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Morphological characteristics and phylogenetic evidence reveal two new species and the first report of Comoclathris (Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales) on dicotyledonous plants from China

Pensoft Publishers

Abstract and Figures

Two novel Comoclathris species were identified from dicotyledonous plants ( Clematis sp. and Xanthoceras sorbifolium ) in China. The results were supported by morphological characters and Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) analyses. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses of the ITS, LSU, SSU and rpb 2 sequences revealed two new species Comoclathris clematidis and C. xanthoceratis , which are phylogenetically distinct. The new species are phylogenetically closely related to C. arrhenatheri. However, they are distinguishable from C. arrhenatheri by having comparatively larger asci and ascospores. This study improves our knowledge of Comoclathris as no species has been previously described from China. This suggests such taxa may be rare and it is likely that new taxa will be discovered from hosts and environments that have not yet been extensively investigated.
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Morphological characteristics and phylogenetic evidence reveal two
new species and the rst report of Comoclathris (Pleosporaceae,
Pleosporales) on dicotyledonous plants from China
Rong Xu1,2 , Wenxin Su2, Yang Wang3, Shangqing Tian2, Yu Li1, Chayanard Phukhamsakda2,4
1 School of Food Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China
2 Internationally Cooperative Research Center of China for New Germplasm Breeding of Edible Mushroom, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China
3 College of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, 110866, China
4 Center of Excellence Win Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand
Corresponding authors: Chayanard Phukhamsakda (; Yu Li (
Copyright: © Rong Xu et al.
This is an open access article distributed under
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (Attribution 4.0 International –
CC BY 4.0).
Research Article
Two novel ComoclathrisClematis
sp. and Xanthoceras sorbifolium) in China. The results were supported by morpholog-
      
     rpb2 sequences revealed
two new species Comoclathris clematidis and C. xanthoceratis, which are phylogenet-
ically distinct. The new species are phylogenetically closely related to C. arrhenatheri.
  C. arrhenatheri by having comparatively larger
Comoclathris as no species
been extensively investigated.
Key words: Ascomycota, Clematis, new species, saprobes, taxonomy, Xanthoceras
     Comoclathris with C. lanata Clem as
the type species. The species was originally assigned to the Diademace-
      
  Comoclathris   
Platyspora      Comoclathris has been associated
with an asexual morph resembling Alternaria  
   
 Comoclathris compressa        
        
       Comoclathris
was placed into Pleosporaceae, based on phylogenetic evidence coupled with
Academic editor: R. Phookamsak
20 September 2023
26 December 2023
12 January 2024
Citation: Xu R, Su W, Wang Y, Tian
S, Li Y, Phukhamsakda C (2024)
Morphological characteristics and
phylogenetic evidence reveal two
new species and the rst report
of Comoclathris (Pleosporaceae,
Pleosporales) on dicotyledonous
plants from China. MycoKeys 101:
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024)
DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Comoclathris     Pleospora, Pleoseptum and
Clathrospora        
with a single longitudinal septum and ascomata with circular lid-like opening
    
Thirty-eight epithets have been recorded as Comoclathris in Species Fungo-
          
C. lanata. Comoclathris    
    
Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Swit-
           Comoclathris spe-
        Comoclathris species
C. clematidis and C. xanthoceratis      
are described. The morphology was compared to other Comoclathris species.
and rpb 
Comoclathris on dicot-
yledonous plants in China.
Materials and methods
Sample collection, morphological study and isolation
         
       
     
  
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
  
    
DNA extraction, PCR amplication and sequencing
 
   
           
Sequencing and sequence alignment
     
     
Neocamarosporium betae
N. calvescens-
Phylogenetic analysis
    
          
         
         
 rpb   
     
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Table 1.          
strains are indicated in bold and the newly-generated sequences are shown in cells with light grey shading.
Taxa Strain Host/Substrate Country GenBank accession numbers References
     
