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Preventing Functional Decline with Age: Biomarkers and Best Practices

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Abstract and Figures

The aging populations observed across numerous countries worldwide necessitate a thorough exploration of interventions aimed at promoting healthy aging. As individuals age, they undergo significant physiological changes that impact their functional capacity and often necessitate increased reliance on external support systems. Enhancing the autonomy and well-being of elderly individuals emerges as a critical imperative, serving not only individual interests but also broader societal goals. This review investigates various interventions designed to optimize the health and independence of aging populations, offering insights into effective strategies for promoting healthy aging and mitigating the societal burdens associated with an aging demographic.
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Review Not peer-reviewed version
Preventing Functional Decline with Age:
Biomarkers and Best Practices
Matthew Halma and Paul Marik *
Posted Date: 12 March 2024
doi: 10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
Keywords: aging populations; healthy aging interventions; physiological changes; autonomy, well-being is a free multidiscipline platform providing preprint service that
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Preventing Functional Decline with Age: Biomarkers
and Best Practices
Matthew Halma 1 and Paul Marik 2,*
1 EbMC Squared CIC, Bath, BA2 4BL, UK;
2 Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Washington D.C., USA, 20036;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The aging populations observed across numerous countries worldwide necessitate a thorough
exploration of interventions aimed at promoting healthy aging. As individuals age, they undergo significant
physiological changes that impact their functional capacity and often necessitate increased reliance on external
support systems. Enhancing the autonomy and well-being of elderly individuals emerges as a critical
imperative, serving not only individual interests but also broader societal goals. This review investigates
various interventions designed to optimize the health and independence of aging populations, offering insights
into effective strategies for promoting healthy aging and mitigating the societal burdens associated with an
aging demographic.
Keywords: aging populations; healthy aging interventions; physiological changes; autonomy and
1. Introduction
Populations in the developed world are more skewed towards older individuals than at any
previous time in history. Extrapolating the current population trends, the over-50 population in the
US will increase by 61% between 2020 and 2050[1]. The number of people in that age range with at
least one chronic disease is expected to double in that same time period, and the population of those
with two or more chronic conditions is expected to increase by 91% [1].
With significant disease burden in the older population, it falls on the proportionately smaller
working age population to sustain economic functions and to care for the elderly people. The ratio of
the number of working age people to the number of retirees will increase by approximately 35%,
from 23 retirees per 100 working people in 2010 to 31 retirees per 100 working people in 2030[2]. Put
another way, for each retired person in 2010, there were four people working, whereas in 2030, there
will be only three.
Healthcare expenditures also vary significantly by age. For a 25-year-old in the US in 2011,
healthcare consumption is roughly 8% of GDP per capita, for those 85 and above, healthcare
consumption is almost 70% of GDP per capita [3]. A projection of healthcare expenditures up to 2045
in Switzerland predicts that healthcare expenditures as a proportion of GDP in 2045 will increase
between 30% and 45% from 2013 levels [4]. These models assume GDP growth in line with current
projections, and it should be noted that unless GDP per capita is increasing greater than this rate,
then the relative burden per working individual will increase.
In the overall global population, approximately one third of people experience multiple chronic
conditions [5]. Developed countries have a higher rate of multimorbidity (38%) compared to low or
middle income countries (30%) [1]. Multimorbidity increases by roughly 78% for every decade
increase in age, and women have rates of multimorbidity 23% higher than males of the same age
category. Those living in lower income neighborhoods also had higher rates of multimorbidity [5].
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© 2024 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.
Figure 1. Prevalence of (multi)-morbidity in the UK by age group. Source: reproduced from [5].
Table 1. Trends in morbidity in the US adult population between 2020 and 2050 (projected). Table is
adapted from [1].
Age cohort 2020 2035 2050 Relative change between
2020 and 2050(%)
Population (million)
Total adult population 137 180 221 61%
5059 years 48 56 69 42%
6079 years 72 95 112 56%
80 and older 17 30 40 137%
1 chronic condition (million)
Adult population 72 114 143 100%
5059 years 16 18 22 40%
6079 years 45 71 84 86%
80 and older 11 26 37 244%
Multimorbidity (million)
Adult population 8 12 15 91%
50–59 years 2 2 2 40%
60–79 years 5 7 9 79%
80 and older 1 3 4 203%
Prevalence of 1 chronic condition (%) 22% 35% 48% 120%
Prevalence of multimorbidity (%) 2% 4% 5% 111%
Resulting from this, there is a potential tsunami of chronic health conditions associated with age,
and a subsequent increase in health care expenditures, already accounting for 17.3 percent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) [6]. Disease chronicity increases with age in the general population. In 2013,
80% of the US population over the age of 65 had at least one chronic condition [7].
