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Enhancing User Experience in Chinese Initial Text Conversations with Personalised AI-Powered Assistant


Abstract and Figures

In the rapidly evolving landscape of text-based communication, the importance of the initial interaction phase remains paramount. This study investigates the potential benefits that a proposed AI chat assistant equipped with text recommendation and polishing functionalities can bring during initial textual interactions. The system allows the users to personalise the language style, choosing between humorous and respectful. They can also choose between three different levels of AI extraversion to suit their preferences. Results of user evaluations indicate the system received a "good" us-ability rating, affirming its effectiveness. Users reported heightened comfort levels and increased willingness to continue interactions when using the AI chat assistant. The analysis of the results offers insights into harnessing AI to amplify user engagement, especially in the critical initial stage of textual interaction.
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Enhancing User Experience in Chinese Initial Text Conversations
with Personalised AI-Powered Assistant
Jindi Wang
Durham University
Ioannis Ivrissimtzis
Durham University
Zhaoxing Li
University of Southampton
Lei Shi
Newcastle University
In the rapidly evolving landscape of text-based communication,
the importance of the initial interaction phase remains paramount.
This study investigates the potential benets that a proposed AI
chat assistant equipped with text recommendation and polishing
functionalities can bring during initial textual interactions. The
system allows the users to personalise the language style, choosing
between humorous and respectful. They can also choose between
three dierent levels of AI extraversion to suit their preferences.
Results of user evaluations indicate the system received a “good” us-
ability rating, arming its eectiveness. Users reported heightened
comfort levels and increased willingness to continue interactions
when using the AI chat assistant. The analysis of the results oers
insights into harnessing AI to amplify user engagement, especially
in the critical initial stage of textual interaction.
Human-centered computing
User studies;Empirical stud-
ies in HCI.
Chat assistant, Personalisation, Conversational AI, Computer-Assisted
Human Interaction
ACM Reference Format:
Jindi Wang, Ioannis Ivrissimtzis, Zhaoxing Li, and Lei Shi. 2024. Enhancing
User Experience in Chinese Initial Text Conversations with Personalised
AI-Powered Assistant. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’24), May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI,
USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 [
], have demonstrated
impressive capabilities in comprehending and generating text in
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CHI EA ’24, May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA
©2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0331-7/24/05.
ways that mirror closely human communication. These AI mod-
els can be conditioned to mimic specic writing styles, thereby
enabling possibilities of style-specic text generation for rened
digital communications [
]. Moreover, AI’s ability to discern sen-
timent from text [
] can be utilised to understand the emotional
undertones in online conversations and respond with empathy, a
critical aspect towards an enriched user experience.
AI-powered chat assistants have emerged as a transformative
force in the eld of computer-assisted human interaction [
]. This
revolution is not merely about convenience or eciency; it touches
upon the foundational aspects of human interaction, such as com-
fort and willingness to engage. That is, AI-powered conversational
interfaces hold the promise, not only of enhanced utility but also
to facilitate deeper human connection [32].
One critical stage in both digital and face-to-face conversations
is the initial interaction, often termed “icebreaking”. Despite being
a brief phase, it can be delicate and set the tone for the entire
communication, aecting the trajectory of subsequent engagement
], in both professional and informal environments. Thus, given
the persistent availability of AI chat assistants and their ability to
process vast amounts of information swiftly [
], integrating them
into these initial phases can have profound implications for user
experience. In particular, functionality such as text recommendation
and polishing can rene and guide these interactions, making them
more meaningful and user-centric [19].
While a great deal of research on Conversational AI interfaces
has focused on their applications in task-oriented scenarios, such
as customer support and virtual assistance [
], their potential to
enhance human-human conversations has been relatively under-
explored. This scarcity of relevant research is even more pronounced
on the more specic topic of AI-assisted initial human-human in-
Thus, recognising the pivotal role of initial text conversation
in shaping subsequent interactions, and noting that no currently-
used chat application incorporates a personalised AI assistant, this
study focuses on this specic application domain. It aims to address
the primary research question: In initial textual interaction
scenario, can an AI chat assistant, equipped with text recom-
mendation and polishing functionalities, increase the user’s
comfort level and willingness to continue the conversation?
