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Influence of breed and environment on leukocyte telomere length in cattle



High milk yield is associated with reduced longevity in high-producing dairy cattle breeds. Pre-term culling leads to high replacement heifer demand and economic losses for the dairy industry. Selection for this trait is limited because of low heritability and difficulties in phenotype measurement. Telomeres are elements found at the ends of chromosomes, consisting of repetitive DNA sequences, several thousand base pairs in length, coupled with nucleoprotein complexes. Eventually, in humans and most other animals, telomere length reduces with age. When telomeric DNA is truncated to a critical length, cell ageing, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis are induced. As a result, telomere length can be considered as a predictor of health risks and an individual’s lifespan. The leukocyte telomere length may be used as a proxy phenotype of productive lifespan to improve cattle selection. Our objectives were to assess the effects of breed and breed group (dairy vs. beef) on the leukocyte telomere length and to estimate the effect of cold climate on this trait in Kalmyk cattle populations from the South (Rostov Oblast) and Far North (Republic of Sakha) regions of Russia. The leukocyte telomere lengths were estimated computationally from whole-genome resequencing data. We leveraged data on leukocyte telomere length, sex, and age of 239 animals from 17 cattle breeds. The breed factor had a significant effect on leukocyte telomere length across our sample. There was no difference in leukocyte telomere length between dairy and beef groups. The population factor had a significant effect on leukocyte telomere length in Kalmyk animals. In conclusion, we found that breed, but not breed group (dairy vs. beef), was significantly associated with leukocyte telomere length in cattle. Residence in colder climates was associated with longer leukocyte telomere length in Kalmyk breed cattle.
Influence of breed and environment
on leukocyte telomere length in cattle
N.S. Yudin 1#, A.V. Igoshin 1#, G.A. Romashov1, A.A. Martynov2, D.M. Larkin 3
1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 Arctic State Agrotechnological University, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia
3 Royal Veterinary College, University of London, London, United Kingdom
Abstract. High milk yield is associated with reduced longevity in high-producing dairy cattle breeds. Pre-term cull-
ing leads to high replacement heifer demand and economic losses for the dairy industry. Selection for this trait is
limited because of low heritability and difficulties in phenotype measurement. Telomeres are elements found at the
ends of chromosomes, consisting of repetitive DNA sequences, several thousand base pairs in length, coupled with
nucleoprotein complexes. Eventually, in humans and most other animals, telomere length reduces with age. When
telomeric DNA is truncated to a critical length, cell ageing, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis are induced. As a result,
telomere length can be considered as a predictor of health risks and an individual’s lifespan. The leukocyte telomere
length may be used as a proxy phenotype of productive lifespan to improve cattle selection. Our objectives were to
assess the eects of breed and breed group (dairy vs. beef) on the leukocyte telomere length and to estimate the ef-
fect of cold climate on this trait in Kalmyk cattle populations from the South (Rostov Oblast) and Far North (Republic
of Sakha) regions of Russia. The leukocyte telomere lengths were estimated computationally from whole-genome
resequencing data. We leveraged data on leukocyte telomere length, sex, and age of 239 animals from 17 cattle
breeds. The breed factor had a significant eect on leukocyte telomere length across our sample. There was no dif-
ference in leukocyte telomere length between dairy and beef groups. The population factor had a significant eect
on leukocyte telomere length in Kalmyk animals. In conclusion, we found that breed, but not breed group (dairy vs.
beef), was significantly associated with leukocyte telomere length in cattle. Residence in colder climates was asso-
ciated with longer leukocyte telomere length in Kalmyk breed cattle.
Key words: longevity; selection; cattle; breed; dairy; beef; environment; cold climate; leukocyte telomere length.
For citation: Yudin N.S., Igoshin A.V., Romashov G.A., Martynov A.A., Larkin D.M. Influence of breed and environment
on leukocyte telomere length in cattle. Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii = Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding.
2024;28(2):190-197. DOI 10.18699/vjbg-24-23
Влияние породы и среды на длину теломер лейкоцитов
у крупного рогатого скота
Н.С. Юдин 1#, А.В. Игошин 1#, Г.А. Ромашов1, А.А. Мартынов2, Д.М. Ларкин 3
1 Федеральный исследовательский центр Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, Новосибирск, Россия
2 Арктический государственный агротехнологический университет, Якутск, Россия
3 Королевский ветеринарный колледж, Лондон, Великобритания
Аннотация. Высокие удои молока сопряжены с сокращением продолжительности жизни у высокопродук-
тивных молочных пород скота. Преждевременная выбраковка приводит к значительным экономическим по-
терям в молочном животноводстве и увеличению потребности в ремонтных телках. Отбор по этому признаку
затруднен из-за низкой наследуемости и сложности измерения данного фенотипа. Теломеры – это структу-
ры, находящиеся на концах хромосом, состоящие из повторяющихся последовательностей ДНК длиной в не-
сколько тысяч пар оснований, связанных с нуклеопротеиновыми комплексами. У людей и большинства дру-
гих животных длина теломер уменьшается с возрастом. Когда теломерная ДНК сокращается до критической
длины, индуцируются процессы старения клеток, остановки клеточного цикла и апоптоза. В результате длину
теломер можно рассматривать как предиктор рисков для здоровья и продолжительности жизни индивида.
