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FrankenSplit: Efficient Neural Feature Compression With Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection for Mobile Edge Computing



The rise of mobile AI accelerators allows latency-sensitive applications to execute lightweight Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on the client side. However, critical applications require powerful models that edge devices cannot host and must therefore offload requests, where the high-dimensional data will compete for limited bandwidth. Split Computing (SC) alleviates resource inefficiency by partitioning DNN layers across devices, but current methods are overly specific and only marginally reduce bandwidth consumption. This work proposes shifting away from focusing on executing shallow layers of partitioned DNNs. Instead, it advocates concentrating the local resources on variational compression optimized for machine interpretability. We introduce a novel framework for resource-conscious compression models and extensively evaluate our method in an environment reflecting the asymmetric resource distribution between edge devices and servers. Our method achieves 60% lower bitrate than a state-of-the-art SC method without decreasing accuracy and is up to 16x faster than offloading with existing codec standards.
FrankenSplit: Efficient Neural Feature
Compression with Shallow Variational
Bottleneck Injection for Mobile Edge Computing
Alireza Furtuanpey , Philipp Raith , Schahram Dustdar , Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—The rise of mobile AI accelerators allows latency-sensitive applications to execute lightweight Deep Neural Networks
(DNNs) on the client side. However, critical applications require powerful models that edge devices cannot host and must therefore
offload requests, where the high-dimensional data will compete for limited bandwidth. Split Computing (SC) alleviates resource
inefficiency by partitioning DNN layers across devices, but current methods are overly specific and only marginally reduce bandwidth
consumption. This work proposes shifting away from focusing on executing shallow layers of partitioned DNNs. Instead, it advocates
concentrating the local resources on variational compression optimized for machine interpretability. We introduce a novel framework for
resource-conscious compression models and extensively evaluate our method in an environment reflecting the asymmetric resource
distribution between edge devices and servers. Our method achieves 60% lower bitrate than a state-of-the-art SC method without
decreasing accuracy and is up to 16x faster than offloading with existing codec standards.
Index Terms—Split Computing, Distributed Inference, Edge Computing, Edge Intelligence, Learned Image Compression, Data
Compression, Neural Data Compression, Feature Compression, Knowledge Distillation
DEEP Learning (DL) has demonstrated that it can solve
real-world problems in challenging areas ranging from
Computer Vision (CV) [1] to Natural language Process-
ing (NLP) [2]. Complementary with the advancements in
mobile edge computing (MEC) [3] and energy-efficient
AI accelerators, visions of intelligent city-scale platforms
for critical applications, such as mobile augmented real-
ity (MAR) [4], disaster warning [5], or facilities manage-
ment [6], seem progressively feasible. Nevertheless, the
accelerating pervasiveness of mobile clients gave unprece-
dented growth in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communi-
cation [7], leading to an insurmountable amount of net-
work traffic. A root cause is the intrinsic limitation of
mobile devices that allows them to realistically host a single
lightweight Deep Neural Network (DNN) in memory at a
time. Local resources cannot meet the demanding require-
ments of applications that rely on multiple highly accurate
DNNs [8], [9]. Hence, clients must frequently offload infer-
ence requests [10].
The downside to offloading is that by constantly stream-
ing high-dimensional visual data, the limited bandwidth
will inevitably lead to network congestion, resulting in
erratic response delays, and it leaves valuable client-side
resources idle.
Split Computing (SC) emerged as an alternative to al-
leviate inefficient resource utilization and to facilitate low-
latency and performance-critical mobile inference. The basic
idea is to partition a DNN to process the shallow layers with
the client and send a processed representation to the remain-
ing deeper layers deployed on a server. The SC paradigm
can potentially draw resources from the entire edge-cloud
compute continuum. However, current SC methods are
only conditionally applicable (e.g., in highly bandwidth-
constrained networks) or tailored toward specific neural
network architectures. Methods that claim to generalize
towards a broader range of architectures do not consider
that mobile clients can typically only load a single model
into memory. Consequently, SC methods are impractical for
applications with complex requirements relying on infer-
ence from multiple models concurrently (e.g., MAR). Mobile
clients reloading weights from its storage into memory
and sending multiple intermediate representations for each
pruned model would incur more overhead than directly
transmitting image data with fast lossless codecs. Moreover,
due to the conditional applicability of SC, practical meth-
ods rely on a decision mechanism that periodically probes
external conditions (e.g., available bandwidth), resulting in
further deployment and runtime complexity [11].
This work shows that we can address the increasing need
to reduce bandwidth consumption while simultaneously
generalizing the objective of SC methods to provide mobile
clients access to low-latency inference from remote off-the-
shelf discriminative models even in constrained networks.
We draw from recent advancements in lossy learned
image compression (LIC) and the Information Bottleneck
(IB) principle [12]. Despite outperforming handcrafted
codecs [13], such as PNG, or WebP [14], LIC is unsuitable
for real-time inference in MEC since they consist of large
models and other complex mechanisms that are demand-
ing even for server-grade hardware. Further, research in
compression primarily focuses on reconstruction for human
perception containing information superfluous for M2M
communication. In comparison, the deep variational infor-
mation bottleneck (DVIB) provides an objective for learned
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
feature compression with DNNs, prioritizing information
valuable for machine interpretability.
With DVIB, we can conceive generalizable methods
that are applicable to off-the-shelf architectures. However,
current DVIB approaches typically place the bottleneck at
the penultimate layer. Thus, they are unsuitable for most
common settings that assume an asymmetric resource allo-
cation between the client and the server. In other words, the
objectives of DVIB and MEC contradict each other, i.e., for
the latter, we require shifting the bottleneck’s location to the
shallow layers.
We accommodate the restrictions of mobile clients by in-
troducing a method that moves the bottleneck to the shallow
layers and retains generalizability to arbitrary architectures.
While shifting the bottleneck does not formally change
the objective, we will demonstrate that existing methods
for mutual information estimation lead to unsatisfactory
To this end, we introduce FrankenSplit: A novel training
and design heuristic for variational feature compression
models embeddable in arbitrary DNN architectures with
pre-trained weights for high-level vision tasks. FrankenSplit
is refreshingly simple to implement and deploy without
additional decision mechanisms that rely on runtime com-
ponents for probing external conditions. Additionally, by
deploying a single lightweight encoder, the client can access
state-of-the-art accuracy from multiple large server-grade
models without reloading weights from memory for each
task. Lastly, the approach does not require modifying dis-
criminative models (e.g., by finetuning weights). Therefore,
we can directly utilize foundational off-the-shelf models and
seamlessly integrate FrankenSplit into existing systems.
We open-source our repository 1as an addition to the
community for researchers to reproduce and extend our
experiments. In summary, our contributions are:
Thoroughly exploring how shallow and deep bottle-
neck injection differ for feature compression.
Introducing a novel saliency-guided training method
to overcome the challenges of training a lightweight
encoder with limited capacity to compress features
usable for several downstream tasks.
Introducing a generalizable design heuristic for em-
bedding a variational feature compression model into
arbitrary DNN architectures.
Section 2 discusses relevant work on SC and LIC. Sec-
tion 3 discusses the limitations of SC methods and moti-
vates neural feature compression. Section 4 describes the
problem domain. Section 5 progressively introduces the
solution approach. Section 6 extensively justifies relevant
performance indicators and evaluates several implementa-
tions of FrankenSplit against various baselines to assess our
method’s efficacy. Lastly, Section 7 summarizes this work
and highlights limitations to motivate follow-up work.
2.1 Neural Data Compression
2.1.1 Learned Image Compression
The goal of (lossy) image compression is minimizing bitrates
while preserving information critical for human perception.
Transform coding is a basic framework of lossy compres-
sion, which divides the compression task into decorrelation
and quantization [15]. Decorrelation reduces the statistical
dependencies of the pixels, allowing for more effective
entropy coding, while quantization represents the values
as a finite set of integers. The core difference between
handcrafted and learned methods is that the former relies on
linear transformations based on expert knowledge. Contrar-
ily, the latter is data-driven with non-linear transformations
learned by neural networks [16].
e et al. introduced the Factorized Prior (FP) entropy
model and formulated the neural compression problem by
finding a representation with minimal entropy [17]. An
encoder network transforms the original input to a latent
variable, capturing the input’s statistical dependencies. In
follow-up work, Ball´
e et al. [18] and Minnen et al. [19]
extend the FP entropy model by including a hyperprior
as side information for the prior. Minnen et al. [19] intro-
duce the joint hierarchical priors and autoregressive entropy
model (JHAP), which adds a context model to the existing
scale hyperprior latent variable models. Typically, context
models are lightweight, i.e., they add a negligible number
of parameters, but their sequential processing increases the
end-to-end latency by orders of magnitude.
2.1.2 Feature Compression
Singh et al. demonstrate a practical method for the Infor-
mation Bottleneck principle in a compression framework
by introducing the bottleneck in the penultimate layer and
replacing the distortion loss with the cross-entropy for im-
age classification [20]. Dubois et al. generalized the VIB for
multiple downstream tasks and were the first to describe
the feature compression task formally [21]. However, their
encoder-only CLIP compressor has over 87 million parame-
ters. Both Dubois and Singh et al. consider feature compres-
sion for mass storage, i.e., they assume the data is already
present at the target server. In contrast, we consider how
resource-constrained clients must first compress the high-
dimensional visual data before sending it over a network.
Closest to our work is the Entropic Student (ES) pro-
posed by Matsubara et al. [22], [23], as we follow the same
objective of real-time inference with feature compression.
