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ISSN: 2455-2631 January 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 1
www.ijsdr.orgInternational Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR)
1Assistant Prof. Pathology deptt, LMDC, 2Demonstrator Pathology deptt, LMDC, 3Head of deptt. of Pathology, LMDC
Abstract: Schwannomas are benign tumors originating from Schwann cells of peripheral and cranial nerves mostly
occurring in female patients 20-50 years of age. It is rare to find schwannoma in retroperitoneum. They are difficult to
diagnose at this site unless they cause compression symptoms. They are also sometimes diagnosed incidentally during
surgery. We here present a case of a 59 year old female who presented with 5 year history of epigastric pain which was
associated with post prandial vomiting and constipation. A retroperitoneal cystic mass in the vicinity of right adrenal gland
was found on radiology. Excision of the mass was done and sent for histopathology in the Department of Pathology, Lahore
Medical & Dental College, Lahore Pakistan. The received specimen comprised of a fragmented cystic biopsy. Histological
examination revealed a spindle cell neoplasm comprising round to spindle cells arranged in hypo cellular and hyper cellular
areas with negligible mitotic activity. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed strong positive S100 protein in the spindle
cells which is a distinct immunohistochemical marker for schwannoma. Schwannoma in retroperitoneum is a rare
occurrence. It is important to differentiate it from the malignant counterparts which are more common in this location and
require more extensive surgery and treatment.
Index Terms: Schwannoma, retroperitoneum, infrequent, location
Schwannomas are benign soft tissue tumors twice common in females than in males with the age range of 2050 years [1]. The
origin of this tumor is Schwann cells of the peripheral nerve sheath. They can arise at places where the Schwann cells are located:
e.g. nervous system, trunks and extremities. Retroperitoneal schwannoma is an uncommon diagnosis. It constitutes only 0.5%5%
of all schwannomas. Commonly encountered tumors in retroperitoneum are malignant rather than benign. [2] Retroperitoneal
schwannomas (RS) present as an incidental finding and are diagnosed when they produce compression symptoms due to their large
size. These tumors have a greater tendency to undergo sudden degenerative changes and/or cause hemorrhage in this deep location.
We report a case of 59 year old female named MB who presented with 5 year history of intermittent and colicky epigastric pain
radiating to right hypochondrium and associated with post prandial vomiting. The patient also had history of constipation. On
abdominal ultrasound, a retroperitoneal cystic mass was found in the vicinity of right adrenal gland. The mass was excised and sent
for histopathology in the Department of Pathology, Lahore Medical & Dental College, Lahore. Gross examination revealed a
fragmented cystic biopsy comprising a larger fragment measuring 5x5x3cm and multiple small fragments measuring 4x2x1cm in
aggregate as shown in Fig.1.
Figure.1 Gross picture showing cystic fragments
ISSN: 2455-2631 January 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 1
www.ijsdr.orgInternational Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR)
Histological examination revealed cystic and solid areas. Cystic areas showed proliferation of spindle cells lined by foamy and
hemosiderin laden macrophages as evident from Fig.2. Solid areas were hyper cellular showing proliferation of spindle cells with
dilated and hyalinized blood vessels as depicted in Fig.3 and Fig.4 respectively. No atypia, mitosis or areas of necrosis were seen.
On the basis of available clinical, radiological data and microscopic examination, list of differentials included gastrointestinal
stromal tumor, Leiomyosarcoma, Hemangioma and Schwannoma. To rule out all the possible differentials, the specimen was
extensively sectioned but the morphology remained the same. The slides were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis which
revealed strong positive S100 staining of the spindle cells with negative Desmin and DOG-1 staining as shown in Fig.5. Based on
histopathology and immunohistochemistry, diagnosis of spindle cell neoplasm favoring Schwannoma was made.
Figure.2 Cystic areas on microscopy
Figure.3 Hyper cellular areas showing proliferation of spindle cells
Figure.4 Dilated and hyalinized blood vessels
ISSN: 2455-2631 January 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 1
www.ijsdr.orgInternational Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR)
Figure.5 Positive S100 IHC stain
Schwannomas are tumors of neuroectodermal origin that are usually solitary, noninvasive and rarely show malignant transformation
unless there is a syndromic association. [3] These tumors are generally encapsulated and originate from the Schwann cells of the
peripheral or cranial nerve sheaths. Clinically, the patients present with non-specific symptoms which depend on the location and
size of the lesion. [4] Schwannomas are usually encountered in young to middle-aged adults with a female predominance. [5]
Retroperitoneum is a rare site for schwannoma to occur. They usually escape detection and reach a huge size (average 9cm in
diameter) due to the large capacity of the retroperitoneum to accommodate a growing mass. Retroperitoneal schwannomas are
diagnosed either on radiology as an incidental finding or per-operative at time of surgery. [6] Clinical presentation is late when
patient becomes symptomatic due to large size. [7] The compression symptoms include vague abdominal pain, abdominal mass and
sometimes urinary difficulties [3] They can also cause abdominal distension, pain in lower back, sensory and motor disturbances
along with pain in the lower extremities[8].In this case there was a five years long history of epigastric pain, intermittent and colicky
in nature, radiating to right hypochondrium. It was associated with post prandial vomiting and constipation.
