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AI Adaptivity in a Mixed-Reality System Improves Learning


Abstract and Figures

Adaptivity in advanced learning technologies offer the possibility to adapt to different student backgrounds, which is difficult to do in a traditional classroom setting. However, there are mixed results on the effectiveness of adaptivity based on different implementations and contexts. In this paper, we introduce AI adaptivity in the context of a new genre of Intelligent Science Stations that bring intelligent tutoring into the physical world. Intelligent Science Stations are mixed-reality systems that bridge the physical and virtual worlds to improve children’s inquiry-based STEM learning. Automated reactive guidance is made possible by a specialized AI computer vision algorithm, providing personalized interactive feedback to children as they experiment and make discoveries in their physical environment. We report on a randomized controlled experiment where we compare learning outcomes of children interacting with the Intelligent Science Station that has task-loop adaptivity incorporated, compared to another version that provides tasks randomly without adaptivity. Our results show that adaptivity using Bayesian Knowledge Tracing in the context of a mixed-reality system leads to better learning of scientific principles, without sacrificing enjoyment. These results demonstrate benefits of adaptivity in a mixed-reality setting to improve children’s science learning.
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International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
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AI Adaptivity inaMixed-Reality System Improves Learning
NesraYannier1 · ScottE.Hudson1· HenryChang1· KennethR.Koedinger1
Accepted: 16 December 2023
© The Author(s) 2024
Adaptivity in advanced learning technologies offer the possibility to adapt to differ-
ent student backgrounds, which is difficult to do in a traditional classroom setting.
However, there are mixed results on the effectiveness of adaptivity based on differ-
ent implementations and contexts. In this paper, we introduce AI adaptivity in the
context of a new genre of Intelligent Science Stations that bring intelligent tutoring
into the physical world. Intelligent Science Stations are mixed-reality systems that
bridge the physical and virtual worlds to improve children’s inquiry-based STEM
learning. Automated reactive guidance is made possible by a specialized AI com-
puter vision algorithm, providing personalized interactive feedback to children as
they experiment and make discoveries in their physical environment. We report on a
randomized controlled experiment where we compare learning outcomes of children
interacting with the Intelligent Science Station that has task-loop adaptivity incorpo-
rated, compared to another version that provides tasks randomly without adaptivity.
Our results show that adaptivity using Bayesian Knowledge Tracing in the context
of a mixed-reality system leads to better learning of scientific principles, without
sacrificing enjoyment. These results demonstrate benefits of adaptivity in a mixed-
reality setting to improve children’s science learning.
Keywords Educational technology· Learning sciences· Computer vision·
Adaptivity· Mixed-reality learning
Advanced learning technologies support different forms of adaptivity that are harder
for teachers to implement in their classroom (Koedinger etal., 2013a, b, c). These
technologies can assess learners on multiple dimensions and can adjust their peda-
gogical decision making accordingly (Aleven & Koedinger, 2013; Conati & Kardan,
2013; Sottilare etal., 2013). A learning environment is defined to be adaptive if its
* Nesra Yannier
1 Carnegie Mellon University, Human Computer Interaction Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
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design is based on data on common learning challenges in the targeted content area,
if its pedagogical decision-making changes based on the learning measures of indi-
vidual learners, and if it responds interactively to learner actions (cf. Aleven etal.,
2015a, b; Aleven etal., 2013).
When adaptations are oriented toward improving student affect or motivation,
they are often referred to as “personalization”. Such personalized adaptations typi-
cally make use of data about an individual students’ identity or interests. For exam-
ple, Cordova and Lepper (1996) demonstrated motivation and learning benefits
from a personalization intervention that used the student’s name and friends name
as part of an educational game scenario. Walkington and Bernacki (2019) used stu-
dent interest survey results to create math story problems that were personalized to
individual student interests. Adaptations may also be oriented toward accelerating
knowledge growth through data-driven selection of learning materials or activities
that depend on a model that tracks student performance and knowledge growth. A
general class of algorithms that engage in such tracking are referred to as “knowl-
edge tracing”. Knowledge Tracing is a well-established research area of artificial
intelligence in education, which aims to leverage students’ learning interactions
to estimate their knowledge states (i.e., unlearned and learned) (Liu, 2022). One
approach to knowledge tracing, called Bayesian Knowledge Tracing, uses closed-
form equations derived from Bayes’ theorem applied to a simple two-state hid-
den Markov model (cf. Anderson etal., 1995). This model continually updates an
assessment of learners’ knowledge growth and that assessment is used to select tasks
that contain knowledge components that an individual student is not likely to have
mastered. Bayesian Knowledge Tracing has been popular, for example, through its
widely disseminated use within Cognitive Tutors (Ritter etal., 2016; Aleven etal.,
2015a, b), perhaps because of its relative simplicity to implement. A more sophisti-
cated approach to knowledge tracing uses more complex multi-state Bayesian Net-
works to model student knowledge and knowledge growth (cf. Conati etal., 2002).
In our context, we chose the simpler BKT approach hypothesizing it would be ade-
quate to make effective task selection decisions that would optimize student learning
relative to the pre-existing non-adaptive system.
There are mixed results in prior research about the effectiveness of knowledge
tracing. An early positive result comes from Atkinson (1972), who studied task
selection techniques in the context of learning German vocabulary. He showed that
automated item selection showed the greatest gain on a delayed posttest, in com-
parison with both learner control and random selection conditions. He also provided
evidence that having parameters that estimate difficulty of different target compo-
nents of knowledge enhances effectiveness. In another study, Corbett et al. found
that knowledge tracing improved the effectiveness of student learning compared to
giving all students the same problem set (Corbett etal., 2000). Corbett etal. also
found that students in the baseline condition averaged 87% correct across six quiz-
zes while students in the cognitive mastery condition averaged 95% correct, with a
significant difference across conditions (Corbett etal., 2000). Zhao etal. (2013), on
the other hand, found no difference between knowledge tracing and a fixed set of
tasks in the context of second language English grammar instruction (Zhao etal.,
2013). In Corbett (Corbett etal., 2000), students in the knowledge tracing condition
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spent more time than the baseline condition. Whereas in the Zhao study, the amount
of time in instruction was the same. Thus, a potential alternative explanation can be
that more time produces better learning.
