
Advancing Health Literacy in the Technological Era: The Role of Serious Games in Promoting Body Awareness Among Older Adults

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Body awareness is a relevant concept for healthy aging related to movement harmony, and consists of different connections between different body functions. Balance regulation depends on the integrity of proprioception and strength in different parts of the body. New approaches to promote body awareness literacy are vital and game-based active techniques represent one of the important solutions. This chapter results from a narrative literature review, and it intends to a) explore body awareness determinants and their relevance for health literacy in the aging process; and b) discuss new approaches for developing programs in body awareness literacy, exploring game-based active techniques. The user-centered approaches, like serious games, can facilitate health education, and improve health literacy and body awareness, maximizing health outcomes in older people. This chapter seeks to offer innovative health education strategies, equipping older adults with tools to improve body awareness and well-being through interactive game-based methods.

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... Health literacy (Ramos, 2024;Tomé et al., 2024), first recognized in 1974, has evolved to encompass many skills crucial for managing health in this modern world (Liu et al., 2020;Ratzan, 2001). Advancements have significantly influenced this evolution in mobile technology. ...
This scoping review explores the role of mobile applications in advancing health literacy, a critical aspect of modern healthcare. Health literacy, encompassing the ability to access, understand, and apply health-related information, significantly influences individual well-being and healthcare effectiveness. The review delves into various research findings, highlighting how mobile applications, with their widespread accessibility, have revolutionized the availability and usability of health information. By examining numerous studies, the review assesses how mobile applications not only enhance patient understanding and management of health conditions but also bolster healthcare professionals' proficiency. Through this exploration, the review underlines the necessity of integrating digital resources into healthcare strategies, thereby reinforcing the potential of mobile applications to significantly contribute to the advancement of health literacy.
... Furthermore, the application of technology in managing long-term COVID-19 patients is increasingly being recognized. Telemedicine (Chauhan et al., 2024), digital health tools Miranda, 2024;Tomé et al., 2024), and remote monitoring technologies (Tariq, 2024a) can play a vital role in providing continuous care, especially in settings where healthcare resources are limited or where patients may face challenges in accessing in-person healthcare services. ...
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Assessing the preparedness of Ghana's health sector is a crucial task that requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Ghana's health sector faces many challenges, including limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and workforce shortages, which can impede the delivery of quality healthcare services to the population. Thus, building a strong health resilience system is essential to cope with catastrophic events, and the capacity to prepare and effectively respond to pandemics. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role of digital technologies in managing public health emergencies. In the context of long-term pandemic management, digital transformation can provide numerous benefits, such as improving the speed and efficiency of response, enhancing communication and collaboration, and enabling remote access to essential services. Empirically, our study found that individual and systemic resilience are significant predictors of long-term pandemic management. Conversely, community resilience in times of crisis is not a significant predictor.
... Healthcare innovations have significantly transformed the landscape of medical treatment and patient care, bringing forth advanced solutions that address complex health issues and improve quality of life Miranda, 2024;Tomé et al., 2024). These innovations range from cutting-edge medical devices and therapeutic approaches to novel biomaterials and biotechnologies, each offering unique benefits and challenges in their development and application. ...
Ensuring human health safety necessitates rigorous biosafety evaluations of substances and materials, particularly in the context of in-vivo exposure. Biodegradable materials, known for their natural decomposition capabilities through biological mechanisms, may exhibit toxicological profiles differing from non-biodegradable substances. Prior to their application in medical devices such as stents and implants, it is imperative to conduct thorough testing to ascertain their safety. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the in-vivo biosafety of various biodegradable materials. The authors employ an integrative approach, combining in-vitro ion-tolerance assays with in-vivo microanalysis techniques. This dual methodology allows for a detailed evaluation of the materials' biocompatibility and potential toxicity, particularly focusing on nanomaterial-induced toxicity in neural tissues. These findings offer critical insights into the safe application of biodegradable biomedical materials, underpinning informed decision-making in their usage for medical applications.
... As part of the Transformative Approaches to Patient Literacy and Healthcare Innovation book, this chapter aims to be an authoritative resource that delves into the profound implications of cutting-edge technologies within the healthcare domain. Within these pages, esteemed experts and scholars from diverse disciplines come together to explore the transformative potential of using disruptive methodologies, emerging technologies, and game-based learning to foster learners' skills (Arayata et al., 2022;Cortez et al., 2022;Luluquisin et al., 2021;Molotsi & Goosen, 2022;Parel et al., 2022) about health literacy and optimizing medical practice (Miranda, 2024;Ramos, 2024;Tomé et al., 2024). As part of this volume, the chapter serves as a critical platform for examining how innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), telemedicine, wearable devices, VR, and other health information technologies are propelling healthcare into a new dimension (Chauhan et al., 2024;Kazi, 2024;Tariq, 2024a). ...
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This chapter explores transformative technologies and their application in supporting and enhancing the lives of children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). These two neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by a diverse range of challenges and symptoms, necessitate innovative and tailored approaches for effective management and support. This chapter explores a range of emerging technological solutions, including artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and personalized medicine, which are revolutionizing the way healthcare professionals approach diagnosis, treatment, and therapy for FAS and ASD. It also discusses the implications of these technologies in creating personalized and adaptable treatment plans. By doing so, it offers a glimpse into the future of pediatric healthcare where interventions are highly tailored to the individual needs of each child. Ethical considerations, challenges, and the future direction of these technologies in the context of ASD and FAS are also critically analyzed.
Healthcare systems generate an immense volume of data, which presents a unique opportunity to make a significant impact. This chapter examines the role of information retrieval systems in healthcare, specifically focusing on how text analysis can be utilized to enhance the understanding of medical data. By employing advanced text mining tools, this chapter demonstrates how we can extract valuable insights from these complex documents. It also presents text analytics as a solution-oriented approach, particularly beneficial in managing crises within healthcare systems and in making informed decisions based on accurate data analysis. The technical foundation of the study is rooted in the fields of natural language processing and artificial intelligence, with a focus on methodologies related to the semantics of words and text (e.g., text corpus, dictionaries, and text embeddings). Through this exploration, the chapter aims to highlight the transformative potential of text analysis and information retrieval systems in revolutionizing healthcare data understanding.
Recent years have witnessed a significant convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) within the healthcare sector. This chapter explores the transformative potential and challenges posed by these intelligent technologies in healthcare. It explores various domains such as predictive analytics, telemedicine, personalized medicine, and the enhancement of healthcare operational efficiencies. The findings underscore the potential of AI and smart technologies in revolutionizing healthcare delivery. This chapter carries extensive implications for the healthcare sector. Healthcare practitioners and administrators can leverage these insights to strategically incorporate AI solutions, aiming to improve patient outcomes and enhance organizational efficiency. Additionally, the findings provide valuable guidance for policymakers and stakeholders, informing the creation of guidelines and standards that foster innovation, ensure patient safety, and protect data security. Therefore, this chapter is an essential guide for effectively embracing the role of AI in advancing healthcare practices.
