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How to classify forests? A case study from Central Europe

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Vegetation Classification and Survey

Abstract and Figures

Aims : Inconsistent treatment of the vegetation layers is one of the main problems in the floristic classification of forests. In this study I investigate whether a classification based solely on woody species leads to units similar to the Braun-Blanquet system or to something completely different. Study area : Austria (Central Europe) and adjacent regions. Methods : 23,681 forest relevés from the Austrian Vegetation Database were classified using TWINSPAN. Spruce and pine plantations and stands with a cover of non-native woody species > 5% were excluded from the dataset. Only native tree and shrub species were used in the classification while herbs, dwarf shrubs, cryptogams and all records of woody species in the herb layer were omitted. Results : The TWINSPAN classification revealed elevation (i.e., climate) as the main floristic gradient in the data set. Within lowland communities, soil moisture was the dominant factor. The higher units of the Braun-Blanquet system were mostly well reproduced. Conclusions : The higher levels of the phytosociological forest classification (class, order, partly also alliance) can basically be defined by taking only the shrub and tree layer into account. However, all past and current classifications suffer from arbitrary exceptions to this rule. This leads to many inconsistencies and blurs the main biogeographical patterns within European forests. Here I argue that using the tree and shrub species for defining the higher levels and the understorey species for defining the lower ones is best suited to meet the properties that users would expect from a good forest classification. Taxonomic reference : Fischer et al. (2008). Syntaxonomic reference : Mucina et al. (2016) if not stated otherwise. Abbreviations : EVC = EuroVegChecklist (Mucina et al. 2016).
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How to classify forests?
A case study from Central Europe
Wolfgang Willner1,2
1 Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
2 Vienna Institute for Nature Conservation & Analyses, Vienna, Austria
Corresponding author: Wolfgang Willner (
Academic editor: Jorge Capelo
Received 21 December 2023Accepted 24 January 2024Published 1 March 2024
Aims: Inconsistent treatment of the vegetation layers is one of the main problems in the oristic classication of forests.
In this study I investigate whether a classication based solely on woody species leads to units similar to the Braun-Blan-
quet system or to something completely dierent. Study area: Austria (Central Europe) and adjacent regions. Methods:
23,681 forest relevés from the Austrian Vegetation Database were classied using TWINSPAN. Spruce and pine plan-
tations and stands with a cover of non-native woody species > 5% were excluded from the dataset. Only native tree and
shrub species were used in the classication while herbs, dwarf shrubs, cryptogams and all records of woody species
in the herb layer were omitted. Results: e TWINSPAN classication revealed elevation (i.e., climate) as the main
oristic gradient in the data set. Within lowland communities, soil moisture was the dominant factor. e higher units
of the Braun-Blanquet system were mostly well reproduced. Conclusions: e higher levels of the phytosociological
forest classication (class, order, partly also alliance) can basically be dened by taking only the shrub and tree layer into
account. However, all past and current classications suer from arbitrary exceptions to this rule. is leads to many
inconsistencies and blurs the main biogeographical patterns within European forests. Here I argue that using the tree
and shrub species for dening the higher levels and the understorey species for dening the lower ones is best suited to
meet the properties that users would expect from a good forest classication.
Taxonomic reference: Fischer et al. (2008).
Syntaxonomic reference: Mucina et al. (2016) if not stated otherwise.
Abbreviations: EVC = EuroVegChecklist (Mucina et al. 2016).
Braun-Blanquet approach, forest, shrub layer, tree layer, vegetation classication
e classes of the Braun-Blanquet system correspond
to major oristic, biogeographical and ecological units
(Pignatti et al. 1995; Loidi 2020). For European zonal
forests, these are the Quercetea ilicis (mediterranean ev-
ergreen), Quercetea pubescentis (submediterranean de-
ciduous), Quercetea robori-petraeae and Carpino-Fagetea
(temperate deciduous), Vaccinio-Piceetea (boreal and
temperate montane–subalpine coniferous) and Betulo-Al-
netea viridis (subarctic-subalpine deciduous) (Figure 1).
Azonal forests can be arranged into two groups: Erico-Pin-
etea, Pyrolo-Pinetea and Junipero-Pinetea include conifer-
ous forests on very dry sites, while Salicetea purpureae,
Alno-Populetea and Alnetea glutinosae are wetland forests.
Finally, the Crataego-Prunetea, Franguletea and Robinietea
Copyright Wolfgang Willner. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source
are credited.
Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 17–26
doi: 10.3897/VCS.117703
International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
Wolfgang Willner: How to classify forests?18
comprise seral woodland and tall-scrub (Mucina et al.
2016). ese classes can be incorporated into a global for-
mation system, enabling broad-scale comparisons among
continents (Willner and Faber-Langendoen 2021).
For most of the 20th century, the correspondence be-
tween classes and formations was much weaker because
some classes (Vaccinio-Piceetea, Betulo-Adenostyletea,
Epilobietea) included both forest and non-forest vegeta-
tion (e.g., Oberdorfer 1957). Splitting these physiognom-
ically heterogeneous classes has been identied as one of
the megatrends in phytosociology during the last 50 years
(Guarino et al. 2018; Willner and Faber-Langendoen
2021). However, many uncertainties and inconsistencies
still linger within the classes, blurring the biogeograph-
ical and ecological correspondences outlined above. For
instance, the EuroVegChecklist (EVC, Mucina et al. 2016)
classies Western Caucasian Pinus brutia forests (Cam-
panulo sibiricae-Pinion brutiae) in the Quercetea pubescen-
tis while the Pinus brutia forests of the Eastern Mediter-
ranean are included in the Quercetea ilicis (but see Bonari
et al. 2021 for a dierent solution). Boreal-subarctic birch
woods on nutrient-poor podzolic soils (Empetro hermaph-
roditi-Betulion pumilae) are included in the Vaccinio-Picee-
tea, those on nutrient-rich soils (Geranio sylvatici-Betulion
pumilae) in the Betulo-Alnetea viridis. Temperate pine for-
ests on acidic soils (Dicrano-Pinion sylvestris) are classied
within the Vaccinio-Piceetea by the EVC, whereas Willner
and Grabherr (2007) assign them to the Erico-Pinetea. Ac-
idophytic beech forests are placed in the Carpino-Fagetea
by some authors, but in the Quercetea robori-petraeae by
others (Willner 2002; see also remark fag03 in Mucina
et al. 2016, p. 35). High montane acidophytic beech for-
ests of Central Europe (Calamagrostio villosae-Fagetum)
were even assigned to the Vaccinio-Piceetea in Oberdorfer
(1992). Temperate Abies alba forests are either considered
as part of the Carpino-Fagetea (e.g., Chytrý 2013), or as
part of the Vaccinio-Piceetea (e.g., Willner and Grabherr
2007; Mucina et al. 2016), whereas some authors split
them between the two classes (Oberdorfer 1992).
