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Advancements in energy storage technologies: A review across Canada, USA, and Africa



This research explores recent advancements in energy storage technologies across Canada, the United States, and Africa, assessing their economic and environmental impacts. In Canada, the focus is on optimizing renewable integration and grid resilience. The United States witnesses growth in utility-scale projects, influencing grid reliability and fostering economic development. In Africa, off-grid and decentralized solutions address energy access challenges. The financial implications include job creation, industry growth, and cost savings, while environmental benefits range from reduced emissions to improved air quality. Future trends highlight technological advancements, integration with electric vehicles, and regulatory support. Collaborative efforts are essential for navigating these trends and unlocking the potential of energy storage in shaping a sustainable energy future.
*Corresponding author: Onyinyechukwu Chidolue
Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
Advancements in energy storage technologies: A review across Canada, USA, and
Onyinyechukwu Chidolue 1, *, Bright Ngozichukwu 2, Kenneth Ifeanyi Ibekwe 3, Adetomilola Victoria Fafure 4,
Cosmas Dominic Daudu 5 and Valentine Ikenna Illojianya 6
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St Johns, Canada.
2 Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA.
3 Independent Researcher, UK.
4 Department of Physics, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, P.O.Box 43844-00100, Kenya.
5 Nigeria LNG Limited, Bonny Island.
6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, USA.
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 18(01), 001008
Publication history: Received on 03 December 2023; revised on 12 January 2024; accepted on 15 January 2024
Article DOI:
This research explores recent advancements in energy storage technologies across Canada, the United States, and Africa,
assessing their economic and environmental impacts. In Canada, the focus is on optimizing renewable integration and
grid resilience. The United States witnesses growth in utility-scale projects, influencing grid reliability and fostering
economic development. In Africa, off-grid and decentralized solutions address energy access challenges. The financial
implications include job creation, industry growth, and cost savings, while environmental benefits range from reduced
emissions to improved air quality. Future trends highlight technological advancements, integration with electric
vehicles, and regulatory support. Collaborative efforts are essential for navigating these trends and unlocking the
potential of energy storage in shaping a sustainable energy future.
Keywords: Energy Storage Technologies; Renewable Integration; Economic Impacts; Environmental Sustainability
1. Introduction
The global energy landscape is undergoing a transformative shift driven by the imperative to address climate change,
enhance energy security, and meet the increasing power demand. At the forefront of this transition are advancements
in energy storage technologies, which are pivotal in optimizing the integration of renewable energy sources, mitigating
grid instability, and supporting the electrification of various sectors (Aneke & Wang, 2016; Boicea, 2014). Evaluating
energy storage technologies becomes critical as nations strive to decarbonize their energy systems and build resilient
This research focuses on a comprehensive review of recent advancements in energy storage technologies across three
diverse regions: Canada, the United States, and Africa. Each area presents unique challenges and opportunities
stemming from differences in energy infrastructure, economic development, and environmental considerations.
Understanding the state of energy storage technologies in these regions is crucial for their energy transitions. It
contributes to the broader discourse on global sustainable energy development.
In Canada, a country abundant in natural resources, the challenge lies in harnessing its vast renewable energy potential,
including hydroelectric, wind, and solar power (Barrington-Leigh & Ouliaris, 2017). The United States, as one of the
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 18(01), 001008
world's largest energy consumers, grapples with integrating renewables into its extensive and complex grid
infrastructure while ensuring grid reliability (Sovacool, 2018). In contrast, Africa, a continent with a burgeoning
population and evolving energy needs, seeks scalable and decentralized solutions to address energy access challenges
(Baker, 2023; Moner-Girona et al., 2019).
This paper aims to comprehensively understand the current landscape of energy storage technologies in these regions.
By exploring the technological advancements, adoption rates, and policy frameworks in Canada, the United States, and
Africa, we seek to contribute valuable insights that can inform future strategies for sustainable energy development.
Through this comparative analysis, we aim to identify common trends, unique challenges, and potential synergies that
can guide policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders in shaping the future of energy storage on a global scale.