We believe that understanding the inuence of AI in initial user
interactions is crucial for designing user-centric, AI-driven chat
CHI EA ’24, May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA Wang, et al.
2.1 “Breaking the Ice” in Digital
The act of “breaking the ice” in digital communication has been
a topic of interest in the eld of Computer-Human Interaction
(CHI) and related disciplines. The transition from face-to-face to
digital communication has brought unique challenges and oppor-
tunities in establishing initial rapport. Hancock et al. [
] noted
that the absence of non-verbal cues in text-based communication
can both hinder and facilitate self-disclosure, depending on the
context. Tidwell and Walther [
] found that, in online settings,
users often employ strategic self-presentation techniques to “break
the ice” eectively. These strategies might involve sharing more
personal information earlier in the conversation than in face-to-
face interactions. Another variable is the role of the interface design
in easing initial interactions. Vlahovic et al. [
] highlighted that
platforms incorporating gamied elements or icebreaker questions
can signicantly reduce the initial tension and promote organic
conversations. As digital communication platforms evolve, under-
standing and enhancing the initial text conversation phase remains
pivotal for fostering meaningful online connections.
2.2 Text-based Communication Language Style
The language style in text-based communication has been thor-
oughly studied from various angles, including sociolinguistics, com-
putational linguistics, and computer science.
2.2.1 Sociolinguistic Perspectives.Text-based communication
merges speech and writing elements, creating a unique form that
combines the informality of spoken language with the permanence
of written text [
]. The format demands that users possess “com-
municative competence” [
], which is the ability to communicate
eectively within specic contexts. Core to its style are stylistic
variations, such as abbreviations, emojis, and non-standard punctu-
ation [
], which often convey aspects of the user’s identity like
age and dialect [
]. Here, however, our chat assistant maintains
a standardised format by not including these stylistic elements.
Emotional expressions, ranging from capitalisations for emphasis
to emojis for nuanced feelings, enrich this communication form
]. Herring et al.’s categorisation for Computer-Mediated Dis-
course [
]—comprising system, participation, structure, and tone
dimensions—aptly captures text communication’s essence. The tone,
varying from formal to playful, signicantly inuences the user
experience and communication eciency.
2.2.2 Computer Science Perspectives.Text-based communi-
cation on digital platforms, characterised by its distinct linguistic
attributes such as brevity and informality, poses both challenges
and opportunities for the elds of NLP, HCI, and dialogue systems.
Traditional NLP techniques often struggle with non-standard lan-
guage forms [
], prompting researchers to adapt techniques specic
to platforms, as exemplied by the need for tailored POS tags in
Twitter [13].
Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words are prevalent in social media
text, and they pose signicant challenges [
]. Furthermore, the
evolving nature of online language necessitates periodic model
updates [
]. Emoticons and unconventional punctuation, while
complex, oer opportunities for nuanced language models to excel
Demographic factors, including age [
], gender [
], and location
], have been identied as inuential factors in online linguistic
styles. Recent advancements in the domain focus on style adapta-
tion in text generation, with methods ranging from unsupervised
techniques [
] to back-translation approaches [
]. The intersec-
tion of personalisation and style is emerging as a critical area of
study, highlighting the signicance of individual stylistic prefer-
ences in enhancing user-system interactions [25, 28].
2.3 Personalisation and Style Adjustment in
Chat Assistants
2.3.1 Personalised Response Generation.Recent research has
adopted diversied approaches to personalising dialogue systems.
Li et al. [
] used reinforcement learning, processing user feedback
for tailored responses. Zhang et al. [
] enhanced engagement by
integrating user personas into the dialogue, while another work by
Zhang et al. [
] utilised data from users’ social media proles for
personalisation. Ghandeharioun et al. [
] focused on rening user
experience by adapting to their language style and emotions. De-
spite these advances, challenges persist: the robustness of feedback-
based reinforcement learning, the broader application of persona
models, privacy concerns in social media-based insights, and the
full implications of real-time personalisation methods, all require
further exploration.
