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Acute Effects of Myofascıal Release Exercıse Periods on Circulatory Parameters in Young Archers



The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of different myofascial release exercise durations on heart rate, saturation and blood pressure values in young archers. For this purpose, a total of 12 young athletes aged 16-18 years were included in the study. Myofascial release exercises using foam rollers were applied to the participants on different days. The inclusion criteria were determined as being healthy, not having a chronic disease, not having any medication used continuously and being interested in active archery sport. Control (T1), experimental (T2), and experimental (T3) foam rollers for 30 seconds and 60 seconds, respectively, were applied to the young archers on different days and heart rate, SpO2 levels and blood pressure values were measured after the applications. SPSS 22.0 programme was used to analyse the data obtained. One-way analysis of variance and LSD tests for repeated measures were performed to determine the difference between the groups of the application results. As a result of the analysis, no statistical significance was found in the saturation values, diastolic and systolic blood pressure values of the groups (p>0.05). There was statistical significance between T1 and T3 groups in the heart rate in favour of T3 (p<0.05). Myofascial release exercises affected the heart rate in terms of the parameters evaluated in long-term applications. It can be said that this change is a result of the energy and effort expended.
The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment
and Life Sciences (EPHELS)
ISSN: 2791-8033
- This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License,
permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
- Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the Conference
©2023 Published by ISRES Publishing:
The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 2023
Volume 12, Pages 111-115
ICMeHeS 2023: International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences
Acute Effects of Myofascıal Release Exercıse Periods on Circulatory
Parameters in Young Archers
Zarife Pancar
Gaziantep University
Fikret Alincak
Gaziantep University
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of different myofascial release exercise
durations on heart rate, saturation and blood pressure values in young archers. For this purpose, a total of 12
young athletes aged 16-18 years were included in the study. Myofascial release exercises using foam rollers
were applied to the participants on different days. The inclusion criteria were determined as being healthy, not
having a chronic disease, not having any medication used continuously and being interested in active archery
sport. Control (T1), experimental (T2), and experimental (T3) foam rollers for 30 seconds and 60 seconds,
respectively, were applied to the young archers on different days and heart rate, SpO2 levels and blood pressure
values were measured after the applications. SPSS 22.0 programme was used to analyse the data obtained. One-
way analysis of variance and LSD tests for repeated measures were performed to determine the difference
between the groups of the application results. As a result of the analysis, no statistical significance was found in
the saturation values, diastolic and systolic blood pressure values of the groups (p>0.05). There was statistical
significance between T1 and T3 groups in the heart rate in favour of T3 (p<0.05). Myofascial release exercises
affected the heart rate in terms of the parameters evaluated in long-term applications. It can be said that this
change is a result of the energy and effort expended.
Keywords: Blood pressure, Exercise, Relaxation, Archery
Archery stands out as a sport branch that has attracted the attention of mankind throughout history and has
achieved great success today. This ancient sport attracts the attention of sports enthusiasts around the world with
its advanced performance and technical skills, and also allows athletes to demonstrate their high level of
physical and mental abilities. The essence of archery is a performance based on shooting arrows with high
accuracy at a specified target within a limited time. This sport has a static character and requires intense strength
and endurance of the upper body muscles. Archery includes the actions of traction technique, aiming and release
techniques applied to the shooter in certain phases. The shooter carries the bow with the tense shooting arm with
the muscles that keep the body posture stable during the shot and completes the movement by pulling the
bowstring dynamically with the traction arm. After this moment, with the sound of the clicker, the archer
completes and finishes the shot by releasing the bowstring (Behm et al.,2004; Fletcher & Jones, 2004; Fletcher
& Anness, 2007; Gelen, 2017; Yonal & Turkmen, 2017; Aktepe, 2012).
