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Adversarial sketch-photo transformation for enhanced face recognition accuracy: a systematic analysis and evaluation


Abstract and Figures

This research provides a strategy for enhancing the precision of face sketch identification through adversarial sketch-photo transformation. The approach uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) to learn to convert sketches into photographs, which may subsequently be utilized to enhance the precision of face sketch identification. The suggested method is evaluated in comparison to state-of-the-art face sketch recognition and synthesis techniques, such as sketchy GAN, similarity-preserving GAN (SPGAN), and super-resolution GAN (SRGAN). Possible domains of use for the proposed adversarial sketch-photo transformation approach include law enforcement, where reliable face sketch recognition is essential for the identification of suspects. The suggested approach can be generalized to various contexts, such as the creation of creative photographs from drawings or the conversion of pictures between modalities. The suggested method outperforms state-of-the-art face sketch recognition and synthesis techniques, confirming the usefulness of adversarial learning in this context. Our method is highly efficient for photo-sketch synthesis, with a structural similarity index (SSIM) of 0.65 on The Chinese University of Hong Kong dataset and 0.70 on the custom-generated dataset.
Content may be subject to copyright.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024, pp. 315~325
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v14i1.pp315-325 315
Journal homepage:
Adversarial sketch-photo transformation for enhanced face
recognition accuracy: a systematic analysis and evaluation
Raghavendra Mandara Shetty Kirimanjeshwara1,2, Sarappadi Narasimha Prasad3
1School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Reva University, Bengaluru, India
2Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Canara Engineering College, Mangaluru, India
3Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru Manipal Academy of Higher
Education, Manipal, India
Article Info
Article history:
Received Apr 23, 2023
Revised Jul 10, 2023
Accepted Jul 17, 2023
This research provides a strategy for enhancing the precision of face sketch
identification through adversarial sketch-photo transformation. The approach
uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) to learn to convert sketches into
photographs, which may subsequently be utilized to enhance the precision of
face sketch identification. The suggested method is evaluated in comparison to
state-of-the-art face sketch recognition and synthesis techniques, such as
sketchy GAN, similarity-preserving GAN (SPGAN), and super-resolution
GAN (SRGAN). Possible domains of use for the proposed adversarial sketch-
photo transformation approach include law enforcement, where reliable face
sketch recognition is essential for the identification of suspects. The suggested
approach can be generalized to various contexts, such as the creation of
creative photographs from drawings or the conversion of pictures between
modalities. The suggested method outperforms state-of-the-art face sketch
recognition and synthesis techniques, confirming the usefulness of adversarial
learning in this context. Our method is highly efficient for photo-sketch
synthesis, with a structural similarity index (SSIM) of 0.65 on The Chinese
University of Hong Kong dataset and 0.70 on the custom-generated dataset.
Adversarial learning
Deep learning
Face sketch recognition
Generative adversarial network
Structural similarity index
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Sarappadi Narasimha Prasad
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru Manipal
Academy of Higher Education
Manipal-576104, India
Applications in law enforcement, surveillance, and even the entertainment industry have pushed
face sketch recognition to the forefront of computer vision research. Unfortunately, current face sketch
identification techniques still have some way to go before they can be considered reliable, especially when it
comes to accommodating differences in lighting, poses, and facial expressions [1]. There is evidence that
adversarial learning can help face sketch recognition algorithms perform better. In particular, adversarial
sketch-photo transformation approaches try to figure out how to turn a facial drawing into a photo of the
same person while keeping their identity secret. To do this, a generator network may be trained to create
convincing fake photographs, and a discriminator network can be trained to tell the fake photos from the
actual ones. The discriminator is trained to be as accurate as possible in identifying fakes from real
photographs, while the generator network is trained to make the transition as smooth as possible [2], [3]. Due
to the adversarial nature of this process, the generator network may acquire the ability to produce images that
are difficult to identify from genuine photographs while still maintaining identification information.
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024: 315-325
Feature-based approaches employ extracted characteristics from the eyes, nose, and mouth to detect
a persons likeness in a drawing. The local binary pattern (LBP) technique is a popular feature-based
approach since it can extract textural information from the drawing and utilize it for face recognition [4]. The
core pixel’s intensity levels are compared to those of it is neighbors, and the resulting binary values are used
in the LBP feature extraction process. Although the LBP technique has the potential for high precision, its
performance may suffer when confronted with differences in lighting, position, and facial expression. Scale-
invariant feature transform (SIFT) is another feature-based approach that uses key points to detect and extract
features from an image. Using scale-invariant qualities, SIFT can locate key points from which additional
features may be extracted [5]. SIFT can adapt to different orientations and sizes, although it may struggle
with more intricate backdrops or sloppy sketching. A further feature-based approach that extracts features
based on the gradient orientation of the picture is the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) technique.
Using a histogram of the gradient orientations computed in small areas, HOG can extract features. While
HOG is robust against changes in brightness and size, it may struggle with changes in stance and emotion [6].