Длина теломер лейкоцитов может быть использована в качестве суррогатного фенотипа для признака про-
дуктивного долголетия для улучшения селекции крупного рогатого скота. Целью нашей работы было – оце-
нить влияние породы и направления продуктивности (молочное или мясное) на длину теломер лейкоцитов, а
также проанализировать влияние холодного климата на этот признак в популяциях крупного рогатого скота
калмыцкой породы на Юге (Ростовская область) и Крайнем Севере (Республика Саха) России. Измерение дли-
ны теломер лейкоцитов осуществлено с помощью компьютерных методов на основе данных полногеномного
© Yudin N.S., Igoshin A.V., Romashov G.A., Martynov A.A., Larkin D.M., 2024
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
# These authors contributed equally to this work
Оригинальное исследование
Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции
Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2024;28(2):190-197
DOI 10.18699/vjgb-24-23
Влияние породы и среды на длину теломер лейкоцитов
у крупного рогатого скота
Н.С. Юдин, А.В. Игошин, Г.А. Ромашов
А.А. Мартынов, Д.М. Ларкин
28 • 2
ресеквенирования. Мы использовали данные о длине теломер лейкоцитов, половой принадлежности и воз-
расте 239 животных, относящихся к 17 породам крупного рогатого скота. Фактор породы оказывает суще-
ственное влияние на длину теломер лейкоцитов в нашей выборке. Достоверных различий в длине теломер
лейкоцитов между молочными и мясными группами нами не выявлено. Значительное влияние на длину те-
ломер лейкоцитов у животных калмыцкой породы оказывает фактор популяции. Таким образом, мы обнару-
жили, что именно порода, но не направление продуктивности (молочное или мясное), достоверно влияла на
длину теломер лейкоцитов у крупного рогатого скота. Разведение в более холодном климате было ассоцииро-
вано с большей длиной теломер лейкоцитов у крупного рогатого скота калмыцкой породы.
Ключевые слова: долголетие; селекция; крупный рогатый скот; молочный; мясной; холодный климат; длина
теломер лейкоцитов.
High milk production correlates with poor longevity in high-
producing cattle breeds, primarily Holstein Friesian (Hu et
al., 2021). Pre-term culling leads to high replacement heifer
demand and economic losses for the dairy industry (Grandl
et al., 2019). There is a need to improve the longevity traits
of dairy cattle. However, selection for these traits is limited
because of low heritability and diculties in phenotype mea-
surement (Zhang H. et al., 2021).
Telomeres are elements found at the ends of chromosomes,
consisting of repetitive DNA sequences, several thousand base
pairs in length, coupled with nucleoprotein complexes (Jenner
et al., 2022). They protect the chromosomes from degrada-
tion and inhibit aberrant rearrangements during cell division
(Monaghan, Ozanne, 2018). Telomeres become shorter with
every cell division due to the end replication problem (Chakra-
varti et al., 2021) but can be maintained through telomerase
activity (Schrumpfová, Fajkus, 2020) and shelterin complex
(de Lange, 2018). Eventually, in humans and most other ani-
mals, telomere length reduces with age (Blackburn et al., 2015;
Whittemore et al., 2019). When telomeric DNA is truncated
to a critical length, cell ageing, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis
are induced (Chakravarti et al., 2021; López-Otín et al., 2023).
As a result, telomere length can be considered as a predictor
of health risks and an individual’s lifespan. Telomere length
is correlated with many age-related conditions in humans
(Armanios, 2022; Rossiello et al., 2022) and reduced life ex-
pectancy in humans and other species (Wilbourn et al., 2018;
Liu et al., 2019; Crocco et al., 2021).
Telomeres in cattle shorten with age, similar to most other
animals (Miyashita et al., 2002). Adult Holstein dams with
short telomeres are more likely to be culled than dams with
long telomeres (Brown et al., 2012). Productive lifespan in
Holsteins was correlated with telomere length at birth (Ilska-
Warner et al., 2019), at the age of one year (Seeker et al.,
2018a), as well as telomere attrition rate (Seeker et al., 2021).
The telomere length in the Agerolese breed, having a long
lifespan, was signicantly higher than that in the Holstein
breed of the same age (Iannuzzi et al., 2022). Therefore,
telomere length may be used as a proxy trait of lifespan and
health to improve cattle selection.
Telomere length in cattle is a complex trait controlled by
both genetics and environment. However, it is still unclear to
what extent these factors inuence this trait. A recent meta-
analysis of the heritability of telomere length showed a mode-
rate mean heritability of this trait (0.45) in 18 vertebrate species
(Chik et al., 2022). Estimates of the heritability of telomere
length, even in a single species (human), may range from 0.36
(Andrew et al., 2006) to 0.70 (Broer et al., 2013). This vari-
ability in estimates appears to be due to dierent research
me thodologies. For example, in most studies, parents and
o spring are of dierent ages. In statistical analyses, age is
counted as a covariate, but this implies a linear relationship
between telomere length and age, which is not always the case
(Dugdale, Richardson, 2018).
The inuence of environmental factors on telomere length
has been well studied in human epidemiological studies. For
example, a negative correlation was found between telomere
length and emotional stress (Law et al., 2016), Western pat-
tern diet (Rae et al., 2017), cigarette smoking (Astuti et al.,
2017), and environmental chemicals (Zhang X. et al., 2013).
