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Advances and Challenges in Gene Therapy Strategies for Pediatric Cancer: A Comprehensive Update


Abstract and Figures

Pediatric cancer continues to be a global health issue needing the pursuit of innovative treatment options. One emerging area is gene therapy, holding the potential for dramatic improvements in pediatric cancer care. This review comprehensively overviews recent developments and challenges in pediatric cancer gene therapy. It starts by explaining the concepts underlying gene therapy, including gene delivery systems, gene editing techniques, and the logic of targeted therapies. It then goes through recent advances, highlighting meaningful progress in using both viral and non-viral vectors to deliver genes to cancer cells and specifically effectively, it also examines the development and use of gene-editing tools like CRISPR/Cas9, being used to modify cancer-linked genes and enhance treatment results. This review offers a complete look at the different gene treatments used for cancers in kids. That includes cell therapies, viruses that target cancer cells, and gene tweaks that change the immune response. It breaks down how they work, what clinical trials show and where they fall short. The authors really dive into the challenges of taking these therapies from animal studies to actual patients - things like making good lab models and getting government approval. Most importantly, the review talks about the huge strides made recently in gene therapy for young cancer patients. but it also admits there's still a long way to go in making treatments better and improving quality of life. and Mapping out the landscape like this hopefully moves things along so more children can survive cancer.
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Advances and challenges in gene
therapy strategies for pediatric
cancer: a comprehensive update
Amir Kian Moaveni
, Maryam Amiri
, Behrouz Shademan
Arezoo Farhadi
, Javad Behroozi
and Alireza Nourazarian
Pediatric Urology and Regenerative Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran,
Stem Cell Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran,
Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical
Sciences, Zanjan, Iran,
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences,
Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran,
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Khoy University of Medical
Sciences, Khoy, Iran
Pediatric cancers represent a tragic but also promising area for gene therapy.
Although conventional treatments have improved survival rates, there is still a need
for targeted and less toxic interventions. This article critically analyzes recent
advances in gene therapy for pediatric malignancies and discusses the
challenges that remain. We explore the innovative vectors and delivery systems
that have emerged, such as adeno-associated viruses and non-viral platforms,
which show promise in addressing the unique pathophysiology of pediatric tumors.
Specically, we examine the eld of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell
therapies and their adaptation for solid tumors, which historically have been
more challenging to treat than hematologic malignancies. We also discuss the
genetic and epigenetic complexities inherent to pediatric cancers, such as tumor
heterogeneity and the dynamic tumor microenvironment, which pose signicant
hurdles for gene therapy. Ethical considerations specic to pediatric populations,
including consent and long-term follow-up, are also analyzed. Additionally, we
scrutinize the translation of research from preclinical models that often fail to
mimic pediatric cancer biology to the regulatory landscapes that can either support
or hinder innovation. In summary, this article provides an up-to-date overview of
gene therapy in pediatric oncology, highlighting both the rapid scienticprogress
and the substantial obstacles that need to be addressed. Through this lens, we
propose a roadmap for future research that prioritizes the safety, efcacy, and
complex ethical considerations involved in treating pediatric patients. Our ultimate
goal is to move from incremental advancements to transformative therapies.
gene therapy, pediatric cancer, CRISPR-Cas9, gene editing, delivery systems
Georgina Gonzalez-Avila,
National Institute of Respiratory Diseases-
Mexico (INER), Mexico
Sameh A. Abdelnour,
Zagazig University, Egypt
Chao Chen,
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China
Alireza Nourazarian,
These authors have contributed equally to
this work
RECEIVED 05 February 2024
ACCEPTED 27 March 2024
PUBLISHED 21 May 2024
Moaveni AK, Amiri M, Shademan B, Farhadi A,
Behroozi J and Nourazarian A (2024), Advances
and challenges in gene therapy strategies for
pediatric cancer: a comprehensive update.
Front. Mol. Biosci. 11:1382190.
doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2024.1382190
© 2024 Moaveni, Amiri, Shademan, Farhadi,
Behroozi and Nourazarian. This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
The use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not
comply with these terms.
Abbreviation: CAR, chimeric antigen receptor; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CDKN, cyclin-
dependent kinase inhibitor; CRISPR, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats; SCID,
severe combined immune deciency; ADA, adenosine deaminase; GOSH, Great Ormond Street
Hospital; GVHD, graft-vs-host disease; RNAi, RNA interference; ALK, anaplastic lymphoma kinase;
miRNAs, microRNAs; AAVs, adeno-associated viruses; LNPs, lipid nanoparticles; HIV, human
immunodeciency virus; scFv, single-chain variable fragment; B-ALL, B-cell acute lymphoblastic
leukemia; CRS, cytokine release syndrome; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; EGFR,
epidermal growth factor receptor; ADCC, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; CDC, complemen t-
dependent cytotoxicity; PD-1, programmed cell death protein 1; PD-L1, programmed death ligand 1;
CTLA-4, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4; irAEs, immune-related adverse events.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences frontiersin.org01
TYPE Review
PUBLISHED 21 May 2024
DOI 10.3389/fmolb.2024.1382190
1 Introduction
Despite being less common worldwide, childhood cancer
presents a unique set of challenges that differ from those of
adult cancers (Agrawal and Bansal, 2019). Approximately
400,000 children and adolescents ages 019 are diagnosed with
cancer annually (Organization, 2021). According to the World
Health Organization, childhood cancer survival rates vary widely
by geography. Children in high-income countries have a survival
rate of over 80%, while survival rates in many low- and middle-
income countries fall below 30% (Childhood Cancer, 2023). The
unique biological characteristics and age-dependent dynamics of
childhood cancer present signicant barriers to detection,
diagnosis, and treatment. These barriers often lead to long-
lasting complications that can affect critical developmental
aspects, highlighting the need for therapeutic strategies that
optimize survival and mitigate adverse effects (Blattner-Johnson
et al., 2022).
The molecular basis of pediatric cancer differs from many adult
epithelial tumors, which exhibit high mutation rates in oncogenes
and tumor suppressors (Kirches et al., 2021). Pediatric cancers
generally have fewer mutations but a higher frequency of
chromosomal structural rearrangements resulting in oncogenic
gene fusions (Newman et al., 2021). An example is the ETV6-
RUNX1 fusion gene resulting from a t (Jones et al., 2019;Yahya
and Alqadhi, 2021) translocation that is associated with 25% of
pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases, a fusion
gene that is absent in adult leukemias (Aydin et al., 2016). In the
eld of oncology, researchers have discovered important genetic
alterations. One example is the t (Ruan et al., 2020;Martinez et al.,
2022) BCR-ABL1 fusion, which is often found in cases of acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children. Another example is the
t(Laetsch et al., 2021;Martinez et al., 2022)EWSR1-FLI1fusion,
which is frequently linked to Ewing sarcoma. These specic
chromosomal translocations play a vital role in the
development of these types of cancers (Sole et al., 2021). The
relative rarity of mutations may reect the shorter time frame for
accumulation of genetic defects early in life (Ruan et al., 2020).
Nevertheless, certain consistent mutational hotspots are observed,
such as activating mutations in the RAS-MAPK pathway in
juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (Kim et al., 2021). Table 1
shows the different types of pediatric cancers and their associated
genetic alterations.
The unique mutational landscape and cytogenetic abnormalities
of pediatric tumors provide excellent opportunities for targeted
therapy, particularly gene therapy (Laetsch et al., 2021). Gene
therapya promising approach to treating disease by altering the
genetic content of patientscellsshows potential for greater
efcacy and specicity than traditional chemotherapy, especially
in pediatric cancers with identied genetic drivers (de Lartigue,
2018;Yahya and Alqadhi, 2021).
The immense potential of gene therapy in combating resistant
pediatric malignancies has been demonstrated in recent preclinical
studies and clinical trials (Campbell et al., 2020). For example,
chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has shown high
remission rates in relapsed B-cell ALL by modifying the patients
own T cells to recognize and eradicate cancer cells (Voynova and
Kovalovsky, 2021). Early phase trials of CAR T-cells have also shown
promising results in pediatric solid tumors (Vitanza et al., 2021).
Beyond immunotherapy, some studies have shown improved
outcomes by directly correcting single gene defects (Labrosse
et al., 2019).
However, as promising as gene therapy appears to be, it also
faces several challenges that hinder its widespread clinical adoption.
Efcient delivery to targeted tumor tissues, off-target genomic
alterations, and potential adverse immune responses are major
hurdles (Kirschner and Cathomen, 2020;Jeong et al., 2021). The
high costs of personalized cell therapies, complex manufacturing
requirements, and regulatory uncertainties regarding emerging
genetic technologies are additional considerations (Narayanan,
2016). Therefore, systematic research efforts are crucial to
address these limitations, improve safety proles, demonstrate
efcacy through rigorous trials, and develop innovative strategies
for improved accessibility.