C. antarctica WA0000074564 Soil Antarctica MW040594 MW040597 
C. arrhenatheri  Arrhenatherum elatius      
C. arrhenatheri  Dactylis glomerata    
C. clematidis CCMJ 13076 Clematis sp. China OQ534243 OQ534239 OQ676454 OQ547800 This study
C. clematidis  Clematis sp. China    
C. compressa  Castilleja miniata     
C. compressa     
C. europaeae MFLU 20-0391  MT370396 MT370421 MT370367 MT729650 
C. ammulae MFLU 20-0397 Clematis ammula Italy MT370397 MT370422 MT370368 MT729651
C. ammulae  Colutea arborescens    
C. galatellae MFLUCC 18-0773 Galatella villosa Ukraine MN632549 MN632550 MN632551 
C. incompta  Olea europaea     
C. incompta  Olea europaea Tunisia   
C. italica MFLUCC 15-0073 Thalictrum sp.  KX500109 –––
C. lini MFLUCC 14-0968 Linum sp.  KR049218 KR049219 KT210389 
C. lini  Ononis spinosa    
C. lonicerae MFLU 20-0385 Lonicera sp.  MT370394 MT370419 MT370365 MT729649 
C. lonicerae  Colutea arborescens     
C. permunda  Phleum sp.     
C. pimpinellae MFLUCC 14-1159 Pimpinella tragium Russia KU987665 KU987666 KU987667 
C. rosae MFLU 15-0203 Rosa canina Italy MG828876 MG828992 MG829103 MG829249 
C. rosae  Rosa canina     
C. rosarum MFLUCC 14-0962 Rosa canina Italy MG828878 MG828994 MG829105 MG829251
C. rosigena MFLU 16-0229 Rosa canina Italy MG828879 MG828995 MG829106 MG829252
C. sedi MFLUCC 13-0763 Rosa sp. Italy KP334717 KP334707 KP334727 
C. sedi  Sedum sp.    
C. spartii MFLUCC 13-0214 Spartium junceum Italy KM577159 KM577160 KM577161 
C. typhicola  Netherlands   
C. xanthoceratis CCMJ 13078 Xanthoceras sorbifolium China OQ534245 OQ534241 OQ676456 OQ547802 This study
C. xanthoceratis  Xanthoceras sorbifolium China    
 Beta vulgaris Netherlands     
N. calvescens  Atriplex calotheca      
          
  
          
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Phylogenetic analyses
rpb2) sequence dataset consisted
   -
 
   -
netic results demonstrated that Comoclathris clematidis and C. xanthoceratis
C. arrhenatheri with strong statisti-
Comoclathris clematidis
 C. xanthoceratis 
Comoclathris clematidis R. Xu, Phukhams. & Y. Li, sp. nov.
Fig. 2
Description. Saprobic     Clematis species. Sexual
morph: Ascomatax
scattered or aggregated in small groups, immersed to erumpent, subglobose,
elongated, black, without a distinct ostiole. Peridium
textura an-
gularis, dark brown to black. Hamathecium
 -
physes, hyaline, embedded in a gelatinous matrix, extending above the asci.
situnicate, cylindrical-clavate, short pedicellate, apically rounded, with an ocu-
lar chamber. Ascosporesx
septa and a vertical septum in second and third cells, constricted at the septa,
with obtuse ends, smooth-walled, surrounded by a thick mucilaginous sheath.
Asexual morph
Culture characteristics.
 
white mycelium at the edge.
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Figure 1.rpb2 data-
 Comoclathris. The tree is rooted with Neocamarosporium betaeN. calvescens 
the nodes. The new isolates are indicated in orange. The type strains are in bold and labelled with T.
Material examined.    
  Clematis        
  holotype      
Notes.Comoclathris clematidis
     C. xanthoceratis    
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
     Comoclathris   Comoclathris
clematidis     Clematis species in the subtropical
        Comoclathris species are
 C. incompta
Comoclathris clematidis
C. ammulaeClematis
  C. clematidis  
Comoclathris clematidis
Comoclathris sediClematis by having larger asci
C. clema-
C. xanthoceratis are immersed to semi-immersed and
covered with dark brown setae. Comoclathris clematidis has cylindrical-clavate
asci and verrucose or echinulate ascospore walls, while C. xanthoceratis has
C. clematidis and C. xanthoc-
C. xanthocera-
tis     rpb
    
gaps), respectively.
        C. permunda 
 
   C. lini   
    
Comoclathris clematidis was introduced as a novel species.
Comoclathris xanthoceratis R. Xu, Phukhams. & Y. Li, sp. nov.
Fig. 3
Description. Saprobic     Xanthoceras sorbifolium. Sexual
morph: Ascomata
 x
      -
globose, black, elongated, covered with dark brown setae, without a distinct
ostiole. Peridium         
  textura angularis  
textura angularis, hyaline. Hamathecium
rarely branched pseudoparaphyses, extending above the asci. Asci
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Figure 2. Comoclathris clematidisA, BC vertical
D peridium E pseudoparaphyses F–H asci I–O ascospores P, Q 
BCE–H, OD, I–N).
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Figure 3. Comoclathris xanthoceratisA–CD ver-
    E peridium F pseudoparaphyses G–J H, I      
K–Q ascospores R
CDG–JE, K–QF).
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
short pedicellate, apically rounded, with an ocular chamber. Ascospores 23–42
with 3 transverse septa and a vertical septum in second and third cells, brown
to dark brown, with obtuse ends, smooth-walled, surrounded by a thick muci-
laginous sheath. Asexual morph
Culture characteristics.
    