Nevertheless, they simply apply the learning objective and
a scaled-down version of autoencoder from [17], [18]. Con-
trastingly, we carefully examine the problem domain of
resource-conscious feature compression to identify under-
lying issues with current methods, allowing us to conceive
novel solutions with significantly better rate-distortion per-
2.2 Split Computing
We distinguish between two orthogonal approaches to SC.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
2.2.1 Split Runtimes
Split runtime systems are characterized by performing no
or minimal modifications on off-the-shelf DNNs. The ob-
jective is to dynamically determine split points according
to the available resources, network conditions, and intrinsic
model properties. Hence, split runtimes primarily focus on
profilers and adaptive schedulers. Kang et al. performed
extensive compute cost and feature size analysis on the
layer-level characterizations of DNNs and introduced the
first split runtime system [24]. Their study has shown that
split runtimes are only sensible for DNNs with an early
natural bottleneck, i.e., models performing aggressive di-
mensionality reduction within the shallow layers. However,
most modern DNNs increase feature dimensions until the
last layers for better representation. Consequently, follow-
up work focuses on feature tensor manipulation [25]–[27].
We argue against split runtimes since they introduce con-
siderable complexity. Worse, the system must be tuned
toward external conditions, with extensive profiling and
careful calibration. Additionally, runtimes raise overhead
and another point of failure by hosting a network-spanning
system. Notably, even the most sophisticated methods still
rely on a natural bottleneck, evidenced by how state-of-the-
art split runtimes still report results on superseded DNNs
with an early bottleneck [28], [29].
2.2.2 Artificial Bottleneck Injection
By shifting the effort towards modifying and re-training an
existing base model (backbone) to replace the shallow layers
with an artificial bottleneck, bottleneck injection retains the
simplicity of offloading. Eshratifar et al. replace the shallow
layers of ResNet-50 with a deterministic autoencoder net-
work [30]. A follow-up work by Jiawei Shao and Jun Zhang
further considers noisy communication channels [31]. Mat-
subara et al. [32], and Sbai et al. [33] propose a more general
network agnostic knowledge distillation (KD) method for
embedding autoencoders, where the output of the split
point from the unmodified backbone serves as a teacher.
Lastly, we consider the work in [22] as the state-of-the-art
for bottleneck injection.
Although bottleneck injection is promising, there are two
problems with current methods. They rely on deterministic
autoencoders for a crude approximation to compression or
are intended for a specific class of neural network architec-
This work addresses both limitations of such bottleneck
injection methods.
We assume an asymmetric resource allocation between
the client and the server, i.e., the latter has considerably
higher computational capacity. Additionally, we consider
large models for state-of-the-art performance of non-trivial
discriminative tasks unsuitable for mobile clients. Progress
in energy-efficient ASICs and embedded AI with model
compression with quantization, channel pruning, etc., per-
mit constrained clients to execute lightweight DNNs. Never-
theless, they are bound to reduced predictive strength rela-
tive to their contemporary unconstrained counterparts [34].
This assumption is sensible considering the trend for DNNs
towards pre-trained foundational models with rising com-
putational requirements due to increasing model sizes [35]
and costly operations [36].
Lastly, mobile devices cannot realistically load weights
for multiple models simultaneously [9], and it is unreason-
able to expect that a single compressed model is sufficient
for applications with complex requirements that rely on
various models concurrently or in quick succession.
Conclusively, despite the wide availability of onboard
accelerators, the demand for large models to solve intel-
ligent tasks will further increase, transmitting large vol-
umes of high-dimensional data. The claim is consistent with
CISCO’s report that emphasizes the accelerating bandwidth
consumption by M2M communication [7].
3.1 Limitations of Split Computing
Still, it would be valuable to leverage advancements in
energy-efficient mobile chips beyond applications where
local inference is sufficient. In particular, SC can poten-
tially draw resources from an entire edge-cloud compute
continuum while binary on- or offloading decision mech-
anisms will leave valuable client or server-side resources
idle. Figure 1 illustrates generic on/offloading and split
runtimes. The caveat is that both SC approaches discussed
Local and Remote Inference
load store
Head Models (Shallow Layers)
Mobile Discriminative Models
Discriminative Models
Split Runtimes
Discriminative Models
Client Server Weights
Storage Runtime
AI Accelerator
load store
Fig. 1: Prediction with on/offloading and split runtimes
in Section 2.2 are only conditionally applicable. In particular,
split runtimes reduce server-side computation for inference
tasks with off-the-shelf models by onloading and executing
shallow layers at the client. This approach introduces two
major limitations.
First, when the latency is crucial, this is only sensi-
ble if the time for client-slide execution, transferring the
features, and remotely executing the remaining layers is
less than the time of directly offloading the task. More
recent work [27]–[29] relies on carefully calibrated dynamic
decision mechanisms. A runtime component periodically
measures (e.g., network bandwidth) and internal conditions
(e.g., client load) to measure ideal split points or whether
direct offloading is preferable.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Second, since the shallow layers must match the deeper
layers, split runtimes cannot accommodate applications
with complex requirements, which is a common justification
for MEC (e.g., MAR). Constrained clients would need to
swap weights from the storage in memory each time the
prediction model changes. Worse, the layers must match
even for models predicting the same classes with closely
related architectures.
Hence, it is particularly challenging to integrate split
runtimes into systems that can increase the resource effi-
ciency of servers by adapting to shifting and fluctuating
environments [37], [38]. For example, when a client specifies
a target accuracy and a tolerable lower bound, the system
could select a ResNet-101 that can hit the target accuracy
but may temporarily fall back to a ResNet-50 to ease the
load when necessary.
3.2 Execution Times with Resource Asymmetry
Table 1 summarizes the results of a simple experiment to
demonstrate limitations incurred by resource asymmetry.
The client is an Nvidia Jetson NX2 equipped with an AI
accelerator, and the server hosts an RTX 3090 (see Section 6
for details on hardware configurations). We measure the
execution times of ResNet variants, classifying a single
3×224 ×224 tensor at two split points.
TABLE 1: Execution Times of Split Models
Model Split
[NX2] (ms)
[3090] (ms)
[3090] (ms)
Rel. Exec.
[NX2] (%)
[NX2] (%)
Stem 1.5055 0.1024 4.9687 23.25 0.037
ResNet-50 Stage 1 8.2628 0.9074 4.0224 67.26 0.882
Stem 1.5055 0.1024 9.8735 13.23 0.021
ResNet-101 Stage 1 8.2628 0.9074 8.9846 47.91 0.506
Stem 1.5055 0.1024 14.8862 9.18 0.015
ResNet-152 Stage 1 8.2628 0.9074 13.8687 37.34 0.374
Similar to other widespread architectural families,
ResNets organize their layers into four top-level layers, and
the top-grained ones recursively consist of finer-grained
ones. While the terminology differs for architectures, we will
uniformly refer to top-level layers as stages and the coarse-
grained layers as blocks.
Split point stem assigns the first preliminary block as
the head model. It consists of a convolutional layer with
batch normalization [39] and ReLU activation, followed
by max pooling. Split point Stage 1 additionally assigns
the first stage to the head. Notice how the shallow layers
barely constitute the overall computation, even when the
client takes more time to execute the head than the server
for the entire model. Further, compare the percentage of
total computation time and relate them to the number of
parameters. At best, the client contributes to 0.02% of the
model execution when taking 9% of the total computation
time and may only contribute 0.9% when taking 67% off the
computation time.
Despite a powerful AI accelerator, it is evident that
utilizing client-side resources to aid a server is inefficient.
Consequently, SC methods commonly include some form
of quantization and data size reduction to offset resource
asymmetry. In the following, we conceive a hypothetical
SC method to provide intuition behind the importance of
reducing transfer costs.
3.3 Feature Tensor Dimensionality and Quantization
Typically, most work starts with some statistical analysis
of the output layer dimensions, as illustrated in Figure 2.
Excluding repeating blocks, the feature dimensionality is
identical for ResNet-50, -101, and -152. The red line marks
the cutoff where the size of the intermediate feature tensor
is less than the original input. ResNets (including more
modern variants [40]), among numerous recent architec-
tures [35], [36], do not have an early natural bottleneck
and will only drop below the cutoff from the first block of
the second stage (S3RB1-2). Since executing until S3RB1-2
is only about 0.06% Modern methods reduce the number of
layers a client must execute with feature tensor quantization
and other clever (typically statistical) methods that statically
or dynamically prune channels [11]. For our hypothetical
Layer Name
Output Dimension (CxHxW)
Layer Parameters Distribution
Fig. 2: Output dimensionality distribution for ResNet
method, we use the execution times from Table 1. We
generously assume that the method applies feature tensor
quantization and channel pruning to reduce the expected
data size without a loss in accuracy for the ImageNet classi-
fication task [41] and with no computational costs. Further,
we reward the client for executing deeper layers to reflect
deterministic bottleneck injection methods, such that the
output size of the stem and stage one are 802816 and 428168
bits, respectively. Note that, for stage one, this is roughly
a 92% reduction relative to its original FP32 output size.
Yet, the plots in Figure 3 show that offloading with PNG,
let alone more modern lossless codecs (e.g., WebP), will
beat SC in total request time, except when the data rate is
severely constrained. Evidently, using reasonably powerful
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
ResNet-50 (Split: Stem)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
ResNet-101 (Split: Stem)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
ResNet-152 (Split: Stem)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
ResNet-50 (Split: Stage 1)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
ResNet-101 (Split: Stage1)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
ResNet-152 (Split: Stage1)
SC with Dimensionality Reduction Offloading with PNG
Fig. 3: Inference latency for SC and offloading
AI accelerators to execute the shallow layers of a target
model is not an efficient use of client-side resources.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
3.4 The advantage of learned methods
In a narrow sense, more modern work on SC considers min-
imizing transmitting data with feature tensor quantization
and other clever (typically statistical) methods that statically
or dynamically prune channels.
