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Abstract and Figures

The possibilities for oral bone regeneration procedures vary depending on the type of bone defect to be treated, which in turn dictate the type of graft to be used. Atrophic alveolar ridges are non‐contained defects and pose a challenging defect morphology for bone regeneration/augmentation. Successful results are regularly obtained with the use of particulate grafts in combination with barrier membranes. In cases of very narrow ridges with need of larger amount of bone augmentation, block grafts are often used. Fresh‐frozen allogeneic bone block grafts have been proposed as an alternative to autogenous (AT) bone blocks. Based on a systematic appraisal of pre‐clinical in vivo studies and clinical trials including a direct comparison of fresh‐frozen bone (FFB) blocks versus AT bone blocks it can be concluded that a FFB block graft: (a) cannot be considered as a reliable replacement of a AT bone block, and (b) should only be considered in cases where the amount of necessary augmentation—in a lateral direction—is relatively limited, so that the main portion of the body of the implant lies within the inner (i.e., the vital) aspect of the block.
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Periodontology 2000. 2023;93:139–152.
Edentulism has a high negative impact on people's quality of life
and despite the notable advances regarding treatment and pre-
vention of oral diseases, it affects a considerable portion of the
global population, that is, about 22% of the word population
have some type of edentulism.1,2 Dental implants are nowadays
a standard treatment for the rehabilitation of partially or totally
edentulous patients with very good long-term results, in terms of
high survival rates of the implants and the prostheses (i.e., around
85%–95% after 10 years in function)3 and improvement in quality
of life.4
Proper implant therapy dictates that the implant is fully sur-
rounded by bone; however, tooth loss often causes significant re-
duction in the alveolar ridge width which may prevent appropriate
implant installation,5,6 despite recent developments in dental im-
plant technology, providing implants of reduced dimensions7, 8 and
made of special alloys with increased strength.9 It is thus common
that with the available alveolar ridge dimensions proper implant in-
stallation is not possible10 or a harmonic (aesthetic) result cannot be
obtained.11 Thus, bone regeneration procedures are often needed to
generate bone, allowing proper implant installation.10
In this context, the possibilities for oral bone regeneration
procedures vary depending on the type of bone defect to be
treated.12,13 Bone defects can be divided in confined/contained
Received: 17 November 2023 
Accepted: 18 November 2023
DOI: 10.1111/p rd.12 543
Fresh-frozen allogeneic bone blocks grafts for alveolar ridge
augmentation: Biological and clinical aspects
Andreas Stavropoulos1,2,3 | Camila Chierici Marcantonio4| Vithor Xavier Resende
de Oliveira5| Élcio Marcantonio Jr4| Guilherme José Pimentel Lopes de Oliveira5
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. Periodontology 2000 published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
1Periodontology, Faculty of Odontology,
University of Malmö, Malmö, Sweden
2Division of Conservative Dentistry
and Periodontology, University Clinic of
Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna , Austria
3Department of Periodontolog y, School of
Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Bern,
4Department of Diagnosis and Surgery
School of Dentistr y at Arara quara,
Universidade Estadual Paulista,
Arara quara, Sã o Paulo, Brazil
5Department of Periodontology/
Implantodontolog y, School of Dentistry,
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia,
Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Andreas Stavropoulos, Periodontology,
Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University,
Malmö, Sweden.
The possibilities for oral bone regeneration procedures vary depending on the type of
bone defect to be treated, which in turn dictate the type of graft to be used. Atrophic
alveolar ridges are non-contained defects and pose a challenging defect morphol-
ogy for bone regeneration/augmentation. Successful results are regularly obtained
with the use of particulate grafts in combination with barrier membranes. In cases of
very narrow ridges with need of larger amount of bone augmentation, block grafts
are often used. Fresh-frozen allogeneic bone block grafts have been proposed as an
alternative to autogenous (AT) bone blocks. Based on a systematic appraisal of pre-
clinical in vivo studies and clinical trials including a direct comparison of fresh-frozen
bone (FFB) blocks versus AT bone blocks it can be concluded that a FFB block graft:
(a) cannot be considered as a reliable replacement of a AT bone block, and (b) should
only be considered in cases where the amount of necessary augmentation—in a lateral
direction—is relatively limited, so that the main portion of the body of the implant lies
within the inner (i.e., the vital) aspect of the block.
autogenous bone, block bone graft, fresh-frozen bone allograft
defects, for example the tooth post-extraction socket13 or
non-confined/non-contained, for example the atrophic (healed)
alveolar showing limited bone volume in thickness or height.12
Bone regeneration procedures in contained defects have better
predictability, due the greater number of bone walls that serve as
a source of tissue resources (e.g., undifferentiated mesenchymal
cells, matrix residing growt h fac tors etc.).13 ,14 Further, a contained
defect morphology facilitates use of bone grafts in particulate
form; bone graft particles exhibit a large contact surface and thus
increased potential for osteoconduction.15
In contrast, atrophic alveolar ridges are non-contained defects
and pose a more challenging defect morphology for bone regener-
ation/augmentation. This is partly to the reduced tissue resources
due to the reduced number/absence of bone walls, but also due to
the reduced vascularization of the area associated with the cortical-
ized recipient bed5,16; nevertheless, the latter issue is usually eas-
ily overcome in the clinic by perforating the recipient cortical bed,
providing access to the bone marrow compartment and enhancing
bleeding.16 Another major issue challenging bone augmentation in
atrophic ridges is the reduced mechanical stability of the wound
complex and of the regenerate after closure and during the early
healing period; mechanical stability is important for bone healing
per se, but also in terms of space provision regarding the shape/vol-
ume of the regenerated bone. In the clinic, mechanical stability of
the wound/regenerate in non-contained defects, when particulate
grafts are used, is attempted with the use of a membrane and ap-
propriate management (e.g., tightening and fixating the membrane
with pins) and/or using reinforced membranes (e.g., with titanium),
or using metal meshes.1 7,18 Indeed, successful results are regularly
obtained with the use of particulate grafts in combination with
membranes (i.e., with guided bone regeneration; GBR), more-or-less
irrespective of the type of graft.19 Nevertheless, pre-clinical studies
indicate that even with excellent space provision, there may be a
limit in the extent of bone regeneration from a horizontal cortical
bone wall or defects with limited-due to their shape-bone tissue re-
sources, despite grafting.20–2 4 This in turn would translate into that
there is a certain limit in the amount of augmentation that can be
achieved with GBR and particulate grafts in the clinic. Thus, in cases
of very narrow ridges, where there is a need of larger amount of
bone augmentation, block graft s can be an alternative. Indeed, larger
amounts of alveolar ridge augmentation have been reported with
the use of bone block grafts compared with what achieved with par-
ticulate grafts.25,26
Autogenous (AT) bone is the most complete grafting material, as it
provides not only the bone producing osteoblasts (i.e., osteogene-
sis), but also provides a scaffold for osteoblasts to proliferate and lay
bone upon (i.e., osteoconduction) and osteogenic growth factors, for
example, bone morphogenetic proteins, that enhance differentiation
and proliferation of undifferentiated cells towards osteoblasts (i.e.,
osteoinduction).27 Furthermore, AT bone is gradually largely re-
modeled (resorbed and replaced) and there are no problems with
histocompatibility and immunologic reactions, and obviously there
is no risk of disease transmission.27 Therefore, AT bone grafts are
often referred to as the gold standard. Nevertheless, harvesting an
AT bone block, has drawbacks; surgery is relatively cumbersome, as
it often necessitates the use of a second surgical site, thus adding
to patient suffering due to donor site morbidity, extended surgical
time, and increased post-surgical pain; there is also a risk for nerve
and soft tissue injuries; and occasionally, the quality and quantity of
available bone does not allow harvesting of a bone block, for exam-
ple, in small size jaws after long-term edentulism.28,29
Allogeneic (AL) bone, in particular fresh-frozen bone (FFB)
blocks (i.e., collected from another human, deceased or alive) have
been proposed as an alternative to AT bone blocks30 ,31; AL bone is
in general a widely used material, not only in dentistry, but also in or-
thopedics, with the obvious advantages of unlimited availability and
reduced surgical time.32 Concerns of the past about the use of AL
bone, in terms of risk of disease transmission (e.g., hepatitis or HIV )
and antigenicity33,34 have been lessened during recent years due to
the very strict guidelines for donor bone tissue sources and process-
ing.35 For example, in the protocol of the American Association of
Tissue Banks, strict screening of the medical and social background
of the donors is carried out; for example, no history of infection or
infectious potential prior to harvesting, afebrile hospital stay, no res-
pirator >72 h, no chronic or infectious disease, no chronic steroid
drug use, no lifestyle associated with high risk of HIV, etc. For the
FFB blocks, the harvested bone tissue is specifically processed, in-
cluding removal of all soft tissues and periosteum, serial washing in
sterile saline including antibiotics, and then packed and freezed at
temperatures varying from −20°36 to −40° or −80°.37,3 8 In this con-
text, it has been estimated that with the above processing, including
the donor screening process, the risk that a FFB graft is contami-
nated with HIV, is 1 in 8 million.39
This processing has the additional advantage that although it de-
vitalizes the very large majority of cells in the bone block, it does not
compromise the mechanical proper ties of the bone block, in contras t
with other methods of AL bone processing, for example, freeze-dr y-
ing under vacuum (lyophilization) and/or demineralization, which
weaken the bone block.4 0,41 Thus, FFB blocks are very similar to AT
bone blocks, regarding structural stability and composition in terms
of matrix and growth factors.
