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Conference Poster; Validating Touch DNA collection techniques using cotton swabs

  • Dubai Police force - General Department of Forensic Science and Criminology


Touch or trace DNA analysis has emerged as a pivotal component of forensic laboratory operations and a pivotal tool for investigators. Cotton swabs are commonly employed for sample collection, and selecting the optimal collection technique can markedly enhance DNA recovery from surfaces. This study investigates three commonly utilized recovery techniques with cotton swabs and evaluates various conditions affecting the collected samples, including drying prior to freezing or immediate freezing, to assess their impact on DNA recovery. The findings reveal a significant disparity among the three recovery techniques employed for touch DNA recovery using cotton swabs (p < 0.001), as well as among the tested conditions prior to extraction (p < 0.001)
Validating Touch DNA collection techniques using cotton swabs
Salem K Alketbi a,b and W. Goodwin a
aUniversity of Central Lancashire
bGeneral Department of Forensic Science and Criminology in Dubai Police
05-07 MARCH 2024
Touch or trace DNA analysis has become a fundamental aspect of forensic laboratory work and an indispensable tool for
investigators since its initial report in 1997 [1]. This technique has revolutionized DNA collection, allowing for the retrieval
of genetic material from a wide array of surfaces, including tools, knives, clothing, and firearms [2-4]. Typically, trace
samples like touch DNA are collected using cotton swabs, which are moistened and applied with pressure and rotation to
the target area for DNA collection. However, this method may not always yield optimal results, as a moist cotton swab
may only capture a portion of the available sample, leaving biological material behind [2]. Selecting the appropriate
collection technique can enhance trace DNA recovery, such as using the correct amount of reagent to moisten the swab
or employing a double swab technique (wet and dry) [5-6]. Post-collection, some cotton swabs are immediately extracted
or frozen while still moist. However, certain laboratories opt to air dry the swabs at room temperature or use swab drying
cabinets before extraction or freezing. However, these practices may not be suitable for collecting touch DNA, as allowing
the swab to dry before extraction often results in DNA loss [3,7]. Therefore, this paper presents two experiments. The first
experiment aims to validate three commonly used recovery techniques with cotton swabs: the single swab technique (half
wet and half dry), the single swab technique with the use of a plastic spray bottle to moisten the swab (developed in the
Dubai Police forensic DNA lab), and the double swab technique (wet and dry). The second experiment aims to validate
different conditions to explore the impact of immediate extraction, drying, and freezing of touch DNA collected using
moistened cotton swabs.
- EXPERIMENTAL SET UP AND DEPOSITION: A participant identified as a high shedder was instructed to wash their hands with
antibacterial soap and remain inactive for 5 minutes. Subsequently, the participant applied eccrine sweat from behind their ears to their
fingers to ensure sufficient DNA loading. After an additional 5 minutes, the participant touched a glass surface with their index, middle,
and ring fingers of both hands, exerting medium pressure on a5x7cm area for 1 minute each time. This process was repeated 48
times. Before each use, the surfaces underwent sterilization using 2% virkon and exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) for 15 minutes.
-EXPERIMENT ONE:A total of 24 samples were promptly collected using Copan 150C Cotton swabs moistened with distilled water,
a commonly employed agent in forensic labs [5]. Three distinct techniques were employed to moisten the cotton swabs prior to sample
collection, each utilizing 100 μl of distilled water: (a) Half of the cotton swab head was moistened using a pipette (n=8) (b) The cotton
swab head was moistened using a spray bottle (n=8), with each spray delivering approximately 50 μL of water (c) The cotton swab
head was moistened using a pipette, followed by a dry swab (double swab technique) (n=8). Subsequently, the swab heads were
promptly extracted using the QIAamp® DNA Investigator Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer's instructions, with a final elution
volume of 50 μL.
-DNA QUANTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS: The extracted samples underwent quantification using the Quantifiler® Human DNA
Quantification Kit, QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR (qPCR), and HID Real-Time PCR analysis software v1.3 (Thermo Fisher Scientific),
following the prescribed protocols from the manufacturers. Statistical analysis was conducted using RStudio, employing factorial
analysis of variance (ANOVA). Notably, the blank samples obtained from sterilized surfaces, as well as the negative controls for both
the collection and extraction methods, all tested negative for DNA when subjected to quantification. REFERENCES
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This study was approved by the General Department of Forensic Science and Criminology in Dubai Police
and Ethical approval was granted by the School of Forensic and Applied Sciences, and the University of Central Lancashire’s Research
Ethics Committee (ref. no. STEMH 912). Many thanks to COPAN DIAGNOSTICS INC. for supporting this experiment with free swabs,
and to ThermoFisher Scientific™ for discounts on their products.