This review aims to provide a thorough assessment of the
current landscape and future prospects of gene therapy in
pediatric oncology. We will review the genetic mechanisms
underlying major childhood cancers and outline recent
preclinical and clinical advances in gene therapy for various
malignancies. We will also examine key challenges such as
delivery barriers, safety concerns, manufacturing issues, and
potential solutions. The advancement of gene therapy approaches
represents a signicant opportunity to usher in an era of
personalized, targeted medicine that can dramatically improve
cure rates and quality of life for children with cancer worldwide.
To realize this potential paradigm shift, collaborative efforts across
research, medicine, industry, and government are needed to
systematically overcome the challenges that impede clinical
2 Overview of gene therapy in
pediatric cancer
A seismic shift in pediatric cancer treatment has occurred with
the advent of gene therapy. This medical revolution is based on the
principle of altering the genetic makeup of cells to treat or prevent
disease (Yahya and Alqadhi, 2021). Faulty genes can lead to the
development of pediatric cancers, hence the promising strategy of
using viral vectors to introduce functional copies (Hacker
et al., 2020).
Gene therapy facilitates the construction of tailored, targeted
therapies that depend on the unique genetic drivers of various
pediatric malignancies (Johnson, 2018). For example, the
introduction of tumor suppressor genes serves to counteract pro-
growth mutations (Gregory and Copple, 2023). Survival rates in
certain pediatric cancers have been signicantly improved with gene
therapy compared to standard therapy alone, according to recent
studies (Hunger et al., 2012;Nowicki et al., 2016). Due to the lack of
mutations from environmental exposures, pediatric tumors are well-
suited for genetic approaches due to germline mutations (Kilburn
and Packer, 2020).
A variety of gene therapy strategies are currently being used in
pediatric oncology. These range from the correction of single gene
defects to the delivery of suicide genes that selectively kill cancer cells
(Das et al., 2015). Powerful gene-editing tools, such as clustered
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regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9,
allow for precision targeting but require rigorous safety testing
for off-target effects (Atkins et al., 2021;Guo et al., 2023). One
of the major challenges is to ensure precise delivery of the
therapeutic gene to cancer cells while preventing unintended
modications (Chen et al., 2018). Other obstacles include
potential immunogenicity and regulation of the expression of the
introduced genes (Ziegler et al., 2018). The main gentherapy
metohds shown in Figure 1.
As gene therapy research continues to advance, the prospect
of more effective and less toxic treatments continues to grow
(Deverman et al., 2018). Despite existing challenges, gene
therapy has immense potential to usher in a new era of
personalized medicine for childhood cancer. Sustained
research will be essential to overcome current obstacles and
fully realize the innovative promise of genetic approaches. Major
milestones in gene therapy for childhood cancer are outlined
in Table 2.
TABLE 1 Overview of pediatric cancer types and their genetic alterations.
Cancer type Common genetic alterations Prevalence in pediatric population Reference
Brain tumors KIAA1549-BRAF, BRAFV600E, FGFR1 mut or
rearrangement, NF1, SMARCB1 (INI1), SMARCA4,
microRNA cluster C19MC amplication,
FOXR2 rearrangements, BCOR ITD, CTNNB1, DDX3X,
20%25% of pediatric cancer Jones et al. (2019)
ALL CDKN2A/B deletion 15%35% of pediatric patients with de novo ALL Martinez et al. (2022)
Retinoblastoma RB1 tumor-suppressor gene, polymorphisms in p53,
CDKN1A, and CDKN2A, genetic modiers like MDM2,
MDM4, or MED4
Approximately 40% of all cases of retinoblastoma are
classied as hereditary, with the majority of those
individuals having tumors present in both eyes
Capasso et al. (2020)
Wilms tumor WT1, mutations in REST, CHEK2, and PALB2 Most (95%) of these tumors are diagnosed in children
under 10 years old
Treger et al. (2019)
Neuroblastoma ASCL1 and PHOX2B 8% of all malignancies in children Guan et al. (2021)
ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CDKN, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor.
Schematic diagram of gene delivery methods.
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2.1 Types of gene therapy approaches used
in pediatric cancer treatment
2.1.1 Gene replacement therapy
Gene replacement therapy has emerged as a central strategy in the
eld of gene therapy and has shown great promise in the treatment of
certain pediatric cancers (Pearl et al., 2023). The thrust of this
approach is to identify a particular mutated gene in a tumor and
use viral vectors to deliver a normal,wild typeversion of that gene to
the cancer cells (Bhattacharjee et al., 2022). The goal of introducing a
functional copy of the aberrantly mutated gene is to normalize the
cancers genetics and limit its proliferation (Pscherer et al., 2006).
This therapy is particularly suitable for cancers driven by single-
gene mutations, such as the BCR-ABL1 translocations characteristic
of pediatric ALL (Sugapriya et al., 2012). However, there are
challenges in selecting the optimal vector for gene delivery.
While viruses could effectively infect human cells, they can
induce immune responses against the introduced gene,
potentially limiting efcacy (Aledo-Serrano et al., 2021). Another
challenge is to ensure sustained expression of the delivered gene.
Nevertheless, gene replacement therapy has been successful in
certain pediatric cancers. For example, in ALL, the introduction of
CAR genes into patientsT cells has resulted in high remission rates
in refractory disease (Wu et al., 2021). Early studies have shown
promising results in using gene replacement to correct mutated
MERTK genes in neuroblastoma. Vollrath et al. found that
administering recombinant adenovirus encoding MERTK
subretinally reversed the defect in retinal pigment epithelium
phagocytosis and rescued photoreceptors from degeneration in
juvenile rats. As a result, the treated areas in animal models,
which already exhibited signicant pathology, appeared nearly
normal (Vollrath et al., 2001).
The potential of gene replacement therapy to restore
conventional function by targeting single genetic drivers
underscores its relevance for precision treatment of pediatric
malignancies (Senft et al., 2017). Expansion of this promising
approach will require renement of gene delivery methods to
improve safety and efcacy, long-term outcome studies, and
expansion of trials across the spectrum of pediatric cancers
driven by targetable mutations (Magnani et al., 2013).
Overcoming existing barriers could pave the way for a new
generation of highly specic cancer therapies that could
potentially eradicate mutation-driven pediatric tumors.
2.1.2 Gene suppression therapy
Gene suppression therapy, often referred to as gene silencing,
symbolizes a breakthrough approach to gene therapy that aims to
combat disease by silencing harmful genes responsible for disease
development. This method of silencing deleterious genes appears
promising in the treatment of cancers activated by gain-of-function
mutations, particularly those associated with pediatric malignancies
(He and Jia, 2020).
RNA interference (RNAi), a powerful tool for gene silencing,
inhibits the translation of targeted mRNAs via complementary base
TABLE 2 Timeline of major milestones in gene therapy for pediatric cancer.
Year Milestone Description Reference
1990 First gene therapy clinical trial The rst gene therapy clinical trial was conducted on a patient with a rare genetic
disease, marking the beginning of gene therapy research
Danaeifar (2022)
1992 Stem cells used as a vector to deliver therapeutic
The goal of this rst trial conducted by Bordignon et al. was to correct SCID
syndrome caused by a deciency in ADA
Bordignon et al.
2000 Two French patients with SCID experienced gene
Gene therapy has been successfully used by French researchers to treat SCID Dobson (2000)
2003 First human trial of gene therapy using modied
lentivirus as a vector
The vector used for this trial was based on human adenovirus type 5, deleted in
E1 and E4, and contained human OTC cDNA
Raper et al. (2003)
2006 Genetically engineered lymphocytes used for cancer
Adoptive transfer of these transduced cells in 15 patients resulted in durable
engraftment at levels exceeding 10% of peripheral blood lymphocytes for at least
2 months after the infusion
Morgan et al. (2006)
2010 CAR T-cell therapy study performed on B-cell
Adoptive transfer of antiCD19-CAR-expressing T cells is a promising new
approach for treating B-cell malignancies. The prolonged elimination of CD19
cells in this patient indicates in vivo antigen-specic activity of antiCD19-CAR-
expressing T cells
Kochenderfer et al.
2017 or
The rst gene therapy was approved in
United States
This year, the FDA approved two pioneering treatments, Kymriah and Yescarta,
that use a patients own immune cells to ght rare types of cancer
Ledford (2020)
2020 CRISPR treatment inserted directly into the body
for rst time
Gene editing leaps to the next level with the injection of a CRISPR complex directly
into a patients eye to combat a form of hereditary blindness
Mahase (2021)
2021 NHS England agreed to a deal for gene therapy for
spinal muscular atrophy
NHS England agreed to a deal to ensure that Zolgensma, a one-off gene therapy
medicine, will be made available for patients with spinal muscular atrophy
Mahase (2021)
2022 Pediatric leukemia in remission after base-editing
cancer treatment in UK
GOSH in the UK released details of its rst-in-human (T-cell ALL) clinical trial
using base-edited CAR T-cells
leukaemia (2022)
2022 The rst allogeneic CAR T Phase 2 trial is initiated Potentially pivotal Phase 2 clinical trial of ALLO-501A in patients with relapsed or
refractory large B-cell lymphoma. ALLO-501A is TALEN-edited in a number of
ways to mitigate the risk of GVHD
Smirnov et al. (2021)
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pairing. This is generally accomplished by the incorporation of
either synthetic siRNAs or vector-derived shRNAs (Li et al., 2018).