reverse reddish, white mycelium present at the margin.
Material examined. Xan-
thoceras sorbifolium  -
Notes. Comoclathris xanthoceratis
related to C. clematidis     
         C. arrhenatheri
        
C. arrhenatheri are smaller than C. clema-
tidis and C. xanthoceratisC. arrhenatheri vs. C. clematidis vs. C. xanthoceratis
Comoclathris arrhenatheri have ascospores with 4 transverse septa and 2–3 ver-
tical septa, while C. clematidis and C. xanthoceratis only have 3 transverse septa
    C. arrhenatheri are short-
er than C. clematidis and C. xanthoceratisC. arrhenatheri vs. C. clematidis vs.
C. xanthoceratis
C. xanthoceratis and C. ar-
C. xanthoceratis is introduced as a new species, based on morphological and
         Comoclathris species
Xanthoceras sorbifolium.
    -
 Comoclathris  
       
  
division, based on molecular phylogeny alone, has been inaccurate. For example,
C. lini as a new species, although C. lini grouped
in a well-supported clade with C. sediComoclathris lini is
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Table 2.Comoclathris species with the newly-introduced species in bold.
Taxa Sexual Morph Asexual morph Reference
Ascomata Asci Ascospores Conidiomata Conidia
in groups, dark brown to almost black,
strongly enclosed in aerial hyphae, ovoid to
spherical, without distinct ostiole, neck very
bitunicate with a rounded apex.
to pale brown, elongated, asymmetrical with a
apical cell not divided.
 
C. arrhenatheri 
or aggregated in small groups, immersed
to erumpent, black, elongate, subglobose,
covered with pale to dark brown setae, without
a distinct ostiole.
clavate, short pedicellate, apically rounded, with
an ocular chamber.
overlapping initially yellowish, 1-septate,
with 4 transverse septa and 2–3 vertical septa.
 
C. clematidis 150–230 × 120–150 μm solitary, scattered
or aggregated in small groups, immersed
to erumpent, subglobose, elongated, black,
without a distinct ostiole.
114–174 × 27–43 μm, 8-spored, cylindrical-
clavate, short pedicellate, apically rounded,
with an ocular chamber.
22–39 × 8–21 μm, 1–2 seriate, partially
overlapping, broadly fusiform, initially 3 septate
and yellowish, becoming brown, muriform, with
3 transversely septa and a vertical septum, with
a thick mucilaginous sheath.
Undetermined This study
C. compressa 
globose, with smooth, straight to bent,
tapered, brown hairs.
tetraserlate to biseriate spores.
3-septate, with 1 longitudinal septum in central
cells, dark reddish-brown, with guttules, smooth,
 
C. europaeae 
semi-immersed to slightly erumpent, dark
brown to black, globose to subglobose,
without a distinct ostiole.
pedicellate, apex rounded, with an indistinct
ocular chamber.
 
C. ammulae 
immersed, globose to subglobose, dark brown
to black, without a distinct ostiole.
short pedicellate, rounded at the apex, with an
indistinct ocular chamber.
yellowish-brown when immature, becoming
dark brown at maturity, clavate, with acute
longitudinal septa.
 
C. galatellae 
overlapping, mostly ellipsoidal, brown or pale
longitudinal septa, without sheath.
None 
oval to ellipsoid,
hyaline, aseptate,
C. italica 
erumpent, solitary, scattered, broadly oblong
cupulate when dry.
pedicellate, thick-walled at the apex, with a
minute ocular chamber.
initially 1 septate and hyaline, becoming brown
transversely septate, with 1–2 vertical septa.
 
C. lini 
brown to black, coriaceous, cupulate when dry,
cylindrical-clavate, pedicellate, thick walled at
the apex, with a minute ocular chamber.
 
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Taxa Sexual Morph Asexual morph Reference
Ascomata Asci Ascospores Conidiomata Conidia
C. lonicerae 
aggregated, scattered, semi-immersed to
erumpent, globose to subglobose, dark brown
to black, without a distinct ostiole.
cylindrical to cylindrical clavate, short
pedicellate, rounded at the apex, with an
indistinct, shallow ocular chamber.
yellowish-brown, transversely septate or
longitudinal septa, with rounded ends.
 
C. permunda 
to erumpent, solitary, scattered, broadly
coriaceous, cupulate when dry, with brown to
reddishbrown, setae.
thick-walled at the apex, with a minute ocular
septate, with 1–2 vertical septa, initially hyaline,
becoming golden brown at maturity, surrounded
by a thick, hyaline, mucilaginous sheath.
 