2.3.2 Style Adjustment in Dialogue Systems.Recent advance-
ments in dialogue systems emphasise the importance of stylistic
adjustments for enhanced user engagement. Wu et al. [
] proposed
the “prototype-then-edit” methodology, highlighting the potential
of deliberate stylistic modications. Lample et al. [
] introduced
an unsupervised style transfer model that maintains semantic con-
tent while altering style. Additionally, Keskar et al. [
] showcased
rened stylistic control in large language models. Together, these
contributions highlight the value of stylistic nuances in advancing
AI-driven communication.
Our user interface introduces an AI chat assistant designed to en-
hance user communication experiences. It has two primary func-
tionalities as shown in Fig. 1.
Text Recommendation: This feature is useful when users are
unsure about how to respond during conversations. Based on a
user’s preferences, the AI can suggest potential replies that align
with a predetermined AI extraversion level and linguistic style.
This grants users the exibility to tailor the assistant’s responses
in terms of 1) Extroversion Level: Three levels are available -
introverted, average, and extroverted inspired by [
]. This ensures
that the AI’s recommended responses resonate with the user’s de-
sired interaction style. 2) Linguistic Style: Users can set the AI
to generate text with a specic tone, choosing between “humor-
ous” and “respectful”, according to results in the preliminary user
survey of the appendix. This oers a personalised touch, making
Enhancing User Experience in Chinese Initial Text Conversations with Personalised AI-Powered Assistant CHI EA ’24, May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA
Figure 1: Interaction between two users of the AI chat assistant. The shown example is in English; however, all participants in
the study consented to converse in Chinese.
the conversation more engaging or formal depending on the user’s
preferences and the perceived context.
Text Polishing: Beyond merely suggesting replies, the assistant
can rene user-composed messages. Similar to the recommendation
feature, the text polishing functionality is also customised based
on the above two settings. This ensures clarity, coherence, and
alignment with the chosen extroversion levels and linguistic styles.
Our Personalised AI Chat Assistant is underpinned by OpenAI’s
. In text recommendation mode, the system analyzes
incoming chat content to generate contextually apt replies, accord-
ing to user-specied stylistic preferences. In the text polishing
mode, the system again analyses the incoming chat and processes
the user’s intended replies to produce rened text outputs. This
adaptability, paired with an interface inspired by WhatsApp’s web
design and backed by an SQLite database for ecient data stor-
age, led to a system suitable for the study of user-centric digital
4.1 Participants
We conducted an experiment involving a group of 28 Chinese par-
ticipants. After a detailed explanation of the study’s goals, these
participants provided their informed consent by signing a form,
thereby agreeing to participate in the experiment. Detailed informa-
tion about each participant’s characteristics is provided in Table 1
in supplementary material. The brief of the participants was that
they would engage in conversations with people they had not met
before, with a primary focus on the subject of travel. This setting
was adopted to maintain consistency across all trials, in both the
experimental condition of engaging with an unfamiliar person, and
the topic of discussion.
4.2 Study Setup
Participants Pairing: We employed a random pairing strat-
egy for our 28 participants, ensuring that participants in the
control and experimental sessions did not interact with the
same individuals, as shown in Table 1 in the supplementary
Experimental Process: Each participant was involved in
two distinct sessions as illustrated in Fig. 2. Control Session:
First, participants engaged in a textual conversation with a
person they were unfamiliar with, without the aid of the AI
chat assistant. Upon conclusion, they rated their chat com-
fort level and their willingness to continue the conversation.
Experimental Session: In the experimental phase, partic-
ipants engaged in a distinct second text conversation with
a new acquaintance, other than the person they engaged
in the control session. In this session, the AI chat assistant
was used, in the form of either AI-generated recommenda-
tions or by using the text polishing functionality. The limited
range of supported language styles (two), and extraversion
levels (three), allowed us to maintain a controlled linguistic
environment, while oering the participants some mean-
ingful choices, thereby catering to individual interaction
preferences. Each session was timed to last approximately 20
minutes, ensuring uniformity in the duration of interactions
across all trials. This structured approach was crucial for
obtaining comparable data while allowing the AI’s impact
on the conversation dynamics to be observed eectively.
4.3 Metrics
System Usability Scale (SUS) serves as a robust instrument for
evaluating the usability of systems such as AI chat assistants. It
primarily assesses the ease and comfort level experienced by users
during system interaction. An elevated SUS score is indicative of
CHI EA ’24, May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA Wang, et al.