To extract features from a texture, the local ternary pattern (LTP) technique compares the values of a center
pixel to those of it is neighbors and encodes the findings as ternary values. LTP can adapt to different lighting
conditions, poses, and facial expressions, but it may struggle with intricate backdrops or sloppy sketching [7].
However, holistic approaches take the whole drawing at once and transfer it directly onto an image
for identification. Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a well-liked holistic approach since it can directly
translate an input drawing to a photo for identification by learning hierarchical information from the sketch.
The CNN method has been shown to be superior to traditional feature-based methods when it comes to
coping with changes in illumination, posture, and facial expression [8]. Another complete method is
generative adversarial networks (GAN), which train a generator network to produce realistic pictures from
the input sketch and a discriminator network to identify fakes. The discriminator network is trained to tell the
difference between the created and actual photographs, while the generator network is taught to generate
photos that are hard to tell apart from real ones. The adversarial process has the potential to train the
generator network to produce increasingly convincing fake photographs that conceal no one in particular [9].
To further enhance the precision of face sketch recognition algorithms, adversarial sketch-photo
transformation techniques have recently been presented. These techniques attempt to figure out how to train a
transformation function that can convert a sketch of a face into a photo of the same person that looks as close
to real life as possible.
In this research, we suggest an alternative adversarial sketch-photo transformation approach to
enhance face sketch recognition. Our approach involves training two separate networks, a generator network,
and a discriminator network, in an adversarial fashion concurrently as seen in Figure 1. With a facial sketch
as input, the generator network creates a realistic photo, and the discriminator network tries to distinguish the
two parts. The discriminator is taught to be as accurate as possible in identifying fakes from real photographs,
while the generator network is trained to make the transition as smooth as possible. The discriminator is
trained to identify its accuracy by being fed pairs of sketches and photos. The work is benchmarked against
many state-of-the-art approaches using a widely used face sketch recognition dataset and analyses the results.
Our experimental results show that our method beats state-of-the-art alternatives, particularly as it pertains to
adjusting for variations in background illumination, camera orientation, and subject emotion. In addition to
improving applications like face reconstruction and animation, our technology also produces more realistic
photographs than competing technologies.
Figure 1. Our models network structure
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
Adversarial sketch-photo transformation for enhanced … (Raghavendra Mandara Shetty Kirimanjeshwara)
2.1. Overview of face sketch recognition
Recognizing faces from drawings presents a significant challenge in the domain of computer vision.
The usage of this technology in police enforcement, monitoring, and even in the entertainment industry is
significant. Yet, this is easier said than done because of the obvious contrasts between a facial sketch and a
photo, such as the latter’s inclusion of texture and the former’s absence of shading [10]. There are now two
main types of face sketch recognition techniques used: feature-based and holistic. Feature-based approaches
employ extracted characteristics from the eyes, nose, and mouth to detect a person’s likeness in a drawing.
But holistic approaches take the whole drawing at once and transfer it directly onto an image for
identification [11].
The LBP technique is a popular feature-based approach since it can extract textural information from
the drawing and utilize it for face recognition [12]. The LTP technique, the HOG, and the SIFT are also feature-
based approaches [13][15]. Nevertheless, the reliability of face recognition may be impacted by factors such as
lighting, position, and facial expression, all of which are difficult for current approaches to handle.
Yet, holistic approaches, which can capture the overall information of the face sketch, have
demonstrated encouraging outcomes in recent years. CNN is a well-liked holistic approach since it can
directly translate an input drawing to a photo for identification by learning hierarchical information from the
sketch [16]. The CNN method has been shown to be more effective than traditional feature-based algorithms
in handling variations in lighting, position, and facial expression [17]. So far, creating a photorealistic image
from a sketch continues to be a significant obstacle for face sketch identification. Adversarial learning has
been presented as a viable strategy for enhancing the effectiveness of face sketch recognition algorithms to
meet this problem. By adversarial training, a generator network may be taught to simulate real-world images,
while a discriminator network can learn to tell fake from genuine. The discriminator is taught to be as
accurate as possible in identifying fake from real photographs, while the generator network is trained to make
the transition as smooth as possible. Due to the adversarial nature of this process, the generator network may
acquire the ability to produce images that are difficult to identify from genuine photographs while yet
maintaining the identification information. Adversarial sketch-photo transformation approaches have been
proven in recent research to greatly enhance the accuracy and realism of face sketch recognition models [18].
These techniques can help create more lifelike photographs from sketched facial features, which has potential
uses in areas like facial animation and repair.
2.2. Adversarial learning and it is application in face sketch recognition
Using adversarial learning, two neural networksa generator and a discriminatorare trained to
cooperate within a game-theoretic framework. The generator network produces synthetic data that is very
similar to actual data, and the discriminator network is trained to identify the difference. The two networks
are trained in an adversarial fashion, with the generator network attempting to trick the discriminator
network, seeking to accurately distinguish between actual and fabricated data. Many computer vision
applications, such as image production, style transfer, and image translation, have benefited from the use of
adversarial learning. Adversarial learning has been used to face sketch recognition to enhance the realism and
precision of the resulting pictures from the sketches.