Fortunately, implementing healthy aging strategies can drastically reduce disease burden.
Dementia for example, manifests over decades [8], giving the individual power to alter their expected
course. A previous estimate for the increase in healthcare expenditures per capita was 30 to 45%
between 2013 and 2045[4]. The authors also proposed a ‘Healthy Ageing’ scenario wherein the
increase was only 21%, which is still a considerable challenge, but attainable with increases in worker
The presence of ‘Blue Zones’ or pockets of high life expectancy, demonstrates that it is possible
to successfully create a culture of longevity and health [9]. While popular authors have emphasized
aspects of the diet of the people in Blue Zones, particularly them being highly plant-based, what
remains similar to them is the primacy of whole foods which are traditional to the region and ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 March 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
population [10]. In Okinawa one of the identified Blue Zones, 0.8% of people born during the 1900
birth cohort reached the age of 100[11], compared to 0.3% in the USA, or 0.1% in the UK [9].
These long-lived populations point to a way of healthy aging, as their elderly population retains
a high degree of autonomy and independence in their everyday lives, many still keeping up leisurely
activities, reading and sports [12].
2. Metabolism
Poor metabolic function can contribute to a wide variety of illnesses. Those who are
metabolically unwell (having metabolic multimorbidity) spend 52% more time as an inpatient in
hospitals, have a 36% increased likelihood of not being able to perform activities of daily living (ADL)
[13]. Metabolic dysregulation is comorbid with mental health disorders [14], cancer [15,16],
neurodegenerative diseases [17,18].
Importantly, metabolic health can be readily changed through a shift in food consumption
patterns. Any policy decision to tackle chronic disease must have food policy and agriculture at its
core. Ultra processed foods (UPFs) comprise a larger proportion of people’s diet now than before,
often for reasons of convenience. These UPFs with an often-poor nutritional profile crowd out whole
foods in the diet [19], and consumption is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality,
cardiovascular disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, obesity, depression, cancer,
gastrointestinal disorders [20] and frailty among others [21]. Factors positively associated with UPF
consumption are male sex, young age, smoking (only significant for females) and living alone [20,22].
UPFs have significant and wide-ranging deleterious impacts on health [23].
Aging decreases resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is partially attributable to losses in fat-free
mass (FFM, i.e. muscle and bone), though there is a decline independent of FFM [24]. Additionally
central adiposity increases as one ages [25], and metabolic changes occur regularly, leading experts
to classify metabolic dysregulation as hallmarks of aging [26]. Excess body fat can also alter hormone
balance, as adipose tissue can promote estrogen production [27].
There is also significant crosstalk between metabolic health and brain health, where
metabolically unhealthy individuals have lower brain volumes into old age than their metabolically
fit counterparts [28]. When it comes to healthy aging, it is important to avoid insulin resistance, as
this is a significant predictor of age-related disease [29]. Those who live to ages past 100 (centenarians)
have better insulin sensitivity than their counterparts who die at younger ages [30].
Endurance exercise can reduce age-related declines in mitochondrial oxidative capacity in
individuals [31]. Overall, it is important to maintain metabolic health throughout one’s lifespan.
As one’s general fitness can be broken down into components of strength, speed, agility, balance,
flexibility and more, one’s metabolic health can be operationalized through meaningful metrics.
First, examining function, we would want a metabolic system to extract energy from food,
enough to perform all Activities of Dail y Living (ADL), as well as be able to perform a thletically when
required. The food that people eat should grow and repair their bodies and be sufficient to power all
of the necessary functions that contribute to the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
2.1. Fatigue
Endurance exercise, as opposed to punctuated, vigorous exercise, involves exerting power over
a longer duration of time at a lower intensity than acute bursts. While this would appear to have
limited applicability outside of endurance sports, one major desire of people is to have sustained
energy throughout the day. Typically, energy levels are high in the morning, low in the early
afternoon, and then increase again before dropping again at night. Higher Body mass index and waist
circumference are associated with higher levels of fatigue [32].
Most studies of energy levels of people look at those which suffer from fatigue due to an illness,
and not quotidian fatigue. Several dietary conditions have been investigated for their effect on fatigue
in disease contexts, and some literature exists on the impact of diet on fatigue in the context of
physical training. ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 March 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
In chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), adoptees of a low sugar and low yeast diet decreased their
fatigue significantly (p=0.002, difference measured by the Chalder fatigue score) from their baseline
measured before the dietary intervention [33].