Figure 2: Two-phase experimental procedure: initial chat without AI followed by AI-assisted chat, with Comfort Level (CL),
Continuation Willingness (CW) assessments, and post-experiment User Survey.
user-friendliness, implying that the AI assistant is perceived as
more intuitive and manageable.
User Experience (UX) encapsulates the overall impression and
response of users towards engaging with the AI chat assistant. This
metric critically assesses the system’s eectiveness, eciency, and
satisfaction quotient. A high UX score denotes that the AI assistant
meets or exceeds user expectations in terms of functionality and
Comfort Level (CL) is used as a measure of the user’s ease during
initial textual interactions with new online contacts. Rated on a
scale from 1 (“very uncomfortable”) to 5 (“very comfortable”), with a
neutral midpoint at 3, CL is instrumental in collecting user feedback
for rening chat interfaces and enhancing the experience of online
interactions [4].
Continuation Willingness (CW) quanties a user’s propensity
to extend textual interactions following their initial engagement
with new online contacts. Scored from 1 (“low willingness”) to 5
(“high eagerness”), this metric is crucial for understanding user en-
gagement and the probability of a subsequent sustained interaction
in that digital environment, aiming at fostering a deeper connection
5.1 Usability and User Experience
To understand users’ perceptions of their interactions with our
personalised AI chat assistant, we used the System Usability Scale
(SUS). This measure oered insights into the system’s perceived
usability. Participants reported an average SUS score of 72.86 with
a standard deviation of 8.04, which represents “good” usability [
Although the majority of scores clustered between 65 and 75, our
Shapiro-Wilk test result (p = 0.0014) revealed that they did not
follow a normal distribution. However, a median score of 70.00, an
interquartile range [67.50, 75.63], and a bootstrap estimated 95%
condence interval for the median score [67.50, 73.75], indicate that
most users found the AI chat assistant’s usability to be satisfactory.
We employed the questionnaire in Schrepp et al. [
], to assess
user experience across the six pivotal dimensions they proposed,
by benchmarking our results against the standards they established.
As illustrated in Fig. 3, the AI chat assistant excelled in the Nov-
elty dimension, achieving a “Good” rating. This underscores users’
perception of the AI chat assistant as a refreshing and innovative
interaction tool. Furthermore, both Perspicuity and Stimulation
received an “Above average rating, highlighting the system’s clear
and intuitive design and its ability to invigorate user engagement.
However, the metrics for the remaining three dimensions fell
within the “Below average” bracket, indicating areas with room for
enhancement, including rening the aesthetics, streamlining the
dynamic adjustments for increased eciency, and bolstering the
language model’s robustness.
Additionally, the internal consistency of our evaluation, gauged
via Cronbach’s Alpha, revealed robust reliability for several dimen-
sions. Specically, Attractiveness (
= 0.77), Dependability (
= 0.76), and Stimulation (
= 0.80) all surpassed the empirically
established threshold of 0.7. Other dimensions, namely Perspicuity
= 0.65), Eciency (
= 0.63), and Novelty (
= 0.65), hovered
close to this benchmark, further supporting the credibility of our
user experience ndings.
5.2 Comfort Level and Continuation
Fig. 4 depicts the distribution of user ratings for comfort level
and willingness to continue the conversation across the two ex-
perimental conditions. Descriptive statistics reveal a noticeable
improvement in user responses when the AI chat assistant is active.
Specically, for comfort level (CL), we observed a mean score of
86 with a standard deviation of
𝑆𝐷 =
69 in the absence
of AI, which increased to
, 𝑆𝐷 =
94 with AI assistance,
corresponding to a 26% improvement. For the continuation willing-
ness metric (CW ), the respective values were
, 𝑆𝐷 =
without and
, 𝑆𝐷 =
82 with AI, corresponding to an even
bigger improvement of a 45.21%.
Normality tests with the Shapiro-Wilk method showed non-
normal distributions for both CL (
001) and CW (
Given this, eect sizes were determined using Cli’s delta. The com-
puted values indicated a medium eect for comfort level (
𝛿CL-AI =
43), suggesting a moderate improvement in comfort. In contrast,
Enhancing User Experience in Chinese Initial Text Conversations with Personalised AI-Powered Assistant CHI EA ’24, May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA
Attractiveness Perspicuity Efficiency Dependability Stimulation Novelty
Above Average
Below Average
Figure 3: Distribution of scores across six key dimensions of user experience.