1- Van Oorschot, R.A.H. and Jones, M.K. (1997) 'DNA fingerprints from fingerprints', Nature, 387, p. 767.
2- Alketbi, S.K. (2018) 'The affecting factors of Touch DNA', Journal of Forensic Research, 9, p. 424.
3- Alketbi, S.K. (2023) 'Analysis of Touch DNA', Doctoral thesis, University of Central Lancashire. Available at:
4- Polley, D. et al. (2006) 'Investigation of DNA recovery from firearms and cartridge cases', J Canadian Soc Forensic Sci, 39,pp.217-228.
5- Alketbi, S.K. and Goodwin, W. (2019) 'The effect of surface type, collection, and extraction methods on Touch DNA', Forensic Science International. Genetics Supplement Series, 7(1), pp.704-706.
6- Pang, B.C.M. and Cheung, B.K.K. (2007) 'Double swab technique for collecting touched evidence', Legal Med, 9, pp.181-184.
7- Van Oorschot, R.A.H. et al. (2003) 'Improving collection methods can improve the ability to obtain typings from trace amounts of DNA from touched objects', The XIX International Congress of
Genetics, Melbourne, Proceedings.
The utilization of cotton swabs for trace DNA collection is widespread, albeit associated with DNA wastage due to retention within the swab, influenced by the extraction
method employed [3,7]. Therefore, adopting an appropriate collection technique is imperative to enhance DNA recovery efficiency from the cotton swab. The double swab
technique, involving both wet and dry swabs, has demonstrated superior performance compared to the single swab technique, albeit its efficacy may vary depending on the
size of the sampled area. Nonetheless, it's important to note that DNA extraction may pose challenges with the double swab technique [3]. Moreover, the plastic spray bottle
method surpasses the pipette in moistening the swab by evenly distributing distilled water, minimizing the risk of contamination compared to the use of a pipette. While drying
cotton swabs before freezing may prove beneficial for long-term storage of certain biological materials like body fluids, this approach is not conducive to Touch DNA
samples. Allowing swabs to dry before DNA extraction results in diminished DNA recovery compared to immediate use of moist swabs [2]. Freezing the swab while still moist
after collection, rather than drying it before extraction, yields DNA recovery rates comparable to immediate extraction. Therefore, it is advisable to promptly freeze cotton
swabs after Touch DNA collection to optimize DNA recovery.
In Experiment One, a notable distinction was observed among the three recovery techniques employed for retrieving touch DNA with a cotton swab (p< 0.001). The
application of the spray bottle technique (b) or the implementation of the double swab technique (c) demonstrated greater efficacy in touch DNA collection. Conversely, the
single swab technique utilizing a pipette to moisten the cotton swab (a) exhibited limited effectiveness, resulting in trace DNA being left uncollected on the surface (mean: a
0.05, b 0.09, c 0.07,all in ng/μL) (Figure 1). In Experiment Two, a similar trend was observed, with a significant disparity noted in the quantity of DNA collected among
the tested conditions prior to extraction (p< 0.001). Each of the three conditions exhibited discernible differences. Immediate extraction (a) or direct freezing of cotton swabs
post-collection (b) proved more conducive to preserving the collected touch DNA, while drying the samples before freezing (c) was associated with potential loss of some of
the trace DNA collected (means: a 0.09, b 0.08, c 0.05,all in ng/μL) (Figure 2).
Figure 1 illustrates the outcomes of Experiment One, showcasing the average
DNA recovered (n=24) through each technique: (a) single swab, (b) spray
bottle, and (c) double swab. The statistical analysis revealed a significant
difference (p< 0.001) among the techniques, with mean DNA quantities
recorded as follows: (a) 0.05 ng/μL, (b) 0.09 ng/μL, and (c) 0.07 ng/μL.
Figure 2 presents the findings of Experiment Two, displaying the average DNA
recovered (n=24) under each condition: (a) Immediate extraction of swabs, (b)
Swabs were only frozen before extraction, and (c) Swabs were dried and
frozen before extraction. Statistical analysis indicated a significant difference (p
< 0.001) among the conditions, with mean DNA quantities recorded as follows:
(a) 0.09 ng/μL, (b) 0.08 ng/μL, and (c) 0.05 ng/μL.