This sport has a challenging process for top level athletes. Elite level archers have to maintain strong muscles
and well-balanced upper body stability in this phase, which includes static and dynamic contractions. This
process pushes the athletes to their limits, both physically and mentally, and encourages them to reach their best
performance. In conclusion, archery, as both an ancient and contemporary sport, offers an experience that
requires a combination of discipline, focus and technical skills. This sport has been recognised as a traditional
International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMeHeS), November 16-19, 2023, Antalya/Turkey
art throughout history and has maintained its value as a part of modern sport (Behm et al.,2004; Fletcher &
Jones , 2004).
The warm-up process usually starts with aerobic running of increasing intensity starting at moderate levels.
After moderate intensity, athletes move on to static stretching exercises. However, a number of studies have
shown that warm-up movements at this level may negatively affect performance by decreasing the power, speed
and force production of static and dynamic stretching exercises performed before, after training, before or after
competition (Behm et al., 2004; Fletcher & Jones 2004). On the other hand, some researchers have reported that
voluntary stimuli applied from moderate to high intensity, such as dynamic warm-up before sportive activity,
may increase strength and performance by activating nerve-muscle function (Behm et al., 2006; Burkett et al.,
2005; Fletcher & Anness, 2007; Gelen, 2017; Unlu et al., 2023). In the light of these data, the aim of this study
was to investigate the acute effects of different myofascial release exercise durations on heart rate, oxygen
saturation and blood pressure values in young archers.
Participants and Study Design
Individuals who regularly participated in a private archery centre and attended training three days a week were
included in the study. A total of 12 healthy male individuals between the ages of 16-18 years, who have been
actively interested in archery for the last two years, were included in the study in accordance with the study
criteria. The study criteria included being interested in archery for at least two years, participating in regular
training, having no chronic disease, and not using any supplement or doping substance in the last six months.
The researcher visited the subjects at their archery centres four times during the study period. In order to
eliminate possible conditions such as physiological, neurophysiological and fatigue, the research protocol was
applied to the subjects for three days with a 48-hour break. During the first visit, the participants were given a
general information about the study and orientation sessions on the use of materials (foam rollers). In the second
visit, age, height and weight measurements were taken and heart rate, saturation and blood pressure
measurements were performed as a control practice. In the third visit, in addition to the control application, a 30-
second session of myofascial muscle relaxation exercise with foam rollers was applied and measurements were
taken. In the fourth and last visit, a 60-second session of myofascial muscle relaxation exercise with foam
rollers was applied in addition to the control application and measurements were taken. To minimise the
possible effects of circadian rhythm, all treatments were performed at the same time.
Implementation Procedure
All athletes were subjected to a general warm-up procedure before starting training and activities. The purpose
of this warm-up was to prepare the body for physical activity, to flex the muscles and to improve performance.
In this general warm-up phase, the athletes performed a 5-minute jog run, which raised their energy levels and
increased their heart rate. Then, they performed 5 minutes of stretching and stretching movements to prepare
their bodies for more mobility. These steps include measures to reduce the risk of possible injury by increasing
the flexibility of the muscles. After the completion of the general warm-up, a special warm-up protocol was
applied specifically for certain body parts. This protocol for upper and lower extremities aimed to maximise the
athlete's preparation for certain movements by pre-activating the muscle groups to be used. In this way, it was
aimed for the athletes to optimise their performance and benefit from the training in the best way (Unlu et al.,
2023). In the control application, saturation measurements of the athletes were taken in resting and sitting
position after general warm-up. Then, heart rate and blood pressure values were measured twice according to a
specific test protocol. These controls aimed to carefully evaluate the general health status and physiological
responses of the athletes.
Foam Roller Procedure
The foam roller exercises used in the research were preferred by focusing on various parts of the body, upper
and lower extremities, posterior and anterior muscle groups in a way that the subjects could apply on their own.
