
Choix Collectifs et Préférences Individuelles

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235 p., ref. bib. : 11 p. Une question préalable s'impose : quel genre de connaissance la science économique est-elle susceptible de nous transmettre? Elle se propose conjointement de conseiller chaque agent individuel ou collectif dans son activité économique (définition d'un optimum et régie de calcul économique) et de décrire le plus objectivement possible le fonctionnement des systèmes globaux ou partiels : marchés, ensembles de production, etc. La science économique présente aujourd'hui une double caractéristique. Son recours de plus en plus fréquent à l'outil mathématique a permis de traduire l'ensemble de ses concepts dans des langages formels logiquement rigoureux; mais cet exercice a découvert en contrepartie la rigidité et l'étroitesse de ses hypothèses en même temps que la pauvreté empirique de la plupart de ses propositions. Bien que souvent traduit en axiomatique, les modèles économiques s'avèrent faiblement opératoires. Cette situation pose à l'économiste contemporain un redoutable dilemme : abandonner ou tout au moins affaiblir pour un temps la contrainte de rigueur pour gagner en information sur la réalité, ou au contraire continuer à travailler la formulation logique au risque de susprendre l'épreuve de la réalité. La série «Critique» entreprend son enquête dans la perspective positive de renouveler les cadres de la pensée économique.

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... More details on unitary models literature can be found in Juster and Stafford (1991), Gonzalez (1997) and Jara-Díaz (2007). According to Laisney and Beninger (2002), this type of model presents several difficulties, but the main ones are aggregation of preferences (Arrow, 1951; Hildenbrand, 1994) and of individual demands (Deaton and Muellbauer, 1980 ). Since the unitary model considers the household as a single unit, different preferences among members of the family remain hidden. The potential for misinterpretation of the reality of multi-individual households by relying on unitary models has led to the proposal of different modeling frameworks that consider the household as a field of competition and struggle, as well as cooperation and caring. ...
... More details on unitary models literature can be found in Juster and Stafford (1991), Gonzalez (1997) and Jara-Díaz (2007). According to Laisney and Beninger (2002), this type of model presents several difficulties, but the main ones are aggregation of preferences ( Arrow, 1951;Hildenbrand, 1994) and of individual demands ( Deaton and Muellbauer, 1980). Since the unitary model considers the household as a single unit, different preferences among members of the family remain hidden. ...
Time allocation literature coming from all disciplines is reviewed and organized by means of a conceptual classification. A brief account of the origins and evolution of the modeling perspectives on time use research is presented including activity types and overall time use models. The lack of integration across disciplines is identified as a major limitation.
... La seule solution est alors de supposer un fonctionnement démocratique du syndicat et de considérer que son objectif sera défini par une procédure de vote. Les conditions pour lesquelles les choix issus du vote d'agents rationnels vérifient le principe de rationalité ont été établies par Arrow (1974) et sont assez restrictives 14 . En particulier, la rationalité du processus de vote requiert que la décision ne porte que sur une seule variable. ...
Toute économie ainsi que toute science a pour mission d’atteindre un certain progrès dans son domaine. Or si nous pouvons tous être d’accord sur ce point, nous ne partageons pas forcément la même définition du progrès. Pour élucider cette divergence de compréhension, nous avons pris le parti d’adhérer à une distinction entre éthique et morale : là où tout ordre moral consiste à ordonner les éléments d’un cadre déterminé pour une fin donnée, une posture éthique consiste à adopter et à adapter un principe faisant autorité pour découvrir un environnement alors inconnu. Nous avançons alors que le domaine de l’économie ainsi que toute idée de progrès ne peuvent être rattachés qu’à un ordre moral et non à une posture éthique. Pour illustrer ces propos, nous menons une réflexion sur la question de l’identité, notion certes vide et idéologique mais qui permet tout de même, couplée avec la distinction entre éthique et morale, de nous concentrer notamment sur les notions d’Etat, de personne ou encore de pouvoir. Ces réflexions nous éclairent sur certains fondements de l’économie et sur la philosophie utilitariste, philosophie avant tout liée au langage et de ce fait à la notion d’identité une fois encore ; utilitarisme et économie seraient en un sens déterministes, nous permettant d’accéder à un bonheur identifiable et vers lequel nous pourrions progresser. Ainsi nous avançons que le progrès ne peut qu’être conçu à partir d’un ordre moral et qu’il faille plutôt rechercher un certain équilibre pour que la dimension éthique puisse être elle aussi cultivée, au même titre que la catallaxie puisse être encouragée au côté de l’économie.
