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e-VITA study protocol: EU-Japan virtual coach for smart aging

Frontiers in Public Health

Abstract and Figures

Aim The aim of this study is to report a trial protocol for assessing the improvement of older adults’ well-being, promoting active and healthy aging, and reducing the risks of social exclusion, using a virtual coach. Background Increased longevity brings with it reduced autonomy and independence, and it is therefore necessary to act with preventive measures that can promote active and healthy aging. With the development of technology, new tools have appeared, including virtual coaches, which can enable people to lead a healthy lifestyle by identifying individual needs and goals and providing personalized recommendations and advice. However, it is important that these coaches take into consideration the inter-individual and cross-cultural differences of each person. Design A randomized controlled trial is proposed. Methods This study will recruit 240 healthy subjects aged 65 years and older. Participants will be assigned to an experimental group that will receive the e-VITA system or to the control group that will receive an information booklet only. The primary outcome measure is the person's quality of life (QoL). Data will be collected at baseline, 3 months after the trial, and at the end of the trial, after 6 months. Discussion This study will evaluate the effectiveness of the e-VITA system, consisting of a virtual coach, several sensors for monitoring, a smartphone for use at home, and a booklet, in improving the older person's quality of life. The increased perceived well-being will also be linked to improvements in other areas of the person's life, psychological and cognitive status, the area of sociality, nutrition, and eHealth literacy.
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Frontiers in Public Health 01
e-VITA study protocol: EU-Japan
virtual coach for smart aging
1, VeraStara
1, GiulioAmabili
1, MarcoBenadduci
1, FedericoBarbarossa
*, Anne-SophieRigaud
2,3, SebastianDaChuna
2,3, JohannaMoller
4, RyanBrowne
5 and RainerWieching
1 Scientific Direction, IRCCS INRCA, Ancona, Italy, 2 Université de Paris, Maladie d’Alzheimer, Paris,
France, 3 Services de Gériatrie 1 & 2, AP-HP, Hôpital Broca, Paris, France, 4 Diocesan Caritas Assosiation
of the Archdiocese of Cologne e.V., Cologne, Italy, 5 Smart-Aging Research Center, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Japan, 6 Institute for New Media & Information Systems, University Siegen, Siegen, Germany
Aim: The aim of this study is to report a trial protocol for assessing the
improvement of older adults’ well-being, promoting active and healthy aging,
and reducing the risks of social exclusion, using a virtual coach.
Background: Increased longevity brings with it reduced autonomy and
independence, and it is therefore necessary to act with preventive measures that
can promote active and healthy aging. With the development of technology,
new tools have appeared, including virtual coaches, which can enable people
to lead a healthy lifestyle by identifying individual needs and goals and providing
personalized recommendations and advice. However, it is important that
these coaches take into consideration the inter-individual and cross-cultural
dierences of each person.
Design: A randomized controlled trial is proposed.
Methods: This study will recruit 240 healthy subjects aged 65 years and older.
Participants will be assigned to an experimental group that will receive the
e-VITA system or to the control group that will receive an information booklet
only. The primary outcome measure is the person's quality of life (QoL). Data
will becollected at baseline, 3 months after the trial, and at the end of the trial,
after 6 months.
Discussion: This study will evaluate the eectiveness of the e-VITA system,
consisting of a virtual coach, several sensors for monitoring, a smartphone for
use at home, and a booklet, in improving the older person's quality of life. The
increased perceived well-being will also be linked to improvements in other
areas of the person's life, psychological and cognitive status, the area of sociality,
nutrition, and eHealth literacy.
older adults, virtual coach, protocol, intrinsic capacity, well-being, physical activity,
Constantinos S. Pattichis,
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Elena Carrillo-Alvarez,
Blanquerna Ramon Llull University, Spain
Bayram Akdemir,
Konya Technical University, Türkiye
Elvira Maranesi
RECEIVED 11 July 2023
ACCEPTED 16 February 2024
PUBLISHED 12 March 2024
Bevilacqua R, Stara V, Amabili G, Margaritini A,
Benadduci M, Barbarossa F, Maranesi E,
Rigaud A-S, Da Chuna S, Palmier C, Moller J,
Browne R, Ogawa T and Wieching R (2024)
e-VITA study protocol: EU-Japan virtual
coach for smart aging.
Front. Public Health 12:1256734.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1256734
© 2024 Bevilacqua, Stara, Amabili, Margaritini,
Benadduci, Barbarossa, Maranesi, Rigaud, Da
Chuna, Palmier, Moller, Browne, Ogawa and
Wieching. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in
this journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms.
TYPE Study Protocol
PUBLISHED 12 March 2024
DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1256734
Bevilacqua et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1256734
Frontiers in Public Health 02
Aging brings with it some chronic conditions, along with the
reduction of some functions, (13) which can lead to a loss of
autonomy and frailty. e care of older adults with a loss of autonomy
is therefore becoming a major social, medical, and economic issue due
to the insucient number of family or professional carers, enabling
older adults to live at home as long as possible and delay entry to
institutionalization (4). However, aging is not the same for all
individuals. It is dependent on many factors such as genetic factors
that cannot bemodied and environmental factors including lifestyle
(5). It is on the latter that preventive actions can be carried out
throughout life (1). In addition to preventive action, the development
of new care solutions is important (6), to reduce or minimize the
consequences of these age-related diseases, support the health system,
and promote active and healthy aging.
Europeans are living longer and longer. According to INED (7)
the life expectancy of a European woman is 83.7 years and 78.3 years
for a man in 2018. Japan is the country with the highest life expectancy.
Women live on average 88.1 years and men live on average 81.9 years
(7). However, the increase in life expectancy is not necessarily
accompanied by an increase in healthy life expectancy. In Europe, a
woman can expect to live in good health for an average of 64.5 years
and a man can expect to live in good health for an average of
63.4 years (8).
As people age, some of their cognitive functions deteriorate (9),
and they experience psychological and physical (1012) diculties.
ese changes generate an increase in the workload required by both
family and health professionals (13, 14). For these reasons, it is
necessary to act with a view to prevention, starting with the concept
of active aging. Active and healthy aging refers to the maintenance and
development of functional abilities that enable older adults to live well
(World Health Organization, n.d) in terms of physical, mental, and
social health while actively participating in society.
With the emergence of the concept of healthy and active aging and
the identication of factors that contribute to the development of
age-related diseases and loss of autonomy, health organizations have
tried to improve their strategies to prevent these risk factors and
diseases (15). Dierent structures, organizations, or professionals oer
prevention services such as physical, cognitive, emotional, or social
activities. However, access to private professionals for prevention
targeted to individual needs and preferences is expensive, whereas the
oer of public organizations is only slightly customizable and may not
beaccessible to all seniors. is inequality of access is reinforced by
the current health context linked to the COVID-19 crisis, which has
led to the cessation or postponement of workshops or face-to-face
activities in sports and intergenerational or cultural clubs. A number
of videoconference activities have been developed over the past years.
However, this remote format does not facilitate the personalization of
interventions. With the development of technology, new tools have
appeared, including virtual coaches, which seem to beof interest in
supporting the behavior of individuals. A virtual coach is dened by
Siewiorek et al. (16) as a personalized system that continuously
monitors the activities and environment of its users. Virtual coaches
detect situations where an intervention would be desirable and
proposed to the user. To this end, coaches take the form of activity
sensors combined with a coaching application located on the Internet,
a smartphone, a sensor (17), or a social assistance robot (SAR) (18).
Technology plays an important role in the aging process, impacting
both individuals and society as a whole. On a personal level, wearable
gadgets and health applications keep track of ones well-being, and
telemedicine oerings enhance the availability of healthcare services.