The participants applied rolling movements to the selected muscle groups using the foam roller and completed
the movement by passing each muscle area from the starting point to the end point. The movement flow
determined for each muscle group continued for 30 seconds and then a 20-second transition time was provided
International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMeHeS), November 16-19, 2023, Antalya/Turkey
to switch to another muscle group (Healey et al., 2014; Unlu et al., 2023). In this way, while each foam roller
exercise continued for a certain period of time, the transition time between muscle groups was also provided in a
certain order.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using the SPSS 22.0 package programme (SPSS for
Windows, version 22.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). The analyses presented are expressed as means and
standard deviations. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess whether the data were normally distributed. One-
way analysis of variance was applied to understand the distribution of the difference between repeated
measurement data. LSD correction test statistic was used to determine the difference analyses between the
treatments. Statistical significance levels were accepted as p<0.05. This value indicates that the results obtained
are statistically significant.
Results and Discussion
This study aims to investigate the acute effects of myofascial release exercises using foam rollers. The study
was conducted on a total of 12 volunteer athletes who participated in regular training with archery. Myofascial
relaxation exercises were applied to the participants with different foam roller application times, and the effects
of these exercises on heart rate, blood pressure and saturation levels were evaluated in detail. The data obtained
during the research process were supported by tables and graphs, which are visual expression tools, and
presented to the readers in a clear and understandable way.
Table 1. Presentation of the values of SPO2 levels
Applications: T1. control treatment T2. experimental treatment 30 seconds T3. experimental treatment
60 seconds, *p<0.05
Table 2. Statistical analysis of heart rate
Anlamlı Fark
Applications: T1. control treatment T2. experimental treatment 30 seconds T3. experimental treatment
60 seconds, *p<0.05
Table 3. Statistical analysis of systolic pressure values
Applications: T1. control treatment T2. experimental treatment 30 seconds T3. experimental treatment
60 seconds, *p<0.05
Table 4. Statistical analysis of diastolic pressure values
Applications: T1. control treatment T2. experimental treatment 30 seconds T3. experimental treatment
60 seconds, *p<0.05
This study aims to evaluate the effects of various myofascial relaxation exercise durations performed with foam
rollers used in archery sport on saturation, blood pressure and heart rate levels. The study was planned in
International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMeHeS), November 16-19, 2023, Antalya/Turkey
accordance with a controlled crossover experiment design. A total of 12 healthy male subjects between the ages
of 18-20 years, who have been actively interested in archery for the last two years and who met the study
criteria, participated in the study. The subjects were firstly subjected to the control exercise, then to the
experimental exercise with foam rollers for 30 seconds and finally to the experimental exercise with foam
rollers for 60 seconds. Afterwards, saturation, blood pressure and heart rate levels were measured and a detailed
report was made. The main aim of this study was to determine the effects of different durations of myofascial
release exercises with foam rollers, which are widely used in archers, on physiological parameters. Controlled
crossover experimental design allows for more effective analysis of the data obtained and reliable interpretation
of the results. In this context, it is of great importance to evaluate such exercises based on a scientific basis in
order to optimise the performance of athletes and improve their post-training recovery processes.
In the results of the study, significance was found at p<0.05 level between control and experimental treatments
in heart rate. No significance was found between the treatments in saturation and blood pressure values.
Keeping the performance at a consistently high level in branches such as archery is a necessity that requires
athletes to make intense efforts, to plan their training carefully and to be ready in every aspect. Competing in
this sport tests not only physical abilities but also mental strength to a great extent. Athletes require great focus
and discipline at every stage, from setting goals, starting training and performing in competitions. Therefore, an
increased heart rate can be associated with this.