For an objective evaluation of the potential of FFB blocks in com-
parison with AT bone blocks for alveolar ridge augmentation, a sys-
tematic search of the pre-clinical in vivo and clinical literature was
conducted, following a PICO question structure:
I. for pre-clinical in vivo studies: (P) In animals, (I) subjected to bone
augmentation, what is the effectiveness of (C) FFB blocks compared
with that of AT bone blocks in terms of (O) healing/integration, and/
or amount/volume of augmentation/block resorption, and/or dental
implant integration.
II. for clinical studies: (P) In patients, (I) subjected to alveolar ridge
augmentation, what is the effectiveness of (C) FFB blocks compared
with that of AT bone blocks in terms of (O) healing/integration, and/
or amount/volume of augmentation/block resorption, or dental im-
plant survival and/or early/late post-surgical complication rate.
Three databases were searched (PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus),
with no time and language restrictions, independently by two evalu-
ators (V XRO and CCM); in case of disagreement on an article, a third
evaluator (GJO) decided whether to include or exclude the ar ticle.
Details of the search as well as of the flowchart of search results are
presented in Appendix A and Figure A1.
3.1  | Pre-clinical in vivo studies
Three publications from pre-clinical studies, on bone block aug-
mentation with FFB versus AT bone, using different rabbit models
(i.e., mandible,42,43 tibia44) were identified as suitable for inclusion
(Table 1). In two of the studies, bone block integration was assessed
with histology and immunohistochemistry,42,43 while in the third
study, titanium implant osseointegration in conjunction with bone
block grafting was assessed biomechanically and histologically.44 In
general, AT bone blocks showed faster resorption/remodeling and
integration compared to FFB blocks, thus AT bone blocks showed
some volume loss, while FFB blocks were more stable; further, the
vital portion of AT bone blocks was much larger compared with that
in FFB blocks, which were mainly acellular (necrotic) irrespective the
observation time and integration grade.42,43 In the single study in-
volving implants, no differences in terms of amount of implant osse-
ointegration, assessed histomorphometrically (i.e., amount of direct
bone-to-implant contact; BIC) and with biomechanical testing (i.e.,
implant removal torque test) was obser ved.44
3.2  | Clinical studies—performance and histological
results of FFB blocks versus AT bone blocks
Nine publications from clinical studies, on alveolar ridge augmentation
with FFB blocks versus AT bone blocks were identified as suitable for
inclusion. Seven publications focused on clinical, histological, and/or
aspects of FFB blocks and AT bone blocks,45 –51 while the remaining
2 publications focused on safety and patient-related outcomes52,53
(Table 2). Of these 9 publications, only 1 regarded a randomized con-
trolled trial46; the remaining 8 publications were from non-randomized
parallel-arm studies. Most of the studies report on aspects related to
FFB block versus AT bone block grating only until implant installation,
that is, they do not report on the outcome of implant therapy; only
2 publications refer to outcomes related to the implants installed.45, 51
TABLE 1 Overview of pre-clinical in vivo studies on bone augmentation with FFB blocks versus AT bone blocks.
Author, year
platform Sample/design Methods/analyses Main outcomes
Hawthorne et al. (2013) 42 Rabbit
56 New Zealand White rabbits
20 animals, as donors
36 animals grafted
FFB block and AT bone block as onlay, bilaterally on the mandible
6 animals sacrificed after 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, and 60 days post-op
Tomography for density and
volume assessment
No differences bet ween FFB and AT bone blocks
regarding bone density and volume
FFB blocks appeared intact at 20 and 60 days, while
AT bone blocks underwent remodeling and were
completely incorporated at Day 60
Garbin Junior et al.
(2017 )43
25 New Zealand White rabbits
1 animal, as donor
24 animals grafted
FFB block and AT bone block as onlay, bilaterally on the mandible
6 animals sacrificed after 15, 45, 120 and 180 days post-op
AT bone blocks presented faster graft integration and
more vital bone than FFB blocks after 45 days (47%
vs. 32%, respectively)
Ribeiro et al. (2018)44 Rabbit tibia 18 New Zealand White rabbits
6 animals, as donors
12 animals grafted
Two implants with a block graf t (FFB or AT bone), as onlay, on
each tibiae
All animals sacrificed at 18 weeks pos t-op
Implant stability (ISQ )
Removal torque
No differences bet ween FFB blocks and AT blocks
regarding implant stability, removal torque, bone-
to-implant contact, or bone area between the
implant threads at 18 week s
TABLE 2 Overview of clinical studies on alveolar ridge augmentation with FFB blocks versus AT bone blocks.
Author, year, study type Sample/design Methods/analyses Main outcomes Complications
Chiapasco et al. (2013)45
12 patient s, 18–84 years
6 patients received FFB blocks; 44
implant s were installed 5–9 months
after grafting
6 patient s received AT bone blocks;
32 implants were installed
4–6 months after grafting
Bone-core biopsies harvested during
implant installation
Descriptive histology
Histomorphometry regarding the
relative bone composition in
the bone-core biopsies
No differences in the relative bone composition
between FFB blocks and AT bone blocks
Lamellar bone 24.7 ± 14.7%
New bone 28.4 ± 13.3%
Bone marrow 46.9 ± 16.9%
Lamellar bone 25.3 ± 15.3%
New bone 22.9 ± 11.0 %
Bone marrow 51.7 ± 15.7%
1 patient with early complication; graft
loss due to infection
5 patients with late complications; soft
tissue dehiscence with exposure
of bone, bone sequestration,
accelerated graft resorption with no
apparent cause, peri-implantitis
No complications
Spin Neto, Landazuri Del
Barrio, et al., (2013)47
12 patient s, 25–60 year s
6 patients received 17 FFB blocks
6 patient s received 12 AT bone blocks
Bone core biopsies harvested
7 months af ter grafting
Descriptive histology All graf ts were found to be firm in consistency
and well-incorporated to the recipient bed.