The GAN technique is one way for adversarial learning in face sketch recognition. To create a
GAN, a generator network and a discriminator network are trained to cooperate inside a game-theoretical
setting. Using a face sketch as input, the generator network creates a photo that looks very similar to the
genuine shot, and the discriminator network tries to tell the two apart. Both the generator and discriminator
networks are trained in an adversarial fashion, where the former attempts to trick the latter into
misidentifying a fake image as the actual thing [19]. The adversarial sketch-photo transformation (ASPT)
method is another adversarial learning strategy for use in facial sketch identification. To create a photo that
looks like the input face sketch while yet keeping the identification information intact, the ASPT approach
trains a generator network [20]. To do this, the generator network is trained to maximize the similarity
between the input face sketch and the output photo while minimizing the difference between the two.
2.3. Existing adversarial sketch-photo transformation methods
One method for recognizing faces from sketches is the adversarial sketch-photo transformation,
which entails training a generator network to produce a photorealistic image from a drawing while keeping
the identification information intact. In an adversarial training setup, the generator network is trained to
produce images that are difficult to differentiate apart from the genuine ones, while the discriminator network
learns to differentiate between the two. The face sketch synthesis via adversarial multi-domain learning
(MDAL) method [21] uses an adversarial learning framework to synthesize high-quality face photos from
face sketches. The method involves training a generator network and a discriminator network in an
adversarial manner, where the discriminator network is trained to distinguish between the generated photos
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024: 315-325
and the real photos. To achieve high-quality synthesis, the suggested approach gets rid of flaws such as
blurring and distortion. The MDAL technique performed well in subjective and objective evaluations using
the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) face sketch (CUFS) and CUHK face sketch face recognition
technology (CUFSF) data sets.
The multi-adversarial networks [22] use an adversarial autoencoder to synthesize high-quality face
photos from face sketches. The authors offer a stage-by-stage multi-scale refinement framework to minimize
distortions and create realistic images using the generator sub-implicit network’s feature maps of different
resolutions. Using adversarial feedback, may directly supervise the network’s hidden layers and improve the
quality of the synthesis through the implicit iterative refining of the feature maps. The progressive adversarial
networks [23] use a progressive adversarial learning framework to synthesize high-quality face photos from
face sketches. The method involves training a series of generator networks and discriminator networks in a
progressive manner, where each network is trained to generate photos of increasing resolution. Each
instances color distribution and fine-grained texture are synthesized by the authors using a custom-made
instance generator. Finally, an image generator is developed to generate a picture by combining all these
instances while preserving texture and color.
The GAN with gradient penalty [24] uses a Wasserstein generative adversarial network with
gradient penalty to synthesize high-quality face photos from face sketches. The approach comprises
adversarial training of a generator network and a discriminator network to discriminate between created
photographs and actual photos, while the generator network minimizes the Wasserstein distance between the
distributions of the two. The gradient penalty smooths the discriminator network gradient, stabilizing the
training process and improving photo quality. The conditional generative adversarial networks (CGANs) [25]
use multi-scale CGANs to synthesize high-quality face photos from face sketches. The method involves
training a generator network and a discriminator network in an adversarial manner, where the generator
network takes both the face sketch and an attribute vector (such as age, gender, or hair color) as input, and
generates a photo that closely resembles the real photo with the specified attributes. The discriminator
network learns to identify produced photographs from actual photos with the required properties.
Peng et al. [26] suggested the use of cross-modality translation in their adversarial face sketch-photo
synthesis through cross-modality translation approach to enhance the quality and realism of the produced
pictures. CNNs are used for deep local descriptor extraction, and a unique cross-modality enumeration loss is
presented to close the modality gap at the level of individual patches. To guarantee that the translated images
may be reverted to the original designs, the approach additionally employs a cycle-consistency loss function.
The encoder guided GANs sketch-photo synthesis method [27] uses a deep adversarial learning framework to
synthesize high-quality face photos from face sketches. Train sketch and picture synthesis models using a
cycle-consistent GAN with skipped connections. If there is a consistent feature representation for a photo
sketch pair, authors propose a feature auto-encoder and train it to investigate a latent space between the photo
domain and the sketch domain.
The end-to-end GANs [28] use a dual-agent learning framework to improve the accuracy and
diversity of the generated photos. The self-attentional mechanism is implemented to help the enhanced model
better understand the neural circuitry connecting the human eyes and face. To make the synthesized face look
more like the real one, the perceptual loss is used to direct the model’s cyclic training and aid in updating the
network’s parameters. The adversarial attention-guided network [29] uses an attention-guided network to
improve the accuracy and quality of the generated photos. Without any additional data or models, this
method may identify the most distinguishable semantic item and reduce the amount of modification to the
irrelevant parts of an issue involving semantic manipulation.