Radiation therapy (or radiation oncology) plays a crucial role in the treatment of cancer, requiring advanced medical practices and strong health literacy on the part of healthcare professionals. This chapter aims to explore with a literature review how emerging technologies can be integrated into radiation therapy to improve patient health literacy and the effectiveness of medical practice. The application of technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and digital communication in radiotherapy highlights their implications for professional education attitude, patient education and treatment, and the development of optimization of radiotherapy treatment protocols. Nowadays, knowledge has become a crucial tool to meet the challenges of an increasingly digitized society. Staying up-to-date and understanding emerging technologies can be key to navigating this landscape. The ability to learn and adapt quickly has also become a valuable skill during constant change in a global society.
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This chapter explores the ever-changing environment of wearable health technology and its critical role in transforming modern healthcare. It goes into the historical history of these devices, tracking their path from basic fitness trackers to sophisticated health-monitoring systems, focusing on proactive and preventative health management. The present scene emphasizes the range and breadth of accessible wearable technology in healthcare. It discusses sensor improvements, biometric monitoring, and wireless communications. These advancements have significantly improved the precision and effectiveness of monitoring of numerous health markers. This chapter also thoroughly reviews the use of wearable devices in remote patient monitoring, emphasizing their revolutionary influence on chronic illness management and senior care through real-world case studies. Furthermore, investigates the integration of wearable device data into healthcare systems for real-time monitoring, covering technological and infrastructure issues.
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Assessing the preparedness of Ghana's health sector is a crucial task that requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Ghana's health sector faces many challenges, including limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and workforce shortages, which can impede the delivery of quality healthcare services to the population. Thus, building a strong health resilience system is essential to cope with catastrophic events, and the capacity to prepare and effectively respond to pandemics. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role of digital technologies in managing public health emergencies. In the context of long-term pandemic management, digital transformation can provide numerous benefits, such as improving the speed and efficiency of response, enhancing communication and collaboration, and enabling remote access to essential services. Empirically, our study found that individual and systemic resilience are significant predictors of long-term pandemic management. Conversely, community resilience in times of crisis is not a significant predictor.
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This chapter explores the crucial responsibility of strengthening cybersecurity measures within the ever-changing context of contemporary healthcare systems. As digitalization gets ingrained in healthcare practices, sensitive medical data becomes increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The second portion explores the significant effects of cybersecurity breaches on the healthcare industry, focusing on patient safety issues, potential compromises of private health information, and the resulting harm to healthcare organizations' finances and reputations. The third segment examines compliance with laws like HIPAA and GDPR as it navigates the ethical and regulatory issues inherent in healthcare cybersecurity. It explores the moral conundrums raised by cybersecurity precautions, achieving a careful balance between patient confidentiality and data accessibility. The last section provides a forward-looking viewpoint by projecting upcoming difficulties and technological developments in healthcare cybersecurity.
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With the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in medical practices, the integration of AI technologies into medical education has garnered significant attention. However, there exists a noticeable research gap when it comes to providing comprehensive guidelines and recommendations for its successful integration into this domain. Addressing this research gap is crucial as the responsible and effective incorporation of AI in medical education not only ensures that current and future healthcare professionals are well-prepared for the demands of modern medicine but also upholds ethical standards, maximizes the potential benefits of AI, and minimizes potential risks. The objective of this chapter is to fill this gap by offering practical tips and actionable insights for incorporating AI into medical education, encompassing practical, ethical, pedagogical, and professional implications. Consequently, it equips medical educators and learners alike with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the evolving landscape of medical education in the age of AI.
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Serious games offer an innovative blend of entertainment and learning in medical education. This chapter examines the technological underpinnings, challenges, and potential future developments in this domain. Drawing from publications between 2018 and 2023, this systematic review highlights the role of technologies such as web and mobile applications, game engines, augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, and artificial intelligence in personalizing and enhancing the learning experience. However, the use of serious games in medical education also faces several challenges, including the need for adequate technological infrastructure, complex effectiveness assessments, and integration into existing curricula. Moreover, this chapter outlines projections for further research. The authors reveal how serious games have the potential to transform medical education to be more engaging, interactive, and effective, and inspire future research in the development of innovative technologies and learning methods.
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This chapter explores transformative technologies and their application in supporting and enhancing the lives of children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). These two neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by a diverse range of challenges and symptoms, necessitate innovative and tailored approaches for effective management and support. This chapter explores a range of emerging technological solutions, including artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and personalized medicine, which are revolutionizing the way healthcare professionals approach diagnosis, treatment, and therapy for FAS and ASD. It also discusses the implications of these technologies in creating personalized and adaptable treatment plans. By doing so, it offers a glimpse into the future of pediatric healthcare where interventions are highly tailored to the individual needs of each child. Ethical considerations, challenges, and the future direction of these technologies in the context of ASD and FAS are also critically analyzed.
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The integration of cutting-edge technologies into health literacy and medical practice presents unprecedented opportunities and ethical challenges. This chapter delves into the technoethical considerations crucial for navigating this new landscape, guided by a posthumanist framework. Embracing this framework encourages us to reevaluate traditional boundaries, inviting a more inclusive understanding of humanity's relationship with technology. The chapter also explores the intricate relationship between technology and ethics, advocating for a technoethical framework that ensures technological advancements in healthcare are employed ethically, responsibly, and with a deep understanding of their societal impact. By doing so, this chapter serves as a guiding beacon for healthcare professionals, technologists, ethicists, and policymakers, urging a future where technology and human values coalesce to foster a healthcare ecosystem that is not only advanced but also compassionate, equitable, and ethically grounded.
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The aim of this paper is to qualitatively synthesise literature on empirical research into video games and older adults. A total of 108 studies were analysed, with the participation of 15,902 individuals aged over 60. The framework of Search, Appraisal, Synthesis, and Analysis (SALSA) was used, with screening by three independent reviewers and phrase searching and combining search terms. The results indicate a majority of studies with a quantitative approach conducted in the European context in which a total of 125 scales were identified for the assessment of different geriatric aspects related to domains for the improvement of physical health and functional quality, improvement of cognitive, psychological and mental health, and improvement of physical and cognitive functions from a combined approach.