However, a more clear distinction was
observed at the interface of the FFB block
and the native bone
Large amount of necrotic bone surrounded by
few spots of newly formed bone in the FFB
block group, suggesting low rate of graft
No complications
Spin Neto, Stavropoulos,
et al., (2013)50
26 patient s, 21–70 years
13 patients received 19 FFB blocks
13 patients received 19 AT bone
CBCTs recorded prior to- and 14 days
and 6 monhts after grafting
CBCT (i-CAT Classic) examinations
Planimetric measurements on
two-dimensional CBCT images
of the graf ted regions: CBA,
changes in bone area; TBA ,
total maxillary or mandibular
bone area
Larger bone graft resorption was seen in
patients treated with FFB block than in
those treated with AT bone block 6 months
following alveolar ridge augmentation
TBA Baseline (mm2)
140.20± 51. 14
Grafted bone block area (mm2)
54.39 ± 2 0.95
TBA 14 days (mm2)
194.10± 56.88
TBA 6 months (mm2)
182.60 ± 56.07
−9. 33 ± 9. 57
TBA baseline (mm2)
165.3 0 ± 54 .14
Grafted bone block area (mm2)
24.19  ± 8.50
TBA 14 days (mm2)
18 7.5 0± 56.65
TBA 6 months (mm2)
195 ± 65.13
2.57 ± 14 .62
1 block exposed
2 blocks lost
Survival rate (84.21%)
No complications
Author, year, study type Sample/design Methods/analyses Main outcomes Complications
Lumetti et al. (2014)46
Randomized controlled
24 patients, 24–73 years
12 patients received 12 FFB blocks
12 patient s received 12 AT bone
Bone-core biopsies harvested 6
months after grafting
CBCTs recorded 7 days and 6 months
after grafting
Descriptive histology
CBCT (i-CAT Classic) examinations
Volume change between 7 days-
and 6 months after graf ting
FFB blocks had lower density than AT bone
Densit y T 7 days (HU)
619 ± 277
Densit y T 6 months (HU)
685 ± 385.1
Volume change (%)
−52% ± 25.87
Densit y T 7 days (HU)
935 ± 250
Densit y T 6 months (HU)
1086± 202
Volume change (%)
−25% ± 12.73
There were no differences regarding the new
bone, residual bone graft, and bone marrow
areas between the groups (no descriptive
data were provided)
1 block totally resorbed.
No complications
Spin Neto et al. (2014)48
34 patients, 27–69 years
20 patients received 54 FFB blocks
14 patients received 20 AT bone
Bone-core biopsies harvested
6 months af ter grafting
Mini-implants were placed during
implant installation and harvested
4–6 months later
Histomorphometry of bone-core
Evaluation of relative amounts (%)
of viable bone (VB), necrotic
bone (NcB), and soft tissues
Histomorphometry of
Evaluation of the bone implant
contac t (BIC) and bone
between the threads (BBT).
Complications: Evaluated the
blocks lost before the implants
Bone biopsies
NcB: 43.1
VB: 8.4
ST: 48.4
NcB: 55.9
VB : 27. 6
ST: 16.4
BIC: 38.1
BB T: 39.7
BI C: 47.1
BB T: 42.0
4 blocks losted (92.59% of FFB survival)
No complications
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Author, year, study type Sample/design Methods/analyses Main outcomes Complications
Spin Neto et al. (2015)49
Twenty-four patients, 18–69 years
8 patients received 20 cortical FFB
blocks (C-FFB)
8 patients received 52
corticocancellous FFB blocks
8 patient s received 20 AT bone blocks
Bone biopsies were harvested
6 months af ter AT bone- and CC-
FFB block grafting, and 8 months
after C-FFB block grafting
Tomographic images were obtained
at baseline, 14 days, and 6 months
after grafting for the AT bone-
and CC-FFB block groups, and at
baseline, 14 days and 8 months
after grafting for the C-FFB block
CBCT (i-CAT Classic) examinations
Differences in alveolar ridge area
among the various observation
times were evaluated by
planimetric measurements on
two-dimensional CBCT images
of the graf ted regions: CBA,
changes in bone area; TBA ,
total maxillary or mandibular
bone area
Histomorphometry of bone
Evaluation of relative amounts (%)
of viable bone (VB), necrotic
bone (NcB), and soft tissues
TBA Baseline (mm2): 178.7 ± 35.4
Grafted bone block area (mm2): 29.4 ± 10 .4
TBA 14 days (mm2): 20 4.6 ± 2 9.6
TBA 6 months (mm2): 211.0 ± 3 7.8
CBA%: 1.3 ± 14.9
NcB: 83.7 ± 10 .8
VB 3.9 ± 4.6
ST: 12.3 ± 8.5
TBA Baseline (mm2): 136.4 ±51.3
Grafted bone block area (mm2): 56.8 ± 1 7.0
TBA 14 days (mm2): 193.5 ± 63.9
TBA 6 months (mm2): 181.2 ± 55.8
CBA%: −8.3 ± 7.1
NcB: 38. 2 ± 12.1
VB: 9.3 ± 3.8
ST: 52.5 ± 11.7
TBA Baseline (mm2): 182.9 ± 62.2
Grafted bone block area (mm2): 27.5 ± 7.4
TBA 14 days (mm2): 203.3 ± 63.3
TBA 6 months (mm2): 215.5 ± 76 .9
CBA%: 1.5 ± 20.6
NcB: 18.1 ±17.1
VB: 25.1 ± 11.2
ST: 52.5 ± 11.7
No complications
Dellavia et al. (2016)51
Twenty patients, 18–85 years
14 patients with FFB blocks; 69
implant s installed 5–9 months after
the grafting procedure
6 patient s with AT bone blocks; 32
implant s installed 5–9 months after
the grafting procedure
The patients received between 4 and
8 implants. The number of bone
blocks placed in each patient was
not clearly described
Histomorphometry of bone
Evaluation of relative amounts
(%) of lamellar bone (LB) - new
bone (NB), and bone marrow
spaces (BM)
LB - 31.39% ± 19.41%
NB- 21.60% ± 12.88%
BM - 47.01% ±17.87%
LB - 25.34% ± 15.33%
NB - 22.92% ± 11 .04%
BM 51.75% ± 15.74%
Peri-implantitis: 3 cases
Implants lost: 5 cases
Implant survival: 92.75%
Implant success: 88.40%
FFB block exposure: 1 case
FFB block lost: 4 cases
Implant survival and success: 100%
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Noteworthy, the publications of Spin Neto et al. derive from the same
group of patients. In all studies, the FFB blocks were brought to room
temperature prior to use, then trimmed and adapted to fit, and fixed
onto the perforated recipient bed, with screws; the gaps between
the bone block and the recipient bed were commonly filled out with
bone particles from the same type of bone as the block (i.e., FFB or
AT bone), and everything was covered with a collagen membrane, and
submerged; patients received, as standard, systemic antibiotics pro-
phylactically and post-surgically; antiseptic chlorhexidine rinsing was
used for several days post-operatively; implants were inserted after a
period of 5–9 months of healing (Figure 1).