-EXPERIMENT TWO: A total of 24 samples were promptly collected using Copan 150C Cotton swabs, and a plastic spray bottle
technique, pioneered by the Dubai Police forensic DNA lab, was employed to moisten the swabs with 100 μl of distilled water.
Subsequently, three different conditions were applied to the collected swabs: (a) Immediate extraction after collection (n=8) - (b)
Freezing at -20°C for one week (n=8) - (c) Drying for 24 hours at room temperature followed by freezing at -20°C for six days (n=8).
The swab heads were then extracted using the QIAamp® DNA Investigator Kit (Qiagen) in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions, with the final extracted sample elution volume being 50 μL.
Full-text available
This manuscript offers an in-depth exploration of the Dubai Police and its General Department of Forensic Science and Criminology, emphasizing their critical role in law enforcement through advanced forensic science and innovative practices. Beginning with a historical overview, it traces the evolution of forensic disciplines from Edmond Locard's foundational principles to Sir Alec Jeffreys' groundbreaking DNA profiling techniques. The manuscript details the structure and functions of specialized sections within the department, including Biology and DNA, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Toxicology, Firearms and Tool Marks, Questioned Documents, Forensic Explosive, Forensic Fire Investigation, Forensic and Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Physics. Key achievements, such as the Biology and DNA Section's processing of thousands of cases and the generation of highly discriminating DNA profiles, are highlighted. The manuscript also addresses the department's challenges, including the rapid evolution of technology and the increasing complexity of crimes. Future plans to enhance capabilities through investment in new technologies, international collaboration, and continuous professional development are outlined. By showcasing the department's commitment to innovation, excellence, and public safety, this manuscript underscores the pivotal contributions of the Dubai Police and its forensic department to crime resolution and community safety. The insights provided aim to foster a deeper understanding of the critical role of forensic science in the criminal justice system.
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Trace DNA is a significant type of evidence for its ability to be collected from touched items or surfaces at crime scenes to link suspects to their crimes. In cases of violent crimes like assault, sexual offences, or even homicide, often touch DNA is collected from the victim’s skin. However, the collection of Touch DNA from the victim's skin can be complex because of the mixture of DNA present, as there is likely to be a small quantity of the offender’s DNA compared to the victim’s DNA. Validating different collection methods or techniques can improve Touch DNA sampling, therefore, this study investigated three collection techniques involving cotton and nylon swabs to test their efficiency for the collection of touch DNA from the human neck. There was a significant difference between the three recovery techniques used to recover Touch DNA with a cotton swab (CS) ( p < 0.05) and nylon swab (NS) ( p < 0.05), with more alleles observed when the neck skin was moistened with 100 µl of distilled water using spray a bottle before collection for both swabs.
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Touch DNA analysis has become an important aspect of a forensic laboratory’s workload and a crucial tool for investigators in many cases. However, there is a lack of research regarding the influence of environmental conditions on Touch DNA, which is proven to reduce traces of biological material in samples. This study investigated the influence of time between deposition and recovery of Touch DNA, as well as the impact of temperature and humidity on a range of porous and non-porous surfaces.
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Touched items at crime scenes are frequently analysed to help link suspects to crimes, for example, Touch DNA is collected from victims’ clothes in cases such as sexual assault, homicide, theft etc. Tape lifting is the preferred collection method of choice for trace DNA from clothes, fabric items and porous surfaces such as paper, therefore this study investigated the impact of deposition area and time on Touch DNA collected from fabric using minitapes. The amount of Touch DNA collected from the fabric was significantly affected by deposition area (p < 0.05), time (p < 0.05) and the interaction between the deposition area and time (p < 0.05), with the quantity of DNA collected decreasing over time. Also, the buttocks area of the trouser compared to the chest area is more prone to friction from an activity like repeatedly sitting on different surfaces which reduces the amount of Touch DNA available. In conclusion, it is more effective to collect trace DNA from victim clothes as soon as possible after the crime is committed.
Full-text available
There are different variables that affect the success of Touch DNA recovery, including surface type, the collection method used and extraction techniques. This experiment investigated how a range of porous and non-porous surfaces, different DNA collection (cotton swab, nylon flocked swab and SceneSafe Fast™ minitape) and extraction methods (PrepFiler Express BTA™ and QIAamp® DNA Investigator) affected touch DNA recovery.