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Serious game is one of the pedagogical media capable of transferring knowledge to its players. This game genre requires a support system that adaptively selects the appropriate scenario for players to increase their interest and comfort. Therefore, this study proposed an adaptive scenario selection (ASS) system using a finite state machine based on an artificial neural network (ANN). The game scenario is selected by ASS based on five player preferences, including work, hobbies/interests, origin, group members, and repetition. Furthermore, the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architecture was used in the scenario selection process for the proposed ANN method. The experimental stage was carried out using the theme of travel in several tourism destinations in Batu City, East Java, Indonesia. The experimental results show that ASS succeeded in generating adaptive game scenario choices for players based on their preference data with an accuracy of 67.25%.
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Background: In a world of rapid digital technology development, the lack of digital health literacy (DHL) among older people cannot be ignored. DHL is becoming an essential competency that can facilitate the health status and health management of older adults. DHL interventions that are feasible and appropriate can be implemented on a large scale through the health care system for older people. Objective: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to assess the effectiveness of DHL interventions for older adults. Methods: English publications in PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were searched from inception to November 20, 2022. Two reviewers independently completed the data extraction and quality assessment. Review Manager (version 5.4; Cochrane Informatics & Technology Services) software was used for all meta-analyses. Results: A total of 7 studies, including 2 randomized controlled trials and 5 quasi-experimental studies, involving 710 older adults were considered eligible. The main outcome was scores on the eHealth Literacy Scale, and secondary outcomes were knowledge, self-efficacy, and skills. Quasi-experimental studies compared baseline and postintervention outcomes, while randomized controlled trials compared pre- and postintervention outcomes in the intervention group. Of the 7 studies, 3 used face-to-face instruction, while 4 adopted web-based interventions. Among them, 4 of the interventions were conducted using theoretical guidance, while 3 were not. Intervention duration varied from 2 to 8 weeks. In addition, the studies included were all conducted in developed countries, mainly in the United States. Pooled analysis presented that DHL interventions had positive effects on eHealth literacy efficacy (standardized mean difference 1.15, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.84; P=.001). Subgroup analysis revealed that DHL interventions that chose face-to-face teaching (standardized mean difference 1.15, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.84; P=.001), were guided by a conceptual framework (standardized mean difference 1.15, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.84; P=.001), and were sustained over 4 weeks (standardized mean difference 1.1, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.84; P=.001) had a more significant effect. Moreover, the outcomes showed considerable gains in knowledge (standardized mean difference 0.93, 95% CI 0.54 to 1.31; P<.001) and self-efficacy (standardized mean difference 0.96, 95% CI 0.16 to 1.77; P=.02). No statistically significant effect was found for skills (standardized mean difference 0.77, 95% CI -0.30 to 1.85; P=.16). The small number of studies, variable study quality, and heterogeneity are some limitations of this review. Conclusions: DHL interventions have positive effects on the health status and health management of older adults. Practical and effective DHL interventions are crucial for the use of modern digital information technology in managing the health of older people. Trial registration: PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42023410204;
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Background The population is aging globally. Older people living in long-term care facilities have many functional impairments, such as mobility problems and depression. Digital games and so-called exergames can offer a motivating and entertaining way to maintain older people’s physical activity and thus their ability to function. However, previous studies have reported conflicting results about the effects of digital gaming and have focused on community-dwelling older people. Objective To identify, critically appraise, and synthesize evidence about the effectiveness of digital games on older people’s physical, psychological, and social functioning and physical and social activity in long-term care facilities. Methods Five databases were systematically searched, and relevant studies were screened. Fifteen randomized-controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies (total N = 674) were included in meta-analysis. Results All digital games used in interventions were exergames. Meta-analysis showed that exergame interventions have a statistically significant large effect on physical functioning [number of studies (N) = 6, standardized mean difference (SMD) = 0.97, p = 0.001] measured by Timed Up and Go or Short Physical Performance Battery and self-assessed physical activity (N = 3, SMD = 1.20, p < 0.001) and medium effect on social functioning (N = 5, SMD = 0.74, p = 0.016) compared to alternative intervention or no intervention. Social activity was not measured in any study. Conclusions The results are encouraging that exergames effectively increase the functioning and activity of older adults living in long-term facilities. Successful implementation of such activities requires the competence of nursing staff and rehabilitation professionals in digitalization.
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Introduction: Exergames are increasingly used in rehabilitation settings for older adults to train physical and cognitive abilities. To meet the potential that exergames hold, they need to be adapted to the individual abilities of the player and their training objectives. Therefore, it is important to know whether and how game characteristics affect their playing. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of two different kinds of exergame (step game and balance game) played at two difficulty levels on brain activity and physical activity. Methods: Twenty-eight older independently living adults played two different exergames at two difficulty levels each. In addition, the same movements as during gaming (leaning sideways with feet in place and stepping sideways) were performed as reference movements. Brain activity was recorded using a 64-channel EEG system to assess brain activity, while physical activity was recorded using an accelerometer at the lower back and a heart rate sensor. Source-space analysis was applied to analyze the power spectral density in theta (4 Hz-7 Hz) and alpha-2 (10 Hz-12 Hz) frequency bands. Vector magnitude was applied to the acceleration data. Results: Friedman ANOVA revealed significantly higher theta power for the exergaming conditions compared to the reference movement for both games. Alpha-2 power showed a more diverse pattern which might be attributed to task-specific conditions. Acceleration decreased significantly from the reference movement to the easy condition to the hard condition for both games. Discussion: The results indicate that exergaming increases frontal theta activity irrespective of type of game or difficulty level, while physical activity decreases with increasing difficulty level. Heart rate was found to be an inappropriate measure in this population older adults. These findings contribute to understanding of how game characteristics affect physical and cognitive activity and consequently need to be taken into account when choosing appropriate games and game settings for exergame interventions.
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This research project presents the development of a video game entitled "Chyilax"-an innovative three-dimensional video game about a person's struggle against mental breakdown while trying to alleviate its symptoms. The game was developed to be a medium that would raise awareness about the risks and conditions of mental health breakdown. The player can choose to take the role of either a college student or a working adult, both experience symptoms due to a tangled situation in their past. The player was tasked to help the protagonist to overcome the symptoms before it leads to a nervous breakdown. In order to help the protagonist, make up with the people who got involved in their past circumstances through puzzle-solving, role-playing, and problem-solving. Chyilax was developed using Unity as its game engine while 3D models were created using Autodesk Maya. The project was tested and evaluated via a virtual open house. The questionnaires were collated online using an online form that assesses the following as criteria for the game: effectiveness, visuals, mechanics, audio, and enjoyment while the website: functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and supportability as criteria. The game received an overall mean of 4.32 while the website received an overall mean of 4.35, both of which have a verbal interpretation of "Strongly Agree", which interprets that the objectives were achieved and drawn impact to raise awareness on issues focusing on mental breakdown.