This chapter provides a unique perspective on the concept of resilience of organisations in the Eastern Partnership (EaP), by paying specific attention to the impact that the variety of political and societal changes induced by the European integration process and partnership with the European Union (EU) has on them. Moreover, the current chapter offers a critical approach focusing on the main actors and stakeholders within EaP countries who have to implement, politically, the Europeanisation “project” and being, at the same time, part of more or less complex organisations. Considering the complexity and multidimensional nature of Europeanisation, apart from those specific political projects of organisations (i.e. associations, companies, administrations), issues of identity are also central for our perspective. Furthermore, in analysing the resilience of organisations, the chapter will pay specific attention to the progress of administrative institutions in the framework of democratic developments within the EaP countries. Overall, research centred on organisations in the framework of European integration and EU partnerships represents a useful approach for the current book, especially from a conceptual standpoint.
The writer analyses the process of setting up a social capital with the aim of favouring the insertion of people in a situation of isolation. The isolated individual does not take advantage of others to improve his conditions. Therefore, if he does not have at his disposal a social capital, then he can not stand a good chance of finding employment. In this perspective, we shall mobilise research work on the concept of social capital, and more particularly economic researches on the role of social net works, to show that fighting against unemployment and exclusions is part and parcel of the insertion in a net work that generates "the relationship" it is the result of an interchange from which springs our postulate of social market economic vacation.
The problem of the collective choice from individual opinions is one of the central problem of the decision theory. The more classic case is certainly the one where voters give individually their opinion of preference on n candidates under the form of a (linear) ranking of these candidates. From the set of these different rankings one has to deduce a collective (linear) ranking, thanks to an aggregation rule.
Network design problems have taken on particular importance in operations research over the last 20 years. The main reason for this is the evolution undergone by the world of telecommunications and, to a lesser degree, by those of transport and production systems. This chapter mainly distinguishes: heuristic methods; derived from continuous optimization methods; linear programming methods; branch and cut methods; flow and multiflow models; and game theory. Network design problems refer back to fairly diverse application domains and potentially involve a very large array of software techniques and tools. Mainly motivated initially by concerns related to telecommunications, these Network design problems now arise in other domains, involving transportation and production systems, and extend their focus to pricing.
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We propose here a pricing Model which is an extension of the Cooperative Game concept and which includes a notion of Elastic Demand. We present some existence results as well as some algorithms. We conclude by discussing this model in the context of some Production and Transportation problems. Résumé Nous proposons ici un modèle de Tarification basé sur une extension du formalisme des Jeux Coopératifs et qui prend en compte la notion d'Élasticité de la Demande. Nous présentons pour ce modèle un résultat d'existence ainsi qu'un algorithme de calcul associé. Nous interprétons enfin ce nouveau concept dans le cas d'un problème de production et nous le prolongeons au cas d'un problème de transport.
In this note we study different methods of aggregation of preferences met on the occasion of elections. Through a simple geometrical representation, we analyse several of their properties, in particular those linked to Arrow's theorem for ordinal rankings; we pursue this discussion in the case of cardinal rankings, the qualities of which convince us of the usefulness of experiencing their introduction in real ballots.
In 1785 Condorcet proposed a method to aggregate qualitative data, but until very recently this method was attributed to contemporary authors and its importance completely neglected.
