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Facial burn in children: a review

  • All India Institute of Medical SciencesBhubaneswar

Abstract and Figures

Burns are a common cause of injury among children. Children with facial burns often experience pain, regardless of the cause, size, or depth of the burn injury. Burns in the facial area may lead to fatal consequences because of the involvement of the upper airway and cosmetic deformity of the face. Major burn injury in the facial area remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Burn scars on the face in children may disturb the self-image and psychosocial processes. Multi-disciplinary approaches and advances in burn care are often helpful to manage the burn injury in children and increase the survival of the patients. Pain has adverse emotional and physiological impacts, and adequate pain control is an important factor in improving outcomes. The goal of the treatment of facial burns in children is to achieve a good aesthetic outcome and also normal head movement with neck mobilization.
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International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | January 2024 | Vol 11 | Issue 1 Page 94
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
Swain SK. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2024 Jan;11(1):94-98
pISSN 2349-3283 | eISSN 2349-3291
Review Article
Facial burn in children: a review
Santosh Kumar Swain*
Although major advancement is happening in the area of
burn management, burn injury still continues to be an
important cause of morbidity and mortality in children.
Burn injury in the facial area is devastating for affected
children and results in several physical and psychological
sequelae.1 Facial burns followed by scar formation can
drastically affect the growth potential of the face of the
child. The face is prevalently prone to burn injury
occurring by flame, scald, and caustic agents.2 Burn
injury to the facial area creates a technical challenge with
airway management. Burns have been identified as one of
the most devastating causes of child injury with respect to
functional, social, and psychological impairment.3 Pain
and distress are usually associated with facial burns in
children.4 Reporting and monitoring facial burns in
children has been often poor. Pain and cosmetic
deformity have adverse physiological and emotional
effects, and appropriate pain management is an important
factor for improving outcomes. Facial and neck skin are
prone for the development of burn scar contracture
because of its thin nature. The objective of the treatment
is to epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical
manifestations, and management of facial burn injury in
Multiple systematic methods were used to find current
research publications on facial burns in children. We
started by searching the Scopus, Pub Med, Medline, and
Google Scholar databases online. This search strategy
recognized the abstracts of published publications, while
other papers were discovered manually from the citations.
A search strategy using PRISMA (Preferred reporting
items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis)
guidelines was developed. Randomized controlled
studies, observational studies, comparative studies, case
series, and case reports were evaluated for eligibility.
There were a total number of articles 54 (21 case reports;
22 cases series; 11 original articles). This paper focuses
only on facial burns in children. The search articles with
any manifestations other than facial burns in children are
excluded from this review article. Review articles with no
primary research data were also excluded. This paper
Burns are a common cause of injury among children. Children with facial burns often experience pain, regardless of
the cause, size, or depth of the burn injury. Burns in the facial area may lead to fatal consequences because of the
involvement of the upper airway and cosmetic deformity of the face. Major burn injury in the facial area remains a
significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Burn scars on the face in children may disturb the self-image
and psychosocial processes. Multi-disciplinary approaches and advances in burn care are often helpful to manage the
burn injury in children and increase the survival of the patients. Pain has adverse emotional and physiological
impacts, and adequate pain control is an important factor in improving outcomes. The goal of the treatment of facial
burns in children is to achieve a good aesthetic outcome and also normal head movement with neck mobilization.
Keywords: Burn, Face, Children, Cosmetic deformity
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Received: 11 November 2023
Accepted: 12 December 2023
Dr. Santosh Kumar Swain,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Swain SK. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2024 Jan;11(1):94-98
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | January 2024 | Vol 11 | Issue 1 Page 95
examines the epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, clinical
manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of facial burns in
children. This analysis provides a foundation for future
prospective trials for facial burns in children. It will also
catalyze additional studies of facial burns in children.
The fifth most common reason for unintentional mortality
in children is burn injuries.5 Due to the widespread use of
fire detectors in homes and effective awareness efforts,
the fatality rate from burn injuries has decreased
dramatically over the past 20 years. Facial burn is the
third most common cause of injury resulting in death
after motor vehicle accidents and drowning. Facial burn
injuries account for the greatest period of hospital stay for
injuries and costs associated with care. Children of less
than 10 years of age account for 36% of burns seen in
accident and trauma departments.6 Children account for
almost 50% of burns and scalds found in European
hospitals.7 The incidence of burn injuries in the different
age groups has a bimodal distribution with the pediatric
age group of 0 to 4 years accounting for half the number
of burn accidents and then the number of burn injuries
rises again in the adolescent age group.8 Boys are more
affected by burn injuries than girls.9
The response of the burn injury to the body is a complex
and dynamic process that leads to local and systemic
complications. In the majority of cases, burn injuries
cause cellular damage by direct thermal energy. Burn
injury affects the body as kinetic energy in the form of
heat and spread through the skin. There are two factors
responsible for the final degree of injury in burn such as
the temperature of the stimulus and the duration of the
exposure.10 There are three different burn damage zones.
