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Human color constancy in cast shadows

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Abstract and Figures

Most natural scenes contain cast shadows to a varying extent. Illuminant conditions inside and outside the shadow typically differ largely both in intensity and in chromaticity. Nevertheless, our daily experiences suggest that colored materials appear to have the same color in shadows even though the reflected light from the material might be very different. Two experiments were conducted to reveal mechanisms that support human color constancy in cast shadows. In all experiments we built a real scene that consisted of colored hexagons illuminated by two independent liquid crystal projectors simulating “sunlight” and “skylight”, respectively. A part of the scene included a cast shadow under which observers were instructed to change the luminance and the chromaticity of a test field so that it appeared as a full-white paper under the shadow. The color of the skylight was manipulated, testing if our visual system uses a prior that the skylight is typically bluish or yellowish to achieve color constancy. We also created a condition where a cast shadow is not recognized as a shadow. Results showed that color constancy generally holds well in shadows and changing skylight color had little effect. Recognizing a cast shadow as a shadow also had no effect. Overall, these results are consistent with our daily experiences that we stably judge objects’ color even in shadows, providing a key step to reveal mechanisms of color perception in real-world scenes where lighting conditions spatially vary.
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Human color constancy in cast shadows
Takuma Morimoto1, 2*, Masayuki Sato3, Shoji Sunaga4 and Keiji Uchikawa5
1: Physics Center of Minho and Porto Universities (CF-UM-UP), Braga, Portugal
2: Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
3: Department of Information Systems Engineering, University of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan
4: Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
5: Human Media Research Center, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Atsugi, Japan
*Corresponding author:
Keywords: Color constancy, cast shadow, sunlight, skylight, achromatic setting
Most natural scenes contain cast shadows to a varying extent. Illuminant conditions inside and outside
the shadow typically differ largely both in intensity and in chromaticity. Nevertheless, our daily
experiences suggest that colored materials appear to have the same color in shadows even though the
reflected light from the material might be very different. Two experiments were conducted to reveal
mechanisms that support human color constancy in cast shadows. In all experiments we built a real
scene that consisted of colored hexagons illuminated by two independent liquid crystal projectors
simulating "sunlight" and "skylight", respectively. A part of the scene included a cast shadow under
which observers were instructed to change the luminance and the chromaticity of a test field so that it
appeared as a full-white paper under the shadow. The color of the skylight was manipulated, testing if
our visual system uses a prior that the skylight is typically bluish or yellowish to achieve color constancy.
We also created a condition where a cast shadow is not recognized as a shadow. Results showed that
color constancy generally holds well in shadows and changing skylight color had little effect.
Recognizing a cast shadow as a shadow also had no effect. Overall, these results are consistent with
our daily experiences that we stably judge objects’ color even in shadows, providing a key step to reveal
mechanisms of color perception in real-world scenes where lighting conditions spatially vary.
1. Introduction
Our ability to judge the surface color of an object is stable despite large variations of lighting
environments in the real world. This is widely known as color constancy. The extent to which color
constancy holds has been measured under diverse experimental conditions, and various strategies to
“undo” the influence of illumination have been proposed (Foster, 2001). However, one significant
limitation in those studies is that scenes were lit by a single light source (e.g. Maloney & Wandell 1986;
Morimoto et al. 2016; Morimoto et al. 2021), and there are only a handful of behavioral studies
investigating mechanisms of color constancy when there are multiple illuminations in the scene (Yang
& Shevell 2003; Smithson & Zaidi, 2004; Boyaci, Doerschner, & Maloney, 2004; Doerschner, Boyaci &
Maloney, 2004; Lee & Smithson 2012).
Yet, such multi-illuminant conditions are not rare in natural environments. For example, sunny outdoor
scenes typically contain two major illuminants, a sunlight and a skylight (Preetham, Shirley, & Smits
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1999; Tian et al., 2016; Wilkie et al, 2021). Color constancy in a multi-illuminant environment is
inherently more challenging for our visual system than in a single-illuminant environment because the
influence of illuminant needs to be inferred differently for different spatial locations. One further
complication is that the occlusion of one light generates a cast shadow under which the influence of the
other light becomes dominant, creating a complex spatial lighting variation. Figure 1 shows a photo
taken by an author at Ookayama Campus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. Readers can
presumably recognize that the pedestrian crossings are white regardless of whether they are under the
sun (upper part) or under the shadow (lower part). However, as depicted by squares in the figure, the
pixel value for the region in the shadow is dark blue because it exclusively reflects the skylight, which
is drastically different from the pixel value of the region under the sun. This example effectively shows
that our visual system can stably judge surface colors under such spatial variations of illuminations.