In birds, short telomeres or a high rate of telomere shorten-
ing have been associated with malaria infection (Asghar et
al., 2016), increased brood size (Reichert et al., 2014), early
postnatal stress (Herborn et al., 2014) and sibling competition
(Mizutani et al., 2016).
Heritability estimates of leukocyte telomere length in Hol-
stein cattle ranged from 0.32 to 0.47 (Seeker et al., 2018a, b).
Fourteen candidate genes at birth and nine at rst lactation
were associated with this trait in this breed using a genome-
wide association study (Ilska-Warner et al., 2019). Our ge-
nome-wide association study of seventeen cattle breeds re-
vealed several SNPs associated with bovine telomere length.
We also conrmed the eects of loci reported by previous
studies (Igoshin et al., 2023). Mastitis (Ilska-Warner et al.,
2019), bovine leukaemia virus infection (Szczotka et al.,
2019), oxidative stress (Ribas-Maynou et al., 2022), parturi-
tion and raising the rst calf (O’Daniel et al., 2023), lameness
(Ilska-Warner et al., 2019), and lactation (Laubenthal et al.,
2016) have been found to be associated with cattle telomere
length. The management of the farm and genetics are herd-
related factors that can signicantly aect telomere length
(Brown et al., 2012). However, the question remains unan-
swered: to what extent is telomere length in cattle determined
by breed and inuenced by environmental stressors, such as
weather conditions?
There are two studies on the association of the animal breed
and telomere length in cattle (Tilesi et al., 2010; Iannuzzi et
al., 2022). Both studies found dierences in telomere lengths
between the two cattle breeds in the same tissues. However,
it is unclear how widespread this phenomenon is across mul-
tiple cattle breeds with dierent phylogenetic origins and
ecogeographic breeding conditions. P. Kordowitzki et al.
hy pothesized that severely disturbed energy balance in high-
producing dairy cows eventually leads to decreased regene-
rative capacity and premature senescence, which can be
N.S. Yudin, A.V. Igoshin, G.A. Romashov
A.A. Martynov, D.M. Larkin
192 Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции / Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding • 2024 • 28 • 2
Influence of breed and environment
on leukocyte telomere length in cattle
assessed by telomere length (Kordowitzki et al., 2021). The
fraction of short telomeres in PBMCs of the high-producing
Holstein-Friesian breed was higher than in the dual-purpose
Polish Red breed, but this observation was not supported by
a statistical test signicance. Therefore, it remains unclear
whether dierent breeds of cattle (dairy vs. beef) exhibit va-
riation in telomere length.
Seeker et al. suggested that heat may be an environmental
stressor capable of causing telomere attrition (Seeker et al.,
2021). They found a strong correlation between maximum
summer temperature and telomere attrition in Holstein-
Friesian cattle. Heat stress during gestation also aected the
telomere length in newborn Holstein calves. A higher median
temperature-humidity index during gestation resulted in calves
born with shorter telomere lengths (Meesters et al., 2023).
There are, however, no studies that investigate the inuence
of cold weather on telomere length in cattle. A single human
study showed that prenatal temperature exposure below 5 °C
was associated with longer telomere length in newborn babies
(Martens et al., 2019).
There are only two native beef cattle breeds in Russia: Kal-
myk and its derivative Kazakh Whiteheaded breeds. It is be-
lieved that the Kalmyk cattle originated in Northwest China
(Dzungaria) and was brought to Russia, to the Volga area, by
migrating nomadic tribes in the seventeenth century (Dmit-
riev, Ernst, 1989). The Kalmyk breed was created under harsh
conditions: the icy wind in winter or the hot sun in summer,
frequent epizootics, etc. The specic traits of the Kalmyk
breed include high viability, adaptation to the harsh climate,
resistance to infections, long lifespan, thickening of the epi-
dermis at the expense of the dermis in winter, abundance of
sebaceous and sweat glands in the skin compared to other
breeds (Dmitriev, Ernst, 1989). In Russia, the Kalmyk beef
herd is mainly found in two regions: the Republic of Kalmy-
kia and Rostov Oblast (Kayumov et al., 2014). This breed has
also been reared in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) since 2013
when about 200 Kalmyk cattle animals were imported from
the Republic of Kalmykia (Sleptsov, Machakhtyrova, 2019).
Yakutia has an extreme and severe climate, with the average
winter temperature below −35 °C.
The objectives of our study were (1) to assess the eects
of breed and breed group (dairy vs. beef) on the leukocyte
telomere length in the sample of 239 animals from 17 cattle
breeds and (2) to estimate the eect of cold climate on this trait
in Kalmyk cattle populations from the South and Far North
regions of Russia. We hypothesized that high milk yield or
extreme cold weather may be stress factors that may have led
to a change in telomere length in cattle.
Materials and methods
Samples. In this work, we leveraged data on leukocyte telo-
mere length, sex, and age of 239 animals from 17 cattle breeds
used in our previous study (Igoshin et al., 2023). The leukocyte
telomere lengths have been estimated computationally from
whole-genome resequencing data using TelSeq software (Ding
et al., 2014), which is a frequently used program for this pur-
pose and which has been conrmed by multiple experimental
techniques (Ding et al., 2014; Cook et al., 2016; Pinese et al.,
2020; Taub et al., 2022; Zhang D. et al., 2022). The details of
the estimation procedure can be found in our previous work
(Igoshin et al., 2023).