The histological results reported in the studies derive mainly
from bone-core biopsies—harvested by means of trephine burs—
during implant placement some months after the augmentation pro-
cedure, either from the implant site or from the buccal aspect of
the block-augmented alveolar ridge. In 3 publications, from the same
research group, the biopsies from the AT bone blocks presented
with larger areas with vital bone compared with those from the FFD
blocks, which were largely non-vital47– 49 (Figure 2). In particular, one
of the publications looked specifically in the histological differences
in FFB blocks depending on their spatial architecture in terms of cor-
tical/cancellous bone.49 In this study, it was observed that primarily
cortical FFB blocks, retrieved from the tibia, presented significantly
less areas of vital bone, compared with primarily corticocancellous
FFB blocks retrieved from the femoral head and/or patella (4% vs.
9%, respectively); in contrast, AT bone blocks, harvested from the
ramus (primarily cortical) showed 25% vital bone. Furthermore,
higher amounts of non-vital bone were regularly observed in the
part of the biopsies representing aspects of the FFB block distant
to resident bone. These observations may explain the contradictory
FIGURE 1 Representative case of a patient with a very thin alveolar ridge in the maxilla, treated with FFB block grafting (case provided
by Prof. Elcio Marcantonio Jr.). Clinical view (A), 3-D printed model of the maxilla (B), and intra-surgical clinical view (C). First the bone bed
was wounded with a bur to provide access to induce bleeding and/or provide access to the marrow (D), then FFB blocks were trimmed and
adapted, and fixed in place with screws (E, F), and the gaps in-between the blocks and the bed were filled with par ticulated FFB (G) and
covered with a collagen membrane (H). After about 6 months, the blocks appear well integrated (I) and the alveolar ridge is clearly wider (J),
except from the area between tooth 11–21, where the block was loose and had to be removed (K); this event, however, did not preclude
installation of implants in the planned position. FFB, fresh-frozen bone.
findings in the remaining 3 publications reporting histological data,
where no differences in the amount of vital bone between the two
types of bone blocks were observed.45, 46, 51 Indeed, in the studies
reporting no differences in terms of vitality between FFB blocks and
AT bone blocks, corticocancellous blocks from hip were used.45,4 6
Nevertheless, the difference in vitalit y between FFB and AT bone
blocks seems not to have a major negative impact on osseointegra-
tion; in one of the studies, where mini-implants were intentionally
placed perpendicularly to the bone block during the grafting pro-
cedure, in order to be retrieved later for histomorphometrical as-
sessment, no significant differences in terms of BIC were observed
between implants placed in FFB blocks and AT bone blocks (38.1%
vs. 47.1%, respectively).48
In terms of block graft volume stability, a larger resorption during
the integration face was reported for the FFB blocks compared with
the AT bone blocks.46, 49, 50 The extent of volume loss seems related
to the relative amount of the cancellus component of the graft, that
is, more volume loss, the more cancellous the block is45,49; how-
ever, this property (drawback) of FFB blocks did not compromise
implant installation significantly, that is, no big changes in terms of
patient rehabilitation were reported in those studies due to bone
block resorption. In two of the publications, the impact of FFB block
grafting on the immune system was addressed by assessing various
inflammatory markers in the systemic circulation of patients receiv-
ing either FFB blocks or AT bone blocks, 2 weeks after the grafting
procedure52,53; these studies showed, that irrespectively from the
number of bone blocks used (from 1 to 6 blocks), FFB block grafting
seem not to challenge the immune system significantly.
3.3  | Clinical studies—complications with FFB
versus AT bone block grafting
A relevant aspect when considering FFB blocks as an alternative
to AT bone blocks is potential differences in the rate of early/late
complications, either associated with the grafting procedure itself
(e.g., block exposure and/or loss) or implant-related complications
(e.g., early/late implant loss or peri-implantitis). Indeed, early com-
plications were seldom with AT bone blocks, which seem to almost
never fail when the grafting procedure is performed by experienced
surgeons. In contrast, FFB block grafting seems to be more prone for
early post-operative complications compared with AB blocks graft-
ing. Specifically, wound dehiscence and FFB block exposure was the
commonly reported complication, while FFB block loss was a rather
rare event and occurred in only a few patients, and regarded only a
few of the grafts.45,48,51 Lack of FFB block integration, is more often
a late complication, discovered during second stage surgery for im-
plant installation (Figure 1I–K). Management of wound dehiscence
depends on the size of block exposure and the quality of fixation
of the block. Smaller exposures with properly fixed blocks can be
treated with removal/trimming of the exposed necrotic part of the
block an d application of chl orhexidine lo cally; in cases of l arge wound
dehiscence and poor block fixation, the block must be removed.48,51
When lack of bone block integration is discovered at second stage,
then the procedure may need to be repeated or the prosthetic plan
revised.51 In this context, recipient bed perforation to the bone mar-
row and good adaptation and fixation of the FFB block on the bed,
similarly to the standard procedure for AT bone block grafting,54 are
factors considered reducing the risk for block failure.
In the only 2 publications reporting about the implants in-
stalled,45, 51 late complications were observed in several patients
treated with FFB blocks (e.g., soft tissue dehiscence and bone se-
questration, graft resorption, implant associated infection/loss of
osseointegration, peri-implantitis), while no remarkable late com-
plications were reported regarding AT bone blocks. The reported
implant survival and success rates ranged from 89%–93% and
82%–88%, respectively, regarding the implants installed in the FFB
block-augmented sites; no late complications were reported regard-
ing implant s inserted in AT bone block-augmented ridges in these
studies. Nevertheless, the timeframe the complications occurred,
or the implant survival/success rates are referring to, is unclear
in these 2 publications. In this context, several, non-comparative
FIGURE 2 Representative aspects from bone-core biopsies from FFB and AT bone blocks, harvested at the timepoint of implant
installation, about 6 months post-graf ting. (A) The FFB blocks were often largely non-vital, as evident from the empty ostocyte lacunae (red
arrowheads), although signs of revitalization could be observed at the peripher y of the graft, as evident by the presence of vascular elements
within the haversian channels (green arrowheads) and new bone apposition (blue arrowheads). (B) The AT bone blocks were largely vital,
as evident from the presence of ostocytes and areas of new bone formation (blue arrowheads), and by the presence of vascular elements
within the haversian channels (green arrowheads). Areas where the block was non-vital, as evident from the empty ostocyte lacunae (red
arrowheads), were also observed. FFB, fresh-frozen bone.