Lightness, brightness and shape perception in shadows have been relatively well investigated
(MacLeod, 1940; Adelson, 1999; Soranzo & Agostini, 2004; Knill et al., 1997; Mamassian et al., 1998).
However, rather surprisingly, little empirical study is available for color constancy in shadows (Newhall
et al., 1958) even though the idea was documented a few hundred years ago (Mollon, 2006).
Figure 1: White pedestrian crossings in the picture would appear white to our eyes regardless of
whether they are under the shadow or not. However, as shown in two squares, the pixel colors inside
and outside of the shadow are drastically different. A picture taken by an author at Ookayama Campus
of the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
To better understand the computational challenge our visual system faces in shadows, it is helpful to
think about their physical characteristics. Measuring daylight spectra has been one active domain in the
history of color vision studies (e.g. Judd et al. 1964; Hernández-Andrés et al. 2002), but there has been
little research that specifically measured lights that reach cast shadows. To address this, we previously
measured the spectral composition of lights reaching a cast shadow (i.e. skylight) in an outdoor
environment and lights reaching regions under the direct sun (i.e. direct sun plus skylight) from dusk till
dawn (Morimoto et al, 2022). As expected the measurements revealed that there are large spectral
differences between two regions. On sunny days, skylights are the dominant light source that reach
shadowed regions, and thus their spectra have high energy around a short wavelength region. In
contrast, the non-shadowed region receives much brighter sunlight, and its chromaticity is located
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around white or slightly yellowish region in a color space. This complexity that shadows create naturally
attracted researchers in the field of computer vision, and a wide range of methods for automatic
detection and removal of shadows has been developed over decades (Lu & Drew, 2005; Wang et al.
2017; Qu et al., 2017; Cun et al. 2020; Liu et al., 2021; Le & Samaras, 2022), independent of more
general algorithms and machine learning models to estimate multiple illuminants from a given scene
(Gijsenij et al. 2012; Qu et al. 2015; Das et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2022). It is thus interesting to ask how
humans effortlessly detect and discount the influence of a shadow.
The purpose of the present study was to understand the mechanisms to perceptually discount the
influence of illumination in cast shadows. To answer this question, we conducted two psychophysical
experiments. For both experiments, we constructed a real scene that was lit by two independent
illuminants simulating “sunlight” and “skylight”, which were separately provided by two liquid crystal
projectors. The scene contained a cast shadow under which an achromatic setting was measured.
Overall, we asked three questions in this study.
(1) How well does color constancy work in cast shadows? (Experiment 1)
(2) Does the color of the skylight affect the degree of color constancy? (Experiment 1)
(3) Does the recognition of a shadow have an effect? (Experiment 2)
Regarding the first point, due to the absence of recent empirical assessment, we felt that formally
measuring color constancy in shadows should be a first step. The second point was to test the idea that
human observers use statistical chromatic regularities in shadows in natural environments. This was
directly inspired by a past empirical measurement showing that the color of skylight is dominantly bluish
(Morimoto et al., 2022), but this is a wider interest to the field especially because in color constancy
literature there has been an analogous argument regarding the daylight prior though its existence is still
inconclusive (Delahunt, & Brainard, 2004; Pearce et al., 2014; Weiss, Witzel, & Gegenfurtner 2017;
Morimoto et al., 2021a). The third point is based on our hypothesis that detection and recognition of the
shadow would be required to notice that the shadowed region is illuminated differently from other
regions in a scene. We achieved the condition by outlining the edge of the shadow (penumbra) with
black surfaces, inspired by Hering’s outlined shadow (Hering, 1874/1964).
2. General Method
2.1 Experimental Apparatus
For all experiments, we set up a real scene with two independent liquid crystal projectors (HI-04, 1920
× 1080 pixels, 3600 lumens, DR. J Professional, Kent, Germany) which simulated “sunlight” and
“skylight”. Overall there were two types of scenes. Figure 2A shows a set-up used in Experiment 1. The
scene consisted of a sheet of colored hexagons arranged without a spatial gap. The central cup-shaped
black object was placed to generate a cast shadow to the right part of the sheet. The sheet contained
two test fields (holes) as shown inside the magenta square. Below the sheet, we placed an experimental
monitor (ColorEdge CG2420, 24.1 inches, 1920×1200 pixels, 60 Hz, EIZO, Ishikawa, Japan) shown
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inside the blue square by which the chromaticity and the luminance of the test fields were modulated.