The breeds investigated are dairy (Russian Black Pied,
Holstein, Kholmogory, Red Steppe, Yaroslavl), beef (Charo-
lais, Hereford, Kalmyk, Kazakh Whiteheaded, Wagyu), and
dual-purpose (Alatau, Bestuzhev, Buryat, Kostroma, Tagil,
Ukrainian Grey, Yakut) (Dunin, Dankvert, 2013; Lhasaranov,
2020). Among 30 individuals of the Kalmyk cattle breed
(Supplementary Material 1)1, one group of animals (n = 10)
was reared in Rostov Oblast (Mechetny settlement), while the
other (n = 20) was from the Republic of Sakha (Kyuyore lyakh
settlement). The climatic conditions in these locations dier
substantially (see the Table). All the Kalmyk animals from
both locations were raised in a stall-pasture system.
Population structure. Even in the absence of selection,
a founder eect or, more broadly, genetic drift could lead to
genetic dierentiation between two isolated populations of
common origin. To ensure that two populations of the Kal-
myk breed are genetically indistinguishable, we performed
the principal component analysis using PLINK v.1.9 (Purcell
et al., 2007) (--pca option) and the analysis of population
structure using fastSTRUCTURE v1.0 (Raj et al., 2014). The
fastSTRUCTURE program was run with K ranging from K = 2
to K = 8. The resulting cluster memberships were visualized
with PONG v.1.5 software (Behr et al., 2016). For both me-
thods, we used an LD-pruned (PLINK: --indep-pairwise 5000
100 0.1) dataset containing genotypes of 20,184 SNPs in
116 animals (Kalmyk animals and individuals having SRA ID
from Supplementary Material 1).
Statistical analysis. Like in many other studies, the distri-
bution of LTL in our work was skewed. If not corrected, this
violates the assumptions of parametric tests, thus aecting
statistical power (Lantz, 2013). Therefore, associations with
LTL were tested by using log-transformed LTL values (e. g.
Leung et al., 2014; Lynch et al., 2016). To nd out whether
a breed factor contributes to LTL variation in cattle, we used
1 Supplementary Materials 1–6 are available at:
The climatic conditions for the sampling locations in Rostov Oblast and the Republic of Sakha
(according to (Zepner et al., 2021), accessed on 30 August 2023)
Location Coordinates Mean January
temperature, °C
Mean July
temperature, °C
Mean annual
temperature, °C
Precipitation sum,
Mechetny settlement
(Rostov Oblast)
–4.4 23.7 9.8 508.7
Kyuyorelyakh settlement
(Republic of Sakha)
–37.2 18.0 –9.1 312.7
Влияние породы и среды на длину теломер лейкоцитов
у крупного рогатого скота
Н.С. Юдин, А.В. Игошин, Г.А. Ромашов
А.А. Мартынов, Д.М. Ларкин
28 • 2
ANOVA (“aov” R function) with log-transformed LTLs
(log10(LTLs)) as a response variable and breed as a factor va-
riable, accounting for age and sex: aov(logLTL ~ Age + Sex +
Breed). To nd out which breeds signicantly dier from each
other, we additionally performed a standard ANOVA post hoc
test – Tukey’s HSD test utilising the “glht” function from the
multcomp” R package (Hothorn et al., 2008). Also, we com-
bined beef and dairy breeds into two groups and tested for a
dierence between them: aov(logLTL ~ Age + Sex + Group).
As all the Kalmyk individuals used were dams, the test for
dierences between this breed’s populations was conducted
by accounting only for age: aov(logLTL ~ Age + Population).
For statistically signicant variables we estimated the va-
riance explained (η2) using the “eta_squared” function from
the “eectsize” R package (Ben-Shachar et al., 2020) with the
“partial = TRUE” option.
Preparing data for visualization and descriptive sta-
tistics. As conrmed in our study, telomere length typically
decreases with age (Spearman’s ρ = –0.305, p = 1.58 × 10–6
for raw and log-transformed LTLs) (Supplementary Mate-
rial 2). Therefore, for boxplot visualization and descriptive
statistics, we calculated the log10(LTL) values expected given
the constant age. For this purpose, we tted a regression model
(“lm” R function) with logLTL as the response variable, and
age, sex (coded by 0/1) and breed (16 covariates coded by
0/1) variables as predictors. As a result, we obtained regres-
sion parameters (intercept and slopes for each predictor) and
residuals. For each animal, we summed up: the intercept, the
animal’s residual, and products of each predictor value and
its respective slope. For the age predictor, however, actual
values were substituted by the average value of 4.5 years. The
resulting values represent the expectation for logLTL given
the constant age of 4.5 years. These age-ad justed log10(LTLs)
and their corresponding values in kilobases (here after “age-
adjusted LTLs”) are shown in Supplementary Material 1. The
descriptive statistics for breeds can be found in Supplementary
Material 3.