As we delve into the intricate interplay of technological innovation, policy dynamics, and regional peculiarities, the
research seeks to shed light on the complex tapestry of energy storage advancements in these diverse contexts.
2. Energy Landscape in Canada, USA, and Africa
With its vast and diverse geography, Canada boasts a rich energy portfolio predominantly shaped by its abundant
natural resources. The country is a global leader in hydropower generation, harnessing the immense potential of its
rivers. Hydropower and other renewable sources like wind and solar contribute significantly to Canada's electricity mix.
Additionally, Canada has been exploring innovative technologies such as energy storage and advanced grid systems to
optimize the integration of renewable energy and address the intermittency inherent in some renewable sources. The
energy landscape in Canada is also influenced by its oil and gas sector, particularly in regions such as Alberta (Mansell
& Schlenker, 2004). The juxtaposition of abundant renewables and traditional fossil fuels presents opportunities and
challenges as the nation strives to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability (Barman et al., 2023;
Hossain, Singh, Sharma, Apostu, & Bansal, 2023).
The United States, as a global economic powerhouse, maintains a multifaceted energy landscape characterized by a
diverse mix of energy sources. Coal, natural gas, and nuclear power have historically played significant roles in the U.S.
energy matrix (Lesage & Van de Graaf, 2016; Marshall, 2017). However, there has been a substantial shift towards
cleaner and more sustainable alternatives in recent years (Adeniyi et al., 2020). Renewable energy, including wind and
solar, has experienced remarkable growth, driven by supportive policies and declining costs (Timilsina, Kurdgelashvili,
& Narbel, 2012). The U.S. is at the forefront of technological innovations in energy storage, exploring grid-scale battery
systems and other advanced storage solutions. The challenge lies in effectively integrating these technologies into a vast
and interconnected grid while ensuring reliability and resilience (Sen & Ganguly, 2017).
Africa, a continent marked by demographic dynamism and varying levels of economic development, faces a unique set
of energy challenges and opportunities (Rotberg, 2013). Many of the African population still lack access to reliable and
affordable electricity. Consequently, there is a growing emphasis on expanding energy infrastructure, focusing on
decentralized and off-grid solutions (Bhattacharyya & Palit, 2021). Renewable energy, particularly solar and wind, holds
tremendous potential for addressing Africa's energy needs. Innovative approaches, such as mobile-based payment
systems and community-driven energy projects, are emerging as catalysts for sustainable energy development (Aliyu,
Modu, & Tan, 2018; Shaaban & Petinrin, 2014). As Africa pursues a path towards electrification, integrating energy
storage technologies becomes crucial to enhance grid stability and support intermittent renewable sources.
In these regions, the energy landscape is intricately linked to economic, social, and environmental factors.
Understanding the nuances of these landscapes is essential for evaluating the feasibility and impact of energy storage
technologies and ensuring that solutions align with each region's unique characteristics and aspirations.
3. Types of Energy Storage Technologies
Battery Storage Systems: They have emerged as a cornerstone in the evolution of energy storage technologies.
Lithium-ion batteries, mainly, have gained prominence due to their high energy density, efficiency, and
declining costs (Zhang, Wei, Cao, & Lin, 2018). These batteries find applications on various scales, from small-
scale residential installations to large grid-connected systems. Other types of batteries, including flow and
sodium-ion batteries, are also under exploration, offering unique advantages for specific use cases (Olabi et al.,
Pumped Hydro Storage: It remains one of the most established and widely deployed forms of grid-scale energy
storage. This technology utilizes the gravitational potential energy of water by pumping water from a lower
reservoir to an upper reservoir during periods of low electricity demand. During peak demand, the stored water
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 18(01), 001008
is released, flowing downhill and driving turbines to generate electricity. Pumped hydro storage is known for
its high efficiency and long cycle life (Akinyele & Rayudu, 2014).
Thermal Energy Storage: It encompasses various methods of storing energy in heat. Molten salt, for example, is
used in concentrated solar power plants to store and release thermal energy, allowing for continuous electricity
generation even when the sun is not shining. Phase change materials and sensible heat storage are other
thermal energy storage technologies employed in diverse applications, such as space heating, industrial
processes, and solar water heaters (Vignarooban, Xu, Arvay, Hsu, & Kannan, 2015).