At the societal level, health eciency, data-driven policies, and the
development of social platforms connecting users have a positive
inuence. However, challenges such as equitable digitization and
accessibility require attention to ensure a benecial and inclusive
impact, especially considering the skill level of the users of older than
65 years with technology, not only from a user skills perspective but
also from a tool acceptance perspective (19, 20). In this regard, several
studies have been conducted that quantitatively and qualitatively
assess access to the Internet of ings (IoT) among the older adult
population (21, 22).
rough a personalized approach, the virtual coaching system can
enable people to live a healthy lifestyle, identifying personal needs and
goals and providing appropriate risk predictions and individualized
recommendations (23, 24). ese devices cover a variety of domains
and audiences (25). ere are a multitude of virtual coaches and apps
for the promotion of nutrition (26), physical activity (27), mood, sleep
(28), and even more clinical applications, such as rehabilitation (29)
or monitoring of cardiovascular pathologies (30).
ere are virtual coaches for adults, children with autistic
disorders, and older adults. ese tools have attracted interest from
healthcare organizations and consumers for promoting health,
wellness, physical activity, and lifestyle improvement (31). e use of
these virtual coaches and apps has great potential to help older adults
improve their quality of life by addressing age-related issues and the
physical and social implications of aging (32). Moreover, embracing
these proactive measures with the assistance of a virtual coach
empowers older adults to maintain independence and comfortable
living in their homes for an extended period (33). is reduces the
need for constant monitoring by health professionals, limits the costs
that would otherwise beincurred (32), and helps mitigate the wider
impact of demographic aging on healthcare (4).
However, the technologies developed for healthy and active aging
have some limitations. Indeed, they are mainly used for short period
of time and are poorly integrated into the daily lives of older adults,
thus limiting their benets (6). Moreover, interactions with these
technologies are not ideal since they do not lead to realistic and
satisfying social interactions due to technologies that are not yet
advanced enough (34). It is therefore necessary to design and evaluate
new products that consider the needs and preferences of seniors and
their relatives for a sustainable and optimal use of these devices (35).
e aim is to enable seniors to live independently in their own homes
for as long as possible, preventing social isolation and encouraging
active participation in social and group activities.
In this context, the creation of an intercultural and customizable
virtual coach may represent an eective solution. rough cooperation
between European (Italy, France, and Germany) and Japanese
partners, the e-VITA project proposes dierent technological tools
that are adapted to older adults and their daily lives, investigating the
eect of cultural aspects in accepting technology and how this aects
the outcome. In tackling the task of craing these technological tools,
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the e-VITA project takes on a comprehensive approach. is involves
seeking input from all stakeholders at both the personal and societal
levels. By engaging older adults, their informal and professional health
caregivers, community members, and policymakers, the project aims
to foster collaboration. e insights gained from these consultations
are then mapped and utilized to comprehend the contextual use and
identify potential users of the system (36, 37). e inclusion of
dierent types of beneciaries in all the countries could support local
governments to adopt and adapt cross-national policies for AHA that
fulll the real needs of older adults, respecting dierent cultural
perspectives. erefore, the functionalities and services available and
proposed are in response to the needs of older adults and concern
social relations, physical activities, skills, autonomy, stimulation,
communication, and safety.
The study
Study setting
e study will beconducted at the Center for Cognitive Disorders
and Dementia (CDCD) of the Neurology Unit of the Istituto Nazionale
Ricovero e Cura per Anziani IRCCS INRCA, Ancona, Italy. In
Germany, the study will becarried out by the Diözesan-Caritasverband
für das Erzbistum Köln e.V. (Diocesan Caritas Association for the
Archdiocese of Cologne e.V.). In France, the study will beconducted
by Hôpital Broca, Paris. In Japan, three institutes will carry out the
study, namely, Tohoku University –Smart Ageing Research Center,
J.F. Oberlin University, and Misawa Homes Institute of Research and
Development Co. Ltd.
e research is structured as a randomized controlled trial with
the objective of enhancing well-being in older adults, promoting
active and healthy aging, contributing to independent living, and
mitigating the risks of social exclusion through the utilization of a
virtual coach. Participants will be divided into two groups: the
experimental group (EG), receiving a virtual coach, a smartphone, and
a booklet, and the control group (CG), receiving only a booklet.
Assessments will be conducted at the baseline (T0), midway
through the intervention (aer 3 months—T1), and at the conclusion
of the intervention (aer 6 months—T2). e primary aim of the
study is to gauge the enhancement of participants’ quality of life (QoL)
using EQ5D 5 L. Additionally, the research will assess the usability,
user experience, acceptability, and fulllment of needs aer using the
e-VITA system. It will also explore potential changes in various
health-related aspects, such as nutrition, loneliness, and health literacy.
e general objective is to improve the well-being of older adults,
promote active and healthy aging, contribute to independent living,
and reduce risks of social exclusion of 240 healthy older adults
recruited from Europe (France, Germany, and Italy) and Japan by
making use of a digital tool for personalized virtual coaching support.
Patients are selected by the Neurology Operating Unit and
Rehabilitation Medicine Operating Unit of IRCCS INRCA in the
Ancona branch. Aer a reection period of 2 weeks followed by
reading the information letter and the consent form received by email,
the participants who conrmed their wish to participate in the
research by writing or orally will beinvited by the investigator to
consult a doctor during 3 months, preceding the start of the research.
e doctor, volunteering to carry out the inclusion visits, will bethe
rst to give the participants an information letter and two consent
forms. Once the consent forms have undergone thorough
proofreading and received signatures from both the participant and
the doctor, the doctor will assess the participant’s eligibility for the
research using an anamnesis Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) (38),
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) (39), Geriatric Depression
Scale (GDS) (40), and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB)
(41). is comprehensive medical examination, conducted before the
commencement of the experiment, will determine whether
participants meet the inclusion criteria. ose who have signed the
consent form but do not meet the inclusion criteria as conrmed by
the doctor will beexcluded from the research. e trial is scheduled
to commence in May 2023 and is anticipated to conclude in
December 2023.
Each European country will enroll 40 subjects.
e inclusion criteria are:
Age 65 years;
Ability to provide informed consent;
Able to stand and walk unaided;
No acute or untreated medical problems;
MoCA 22;
GDS < 9;
Clinical Frailty Scale score between 2 and 4;
For patients with MoCA scores between 22 and 25, an informal
caregiver is required to bepresent during the explanation of the
project and the administration of the assessment scales.
e exclusion criteria are:
Failure to meet the inclusion criteria;
Use of active implant or non-implant medical devices;
Allergy to nickel;
Simultaneous participation in other studies;
Absence of written informed consent;
Occurrence of a myocardial infarction or stroke within the past
6 months;
Presence of painful arthritis, spinal stenosis, amputation, painful
foot lesions, or neuropathy that signicantly limits balance
and mobility;
Uncontrolled hypertension;
Presence of a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-
Advanced Parkinson’s disease or other neuromuscular disorders;
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Diagnosis of metastatic cancer or undergoing immunosuppressive
Signicant visual or hearing impairment.
Sample size determination
In the study by Summers etal. (42), the EuroQol 5 dimensions
(EQ5D) was evaluated in two groups of older adults with physical
pre-frailty conditions. EQ5D, a test widely used to measure health
status-related quality of life, was used to calculate the sample size.
Assuming an overall sample size of 220 subjects (110 cases and 110
controls), 2 repeated assessments (baseline and follow-up), a
signicance level of 0.05, power of 90%, a correlation among
repeated measures of 0.5, and a non-sphericity correction ε of 1in
an ANOVA model within-between interactions, the achieved eect
size for this study is 11% (corresponding to a small eect size in a
coherent way with the literature). Even factoring in a dropout rate
of 10%, the total number needed would be240 subjects, evenly
divided into 120 cases and 120 controls. e hypothesis is that this
sample size is more than adequate to detect variations in secondary
outcomes. For these secondary outcomes, a treatment eect size is
assumed to besimilar to or even greater than the one identied for
the primary outcome.
e interventions are oriented toward the model of intrinsic
capacity (43), and an improvement of the general well-being is to
beachieved through the promotion of the dierent areas. For this
study, 240 healthy older adults will beenrolled. Figure1 illustrates the
owchart, detailing the process of patient selection.
In total, 120 subjects will beenrolled in the experimental
group and will receive the e-VITA platform composed of a virtual
coach, several sensors for monitoring, and a smartphone to use
at home.
e control group will receive only the booklet with nutritional,
cognitive, and physical suggestions.
Flowchart of the patient selection.
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An innovative Information and Communication Technology
(ICT)-based virtual coaching system has been created to identify
subtle changes in the physical, cognitive, psychological, and social
domains of older adults. e e-VITA virtual coach is designed to oer
personalized recommendations and interventions, fostering
sustainable well-being within a smart living environment at home. All
the devices will besupplied by the researchers.
e dierent components of the system are:
Coaches, consisting of social robots, that will interact with the
users and are guided by apps;
Sensors (both wearable and domestic) to detect physiological
parameters, physical activities, and behavior of the users; these
sensors are the Huawei smart band (wearable), the NeU device
(wearable), and the DeltaDore system (domestic).