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In this study, we developed a PC-based video game that aims to promote awareness of Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD), also known as dysthymia. Anchored to the survival horror subgenre and a hack and slash gameplay, we constructed "Escape from Oblivion" as a single-player platformer game that highlights eerie game world environments and scenarios indicative of mental health conditions. It exhibits different mental states under terrible circumstances, forcing players to see and feel what it is almost like when suffering from a mental health condition like PDD. With the necessary expertise on PDD and mental health, we consulted with an expert to co-design the video game. We also evaluated the game prototype with players in terms of game characteristics. The initial version of our game received acceptable scores during the virtual open house event. Although there are several enhancements to be incorporated, our video game Escape from Oblivion demonstrates potential in being a promotional tool for mental health awareness.
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The Virtual Dietitian (VD) application is a nutrition knowledge-based system that generates personalized meal plans in accordance with the one-size-does-not-fit-all concept of precision nutrition. A subset of the population that was not involved in its four-part developmental study was gym and fitness enthusiasts despite them being important target users. As part of our quality improvement (QI) plan, we initiated a two-phase user testing to inform modifications to VD. We recruited a total of 30 users with prior experience in nutrition applications. In phase 1, they used the current version of VD for a week and answered a mixed-form questionnaire afterward. We used the same questionnaire from our previous study, which is composed of System Usability Scale (SUS) items and open-ended questions. After months of system modification, the same set of users evaluated again the new VD version after another week of use. A paired-sample t-test showed a statistically significant difference in SUS scores before (SUS = 79) and after (SUS = 82) modifying VD based on the suggestions of the participants (p = 0.005). Some new features include water tracker and reminder modules, Google Fit integration, and other nutrition support services (e.g., teleconsultation with registered dietitians). Although further refinements to VD are still needed, we were able to incorporate a QI initiative typically employed by healthcare organizations into software development for a better and improved personalized nutrition application.
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Objective This study aims to assess the active aging awareness of older adults in mainland Portugal and their levels of overall well-being and to identify social and health-related factors. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted with a representative sample of 613 older adults, aged 65 or older, who participated in the PROKnos – Knowing Social Prescribing needs of the elderly study in Portugal. The questionnaire consisted of the Active Ageing Awareness Questionnaire and the World Health Organization – Five Well-Being Index, as well as sociodemographic, economic, and health status questions. Correlation coefficients, t-tests for independent samples, and one-way ANOVA were used to explore potential associations between variables. Results The active aging awareness levels were significantly higher for women (p = 0.031), and those who were younger (p = 0.011), more educated (p < 0.001), had a better financial situation (p < 0.001), and had better health (p < 0.001). The same pattern was found for well-being, except in relation to gender, as men had higher levels (p = 0.016). These variables were found to be correlated. Discussion Even though active aging is an important strategy to implement, it is indispensable to consider the perceptions and conditions that need to be in place before that. This study reveals that several social and health-related factors are associated with well-being and active aging awareness, as well as the differences between groups that exist in mainland Portugal in relation to that. This emphasizes how vital it is to address social inequalities in active aging efforts, which are not necessarily uncovered when only considering actual active aging measures.
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Serious games (SGs) are often used for learning and cognitive improvement. This systematic review aims to verify the effectiveness of SG in enhancing the reading and writing of children with learning difficulties or disorders. The study was conducted according to the PRISMA 2020 Guidelines. The screening processes led to six relevant articles, all of which were randomized trials with a low risk of bias. The number of SGs developed for children with learning disorders with evidence of efficacy is very small, and they focus on enhancing only some aspects of literacy, leaving out the training of some fundamental skills, such as spelling and text comprehension. Serious games are effective in improving reading and metaphonological skills and in ensuring good engagement and enjoyment. However, poor generalization of progress to untreated skills was reported. The importance of investment in this area of research is highlighted.
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Background: Physical literacy (PL) is essential to the holistic human experience, emphasizing embodied capability and affording opportunities for inclusive engagement. Despite its recent use as a core programming element, PL from the experiential point of view of individuals experiencing disability has yet to be explored. Excluding these perspectives promotes a culture of ableism, one that devalues the embodied capabilities of those experiencing the world differently. The purpose of this study was to highlight the participant perspective related to PL and explore the value individuals experiencing disability attribute to PL and its development. Methods: Using the communities of practice theoretical model of knowledge as a conceptual framework, 13 participants experiencing disability participated in two focus groups. Participants' experiences were thematized via the use of thematic analysis, and voices were portrayed through composite narratives, highlighting the shared participant experience and value associated with PL. Results: Three themes emerged: (1) imagine the possibilities, (2) dance like nobody's watching, and (3) no wrong way to move. Composite narratives reflect PL as a valued means of exploration and learning, personal growth, and opportunity related to physical activity and social interaction. Participant value was considered to be enhanced via a learning climate affording opportunities for developing autonomy and a sense of belonging. Conclusion: This research provides an authentic understanding of PL within the context of disability, and what might be used to facilitate its development in such an environment. Individuals experiencing disability contributed to this knowledge and must be continually involved to ensure PL development is inclusive to all.
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Empirical evidence has demonstrated the benefits of physical activity in preventing chronic diseases and premature death. Unfortunately, there is a global trend of insufficient physical activity, which was aggravated by the recent global pandemic. Although physical education is often used to promote physical activity, the transition to online education made it difficult to teach fitness and exercise from a distance due to several limiting factors. This chapter aims to respond to these challenges by implementing a school-based public health intervention using a computer-assisted instruction (CAI) tool called VD-CAI. Through an experimental approach, it was found that VD-CAI as an instructional technology shows a performance advantage compared to other pedagogies. Specifically, students who used VD-CAI in their physical education courses received higher scores and exhibited a more positive attitude. This chapter contributes to the growing scientific evidence of the effectiveness of school-based health education programs as well as the expanding literature on CAI and physical education.
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A cross-sectional survey was done to investigate the pathways the physical activity acts in improving physical fitness and functional outcomes of older adults (60 years and above) using 880 community-dwelling older adults in Sri Lanka. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used. The final SEM model included five latent factors and 14 co-variances. Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), Comparative fit index (CFI) and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) values of the model were 0.95, 0.93, 0.91, and 0.05 respectively, indicating a good model fit. Strength enhances balance (β = .52, p < .01) and reduces the time required to complete physical functions (β = -.65, p < .01). Since strength declines with advancing age, muscle-strengthening activity programs should be promoted to enhance balance and functional performances in older adults in advanced ages. Strength test (hand grip and leg strength) can be used as a screening test to predict potential risk of falls and functional disabilities in older adults.