While dimensionality reduction can be seen as a crude
approximation to compression, it is not equivalent to it [19].
Compression aims to reduce the entropy of the latent under
a prior shared between the sender and the receiver [16].
Dimensionality reduction (especially channel pruning) may
seem effective for simple tasks (e.g., CIFAR-10 [42]). How-
ever, this is more due to the overparameterization of large
DNNs. Precisely, for a simple task, we can prune most
channels or inject a small autoencoder at the shallow layers
that may appear to achieve unprecedented compression
rates relative to the unmodified head’s feature tensor size.
In Section 6.3.9, we will show that methods working reason-
ably well on a simple dataset can ultimately falter on more
challenging datasets.
From an information-theoretic point of view [43], tensor
dimensionality is not an adequate measure (i.e., C×H×W×
Precision) to determine transfer costs. Instead, we should
consider the entropy of the feature tensor [43]. Then, we can
optimize a model to reduce uncertainty and compress an
input according to its information content.
To summarize, the potential of SC is inhibited by primar-
ily focusing on shifting parts of the model execution from
the server to the client. SC’s viability is not determined by
how well they can partially compute a split network but
by how well they can reduce the input size. Therefore, we
pose the following question: Is it more efficient to focus the
local resources exclusively on compressing the data rather than
executing shallow layers of a network that would constitute a
negligible amount of the total computation cost on the server?
Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection
(Pruned) Discriminative Models
Entropy Model
Restoration & Transformation
Shallow Bottleneck
Entropy Model
Client Server Transfer
Transformed (De)coder
Feature Tensor
Tensor ED
Fig. 4: Prediction with Variational Bottleneck Injection
In Figure 4, we sketch predictions with our proposed
approach. There are two underlying distinctions to common
SC methods.
First, the model is not split between the client and
the server. Instead, it deploys a lightweight encoder, and
a decoder replaces the shallow layers of a backbone, i.e.,
the backbone is split within the server. A single decoder
architecture corresponds to backbones with related archi-
tectures. Notably, a decoder restores and transforms the
compressed signals to a backbone that may accommodate
multiple tasks. The encoder is decoupled from a particular
task and the decoder-backbone pair. Section 5.3 elaborates
how separating the concerns permits one encoder instance
to accommodate multiple decoder-backbone pairs.
Second, compared to split runtimes, the decision to
apply the compression model may only depend on internal
conditions. It can decouple the client from any external com-
ponent (e.g., server, router). Ideally, applying the encoder
should always be preferable if a mobile device has the
minimal required resources. Since our method does not alter
the backbones, we do not need to maintain additional mod-
els to accommodate clients who cannot apply the encoder.
Instead, we can simply route the image tensor to the input
layer of the (unmodified) model.
The following describes the limitations of existing work
for constrained devices to conceive a method with the
abovementioned description.
The goal is for constrained clients to request real-time
predictions from a large DNN while maximizing resource
efficiency and minimizing bandwidth consumption with
compression methods. Figure 5 illustrates the possible ap-
proaches when dedicating client resources exclusively for
compression. Strategy a) corresponds to offloading strate-
Edge/Mobile Device
Restoration & Transformation Decoder
Image Decompressor (Learned)
Edge/Cloud Server
Image Decompressor
Image Compressor
Feature Compressor (Learned)
Image Compressor (Learned)
Fig. 5: Utilizing client resources with (learned) codecs
gies with CPU-bound handcrafted codecs. Strategy b) rep-
resents recent LIC models. Learned methods can achieve
considerably lower bitrates with comparable distortion than
commonly used handcrafted codecs [16]. Nevertheless, we
must consider that the overhead of executing large DNNs
may dominate the reduced transfer time. Strategy c) is our
advocated method with an embeddable variational feature
compression that draws from the same underlying Nonlin-
ear Transform Coding (NTC) framework as b). The chal-
lenge is to reduce overhead to make variational compression
models suitable for real-time prediction with limited client
To overcome the limitations of existing methods, we
require (i) a resource-conscious encoder design. The encoder
should minimize the transfer cost without increasing the
predictive loss. Additionally, (ii) the decoder should exploit
the available server-side resources without incurring sig-
nificant overhead. Lastly, (iii) a compression model should
fit for different downstream tasks and architectural families
(e.g., CNNs or Vision Transformers).
Before we can conceive an adequate method, we must
formalize the properties of a suitable objective and elaborate
on the limitations of existing methods when applied to
shallow bottlenecks.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
4.1 Rate-Distortion Theory for Model Prediction
By Shannon’s rate-distortion (r-d) theory [44], we seek a
mapping bound by a distortion constraint from a random
variable (r.v.) Xto an r.v. U, minimizing the bitrate of the
outcomes of X. More formally, given a distortion measure
Dand a distortion constraint Dc, the minimal bitrate is:
I(X;U)s.t. D(X, U )Dc(1)
where I(X;U)is the mutual information and is defined as
I(X;U) = ZZp(x, u) log p(x, u)
p(x)p(u)dxdu (2)
In lossy image compression, Uis typically the reconstruc-
tion of ˜
Xof the original input, and the distortion measure is
some sum of squared errors d(x, ˜x). Since the r-d theory
does not restrict us to image reconstruction [45], we can
apply distortion measures relevant to M2M communication.
Notably, when our objective is to minimize predictive loss
rather than reconstructing the input, we keep information
that may be excessive for model predictions.
To elaborate on the potential of discarding information
for discriminative tasks, consider the Data Processing In-
equality (DPI). For any 3 r.v.s X, Y , Z that form a Markov
chain XYZwhere the following holds:
Then, describe the information flow in an n-layered se-
quential DNN, layer with the information path by viewing
layered neural networks as a Markov chain of successive
representations [46]:
I(X;Y)I(R1;Y)I(R2;Y). . . I(Rn;Y)I(˜
In other words, the final representation before a prediction
Rncannot have more mutual information with the target
than the input Xand typically has less. In particular, for
high-level vision tasks that map a high dimensional input
vector with strong pixel dependencies to a small set of
labels, we can expect I(X;Y)I(˜
Rn, Y ).
4.2 From Deep to Shallow Bottlenecks
When the task is to predict the ground-truth labels Yfrom a
joint distribution PX,Y , the r-d objective is essentially given
by the information bottleneck principle [12]. By relaxing the
(1) with a lagrangian multiplier, the objective is to maximize:
I(Z;Y)βI (Z;X)(5)
Specifically, an encoding Zshould be a minimal sufficient
statistic of Xrespective Y, i.e., we want Zto contain rel-
evant information regarding Ywhile discarding irrelevant
information from X. Practical implementations differ by the
target task and how they approximate (5). For example, an
approximation of I(Z;Y)for an arbitrary classification task
the conditional cross entropy (CE) [13]:
D=H(PY, P ˜
Using (6) for estimating I(Z;Y)to end-to-end optimize a
neural compression model is not a novel idea (Section 2.1.2).
However, a common assumption in such work is that the
latent variable is the final representation Rnof a large back-
bone, which we refer to as Deep Variational Information Bot-
tleneck Injection (DVBI). Conversely, we work with resource-
constrained clients, i.e., to conceive lightweight encoders,
we must shift the bottleneck to the shallow layers, which
we refer to as Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection (SVBI).
Intuitively, the existing methods for DVBI should generalize
to SVBI, e.g., estimate the distortion term with (6) as in [20].
While shifting the bottleneck to the shallow layers re-
sults in an encoder with less capacity, the objective still
approximates to (1). Yet, as we will show in Section 6.3.9,
applying the objective from [20] will result in incomparably
worse results when moving the bottleneck to the shallow
A more promising method to estimate I(Z;Y)is Head
Distillation (HD) [32], [33] since it naturally aligns with shal-
low bottlenecks. As we will show in Section 6.3, HD yields
significantly better results than applying (6). Surprisingly,
despite showing promising results, HD is a suboptimal
estimation for I(Z;X)to approximate eq. (1).
The following elaborates on SVBI and formulates the VIB
objective for HD.
4.3 Head Distilled Deep Variational IB
Ideally, the bottleneck is embeddable in an existing predictor
PTwithout decreasing the performance. Therefore, it is not
the hard labels Ythat define the task but the soft labels
YT. For simplicity, we handle the case for one task and
defer discussion on multiple downstream tasks and DNNs
to Section 5.3.
To perform SVBI, take a copy of PT. Then, mark the
location of the bottleneck by separating the copy into a head
Phand a tail Pt. Importantly, both parts are deterministic,
i.e., for every realization of r.v. Xthere is a representation
Ph(x) = hsuch that PT(x) = Ph(Pt(x)). Lastly, replace the
head with an autoencoder and a parametric entropy model.
The encoder is deployed at the sender, the decoder at the
receiver, and the entropy model is shared. We distinguish
between two optimization strategies to train the bottleneck’s
compression model. First, is direct optimization correspond-
ing to the DVIB objective in (5), except we replace the CE
with the standard KD loss [47] to estimate I(Z;Y). The
second is indirect optimization and describes HD with the
I(Z;H)β I(Z;X)(7)
Unlike the former, the latter does not directly correspond
to (1) for a representation Zthat is a minimal sufficient
statistic of Xrespective YT. Instead, it replaces Ywith a
proxy task for the compression model to replicate the output
of the replaced head, i.e., training methods approximating
(7) optimize for a Zthat is a minimal sufficient statistic of
Xrespective H. Figure 6 illustrates the difference between
estimating the objectives (5) and (7).