The statistical analysis shows that breed factor has a signi-
cant ( p = 6.12 × 10–15, η2 = 0.37) eect on leukocyte telomere
length across our sample of 239 individuals (see Figure, a).
Tukey’s HSD test showed signicant dierences for 28 breed
pairs (Supplementary Material 4). At the same time, there is no
signicant dierence in LTL between dairy and beef groups
( p = 0.0748) (see Figure, b).
The statistical testing performed for the Kalmyk breed
shows that the population factor has a signicant ( p = 0.0283,
Boxplots illustrating the log-transformed and adjusted for age (expectation at 4.5 years) leukocyte telomere lengths
in(a) dierent breeds; (b) beef and dairy breed groups, and (c) in two populations of the Kalmyk breed.
The p-values designate the statistical significance for dierences between the abovementioned categories. The brown, pink
and light-yellow colours correspond to beef, dual-purpose, and dairy breeds. The numbers at the top of boxplots indicate the
number of animals.
Ukrainian Grey
Red Steppe
Black Pied
Kazakh Whiteheaded
a b c
p = 0.0748 p = 0.0283
Age-adjusted log(LTL)
N.S. Yudin, A.V. Igoshin, G.A. Romashov
A.A. Martynov, D.M. Larkin
194 Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции / Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding • 2024 • 28 • 2
Influence of breed and environment
on leukocyte telomere length in cattle
η2 = 0.17) eect on LTL in studied Kalmyk animals, with
the individuals from Rostov Oblast having shorter telomeres
(see Figure, c). The results of the principal component ana-
lysis show that the Rostov and Sakha populations form two
highly overlapping clusters (Supplementary Material 5). Also,
fastSTRUCTURE results suggest that the two Kalmyk po-
pulations are homogeneous and possible genetic dierences
between them do not exceed the level of variation within
other breeds (Supplementary Material 6). Therefore, the LTL
dierences between the two groups are most likely explained
by environmental conditions.
It should also be mentioned that the age variable signi-
cantly aects LTL in all tests: p = 1.46 × 10–6, η2 = 0.10 (testing
for the eect of breed); p = 0.0248, η2 = 0.07 (dairy vs. beef
group); and p = 0.0038, η2 = 0.27 (Kalmyk Sakha vs. Kalmyk
Rostov). However, the sex factor has no signicant eect on
LTL either in the test for breed factor ( p = 0.205) or in the
test for the factor of breed group ( p = 0.8752).
The primary aim of this study was to investigate the correlation
between the breed type and leucocyte telomere length (LTL)
in cattle. Our additional goal was to check the eect of the
environment (e. g., colder climate) on the LTL within popula-
tions of the same breed grown in dierent climates. Based on
the resequencing data of 17 cattle breeds, our ndings indicate
that the breed factor has a signicant impact on LTL. These
results align with earlier studies that reported LTL dierences
in pairwise comparisons between cattle breeds (Tilesi et al.,
2010; Iannuzzi et al., 2022). We also found evidence for an
association between LTL and dierences in climatic conditions
for a single cattle breed reared in dierent regions of Russia.
It was shown in our analysis that the breed factor contributes
more to total LTL variation compared to age. The possible
practical implication for this could be the use of breeds cha-
racterised by long telomeres in crossbreeding programs aimed
to improve telomere-length-associated phenotypes in cattle.
Apart from cattle, studies are reporting LTL dierences
between Caenorhabditis elegans strains (Cook et al., 2016),
outbred populations and inbred strains of mice (Mus musculus
and Peromyscus leucopus) (Manning et al., 2002), and dog
breeds (Fick et al., 2012). These reports suggest the existence
of a genetic basis for such variability. Based on heritability
estimates for LTL in Holsteins (0.32–0.47) (Seeker et al.,
2018a, b), we propose that genetic factors may largely explain
inter-breed dierences observed in our study.
Herein we compared the LTL in dairy and beef breeds. The
results however, did not reveal any statistically signicant
dierence between these two groups. This nding is con-
sistent with a previous study that compared LTLs between
dairy and dual-purpose cattle breeds, which also showed no
dierence (Kordowitzki et al., 2021). Our study focused on
distinct groups of cattle breeds, specically dairy and beef,
covering a wider range of genetics than the previous study.
Also, each production breed type was represented by ve
breeds. Therefore, the results reported herein could provide
stronger support for the lack of LTL dierences between the
cattle breed types. Our results are also consistent with similar
studies done in other domestic species, e. g., dogs, where no
dierence in LTL was reported for breed groups (working,
herding, hunting) (Fick et al., 2012). It appears that comple-
mentary contributions of many factors aecting a particular
breed (e. g. genetic makeup, management practices, veterina-
ry care, climate conditions, etc.) have a greater inuence on
the LTL than physiological features associated with dierent
pro duction types. This result suggests that the selection for
telomere-length-associated traits will probably not lead to
substantial changes in milk or meat yields.
To investigate the possible eects of environments on
telomere lengths of the same cattle breed, we compared the
LTLs between two populations of the Kalmyk cattle reared
in dierent climatic conditions. We observed a signicant
dierence in agreement with a previous human study show-
ing an association between prenatal cold exposure and longer
blood telomere length in newborns (Martens et al., 2019).