C. pimpinellae 
semi-immersed or rarely somewhat
to black.
short-pedicellate, rounded at the apex, with
indistinct, shallow, ocular chamber.
with 3 transverse septa, central segments
with 2 longitudinal septa, end segments with 2
angular septa, surrounded by a thick, hyaline, a
mucilaginous sheath.
 
C. rosae 
erumpent, globose or subglobose, dark brown
to black, coriaceous.
clavate to clavate, pedicellate, thick-walled at
the apex, with minute ocular chamber.
septate, with 1–2 vertical septa, conically
rounded at both ends.
 
C. rosarum 
erumpent, globose or subglobose, dark brown
to black, coriaceous.
pedicellate, thick-walled at the apex, with minute
ocular chamber.
septate, with 2–4 vertical septa, deeply
constricted at the middle septum.
 
C. rosigena 
erumpent, globose or subglobose, dark brown
to black, coriaceous.
clavate to clavate, pedicellate, thick-walled at
the apex, with minute ocular chamber.
with 1 vertical septum, slightly constricted at the
middle septum.
 
C. sedi 
aggregated on the host stem, subglobose or
to blackish-brown with a blunt ostiole.
to cylindrical-clavate, with a short knob–like
pedicel and indistinct shallow ocular chamber.
and 1–2 longitudinal septa, not constricted at
the septa.
 
C. spartii 
aggregated in small groups, immersed in
host tissue, dark brown to black, globose to
subglobose, without a distinct ostiole.
clavate, stipitate, apex rounded, with a small
apical chamber.
with obtuse ends, constricted at the primary
septum, surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath.
 
C. typhicola  
cylindrical, straight, rounded at one end, slightly
tapered at the other, hyaline when immature, light
yellow to yellow.
 
C. xanthoceratis 147–221 × 114–130 µm, solitary, scattered
or aggregated in small groups, , immersed
to semi-immersed, subglobose, black,
elongated, covered with dark brown setae,
without a distinct ostiole.
99–165 × 36–48 μm, 8-spored, bitunicate,
ssitunicate, clavate, short pedicellate, apically
rounded, with an ocular chamber.
23–42 × 9–19 μm, 1–2 seriate, muriform,
broadly fusiform, with 3 transverse septa and a
vertical septum in second and third cells, brown
to dark brown, with obtuse ends, smooth-walled,
with a thick mucilaginous sheath.
Undetermined This study
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
C. sedi
rpbComoclathris clematidis and C. xanthoceratis
rpb2 can be used
Comoclathris species including C. clematidis
and C. xanthoceratis
ing morphological characters coupled with molecular phylogeny to delineate Co-
moclathris, especially including rpb2 marker as a protein-coding locus.
  Comoclathris remains unclear. A single Comoclath-
clathris     
  
C. ammulae and C. loniceraeColutea
arborescensC. rosae, C. rosarum and C. rosi-
genaRosa caninaComoclathris
Comoclathris arrhenatheri
Arrhenatherum elatius and Dactylis glomerata
C. ammulaeClematis ammula and
Colutea arborescens
Comoclathris         
         C. incompta
C. antarctica-
study, C. clematidisClema-
region. Comoclathris xanthoceratis -
Xanthoceras sorbifolium
Comoclathris species.
           
Additional information
Conict of interest
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Ethical statement
No ethical statement was reported.
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Author contributions
           
          
            
Author ORCIDs
Rong Xu 
Wenxin Su 
Yang Wang 
Shangqing Tian 
Yu Li 
Chayanard Phukhamsakda 
Data availability
    
        Acorus, Phragmites and
   
        
         
 S, Wanasinghe DN, Phookamsak R, Hongsanan S, Singtripop C, Chukeatirot
       
            
Phoma section
Phoma and related pleospora-
    
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
 -
       
initiative to launch mycology into the 21st 22.
      
     Sharma
          
  
 
         
       
              
  
   -
           
SC, Sandamali
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
Samarakoon S, Suija A, Senwanna
Norphanphoun 
     
 
      P, Suetrong S, Chaiwan N, Dayarathne MC,
           
   
       
    
Chomnunti P, Cui 
P, Mapook A, Niskanen T, Norphanphoun C, Papizadeh M, Perera RH, Phukhamsakda
           
           
            
Reck MA, Lumyong S, Shahzadeh-Fazeli SA, Stadler M, Soudi MR, Su HY, Takahashi T,
        
      
            
          
 
          
evidence     
     
     -
     Neofusicoccum mediterraneum and Botryosphaeria do-
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Simmons Alternaria, Stemphylium, and Ulocladium. Mycologia
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         
Phukhamsakda, Phookamsak R, Dissanayake A,
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   
PremilcurensisSenecio in
. 
          
