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Empirical Analysis on Influence of Authenticity Perception on Tourist Loyalty in Historical Blocks in China


Abstract and Figures

Tourist loyalty is the key to the sustainable development of tourism in urban historical blocks. This article focuses on exploring the relationship between authenticity perception and tourist loyalty in this context. With this aim, we introduce the mediating variable of tourist engagement and construct a theoretical model of authenticity perception, tourist engagement, and tourist loyalty. Hierarchical regression analysis and bootstrapping were performed on questionnaire data of 287 West Street tourists in Dujiangyan, China. The results of this study demonstrate that both object-related authenticity perception and existential authenticity perception have a significant positive impact on tourist loyalty behavior, with similar degrees of influence. Additionally, the study reveals that tourist engagement plays a mediating role in the relationship among object-related authenticity, existential authenticity, and tourist loyalty. From the perspective of tourist engagement, this article reveals the impact mechanism of authenticity perception on tourist loyalty in the context of historical block tourism, enriches the research on tourism authenticity, and deepens the understanding of tourist loyalty behavior. Furthermore, the results of this study also provide reference for the formulation of sustainable development policies related to tourism in historical blocks.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Luo, L.; Chen, J.; Cheng, Y.;
Cai, K. Empirical Analysis on
Influence of Authenticity Perception
on Tourist Loyalty in Historical Blocks
in China. Sustainability 2024,16, 2799.
Academic Editors: Marek Nowacki
and Yash Chawla
Received: 17 February 2024
Revised: 22 March 2024
Accepted: 25 March 2024
Published: 27 March 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Empirical Analysis on Influence of Authenticity Perception on
Tourist Loyalty in Historical Blocks in China
Liangwei Luo, Jiao Chen, Yuqin Cheng and Kexin Cai *
Business and Tourism School, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611830, China; (L.L.); (J.C.); (Y.C.)
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-136-8844-0987
Abstract: Tourist loyalty is the key to the sustainable development of tourism in urban historical
blocks. This article focuses on exploring the relationship between authenticity perception and tourist
loyalty in this context. With this aim, we introduce the mediating variable of tourist engagement
and construct a theoretical model of authenticity perception, tourist engagement, and tourist loy-
alty. Hierarchical regression analysis and bootstrapping were performed on questionnaire data of
287 West Street tourists in Dujiangyan, China. The results of this study demonstrate that both object-
related authenticity perception and existential authenticity perception have a significant positive
impact on tourist loyalty behavior, with similar degrees of influence. Additionally, the study reveals
that tourist engagement plays a mediating role in the relationship among object-related authenticity,
existential authenticity, and tourist loyalty. From the perspective of tourist engagement, this article
reveals the impact mechanism of authenticity perception on tourist loyalty in the context of historical
block tourism, enriches the research on tourism authenticity, and deepens the understanding of tourist
loyalty behavior. Furthermore, the results of this study also provide reference for the formulation of
sustainable development policies related to tourism in historical blocks.
Keywords: tourist engagement; object-related authenticity; existential authenticity; historical blocks
1. Introduction
Since the 21st century, the principle of sustainability has been integrated into the policy
framework of cultural heritage [
]. The attributes of heritage, including the natural, cultural,
social, and economic capitals of cities and regions, have gained increasing recognition for
their role in shaping local identities, fostering social cohesion, and contributing to economic
development [
]. Certain historical blocks are characterized by a significant number and
range of historical buildings or cultural relics, showcasing a comprehensive and authentic
representation of traditional patterns and historical styles [
]. Historical blocks hold intrin-
sic values, such as history, culture, aesthetics, art, material heritage, and human sentiments,
making them crucial objects for cultural heritage preservation. As urbanization progresses
in developing countries, the effective protection and utilization of these traditional architec-
tural attractions have become essential to achieving sustainable development in historical
blocks. The Washington Charter (1987) emphasizes the importance of recognizing his-
torical blocks as ‘historical witnesses’ that reflect the value of traditional city culture [
The Nara Authenticity Document, introduced by the International Council on Monuments
and Sites (ICOMOS), outlines the fundamental characteristics and protection principles of
historical districts, including historical authenticity, life authenticity, and style integrity [
Beyond providing housing for residents, historical blocks also offer recreational spaces
for tourists. MacCannell (1973) argues that tourists are motivated to travel in search of
authentic tourist destinations, highlighting the significance of authenticity for the protection
and rational development of cultural heritage [
]. In the context of modernity, historical
blocks serve not only as physical spaces that hold the historical memory of residents but
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 2 of 16
also as important destinations for tourists to experience sightseeing. They also function
as public spaces where hosts and guests can share and communicate. However, previous
studies have primarily focused on the authenticity of historical and cultural sites [
rather than investigating the connection between tourists’ perception of authenticity and
behavior from their perspective.
In the era of mass tourism, historical blocks have emerged as significant urban tourist
attractions [
]. The preservation, renovation, and revitalization of historical blocks align
with the current global trend of cutting-edge development in architectural heritage protec-
tion and reuse, underscoring their academic value and practical importance. This paper
examines the impact of tourists’ perception of authenticity in historical and cultural sites
on their loyalty as tourists. Additionally, it explores the role of tourist engagement as an
intermediary variable between authenticity perception and tourist loyalty. This research
contributes to the theoretical understanding of tourist loyalty and provides insights into the
analysis of authenticity perception and its relationship with tourist loyalty. Furthermore, the
findings of this study can inform management strategies for the preservation of historical
and cultural sites and contribute to the sustainable development of urban tourism.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 1provides an introduction. Section 2
consists of a literature review. Section 3focuses on the process of deriving the hypothesis.
Section 4introduces the overall research process of this paper. Section 5presents an
empirical analysis of the results. Section 6concludes the paper.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Authenticity and Perception of Authenticity
The authenticity of tourism has been a topic of discussion, particularly due to the
recognition of how modern society can distort experiences. In 1964, Boorstin argued that
the tourism industry deliberately constructs experiences that lack true authenticity [
Expanding on Goffman’s front-end and backstage theory [
], MacCannell (1973) intro-
duced the concept of stage authenticity in tourism research [
]. He observed that tourist
destinations are carefully packaged to appeal to visitors, resulting in a modification of the
objective authenticity of the culture. Consequently, tourists seek out experiences that they
perceive as authentic. Scholars have further categorized stage authenticity into objective
authenticity, which focuses on the inherent properties of objects. This can be evaluated
by using fixed standards or knowledge, with a specific emphasis on the authenticity of
tourism activities and the culture found in tourist destinations. Cohen (1988) expanded
on the theory of staged authenticity by introducing constructive authenticity, which cen-
ters on symbolic authenticity derived from the beliefs, expectations, and preferences of
travelers in relation to the actual experiences they encounter [
]. Wang (1999) intro-
duced the concept of existential authenticity, suggesting that the inherent authenticity of
a tourist destination is not as significant as the personal journey of self-discovery and
the pursuit of genuine experiences [
]. According to Wang, tourism authenticity can be
categorized into object-related authenticity (OA) and existential authenticity (EA), with the
former encompassing objective and constructive authenticity. In the objective view, the
nature or ‘originality’ of tourism attractions is considered a measure of their authenticity.