Flywheel Energy Storage: These systems store energy in the form of kinetic energy. A spinning rotor within a
vacuum or low-friction enclosure retains power. When electricity is needed, the rotor's kinetic energy is
converted back into electricity. Flywheels offer rapid response times and can contribute to grid stability by
providing short-duration energy storage (Amiryar & Pullen, 2017).
Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES): It involves compressing air and storing it in underground caverns or
other structures. During periods of high electricity demand, the compressed air is released and expanded
through turbines to generate electricity. CAES is recognized for its scalability and ability to provide large-scale
energy storage, making it suitable for integrating renewable energy sources (Gür, 2018).
Hydrogen Storage: It is gaining attention as a potential medium for long-term and large-scale energy storage.
Electrolysis is used to produce hydrogen from excess electricity, and the stored hydrogen can be converted
back into electricity through fuel cells or other methods when needed. Hydrogen storage is particularly relevant
for applications where direct electrification is challenging (Abdalla et al., 2018; Johnson et al., 2023).
Supercapacitors: These energy storage devices bridge the gap between traditional capacitors and batteries.
They offer rapid charging and discharging capabilities, making them suitable for applications that require high
power bursts. Supercapacitors find use in transportation, regenerative braking systems, and short-duration
energy storage applications (Hemmati & Saboori, 2016; Sumangala, Sreekanth, & Rahaman, 2021).
As advancements in energy storage technologies continue, exploring hybrid systems and novel materials contributes to
diverse solutions. Each technology type has unique strengths and limitations, and the selection depends on factors such
as application, scale, and regional considerations. The evolving landscape of energy storage technologies plays a pivotal
role in shaping the future of sustainable energy systems across the globe.
4. Adoption and Implementation
The adoption and implementation of energy storage technologies represent a dynamic interplay between technological
advancements, economic considerations, and regulatory frameworks. Examining the current status of these
technologies in Canada, the United States, and Africa provides insights into regional nuances and global trends.
In Canada, the nation's commitment to clean energy and its vast renewable resources influence the adoption of energy
storage technologies. Provinces such as Ontario have been pioneers in integrating energy storage into the grid,
leveraging technologies like lithium-ion batteries and pumped hydro storage. The country's progressive energy policies
and financial incentives have encouraged the deployment of energy storage systems at both utility and community
levels. Microgrid projects, combining renewable energy sources with energy storage, have gained traction in remote
and off-grid areas, enhancing energy reliability. However, the vast geographical expanse of Canada poses logistical
challenges, requiring innovative approaches for efficiently deploying energy storage technologies across diverse
landscapes (Choudhury, 2022).
In the United States, the adoption of energy storage technologies has experienced significant growth, driven by a
combination of federal and state-level policies, declining costs, and a focus on grid resilience. Several states, including
California and New York, have implemented ambitious energy storage targets, fostering a conducive environment for
investment and innovation. Utility-scale projects utilizing battery storage systems have been deployed to address peak
demand, enhance grid stability, and facilitate the integration of renewable energy. Furthermore, behind-the-meter
installations have become increasingly common, particularly in the residential and commercial sectors. The Federal
Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and other incentives have played a pivotal role in stimulating the deployment of energy
storage technologies across the country (Sabir, 2019).
Adopting energy storage technologies in Africa is characterized by diverse approaches tailored to the continent's unique
energy landscape. Off-grid and decentralized solutions, including solar home systems and mini-grids with battery
storage, are instrumental in addressing energy access challenges in rural areas. Countries like South Africa are exploring
utility-scale projects, incorporating energy storage to enhance grid reliability and support renewable energy integration
(Fourie, 2018). Innovative financing models, including pay-as-you-go systems, have facilitated the affordability of small-
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 18(01), 001008
scale energy storage solutions for households and businesses. However, challenges such as limited infrastructure and
financing constraints present hurdles to widespread adoption (Oyewo, Sterl, Khalili, & Breyer, 2023).