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Technological innovation has become an integral aspect of our daily life, such as wearable and information technology, virtual reality and the Internet of Things which have contributed to transforming healthcare business and operations. Patients will now have a broader range and more mindful healthcare choices and experience a new era of healthcare with a patient-centric culture. Digital transformation determines personal and institutional health care. This paper aims to analyse the changes taking place in the field of healthcare due to digital transformation. For this purpose, a systematic bibliographic review is performed, utilising Scopus, Science Direct and PubMed databases from 2008 to 2021. Our methodology is based on the approach by Wester and Watson, which classify the related articles based on a concept-centric method and an ad hoc classification system which identify the categories used to describe areas of literature. The search was made during August 2022 and identified 5847 papers, of which 321 fulfilled the inclusion criteria for further process. Finally, by removing and adding additional studies, we ended with 287 articles grouped into five themes: information technology in health, the educational impact of e-health, the acceptance of e-health, telemedicine and security issues.
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Early detection of age-related cognitive decline has transformative potential to advance the scientific understanding of cognitive impairments and possible treatments by identifying relevant participants for clinical trials. Furthermore, early detection is also key to early intervention once effective treatments have been developed. Novel approaches to the early detection of cognitive decline, for example through assessments administered via mobile apps, may require frequent home testing which can present adherence challenges. And, once decline has been detected, treatment might require frequent engagement with behavioral and/or lifestyle interventions (e.g., cognitive training), which present their own challenges with respect to adherence. We discuss state-of-the-art approaches to the early detection and treatment of cognitive decline, adherence challenges associated with these approaches, and the promise of smart and person-centered technologies to tackle adherence challenges. Specifically, we highlight prior and ongoing work conducted as part of the Adherence Promotion with Person-centered Technology (APPT) project, and how completed work will contribute to the design and development of a just-in-time, tailored, smart reminder system that infers participants’ contexts and motivations, and how ongoing work might build toward a reminder system that incorporates dynamic machine learning algorithms capable of predicting and preventing adherence lapses before they happen. APPT activities and findings will have implications not just for cognitive assessment and training, but for technology-mediated adherence-support systems to facilitate physical exercise, nutrition, medication management, telehealth, and social connectivity, with the potential to broadly improve the engagement, health, and well-being of older adults.
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Proprioception is a crucial property for movement stability and balance, but its current assessment, based on clinical testing, lacks precision and adequacy in real contexts. This study proposes assessing proprioception and its sensitivity to training effects through acceleration time series recorded during two slackline experiments. In the first experiment, slackliners of different expertise (highly and poorly trained) had to walk on a slackline for 30 s. In the second, twelve beginners had to balance up on the slackline for at least 11 s before and after a training process. Acceleration time series were recorded in body components (legs and centre of mass) and the slackline. The acceleration fluctuations were analysed through Detrended Fluctuation Analysis. The obtained Hurst (H)-exponents were compared between both groups (first experiment) and before and after training (second experiment) using Whitney and Wilcoxon tests, respectively. The values of H-exponents were lower in the highly trained group (Z = −2.15, p = 0.03) (first experiment), and in the post-training conditions (Z = −2.35, p = 0.02) (second experiment). These results suggest better motor and proprioceptive control with training status. Hence, the time-variability structure of acceleration in real contexts, like slackline tasks, is proposed as an objective measure of proprioception and its training effects.
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One challenge for the development of healthcare systems worldwide is to shape society’s health literacy [...]
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The COVID-19 pandemic has increased reliance on digital service delivery, including the delivery of health promotion initiatives. Health promotion interventions need to carefully consider user engagement. Gamification is a strategy used to engage and motivate people, and evidence shows overall cautious positive results in the use of gamification for older people across a range of health areas although more evidence is needed. Gamification has been used as a strategy in COVID-19 related initiatives and there is potential to build on the evidence to further develop gamification initiatives for those living in the Western Pacific region to impact positively on healthy behaviours and health outcomes.
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Background: Ensuring that health care professionals are knowledgeable about the influence limited health literacy has on health outcomes and how to apply health literate strategies is crucial to transform quality and safety in care settings. Although many organizational efforts to address health literacy have focused on hospital settings, few have focused on primary care. The designation of a patient-centered medical home requires the need to address integrating health literacy and the training needs of primary care settings. Brief description of activity: An interactive health literacy training intervention was developed, implemented, and evaluated for 25 primary care clinics. This included an online educational module, in-person application activities, and a sustainability plan to continue skill building, reinforce behaviors, and support practice. Implementation: Using a descriptive pre- and post-training design, three survey measures were used to rate health literacy knowledge, behaviors, and confidence levels of more than 475 primary care staff. A pre-training survey was completed prior to completion of an interactive online health literacy module and attendance at an in-person training session which followed. A post-training survey was then completed. Sustainment activities, including lunch and learns, and reinforcement activities by clinic leaders, were initiated to promote use of the strategies in practice. A 1-year follow-up survey was then administered to measure sustainability. Results: The interactive training intervention improved primary care staff's knowledge, behaviors, and confidence in using health literacy strategies with patients and families. Common barriers and facilitators around the use of these strategies were also identified. Lessons learned: Careful consideration should be taken when developing health literacy training to ensure it will be effective, efficient, and sustainable. Using elements that facilitate the transfer of training to practice will help improve success. Addressing barriers and promoting facilitators, as well as integrating and connecting health literacy strategies with existing organizational goals and initiatives offer additional ways to reinforce and sustain the practice change. [HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice. 2022;6(2):e113-e120.] Plain Language Summary: Clinic staff can improve how they provide information and education to children and families. Interactive training about health literacy led clinic staff to (1) know more about health literacy, (2) use health literacy strategies more, and (3) feel more confident using health literacy strategies. Training over time, supporting staff, and connecting to organizational goals are important for sustainment.
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Ageism may have harmful effects on the psychological well-being of older adults, leading to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. However, there are insufficient data to establish this hypothesis, and most work on the subject has appeared only in the form of conceptual or theoretical papers. This study reviewed quantitative studies of the relationship between ageism and psychological well-being of older adults. We conducted a comprehensive review using searches of academic databases, the grey literature, hand searches, and reference mining. A total of thirteen articles were selected using the inclusion criteria. All the reviewed studies showed a negative association between ageism and the psychological well-being of older adults. The study confirmed a negative association between ageism and older adults’ psychological well-being, finding that older adults with a high level of psychological well-being may be less negatively affected by ageism, especially those who were proud of their age group, experienced less negative emotions, were more optimistic about aging and their future, were more self-confident about their bodies, and were flexible in setting goals. The identified mediators of the association can inform intervention development to the effects of ageism and improve older adults’ psychological well-being.