Indeed, longer telomere lengths detected in animals from the
Sakha Republic with colder climates compared to the control
population from Rostov Oblast imply that there could be a
mechanism of telomere maintenance in colder climates in
cattle. In ectotherms, however, there are reports that at cooler
conditions telomere shortening happens during development
(Friesen et al., 2022; Burraco et al., 2023), but other authors
did not conrm this observation (McLennan et al., 2018).
In bat species, Myotis myotis, average and minimum tem-
peratures, rainfall and wind speed during the spring when
bats emerge from hibernation, give birth and rear young were
associated with higher telomere attrition (Foley et al., 2020).
The authors, however, did not report which variable is the
driver for telomere length change. The comparison of telomere
length between two species of rodents hibernating at either 3
or 14 °C revealed that individuals hibernating at the warmer
temperature had longer telomeres than individuals hibernating
at the colder temperature (Nowack et al., 2019). The authors
hypothesized that the observed eect was not related to cold
climate, but rather was associated with restoration of telomere
length during frequent arousals when the body temperature
returns to normal values.
The mechanisms by which cold climate impacts leukocyte
telomere length in cattle remain unclear. On the one hand,
cold exposure may inhibit telomere shortening, since low
temperature reduces the rate of cell proliferation in mamma-
lian cells (Kanagawa et al., 2006; Fulbert et al., 2019). On the
other hand, cold exposure may induce telomere elongation by
inuencing the components of the telomerase complex. It was
shown that cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) was
essential for telomere maintenance at hypothermia conditions
in vitro by regulating both reverse transcriptase TERT and the
RNA subunit TERC in the telomerase core complex (Zhang Y.
et al., 2016). The transcription of telomeric repeat-containing
RNAs (TERRAs), which are associated with telomere stabil-
ity, was induced in mice exposed to cold (Galigniana et al.,
One could ask if there is an optimal ambient temperature
at which the LTL in cattle would be the longest. The few
studies on the eect of ambient temperature on the LTL of
endothermic mammals do not allow us to answer this question
unambiguously. Extremely low or high ambient temperatures
lead to hypo- and hyperthermia when the body temperature
deviates substantially below and above the narrow limits of
the regulated range, i. e., cause stress. The inuence of a large
Влияние породы и среды на длину теломер лейкоцитов
у крупного рогатого скота
Н.С. Юдин, А.В. Игошин, Г.А. Ромашов
А.А. Мартынов, Д.М. Ларкин
28 • 2
number of stressors, including extreme environmental fac-
tors, is known to be associated with shorter telomeres or an
increased rate of telomere shortening (Chatelain et al., 2020;
Lin, Epel, 2022).
Indirect information on the eect of moderate cold on LTL,
when body temperature remains within the normal range,
could be obtained from studies of the eect of body tempera-
ture on the ageing process. On the one hand, in endotherms,
a small decrease in body temperature is associated with an
increase in life expectancy (Conti et al., 2006; Carrillo, Flouris,
2011). On the other hand, in some cases, there is an inverse
relationship (Zhao et al., 2022). For example, human females
tend to have a longer life expectancy than males, but their body
temperature is higher (Waalen, Buxbaum, 2011). The mecha-
nisms that control the relationship between body temperature
and life expectancy involve not only a decrease in metabolic
rate when the temperature declines, but also neuroendocrine
processes that indirectly aect a variety of physiological
responses when temperature changes. Therefore, the optimal
limits of ambient temperature at which the LTL in cattle will
be longest could exist, but this question requires further study.
In conclusion, we found that breed, but not breed group (dairy
vs. beef ), signicantly inuenced leukocyte telomere length
in cattle. Residence in colder climates was associated with
longer leukocyte telomere length in the Kalmyk cattle breed.
Our results add to the evidence regarding the inuence of
breed origin and cold climate on this trait in farm animals.
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Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Telomeres are terminal DNA regions of chromosomes that prevent chromosomal fusion and degradation during cell division. In cattle, leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is associated with longevity, productive lifespan, and disease susceptibility. However, the genetic basis of LTL in this species is less studied than in humans. In this study, we utilized the whole-genome resequencing data of 239 animals from 17 cattle breeds for computational leukocyte telomere length estimation and subsequent genome-wide association study of LTL. As a result, we identified 42 significant SNPs, of which eight were found in seven genes (EXOC6B, PTPRD, RPS6KC1, NSL1, AGBL1, ENSB-TAG00000052188, and GPC1) when using covariates for two major breed groups (Turano-Mongolian and European). Association analysis with covariates for breed effect detected 63 SNPs, including 13 in five genes (EXOC6B, PTPRD, RPS6KC1, ENSBTAG00000040318, and NELL1). The PTPRD gene, demonstrating the top signal in analysis with breed effect, was previously associated with leukocyte telomere length in cattle and likely is involved in the mechanism of alternative lengthening of telomeres. The single nucleotide variants found could be tested for marker-assisted selection to improve telomere-length-associated traits.