The test fields extended approximately 2.5 degrees horizontally. We made sure that (i) from the
observers’ viewpoint the holes were perceived as surfaces (rather than holes) and that (ii) it appeared
to observers as if the color of the surface changed when the color of the monitor changed. In Experiment
1, both projectors were set on in one condition, and only the right projector (skylight) was set on in
another condition. Physical properties of test surfaces and illuminants are described in the next
Figure 2B depicts a set-up used in Experiment 2. We removed a center black object from the scene
because the purpose of this experiment was to test whether color constancy holds even when a shadow
is not recognized as a shadow (by outlining the shadow with black hexagons). If instead we had an
object as in Figure 2A, observers would notice that there should be a cast shadow, and consequently
shadowed regions are likely to remain perceived as shadows regardless of our manipulation. Thus to
create a cast shadow on the sheet, we placed a white paper (seen in the green square, labeled as “a
paper to create a cast shadow”) that blocked the sunlight emitted from a left projector. Otherwise the
scene configuration was identical to Figure 2A. In Experiment 2, both left and right projectors were
always set on.
Using a spectroradiometer (CS-2000, Konica Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) with 401 spectral channels (380 -
780 nm, 1 nm step), we performed spectral calibration to map RGB values to cone excitations and
gamma correction to linearize monitor and projector outputs. The calibration was done separately for
the experimental monitor and each of two LCD projectors. Stockman & Sharpe 2-degree cone
fundamentals were used for the computation of cone excitations (Stockman & Sharpe, 1999; Stockman
& Sharpe, 2000).
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Figure 2: (A) Experimental setup for Experiment 1. Lights emitted from two projectors reach the scene.
The black object placed at the center of the scene created a cast shadow. (B) Setup for Experiment 2.
The center black object was removed, and a white paper was placed on an optical path between a
projector and the scene.
2.2 Properties of test surfaces and illuminants
The left and right projectors were used to simulate the sunlight and the skylight, respectively. The
sunlight was fixed to a single spectral composition throughout the study (Figure 3A). The skylight was
set to one of five spectra whose spectral compositions are shown in Figure 3B. These five colors for
the skylight were chosen to represent typical (blue, yellow and white) and non-typical variations (green
and magenta). The luminance of sunlight was 41.9 cd/m2 and skylights were all substantially darker
than this, 3.12 cd/m2, 3.14 cd/m2, 3.15 cd/m2, 3.15 cd/m2, 3.00 cd/m2, for white, yellow, blue, magenta
and green, respectively. These spectral distributions and luminances were measured by placing a
BaSO4 white calibration plate to matching fields.
We printed a sheet which contained six colored hexagons using a color laser printer (SPC840, RICOH,
Tokyo, Japan) as shown in the upper-right corner of Figure 2A inside the magenta rectangle. We chose
six colors so that they are visually distinct from each other when placed under the sunlight. Then, we
measured the spectral reflectance of each color sample using a spectrophotometer (CS-2000, Konica
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Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) from 400 nm to 780 nm in 1 nm step (Figure 3B). Their MacLeod-Boynton
chromaticities (MacLeod & Boynton, 1979) under five skylight illuminants are shown in Figure 3C. The
vertices show chromaticities of six colors and the colors of the data points represent the color of the
skylight. In this figure, the L/(L+M) and S/(L+M) of the equal energy white corresponds to 0.7078 and
1, respectively.
Figure 3: (A) Illuminant spectra of the sunlight (left panel) and skylights (right panel). Notice the
difference in the y-axis range. (B) Spectral reflectances of six colored hexagons. (C) Filled circles show
chromaticities of six colored hexagons under five skylights. The cross symbols show the chromaticities
of five skylights.
2.3 Observers
Three and twelve observers were recruited in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Two observers in
Experiment 1 participated in Experiment 2, but otherwise no observers joined the other experiment.
There was one female, and the rest were male observers. The mean and standard deviation of
observers’ age were 57.0 and 8.72 in Experiment 1 and 28.3 and 14.8 in Experiment 2. All observers
were screened to have normal color vision using Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates and normal or
corrected-to-normal visual acuity. Three observers in Experiment 1 and two observers in Experiment 2
were authors, and another observer in Experiment 2 were aware of the purpose of the experiment.