Nowadays, athletes have to constantly review their training strategies in order to maintain a high level of
performance and outperform their competitors. This includes assessing various factors to increase their physical
endurance, improve their technical skills and maintain their mental toughness. Training programmes should be
customised to suit the individual needs of the athlete, as each athlete has a different performance potential and
strengths/deficiencies. Especially in disciplines such as archery, focusing on the target and achieving a perfect
shot requires athletes to constantly surpass themselves. This involves a constant endeavour to gain an edge over
other athletes in competition. Competing against equally prepared opponents, getting better with each shot and
constantly improving by trying different techniques are critical elements for success in the competitive world of
archery (Healey et al., 2014; McGowan et al., 2015; Unlu et al., 2023; Yonal &Türkmen, 2017; Aktepe, 2012).
The use of foam rollers or foam roller applications in sports is recommended as an alternative method, which
brings with it various advantages. The effects of these applications, such as reducing muscle soreness, delaying
muscle fatigue, increasing joint range of motion and providing economy of movement, have the potential to
improve the overall performance of athletes. Understanding how these advantages can be used in different
sports can help to create optimised training programmes specific to the athlete's needs and discipline. In this
context, research to understand how young athletes and amateur athletes can benefit from such applications can
shed light on the creation of effective training strategies that appeal to a wide audience in sports. In addition,
long-term evaluations of the performance-enhancing effects of foam roller applications may contribute to the
determination of more effective training protocols for the long-term success of athletes (Chetham et al., 2015;
Lim & Park, 2019; Unlu et al., 2023) . When we review the researches in the literature, we observe that foam
roller applications are recommended for their ability to increase muscle function, optimise muscular efficiency,
strengthen muscle strength, increase range of motion and improve flexibility. When this technique is used, it is
thought that the friction caused by the rotational movement of the roller and the resulting increase in
intramuscular heat contribute to improve the fluidity in the applied area. The results of the study show
significance in all parameters evaluated. Therefore, we can say that acute foam roller exercises positively affect
the performance of archers.
Conducting various applications in different sports branches can make a significant contribution to the scientific
literature. At this point, studies on athletes of different age groups and genders can further enrich the knowledge
base by enabling the data to be obtained to be spread over a wide perspective. In particular, studies focusing on
the performances of female athletes in different disciplines can contribute to the understanding of gender-based
differences in the field of sport.
Scientific Ethics Declaration
The authors declare that the scientific ethical and legal responsibility of this article published in EPHELS
journal belongs to the authors.
International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMeHeS), November 16-19, 2023, Antalya/Turkey
Acknowledgements or Notes
* This article was presented as an oral presentation at the International Conference on Medical and Health
Sciences ( held in Antalya/Turkey on November 16-19, 2023.
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Author Information
Zarife Pancar
Gaziantep University, Faculty of Sport Sciences,
Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching
Contact e-mail:
Fikret Alincak
Gaziantep University, Faculty of Sport Sciences,
Department of Coaching Education
To cite this article:
Pancar, Z., & Alincak, F. (2023). Acute effects of myofascial release exercise periods on circulatory parameters
in young archers. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 12, Page 111-
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
The aim of this study is to examine the acute effects of different myofascial relaxation exercise times applied using foam roller on reaction balance and arrow shooting performance in archers. For this purpose, a total of 12 athletes between the ages of 18-20, who have been actively involved in archery for the last two years, took part in the study voluntarily. The mean age of the participants was 18.92±0.79 years, average height was 171.83±6.99 cm, body weight was 65.67±5.97 kg, BMI was 22.23±1.28. On different days, control application, experimental application foam roller 30 seconds, experimental application 60 seconds method with foam roller were applied to the subjects, immediately after, visual and auditory reaction test, balance and arrow shooting performance applications were made. In the control application, tests were applied to the subjects without any myofascial release protocol. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS 22.0 program. In order to determine the difference between the applications, one-way analysis of variance and LSD tests were applied in repeated measurements. As a result of the statistical analysis, a significant difference was observed in favor of the experimental applications (30-60 seconds) compared to the control application in the visual and auditory reaction tests, balance and arrow shooting performance tests (p
Full-text available
This study aimed to determine whether foam roller with vibration (FRV) can improve hamstring flexibility and jump performance in young adults. Twenty subjects were randomly allocated into either the FRV or the foam-roller with no vibration (FRNV) groups. The vibration of the vibration foam-roller was 32 Hz. All participants completed one 10-min session on the hamstring. Active straight leg raising (ASLR) test in supine position and active knee extension (AKE) test in sitting position were performed to measure hamstring flexibility, before and immediately after the session. ASLR, AKE, and vertical jump performance test were performed before the session and immediately after the session. Analysis of covariance was used to determine statistical significance. ASLR and AKE tests were significantly different between FRV and FRNV, except the right hamstring. There was significant improvement with respect to ASLR and AKE tests after the session in FRV group. The vertical jump performance test of both groups was not significantly different after the session. FRV is more effective than FRNV for improving hamstring flexibility.