 
Figure 4: Boxplot outcomes of user Comfort Level (CL) and
Continue Willingness (CW) in the presence vs. absence of AI
CW exhibited a large eect size (
𝛿CW-AI =
68), indicating a sig-
nicant increase in users’ willingness to continue the conversation
with AI assistance. The empirical ndings underscore the positive
eect of AI assistance in conversational interfaces. The enhanced
comfort level suggests that users nd the AI-enabled environment
more conducive to interaction. Moreover, the pronounced increase
in continuation willingness underscores greater user engagement
and a generally positive user attitude towards conversational AI
In summary, the integration of AI in chat systems evidently
contributes to a more engaging and comfortable user experience.
This nding holds a substantial promise for the design of future user-
centric conversational agents and advocates for a human-centred
approach in AI development.
5.3 Discussion
5.3.1 Usability and User Experience Reflection.Our nd-
ings reveal that the AI chat assistant signicantly enhances text-
based interactions in initial textual conversation scenarios. The
system’s high usability score signies that users nd it intuitive and
user-friendly, a critical aspect in encouraging the adoption of new
technology. The ease of use, minimal learning requirements, and
straightforward interaction contribute to its favourable reception.
In the realms of Novelty and Perspicuity, the AI chat assistant
excelled, showcasing innovative characteristics and a clear and in-
tuitive interface design. These attributes are essential in ensuring
user engagement and satisfaction. However, the lower scores in
other user experience dimensions, such as Attractiveness and E-
ciency, point towards necessary enhancements. Addressing these
areas could involve enhancing the visual appeal of the interface,
expanding the range of dynamic adjustments for accommodating
user preferences, and improving the sophistication of the language
model. These improvements could signicantly bolster the overall
user experience, making the AI chat assistant not only a functional
tool but also an aesthetically pleasing and ecient one.
5.3.2 Comfort Levels and Continuation Willingness.The im-
provement in users’ comfort levels and willingness to continue
interactions when assisted by the AI is particularly noteworthy.
This aspect of our ndings highlights the AI’s role in creating a
supportive environment for conversation, particularly in the ini-
tial, often awkward stages of unstructured interactions. The AI’s
ability to facilitate a more comfortable and engaging conversation
environment is pivotal in contexts where establishing rapport and
sustaining engagement are crucial.
5.3.3 Limitations and Future Directions.While our study of-
fers some valuable insights, it is important to acknowledge its limi-
tations. The focus on a specic ethnic demographic limits the gener-
alisability of our ndings, emphasising the need for future research
to encompass a more diverse participant pool. Such an extension of
our research could provide a more comprehensive understanding
of the AI chat assistant’s applicability across various cultural con-
texts. Variations in AI behaviour, even within the same extraversion
level, could inuence user perceptions. These variations, though
minor, underscore the importance of consistency in AI interac-
tions. Investigating these nuances can provide deeper insights into
user-AI interaction dynamics. The potential over-reliance on the
text polishing feature of the AI raises questions about long-term
user dependency. Future studies should explore the implications of
CHI EA ’24, May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA Wang, et al.
such reliance, particularly in terms of users’ communication skills
development and their interaction with AI technology over time.
Moreover, dierent users may interpret the same AI responses in
various ways, indicating a need for more standardised measures or
a broader range of qualitative data to capture the full spectrum of
user experiences. In addition, the use of xed AI personality proles
in our study presents a limitation. Future research should explore
adaptable AI personalities that can dynamically adjust to match the
user’s own personality, potentially enhancing the user experience
and engagement further. This approach could address the needs of
users with uid personality traits, oering a more personalized and
responsive interaction. Lastly, while our study sheds light on the
potential of AI in enhancing initial text-based interactions, it also
opens several avenues for future research on other types of human-
human textual interactions. Exploring these will not only address
the identied limitations but also expand our understanding of the
complexities and potential of AI-assisted communication.