Other observers were naive to the purpose of the experiment and had no or little experience in
psychophysical experiments and no specialized knowledge about research in human color vision. In
both experiments all observers completed all conditions. Informed consent was obtained from each
observer before the start of the experiment. Observers were offered to take breaks during the
experiments, and observers could stop the participation at any point.
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2.4 Task and procedure
We used the method of achromatic adjustment in all experiments (Brainard, 1998). The original method
required the adjustment of chromaticity only, but in our experiments, observers were asked to adjust
the luminance and chromaticity of a test field until it appeared to be a full-white surface placed under a
test illuminant (so-called “paper match” criterion; Arend & Reeves, 1986). Observers completed
adjustments for both left and right test fields shown in Figure 2A, but in this paper we report only the
matching results for the right test field as this was the main interest of the study. Therefore, throughout
this paper, choosing a test chromaticity that matches the chromaticity of the skylight means a good
color constancy.
For each illuminant condition, before starting the adjustment, the observer adapted to the scene for 60
seconds. For each trial the initial chromaticity and luminance of the test field were randomly selected.
Observers were given no time limitation for the adjustment. The order of experimental conditions was
randomized, but observers noticed when the illuminant color changed. More detailed experimental
conditions are described in following experimental sections.
3. Experiment 1
3.1 Experimental condition
Figure 4 shows experimental scenes used in Experiment 1. All images were taken from approximately
the observers’ viewpoints. Rows show the variation of skylight colors (white, yellow, blue, magenta, and
green from the top). Panel A shows a “sunlight & skylight condition” where both left and right projectors
were set on. Panel B shows a “skylight condition” where the scene was illuminated by the skylight only
emitted from the right projector. This skylight condition served as a control condition in this study
because the scene was lit by only a single illumination, resembling traditional color constancy
experiments. Therefore, we took the degree of color constancy in this condition as a baseline constancy
level. One block consisted of 5 skylight color conditions, and one session consisted of two blocks
(sunlight & skylight, skylight-only). All observers completed 7 sessions in total.
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Figure 4: Experimental scenes used in Experiment 1. (A) Main condition (sunlight & skylight condition)
where the scene was lit by two independent light sources. The black object was placed around the
center of the scene to create the shadow. (B) Skylight condition (control) that is lit by the light emitted
from the right projector only. This is a single-illuminant scene, in which a baseline color constancy level
was measured.
3.2 Results
Figure 5 shows achromatic settings made by each observer (KU, MS and SS) for the sunlight & skylight
condition (Panel A) and the skylight condition (Panel B). Circles are observer settings and crosses are
chromaticities of the skylights. When the circle and the corresponding cross point match, that would
indicate good color constancy. There was a general tendency that the observer settings shift towards
the chromaticity of skylights, showing that color constancy worked to varying degrees. Note that these
results are achromatic adjustments made for the right matching fields placed in the cast shadow (as
shown by yellow arrows in this figure). We also analyzed the matching data for the left test files for the
sunlight & skylight condition, but achromatic adjustments were unsurprisingly clustered around the
chromaticity of sunlight regardless of the color of skylight because the skylight was much weaker than
the sunlight and had a minimum effect on the left test field.
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Figure 5: (A) Observer settings for three observers (KU, MS and SS) made for the right field for the
sunlight & skylight condition. Each data point shows average across 7 settings. (B) Observer settings
for skylight-only condition.
Next, as illustrated in Figure 6A, the degree of color constancy was quantified using the distance
between chromaticity of the illuminants (defined as b) and the distance between chromaticity of the
achromatic settings made by observers (defined as a). The reference illuminant was always the white
skylight. To approximately equate the scale along horizontal and vertical axes, we divided each axis by
the standard deviation of observer settings for the white skylight condition, separately for each observer.
The constancy index CI was defined as equation (1). This definition is equivalent to a Brunswick ratio
that incorporates the vector angle between perceptual illuminant shift and physical illuminant shift
(Foster, 2011).
CI = acosθ/b - (1)
Constancy indices were first computed separately for each observer, and Figure 6B and 6C show
indices averaged across all three observers for the sunlight & skylight condition and the skylight only
condition, respectively. Overall, we observed a high degree of color constancy, but there are no obvious
trends regarding the effect of skylight color and the number of light sources (sunlight & skylight or
skylight only). To statistically test the effects we ran two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance
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(ANOVA) with skylight colors (blue, yellow, green or magenta) and illuminant condition (sunlight &
skylight or skylight only) as the within-subjects factors for the CIs. The main effects of the color of
skylights and illuminant condition were not significant (F(3, 6) = 0.96, p = 0.470, F(1, 2) = 0.72, p =
0.486, respectively). The interaction between the two factors was not significant, either (F(1, 2) = 0.56,
p = 0.53).