A study of breast cancer survivors found that fatigue was associated with fat consumption, and
negatively associated with carbohydrate and fiber consumption [34]. A meta-analysis on Multiple
Sclerosis (MS) related fatigue came to similar conclusions, finding diets high in greens and low in fat
[35], such as a modified paleo diet, may improve MS-related fatigue [36]. The meta-analysis also
demonstrated low-quality evidence supporting folate and magnesium for decreasing fatigue [37].
Carbohydrate intake is positively associated with physical capacity, while fat consumption is
negatively associated with physical performance in a six-minute walk test and VO2max tests [38].
Omega 3 improved VO2 max, and vitamin D was associated with a nonsignificant improvement in
VO2max. Paleolithic diets and Mediterranean diets improved fatigue in MS patients [39], as well as
anti-inflammatory diets [40].
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is another condition where people have difficulty with energy
levels. A 2017 meta-analysis showed improvements in fatigue for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
hydride (NADH), probiotics, high cocoa polyphenol rich chocolate, and a combination of NADH and
coenzyme Q10[41]. Omega 3, D-ribose, polyphenols and a multivitamin supplement also have
support for their therapeutic use in CFS [42,43].
In the case of cancer related fatigue, adoption of the Mediterranean diet was associated with a
small-moderate decrease in fatigue levels [44]. High protein [45], carnitine [46,47], Omega-3[48],
American Ginseng [49], Wisconsin Ginseng [50] and Astralagus membranacus [51] reduced
fatigue[52]. Guarana had mixed positive effects [53] and nonsignificant effects [54,55].
For weightlifters in the midst of weight loss, high protein consumption helped with fatigue [56].
For non-athletes losing weight, higher vegetable consumption was associated with lower levels of
fatigue [57].
3. Cognition
One of the most feared outcomes of aging is a loss of cognition. Many elderly people do suffer
from dementia, whether in mild or severe forms. This can be attributed to several mechanisms, some
of which can be mediated through diet and lifestyle. First, mitochondrial function often degrades,
and aggregates can form in the cases of full-blown Alzheimer’s disease. Other factors include
decreased circulation, which can also precipitate hair loss.
As people age, they often become more set in their ways and are less likely to actively learn new
things, despite, in retirement, having more leisure time than during their working life. In fact,
retirement can have very negative mental health consequences for seniors, as inactivity and seclusion
can harm neural pathways.
Furthermore, one commonality in old age is a reduction of one’s social circle, as this often
decreases as one increasingly becomes home bound. Old age homes may precipitate some social
interaction in the common areas, but this is typically inadequate. Additionally, one social trend acting
against senior cognitive health is that parents and children are decreasingly co-located in the same
region, making visits more difficult.
The importance of regular social engagement for senior mental health has been studied, showing
a significant impact of loneliness on senior health.
This impact often stretches back many years, where those with a more robust friend circle
decades earlier also maintain a robust friend circle into old age. Therefore, the social circle is another
‘biomarker’ albeit unconventional, associated with successful aging. Here, relationships should be
considered as a vital part of aging, as they present a vital support.
Heart rate variability [58] and vagal nerve tone [59] are important biomarkers for stress
Hobbies, including engagement with music [60], are associated with lower rates of cognitive
decline and dementia [61–63]. Endurance exercise also prevents cognitive decline in older adults [64]. ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 March 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
Table 2. Body systems, associated biomarkers and means of training.
Trend (absent
System Associated tests and
Training Adaptations
muscle loss,
bone loss
Grip Strength [65] Weightlifting Increase in
muscle mass and
bone density
Lower VO2
Resting Metabolic Rate,
Creatine phosphokinase [66]
Running, swimming,
walking, cycling, cross-
country skiing, hiking, etc.
size, greater
ability to
metabolize fat,
increased (heart)
stroke volume
etal, nervous
Self-selected gait velocity [67],
Chair rise test (timed 5 chair
rises), Tandem standing and
walking, timed up and go test,
clinical gait analysis with
special focus on regularity,
mechanography [68]
Yoga Neuromuscular
control [69]
Flexibility Decrease in
joint flexion
Flexibility tests: Flexindex [71] Yoga, Pilates Improved
flexibility and
n of
of mutations
of methylation
higher cancer
rates [73]
Telomere Length [74],
Methylation level [75]
Low inflammation practices,
avoiding carcinogenic
exposures, possibly fasting
possibly fasting
Cognition Impairment on
task switching
[78], working
and long-term
memory [78]
Nervous Cognitive tests [79]:
Mini-Mental State
Examination, Isaacs Set Test,
Benton Visual Retention Test,
Digit Symbol Substitution
Test [80], Combined panel
Equivocal evidence for
transfer effects of cognitive
training [82],
Combined program
(exercise, brain training and
lecture) [83],
Reading [84],
Hobbies [85],
Multilingualism [86],
Dance [87],
Social Activity [88],
meditation [89]
Increased BDNF
[90] preservation
of white matter
4. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Health
Heart stroke volume from the heart increases with age, while heart rate decreases [91].
