cohort's considerable representation of patients without
known comorbidities, disrupts conventional clinical expectations.
Despite the considerable literature on health conditions that amplify
the risk of emergencies,
our observations prompt a broader
investigation considering, for instance, the elements of medical crises
identified by other researchers,
including latent environmental
factors, genetic propensities, and undiagnosed medical conditions.
During patient assessment, HMCAS clinicians should evaluate the big
picture, not just medical history, but also their environmental,
genetic, and psychosocial domains. Within this framework, the
HMCAS advocates the use of the IMISTAMBO (Identification,
Medical complaint/Mechanism, Injuries/Information related to the
complaint, Symptoms, Treatment, Allergies, Medication, Background
history, and other information) during patient handovers within
healthcare facilities. IMISTAMBO ensures that essential details
pertaining to patient complaints are communicated consistently, thus
mitigating the risk of oversight and constitute a particularly beneficial
approach compared to other handover tools (e.g., Situation, Back-
ground, Assessment, Recommendation [SBAR]), which might inad-
vertently bypass certain contextual and comorbidityrelated details.
Additionally, the HMCAS has institutionalized exemplary EMS
standards through the CPGs
that underline the significance of
persistent professional upskilling amid inherent uncertainties in the
clinical practice.
In our examination of the comorbidities, the emphasis on DM
and hypertension aligns seamlessly with current research trajec-
between these morbidities and heightened vulnerabilities
that accentuate the urgency for more specialized care protocols and
documentation systems for postevent symptoms.
FIGURE 3 Plots of the results of the ridge regression analysis.
10 of 13
Bivariate and logistic ridge regression analyses enhanced our
understanding of the determinants of the Transportedversus Not
Transportedoutcomes and improved model stability and predictive
validity. This multitiered approach provides a nuanced understanding
of factors influencing the likelihood of transportation. It yields a
model that is particularly effective in predicting which cases are most
likely to require transportation, thus offering actionable insights for
clinical decisionmaking.
The findings explicated by the combination analysis using the UpSet
plot carry profound implications for the stratification and management of
patient care, particularly in the emergency medical context. It is evident
from Figures 4and 5that comorbidities such as DM and hypertension are
commonly present in conjunction withmostpatientswithcomorbidities
studied. This observation might suggest recalibrating the clinical assump-
tions regarding comorbidities within the population. Figures 4and 5
revealed a marked propensity for the dual presence of these conditions in
the Transportedgroup, compared to the Not Transportedcohort. This
differential pattern highlights the need for heightened clinical vigilance
and resource allocation for transporting patients more likely to present
with complex medical backgrounds. Such findings advocate for tailored
patient assessment protocols, ensuring these comorbidities are consid-
ered in therapeutic decisionmaking. The utility of UpSet plots enables
healthcare decisionmakers with a nuanced understanding of patient
comorbidities, guiding more informed and efficacious intervention
In summary, this study's empirical findings regarding EMS and
patient conveyance decisions emphasize the layered complexities
that affect conveyance decisions. Nuanced demographic insights into
clinical ambivalence demonstrate the intricate prehospital work
environment, necessitating sustained academic engagement and
introspection for optimized service delivery.
Complemented by the ridge regression model, the descriptive data
emphasized the crucial role of missing informationinclinical examination
and model formulation. Despite HMCAS' use of a digital system for
recording clinical and nonclinical details, a significant percentage of data
was missing, which, if found, could enhance the validity of our conclusions
and provide insights that more closely mirror realworld scenarios.
Furthermore, despite careful consideration, strong interrelations between
some variables increased the risk of multicollinearity and potential
confounders, adding complexity to data interpretation.
Additionally, it is important to acknowledge the inherent
limitations associated with the retrospective design of our study.
FIGURE 4 Comorbidities upset plots for combination analysis for patients who have been transported.
11 of 13
Such a design is prone to risks of errors and biases that are typically
less prevalent in prospective studies, such us recall and selection
biases, which may influence the generalizability of our findings.
This prehospital study highlights the intricate variables influencing
patientconveyance decisions, spanning sociocultural factors
and clinical ambiguities. Our findings corroborate and challenge
the existing literature. Notably, patterns such as male predomi-
nance and activity spikes during specific hours necessitate
advanced analytical techniques for insightful interpretations. The
unpredictable nature of the prehospital setting warrants enhanced
training and comprehensive patient assessment approaches that
consider factors beyond medical history. Moreover, our methodo-
logical challenges emphasize the importance of refining the
analytical tools. Our study underscores the dynamic nature of
prehospital care and stresses the need for continuous academic
engagement. As the prehospital landscape evolves, this study
emphasizes the importance of innovation and introspection in
successful and effective emergency care delivery.