Globally, the adoption of energy storage technologies is witnessing a paradigm shift as countries seek to enhance energy
security, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and modernize their power systems. Integrating artificial intelligence and
smart grid technologies further optimizes the deployment and operation of energy storage systems. The rise of electric
vehicles (EVs) has also contributed to the growth of stationary energy storage, as repurposed EV batteries find a second
life in stationary applications (Colarullo & Thakur, 2022; Thakur, de Almeida, & Baskar, 2022). The concept of "stacking"
services, wherein energy storage systems provide multiple grid services simultaneously, is gaining prominence,
maximizing the economic value of these investments (Marnell, Obi, & Bass, 2019; Schmitt & Sanford, 2018).
5. Economic and Environmental Impacts
The deployment of energy storage technologies is not merely a technological shift but carries profound economic and
environmental implications. Assessing these impacts in the context of Canada, the United States, and Africa provides a
nuanced understanding of the role of energy storage in shaping sustainable energy transitions.
5.1. Economic Impacts
In Canada, the economic impacts of energy storage technologies are multifaceted. The integration of grid-scale energy
storage enhances the reliability and stability of the electricity grid, reducing the need for costly grid infrastructure
upgrades. This, in turn, contributes to cost savings for utilities and consumers alike. Additionally, the growth of the
energy storage sector fosters job creation, with opportunities arising in the manufacturing, installation, and
maintenance of storage systems. The economic benefits extend to developing a robust energy storage industry,
attracting investments, and fostering innovation. As energy storage becomes a key enabler for integrating renewable
energy sources, it bolsters Canada's position in the global clean energy market (Anuta, Taylor, Jones, McEntee, & Wade,
2014; Peters, Axsen, & Mallett, 2018).
In the United States, the economic impacts of energy storage technologies are evident in the evolving energy landscape.
Utilizing utility-scale battery storage systems contributes to grid reliability, reducing the need for peaker plants and
minimizing the economic costs associated with power outages. Moreover, the growth of the energy storage industry
stimulates economic activity, creating jobs and supporting local economies. Energy storage systems also play a pivotal
role in enhancing the economic viability of renewable energy projects. By mitigating the intermittent nature of solar
and wind power, these technologies contribute to the stability of the power supply, attracting further investments in
clean energy (Higgins, 2014; Wali et al., 2024).
In Africa, the economic impacts of energy storage technologies are closely tied to efforts to address energy access
challenges. Off-grid and decentralized energy storage solutions empower communities by providing reliable electricity
and catalyzing economic development. Small-scale projects, such as solar home systems with battery storage, contribute
to the growth of local businesses, improving livelihoods. The affordability and scalability of energy storage solutions
and innovative financing models unlock economic opportunities for individuals and companies. As the continent seeks
to expand its energy infrastructure, the economic benefits of adopting energy storage technologies become instrumental
in fostering sustainable development (Pachauri et al., 2012).
5.2. Environmental Impacts
The environmental impacts of energy storage technologies in Canada are aligned with the nation's commitment to
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources, energy storage
contributes to the displacement of fossil fuel-based generation, reducing overall carbon emissions. Additionally,
advancements in battery technologies promote the electrification of transportation, further reducing reliance on
traditional combustion engines. The environmental benefits extend to the conservation of natural resources,
particularly in provinces where hydropower is prevalent. Energy storage systems enable better utilization of renewable
resources, minimizing ecological disruption associated with alternative forms of energy generation (Janzen, Davis, &
Kumar, 2020; Jordaan et al., 2017).
In the United States, the environmental impacts of energy storage technologies are pivotal in pursuing clean energy
goals (Dell & Rand, 2001). Deploying battery storage and other technologies supports the transition from fossil fuel-
based peaker plants, improving air quality and reducing emissions (Fitch, 2019). Integrating energy storage with
renewable energy projects enhances the environmental sustainability of the entire energy system. Furthermore, using
repurposed electric vehicle batteries for stationary energy storage applications extends the environmental benefits
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 18(01), 001008
across sectors. As the transportation sector embraces electric vehicles, batteries' life cycle ecological impact becomes
increasingly favorable (Faria et al., 2013).