With faithful replication of H, the partially modified
DNN has an information path equivalent to its unmodified
version. A sufficient statistic retains the information neces-
sary to replicate the input for a deterministic tail, i.e., the
final prediction does not change. The problem of (7) is that it
is a suboptimal approximation of (1). Although sufficiency
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Embedded Model
Teacher (Head)
Frozen Trainable Optional Trainable
Fig. 6: Left: Head Distillation. Right: Direct Optimization
still holds, it optimizes Zrespective Hand not YTto be
Based on the above formulations, the following proposes
a practical method to train stochastic feature compression
models. Additionally, it addresses the limitations of HD and
includes architectural considerations.
Our solution focuses on two distinct but intertwined as-
pects. First is an appropriate training objective. The second
concerns a practical implementation by introducing an ar-
chitectural design heuristic to accommodate backbones with
various architectures with a single encoder architecture.
5.1 Loss Function for End-to-end Optimization
We follow NTC [16] to implement a neural compression
algorithm. Specifically, we embed a stochastic compression
model that we jointly optimize with an entropy model.
Our objective resembles variational image compression
optimization, as introduced in [17], [18]. For an image vector
x, we have a parametric analysis transform ga(x;ϕg)that
maps xto a latent vector z. Then, a quantizer Qdiscretizes
zto ¯z, such that an entropy coder can use the entropy
model to losslessly compress ¯zto a sequence of bits. In
learned image compression, a parametric synthesis trans-
forms gsz;θg)maps ¯zto a reconstruction of the input ˜x
However, we favor HD over direct optimization as a
distortion measure since the former yields considerably
better results even with a suboptimal loss function (Sec-
tion 6.3.9). Therefore, we require a gsz;θg)that maps ¯zto
an approximation of a representation ˜
h(i.e., the output of
shallow layers of an arbitrary backbone).
Analogous to variational inference, we approximate the
intractable posterior pz|x)with a parametric variational
density qz|x)as follows (excluding constants):
ExpxDKL qp˜
zq[log p(x|˜z)
| {z }
weighted rate
z }| {
log pz) ]
By assuming a Gaussian distribution such that the likeli-
hood of the distortion term is given by
Px|˜z(x|˜z, θg) = N(x|gs( ˜z;θg),1)(9)
we can use the square sum of differences between hand ˜
as our distortion loss.
The rate term describes the cost of compressing ˜z. Anal-
ogous to the LIC methods discussed in Section 2.1, we apply
uniform quantization ¯z=˜z. Since discretization leads to
problems with the gradient flow, we apply a continuous re-
laxation by adding uniform noise ηU(1
2). Combining
the rate and distortion term, we derive the loss function for
estimating objective (7) as:
L=∥Ph(x)-(gs(ga(x;ϕg) + η;θg)2
2+βlog(ga(x;θg) + η)
As described in Section 4.3, by using HD for the distortion
term, we rely on Has a proxy target, i.e., the loss in
Equation (10) is a suboptimal approximation of (1).
The suboptimality stems from treating every pixel in H
equally important. The implication here is that the MSE in
(10) overly strictly penalizes pixels at spatial locations that
contain redundant information that later layers can safely
discard. Contrarily, the loss may not penalize the salient
pixels enough when ˜
his numerically close to h.
Hence, we can improve the loss in (10) by introduc-
ing additional signals that regularize the suboptimal dis-
tortion term. The challenge is finding a tractable method
that emphasizes the salient pixels necessary for multiple
instances of a high-level vision task (e.g., classification of
various datasets and labels). Moreover, the method should
exclusively concern the loss function, i.e., it should not
introduce any additional model components or operations
during inference.
5.2 Saliency Guided Distortion
We consider HD an extreme form of Hint Training (HT) [48],
[49] where the hint becomes the primary objective rather
than an auxiliary regularization term. Sbai et al. perform
deterministic bottleneck injection with HD using the subop-
timal distortion term [33]. Nevertheless, their method only
considers dimensionality reduction without a parametric
entropy model as an approximation to compression, i.e.,
it is generalized by the loss in (1)(β= 0). Matsubara et
al. add further hints from the deeper layers by extending
the distortion term with the sum of squared between the
deeper layers [23], [32]. This approach has several down-
sides besides prolonged train time. The distortion term
may now dominate the rate term, i.e., without exhaustively
tuning the hyperparameters for each distortion term, the
optimization algorithm should favor converging towards
local optima. Moreover, we show Section 6.3.2 that pure HD
can significantly outperform this method using the loss in
Equation (1) without the hints from the deeper layers.
In principle, we could improve the performance by ex-
tracting signals from deeper layers and directly transferring
them to the bottleneck. The caveat is that the effectiveness
of knowledge distillation decreases for teachers when the
student has considerably less capacity than the teacher [48].
Hence, instead of directly introducing hints at the encoder,
we propose regularizing the distortion term with saliency
For each sample, we require a vector S, where each
si S is a weight term for a spatial location salient about
the conditional probability distributions of the remaining
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
tail layers. Then, we should be able to improve the r-d
performance by regularizing the distortion term in (10) with
Ldistortion =γ1· L1+γ2·si·1
Where L1is the distortiont term from Equation (10), and
γ1, γ2are nonnegative real numbers summing to 1. We
default to γ1=γ2=1
2in our experiments. Figure 7
Stage Stage Extracted Saliency Maps
Load Saliency Map
Guided Distortion
Rate Estimation
Head Stage
Fig. 7: Training setup
describes our final training setup. Note that we only require
computing the saliency maps once, and they are architec-
turally agnostic towards the encoder.
We derive the saliency maps using class activation map-
ping (CAM) [50]. Although CAMs are typically used to
improve the explainability of DNNs, they suit our purposes
by allowing us to summarize salient pixel locations. Specif-
ically, we use a variant of Grad-CAM [51] to measure a
spatial location’s importance at any stage. Figure 8 illus-
trates some examples of saliency maps when averaged over
the deeper backbone stages. In this work, we favor Grad-
Fig. 8: Extracted saliency maps using Grad-CAM
CAM over (more intricate) methods due to its architecture-
agnostic nature and computational efficiency. For example,
mixing with guided backpropagation [52] could refine the
resulting saliency maps with finer-grained feature impor-
tance scaling. However, guided backpropagation relies on
specific properties of the activation function and requires
adjustments for each architectural family.
5.3 Network Architecture
The beginning of this section broke down our aim into three
problems. We addressed the first with SVBI and proposed
a novel training method for low-capacity compression
models. A generalizable resource-asymmetry-aware autoen-
coder design remains. Additionally, the encoder should be
reusable for several backbones. To not inflate the signifi-
cance of our contribution, we refrain from including com-
ponents based on existing work in efficient neural network
5.3.1 Model Taxonomy
We introduce a minimal taxonomy described in Figure 9
for our approach. The top-level, Archtype, reflects the pri-
mary inductive bias of the model. Architectural families de-
scribe variants (e.g., ResNets such as ResNet [53], Wide
ResNet [54], ResNeXt [40], etc.). Directly related refers to the
same architecture of different sizes (e.g., Swin-T, Swin-S,
Swin-B, etc.). The challenge is to conceive a design heuristic
CNNs Vision Transformers
Vision Models
ResNets Hierarchical Vision
ResNet-50/101/152 Swin-T/S/B/L
Fig. 9: Simple taxonomy with minimal example
that can exploit the available server resources to aid the
lightweight encoder with minimal overhead on the predic-
tion task. First, we concretize shallow features by describing
how to locate the layers for bottleneck placement. Then, we
derive the heuristic to conceive decoder models for arbitrary
architectural families and how to account for client-server
resource asymmetry.
Lastly, we describe how to share trained compressor
components among directly related architectures.
5.3.2 Bottleneck Location by Stage Depth
Consider how most modern DNNs consist of an initial
embedding followed by a few stages (Described in Sec-
tion 3.1). Within directly related architectures, the individual
components are identical. The difference between variants
is primarily the embed dimensions or the block ratio of
the deepest stage. For example, the block ratio of ResNet-
50 is 3:4:6:3, while the block ratio of ResNet-101 is 3:4:23:3.
Consequently, the stage-wise organization of models defines
a natural interface for SVBI. For the remainder of this work,
we refer to the shallow layers as the layers before the deepest
stage (i.e., the initial embedding and the first two stages).
5.3.3 Decoder Blueprints
A key characteristic distinguishing archetypes is the induc-
tive bias introduced by basic building blocks (e.g., convo-
lutions versus attention layers). To consider the varying
representations among non-related architectures, we should
not disregard architecture-induced bias by directly repur-
posing neural compression models for SC. For example,
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
a scaled-down version of Ball´
e et al.’s [17] convolutional
neural compression model can yield strong r-d performance
for bottlenecks reconstructing a convolutional layer [22].
However, we will show that this does not generalize to other
architectural families, such as hierarchical vision transform-
ers [55].
One potential solution is to use identical components for
the compression model from a target network. While this
may be inconsequential for server-side decoders, it is inade-
quate for encoders due to the heterogeneity of edge devices.
Vendors have varying support for the basic building blocks
of a DNN, and particular operations may be prohibitively
expensive for the client. Hence, in FrankenSplit, the encoder
is fixed, but the decoder is adaptable. Regardless of the
decoder architecture, we account for the heterogeneity with
a uniform encoder architecture composed of three down-
sampling residual blocks of two stacked 3×3convolutions
with ReLU non-linearity, totaling around 140,000 parame-
ters. We handle the varying representations by introducing
decoder blueprints tailored towards an architectural family,
i.e., one blueprint corresponds to all directly related archi-
Fig. 10: Reference implementation of FrankenSplit
Figure 10 illustrates a reference implementation of
FrankenSplit post-training with two blueprints applied to
two variants. Creating blueprints is required only once for
an architectural family. Boxes within the gray areas are
separate instances (i.e., only one encoder), and boxes with
the same name share an architecture. The rounded boxes
outside organize layer views from coarse to fine-grained. We
elaborate on how a single encoder can accommodate multi-
ple decoder-backbone pairs in Section 5.3.4. The numbers in
the parentheses refer to stage depth. Since the backbones are
foundational models extensively trained on large datasets,
we can naturally accommodate several downstream tasks
by attaching separately trained predictors.