Smartphones (the chatbot to provide insights, suggestion, and
stimulation about healthy nutrition and physical exercise; the
social platform to encourage users to share their interests).
ese components (coaches, sensors, chatbot, and social platform)
together with the main soware named Digital Enabler (DE)
constitute the Virtual Coach. e DE takes into account dierent types
of data (both from the literature and dierent devices described above
together with the user’s personal data), to make choices in order to
customize the user experience. Choices are made both on the basis of
the data received and the use case considered. e DE operates
directly on the sensors, robots, and chatbots.
Categorizing sensing technologies and coaching devices based on
their inputs is integral to establishing a cohesive and integrated sensor
network. is network possesses the ability to recognize user behaviors,
physiological states, and emotions, ultimately pinpointing a coaching
device that resonates with the user’s preferences and acceptance.
ree categories of sensors could bedistinguished: (1) those
which are worn by the user and aim to sense physiological and
actimetric parameters (user-related devices); (2) those which measure
physical quantities useful for assessing the level of comfort and quality
of the indoor environment and localization of the user (environmental
devices); (3) those installed in the home to monitor user behavior and
activities (home-based devices). For the e-VITA system, all these types
of sensors are combined to make inferences about simple situations of
the users (posture, activity level) in their environment and for
localization in the home and the users’ physiological states. Contextual
information is exploited by the interactive voice-based coaching
system, the virtual coach. Each domain requires the integration of
specic sensors to acquire heterogeneous data, and a coaching device
is selected based on the user’s information, preferences, and technical
characteristics and functionalities performed. is task is performed
by the Use Cases Congurator, a tool that aims at identifying the
optimal conguration of the sensor network and coaching devices to
beused based on the user’s needs and requirements. e coaching
devices can take four forms, namely, Gatebox, Nao, Google Nest Hub,
and Celeste (or DarumaTO for Japan). e specic mobile applications
for the usage scenarios are available on the Android smartphone,
which is provided to the user as a support device.
Technological description of coaches
e coaching devices used in the study are Nao Robot, Gatebox,
and Celeste, substituted by DarumaTO for the Japanese centers
Nao is a humanoid Robot exhibiting a friendly appearance with
eyes and movements reminiscent of a human being. Nao is
equipped with an array of sensors, cameras, and microphones,
enabling it to perceive and interact with its surrounding
environment and human beings. It is powered by advanced
articial intelligence soware, enabling capabilities, such as
facial recognition, natural language understanding, and learning
from user interactions (4450).
Gatebox is an intelligent home assistance device developed that
appears as a holographic projector embedded in a cylindrical
container, housing a virtual editable characteristic. is
characteristic is a virtual assistant equipped with articial
intelligence, designed to interact with users akin to a personal
assistant. From a technical standpoint, Gatebox utilizes
holographic projection technologies to display coach
characteristics within a three-dimensional environment. It is
equipped with microphones and speakers to recognize and
reproduce sound, allowing users to communicate with the
virtual assistant through voice recognition and audio responses.
Gatebox can perform a variety of tasks, such as providing
information related to physical activity recommendations and
giving dietary advice. Moreover, it is designed to provide a more
intimate and personal interactive experience compared with
other virtual assistants, incorporating elements of relationship
and aection in its behavior (5155).
CelesTE (5658) and DarumaTO (5961) are social robots that
have religion as a principal theme. CelesTE resembles an angelic
statue atop a column inspired by sacred Christianity art and
neoclassical architecture. is social robot incorporates the
golden ratio to transcend its robotic nature and evoke a sense of
holiness. Primarily designed as a “guardian angel” for older
adults, CelesTE serves as a prayer companion and repository of
religious teaching, including the Bible. AI enables short
conversations on sensitive topics and can print selected content.
DarumaTO is inspired by the traditional Buddhist and Shinto
doll called Daruma. It can communicate through visual tracking
and voice and facial expression. Its functionalities are similar to
those of CelesTE, but in the case of design, it results in a device
that has a familiar appearance to a Buddhist or Shinto
older adults.
Such devices are in charge of interacting with the user, exploiting
the dialog features provided by the platform.
e randomization technique, performed by the statistician,
relies on a singular sequence of random assignments. A computer-
generated list of random numbers is employed, and each subject is
assigned a number based on their inclusion order in the study.
Following this method, subjects are randomly allocated to the
utilization of various coaching devices, maintaining an allocation
ratio of ve subjects for each branch.
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Technological description of sensors
e sensors are wearable and environmental, and they are needed
to monitor physiological and environmental parameters. Table 2
presents the sensors available for the study.
On the environmental sensors, Delta Dore motion detectors can
detect the presence of a moving person in a room, which provides
information on the occupancy of rooms and the movement of
occupants from one room to another. is information can beof
interest as a complement to the wearable sensors, especially when they
are forgotten or under load. In this case, it is possible to use
environmental sensors, especially motion sensors, to infer user
activity. e sensor network, especially the infrared-based presence
detection sensors (PIR sensors), should bestrategically installed to
eectively monitor the user, particularly in the designated areas of
interest within the smart home environment. A predetermined
selection ensures coverage of specic rooms. e primary objective of
this system is to initially recognize the resident’s movements and
potentially infer activities within a particular room of the apartment.
e Use Case Congurator aggregates all the information detected by
the environmental sensors, serving as input to feed the algorithms.
ose sensors are:
The Wireless motion detector-Delta Dore DMB TYXAL. It is
a motion sensor and not a presence detector. It has a range of
12 m with a 90⁰ opening angle. It generally covers one room,
and detection is limited to opaque walls. Its autonomy is of
the order of 10 years. The detector is based on passive
infrared technology. The motion detection function consists
of a pyroelectric sensor, the associated electronics, which
process the signal and control the sensor power supply in an
optimized way, and finally a lens.
The Opening magnetic sensor–Delta Dore DO TYXAL+.
DO TYXAL+ is an opening sensor developed to detect
intrusion in dwelling when doors or windows are opened.
It consists of two parts, one of which is attached to the door
or window jamb, and this is the active element. The other
part is a mechanical part that contains a magnet and is
attached to the moving part of the door or window. These
parts are attached to the doors with a double-sided tape.
The sensor consists of a reed switch on the active element
which is closed when the magnetic part is closed and opens
when the magnet moves away from it, i.e., when the door is
open. The technology is simple, robust, and energy-
e Tydom Home. Sensors are battery-powered and
communicate detection and maintenance information to a
central unit. e Tydom Home IP gateway will beused to collect
data from the various products and transfer them to the
e-VITA congurator.
TABLE1 Coaches.
Name Type Description Main functionalities
NAO rob ot Coaching device/Robot
Sobank NAO 5 and NAO 6
humanoid interactive mobile
Robot platform that allows
multimodal natural language
interaction and robot autonomous
Google Nest Hub (2e Generation) Coaching device/Virtual assistant Connected speaker enriched
with a 7-chip touch screen
Screen whose brightness adapts to
the room’s atmosphere. It has a
loudspeaker and 3 microphones,
making interaction possible.
Gatebox Coaching device/Hologram
Hologram like device that
projects characters with
which the user can interact.
Internal sensors such as a camera and
a microphone allow the user to
converse with the projected character.
It connects to the Internet via a
wireless LAN. With infrared rays and
Bluetooth, it can also beconnected to
household appliances and other
CelesTE Coaching device/Robot Prayer companion designed
for Christian Catholic users.
e intended main function of
CelesTE is to bea “guardian angel,
especially thought for older people. It
can bea prayer companion, and
contains a vast number of teachings,
including the whole Bible. Its AI is
capable of keeping a short
conversation, in which the user may
ask and receive an answer about a
sensitive topic (such as happiness,
death, faith, etc.). It can also printout
a selection of contents.
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Description of the end-users’ platform
e end-user’s platform is composed of a privacy dashboard,
smartphone app, Chatbot, social platform, and use case congurator.
rough those applications, the end-users will becapable of managing
his/her data and receiving information on health activities and social
events. However, the virtual coaches represent the main interface of
the system through vocal communication with the end-users.