This approach has potential advantages in the treatment of pediatric
cancers. For example, neuroblastoma cells harboring anaplastic
lymphoma kinase (ALK) mutations experienced growth
inhibition in experimental models following ALK silencing by
RNAi (Schulte and Eggert, 2021). Thus, the approach of silencing
oncogenic ALK could develop benecial therapies for patients with
this particular abnormality (Ji et al., 2021). Furthermore, RNAi-
mediated targeting of beta-catenin in hepatoblastoma models
resulted in tumor growth suppression, suggesting another
potential target (Indersie et al., 2017). However, the challenge is
to deliver RNAi triggers specically to the tumor tissue. MicroRNAs
(miRNAs), another regulatory approach, are short non-coding
RNAs that reduce protein production by binding to mRNAs
(Arraiano, 2021). A positive correlation was observed between
miRNAs expression and tumor grade and type, with the highest
expression noted in medulloblastomas, followed by ependymomas,
and the lowest in pilocytic astrocytomas. Upregulation was
predominantly observed in most members of the miR-1792,
miR-106a-363, and miR-106b-25 clusters, with miR-18a and
miR-18b exhibiting the highest expression. Other miRNAs such
as miR-19a, miR-92a, miR-106a, miR-93, and miR-25 also
demonstrated elevated values. Additionally, miR-17-5p and miR-
20a displayed high expression levels in medulloblastomas and
ependymomas while approaching control levels in pilocytic
astrocytoma samples. Notably, miRNA expression was also
inuenced by tumor grade and histology in pediatric
TABLE 3 Clinical trials of gene therapies for pediatric cancer.
Cancer type Gene
Phase Status Clinical trial Reference
NCT00634231 Pediatric brain
tumors, including
GBM, anaplastic
astrocytoma, and
Adv-TK Viral vector
Valacyclovir +
I Active A Phase I study of
AdV-tk + prodrug
therapy in
combination with
radiation therapy for
pediatric brain
Kieran et al.
NCT03330197 Pediatric brain
tumors or diffuse
intrinsic pontine
glioma (DIPG)
Viral vector
Veledimex I/II Active A study of Ad-RTS-
Hil-12+veledimex in
pediatric subjects
with brain tumors or
RTS (2023)
NCT02457845 Pediatric recurrent
or refractory
cerebellar brain
Viral vector
Radiotherapy I Recruiting HSV G207 in
children with
recurrent or
refractory cerebellar
brain tumors
Friedman et al.
NCT02435849 B-cell ALL Anti-CD19 Anti-CD19 CAR
Tisagenlecleucel +
II Completed A single infusion of
provided durable
remission with long-
term persistence in
pediatric and young
adult patients with
relapsed or
refractory B-cell
ALL, with transient
high-grade toxic
Maude et al.
NCT03284268 Retinoblastoma Oncolytic
Viral vector
VCN-01 I Recruiting Intravitreal
administration of
VCN-01 resulted in
anti-tumor activity
in retinoblastoma
vitreous granules
et al. (2019)
NCT03618381 Wilms tumor EGFR EGFR806 CAR-T
EGFR806 CAR T-cell +
I Recruiting Genetically modied
to express an EGFR-
specic receptor
(chimeric antigen
receptor or CAR)
that will target and
kill solid tumors that
express EGFR and
the selection suicide
marker EGFRt
Albert et al.
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tumorigenesis, suggesting therapeutic potential for miRNA
(Gruszka et al., 2021). Measures such as adjusting abnormal
miRNA levels or using miRNAs to suppress fusion oncogenic
transcripts could be employed (Gambari et al., 2016). For example,
chemotherapy showed higher efcacy in neuroblastoma cells
where let-7 miRNA levels were restored (Jetal.,2015).
Nevertheless, the development of safe and effective miRNA-
based therapies has encountered many obstacles, such as
stability, off-target effects, and efcient delivery to target tissues
(Roy et al., 2022).
Targeted delivery of gene silencing therapies to malignant
cells is a challenging task (Safarzadeh Kozani et al., 2021a).
Systemic administration may induce off-target gene silencing
and consequent toxicity. Therefore, innovative delivery
systems are being explored to increase specicity and avoid
activation of immune responses (Zhao et al., 2020a). Studies
are considering the use of bioengineered viruses, liposomes,
and nanoparticles loaded with ligands for receptors
overexpressed on tumor cells (He et al., 2021). However,
other challenges remain, such as transient gene silencing and
variable silencing efcacy due to accessibility of the target site
(Safari et al., 2017).
In summary, despite the obstacles, gene silencing methods
could play a critical role in accurately targeting and silencing
genes that promote pediatric cancer growth (Verreault et al.,
2006). In summary, the advent of paradigm-shifting gene
editing technologies such as CRISPR and transcription
activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) has invigorated
genetic research by providing customizable, targeted genome
editing capabilities. However, with the tremendous opportunity
comes the responsibility to guide the appropriate use of these
rapidly advancing tools that hold the power to permanently
recode life. Realizing their potential while mitigating the
risks will require ongoing ethical discussions and exible
regulations based on scientic evidence. The coming decade
promises exciting advances in gene editing, but it also
demands caution.
3 Advantages and limitations of gene
therapy in the context of pediatric
cancer treatment
Breakthrough gene editing technologies such as CRISPR/
Cas9 and TALENs have advanced genetic engineering and
molecular biology research by facilitating precise genome editing
(Noel et al., 2021). The CRISPR/Cas9 system, derived from the
bacterial immune system, consists of the Cas9 enzyme that cleaves
DNA and a guide RNA that targets the precise DNA sequence for
modication. This mechanism allows for versatile genome
manipulation by deleting, adding, or modifying specic DNA
sequences (Aslam et al., 2021). Conversely, TALENs are
engineered enzymes designed to bind and cleave desired DNA
sites, providing an alternative precise genome editing approach
Challenges and limitations in pediatric cancer gene therapy.
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(Becker and Boch, 2021). These innovative techniques have
expanded opportunities in gene therapy, agriculture, and the
understanding of genetics and disease (Libutti, 2014).
CRISPR/Cas9 techniques have undergone signicant
renement, increasing the efciency, specicity, and adaptability
of genome editing (Schreurs et al., 2021). A prominent development
in this area is prime editing, a sophisticated CRISPR technique that
introduces precise DNA edits without the need for double-strand
breaks or donor templates, instead inscribing new genetic
information directly into target sites (Hao et al., 2021). This
increases the range of potential edits while minimizing
unexpected mutations. Similarly, TALEN methods have
undergone signicant improvements in design, assembly, and
delivery, resulting in improved precision of genetic modications
(Sakuma et al., 2013). Emerging technology platforms now facilitate
automated, high-throughput assembly of customized TALENs
(Zhang et al., 2013). In addition, the combined use of TALENs
and CRISPR technologies promotes a synergistic effect that
optimizes precision and streamlines the editing process (Xu
et al., 2015).
In the eld of medicine, CRISPR and TALENs have the potential
to precisely edit the human genome to treat genetic diseases by
permanently modifying disease-causing mutations (Xu et al., 2015;
Kesavan, 2023). An example of this has been reported in the
treatment of sickle cell disease by editing hematopoietic stem
cells (Anurogo et al., 2021). However, further improvements in
safety and efcacy are needed before these techniques meet
widespread clinical application (Anurogo et al., 2021). In
agriculture, gene editing has been used to create pest-resistant
crops and healthier livestock, a result touted to improve food
security (Karavolias et al., 2021). However, discussions about
regulations and appropriate applications continue. CRISPR and
TALENs have become critical research tools for genetic
screening, disease modeling, and elucidation of gene function in
cellular and animal models (Zhao et al., 2016).
The continued development of these impressive tools has
ethical, legal, and social implications that need to be addressed
(Zhao et al., 2016). Concerns have been raised about unintended
changes induced by CRISPR that deviate from the target gene, with
potentially far-reaching consequences. In addition, the notion of
human germline editing is controversial due to the potential risk of
permanent, heritable changes (de Wert, 2019). For this reason, an
ongoing dialogue among researchers, policymakers, and the public is
essential to establish a framework that balances benets and risks.
Although gene editing has immense potential to combat disease,
improve food security, and deepen genetic understanding, it must be
approached cautiously because it involves permanent and extensive
changes to living systems. Regulatory policies must evolve with
scientic progress to guide responsible use (Rocha et al., 2020).
In summary, transformative gene editing technologies like
CRISPR and TALENs have supercharged genetics research
through customizable, targeted genome editing capabilities. But
along with the immense opportunities come responsibilities to
guide the appropriate use of these rapidly advancing tools that
can permanently alter the code of life. Harnessing their potential
while mitigating risks will require ongoing ethical debates and
evolving regulations rooted in scientic evidence. The next
decade of gene editing promises exciting progress but demands
prudence in equal measure.