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Background: Self-myofascial release (SMR) is a popular intervention used to enhance a client's myofascial mobility. Common tools include the foam roll and roller massager. Often these tools are used as part of a comprehensive program and are often recommended to the client to purchase and use at home. Currently, there are no systematic reviews that have appraised the effects of these tools on joint range of motion, muscle recovery, and performance. Purpose: The purpose of this review was to critically appraise the current evidence and answer the following questions: (1) Does self-myofascial release with a foam roll or roller-massager improve joint range of motion (ROM) without effecting muscle performance? (2) After an intense bout of exercise, does self-myofascial release with a foam roller or roller-massager enhance post exercise muscle recovery and reduce delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS)? (3) Does self-myofascial release with a foam roll or roller-massager prior to activity affect muscle performance? Methods: A search strategy was conducted, prior to April 2015, which included electronic databases and known journals. Included studies met the following criteria: 1) Peer reviewed, english language publications 2) Investigations that measured the effects of SMR using a foam roll or roller massager on joint ROM, acute muscle soreness, DOMS, and muscle performance 3) Investigations that compared an intervention program using a foam roll or roller massager to a control group 4) Investigations that compared two intervention programs using a foam roll or roller massager. The quality of manuscripts was assessed using the PEDro scale. Results: A total of 14 articles met the inclusion criteria. SMR with a foam roll or roller massager appears to have short-term effects on increasing joint ROM without negatively affecting muscle performance and may help attenuate decrements in muscle performance and DOMS after intense exercise. Short bouts of SMR prior to exercise do not appear to effect muscle performance. Conclusion: The current literature measuring the effects of SMR is still emerging. The results of this analysis suggests that foam rolling and roller massage may be effective interventions for enhancing joint ROM and pre and post exercise muscle performance. However, due to the heterogeneity of methods among studies, there currently is no consensus on the optimal SMR program. Level of evidence: 2c.
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It is widely accepted that warming-up prior to exercise is vital for the attainment of optimum performance. Both passive and active warm-up can evoke temperature, metabolic, neural and psychology-related effects, including increased anaerobic metabolism, elevated oxygen uptake kinetics and post-activation potentiation. Passive warm-up can increase body temperature without depleting energy substrate stores, as occurs during the physical activity associated with active warm-up. While the use of passive warm-up alone is not commonplace, the idea of utilizing passive warming techniques to maintain elevated core and muscle temperature throughout the transition phase (the period between completion of the warm-up and the start of the event) is gaining in popularity. Active warm-up induces greater metabolic changes, leading to increased preparedness for a subsequent exercise task. Until recently, only modest scientific evidence was available supporting the effectiveness of pre-competition warm-ups, with early studies often containing relatively few participants and focusing mostly on physiological rather than performance-related changes. External issues faced by athletes pre-competition, including access to equipment and the length of the transition/marshalling phase, have also frequently been overlooked. Consequently, warm-up strategies have continued to develop largely on a trial-and-error basis, utilizing coach and athlete experiences rather than scientific evidence. However, over the past decade or so, new research has emerged, providing greater insight into how and why warm-up influences subsequent performance. This review identifies potential physiological mechanisms underpinning warm-ups and how they can affect subsequent exercise performance, and provides recommendations for warm-up strategy design for specific individual and team sports.