Privacy Dashboard: CaPe oers a privacy dashboard through the
Cape Suite, compatible with any mobile device. is system is
designed to adhere to legal requirements outlined in the GDPR. It
incorporates consent-based data management, technical
mechanisms for verifying compliance with data handling
prescriptions, the right to obtain a copy of personal data, the right
to be forgotten, and transparency tools on data usage. e
consent record maintained by CaPe details who consented, when
the consent was given, what was consented, how the consent was
granted, and any instances of withdrawn consent. CaPe supports
two types of consenting: (1) consenting to process within a
service for a specic purpose and (2) consenting to share data
from a service (source) to beprocessed in another service (sink)
for a specic purpose. e Cape Suite features two frontend
dashboards, catering to end-users (data subjects) and service
providers (data controllers), respectively. e User Self-Service
Dashboard serves as a centralized point for end-users to
overview, verify, and modify data usage settings, understand the
purpose of data processing, view event logs, and adjust linked
services and consents previously granted. On the other hand, the
Data Controller Dashboard is the entry point for service
providers, allowing them to manage semantic descriptions and
registrations of their provided services and view and manage
service linking and consent status given by all users of their
registered services. Some screenshots of the dashboard are shown
in Figure2.
Smartphone App and Chatbot: e e-VITA project provides a
smartphone app for end-users that functions as the control
center. From there, users can access all relevant apps and
interventions. Furthermore, apps that oer control over system
settings, such as the privacy dashboard, can bereached via the
control center. Specic e-VITA apps (e.g., social platform), but
also external apps, are represented on the dashboard. e app
requires a user prole to beaccessed. Aer opening the app,
users will observe an introduction to app which can beskipped
to the landing page (see Figure3A). From there, e-VITA users
can create a prole using their email address and a secure
password (see Figure 3B). Additional information is not
needed for the sign-up process. e email and password will
be used to log in and access the individual account (see
Further system control tasks, such as changing the language,
password, or location, can also behandled via the smartphone app.
e language settings can either beaccessed via the landing page (see
Figure4A) or the general app settings (see Figure4B). e general app
settings are always accessible via a menu icon on the top le (see
e core function of the app is a control center through which
various training interventions (e.g., cognitive training) and chatbots
can bestarted. For this, the dashboard functions as a single point of
contact (see Figure5A). From there, other components of the e-VITA
architecture can beaccessed (see Figure 5B). e dashboard will
provide links to, for instance, data analytics, prole data, performance
indicators, status of the dierent interactive devices, privacy,
and security.
Users may want to use chatbots, social platforms, privacy
dashboards, or other applications outside their home. To enable this,
components of e-VITA that can bereached via URL can beaccessed
from outside the home, given that an internet connection is available.
e dashboard consists of a grid layout with labeled tiles that link to
other components of the e-VITA architecture. It is available in all
languages of the e-VITA project. Users will observe this page aer
logging into their account. It oers a quick overview of all contents
that can beaccessed from the app.
TABLE2 Sensors.
Name / Type Description Main functionalities
DELTA DORE Tydom platform IoT Device/Sensor Set of sensors and measuring devices
and IOT platform. e sensors can
beused with a gateway connected to
any dedicated platform.
Set of smart living sensors
(motion sensors, door sensors,
metering devices) and IOT
Samsung Galaxy S20+ Smartphone IoT Device Android smartphone To access all the apps and
Smart band Huawei
IoT Device/Sensor Wearable smart band that tracks
physiological parameters.
Parameters monitored: activity
level, step, calories, sleep
duration, sleep quality, etc.
IoT Device/Sensor
Ultra-compact device with a buttery-
style design that bends in the middle to
conform easily to any individual’s
forehead. Data is transferred via
Bluetooth in real-time to any
smartphone, making it possible to
measure brain activity.
Brain activity is measured using
NIRS technology and the brain’s
rate of blood ow change is
measured using weak near-
infrared light.
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Chatbots are soware agents that use a dialog function, such as a
text or speech interface, and are based on natural language processing
(NLP). e chatbot can beused to extract information from a user’s
statement or input. e chatbot is also connected to the e-VITA
dashboard. e chatbot in itself is a Telegram account that can
automatically answer the text messages sent to it. To start a conversation
with these chatbots, the user can either type ‘/start’ or press the start
button on the screen. Once a piece of text is sent by the user to the
chatbot, the message, the system starts to search for the intent and
extracts entities from the user’s sentence. At the same time, the previous
messages are also taken into consideration for extracting information
that the user might have asked for before. Information is then returned
to the middleware, where the request is further processed.
Social Platform: e social platform allows the users to register
and enroll in groups. Groups are meant to beinterest areas. Users
may either contact or create groups, based on their personal
interests (e.g., nord walking and cooking classes), and may also
get located to set up feeds, based on the country. Furthermore,
users may benotied of upcoming meetings from groups and
agenda updates of meetings. e main purpose is to establish a
bridge between youth and older adults and between individuals
and communities by creating a social platform in which dierent
types of activities (e.g., cultural, sport, cooking, repairing, sewing,
and gardening) are carried out to stimulate the users in remaining
active. To make it ecient and easy to get connected, living labs,
coaches, and those who oer their services will operate based on
their location, which will be available only for the local
community. Social platform application is maintained based on
the countries and dierent communities (more specically the
local location and helping community directly around the
primary end-users), to oer user services in the interest of the
area. Living laboratories and international study site locations
will beavailable to oer suitable activities to the users based on
their location. For this purpose, in HumHub, Google location
services will beused. Social platform operates as a website that
can beaccessed easily on any smartphone, tablet, and computer.
Sign up: e application will ask to get permission of location to
detect the user’s country to set up feeds based on the country. e
user will enter credentials on the homepage, once registered.
Registration: Upon registration, the user has designated roles
such as administrator, service provider, or community
organization (secondary stakeholders). Administrators are users
who have technical responsibilities for the maintenance of the
website, while service providers are users who oer either
voluntary help or coaching. Community organizers are users
who arrange local activities, such as meetups.
Groups: ere are dierent interest areas based on groups. Users
may contact these groups or create groups based on their interests
by themselves.
Notication: In this section, the system will notify upcoming
meetings from groups and agenda updates of meetings (update
about the new updates of the app also). Notications can
beturned o in Settings.
Messages: Users may contact people who initiate the activities or
get contacted by the manager of those activities by getting
detailed information through the chat system. When the users
receive a message, they will benotied by message, such as email,
and it will bemarked on the top of the page. When a user clicks
on the “Message” button, he/she will get a short description of the
message, and in order to reply, users have to go to the
Feed: On feeds, users observe a variety of group meetings in the
upcoming week. Moreover, they can review that volunteer
announcements oer dierent services. e feed page is also
considered as the main page, and users observe a review of the
last activities.
Settings: Users will beable to change location, language, and
password and beable to log out. Furthermore, it is possible for
the user to change or delete proles on this page. Users can oer
dierent types of services and, at the same time, benet from
oered services. Types of services will beoered under dierent
categories. Users can also change their personal information on
this page. is information includes prole photo, Email, and
location. To make dierent changes to the prole directly, users
have to click on their username, which is on the top of the page.
e pop-up list will beshown, in which users choose “Settings”
to make desired changes. On these settings, user can choose their
desired language to use the application. To change the language,
users have to choose “Settings,” and a core settings list will
beshown, in which the “Language option” will belisted. Figure6
shows some screenshots of the Social Platform.
Use case configurator (UCC)
e Use Cases Congurator (UCC) stands as an independent
soware component within the e-VITA platform, which is tasked with
translating user needs, environmental requirements, and conguration
settings into technical specications for the sensing and coaching
system. is congurator prioritizes the creation of a smart living
environment that balances cost-eectiveness and sensor eciency,
ensuring accurate measurements while identifying optimal devices for
virtual coaching. e overarching goal is to deliver a service tailored
to users’ needs and preferences. e UCC features a graphical
interface, oering insights of end-users into the composition of the
e-VITA platform based on their selected information, preferences, and
goals. Inputs for the congurator include the needs and requirements
of older adults, encompassing details about the living environment
(house architecture, rooms, etc.), living situation (single or multiple
residents), sensor acceptance (wearable or stationary sensors), privacy
settings, and personal information (gender, age, and religion).