Blueprint instances replace a backbone’s first two stages
(i.e., the shallow layers) with two blueprint stages, taking a
compressed representation as input instead of the original
sample. The work by Liang et al. [56] inspires our approach
to treat decoding as a restoration problem. Each stage com-
prises a restoration block and several blueprint (transforma-
tion) blocks, followed by a residual connection. The idea
is to separate restoration (i.e., upsampling, ‘’smoothing“
quantized features) from transformation (i.e., matching the
target representation regardless of encoder architecture).
The restoration block is agnostic regarding the target ar-
chitecture and optionally upsamples. The blueprint blocks
induce the same bias as the target architectural family.
Two distinctions exist between the original blocks and
their corresponding blueprint (transformation). First, the
latter modifies operations not to reduce the latent spatial
dimensions. Second, the embedding layer dimensions and
stage depths may differ to reflect the resource asymmetry
commonly found in MEC.
Although we should consider the resource asymmetry
between the client and the server (i.e., by allocating more
parameters to the decoder), there are limitations. Learning
a function that can accurately retain necessary information
is limited by the encoder’s capacity (Section 4.1). Still, when
end-to-end optimizing the compression model, it can benefit
from increasing the decoder’s capacity for restoration with
diminishing returns.
Intuitively, we implement blueprints that result in de-
coder instances with, at most, the same execution time
as the head of a target backbone. As a reminder, unlike
most work in SC, we advocate keeping the execution time
roughly equal on the server rather than reducing it. The
encoder’s responsibility is not to minimize the server load
by executing shallow backbone layers. FrankenSplit treats
the encoder entirely separate from the backbone. Besides
dedicating the encoder exclusively to reducing transfer size,
this separation of concern is necessary to accommodate
several backbones with a single encoder instance.
5.3.4 Encoder Re-Usability
We argue that the representation of shallow layers general-
izes well enough that it is possible to reuse compressor com-
ponents. Consider the experiment illustrated in Figure 11,
Fig. 11: Routing head outputs to different tails
where we split several backbones into head and tail models.
The backbones are off-the-shelf models from torch image
models (timm) [57] and pre-trained on the ImageNet [41]
dataset. The head models consist of the initial embedding
and shallow layers, i.e., the first two stages. The remaining
layers comprise the substantially larger tails (roughly 25%
of total model parameters).
Then, we freeze the tail parameters and route the head
output to all non-corresponding tails (e.g., ConvNeXt-T to
Swin-T/S/B) and measure the accuracy every few iterations
with a batch size of 128 as we finetune the head parameters
using cross entropy loss. Each head-tail pair is a separate
model built by attaching a copy of the head from one ar-
chitecture to the tail of another. Where dimensions between
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
head and tail pairs do not match, we add a single 1×1
convolutional layer.
Top-1 Acc [%]
Tail: Swin-B
Tail: Swin-S
Tail: Swin-T
Fig. 12: Recovering Top-1 accuracy of rerouted heads
Figure 12 shows how rerouting the input between head
models first (0 iterations) results in near 0% accuracy
across all head-tail pairs. However, the concatenated mod-
els quickly converge near their original accuracy (roughly
80 83%) within just a few iterations (10100 iterations with
128 samples corresponding to one epoch on the ImagNet
dataset). Notice that this holds regardless of whether the
head-tail pairs are directly related to the modified network.
Therefore, if a compressor can sufficiently approximate
the representation of just one head (i.e., the shallow layers of
a network), it should be possible to accommodate arbitrary
tails (i.e., the deeper layers of a network).
Crucially, applying the distortion measure in (10) or (11)
does not result in an inherently different encoder behav-
ior. Like training the compression model with a distortion
measure from LIC, the purpose of the encoder is reducing
uncertainty by decorrelating the data and discarding infor-
mation. The distortion measure only controls what informa-
tion an encoder should prioritize. Regardless of the target
backbone’s architecture, the encoder should decorrelate the
input to reduce uncertainty. Conversely, the decoder seeks a
mapping to the backbone’s representation.
In other words, if we can map the latent to one rep-
resentation, we can map it to any other with comparable
information content. We can freeze the encoder and train
various decoders to support arbitrary architectures once we
train one compression model with a particular teacher as
described in Figure 7. The blueprints facilitate an efficient
transformation from the encoder’s compressed representa-
tion to an input suitable for a particular backbone.
Notice that this method keeps the encoder parameters
frozen, permitting us to deploy a single set of weights across
all clients. Moreover, it does not modify the backbones
at any step. After deployment, splitting is replaced with
rerouting the input to a layer index (Section 5.3.2). Then,
we can serve clients with the same models regardless of
whether they applied the compressor.
6.1 Training & Implementation Details
We optimize our compression models initially on the 1.28
million ImageNet [41] training samples for 15 epochs, as
described in section 5.1 and section 5.2, with some slight
practical modifications for stable training. We aim to mini-
mize bitrate without sacrificing predictive strength. Hence,
we first seek the lowest βresulting in lossless prediction.
We use Adam optimization [58] with a batch size of
16 and start with an initial learning rate of 1·103, then
gradually lower it to 1·106with an exponential scheduler.
To implement our method, we use PyTorch [59], Com-
pressAI [60] for entropy estimation and entropy coding,
and pre-trained backbones from timm [57]. All baseline
implementations and weights were either taken from Com-
pressAI or the official repository of a baseline. To compute
the saliency maps, we use a modified XGradCAM method
from the library in [61] and include necessary patches in
our repository. Lastly, to ensure reproducibility, we use
torchdistill [62].
6.2 Experiment Setting
The experiments reflect the deployment strategies illus-
trated in Figure 5 and Figure 4. Ultimately, we must eval-
uate whether FrankenSplit enables latency-sensitive and
performance-critical applications. Regardless of the particu-
lar task, a mobile edge client requires access to a DNN with
high predictive strength on a server. Therefore, we must
show whether FrankenSplit adequately solves two problems
associated with offloading high-dimensional image data for
real-time discriminative tasks. First, whether it considerably
reduces the bandwidth consumption compared to existing
methods without sacrificing predictive strength. Second,
whether it improves inference times over various communi-
cation channels, i.e., it must remain competitive even when
stronger connections are available.
Lastly, the evaluation should assess whether our method
generalizes to arbitrary backbones. However, since it is
infeasible to perform exhaustive experiments on all existing
visual models, we focus on three well-known representa-
tives and a subset of their variants instead. Namely, (i)
ResNet [53] for classic residual CNNs. (ii) Swin Trans-
former [55] for hierarchical vision transformers, which are
receiving increasing adaptation for a wide variety of vision
tasks. (iii) ConvNeXt [63] for modernized state-of-the-art
CNNs. Table 2 summarizes the relevant characteristics of
the unmodified backbones subject to our experiments.
TABLE 2: Overview of Backbone Performance on Server
Backbone Ratios Params Inference
Top-1 Acc.
Swin-T 2:2:6:2 28.33M 4.77 81.93
Swin-S 2:2:18:2 49.74M 8.95 83.46
Swin-B 2:2:30:2 71.13M 13.14 83.88
ConvNeXt-T 3:3:9:3 28.59M 5.12 82.70
ConvNeXt-S 3:3:27:3 50.22M 5.65 83.71
ConvNeXt-B 3:3:27:3 88.59M 6.09 84.43
ResNet-50 3:4:6:3 25.56M 5.17 80.10
ResNet-101 3:4:23:3 44.55M 10.17 81.91
ResNet-152 3:8:36:3 60.19M 15.18 82.54
6.2.1 Baselines
Since our work aligns closest to learned image compression,
we extensively compare FrankenSplit with learned and
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
handcrafted codecs applied to the input images, i.e., the
input to the backbone is the distorted output. Comparing
task-specific methods to general-purpose image compres-
sion methods may seem unfair. However, FrankenSplit’s
universal encoder has up to 260x less trainable parameters
and further reduces overhead by not including side infor-
mation or a sequential context model.
The naming convention for the learned baselines is the
first author’s name, followed by the entropy model. Specif-
ically, we choose the work by Ball´
e et al. [17], [18] and
Minnen et al. [19] for LIC methods since they represent
foundational milestones. Complementary, we include the
work by Cheng et al. [64] to demonstrate improvements
with architectural enhancement.
As the representative for disregarding autoencoder size
to achieve state-of-the-art r-d performance in LIC, we chose
the work by Chen et al. [65] Their method differs from other
LIC baselines by using a partially parallelizable context
model, which trades off compression rate with execution
time according to the configurable block size. We refer to
such context models as Blocked Joint Hierarchical Priors and
Autoregressive (BJHAP). Due to the large autoencoder, we
found evaluating the inference time on constrained devices
impractical when the context model is purely sequential and
set the block size to 64x64. Additionally, we include the
work by Lu et al. [66] as a milestone of the recent effort
on efficient LIC with reduced autoencoders but only for
latency-related experiments since we do not have access to
the trained weights.
As a baseline for the state-of-the-art SC, we include
the Entropic Student (ES) [22], [23]. The ES demonstrates
the performance of directly applying a minimally adjusted
LIC method for feature compression. One caveat is that we
intend to show how FrankenSplit generalizes beyond CNN
backbones, despite the encoder’s simplistic CNN architec-
ture. Although Matsubara et al. evaluate the ES on a wide
range of backbones, most have no lossless configurations.