           , Al-Hatmi A,
  
Wanasinghe DN, Phukhamsakda          -
promma    
          
       
         
MycoKeys 101: 95–112 (2024), DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.101.113040
Rong Xu et al.: Comoclathris clematidis sp. nov. and Comoclathris xanthoceratis sp. nov.
      
     
       
Papizadeh M, Selbmann L, Dayarathne    
Tian Q, Castan˜eda-Ruiz           
 SSN, Thambugala
 LN,
 AA, Agrawal Y, Fazeli SAS, Amoozegar
     
Doilom M, Quijada
Perera S,
Fungal Diversity
         Alternaria 
212. 
           
Stemphylium    
Xu R, Su WX, Tian           C
  
  
      
1–221. 
Supplementary material 1
Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis based on
combined ITS, LSU, SSU, and rpb2 sequnence data
           
). The Open Database License
      
 
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Leptosphaeriaceae, a diverse family in the order Pleosporales, is remarkable for its scleroplectenchymatous or plectenchymatous peridium cells. Four Leptosphaeriaceae species were discovered and studied during the investigation of saprobic fungi from plant substrates in China. Novel taxa were defined using multiloci phylogenetic analyses and are supported by morphology. Based on maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses, these isolates represent three novel taxa and one new record within Leptosphaeriaceae. A new genus, Angularia, is introduced to accommodate Angularia xanthoceratis, with a synopsis chart for 15 genera in Leptosphaeriaceae. This study also revealed a new species, Plenodomus changchunensis, and a new record of Alternariaster centaureae-diffusae. These species add to the increasing number of fungi known from China.
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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Algeria , Phaeoacremonium adelophialidum from Vitis vinifera . Antarctica , Comoclathris antarctica from soil. Australia , Coniochaeta salicifolia as endophyte from healthy leaves of Geijera salicifolia , Eremothecium peggii in fruit of Citrus australis , Microdochium ratticaudae from stem of Sporobolus natalensis , Neocelosporium corymbiae on stems of Corymbia variegata , Phytophthora kelmanii from rhizosphere soil of Ptilotus pyramidatus , Pseudosydowia backhousiae on living leaves of Backhousia citriodora , Pseudosydowia indooroopillyensis , Pseudosydowia louisecottisiae and Pseudosydowia queenslandica on living leaves of Eucalyptus sp. Brazil , Absidia montepascoalis from soil. Chile , Ilyonectria zarorii from soil under Maytenus boaria . Costa Rica , Colletotrichum filicis from an unidentified fern. Croatia , Mollisia endogranulata on deteriorated hardwood. Czech Republic , Arcopilus navicularis from tea bag with fruit tea, Neosetophoma buxi as endophyte from Buxus sempervirens , Xerochrysium bohemicum on surface of biscuits with chocolate glaze and filled with jam. France , Entoloma cyaneobasale on basic to calcareous soil, Fusarium aconidiale from Triticum aestivum , Fusarium juglandicola from buds of Juglans regia . Germany , Tetraploa endophytica as endophyte from Microthlaspi perfoliatum roots. India , Castanediella ambae on leaves of Mangifera indica , Lactifluus kanadii on soil under Castanopsis sp., Penicillium uttarakhandense from soil. Italy , Penicillium ferraniaense from compost. Namibia , Bezerromyces gobabebensis on leaves of unidentified succulent, Cladosporium stipagrostidicola on leaves of Stipagrostis sp., Cymostachys euphorbiae on leaves of Euphorbia sp., Deniquelata hypolithi from hypolith under a rock, Hysterobrevium walvisbayicola on leaves of unidentified tree, Knufia hypolithi and Knufia walvisbayicola from hypolith under a rock, Lapidomyces stipagrostidicola on leaves of Stipagrostis sp., Nothophaeotheca mirabibensis (incl. Nothophaeotheca gen. nov.) on persistent inflorescence remains of Blepharis obmitrata , Paramyrothecium salvadorae on twigs of Salvadora persica , Preussia procaviicola on dung of Procavia sp., Sordaria equicola on zebra dung, Volutella salvadorae on stems of Salvadora persica . Netherlands , Entoloma ammophilum on sandy soil, Entoloma pseudocruentatum on nutrient poor (acid) soil, Entoloma pudens on plant debris, amongst grasses. New Zealand , Amorocoelophoma neoregeliae from leaf spots of Neoregelia sp., Aquilomyces metrosideri and Septoriella callistemonis from stem discolouration and leaf spots of Metrosideros sp., Cadophora neoregeliae from leaf spots of Neoregelia sp., Flexuomyces asteliae (incl. Flexuomyces gen. nov.) and Mollisia asteliae from leaf spots of Astelia chathamica , Ophioceras freycinetiae from leaf spots of Freycinetia banksii , Phaeosphaeria caricis-sectae from leaf spots of Carex secta . Norway , Cuphophyllus flavipesoides on soil in semi-natural grassland, Entoloma coracis