The characteristic histological features of schwannoma are identification of Antoni A and Antoni B areas. Antoni A areas are hyper
cellular and are composed of spindle cells arranged in short bundles or fascicles leading to Verocay formation, while Antoni B
areas are hypo cellular and can show myxoid and cystic degeneration.[1]In our case foamy and hemosiderin laden macrophages
along with hyalinized blood vessels were also evident.
There is a long list of differential diagnoses for a mass in retroperitoneum, which includes paragangliomas, pheochromocytomas,
and histiocytic sarcomas. Correlation with radiological and anatomopathological examination is mandatory to rule out [4] malignant
sarcomas which are more common in the retroperitoneum than their benign counterparts. [2]
In this case study; taking account of provided clinical information, gross and microscopic examination, initial diagnosis of spindle
cell neoplasm with the differential diagnosis of Schwannoma ,GIST, giant Liposarcoma, Leiomyosarcoma and hemangioma was
made. The diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis, which showed strong diffuse positivity of the spindle cells
for S100 protein. A strong diffuse positivity of the spindle cells for S100 protein is a salient immunohistochemical property of
schwannoma [9]
Complete surgical excision by either open or laparoscopic procedure is considered the treatment of choice for schwannomas;
because their sensitivity to radiotherapy and chemotherapy is not reported. [10] Local recurrence has been documented in case of
incomplete resection. [5]
A case of schwannoma in retroperitoneum is being reported because it’s a rare and incidental finding at this site in a middle to old
age female. Surgeons were suspecting it to be a GIST or a giant sarcoma but histopathological examination revealed a spindle cell
neoplasm favoring schwannoma which was confirmed with the help of positive S100 immunostain. It is important not to over
diagnose it as a malignant sarcoma because they are more common in the retroperitoneum and need extensive surgery and treatment
while schwannoma is simply treated by complete excision.
1. Fülber I, Peer K, Maurer E, Bartsch DK, Görlach J, Göbel JN, Roeßler M, Holzer K. Two giant retroperitoneal schwannomas
mimicking adrenal malignancya case report. Innovative surgical sciences. 2020 Mar 1; 5(1-2):75-9.
2. Manduaru R, Mirza H. Ancient retroperitoneal schwannoma: A case report. Urology Case Reports. 2022 Jan 1; 40:101930.
3. Harhar M, Ramdani A, Bouhout T, Serji B, El Harroudi T. Retroperitoneal Schwannoma: Two Rare Case Reports. Cureus.
2021 Feb 20; 13(2)
4. Carvalho BJ, de Almeida Medeiros KA, Martines DR, Nii F, Pipek LZ, de Mesquita GH, D’Albuquerque LA, Meyer A,
Andraus W. Laparoscopically excised retroperitoneal presacral Schwannoma: atypical pre and postoperative manifestations
case report. BMC surgery. 2019 Dec; 19(1):1-5
ISSN: 2455-2631 January 2023 IJSDR | Volume 8 Issue 1
www.ijsdr.orgInternational Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR)
5. Fernandez RB, Villamil LR, Montes SF, Mendez BD, Fonseca JM, Menendez CL, Garcia CP, Ugarteburu RG, Rodriguez IG,
Madera JM. Management of retroperitoneal schwannoma: Case reports and review of the literature. World Journal of
Nephrology and Urology. 2016 Oct 12; 5(3):58-62.
6. Chiang HC, Yan MY, Chen C, Chen PH. Giant retroperitoneal schwannoma: a case treated with 3D laparoscopic resection.
Biomed Sci & Tech Res. 2018; 8:10-26717.
7. Fu H, Lu B. Giant retroperitoneal schwannoma: a case report. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine.
2015; 8(7):11598
8. Ogose A, Kawashima H, Hatano H, Ariizumi T, Sasaki T, Yamagishi T, Oike N, Inagawa S, Endo N. The natural history of
incidental retroperitoneal schwannomas. PloS one. 2019 Apr 15; 14(4):e0215336.
9. Radojkovic M, Mihailovic D, Stojanovic M, Radojković D. Large retroperitoneal schwannoma: a rare cause of chronic back
pain. Journal of International Medical Research. 2018 Aug; 46(8):3404-10.
10. Kapan M, Önder A, Gümüş M, Gümüş H, Girgin S. Retroperitoneal schwannoma. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2011 Oct
1; 2011(10):1-.
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Schwannoma is a tumor of soft tissue originating from Schwann cells which rarely appears in the retroperitoneum region. The retroperitoneal schwannoma can grow to a large size slowly without any specific clinical sign or symptoms. We report a 35-year-old woman with ancient schwannoma complaining abdominal pain for three years, which was initially judged as urinary tract infection. Following imaging studies, retroperitoneal mass was found and judged as benign lesion. Partial excision of the tumor was performed, with histology examination showed degenerative changes that was consistent with ancient schwannoma. No evidence of recurrence appeared during follow-up period.