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Previous studies have demonstrated that an acute bout of static stretching may cause significant performance impairments. However, there are no studies investigating the effect of prolonged stretch training on stretch-induced decrements. It was hypothesized that individuals exhibiting a greater range of motion (ROM) in the correlation study or those who attained a greater ROM with flexibility training would experience less stretch-induced deficits. A correlation study had 18 participants (25 ± 8.3 years, 1.68 ± 0.93 m, 73.5 ± 14.4 kg) stretch their quadriceps, hamstrings and plantar flexors three times each for 30 s with 30 s recovery. Subjects were tested pre- and post-stretch for ROM, knee extension maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) force and drop jump measures. A separate training study with 12 subjects (21.9 ± 2.1 years, 1.77 ± 0.11 m 79.8 ± 12.4 kg) involved a four-week, five-days per week, flexibility training programme that involved stretching of the quadriceps, hamstrings and plantar flexors. Pre- and post-training testing included ROM as well as knee extension and flexion MVIC, drop and countermovement jump measures conducted before and after an acute bout of stretching. An acute bout of stretching incurred significant impairments for knee extension (-6.1% to -8.2%; p < 0.05) and flexion (-6.6% to -10.7%; p < 0.05) MVIC, drop jump contact time (5.4% to 7.4%; p < 0.01) and countermovement jump height (-5.5% to -5.7%; p < 0.01). The correlation study showed no significant relationship between ROM and stretch-induced deficits. There was also no significant effect of flexibility training on the stretch-induced decrements. It is probable that because the stretches were held to the point of discomfort with all testing, the relative stress on the muscle was similar resulting in similar impairments irrespective of the ROM or tolerance to stretching of the muscle.
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Although pre-event static stretching is an accepted practice in most athletics program, pre-event dynamic exercise is becoming popular. The purpose of this study was to compare the acute effects of different warm-up methods on soccer performance. Twenty-six professional soccer players (23.3 +/- 3.2 years, 178.2 +/- 6.1 cm, and 73.0 +/- 6.5 kg) performed 4 different warm-up routines in random order on nonconsecutive days. The warm-up methods consisted of only 5 minutes of jogging (Method A), 5 minutes of jogging and static stretching (Method B), 5 minutes of jogging and dynamic exercise (Method C), and 5 minutes of jogging and a combination of static stretching and dynamic exercise (Method D). After each warm-up session, subjects were tested on the sprint, slalom dribbling, and penalty kick performance. Methods A-D were compared by repeated-measures analyses of variance and post hoc comparisons. In this study, existence of a significant drop in sprint, slalom dribbling, and penalty kick performances of Method C has been determined in comparison with that of Method A (p < 0.05). Again for sprint, slalom dribbling, and penalty kick performances of Method A in comparison with those of Method A, the existence of a significant increase has been determined (p < 0.05). In Method D in comparison with Method A, for sprint, slalom dribbling, and penalty kick performances, existence of no significant difference has been determined (p > 0.05). The results of this study suggest that it may be desirable for soccer players to perform dynamic exercises before the performance of activities that require a high power output.
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of an acute bout of lower limb static stretching on balance, proprioception, reaction, and movement time. Sixteen subjects were tested before and after both a static stretching of the quadriceps, hamstrings, and plantar flexors or a similar duration control condition. The stretching protocol involved a 5-min cycle warm-up followed by three stretches to the point of discomfort of 45 s each with 15-s rest periods for each muscle group. Measurements included maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) force of the leg extensors, static balance using a computerized wobble board, reaction and movement time of the dominant lower limb, and the ability to match 30% and 50% MVC forces with and without visual feedback. There were no significant differences in the decrease in MVC between the stretch and control conditions or in the ability to match submaximal forces. However, there was a significant (P < 0.009) decrease in balance scores with the stretch (decreasing 9.2%) compared with the control (increasing 17.3%) condition. Similarly, decreases in reaction (5.8%) and movement (5.7%) time with the control condition differed significantly (P < 0.01) from the stretch-induced increases of 4.0% and 1.9%, respectively. In conclusion, it appears that an acute bout of stretching impaired the warm-up effect achieved under control conditions with balance and reaction/movement time.