In addition to the need for more investigation into whether and when knowledge
tracing is effective, there is also a need to test the generality of the approach across
different subject-matter domains and different technology approaches. Most knowl-
edge tracing studies so far have focused on language and math learning. We explore
knowledge tracing in the context of science learning and particularly in guided
inquiry-based learning of early physics principles. Also, adaptivity has mostly been
integrated in screen-based learning technologies.
In this paper, we integrated knowledge tracing adaptivity in a mixed-reality sys-
tem - a new genre of Intelligent Science Stations we have developed, allowing chil-
dren to do experiments in the 3D physical world with interactive feedback from a
virtual helper that provides guidance based on proven learning mechanisms. We
report on a randomized controlled experiment where we compare learning outcomes
of children interacting with the Intelligent Science Station that has task-loop adap-
tivity incorporated, compared to another version that provides tasks randomly. This
paper makes a unique contribution in that it investigates the impact of adaptivity on
learning in a novel AI-based mixed-reality system where children are performing
real-world experiments with personalized interactive feedback.
Intelligent Science Stations
We have developed a new genre of Intelligent Science Stations ( that use
a specialized AI vision technology to track physical objects and children’s actions as
they experiment and make discoveries in the real world (See Fig.1). This AI-based
technology encourages guided inquiry thinking processes through a predict, explain,
observe, explain cycle. A gorilla character appears on a large display to guide stu-
dents as they make predictions, observations and explain results in the physical envi-
ronment (Yannier etal., 2016, 2021, 2022). Our design uses evidence-based prin-
ciples from learning science (e.g., Clark & Mayer, 2016; Gibson & Gibson, 1955;
Chi etal., 1989; White & Gunstone, 1992) and game design (e.g., Falloon, 2010)
including contrasting cases, self-explanation, predict-observe-explain, and real-time
Fig. 1 Children interacting with the intelligent science station at the science center
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interactive feedback. The principle of contrasting cases (Gibson & Gibson, 1955)
suggests use of aligned cases with minimal differences to help students notice infor-
mation that they might otherwise overlook. Building on this literature and more
recent work (e.g., Schwartz etal., 2011; Rittle-Johnson & Star, 2009), we decided to
include contrasting cases in our design.
In our first Intelligent Science Station, EarthShake, students are shown two tow-
ers that differ on only one principle (symmetry, wide-base, height, or center of mass
principles) and are asked to make a prediction about which one will fall first when
the table shakes (see Fig.2d). Another instructional feature is prompted self-expla-
nation, which has been demonstrated to enhance learning and transfer (Aleven etal.,
2002). In our system, we utilize a self-explanation menu to help children explain the
reasoning for why a tower falls. The menu consists of explanation choices that target
Fig. 2 Screenshots of the interface where children are making a prediction about which tower will fall
first and explaining the results with interactive feedback from the system
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the underlying physical principles in child friendly language such as: “because it is
taller”, “because it has more weight on top than bottom”, “because it is not sym-
metrical”, “because it has a thinner base”. We also utilize a predict-observe-explain
(POE) cycle in our mixed-reality system, a teaching-learning strategy proposed by
White and Gunstone (White & Gunstone, 1992), including three stages: Prediction,
Observation and Explanation, to help activate discussions among students (Kearney,
2004). We utilize POE in our design to help children understand the physics princi-
ples of balance and stability and why structures fall.
Our AI-based mixed-reality system also provides real-time interactive feedback,
which is a critical component for effective learning. Immediate feedback has been
shown to be more effective than feedback on demand in intelligent tutoring systems
(Corbett & Anderson, 2001). Also, the phenomenon of “confirmation bias” (Nicker-
son, 1998) suggests that children can see their predictions as confirmed even when
they are not, thus explicit feedback can reduce this tendency and enhance learning.
(Hattie & Clarke, 2018). Research suggests that learning from obtained outcomes is
biased: people preferentially take into account positive, as compared to negative pre-
diction errors, and information that confirms their current choice (Palminteri etal.,
2017). Furthermore, overconfidence produces under achievement, undermining stu-
dent learning and retention (Dunlosky & Rawson, 2012). Explicit feedback can help
lower confirmation-bias and overconfidence, by correcting errors, helping to unravel
misconceptions and suggesting specific improvements (Hattie & Clarke, 2018).
Explanatory feedback has also been shown to be effective for learning outcomes,
enhancing sustainable learning outcomes (Clark & Mayer, 2016). Our system incor-
porates automated interactive and explanatory feedback in a real-world environment
as the students are doing physical experiments to learn scientific concepts and criti-
cal thinking skills.
In addition to learning science principles, we have also utilized game design prin-
ciples in our system including use of an animated character in a game-like scenario.
Our system has a character and scenario that guides the students and gives immedi-
ate feedback. Characters and virtual environments have been shown to have poten-
tial to act as powerful communication mediums for students to facilitate understand-
ing and foster engagement/motivation (Falloon, 2010; Cassell, 2000).
Our previous research has demonstrated that having a mixed-reality system com-
bining hands-on experience with interactive AI guidance and feedback in our Intel-
ligent Science Stations improves children’s learning significantly compared to a
tightly matched screen-only version without the hands-on interaction (Yannier etal.,
2015, 2016, 2021), as well as compared to hands-on exploration without the interac-
tive AI layer (Yannier etal., 2020, 2022).
In our scenario, users are first asked to place the towers shown on the screen on
the physical earthquake table (See Fig.1). These prebuilt towers are designed to be
contrasting cases with only one difference between them so that the kids can focus
on isolating the principles. A depth camera and our specialized computer vision
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detects if towers placed on the table match the ones on the screen and gives feedback
accordingly. If they place the correct tower as displayed on the screen, a green check
appears above the tower on the screen and the gorilla character says “Good job!