This perspective views authenticity as an inherent, unchanging quality unaffected by per-
sonal or social influences [
]. Conversely, the constructive authenticity view offers a
different outlook, arguing that authenticity is not fixed but continuously shaped by individ-
uals and society through their interactions. Tourists assess the authenticity of attractions
based on their own experiences and cultural backgrounds, making it a highly subjective
concept that evolves with time and context [
]. As societies progress and perceptions
shift, attractions once overlooked may eventually be acknowledged as authentic. On the
other hand, the existential approach emphasizes the tourist’s experience. Here, authenticity
is tied to the personal feelings and experiences of the tourist rather than the nature of
the attraction itself. Existential authenticity may manifest as a unique state of being that
emerges during travel, independent of external attractions. In essence, existential authen-
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 3 of 16
ticity focuses on how tourism activities impact self-perception rather than the authenticity
of tourist attractions [
]. As a result, the concept of tourism authenticity has evolved into
a philosophical question, leading subsequent scholars to propose postmodernist authentic-
ity [
]. However, this perspective has not gained universal acceptance due to its challenge
to the traditional notion of authenticity.
The issue of tourism authenticity has been a prominent concern among scholars.
A literature search reveals that scholars primarily focus on defining the meaning of au-
thenticity [
] and exploring tourists’ motivations [
]. Steiner and Reisinger (2006)
emphasize the crucial role of authenticity in shaping tourist behavior at destinations [
Kolar and Zabkar (2009) argue that tourists seek authenticity in response to the pervasive
‘artificial’ and ‘unnatural’ aspects of daily life [
]. Kirillova and Lehto (2015) proposed
that tourism is believed to promote existential authenticity because the destination rep-
resents a limited area in which conventional social order and norms are temporarily set
aside, making the environment conducive to liberation and the expression of the authentic
self [20].
Tourism perception refers to the cognitive process through which individuals obtain
information about tourism objects and environmental conditions using their senses [
It involves tourists transforming external tourism information into their internal thoughts.
In this paper, authenticity perception is defined as tourists’ perception of the authenticity
of historical blocks by using various sensory organs. It relates to the degree of matching
between the presented ‘authenticity’ of the tourist destination and the tourists’ perception
of its original state. It is also influenced by the tourists’ participation process.
Existing research has several shortcomings, one of which is the inadequate focus on
historical block research. This aspect is crucial in the field of heritage tourism research.
Unlike other cultural heritage sites, historical blocks have the unique characteristic of
relying on the material infrastructure of the city to express their historical and cultural
values. Therefore, the authenticity of these blocks plays a vital role in determining their
value. Without authenticity, the significance of historical blocks diminishes significantly.
2.2. Tourist Loyalty
The study of consumer behavior in marketing has led to the gradual development
of tourist loyalty (TL), which has become a focal point for experts and scholars since
the late 1990s [
]. Loyalty can be defined as a deep-seated commitment to continue
purchasing or choosing a product or service in the future, even in the face of changes in
consumption scenarios or marketing campaigns [
]. Research has identified four stages
in the formation process of loyalty: the cognitive stage, the emotional stage, the intention
stage, and the action stage [25].
Relevant research on loyalty measurement began earlier, focusing on the development
history of loyalty. Initially, loyalty was primarily assessed based on consumers’ behavioral
dimensions, such as their periodic consumption frequency, repurchase rate, and repurchase
cycle. These measures provided insights into consumers’ individual-level buyback and
recommendation behaviors and were commonly used by scholars [
]. However, scholars
gradually encountered difficulties in measuring actual behaviors during investigation and
research. As a result, they started using behavioral willingness as an explanatory factor for
loyalty. Behavioral willingness refers to consumers’ psychological inclination to engage
in specific behaviors in the future. When applied to loyalty, it can be categorized into
four types: maintaining loyalty, being willing to pay higher prices, spending more on the
product, and recommending it to others [27,28].
In research on factors influencing TL, it is widely recognized that the image of tourist
places and local attachment play a significant role [
]. However, there are different
opinions among scholars regarding the influence of object-related authenticity perception
and existential authenticity perception on tourist loyalty. Xu and Wang (2011) found that
object-related authenticity indirectly affects tourist loyalty based on their study of ancient
villages [
]. On the other hand, they observed that the existential perception of authenticity
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 4 of 16
has a direct positive impact on loyalty behavior. This is because existential tourists seek
a more natural and self-absorbed personal experience, aiming to fulfil personal values or
goals by ‘visiting ancient times’. Consequently, when their tour objectives are not met,
they tend to return to the same place. In contrast, Zhou et al. (2013) discovered that
object-related authenticity perception has a positive influence on tourist loyalty behavior,
while existential authenticity perception does not have a direct positive impact [
]. When
it comes to traditional cultural elements like calligraphy landscapes, Chinese tourists tend
to focus more on the superficial aspects and objective content of these traditions, rather
than placing emphasis on psychological authenticity and deep emotional connections.
This suggests that further research is needed to explore how the perception of authenticity
impacts tourist loyalty.
Tourism authenticity and tourist loyalty have been extensively studied, yielding
numerous findings. However, a thorough examination of the literature reveals certain
limitations in existing research. Firstly, most studies on tourist authenticity concentrate on
safeguarding the authenticity of cultural heritage within the context of tourism develop-
ment, primarily from the perspective of tourism objects. This overlooks the significance of
tourists’ perception of authenticity. Secondly, the impact of tourists’ authenticity perception
on their loyalty, as well as the extent and mechanism of this influence, remain inconclusive
in academic discussions, necessitating further investigation.