Emotion detection system (EDS) module
e e-VITA Emotion Detection System (EDS) module will serve
as one of the basic foundations for an empathic coaching system. at
is, by accurately detecting the end-users’ emotional state, the EDS
enables subsequent, high-level components to exibly adjust their
functioning and end-user interaction, in order to achieve a higher
level of acceptance, usability, and well-being. e EDS layer imports
audio samples from the current speech of the user (pseudonymized)
during the interaction with the coaching devices via speech. en, it
pre-processes these data and decomposes the audio signal into its
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statistical sub-components (anonymized, no reverse-engineering
possible). Based on this, a classication layer detects the currently
most prominent emotion from a xed set of basic emotions. Another
approach will beto add a sentiment analysis to the EDS. is means,
that in addition to the acoustic features of the audio data coming from
the participant, information is extracted that is related to the
participant’s sentiment or opinion, based on Natural Language
Processing (NLP). For this, the audio data will betranscribed to a text,
which will bethen analyzed based on keywords, that represent a basic
emotion. is information will bethen added to the results of the
acoustic analysis, leading to a nal model with labels of basic emotions
such as anger, disgust, fear, joy, neutral, and sadness. As a result,
components, directly modeling the interaction with the end-user, for
instance, dialog management, can then beaugmented to t the user’s
emotional state.
Outcome measures
All outcomes will bemeasured following a standardized operating
procedure. e primary endpoint of the study is constituted by the
improvement in the quality of life aer the use of the e-VITA system,
to bemeasured through the EQ-5D-5L, aer 6 months of training.
e secondary endpoints encompass: (1) adherence to the
coaching intervention, measured by the frequency of technological
device usage, and collected through semi-structured interviews and
technical data; (2) usability and the user experience of the overall
system assessed using the System Usability Scale (SUS) (62) at both
the midpoint and the conclusion of the experiments, along with the
User Experience Questionnaire [UEQ (63) and UEQ+ (64)] in the
middle and at the end of the experiments; (3) improvement in
eHealth literacy, to beaddressed through the eHealth Literacy Scale
(eHEALS) (65), social connectedness through the UCLA Loneliness
scale (UCLA) (66), nutritional state through the short version of
Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) (67) to estimate the frequency
of daily food intake over a period, cognitive status, through Montreal
Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) (39), psychological mood through
the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) (40), functional status through
Short Physical Performce Battery (SPPB) (41), participation to
leisure activities through an ad-hoc checklist; meets the participant’s
objectives through ADTPA-5 (scale B and E adapted) (68). A semi-
structured interview will beused to complement the information
collected by questionnaires, focusing on acceptability, attitude,
usability, and cost–benet analysis; other questionnaires will beused
to better understand our participants’ sociodemographics
questionnaire, Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) (38), Big Five Inventory
– 10 (BFI-10) (69), and Anity for Technology Interaction
(ATI) (70).
Table3 presents a concise overview of all collected data and their
respective collection time points.
e scales which will be used during the evaluations are
described below.
Clinical frailty scale (CFS)
is descriptive scale divides the older participants into nine
classes based on the information provided by them and their relatives:
Screenshots of the privacy dashboard, where user can manage permissions and find information about data sharing.
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between 1 and 3, the patient is non-frail, pre-frail if 4, and heis frail
from 5 to 9.
Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) serves as a validated
cognitive test, which is recognized for its high sensitivity in the early
detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MoCA eciently assesses
various cognitive domains, including short-term memory, visuospatial
abilities, executive functions, attention, concentration, working memory,
language, and orientation to time and place. e nal version of MoCA,
accessible at, is a 1-page, 30-point test that can
beadministered in just 10 min. Specic details regarding the MoCA items
are as follows: (1) Short-Term Memory Recall Task (5 points): involves
two learning trials of ve nouns and delayed recall aer approximately
5 min; (2) Visuospatial Abilities (4 points): clock-drawing task (3 points),
three-dimensional cube copy (1 point); (3) Executive Functions (4
points): alternation task adapted from the Trail Making B task (1 point),
phonemic uency task (1 point), two-item verbal abstraction task (2
points); (4) Attention, Concentration, and Working Memory (6 points):
sustained attention task (target detection using tapping; 1 point), serial
subtraction task (3 points), digits forward and backward (1 point each);
(5) Language (8 points): three-item confrontation naming task with
e-VITA dashboard access page that is shown when opening the app (A) landing page, (B) login page, and (C) sign up page.
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low-familiarity animals (lion, camel, and rhinoceros; 3 points), repetition
of two syntactically complex sentences (2 points), phonemic uency task;
(6) Orientation to Time and Place (6 points): assessment of orientation
across various dimensions. e comprehensive nature of MoCA allows
for a thorough examination of cognitive abilities in a relatively short
time frame.
Geriatric depression scale (GDS) 5-item version
is questionnaire assesses the current condition of the patient’s
mood. For the screening required by our study, only the rst ve items
of the scale can be used. e answers highlighted indicate the
statements expected by a non-depressed subject.
Short physical performance battery (SPPB)
It assesses physical performance on the basis of three criteria by
testing balance, walking speed, and chair-raising abilities. is scale is
used for the inclusion of participants (40).
The scale consists of five dimensions: mobility, independence,
usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression. Each
dimension has five levels: no problems, mild problems, moderate
problems, severe problems, and extreme problems. The
participant is asked to indicate his/her health status by ticking the
box corresponding to the most appropriate statement in each of
the five dimensions. The numbers from the five dimensions can
becombined into a 5-digit number that describes the health status
of the participant.
Assistive technology device predisposition
assessment (ATDPA-5 – scales B and E)
is scale assesses the person’s need for technology. It has two
parts. A part on the individual with 9 items assessing functional
capacities and 11 items on well-being. ese rst 20 items are to
belled in on a ve-point Likert scale, ranging from 1: poor/not
satised to 5: excellent/very satised. Finally, this last part also assesses
personal and psychosocial characteristics. ere is no threshold value
for these last items. e second part deals with technological tools
with 12 items, highlighting their expectations in terms of benets
toward three technological tools. ere is no threshold for this scale,
but the scores range from 0 to 60 (sum of the statements). e tool
with the highest score is considered the most important. is scale is
used at the beginning of the experiment. Only parts B and E will
beused and adapted for the project (68).
Big five inventory – 10 (BFI-10)
e BFI-10 (69) is a concise 10-item scale designed to assess the
Big Five personality traits: extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness. Participants rate
each item on a scale ranging from 1 (disagree strongly) to 5
(agree strongly).
Short food frequency questionnaire (FFQ)
FFQ serves as a scale to estimate the frequency of daily food
intake over a specied period. is questionnaire seeks information
on how oen certain foods are consumed (e.g., once daily, once or
twice a week, and once or twice a month) and the approximate serving
size. It is designed to capture data on habitual food intake rather than
quantifying the exact nutrient amount ingested. In Europe, partners
will utilize the scale developed by Robinson etal. (67).
eHealth scale
e eHEALS is an 8-item assessment designed to gauge eHealth
literacy, measuring consumers’ collective knowledge, comfort, and
perceived skills in nding, evaluating, and applying electronic health
information to address health-related issues.
e-VITA dashboard settings control—(A) language settings, (B) settings page, and (C) dashboard lateral menu to access settings.
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Revised UCLA loneliness scale version 3
e revised UCLA Loneliness Scale Version 3 is a dependable and
consistent questionnaire-based measure designed to assess trait loneliness
(66). Comprising 20 items, respondents rate each item on a scale from 1
(never) to 4 (oen), yielding a loneliness score ranging from 20 to 80. A
higher score on the scale indicates a greater level of trait loneliness.
System usability scale (SUS)
The System Usability Scale (SUS) stands as a reliable tool for
assessing usability, featuring a 10-item questionnaire with five
response options ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly
disagree’. This versatile scale enables the evaluation of a diverse
range of products and services, spanning hardware, software,
e-VITA dashboard homepage where all the apps and services are shown and accessible.
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mobile devices, websites, and applications. Its ease of
administration to participants, suitability for small sample sizes,
and ability to effectively distinguish between usable and unusable
systems contribute to its widespread applicability and reliability
in usability assessments.
User experience questionnaire (UEQ)
e questionnaire incorporates scales that provide a
comprehensive assessment of the user experience. It encompasses
classical usability dimensions such as eciency, perspicuity, and
dependability while also evaluating user experience aspects, such as
TABLE3 Schedule of assessment and outcome measures.