Click to continue” (See Fig.2b). Otherwise, if the tower they place does not match
the tower on the screen, the computer vision system detects that it was not the cor-
rect tower, and a red cross appears on the tower on the screen, and they’re asked to
place the correct tower (See Fig.2c).
Our computer vision algorithm uses depth information from the depth-sensing
camera, performing blob detection and physics-based moment of inertia calculations
(Yannier et al., 2013, 2020) to recognize and differentiate objects of experimenta-
tion, i.e., the towers, and to recognize critical experimental outcomes, i.e., a falling
tower. When students try to place a requested tower on the table, the vision algorithm
computes a moment of inertia value that serves as a kind of signature of the identity
of the tower, which is used to determine if the correct tower has been placed or not,
to provide the pedagogical structure needed for guided inquiry. Once the user clicks
continue, the gorilla character prompts him/her to make a prediction saying, “Which
tower do you think will fall first when I shake the table?” (See Fig.2d). They can
choose either 1, 2 or the same by clicking on the buttons or one of the towers on the
screen. Once they make a prediction, the gorilla character says: “You chose the left
tower. Why do you think so? Discuss and then click SHAKE to see what happens”.
Here they can discuss their prediction with their partners, why they think the tower
they chose will fall first. After they discuss, they can then click the “Shake” button
on the touch screen to shake the physical earthquake table (the touch screen triggers
a relay that is connected to the motor of the earthquake table). After the physical
table starts shaking and one of the towers falls, the depth camera and our specialized
computer vision algorithm detects the fall and stops the earthquake table from shak-
ing. Our specialized vision algorithm then detects whether the left or right tower fell
and if it matches with the prediction of the user. If the student’s prediction was cor-
rect and the correct tower fell first, then the gorilla character says “Good job! Your
hypothesis was correct! Why do you think this tower fell first?”, as he starts to jump
and dance on the screen. If the user’s prediction was wrong and the tower that fell
does not match the tower that was predicted by the user, then the gorilla character
says “Uh oh! Your prediction was not quite right! Why do you think this tower fell
first?”. Users are asked to explain why they think the tower that fell, fell first, using
a scaffolding explanation menu with four different choices: “It is taller”, “It has a
thinner base”, “It has more weight”, “It is not symmetrical”. These explanations are
matched with the four different principles of stability and balance, that are primary
science content learning objectives for EarthShake. When they choose one of the
explanations in the menu, the gorilla character tells them if their explanation was cor-
rect or wrong, with a visualization laid over the images of the towers on the screen
to explain why the tower fell (See Fig.2f). For example, if the reason was because it
was taller, and their explanation was not correct, he says: “Actually it fell first because
it was taller than the other tower. Good try. Click CONTINUE to play again.” The
visualization on the towers shows a ruler to highlight the height of each tower.
This scenario is repeated for different contrasting cases of towers (Fig.3).
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Bayesian Knowledge Tracing andAdaptivity inIntelligent Science Stations
Knowledge Tracing is a technique used in intelligent tutoring systems to model stu-
dent growth of knowledge so as to determine when a target knowledge component
(KC) has been mastered and if not, to give students more practice tasks to achieve
mastery (Corbett & Anderson, 1994; Koedinger etal., 2013a, b, c). Bayesian Knowl-
edge Tracing (BKT) is a widely used approach to knowledge tracing that models stu-
dent knowledge growth as a latent variable using a two-state Hidden Markov Model.
Domain knowledge is decomposed into KCs representing the skills and concepts
that students need to correctly perform tasks (cf., Koedinger etal., 2012). For each
KC, the student can either be in an “learned” or “unlearned” state, and Bayesian
probability formulas are used to determine which of the two states a student is likely
in based on their sequence of performance to achieve that KC. Each KC in BKT is
modeled by four parameters: the initial probability of having already learned a KC,
p (L0), the probability of a student transitioning from the unlearned to the learned
state for a KC at a particular opportunity to practice the KC, p(T), the probability
of a student answering incorrectly even though the KC is known (e.g., slipping up),
p(S), and the probability of a student answering correctly even though the KC is not
known (e.g., by guessing), p(G). Ln (the probability of being in the learned state,
knowing the KC, after nth opportunity) is calculated from these four parameters
using this formula:
We have implemented an adaptive, BKT-enhanced version of Intelligent Science
Stations, where the tasks in the scenarios are determined based on the mastery lev-
els of two types of knowledge components (i.e., prediction and explanation KC) for
each task category (i.e., height, base-width, symmetry, center of mass). BKT does
not determine how tasks are selected, but at what probability each KC in a task cat-
egory is learned. If the probability of knowing a KC (Ln) is above a given threshold,
typically 0.95, it is considered that this KC has been mastered. If both KCs in a task
category is above 0.95, we determine that that task category has been mastered.
For task selection, different algorithms have been implemented (cf., Zhao
et al., 2013; Koedinger et al., 2013a, b, c, 2010). Our task selection algorithm
implements a “gentle slope” of improvement whereby among all the task catego-
ries involving unmastered KCs, we pick the one that is estimated to be closest to
mastery (i.e., closest to 0.95 without being over). Each task category has a pre-
diction (Ln_prediction) and explanation (Ln_explanation) score and the smaller
Lt+1|obs =correct
p(Lt+1|obs =wrong)=p(Lt)p(S)
obs)) p(T
Fig. 3 Contrasting case tower pairs used in the system
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of the two is used to determine closeness to mastery. The tasks are selected from
a set of 10 tasks (targeting 4 different principles: height, base-width, symmetry,
and center of mass) based on the proximity of the task category to the mastery
level (95%). To insert some variety and interleaving, if the same task category
is selected 3 times in a row, the next easiest unmastered task category is selected
next. If prediction and explanation Ln scores are both above 95% for a certain
task category (which means that task category has been mastered), then that task
category is not considered. We selected initial values (L0) for each task category
based on previous experiments (Yannier etal., 2015, 2016, 2020) where we found
that height is easiest, and center of mass is hardest (height: 0.8; thinner base:
0.6; symmetry: 0.5; center of mass: 0.4). Correspondingly, we selected p(T) val-
ues in a similar fashion, height having the highest p(T) value since it is easier to
learn compared to thinner base, symmetry and center of mass (height: 0.7; thin-
ner base: 0.4; symmetry: 0.3; center of mass: 0.3). These values were estimated
based on log data from previous experiments and experiences in pilot testing. We
assumed that the chance of guessing p(G), and the chance of slipping p(S) are the
same for each task category and set their values to be p(G) = 0.3, and p(S) = 0.1.