3. Research Hypotheses
3.1. Authenticity Perception and Tourist Loyalty
With the rise of the cultural heritage tourism market, scholars have increasingly fo-
cused on the issue of authenticity. Cultural heritage not only represents a physical space
that embodies history but also provides an experiential space for tourists to engage and
connect with the destination. Tourists’ active participation in the process creates a genuine
psychological perception that can influence their satisfaction with the tourism experience
and lead to various intentions of loyalty [
]. The higher the level of authenticity perceived
by tourists during the tour, the more likely they are to develop a lasting attraction to tourism
and form a vivid image of the destination. This, in turn, results in a more satisfying tourism
experience, a greater intention to recommend, and a willingness to revisit [
]. In their
study on Tianjin’s ‘Five Roads’, Chao and Wang (2021) discovered that both the perception
of object authenticity and the perception of existence authenticity directly and positively
impact tourist loyalty [
]. Object authenticity includes both objective authenticity and
constructed authenticity. This study adopts Wang’s (1999) [
] categorization method to
divide the perception of authenticity into object-related perception and existential percep-
tion, where the former encompasses both the objective perception and the constructed
perception of authenticity. We propose the following hypotheses:
H1: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H2: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
3.2. Intermediary Role of Tourist Engagement
The concept of ‘tourist engagement’ is primarily derived from the notion of ‘customer
engagement’ [
]. In the context of cultural tourism, Prentice et al. (2001) observed that
more active tourists often seek a deeper level of interaction with the culture of the destina-
tion they visit [
]. Building upon this, So (2014) developed a five-dimensional scale for
measuring tourism brand engagement based on a literature review [
]. Taheri et al. (2014)
emphasized the need for further research on the concept of tourist engagement, highlight-
ing that it encompasses qualities such as attachment, emotional connection, commitment,
and devotion [
]. Wang et al. (2015) applied the theory of customer engagement to the
tourism industry and suggested that due to the unique nature of cultural heritage tourist
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 5 of 16
destinations, tourists have a greater demand for engagement [
]. Tourist engagement
include the person’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral connections with the destination,
which are established through communication, interaction, or other non-transactional
behaviors, all of which are based on tourism expectations. The concept of tourist engage-
ment includes five first-order concepts: enthusiasm, attention, integration, interaction,
and identification.
Tourist engagement refers to the emotional and behavioral connections that arise
from a traveler’s interaction with a destination and is closely linked to the satisfaction
of the tourist’s travel experience. MacCannell (1973) proposed that modern travelers are
motivated by the desire to seek authenticity in tourist destinations [
]. A better perception
of the cultural authenticity of a destination increases the likelihood of a satisfactory travel
experience. The perception of authenticity not only influences the outcome of the tourism
experience but also serves as an important factor that stimulates, attracts, and encourages
tourists to visit. Additionally, it facilitates positive interaction and communication between
tourists and tourist destinations [
]. In summary, we propose the following hypotheses:
H3: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact on tourist engagement.
H3a: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact on identification.
H3b: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive effect on attention.
H3c: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive effect on enthusiasm.
H3d: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact on interaction.
H3e: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact on integration.
H4: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive impact on tourist engagement.
H4a: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive impact on identification.
H4b: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive effect on attention.
H4c: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive effect on enthusiasm.
H4d: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive impact on interaction.
H4e: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive effect on integration.
According to the logic of service dominance, Fan and Chai (2017) proposed that
customer engagement mediates the influence of customer engagement on regular brand
loyalty in online brand communities [
]. Zhang and Chen (2017) discovered that tourists
who trust and are satisfied with a travel brand are more likely to exhibit positive behavioral
intentions towards the brand [
]. Additionally, tourists who develop a commitment to the
travel brand are also more likely to take action. Lin and Yu (2019) analyzed the relationship
among online flow experience, brand engagement, and brand loyalty in the context of
online shopping VR [
]. They concluded that there is a direct positive relationship between
brand engagement and brand loyalty. In summary, we propose the following hypotheses:
H5: Tourist engagement has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H5a: Identification has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5b: Attention has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 6 of 16
H5c: Enthusiasm has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5d: Interaction has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H5e: Integration has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
Based on the analysis above, it can be speculated that tourists’ perception of the
authenticity of tourist destinations may influence their loyalty behavior. This influence may
be mediated by tourist engagement. When tourists perceive the authenticity of a historical
district, it enhances their appreciation of and interest in its historical and cultural heritage.
Consequently, tourists are more inclined to engage in word-of-mouth recommendations
and revisit the destination. Based on this, the following hypotheses are proposed:
H6: Tourist engagement plays an intermediary role in the relationship between object-related
authenticity perception and tourist loyalty.
H7: Tourist engagement plays an intermediary role in the relationship between existential authen-
ticity and tourist loyalty.
In summary, the conceptual model of this study is shown in Figure 1below.
Sustainability 2024, 16, 2799 6 of 17
H5: Tourist engagement has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H5a: Identification has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5b: Attention has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5c: Enthusiasm has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5d: Interaction has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H5e: Integration has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
Based on the analysis above, it can be speculated that tourists perception of the au-
thenticity of tourist destinations may influence their loyalty behavior. This influence may
be mediated by tourist engagement. When tourists perceive the authenticity of a historical
district, it enhances their appreciation of and interest in its historical and cultural heritage.
Consequently, tourists are more inclined to engage in word-of-mouth recommendations
and revisit the destination. Based on this, the following hypotheses are proposed:
H6: Tourist engagement plays an intermediary role in the relationship between object-related au-
thenticity perception and tourist loyalty.
H7: Tourist engagement plays an intermediary role in the relationship between existential authen-
ticity and tourist loyalty.
In summary, the conceptual model of this study is shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Conceptual model diagram.
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Case Site Profile
This paper examines West Street (WS) in Dujiangyan city as a case study. West Street
is located in the buffer zone of the world heritage Dujiangyan water conservancy project
in Sichuan province, China. The block consists of more than 120 traditional wooden build-
ings. These buildings serve as a true representation of the typical urban life in traditional
Chengdu. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, West Street was a famous commercial
block with mud, wood, carving, alteration, stone, and iron and also scattered with some
inns and restaurants for passengers to rest. After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, West
Figure 1. Conceptual model diagram.
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Case Site Profile
This paper examines West Street (WS) in Dujiangyan city as a case study. West Street
is located in the buffer zone of the world heritage Dujiangyan water conservancy project
in Sichuan province, China. The block consists of more than 120 traditional wooden
buildings. These buildings serve as a true representation of the typical urban life in
traditional Chengdu. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, West Street was a famous
commercial block with mud, wood, carving, alteration, stone, and iron and also scattered
with some inns and restaurants for passengers to rest. After the Wenchuan earthquake
in 2008, West Street has been refreshed and built into an eye-catching street of characteristic
style bars, which has boosted the development of the local economy and has become a
must visit scenic spot for tourists to Dujiangyan city. Figure 2shows landscape photos of
West Street.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 7 of 16
Sustainability 2024, 16, 2799 7 of 17
Street has been refreshed and built into an eye-catching street of characteristic style bars,
which has boosted the development of the local economy and has become a must visit
scenic spot for tourists to Dujiangyan city. Figure 2 shows landscape photos of West Street.