All these examples have one question in common:
Should one give higher weight to the tree layer or the
herb layer composition when classifying forests? Floristic
similarity is the main criterion in the Braun-Blanquet ap-
proach (Westho and Van der Maarel 1978). However, o-
ristic similarity of the tree layer might suggest a dierent
grouping than oristic similarity of the herb layer . As the
European tree ora is rather poor in species compared to
other continents (Leuschner and Ellenberg 2017), overall
similarity is usually driven by the herb layer. us, follow-
ing a purely oristic approach, communities dominated by
the same tree species may end up in dierent classes, or-
ders or alliances (Grabherr et al. 2003). Because such units
are oen very heterogenous in terms of physiognomy and
at odds with broad-scale formations and biogeographical
Figure 1. Main zonal formations of Europe (following Bohn et al. 2000) and corresponding EVC classes. Orange:
mediterranean sclerophyllous forests and scrub (Quercetea ilicis); yellow-green: submediterranean deciduous
broad-leaved forests (Quercetea pubescentis); dark green: cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests (Quer-
cetea robori-petraeae, Carpino-Fagetea); lilac: boreal, hemiboreal and temperate-montane coniferous and mixed
broad-leaved-coniferous forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea); pale pink: subarctic and temperate-subalpine open woodland
and scrub (Betulo-Alnetea viridis).
Vegetation Classification and Survey 19
units, most authors consciously or unconsciously give
higher weight to the tree species composition in at least
some cases. However, in the absence of a general rule,
these decisions are mostly subjective and arbitrary, result-
ing in a low stability of the forest classication in Europe.
Similar problems arise from the shrub layer, especially
for communities without a tree layer. In the past, shrub
communities were either joined with forests or with
herb vegetation: e Prunetalia spinosae were part of the
Querco-Fagetea, the Sambucetalia racemosae part of the
Epilobietea angustifolii, the Betulo-Alnetea viridis included
in the Betulo-Adenostyletea etc. (Oberdorfer 1992; Mucina
et al. 1993). Whether shrub communities should be sep-
arated from forests on a high syntaxonomic level is still
a controversial issue (e.g., Loidi 2020). Indeed, while the
classes Crataego-Prunetea and Betulo-Alnetea viridis have
been widely accepted in recent decades, they still include
communities dominated by either shrubs or trees (see
Mucina et al. 2016). e distinction between trees and
tall shrubs is not always straightforward as many woody
species have a rather high phenotypic plasticity. For in-
stance, Fagus sylvatica oen has a prostrate growth form
at its upper elevational limit (Willner 2002), Quercus pu-
bescens may be less than 4 m tall on dry sites with shallow
soils (Jakucs 1961), while Corylus avellana can achieve 10
m in height despite having a shrubby branching pattern
(Schütt and Lang 2014). erefore, a priori separation of
forests and tall scrub is inevitably at odds with the oristic
principle (see also Willner and Faber-Langendoen 2021).
Interestingly, the traditional classication of tall shrub
vegetation is almost exclusively based on the species com-
position of the shrub layer (Tüxen 1952; Weber 1997;
Willner and Grabherr 2007). Herbs and grasses are oen
conned to the fringes and gaps of the scrub while the
dense interior is almost completely devoid of a herb lay-
er (Weber 1999). erefore, non-woody species in relevés
mainly reect the neighbouring fringe and grassland vege-
tation, which belongs to a dierent successional stage, and
their presence is strongly dependent on the delimitation
of the sampling plot. Since the classication of scrub com-
munities should reect the ecological and biogeographical
properties of the dominant shrubs rather than those of ad-
jacent herbs and grasses, it makes sense to ignore the latter
in the delimitation of higher syntaxa.
In an eort to increase the consistency of the Cen-
tral European forest classication, Willner and Grabherr
(2007) adopted an approach for the denition of higher
forest syntaxa that was similar to that of tall shrub vegeta-
tion; that is, they suggested that the upper units of the sys-
tem should be primarily based on the species composition
of the tree layer, whereas the lower ones should be primar-
ily based on the understorey composition (Willner 2017).
Depending on the ecological amplitude of the dominant
trees, the switch between over- and understorey was done
at dierent hierarchical levels (e.g., between order and al-
liance for spruce forests, and between alliance and subal-
liance for most deciduous forests). However, the principle
was not rigorously applied using numerical methods.
In the present study, I investigate whether a classi-
cation of Central European forests based solely on the
woody species of the shrub and tree layer leads to units
similar to the traditional Braun-Blanquet system or to
something completely dierent.
Study area
e plot records (relevés) used in this study are from
Austria (Central Europe) and adjacent regions in the SE
Alps and NW Dinaric mountains (Figure 2). Austria cov-
ers most of the Eastern Alps and their foreland, the west-
ern part of the Pannonian Basin and the SE part of the
Bohemian Massif. e elevation of the plots ranges from
120 m a.s.l. in Eastern Austria to the highest forests in
the Alps at ca. 2300 m a.s.l. Annual precipitation ranges
from 500mm to 2000 mm (in the SE Alps locally up to
3000 mm). e mean annual temperature ranges from
1–2°C at the treeline to 10°C in the Pannonian lowland.