on soil in calcareous Pinus and Tilia forests, Entoloma cyaneolilacinum on soil semi-natural grasslands, Inocybe norvegica on gravelly soil. Pakistan , Butyriboletus parachinarensis on soil in association with Quercus baloot . Poland , Hyalodendriella bialowiezensis on debris beneath fallen bark of Norway spruce Picea abies . Russia , Bolbitius sibiricus on а moss covered rotting trunk of Populus tremula , Crepidotus wasseri on debris of Populus tremula , Entoloma isborscanum on soil on calcareous grasslands, Entoloma subcoracis on soil in subalpine grasslands, Hydropus lecythiocystis on rotted wood of Betula pendula , Meruliopsis faginea on fallen dead branches of Fagus orientalis , Metschnikowia taurica from fruits of Ziziphus jujube , Suillus praetermissus on soil, Teunia lichenophila as endophyte from Cladonia rangiferina . Slovakia , Hygrocybe fulgens on mowed grassland, Pleuroflammula pannonica from corticated branches of Quercus sp. South Africa , Acrodontium burrowsianum on leaves of unidentified Poaceae , Castanediella senegaliae on dead pods of Senegalia ataxacantha , Cladophialophora behniae on leaves of Behnia sp., Colletotrichum cliviigenum on leaves of Clivia sp., Diatrype dalbergiae on bark of Dalbergia armata , Falcocladium heteropyxidicola on leaves of Heteropyxis canescens , Lapidomyces aloidendricola as epiphyte on brown stem of Aloidendron dichotomum , Lasionectria sansevieriae and Phaeosphaeriopsis sansevieriae on leaves of Sansevieria hyacinthoides , Lylea dalbergiae on Diatrype dalbergiae on bark of Dalbergia armata , Neochaetothyrina syzygii (incl. Neochaetothyrina gen. nov.) on leaves of Syzygium chordatum , Nothophaeomoniella ekebergiae (incl. Nothophaeomoniella gen. nov.) on leaves of Ekebergia pterophylla , Paracymostachys euphorbiae (incl. Paracymostachys gen. nov.) on leaf litter of Euphorbia ingens , Paramycosphaerella pterocarpi on leaves of Pterocarpus angolensis , Paramycosphaerella syzygii on leaf litter of Syzygium chordatum , Parateichospora phoenicicola (incl. Parateichospora gen. nov.) on leaves of Phoenix reclinata , Seiridium syzygii on twigs of Syzygium chordatum , Setophoma syzygii on leaves of Syzygium sp., Star­merella xylocopis from larval feed of an Afrotropical bee Xylocopa caffra , Teratosphaeria combreti on leaf litter of Combretum kraussii , Teratosphaericola leucadendri on leaves of Leucadendron sp., Toxicocladosporium pterocarpi on pods of Pterocarpus angolensis . Spain , Cortinarius bonachei with Quercus ilex in calcareus soils, Cortinarius brunneovolvatus under Quercus ilex subsp. ballota in calcareous soil, Extremopsis radicicola (incl. Extremopsis gen. nov.) from root-associated soil in a wet heathland, Russula quintanensis on acidic soils, Tubaria vulcanica on volcanic lapilii material, Tuber zambonelliae in calcareus soil. Sweden , Elaphomyces borealis on soil under Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens . Tanzania , Curvularia tanzanica on inflorescence of Cyperus aromaticus . Thailand , Simplicillium niveum on Ophiocordyceps camponoti-leonardi on underside of unidentified dicotyledonous leaf. USA , Calonectria californiensis on leaves of Umbellularia californica , Exophiala spartinae from surface sterilised roots of Spartina alterniflora , Neophaeococcomyces oklahomaensis from outside wall of alcohol distillery. Vietnam , Fistulinella aurantioflava on soil. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes.
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Traditionally, fungal taxonomy was based on observable phenotypic characters. Recent advances have driven taxonomic conclusions towards DNA-based approaches and these techniques have corresponding pros and cons. Species concepts must therefore rely on incorporated approaches of genotypic, phenotypic and physiological characters and chemotaxonomy. Examination and interpretation of morphological characters however vary from person to person. Standardized procedures are used in the taxonomic study of fungi and general practices of phenotypic approaches are herein outlined. It is not possible to detail all techniques for all fungi and thus, this paper emphasizes on microfungi. Specimen collection is the initial step in any Mycosphere 11(1): 2678-2754 (2020) ISSN 2077 7019
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Pleosporales is the largest order in the class Dothideomycetes, comprising a quarter of all species of Dothideomycetes. This paper provides comprehensive illustrations and descriptions of newly collected saprobic pleosporalean taxa from dicotyledons and grasses in China, Italy, Russia and Thailand. These species are accommodated in 8 families in Pleosporales. The taxa described here include 14 new species, a new geographical record and three new host records of known species. New species are Alternaria rumicis, Bambusicola ficuum, Comoclathris flammulae, C. europaeae, C. lonicerae, Ophiobolus lathyri, Paraophiobolus torilicola, Parastagonospora dactylidicola, P. hieracioidis, Pseudopaucispora hyalinospora, Stagonospora poaceicola, Stemphylium artemisiae and Subplenodomus meldolanus. All species descriptions presented herein are based on morphological comparisons coupled with multi-gene phylogenetic analyses.