This analysis concludes that human color constancy holds even in cast shadows. It is interesting that
the degree of color constancy is as good as color constancy measured under the skylight only condition.
There might be little cost for a visual system to deal with multiple illuminant conditions. The color of
skylight had virtually no effect, which does not support the idea that humans use a prior about the color
of illuminant reaching cast shadows in natural environments.
Figure 6: (A) How to compute a constancy index. Here, b denotes the distance between chromaticities
of test illuminant (blue, yellow, green or magenta) and reference illuminant (white illuminant) and a
denotes the distance of achromatic settings. Constancy index was defined as acosθ/b. (B) CIs for
sunlight & skylight condition. The value was averaged across three participants and the error bars show
±1.0 S.E. (C) Mean CIs across three participants for the skylight condition. The error bars show ±1.0
4. Experiment 2
The primary purpose of Experiment 2 was to test whether the recognition of the presence of a shadow
provides a cue to know that the cast shadow is illuminated differently from other regions of the scene.
To test this, we masked a penumbra of the cast shadow by black hexagons (Hering, 1874/1964). In
addition, since most observers in this experiment were naive to the purpose of the experiment, we
provided a clear instruction on the criterion in achromatic setting task.
4.1 Instruction for the difference between paper match vs. appearance match
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Nine out of twelve observers in this experiment were naive to the purpose of the experiment and had
no specialized knowledge about human color vision. We therefore thought that it might be too difficult
for them to properly complete the task without careful instructions. Indeed matching criteria have been
reported as a major contributor to the degree of color constancy. Arend & Reeves (1986) demonstrated
that a performing asymmetric matching based on a paper-match criterion yielded a substantially higher
degree of color constancy than matching in terms of color appearance (“hue-and-saturation” match).
Though our task did not require a matching per se, the same concern should apply. Also see other
studies for focused discussion on this topic (Radonjic et al. 2016; Reeves et al, 2008). Thus to help
observers understand the criterion, we set up a few practice trials as shown in Figure 7A. These scenes
were shown to each observer one-by-one. The sheet used here contained only achromatic colors, and
this sheet was never used in the main experiment. We placed a large white paper at the center of the
scene to show how a real white paper would look like when an illuminant color changes. We lit the
scene using a single illumination generated by activating only one of the R, G, or B phosphors.
Observers were then asked to adjust the chromaticity and the luminance of left and right test fields
using different criteria. For the right test field, observers were instructed to adjust the chromaticity and
the luminance so that it appears as a full white surface placed under the test illumination (i.e. the
matching criterion used in the actual experiment). On the other hand, for the left test field, observers
were asked to make a field that simply appears white. Once an experimenter confirmed that the
observer understood that it was possible to have two different matching criteria, and that the observer
could differentiate two matching criteria, the practice session ended and the main experiment began.
4.2 Experimental condition
As shown in Figure 2B, the scene configuration used in Experiment 2 is similar to that of Experiment 1,
but we removed a black object at the center of the scene and instead inserted a paper (see Figure 2B,
“a paper to create a cast shadow”) which blocked the lights emitted from the left projector to cast a
shadow onto the scene. This was because if instead we kept a black object, observers could see that
the darkened region is due to the cast shadow and the region would remain perceived as a shadow
regardless of our experimental manipulation. As shown in Figure 7B, in the “no-outline” condition, we
expected that a shadow would appear as a shadow. In contrast, in an “outlined” condition, we expected
that the recognition of shadow weakened as the penumbra of the cast shadow was masked by black
hexagons (Figure 7C). One block had 5 skylight color conditions, and one session consisted of two
blocks (no-outline, outlined). All observers completed 2 sessions.
4.3 Results
Figure 7B and 7C report constancy indices in Experiment 2. To compute constancy indices, because
of the limited number of trials for each observer in this experiment, we divided L/(L+M) and S/(L+M)
axes by the standard deviation of all observers’ settings for the white skylight condition to approximately
equate the scale of both axes. In other words, a common scaling value was used for all observers. We
found overall lower constancy indices than those reported in Experiment 1. Again, the influence of
skylight color is not apparent. Also, the influence of outlining the cast shadow is not clearly seen. A two-
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way repeated-measures ANOVA was performed with four skylight colors (blue, yellow, green and
magenta) and two outline conditions (no-outline and outlined) as the within-subject factors for the CIs.