Nevertheless, comparing bottleneck injection methods using
different backbones is fair, as we found that the choice does
not significantly impact the r-d performance (Section 6.3.5).
Therefore, for an intuitive comparison, we choose ES with
ResNet-50 using the same factorized prior entropy model as
We separate the experiments into two categories to as-
sess whether our proposed method addresses the above-
mentioned problems.
6.2.2 Criteria rate-distortion performance
We measure the bitrate in bits per pixel (bpp) because it per-
mits directly comparing models with different input sizes.
Choosing a distortion measure to draw meaningful and
honest comparisons is challenging for feature compression.
Unlike evaluating reconstruction fidelity for image com-
pression, PSNR or MS-SSIM does not provide intuitive
results regarding predictive strength. Similarly, reporting
absolute values (e.g., top-1 accuracy) gives an unfair ad-
vantage to experiments conducted on higher capacity back-
bones and veils the efficacy of a proposed method.
Hence, for a transparent evaluation, we determine the
adversarial effects of codecs with image classification since
it provides an unambiguous performance metric with es-
tablished benchmark datasets. Specifically, we evaluate the
distortion with the relative measure predictive loss, i.e., the
drop in top-1 accuracy incurred by codecs. In particular,
for SVBI methods, (near) lossless prediction implies that
the reconstruction is a sufficient approximation for shallow
features of an arbitrary feature extractor.
To ensure a fair comparison, we give the LIC and hand-
crafted baselines a grace threshold of 1.0% top-1 accuracy,
to account for mitigating predictive loss incurred by codec
artifacts [67]. For FrankenSplit, we set the threshold at 0.4%,
reflecting the configuration with the lowest predictive loss
of the ES. Note that, unlike the ES, FrankenSplit does not
rely on finetuning the tail parameters of a backbone to
improve r-d performance.
6.2.3 Measuring latency and overhead
To account for the resource asymmetry in MEC, we
use NVIDIA Jetson boards2for representing capable
but resource-constrained mobile clients. Contrastingly, the
server hosts a powerful GPU. Table 3 summarizes the hard-
ware we use in our experiments.
TABLE 3: Clients and Server Hardware Configuration
Device Arch CPU GPU
Server x86 16x Ryzen @ 3.4 GHz RTX 3090
Client (TX2) arm64x8 4x Cortex @ 2 GHz Vol. 48 TC
Client (NX) arm64x8 4x Cortex @ 2 GHz Pas. 256 CC
6.3 Rate-Distortion Performance
We measure the predictive loss by the drop in top-1 accuracy
from Table 2 using the ImageNet validation set for the
standard classification task with 1000 categories. Analo-
gously, we measure filesizes of the entropy-coded binaries
to calculate the average bpp. To demonstrate that we can
accommodate a non-CNN backbone with a CNN encoder,
we start with a Swin-B implementation of FrankenSplit.
Figure 13 shows r-d curves with the Swin-B backbone. The
architecture of FrankenSplit-FP (FS-FP) and FrankenSplit-
SGFP (FS-SGFP) are identical. We train both models with
the loss functions derived in Section 5.1. The difference is
that FS-SGFP is saliency-guided, i.e., FS-FP represents the
pure HD training method and is an ablation to the saliency-
guided distortion.
6.3.1 Effect of Saliency Guidance
Although FS-FP performs better than almost all other mod-
els, it is trained with the suboptimal objective discussed
in Section 4.3. We identified the issue as overly skewing
the objective needlessly towards the distortion term. Con-
sequently, we proposed regularizing the distortion term by
applying extracted saliency maps in Section 5.2 to improve
the r-d performance. We favor Grad-CAM to compute the
saliency maps over comparable methods for two reasons.
First, it is generically applicable to arbitrary vision models.
Second, it does not introduce additional tunable hyper-
parameters. The suboptimality of the unregularized objec-
tive is demonstrated by FS-SGFP outperforming FS-FP. By
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
simply guiding the distortion loss with saliency maps, we
achieve a 25% lower bitrate without impacting predictive
strength or additional runtime overhead.
Fig. 13: Rate-distortion curve for ImageNet
6.3.2 Comparison to the ES
Even without saliency guidance, FS-FP consistently outper-
forms ES by a large margin. Specifically, FS-FP and FS-
SGFP achieve 32% and 63% lower bitrates for the lossless
We ensured that our bottleneck injection incurs compa-
rable overhead for a direct comparison to the ES. Moreover,
the ES has an advantage due to finetuning tail parameters
in an auxiliary training stage. Therefore, we attribute the
performance gain to the more sophisticated architectural
design decisions described in Section 5.3.
6.3.3 Comparison to Image Codecs
For almost all lossy codec baselines, Figure 13 illustrates
that FS-(SG)FP has a significantly better r-d performance.
Comparing FS-FP to Ball´
e-FP demonstrates the r-d gain
of task-specific compression over general-purpose image
compression. Although the encoder of FrankenSplit has 25x
fewer parameters, both codecs use an FP entropy model
with encoders consisting of convolutional layers. Yet, the
average file size of FS-FP with a predictive loss of around
5% is 7x less than the average file size of Ball´
e-FP with
comparable predictive loss.
FrankenSplit also beats modern general-purpose LIC
without including any of their heavy-weight components.
The only baseline FrankenSplit does not convincingly out-
perform is Chen-BJHAP. Nevertheless, in Section 3.4, we
demonstrate that the incurred overhead offsets the compres-
sion gain disproportionately.
6.3.4 Image Codec Incurred Predictive Loss
For clarity, we separately evaluate r-d performance on the
other backbones listed in Table 2 for FrankenSplit and
baseline codecs.
Earlier, we argued that measuring PSNR is unsuitable
to assess effects on downstream prediction. Since the image
codecs are entirely decoupled from the predictive task, the
bitrate is identical regardless of the backbone. We use this
opportunity to plot PSNR instead of bpp against predictive
loss in Figure 14.
Considering that compression models aggressively dis-
card information, it is intuitive that the predictive loss is
comparable across backbones. While some models handle
distorted samples better, the difference in predictive loss is
at most 3-5%. Still, the discrepancy demonstrates that PSNR
is not a suitable measure for downstream tasks even within
the same codec. More importantly, the discrepancy across
baselines is considerably wider. For example, it is around
10% between Minnen-MSHP and Chen-BJHAP for lower
PSNR levels.
26 28 30 32 34
28 30 32 34 36
28 30 32 34 36
28 30 32 34 36
28 30 32 34 36
29 31 33 35 37
Pred. Loss [%]
Fig. 14: Predictive Loss of baselines on multiple Backbones
6.3.5 Blueprints Generalization to Arbitrary Backbones
We now evaluate the r-d performance of other implementa-
tions of FrankenSplit to determine whether the blueprint
heuristics generalize to arbitrary architectures. We create
a decoder blueprint (Section 5.3.3) for each of the three
architectural families (Swin, ResNet, and ConvNeXt). Then,
we perform bottleneck injection at the layers before the
deepest stage (Section 5.3.2), Figure 15 plots r-d performance
of directly related architectures sharing the correspond-
ing blueprint but with separately trained compressors. All
models are trained as described in Figure 7. Across all
architectural families, we observe similar r-d performance.
The (near) lossless configurations of the largest backbones
(Swin-B, ConvNeXt-B, ResNet-152) require around the same
bpp, whereas smaller models tend to require 3-4% more bpp
for comparable predictive loss.
Next, we conduct experiments to determine the impor-
tance of finding an adequate blueprint but assigning mis-
matching instances to a backbone. Table 4 summarizes the
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
0.5 1.0 1.5
Backbone (Teacher)
0.5 1.0 1.5
Backbone (Teacher)
0.5 1.0 1.5
Backbone (Teacher)
0.25 0.75 1.25
Backbone (Teacher)
0.25 0.75 1.25
Backbone (Teacher)
0.25 0.75 1.25
Backbone (Teacher)
Without Saliency Guidance
With Saliency Guidance
bits per pixel (bpp)
Pred. Loss [%]
Fig. 15: Rate-distortion curve for various backbones
results for the largest backbones with varying decoder sizes.
The Swin blueprint for the Swin-B decoder results in the
FrankenSplit implementation from FS-FP from Figure 13.
With 1% overhead in parameters, the compressor achieves
5.08 kB for 0.40% predictive loss. However, once we train
compressors with ResNet or ConvNeXt restoration blocks,
the r-d performance for the Swin-B is significantly worse
when overhead is roughly equal. A blueprint that performs
TABLE 4: Effect of Mismatching Blueprints
Blueprint-Backbone Params Overhead (%) File Size (kB) Pred. Loss (%)
19.05 2.49
0.96 15.07 3.00
14.46 2.53
2.86 11.37 2.74
12.53 1.36
5.89 10.08 2.09
22.54 0.82
1.03 18.19 0.99
16.32 0.81
2.73 12.68 0.98
13.89 0.79
5.25 10.01 0.98
well for its intended target architecture results in substan-
tially worse r-d performance for other architecture. Only in-
creasing the decoder size brings the r-d performance closer
to configurations that apply the appropriate blueprint.
From our findings, we can draw several conclusions. The
r-d performance regarding the backbone network is near-
agnostic. The implication is that the information content of
the teachers (i.e., shallow layers) of varying architectures
is comparable. We explain this by considering that we
select the shallow layers as all layers preceding the deepest
stage, which have comparable parameters across varying
Additionally, choosing a decoder architecture with the
correct inductive bias (i.e., a blueprint) can transform com-
pressed features significantly more efficiently.