3.1 Recent advances in gene therapy
strategies for pediatric cancer
The critical role of targeted gene delivery in gene therapy is
undeniable, particularly in realizing the potential to redene the
treatment of genetic diseases (Pan et al., 2021). Among the tools at
our disposal for this purpose are adeno-associated viruses (AAVs),
which have shown impressive efcacy and specicity in delivering
therapeutic genes to target cells (Tustian and Bak, 2021). These are
not just viruses; they have been engineered to maximize delivery,
with new AAV variants engineered through capsid engineering to
improve targeting capabilities while minimizing the immune
responses triggered by their natural counterparts (Lugin et al.,
2020). For example, an optimized AAV was recently used in a
study to deliver CRISPR to the liver of a mouse, demonstrating high
specicity. AAVs have already found applications in clinical trials
for conditions such as inherited retinal diseases, spinal muscular
atrophy, and hemophilia (Moscoso and Steer, 2019).
There are also non-viral delivery systems in play, including lipid
nanoparticles (LNPs) and polymeric nanoparticles, which have
distinct advantages over viral vectors, such as a streamlined
production process, reduced immunogenicity, and the ability to
carry larger genetic cargo (Torres-Vanegas et al., 2021;Zohri et al.,
2021). The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines made possible by LNPs
illustrate their potential in gene therapy applications. Meanwhile,
polymeric nanoparticles have achieved preclinical success in
carrying CRISPR/Cas9 for gene editing as a possible therapy for
genetic diseases (Ahn et al., 2021;Andresen and Fenton, 2021).
However, we must continue to rene vectors and nanoparticles
to improve delivery efciency and specicity while eliminating
toxicity. There is potential for synergistic effects when viral and
non-viral approaches are combined (Ren et al., 2021). For example,
LNPs could potentially attenuate the inammation induced by viral
vectors. The importance of advancing gene delivery technology
cannot be overstated, as we aim to unleash the full power of
gene therapy in a range of applications, from genetic diseases to
vaccines (Piperno et al., 2021).
Gene therapy has already produced groundbreaking treatments
for certain inherited diseases; however, delivery has proven to be a
limiting factor in progress (Michalakis et al., 2021). The advent of a
new generation of customized viral vectors and non-viral systems
provides optimism that these hurdles can be overcome, paving the
way for a range of innovative gene therapies. It is critical that we
maintain rigorous standards of development and ethical use as these
powerful technologies are developed and applied (Ghosh
et al., 2020).
In summary, the prospects for targeted gene therapy are being
reshaped by the emergence of customized viral vectors and non-viral
nanoparticle systems. Further modications and ethical oversight
are required to ensure the best therapeutic outcomes. The possibility
of synergistic effects with the combination of viral and non-viral
methods appears promising. Advances in gene therapy delivery
methods offer hope for precision gene therapies, provided that
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progress is guided by the responsibility to maintain safety and
ethical standards.
3.1.1 Viral vectors (retroviruses, lentiviruses,
adenoviruses, etc.)
Viral vectors have gained signicant attention in gene therapy,
as they have been transformed into useful gene delivery mechanisms
due to their inherent ability to deliver genetic material into host cells.
The main variants used in this context are retroviruses, lentiviruses,
and adenoviruses (Giacca and Zacchigna, 2012).
Retroviruses, being RNA viruses, undergo a reverse
transcription process in which their RNA genome is converted to
DNA and further integrated into the host genome, facilitating
persistent and stable gene expression within the host cell. The
potential tumorigenesis induced by insertional mutagenesis is a
notable risk (Steckbeck et al., 2014;Sabatino et al., 2022). Indeed,
retroviruses exhibit efcient infection properties toward dividing
cellsan aspect that is critical for their application in ex vivo
treatments, as in the case of CAR T-cell therapy for leukemia
(Heyman et al., 2022).
Similar to retroviruses, lentiviruses can affect both dividing and
non-dividing cells, expanding their potential therapeutic
applications, including but not limited to neuroscience and
human immunodeciency virus (HIV) treatment (Fassati, 2006).
One of their notable advantages is their broad cell tropism, which
allows them to transduce multiple cell type (Rainey and Cofn, 2006;
Poletti and Mavilio, 2018). However, the risk of insertional
mutagenesis associated with lentiviruses remains signicant
(Woods et al., 2003). The class of adenoviruses, which are
double-stranded DNA viruses that do not integrate into the host
genome, greatly reduces the risk of mutagenesis (Charman et al.,
2019). Their efcacy in delivering transgenes to a variety of tissues in
vivo and ex vivo is complemented by their large transgene capacity
(Morrissey et al., 2012). They have shown impressive results in
cancer gene therapy, enabling localized delivery of tumor suppressor
genes (Wang et al., 2010). Their efcacy may be limited in certain
therapeutic settings due to anti-adenovirus immune responses
(Zhou et al., 2020).
Signicant progress has been made in rening viral vector
design and production methods, which have greatly improved
safety and delivery efciency (Li et al., 2021). An example is the
advent of self-inactivating vectors that reduce the oncogenic risks
associated with retroviruses and lentiviruses. Similarly, third-
generation adenoviral vectors are designed to minimize unwanted
immune activation (Troyanovsky et al., 2015;Shaw and
Suzuki, 2019).
In summary, despite their unique proles, retroviral, lentiviral,
and adenoviral vectors have been instrumental in the advancement
of gene therapy. With continued improvements in viral vector
biology and engineering, their medical utility is expected to
expand. A better understanding of cell-specic targeting may lead
to vectors with superior therapeutic precision in the future.
3.1.2 Non-viral vectors (liposomes,
nanoparticles, etc.)
Due to the various challenges associated with viral vectors, such
as immunogenicity risk, limited payload capacity, and high
production costs (Luis, 2020), alternative non-viral vectors for
gene delivery have come to the forefront. These alternatives,
which include liposomes, nanoparticles, and others, have their
own unique advantages and specic issues that need to be
addressed (Musale and Giram, 2021).
Liposomes, spherical vesicles composed of lipid bilayers, have
been identied as safer alternatives capable of encapsulating and
delivering genes, proteins, or drugs with the added benetof
minimizing immunogenic responses or infections (Liu et al.,
2022;van der Koog et al., 2022). One of the identied problems
with liposomes is that they often exhibit encapsulation efciencies
below 20% (Costa et al., 2021), and there is a constant risk of rapid
degradation of the cargo before it reaches its intended target (Eloy
et al., 2014).
To address these limitations, cationic liposomes have been
developed to enhance encapsulation by facilitating the formation
of complexes with negatively charged nucleic acids (Ewert et al.,
2021). In addition, surface modications, such as the attachment of
antibodies, peptides, or saccharides, can ensure that target specicity
is enabled (Lestini et al., 2002). For example, anti-EGFR nanobodies
have been attached to liposomes to facilitate targeted drug delivery
to colon cancer cells (Narbona et al., 2023). Further renement of
the size, composition, and surface charge of these liposomes aims to
improve stability, efciency, and cellular uptake (Ma et al., 2013).
Nanoparticles represent a diverse range of non-viral vectors
incorporating polymers, lipids, metals, or other elements (Botto
et al., 2018). For example, gold nanoparticles provide controlled,
sustained release of genes, making them invaluable in the treatment
of solid tumors (Zhao and Liu, 2014). Other nanoparticle vectors
include polymeric nanoparticles, quantum dots, and liposomal
nanoparticles (Ishihara et al., 2011). Polyplexes, a type of
nanoparticle vector, are widely used due to their ease of
production, safety, customization potential, and ability to
encapsulate various nucleic acids (Bai et al., 2014). Despite these
advantages, they still present challenges such as short circulation
time, low transfection efciency, and cytotoxicity (Ita, 2020).
LNPs have shown potential for mRNA delivery, as
demonstrated by the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines
(Melamed et al., 2022). With high encapsulation efciency,
biocompatibility, and stability, LNPs can be functionalized for
targeting (Alipour et al., 2017). To realize their full potential,
new surface modications are being explored to increase stability,
reduce off-target effects, improve specicity, and decrease toxicity
(Kulkarni and Feng, 2011).
In conclusion, replacement non-viral vectors such as liposomes
and nanoparticles offer versatility that is stimulating research aimed
at overcoming current limitations. As safer alternatives to viral
vectors with the potential for signicant optimization, they could
greatly improve gene therapy and drug delivery methods. Looking
ahead, the future seems bright for non-viral vectors as newer
designs, modications, and combinations continue to emerge.
3.2 Immune-based gene therapies
3.2.1 CAR T-cell therapy
CAR T-cell therapy is a revolutionary approach to cancer
treatment that differs signicantly from previous immunotherapy
techniques. This innovative therapy uses a patients own
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lymphocytes, commonly referred to as T-cells, to identify and
eradicate cancer cells with extreme precision (Xu et al., 2021).