Each time a student performs a task, the mastery level is updated by the BKT for-
mulas shown above.
Table 1 illustrates knowledge tracing updates and associated task selection.
Row 0 shows the initial L0 values for the four pairs of KCs (prediction and expla-
nation for each of height, base width, symmetry and center of mass). Based on
these values, the task selection picks a height task because the initial values (0.80
and 0.80) are closest to mastery threshold of 0.95. (When these values are dif-
ferent, the smaller one is used.) The first step of this task is to predict which
tower will fall and in this case the student answers this prediction step correct.
So, the Height Prediction Ln goes from 0.80 (L0 - init) to 0.98 (based on the
formula given above) as shown in row 1a. In the second step, the student is asked
to explain. The student selects the correct explanation, so the Ln value for the
Height Explanation (H.Expl) KC goes from 0.8 to 0.98 also. Since both the
Height Prediction and Explanation Ln’s are above 0.95 (see 1b), the next task will
be determined by the highest Ln score not above 0.95 (The next highest category
is Base (L0 = 0.60), so the next task given is a Base prediction task. For this task,
the student predicts correctly (2a). Therefore, the Base Prediction Ln goes from
0.60 to 0.89. Then the student is given the Base explanation task and selects an
incorrect explanation (2b). So, the Base Explanation Ln drops to 0.51. Since the
Base Prediction Ln and Base Explanation Ln are not both above 0.95, the next
task that will be given will be a Base task again.
The experiment described below compares two different conditions, with BKT
adaptivity or without (tasks randomly chosen), to evaluate whether or not BKT
adaptivity improves children’s learning.
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Table 1 Example of how knowledge estimates update and drive task selection
Learn (Ln) values after response (1 = correct, 0 = incorrect) on given task and subsequent task selection
The bold entries show the KC Ln values that have been updated
Task Selected: Height Base Symmetry Center of Mass
Response H.Pred KC Ln H.Expl KC Ln B.Pred KC Ln B.Expl KC Ln S.Pred KC Ln S.Expl KC Ln W.Pred KC Ln W.Expl KC Ln
0 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.495 0.495 0.42 0.42
1a Height1 predict correct 0.98 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.495 0.495 0.42 0.42
1b Height1 explain correct 0.98 0.98 0.60 0.60 0.495 0.495 0.42 0.42
2a Base1 predict correct 0.98 0.98 0.89 0.60 0.495 0.495 0.42 0.42
2b Base1 explanation incorrect 0.98 0.98 0.89 .51 0.495 0.495 0.42 0.42
3 Base2 predict ?
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We conducted the experiment within a controlled setting in a science center. Par-
ticipants were elementary aged students (first through fifth graders) attending the
summer camp at the science center. We had an Institutional Review Board (IRB)
approval for this research and every student had a consent form signed by the parent
to participate in the study. The user group in this study is aligned with the design
goals of the mixed-reality system and the early learning testing with K-5th grade
children in our previous experiments. 36 children (18 pairs) interacted with the Intel-
ligent Science Station at the exhibit floor, away from the rest of the summer camp
activities. The ages of the children were balanced for both conditions (2.5 average
grade level for both conditions). The pairs were randomly selected and assigned to
different conditions of the experiment. An earlier study showed no significant differ-
ence in learning and enjoyment between students working in pairs versus solo (Yan-
nier etal., 2015). However, since parents and teachers indicated a preference to have
children interact collaboratively in pairs, we decided to conduct the study in pairs.
Children interacted with the system in pairs in all conditions.
We used pre and post assessments that have been validated in previous experiments
(29, 30) to measure scientific and engineering outcomes. To measure scientific out-
comes, we used paper pre and posttests, where children were asked to explain their
predictions of which of the given towers will fall first based on four principles of
stability and balance (height, base-width, symmetry and more weight on top ver-
sus the bottom – center of mass) (Fig.4). These explanation outcomes show a deep
understanding of scientific concepts. The paper pre- and post-tests, that were vali-
dated in previous experiments, were based on the NRC Framework & Asset Science
Curriculum (40).
To measure engineering outcomes, we compared the quality of towers children
built before and after interacting with the intervention, to see if they improved on
any of the four scientific principles described above. We also evaluated students’
Fig. 4 Prediction (left) and explanation (right) items used in the paper pre/post-tests
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ability to predict which tower would fall first among the given pairs of towers. To
measure pre- to post-test changes on the tower building task, we scored each stu-
dent’s towers according to three principles: height, symmetry, and center of mass
(we did not use the fourth principle, wide base, as all students were instructed to
use the same base block). For each principle, students were given one point if their
towers improved from pre- to post-test, -1 for the reverse, and 0 for no change. Com-
paring pre- and post- towers for the height principle, a shorter post-tower scores 1, a
taller post-tower scores − 1, and towers of the same height score 0. Likewise, post-
towers with more symmetry and a lower center of mass score one for each of those
principles. Adding the scores for each principle yielded the student’s total score
Experimental Procedure
Children were randomly pulled out from their summer camps in pairs. They came
to the museum floor where the equipment was set up (the exhibit was closed to the
public during the times of the experiment). Before interacting with the system, stu-
dents were first given a tower pre-test. First, the experimenter gave the students a
bag of blocks and asked them to build a tower that they think will withstand an
earthquake. Then they were asked to complete a paper pre-test, consisting of some
prediction and some explanation items. Children then interacted with their assigned
condition, either Randomized or Adaptive condition. We did piloting with both con-
ditions to ensure balanced time for different conditions.