The adversarial learning with context-aware attention method [30] uses a context-aware attention
mechanism to improve the accuracy and quality of the generated photos. The generator network uses a
context-aware attention mechanism to focus on the important facial features and generate a photo that closely
resembles the real photo, while preserving the identity information. The adversarial learning with spatial
attention pooling [31] uses a spatially varying blur approach to improvise the accuracy and quality of the
generated photos. The generator network uses a spatially varying blur method to simulate the depth-of-field
effect of a camera lens and generate a photo that closely resembles the real photo, while preserving the
identity information. Authors proposed a dual-generator training technique and a spatial attention pooling
module to further strengthen the resilience of the sketch-based face generator. The adversarial multi-scale
features aggregation [32] uses a multi-scale feature aggregation network to improve the accuracy and quality
of the generated photos. The generator network uses a multi-scale feature aggregation network to capture the
fine-grained details of the face sketch and generate a photo that closely resembles the real photo, while
preserving the identity information.
Using these adversarial sketch-photo transformation approaches, the accuracy of face sketch
recognition systems has been considerably enhanced, and it has been proven that high-quality photographs
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
Adversarial sketch-photo transformation for enhanced … (Raghavendra Mandara Shetty Kirimanjeshwara)
can be generated from face drawings. Generating pictures from incomplete or noisy drawings, dealing with
substantial differences in position, lighting, and expression, and protecting individuals privacy are all issues
that need to be addressed. The field of face sketch recognition, and the applications it has, will continue to
progress with further study in this area.
2.4. Problem statement and objectives
Existing approaches for recognizing faces from sketches have a lot of room for improvement,
especially when it comes to adapting to changes in lighting, facial expression, and other factors. Because of
the inherent contrasts between a face drawing and a photo, such as the absence of texture and shading in the
former, face sketch recognition is a difficult process. Even though several solutions have been presented to
this issue, current methods just scratch the surface of the intricacy of face sketch identification, and so
produce subpar results. As a result, research into methods to enhance the precision of face sketch
identification models is essential. Methods that use adversarial sketch-photo transformations to create more
realistic photographs from face drawings have shown promise in resolving this issue. However, further study
is required to determine whether these strategies are useful for enhancing face sketch recognition.
To enhance the precision of face sketch recognition algorithms, this research seeks to offer a unique
adversarial sketch-photo transformation approach. The following are some of the concrete objectives of our
Design a generator network and a discriminator network for adversarial sketch-photo transformation,
which can produce photorealistic images from drawings of faces while protecting the identities of the
people in the pictures.
Using a large-scale face sketch dataset, train an adversarial sketch-photo transformation model to learn
the mapping from face sketches to realistic photos.
Compare the results of the proposed method with those of various state-of-the-art algorithms on a widely
used face sketch recognition dataset.
To show how well the suggested technique works to generate more lifelike images from face drawings,
we visualize the adversarial sketch-photo transformation outcomes.
2.5. Research contribution
To enhance the precision of face sketch recognition models, this research proposes a new
adversarial sketch-photo transformation approach. Our methods key contribution is that it can produce more
lifelike images from facial drawings while still keeping the identifying information intact. Our approach
involves training two separate networks, a generator network, and a discriminator network, in an adversarial
fashion concurrently. In particular, the suggested technique outperforms various state-of-the-art algorithms
when it comes to handling differences in lighting, poses, and facial expressions. Our experimental results
show that our approach is successful at increasing the fidelity of facial recognition models, which has
potential uses in areas such as security, media, and law enforcement. To sum up, our research helps progress
the field of face sketch identification by suggesting a more efficient and powerful method that can boost the
precision and realism of face recognition methods.
We present the model based on GANs in certain modifications to steer identity-preserving
sketch-photo translation. The generator is taken from U-Net [33] and adds a deconvolution layer and a down-
sample layer to the original network to generate the output. This approach may provide more unique
identifiers for generation. We offer a new discriminator to conditional GANs that allows us to focus our
attention on the specific domain of interest. The input for both classifiers consists of pairs of photos. One
requires two domains, while the other demands a pair from the same domain, either authentic and spoofing or
authentic and clone. The generator may pick up extra target domain styles since the input of the additional
discriminator is always an actual sample. In addition, we need a genuine photo that matches the fake photo to
have the same characteristics, retrieved by a pre-trained feature extractor, to further restrict the creation to
ensure identity consistency. CUHK face sketch database (CUFS), CUHK face sketch FERET database
(CUFSF), and our own custom-built dataset are used in our investigations. The GAN function, defined by
(1), optimizes the probabilities of the generator and discriminator.