The zone of coagulation is the term for the burn wound's
center area. The main eschar is this area of homogeneous
necrosis. The zone of stasis is the second section, and it is
located far from the necrotic center. The zone of stasis
typically experiences necrosis, which increases the
amount of burn eschar that needs to be removed. Due to
the loss of the zone of stasis, the practical thickness burn
damage may become a full thickness injury. The zone of
hyperemia is the third and outermost section.
Inflammatory vasodilation increases blood flow to the
third region, where the burn-injured cells are frequently
able to survive in the absence of aggravating conditions.11
The extent of the burn injury in the facial area is
determined by the degree of heat and duration of
exposure of the heat to the tissues.12 There are three main
types of burn depth such as superficial (Figure 2), partial
thickness (Figure 3), and full thickness.13 Superficial
burns are painful and red color appearance involving the
epidermis and usually heal within 7 days.13 Superficial
partial thickness injuries results in blister formation and,
once debrided, appear as pinkish and wet with a brisk
capillary refill. These lesions are also painful and usually
heal within 14 days. Deep partial-thickness burn injuries
are usually less painful, have a dry and fixed blotchy red
appearance, and do not blanch under pressure. Deep
partial-thickness burns may take a longer time to heal i.e.
about 21 days or more. Full-thickness burn injuries
appear as dry with a white or brown leathery appearance.
These full-thickness burns are not painful and often need
excision and skin grafting to allow healing.14 The depth
of the burn is directly related to the extent and severity of
pain. The initial injury of the skin damages the nerve
endings but this initial stimulation causes pain
irrespective of the depth of burn.15 Burn victims are often
prone to a variety of infections which greatly increase the
morbidity and mortality of the children. Increased burn
surface area and depth of burn correlate with more
infectious complications. The thinner skin of the children
in comparison to the adults makes them more susceptible
to burns.16 Considering the types of burn injuries, scald
burns are common in younger children. Children of age
less than 5 years are prone to scald injury in the facial
area. Scald injury is common in toddlers as they are more
mobile.17 The mechanism behind the scald injury includes
spilled/splashed and pulled, and scalds are most
commonly involved in cooking/kitchen appliances, and
tables/counters appliances, hot water.
Figure 1: Methods of literature search.
Figure 2: Facial superficial burn injury on face.
Swain SK. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2024 Jan;11(1):94-98
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | January 2024 | Vol 11 | Issue 1 Page 96
Figure 3: Facial partial thickness burn injury at
Burn to the facial area among children often occurs in the
home environment, and mostly happens in the kitchen
during food preparation and meal times. Winter month is
a risk period for burn injury. Additional risk factors
include low-socioeconomic status, low educational
background of the parents or caregiver, crowded home
environment, and psychosocial family stress.18
Hospitalization of children with burns is only needed in
6% of cases and the majority of the children are treated
by primary care and emergency medicine physicians.19
Risk factors that increase the severity of the burns include
younger age, increased size of burn injury, scalding
injury, and presence of inhalation injury.20
Facial burns in children are painful, potentially fatal, and
carry a risk of lifelong scarring and cosmetic deformity of
the face. It is often associated with physical,
psychological consequences and long-term healthcare
requirements. Contractures in the facial region due to
chronic burn scars are often troublesome, both
functionally and aesthetically. Contractures in the face
and cervical region not only restrict neck movements but
also distort the lower lip and limit jaw movements.21 As
facial scars are seen in the most exposed region of the
body, these are easily seen and can cause much
embarrassment to the patient.22 Facial structures such as
the nose and teeth may be deformed by post-burn
contractures. There are certain serious complications such
as occlusion amblyopia and microstomia must be
anticipated and urgently addressed to reverse the
permanent consequences. Proper evaluation of burn
injuries in the facial area must be done with consideration
as an emergency situation and need immediate
resuscitation if need. Early assessment includes airway,
breathing, and circulation in the pediatric age group.
Features of hypovolemia such as low blood pressure and
urine output are delayed manifestations in children and
tachycardia is omnipresent.23 Tachypnea, stridor, and
hoarseness of voice suggest a compromised airway due to
edema or inhalation injury.24 A young child's growing
visual axis is disrupted by periorbital burns, making them
susceptible to developing occlusion amblyopia or vision
loss. Infants who have their eyes closed for more than
three days have a higher chance of going blind in the
affected eye.25 Reduced retinal stimulation from long-
term scar contracture occlusion of the eye leads to
impaired neuronal growth of the associated optic cortex.