In Africa, the environmental impacts of energy storage technologies are intertwined with efforts to leapfrog traditional
energy development pathways (Ofori-Amoah, 2020). By promoting decentralized and off-grid solutions, energy storage
reduces the reliance on diesel generators and other polluting sources in remote areas (López-Castrillón, Sepúlveda, &
Mattar, 2021). This, in turn, mitigates local environmental degradation and improves air quality. Adopting clean energy
technologies, facilitated by energy storage, aligns with global efforts to combat climate change (Victor & Great C, 2021).
As Africa seeks to expand its energy infrastructure, emphasizing sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions
becomes imperative for long-term environmental stewardship (Omisore, 2018).
6. Future Trends and Outlook
As the global energy landscape continues to evolve, the future of energy storage technologies holds promise and
potential for transformative advancements. Examining the trajectory of these technologies in Canada, the United States,
and Africa provides valuable insights into emerging trends and their implications for sustainable energy transitions.
In Canada, ongoing research and development efforts focus on advancing energy storage technologies tailored to the
nation's diverse energy mix. Innovations in grid-scale battery storage, particularly exploring next-generation
chemistries beyond lithium-ion, aim to enhance energy density, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Additionally,
research into advanced materials and smart grid technologies is expected to optimize the integration of renewables and
improve overall grid resilience. The future may see a convergence of energy storage with other innovative technologies,
such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, to create intelligent and decentralized energy systems. As Canada seeks to
capitalize on its abundant renewable resources, the integration of energy storage technologies is poised to play a central
role in shaping the future of the nation's energy landscape.
In the United States, the future trends in energy storage technologies revolve around scaling up existing solutions and
exploring novel approaches. Continued advancements in lithium-ion battery technologies are expected, focusing on
increasing energy density and extending cycle life. Grid-scale projects will likely grow in capacity, supported by energy
management systems and grid optimization advances. Integrating energy storage with renewable energy projects is
expected to deepen, with a rise in hybrid systems that combine solar, wind, and storage technologies. Moreover,
innovations in long-duration energy storage, such as flow batteries and thermal storage, are poised to address the need
for reliable energy supply during extended periods.
In Africa, future trends in energy storage technologies are shaped by the imperative to leapfrog traditional energy
development pathways. The focus on decentralized and off-grid solutions will continue, with advancements in small-
scale battery technologies and innovative financing models. Mobile-based payment systems and community-driven
projects may further accelerate the adoption of energy storage solutions in remote areas. The continent may witness a
proliferation of microgrid projects integrating solar and battery storage to provide reliable electricity to underserved
communities. As Africa embraces renewable energy, the future outlook includes a gradual shift from centralized power
systems toward distributed and resilient energy infrastructure.
The increasing adoption of electric vehicles globally is anticipated to impact energy storage technologies profoundly. In
Canada and the United States, the repurposing of EV batteries for stationary storage applications is likely to become
more widespread, extending the life cycle and economic viability of these batteries. This dual-use approach aligns with
sustainability goals and enhances the overall efficiency of energy systems. In Africa, where the adoption of EVs is in its
nascent stages, the potential synergy between electric mobility and stationary energy storage presents an opportunity
for integrated and sustainable transportation and energy solutions. The future may see collaborative efforts between
the transportation and energy sectors to create holistic and interconnected systems.
The future outlook for energy storage technologies is intricately tied to the regulatory and policy frameworks governing
their deployment. In Canada and the United States, the continuation of supportive policies, including incentives,
mandates, and streamlined permitting processes, is crucial for fostering a conducive environment for investment and
innovation. Clear and stable regulatory frameworks can provide the necessary certainty for industry stakeholders,
encouraging long-term planning and development. In Africa, where policy landscapes are evolving, the future may
witness the formulation of targeted policies that incentivize the adoption of energy storage technologies, especially in
regions with limited grid infrastructure. Integrating energy storage into national energy plans and strategies can unlock
financial support and facilitate international collaborations.