Maximum heart rate also decreases with age [92].
While total lung volume remains constant [93], respiratory strength decreases with age [94].
Aging causes a change in deep breathing where deep breathing is less able to increase the size of
peripheral airways [95] ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 March 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
In addition, breath volume decreases with age, unless it is countervailed by physical activity.
Endurance exercise is excellent for aging people, as endurance exercise improves mitochondrial
density [96] by enlargement of existing mitochondria [97,98].
can keep increasing, even as one grows older. The impacts of endurance exercise are
cumulative, and people with histories of endurance exercise retain their endurance into advanced
Cardiopulmonary health can be assessed by the VO2 max test, which involves finding the
maximal level of exertion and measuring the flow of oxygen at this level. VO2 max typically decreases
with age, dropping more modestly in exercising individuals [99,100]
Given the trend of decreases in heart stroke volume and heart rate with increasing chronological
age, VO2 max also declines with age, as it measures the combination of these factors along with
respiratory capacity. It is important to retain VO2 max as one ages, and VO2 max helps with capacity
to perform daily actions, such as walking up stairs. Additionally, endurance exercise also provides
the metabolic benefits of increased mitochondrial density.
Another means by which older adults can improve their metabolic parameters is by cold
exposure, which can facilitate the conversion of white adipose tissue to more metabolically active
brown adipose tissue (BAT). This increases one’s basal metabolic rate and the practice can also
improve ones tolerance to cold. Older people, especially women, often feel cold at higher
temperatures than their younger and male counterparts, so intentional cold exposure can help to
alleviate this.
In addition to the cognitive benefits espoused above, periodic fasting can be important for
metabolic parameters as well as improving cognitive function. Regular fasting can help to reduce
blood sugar variation, which is a contributor to neurodegenerative diseases.
One common intervention that elderly people use is oxygen support. Approximately 1 in 5
people over the age of 70 have some form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [101]. Breathing
pattern can impact the rates of respiratory illness, with mouth breathing contributing to the
development of respiratory disorders [102,103]. One simple means of improving breathing
performance is the practice of mouth taping, which involves taping one’s mouth shut during sleep,
preferably using a tape that does not leave a residue. Participants in a study experienced significant
improvements in rates of snoring and decreases in rates of apnoea events [104].
Ideally, in healthy aging we would prevent the need for supplementary oxygen. Being on
cannula oxygen is often bulky and cumbersome, though newer models have reduced the mass to
<10lbs (~3kg) [105].
5. Musculoskeletal (Strength and Stability)
Musculoskeletal fitness and stability are very important for older individuals to maintain their
independence and sovereignty as they age. Without their own mobility, they are dependent on a
caregiver, either paid, a family or friend, for their transportation needs. Paid caregivers can be
financially taxing, and the relational caregivers may strain the relationship if one asks too often,
creating resentment.
Hip fractures are a major reason for senior death, the one-year mortality after a hip fracture is
24% [106]. Additionally, the sense of autonomy ties into many other positive health circuits. If one is
mobile, they can reap the benefits of exercise and the outdoors. If people are left indoors without
social interaction, an extreme case being solitary confinement, mental health degrades quickly, and
physical deterioration is fast.
Generally, after a certain age, muscle mass declines by a few percentage points per year
[107,108]. This can be combatted through resistance training to increase muscle mass and improve
both stability (to prevent falls) and strength (to resist injury in the case of falls). Vitamin D is
associated with musculoskeletal strength [109] and may be an important intervention for maintaining
strength in old age. ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 March 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
6. Emotional Health for Aging
Maintaining a positive life outlook throughout times of stress is associated with decreases in
inflammation and future depressive symptom onset [110], additionally, an optimistic spirit is
associated with healthier behaviours [111–113]. Optimism is a significant predictor of positive health
outcomes [114], and improved quality of life in individuals experiencing disease [115]. Optimism can
also have a positive impact on people close to the optimistic individual, as a spouse’s optimism is
associated with the health of the other spouse [116]
Holding onto regret is a factor in lowered psychological well-being in the aged [117,118], thought
the emotional salience of missed opportunities is lesser in older people as opposed to young [119].