The stoppage of blinking and eyelid ectropion that can
occur as a result of eyelid contractures can lead to chronic
conjunctivitis. This might eventually cause the afflicted
youngster to go blind and cause more ulceration.
Children with facial burns are challenged with a number
of psychological issues. The face of the child is
considered as part of the interpersonal and social
interaction.26 Disfigurement of the face due to burn can
cause significant psychological, social, and cognitive
impairment in the affected child. As young children are
actively developing the concept of self, a severe variety
of burn injuries to the face can alter the child’s sense of
identity and place the child at high risk for future
emotional and psychological disturbances.27 The face of
the human being is central to identifying and is the
primary tool for expression, emotion, and character. Burn
scars on the face may significantly alter the self-image
and psychosocial processes more than do burns to other
areas of the body. Burn scars on the face usually limit the
movements of the face, so disturb the expressions of
children and make it difficult for others to read the
feelings of facial expressions.28 The level of residual
disease after initial burn injury is more among children
due to overlapping bio-psycho-social factors affecting
this age group. Children affected by facial disfigurement
due to burns may be teased, ignored, bullied, and
ostracized.29 Physically, the constitutive growth of the
children often outpaces that of any non-physiologic scar
tissue showing contractures as a far greater significant
problem.30 Psychologically, children are at different
fragile stages of development with higher chances of
body image issues influenced by their own self-esteem as
well as acceptance from others that may be compromised
by any facial disfigurement resulting due to burn injury.31
Children with facial burn injuries those hospitalized for a
long period may miss schooling for a long time and they
are at risk of not developing vital social relationships and
falling behind in study. Children recovering from facial
burns make social stigmata that negatively affect the
personal life. It severely affects self-identity. One study
described the increased antisocial behavior, depressive
and anxiety disorders as sequelae of facial burn in
children.32 The slightest burn injury on the face may
manifest severe depression and social isolation which is
further worsened by the presence of visible scars.
Children with facial burns are more solitary and prone to
fighting and lying.33
Swain SK. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2024 Jan;11(1):94-98
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | January 2024 | Vol 11 | Issue 1 Page 97
Management of facial burns in children is a
multidisciplinary approach involving a range of
professional experts such as burn surgeons, pediatricians,
otolaryngologists, pain specialists, nurses, psychologists,
play therapists, and importantly, the parents of the
children or caregivers. Although several principles for
adult burn management is applied to pediatric patient
with facial burns, the treating doctor must be cognizant of
many important differences. The first aid for thermal
burns includes running the burnt area under cold tap
water for twenty minutes. Children should avoid
hypothermia, so very cold water or ice should be avoided
as these can result in vasoconstriction, making the depth
of burn injury worse.34 Fluid resuscitation should be
commenced as early as possible if indicated and the
requirement for this must be anticipated, so intravenous
access should be done immediately. In order to get exact
calculation fluid requirements, and for risk assessment,
the total body surface affected with burn injury must be
estimated. Areas of superficial burn injury should not be
included in the surface area calculation as these do not
contribute to the risk of intravascular fluid loss.35 Blood
investigations like full blood count, electrolytes with
blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, and liver function
tests should be done before starting fluid. In case of a
minor burn, the injury should be cleaned and blisters
debrided to allow full evaluation of the wound after
appropriate analgesia if needed. Simple nonadherent
dressing can be done in conjunction with antimicrobial
agents.36 Children with burn injuries usually experience
pain regardless of the etiology, size, and depth of the
burn. Undertreatment of pain may cause delayed healing
of burns and also increase the chance of posttraumatic
stress disorders. The attitude toward pain management
should be presumptive and preemptive. A
multidisciplinary approach is helpful to integrate
pharmacological and psychological pain-relieving
methods to reduce physical, emotional, and family
distress. The fundamental aim of the surgical treatment of
the facial scar due to burn is to replace this area with
normal skin that is a good match in color, thickness, and
texture.37 Local flaps from the pectoral and shoulder area
are good options for the reconstruction of facial and
cervical scars. Tissue expanders can be used in these
cases and give adequate surface area without
compromising vascularity.38 Surgical reconstruction of
facial burns with scars and contractures should proceed
only after thorough planning and may involve a variety of
skin graft, flap, and tissue expansion techniques. The
most popular treatment for significant skin defects caused
by scar excision that cannot be initially closed with
sutures is skin grafting. The epidermis and varying
amounts of dermis make up the split-thickness skin graft.