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 18(01), 001008
7. Conclusion
In conclusion, the trajectory of energy storage technologies in Canada, the United States, and Africa holds immense
promise for shaping sustainable energy transitions. Ongoing technological advancements, particularly in battery
storage, coupled with the integration of electric vehicles, are driving innovation across diverse energy landscapes. The
economic and environmental impacts are evident, with benefits ranging from job creation to reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. The future trends indicate a continued focus on scaling up existing solutions, exploring novel technologies,
and aligning regulatory frameworks to support industry growth. Each region's unique challenges and opportunities
present a canvas for tailored strategies, from enhancing grid resilience in Canada to fostering decentralized solutions in
As we anticipate the next phase of energy storage development, collaboration among policymakers, industry
stakeholders, and communities becomes imperative. By navigating these trends collectively, we can unlock the full
potential of energy storage technologies, contributing to a resilient, reliable, and sustainable energy future on a global
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No conflict of interest to be disclosed.
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Alongside the concern for environmental sustainability, the concept of Circular Economy, a term for an economic system designed to regenerate itself, has gained momentum. Circularity finds full expression in Local Energy Communities (LEC), a newly emerging setup wherein the local energy needs of a community are met independently, through the choice of shared solutions for energy production from renewable sources. Erstwhile the use of stationary energy storage systems for self-consumption optimization, load management, peak shaving, backup power and ancillary services, would foster the value of these Local Energy Communities. In this paper, we design a techno-economic analysis to assess the impact of the usage of Second-life Batteries for increasing the energy self-independence of those communities. A cost-minimization approach with technical and economic constraints is used for the analysis and is applied to a use case of Italy. This paper assesses the benefits that a Local Energy Community can entail while considering self-consumption maximization of PV generation, load shifting and grid balancing needs, while addressing the problem of high storage costs through the exploitation of second-life electric vehicles (EV) batteries, adding an extra layer for circularity. Scenarios related to maximizing the self-consumption of photovoltaic generation and demand side management are designed considering four different LEC technology configurations. The results confirm LEC viability, showing lower energy bills for each scenario and greater benefits coupling a solar generation system with a storage solution.
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By 2030 the sales of electric vehicles (EV) are set to increase six to thirty folds compared to the levels of 2019 thereby leading to an increase of discarded EV batteries. This creates a challenge to sustainably handle the waste by repurpose and recycling the EV batteries.. In this paper, a method to analyze the usage of EV batteries throughout their life cycle in light of their contributions to a circular economy is proposed. The study is divided into two stages which is modelled with mixed-integer linear optimization. Stage 1 considers the optimal charging strategy for an EV, taking into account the techno-economic constraints. Stage 2 represents the second life of the battery (SLB) as stationary energy storage in a residential building. Scenarios are created with stage 1 having smart charging and Vehicle to Grid (V2G) options while stage 2 has options of demand-side management and/or PV self-consumption maximization. A sensitivity analysis is further performed to assess the impact of electricity prices. The results are analysed to assess the operational lifetime and economic savings for an EV owner through operational optimization in both stages for various scenarios. The results show that SLB can extend the lifetime of a EV battery by 3–5 years while allowing savings of above 23% with its usage in a residential building.
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While recent years have seen the rapid growth of off-grid solar power, ten per cent of the world’s population, the majority in sub-Saharan Africa, still lack access to electricity. Meanwhile, standalone solar home systems using pay as you go (PAYGO) mobile money have been proposed as a key solution to meeting the target of universal access to energy under Sustainable Development Goal 7. These systems are being deployed in various regions of the global South, including East Africa and to a lesser extent West Africa. I investigate how through PAYGO, off-grid solar electricity in sub-Saharan Africa is being transformed into a cash flow, a financial asset and a conduit for consumer debt. In so doing I analyse evolving relationships between some of the key actors and institutions involved in this process, including mobile banking platforms such as M-Pesa, ‘next generation utilities’ such as M-KOPA and BBOXX, and powerful mobile network operators such as Safaricom and MTN. Theoretically I conceptualise energy access as a new frontier of ‘electricity capital’, a developing field from political economy and energy geography, which is concerned with the way in which technological developments in the electricity sector are reconfiguring relationships between different institutions of the state, industry, finance, and users.