Forgiveness is also associated with increased well-being [120,121], including forgiveness of self- [122].
Expressing and feeling gratitude is associated with life satisfaction [123–125].
The ‘Big Five’ personality traits include openness, agreeableness, extraversion,
conscientiousness, and neuroticism. Of these traits, extraversion [126,127], conscientiousness [128]
and openness [129] have been positively associated with life satisfaction. The impact of agreeableness
is more heterogenous, and it may have a negative impact on life satisfaction [130]. Neuroticism is
associated with lower levels of subjective well-being [127].
Table 3. Psychological factors for fulfillment in later life.
Factor Interventions
Regret Reflect and change behaviour going forward [131]
Create positive life experiences
Gratitude Express, journal [132]
Forgiveness Reflecting on events, moving from resentment to
compassion [133]
Openness Explore, try new things [134]
Meaning/Purpose Intrinsic
Life crafting [135]
Conscientiousness Adhere to a program [136]
Belongingness Connect [137]
-transcendence Experience flow [138]
One significant cause of reduced quality of life in older people is a lack oof emotional health,
sense of purpose and connection. Emotional, spiritual, and relational health are important aspects
that are often neglected in favor of more salient and quantifiable changes in the body. Aging often
marks the point at which people retire, and so no longer have their daily work to provide them
meaning. Often, if people do not find a sense of meaning in what they do day to day, their health
suffers and deteriorates quite rapidly after retirement.
It is important to occupy oneself with hobbies which are engaging. Ideally, one could develop
these before retirement, and allow them to take up a larger portion of one’s focus and energy.
However, the concept of retirement, is a modern invention, which only really existed from about the
1950s to today, as older people, while they may not be working if their younger counterparts, still
engaged themselves in mentorship and community activities well into their later years.
The ubiquitous reliance on old age care homes has also been a modern invention, with relative
overlap with the development of retirement as a social phenomenon. Within care homes, conditions
vary, though these are almost universally seen as less preferable to independent living, and often
undermine the autonomy of older individuals through rules and restrictions on movement, for
Most residents of care homes have some form of cognitive impairment [139,140], and cognitive
decline accelerates in nursing homes as opposed to more independent living [141,142]. This trend
was worsened during the pandemic restrictions [143]. Elderly people in residential care or assisted
living facilities have lower rates of depression and higher social functioning than their counterparts
in nursing homes with less independence [144] ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 March 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
Often in aging, when one’s capabilities begin to decline, this causes psychological pain; this can
also be exacerbated by the attitudes of caregivers which may reinforce the supposed helplessness of
those advanced in age [145]. Caregivers employed by old age care homes are paid poor wages and
often lack the motivation to enable autonomy of those in their care [146], cultural misunderstandings
may occur between residents and care home employees [147].
7. Resiliency in Aging
In prior eras, the care of the elderly would have come to the family, lacking that, the elderly
lacking cognitive ability would have been destitute or been in the care of the community institutions,
which could mean the church or poorhouses, the forerunners to current public old age homes [148].
Life would have been difficult for the aged lacking physical capability, though lifespans were
significantly shorter, and there was often a shorter gap between health span (length of healthy life)
and lifespan (length of life) [149]. This can partly be attributed to medical care, which allowed people
to survive despite chronic illnesses, and economic prosperity, which allowed elderly people to exist
as non-productive members of society.
The experience of older people in care homes is generally more negative than that in
independent living, provided the elder retains autonomy in the latter case [150]. Examining the social
determinants of health, it is also very important that older adults consider their financial health, to
enable themselves to live independently well into their later years. Poor financial earnings are
associated with higher rates of dementia [151], and dementia can further aggravate one’s financial
issues [152]. Furthermore, those with limited financial resources have fewer options for treatment
and long-term care, and this negatively impacts their prognosis.
Within the framework of permaculture, it is presented the 8 forms of capital, which include [153]:
(1) Financial
(2) Living
(3) Material
(4) Knowledge
(5) Emotional and Spiritual
(6) Social
(7) Cultural
(8) Time.
Table 4. Types of Capital and their relationship with healthy aging.