Due to the large climatic gradient Austria has a large
variety of forest types, and forests cover 46% of the coun-
try (ca. 3.88 million hectares) . Lowland forests are mostly
deciduous, and oaks (Quercus spp.), hornbeam (Carpi-
nus betulus), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and ash (Fraxinus
excelsior) are dominant trees. e outer ranges of the Alps
are occupied by mixed forests composed predominantly
of beech and r (Abies alba). e inner parts of the Alps,
which have a strongly continental climate, and the whole
subalpine belt are covered by coniferous forests with spruce
(Picea abies), larch (Larix decidua), and Arolla pine (Pinus
cembra) as dominants. e upper subalpine belt is oen
dominated by Pinus mugo krummholz (Mayer 1974).
Dataset preparation
Initially, all relevés of forest and shrub communities were
selected from the Austrian Vegetation Database (GIVD-ID
EU-AT-001; Willner et al. 2012). Spruce and pine planta-
tions and stands with a cover of non-native woody species
> 5% were excluded from the dataset. Also excluded were
forest relevés where the cover of trees was not estimated
separately for the tree and herb layer, relevés with a cover
of woody species determined only at the genus level > 5%,
and relevés dominated by (>25%) low shrubs [i.e., shrub
species not exceeding 2 m, including all Rubus species].
e 2 m threshold was chosen following the denition
of the forest and woodland formation class (Willner and
Faber-Langendoen 2021). Finally, relevés with a total cover
of trees and tall shrubs < 15% were omitted. is resulted in
a dataset of 23,681 relevés, with 22,588 plots from Austria
and 1,093 plots from neighbouring countries (Figure 2).
Only native tree and tall shrub species in the shrub and
tree layer were used in the classication while all other taxa
(including records of woody species in the herb layer and
Wolfgang Willner: How to classify forests?20
taxa determined only at the genus level) were omitted. e
omission of non-native trees and shrubs follows the con-
sideration that the syntaxonomic system of European for-
est and shrub communities should be based on the native
species (though syntaxa for communities dominated by
non-native species might be added in a second step). Re-
cords of native tree and tall shrub species in dierent lay-
ers were merged using the algorithm published by Fischer
(2015). Altogether, 111 taxa were kept in the nal dataset.
All data handling was done with JUICE 7.1 (Tichý 2002).
Numerical classification
e matrix of 23,681 relevés and 111 taxa was classied using
the original TWINSPAN algorithm (Hill 1979). Parameter
settings were three pseudospecies cutlevels (0%, 5%, 25%),
six levels of division and a minimum group size for division
of two. For species sorting and interpretation, the diagnostic
value of woody species for phytosociological classes accord-
ing to Mucina et al. (2016) was used. If a species was given as
diagnostic for two or more classes occurring in Central Eu-
rope, the diagnostic value according to Willner and Grabherr
(2007) was followed. Within each class, species were sorted
by decreasing phi coecient (Chytrý et al. 2002; Tichý and
Chytrý 2006) using a threshold of 0.3. e phi coecient was
calculated assuming equal group size, and positive phi values
were only accepted if the dierence in species constancy be-
tween the target unit and the rest of the data set was signi-
cant according to Fisher’s exact test at p < 0.05.
e TWINSPAN classication resulted in 63 clusters
(one division failed because the minimum group size was
not reached). With a few exceptions, lowland forests and
scrubs were separated from those at higher elevations at
the rst level of division. At the second division level, low-
land communities were further divided along a moisture
gradient, and montane communities were separated from
subalpine ones (Table 1).
Specically, the TWINSPAN clusters corresponded to
the following vegetation types (numbers in brackets refer
to the column number in Table 1 and Suppl. material 1,
syntaxa follow the EVC system; the clusters are numbered
from 1 to 64 to show the full TWINSPAN hierarchy; note
that there is no cluster 48 because the corresponding level
6 division failed):
1–8 (1): nutrient-rich willow carrs with Salix cinerea
(Salicion cinereae p.p.)
Figure 2. Plot locations in Austria (green dots) and adjacent areas (green numbers, indicating the number of plots
from northern Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia, respectively).
Vegetation Classification and Survey 21
9–12 (2): submontane and montane alluvial willow scrub
(Salicion eleagno-daphnoidis)
13 (3): alluvial forests with Salix alba (Salicion albae p.p.)
14 (4): alluvial forests with Salix fragilis (Salicion albae p.p.)
15–16 (5): lowland alluvial scrub with Salix triandra
(Salicion triandrae)
17–20 (6): swamp forests with Alnus glutinosa (Alnion
21 (7): alluvial forests with Populus alba (Alnion incanae p.p.)
22 (8): alluvial forests with Alnus incana (Alnion incanae p.p.)
23 (9): alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa (Alnion incanae
24 (10): sycamore forests (Tilio-Acerion)
25 (11): moist oak-hornbeam forests with Quercus robur
(Carpinion betuli p.p.)
26 (12): lime forests and mesic oak-hornbeam forests
with Fraxinus excelsior (Melico-Tilion platyphylli,
Carpinion betuli p.p.)
27 (13): mesic and dry oak-hornbeam forests with Quercus
petraea (Carpinion betuli p.p.)
28 (14): acidophytic oak forests with Quercus petraea
(Agrostio-Quercion petraeae)
29 (15): thermophilous oak forests on deeper soils (Quer-
cion petraeae, Quercion pubescenti-petraeae p.p.)
30 (16): thermophilous oak forests on shallow soils with
Quercus pubescens (Quercion pubescenti-petraeae p.p.)
31 (17): thermophilous seral scrub (Berberidion vulgaris,
32 (18): lowland alluvial hardwood forests (Fraxino-Quer-
cion roboris)
33–36 (19): beech forests (Fagetalia sylvaticae, Luzulo-Fag-
etalia sylvaticae)
37–38 (20): spruce forests (Piceetalia excelsae, Athyrio
39–40 (21): montane elder scrub in forest clearings (Sam-
buco-Salicion capreae)
41 (22): Pinus sylvestris forests (Erico carneae-Pinion, Dicra-
no-Pinion sylvestris, Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinion sylvestris)
42 (23): Pinus nigra forests (Erico-Fraxinion orni)
43–44 (24): dry calcareous Ostrya carpinifolia forests on
shallow soils (Fraxino orni-Ostryion)
45–47 (25): nutrient-poor willow carrs with Salix aurita
(Salicion cinereae p.p.)