Figure 2. Traditional wooden structures buildings and handicraft shops in West Street.
4.2. Variable Measurement
The questionnaire consists of four modules: object-related authenticity, existence au-
thenticity, tourist loyalty, and demographic variables. The measurement of object authen-
ticity and existence authenticity is based on the methods proposed by Kolar et al. (2010)
and Zhou et al. (2013) [19,31], respectively. Four questions are used to measure object-
related authenticity and six to measure existential authenticity. The measurement scale
for tourist engagement is based on the scales developed by So et al. (2014) [37] and Wang
et al. (2015) [39] and includes five dimensions: identification (IF), attention (AT), enthusi-
asm (ES), interaction (IA), and integration (IG). Tourist loyalty is measured using the
methods proposed by Bai et al. (2010) [44] and Day et al. (1969) [45], with three questions.
A Likert 5-point scale, where 1 represents strongly disagree and 5 represents strongly
agree, is used for all modules except for demographic variables.
In this study focusing on Chinese tourists, the English scale was finalized after a pro-
cess of translation and back-translation to ensure accuracy. Initially, the original scale was
translated into English and adjusted to fit the characteristics of the historical block and the
studys objectives. Subsequently, two associate professors specializing in tourism man-
agement reviewed and revised the scale to improve clarity and remove overly rigid ex-
pressions. Lastly, another associate professor in tourism management translated the re-
vised Chinese scale back into English for comparison with the original, ensuring con-
sistency. Any discrepancies were discussed until a consensus was reached. The specific
measurement items can be found in Table 1.
Table 1. Results of the normal distribution test.
Constructs and Items
Object-related authenticity (OA)
The overall architecture and impression of the building inspired me (OA1)
I appreciated how the site harmonizes with the appealing landscape and history
Interesting knowledge and information about WS (OA3)
I like the activities here (OA4)
Existential authenticity (EA)
This tour gave me an insight into the history of WS (EA1)
During the tour, I felt a connection to the relevant history and legends (EA2)
Figure 2. Traditional wooden structures buildings and handicraft shops in West Street.
4.2. Variable Measurement
The questionnaire consists of four modules: object-related authenticity, existence
authenticity, tourist loyalty, and demographic variables. The measurement of object authen-
ticity and existence authenticity is based on the methods proposed by
Kolar et al. (2010)
and Zhou et al. (2013) [
], respectively. Four questions are used to measure object-
related authenticity and six to measure existential authenticity. The measurement scale
for tourist engagement is based on the scales developed by So et al. (2014) [
] and
Wang et al. (2015) [
] and includes five dimensions: identification (IF), attention (AT),
enthusiasm (ES), interaction (IA), and integration (IG). Tourist loyalty is measured using the
methods proposed by Bai et al. (2010) [
] and Day et al. (1969) [
], with three questions.
A Likert 5-point scale, where 1 represents strongly disagree and 5 represents strongly agree,
is used for all modules except for demographic variables.
In this study focusing on Chinese tourists, the English scale was finalized after a
process of translation and back-translation to ensure accuracy. Initially, the original scale
was translated into English and adjusted to fit the characteristics of the historical block
and the study’s objectives. Subsequently, two associate professors specializing in tourism
management reviewed and revised the scale to improve clarity and remove overly rigid
expressions. Lastly, another associate professor in tourism management translated the
revised Chinese scale back into English for comparison with the original, ensuring con-
sistency. Any discrepancies were discussed until a consensus was reached. The specific
measurement items can be found in Table 1.
Table 1. Results of the normal distribution test.
Constructs and Items Mean
Object-related authenticity (OA)
The overall architecture and impression of the building inspired me (OA1) 4.143 0.52 0.418
I appreciated how the site harmonizes with the appealing landscape and history (OA2) 4.094 0.532 0.203
Interesting knowledge and information about WS (OA3) 4.017 0.583 0.062
I like the activities here (OA4) 3.648 0.141 0.117
Existential authenticity (EA)
This tour gave me an insight into the history of WS (EA1) 3.878 0.463 0.323
During the tour, I felt a connection to the relevant history and legends (EA2) 3.819 0.656 0.069
I love this unique spiritual experience on WS (EA3) 3.819 0.544 0.253
I like the peaceful atmosphere of WS (EA4) 3.833 0.576 0.455
Identification (IF)
I’m proud of visiting WS (IF1) 3.787 0.507 0.005
I’m very concerned about how others perceive WS (IF2) 3.293 0.108 0.681
I’d feel embarrassed by negative information about WS (IF3) 3.244 0.222 0.62
I feel happy when people praise WS (IF4) 3.909 0.599 0.204
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 8 of 16
Table 1. Cont.
Constructs and Items Mean
Attention (AT)
I want to know more about WS (AT1) 3.854 0.452 0.234
I continue to track and follow the updates on WS (AT2) 3.585 0.112 0.593
Information related to WS will get my attention (AT3) 3.798 0.515 0.278
Post-tour, I desired a deeper understanding of it (AT4) 3.812 0.55 0.326
Enthusiasm (ES)
I love traveling to WS (ES1) 3.99 0.488 0.758
My passion for WS could last a long time (ES2) 3.693 0.259 0.289
I’m glad I got to travel to WS (ES3) 3.822 0.443 0.031
Keeping up with WS has become a part of my life (ES4) 3.087 0.103 0.191
Interaction (IA)
I find it intriguing when others visit WS (IA1) 3.819 0.8 1.308
I just love talking to other people about WS (IA2) 3.62 0.4 0.121
I appreciate sharing my insights on WS (IA3) 3.648 0.476 0.144
I frequently engage with West Street-related content online (IA4) 2.993 0.163 0.699
Integration (IG)
When interacting with WS, I become fully immersed and oblivious (IG1) 3.303 0.211 0.01
I’m constantly reminded of WS in my life (IG2) 3.237 0.24 0.174
I will readily contribute to West Street’s needs without hesitation (IG3) 3.596 0.367 0.211
Tourist loyalty (TL)
I would favor WS if given similar opportunities (TL1) 3.672 0.726 0.866
I will recommend my experience to a friend (TL2) 4.111 0.827 1.41
I would like to recommend this tourist attraction to online users (TL3) 3.889 0.665 0.487
4.3. Data Collection and Sample Structure
This study focused on tourists who engaged in tourism activities on West Street,
Dujiangyan city. The research methodology involved conducting a questionnaire sur-
vey using on-site distribution questionnaires and on-site recycling questionnaires. The
questionnaires were distributed through simple random sampling. Between 28 June
6 July 2023,
the research group visited West Street to distribute the questionnaires. Be-
fore distributing the questionnaires, the visitors were verbally asked if they had completed
the tour of West Street. To encourage questionnaire completion and visitor participation,
a small gift was provided to each participant who carefully filled out the questionnaire.