󰇛 󰇜 󰇟 󰇛 󰇜󰇠  󰇟󰇛  󰇛 󰇜󰇜󰇠 (1)
The GAN output probability function, 󰇛 󰇜, is defined as the product of the expectation of the
input I and the expected value of the output , as well as the noise factor , denoted by  . The
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024: 315-325
generators goal is to produce an image that seems as similar as possible to the corresponding ground-truth
snapshot of a face. To this end, we define a loss term as.
󰇛󰇜  󰇟 󰇛󰇜󰇠 (2)
Which optimizes for a value of G(x) such that the L1 norm of the disparity among the real and produced
images is minimized. We also need to make sure the identification data in the sketch is consistent with the
corresponding ground-truth picture and is maintained and improved as it passes across the network. So, the
loss function is modified (3) by adding a new term that accounts for the matching step, such as.
󰇛󰇜  󰇟󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜󰇠 (3)
When we add together all the individual sources of loss, we get the following loss function.
󰇛 󰇜 
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛󰇜 match 󰇛󰇜 (4)
3.1. Dataset used
The dataset used in this research article is called CUHK face sketch (CUFS) and custom generated
dataset by the authors. The CUFS dataset was created by researchers at the Chinese “University of Hong
Kong” and is publicly available for research purposes. The CUFS dataset contains a total of 606 face
sketches and their corresponding photos, along with the demographic information of the subjects (i.e., age,
gender, and ethnicity). The face sketches were hand-drawn by professional sketch artists, while the photos
were captured under controlled lighting conditions and with neutral expressions. The dataset is divided into
two subsets: CUFSF and CUFSF+. The CUFSF subset contains 188 face sketches and their corresponding
photos and is mainly used for training and testing face sketch recognition models. The CUFSF+ subset
contains 418 additional face sketches and their corresponding photos and is mainly used for evaluating the
effectiveness of the face sketch synthesis approach.
The CUFS dataset has been widely used in various research studies related to face sketch
recognition and synthesis and has become a benchmark dataset in this field. Its relatively small size and high
quality make it an ideal choice for researchers to develop and evaluate new algorithms and techniques for
face sketch recognition and synthesis. The performance of this model is evaluated with an author-generated
dataset consisting of 500 faces and a CUHK benchmark dataset.
3.2. Model training
The generator network is based on an adaptation of the U-Net architecture, a standard framework for
such applications as image-to-image translation. A pair of encoding and decoding networks are linked
together by skip links to form the generator. The encoder network is built from many convolutional layers,
with batch normalization and the LeakyReLU activation function following each layer. Each layers output is
down sampled by a factor of 2 in the next layer. The encoder network is built to increase the number of
feature maps while decreasing the spatial resolution of the input picture. The decoder network is built from a
sequence of transposed convolutional layers, with batch normalization and the rectified linear unit (ReLU)
activation function following each layer. Each layers output is up sampled by a factor of 2 in the next layer.
The feature maps in the decoder network are intended to grow in spatial resolution as the number of feature
maps is reduced.
To determine if a given drawing of a face is real or false, the discriminator network employs a
binary classifier. Convolutional layers are followed by batch normalization and a LeakyReLU activation
function in the discriminator network. Each layer’s output is down-sampled by a factor of 2 in the next layer.
The final binary classification output is generated by flattening the output of the last convolutional layer and
feeding it into a fully connected layer followed by a sigmoid activation function. Binary cross-entropy loss is
used during the training of the discriminator network. The training procedure for our model is shown in
Figure 2. As inputs, it requires either a genuine picture from the source domain (x) or a false image from the
destination domain (y). Real data from the target domain is always used in its processing, allowing the
generator to acquire a deeper understanding of the area and its peculiarities.
Two Adam optimizers, each having their own learning rate over the course of M epochs, compete
to minimize the binary cross-entropy and train the discriminator and the generator in turn. Both the
generator’s (lr_gen) and the discriminator’s (lr_disc) learning rates are hyperparameters that may be
adjusted. The “Wasserstein distance” (WD) measures the effectiveness of the GAN by determining how
little effort is required to transform one distribution into another. At regular intervals throughout training,
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
Adversarial sketch-photo transformation for enhanced … (Raghavendra Mandara Shetty Kirimanjeshwara)
we measure the Wasserstein distance. The Wasserstein distance is calculated for each predicted quantity
(output) by the generator and then averaged at the conclusion of each period. When the final epoch is over,
the model with the smallest average Wasserstein distance is chosen and its hyperparameters are evaluated
based on this value.
Figure 2. Training method flowchart
According to the research findings, the performance of the GAN is largely affected by the learning
rate of the generator. As a result, we investigate in depth whether decreasing the generator learning rate
arbitrarily always results in greater model performance. Researchers looked for signs of a strong relationship
among lr_gen and batch size but found none. In Figure 3, we compare the learning rate of the generator to the
optimal Wasserstein distance as well as its standard deviation. It is interesting to examine the performance
for lower lr_gen since we can observe that the Wasserstein distance and its variability grow dramatically for
lr_gen greater than 0.002. In Figure 4, we hold the hyperparameters constant and just tuning the lr_gen,
which is now sampled uniformly in the logarithmic range [10-7, 10-3]. As the 1,000 epochs line lies beneath
all other graphs that utilize less epochs, we may infer that using more epochs results in greater model
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024: 315-325
performance. Smaller lr_gen and more epochs have the potential to yield specific solutions, but the trade-off
is that training the model over a long period of time. This necessitates making choices between how well a
model performs and how long it takes to train.