Type of Capital Explanation Relationship with healthy
Financial One’s financial resources Financial health associated
with lower rates of dementia,
and better outcomes in case
of dementia [152]
Saving, Investing,
Increasing Earning Potential
Living One’s natural surroundings Surrounding green space
associated with lower
dementia risk [154,155]
Gardening, planting trees,
Knowledge One’s knowledge base and
Lifelong learning associated
with lower risk of dementia
Learning, Hobbies
Emotional and Spiritual One’s personal faith Religious attendance
associated with lower
dementia risk [157,158]
Religious and spiritual
practice, prayer, meditation
Social One’s connections with
other people
Loneliness associated with
dementia [159]
Social activity ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 March 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0667.v1
Cultural Values and traditions Frequent family visits
associated with decrease in
dementia symptoms [160]
Story Telling
Time Capital One’s time remaining Age associated with
dementia [161]
Maximize health span,
leave unfulfilling time
obligations, optimize
practices, delegate
8. Conclusions
Addressing the challenges posed by aging populations requires a holistic approach
encompassing various facets of health and well-being. The review underscores the importance of
enhancing autonomy and well-being among the elderly to achieve individual and societal goals.
Interventions targeting metabolic health, endurance exercise, dietary patterns, and cognitive
engagement emerge as crucial strategies for promoting healthy aging. The interconnectedness of
factors such as cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal fitness, and emotional well-being is
highlighted, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive perspective. Beyond biomedical markers, the
paper recognizes the significance of emotional health, social connections, and a sense of purpose in
determining overall well-being. Exploring different forms of capital further underscores the diverse
aspects influencing the aging process, including financial, living, knowledge, emotional and spiritual,
social, cultural, and time capital. The paper advocates for proactive measures, family support, and
community engagement to foster resilience in aging, ultimately contributing to healthier and more
fulfilling lives for the elderly.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.T.J.H. and P.E.M.; writingoriginal draft preparation, M.T.J.H.;
writingreview and editing, P.E.M and M.T.J.H.
Funding: This research is funded by donations to the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).
Acknowledgments: We thank donors to the FLCCC Alliance.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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A growing body of literature suggests that religious attendance might mitigate processes of cognitive decline associated with aging. However, few studies have made adequate linkages with the life course perspective. We draw from over 35 years of prospective panel data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (1979-2015) to assess the associations of cumulative exposures to religious attendance over the life course (childhood and midlife) for self-rated cognitive health and working memory (as assessed by the Serial 7s task). Our results suggest that midlife adults who attended religious services consistently between childhood and adulthood had higher self-rated cognitive health and better working memory. Women were also found to receive stronger benefits to self-rated cognitive health from consistent religious practice between childhood and adulthood. This pattern of findings allows for greater reflection into the neural enrichment and neural depletion arguments proposed to explain the religion/cognitive health link in previous research.
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(1) Background: This prospective study aimed to identify predictors of falls and fall-related fractures in community-dwelling older people with pain; (2) Methods: Participants comprised 389 community-dwelling older people aged 70+ years who had musculoskeletal pain in the neck, back, hip, leg/knee and/or feet. Demographic, anthropometric, balance, mobility, cognitive function, psychological status and physical activity level measures were obtained at baseline. Falls were monitored with monthly falls calendars for 12 months. Logistic regression analyses were performed to identify predictors of falls and fall-related fractures during a 12-month follow-up; (3) Results: Of the 389 participants, 175 (45.0%) and 20 (5.1%) reported falls and fall-related fractures during the 12-month follow-up, respectively. Greater postural sway on foam, more depressive symptoms and lower physical activity levels at baseline were associated with falls during the 12-month follow-up. Slower walking speed at baseline was associated with fall-related fractures during the 12-month follow-up. These associations remained significant after adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, comorbidities and medication use; (4) Conclusions: This study suggests poor balance, low mood and a less active lifestyle are predictors of falls, and slower walking speed predicts fall-related fractures among community-dwelling older people with pain.
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Commonly reported in dementia, neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS), cognitive decline, and sleep disturbances indicate dementia progression. With the growing dementia burden, identifying protective factors that may slow dementia progression is increasingly essential. Religion and spirituality are associated with better mental and physical health, yet few studies have been reported in older adults with dementia. This study examines associations between religious service attendance and symptoms of dementia progression. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study in 2000, 2006, and 2008 and the sub-study, Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study in 2001–2003, 2006–2007, and 2008–2009, we examined the association of religious attendance with neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognitive function, and sleep disturbances among U.S. older adults aged 70 years and older with all-cause dementia (N = 72) using Spearman’s partial Rho correlation controlling for social interaction. Significant associations were identified for religious attendance and NPS (rs (97) = –0.124, 95% CI [–0.129, –0.119], p < 0.0005); cognitive function, rs (97) = –0.018, 95% CI [–0.023, –0.013], p < 0.001); and sleep disturbances, rs (97) = –0.275, 95% CI [–0.280, –0.271], p < 0.0005). Beyond adjusting for social interaction, increased religious attendance was associated with lower NPS, better cognitive function, and fewer sleep disturbances. Clinical trials and longitudinal studies with a larger sample size examining religion and spirituality factors with dementia progression are warranted.
