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Development of Low Impact Aerobics Gymnastics Model for the Elderly Level at Sanggar Mawar Jingga Palembang City



The problem in this study is that the members of gymnastics in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City have reached the age of elderly, but they are still enthusiastic about participating in gymnastics. The problem is that they have difficulty during gymnastics because the movement and tempo of the music do not match their abilities. Therefore, researchers aim to develop a low impact aerobic exercise model for the elderly level at the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City. This research is research and development, this research is carried out through the stages of needs analysis, planning, making initial product designs, material and media expert validation. Furthermore, the product is tested on the elderly through small-scale trials, revisions, large-scale trials, revisions and final products. The product test subjects were elderly in the Sanggar Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City. The data from the expert validation results got a value very valid category. It can be concluded that the low impact aerobic exercise model product developed is suitable for use by the elderly.
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
Development of Low Impact Aerobics Gymnastics Model
for the Elderly Level at Sanggar Mawar Jingga Palembang City
Septiani Rohayu1, Muhsana Cintami El Lanos2, Widya Handayani2
1Mawar Jingga Studio Kota Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia, 2Universitas
PGRI Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Corresponding author e-mail:
Abstract: The problem in this study is that the members of gymnastics in the Mawar
Jingga studio in Palembang City have reached the age of elderly, but they are still
enthusiastic about participating in gymnastics. The problem is that they have
difficulty during gymnastics because the movement and tempo of the music do not
match their abilities. Therefore, researchers aim to develop a low impact aerobic
exercise model for the elderly level at the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City.
This research is research and development, this research is carried out through the
stages of needs analysis, planning, making initial product designs, material and media
expert validation. Furthermore, the product is tested on the elderly through small-
scale trials, revisions, large-scale trials, revisions and final products. The product test
subjects were elderly in the Sanggar Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City. The data
from the expert validation results got a value very valid category. It can be concluded
that the low impact aerobic exercise model product developed is suitable for use by
the elderly.
Keywords: Aerobic Gymnastics, Elderly, Low Impact
A. Introduction
Humans basically need exercise so that their bodies stay healthy, fit and not
susceptible to disease. In the year 2020, the number of elderly individuals in Indonesia
is estimated to rank as the sixth largest in the world, surpassing the elderly
populations of Brazil, Mexico, and European countries (Primana, 2006). Doing regular
exercise will not have a negative impact, but it will have a positive impact on the body.
Sport is an activity carried out by humans so that it has an influence on the culprit.
From a sports science point of view. Exercise is a series of regular and planned
physical movements that people do consciously to improve functional abilities,
according to the purpose of doing exercise. Sports are divided based on their nature
or purpose, namely achievement sports, recreational sports, health sports, and
educational sports (Adi, 2018). Health sports is a form of sports activities for health
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
purposes. The general characteristics or characteristics of health sports are: (1) bulk,
(2) easy, (3) cheap, (4) festive, (5) benefits and safe (Sapto, 2018).
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that health exercise is a sports activity
that has health needs for the body. Health sports tend to be mass in number besides
that it is also cheap, easy, festive, many benefits, especially for physical, spiritual, and
safe health. One of the goals of health sports is to maintain physical fitness. According
to (Sapto, 2018) said that gymnastics is a form of physical exercise that is arranged
systematically by involving selected and planned movements to achieve certain
goals. Gymnastics is a sport in the form of physical exercise that is created
intentionally, arranged systematically and carried out consciously. The gymnastic
movement requires strength and speed to produce a good impact on the body.
Gymnastics is beneficial for both men and women, both young and old. Whatever
type of gymnastics exercise is chosen. All of them provide benefits for the body,
namely for health, fitness and beauty. As long as you do it in the right way and
Gymnastics is very important for the formation of body flexibility, which becomes an
important meaning for human survival. There are various kinds of gymnastics
including aerobic exercises, floor gymnastics, pregnancy exercises, scout gymnastics,
healthy heart gymnastics, healthy gymnastics, Physical Fitness Gymnastics (SKJ), etc.
Sapto, (2018) currently, people prefer sports that are fun, cheerful, cheap, and have
many health benefits, especially for the body. Especially for teenagers and housewives
who are experiencing boredom at home during the current Covid-19 pandemic
quarantine period. In everyday we find various recreational sports such as aerobic
exercises. Aerobics in Palembang City is very popular with people from young and
old. But most who follow gymnastics are women. But in fact, low impact aerobic
exercise with low intensity is very suitable for the elderly. According to Sapto, (2018)
that Elderly is one of the phases or cycles in life that will be experienced by long-
lived individuals. It can be concluded that the elderly or commonly abbreviated as
elderly is someone who experiences changes both physically and mentally. These
changes affect all aspects of life, including health. According to (Sugiyono, 2016)
clarifies that Elderly humans consist of middle age group 45-59 years, elderly age
group 60-74 years, old age group between 75-90 years, very old age group over 90
The reality of the description above is very different from the problems in the field.