Figure 3. Optimal Wasserstein distances for various lr_gen
Figure 4. Optimal Wasserstein distances by keeping hyperparameters constant
4.1. Ablation study
To determine which parts of the proposed adversarial sketch-photo transformation approach
contributed most to its success, ablation research was carried out. There were four different versions of the
proposed method tested in the ablation study: i) the full model with both adversarial loss and feature
matching loss, ii) the model with only adversarial loss, iii) the model with only feature matching loss, and
iv) a baseline model without any adversarial learning. Ablation analysis findings indicated that the entire
model with adversarial loss and feature matching loss significantly outperformed the baseline model in face
sketch recognition accuracy. The impact of training iterations on the effectiveness of the suggested approach
was also examined in the ablation investigation. The findings demonstrated that when a specific threshold
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
Adversarial sketch-photo transformation for enhanced … (Raghavendra Mandara Shetty Kirimanjeshwara)
was reached, increasing the number of training rounds did not result in any additional performance gains,
suggesting that the suggested strategy converges to a stable solution.
4.2. Visualization of adversarial sketch-photo transformation results
In the visualizations, we showed instances of both the actual pictures and the hand-drawn and
computer-generated drawings that corresponded to them, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. When compared to the
original hand-drawn sketches, the produced face sketches showed a marked improvement in quality, with
more realistic facial characteristics and a greater overall likeness to the original pictures. Based on the
findings of the perceptual investigation, the produced face drawings created using the suggested approach
received much higher similarity ratings compared to the original hand-drawn sketches. This demonstrates the
effectiveness of the suggested approach in producing high-quality face drawings that are more faithful to the
source face images. Through inspection, the suggested technology is successfully creating highly realistic
pictures. Despite the boost in efficiency, the suggested solution keeps the photo-realistic quality, which is a
plus. The suggested approach also often yields photos that preserve most of the identifying information
necessary to recognize the individual shown in the drawing. In Table 1, we compare various techniques for
improving sketch-photo synthesis.
Structural similarity index (SSIM), which compares the structural similarity of two pictures, is
utilized as the evaluative metric in this research. Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and learned perceptual
image patch similarity (LPIPS) are two other measures that may provide a different order for the techniques.
Furthermore, the efficiency of these techniques may change based on the application and the nature of the
pictures being improved. With an SSIM of 0.70, Ours is a very effective strategy.
Ground Truth
Figure 5. Face-sketch outputs for CUHK dataset
Figure 6. Face-Sketch outputs for customized dataset
Table 1. Comparative analysis
CUHK Dataset
Custom dataset
Structural Similarity Index (SSIM)
SketchyGAN [34]
Similarity preserving generative adversarial networks SPGAN [35]
Super-resolution generative adversarial networks SRGAN [36]
Ours (before parameter tuning)
Ours (after parameter tuning)
In this study, we presented the idea of utilizing adversarial sketch-photo transformation to enhance
the precision with which facial features may be recognized from a sketch. The method is based on a GAN
that learns to transform photos into corresponding sketches, which can then be used to improve the accuracy
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024: 315-325
of face sketch recognition. Our experimental results demonstrated that the suggested technique outperformed
both baseline and current face sketch synthesis methods, demonstrating the utility of adversarial learning in
the pursuit of ever-higher standards of face sketch recognition accuracy. We also conducted an ablation
experiment to show how crucial it is to use feature matching loss in the suggested approach. Our technique
can produce very realistic images from illustrations, which might be useful for applications that need precise
face sketch identification, as seen by the visualization of adversarial sketch-photo transformation outcomes.
Because of their fundamental dissimilarity, the GANs hyperparameters may display varying degrees of
sensitivity. We discovered, however, that the lr_gen is the most crucial hyperparameter in both scenarios,
with a lower value typically resulting in greater predictive performance. Hence, the lr_gen needs to be tuned
with greater care.
Our proposed method has potential applications in various fields, such as law enforcement and
forensics, where accurate face sketch recognition is crucial for identifying suspects. The proposed approach
can be used in other areas, such as creating artwork from photographs or converting pictures across other
modalities. Our work contributes to the research on face sketch recognition and adversarial learning by
proposing a novel method that outperforms existing methods. This research can also inspire future research
on improving other visual recognition tasks via adversarial learning.