In the digital era, the generation of AI-powered, high-quality, text-
based initial interactions is a very relevant yet understudied prob-
lem domain. Our results highlight the tangible benets of the use
of an AI chat assistant in elevating user experience. Users found
the system highly usable and appreciated the heightened comfort
it oered. Most notably, achieving consistent AI responses and ac-
commodating diverse user personalities stand as promising areas
for future renement.
In summary, our research underscores the promising potential
of AI in enhancing initial text-based exchanges. As technology
advances, it is crucial to anchor developments in user-centricity.
With sustained innovation, AI chat assistants have the potential
to reshape digital communication, ensuring enriched and smooth
human interactions.
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Prior to the commencement of an in-depth exploration into the
domain of personalised AI chat assistants in initial text-based inter-
actions, participants were duly informed of the study’s aims and
methodologies. Consent was obtained in alignment with the ethical
guidelines of our institution. A preliminary survey was undertaken
to ascertain the genuine interest and necessity for personalisation
among potential users.
An online questionnaire
was formulated and disseminated among
a heterogeneous group of individuals, encompassing an age spec-
trum of 15 to 44 years, along with other diverse demographic at-
tributes. The survey witnessed participation from 162 individuals.
Table 1: Demographics and control group and experimental
group pairs
Control Group Without AI (Age, Male/Female) Experimental Group With AI
P1 (27, Female) & P2 (28, Male) P1 & P16
P3 (28, Male) & P4 (28, Male) P3 & P18
P5 (33, Female) & P6 (25, Female) P5 & P20
P7 (27, Male) & P8 (28, Male) P7 & P22
P9 (26, Male) & P10 (27, Male) P9 & P24
P11 (28, Male) & P12 (27, Female) P11 & P26
P13 (28, Female) & P14 (21, Female) P13 & P28
P15 (27, Male) & P16 (29, Male) P15 & P2
P17 (27, Male) & P18 (29, Female) P17 & P4
P19 (27, Male) & P20 (27, Male) P19 & P6
P21 (35, Female) & P22 (20, Male) P21 & P8
P23 (35, Male) & P24 (33, Male) P23 & P10
P25 (30, Male) & P26 (31, Female) P25 & P12
P27 (26, Male) & P28 (28, Male) P27 & P14
The questionnaire was initiated with queries aimed at discerning
the general attitude towards chatbots and AI assistants, focusing
on current levels of satisfaction and pinpointing areas necessitating
A distinct section of the questionnaire presented participants
with a range of language style options, such as ‘formal’, ‘humorous’,
‘playful’, ‘serious’, ‘respectful’, and ‘oensive’. Participants were
solicited to rate these styles, contemplating their ideal AI chat
assistant, on a scale ranging from 1 (indicating “not needed at all”) to
5 (signifying “highly needed”). Moreover, a rating bar was provided
for participants to express their perceived need for a personalised
AI chat assistant.
In the analysis of the results, scores exceeding 3 were considered
indicative of a positive inclination. It was observed that a substantial
majority of the respondents (82.67%) articulated a requirement for
a more personalised AI chat experience. Regarding language style
preferences, ‘Respectful’ and ‘Humorous’ were the predominant
choices, preferred by 67.72% and 74.16% of respondents, respectively.
Additionally, ‘Playful’ and ‘Serious’ styles were favoured by 66.93%
and 53.54% of respondents, respectively. Conversely, a mere 33.86%
of respondents exhibited a preference for an ‘Oensive’ tone.
This conrmation of user demand for personalisation, coupled
with the identication of ‘Respectful’ and ‘Humorous’ as the most
favoured language styles, facilitated the renement of our subse-
quent experimental endeavours. This strategic realignment ensured
that our study was deeply anchored in the actual preferences of
users, thereby signicantly enhancing its pertinence and potential
for practical application.
... Placidi et al. proposed a virtual glove (VG), whose essence is to provide detailed 4D real-time hand tracking by using two orthogonal LEAP motion sensors [47]. VG has many applications in human-computer interaction, such as remote control of machines or remote rehabilitation [48,49,50,51,52]. For VG, a data integration strategy based on speed calculation is proposed [47]. ...