The main effects of the color of skylights and outline conditions were not significant (F(3, 33) = 1.84, p
= 0.159, F(1, 11) = 0.26, p = 0.620, respectively). The interaction between the two factors was not
significant either (F(3, 33) = 1.34, p > 0.278).
These results confirmed that even with a relatively large number of observers color constancy held
reasonably well in cast shadows, though the degree of constancy decreased from that in Experiment 1.
There was no systematic effect of the recognition of shadow, suggesting that observers were still able
to infer the influence of illuminant falling onto the cast shadow even without a strong recognition of the
shadow. There was no effect of the skylight color, again showing little evidence for the use of prior
knowledge about skylight color.
Figure 7: (A) Practice session to help observers to distinguish two matching criteria for achromatic
adjustments. (B) Constancy indices for the no-outline condition. (C) Constancy indices for outlined
conditions. The bars show mean constancy indices across twelve observers. The error bars show ± 1.0
standard error across twelve observers.
5. General Discussion
It is a mathematically ill-posed problem to correctly judge whether a given material is a bright white
material in a blue shadow or a dark blue material under a white illumination. We face this difficulty in
everyday life, but there was little experimental work to explore mechanisms that underpin this judgment.
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To fill this gap we conducted several psychophysical experiments. Results confirmed that color
constancy in shadows holds as good as color constancy in a single-illuminant scene. Furthermore, we
found that the experimental manipulations we tried did not affect the degree of color constancy. First of
all, the skylight color did not have a strong effect on observer settings. Second, the recognition of a
shadow did not affect the degree of color constancy. Each point will be further discussed in subsequent
One interesting observation we found was that the color of skylight had little systematic effect on
adjustment results. A computational model that relies on a prior about the typical color of skylight would
predict that observer settings are located around the bluish or yellowish region of the color space.
Indeed it might be reasonable to expect such a prior because the shadowed region in natural
environments presents strong chromatic regularities. In a sunny outdoor environment, the color
temperature of the skylight varies only between around 8000K and 25000K, and the variation is tightly
restricted along the CIE daylight locus (Morimoto et al., 2022). However, in contrast to such an
observation, the observer settings were much better predicted by the color of skylight used in the
experiment. This is rather consistent with a controversy around the existence of daylight prior in human
color constancy (e.g. Delahunt & Brainard, 2004; Hurlbert, 2019).
In many computer vision applications, color constancy is framed as a problem to find a single
appropriate white point in a given scene, which was then used to shift the colors in the whole scene
towards a direction to discount the influence of illumination. In some empirical studies, a similar strategy
has been suggested as a basis of perceptual constancy (e.g. Helson, 1947; Gilchrist et al. 1999).
However, if cast shadows exist in a given scene multiple reference points may need to be locally set.
For this reason, a mechanism to compute scene statistics globally (Buchsbaum, 1980; Golz & MacLeod,
2002) would not explain the color constancy we observed in this experiment. Instead, a strategy to
segment scenes into small fragments needs to be performed beforehand (Golz, 2008), or such
computation might need to be done per object (Hedjar et al., 2023). Local adaptation (von Kries, 1905),
as opposed to the global adaptation, would be another mechanism to set multiple anchors across the
visual field.
Considering these arguments, a mechanism to detect a cast shadow from the visual field seems to be
useful to figure out how a given scene should be segmented into smaller fragments. This is a primary
reason why we suspected that the spatial structure of the shadow provides a strong cue for us to find a
cast shadow. However, rather surprisingly, outlining the shadow had little impact on color constancy in
this study. We predict several reasons for this. Firstly some observers might have still perceived the
outlined shadow as a shadow even after violating the spatial intensity regularity. Secondly, the
shadowed region might have appeared as being illuminated by a spotlight (Khang & Zaidi, 2004). In
either case, observers would be able to hold a separate reference for a cast shadow and other regions
in the scene, which would maintain color constancy.
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We observed moderately high degree of color constancy in Experiment 2 where mostly naïve observers
were recruited, but after the Experiment 2 we suspected that two factors may have played a role in this.