The key steps in CAR T-cell therapy involve the isolation of a
patients T cells, followed by genetic modication using viral vectors
to create CARs, their subsequent expansion in vitro, and nally their
reintroduction into the patients body (Ke et al., 2021). These
engineered CARs can bind to target antigens on cancer cells with
an afnity in the nanomolar range, 100 to 1,000 times stronger than
natural antibodies (Harris and Kranz, 2016). This binding induces
cytotoxicity, resulting in the elimination of the cancer (Wang et al.,
2019). The structure of CARs consists of three main
componentsan external moiety that binds to the tumor
antigen, a membrane spanning region, and an internal domain
that induces T-cell activation (Muller et al., 2021). The outer
segment typically uses a single-chain variable fragment (scFv)
derived from an antibody that confers specicity (Krokhotin
et al., 2019). The internal segment carries a CD3ζdomain
required for T-cell activation and costimulatory domains such as
CD28 or 4-1BB to enhance the activation signal (Boucher
et al., 2021).
CAR T-cell therapy has shown impressive results in blood
cancers, particularly B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL)
and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), with treatments such
as Kymriah and Yescarta gaining FDA approval (Ma et al., 2019;
Safarzadeh Kozani et al., 2021b). However, the efcacy of therapy in
solid tumors is hampered by factors such as metastasis, tumor
diversity, and the immunosuppressive tumor environment (Zhao
et al., 2020b). Research is currently exploring potential solid tumor
targets such as GD2 in neuroblastoma and human epidermal growth
factor receptor 2 (HER2) in sarcoma (Straathof et al., 2020). To
enhance the efcacy of CAR T-cell therapy in solid tumors,
strategies such as regional administration and CARs that are
immune to suppressive signaling are being considered (Huang
et al., 2020).
Despite its great potential, CAR T-cell therapy has been
observed to induce cytokine release syndrome (CRS) in more
than 90% of patients and neurotoxicity due to overactivation in
about half of the cases (Napolitano et al., 2022). CRS is often treated
with drugs such as tocilizumab (Kauer et al., 2020). Ongoing efforts
are directed at integrating suicide genes into CARs to improve their
safety (Shi et al., 2020).
The future looks promising with the development of off-the-
shelf universal CAR T-cells, multi-antigen targeting CARs, and the
use of engineered Notch receptors to provide spatial control of CAR
T-cell activation (Qu et al., 2019). Advances in CAR T-cell therapy
could change the way cancer is treated. The ability to target solid
tumors and improve the safety of treatments is a particularly exciting
prospect in the evolution of this therapy.
3.2.2 Tumor-targeting antibodies
Tumor-targeting antibodies are an integral part of immune-
based cancer therapies. Their function depends on their ability to
distinguish antigens that are differentially expressed on cancer cells,
thus distinguishing these malignancies from healthy tissues. This
leads to selective targeting and a reduction in untargeted or off-
targeteffects (Hintz et al., 2021).
Over the past few decades, a number of these tumor-targeting
antibodies have been approved. These developments have greatly
improved the health outcomes of cancer patients (Sun et al., 2018).
Rituximab, for example, targets CD20 on B cells, which are used to
cure leukemia and lymphoma (Jain et al., 2021). Trastuzumab, on
the other hand, reacts with HER2, which is overexpressed in about
one-quarter to one-third of gastric and breast cancers and shows
increased survival rates (Upton et al., 2021). Another example,
cetuximab, blocks the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR),
which plays a role in metastasis and growth, and has shown efcacy
in colorectal and head and neck cancers (Dougherty et al., 2020;
Trivedi and Ferris, 2021).
The most common mechanisms of anti-tumor action include
blocking signaling pathways essential for cancer survival and
proliferation. These mechanisms also recruit natural killer cells to
enable antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). In
addition, these mechanisms activate the complement system to
enable complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) (Murray et al.,
2014;Zhu et al., 2020). Another effect of this mechanism is that the
binding of the Fc region to cells of the immune system results in the
stimulation of the immune defense against the cancerous tumor
(Sasaki et al., 2020).
Nevertheless, resistance is observed in about half of all patients,
often allowing relapse after an initial response to treatment
(Licciardone and Aryal, 2014). This resistance can result from
several mechanisms, including loss of expression of the target
antigen, blockade of the antibodys access to the cancer, and
activation of other survival pathways (Fernandes et al., 2021).
Another mechanism of resistance is through mutations in targets
that allow evasion of antibodies (da Silva, 2012). Notably, even
targeted therapies may have adverse effects due to non-specic
distribution (Swati, 2021).
Current research is focused on a few areas to address these issues
and further expand clinical utility. These areas include antibodies
that are bispecic or multispecic, which can bind to more than one
antigen as a method of not only improving specicity but also
overcoming resistance (Ahamadi-Fesharaki et al., 2019). Another
similar area of research is the study of drugantibody conjugates,
which use antibodies to selectively deliver chemotherapeutic agents
or toxins (Pettinato, 2021). Another area of research is to increase
the activation of the immune system through Fc engineering (van
Tetering et al., 2020).
In sum, antibodies have had a signicant impact on cancer care,
leading to improved outcomes in certain malignancies. Therefore, it
is highly likely that the future will see an expansion of antibodies as
strategic, selective tools in therapy that harnesses the immune
system to ght cancer.
3.2.3 Checkpoint inhibitors
Checkpoint inhibitors have signicantly changed the landscape
of cancer immunotherapy through their ability to interfere with the
immune evasion mechanisms employed by tumors (Zhang et al.,
2021a). Tumor cells have developed sophisticated strategies to evade
the initial defenses of the immune system or to actively suppress
anti-cancer immunity mechanisms that have received considerable
attention in cancer research (Mahata et al., 2020).
Critical regulatory roles in modulating normal immune
responses and maintaining immune self-tolerance are played by
checkpoint proteins such as programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-
1), programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1), and cytotoxic
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T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4). PD-1, which is
typically expressed on T-cells, binds to PD-L1 on healthy cells,
and plays a regulatory role in preventing excessive T-cell activity
(Schutz et al., 2017;Chun et al., 2022). Paradoxically, the same
mechanism is used by tumor cells to evade T-cell attack by
presenting PD-L1 on their surface (Hinterleitner et al., 2021).
The introduction of PD-1 inhibitors interrupts this interaction,
reviving the suppressed T cells and enabling them to identify and
destroy tumor cells. This phenomenon has been demonstrated in the
treatment of several cancers, including but not limited to melanoma
and lung cancer (Curnock et al., 2021).
Also worthy of mention in the catalog of immune checkpoints is
CTLA-4, which acts to inhibit T-cell activation during later stages of
the immune response (Arra et al., 2021). Drugs such as ipilimumab
are designed to target CTLA-4 and enhance anti-tumor immunity
by removing this block to T-cell activation (Soldevilla et al., 2019).
Clinical trials have demonstrated the efcacy of CTLA-4 inhibitors
in the treatment of cancers, including melanoma (Hirshoren
et al., 2020).
However, checkpoint inhibitors are not without limitations.
More than half of treated patients experience immune-related
adverse events (irAEs), the severity of which can range from
mild to severe and in extreme cases can be life-threatening (Usui
et al., 2022). Diarrhea, dermatitis, and hepatitis are among the most
common irAEs (Spain et al., 2016). It is also noteworthy that some
tumors are coldor non-inamed, characterized by sparse immune
cell inltration into the tumor microenvironment. Patients with
such tumors are less likely to respond to checkpoint inhibitor
therapy (Gerard et al., 2021).
The scientic community is actively investigating strategies to
overcome these challenges. Combination therapies using checkpoint
inhibitors alongside other therapies such as chemotherapy,
radiation, or targeted therapy are of great interest (Andersson
and Ostheimer, 2019). Approaches aimed at making tumors
more susceptible (or hotter) to immunotherapy are also under
investigation, including the use of tumor antigen vaccines and
optimized drug delivery approaches (Liu et al., 2020). Research is
also underway to identify biomarkers that predict therapeutic
response and risk of side effects (Bartsch et al., 2007).
In summary, although checkpoint inhibitors are revolutionizing
cancer treatment through their ability to harness anti-tumor
immunity, which is typically limited by immune evasion
mechanisms employed by tumor cells, their efcacy is not
universal, and side effects remain a notable concern. Current
research efforts in combinatorial therapeutic strategies and
predictive biomarker identication are aimed at improving
clinical outcomes while minimizing toxic effects. Despite their
limitations, checkpoint inhibitors show signicant potential to
improve cancer treatment. The challenge for the future is to
extend the durability and safety of therapeutic responses, which
will require continued research and innovation in the eld.
4 Gene editing technologies and their
potential in pediatric cancer treatment
Gene modication technologies have advanced signicantly and
have become critical in the study of cancer, particularly in pediatric
oncology (West and Gronvall, 2020). In this eld, the CRISPR
system has proven to be particularly effective (Pomella and Rota,
2020). The CRISPR-Cas9 system allows scientists to precisely edit
genetic sequences, a concept borrowed from bacterial immune
defenses that precisely edit DNA (Neil et al., 2021). The
Cas9 enzyme has been likened to molecular scissors that use
RNA as a guide to specic genomic locations. This precision has
led to unprecedented opportunities in pediatric cancer treatment
(Smith et al., 2021).