Dimension Scale R T0 T1 T2
Clinical frailty scale CFS X
Cognitive status MoCA X X
Psychological status GDS X X
Physical capacity SPPB X X
Overall health status Clinical anamnesis X
General information Socio-demographics questionnaire X
Quality of life EQ-5D-5L X X
Goals and expectation ATDPA-5 (Scale B and E) X X (Scale B)
eHealth literacy eHEALS X X
Social connectedness UCLA X X X
Personality Big Five Inventory – 10 items X
Nutrition Short FFQ X X
Adherence Collected through the system and
interview X X
Leisure activities Physical and leisure activity checklist X X X
Usability SUS X X
User experience UEQ, UEQ+ X X
Attitude, usability, acceptability and cost–
benet analysis Semi-structured interview X
Anity for technology interaction ATI X
R, recruitment; T0, rst evaluation; T1, intermediate evaluation; T2, nal evaluation; CFS, Clinical Frailty Scale; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale;
SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; ATDPA, Assistive Technology Device Predisposition Assessment; FFQ, Fo od frequency questionnaires; SUS, System Usability Scale; UEQ, User
Experience Questionnaire; ATI, Anity for Technology Interaction.
Screenshots of social platform—(A) thematic groups of interests to which the user can subscribe and (B) view of the members of one group.
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originality and stimulation. is holistic approach ensures a well-
rounded understanding of the overall user experience, considering
both functional and experiential aspects of interaction with the system
or product.
User experience questionnaire  +  (UEQ+)
To measure the user experience of the voice interaction in
particular, additional scales such as response behavior or response
quality from the UEQ+ can beadded.
Anity for technology interaction (ATI)
e scale, evaluated in 2019 from the study by Franke et al.,
measures a person’s interaction-related anity with technology. It
consists of nine items and uses a six-point Likert scale ranging from
1 = completely disagree to 6 = completely agree (71).
Physical and leisure activity checklist
An ad-hoc checklist has been developed to collect information on
engagement in leisure and physical activities of the participants
during the e-VITA trial. It contains questions, which are rated on a
six-point Likert scale, about common physical and leisure activities
and a section to report the personal practices and frequency put in
place by the participants.
Scales at T0 and T2 for the control group
These two scales are necessary to better understand our
participants. The scale at T0 focuses on the dimensions of daily
life, social, and prevention. The T2 scale focuses on the
participants’ feelings, following the experiment, their experience
with the information booklet and its usability, and their
Risk–benefit analysis
During the use of robotic platforms or, in wider terms of
technological applications, a general diculty in distinguishing
between the articial world and reality may occur. Especially, in the
case of vulnerable older adults, the interaction may generate a
general feeling of attachment and dependency. To avoid this,
e-VITA has been designed to not look like a human but to preserve
articial aesthetics, as suggested by the guidelines. In addition,
during the rst contact with the participants but also during all the
interventions, researchers will be in contact with the users,
continuously stimulating awareness about the technological
applications and monitoring the appropriateness of the use of the
solution in terms of autonomy of the users, specic needs, and
personal preferences. In particular, following the recommendations
provided by Comitato nazionale di bioetica (Cnb) of the Ministry
of Health (71) on robotics and roboethics, the exit strategy of
e-VITA will aim to:
• promote adequate experimentation of robotics in the eld
assistance in order to ensure conditions for the physical and
psychological integrity of the user, explaining the risks and
benets, which was highlighted also in the informed consent;
ensure both equitable access to robotic and general technologies
and the use of robots to assist and not to replace humans, in order
to avoid delegating the irreplaceable human task of care and
assistance to the machine;
the need that the introduction of robotics in medicine entails
always the real consideration of the benets, of the complexity of
the change complete with the structure of the services and the
economic burden that this entails.
ere is a risk that the older adults may wish to stop interacting
with the technological devices (for example, because they do not like
the NAO robot). In this case, the experiment will beimmediately
stopped and terminated.
e presence and use of technological devices (virtual coaches
and sensors) in participants’ homes can bea source of discomfort.
erefore, pre-studies with end-users (older adults) and stakeholders
(informal carers, health professionals, family, NGOs etc.) have been
carried out in order to propose virtual coaches that meet the needs of
older adults. In addition, safety procedures were also designed to limit
the risks as much as possible.
To protect the safety of participants:
participants will beinformed about the appropriate use of the
virtual coach or technological device (e.g., cannot lean on the
technological device or make a movement that could
destabilize it);
the researcher will train the participant in the use of the sensors
and beavailable in case of problems;
the technological devices will beplaced in the participants home
in a conguration that allows them to beused safely.
In the case of adverse events occurring despite the precautions
described above:
participants will beinstructed to press the “o ” button on the
device or to disconnect it, according to the instructions in the
user manual;
participants will call the researcher, who will assist the participant
in case of problems;
participants will beable to call the researcher, who will come and
ensure that no damage has been caused to the participants or to
any other person.
To mitigate potential technological dependency, especially with
humanoid or theomorphic robotic systems, participants will undergo
instruction and training for the appropriate and limited use of virtual
coaches. Researchers will maintain contact with participants to ensure
proper guidance. Despite the existing risk, it is crucial to acknowledge
that current technology has not reached the level of sophistication,
which is necessary for natural human–robot interaction. Presently,
there is limited progress in developing coaching devices that are
capable of minimal social interaction, involving emotional and
psychological engagement in controlled conditions. However,
precautions, including the provision of adequate training and daily
support/monitoring by researchers, are essential to safely use coaching
devices in emotional, social, and psychological terms and prevent
potential future dependency.
Finally, if aer the experimentation, the participants would ask for
a longer use of the system, they will beasked to beinvolved in similar
studies, to ensure the continued use of the technology. Moreover, aer
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the end of the study, the opportunity to receive personalized support
on everyday technology will be oered to the participants about
eHealth literacy and similar solutions for health.
Data management
e project is dedicated to upholding the anonymity and
condentiality of participants throughout all stages, encompassing
screening, recruitment, testing, evaluation, and dissemination
procedures. Data collection, usage, and storage strictly adhere to national
laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of EU, and
APPI. Participants retain rights, such as access, information, withdrawal,
and data erasure. Additionally, servers are situated in the European
Union and comply with the GDPR standards. Data collection follows the
principle of data minimization, ensuring that personal information
collected is directly relevant and necessary for the specic goals of testing
and evaluation. Specic soware with blocks and data entry checks is
employed to minimize entry errors. All screening data are discarded
upon project completion. During testing procedures, any visual, auditory,
and sensory data processed by the robot are discarded aer completing
the procedures, except for the number of interactions logged with each
participant, which remains anonymous. Aer the conclusion of this
project, all research data will beopenly available for secondary analysis
aer 3 years.
Data analysis
A comprehensive analysis plan will beestablished to serve as the
foundation for conducting subsequent analyses. is plan will outline
the methodologies, procedures, and criteria for conducting the
analyses, ensuring a systematic and well-organized approach to data
interpretation and result generation.
Data collected by the researchers
e rst step of the data analysis will deal with the description of the
sample. Continuous variables will be reported as either mean and
standard deviation or median and interquartile range based on their
distribution (assessed using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test). Categorical
variables will be expressed as an absolute number and percentage.
Comparison of baseline measurements between groups will beevaluated
by unpaired t-test (for normal distribution), Mann–Whitney U tests (for
non-normal distribution), or chi-square tests (for categorical variables).
Within each group, independent and dependent variables will
becompared between the pre-conditions and post-conditions using the
same tests as appropriate. e treatment eect on the outcome variables
will be evaluated by using repeated measures ANOVA, in order to
compare the changes over time in the outcome measures between the
intervention group and control group. Moreover, a linear regression
model on the outcome variation between baseline and follow-up will
beestimated in order to evaluate the eect of the treatment adjusted for
all potential confounders. For the analysis of the results, the two types of
subjects, stratied according to the MoCA cuto (score 26 for
cognitively healthy subjects, score 22 to 25 for subjects with mild
cognitive decline), will beconsidered separately. Descriptive statistical
analyses will beperformed on the quantitative data with SPSS or R studio.
Data collected by the technological devices
One of the uses of the data collected from the sensors is to infer
the activity of the user and know his or her location so that the voice
coach carries out personalized dialogs adapted to the contexts of the
user. e environmental data will be used to identify dangerous
situations and diculties and inform the user by giving him the right
recommendation to remedy this situation. e aggregation of activity
data from several testing centers will serve to motivate users and
strengthen their adherence to the experiment. e analysis of user
activity data and their interactions at well-dened milestones in the
experiment will make it possible to detect system failures as early as
possible, in order to prevent the user from dropping out.