49–52 (26): subalpine krummholz with Pinus mugo
(Pinion mugo, Erico-Pinion mugo)
53–54 (27): subalpine Larix decidua woodland (Piceion
excelsae p.p.)
55–56 (28): subalpine Pinus cembra woodland (Piceion
excelsae p.p.)
57–64 (29): subalpine green alder scrub (Alnion viridis)
e TWINSPAN classication revealed elevation (i.e., cli-
mate) as the main oristic gradient in the data set. Within
lowland communities, soil moisture was the dominant
factor. Interestingly, the higher units of the Braun-Blan-
quet system were mostly well reproduced, with clusters
1–8 corresponding to the Franguletea, clusters 9–16 to the
Salicetea purpureae, clusters 17–20 to the Alnetea glutinos-
ae, clusters 21–23 to the Alno-Populetea, clusters 24–27 to
the Carpino-Fagetea and so on. Notable exceptions are the
classes Quercetea pubescentis, Quercetea robori-petraeae
and Crataego-Prunetea, which were all intermingled with
the Carpino-Fagetea. is could be interpreted as sup-
port for the more traditional concept of a broadly dened
class Querco-Fagetea (e.g., Oberdorfer 1992; Loidi 2020).
However, because the Quercetea pubescentis and Querce-
tea robori-petraeae have their main distribution outside
the study area, this question will not be further discussed
in the present paper. e strange position of the Fraxino
orni-Ostryion in the TWINSPAN table reects the fact
that Ostrya carpinifolia forests reach their northern dis-
tribution limit in the study area, where they are conned
to dry, calcareous sites similar to those of pine forests. In-
deed, Mucina et al. (1993) classied these communities
within the class Erico-Pinetea. Alluvial hardwood forests
(Fraxino-Quercion roboris) were widely separated from
the Alnus and Populus woods of the Alnion incanae, which
suggests keeping them in the class Carpino-Fagetea. Lime
forests (Melico-Tilion platyphylli) were grouped togeth-
er with oak-hornbeam forests (Carpinion betuli). Abies
alba forests were not reproduced as a separate cluster, but
mostly included in beech forests, supporting the concept
of Chytrý (2013). e position of subalpine Larix decidua
and Pinus cembra woodland seems at odds with the EVC
system, but it ts well with the classication in Willner
and Grabherr (2007), where both units were included in a
broadly dened Pinion mugo.
On the whole, the traditional Braun-Blanquet system
of forests seems to have given more weight to the tree
species combination than is generally acknowledged in
textbooks. As expected, the syntaxonomic rank of the
TWINSPAN clusters varies vastly, from a single asso-
ciation (e.g., cluster 13: Salicetum albae) to a group of
classes (cluster 41: Pinus sylvestris forests). is reects
the dierent ecological amplitude of the dominant spe-
cies. In most cases, however, the woody species combi-
nation seems most suitable for the denition of orders
and alliances. Some ecological gradients (e.g., calcare-
ous versus acidic soils) are only visible in the herb layer
(including dwarf shrubs) and are therefore not reected
in the table.
What do we expect from a good forest classifi-
Loidi (2020) suggested three criteria for a “good” phy-
tosociological class: (1) biogeographical-evolutionary
criterion: common origin and evolution, (2) oristic
criterion: common set of characteristic species, and (3)
application criterion: coherence in the presentation. For
Wolfgang Willner: How to classify forests?22
Table 1. Synoptic table of the TWINSPAN result. Values are percentage constancy. Bold values indicate an average cover > 14%, grey shading indicates high fidelity (i.e., phi > 0.3).
Species are sorted according to their diagnostic value for classes. The vertical lines represent the division level 2. Groups 21 and 25 (with 14 and 10 relevés, respectively) and species
not reaching 10% constancy in any column are omitted. The full table is provided in Suppl. material 1.
Group number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 29
TWINSPAN level 3 4 6 6 5 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 5 6 6 5 4 6 6 3
Number of relevés 121 307 318 110 109 855 250 833 1087 1013 393 1847 653 397 749 546 299 96 5232 5090 1181 255 327 1000 149 133 307
Salix cinerea 95 1 3 3 4 14 1 3 2 1 1 . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 . . .
Salicetea purpureae
Salix eleagnos .57 4 9 3 . 1 5 3 5 . 1 . . 1 1 1 . 1 1 3 1 3 1 . . 1
Myricaria germanica . 17 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .
Salix myrsinifolia . 21 5 . 1 1 1 6 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 . . 1
Salix daphnoides . 15 3 . 2 . . 2 1 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . 1
Salix fragilis 19 6 20 91 9 9 2 3 12 1 1 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .
Salix × rubens 1 1 2 24 6 2 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Salix triandra 1 10 14 30 92 1 . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . .
Salix viminalis . 3 8 14 39 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .
Salix purpurea 182 31 57 33 1 2 6 6 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 6 . 1 1 . . 1 . . .
Salix alba 5 16 97 32 62 2 25 8 7 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 2 1 . 1 . . . . . .
Alnetea glutinosae
Alnus glutinosa 27 2 4 34 399 9 2 50 7 10 5 1 1 1 . 1 5 1 1 1 . . 1 . . .
Frangula alnus 9 4 3 1 . 30 6 8 8 3 22 4 1 23 8 4 4 18 3 4 17 2 1 3 . . .
Alno-Populetea albae
Populus nigra . 18 36 12 6 1 22 5 4 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 7 1 . . . . . . . .
Populus alba 1 1 4 . 1 2 62 3 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 33 1 1 . . . . . . .
Alnus incana 2 43 39 35 4 4 46 99 24 26 2 1 . 1 1 . . . 1 6 2 . 1 1 . 3 2
Prunus padus 4 6 27 17 . 36 50 40 72 11 8 7 1 1 4 1 3 7 1 1 1 . . 1 . . .
Ulmus minor . . 3 . . 1 14 1 3 1 12 3 1 1 19 4 16 70 1 . . . . . . . .
Fraxinus angustifolia 1 . 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 . 11 1 1 . 1 . . 32 .........
Viburnum opulus 7 4 17 9 1 17 18 15 25 7 7 6 1 2 5 1 5 8 1 1 1 1 . . . . .
Ulmus laevis . . 9 8 . 1 30 2 9 1 4 2 1 . 1 . 1 24 1 1 . . . . . . .