6.3.6 Single Encoder with Multiple Backbones
We conduct a similar experiment as head rerouting from
Section 5.3.4. However, we finetune the decoders instead of
the head models.
We first select the compressors with (a near) lossless
prediction from Figure 15 for each architectural family.
Then, we choose the encoder from one of the compressors
corresponding to the largest variants. Finally, we attach the
decoders from the other compressors and finetune their
parameters. We use unweighted head distillation and cross
entropy (between the backbone classifier outputs and the
hard labels) as the loss function. Analogous to the experi-
ment in Section 5.3.4, we set the batch size as 128 and use
PyTorch’s Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 7·105. To
Top-1 Acc [%]
Teacher Encoder: ConvNeXt-B
Teacher Encoder: Resnet152
Teacher Encoder: Swin-B
Fig. 16: Iterations to recover accuracy with decoder
demonstrate the limited importance of the initial teacher, we
repeat this process for each of the three encoders separately
and summarize the results in Figure 16. Note that the bitrate
does not change due to freezing the encoder parameters.
Hence, we report iterations until accuracy is restored to
exemplify the similarity to the rerouting experiment in
Section 5.3.4. We consider an accuracy restored if it is within
0.25 ±0.25% of its original accuracy.
Besides requiring more iterations for convergence, the
results are unsurprisingly similar to the head routing ex-
periment outlined in Figure 12. Since we can infer from the
earlier results that decoders can sufficiently approximate the
head output, finetuning the decoder is near-equivalent to
finetuning a head.
6.3.7 Generalization to multiple Downstream Tasks
Arguably, SVBI naturally generalizes to multiple down-
stream tasks due to approximating shallow features. We pro-
vide empirical evidence by evaluating the r-d performance
of the compressors from Figure 13 without retraining the
weights on different datasets.
Specifically, attach separate classifiers to the Swin-B
backbone (as illustrated in Figure 10). Using PyTorch’s
Adam optimizer, we train each classifier for five epochs with
no augmentation, a learning rate of 5·105. A classifier
refers to the last layers of a network.
For FrankenSplit-(SG)FP, we applied none or only rudi-
mentary augmentation to evaluate how our method han-
dles a type of noise it did not encounter during train-
ing. Hence, we include the Food-101 [68] dataset since it
contains noise in high pixel intensities. Additionally, we
include CIFAR-100 [42]. Lastly, we include Flower-102 [69]
datasets to contrast more challenging tasks. The classifiers
achieve an 87.73%,88.01%, and 89.00% top-1 accuracy,
respectively. Figure 17 summarizes the r-d curves for each
task. Our method still demonstrates clear r-d performance
gains over the baselines. More importantly, notice how FS-
SGFP outperforms FS-FP on the r-d curve for the Food-
101 dataset, with a comparable margin to the ImageNet
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
bits per pixel (bpp)
Pred. Loss [%]
WebP JPEG Ballé-FP Ballé-SHP Chen-BJHAP Cheng-JHAP FrankenSplit-FP FrankenSplit-SGFP Minnen-JHAP Minnen-MSHP
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
bits per pixel (bpp)
Pred. Loss [%]
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
bits per pixel (bpp)
Pred. Loss [%]
Fig. 17: Rate-distortion curve for multiple downstream tasks
dataset. Contrarily, on the Flower-102 datasets, there is less
performance difference. Presumably, on simple datasets, the
suboptimality of HD is less significant. Considering how
easier tasks require less model capacity, the diminishing
efficacy saliency guidance is consistent with our claims from
Section 4.
6.3.8 Effect of Tensor Dimensionality on R-D Performance
Section 3.3 argues that measuring tensor dimensionality is
inadequate to assess whether partial execution on the client
is worthwhile.
To verify, we implement and train additional instances
of FrankenSplit with the Swin-B backbone and show re-
sults in Figure 18 FS-SGFP(S) is the model with a small
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
bit per pixel (bpp)
Predictive Loss [%]
Effect of Model Size on R-D
6.0 6.5 7.0
File Size (kB)
Enc. Latent Dimension
Latent Dimensionality
Fig. 18: Comparing effects on sizes
encoder (140000 parameters) we have used for our previ-
ous results. FS-SGFP(M) and FS-SGFP(L) are medium and
large models where we increased the (output) channels
C= 48 to 96 and 128, respectively. Besides the number
of channels, we’ve trained the medium and large models
using the same configurations. On the left, we plot the r-
d curves showing that increasing encode capacity naturally
results in lower bitrates without additional predictive loss.
For the plot on the right, we train further models with
C={48,64,96,108,120,128}using the configuration re-
sulting in lossless prediction. Notice how increasing output
channels will result in higher dimensional latent tensors
C×28 ×28 but inversely correlates to compressed file size.
Arguably, increasing the encoder capacity will yield more
powerful transforms to decorrelate the input.
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Predictive Loss [%]
bit per pixel (bpp)
Fig. 19: Contrasting the r-d performance
6.3.9 The Limitations of Direct Optimization for SVBI
Section 5.1 mentioned that direct optimization does not
work for SVBI as it does for DVBI, where the bottleneck is at
the penultimate layer. Specifically, it performs incomparably
worse than HD despite the latter’s inherent suboptimality.
We demonstrate this by applying the SVBI-CE and SVBI-
KD objective on the CIFAR-10 [42] and ImageNet dataset.
All models are identical and trained with the setup in
Section 6.1, except we train for more epochs to account for
slower convergence.
Figure 19 summarizes the results the results. On CIFAR-
10, SVBI-CE and SVBI-KD yield moderate performance
gain over JPEG. Yet, they perform substantially worse on
Sufficiency as a necessary precondition may explain why
the objective in (5) does not yield good results when the
bottleneck is at a shallow layer, as the mutual information
Y)is not adequately high. Since the representation
of the last hidden and shallow layer are so far apart in
the information path, there is insufficient information to
minimize D(H;˜
H). The compression model approximates
the intermediate representation for a simple classification
task to minimize predictive loss by incurring higher bitrates.
Consequently, for the challenging ImageNet classification
task, the same method incurs significant predictive loss
even when skewing the r-d objective heavily towards high
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
6.4 Prediction Latency and Overhead
We exclude entropy coding from our measurement, since
not all baselines use the same entropy coder. For brevity,
the results implicitly assume the Swin-B backbone for
the remainder of this section. Inference times with other
backbones for FrankenSplit can be derived from Table 5.
Analogously, the inference times of applying LIC models
TABLE 5: Execution Times of FS (S) with Various Backbones
Backbone Overhead Prams
Inf. Server+NX
Inf. Server+TX2
Swin-T 2.51 7.83 9.75
Swin-S 1.41 11.99 13.91
Swin-B 1.00 16.12 18.04
ConvNeXt-T 3.46 6.83 8.75
ConvNeXt-S 1.97 8.50 10.41
ConvNeXt-B 0.90 9.70 11.62
ResNet-50 3.50 13.16 10.05
ResNet-101 2.01 8.13 15.08
ResNet-152 1.48 18.86 20.78
for different unmodified backbones can be derived using
Table 2. Notably, the relative overhead decreases the larger
the tail is, which is favorable since we target inference from
more accurate predictors.
6.4.1 Computational Overhead
We first disregard network conditions to get an overview of
the computational overhead of applying compression mod-
els. Table 6 summarizes the execution times of the prediction
pipeline’s components. Enc. NX/TX2 refers to the encoding
TABLE 6: Inference Pipeline Components Execution Times
Model Prams
Enc. [NX/TX2]
Full [NX/TX2]
FrankenSplit 0.14M/
4.87 2.00 16.34/
e-FP 3.51M/
48.93 1.30 41.71/
e-SHP 8.30M/
50.89 1.51 42.81/
Minnen-MSHP 14.04M/
52.39 1.52 44.17/
Minnen-JHAP 21.99M/
4789.89 275.18 4416.7/
Cheng-JHAP 16.35M/
4153.95 277.26 2457.7/
Lu-JHAP 5.28M/
5011.56 352.85 2456.8/
Chen-BJHAP 36.73M/
5837.38 43.16 3167.3/
time on the respective client device. Analogously, dec. refers
to the decoding time at the server. Lastly, Full NX/TX2 is
the total execution time of encoding at the respective client
plus decoding and the prediction task at the server. Lu-
JHAP demonstrates how LIC models without a sequential
context component are noticeably faster but are still 9.3x-
9.6x slower than FrankenSplit despite a considerably worse
r-d performance. Notice that the computational load of
FrankenSplit is near evenly distributed between the client
and the server. The significance of considering resource
asymmetry is emphasized by how the partially parallelized
context model of Chen-BJHAP leads to faster decoding
on the server. Nevertheless, it is slower than other JHAP
baselines due to the overhead of the increased encoder size
outweighing the performance gain of the blocked context
model on constrained hardware.