Children were randomly assigned to two different conditions: Randomized condi-
tion and Adaptive Condition. In the Randomized condition, the tasks that students
were getting while interacting with the Intelligent Science Station were randomly
selected from a set of 10 tasks that had a focus on (see Fig.3). In the Adaptive
condition we used Adaptive Task Selection (Aleven etal., 2016) based on Bayesian
Fig. 5 Coding scheme for tower pre/posttests change
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Knowledge Tracing (Yudelson et al., 2013) as described above. The tasks were
selected based on the proximity of the knowledge component (KC) to the mastery
level (95%). If both prediction and explanation mastery scores are above 95% for a
certain KC, then the algorithm switches to the next KC. If the mastery score drops
(the student keeps getting it wrong), the algorithm switches to the KC that is closest
to mastery. We selected initial values for each KC based on previous experiments
and the difficulty of each KC for students and the mastery level was updated after
each task. Also, if they get more than 3 items per KC it switches to the next highest
KC, with the goal of introducing some interleaving. We controlled the time for both
conditions (~ 10min). Based on the video and log data, average time on task for the
intervention for Randomized Condition is approximately 9.61min, and for Adaptive
Condition is approximately 9.76min with no significant difference between time on
task in different conditions.
After interacting with the Intelligent Science Station, students were given a
matched paper post-test, including prediction and explanation items. After the paper
post-test, students were given the same tower building task as before the interven-
tion, to see if their towers had improved after interacting with the game. Finally,
children were asked to fill out a survey to see how much they enjoyed the game.
We wanted to see the effects of adaptivity on learning in a mixed-reality setting. To
accomplish this, we analyzed paper pre and post-tests, tower pre and post-tests, and
the enjoyment surveys that were given after interacting with the system.
We analyzed the results for the pre and post-tests to identify any differences
between conditions, adaptivity versus randomized. We confirmed that our pre and
posttest results were sufficiently normal by visually inspecting the distribution and
finding small Pearson median skewness values for the pre-test of 0.39 and post-test
of -0.10 (between − 0.50 and 0.50 indicates symmetry associated with normality).
An ANOVA with overall pre-test score as the outcome variable confirmed no dif-
ferences between the conditions at pretest (p > 0.40). To test for learning benefits,
we ran an ANCOVA with post-test score as the outcome variable and pre-test as
the covariate. We found significant positive effects of the adaptivity condition. The
overall results indicated that the average scores on the full post-tests (prediction and
explanation items) was 69% for the adaptive condition and 54% for the randomized
condition, F(1,34) = 4.02, p = 0.05, d = 0.66 (Cohen’s d). Our findings are summa-
rized in Fig.6. We did not find any significant interaction of test type on learning
An ANOVA testing the effect of the two conditions on transfer to engineering
outcomes (tower building) showed a non-significant trend in favor of the adaptive
condition (F(1, 34) = 1.75, p = 0.19, d = 0.48). The towers in the adaptive condi-
tion had a positive improvement (based on average score of improvement on height,
symmetry and center of mass) while the randomized condition did not show any
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We confirmed that the reduced variability in the adaptive condition (e.g., getting
another base question once they get a base question wrong) did not reduce engage-
ment. There was no significant difference in the enjoyment outcomes of the different
To understand the results better and investigate why the Adaptive condition might
be learning better compared to the Randomized condition, we looked at our logs.
We realized that in the Adaptive condition, students were getting more practice
with the task categories they were having a hard time with (e.g., center of mass, see
Fig.73) and moving quickly through the concepts they already knew (e.g., height,
see Fig.71). Thus, they were able to master these concepts better. On the other
hand, in the Randomized condition, they spent more time with height, and did not
get enough opportunities with the more challenging concepts like center of mass,
thus leading to less mastery of these concepts.
Our log data aims to provide a more in-depth understanding of the results of the
pre and posttests which show that BKT adaptivity improves learning compared to
random selection of items. As detailed below, our log analysis reveals that students
in the Adaptive condition can spend more time on items that they are having dif-
ficulty mastering without losing time on items they already know (as a result of the
adaptivity BKT algorithm provides).
Log Files Analysis
The log file analysis helps explain how knowledge tracing aids learning. Recall that
we set the parameters in BKT based on prior data indicating that the height princi-
ple is easier to learn than the center of mass principle. Thus, the algorithm needs less
observations of student success to determine mastery for height than center of mass.
Figure7illustrates how students’ experience is thus better optimized in the adaptive
condition, where tasks are selected based on BKT, than in the random condition. Com-
paring the first graph (see 1 in Fig.7) to the second graph (in 2), we see that children
in the Adaptive condition are assigned fewer height tasks (1–2 tasks) in comparison to
children in the Random condition (2–3 tasks). Of the nine groups in the Adaptive con-
dition, eight have the correct prediction (green boxes) on the first opportunity, which
Fig. 6 Overall post-scores were significantly higher for students in the adaptive group than those in the
random group (p = 0.03) with non-significant trends in favor of the adaptive group for Tower Building
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
1 3
is enough for BKT to estimate them as having reached mastery (see “mastered” status
indication to the right in 1). One other, group 2 (see the bottom of 1), gets the first
opportunity wrong and so is given a second opportunity and they get it right, which
is enough for BKT to estimate mastery. In contrast, in the Random condition, only
two groups get the BKT-predicted ideal amount of practice (groups 8 and 10, see the
“unmastered” status indication to the right in 2) whereas most get more practice than
needed (those indicated as “over practiced”) and a couple do not reach mastery (groups
1 and 6). For the harder center of mass task (see 3 and 4 in Fig.7) the situation is
reversed: Because of the lower initial knowledge estimate for center of mass in BKT,
children in the Adaptive condition are generally given more such tasks, especially if
they make more errors, than children in the Random condition. In the Adaptive condi-
tion, most children reach mastery in predicting and explaining the center of mass tasks
(6 of 9) and do so after 3 to 5 opportunities. (Note: If a group reached mastery in all
Fig. 7 In the Adaptive condition (1), most students master the height principle in one opportunity, and
thus are not given a second opportunity. On the other hand, in the Random condition (2), many stu-
dents who get it right the first time nevertheless receive a second opportunity, taking away valuable time
that could have otherwise been used to master other concepts that are not yet mastered. For the Weight
(center of mass) concept, many students in the Adaptive condition (3) get multiple opportunities that lead
to a high proportion of students mastering at the end. On the other hand, students in the Random condi-
tion (4) don’t get enough opportunities (too much time was spent on easy concepts) and do not reach
1 3
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
four task categories before time ran out, they were given “extra practice” as happened
for groups 3 and 7.) In the Random condition (on the right), none of the groups receive
enough Center of Mass tasks to reach mastery.