One primary factor would be that we gave the explicit instruction regarding adjustment criteria which
has been reported in past studies (Reeves, Amano, & Foster, 2008; Radonjic & Brainard, 2016).
Secondly, the fact that observers saw that the illuminant color was being changed during the experiment
might have also had an effect. To test these ideas, we ran a follow-up experiment that was identical to
Experiment 2 except that no practice trials shown in Figure 7A were provided and we asked the
observers to leave the experimental room when the illuminant color was changed. Then, we found that
constancy indices dropped to nearly zero. Though it is not very clear which factor contribute, or to what
extent, as the two factors were manipulated simultaneously; these results showed that instructions
and/or experimental procedure have substantial effects on color constancy in shadows, consistent with
reports from traditional color constancy studies for single-illuminant environments (Radonjic & Brainard,
There are some limitations in the study. First, the spatial configuration used in experiments is limited to
a set of colored hexagons. We deliberately chose this abstract and simplistic configuration to test our
hypothesis in the absence of other cues that might be available in the real world (Granzier et al. 2014).
Nevertheless, if instead we used a more complex scene that e.g. contains a wider range of reflectance
sets, that might have yielded different results. Indeed the use of realistic environment has been
suggested to affect the degree of color constancy. (Granzier et al. 2009; Mizokami, 2019; Radonjic et
al. 2015a; Radonjic et al. 2015b). Second, we used a single observer task. As reported in previous
studies (Smithson, 2005), the choice of appropriate methodology has been a center of discussion in
color constancy literature. While there is no gold-standard method, there might have been an easier
task for naive observers. However, we emphasize that because of this difficulty we provided a clear
practice session in Experiment 2, which yielded a reasonably good color constancy. Third, there was a
naturally limited number of experimental conditions we could test, so we needed to prioritize the present
research questions. One additional thing we tested, though not reported in the main text, was whether
the use of more saturated hexagons with narrow-band reflectances would affect the degree of color
constancy. This additional condition was tested in both of the scene set-ups in Experiments 1 and 2.
However, we found that there was no noteworthy difference from the main results and the conclusion
stayed the same.
Color constancy has been a core domain in color vision research, and its mechanism has been
investigated under many experimental manipulations. However, the real world presents diverse
complexity in illuminant conditions, and our understanding of color perception in real-world situations
might still be limited in this sense. Future studies are thus expected to reveal mechanisms in the
presence of all environmental complexities in which our visual system normally operates. The present
investigation of the effect of a cast shadow will potentially contribute to the advancement of our
understanding of color constancy.
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All authors thank Tanner DeLawyer for editing the language in the manuscript. This work was supported
by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K22881. TM is supported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral
Fellowship and a Junior Research Fellowship from Pembroke College, University of Oxford. This
research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Wellcome Trust (218657/Z/19/Z). For the purpose of
open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted
Manuscript version arising from this submission.
Data access
Raw experimental data are available upon a request.
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Color constancy methods are generally based on a simplifying assumption that the spectral distribution of a light source is uniform across scenes. However, in reality, this assumption is often violated because of the presence of multiple light sources, that is, more than two illuminations. In this paper, we propose a unique cascade network of deep multi-scale supervision and single-scale estimation (CN-DMS4) to estimate multi-illumination. The network parameters are supervised and learned from coarse to fine in the training process and estimate only the final thinnest level illumination map in the illumination estimation process. Furthermore, to reduce the influence of the color channel on the Euclidean distance or the pixel-level angle error, a new loss function with a channel penalty term is designed to optimize the network parameters. Extensive experiments are conducted on single and multi-illumination benchmark datasets. In comparison with previous multi-illumination estimation methods, our proposed method displays a partial improvement in terms of quantitative data and visual effect, which provides the future research direction in end-to-end multi-illumination estimation.
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We typically have a fairly good idea whether a given object is self-luminous or illuminated, but it is not fully understood how we make this judgment. This study aimed to identify determinants of the luminosity threshold, a luminance level at which a surface begins to appear self-luminous. We specifically tested a hypothesis that our visual system knows the maximum luminance level that a surface can reach under the physical constraint that a surface cannot reflect more light than any incident light and applies this prior to determine the luminosity thresholds. Observers were presented with a 2-degree circular test field surrounded by numerous overlapping colored circles and luminosity thresholds were measured as a function of (i) the chromaticity of the test field, (ii) the shape of surrounding color distribution, and (iii) the color of the illuminant of the surrounding colors. We found that the luminosity thresholds peaked around the chromaticity of test illuminants and decreased as the purity of the test chromaticity increased. However, the loci of luminosity thresholds across chromaticities were nearly invariant to the shape of the surrounding color distribution and generally resembled the loci drawn from theoretical upper-limit luminances and upper-limit luminance boundaries of real objects. These trends were particularly evident for illuminants on the black-body locus and did not hold well under atypical illuminants, such as magenta or green. These results support the idea that our visual system empirically internalizes the gamut of surface colors under natural illuminants and a given object appears self-luminous when its luminance exceeds this internalized upper-limit luminance.