The process of cancer development often involves the mutation or
inactivation of certain genes, causing cells to multiply uncontrollably.
Pediatric cancers are known for their aggressiveness and require prompt
treatment. The correct application of CRISPR-Cas9 allows for the
precise modication of defective genes, effectively halting or
eliminating the growth of cancer cells (Oberlick et al., 2019;Dharia
et al., 2021). Evidence from preclinical studies has underscored the
potential of CRISPR-Cas9 to treat several types of pediatric cancer. For
example, in neuroblastoma, CRISPR has been used to silence the
MYCN oncogene, which is typically dysregulated in high-risk cases,
resulting in a demonstrable anti-tumor effect (Yin et al., 2020). In
osteosarcoma models, the application of CRISPR led to a reduction in
tumor growth by targeting overactive TGF-βsignaling (Hu et al., 2018).
However, ensuring a safe, targeted delivery mechanism to cancer
cells while sparing healthy tissues remains a challenge and warrants
further research (Rizwanullah et al., 2021). Approaches such as viral
vectors are being explored to improve cell type specicity (Levy et al.,
2020). In addition, the ethical issues associated with gene editing
cannot be understated. The indelible nature of genetic modications
requires careful consideration of unintended off-target effects and
long-term consequences, such as permanent changes in the germ
line (Feeney, 2019).
In conclusion, while there is reason for optimism, in-depth
clinical trials are essential to conrm the efcacy and safe application
of CRISPR gene editing for pediatric cancers. Precision and accuracy
of editing, coupled with minimal risks, are critical considerations
before this technology is applied in clinical settings. Despite the clear
challenges, the potential of this technology to revolutionize cancer
treatment is profound.
5 Combination therapies involving
gene therapy for enhanced efcacy
Gene therapy aims to treat diseases at their genetic root (Cicalese
and Aiuti, 2020). However, rening and perfecting gene therapy
remains a challenge. Research is underway to determine where gene
therapy can be combined with other treatments to increase efcacy
(Nastiuk and Krolewski, 2016). One promising approach has been to
combine gene therapy with pharmacological or biological agents,
especially in the case of complex genetic diseases (Rex, 2015).
Improved outcomes have been reported in lysosomal storage
disorders where gene therapy has been combined with enzyme
replacement therapy (Li, 2018). Oncology researchers are
investigating the use of gene therapy in combination with
chemotherapy or immunotherapy to improve response (Chada
et al., 2022). The logic of this approach is to augment the
benets of gene therapy with other treatment modalities (Lin
et al., 2021). The combination of therapies may result in
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synergistic effects that exceed the effects of individual treatments,
especially in diseases with both environmental and genetic
contributions (Gaikani et al., 2021). Advanced gene editing
techniques, such as CRISPR, and gene silencing methods,
including RNA interference, are enabling innovations in
combination therapies by allowing direct modication of gene
sequence or expression (Zhang et al., 2021b). A comprehensive
approach that integrates these methods with gene therapy may
improve outcomes compared to any single therapy (Mac
Gabhann et al., 2010). However, comprehensive studies are
needed to ensure safety and long-term effects. Potential risks
include off-target effects, unintended immune responses, and the
need for lifelong monitoring (Kelley et al., 2002). In addition,
research is needed to determine optimal dosing, timing, and
patient selection to maximize benets and minimize side effects
(Ngoune et al., 2018).
In summary, strategies involving gene therapy represent a
promising avenue for the treatment of complex diseases if
existing challenges can be overcome. Despite the tremendous
potential, ensuring safety and efcacy remains of paramount
importance as these therapies continue to be rened and
optimized. The future holds great promise for combination gene
therapies, but careful and comprehensive research is essential to
successfully translate this promise from theory to clinical practice.
6 Clinical applications and success
stories in pediatric cancer
6.1 Overview of gene therapy clinical trials in
pediatric cancer
Gene therapy is recognized as an important experimental
approach to the treatment of pediatric cancers, the leading cause
of disease-related death in children (Bornhorst and Hwang, 2016).
Table 3 shows several clinical trials of gene therapies for pediatric
cancer. Clinical trials are essential for evaluating efcacy and safety
prior to clinical use (Jacobson et al., 2021). These trials typically
progress through three phases, each with increasing numbers of
participants, to methodically study efcacy and adverse effects in
larger populations (Gore, 2003). For example, phase I trials conrm
safety in a small cohort, phase II trials expand the cohort to evaluate
efcacy, and phase III trials compare a new treatment with standard
therapies using large cohorts (Millen and Yap, 2021).
Extensive preclinical studies providing proof of concept and
conrming an appropriate therapeutic index provide a layer of safety
before human trials begin. A prime example is CRISPR-Cas9, which
allows precise editing of disease-causing mutations using a guide
RNA to direct the Cas9 enzyme to desired DNA sequences (Suresh,
2021). Optimization of gene delivery methods is also part of
preclinical work using animal models and cell culture
experiments (Bez et al., 2019).
Early phase studies have already demonstrated the potential
success of gene therapy in non-cancer diseases, including sickle cell
disease, inherited retinal diseases, HIV, and transthyretin amyloidosis
(Grimley et al., 2020). Clinical improvements in disease markers and
symptom manifestations in patients suggest considerable potential for
pediatric cancers as well (Delforge et al., 2022).
Despite these promising advances, risks such as off-target effects,
where gene modications inadvertently alter other genomic sites,
warrant attention. An unintended consequence could be the onset of
cancer if genes that suppress tumors are silenced (Peltomaki, 2012).
Another potential risk is immunogenicity, or the induction of an
immune response against the introduced genetic material (Koyama
et al., 2009). The long-term effects of permanent changes in the
genome are still unclear and undened (Long et al., 2011). Trial
participants must be fully informed that there is no guarantee of
benet and that unforeseen risks may occur (Dube et al., 2017).
Intensive research efforts are essential to develop the promising
initial results before gene therapy can be widely applied to childhood
cancers (Khan and Helman, 2016). Key priorities include optimizing
patient selection, delivery methods, dosing, and management of side
effects. Further advances in technology and thorough scientic
investigation are essential to ultimately realize the rich potential
of gene therapy for the benet of children with cancer.
6.2 Successful cases of gene therapy in
pediatric cancer treatment
Gene therapy, an innovative form of treatment that works by
altering the genes within an individuals cells, has shown
considerable therapeutic potential, particularly in pediatric
malignancies (Handgretinger and Schlegel, 2018). The process
involves addressing and correcting abnormalities caused by
mutations, thereby restoring the normal function of proteins that
may be dysfunctional or missing (Handgretinger and Schlegel,
2018). Several implementations of this approach have been
successful in pediatric oncology, as described below.
A strategy known as gene addition is proving effective against
diseases that arise from a single gene. A functional variant of an
underperforming gene is introduced into the system using specially
programmed viral or non-viral vectors. As a result, the introduced
gene compensates for the deciency by producing the previously
missing proteins (Zeng et al., 2021). Examples of remarkable effects
of this method can be seen in the treatment of neuroblastoma, where
the administration of a gene-encoded antibody via an adenoviral
vector signicantly reduced tumor size in the majority of patients in
clinical trials (Chen et al., 2022). The gene-addition strategy has also
been successful in ameliorating the effects of X-linked severe
combined immunodeciency, a disorder that renders individuals
susceptible to infectious diseases (Blanco et al., 2020).
An alternative treatment method, post-transcriptional gene
silencing, works by neutralizing specic messenger RNAs to
prevent expression of the affected gene. This approach has been
used to knock out the MYCN oncogene in high-risk neuroblastoma,
signicantly slowing cancer cell growth (Mendez et al., 2015).
Targeting and silencing ALK oncogenic mutations with this
method also signicantly reduced tumor progression in
neuroblastoma models (Durand et al., 2019).
In addition, gene editing, which involves the modication,
deletion, or addition of DNA, is another tool in the application
of gene therapy to pediatric malignancies (Zhang et al., 2021b). Of
note in this category is CAR T-cell therapy, which showed efcacy
when tested in pediatric leukemia (Greinix, 2019). Promising results
have also been observed in preliminary studies when PD-1 was
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edited to induce T cells to attack osteosarcoma tumors (Fan
et al., 2021).
The mechanics of each of these gene therapy platforms rely
heavily on the delivery of genetic material via a compendium of
engineered viral or non-viral vectorsa critical component of the
entire operation (Bulcha et al., 2021). The examples presented
highlight the monumental progress that has been made to date
in the treatment of pediatric cancers with gene therapy. However,
further exploration of the long-term implications is warranted, and a
comprehensive risk-benet analysis should be conducted in
consultation with health care professionals. As research continues
to improve the efcacy of gene therapy, we cannot overlook the
signicant potential this approach brings to the eld of pediatric
cancer treatment.
6.3 Challenges and limitations encountered
in clinical applications
Clinical applications of gene therapy for pediatric cancers have
made progress but still face signicant challenges that limit
widespread adoption and success (Xia et al., 2020).