Table2 provides a summary across all groups on all four task types. In the Adaptive
condition, over 80% of the 36 group-by-task sequences end in mastery. No Adaptive
condition sequences involve over-practice (though some get some extra practice after
mastering all four tasks). In contrast, in the Random condition, only 16.7% of the 36
group-by-task sequences end in mastery. 27.8% of the sequences involve over practice,
taking away valuable learning time that could otherwise be used for the unmastered
sequences. 55.5% of the sequences as a result are unmastered.
Discussion andConclusion
We found that adaptivity using Bayesian Knowledge Tracing in the context of a
mixed-reality Intelligent Science Station led to better learning of scientific principles
compared to random task selection, without sacrificing enjoyment. Our log analysis
indicated that the students in the adaptive condition were getting more opportunities
to work on concepts they were having a hard time learning, while the students in the
adaptive condition overspent time on easy tasks and did not have enough opportunities
to master the harder concepts. Thus, adaptivity helped focus the attention of students on
concepts where they needed most help with, taking into account the variability among
different students.
Prior results have shown the promise of improving learning through knowledge trac-
ing (Atkinson, 1972), though in some cases with confounds in extra time (Corbett etal.,
2000) and in other cases finding no benefit (Zhao etal., 2013). Our results provide pos-
itive evidence towards the effectiveness of knowledge tracing adaptivity without sacri-
ficing time (time is controlled for both adaptive and random task selection conditions).
Also, since most knowledge tracing studies so far have focused on language and math
learning and in screen-based technologies, our results show the effectiveness of AI
adaptivity in a new context: inquiry-based science learning in a mixed-reality system.
Potential future work could explore alternative adaptation algorithms that, for example,
incorporate student-specific adjustments to the core guess, slip, learn rate parameters
(cf., Yudelson etal., 2013) or integrate information about student preferences. Never-
theless, our current positive results demonstrate that such approaches, while potentially
desirable, are not necessary to improve student learning through adaptive task selection.
We have demonstrated that techniques for active learning with automated feedback
can be effectively extended through automated mastery-based adaptation. Our log anal-
ysis shows how adaptive mastery can be applied at the level of scientific principles that
Table 2 A greater proportion
of students master scientific
principles in the adaptive
Condition Mastered Over practiced Unmastered
adaptive 80.5% 0.0% 19.5%
random 16.7% 27.8% 55.5%
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
1 3
students discover on their own with well-crafted feedback and as-needed guidance. We
find some principles are more intuitive than others (e.g., height) and thus require less
inquiry practice whereas other principles (e.g., center of mass) are more novel and take
more inquiry practice for students to understand and transfer. Further, some students
reach mastery sooner than others. Our mastery-based algorithm effectively adjusts the
inquiry experience to adapt to these content and student differences producing better
learning outcomes. It is worth noting that our previous experiment has shown that chil-
dren interacting with the system in pairs versus alone did not have any significant dif-
ference in their learning outcomes (Yannier etal., 2016). This experiment was done in
pairs, based on the preference of museum staff and teachers to have children work col-
laboratively. In future work, we plan to look into student conversations as well.
More generally, our results show the potential of adaptivity in a mixed-reality set-
ting to improve science learning for children in informal or formal learning settings.
This result is especially important given the limited number of controlled experi-
ments on learning benefits of tangible interfaces and mixed-reality systems. Bring-
ing computer-monitored mastery learning to the 3D world is a novel contribution
of our work made possible by automated assessment of students’ experimentation
afforded by the AI vision algorithm.
Acknowledgements This work is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant 2005966.
We would also like to thank Carnegie Science Center for supporting this work.
Funding Open Access funding provided by Carnegie Mellon University
The authors have no current financial or non-financial interests to disclose.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line
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... The evolving landscape of AI/ML and large language models present a promising avenue for transforming digital learning environments (DLEs) [1], [2] with a strong emphasis on personalized learning for students [3]- [5]. The integration of personalized learning models, shared (generalized) machine learning models, interoperable expert knowledge models, recommendation systems, and natural language processing not only tailors educational content to individual student needs but also fosters a more engaging and adaptive learning experience [6]. ...
... S Search queries count: [1]=Low (2); [2,3]=Moderate(4); [4,5]=High (6) (2); [4,5]=Moderate(4); [6,7]=High (6); [8,10]=Exceptional (10) Engagement [2,4,6,10] Analyze direct feedback to gauge satisfaction Correlate satisfaction with engagement metrics to offer adaptive communication and further exploration of support options. be sent to the cloud for model updates. ...
... S Search queries count: [1]=Low (2); [2,3]=Moderate(4); [4,5]=High (6) (2); [4,5]=Moderate(4); [6,7]=High (6); [8,10]=Exceptional (10) Engagement [2,4,6,10] Analyze direct feedback to gauge satisfaction Correlate satisfaction with engagement metrics to offer adaptive communication and further exploration of support options. be sent to the cloud for model updates. ...