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The objective of this review is to present the characteristics and trends in hybrid renewable energy systems for remote off-grid communities. Traditionally, remote off-grid communities have used diesel oil-based system to generate electricity. Increased technological options and lower costs have resulted in the adoption of hybrid renewable energy-based systems. The evaluated 168 studies from the period 2002-2019 considered energy developments in Asia, northern Europe, Africa and South America, with the great majority in the northern hemisphere (n = 152, 90.5%). Many of the studied systems were located in tropical (44.1%) and subtropical areas (31.0%). Our review shows that most of the studied approaches combined photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy, and that diesel generators are the preferred backup system (61.3%), while batteries are the preferred method of energy storage (80.4%). Communities far from coasts have more options for renewable energy sources, such as biogas. Although half the studies were related to communities with access to marine-based renewable energy resources, their use was only referred to in fifteen studies. In terms of trends, the studies show mature development of PV and wind-power technology for off-grid hybrid systems independent of the latitude, which is preferred for being proven and accessible methods. The preferred storage method is batteries, and diesel is the preferred backup system given the low efficiency of PV and the intermittent character of wind power.
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Melon seed husk (MSH) biochar was used in a single cell direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) as an alternative biofuel. The DCFCs belong to a generation of energy conversion devices that are characterised with higher efficiencies, lower emission of pollutants and MSH biochar as the fuel. Several analytical techniques (proximate, ultimate and thermo-chemical analysis) were employed to analyse the characteristics of the biomass fuel, their effects on the cell’s performance, and the electrochemical reactions between the fuel and the electrolyte in the system. High carbon content and calorific values are some of the parameters responsible for good performances. The performance of a lab-scale DCFC made of ceramic tubes using molten carbonate electrolyte was investigated. Binary carbonates mixture (Na2CO3-K2CO3, 38-62 mol.%) was used as electrolyte and the waste MSH carbonised at 450oC as biofuel. A practical evaluation of the fuel used in the DCFC system was conducted, for varying temperature of 100 - 800oC. The maximum open circuit voltage (OCV) was 0.71 V. With an applied load resistance and active surface area of 5.73 cm2 the maximum power density was 5.50 mWcm-2 and the current density was 29.67 mAcm-2 at 800oC.
The worsening energy crisis, growing environmental consciousness, and the detrimental consequences of climate change, prompted governments to reduce carbon footprints. One of the approaches involved is adopting green energy technology to charge electric vehicles (EVs). The US Department of Energy estimates that EVs may effectively use 60% of the input energy while driving, twice as much as traditional fossil fuel-based vehicles. Although EVs are tremendously efficient, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions they can reduce relies on the source of electricity needed to power them. To summarize the role of RE as a viable charging alternative, in this study, we analyze four essential elements of EV charging infrastructure, RE-enabled smart charging approaches, utility interest and associated challenges and opportunities. First, the existing RE sources employed for EV charging are discussed with their global adoption, advantages and drawbacks and the leading countries. Second, we presented a thorough investigation of energy storage technologies, charging systems, related power electronics, and smart grid integration to facilitate the adoption of RE in EVs. Third, we discussed in-depth the many industry-implemented smart charging approaches with RE in light of the most recent global trend in EV energy usage. Finally, given the inherent challenges associated with realizing the sustainable transition, we discuss the technological challenges and opportunities related to grid integration, renovation, standardization, maintenance, network security and resource optimization. The authors believe this manuscript will serve as an information cornerstone for all the involved parties and scientific communication to gain a deeper understanding and contribute.