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Physiological and psychological stressors have been associated with the attrition of telomeres, which are the protective caps of chromosomes. This study compares the telomere length (TL) in 4-year-old Brahman cows grouped by the first parity (n = 8) and the second parity (n = 11). The cows were bled via jugular venipuncture, weighed, and had their body condition scores recorded at Day -28 prior to calving and at Day + 7 and Day + 28 post-calving. The duration of labor (Dlabor) and parturition ease were recorded. The peripheral leukocytes were isolated, the leukocyte blood count with differential was recorded, and the genomic DNA was extracted. The relative quantity of telomere products, which is proportional to the average TL, was determined via multiplex quantitative PCR using the ratio (T/S ratio) of bovine telomere and β-globulin DNA. Standards of the bovine telomere (1012-107 dilution series) and β-globulin (109-104 dilution series) genes were utilized to produce relative copy numbers. The samples were assayed in triplicate and were included if the triplicate Cq difference was less than 0.25 cycles. The parity was the fixed effect, and the random effects included the sire and day repeated with the cow as the subject. Statistical significance was not observed in the leukocyte number or type (p > 0.1). A reduction in the TL of approximately 9225 telomeric copies was found between Parity 1 and Parity 2 (p = 0.02). A trend was found between the TL and Dlabor (p = 0.06). The stress of parturition and raising the first calf of a cow's life may be responsible for TL attenuation. Parity may be considered a stressor of cow longevity.
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Telomere length is associated with longevity and survival in multiple species. In human population-based studies, multiple prenatal factors have been described to be associated with a newborn's telomere length. In the present study, we measured relative leukocyte telomere length in 210 Holstein Friesian heifers, within the first ten days of life. The dam's age, parity, and milk production parameters, as well as environmental factors during gestation were assessed for their potential effect on telomere length. We found that for both primi-and multiparous dams, the telomere length was 1.16% shorter for each day increase in the calf's age at sampling (P = 0.017). The dam's age at parturition (P = 0.045), and the median temperature-humidity index (THI) during the third trimester of gestation (P = 0.006) were also negatively associated with the calves' TL. Investigating multiparous dams separately, only the calf's age at sampling was significantly and negatively associated with the calves' TL (P = 0.025). Results of the present study support the hypothesis that in cattle, early life telomere length is influenced by prenatal factors. Furthermore, the results suggest that selecting heifers born in winter out of young dams might contribute to increased longevity in dairy cattle.
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Telomere attrition is considered a useful indicator of cellular and whole-organism ageing rate. While approximately 80% of animal species undergo metamorphosis that includes extensive tissue transformations (involving cell division, apoptosis, de-differentiation and de novo formation of stem cells), the effect on telomere dynamics is unknown. We measured telomeres in Xenopus laevis developing from larvae to adults under contrasting environmental temperatures . Telomere dynamics were linked to the degree of tissue transformation during development. Average telomere length in gut tissue increased dramatically during metamorphosis, when the gut shortens by 75% and epithelial cells de-differentiate into stem cells. In the liver (retained from larva) and hindlimb muscle (newly formed before metamorphosis), telomeres gradually shortened until adulthood, likely due to extensive cell division. Tail muscle telomere lengths were constant until tail resorption, and those in heart (retained from larva) showed no change over time. Telomere lengths negatively correlated with larval growth, but for a given growth rate, telomeres were shorter in cooler conditions, suggesting that growing in the cold is more costly. Telomere lengths were not related to post-metamorphic growth rate. Further research is now needed to understand whether telomere dynamics are a good indicator of ageing rate in species undergoing metamorphosis.
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Telomeres are essential structures formed from satellite DNA repeats at the ends of chromosomes in most eukaryotes. Satellite DNA repeat sequences are useful markers for karyotyping, but have a more enigmatic role in the eukaryotic cell. Much work has been done to investigate the structure and arrangement of repetitive DNA elements in classical models with implications for species evolution. Still more is needed until there is a complete picture of the biological function of DNA satellite sequences, particularly when considering non-model organisms. Celebrating Gregor Mendel’s anniversary by going to the roots, this review is designed to inspire and aid new research into telomeres and satellites with a particular focus on non-model organisms and accessible experimental and in silico methods that do not require specialized equipment or expensive materials. We describe how to identify telomere (and satellite) repeats giving many examples of published (and some unpublished) data from these techniques to illustrate the principles behind the experiments. We also present advice on how to perform and analyse such experiments, including details of common pitfalls. Our examples are a selection of recent developments and underexplored areas of research from the past. As a nod to Mendel’s early work, we use many examples from plants and insects, especially as much recent work has expanded beyond the human and yeast models traditional in telomere research. We give a general introduction to the accepted knowledge of telomere and satellite systems and include references to specialized reviews for the interested reader.
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Telomere dynamics are linked with both cellular and organismal senescence, and life history, individual quality and health. Telomere dynamics, particularly telomere length, have therefore garnered much research interest in evolutionary biology. To examine the evolution of telomere length, it is important to quantify its heritability, the proportion of total variation explained by additive genetic effects. Many studies have quantified telomere length heritability, but estimates are varied, and no general conclusion has been drawn. Additionally, it is unclear whether biological and methodological factors influence telomere length heritability estimates. We present the first meta‐analysis of telomere length heritability, using 104 estimates from 43 studies over 18 vertebrate species. We calculated an overall mean heritability and examined how estimates varied by study, phylogeny, species‐specific ecology, environmental setting, age at sampling, laboratory methods, statistical methods, sex and repeated measurements. Overall heritability was moderate (44.9%, 95% CI: 25.2–64.7%), and there was considerable heterogeneity in heritability estimates, in particular among studies and estimates. Laboratory method influenced heritability estimates, with in‐gel hybridization TRF yielding higher heritabilities than qPCR and Southern blot TRF. There was also an effect from statistical method, with twin‐based and SNP‐based estimates lower than correlation‐based or pedigree‐based estimates. Our results highlight an overall heritable basis of telomere length, and we recommend future research on a wider range of taxa, and the use of variance‐partitioning methods with relatedness or SNP data over correlation methods to minimize heritability estimation bias. In this meta‐analysis, we found that telomere length has a moderate heritability of 44.9%, and heritability estimates are influenced by laboratory and statistical methods.