This research analyzes, models and develops a novel Digital Learning Environment (DLE) fortified by the innovative Private Learning Intelligence (PLI) framework. The proposed PLI framework leverages federated machine learning (FL) techniques to autonomously construct and continuously refine personalized learning models for individual learners, ensuring robust privacy protection. Our approach is pivotal in advancing DLE capabilities, empowering learners to actively participate in personalized real-time learning experiences. The integration of PLI within a DLE also streamlines instructional design and development demands for personalized teaching/learning. We seek ways to establish a foundation for the seamless integration of FL into learning systems, offering a transformative approach to personalized learning in digital environments. Our implementation details and code are made public.
... Teachers are encouraged to personalize and adapt learning to individual students to support a wide range of learning styles, a practice that is often aided by classroom technology through analysis of student data (Koedinger et al., 2013). AI assists in streamlining this process thanks to its predictive and adaptive properties (Koedinger et al., 2013;Mollick & Mollick, 2023;Yannier et al., 2024), a great way for educators to ease up their workload using this technology. Prior to this, AI was used by schools for automated test scoring and grading (Zhang, 2013), a practice still used today. ...
... Studies on AI facilitation of classroom instruction corroborate research on other forms of the virtual classroom, showing similar effects of increased student engagement, motivation, and enjoyment (Diwan et al., 2023;Ocumpaugh et al., 2024;Yannier et al., 2024). The ability to use generative AI as a way to analyze student data and individualize learning is incredibly helpful for educators that already have a lot on their plate when it comes to planning (Koedinger et al., 2013;Mollick & Mollick, 2023;Ocumpaugh et al., 2024;Yannier et al., 2024). ...
... Studies on AI facilitation of classroom instruction corroborate research on other forms of the virtual classroom, showing similar effects of increased student engagement, motivation, and enjoyment (Diwan et al., 2023;Ocumpaugh et al., 2024;Yannier et al., 2024). The ability to use generative AI as a way to analyze student data and individualize learning is incredibly helpful for educators that already have a lot on their plate when it comes to planning (Koedinger et al., 2013;Mollick & Mollick, 2023;Ocumpaugh et al., 2024;Yannier et al., 2024). AI also works to save time with grading assessments, likely why it is still a common system for larger tests (Ocumpaugh et al., 2024;VanLehn, 2011;Zhang, 2013). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic and school closures highlighted the strengths and needs of the field of education regarding the virtual classroom. While universities and other educational institutions have been offering classes in an online format since the 1980s or 1990s (Hiltz, 1988 & 1995), most K-12 institutions have not had as much exposure to the structure despite integrating multiple new technologies into their schools for both teachers and students. Through the push to eLearning during the pandemic quarantine, many schools’ transitions showed successes and areas for improvement for the virtual classroom. In order to analyze the future of the virtual classroom in K-12 and higher education, and to provide steps for further improvements and considerations, a complete perspective is needed. This project examines key concepts such as past models or examples of digital iterations of the classroom, student and teacher experiences during coronavirus-era eLearning, and other theories or topics that could lead to a more solidified set of best practices for the future of the medium. Takeaways from this project include generally positive reviews of a digital classroom format, concerns surrounding eLearning regarding accessibility and the digital divide, the ability for the virtual classroom to facilitate or improve the social climate normally seen within a classroom community, best practices regarding online learning going forward, and the need for an up-to-date framework to assess virtual classrooms with emphasis on pandemic-era reflections. This culminates in the creation of the Hyperpersonal and Interactive-Facilitation of Immersive Virtual Environments in Schools (HI-FIVES) framework for the assessment of educational technology and virtual classroom approaches based on theories of computer-mediated communication, learning theories, pandemic reflections by staff and students, and various current eLearning adaptations.
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Background Museum exhibits encourage exploration with physical materials typically with minimal signage or guidance. Ideally children get interactive support as they explore, but it is not always feasible to have knowledgeable staff regularly present. Technology-based interactive support can provide guidance to help learners achieve scientific understanding for how and why things work and engineering skills for designing and constructing useful artifacts and for solving important problems. We have developed an innovative AI-based technology, Intelligent Science Exhibits that provide interactive guidance to visitors of an inquiry-based science exhibit. Methods We used this technology to investigate alternative views of appropriate levels of guidance in exhibits. We contrasted visitor engagement and learning from interaction with an Intelligent Science Exhibit to a matched conventional exhibit. Findings We found evidence that the Intelligent Science Exhibit produces substantially better learning for both scientific and engineering outcomes, equivalent levels of self-reported enjoyment, and higher levels of engagement as measured by the length of time voluntarily spent at the exhibit. Contribution These findings show potential for transforming hands-on museum exhibits with intelligent science exhibits and more generally indicate how providing children with feedback on their predictions and scientific explanations enhances their learning and engagement.
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Along with substantial consensus around the power of active learning, comes some lack of precision in what its essential ingredients are. New educational technologies offer vehicles for systematically exploring benefits of alternative techniques for supporting active learning. We introduce a new genre of Intelligent Science Station technology that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support children in learning science by doing science in the real world. We use this system in a randomized controlled trial that investigates whether active learning is best when it is implemented as guided deliberate practice, as constructive “hands-on” activity, or as a combination of both. Automated, reactive guidance is made possible by a specialized AI computer vision algorithm we developed to track what children are doing in the physical environment as they do experiments and discoveries with physical objects. The results support deliberate practice and indicate that having some guided discovery based on effective learning mechanism such as self-explanation, contrasting cases and personalized interactive feedback produces more robust learning compared to exploratory construction alone. Children learning through guided discovery achieve greater understanding of the scientific principles than children learning through hands-on construction alone (4 times more pre-to-post test improvement). Importantly, a combined guided discovery and hands-on construction condition leads to better learning of the very hands-on construction skills that are the sole focus of the hands-on constructive learning condition (>10 times more pre-to-post improvement). These results suggest ways to achieve powerful active learning of science and engineering that go beyond the widespread temptation to equate hands-on activity with effective learning.