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Body awareness (BA) has long been proposed as a working mechanism of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), yet research on the mediating role of BA is scarce. Hence, the present study assesses the impact of an 8-week MBI on self-reported and indirect measures of BA, investigates the potential mediating role of BA in the relationship between an MBI and symptomatology, evaluates the impact of an MBI on important psychological processes (i.e., experiential avoidance, rumination, self-efficacy, and self-discrepancy), and explores whether these variables act alongside BA in mediating the relationship between an MBI and symptomatology. A non-randomized controlled trial was conducted with 148 participants (n = 89 in the MBI group; n = 59 in the control group) who completed questionnaires assessing BA and the above-mentioned psychological processes before and after an MBI. A sub-sample of participants (n = 86) completed a task that evaluates BA indirectly. Results showed a significant effect of MBI on the self-reported BA but not on the indirect measure of BA. The MBI significantly reduced symptomatology, and this effect was mediated by regulatory and belief-related dimensions of BA. Multiple mediator models showed a significant mediation via various pathways involving improved BA and various transdiagnostic psychological processes.
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Background There has been an increase in the development and application of serious games to support management of mental ill health, but their full impact is unclear. Aims Evaluation of the current evidence of acceptability and effectiveness of serious games in improving mental health disorders. Method A PRISMA-guided scoping review was conducted, using a predefined criteria and a relevant word combination on three databases: EMBASE, Medline and PsycINFO. Each included study was examined for game format, study type, number of participants, basic demographics, disorder targeted, recruitment, setting, control conditions, duration and follow-up, study attrition, primary outcomes and their results. Each study was given a Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations rating for quality. Results Fourteen out of 513 studies met the inclusion criteria. The serious games focused on symptoms of anxiety (n = 4), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (n = 3), depression (n = 2), schizophrenia (n = 2), alcohol use disorder (n = 2) and bipolar disorder (n = 1). There were multiple significant outcomes favouring serious games across conditions covered in the review. Study quality varied, with studies rated high (n = 3), moderate (n = 6), low (n = 3) and very low (n = 2). Conclusions The available evidence suggests that serious games could be an effective format for an intervention to reduce mental health symptoms and improve outcomes of individuals. Better designed studies would further develop confidence in this area. This is a potential vehicle of change to deliver some of the much-needed psychiatric support to both economically developed and developing regions in a resource-utilitarian manner. Partnerships between the gaming industry, researchers and health services may benefit patients.
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Gamification in education is a strategy of motivating and engaging students by integrating game design features into the instructional process. Although there is a growing body of scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of gamification in the educational setting, some of the evidence is inconclusive and insufficient, especially in developing nations. The purpose of this study is to integrate the technology acceptance model and task technology fit to investigate instructors' intention to use gamified online learning. A sample of 50 participants across various African institutions was involved in this study. Structural equation modelling implemented via partial least squares (PLS) is used to test the research hypotheses. The results revealed that intention to use gamified online learning was significantly and positively influenced by task technology fit, perceived usefulness, and attitude. Notably, subjective norms, facilitating conditions, and computer anxiety failed to predict behavioural intention. The authors discuss the implications of the findings and propose future directions.
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In the video game industry, games are purposely developed and designed for entertainment, but with the innovative technology we have right now, various video games have been created that are not just for entertainment. Nowadays there are video games for education, medical rehabilitation, awareness campaigns, and applications that target a specific type of illness or impairment or simply to enhance the way of life. To motivate people with these predicaments, gaming has been modified to offer not only entertainment but also a way to help others. The proposed game entitled Beast Chasers-an Action Role Playing Game (ARPG) for PC Platform will make use of symbolism and deep storyline as an instrument to deliver societal issue awareness. The proponents used the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to figure out which age group, gender, or economic level will be most interested in the game as the project's target audience. The proponents used Convenience Sampling because it is considerably faster and easier to get findings. To assess the game impact, a questionnaire based on the Likert Scale was given to 30 people and it is used to measure opinions or perceptions about the game and it can also identify where the areas of the game can improve. The results of the game evaluation received a total of 5.54 mean implying that the game was quite satisfying and that the sample was enthusiastic about the game. Therefore, Beast Chasers has promoted and raised an awareness about the Societal Issues that the world is dealing with also making it into a form of ARPG Video Game.
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Background Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to experience poorer health outcomes than other population groups. While data specific to Indigenous Australians are scarce, a known social health literacy gradient exists linking low health literacy and poor health outcomes within many minority populations. Improving health literacy among Indigenous Australians is an important way to support self-determination and autonomy in both individuals and communities, by enhancing knowledge and improving health outcomes. This review aims to rigorously examine the effectiveness of health literacy interventions targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Methods A systematic review across six databases (The Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, SCOPUS, ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis and Web of Science) was performed for publications evaluating interventions to improve health literacy among Indigenous Australian adults using search terms identifying a range of related outcomes. Results Of 824 articles retrieved, a total of five studies met the eligibility criteria and were included in this review. The included studies evaluated the implementation of workshops, structured exercise classes and the provision of discounted fruit and vegetables to improve nutrition, modify risk factors for chronic diseases, and improve oral health literacy. All interventions reported statistically significant improvement in at least one measured outcome. However, there was limited involvement of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members in the research process and participant retention rates were sub-optimal. Conclusion There is limited evidence on interventions to improve health literacy in Indigenous Australian adults. Participation in interventions was often suboptimal and loss to follow-up was high. Future studies co-designed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members are needed to improve health literacy in this population.
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Background Numerous instruments are designed to measure digital literacy among the general population. However, few studies have assessed the use and appropriateness of these measurements for older populations. Objective This systematic review aims to identify and critically appraise studies assessing digital literacy among older adults and to evaluate how digital literacy instruments used in existing studies address the elements of age-appropriate digital literacy using the European Commission’s Digital Competence (DigComp) Framework. Methods Electronic databases were searched for studies using validated instruments to assess digital literacy among older adults. The quality of all included studies was evaluated using the Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool (CCAT). Instruments were assessed according to their ability to incorporate the competence areas of digital literacy as defined by the DigComp Framework: (1) information and data literacy, (2) communication and collaboration, (3) digital content creation, (4) safety, and (5) problem-solving ability, or attitudes toward information and communication technology use. Results Searches yielded 1561 studies, of which 27 studies (17 cross-sectional, 2 before and after, 2 randomized controlled trials, 1 longitudinal, and 1 mixed methods) were included in the final analysis. Studies were conducted in the United States (18/27), Germany (3/27), China (1/27), Italy (1/27), Sweden (1/27), Canada (1/27), Iran (1/27), and Bangladesh (1/27). Studies mostly defined older adults as aged ≥50 years (10/27) or ≥60 years (8/27). Overall, the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) was the most frequently used instrument measuring digital literacy among older adults (16/27, 59%). Scores on the CCAT ranged from 34 (34/40, 85%) to 40 (40/40, 100%). Most instruments measured 1 or 2 of the DigComp Framework’s elements, but the Mobile Device Proficiency Questionnaire (MDPQ) measured all 5 elements, including “digital content creation” and “safety.” Conclusions The current digital literacy assessment instruments targeting older adults have both strengths and weaknesses, relative to their study design, administration method, and ease of use. Certain instrument modalities like the MDPQ are more generalizable and inclusive and thus, favorable for measuring the digital literacy of older adults. More studies focusing on the suitability of such instruments for older populations are warranted, especially for areas like “digital content creation” and “safety” that currently lack assessment. Evidence-based discussions regarding the implications of digitalization for the treatment of older adults and how health care professionals may benefit from this phenomenon are encouraged.