The results of my interview with an aerobic gymnastics coach at Sanggar Mawar
Jingga. During their time as gymnastics coaches there, members of mothers who have
reached their old age remain enthusiastic in exercising, namely doing aerobic
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
exercises. But some of these mothers have difficulty in aerobic gymnastics movements,
especially in the rhythmic tempo of the gymnastics music. So, they find it difficult to
balance between the movement and tempo of the song properly. Based on
observations with mothers who live around Sanggar Mawar Jingga. Some mothers
want to take part in gymnastics at the studio, but they are embarrassed because of age.
Related to this problem, researchers plan to make a model for the development of low-
impact aerobic exercise at the elderly level and video in the form of a DVD that suits
their needs so that the elderly can do aerobic exercise while being able to live healthy
and fit.
B. Methods
This research was conducted using the Research and Development to produce a
certain product and test the effectiveness of the product (Holtzman, 2011; Karlsson et
al., 2004). In this study, Research and Development was used to produce aerobic
gymnastics models. This study aims to produce a product in the form of a DVD and
guidebook containing a low impact aerobic exercise model at the elderly level in the
Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City. The method used for the first time is a
research method that is needs analysis which is used to test and find out new products
so that they can be known to their effectiveness so that new products can function in
the community.
Researchers examine only up to 7 stages because it is in accordance with the needs of
researchers. The place of research is the object and source of data from the place under
study so that the information obtained can provide accurate data and its truth in
research. In this case, the researcher took place in the Mawar Jingga studio in
Palembang City. This stage contains product trials that have been revised by experts,
the revised results are then tested on the elderly in the Mawar Jingga studio in
Palembang City, namely small group trials using 15 elderlies as a population,
sampling is carried out by random sampling. Large-scale trials were carried out after
small-scale trial products and expert revisions, this large-scale trial was carried out on
the elderly in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City as many as 30 elderly
participants. After large-scale tests are carried out, the product is further revised by
experts and becomes the final product.
Data from questionnaire results obtained from users of gymnastics models. the data
analysis technique used by this researcher aims to measure instruments or
questionnaires, namely using the likert scale. The likert scale is used to measure the
attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about social
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
phenomena. then the answer to each instrument item has a gradation from very
positive to very negative in the form of words (Batterton & Hale, 2017).
C. Results and Discussion
Needs Analysis
Gymnastics is one sport that has a good effect on the body, because this sport requires
energy, agility, and accuracy when doing it (Werner et al., 2012; Hrysomallis, 2011).
Gymnastics is no stranger to the public because there are quite a lot of gymnastics
enthusiasts from various groups of young, old, women, and men. The development
of the era of gymnastics activities is not only carried out outdoors but indoors as well,
therefore many open gymnastics studios, for example in this study choose to research
in the rose orange gymnastics studio located in housing. So, what has been explained
above cannot be separated from various problems, to find out the problems that occur
in a gymnastics studio, and know the forms of solving the problems faced, it is
necessary to do a needs analysis. This needs analysis process includes several
processes including making observations, analyzing gymnastics activities in the field,
conducting interviews with related parties such as studio owners, instructors and
elderly, and conduct literature studies. By doing this analysis can overcome problems
that occur during gymnastics. The results of interviews and observations, information
was obtained that, not all gymnastics members in the studio could follow the
movements led by the instructor, this was because there were some members who had
difficulty when doing gymnastics because the movements and tempo of the music
were not in accordance with their abilities.
The problem that arises during the gymnastics activity is because the gymnastics
instructor does not pay attention to its members, when the instructor performs
gymnastic movements, some members can follow the movement and other members
have difficulty so they do irregular and directed gymnastic movements. If this
problem occurs continuously, fear will have a negative impact on the body, for
example the occurrence of injury. According to the statement above, it is important to
develop a low impact aerobic exercise model for the elderly level in the Mawar Jingga
studio in Palembang City. The products developed by researchers are expected to
overcome problems in the studio and are expected to be used to maintain body
immunity for the elderly even at home.
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
After the researcher made observations to the field. Researchers found a problem.