6.4.2 Competing against Offloading
The average compressed filesize gives the transfer size from
the ImageNet validation set. Using the transfer size, we
TABLE 7: Total Latency with Various Wireless Standards
Data Rate
codec Transfer
Total [TX2]
Total [NX]
FS-SGFP (0.23) 142.59 160.48 158.53
FS-SGFP (LL) 209.89 227.78 225.83
Minnen-MSHP 348.85 415.89 393.01
Chen-BJHAP 40.0 6167.79 3441.41
WebP 865.92 879.06 879.06
PNG 2532.58 2545.72 2545.72
FS-SGFP (0.23) 3.21 21.09 19.15
FS-SGFP (LL) 4.72 22.61 20.66
Minnen-MSHP 7.85 74.89 52.01
Chen-BJHAP 0.9 6128.69 3402.31
WebP 19.48 32.63 32.63
PNG 56.98 70.13 70.13
FS-SGFP (0.23) 0.71 18.6 16.65
FS-SGFP (LL) 1.05 18.93 16.99
Minnen-MSHP 1.74 68.78 45.9
Chen-BJHAP 0.2 6127.99 3401.61
WebP 4.33 17.47 17.47
PNG 12.66 25.81 25.81
FS-SGFP (0.23) 0.58 18.46 16.51
FS-SGFP (LL) 0.85 18.73 16.78
Minnen-MSHP 1.41 68.44 45.56
Chen-BJHAP 0.16 6127.95 3401.57
WebP 3.49 16.64 16.64
PNG 10.22 23.36 23.36
evaluate transfer time on a broad range of standards. Since
we did not include the execution time of entropy coding
for learned methods, the encoding and decoding time for
the handcrafted codecs is set to 0. The setting favors the
baselines because both rely on sequential CPU-bound trans-
forms. Table 7 summarizes how our method performs in
various standards. Due to space constraints, we only include
LIC models with the lowest request latency (Minnen-MSHP)
or the lowest compression rate (Chen-BJHAP). Still, with
Table 6 and the previous results, we can infer that the LIC
baselines have considerably higher latency than Franken-
Generally, the more constrained the network is the more
we can benefit from reducing the transfer size. In particu-
lar, FrankenSplit is up to 16x faster in highly constrained
networks, such as BLE. Conversely, offloading with fast
handcrafted codecs may be preferable in high-bandwidth
environments. Yet, FrankenSplit is significantly better than
offloading with PNG, even for 5G. Figure 20 plots the
inference latencies against handcrafted codecs using the
NX client. For stronger connections, such as 4G LTE, it is
still 3.3x faster than using PNG. Nevertheless, compared to
WebP, offloading seems more favorable when bandwidth
is high. Still, this assumes that the rates do not fluctuate
and that the network can seamlessly scale for an arbitrary
number of client connections. Moreover, we did not apply
any optimizations to the encoder.
This work introduced a novel lightweight compression
framework to facilitate critical MEC applications relying on
large DNNs. We showed that a minimalistic implementation
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
FS-SGFP (-0.40) vs. PNG
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
FS-SGFP (LL) vs. WebP
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Data rate (Mbps)
Total Latency (ms)
FS-SGFP (-0.40) vs. WebP
FrankenSplit (FS) Offloading with Codec
Fig. 20: Comparing effects on sizes
of our design heuristic is sufficient to outperform numer-
ous baselines. However, there are several limitations. We
emphasize that the primary insight of the reported results
is the potential of adequate distortion measures and regu-
larization methods for neural feature compression. Despite
significantly improving rate-distortion performance, better
methods may exist to extract saliency maps. Moreover,
the Factorized Prior entropy model does not discriminate
between inputs. Although side information with hypernet-
works taken from LIC trivially improves rate-distortion per-
formance, our results show that it may not be a productive
approach to repurpose existing image compression methods
directly. Hence, conceiving an efficient way to include task-
dependent side information is a promising direction.
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
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Alireza Furutanpey received a MSc from the
Technical University of Vienna, Austria in 2022
with distinction in the field of Computer Sci-
ence. He is now a PhD candidate at the Dis-
tributed Systems Group in the field of Edge
Computing. His research interests include Mo-
bile Edge Computing, Edge Intelligence and Ma-
chine Learning.
Philipp Raith received a MSc from the Technical
University of Vienna, Austria in 2021 with distinc-
tion in the field of Computer Science. He is now a
PhD candidate at the Distributed Systems Group
in the field of Edge Computing. His research
interests include Serverless Edge Computing,
Edge Intelligence and Operations for AI.
Schahram Dustdar is a full professor of com-
puter science and heads TU Wien’s Distributed
Systems Group. His research interests include
distributed systems, Edge Intelligence, complex
and autonomic software systems. He’s the ed-
itor in chief of Computing; associate editor of
ACM Transactions on the Web, ACM Transac-
tions on Internet Technology, IEEE Transactions
on Cloud Computing, and IEEE Transactions on
Services Computing. He’s also on the editorial
boards of IEEE Internet Computing and IEEE
Computer. He has received the ACM Distinguished Scientist award and
Distinguished Speaker Award and the IBM Faculty Award. He is an
elected member of Academia Europaea, where he’s was Informatics
Section chairman from 2015 to 2022. He is an IEEE Fellow and AAIA
Fellow where he is the current President.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMC.2024.3381952
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Deploying deep learning (DL) on mobile devices has been a notable trend in recent years. To support fast inference of on-device DL, DL libraries play a critical role as algorithms and hardware do. Unfortunately, no prior work ever dives deep into the ecosystem of modern DL libraries and provides quantitative results on their performance. In this paper, we first build a comprehensive benchmark that includes 6 representative DL libraries and 15 diversified DL models. Then we perform extensive experiments on 10 mobile devices, and the results reveal the current landscape of mobile DL libraries. For example, we find that the best-performing DL library is severely fragmented across different models and hardware, and the gap between DL libraries can be rather huge. In fact, the impacts of DL libraries can overwhelm the optimizations from algorithms or hardware, e.g., model quantization and GPU/DSP-based heterogeneous computing. Motivated by the fragmented performance of DL libraries across models and hardware, we propose an effective DL Library selection framework to obtain the optimal library on a new dataset that has been created. We evaluate the DL Library selection algorithm, and the results show that the framework at it can improve the prediction accuracy by about 10% than benchmark approaches on average.
Sustainable energy management is an inexpensive approach for improved energy use. However, the research used does not focus on cutting-edge technology possibilities in an Internet of things (IoT). This paper includes the needs for today's distributed generation, households, and industries in proposing smart resource management deep learning model. A deep learning architecture of power management (DLA-PM) is presented in this article. It predicts future power consumption for a short period and provides effective communication between power distributors and customers. To keep power consumption and supply constant, mobile devices are linked to a universal IoT cloud server connected to the intelligent grids in the proposed design. An effective brief forecast decision-making method is followed by various preprocessing strategies to deal with electrical data. It conducts extensive tests with RMSE reduced by 0.08 for both residential and business data sources. Significant strengths include refined device-based, real-time energy administration via a shared cloud-based server data monitoring system, optimized selection of standardization technology, a new energy prediction framework, a learning process with decreased time, and lower error rates. In the proposed architecture, mobile devices link to a universal IoT cloud server communicating with the corresponding intelligent grids such that the power consumption and supply phenomena continually continue. It utilizes many preprocessing strategies to cope with the diversity of electrical data, follows an effective short prediction decision-making method, and executes it using resources. For residential and business data sources, it runs comprehensive trials with RMSE lowered by 0.08.
The goal of data compression is to reduce the number of bits needed to represent useful information. Neural, or learned compression, is the application of neural networks and related machine learning techniques to this task. This monograph aims to serve as an entry point for machine learning researchers interested in compression by reviewing the prerequisite background and representative methods in neural compression. Neural compression is the application of neural networks and other machine learning methods to data compression. Recent advances in statistical machine learning have opened up new possibilities for data compression, allowing compression algorithms to be learned end-to-end from data using powerful generative models such as normalizing flows, variational autoencoders, diffusion probabilistic models, and generative adversarial networks. This monograph introduces this field of research to a broader machine learning audience by reviewing the necessary background in information theory (e.g., entropy coding, rate-distortion theory) and computer vision (e.g., image quality assessment, perceptual metrics), and providing a curated guide through the essential ideas and methods in the literature thus far. Instead of surveying the vast literature, essential concepts and methods in neural compression are covered, with a reader in mind who is versed in machine learning but not necessarily data compression.
The accelerating convergence of artificial intelligence and edge computing has sparked a recent wave of interest in edge intelligence. While pilot efforts focused on edge DNN inference serving for a single user or DNN application, scaling edge DNN inference serving to multiple users and applications is however nontrivial. In this paper, we propose an online optimization framework EdgeAdaptor for multi-user and multi-application edge DNN inference serving at scale, which aims to navigate the three-way trade-off between inference accuracy, latency, and resource cost via jointly optimizing the application configuration adaption, DNN model selection and edge resource provisioning on-the-fly. The underlying long-term optimization problem is difficult since it is NP-hard and involves future uncertain information. To address these dual challenges, we fuse the power of online optimization and approximate optimization into a joint optimization framework, via i) decomposing the long-term problem into a series of single-shot fractional problems with a regularization technique, and ii) rounding the fractional solution to a near-optimal integral solution with a randomized dependent scheme. Rigorous theoretical analysis derives a parameterized competition ratio of our online algorithms, and extensive trace-driven simulations verify that its empirical value is no larger than 1.4 in typical scenarios.
Computation offloading is one of the key technologies in Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), which makes up for the deficiencies of mobile devices in terms of storage resource, computing capacity, and energy efficiency. On one hand, computation offloading of task requests not only relieves the communication pressure on the core networks but also reduces the delay caused by long-distance data transmission. On the other hand, emerging applications in 5/6G also rely on the computation offloading technology for efficient service provisioning to users. At present, the industry and academia have conducted a lot of researches on the computation offloading methods in MEC networks with a diversity of meaningful techniques and approaches. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the computation offloading in MEC networks including applications, offloading objectives, and offloading approaches. Particularly, we discuss key issues on various offloading objectives, including delay minimization, energy consumption minimization, revenue maximization, and system utility maximization. The approaches to achieve these objectives mainly include mathematical solver, heuristic algorithms, Lyapunov optimization, game theory, and Markov Decision Process (MDP) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). We compare the approaches by characterizing their pros and cons as well as targeting applications.Finally, from the four aspects of subtasks dependency and online task requests, server selection, real-time environment perception, and security, we analyze the current challenges and future directions of computation offloading in MEC networks.