A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed by the research group, and 287 valid ques-
tionnaires were collected, resulting in an effective recovery rate of 82%.
The demographic characteristics of the surveyed samples are as follows: Approxi-
mately 31% of the respondents were male, while 69% were female, which is a significant
proportion worth of notice. Furthermore, individuals over the age of 40 accounted for 26%
of the sample, suggesting that the majority of respondents were young and middle-aged
individuals. At the time of this survey, the COVID-19 control measures had recently been
lifted, and there were no foreign tourists present. All the respondents were domestic
tourists. Nearly 40% of respondents had a bachelor’s degree or higher, with more than 30%
earning CNY 5000 per month.
4.4. Methods of Data Analysis
In this paper, SPSS 26.0 software was used to analyze the reliability of the scale, and
AMOS 26.0 software was used to conduct a validation factor analysis to examine the issue
of scale validity. For hypothesis testing, this study utilized SPSS 26.0 software to conduct
correlation analysis, layer-by-layer regression analysis, and bootstrapping.
5. Results
5.1. Reliability and Validity Test
Reliability refers to the ability of the measurement results to withstand repeated testing,
meaning whether the measurement tool can consistently measure the desired data. In this
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 9 of 16
study, the reliability of the scale was analyzed by using SPSS 26.0 software. The results,
presented in Table 2, indicate that the Cronbach’s
coefficient for each component was
above 0.7, indicating high internal consistency and reliability of the scale. Additionally, the
absolute values of skewness and kurtosis for all items were mostly within the range of 0–1,
suggesting that they approximately followed a normal distribution. Specific data can be
found in Table 1.
Table 2. Test results for reliability and aggregate validity.
Factor Load AVE CR Cronbach’s
Object-related authenticity (OA)
0.557 0.834 0.831
Existential authenticity (EA)
EA1 0.736
0.538 0.823 0.850
EA2 0.733
EA3 0.700
EA4 0.763
Identification (IF)
IF1 0.730
0.473 0.781 0.790
IF2 0.706
IF3 0.599
IF4 0.707
Attention (AT)
AT1 0.802
0.632 0.873 0.872
AT2 0.839
AT3 0.738
AT4 0.798
Enthusiasm (ES)
ES1 0.730
0.535 0.821 0.814
ES2 0.800
ES3 0.693
ES4 0.697
Interaction (IA)
IA1 0.732
0.534 0.820 0.816
IA2 0.793
IA3 0.745
IA4 0.645
Integration (IG)
IG1 0.784
0.526 0.767 0.786
IG2 0.759
IG3 0.622
Tourist loyalty (TL)
TL1 0.782
0.515 0.761 0.746
TL2 0.672
TL3 0.695
Validity is primarily assessed through aggregate validity and discriminant validity.
The general criteria for aggregate validity include standardized load factors above 0.5 for all
question factors and an average variance extracted (AVE) greater than 0.5. However, some
scholars found that an AVE between 0.36 and 0.5 is also acceptable [
]. In this study, the
sample data presented in Table 2demonstrate that except for the agreed variable with an
AVE value of 0.473, the AVE of the remaining variables was higher than 0.5. Additionally,
the composite reliability (CR) for each dimension ranged from 0.761 to 0.873 (>0.7), and
all questions had normalized factor load coefficients greater than 0.5, indicating strong
aggregate validity of the scale.
The validity of a test can be determined by examining the correlation coefficient
between the variables. According to Wu (2010), the correlation coefficient between any
two variables should be less than the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE) of
each variable [
]. Table 2provides an overview of the AVE values for each variable. It is
observed that the AVE square root value of individual variables is less than or equal to the
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 10 of 16
correlation coefficient between variables, as shown in Table 3. However, the remaining AVE
values in the horizontal and vertical directions are greater than the correlation coefficient
between variables. This suggests that the scale demonstrates a clear discrimination validity.
Table 3. Results of discriminative validity analysis.
OA 0.557
EA 0.774 0.538
IF 0.593 0.650 0.473
AT 0.589 0.589 0.667 0.632
ES 0.636 0.676 0.659 0.739 0.535
IA 0.567 0.619 0.614 0.674 0.744 0.534
IG 0.530 0.592 0.627 0.610 0.684 0.731 0.526
TL 0.622 0.608 0.542 0.698 0.707 0.691 0.641 0.515
Square root of AVE
0.746 0.733 0.687 0.795 0.731 0.731 0.725 0.718
Note: The diagonal data are the AVE values of the dimensions. OA = object-related authenticity; EA = exis-
tential authenticity; IF = identification; AT = attention; ES = enthusiasm; IA = interaction; IG = integration;
TL = tourist loyalty.
5.2. Hypothesis Testing
To investigate the relationship among perception of authenticity, tourist engagement,
and tourist loyalty, this study utilized statistical analysis techniques such as
SPSS 26 software,
correlation analysis, regression analysis, and the bootstrapping method. The study exam-
ined the relationships among the dimensions of authenticity perception, those of tourist
engagement, and the variables of tourist loyalty. The results of the correlation analysis
revealed a significant positive correlation (p< 0.01) among authenticity perception, tourist
engagement, and tourist loyalty.
5.2.1. Main Effect Test
To examine the relationship between authenticity perception and tourist engagement,
we constructed an inspection model by using two dimensions of authenticity perception
and five dimensions of identification, attention, enthusiasm, interaction, and integration.
Control variables such as gender, age, education level, and income were also included.
The dependent variables in this model were tourist engagement and loyalty. The results
are shown in Tables 4and 5.
Table 4. Hierarchical regression statistical results (based on tourism engagement).