Full-text available
Schwannomas are benign tumors in 95% of cases and very rarely occur in the retroperitoneum. We report the cases of a 35-year-old man with abdominal discomfort and a 50-year-old asymptomatic woman with large retroperitoneal masses. Both underwent multivisceral surgery to exclude an adrenal carcinoma, and the pathologic diagnosis showed schwannomas in both cases. Despite morphological imaging, it was not possible to get a clear diagnosis preoperatively. © 2020 Isabelle Fülber et al., published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2020.
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Background: We are a reporting a rare case of retroperitoneal schwanomma with atypical pre and postoperative manifestations. Retroperitoneal schwannomas are rare tumors that are difficult to preoperatively diagnose. Case presentation: This is a case report of a male patient, 41 years old, with symptoms of hipogastric and lower right member pain, as well as a history of a papilliferous thyroid tumor. Computerized tomography exams were inconclusive, showing a mass in the presacral region with dimensions of 4.4 × 3.9 × 3.4 cm. Removal was carried out by laparoscopic surgery, with self-limited postoperative complications. Diagnosis was carried out by anatomopathological examination, and syndromic hypotheses were discarded. Conclusions: The postoperative complications of schwanomma are little reported in the literature. In the simultaneous occurrence of schwanomma and other endocrine tumors, further studies are warranted to better differentiate the cases that need investigation of syndromic causes.
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The natural history of asymptomatic retroperitoneal schwannomas is poorly understood. This study aimed at investigating the natural history of incidental retroperitoneal schwannomas. The medical charts and imaging studies of 22 asymptomatic patients under observation for at least 12 months for retroperitoneal schwannomas were reviewed. The duration of follow-up ranged between 13 and 176 months (mean 48 months). In the 22 patients managed by the “wait and see” approach, the average tumor size at initial presentation was 51 mm, which increased to 57 mm at final follow-up. During the final follow-up, 2 patients required surgical treatment for tumor enlargement, while the remaining patients remained asymptomatic without surgery. The average growth rate of the tumors was 1.9 mm/year (range: -1.9 to 8.7 mm/year). The majority of asymptomatic retroperitoneal schwannomas demonstrate minimal growth and may be suitable for management with the “wait and see” approach.
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Schwannomas are tumours that arise from Schwann cells of the peripheral nerve sheath and rarely occur in the retroperitoneum. We report a 45-year-old woman who presented with a 2-year history of continuous progressive right-sided lower back and dull flank pain radiating into her posterolateral thigh. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging showed a homogenous soft-tissue tumour with thick capsular lining, which lay in the right retroperitoneum. The tumour was removed at surgery. A histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of benign encapsulated cellular schwannoma. Complete tumour excision should be regarded as the treatment of choice for benign retroperitoneal schwannomas. Successful treatment of these tumours requires thorough preoperative planning and a multidisciplinary approach.
Full-text available
Schwannoma is a rare slow-growing neurogenic tumor of the nerve sheath origin. They are commonly seen in middle-aged with a female to male ratio of 1:1.2. Here we present three cases of retroperitoneal schwannoma in our urology department. In two cases, we decided surgery management and in one case, we used watchful waiting. After a 3-year follow-up, case 1 was asymptomatic without changes in the lesion. World J Nephrol Urol. 2016;5(3):58-62 doi:
Schwannomas are rare tumors originating from the Schwann sheath of the peripheral or cranial nerves. They are usually benign tumors and in 95% of the cases they originate from the peripheral nerves. Occurrence in the retroperitoneum is rare. We report a case of giant retroperitoneal schwannoma. The patient was a 71-year old female. She was admitted in with the complaints of finding abdominal mass for 8 years and emaciation for 1 year. CT scan showed a 15 cm × 11 cm mass located between the liver and the upper pole of the right kidney. After adequate preparation, the patient underwent surgery. During the procedure, we found a 15 cm × 11 cm × 6 cm mass located between the right liver, right kidney, adrenal gland and vena cava and adhered to them. The pathologic diagnosis was schwannoma.
Two Rare Case Reports. Cureus
  • M Harhar
  • A Ramdani
  • T Bouhout
  • B Serji
  • El Harroudi
  • T Schwannoma
Harhar M, Ramdani A, Bouhout T, Serji B, El Harroudi T. Retroperitoneal Schwannoma: Two Rare Case Reports. Cureus. 2021 Feb 20; 13(2)
Journal of Surgical Case Reports
  • M Kapan
  • A Önder
  • M Gümüş
  • H Gümüş
  • S Girgin
  • Schwannoma
Kapan M, Önder A, Gümüş M, Gümüş H, Girgin S. Retroperitoneal schwannoma. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2011 Oct 1; 2011(10):1-.