studies (i.e., studies not including a direct comparison with AT bone
blocks), mostly with short- or medium-term observation time, report
high survival rates for implants in FFB block-augmented jaws. For
example, in a study with 16 patients and 34 implants, all implants
survived from 18 to 30 months,55 while in another, retrospective,
study with an average follow-up of 23 months a survival rate of
99.2% was reported for 133 implants installed in 41 patients.56 In
contrast, relatively low survival rates have been presented in other
studies, reporting on long-term outcomes of implants installed in
FFB block-augmented jaws. For example, in a study including 45 pa-
tients with 262 implants, an implant survival rate of about 91% after
an average follow-up time of about 4 years was reported; most of the
losses occurred af ter 3.5 years from implant installation.57 Similarly,
in a retrospective study of 262 implants installed in 45 patients,
an implant survival rate of 91% after an average observation time
of 5 years was reported; implant losses were due to loss of osse-
ointegration and occurred between 2.5 and 7 years (the majority of
implants were lost after 4–5 years of loading).58 In yet another publi-
cation on 69 patients with 287 implants, a survival rate of 98% over
an average follow-up time of 26 months was observed; however, in-
creased marginal peri-implant bone loss (>2.1 mm) at 4 years post-op
was observed, resulting in a success rate of only 40%.59 In this con-
text, a recently published systematic review on survival rates of im-
plants placed in connection all t ypes of AL bone blocks, concluded
that FFB blocks are associated with in rather unfavorable outcomes
compared with AT bone blocks; in this review, an average implant
survival rate of 96% after an average follow-up of 3 years was cal-
culated from 77 publications including 6861 implants placed in con-
nection with 2397 AT bone blocks in 2195 patients.60 The increased
rates of complications and/or failures associated with FFB block
grafting—especially regarding the early complications—has been at-
tributed partly on the fact that in most studies, patients were fully
edentulous and in the need of large augmentations, which in turn in-
creases the risks of complications; indeed, in several studies, lack of
enough autogenous bone for harvesting was the reason for patient
inclusion in the FFB block group (e.g., Spin Neto et al.). Another ex-
planation, however, for the increased rate of implant loss and/or fail-
ures should be attributed in the lack of complete integration of the
FFB blocks. This results into larger portions of the block remaining
non-vital, and thus, being more prone to develop microcracks during
implant loading compared to vital bone; consequently, as there is
basically no capacity for microcrack repair in non-vital bone, these
propagate and result in complete fractured bone pieces that exfoli-
ate (bone sequestration) or loss of implant osseointegration.
Based on the histological observations in the pre-clinical studies,
together with the histological observations from the bone-core bi-
opsies in the clinical studies herein, and considering the long-term
complications reported, it seems reasonable to conclude that a FFB
block graft: (a) cannot be considered as a reliable replacement of a
AT bone block, and (b) should only be considered in cases where the
amount of necessary augmentation—in a lateral direction—is rela-
tively limited, so that the main portion of the body of the implant lies
within the inner (i.e., the vital) aspect of the block.
All listed authors should have contributed to the manuscript sub-
stantially and have agreed to the final submitted version.
No funding received for this manuscript.
No conflict of interest related to this manuscript.
Not relevant.
Not relevant.
Not relevant.
Not relevant.
Not relevant.
Andreas Stavropoulos
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How to cite this article: Stavropoulos A, Marcantonio CC, de
Oliveira VXR, Marcantonio É Jr, de Oliveira GJPL. Fresh-
frozen allogeneic bone blocks grafts for alveolar ridge
augmentation: Biological and clinical aspects. Periodontol
2000. 2023;93:139-152. doi:10.1111/prd.12543
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#1 “Allografts”[Mesh] OR “Allograft” OR “Allogeneic Transplants” OR “Allogeneic Transplant” OR “Transplant, Allogeneic” OR
“Transplants, Allogeneic” OR “Allogeneic Graft s” OR “Allogeneic G raft” OR “Graft, Allogeneic” OR “Graft s, Allogeneic”
OR “Homografts” OR “Homograft” OR “Homologous Transplants” OR “Homologous Transplant” OR “Transplant,
Homologous” OR “Transplants, Homologous” OR “Transplantation, Homologous”[Mesh] OR “Allogeneic Transplantation” OR
“Transplantation, Allogeneic” OR “Homograf ting” OR “Homologous Transplantation” OR “Allogeneic Grafting” OR “Grafting,
Allogeneic” OR “Allograf ting”
#2 “Autografts”[Mesh] OR “Autograf t” OR “Autologous Transplants” OR “Autologous Transplant” OR “Transplant, Autologous”
OR “Transplants, Autologous” OR “Autotransplants” OR “Autotransplant” OR “Transplantation, Autologous”[Mesh] OR
“Autotransplantation” OR “Autotransplantations” OR “Autografting” OR “Autograftings” OR “Autologous Transplantation”
OR “Autologous Transplantations” OR “Transplantations, Autologous” OR “Heterografts”[Mesh] OR “Heterograft ” OR
“Xenografts” OR “Xenograft” OR “Transplantation, Heterologous”[Mesh] OR “Heterografting” OR “Xenotransplantation”
OR “Xenograft Transplant ation” OR “Transplantation, Xenograft” OR “Xenograf ting” OR “Heterograft Transplantation” OR
“Transplantation, Heterograft ” OR “Heterologous Transplantation” OR “Bone Substitutes”[Mesh] OR “Replacement Material,
Bone” OR “Replacement Materials, Bone” OR “Materials, Bone Replacement” OR “Bone Substitute” OR “Substitute, Bone” OR
“Substitutes, Bone” OR “Bone Replacement Material” OR “Material, Bone Replacement” OR “Bone Replacement Materials
#3“Alveolar Ridge Augmentation”[Mesh] OR “Alveolar Ridge Augmentations” OR “Augmentation, Alveolar Ridge” OR
“Augmentations, Alveolar Ridge” OR “Ridge Augmentation, Alveolar” OR “Ridge Augmentations , Alveolar” OR “Mandibular
Ridge Augmentation” OR “Augmentation, Mandibular Ridge” OR “Augmentations, Mandibular Ridge” OR “Mandibular
Ridge Augmentations” OR “Ridge Augmentation, Mandibular” OR “Ridge Augment ations, Mandibular” OR “Maxillary Ridge
Augment ation” OR “Augmentation, Maxillary Ridge” OR “Augmentations, Maxillary Ridge” OR “Maxillary Ridge Augmentations”
OR “Ridge Augmentation, Maxillar y” OR “Ridge Augmentations, Maxillary” OR “Alveolar Bone Grafting”[Mesh] OR “Alveolar
Cleft Grafting” OR “Graft Sur vival”[Mesh] OR “Graft Survivals” OR “Survival, Graft ” OR “Survivals, Graf t” OR “Bone
Transplantation”[Mesh] OR “Grafting, Bone” OR “Bone Gr afting” OR “Transplantation, Bone” OR “Dental Implants”[Mesh] OR
“Implant, Dental” OR “Implants, Dental” OR “Dental Implant” OR “Dental Implants , Mini” OR “Dental Implant, Mini” OR “Mini
Dental Implant” OR “Mini Dental Implants” OR “Dental Prostheses, Surgical” OR “Dent al Prosthesis, Surgical” OR “Surgic al