Hassan Farhat: Conceptualization; investigation; writingoriginal
draft; visualization; formal analysis; data curation; software; methodol-
ogy; writingreview & editing; funding acquisition. Guillaume Alinier:
Writingreview & editing; supervision; validation. Kawther El Aifa:
Writingreview & editing; validation. Ahmed Makhlouf: Validation.
Padarath Gangaram: Conceptualization; project administration. Ian
Howland:Projectadministration.Andre Jones:Writingreview &
editing. Cyrine Abid:Writingreview & editing. Mohamed Chaker
Khenissi: Project administration; resources. Ian Howard:Project
administration. Moncef Khadhraoui: Supervision; project administration.
Nicholas Castle: Project administration. Loua Al Shaikh:Project
administration. James Laughton:Supervision;Writingreview & editing;
resources. Imed Gargouri: Project administration; supervision.
We wish to acknowledge the executive and management teams of
the HMCAS Business IntelligenceTeam. The publication of this article
was funded by the Qatar National Library.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
FIGURE 5 Comorbidities UpSet plots for combination analysis for patients who have not been transported.
12 of 13
Anonymised data that support the findings of this study are available
from the corresponding author for review upon request. The data is
available from the first author and can be provided upon a reasonable
request pending the approval of the ethical board of the medical
research centre of Hamad Medical Corporation. The data that
support the findings of this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to
privacy or ethical restrictions.
The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Hamad Medical
Corporation Medical Research Center (reference MRC0122264).
The lead author Hassan FARHAT affirms that this manuscript is an
honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being
reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted;
and that any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if relevant,
registered) have been explained.
Hassan Farhat
Guillaume Alinier
Padarath Gangaram
Cyrine Abid
James Laughton
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Additional supporting information can be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Farhat H, Alinier G, El Aifa K, et al.
Epidemiology of prehospital emergency calls according to
patient transport decision in a middle eastern emergency care
environment: retrospective cohortbased. Health Sci Rep.
2024;7:e2056. doi:10.1002/hsr2.2056
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Full-text available
The provision of prehospital emergency healthcare around the world varies greatly. Each country implements a delivery model according to its own economy, population, culture, policy and geography, including Qatar. In the past decade, in preparation to host the FIFA 2022 World Cup, significant technological investments have been made to improve and develop the country's prehospital emergency health services. This article is based on an academic visit of two Turkish academics with an interest in prehospital care to Qatar. It was conducted in January 2020 and is supported by information from the literature. Qatar's prehospital healthcare system was found to be highly developed and organised as it is managed by a national ambulance service. Some comparisons are also made with respect to prehospital care in Turkey.
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Ambient air pollutants are health hazards to children. This study comprised 773,504 emergency department visits (EDVs) at 0-14 years of age with respiratory diseases in southern China. All air pollutants were positively associated with EDVs of total respiratory diseases, especially pneumonia. NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 had intraday effects and cumulative effects on asthma EDVs. The effect of SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 on pneumonia EDVs was stronger in girls than in boys. The effect of NO2 on acute upper respiratory tract infection EDVs was greater in children aged 0-5 years old; however, the effect of PM10 on acute upper respiratory tract infection EDVs was greater in the 6-14 years group. In a two-pollutant model, NO2 was associated with bronchitis and pneumonia, and PM10 was associated with acute upper respiratory tract infection. In this time-series study, NO2 and PM10 were risk indicators for respiratory diseases in children.
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Adverse drug events encompass a wide range of potential unintended and harmful events, from adverse drug reactions to medication errors, many of which in retrospect, are considered preventable. However, the primary challenge towards reducing their burden lies in consistently identifying and monitoring these occurrences, a challenge faced across the spectrum of healthcare, including the emergency medical services. The aim of this study was to identify and describe medication related adverse events (AEs) in the out-of-hospital setting. The medication components of a dedicated patient safety register were analysed and described for the period Jan 2017–Sept 2020. Univariate descriptive analysis was used to summarize and report on basic case and patient demographics, intervention related AEs, medication related AEs, and AE severity. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess the odds of AE severity, by AE type. A total of 3475 patient records were assessed where 161 individual medication AEs were found in 150 (4.32%), 12 of which were categorised as harmful. Failure to provide a required medication was found to be the most common error (1.67%), followed by the administration of medications outside of prescribed practice guidelines (1.18%). There was evidence to suggest a 63% increase in crude odds of any AE severity [OR 1.63 (95% CI 1.03–2.6), p = 0.035] with the medication only AEs when compared to the intervention only AEs. Prehospital medication related adverse events remain a significant threat to patient safety in this setting and warrant greater widespread attention and future identification of strategies aimed at their reduction.