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Background: Physical literacy is a multidimensional concept that describes a holistic foundation for physical activity engagement. Understanding the utilization and effectiveness of physical literacy in the context of health and the health care setting will support clinical and population health programming. The purpose of this rapid scoping review was to: 1) map the conceptualization of physical literacy as it relates to health; 2) identify and describe the utilization of physical literacy in the context of health and engagement of health care providers; and 3) better understand the relationship between physical literacy, physical activity, and health. Methods: Following established scoping review methods adapted for a rapid review approach, we searched electronic databases Medline OVID, CINAHL Ebsco, PsycInfo Ebsco, Web of Science ISI, and ERIC Ebsco from conception until September 2019. Tabulation coding was used to identify the key themes across included articles and synthesize findings. The review follows an integrated knowledge translation approach based on a partnership between the health system, community organizations, and researchers. Results: Following removal of duplicates, our search identified 475 articles for title and abstract screening. After full text review, 17 articles were included (12 original research papers and five conceptual or review papers). There was near consensus among included papers with 16 of 17 using the Whiteheadian definition of physical literacy. There was limited involvement of health care providers in the concept of physical literacy. Physical literacy was connected to the following health indicators: BMI and body weight, waist circumference, cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour. The primary demographic focus of included studies was children and there was a conceptual focus on the physical domain of physical literacy. Conclusions: Despite growing popularity, the empirical evidence base linking physical literacy and health outcomes is limited and the relationship remains theoretical. Physical literacy may present a novel and holistic framework for health-enhancing physical activity interventions that consider factors vital to sustained participation in physical activity across the life course. Future work should continue to explore the nature and direction of the relationship between physical activity and physical literacy to identify appropriate focused approaches for health promotion.
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The purpose of this review was to summarize the latest best scientific evidence on the efficacy of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on swallowing function in dysphagic stroke patients. A comprehensive systematic search of literature published between November 2014 and May 2020 was performed using the following electronic databases: PubMed/Medline, CINAHL, PEDro, Science Direct, Google Scholar, EMBASE, and Scopus. Only randomized controlled trials (RCT) evaluating the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on swallowing function in dysphagic stroke patients were included. Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) has been used to evaluate the risk of bias of included trials. This review was reported in accordance with PRISMA statement guideline. The methodological quality of the studies was determined using PEDro scale and GRADE approach. Evidence of overall quality was graded from moderate to high. Eleven RCTs involving 784 patients were analyzed. The primary outcome measures of this review were functional dysphagia scale (FDS) and standard swallowing assessment. This review found neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) coupled with traditional swallowing therapy could be an optional intervention to improve swallowing function after stroke in rehabilitation department.
Healthcare systems generate an immense volume of data, which presents a unique opportunity to make a significant impact. This chapter examines the role of information retrieval systems in healthcare, specifically focusing on how text analysis can be utilized to enhance the understanding of medical data. By employing advanced text mining tools, this chapter demonstrates how we can extract valuable insights from these complex documents. It also presents text analytics as a solution-oriented approach, particularly beneficial in managing crises within healthcare systems and in making informed decisions based on accurate data analysis. The technical foundation of the study is rooted in the fields of natural language processing and artificial intelligence, with a focus on methodologies related to the semantics of words and text (e.g., text corpus, dictionaries, and text embeddings). Through this exploration, the chapter aims to highlight the transformative potential of text analysis and information retrieval systems in revolutionizing healthcare data understanding.
Recent years have witnessed a significant convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) within the healthcare sector. This chapter explores the transformative potential and challenges posed by these intelligent technologies in healthcare. It explores various domains such as predictive analytics, telemedicine, personalized medicine, and the enhancement of healthcare operational efficiencies. The findings underscore the potential of AI and smart technologies in revolutionizing healthcare delivery. This chapter carries extensive implications for the healthcare sector. Healthcare practitioners and administrators can leverage these insights to strategically incorporate AI solutions, aiming to improve patient outcomes and enhance organizational efficiency. Additionally, the findings provide valuable guidance for policymakers and stakeholders, informing the creation of guidelines and standards that foster innovation, ensure patient safety, and protect data security. Therefore, this chapter is an essential guide for effectively embracing the role of AI in advancing healthcare practices.
This scoping review explores the role of mobile applications in advancing health literacy, a critical aspect of modern healthcare. Health literacy, encompassing the ability to access, understand, and apply health-related information, significantly influences individual well-being and healthcare effectiveness. The review delves into various research findings, highlighting how mobile applications, with their widespread accessibility, have revolutionized the availability and usability of health information. By examining numerous studies, the review assesses how mobile applications not only enhance patient understanding and management of health conditions but also bolster healthcare professionals' proficiency. Through this exploration, the review underlines the necessity of integrating digital resources into healthcare strategies, thereby reinforcing the potential of mobile applications to significantly contribute to the advancement of health literacy.
Radiation therapy (or radiation oncology) plays a crucial role in the treatment of cancer, requiring advanced medical practices and strong health literacy on the part of healthcare professionals. This chapter aims to explore with a literature review how emerging technologies can be integrated into radiation therapy to improve patient health literacy and the effectiveness of medical practice. The application of technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and digital communication in radiotherapy highlights their implications for professional education attitude, patient education and treatment, and the development of optimization of radiotherapy treatment protocols. Nowadays, knowledge has become a crucial tool to meet the challenges of an increasingly digitized society. Staying up-to-date and understanding emerging technologies can be key to navigating this landscape. The ability to learn and adapt quickly has also become a valuable skill during constant change in a global society.
The rapidly evolving field of telemedicine is transforming the accessibility and delivery of healthcare. This chapter delves into how telemedicine enhances healthcare access, brings treatment into patients' homes, and addresses care deficits in underdeveloped areas. It covers key facets of telemedicine, including store-and-forward methods, remote patient monitoring, and teleconsultation across various medical conditions. Significantly, telemedicine emerged as a crucial approach to adhere to social distancing norms while providing healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter evaluates the benefits and applications of telemedicine compared to traditional in-person consultations, focusing on cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, and its importance in areas lacking local healthcare providers. Additionally, it examines factors crucial to the successful implementation of telemedicine, such as digital readiness, the digital competency of patients and healthcare professionals, and the regulatory frameworks governing the exchange and use of medical data.