One major challenge stems from the complexity of pediatric
tumors. Unlike adult cancers that accumulate mutations, pediatric
malignancies often arise from developmental defects that
compromise the efcacy of gene therapy (Jessa et al., 2019;
Blattner-Johnson et al., 2022). For example, pediatric brain
tumors such as medulloblastoma have different underlying
biology and growth patterns than adult tumors, making them
less amenable to certain gene therapy approaches. In addition,
determining the optimal dosage, timing, and delivery method
poses signicant hurdles (Li and Langhans, 2021). Careful ne-
tuning is essential to maximize tumor destruction while minimizing
toxicity and side effects, requiring intensive monitoring (Pasquier
et al., 2019). In a trial for recurrent high-grade glioma, some patients
experienced brain inammation and neurologic toxicity, which were
attributed to difculties with dose calibration (Chiocca et al., 2019).
Of great concern are potential long-term unintended
consequences. The introduction of genetic modications risks
off-targeteffects on genes other than the intended target,
potentially triggering problems such as secondary cancers
(Nelson et al., 2019). Tragically, X-linked severe combined
immune deciency (X-SCID) gene therapy trials inadvertently
caused leukemia in some patients due to activation of the
LMO2 oncogene (Ruggero et al., 2016).
In addition, patientsimmune systems may attack the
introduced genes, reducing efcacy and jeopardizing health
(Ledford and Callaway, 2018). In an X-SCID trial, some patients
developed an immune response that attacked their own blood cells
(Ehl et al., 2005). Other barriers include complex regulations,
exorbitant manufacturing/distribution costs, and specialized
administration (Ehl et al., 2005). For example, it took more than
20 years from the rst cancer gene therapy trials to FDA approval of
CAR T-cell therapy in 2017 (Libutti, 2019).
In summary, pediatric cancer gene therapy still faces challenges,
including tumor biology, treatment optimization, unintended
effects, immune responses, regulations, and implementation
(Figure 2). Continued innovation in vectors, delivery, and
precision oncology may help overcome these barriers and realize
the promise of gene therapy for children with cancer. While hurdles
remain, the possibilities make it a worthwhile pursuit.
7 Potential risks and adverse effects
associated with gene therapy in
pediatric patients
Although gene therapy holds great promise for the treatment of
childhood cancers, it is associated with various risks and adverse
effects that must be carefully evaluated. A key hurdle is the precise
manipulation of genes to target disease without causing unintended
harmful side effects (Wedekind et al., 2018).
Signicant risks are associated with the vectors used to deliver
therapeutically important genes into cells. Despite their regular use,
even modied viral vectors are known to induce unwanted immune
responses, leading to inammatory or allergic reactions. A clinical
trial of adenoviral vectors for ornithine transcarbamylase deciency
resulted in the unfortunate death of a pediatric patient due to a
severe immunologic reaction to the viral carrier (Brown et al., 2017).
There is also the potential for off-target effects. While the goal is to
replace defective genes, unintended alteration of other genes may
occur. Such unintended changes can have potentially adverse health
consequences, including the development of secondary cancers. For
example, in a trial for X-linked severe combined immunodeciency,
gene therapy inadvertently activated the LMO2 proto-oncogene,
leading to leukemia in some patients (Qasim and Gkazi, 2019).
In addition, the irreversible nature of gene modication can
result in adverse effects that may not manifest until later in a
patients life. Particularly in pediatric cases, predicting long-term
outcomes is complex (Baum et al., 2003). For example, in animal
models, gene therapy used to treat mucopolysaccharidosis has been
associated with the later onset of neurological and skeletal
abnormalities (Zapolnik and Pyrkosz, 2021). There is also a risk
of insertional mutagenesis, a process in which newly inserted genetic
material disrupts other genes. Integration of viral vectors could
induce mutations by activating oncogenes, potentially causing
cancer. In clinical trials of X-linked chronic granulomatous
disease, vector insertion appeared to induce malignant
transformation in some patients (Knight et al., 2013;Ha et al., 2021).
In addition, risks have been identied related to germline effects,
where genetic alterations in pediatric patients could be inherited by
future generations. This issue raises signicant ethical concerns,
particularly in the case of non-life-threatening diseases (Rubeis and
Steger, 2018). The implementation of strict safeguards around vector
delivery to target tissues is critical to prevent unintended germline
transmission. From an ethical perspective, the relatively novel
nature of gene therapy, coupled with permanent genetic
alterations, requires careful consideration in obtaining informed
consent in pediatric patients to protect vulnerable pediatric patients
and their families from potential exploitation (Rubeis and
Steger, 2018).
In summary, risks such as immune reactions, off-target effects,
long-term effects, insertional mutagenesis, germline transmission,
and ethical dilemmas must be addressed to realize the full potential
of gene therapy in pediatric cancer. Ongoing research is aimed at
optimizing vectors, improving precision delivery, and monitoring
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long-term effects to reduce risks and safely extend the benets of
gene therapy to more pediatric patients. Although there are risks
involved, the judicious use of gene therapy offers a glimmer of hope
for many children who have previously faced a shortened life
8 Conclusion
Pediatric oncology is poised for revolutionary advances due to
the signicant potential of gene therapy. Ongoing research efforts to
unravel the genetics of pediatric cancer have made it increasingly
important to foster interdisciplinary collaboration to improve gene
therapy applications. Concurrent initiatives encourage collaboration
among clinicians, researchers, and advocates to accelerate the
clinical translation process.
Gene therapy offers extraordinary potential to transform
pediatric cancer treatment by facilitating targeted, personalized
therapeutic strategies that minimize toxicity to healthy cells. Its
efcacy has been validated by early successes, demonstrating the
possibility of a durable and precise treatment era. However, realizing
the full potential of gene therapy will require overcoming hurdles
related to delivery, safety, policy, and social inequalities and will
require a concerted focus on strategic innovation and reform.
Equally critical is the management of expectations, as the clinical
translation of many emerging gene therapies remains a
distant reality.
Looking ahead, the eld appears poised for accelerated progress,
driven by scientic innovation and cross-sector collaboration. The
role of gene therapy is expected to expand and signicantly
contribute to improving pediatric cancer survival rates while
enhancing quality of life. Maximizing the benets will require
continued research, advocacy, and policy advances to catalyze the
transformative journey from the laboratory to the clinic.
Underpinned by the patient-centered core principle, the future
appears hopeful and lled with opportunities to translate the
tremendous promise of gene therapy into accessible treatments
for pediatric patients worldwide.
Author contributions
AM: writingoriginal draft. MA: data curation, visualization,
and writingoriginal draft. BS: writingoriginal draft. AF:
conceptualization, project administration, visualization, and
writingreview and editing. JB: visualization and writingoriginal
draft. AN: writingreview and editing.
The author(s) declare that no nancial support was received for
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Conict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conict of interest.
Publishers note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their afliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher.
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Immunotoxins (ITXs) are chimeric molecules that combine the specificity of a targeting domain, usually derived from an antibody, and the cytotoxic potency of a toxin, leading to the selective death of tumor cells. However, several issues must be addressed and optimized in order to use ITXs as therapeutic tools, such as the selection of a suitable tumor-associated antigen (TAA), high tumor penetration and retention, low kidney elimination, or low immunogenicity of foreign proteins. To this end, we produced and characterized several ITX designs, using a nanobody against EGFR (VHH 7D12) as the targeting domain. First, we generated a nanoITX, combining VHH 7D12 and the fungal ribotoxin α-sarcin (αS) as the toxic moiety (VHHEGFRαS). Then, we incorporated a trimerization domain (TIEXVIII) into the construct, obtaining a trimeric nanoITX (TriVHHEGFRαS). Finally, we designed and characterized a bispecific ITX, combining the VHH 7D12 and the scFv against GPA33 as targeting domains, and a deimmunized (DI) variant of α-sarcin (BsITXαSDI). The results confirm the therapeutic potential of α-sarcin-based nanoITXs. The incorporation of nanobodies as target domains improves their therapeutic use due to their lower molecular size and binding features. The enhanced avidity and toxic load in the trimeric nanoITX and the combination of two different target domains in the bispecific nanoITX allow for increased antitumor effectiveness.
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Gene editing stands for the methods to precisely make changes to a specific nucleic acid sequence. With the recent development of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 system, gene editing has become efficient, convenient and programmable, leading to promising translational studies and clinical trials for both genetic and non-genetic diseases. A major concern in the applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 system is about its off-target effects, namely the deposition of unexpected, unwanted, or even adverse alterations to the genome. To date, many methods have been developed to nominate or detect the off-target sites of CRISPR/Cas9, which laid the basis for the successful upgrades of CRISPR/Cas9 derivatives with enhanced precision. In this review, we summarize these technological advancements and discuss about the current challenges in the management of off-target effects for future gene therapy.
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Tumour suppressor genes (TSGs) are frequently downregulated in cancer, leading to dysregulation of the pathways which they control. The continuum model of tumour suppression suggests that even subtle changes in TSG expression, for example driven by epigenetic modifications or copy number alterations, can lead to loss of gene function and a phenotypic effect. This approach to exploring tumour suppression provides opportunities for alternative therapies which may be able to restore TSG expression towards normal levels, such as oligonucleotide therapies. Oligonucleotide therapies involve the administration of exogenous nucleic acids in order to modulate the expression of specific endogenous genes. This review will focus on two types of activating oligonucleotide therapies, small-activating RNAs and synthetic mRNAs, as novel methods to increase the expression of TSGs in cancer.