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Objectives To characterize the epidemiologic profiles of prediabetes mellitus (preDM), diabetes mellitus (DM), and hypertension (HTN) in Qataris using the nationally representative 2012 Qatar STEPwise Survey. Methods A secondary data analysis of a cross-sectional survey that included 2,497 Qatari nationals aged 18–64 years. Descriptive and analytical statistical analyses were conducted. Results Prevalence of preDM, DM, and HTN in Qataris aged 18–64 years was 11.9% (95% confidence interval [CI] 9.6%-14.7%), 10.4% (95% CI 8.4%-12.9%), and 32.9% (95% CI 30.4%-35.6%), respectively. Age was the common factor associated with the three conditions. Adjusted analyses showed that unhealthy diet (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.84, 95% CI 1.01–3.36) was significantly associated with preDM; that physical inactivity (aOR = 1.66, 95% CI 1.12–2.46), central obesity (aOR = 2.08, 95% CI 1.02–4.26), and HTN (aOR = 2.18, 95% CI 1.40–3.38) were significantly associated with DM; and that DM (aOR = 2.07, 95% CI 1.34–3.22) was significantly associated with HTN. Population attributable fraction of preDM associated with unhealthy diet was 7.7%; of DM associated with physical inactivity, central obesity, and HTN, respectively, was 14.9%, 39.8%, and 17.5%; and of HTN associated with DM was 3.0%. Conclusions One in five Qataris is living with either preDM or DM, and one in three is living with HTN, conditions that were found to be primarily driven by lifestyle factors. Prevention, control, and management of these conditions should be a national priority to reduce their disease burden and associated disease sequelae.
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Background The Interagency Integrated Triage Tool (IITT) is a three-tier triage system designed for resource-limited emergency care (EC) settings. This study sought to assess the validity and reliability of a pilot version of the tool in an urban emergency department (ED) in Papua New Guinea. Methods A pragmatic observational study was conducted at Gerehu General Hospital in Port Moresby, commencing eight weeks after IITT implementation. All ED patients presenting within the subsequent two-month period were included. Triage assessments were performed by a variety of ED clinicians, including community health workers, nurses and doctors. The primary outcome was sensitivity for the detection of time-critical illness, defined by ten pre-specified diagnoses. The association between triage category and ED outcomes was examined using Cramer's V correlation coefficient. Reliability was assessed by inter-rater agreement between a local and an experienced, external triage officer. Findings Among 4512 presentations during the study period, 58 (1.3%) were classified as category one (emergency), 967 (21.6%) as category two (priority) and 3478 (77.1%) as category three (non-urgent). The tool's sensitivity for detecting the pre-specified set of time-sensitive conditions was 70.8% (95%CI 58.2-81.4%), with negative predictive values of 97.3% (95%CI 96.7 - 97.8%) for admission/transfer and 99.9% (95%CI 99.7 - 100.0%) for death. The admission/transfer rate was 44.8% (26/58) among emergency patients, 22.9% (223/976) among priority patients and 2.7% (94/3478) among non-urgent patients (Cramer's V=0.351, p=0.00). Four of 58 (6.9%) emergency patients, 19/976 (2.0%) priority patients and 3/3478 (0.1%) non-urgent patients died in the ED (Cramer's V=0.14, p=0.00). The under-triage rate was 2.7% (94/3477) and the over-triage rate 48.2% (28/58), both within pre-specified limits of acceptability. On average, it took staff 3 minutes 34 seconds (SD 1:06) to determine and document a triage category. Among 70 observed assessments, weighted κ was 0.84 (excellent agreement). Interpretation The pilot version of the IITT demonstrated acceptable performance characteristics, and validation in other EC settings is warranted. Funding This project was funded through a Friendship Grant from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and an International Development Fund Grant from the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine Foundation.