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We present a spectral dataset of daylights and surface reflectances and transmittances of natural objects measured in Japan. Daylights were measured under the sun and under shadow from dawn to dusk on four different days to capture their temporal spectral transition. We separately measured daylight spectra at five different locations (including an open space and a forest) with minimum time difference to reveal whether a local environment alters daylight spectra reaching the ground. We found that colors of natural objects were spread in a limited area of color space, and data points were absent around saturated green regions. Daylight spectra were found to have a larger variation across time, weather, and local environments than previously thought. Datasets are made freely available, expanding past public datasets mainly collected in Northern America and Europe.
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The physical inputs to our visual system are dictated by the interplay between lights and surfaces; thus, for surface color to be stably perceived, the influence of the illuminant must be discounted. To reveal our strategy to infer the illuminant color, we conducted three psychophysical experiments designed to test our optimal color hypothesis that we internalize the physical color gamut under various illuminants and apply the prior to estimate the illuminant color. In each experiment, we presented 61 hexagons arranged without spatial gaps, where the surrounding 60 hexagons were set to have a specific shape in their color distribution. We asked participants to adjust the color of a center test field so that it appeared to be a full-white surface placed under a test illuminant. Results and computational modeling suggested that, although our proposed model is limited in accounting for estimation of illuminant intensity by human observers, it agrees fairly well with the estimates of illuminant chromaticity in most tested conditions. The accuracy of estimation generally outperformed other tested conventional color constancy models. These results support the hypothesis that our visual system can utilize the geometry of scene color distribution to achieve color constancy.
We propose a novel deep learning method for shadow removal. Inspired by physical models of shadow formation, we use a linear illumination transformation to model the shadow effects in the image that allows the shadow image to be expressed as a combination of the shadow-free image, the shadow parameters, and a matte layer. We use two deep networks, namely SP-Net and M-Net, to predict the shadow parameters and the shadow matte respectively. This system allows us to remove the shadow effects from images. We then employ an inpainting network, I-Net, to further refine the results. We train and test our framework on the most challenging shadow removal dataset (ISTD). Our method improves the state-of-the-art in terms of mean absolute error (MAE) for the shadow area by 20\%. Furthermore, this decomposition allows us to formulate a patch-based weakly-supervised shadow removal method. This model can be trained without any shadow- free images (that are cumbersome to acquire) and achieves competitive shadow removal results compared to state-of-the-art methods that are trained with fully paired shadow and shadow-free images. Last, we introduce SBU-Timelapse, a video shadow removal dataset for evaluating shadow removal methods.
We present a fitted model of sky dome radiance and attenuation for realistic terrestrial atmospheres. Using scatterer distribution data from atmospheric measurement data, our model considerably improves on the visual realism of existing analytical clear sky models, as well as of interactive methods that are based on approximating atmospheric light transport. We also provide features not found in fitted models so far: radiance patterns for post-sunset conditions, in-scattered radiance and attenuation values for finite viewing distances, an observer altitude resolved model that includes downward-looking viewing directions, as well as polarisation information. We introduce a fully spherical model for in-scattered radiance that replaces the family of hemispherical functions originally introduced by Perez et al., and which was extended for several subsequent analytical models: our model relies on reference image compression via tensor decomposition instead.
We perceive the stable surface color of objects even if the reflected light changes depending on illumination color. This perceptual property is known as color constancy. To understand color constancy in real life it is essential to conduct experiments within real three-dimensional (3-D) space. Color constancy is generally better and more stable for 3-D stimuli compared with two-dimensional (2-D) stimuli. Color, shape, and material properties are not represented precisely in a 2-D environment, such as images or patterns. Thus, there is missing information that may influence our recognition of objects and scenes. The critical factors for color constancy have not be conclusively identified. However, the combination of various cues present within the object and environment, and the recognition of space, illumination and objects, should contribute to establishing good and stable color constancy.