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Over the last decades, selection in cattle has mainly been based on milk production rather than on reproductive efficiency. While, when applied, focus on reproduction has involved females, attention has barely been paid to males and, if so, it has only looked at classical sperm quality parameters. In effect, variables such as telomere length have been missed, despite the fact that longer telomeres have been suggested to be linked to male fertility in humans. For this reason, the present study aimed to determine the length of telomeres in bovine sperm and their relationship with a) sperm quality evaluated through the conventional spermiogram and flow cytometry, and b) bull reproductive performance. For this purpose, 29 bulls were involved in this study. Sperm telomere length was evaluated through quantitative Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (qFISH), and sperm quality was determined at 0 h and 4 h post-thaw. Bull fertility was assessed as non-return to estrus rates after 90 days of artificial insemination. Although the mean telomere length in bovine sperm was 12.06 ± 2.75 kb, the intra-individual variability in length led us to observe three different groups of telomeres in each sperm cell: short telomeres (7.14% ± 5.79% of telomeres; 8.29 ± 2.34 kb), medium telomeres (31.03% ± 12.92% of telomeres; 16.00 ± 2.72 kb) and long telomeres (61.93% ± 18.11% of telomeres; 30.13 ± 11.35 kb). Moreover, whereas reactive oxygen species (ROS) were found to be correlated to sperm telomere length (Rs = −0.492; P= 0.007), no correlation with other sperm quality parameters was found (P > 0.05). Reproductive performance after artificial insemination was not seen to be correlated to sperm telomere length (Rs = 0.123; P= 0.520). In conclusion, this study determined, for the first time, the mean telomere length in bovine sperm and also reported that there is a high variability within each sperm cell. Yet, while telomere length was found to be correlated to ROS generation, it was not related to bull reproductive performance.
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Studies into telomere length in cattle are relatively recent and have focused mainly on the Holstein Friesian cattle breed, making it arduous to evaluate the correlation with ageing due to the early age of culling in this breed. Telomere length provides information about the productive lifespan and the quality of farm management, complying with the ‘One Health’ approach. This study evaluated telomere length in Agerolese cattle, an autochthonous dairy breed characterized by a long productive lifespan (13 years). Multiplex quantitative PCR estimated telomere length in DNA extracted from blood and milk matrices. Interestingly, the results showed longer telomeres in Agerolese (compared to the Holstein Friesian cattle control group), with a negative correlation between telomere length and increasing age and a synchronous trend between blood and milk samples, with a positive correlation between them.
Aging is driven by hallmarks fulfilling the following three premises: (1) their age-associated manifestation, (2) the acceleration of aging by experimentally accentuating them, and (3) the opportunity to decelerate, stop, or reverse aging by therapeutic interventions on them. We propose the following twelve hallmarks of aging: genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis, disabled macroautophagy, deregulated nutrient-sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, altered intercellular communication, chronic inflammation, and dysbiosis. These hallmarks are interconnected among each other, as well as to the recently proposed hallmarks of health, which include organizational features of spatial compartmentalization, maintenance of homeostasis, and adequate responses to stress.
Background Whole genome sequencing (WGS) can detect variants and estimate telomere length. The clinical utility of WGS in estimating risk, progression and survival of pulmonary fibrosis patients is unknown. Methods In this observational cohort study, we performed WGS on 949 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or familial pulmonary fibrosis to determine rare and common variant genotypes, estimate telomere length and assess the association of genomic factors with clinical outcomes. Results WGS estimates of telomere length correlated with quantitative PCR (R=0.65) and Southern blot (R=0.71) measurements. Rare deleterious qualifying variants were found in 14% of the total cohort, with a five-fold increase in those with a family history of disease versus those without (25% versus 5%). Most rare qualifying variants (85%) were found in telomere-related genes and were associated with shorter telomere lengths. Rare qualifying variants had a greater effect on telomere length than a polygenic risk score calculated using 20 common variants previously associated with telomere length. The common variant polygenic risk score predicted telomere length only in sporadic disease. Reduced transplant-free survival was associated with rare qualifying variants, shorter quantitative PCR-measured telomere lengths and absence of the MUC5B promoter (rs35705950) single nucleotide polymorphism, but not with WGS-estimated telomere length or the common variant polygenic risk score. Disease progression was associated with both measures of telomere length (quantitative PCR measured and WGS estimated), rare qualifying variants and the common variant polygenic risk score. Conclusion As a single test, WGS can inform pulmonary fibrosis genetic-mediated risk, evaluate the functional effect of telomere-related variants by estimating telomere length, and prognosticate clinically relevant disease outcomes.