The benefit of split-thickness skin grafts is that donor
sites can be of any size because healing occurs almost
invariably completely by re-epithelization from skin
appendages. As the propensity of split-thickness graft is
to heal with some contracture, it should be used with
caution in facial reconstruction. Parts of the face like the
nose, chin, and forehead are suitable to receive split-
thickness grafts and lead to satisfactory results because
the underlying bony structures oppose the contraction.
Children with facial burns and deformity display blunted
emotional maturation and remain childish in behavior and
appearance even in adolescent age.39 These children need
more parental support and guidance.40
Burn on the face in children has been established as one
of the most traumatic injuries. Facial burns are often
associated with increased medical and psychosocial
morbidity among the affected children. Children with
facial injuries not only experience physical injury but also
emotional trauma because of hospitalization, medical
procedures, and pain experiences that can affect lifelong
functional disturbances. Children with facial burns are
often associated with pain and anxiety. Children with
facial burns remain a challenge to their parents and
caregivers, and these children need long-term care by a
multidisciplinary team. In burn injury, reconstruction of
the facial scar or contracture is helpful to achieve a good
aesthetic outcome.
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: Not required
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Cite this article as: Swain SK. Facial burn in
children: a review. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2024;11:94-
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Full-text available
Introduction: Burn injuries are under-appreciated trauma, associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. It is necessary to refer patients in need of specialized care to more specialized centers for treatment and rehabilitation of burn injuries. This systematic review aimed to assess the adherence to referral criteria for burn patients. Methods: An extensive search was conducted on Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science online databases using the relevant keywords from the earliest to October 7, 2021. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the appraisal tool for cross-sectional studies (AXIS tool). Results: Among a total of 7,455 burn patients included in the nine studies, 60.95% were male. The most frequently burned areas were the hands (n=3) and the face (n=2). The most and least common burn mechanisms were scalds (62.76%) and electrical or chemical (2.88%), respectively. 51.88% of burn patients had met ≥ 1 referral criteria. The overall adherence to the referral criteria for burn patients was 58.28% (17.37 to 93.39%). The highest and lowest adherence rates were related to Western Cape Provincial (WCP) (26.70%) and National Burn Care Review (NBCR) (4.97%) criteria, respectively. Conclusion: The overall adherence to the referral criteria for burn patients was relatively desirable. Therefore, well-designed future studies are suggested in order to uncover approaches to improve adherence to referral criteria for burn patients.
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Objective To review and synthesise qualitative literature regarding the psychological outcomes following paediatric burn injuries, and to determine if children and adolescents who experience a burn injury have elevated risk of psychopathology following the injury. Design Systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies. Data sources Informit health, Medline, Embase, and PsycINFO were searched from January 2010 to December 2020. Data extraction and synthesis Two reviewers screened articles, and one reviewer extracted data (with cross-checking from another reviewer) from the included studies and assessed quality using an established tool. Narrative synthesis was used to synthesise the findings from the quantitative studies, and thematic synthesis was used to synthesise the findings of included qualitative studies. Results Searches yielded 1240 unique titles, with 130 retained for full-text screening. Forty-five studies from 17 countries were included. The psychological outcomes included in the studies were mental health diagnoses, medication for mental illness, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, post-traumatic stress, post-traumatic growth, emotional issues, self-harm, self-esteem, self-concept, stigmatisation, quality of life, level of disability, resilience, coping, and suicidality. Conclusions Our findings highlight paediatric burn patients as a particularly vulnerable population following a burn injury. Studies suggest elevated anxiety and traumatic stress symptoms, and higher rates of psychopathology in the long-term. Further research is recommended to determine the psychological outcomes in the other mental health domains highlighted in this review, as findings were mixed. Clinical care teams responsible for the aftercare of burn patients should involve psychological support for the children and families to improve outcomes.
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Age related hearing loss (ARHL) is one of the commonest health conditions of the elderly people which have an important relation with the cognition. Long standing hearing deprivation leads to decline of the cognitive performance. This has impact on quality of communication and result in social isolation, depression and enhances the dementia. Cognitive decline may be misdiagnosed or over-diagnosed when the sensory abilities of the patients are not properly evaluated. Adequate intervention by use of hearing aid or cochlear implant improves the communication, cognitive function, social, emotion function and positively impact on the quality of life. With rise of the elderly population and concomitant increase of ARHL with associated cognitive impairment, it is imperative to discuss this morbid clinical entity in present scenario. Cognitive decline in elderly age have a profound impact on the affected person, on caregivers and society. The financial costs for cognitive impairment in ARHL are also major source of concern for the society. In this review article, we focus on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, hypotheses of etiological mechanisms between the ARHL and cognitive decline or impairment, impact of cognitive impairment on quality of life and prevention.