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The class Dothideomycetes is the largest and most ecologically diverse class of fungi, comprising endophytes, epiphytes, saprobes, human and plant pathogens, lichens, and lichenicolous, nematode trapping and rock-inhabiting taxa. Members of this class are mainly characterized by bitunicate asci with fissitunicate dehiscence, and occur on broad range of hosts in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Since the last monograph of families of Dothideomycetes in 2013, numerous novel species, genera, families and orders have been discovered. This has expanded information which has led to the modern classification in Dothideomycetes. In this paper, we provide a refined updated document on families of Dothideomycetes with emphasis on Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae. We accept three orders with 25 families and four orders with 94 families in Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae, respectively. The new family Paralophiostomataceae is introduced in Pleosporales. Each family is provided with an updated description, notes, including figures to represent the morphology, list of accepted genera, and economic and ecological significances. We also provide an overall phylogenetic tree of families in Dothideomycetes based on combined analysis of LSU, SSU, rpb-2 and tef1 sequence data, and phylogenetic trees for each order in Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae. Family-level trees are provided for the families which include several genera such as Mycosphaerellaceae and Teratosphaeriaceae. Two new genera (Ligninsphaeriopsis and Paralophiostoma) are introduced. Five new species (Biatrisopora borsei, Comoclathris galatellae, Ligninsphaeriopsis thailandica, Paralophiostoma hysterioides and Torula thailandica) are introduced based on morphology and phylogeny, together with nine new reports and seven new collections from different families.
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A list of all non-lichenized ascomycetes from Sweden. Symbol Botanicae Upsalienses 36:2.
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Lezak B, Varacallo M. Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Foot Veins. [Updated 2019 Jun 6]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan-. Available from:
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Species identification lies at the heart of biodiversity studies that has in recent years favoured DNA-based approaches. Microbial Biological Resource Centres are a rich source for diverse and high-quality reference materials in microbiology, and yet the strains preserved in these biobanks have been exploited only on a limited scale to generate DNA barcodes. As part of a project funded in the Netherlands to barcode specimens of major national biobanks, sequences of two nuclear ribosomal genetic markers, the Internal Transcribed Spaces and 5.8S gene (ITS) and the D1/D2 domain of the 26S Large Subunit (LSU), were generated as DNA barcode data for ca. 100 000 fungal strains originally assigned to ca. 17 000 species in the CBS fungal biobank maintained at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht. Using more than 24 000 DNA barcode sequences of 12 000 ex-type and manually validated filamentous fungal strains of 7 300 accepted species, the optimal identity thresholds to discriminate filamentous fungal species were predicted as 99.6 % for ITS and 99.8 % for LSU. We showed that 17 % and 18 % of the species could not be discriminated by the ITS and LSU genetic markers, respectively. Among them, ∼8 % were indistinguishable using both genetic markers. ITS has been shown to outperform LSU in filamentous fungal species discrimination with a probability of correct identification of 82 % vs. 77.6 %, and a clustering quality value of 84 % vs. 77.7 %. At higher taxonomic classifications, LSU has been shown to have a better discriminatory power than ITS. With a clustering quality value of 80 %, LSU outperformed ITS in identifying filamentous fungi at the ordinal level. At the generic level, the clustering quality values produced by both genetic markers were low, indicating the necessity for taxonomic revisions at genus level and, likely, for applying more conserved genetic markers or even whole genomes. The taxonomic thresholds predicted for filamentous fungal identification at the genus, family, order and class levels were 94.3 %, 88.5 %, 81.2 % and 80.9 % based on ITS barcodes, and 98.2 %, 96.2 %, 94.7 % and 92.7 % based on LSU barcodes. The DNA barcodes used in this study have been deposited to GenBank and will also be publicly available at the Westerdijk Institute's website as reference sequences for fungal identification, marking an unprecedented data release event in global fungal barcoding efforts to date.