Dental Prostheses” OR “Surgical Dental Prosthesis” OR “Prostheses, Surgical Dental” OR “Prosthesis, Surgical Dental”
#1 AND #2 AND #3
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#1 ‘allograft’/exp OR ‘allo inplant’ OR ‘allogeneic graft’ OR ‘allografts’ OR ‘alloplastic graft’ OR ‘alloplastic implant’ OR
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graft’ OR ‘homotransplant’ OR ‘transplant, homo’ OR ‘allograft’ OR ‘bone allograft’/exp OR ‘allogenic bone graft’ OR
‘AlloQuent’ OR ‘fiberFUSE’ OR ‘fiberFUSE Advanced’ OR ‘maxgraft’ OR ‘Trinity ELITE (bone allograft)’ OR ‘Trinity
Evolution (bone allograft)’ OR ‘bone allograft’ OR ‘allotransplantation’/exp OR ‘allogeneic transplantation’ OR ‘allogenic
transplantation’ OR ‘allograft transplantation’ OR ‘homoiotransplantation’ OR ‘homologous transplantation’ OR
‘homotransplantation’ OR ‘transplantation, homologous’ OR ‘allotransplantation’
#2 ‘autograft’/exp OR ‘autogenous graft’ OR ‘autografts’ OR ‘autotransplant’ OR ‘autotransplants’ OR ‘graft, auto’ OR ‘autograft’
OR ‘autotransplantation’/exp OR ‘autologous transplantation’ OR ‘transplantation, auto’ OR ‘transplantation, autologous’
OR ‘autotransplantation’ OR ‘xenograft’/exp OR ‘graft, heterologous’ OR ‘graft, xenogeneic’ OR ‘heterogenous graft’ OR
‘heterograft’ OR ‘heterografts’ OR ‘heterologous graft’ OR ‘heterologous transplantation’ OR ‘heterotransplant’ OR ‘peritoneum
heterograft’ OR ‘system xenograft’ OR ‘transplantation, heterologous’ OR ‘xenogeneic graft’ OR ‘xenograft system’ OR
‘xenografts’ OR ‘xenotransplant’ OR ‘xenograft’ OR ‘bone prosthesis’/exp OR ‘bone endoprosthesis’ OR ‘bone prosthesis
(physical object)’ OR ‘bone substitute’ OR ‘bone substitutes’ OR ‘Hydroset’ OR ‘bone prosthesis’ OR ‘bone graft’/exp OR
‘autograft, bone’ OR ‘autograft, spongy bone’ OR ‘autologous bone graft’ OR ‘bone autograft’ OR ‘bone flap’ OR ‘bone flaps’
OR ‘bone grafts’ OR ‘bone transplant’ OR ‘BoneCeramic’ OR ‘compact bone autograft’ OR ‘free bone graft’ OR ‘graft, bone’ OR
‘osseous flap’ OR ‘osseous flaps’ OR ‘osseous graft’ OR ‘osseous grafts’ OR ‘osteoarticular graft’ OR ‘rib autograft’ OR ‘spongy
bone autograft’ OR ‘Straumann XenoGraft’ OR ‘viable bone graft’ OR ‘bone graft’
#3 ‘alveolar ridge augmentation’/exp OR ‘ridge augmentation procedure’ OR ‘alveolar ridge augmentation’ OR ‘alveolar bone
grafting’/exp OR ‘graft survival’/exp OR ‘allograft survival’ OR ‘graft survival prolongation’ OR ‘homograft survival’ OR ‘survival,
graft’ OR ‘transplant survival’ OR ‘transplantation survival’ OR ‘graft survival’ OR ‘bone transplantation’/exp OR ‘bone grafting’
OR ‘bone reimplantation’ OR ‘transplantation, bone’ OR ‘bone transplantation’
#4 ‘tooth implant’/exp OR ‘Bicon’ OR ‘dental implant’ OR ‘dental implants’ OR ‘Grafton’ OR ‘implant, teeth’ OR ‘implant, tooth’
OR ‘implants, teeth’ OR ‘implants, tooth’ OR ‘intramucosal dental implant’ OR ‘Straumann Mini’ OR ‘Straumann PURE’ OR
‘Swish Ac tive’ OR ‘Swish Tapered’ OR ‘teeth implant ’ OR ‘teeth implants’ OR ‘tooth implants’ OR ‘Variobase’ OR ‘tooth
implant’ OR ‘histology’/exp OR ‘bone demineralization technique’ OR ‘comparative histology’ OR ‘decalcification technique
OR ‘histocytological preparation techniques’ OR ‘histologic stain’ OR ‘histologic studies’ OR ‘histologic study’ OR ‘histologic
technique’ OR ‘histological diagnosis’ OR ‘histological method’ OR ‘histological staining’ OR ‘histological studies’ OR
‘histological study’ OR ‘histological technique’ OR ‘histological techniques’ OR ‘histology, comparative’ OR ‘neurohistology’
OR ‘replica techniques’ OR ‘histology’
#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4
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#1 TITLE-ABS-K EY “Allograf ts” OR “Allograft” OR “Allogeneic Transplant s” OR “Allogeneic Transplant” OR “Transplant,
Allogeneic” OR “Transplants, Allogeneic” OR “Allogeneic Grafts” OR “Allogeneic Graft” OR “Graft , Allogeneic” OR “Grafts,
Allogeneic” OR “Homografts” OR “Homograft” OR “Homologous Transplants” OR “Homologous Transplant” OR “Transplant,
Homologous” OR “Transplants, Homologous” OR TITLE-ABS-KEY “Transplantation, Homologous” OR “Allogeneic
Transplantation” OR “Transplantation, Allogeneic” OR “Homografting” OR “Homologous Transplantation” OR “Allogeneic
Grafting” OR “Grafting, Allogeneic” OR “Allografting”
#2 TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Autograft s” OR “Autograft ” OR “Autologous Transplants” OR “Autologous Transplant” OR “Transplant,
Autologous” OR “Transplant s, Autologous” OR “Autotransplants” OR “Autotransplant”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“ Transplantation,
Autologous” OR “Autotransplantation” OR “Autotransplantations” OR “Autografting” OR “Autograf tings” OR “Autologous
Transplantation” OR “Autologous Transplantations” OR “Transplantations, Autologous”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Heterografts”
OR “Heterograft” OR “Xenografts” OR “Xenograft”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“ Transplantation, Heterologous” OR “Heterografting”
OR “Xenotr ansplantation” OR “Xenogr aft Transplant ation” OR “Transplantation, Xenograft” OR “Xenograf ting” OR
“Heterograft Transplantation” OR “Transplantation, Heterograf t” OR “Heterologous Transplantation”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(“Bone Substitutes” OR “Replacement Material, Bone” OR “Replacement Materials, Bone” OR “Materials, Bone Replacement”
OR “Bone Substitute” OR “Substitute, Bone” OR “Substitutes, Bone” OR “Bone Replacement Material” OR “Material, Bone
Replacement” OR “Bone Replacement Materials”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Bone Transplantation” OR “Grafting, Bone” OR “Bone
Grafting” OR “Transplantation, Bone”)
#3 TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Alveolar R idge Augmentation” OR “Alveolar Ridge Augmentations” OR “Augmentation, Alveolar Ridge” OR
“Augmentations, Alveolar Ridge” OR “R idge Augment ation, Alveolar” OR “Ridge Augmentations, Alveolar” OR “Mandibular
Ridge Augmentation” OR “Augmentation, Mandibular Ridge” OR “Augment ations, Mandibular Ridge” OR “Mandibular
Ridge Augmentations” OR “Ridge Augmentation, Mandibular” OR “Ridge Augmentations, Mandibular” OR “Ma xillary
Ridge Augmentation” OR “Augmentation, Maxillar y Ridge” OR “Augmentations, Maxillary R idge” OR “Maxillary Ridge
Augment ations” OR “Ridge Augment ation, Maxillary” OR “Ridge Augmentations, Maxillar y”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Alveolar
Bone Grafting” OR “Alveolar Cleft Grafting”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Graft Sur vival” OR “G raft Sur vivals” OR “Survival, Graft
OR “Sur vivals, Graft”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Dental Implants” OR “Implant, Dental” OR “Implant s, Dental” OR “Dental
Implant ” OR “Dental Implants, Mini” OR “Dental Implant, Mini” OR “Mini Dental Implant” OR “Mini Dental Implants”
OR “Dent al Prosthe ses, Surgical” OR “Dental Prosthesis, Surgical” OR “Surgical Dental Prostheses” OR “Surgical Dental
Prosthesis” OR “Prostheses, Surgical Dental” OR “Prosthesis, Surgical Dental”)
#1 AND #2 AND #3
FIGURE A1Flowchart of the search of the studies.