Then the researcher planned to make a low impact aerobics gymnastics model product
at the elderly level in the form of DVD products and movement manuals as a solution
to the problems in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City. Desain product the
following is the initial design of the product development of the low impact.
Design Validation
Expert Validation Phase I
The validator who was used as a material expert in this development research was
Husni Fahritsani, M.Pd as the Faculty of Physical Education Teacher Training,
Universitas PGRI Palembang.
Material Expert Data Analysis Phase I
Data from product evaluation by the first stage of material experts in table 4.2 shows
that the development of a low impact aerobics gymnastics movement model at the
elderly level in the Sanggar Mawar Jingga Palembang City, the results of development
from the aspect of material quality get 70% and the content aspect get 72%, the score
is then converted into values based on the assessment scale table. Thus, it can be stated
that according to material experts, the development of a low impact aerobic exercise
model at the elderly level in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City which has
been developed from the aspect of material quality gets the Valid category and the
content aspect gets the Valid category.
Media Expert Phase I
Results Data The results of product evaluation by the first stage media experts in table
4.4 show that the development of a low impact aerobic exercise model at the elderly
level in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City, the results of the product display
aspect get 66.7%, the audio / music used gets 80%, Video content gets 56.4%, and
alternative media users get 53.3%. The score then scores the results into values based
on the assessment scale table. Thus, it can be stated that according to media experts,
the development of a low impact aerobics gymnastics model at the elderly level in the
Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City which has been developed from the product
display category Valid, the audio/music used gets the category Valid, the content
of the video category Enough, and alternative media users category Enough.
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
Expert Validation Results Data Phase II
Material Expert Data Analysis Phase II
Data on the results of product evaluation by the first stage of material experts in table
4.6 show that the development of a low impact aerobics gymnastics movement model
at the elderly level in the Sanggar Mawar Jingga Palembang City, the development
results from the aspect of material quality get 93.3% and the content aspect get 92%,
the score results become values based on the assessment scale table. Thus, it can be
stated that according to material experts, the development of low impact aerobics
gymnastics Models at the elderly level in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City
that have been developed from the aspect of material quality get a score with the
category Very Valid and the aspect of content gets a score with the category Very
Media Expert Data Analysis Phase II
Data from product evaluation by phase II media experts in table 4.8 shows that the
development of a low impact aerobic exercise model at the elderly level in the Mawar
Jingga studio in Palembang City, the results of the development of the product display
aspect get 80% and the audio/music aspect used gets a score of 100%, The
development results of the video content aspect get 92.7%, the alternative media
aspect of users get 80%. The results of the score then become a value based on the
assessment scale table. Thus, it can be stated that according to media experts, the
development of the media model of low impact aerobics gymnastics at the elderly
level in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City which has been developed from
the aspect of display gets the category Valid, the audio/music aspect gets the Very
Valid category, the video content aspect gets the Very Valid category, and the
alternative media aspect of the user gets the Valid category.
Product Revision
Revision of Small-Scale
Trial Products In the trial of elderly products in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang
City, providing advice on the media model of low impact aerobic exercise movements
at the elderly level in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City was very good.
From the observations of observers and observer companions (Gymnastics instructor
at Sanggar Mawar Jingga) There are several things that must be considered
operationally, namely: 1) When carrying out a small scale the position of the elderly
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
must be given a distance of purpose so as not to collide with each other when doing
gymnastics, 2) Wear clothes with comfortable shoes, to reduce the risk of injury, 3)
Before doing gymnastics you should check the health of the body, if the body
condition is not healthy you should not follow gymnastics (Gymnastics instructor at
Sanggar Mawar Jingga). There are several things that must be considered
operationally, namely: 1) When carrying out a small scale the position of the elderly
must be given a distance of purpose so as not to collide with each other when doing
gymnastics, 2) Wear clothes with comfortable shoes, to reduce the risk of injury, 3)
Before doing gymnastics you should check the health of the body, if the body
condition is not healthy you should not follow gymnastics.
Revision of Large-Scale
Trial Products Large group trials were given to 30 elderly people in the Mawar Jingga
studio in Palembang City. The process of conducting this large group trial was carried
out by presenting low impact aerobics gymnastics model products at the elderly level
at the Mawar Jingga sangar Palembang City. After the presentation was completed,
then to find out the quality of the products developed, researchers gave assessment
sheets to the elderly. The data obtained from the trial use will then be followed up for
product revision.