In the last decade self myofascial release (SMR) has become an increasingly common modality to supplement traditional methods of massage, so a masseuse is not necessary. However, there is limited clinical data demonstrating the efficacy or mechanism of this treatment on athletic performance .The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of myofascial rollers before athletic tests can enhance performance. Twenty-six (13 men and 13 women) healthy college aged individuals (21.56±2.04 years, 23.97±3.98 body mass index (BMI), 20.57±12.21 percent body fat) were recruited. The study design was a randomized, crossover design in which subject performed a series of planking exercises or foam rolling exercises then performed a series of athletic performance tests (vertical jump height and power, isometric force, and agility.) Fatigue, soreness, and exertion were also measured. A 2 x 2 (Trial x Gender) ANOVA with repeated measures and appropriate post-hoc was used to analyze the data. There were no significant differences between foam rolling and planking for all four of the athletic tests. However, there was a significant difference between genders on all of the athletic tests (p ≤ 0.001). As expected there were significant increases from pre to post during both trials for fatigue, soreness, and exertion (p ≤ 0.01). Post-exercise fatigue after foam rolling was significantly less than after the subjects performed planking (p ≤ 0.05). The reduced feeling of fatigue may allow participants to extend acute workout time and volume, which can lead to chronic performance enhancements. However, foam rolling had no affect on performance.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different static and dynamic stretch protocols on 20-m sprint performance. The 97 male rugby union players were assigned randomly to 4 groups: passive static stretch (PSS; n = 28), active dynamic stretch (ADS; n = 22), active static stretch (ASST; n = 24), and static dynamic stretch (SDS; n = 23). All groups performed a standard 10-minute jog warm-up, followed by two 20-m sprints. The 20-m sprints were then repeated after subjects had performed different stretch protocols. The PSS and ASST groups had a significant increase in sprint time (p < or = 0.05), while the ADS group had a significant decrease in sprint time (p < or = 0.05). The decrease in sprint time, observed in the SDS group, was found to be nonsignificant (p > or = 0.05). The decrease in performance for the 2 static stretch groups was attributed to an increase in the musculotendinous unit (MTU) compliance, leading to a decrease in the MTU ability to store elastic energy in its eccentric phase. The reason why the ADS group improved performance is less clear, but could be linked to the rehearsal of specific movement patterns, which may help increase coordination of subsequent movement. It was concluded that static stretching as part of a warm-up may decrease short sprint performance, whereas active dynamic stretching seems to increase 20-m sprint performance.
The purpose of this study was to compare the acute effects on youth fitness of 3 different warm-up protocols utilizing static stretching or dynamic exercise performance. Sixty children (mean age 11.3 +/- 0.7 years) performed 3 different warm-up routines in random order on nonconsecutive days. The warm-up protocols consisted of 5 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of static stretching (SS), 10 minutes of dynamic exercise (DY), or 10 minutes of dynamic exercise plus 3 drop jumps from 15-cm boxes (DYJ). Following each warm-up session, subjects were tested on the vertical jump, long jump, shuttle run, and v-sit flexibility. Analysis of the data revealed that vertical-jump and shuttle-run performance declined significantly following SS as compared to DY and DYJ, and long-jump performance was significantly reduced following SS as compared to DYJ (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in flexibility following the 3 warm-up treatments. The results of this study suggest that it may be desirable for children to perform moderate- to high-intensity dynamic exercises prior to the performance of activities that require a high power output.