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Bone regeneration is often required concomitant with implant placement to treat a bone fenestration, a dehiscence, and for contouring. This systematic review assessed the impact of different biomaterials employed for guided bone regeneration (GBR) simultaneous to implant placement on the stability of radiographic peri‐implant bone levels at ≥12 months of follow‐up (focused question 1), as well as on bone defect dimension (width/height) changes at re‐assessment after ≥4 months (focused question 2). Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs) that compared different biomaterials for GBR were considered. A Bayesian network meta‐analysis (NMA) was performed using a random‐effects model. A ranking probability between treatments was obtained, as well as an estimation of the surface under the cumulative ranking value (SUCRA). Overall, whenever the biological principle of GBR was followed, regeneration occurred in a predictable way, irrespective of the type of biomaterial used. A lower efficacy of GBR treatments was suggested for initially large defects, despite the trend did not reach statistical significance. Regardless of the biomaterial employed, a certain resorption of the augmented bone was observed overtime. While GBR was shown to be a safe and predictable treatment, several complications (including exposure, infection, and soft tissue dehiscence) were reported, which tend to be higher when using cross‐linked collagen membranes.
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Purpose: Tooth extraction is a last resort treatment for resolving pathological complications of dentition induced by infection and injury. Although the extraction wound generally heals uneventfully, resulting in the formation of an edentulous residual ridge, some patients experience long-term and severe residual ridge reduction. The objective of this review was to provide a contemporary understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that may potentially cause edentulous jawbone resorption. Study selection: Clinical, in vivo, and in vitro studies related to the characterization of and cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to residual ridge resorption. Results: The alveolar processes of the maxillary and mandibular bones uniquely juxtapose the gingival tissue. The gingival oral mucosa is an active barrier tissue that maintains homeostasis of the internal organs through its unique barrier immunity. Tooth extraction not only generates a bony socket but also injures oral barrier tissue. In response to wounding, the alveolar bone socket initiates regeneration and remodeling through coupled bone formation and osteoclastic resorption. Osteoclasts are also found on the external surface of the alveolar bone, interfacing the oral barrier tissue. Osteoclasts in the oral barrier region are not coupled with osteoblastic bone formation and often remain active long after the completion of wound healing, leading to a net decrease in the alveolar bone structure. Conclusion: The novel concept of oral barrier osteoclasts may provide important clues for future clinical strategies to maintain residual ridges for successful prosthodontic and restorative therapies.
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Dental implants have become a mainstream treatment approach in daily practice, and because of their high survival rates over time, they have become the preferred treatment option for prosthetic rehabilitation in many situations. Despite the relatively high predictability of implant therapy and high costs to patients, patient perceptions of success and patient‐reported outcome measures have become increasingly significant in implant dentistry. Increasing numbers of publications deal with oral health‐related quality of life and/or patient‐reported outcome measures. The aim of this paper was to provide an overview of the available evidence on oral health‐related quality of life of fully and partially dentate patients rehabilitated with fixed and removable implant‐supported dental prostheses. A comprehensive electronic search was performed on publications in English up to 2021. A selection of standardized questionnaires and scales used for the evaluation of oral health‐related quality of life were analyzed and explained. The analysis encompassed three aspects: a functional evaluation of oral health‐related quality of life, an esthetic assessment of oral health‐related quality of life, and a cost‐related evaluation of oral health‐related quality of life for rehabilitation with dental implants. The data demonstrated that the preoperative expectations of patients markedly affected the outcomes perceived by the patients. As expected, reconstructions supported by implants substantially improved the stability of conventional dentures and allowed improved function and patient satisfaction. However, from a patient's perspective, oral health‐related quality of life was not significantly greater for dental implants compared with conventional tooth‐supported prostheses. The connection of the implants to the prostheses with locators or balls indicated high oral health‐related quality of life. The data also suggest that patient expectation is not a good predictor of treatment outcome. In terms of esthetic outcomes, the data clearly indicate that patients’ perceptions and clinicians' assessments differed, with those of clinicians yielding higher standards. There were no significant differences found between the esthetic oral health‐related quality of life ratings for soft tissue‐level implants compared with those for bone‐level implants. Comparison of all‐ceramic and metal‐ceramic restorations showed no significant differences in patients’ perceptions in terms of esthetic outcomes. Depending on the choice of outcome measure and financial marginal value, supporting a conventional removable partial denture with implants is cost‐effective when the patient is willing to invest more to achieve a higher oral health‐related quality of life. In conclusion, the oral health‐related quality of life of patients rehabilitated with implant‐supported dental prostheses did not show overall superiority over conventional prosthetics. Clinicians' and patients' evaluations, especially of esthetic outcomes, are, in the majority of cases, incongruent. Nevertheless, patient‐reported outcomes are important in the evaluation of function, esthetics, and the cost‐effectiveness of treatment with implant‐supported dental prostheses, and should be taken into consideration in daily practice.
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Background and Objectives: Preliminary studies emphasize the similar performance of autogenous bone blocks (AUBBs) and allogeneic bone blocks (ALBBs) in pre-implant surgery; however, most of these studies include limited subjects or hold a low level of evidence. The purpose of this review is to test the hypothesis of indifferent implant survival rates (ISRs) in AUBB and ALBB and determine the impact of various material-, surgery- and patient-related confounders and predictors. Materials and Methods: The national library of medicine (MEDLINE), Excerpta Medica database (EMBASE) and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were screened for studies reporting the ISRs of implants placed in AUBB and ALBB with ≥10 participants followed for ≥12 months from January 1995 to November 2021. The review was conducted in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The risk of bias was assessed via several scoring tools, dependent on the study design. Means of sub-entities were presented as violin plots. Results: An electronic data search resulted in the identification of 9233 articles, of which 100 were included in the quantitative analysis. No significant difference (p = 0.54) was found between the ISR of AUBB (96.23 ± 5.27%; range: 75% to 100%; 2195 subjects, 6861 implants) and that of ALBB (97.66 ± 2.68%; range: 90.1% to 100%; 1202 subjects, 3434 implants). The ISR in AUBB was increased in blocks from intraoral as compared to extraoral donor sites (p = 0.0003), partially edentulous as compared to totally edentulous (p = 0.0002), as well as in patients younger than 45 as compared to those older (p = 0.044), cortical as compared to cortico-cancellous blocks (p = 0.005) and in delayed implantations within three months as compared to immediate implantations (p = 0.018). The ISR of ALBB was significantly increased in processed as compared to fresh-frozen ALBB (p = 0.004), but also in horizontal as compared to vertical augmentations (p = 0.009). Conclusions: The present findings widely emphasize the feasibility of achieving similar ISRs with AUBB and ALBB applied for pre-implant bone grafting. ISRs were negatively affected in sub-entities linked to more extensive augmentation procedures such as bone donor site and dentition status. The inclusion and pooling of literature with a low level of evidence, the absence of randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) comparing AUBB and ALBB and the limited count of comparative studies with short follow-ups increases the risk of bias and complicates data interpretation. Consequently, further long-term comparative studies are needed.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of maxillary sinus anatomy on sinus floor elevation (SFE) operations performed with the lateral window approach. Materials and Methods: CBCT and digital panoramic radiographs were evaluated before and at least 6 months after maxillary sinus floor elevation (SFE) operations performed in 33 maxillary sinus regions in 26 patients. Maxillary sinus volume, grafted volume (GV), sinus width (SW), residual bone height (RBH), and vertical graft resorption (VGR) were calculated. The effects of RBH and SW on GV and VGR were evaluated statistically. Results: The mean GV values in the maxillary sinuses classified as narrow, average, and wide were 2.60 ± 0.57, 3.44 ± 0.65, and 3.70 ± 0.64 cm3, respectively. The mean VGR was 2.12 ± 1.67 mm, and in the sites classified as narrow, average, and wide, the mean VGR values were 1.50 ± 0.79, 1.58 ± 1.28, and 3.46 ± 2.06 mm, respectively. A statistically significant difference in GV and VGR was found between the SW groups. The mean posterior maxillary RBH was 2.30 ± 1.05 mm, and 17 and 16 sinuses were classified as ≤ 2 and > 2 mm, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the effect of RBH on GV or VGR. Conclusion: Although posterior maxillary RBH did not affect new bone formation in the sinuses grafted only with hydroxyapatite-derived inorganic bovine bone, with increasing SW, the GV decreased and the VGR increased.
Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze data collected from studies worldwide on the prevalence of edentulism and dental caries, in community-dwellers aged ≥ 45 years. Data: Inclusion criteria; participants aged ≥ 45 years, community-dwellers. Exclusion criteria; participants aged <45 years, in nursing homes, data obtained from dental clinics or pre-2005. The quality assessment tool by The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for Observational Cohort and Cross-sectional studies was used. Metaanalysis using the random-effects model (95% confidence interval) was done with data on participants who were edentulous and/or had active dental caries and stratified by regions of the world, age and Gross National Income per capita. Limitations in the data arose from several factors such as design of the studies included differences in socioeconomic status and access to health care among different countries. Sources: Embase, MEDLINE via Pubmed and Scopus, manual searches, from January 2016, restricted to English. Experts from different countries were contacted to identify National oral health surveys (NOHS) conducted from 2010 onwards. Study selection: Eighty-six papers and seventeen NOHS were selected for data extraction. Majority of the studies (n = 69) were cross-sectional and of fair quality. 1.1%–70%, 4.9% - 98% prevalence of edentulism and dental caries, respectively. 22%, 45% estimated random-effects pooled prevalence of edentulism and dental caries, respectively. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, the findings indicate that untreated dental caries and tooth loss are prevalent on a global level with wide variations among different countries, age groups and socioeconomic status. Clinical significance: The findings demonstrate the reality of the new cohort of older adults, with higher tooth retention implying more dental caries incidence and the need for different care strategies to ensure better oral health. Large variations and difficulty in making comparisons among different countries highlight the need for more standardized, regular research.
Objective To compare peri-implant clinical and radiographic parameters between hydrophilic and hydrophobic narrow dental implants in patients with mandibular implant overdentures for 1 year. Materials and Methods In a randomized, double-blind, split-mouth study with a 1-year follow-up, sixteen edentulous participants received two narrow-diameter implants in the anterior mandibular region with 2 types of surfaces: hydrophobic (Neoporos surface, NS) and hydrophilic (Acqua surface, AS). During the osseointegration period and after loading with mandibular implant overdentures, the outcomes monitored were i) peri-implant health: early healing index (EHI), visible plaque index (VPI), calculus presence (CP), peri-implant inflammation (PI), probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP); ii) implant stability quotient (ISQ), iii) crestal bone loss (CBL) and bone level change (BLC); and iv) implant success and survival rates. Results The PD in NS implants decreased by 31.78% between 15 and 30 days, while a similar reduction (-31.28%) occurred in the 3rd month in the AS group. The ISQ also decreased significantly during the 1st month in both groups: -10.95% after 7 days in the NS group and -7.46% after 15 days in the AS group. At 12 months, statistically significance differences were not observed, however, the AS surface presented 50.6% smaller CBL and 41.3% smaller BLC values. The success and survival rates were 62.5% for AS implants and 87.5% for NS implants. Conclusion Narrow diameter implants with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces loaded with mandibular implant overdentures showed no differences in peri-implant healing, stability, and peri-implant bone remodelling in the 1st year of follow-up.
Statement of problem Titanium-zirconium (Ti-Zr) alloy (Roxolid) narrow-diameter implants (NDIs) have been widely used for implant-supported prostheses in anterior and posterior regions in the jaws. However, the relationship between implant location and clinical outcome remains unclear. Purpose The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate and compare the clinical and radiographic outcomes of NDIs placed in different regions of the jaws in both smokers and nonsmokers. Material and methods Eighty-four participants scheduled to receive NDIs for tooth rehabilitation were included, and the inserted NDIs were divided into 3 groups depending on their locations: implants used to restore anterior teeth, implants used to restore premolars, and implants used to restore molars. Crestal bone loss (CBL), implant survival and success rates, bleeding on probing (BOP), and pocket probing depth (PPD) were evaluated 6 and 12 months after implant loading (α=.017 for implant survival and success rates after Bonferroni correction, α=.05 for other parameters). Results Statistical analysis of 6- and 12-month CBL of all participants presented no statistically significant difference among the 3 groups. For smokers, the molar group presented significantly more CBL than the premolar group (0.90 ±0.94 versus 0.16 ±0.27 mm, P=.027) at the 6-month examination. The implant survival rates were 95.65%, 100%, and 100% for anterior, premolar, and molar regions, respectively (P=.283). No statistically significant difference was observed regarding periodontal parameters (P>.05). Conclusions Implant location has no influence on the clinical and radiographic parameters of Ti-Zr NDIs placed in a nonsmoking population. However, the combination of posterior location and smoking may induce higher risk of crestal bone loss. Caution should be taken when restoring molars for smokers with NDIs.
Objectives To evaluate graft remodelling according to the distance from the native bone in maxillary sinuses grafted with anorganic bovine bone (ABB). Material and Methods Bilateral sinus grafting was performed in twenty patients with residual bone height <5 mm before implant placement. After 8 months, biopsy samples were harvested, and histomorphometric analysis was performed to examine bone formation according to the distance (in mm) from the native bone (sinus floor). In the grafted area, the percentages of new bone (NB), residual graft material (rABB), and soft tissue (ST) were evaluated. Results A total of 103 biopsy samples were evaluated, and the percentages of NB, rABB, and ST were 31.62 ± 9.85%, 18.94 ± 7.88%, and 49.41 ± 9.52%, respectively, in the 1st mm; 27.15 ± 9.83%, 23.33 ± 9.45%, and 49.53 ± 11.73%, respectively, in the 2nd mm; 23.61 ± 13.02%, 21.35 ± 11.08%, and 55.03 ± 16.14%, respectively, in the 3rd mm; and 21.67 ± 12.29%, 19.67 ± 10.28%, and 58.66 ± 12.46%, respectively, in the 4th mm. The 1st millimetre of the grafted area (closer to the native bone) presented a larger amount of NB than the other portions of the grafted areas and a smaller amount of rABB than the 2nd mm of the grafted area (p<0.05). The amount of ST was larger in the 3rd and 4th mm of the grafted area than in the first two millimetres (p<0.05). Conclusion The distance from the native bone influences bone formation following maxillary sinus augmentation.
Peri-implant bone dehiscences were grafted either with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) block or with particulate DBBM, both covered with a collagen membrane and stabilized with resorbable pins. After 6 months, 17 biopsy samples were included for histologic assessment. Block and particulate DBBM rendered successful tissue integration. Particulate DBBM showed a median of 25.2% of new bone and 31.3% of bone substitute. In the block group, there was a median of 11.5% of new bone and 36.0% of bone substitute. When interpreting the discrepancy in new bone between the groups, the difference in the size of the augmented hard tissue needs to be taken into account.