Conference Paper
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This paper introduces a cognitive tutor designed for second language grammar instruction. The tutor adopted Corbett and Anderson's (1995) Bayesian knowledge tracing model and provided adaptive training on the English article system. We followed the Competition Model (MacWhinney, 1997) and understood the article system as a galaxy of cues determining article usage on the basis of form-function mapping. Cues are in competition during language acquisition; hence cue contrast is predicted to be an effective instructional method. Seventy-eight students were randomly assigned to four article training conditions (to learn 33 cues) and a control condition (to write essays). We found that article-training groups significantly outperformed the control group in an immediate posttest and a delayed posttest. Specifically, our result also suggested that there was a significant interaction between cue contrast and cue type (definite vs. indefinite). Cue contrast promoted more learning on the indefinite cues (more difficult for learners). Knowledge tracing did not demonstrate such an interactional effect with cue types. Instead, it boosted the instructional effect promoted by cue contrast.
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Students are involved in mathematics they pursue their individual interests in areas like sports or video games. The present study explores how connecting to students’ individual interests can be used to personalize learning using an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for algebra. We examine the idea that the effects of personalization may be moderated by students’ depth of quantitative engagement with their out-of-school interests. We also examine whether math problems designed to draw upon students’ knowledge of their individual interests at a deep level (i.e., actual quantitative experiences) or surface level (i.e., superficial changes to problem topic) have differential effects. Results suggest that connecting math instruction to students’ out-of-school interests can be beneficial for learning in an ITS and reduces gaming the system. However, benefits may only be realized when students’ degree of quantitative engagement with their out-of-school interests matches the depth at which the personalized problems are written. Students whose quantitative engagement with their interests is minimal may benefit most when problems draw upon superficial aspects of their interest areas. Students who report significant quantitative engagement with their interests may benefit most when individual interests are deeply incorporated into the quantitative structure of math problems. We also find that problems with deeper personalization may spur positive affective states and ward off negative ones for all students. Findings suggest depth is a critical feature of personalized learning with implications for theory and AI instructional design.
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Previous studies suggest that factual learning, that is, learning from obtained outcomes, is biased, such that participants preferentially take into account positive, as compared to negative, prediction errors. However, whether or not the prediction error valence also affects counterfactual learning, that is, learning from forgone outcomes, is unknown. To address this question, we analysed the performance of two groups of participants on reinforcement learning tasks using a computational model that was adapted to test if prediction error valence influences learning. We carried out two experiments: in the factual learning experiment, participants learned from partial feedback (i.e., the outcome of the chosen option only); in the counterfactual learning experiment, participants learned from complete feedback information (i.e., the outcomes of both the chosen and unchosen option were displayed). In the factual learning experiment, we replicated previous findings of a valence-induced bias, whereby participants learned preferentially from positive, relative to negative, prediction errors. In contrast, for counterfactual learning, we found the opposite valence-induced bias: negative prediction errors were preferentially taken into account, relative to positive ones. When considering valence-induced bias in the context of both factual and counterfactual learning, it appears that people tend to preferentially take into account information that confirms their current choice.
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Can experimenting with three-dimensional (3D) physical objects in mixed-reality environments produce better learning and enjoyment than flat-screen two-dimensional (2D) interaction? We explored this question with EarthShake: a mixed-reality game bridging physical and virtual worlds via depth-camera sensing, designed to help children learn basic physics principles. In this paper, we report on a controlled experiment with 67 children, 4-8 years old, that examines the effect of observing physical phenomena and collaboration (pairs vs. solo). A follow-up experiment with 92 children tests whether adding simple physical control, such as shaking a tablet, improves learning and enjoyment. Our results indicate that observing physical phenomena in the context of a mixed-reality game leads to significantly more learning and enjoyment compared to screen-only versions. However, there were no significant effects of adding simple physical control or having students play in pairs vs. alone. These results and our gesture analysis provide evidence that children's science learning can be enhanced through experiencing physical phenomena in amixed-reality environment.
With the advent of artificial intelligence, most of the main techniques have found their way into intelligent education. Knowledge tracing is one of the essential tasks in educational research, which aims to model and qualify students' procedural knowledge acquisition using machine learning or deep learning techniques. While numerous studies have focused on improving models and algorithms of knowledge tracing, few have thoroughly examined the dynamic and complex aspects of this research field. This study conducts a bibliometric analysis that included 383 key articles published between 1992 and 2021 to review the evolutionary nuances of knowledge tracing research. Besides, we employ document clustering to uncover the most common topics of knowledge tracing and systematically review each topic's characteristics. Major findings include broad knowledge tracing trends information such as the most productive authors, the most referenced articles, and the occurrence of author keywords. Existing knowledge tracing models are further divided into three clusters: Markov process-based knowledge tracing, logistic knowledge tracing, and deep learning-based knowledge tracing. The attributes of each cluster were then discussed, as well as recent development and application. Finally, we highlighted existing constraints and identified promising future research topics in knowledge tracing.
Conference Paper
Nearly every adaptive learning system aims to present students with materials personalized to their level of understanding (Enyedy, 2014). Typically, such adaptation follows some form of mastery learning (Bloom, 1968), in which students are asked to master one topic before proceeding to the next topic. Mastery learning programs have a long history of success (Guskey and Gates, 1986; Kulik, Kulik & Bangert-Drowns, 1990) and have been shown to be superior to alternative instructional approaches. Although there is evidence for the effectiveness of mastery learning when it is well supported by teachers, mastery learning's effectiveness is crucially dependent on the ability and willingness of teachers to implement it properly. In particular, school environments impose time constraints and set goals for curriculum coverage that may encourage teachers to deviate from mastery-based instruction. In this paper we examine mastery learning as implemented in Carnegie Learning's Cognitive Tutor. Like in all real-world systems, teachers and students have the ability to violate mastery learning guidance. We investigate patterns associated with violating and following mastery learning over the course of the full school year at the class and student level. We find that violations of mastery learning are associated with poorer student performance, especially among struggling students, and that this result is likely attributable to such violations of mastery learning.