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Raghavendra Mandara Shetty Kirimanjeshwara is a research scholar in the
School of ECE at REVA University, Bengaluru, India. Graduation from Karnataka University
Dharwad and post-graduation from VTU Belagavi. Total 14 years in teaching and 8 years of
industry experience in the engineering field. His areas of interest include AI, embedded
systems, and renewable energy. He can be contacted at
Sarappadi Narasimha Prasad is a professor in the Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Manipal Academy of
Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, Karnataka, India, 576104. His total experience is 22
years, completed graduation from Mangalore University, post-graduation from VTU, and a
doctorate from Jain University. More than 80 journals/conferences in profile and presently
guiding 8 research scholars. His areas of interest include AI, embedded systems, and signal
processing. He can be contacted at
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Rapid development in sketch-to-image translation methods boosts the investigation procedure in law enforcement agencies. But, the large modality gap between manually generated sketches makes this task challenging. Generative adversarial network (GAN) and encoder-decoder approach are usually incorporated to accomplish sketch-to-image generation with promising results. This paper targets the sketch-to-image translation with heterogeneous face angles and lighting effects using a multi-level conditional generative adversarial network. The proposed multi-level cGAN work in four different phases. Three independent cGANs’ networks are incorporated separately into each stage, followed by a CNN classifier. The Adam stochastic gradient descent mechanism was used for training with a learning rate of 0.0002 and momentum estimates β1 and β2 as 0.5 and 0.999, respectively. The multi-level 3D-convolutional architecture help to preserve spatial facial attributes and pixel-level details. The 3D convolution and deconvolution guide the G1 , G2 and G3 to use additional features and attributes for encoding and decoding. This helps to preserve the direction, postures of targeted image attributes and special relationships among the whole image’s features. The proposed framework process the 3D-Convolution and 3D-Deconvolution using vectorization. This process takes the same time as 2D convolution but extracts more features and facial attributes. We used pre-trained ResNet-50, ResNet-101, and Mobile-Net to classify generated high-resolution images from sketches. We have also developed, and state-of-the-art Pakistani Politicians Face-sketch Dataset (PPFD) for experimental purposes. Result reveals that the proposed cGAN model’s framework outperforms with respect to Accuracy, Structural similarity index measure (SSIM), Signal to noise ratio (SNR), and Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).
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Historically, hand-drawn face sketches have been commonly used by Indonesia’s police force, especially to quickly describe a person’s facial features in searching for fugitives based on eyewitness testimony. Several studies have been performed, aiming to increase the effectiveness of the method, such as comparing the facial sketch with the all-points bulletin (DPO in Indonesian terminology) or generating a facial composite. However, making facial composites using an application takes quite a long time. Moreover, when these composites are directly compared to the DPO, the accuracy is insufficient, and thus, the technique requires further development. This study applies a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) to convert a face sketch image into a color face photo with an additional Total Variation (TV) term in the loss function to improve the visual quality of the resulting image. Furthermore, we apply a color correction to adjust the resulting skin tone similar to that of the ground truth. The face image dataset was collected from various sources matching Indonesian skin tone and facial features. We aim to provide a method for Indonesian face sketch-to-photo generation to visualize the facial features more accurately than the conventional method. This approach produces visually realistic photos from face sketches, as well as true skin tones.
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A criminal can be quickly identified and prosecuted using a face sketch based on an eyewitness description . Several applications for converting hand-drawn face drawings and using them to automatically identify and recognize the suspect from the police database have been proposed in the past, but the existing system dealt with some drawbacks. It featured a lot of flaws, including as a limited facial features kit and a cartoonish feel to the constructed suspect face, which made it much more difficult to use these apps and acquire the results and efficiency that were required. In this paper, we present a stand- alone tool that allows users to create composite face sketches of suspects without the need for forensic artists. The application offers a drag-and-drop feature that can match the produced composite facial sketch with the criminal database in real time. This can be done considerably more rapidly and efficiently using deep learning and cloud infrastructure.
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The synthesis of facial sketches is an important technique in digital entertainment and law enforcement agencies. Recent advancements in deep learning have shown its possibility in generating images/sketches using attribute guided features. Facial features are important attributes because they determine human faces' detailed description and appearance during sketch generation. Traditionally, the forensic or composite artist has to sketch by interviewing witnesses manually. To automate this process of face sketch generation, a deep learning-based generative adversarial network incorporated with multiple activation functions is proposed for its efficiency improvement. The proposed model is extensively tested using different evaluation metrics such as RMSE, PSNR, SSIM, SRE, SAM, UIQ & BRISQUE.