Cornus sanguinea 2 5 36 18 3 7 90 31 48 11 22 22 4 13 51 44 44 78 1 1 2 2 1 . . . .
Ligustrum vulgare 1 1 4 1 . 4 15 6 16 1 12 13 12 18 76 53 60 45 1 1 7 4 4 . . . .
Viburnum lantana . 1 2 1 . 1 2 6 9 7 3 14 2 2 43 53 22 2 1 1 12 5 10 1 . . .
Prunus spinosa 1 . 1 . . 1 5 1 1 1 7 1 1 5 18 12 68 21 1 . 1 1 . . . . .
Rosa canina agg. 1 1 1 1 . 1 8 1 3 1 4 3 4 9 24 29 77 17 1 1 1 4 1 . . . .
Juniperus communis . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . 1 2 1 1 4 5 8 4 . 1 2 53 7 7 3 . 1 1
Amelanchier ovalis . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 1 . 1 33 . . 1 1 41 70 30 6 . . .
Cotoneaster tomentosus . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 6 . . 1 1 7 25 15 1 . . .
Crataegus monogyna 1 2 6 1 2 2 30 12 17 5 22 22 12 17 73 68 74 64 1 1 4 8 4 . . . .
Corylus avellana . 2 3 3 . 5 3 9 49 62 55 49 9 40 30 29 9 23 11 4 9 5 8 1 . . 1
Berberis vulgaris . 1 3 . . 3 3 10 6 6 5 7 1 7 17 47 11 . 2 2 34 47 9 1 . . .
Euonymus europaeus 2 1 10 9 1 13 27 19 33 6 12 12 3 2 25 12 37 18 1 1 1 . 1 . . . .
Rhamnus cathartica . . 1 1 . 9 3 1 2 1 5 5 2 3 14 35 30 19 1 1 3 3 3 . . . .
Prunus mahaleb . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 13 7 . . . 1 1 . . . . .
Quercetea pubescentis
Quercus cerris . . . . . . . . . 1 3 5 28 11 48 9 6 3 1 1 . . . . . . .
Quercus pubescens . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 1 . 26 76 4 1 1 . 1 6 3 . . . .
Cornus mas . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 3 16 9 1 39 64 3 3 1 1 . 9 . . . . .
Vegetation Classification and Survey 23
Group number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 29
TWINSPAN level 3 4 6 6 5 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 5 6 6 5 4 6 6 3
Number of relevés 121 307 318 110 109 855 250 833 1087 1013 393 1847 653 397 749 546 299 96 5232 5090 1181 255 327 1000 149 133 307
Euonymus verrucosus . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 10 3 2 20 38 2 2 1 . 1 . 3 . . . .
Ostrya carpinifolia . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 2 3 . . 3 1 1 4 98 1 . . .
Fraxinus ornus . . . . . . 1 1 . . . 1 1 . 3 4 . . 2 1 3 13 83 . . . .
Sorbus aria agg. . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 2 14 7 6 9 63 1 . 11 3 30 69 55 6 1 . .
Sorbus torminalis . . . . . . . . 1 . 2 5 16 11 27 25 2 . 2 1 . 3 . . . . .
Pyrus pyraster . 1 . . . 1 . 1 1 1 5 2 4 9 15 15 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 . . . .
Quercetea roboris
Quercus robur 1 1 1 5 . 9 10 2 23 4 88 22 4 11 30 7 13 63 3 1 5 . 3 . . . .
Quercus petraea . . . . . 1 . . . 1 9 24 87 95 54 11 1 . 11 1 5 1 6 . . . .
Ulmus glabra . 3 1 5 . 1 3 3 17 60 2 34 2 1 5 5 1 1 10 1 1 1 . . . . .
Acer pseudoplatanus . 6 2 1 . 6 2 18 49 89 13 59 4 2 9 9 3 4 45 10 9 7 6 12 9 . 12
Acer platanoides . 1 1 . . 1 . 1 4 6 1 29 3 1 5 9 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 . . . .
Tilia platyphyllos . . 1 . . 1 . 1 2 10 2 30 6 5 5 18 1 . 2 1 1 2 2 . . . .
Acer campestre . . 1 . . 1 8 1 9 3 24 34 34 4 53 34 17 58 2 1 1 . . . . . .
Fagus sylvatica . 1 . . . 2 . 1 5 39 15 61 46 16 5 17 . . 97 21 9 25 29 5 2 . 1
Fraxinus excelsior 1 10 9 16 . 35 43 39 91 88 17 74 13 3 45 57 9 21 16 1 2 7 1 1 . . .
Carpinus betulus . 1 1 1 . 5 1 1 16 9 64 69 92 54 36 18 3 16 6 1 1 . 2 . . . .
Lonicera xylosteum . 7 7 3 1 2 9 21 34 25 8 24 4 3 26 15 4 4 5 2 10 1 5 1 1 . 1
Tilia cordata . . 1 1 . 1 2 1 12 8 29 37 32 23 15 13 1 5 2 1 1 1 2 . . . .
Prunus avium . 1 1 1 . 1 1 2 8 5 23 24 17 17 28 9 20 5 3 1 1 . . . . . .
Crataegus laevigata . . . . . 1 . 1 2 1 9 12 11 4 19 14 2 14 1 1 1 . . . . . .
Staphylea pinnata . . . . . . . . 1 3 1 13 2 . 4 14 1 . 1 . . . . . . . .
Populus tremula . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 3 2 20 3 2 8 2 1 3 8 1 1 2 1 2 . 1 . 1
Abies alba . . . . . 1 . 1 2 8 3 7 3 2 1 1 . . 50 26 1 1 1 5 7 . 1
Picea abies . 11 1 1 . 23 1 28 17 51 34 21 9 14 6 4 1 . 69 99 62 26 38 34 60 60 43
Larix decidua . 1 . . . 1 . 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 1 . . 15 48 17 2 11 23 99 61 29
Pinus cembra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 1 . . 3 51 100 11
Pinus uncinata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 11 . . 2 1 . .
Lonicera caerulea . . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 . . . . . . . 1 1 1 . 1 6 11 3 5
Sambucus nigra 3 6 40 45 2 15 46 41 62 45 12 18 3 2 13 1 30 13 4 1 1 . . . . . .