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Introduction As the United States population ages, the adult population with chronic diseases is expected to increase. Exploring credible, evidence-based projections of the future burden of chronic diseases is fundamental to understanding the likely impact of established and emerging interventions on the incidence and prevalence of chronic disease. Projections of chronic disease often involve cross-sectional data that fails to account for the transition of individuals across different health states. Thus, this research aims to address this gap by projecting the number of adult Americans with chronic disease based on empirically estimated age, gender, and race-specific transition rates across predetermined health states. Methods We developed a multi-state population model that disaggregates the adult population in the United States into three health states, i.e., (a) healthy, (b) one chronic condition, and (c) multimorbidity. Data from the 1998 to 2018 Health and Retirement Study was used to estimate age, gender, and race-specific transition rates across the three health states, as input to the multi-state population model to project future chronic disease burden. Results The number of people in the United States aged 50 years and older will increase by 61.11% from 137.25 million in 2020 to 221.13 million in 2050. Of the population 50 years and older, the number with at least one chronic disease is estimated to increase by 99.5% from 71.522 million in 2020 to 142.66 million by 2050. At the same time, those with multimorbidity are projected to increase 91.16% from 7.8304 million in 2020 to 14.968 million in 2050. By race by 2050, 64.6% of non-Hispanic whites will likely have one or more chronic conditions, while for non-Hispanic black, 61.47%, and Hispanic and other races 64.5%. Conclusion The evidence-based projections provide the foundation for policymakers to explore the impact of interventions on targeted population groups and plan for the health workforce required to provide adequate care for current and future individuals with chronic diseases.
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Background: Many patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are mouth-breathers. Mouth-breathing not only narrows the upper airway, consequently worsening the severity of OSA, but also it affects compliance with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment. This study aimed to investigate changes in OSA by the use of mouth tape in mouth-breathers with mild OSA. Method: Mouth-breathers with mild OSA who met inclusion criteria and tolerated the sealing of the mouth were enrolled in the study. We used 3M silicone hypoallergenic tape was used to seal the mouths of the participants during sleep. The home sleep test (HST) used in this study was ApneaLink®. Subjects received both a baseline HST and an outcome HST to be used 1 week later while their mouths were taped. The changes between the baseline and the outcome HSTs were compared, and the factors that influenced the differences in the sleep-test parameters after the shift of the breathing route were analyzed. A "responder" was defined as a patient who experienced a reduction from the baseline snoring index of at least 50% under mouth-taping in the HST; otherwise, patients were considered as having a poor response. Results: A total of 20 patients with mild OSA were included. Following the taping of the mouth, a good response was found in 13 patients (65%). The median apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) decreased significantly, from 8.3 to 4.7 event/h (by 47%, p = 0.0002), especially in supine AHI (9.4 vs. 5.5 event/h, p = 0.0001). The median snoring index (SI) was also improved (by 47%, 303.8 vs. 121.1 event/h, p = 0.0002). Despite no significant difference in the mean saturation, improvements in the oxygen desaturation index (8.7 vs. 5.8, p = 0.0003) and the lowest saturation (82.5% vs. 87%, p = 0.049) were noted. The change in AHI was associated with baseline AHI (r = -0.52, p = 0.02), oxygen desaturation index (ODI) (r = -0.54, p = 0.01), and SI (r = -0.47, p = 0.04). The change in SI was strongly associated with baseline SI (r = -0.77, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Mouth-taping during sleep improved snoring and the severity of sleep apnea in mouth-breathers with mild OSA, with AHI and SI being reduced by about half. The higher the level of baseline AHI and SI, the greater the improvement was shown after mouth-taping. Mouth-taping could be an alternative treatment in patients with mild OSA before turning to CPAP therapy or surgical intervention.