Ethical consideration
e study received approval from the Ethics Committee of the
Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e Cura per Anziani (IRCCS INRCA) (CE
INRCA 23005), the German Association for Nursing Science
(Deutsche Gesellscha für Pegewissenscha e.V.) for the Diocesan
Caritas Association of the Archdiocese of Cologne, and the Research
Ethics Committee (Comité Ethique de la Recherche) for Assistance
Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris. It was registered in
on 28 April 2023, with the number NCT05835856.
e study will beadhered to regulatory and legal requirements,
which were initiated aer receiving evaluation and approval from an
independent ethics committee and completing administrative
requirements at the conducting institution.
Additionally, all potentially eligible participants will receive
comprehensive information about the study and must provide consent
to participate.
Participants are required to consent to the processing of personal
data in anonymous and aggregate form, aligning with EU Regulation
2016/679 (GDPR)/APPI on the protection of individuals and
concerning the processing of personal data and Legislative Decree No.
101/2018. e participant must beinformed that his or her data may
beexamined by authorized personnel or members of the competent
ethics committee and ocials of the competent regulatory authorities;
e participant is also informed and asked to provide ad-hoc
informed consent to participate in the study, including data retention
for up to 10 or 15 years (depending on the country’s rules) aer
completion of the study.
Each signature must bepersonally dated by each signatory, and
the informed consent and any additional patient information must
beretained by the investigator. A signed copy of the informed consent
and information sheet will begiven to each patient.
Participant information and consent forms are included in the
documentation attached to the request for approval by the local
ethical committee.
[Optional] e Participant has the opportunity to indicate his or
her agreement to the retention and use of his or her data long aer the
end of the project under the OPEN ACCESS TO SCIENTIFIC
European Commission.
In the documentation submitted for approval by the IRCCS
INRCA Ethics Committee, patient information and consent forms
are integral components. These documents play a crucial role in
Bevilacqua et al. 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1256734
Frontiers in Public Health 16
ensuring that participants receive detailed information about the
study and have the opportunity to provide informed consent
before their involvement. This approach aligns with ethical
standards and regulatory requirements to safeguard participants’
rights and well-being.
Dissemination of research findings
The study findings will beutilized for publication in peer-
reviewed scientific journals, contributing to the academic and
research community’s knowledge. Additionally, the results will
be presented in scientific meetings, fostering discussions and
knowledge sharing within the academic and professional spheres.
Summaries of the outcomes will beprovided to investigators,
enabling them to disseminate key findings within their clinics,
further promoting the practical application of the study results in
relevant healthcare settings.
In the face of an aging population, interventions are needed to
reduce or minimize the consequences of various diseases related to
advancing age (6), support the healthcare system, and promote active
aging, in which the senior is allowed to maintain their autonomy as
long as possible. One such solution has been identied in virtual
coaches (16) which, through a personalized system that constantly
keeps the senior constantly monitored (23) identify situations in
which it would bedesirable to intervene and propose to the user
dierent solutions and activities adapted to his or her needs and
requirements, allowing the person to maintain a healthy and active
lifestyle. Despite the advantages that these technologies bring, they
also have some limitations: in fact, there are several coaches of this
type, but it is obviously necessary for them to beperfectly integrated
into the lives of the older adults so that they take into account their
real needs that are also due to belonging to dierent cultures. It is
from this premise that the e-VITA project begins, in which dierent
technological devices were proposed to consider people’s actual
needs; the present study adopts a randomized, single-blind controlled
trial design to enlist healthy older adults aged 65 years and older. Its
primary objective is to assess the eectiveness of the e-VITA platform
in this demographic. is robust research design allows for rigorous
examination and comparison of outcomes, ensuring a comprehensive
evaluation of the platform’s impact on the health and well-being of
the participants. Participants will beselected from the four sites
described above. In this study, the primary goal is to assess the
improvement in the quality of life (QoL) of older individuals, which
was measured aer 6 months. To evaluate the eectiveness of the
treatment, the study population will bestratied into two groups. e
experimental group will engage with the e-VITA platform,
comprising a virtual coach, various monitoring sensors, a smartphone
for home use, and a booklet. In contrast, the control group will
receive the booklet alone. is design enables a comparative analysis,
allowing for the examination of the impact of the e-VITA platform
on enhancing the quality of life in older adults. e virtual coaching
system will detect daily physical, cognitive, psychological, and social
changes in the older person and provide useful advice and
recommendations accordingly. In this way, although the primary goal
is to improve the person’s quality of life, the system will also act on
other dimensions, such as mood, cognitive status, nutrition, social
connectedness, and eHealth literacy. In this study, the intervention
will beregularly monitored by the research team, which will conduct
evaluations in order to ensure its quality. In addition, researchers will
beconstantly over the call for any doubts or diculties from users to
support their motivation and participation in the trial.
Participants will beselected from the Neurology Operating
Unit and the Rehabilitation Medicine Operating Unit of IRCCS
INRCA, so the results may not begeneralizable to the general
population. In addition, the e-VITA system is composed of
several types of technological equipment, which could be a
limitation for those older adults who, while meeting the inclusion
criteria, are not particularly familiar with these types of devices.
These problems could besolved by incorporating user-friendly
interfaces with clear and intuitive navigation to enhance ease of
use. In addition, comprehensive guides and tutorials could
bedeveloped to help participants familiarizing themselves with
the system. Moreover, users could attend training sessions to
beguided through initial set-up and use, to accommodate those
who may need further assistance.
The study aims to introduce users to a cross-cultural and
customizable virtual coach, which was designed to address
various aspects of the older person’s well-being, including social
relationships, physical activity, autonomy, and safety. The ultimate
goal is to enhance the overall quality of life for older individuals.
To rigorously assess the true potential and identify any potential
issues with the intervention, a randomized controlled trial is
deemed essential. This research design will provide valuable
insights into the effectiveness and challenges associated with the
implementation of the virtual coach in improving the well-being
of older adults.
Author contributions
RoB: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original
draft, Writing – review & editing. VS: Conceptualization, Writing
– review & editing. GA: Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing
– review & editing. AM: Data curation, Writing – review &
editing. MB: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. FB: Data
curation, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing. EM:
Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review &
editing. A-SR: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing. SC:
Writing – review & editing. CP: Conceptualization, Writing –
review & editing. JM: Conceptualization, Writing – review &
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Frontiers in Public Health 17
editing. RyB: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing. TO:
Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing. RW:
Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing – review & editing.
e author(s) declare nancial support was received for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. is research
is based on data collected for the “EU-Japan Virtual Coach for Smart
Ageing - e-Vita” project funded by the European Union H2020
Program under grant agreement no. 101016453 and the Japanese
Ministry of Internal Aairs and Communication (MIC), Grant no.
Conflict of interest
e authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
beconstrued as a potential conict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and
do not necessarily represent those of their aliated organizations, or
those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that
may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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Hum Comput Interac. (2019) 35:456–67. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1456150
71. Available at:
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Background The worldwide aging trend requires conceptually new prevention, care, and innovative living solutions to support human-based care using smart technology, and this concerns the whole world. Enabling access to active and healthy aging through personalized digital coaching services like physical activity coaching, cognitive training, emotional well-being, and social connection for older adults in real life could offer valuable advantages to both individuals and societies. A starting point might be the analysis of the perspectives of different professionals (eg, geriatricians) on such technologies. The perspectives of experts in the sector may allow the individualization of areas of improvement of clinical interventions, supporting the positive perspective pointed out by the intrinsic capacity framework. Objective The overall aim of this study was to explore the cross-national perspectives and experiences of different professionals in the field of intrinsic capacity, and how it can be supported by eHealth interventions. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore geriatric care providers’ perspectives about technology-based interventions to support intrinsic capacity. Methods A survey involving 20 geriatricians or clinical experts in the fields of intrinsic capacity and active and healthy aging was conducted in Italy, France, Germany, and Japan between August and September 2021. Results The qualitative findings pointed out relevant domains for eHealth interventions and provided examples for successful practices that support subjective well-being under the intrinsic capacity framework (the benefits offered by personalized interventions, especially by promoting health literacy but avoiding intrusiveness). Moreover, eHealth interventions could be used as a bridge that facilitates and enables social engagement; an instrument that facilitates communication between doctors and patients; and a tool to enrich the monitoring actions of medical staff. Conclusions There is an unexplored and significant role for such geriatric perspectives to help the development process and evaluate the evidence-based results on the effectiveness of technologies for older people. This is possible only when clinicians collaborate with data scientists, engineers, and developers in order to match the complex daily needs of older adults.