Pinus sylvestris 2 5 1 . . 3 . 2 1 1 20 5 8 52 12 8 1 1 12 15 93 23 42 1 . 1 .
Pinus nigra . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 1 2 34 2 . 2 1 3 98 10 . . . .
Rhamnus fallax . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 . 1 15 1 . . .
Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo
Sorbus chamaemespilus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 6 . . 22 25 2 2
Pinus mugo (s. str.) . 1 . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 4 11 1 5 98 72 29 7
Rosa pendulina . . . . . 1 . 1 1 2 . 1 . . . 1 . . 2 2 3 2 1 16 15 . 1
Betulo-Alnetea viridis
Alnus alnobetula . . . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . 1 3 1 . 1 9 24 13 96
Salix appendiculata . 13 1 . . 1 . 3 1 5 1 1 . . 1 . 1 . 1 3 2 1 2 23 16 2 24
other species
Sorbus aucuparia 1 1 1 1 . 8 . 5 7 5 13 6 2 8 2 1 1 1 8 21 15 2 4 34 64 23 47
Betula pendula . 7 3 6 . 2 2 4 4 2 25 6 14 25 3 1 2 2 4 7 7 1 2 1 3 3 14
Wolfgang Willner: How to classify forests?24
the third criterion, he noted that “it is very dicult to ar-
gue, in a teaching context, that forests dominated by the
same species belong to dierent classes. Obviously, the
second and third criterion can only be simultaneously
fullled if the class is oristically dened by the species of
the dominant layer. In this way, most European tree spe-
cies become character species on some hierarchical level
while in many traditional systems they are only treated as
companion species.
We might complement Loidis criteria by four gener-
al properties that users might reasonably expect from a
good forest classication: (a) e upper levels of the hi-
erarchy are more easily recognizable than the lower lev-
els. (b) e upper level units are more stable over time
in terms of vegetation history. (c) e factors shaping
global vegetation patters are reected on the upper lev-
els, while the factors responsible for regional and local
patterns are reected on the lower levels. (d) e upper
levels are consistent with global formation and biome
As shown above, the higher levels of the phytosocio-
logical forest system can basically be dened by taking
only the tall shrub and tree layer into account. However,
this has never been formulated as a rule, and all past and
current classications suer from arbitrary weighting of
the layers, leading to inconsistencies and blurring the
main biogeographical patterns within European forests.
e distribution of European tree species is mainly con-
trolled by broad climatic gradients as well as dierences
in soil moisture (Table 1) – the same ecological factors
that are reected in global biome and formation systems
(Walter 1976; Faber-Langendoen et al. 2016; Loidi et al.
2022). Dierences in calcium content, on the other hand,
have a more regional signicance, and are mostly visible
in the herb layer composition (Leuschner and Ellenberg
2017). It is therefore advisable to reect the latter on
lower hierarchical levels, e.g., by uniting basiphytic and
acidophytic beech forests in the same class or even or-
der (Moor 1978; Oberdorfer 1992; Willner and Grabherr
2007; Willner et al. 2017), or by transferring temperate
dry Pinus sylvestris forests on acidic bedrock (alliance
Dicrano-Pinion) from the Vaccinio-Piceetea to the Eri-
co-Pinetea – a solution that is also supported by numer-
ous common understorey species (Willner and Grabherr
2007). However, given the extremely broad amplitude of
Pinus sylvestris, it is also justied to classify the forests
dominated by this species in at least two dierent class-
es, Erico-Pinetea (temperate dry pine forests, including
the Erico-Pinion, Dicrano-Pinion, Ononido-Pinion and
other alliances) and Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetea (boreal
and temperate wet pine forests, including the Vaccinio
uliginosi-Pinion and Cladonio stellaris-Pinion; see Erma-
kov and Morozova 2011). Submediterranean pine forests
dominated by Pinus nigra should probably be placed in a
separate class.
Understorey species may have markedly dierent
biogeographical histories than the tree species they are
currently associated with (Záveská et al. 2021; Willner
et al. 2023). us, we can assume that vegetation units
dened by tree species have been more stable over time
than syntaxa dened by species from dierent layers.
In fact, vegetation units solely dened by understorey
species can be completely independent of the tree layer
and even exist outside the forest. A classic example is
Braun-Blanquet’s Rhododendro-Vaccinion (Braun-Blan-
quet et al. 1939), which comprised both coniferous for-
ests and treeless dwarf shrub heaths. Carrying this idea
to extremes, Gillet (1988) proposed to independently
classify the herb, shrub and tree layers (see also Gillet
and Julve 2018). While agreeing with these authors on
the basic problem, I suggest a dierent and less radi-
cal solution: By using the tree and (tall-)shrub layer for
dening the upper levels and the herb and cryptogam
layer for dening the lower levels of the system, the
basic units (i.e., the associations) represent the whole
forest community. At the same time, over- and under-
storey composition are not mixed in an arbitrary and
oen confusing manner for the denition of the higher
units as in most traditional systems. However, it must be
emphasised that “upper” and “lower” level is meant in a
purely relative sense here. e lowest appropriate rank
to be dened by the tree and tall shrub layer depends
both on the ecological amplitude of the resulting units
and the oristic heterogeneity of the herb and cryptog-
am layer within these units; thus, it may vary from asso-
ciation or suballiance (though this will be uncommon)
to a group of classes (see examples above).
Previous proposals have suggested separating forests
and tall-scrub on the one hand and non-woody vegeta-
tion (including dwarf-shrub heaths) on the other hand as
two a-priori structural types in syntaxonomy (Bergmeier
et al. 1990; Dengler et al. 2005). If trees and tall-shrubs
are used to dene the classes of woody vegetation, this
separation becomes a natural component of the oristic
classication, without a sudden change of criteria. At the
same time, phytosociological classes dened by the com-
bination of woody species can be easily tted into a global
formation system (Willner and Faber-Langendoen 2021)
as well as in most biome systems (Mucina 2019; Keith et
al. 2022).