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This paper is the seventh in the Fungal Diversity Notes series, where 131 taxa accommodated in 28 families are mainly described from Rosa (Rosaceae) and a few other hosts. Novel fungal taxa are described in the present study, including 17 new genera, 93 new species, four combinations, a sexual record for a species and new host records for 16 species. Bhatiellae, Cycasicola, Dactylidina, Embarria, Hawksworthiana, Italica, Melanocucurbitaria, Melanodiplodia, Monoseptella, Uzbekistanica, Neoconiothyrium, Neopaucispora, Pararoussoella, Paraxylaria, Marjia, Sporormurispora and Xenomassariosphaeria are introduced as new ascomycete genera. We also introduce the new species Absidia jindoensis, Alternaria doliconidium, A. hampshirensis, Angustimassarina rosarum, Astragalicola vasilyevae, Backusella locustae, Bartalinia rosicola, Bhatiellae rosae, Broomella rosae, Castanediella camelliae, Coelodictyosporium rosarum, Comoclathris rosae, C. rosarum, Comoclathris rosigena, Coniochaeta baysunika, C. rosae, Cycasicola goaensis, Dactylidina shoemakeri, Dematiopleospora donetzica, D. rosicola, D. salsolae, Diaporthe rosae, D. rosicola, Endoconidioma rosae-hissaricae, Epicoccum rosae, Hawksworthiana clematidicola, H. lonicerae, Italica achilleae, Keissleriella phragmiticola, K. rosacearum, K. rosae, K. rosarum, Lophiostoma rosae, Marjia tianschanica, M. uzbekistanica, Melanocucurbitaria uzbekistanica, Melanodiplodia tianschanica, Monoseptella rosae, Mucor fluvius, Muriformistrickeria rosae, Murilentithecium rosae, Neoascochyta rosicola, Neoconiothyrium rosae, Neopaucispora rosaecae, Neosetophoma rosarum, N. rosae, N. rosigena, Neostagonospora artemisiae, Ophiobolus artemisiicola, Paraconiothyrium rosae, Paraphaeosphaeria rosae, P. rosicola, Pararoussoella rosarum, Parathyridaria rosae, Paraxylaria rosacearum, Penicillium acidum, P. aquaticum, Phragmocamarosporium rosae, Pleospora rosae, P. rosae-caninae, Poaceicola agrostina, P. arundinicola, P. rosae, Populocrescentia ammophilae, P. rosae, Pseudocamarosporium pteleae, P. ulmi-minoris, Pseudocercospora rosae, Pseudopithomyces rosae, Pseudostrickeria rosae, Sclerostagonospora lathyri, S. rosae, S. rosicola, Seimatosporium rosigenum, S. rosicola, Seiridium rosarum, Setoseptoria arundelensis, S. englandensis, S. lulworthcovensis, Sigarispora agrostidis, S. caryophyllacearum, S. junci, S. medicaginicola, S. rosicola, S. scrophulariae, S. thymi, Sporormurispora atraphaxidis, S. pruni, Suttonomyces rosae, Umbelopsis sinsidoensis, Uzbekistanica rosae-hissaricae, U. yakutkhanika, Wojnowicia rosicola, Xenomassariosphaeria rosae. New host records are provided for Amandinea punctata, Angustimassarina quercicola, Diaporthe rhusicola, D. eres, D. foeniculina, D. rudis, Diplodia seriata, Dothiorella iberica, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Lecidella elaeochroma, Muriformistrickeria rubi, Neofusicoccum australe, Paraphaeosphaeria michotii, Pleurophoma pleurospora, Sigarispora caulium and Teichospora rubriostiolata. The new combinations are Dactylidina dactylidis (=Allophaeosphaeria dactylidis), Embarria clematidis (=Allophaeosphaeria clematidis), Hawksworthiana alliariae (=Dematiopleospora alliariae) and Italica luzulae (=Dematiopleospora luzulae). This study also provides some insights into the diversity of fungi on Rosa species and especially those on Rosa spines that resulted in the characterisation of eight new genera, 45 new species, and nine new host records. We also collected taxa from Rosa stems and there was 31% (20/65) overlap with taxa found on stems with that on spines. Because of the limited and non-targeted sampling for comparison with collections from spines and stems of the same host and location, it is not possible to say that the fungi on spines of Rosa differ from those on stems. The study however, does illustrate how spines are interesting substrates with high fungal biodiversity. This may be because of their hard structure resulting in slow decay and hence are suitable substrates leading to fungal colonisation. All data presented herein are based on morphological examination of specimens, coupled with phylogenetic sequence data to better integrate taxa into appropriate taxonomic ranks and infer their evolutionary relationships.