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Background It is unclear whether asthma and its allergic phenotype are risk factors for hospitalization or severe disease from SARS‐CoV‐2. Methods All patients over 28 days old testing positive for SARS‐CoV‐2 between March 1 and September 30, 2020, were retrospectively identified and characterized through electronic analysis at Stanford. A sub‐cohort was followed prospectively to evaluate long‐term COVID‐19 symptoms. Results 168,190 patients underwent SARS‐CoV‐2 testing, and 6,976 (4.15%) tested positive. In a multivariate analysis, asthma was not an independent risk factor for hospitalization (OR 1.12 [95% CI 0.86, 1.45], p = .40). Among SARS‐CoV‐2‐positive asthmatics, allergic asthma lowered the risk of hospitalization and had a protective effect compared with non‐allergic asthma (OR 0.52 [0.28, 0.91], p = .026); there was no association between baseline medication use as characterized by GINA and hospitalization risk. Patients with severe COVID‐19 disease had lower eosinophil levels during hospitalization compared with patients with mild or asymptomatic disease, independent of asthma status (p = .0014). In a patient sub‐cohort followed longitudinally, asthmatics and non‐asthmatics had similar time to resolution of COVID‐19 symptoms, particularly lower respiratory symptoms. Conclusions Asthma is not a risk factor for more severe COVID‐19 disease. Allergic asthmatics were half as likely to be hospitalized with COVID‐19 compared with non‐allergic asthmatics. Lower levels of eosinophil counts (allergic biomarkers) were associated with a more severe COVID‐19 disease trajectory. Recovery was similar among asthmatics and non‐asthmatics with over 50% of patients reporting ongoing lower respiratory symptoms 3 months post‐infection.
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was rapidly expanded worldwide within a short period. Its relationship with chronic comorbidities is still unclear. We aimed to determine the effects of chronic comorbidities on clinical outcomes of patients with and without COVID-19. This was an analysis of 65,535 patients with suspicion of viral respiratory disease (38,324 SARS-CoV-2 positive and 27,211 SARS-CoV-2 negative) from January 01 to May 12, 2020 using the national administrative healthcare open data of Mexico. SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed by reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction. General characteristics and chronic comorbidities were explored. Clinical outcomes of interest were hospital admission, pneumonia, intensive care unit admission, endotracheal intubation and mortality. Prevalence of chronic comorbidities was 49.4%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the effect of age, male sex, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease on clinical outcomes was similar for both SARS-CoV-2 positive and negative patients. Adverse clinical outcomes were associated with the time from symptoms onset to medical contact, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension and obesity in SARS-CoV-2 positive patients, but with cardiovascular disease in SARS-CoV-2 negative patients (p value < 0.01 for all comparisons). Chronic comorbidities are commonly found in patients with suspicion of viral respiratory disease. The knowledge of the impact of comorbidities on adverse clinical outcomes can better define those COVID-19 patients at higher risk. The different impact of the specific type of chronic comorbidity on clinical outcomes in patients with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection requires further researches. These findings need confirmation using other data sources.
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Objectives Patients ≥65 years old represent 30%–50% of all ambulance assignments (AAs), and the knowledge of which care level they are disposed to is limited and diverging. The aim of this study was therefore to describe and compare characteristics of patients’ aged ≥65 years dispositions during AA, including determining changes over time and factors associated with non-conveyance to hospitals. Design A longitudinal and comparative database study. Setting Ambulance service in a Swedish region. Participants 32 085 AAs with patients ≥65 years old during the years 2014, 2016 and 2018. Exclusion criteria: AAs with interhospital patient transfers and lack of patients’ dispositions data. Outcome measures Dependent factors: conveyance and non-conveyance to hospitals. Independent factors: age, sex, symptom, triage level, scene, time, day and season. Results The majority (n=29 060; 90.6%) of patients’ dispositions during AA were conveyance to hospitals. In total, the most common symptoms were circulatory (n=4953; 15.5%) and respiratory (n=4529; 14.1%). A significant increase, p<0.01, of non-conveyance to hospitals was shown during 2014 and 2018, from 801 (7.8%) to 1295 (11.4%). Increasing age was associated with decreasing odds of non-conveyance, 85–89 years (OR=0.85, 95 % CI=0.72 to 0.99) and 90 years or older (OR=0.80, 95 % CI=0.68 to 0.93). Several factors were associated with non-conveyance, for example, symptoms of diabetes (OR=8.57, 95 % CI=5.99 to 12.26) and mental disorders (OR=5.71, 95 % CI=3.85 to 8.48) in comparison with infections. Conclusions The study demonstrates several patient characteristics, and factors associated with non-conveyance to hospitals, such as age, symptom, triage level, scene, time, day and season. The increasing non-conveyance trend highlights the importance of further studies on optimal care levels for patients ≥65 years old.