In purifying the world’s atmosphere and deterring the negative externalities from the excessive usage of fossil fuels, researchers have indoctrinated the global community to look for alternatives to fossil fuels, which is also in line with the Glasgow Climate Pact (COP26). To unveil how to absorb energy depletion shock, this paper turns the spotlight on the dynamic relationship between CO2 emissions, energy depletion, renewable energy development, and economic growth in the USA, spanning from 1980 to 2019. We have applied the novel dynamic ARDL model to reach our empirical conclusions. Our results unveil that economic growth negatively affects the USA’s ecological balance. We observe that energy depletion negatively affects CO2 emissions in the short and long-term, ameliorating USA’s environmental sustainability. Additionally, the transition to renewables lessens the overall pollution in the long-run. Overall, energy depletion can fix the loopholes within the USA’s natural environment and atmosphere; however, it can be scary for higher authorities, given that it may curb economic growth. Therefore, the USA should judiciously estimate and juxtapose the costs and benefits of energy depletion and transition to renewables. If the cost is too high, the country can consider a phase-to-phase transition rather than a complete 100% transition.
Decarbonizing the chemical industry and achieving carbon-neutral energy is paramount to the sustainability of the human species on earth. Electrocatalysis using transition metal-based catalysts plays a major role in achieving this task. In this work, we present an overview on the application of transition metal-based catalysts in electrocatalytic reactions. We particularly focus on the advancement of the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), oxygen evolution reaction (OER), oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR), and carbon dioxide reduction reaction (CO2RR) using transition metal electrocatalysts. We also aim to highlight the major achievements in these fields and the limitations in their large-scale industrial applications. Different transition metal catalysts are discussed, from 3-dimensional to 1- to 0-dimensional structures. We place special attention to the emerging transition metal catalysts such as 2-dimensional carbide and nitride MXenes and single atom catalysts. Lastly, we offer recommendation for future research directions for the aforementioned electrocatalysis fields using transition metal electrocatalysts. This work will ultimately help both existing and incoming researchers in these fields in providing the state-of-the-art research findings and identifying the major challenges that must be addressed in order to attain carbon-neutral energy.
Microgrids (MGs) have emerged as a viable solution for consumers consisting of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and local loads within a smaller zone that can operate either in an autonomous or grid tide mode. The DERs usually utilize Renewable Energy Resources (RERs), which have the advantages of meeting enhanced power demand, mitigating the pollutants of the environment, natural source of energy, needs minimal maintenance and cheap. Although MG integration provides several benefits, it faces many challenges and issues in its control and management, which can be effectively dealt with incorporating Energy Storage System (ESS) technologies into MGs. The addition of ESS to MGs has acquired increased attention as ESS can store energy during off-peak hours and deliver when required during peak hours. However, despite so many benefits, the ESS faces numerous issues in its integration, such as control, protection, state of charge (SoC), state of discharge (SoD), safety, life span, capacity, reliability and cost. So, to enhance the application of ESS in MG, the above issues need to be dealt with seriously. This research paper highlights the integration of ESS for MG application with a comprehensive review of issues, control methods, challenges, solutions, application, and overall management prospects. Further, the future trends and real time applications are also elucidated, which remarkably contributes to developing a cost effective and robust ESS architecture having a longer life span for renewable MGs application. Thus, an overview of this survey article's projected insights contributes to developing a techno-economic and effective integration of ESS with an extended life cycle for green MG employment.
This paper critically examines the literature on the grid-offgrid debate and discusses the role of and the relationship between different electricity access options through a synthesis and critical reflection. This paper finds that models using greater resolution and capturing low voltage distribution infrastructure appear to recommend decentralised electricity solutions, whereas central grid extension emerges as the preferred outcome of more aggregated analysis, concentrated population clusters and for higher demand scenarios. However, model results are seriously influenced by assumptions, data limitations, technology choice options, and model flexibility. Exclusion of cost of generation for grid systems, lack of village level information, inherent bias towards scale and type of technology, and absence of social equity considerations in the analysis remain major weaknesses of the existing models. Universal electrification requires a strong leadership and an enabling environment. An appropriate organizational set-up, a robust regulatory framework with reporting and evaluation oversight and a more inclusive approach to promote alternative options are vital ingredients. Power sector decarbonization pathways may affect electrification choices but our understanding is limited or lacking. Further work is required to develop a programmatic approach to delivery and more affordable and fairer outcome for all.