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Background: The 2019 coronavirus outbreak has caused a global health epidemic which changed the way we view our environment and our daily lives. The rate of transmission challenged our sense of identity and for safety and to prevent the spread of infection also need social distancing. Objectives: The survey aimed to assess the knowledge & attitude on coronavirus infection among the general population. Methods: A total of 620 participants from Odisha urban community agreed to participate in the survey regarding COVID-19. A self-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Participants were selected by convenient sampling method. The demographic characteristics were represented by frequencies and percentage. Descriptive statistics used to calculate mean, SD and P-value. Results: Among the participants (n=620), most of the participants 75.9% were females, more than half 59.4% of participants were between 31 to 40 years, majority 75.1% were living in the nuclear family, the majority 76.4% participants were married and a majority 75.9% were completed graduation. 80.28% of participants have good knowledge, 58.03% of participant’s attitude was positive. Most of 72.6 % participants believe India can win the battle against COVID 19, 85.1% reported that their daily routine changed due to the pandemic. Conclusion: The emerging coronavirus disease outbreak demands all people should maintain a minimum of 1-meter distance from each other and different various methods to ensure the safety of general people. There is a need for active public awareness, clear information, and strict guidelines to improve the knowledge and attitude of the general population. Key Words: Covid-19, Knowledge, Attitude, Cross-sectional Study
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Managing the airway of patient with postburn contracture at the neck is often challenging for otolaryngologists and anesthesiologists. It affects the oro-pharyngo-laryngeal airway axes because of anatomical and functional deformities because of the long-standing contracture in the face and neck region. We present a case of extensive neck postburn contractures distorting anatomy, whose airway was assessed and managed using a video fiberoptic bronchoscope (FOB) (Ambu® aScope™). Our experience of the utility of FOB mirrors the experience and literature in the management of difficult airway.
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The diseases of the pediatric airway is often challenging to the clinician. It needs a dedicated team of clinicians for evaluation and treatment. Obstructing lesions of the pediatric airway due to congenital or acquired causes often create fatal situations. Majority of the pediatric airway lesions are due to prolonged intubation or tracheostomy and prematurity. Management of the pediatric airway lesions often complicated with additional congenital malformations or severe comorbidities. It is often important for the pediatrician to understand the different pediatric airway lesions and its issues relevant to the airway management of the pediatric patients. This review article will give an overview of commonly encountered airway problems in children and its management.
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Abstract The skin is the largest organ of the body, which meets the environment most directly. Thus, the skin is vulnerable to various damages, particularly burn injury. Skin wound healing is a serious interaction between cell types, cytokines, mediators, the neurovascular system, and matrix remodeling. Tissue regeneration technology remarkably enhances skin repair via re-epidermalization, epidermal-stromal cell interactions, angiogenesis, and inhabitation of hypertrophic scars and keloids. The success rates of skin healing for burn injuries have significantly increased with the use of various skin substitutes. In this review, we discuss skin replacement with cells, growth factors, scaffolds, or cell-seeded scaffolds for skin tissue reconstruction and also compare the high efficacy and cost-effectiveness of each therapy. We describe the essentials, achievements, and challenges of cell-based therapy in reducing scar formation and improving burn injury treatment.
Introduction The issues and concerns that emerge in the families of burn patients have received minimal attention. Objective To map out what is known about the challenges facing the family members of burn patients. Methods The review followed the PRISMA Extension guidelines for scoping reviews and the review approach by Arksey and O’Malley to synthesize the available evidence. Twenty-six (26) papers from various database searches were identified and included in the review. The citation retrieval and retention methods are reported in a PRISMA statement. Results Although most of the studies included parents (n = 21), the evidence suggests that the shared concerns of family members include taking on new roles, and psychosocial and financial issues. Uniquely, parents had to endure blame, shame and guilt; partners/spouses were faced with difficulties in re-establishing an emotional connection with the patient; siblings simultaneously expressed jealousy and feelings of being outsiders; and children with a burn parent had to deal with feelings of exclusion from the care delivery process. Aside from these individuals, friends, neighbours and in-laws may also assume a caregiving role, with grandparents playing a supporting role. Family members are unprepared for their roles, as they are forced into them suddenly. Although distress may occur among family members, its determinants, severity, pattern and recovery process remain unclear. Conclusion A burn is a family injury that creates the need for family-centred care. Future studies need to explore the nature of psychological distress, family members’ recovery pathways, and how family members can prepare for their roles in the post-discharge period.