Variable Model
Authenticity R2R2F
M1 0.574 *** 0.412 0.32 32.663
M2 0.641 *** 0.412 0.32 32.663
Attention M3 0.580 *** 0.388 0.326 29.584
M4 0.59 *** 0.387 0.325 29.476
M5 0.63 *** 0.433 0.385 35.688
M6 0.683 *** 0.483 0.435 43.68
Interaction M7 0.563 *** 0.35 0.307 25.178
M8 0.627 *** 0.41 0.367 32.395
Integration M9 0.53 *** 0.302 0.272 20.216
M10 0.604 *** 0.37 0.34 27.43
Note: *** means p< 0.001.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 11 of 16
Table 5. Hierarchical regression statistical results (based on tourist loyalty).
M11 0.605 *** 0.439 0.354 36.552
M12 0.602 *** 0.423 0.338 34.186
M13 0.544 *** 0.354 0.269 25.532
M14 0.69 *** 0.531 0.446 52.794
M15 0.694 *** 0.543 0.458 55.361
M16 0.676 *** 0.522 0.437 51.004
M17 0.623 *** 0.146 0.376 39.925
M18 0.451 *** 0.268 *** 0.481 0.042 36.992
M19 0.438 *** 0.255 *** 0.457 0.034 33.548
M20 0.314 *** 0.501 *** 0.593 0.154 58.109
M21 0.298 *** 0.514 *** 0.585 0.162 56.196
M22 0.281 *** 0.513 *** 0.588 0.149 56.954
M23 0.236 *** 0.535 *** 0.571 0.148 53.02
M24 0.33 *** 0.488 *** 0.594 0.155 58.269
M25 0.289 *** 0.5 *** 0.57 0.147 52.866
M26 0.382 *** 0.421 *** 0.563 0.123 51.28
M27 0.348 *** 0.421 *** 0.534 0.112 45.735
Note: OA = object-related authenticity; EA = existential authenticity; IF = identification; AT = attention;
ES = enthusiasm; IA = interaction; IG = integration. *** means p< 0.001.
This study found that after controlling for demographic variables such as gender, age,
educational background, permanent residence, and monthly income, both object-related
authenticity perception (M11;
= 0.605, p< 0.001) and existential authenticity perception
= 0.602, p< 0.001) had significant positive effects on tourist loyalty behavior,
thereby supporting H1 and H2. Additionally, this study found that identification (M13;
= 0.544, p< 0.001), attention (M14;
= 0.690, p< 0.001), enthusiasm (M15;
= 0.694,
p< 0.001), interaction (M16;
= 0.676, p< 0.001), and integration (M17;
= 0.623,
p< 0.001) also had significant positive effects on tourist loyalty, supporting H5a, H5b, H5c,
H5d, and H5e. Furthermore, object-related authenticity perception was found to have a sig-
nificant positive effect on identification (M1;
= 0.574, p< 0.001), attention (M3;
= 0.580,
p< 0.001), enthusiasm (M5;
= 0.630, p< 0.001), interaction (M7;
= 0.563, p< 0.001),
and integration (M9;
= 0.530, p< 0.001), thus supporting H3a, H3b, H3c, H3d, and H3e.
The perception of existential authenticity had a significant positive effect on identification
= 0.641, p< 0.001), attention (M4;
= 0.59, p< 0.001), enthusiasm (M6;
= 0.683,
p< 0.001), interaction (M8;
= 0.627, p< 0.001), and integration (M10;
= 0.604, p< 0.001),
supporting H4a, H4b, H4c, H4d, and H4e.
5.2.2. Mediation Effect Test
Bootstrapping was used to analyze the intermediate effect of tourist engagement.
Model 4 was selected, with object-related authenticity and existential authenticity as in-
dependent variables and tourist loyalty as the dependent variable. The mediating effect
of tourist engagement was tested through 5000 repeated samples at a 95% confidence
interval. The results, presented in Table 6, indicate that the 95% confidence intervals for the
two paths of tourist engagement in object-related authenticity/existential authenticity and
tourist loyalty are [0.324, 0.521] and [0.339, 0.552], respectively. Both intervals exclude 0,
suggesting a strong mediating effect at both stages. Therefore, tourist engagement partially
mediates the relationship between object-related authenticity/existential authenticity and
tourist loyalty, supporting hypotheses H6 and H7. Tourists who perceive high authenticity
believe that they can spiritually engage with the tourist destination through the experience
of historical districts. This strong connection between individuals and destinations can
motivate tourists to consider revisiting or recommending the place. Conversely, a lack of
engagement during a tourism experience can discourage loyalty among tourists.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 12 of 16
Table 6. Analysis results of mediating effect.
Model Pathway Variable
Confidence Interval Effect
engagement 0.422 0.050 0.324 0.521 66.36%
0.041 0.154 0.008 10.80%
Attention 0.172 0.043 0.091 0.261 27.06%
Enthusiasm 0.118 0.045 0.033 0.211 18.53%
Interaction 0.116 0.038 0.044 0.193 18.24%
Integration 0.085 0.031 0.025 0.148 13.33%
Direct effect 0.214 0.052 0.110 0.314 33.64%
Total effect 0.635 0.060 0.527 0.764
engagement 0.444 0.054 0.339 0.552 75.29%
0.041 0.152 0.010 11.69%
Attention 0.178 0.044 0.097 0.269 30.14%
Enthusiasm 0.128 0.047 0.039 0.223 21.76%
Interaction 0.120 0.040 0.043 0.203 20.33%
Integration 0.087 0.033 0.022 0.151 14.75%
Direct effect 0.146 0.051 0.045 0.244 24.71%
Total effect 0.589 0.055 0.479 0.692
Note: OA = object-related authenticity; EA = existential authenticity; TE = tourist engagement; TL = tourist loyalty.
Arrows indicate the impact of the former on the latter.
5.2.3. Summary of Hypothesis Testing Results
In this section, the relationships among authenticity perception, tourist engagement
and tourist loyalty are derived through a layer-by-layer regression analysis with mediated
effects analysis, and the hypothesized results are summarized in Table 7below.
Table 7. Summary of hypothetical results.
Hypothesis Result
H1: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact on
tourist loyalty.
H2: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H3a: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact
on identification.
H3b: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive effect on attention.
H3c: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive effect on enthusiasm. Supported
H3d: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact
on interaction.
H3e: The perception of object-related authenticity has a positive impact
on integration.
H4a: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive impact on identification. Supported
H4b: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive effect on attention.
H4c: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive effect on enthusiasm.
H4d: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive impact on interaction.
H4e: The perception of existential authenticity has a positive effect on integration.
H5a: Identification has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5b: Attention has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5c: Enthusiasm has a positive effect on tourist loyalty.
H5d: Interaction has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H5e: Integration has a positive impact on tourist loyalty.