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Cancer-related fatigue is a common, burdensome symptom of cancer and a side-effect of chemotherapy. While a Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) promotes energy metabolism and overall health, its effects on cancer-related fatigue remain unknown. In a randomized controlled trial, we evaluated a rigorous MedDiet intervention for feasibility and safety as well as preliminary effects on cancer-related fatigue and metabolism compared to usual care. Participants had stage I–III cancer and at least six weeks of chemotherapy scheduled. After baseline assessments, randomization occurred 2:1, MedDiet:usual care. Measures were collected at baseline, week 4, and week 8 including MedDiet adherence (score 0–14), dietary intake, and blood-based metabolic measures. Mitochondrial respiration from freshly isolated T cells was measured at baseline and four weeks. Participants (n = 33) were 51.0 ± 14.6 years old, 94% were female, and 91% were being treated for breast cancer. The study was feasible, with 100% completing the study and >70% increasing their MedDiet adherence at four and eight weeks compared to baseline. Overall, the MedDiet intervention vs. usual care had a small-moderate effect on change in fatigue at weeks 4 and 8 (ES = 0.31, 0.25, respectively). For those with a baseline MedDiet score <5 (n = 21), the MedDiet intervention had a moderate-large effect of 0.67 and 0.48 at weeks 4 and 8, respectively. The MedDiet did not affect blood-based lipids, though it had a beneficial effect on fructosamine (ES = −0.55). Fatigue was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction including lower basal respiration, maximal respiration, and spare capacity (p < 0.05 for FACIT-F fatigue subscale and BFI, usual fatigue). In conclusion, the MedDiet was feasible and attenuated cancer-related fatigue among patients undergoing chemotherapy, especially those with lower MedDiet scores at baseline.
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Aging and metabolism are inextricably linked, and many age-related changes in body composition, including increased central adiposity and sarcopenia, have underpinnings in fundamental aging processes. These age-related changes are further exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle and can be in part prevented by maintenance of activity with aging. Here we explore the age-related changes seen in individual metabolic tissues - adipose, muscle, and liver - as well as globally in older adults. We also discuss the available evidence for therapeutic interventions such as caloric restriction, resistance training, and senolytic and senomorphic drugs to maintain healthy metabolism with aging, focusing on data from human studies.
Health care spending in the US grew 4.1 percent to reach $4.5 trillion in 2022, which was still a faster rate of growth than the increase of 3.2 percent in 2021 but was much slower than the rate of 10.6 percent seen in 2020. In 2022, strong Medicaid and private health insurance spending growth, including a turnaround in the net cost of insurance, was somewhat offset by continued declines in federal spending associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The insured share of the population reached a historic high of 92.0 percent in 2022 as enrollment in private health insurance increased at a faster rate relative to 2021 and Medicaid enrollment continued to experience strong growth. The share of the economy accounted for by the health sector was 17.3 percent in 2022, which was down from a peak of 19.5 percent in 2020 but was more consistent with the average share of 17.5 percent during 2016-19.
Background Fatigue can be a disabling multiple sclerosis (MS) symptom with no effective treatment options. Objective Determine whether a low-fat diet improves fatigue in people with MS (PwMS). Methods We conducted a 16-week randomized controlled trial (RCT) and allocated PwMS to a low-fat diet (active, total daily fat calories not exceeding 20%) or wait-list (control) group. Subjects underwent 2 weeks of baseline diet data collection (24-hour diet recalls (24HDRs)), followed by randomization. The active group received 2 weeks of nutrition counseling and underwent a 12-week low-fat diet intervention. One set of three 24HDRs at baseline and week 16 were collected. We administered a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS) every 4 weeks. The control group continued their pre-study diet and received diet training during the study completion. Results We recruited 39 PwMS (20—active; 19—control). The active group decreased their daily caloric intake by 11% (95% confidence interval (CI): −18.5%, −3.0%) and the mean MFIS by 4.0 (95% CI: −12.0, 4.0) compared to the control (intent-to-treat). Sensitivity analysis strengthened the association with a mean MFIS difference of −13.9 (95% CI: −20.7, −7.2). Conclusions We demonstrated a significant reduction in fatigue with a low-fat dietary intervention in PwMS.
The Blue Zones (BZs) are areas of the globe inhabited by exceptionally long-lived populations. They include the island of Okinawa in Japan, the island of Ikaria in Greece, the mountain area of the island of Sardinia in Italy, and the peninsula of Nicoya in Costa Rica. Their longevity is a relatively recent phenomenon that has been progressively investigated since the dawn of this century. Research efforts over the past two decades have sought to shed light on the factors associated with this longevity, as well as explore the possibility of lessons transferable to the general population. Among the features of BZ inhabitants, described in the literature, their eating habits hold a prominent place, as these have the advantage of being easily quantifiable and applicable on a larger scale. However, it is too often taken for granted that the mere fact of being documented in a long-lived population makes the diet a causal factor of that population's longevity; this is a claim which should be proven. Furthermore, it is implicitly assumed that a specific BZ diet is homogeneous and remains stable over time, whereas some evidence suggests the opposite. Therefore, this review summarizes our current knowledge of the BZ diets and discusses whether they can be considered as a paradigmatic example of healthy nutrition valid for anyone or, rather, a set of evolving food patterns that has offered benefits to a few specific communities in recent decades.