Data availability
e relevés used in this study are available upon request
from the Austrian Vegetation Database (GIVD-ID EU-
AT-001) managed by the author of this paper and from
the European Vegetation Archive (
I thank Don Faber-Langendoen, Jim Martin and two
anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on
previous versions of the manuscript.
Vegetation Classification and Survey 25
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E-mail and ORCID
Wolfgang Willner (Corresponding author,, ORCID:
Supplementary material
Supplementary material 1
Full synoptic table
Full-text available
Aim Our knowledge of Pleistocene refugia and post‐glacial recolonization routes of forest understorey plants is still very limited. The geographical ranges of these species are often rather narrow and show highly idiosyncratic, often fragmented patterns indicating either narrow and species‐specific ecological tolerances or strong dispersal limitations. However, the relative roles of these factors are inherently difficult to disentangle. Location Central and south‐eastern Europe. Time period 17,100 BP – present. Major taxa studied Five understorey herbs of European beech forests: Aposeris foetida , Cardamine trifolia , Euphorbia carniolica , Hacquetia epipactis and Helleborus niger . Methods We used spatio‐temporally explicit modelling to reconstruct the post‐glacial range dynamics of the five forest understorey herbs. We varied niche requirements, demographic rates and dispersal abilities across plausible ranges and simulated the spread of species from potential Pleistocene refugia identified by phylogeographical analyses. Then we identified the parameter settings allowing for the most accurate reconstruction of their current geographical ranges. Results We found a largely homogenous pattern of optimal parameter settings among species. Broad ecological niches had to be combined with very low but non‐zero rates of long‐distance dispersal via chance events and low rates of seed dispersal over moderate distances by standard dispersal vectors. However, long‐distance dispersal events, although rare, led to high variation among replicated simulation runs. Main conclusions Small and fragmented ranges of many forest understorey species are best explained by a combination of broad ecological niches and rare medium‐ and long‐distance dispersal events. Stochasticity is thus an important determinant of current species ranges, explaining the idiosyncratic distribution patterns of the study species despite strong similarities in refugia, ecological tolerances and dispersal abilities.
Full-text available
Question : Is it feasible to establish a classification of large biotic units of the world related to climatic types? Study area : The world. Methods : A total of 616 localities have been selected, their climatic parameters calculated and subjected to a PCA. The climatic characterization of biomes and subbiomes has been completed after data analysis. Results : A hierarchical classification is proposed for the biotic units within four main domains: Cryocratic, Mesocratic, Xerocratic and Thermocratic, divided into 7 ecozones, 9 biomes and 20 subbiomes linked to climatically defined territories. Most of the units are intercontinental. The mountains represent an abbreviated version of the latitudinal zonation and the altitudinal belts are related to the corresponding units of the lowlands. For the bioclimatic units, a parallel classification is proposed to fit with that of the biotic units: 4 Macrobioclimates and 10 bioclimates. Furthermore, 7 ombrotypes and 7 thermotypes are recognized to frame the climatic variation within each climatic territory due to terrain ruggedness, particularly in relation to large or medium sized mountains. Conclusions : The southern hemisphere is substantially more oceanic than the northern hemisphere. This is due to the distribution of the land masses and the modifying effect they have on the flow of air and marine currents. As a result, there is one biome and one subbiome exclusively found in the northern hemisphere (6. Biome of the steppe, and 5.b Continental scrub and woodlands subbiome) and two others which are almost confined to it (2. Biome of the boreal forest, and 3. Biome of the temperate deciduous forests). The 7. Biome of the deserts and 5. Biome of the temperate aridiestival evergreen forests and shrublands occur on the western side of the continents and expand in their interior favoured by rain shadow and continentality effects. Taxonomic reference : The Plant List (2013). Abbreviations : ITCZ = Inter Tropical Convergence Zone; NH = Northern Hemisphere; PCA = Principal Component Analysis; SH = Southern Hemisphere.
Full-text available
As the United Nations develops a post-2020 global biodiversity framework for the Convention on Biological Diversity, attention is focusing on how new goals and targets for ecosystem conservation might serve its vision of ‘living in harmony with nature’1,2. Advancing dual imperatives to conserve biodiversity and sustain ecosystem services requires reliable and resilient generalizations and predictions about ecosystem responses to environmental change and management³. Ecosystems vary in their biota⁴, service provision⁵ and relative exposure to risks⁶, yet there is no globally consistent classification of ecosystems that reflects functional responses to change and management. This hampers progress on developing conservation targets and sustainability goals. Here we present the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Ecosystem Typology, a conceptually robust, scalable, spatially explicit approach for generalizations and predictions about functions, biota, risks and management remedies across the entire biosphere. The outcome of a major cross-disciplinary collaboration, this novel framework places all of Earth’s ecosystems into a unifying theoretical context to guide the transformation of ecosystem policy and management from global to local scales. This new information infrastructure will support knowledge transfer for ecosystem-specific management and restoration, globally standardized ecosystem risk assessments, natural capital accounting and progress on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
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Aims : To link the Braun-Blanquet units of the EuroVegChecklist (EVC) with the upper levels of the International Vegetation Classification (IVC), and to propose a division level classification for Europe. Study area : Europe. Methods : We established a tabular linkage between EVC classes and IVC formations and identified mismatches between these two levels. We then proposed IVC division level units to organize EVC classes. Results : We organized the EVC classes into 21 formations and 30 divisions. We flagged classes that did not fit comfortably within an existing formation, either because its content corresponded to more than one formation or because it did not fit any formation description. In a few cases, we split EVC classes because they seemed too heterogenous to be assigned to a single formation. Conclusions : The IVC approach adds a set of physiognomic and ecological criteria that effectively organizes the EVC classes, which are already being increasingly informed by physiognomy. Therefore, the formation concepts are relatively natural extensions of concepts already embedded in the classes. However, physiognomic placement of Braun-Blanquet classes can be difficult when the sampling of the vegetation is at finer grain than usual in the respective formation (tall-scrub, annual pioneer communities). Some EVC classes seem too heterogenous to fit into the IVC formation system. Delimitation of these classes has often been a matter of debate for many decades, and the IVC perspective might help to solve these intricate issues. In other cases, mismatches between phytosociological classes and IVC formations might better be solved by emending the current formation concepts. Abbreviations : BB = Braun-Blanquet; EVC = EuroVegChecklist; IVC = International Vegetation Classification.