H6: Tourist engagement plays an intermediary role in the relationship between
object-related authenticity perception and tourist loyalty.
H7: Tourist engagement plays an intermediary role in the relationship between
existential authenticity and tourist loyalty.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 13 of 16
6. Discussion and Conclusions
6.1. Discussion
For the sustainable development of historical blocks, ensuring the authenticity of
cultural preservation and implementing a controlled level of tourism are essential to achiev-
ing long-term sustainability. In the field of hospitality and tourism, extensive research
has been carried out on tourist loyalty, leading to the development of various theoret-
ical models that incorporate variables such as place attachment [
], involvement [
emotional solidarity [
], and tourism satisfaction [
]. However, these studies have not
fully explored the participation process of tourists and the interaction between tourists
and cultural heritage. This paper aims to broaden the research perspective by examining
tourists’ perception of authenticity in cultural heritage tourism. Additionally, it seeks to
validate MacCannell’s stage authenticity theory from a different perspective. In today’s
fast-paced world, modern tourists are in search of relaxation and a genuine connection
with the local lifestyle. By enhancing their perception of the cultural authenticity of the
tourist destination, tourists can have a more fulfilling travel experience, which may increase
their willingness to recommend and revisit the destination.
This article’s proposed measurement scale demonstrates both reliability and valid-
ity in effectively assessing latent variables. The consistency and convergent effective-
ness of the tools also show acceptable discriminative validity. These results suggest that
tourists’ perception of historical blocks’ authenticity can be accurately measured. Further-
more, the research findings support the hypothetical link between object-related authentic-
ity/existential authenticity and tourist loyalty. The data analysis in this article supports
the impact of authentic perception on tourist loyalty, aligning with the findings obtained
by Kolar and Zabkar [
]. However, this study reveals that the influence of object-related
authenticity and existential authenticity on tourism loyalty is more pronounced. This trend
could be attributed to the rapid urbanization and significant social transformations in China,
where traditional lifestyles and historical neighborhoods are evolving into picturesque
environments that modern tourists find appealing. This shift has led Chinese tourists to
exhibit a greater interest in traditional cultural heritage sites. Additionally, the respondents
in this study, who were all domestic tourists, possessed a deep understanding of the history
and culture of West Street in Dujiangyan City. This familiarity with the authenticity of
West Street fosters stronger tourist engagement.
The concept of engagement in academic research has primarily focused on marketing,
particularly in areas such as ‘customer engagement’ and ‘brand engagement’ [
]. How-
ever, there has been limited research on ‘tourist engagement’. Furthermore, there is a lack
of discussion on the relationship between tourism authenticity and tourist engagement.
This study indicates that engagement acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between
authenticity perception and tourist loyalty, supporting the research perspective of scholars
like Bryce [
]. While Bryce focused on cultural heritage tourists from developed countries
such as Japan, this study suggests that the mediating role of tourist engagement is also
relevant in historical block tourism in developing countries. This underscores the crucial
role of tourist engagement in elucidating tourist loyalty.
6.2. Conclusions
Sustainability is a prevalent theme in global urban development. Despite this, many
developing countries and regions encounter challenges in preserving cultural heritage
and promoting sustainable development during urbanization. This article delves into the
correlation between authenticity and loyalty in historical blocks from the viewpoint of
tourists, offering fresh perspectives on sustainable urban development within a globalized
context. Furthermore, it examines the role of tourist engagement as a mediator in the
relationship between authenticity perception and tourist loyalty. By conducting a case study
on West Street in Dujiangyan city, this paper aims to uncover the underlying mechanism
and limitations of how tourism authenticity affects tourist loyalty behavior. The study
concludes with the following findings.
Sustainability 2024,16, 2799 14 of 16
Both object-related authenticity perception and existential authenticity perception
have a substantial positive influence on tourist loyalty behavior, with comparable degrees
of impact. Historical districts offer an authentic portrayal of a city’s historical and cultural
background, allowing tourists to assess whether the visual landscape and cultural activ-
ities in these areas are artificially constructed or possess genuine historical significance.
The findings further suggest that a greater level of authenticity in historical districts enriches
tourists’ travel experiences, resulting in heightened loyalty.
Tourist engagement plays a crucial role in mediating the relationship between object-
related authenticity and existential authenticity, as well as tourist loyalty. Firstly, within
the context of historical and cultural significance, both the perception of object authenticity
and existential authenticity can influence tourists’ response. The architecture of West
Street exemplifies the historical style of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China,
preserving the authentic charm of old Chengdu. Traveling along the slate road allows
tourists to immerse themselves in the historical background of West Street, generating a
psychological state of recognition, interaction, and enthusiasm towards the rich historical
heritage of the street. Situated near the Dujiangyan water conservancy project, West Street
has been immersed in the sounds of river wind and water for thousands of years. Whether
in the old teahouses tucked away in narrow alleys or on the mats by the river, these places
are always bustling with people enjoying tea and engaging in conversations. This has given
rise to a distinctive leisure culture in the region, which attracts the attention of foreign
tourists eager to immerse themselves in it. Additionally, the compatibility between tourists
and the destinations they visit can foster a sense of loyalty among tourists. As tourists
interact with the local community and become a part of their daily life, they have the
opportunity to relish in delightful experiences. These experiences often leave a lasting
impression on tourists, encouraging them to revisit the destination and recommend it to
others based on their positive encounters.
6.3. Limitations and Future Research
There are some limitations in this study. First, this paper introduces tourist engagement
as a mediating variable, without considering whether there are antecedent variables before
tourist engagement, such as tourist participation, motivation, etc., and the model of tourist
engagement can be further expanded in the future. Second, the research object of this paper
only considers historical blocks and does not involve other types of tourist destinations,
and tourist engagement can be further introduced into research on other types of tourist
destinations in the future.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.L. and K.C.; methodology, J.C.; software, Y.C.; vali-
dation, J.C.; formal analysis, K.C.; investigation, J.C. and Y.C.; resources, J.C.; data curation, Y.C.;
writing—original draft preparation, J.C.; writing—review and editing, K.C. and J.C.; visualization,
Y.C.; supervision, L.L.; project administration, K.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research is supported by Development and Research Center of Sichuan Cuisine,
Sichuan Provincial Social Science Key Research Base (Grant No. CC21G16).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All data used in this article are available.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Full-text available
This study advances understanding of staged authenticity in historical heritage tourism experiences by investigating consumer views on a new tourism attraction that seeks to recreate an authentic European medieval culture experience in an inauthentic setting, Australia. Interviews (N = 30) and a survey (N = 629) reveal that education, entertainment, escapism, and aesthetic experiential values, as well as staged authenticity, has a significant positive relationship to attitudes towards the recreated experience. A cluster analysis identifies a group of consumers who have a strong interest in arts and culture, the period of history exhibited, and some interest in religion and dark tourism is the most likely to consume this type of experience. This study presents a new model to staged authenticity and recreated historical eras as tourism experiences and provides a methodological framework to investigate consumer demand for this important form of tourism.