The ongoing usage of artificial intelligence technologies in virtual reality has led to a large number of researchers exploring immersive virtual reality interaction. Gesture controllers and head-mounted displays are the primary pieces of hardware used in virtual reality applications. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various hardware tools as well as possible use cases for hand gesture recognition. Several popular data sets used in data pre-processing and hand gesture detection systems are also summarized. This paper's primary objectives are to evaluate the current state of the art in gesture recognition research and to offer potential routes for future study to guide researchers working on immersive virtual reality interaction. Comparing recent study results and taking into account the state of the development of human-computer interaction technology, a number of potential research directions are highlighted, including the following: input data noise should be filtered, a lightweight network should be designed, tactile feedback should be created, and eye and gesture data should be combined.
... The game's enhanced design and user interaction have been meticulously crafted to elevate motivation and appeal, fostering an engaging and captivating experience. Although the evaluations demonstrated that the application was enjoyable and user-friendly, the study did not assess the actual learning outcomes achieved by the participants [22,23]. Collectively, the current proposals for gamified sign language learning have made valuable contributions to the field, advancing our understanding and paving the way for further developments [24,25]. ...
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Sign language has been extensively studied as a means of facilitating effective communication between hearing individuals and the deaf community. With the continuous advancements in virtual reality (VR) and gamification technologies, an increasing number of studies have begun to explore the application of these emerging technologies in sign language learning. This paper describes a user study that compares the impact of 2D and 3D games on the user experience in ASL learning. Empirical evidence gathered through questionnaires supports the positive impact of 3D game environments on user engagement and overall experience, particularly in relation to attractiveness, usability, and efficiency. Moreover, initial findings demonstrate a similar behaviour of 2D and 3D games in terms of enhancing user experience. Finally, the study identifies areas where improvements can be made to enhance the dependability and clarity of 3D game environments. These findings contribute to the understanding of how game-based approaches, and specifically the utilisation of 3D environments, can positively influence the learning experience of ASL.
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___________________________________________________________________ ChatGPT is a product of AI that is currently being widely discussed on Twitter. This research reviews how ChatGPT writes English essays. This research is descriptive qualitative. The analysis shows that we can access ChatGPT on or on the browser. If we do not have an account, we register via email, Google, or Microsoft account. After login, enter a question or statement in the conversation column provided. Send it and ChatGPT will respond and the answer appear quickly. The researcher tries ChatGPT "Can you help me in doing my English assignment?", and the ChatBot replies "Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your English assignment. What do you need help with? Do you have a specific question or task that you're working on, or is there a broader topic that you'd like help with? It would be helpful to have some more information so that I can better understand how I can assist you". Based on several tries, ChatGPT can answer all questions on various topics such as English essays including a descriptive text about Solo and My Family, recount text about personal experience and unforgettable moments, resolution in 2023, and future career. ChatGPT considers the event orders and writing order, including using main, explanatory sentences, and a conclusion. It uses two voices both active and passive voice. Besides, it considers tenses use related to the given topic essay. However, from examples of English essays produced by ChatGPT, it certainly requires further research to find out that the essay results are grammatically accurate.
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Questionnaires are a cheap and highly efficient tool for achieving a quantitative measure of a product’s user experience (UX). However, it is not always easy to decide, if a questionnaire result can really show whether a product satisfies this quality aspect. So a benchmark is useful. It allows comparing the results of one product to a large set of other products. In this paper we describe a benchmark for the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), a widely used evaluation tool for interactive products. We also describe how the benchmark can be applied to the quality assurance process for concrete projects.
Language and (or “on”) the → Internet refers to human language (or language intended to be human‐like, such as the linguistic output of artificial intelligence agents) produced and displayed through computer‐mediated communication (CMC) systems that are mostly text based and mostly reciprocally interactive, such as email, listserv lists, newsgroups, chat, instant messaging, text messaging via mobile phones (SMS), blogs, and wikis. The term “Internet language” is somewhat of a misnomer, in that some of this communication takes place on intranets and some is mediated by mobile technologies, rather than by the global networked infrastructure known as the Internet per se (→ Internet, Technology of). “Internet” is used here in an extended sense to include these related communication technologies. Variant terms for Internet language include computer‐mediated language, computer‐mediated discourse, online discourse, and electronic discourse (→ Technologically Mediated Discourse). All of these are intended to distinguish language‐ and discourse‐related phenomena as a focus of interest from the broader phenomenon of computer‐mediated communication, of which they form a part.