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Glacial refugia of alpine and subnival biota have been intensively studied in the European Alps but the fate of forests and their understory species in that area remains largely unclear. In order to fill this gap, we aimed at disentangling the spatiotemporal diversification of disjunctly distributed black hellebore Helleborus niger (Ranunculaceae). We applied a set of phylogeographic analyses based on restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) data and plastid DNA sequences to a range-wide sampling of populations. These analyses were supplemented with species distribution models generated for the present and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We used exploratory analyses to delimit genomically coherent groups and then employed demographic modeling to reconstruct the history of these groups. We uncovered a deep split between two major genetic groups with western and eastern distribution within the Southern Limestone Alps, likely reflecting divergent evolution since the mid-Pleistocene in two glacial refugia situated along the unglaciated southern margin of the Alps. Long-term presence in the Southern Limestone Alps is also supported by high numbers of private alleles, elevated levels of nucleotide diversity and the species’ modeled distribution at the LGM. The deep genetic divergence, however, is not reflected in leaf shape variation, suggesting that the morphological discrimination of genetically divergent entities within H. niger is questionable. At a shallower level, populations from the Northern Limestone Alps are differentiated from those in the Southern Limestone Alps in both RADseq and plastid DNA data sets, reflecting the North-South disjunction within the Eastern Alps. The underlying split was dated to ca. 0.1 mya, which is well before the LGM. In the same line, explicit tests of demographic models consistently rejected the hypothesis that the partial distribution area in the Northern Limestone Alps is the result of postglacial colonization. Taken together, our results strongly support that forest understory species such as H. niger have survived the LGM in refugia situated along the southern, but also along the northern or northeastern periphery of the Alps. Being a slow migrator, the species has likely survived repeated glacial-interglacial circles in distributional stasis while the composition of the tree canopy changed in the meanwhile.
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In order to stabilize the defining concepts of the higher rank syntaxonomic units such as class or order, the criteria of floristic content and unity of origin are enunciated. This is done with the aim of preventing the fragmentation of the large classes and the subsequent typological inflation. For orders, the criterion of specific floristic content is discussed, with orders that have been described to encompass seral secondary forests or the separation of forest vegetation from that which is dominated by shrubs rejected, due to their weak floristic characterization. These criteria have been applied to two forest vegetation classes: the European temperate ( Querco-Fagetea ) and the Mediterranean ( Quercetea ilicis ). For the first, it is argued in favor of maintaining a single class for all temperate deciduous forests in Europe instead of dividing them into four. Within this single class five orders are distinguished: Fagetalia , Quercetalia roboris , Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae , Alno-Fraxinetalia and Populetalia albae , rejecting the orders that have been proposed for secondary forests because they have few characteristic taxa. For the sclerophyllous and macchia forests of Mediterranean Europe, the Quercetea ilicis class can be split into two or three geographical orders, rejecting the Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni as a shrubby physiognomic unit. Taxonomic reference : Castroviejo S (coord. gen.) (1986–2012) Flora iberica 1–8, 10–15, 17–18, 21. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid, ES. Syntaxonomic reference : Mucina et al. (2016).
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A biome is a key community ecological and biogeographical concept and, as such, has profited from the overall progress of community ecology, punctuated by two major innovations: shifting the focus from pure pattern description to understanding functionality, and changing the approach from observational to explanatory and, most importantly, from descriptive to predictive. The functional focus enabled development of mechanistic and function‐focused predictive and retrodictive modelling; it also shaped the current understanding of the concept of a biome as a dynamic biological entity having many aspects, with deep roots in the evolutionary past, and which is undergoing change. The evolution of the biome concept was punctuated by three synthetic steps: the first synthesis formulated a solid body of theory explaining the ecological and biogeographical meaning of zonality and collated our knowledge on drivers of vegetation patterns at large spatial scales; the second translated this knowledge into effective mechanistic modelling tools, developing further the link between ecosystem functionality and biogeography; and the third (still in progress) is seeking common ground between large‐scale ecological and biogeographic phenomena, using macroecology and macroevolutionary research tools.
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A historical overview of the phytosociological method in Europe is presented. Some methodological and procedural differences in the application of the Braun-Blanquet approach, from the selection of the sampling plots to the assignment of relevés to existing or newly described units, are briefly compared. The main advantages and limitations of the phytosociological vegetation classification are reviewed and discussed, also in light of their applications for vegetation mapping and monitoring.
Aim Vegetation types of Mediterranean thermophilous pine forests dominated by Pinus brutia, P. halepensis, P. pinaster, and P. pinea were studied in various areas. However, a comprehensive formal vegetation classification of these forests based on a detailed data analysis has never been developed. Our aim is to provide the first broad‐scale classification of these pine forests based on a large dataset of vegetation plots. Location Southern Europe, North Africa, Levant, Anatolia, Crimea and the Caucasus. Methods We prepared a dataset of European and Mediterranean pine‐forest vegetation plots. We selected 7277 plots dominated by the cold‐sensitive Mediterranean pine species Pinus brutia, P. halepensis, P. pinaster, and P. pinea. We classified these plots using TWINSPAN, interpreted the ecologically and biogeographically homogeneous TWINSPAN clusters as alliances, and developed an expert system for automatic vegetation classification at the class, order and alliance levels. Results We described Pinetea halepensis as a new class for the Mediterranean lowland to submontane pine forests, included in the existing Pinetalia halepensis order, and distinguished 12 alliances of native thermophilous pine forests, including four newly described, and three informal groups merging supposedly native stands and old‐established plantations. The main gradients in species composition reflect elevational vegetation belts and the west‐east, and partly north‐south, biogeographical differences. Both temperature and precipitation seasonality co‐vary with these gradients. Conclusions We provide the first formal classification at the order and alliance levels for all the Mediterranean thermophilous pine forests based on vegetation‐plot data. This classification includes traditional syntaxa, which have been critically revised, a new class and four new alliances. We also outline a methodological workflow that might be useful for other vegetation classification syntheses. The expert system, which is jointly based on pine dominance and species composition, is a tool for applying this classification in research and nature conservation survey, monitoring and management.