Using artificial intelligence (AI) to its transformative advantage, the smart vision initiative represents a paradigm shift in the diagnostics and treatment of diabetic retinopathy. The primary aim of this initiative is to address all forms of diabetic retinopathy using cutting-edge AI techniques, including deep neural networks and machine learning. These advanced algorithms are designed for rapid and precise diagnosis, enabling swift interventions to prevent visual impairment by identifying intricate patterns that are invisible to the human eye. Through the identification of complex patterns that are invisible to the human eye, these algorithms guarantee quick and accurate diagnosis. This early detection is crucial as it allows for immediate care, significantly reducing the risk of irreversible vision loss. The smart vision initiative sets the stage for a future where diabetic retinopathy no longer leads to blindness, offering a brighter, clearer, and safer optical future for those affected by the condition.
This chapter explores the growing applications of deep learning (DL) in the field of ophthalmology. Specifically, it examines the integration and efficacy of DL systems in enhancing patient outcomes, particularly in the diagnosis and management of conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and retinopathy of prematurity. It also outlines how DL algorithms are employed to analyze complex datasets and retinal images, enabling early detection, precise diagnosis, and effective treatment strategies. This chapter also addresses the challenges inherent in integrating AI into clinical practice, including issues related to data bias, algorithmic reliability, ethical concerns, and the need for diverse, representative datasets. It proposes a roadmap for the responsible implementation of DL in ophthalmology, emphasizing the importance of continuous research, development, and ethical considerations. Overall, this chapter presents a vision where these technologies not only enhance clinical practice but also promote improved health outcomes in the field of eye care.
Ensuring human health safety necessitates rigorous biosafety evaluations of substances and materials, particularly in the context of in-vivo exposure. Biodegradable materials, known for their natural decomposition capabilities through biological mechanisms, may exhibit toxicological profiles differing from non-biodegradable substances. Prior to their application in medical devices such as stents and implants, it is imperative to conduct thorough testing to ascertain their safety. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the in-vivo biosafety of various biodegradable materials. The authors employ an integrative approach, combining in-vitro ion-tolerance assays with in-vivo microanalysis techniques. This dual methodology allows for a detailed evaluation of the materials' biocompatibility and potential toxicity, particularly focusing on nanomaterial-induced toxicity in neural tissues. These findings offer critical insights into the safe application of biodegradable biomedical materials, underpinning informed decision-making in their usage for medical applications.
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Student engagement and enrichment are key factors as learners have shifted from the traditional classroom to the virtual classroom when a flexible learning environment has been in place. It has posed a challenge for educators to shift from traditional educational methods to the utilization of technology-enhanced learning all the more since online and flexible mode were often used since the pandemic. This paper intends to convey that students may exhibit engagement inside the virtual classroom by posting student-generated questions during a discussion forum in the Canvas LMS as question-based inquiries. More so, students have enjoyed and increase their academic performance by playing and participating in a gamified learning activity. This research discussed an activity in encouraging students' learning, curiosity, and involvement in online learning environments. The authors aim for this objective by fusing the 1) utilization of student-generated questions in the goal of promoting learning and thinking, and 2) boosting student engagement through the use of gamified activities which increases students' academic performance. These intentions will be realized in the virtual classroom implementation and its assessment. Employing the Canvas New Analytics, 148 first year-second semester students questioned their teacher about a course topic and as their questions were each replied to, they were graded through discussion post with an average grade of 99% for all sections. The game Jeopardy was played as an examination review session for the same sections and 181 students from the four sections have an average grade score of 77.5% in their midterm examination. A course learning objective item is also measured with a university target that at least 60% of students should reach an average grade score of 80% and above. For the CLO target, average of four sections reached 68.3% which is descriptively attained. Generating questioned-based inquiry in the forum discussion showed an increase in engagement and enrichment from students. The findings have a positive impact on them as their posted inquiries and questions gained them grades which indicated high average grade for each section. Utilizing a gamified learning activity in a pure online setting for the school year 2021-2022, allowing the students to participate in educational games is necessary to boost engagement and enrichment as well.
The digital age is entrenched in our society, with constant innovation driving change in the way clinicians and patients manage their health concerns. Health literacy is emerging as an important modifiable factor that can affect clinical and patient outcomes, yet traditional forms of patient education have shown mixed results. Digital media and technologies, the concept of gamification as a means to improve patient health literacy, and its potential for misuse will be explored in this review, in the context of a digital, gamified tool that could support patients along their surgical journey. Health literacy is a modifiable factor for patients undergoing surgery. Digital technology has shown great potential to facilitate patient education. Improvement of health literacy through digital technology may be useful to improve understanding, expectations and hence outcomes for patients undergoing surgery.
Content: Healthy People 2030 (HP2030), the fifth iteration of the Healthy People initiative, provides science-based national health objectives with targets to improve the health and well-being of Americans. For the first time since its 1979 establishment, the Healthy People framework aims to attain health literacy as an Overarching Goal and Foundational Principle to achieving health and well-being. Growing literature on health literacy describes it as a concept not solely reliant on individual capabilities but also on organizations' ability to make health-related information and services equitably accessible and comprehensible. Program: The US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) updates the Healthy People objectives each decade based on the most current science. For the development of HP2030, the HHS drew on recommendations from the Secretary's Advisory Committee on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2030 (Secretary's Advisory Committee), an independent advisory committee of national health experts, to update the 20-year old individual-focused Healthy People definition of health literacy. The HHS solicited input from members of the public and stakeholders on the proposed changes to that definition. Implementation: The HHS published a federal register notice to solicit public comments, which were qualitatively analyzed by government staff. Evaluation: The 2 separate analyses revealed plurality support for improving the definition to focus on both individual and organizational roles in health literacy. Results led HHS subject matter experts to update the definition to include definitions of personal health literacy and organizational health literacy. Healthy People 2030's expanded health literacy definition reflects the most current science and input from the Secretary's Advisory Committee, public comments, and HHS subject matter experts. Discussion: The updated definition is intended to advance HP2030's health literacy goals particularly as more organizations in public health and other sectors acknowledge their role in the delivery of quality health information and services.
The present paper considers recent progress in our understanding of the afferent/ascending neural pathways and neural circuits of interoception. Of particular note is the extensive role of rostral neural systems, including cortical systems, in the recognition of internal body states, and the reciprocal role of efferent/descending systems in the regulation of those states. Together these reciprocal interacting networks entail interoceptive circuits that play an important role in a broad range of functions beyond the homeostatic maintenance of physiological steady-states. These include the regulation of behavioral, cognitive, and affective processes across conscious and nonconscious levels of processing. We highlight recent advances and knowledge gaps that are important for accelerating progress in the study of interoception.