Emoji are commonly used in modern text communication. However, as graphics with nuanced details, emoji may be open to interpretation. Emoji also render differently on different viewing platforms (e.g., Apple’s iPhone vs. Google’s Nexus phone), potentially leading to communication errors. We explore whether emoji renderings or differences across platforms give rise to diverse interpretations of emoji. Through an online survey, we solicit people’s interpretations of a sample of the most popular emoji characters, each rendered for multiple platforms. Both in terms of sentiment and semantics, we analyze the variance in interpretation of the emoji, quantifying which emoji are most (and least) likely to be misinterpreted. In cases in which participants rated the same emoji rendering, they disagreed on whether the sentiment was positive, neutral, or negative 25% of the time. When considering renderings across platforms, these disagreements only increase. Overall, we find significant potential for miscommunication, both for individual emoji renderings and for different emoji renderings across platforms.
2019 Neural information processing systems foundation. All rights reserved. Building an open-domain conversational agent is a challenging problem. Current evaluation methods, mostly post-hoc judgments of static conversation, do not capture conversation quality in a realistic interactive context. In this paper, we investigate interactive human evaluation and provide evidence for its necessity; we then introduce a novel, model-agnostic, and dataset-agnostic method to approximate it. In particular, we propose a self-play scenario where the dialog system talks to itself and we calculate a combination of proxies such as sentiment and semantic coherence on the conversation trajectory. We show that this metric is capable of capturing the human-rated quality of a dialog model better than any automated metric known to-date, achieving a significant Pearson correlation (r >.7, p <.05). To investigate the strengths of this novel metric and interactive evaluation in comparison to state-of-the-art metrics and human evaluation of static conversations, we perform extended experiments with a set of models, including several that make novel improvements to recent hierarchical dialog generation architectures through sentiment and semantic knowledge distillation on the utterance level. Finally, we open-source the interactive evaluation platform we built and the dataset we collected to allow researchers to efficiently deploy and evaluate dialog models.
Open domain response generation has achieved remarkable progress in recent years, but sometimes yields short and uninformative responses. We propose a new paradigm, prototypethen-edit for response generation, that first retrieves a prototype response from a pre-defined index and then edits the prototype response according to the differences between the prototype context and current context. Our motivation is that the retrieved prototype provides a good start-point for generation because it is grammatical and informative, and the post-editing process further improves the relevance and coherence of the prototype. In practice, we design a contextaware editing model that is built upon an encoder-decoder framework augmented with an editing vector. We first generate an edit vector by considering lexical differences between a prototype context and current context. After that, the edit vector and the prototype response representation are fed to a decoder to generate a new response. Experiment results on a large scale dataset demonstrate that our new paradigm significantly increases the relevance, diversity and originality of generation results, compared to traditional generative models. Furthermore, our model outperforms retrieval-based methods in terms of relevance and originality.
Style transfer is the task of rephrasing the text to contain specific stylistic properties without changing the intent or affect within the context. This paper introduces a new method for automatic style transfer. We first learn a latent representation of the input sentence which is grounded in a language translation model in order to better preserve the meaning of the sentence while reducing stylistic properties. Then adversarial generation techniques are used to make the output match the desired style. We evaluate this technique on three different style transformations: sentiment, gender and political slant. Compared to two state-of-the-art style transfer modeling techniques we show improvements both in automatic evaluation of style transfer and in manual evaluation of meaning preservation and fluency.
Dialogue systems have attracted more and more attention. Recent advances on dialogue systems are overwhelmingly contributed by deep learning techniques, which have been employed to enhance a wide range of big data applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and recommender systems. For dialogue systems, deep learning can leverage a massive amount of data to learn meaningful feature representations and response generation strategies, while requiring a minimum amount of hand-crafting. In this article, we give an overview to these recent advances on dialogue systems from various perspectives and discuss some possible research directions. In particular, we generally di- vide existing dialogue systems into task-oriented and non- task-oriented models, then detail how deep learning techniques help them with representative algorithms and finally discuss some appealing research directions that can bring the dialogue system research into a new frontier.