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Population aging is a major concern worldwide. Active aging should be promoted by increasing the social participation of older adults and enabling them to remain involved in the community. Research has demonstrated the utility of digital resources for addressing the needs of older adults, which include networking, entertaining, and seeking health-related information. However, the digital divide among older adults (i.e., the “gray digital divide”) is increasingly being recognized as a social problem that may be related to poor well-being. To obtain updated local data on the prevalence of Internet access and usage and their relationship with perceived well-being, we conducted telephone interviews with a random sample of 1018 older adults in Hong Kong from January to July 2021 (This research has received funding support from the Interdisciplinary Research Matching Scheme, Hong Kong Baptist University). We found that only 76.5% of the participants had Internet access at home, a mobile phone data plan, or both, whereas 36.3% had never used Internet services and 18.2% had no digital devices. A younger age, male gender, higher education level, living with others, and higher self-perceived social class were associated with material access to digital devices and everyday use of Internet services. Participants who accessed the Internet every day had higher levels of life satisfaction and self-rated physical and mental health than those who rarely or never used the Internet. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that digital skills were significantly associated with self-rated mental health even when controlling for demographic variables (including age, gender, education level, and self-perceived social class). This study contributes to the limited body of literature on the relationship between Internet use, digital skills, and perceived well-being. Our findings highlight the importance of addressing the digital divide even in cities with high penetration of information and communication technology, such as Hong Kong. We also discuss our insights into the use of timely interventions for older adults to address the gray digital divide. Keywords: internet access; digital divide; well-being; aging; public health
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Virtual coaching systems show great potential for meeting the challenges of demographic change. However, the proportion of older users in the field of digital technologies is far behind that of younger people. As part of the e-VITA project, semi-structured interviews were conducted in Japan, France, Italy and Germany with 58 people aged 65 and over, and the content was analyzed with the aim of obtaining information about how older adults organize their everyday lives, also with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, how they deal with their health, what role digital technologies play in the lives of the interviewees and why they oppose progressive digitization. Second, the survey asked why the older adults oppose a virtual coach, which is to be developed in the e-VITA project to support older adults in healthy and active aging, and what barriers they see in a possible implementation. It was found that older respondents lead active, varied lives and that the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the increased use of digital solutions. In addition, respondents were consciously addressing their own health. With regard to a virtual coach, barriers were seen primarily in the area of data security and sharing. It can be concluded from this that heterogeneity among older user groups should be taken into account when developing virtual coaches. In addition, aspects of data security and data protection should be presented in a clearly understandable and transparent manner.
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By converging 3A—artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and anime culture, a new type of non-naturalistic and stylized anthropomorphism has been exercised on the latest hologram social robot—“Hupo.” By combining scopes of human–machine communication and cultural studies, this study investigated how this 3A convergence constructed the user experience of Hupo. Through in-depth interviews with 25 users, we revealed their expected experience related to the dual identity of anime otaku and technology geeks alongside social segregation and loneliness. We found their actual experience highlighted how anime elements offset their dissatisfactions caused by AI weakness and the uncanny valley. Three specific anime-enabled strategies were illustrated, namely anime characterization, gamification, and idolization. Our analysis suggested that pop culture offers not technical solutions but temporary compensation for the current AI limitations. Nevertheless, such fusions between anime otakuism and instinct-served technologies also raise concerns about a further animalized human society.
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Precautionary measures (e.g., social distancing, mask wearing, washing hands regularly) to limit the transmission of the Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) have been put in place worldwide. However, a limited understanding of precautionary measures and low compliance with them has been observed in older adults with neurocognitive disorders, persons with intellectual disability, or mental illness. The objective of this study is to create and evaluate a robot-mediated activity to deliver information on COVID-19 precautionary measures in an accessible and engaging way using the humanoid robot Nao. An interactive scenario explaining and demonstrating COVID-19 precautionary measures is created using the verbal and non-verbal behaviours of the robot. The scenario (≈5 min) is presented to 124 users of a geriatric hospital, including the following: older patients (n = 45), accompanying persons (n = 39), and health professionals (n = 40). The data regarding perceived usefulness, acceptability, and accessibility are collected using a questionnaire. A video analysis of the participants’ behaviour during the interaction with the robot is performed to examine the quality of engagement in the activity. The results show a good acceptance, satisfaction, and perceived usefulness of the robot-mediated activity. These findings suggest that robot-mediated interventions using humanoid robots can be an effective tool for the delivery of health promotion information.
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Social touch is essential to everyday interactions, but current socially assistive robots have limited touch-perception capabilities. Rather than build entirely new robotic systems, we propose to augment existing rigid-bodied robots with an external touch-perception system. This practical approach can enable researchers and caregivers to continue to use robotic technology they have already purchased and learned about, but with a myriad of new social-touch interactions possible. This paper presents a low-cost, easy-to-build, soft tactile-perception system that we created for the NAO robot, as well as participants’ feedback on touching this system. We installed four of our fabric-and-foam-based resistive sensors on the curved surfaces of a NAO’s left arm, including its hand, lower arm, upper arm, and shoulder. Fifteen adults then performed five types of affective touch-communication gestures (hitting, poking, squeezing, stroking, and tickling) at two force intensities (gentle and energetic) on the four sensor locations; we share this dataset of four time-varying resistances, our sensor patterns, and a characterization of the sensors’ physical performance. After training, a gesture-classification algorithm based on a random forest identified the correct combined touch gesture and force intensity on windows of held-out test data with an average accuracy of 74.1%, which is more than eight times better than chance. Participants rated the sensor-equipped arm as pleasant to touch and liked the robot’s presence significantly more after touch interactions. Our promising results show that this type of tactile-perception system can detect necessary social-touch communication cues from users, can be tailored to a variety of robot body parts, and can provide HRI researchers with the tools needed to implement social touch in their own systems.
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Maze navigation using one or more robots has become a recurring challenge in scientific literature and real life practice, with fleets having to find faster and better ways to navigate environments such as a travel hub, airports, or for evacuation of disaster zones. Many methodologies have been explored to solve this issue, including the implementation of a variety of sensors and other signal receiving systems. Most interestingly, camera-based techniques have become more popular in this kind of scenarios, given their robustness and scalability. In this paper, we implement an end-to-end strategy to address this scenario, allowing a robot to solve a maze in an autonomous way, by using computer vision and path planning. In addition, this robot shares the generated knowledge to another by means of communication protocols, having to adapt its mechanical characteristics to be capable of solving the same challenge. The paper presents experimental validation of the four components of this solution, namely camera calibration, maze mapping, path planning and robot communication. Finally, we showcase some initial experimentation in a pair of robots with different mechanical characteristics. Further implementations of this work include communicating the robots for other tasks, such as teaching assistance, remote classes, and other innovations in higher education.
With the problem of ageing population increasingly prominent, the burden of families, caregivers and medical workers to take care of older adults will be heavier. Social exclusion and cognitive dysfunctions make things worse, especially in times of a pandemic. One of the most effective approaches to solve these problems can be technology, which application is often limited by the acceptance of the end user. We introduce a social robot, DarumaTO-3, whose appearance is inspired by a traditional Buddhist and Shinto doll called Daruma, and perform a preliminary test in which we hear the response from older adults. This paper describes this new robot prototype, and reports the feedback received from the early deployment with 44 Japanese older adults.
Among the newest directions of research in the last few years, renewed interest in religion took place in the robotics community. Pioneering this interest, SanTO was the first ever Catholic robot to be made. Its realisation went together with the necessity of revising the theoretical bases that should properly identify what are SanTO and other robots of this kind. Its media coverage and later employment acted as a Pandora’s box of potential ethical problems, which range from blasphemy to incompatibility with science, through dangers of nudging, AI bias, privacy and more. This paper analyses the main issues and how they were addressed, and the future direction of research leads to the development of the new model, CelesTE, aiming to a more pronounced ethical design.