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Online community marketing has become an important strategy for awareness and advocacy in many different sectors, including the publishing industry. Research has confirmed its value in establishing brand awareness and strengthening brand loyalty among consumers. This study investigates the Epubit community as an example of successful community marketing to question how such tactics can be adopted more widely by publishers. Epubit is a Chinese online community for IT hobbyists and has been very successful in engaging its community since 2016. In this study, we surveyed members from the Epubit community to address several hypotheses regarding the behavioural responses of online communities. We obtained 325 questionnaires and on analysis discovered that interactivity, word‐of‐mouth, and informativity (i.e. information exchange) can influence consumers' brand affinity in the online publishing community. We conclude that publishers should emphasize member interaction, encourage user feedback, and focus on the value of shared knowledge and co‐creativity. Although this research investigates at Chinese community, the findings may have application in other regions.
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This study examines how people value their historic urban landscapes through participatory heritage websites. These websites are online places where citizens actively contribute to the conservation of urban heritage. Taking UNESCO's 2011 Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape as its theoretical starting point, this study understands urban landscapes as (1) dynamic, because they change over time; (2) multilayered, as different generations and communities contribute in diverse ways to the development of urban landscapes; and (3) mediated through digital technologies such as participatory heritage websites. Furthermore, this UNESCO recommendation is used to make a distinction between the kinds of heritage discussed on the websites (attributes) and the significance attached to it (values). Through a qualitative content analysis of 20 participatory heritage websites from various Dutch and English cities, the study examines what is valued by those who contribute in their urban environments. In so doing, the study demonstrates how online media can support a people-oriented form of urban heritage conservation. This analysis reveals that the following five categories of heritage attribute are remembered by citizens: (1) the built environment and public space, (2) the social fabric and identity, (3) culture and leisure, (4) business and industry, and (5) politics and public order. Moreover, it is found that these attributes are valued because of their social relevance (social value), their connection to the biographies of citizens (experiential value), and their contribution to our understanding of the urban past (historical value).
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The main objective of this research is to get a further understanding of the determinants of tourist loyalty in horse race event. More specifically, the effects of event quality, tourist emotion, event value, and tourist satisfaction on tourist loyalty, as well as the interrelationships are explored. Using purposive sampling, 330 domestic tourists who attended the horse races in the Turkmen Sahra Region, Iran were surveyed. In order to analyze the effects, structural equation modeling (SEM) is used. The results demonstrate that event quality influences tourist emotion and loyalty. Tourist emotion determines event value and tourist satisfaction. Event value influences tourist satisfaction and loyalty. And, tourist satisfaction predicts tourist loyalty.
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Many historical urban cultural landscapes are suffering the effect of rapid urban economic development. This paper integrally relates historical sites in dispersed and point-shape distributions in cities and proposes strategies and methods for constructing urban linear cultural landscapes. As such, our work aims to form urban cultural landscape communities with an organic and linear distribution. The urban linear cultural landscape is not only an important means for integrally protecting and utilizing historical sites in historical cities but is also a special type of urban cultural landscape. The urban linear cultural landscape's extensive application can enrich the theory of cultural landscape and protection methods of urban cultural heritage.
This study examines the causal relationship between different dimensions of perceived authenticity and pilgrimage image in the Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage. A questionnaire was developed based on a literature review of six latent variables: objective authenticity, existential authenticity, constructive authenticity, cognitive image, affective image and conative image. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed at each Mazu palanquin resting temple during the pilgrimage period (8–17 April 2022). Overall, 565 valid responses were collected. The findings indicate that objective authenticity can significantly influence constructive and existential authenticity, and cognitive image can significantly influence affective image, which, affects conative image. However, constructive authenticity cannot influence existential authenticity. Moreover, objective authenticity can significantly influence cognitive and affective image, whereas constructive authenticity only influences cognitive image, and existential authenticity can significantly influence cognitive and affective image. Our findings expand knowledge of the theoretical framework based on different theoretical backgrounds and provide several theoretical insights. The managerial and practical implications of this study are also presented.
The purpose of this study is to examine the direct, indirect and moderating role of involvement in the satisfaction, quality and loyalty relationship among local food festival tourists. Several different approaches exist concerning the role of involvement on the satisfaction-loyalty relationship but there is a lack of integration between approaches. This study therefore compared an Indirect effect model with Direct/Indirect effect model and Direct effect model, using 401 data collected at three local food festivals in Korea. Results of analyses found that the Direct/Indirect effect model suggesting involvement influences loyalty directly and indirectly via satisfaction and quality performed best. Another alternative model, with involvement moderating the effect of quality and satisfaction on loyalty, was also tested and supported. Marketing strategies should better convert involvement into effective local food festival tourists’ loyalty considering its direct/indirect and moderating effects.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the structural relationships of authenticities in the cultural heritage tourism context. This paper deconstructs authenticity into objective, constructive, existential, and postmodern types, and proposes a relationship model for them. The results suggest that objective authenticity positively affects constructive authenticity and existential authenticity, constructive authenticity positively affects existential authenticity, and postmodern authenticity negatively moderates the relationships between objective authenticity and constructive authenticity, and between constructive authenticity and existential authenticity. The main conclusion is that each type of authenticity has limited explanatory power, and a combined application of the different types of authenticity is more conducive to the sustainable development of cultural heritage tourism. The key focus of this study is how to maintain a balance between the types of authenticity. Practical development, management and marketing implications are discussed.
It is nearly impossible to consider a destination without also acknowledging its people and the relationships visitors have with such residents. Extant research on emotional solidarity has treated visitors as a homogenous group, failing to identify differences in the way people develop solidarity and perceive a destination. This study addresses this gap by clustering tourists based on their emotional solidarity with residents; and identifying whether tourist subgroups share different perceptions of the destination and levels of loyalty. Analysis was based on a sample of 400 Serbian visitors who had visited Greece. Three groups were identified with different levels of emotional solidarity, termed Appreciators, Lovers, and Emotionally Distants. All groups exhibited dissimilar cognitive and affective images and diverse levels of loyalty.