Résumé Penser la modélisation interdisciplinaire en termes de processus analogiques, logiques et empiriques, c'est admettre que la modélisation disciplinaire dans des domaines scientifiques tels que Economie, Ingénierie ou Sciences Naturelles, implique ces trois processus fondamentaux. Pris conjointement, puis séparément, ces processus présentent des « ruptures systémiques » et des « crises de fondements » qui mènent à des résultats paradoxaux dans une perspective scientifique formalisante. On montre que l'interpénétration de considérations scientifiques et extra-scientifiques met en évidence le statut conjectural des modèles scientifiques à travers leurs dynamiques internes et externes, et entraîne l'évolution des disciplines considérées, ou encore la création de nouvelles disciplines. Abstract Thinking interdisciplinary modelling through analogical, logical and empirical processes is to admit that disciplinary modelling in scientific fields like Economics, Ingineering or Natural Science, requires these three fundamental processes. Taken jointly and then separately, such processes present "systemic ruptures" and "foundation crises" which lead to paradoxical results, in the framework of any formalized scientific approach. It is shown that the interpenetration of scientific considerations and extra-scientific ones highlights the conjectural status of scientific models, through their internal and external dynamics, and results either into the evolution of the discipline at hand, or into the creation of new ones.
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SEN, democracy and the market : a critical assessment SEN’s system of political economy is assumed to offer a renewed outlook on justice and development. This system is supposed to overcome the mainstream economics. But the critical dimension of SEN’s work must be assessed. His representation of competitive markets is in fact very close to the dominant liberal paradigm. This arises many questions concerning both SEN’s arguments in favor of democracy and the way he deals with justice dilemmas relating to free markets in developing countries. Capabilities’ approach should be mobilized eventually against SEN for a radical interpretation of social and economic inequalities and the way to attack them.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we address the problem of unsupervised rank aggregation in the context of meta-searching in information retrieval field. The first goal of this paper is to apply aggregation operators that are defined in information fusion domain to the particular issue mentioned beforehand. Triangular norms, conorms and quasi-arithmetic means, are such kind of operators. Then, the second goal of this work is to introduce a new aggregation function, its logical foundations and its combinatorial properties. Particularly, this operator allows to take into account the relationships between experts in a flexible way. Finally, we test these different aggregation operators on the LETOR dataset. The results of our experiments show that this kind of aggregation functions can lead to better results than baseline methods such as CombSUM and CombMNZ approaches.
We present here a pricing model which is an extension of the Cooperative Game concept and which includes a notion of Price-Dependent Demand. We present some existence results as well as some algorithms, and conclude by discussing a specific problem related to Network Pricing.
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Several recent papers have shown the relevance of collective models for the empirical investigation of household labor supply and consumption. Yet the estimation of collective models in the presence of non-linear budget sets and participation decisions remains a daunting task. This paper compares collective and unitary models on the basis of simulated collective data with income taxation. We distinguish the cases of individual and joint taxation. Estimating the unitary model we obtain strikingly different ?preference? parameters depending on the type of taxation. We also obtain substantial differences between predicted adjustments to labor supply following a switch between tax regimes, and hence potentially wide-ranging definitions of revenue-neutral versions of tax reforms. Finally we discuss distortions affecting the welfare analysis of reforms on the basis of unitary estimates when the model generating the data is a collective model. The results suggest that increased efforts should be devoted to the estimation of collective models with taxation.
Jean Ville gave, independently of Houthakker, and prior to him, a general one page proof of the integrability of demand functions in a revealed preference scheme. It happens that this essential contribution has been largely ignored in the literature. The comparison between Ville and Houthakker’s proofs makes room for discussing the assumptions necessary to encompass the discrete version of the acyclicity into a continuous version.
Economic calculation, and especially cost benefit analysis (Coba), is more and more criticised and accused to be technocratic and partial, leading to a narrow view of projects. An example of this loss of credibility is the New Approach To Appraisal (NATA), implemented in Great Britain at the end of the 90’ : a multicriteria analysis where Coba gives only one information among many others, quantitative and qualitative. Nevertheless we don’t think that we are facing an unavoidable decline of economic calculation. This paper emphasises the important role that Coba can keep within the public decision process. If we remember Keyne’s and Schumpeter’s points of view about the roles of forecasting and prices, economic calculation could be useful to help the emergence of collective choices, even in the controversial field of transport infrastructures. Classification JEL : H43, H54, R14, R42
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