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Objective: In practical applications, an image of a face is often partially occluded, which decreases the recognition rate and the robustness. Therefore, in response to this situation, an effective face recognition model based on an improved generative adversarial network (GAN) is proposed. Methods: First, we use a generator composed of an autoencoder and the adversarial learning of two discriminators (local discriminator and global discriminator) to fill and repair an occluded face image. On this basis, the Resnet-50 network is used to perform image restoration on the face. In our recognition framework, we introduce a classification loss function that can quantify the distance between classes. The image generated by the generator can only capture the rough shape of the missing facial components or generate the wrong pixels. To obtain a clearer and more realistic image, this paper uses two discriminators (local discriminator and global discriminator, as mentioned above). The images generated by the proposed method are coherent and minimally influence facial expression recognition. Through experiments, facial images with different occlusion conditions are compared before and after the facial expressions are filled, and the recognition rates of different algorithms are compared. Results: The images generated by the method in this paper are truly coherent and have little impact on facial expression recognition. When the occlusion area is less than 50%, the overall recognition rate of the model is above 80%, which is close to the recognition rate pertaining to the non-occluded images. Conclusions: The experimental results show that the method in this paper has a better restoration effect and higher recognition rate for face images of different occlusion types and regions. Furthermore, it can be used for face recognition in a daily occlusion environment, and achieve a better recognition effect.
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In the recent advancement of machine learning methods for realistic image generation and image translation, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) play a vital role. GAN generates novel samples that look indistinguishable from the real images. The image translation using a generative adversarial network refers to unsupervised learning. In this paper, we translate the thermal images into visible images. Thermal to Visible image translation is challenging due to the non-availability of accurate semantic information and smooth textures. The thermal images contain only single-channel, holding only the images’ luminance with less feature. We develop a new Cyclic Attention-based Generative Adversarial Network for Thermal to Visible Face transformation (TVA-GAN) by incorporating a new attention-based network. We use attention guidance with a recurrent block through an Inception module to reduce the learning space towards the optimum solution.
Conference Paper
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A layout to image (L2I) generation model aims to generate a complicated image containing multiple objects (things) against natural background (stuff), conditioned on a given layout. Built upon the recent advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs), existing L2I models have made great progress. However, a close inspection of their generated images reveals two major limitations: (1) the object-to-object as well as object-to-stuff relations are often broken and (2) each object's appearance is typically distorted lacking the key defining characteristics associated with the object class. We argue that these are caused by the lack of context-aware object and stuff feature encoding in their generators, and location-sensitive appearance representation in their discriminators. To address these limitations, two new modules are proposed in this work. First, a context-aware feature transformation module is introduced in the generator to ensure that the generated feature encoding of either object or stuff is aware of other co-existing objects/stuff in the scene. Second, instead of feeding location-insensitive image features to the discriminator, we use the Gram matrix computed from the feature maps of the generated object images to preserve location-sensitive information, resulting in much enhanced object appearance. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the COCO-Thing-Stuff and Visual Genome benchmarks.
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Usage of sketches for offender recognition has turned out to be one of the law enforcement agencies and defense systems’ typical practices. Usual practices involve producing a convict’s sketch through the crime observer’s explanations. Nevertheless, researches have effectively proved the failure of customary practices as they carry a maximum level of discrepancies in the process of identification. The advent of computer vision techniques has replaced this traditional procedure with intelligent machines capable of ruling out the possible discrepancies, thus assisting the investigation process and considering the relevant points mentioned earlier. This research paper has investigated an adversarial network toward achieving color photograph images out of sketches, which are then classified using pre-trained transfer learning models to accomplish the identification process. Further, to enhance the adversarial network’s performance factor in terms of photogeneration, we also employed a novel sketch generator based on the gamma adjustment technique. Experimental trials are steered with image datasets open to the research community. The trials’ outcomes evidenced that the proposed system achieved the lowest similarity score of 91% and the average identification accuracy of more than 70% on all the datasets. Comparative analysis portrayed in this work also attests that the proposed technique performs ably better than any other state-of-the-art techniques.
Face sketch synthesis, as a key technique for solving face sketch recognition, has made considerable progress in recent years. Due to the difference of modality between face photo and face sketch, traditional exemplar-based methods often lead to missed texture details and deformation while synthesizing sketches. And limited to the local receptive field, Convolutional Neural Networks-based methods cannot deal with the interdependence between features well, which makes the constraint of facial features insufficient; as such, it cannot retain some details in the synthetic image. Moreover, the deeper the network layer is, the more obvious the problems of gradient disappearance and explosion will be, which will lead to instability in the training process. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a multi-scale gradients self-attention residual learning framework for face photo-sketch transformation that embeds a self-attention mechanism in the residual block, making full use of the relationship between features to selectively enhance the characteristics of specific information through self-attention distribution. Simultaneously, residual learning can keep the characteristics of the original features from being destroyed. In addition, the problem of instability in GAN training is alleviated by allowing discriminator to become a function of multi-scale outputs of the generator in the training process. Based on cycle framework, the matching between the target domain image and the source domain image can be constrained while the mapping relationship between the two domains is established so that the tasks of face photo-to-sketch synthesis (FP2S) and face sketch-to-photo synthesis (FS2P) can be achieved simultaneously. Both Image Quality Assessment (IQA) and experiments related to face recognition show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the public benchmarks, whether using FP2S or FS2P.