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Background: For patients with Richter’s Syndrome (RS), a durable response is rarely achieved with standard therapies. Significant efforts have focused on the development of novel treatments with reduced toxicity. We describe our experience using the novel combination of obinutuzumab, high-dose methylprednisolone (HDMP) and lenalidomide (len) in patients with RS. Patients and Methods: Eligible patients included adults with biopsy-proven RS. Patients received obinutuzumab 1000 mg × 8 doses. All patients received HDMP 1000 mg/m2 on days 1–5 of cycles 1–4. Patients were administered len PO daily, starting at a dose of 5 mg. Starting on C2D1, the dose increased every 2 weeks in 5 mg increments to a maximum of 25 mg PO daily. Results: Seven patients were treated. The median dose of len was 10 mg and the median number of cycles of treatment completed was 2. The most common grade 3/4 adverse events were neutropenia (29%) and pulmonary embolism (29%). The overall response rate for the entire cohort was 43% (95% CI, 10–82%). All patients who achieved a response underwent consolidative autologous or allogeneic stem cell transplant and remain in remission to date. Conclusions: The combination of obinutuzumab, HDMP, and len is a well-tolerated, outpatient regimen that could serve as a bridge to transplantation, or as palliation for transplant-ineligible patients with RS.
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As a neuroendocrine tumor derived from the neural crest, neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumor in children. The prognosis in patients with low- and intermediate-risk NB is favorable while that in high-risk patients is often detrimental. However, the management of the considerably large proportion of high-risk patients remains challenging in clinical practice. Among various new approaches, oncolytic virus (OV) therapy offers great advantages in tumor treatment, especially for high-risk NB. Genetic modified OVs can target NB specifically without affecting normal tissue and avoid the widespread drug resistance issue in anticancer monotherapy. Meanwhile, its safety profile provides great potential in combination therapy with chemo-, radio-, and immunotherapy. The therapeutic efficacy of OV for NB is impressive from bench to bedside. The effectiveness and safety of OVs have been demonstrated and reported in studies on children with NB. Furthermore, clinical trials on some OVs (Celyvir, Pexa-Vec (JX-594) and Seneca Valley Virus (NTX-010)) have reported great results. This review summarizes the latest evidence in the therapeutic application of OVs in NB, including those generated in cell lines, animal models and clinical trials.
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Genetics and molecular genetic techniques have changed many perspectives and paradigms in medicine. Using genetic methods, many diseases have been cured or alleviated. Gene therapy, in its simplest definition, is application of genetic materials and related techniques to treat various human diseases. Evaluation of the trends in the field of medicine and therapeutics clarifies that gene therapy has attracted a lot of attention due to its powerful potential to treat a number of diseases. There are various genetic materials that can be used in gene therapy such as DNA, single- and double-stranded RNA, siRNA and shRNA. The main gene editing techniques used for in vitro and in vivo gene modification are ZNF, TALEN and CRISPR-Cas9. The latter has increased hopes for more precise and efficient gene targeting as it requires two separate recognition sites which makes it more specific and can also cause rapid and sufficient cleavage within the target sequence. There must be carriers for delivering genes to the target tissue. The most commonly used carriers for this purpose are viral vectors such as adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses and lentiviruses. Non-viral vectors consist of bacterial vectors, liposomes, dendrimers and nanoparticles. Graphical abstract
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Background MERTK (MER proto-oncogene, tyrosine kinase) is a transmembrane protein essential in regulating photoreceptor outer segment phagocytosis. Biallelic mutations in MERTK cause retinal degeneration. Here we present the retinal phenotype of three patients with missense variants in MERTK. Materials and methods All patients underwent a full clinical examination, fundus photography, short-wavelength fundus autofluorescence and optical coherence tomography imaging. Two patients also underwent Goldmann visual field testing and electroretinography was undertaken for the third patient. Molecular genetic testing was undertaken using next generation or whole-exome sequencing with all variants confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Results The first patient was a 29-year-old female heterozygous for a missense variant (c.1133C>T, p.Thr378 Met) and a nonsense variant (c.1744_1751delinsT, p.Ile582Ter) in MERTK. The second patient was a 26-year-old male homozygous for a c.2163T>A, p.His721Gln variant in MERTK. The third patient was an 11-year-old female heterozygous for a deletion of exons 5–19 and a missense variant (c.1866 G>C, p.Lys622Asn) in MERTK. Reduced night vision was the initial symptom in all patients. Fundoscopy revealed typical signs of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) with early-onset macular atrophy. All three MERTK missense variants affect highly conserved residues within functional domains, have low population frequencies and are predicted to be pathogenic in silico. Conclusions We report three missense variants in MERTK and present the associated phenotypic data, which are supportive of non-syndromic RP. MERTK is a promising candidate for viral-mediated gene replacement therapy. Moreover, one variant represents a single nucleotide transition, which is theoretically targetable with CRISPR-Cas9 base-editing.
Treatment options for inherited metabolic epilepsies are rapidly expanding with advances in molecular biology and the genomic revolution. Traditional dietary and nutrient modification, and inhibitors or enhancers of protein and enzyme function, the mainstays of therapy, are undergoing continuous revisions to increase biological activity and reduce toxicity. Enzyme replacement, and gene replacement and editing hold promise for genetically targeted treatment and cures. Molecular, imaging and neurophysiologic biomarkers are emerging as key indicators of disease pathophysiology, severity, and response to therapy.
2541 Background: The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor associated with cell proliferation and differentiation. EGFR expression and activating mutations are associated with aggressive neoplastic disease, chemotherapy resistance, and increased metastatic potential. Published data and EGFR immunohistochemistry (IHC) performed on tissue microarrays indicate that 15-40% of pediatric solid tumors (ST) express EGFR. The unique EGFR monoclonal antibody (mAb) 806 selectively binds to an epitope that is conformationally hidden when EGFR is tethered but revealed when tethering is perturbed as occurs with EGFR overexpression, truncation, or through extra-cellular domain missense mutations. Methods: Children and young adults (CYA) with EGFR-expressing recurrent/refractory (R/R) ST were enrolled on a Phase 1 trial to examine the safety and feasibility of administering autologous chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells derived from autologous T cells genetically modified to express a second generation EGFR806-specific scFV-IgG4hinge-CD28tm/cyto-4-1-BB-zeta and EGFRt tracking/suicide contract. All subjects received lymphodepleting chemotherapy with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide prior to the administration of cryopreserved CAR T cells a the prescribed dose level. The biologically effective dose (BED) or maximum tolerated dose was determined based upon observed toxicity through day 28 from initial CAR-T infusion and using a 3+3 statistical design. Results: Eleven subjects (n=10 evaluable, age range 9-25, median 18) were enrolled and received either dose level (DL) 1 (0.5 x 10 ⁶ CAR-T/kg, n=4) or DL2 (1 x 10 ⁶ CAR-T cells/kg, n=7). CAR T were manufactured successfully in all subjects. Most common toxicities were fatigue, tumor-related pain and cytokine release syndrome (n=2, maximum CTCAE grade 1). Dose limiting toxicity of CTCAE grade 4 transaminase level and hyperbilirubinemia occurred at DL2 (n=1). Maximum circulating CAR-T expansion was 29.66 cells/uL (range 0.05-29.66 cells/uL) with median persistence of 28 days (range 0-90). Two subjects on DL1 and one subject on DL2 demonstrated mixed response on day 28 and tolerated additional CAR T infusion without dose limiting toxicity. Conclusions: EGFR806 directed CAR-T cells have an acceptable toxicity profile in CYA with R/RST and demonstrate anti-tumor activity in some patients. Additional analyses are ongoing to identify biomarkers of response and toxicity. Clinical trial information: NCT03618381.
On August 18, 2021, the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) hosted a virtual roundtable on adeno-associated virus (AAV) integration, featuring leading experts in preclinical and clinical AAV gene therapy, to further contextualize and understand this phenomenon. Recombinant AAV (rAAV) vectors are used to develop therapies for many conditions given their ability to transduce multiple cell types, resulting in long-term expression of transgenes. Though most rAAV DNA typically remains episomal, some rAAV DNA becomes integrated into genomic DNA at a low frequency, and rAAV insertional mutagenesis has been shown to lead to tumorigenesis in neonatal mice. Currently, the risk of rAAV-mediated oncogenesis in humans is theoretical because no confirmed genotoxic events have been reported to date. However, because insertional mutagenesis has been reported in a small number of murine studies, there is a need to characterize this genotoxicity to inform research, regulatory needs, and patient care. The purpose of this white paper is to review the evidence of rAAV-related host genome integration in animal models and possible risks of insertional mutagenesis in patients. In addition, technical considerations, regulatory guidance and bioethics are discussed.