End Products
The resulting product is a DVD model of low impact aerobics gymnastics at the elderly
level at the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City. The discussion in this product
includes a series of gymnastic movements that have been assembled according to the
needs and abilities of users. The product developed contains opening remarks, warm-
up movements, core movements, cooling movements and thank you. The look and
movement in this video have been validated by subject matter experts and media
experts. This product has also been tested for the elderly in the Mawar Jingga studio
in Palembang City and the results of every aspect are very good. The following is the
final result of the development of a low impact aerobic exercise model at the elderly
D. Conclusion
This study produced a product in the form of a low impact aerobic exercise model at
the elderly level at the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City in the form of DVD
and gymnastics guidebooks. The results of material expert research for aspects of
material quality 93.3% get the category Very Valid, aspects of content with values
Journal of Social Work and Science Education
Volume 4 (3)(Special Issue) 23-24 June 2023, 1104-1111
2nd International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2023)
E-ISSN 2723-6919, P-ISSN 2746-0827
get the category strongly agree. The assessment results from media experts for the
product display aspect 80% get the category Very Valid, the audio/music aspect
used 100% gets the Very Valid category, the video content aspect 92.7% gets the
Very Valid category, for the alternative media aspect 80% users get the Very Valid
category. Based on the validation test from product feasibility trials with the results
obtained, it can be concluded that the low impact aerobic exercise model at the elderly
level in the Mawar Jingga studio in Palembang City is feasible to be used as a source
of material for doing gymnastics that does not cost much and is practical.
E. Acknowledgment
Our deepest gratitude is conveyed to the Supervisor, Members of the Mawar Jingga
Gymnastics Palembang City, the Rector of Universitas PGRI Palembang, the Director
of Universitas PGRI Palembang Postgraduate Program and the Education
Management Study Program of Universitas PGRI Palembang.
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Batterton, K. A., & Hale, K. N. (2017). The Likert scale what it is and how to use
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Primana, D. A. (2006). Joint Flexibility in Elderly Women with Various Body
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Sapto, A. (2018). Basic Forms of Gymnastics Movements. Malang: Universitas Negeri
Sugiyono. (2016). Research & Development Methods Research and Development. Bandung:
Werner, P. H., Williams, L. H., & Hall, T. J. (2012). Teaching children gymnastics. Human
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
This third edition of Teaching Children Gymnastics will help you tailor a gymnastics program to your teaching situation while combining the best facets of developmental skills, health-related fitness, and conceptual learning based on process characteristics of body, space, effort, and relationships. Internationally renowned author and educator Peter Werner and coauthors Lori Williams and Tina Hall guide you through the process of teaching gymnastics skills and then linking those skills into sequences.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of a concept that the author refers to as strategic research and development. Design/methodology/approach – The driver for this article came from interviews and discussions with CEOs, vice presidents, and director level engineers and scientists over the past several years who have demonstrated great interest in understanding why their companies' R&D efforts fall short of target so many times. Findings – A visionary research and development, or new product or service development that is not linked early on to excellent operational and governance processes, cannot be successfully implemented. Conversely, operational excellence may lower costs, improve quality, and reduce process and lead times; but without a strategic R&D vision and guidance is unlikely to enjoy sustainable success from its operational improvements alone. High performance operating processes in R&D are critical and when combined with pro‐active implementation and governance will result in successful and strategic R&D which could serve as a sustaining advantage of companies in the near term and should secure long term survival. Originality/value – The paper is insightful in that it makes several suggestions at optimizing research and development efficiency and effectiveness through strategic operational excellence. It is creative in that it links operational excellence and operations management themes with developing new products and services and the work of R&D. This is a very interesting read for high‐level executives and senior management involved with research and development and new product development.
To stay competitive in an ever-changing environment, companies have to continuously increase the productivity of their R&D resources. To make this increase in productivity possible, the productivity must be measured. Most research so far has focused on measuring R&D as a whole, but with relatively little success.The conclusions drawn from this paper are that previous research has failed due to two main problems. Firstly, esearch activities differ from development activities regarding a number of factors, factors that play important roles in measuring productivity. Thus, research activities must be measured separately, to ensure that the factors are correctly considered. Secondly, the view of what the expected output from a company’s research activities is varies from company to company, as well as with external factors like changing customer demands and developments in the market. Thus, to measure the research activity, managers first have to define what the expected output from the research activities is and then adopt a measurement system that fits the current situation.
The relationship between balance ability and sport injury risk has been established in many cases, but the relationship between balance ability and athletic performance is less clear. This review compares the balance ability of athletes from different sports, determines if there is a difference in balance ability of athletes at different levels of competition within the same sport, determines the relationship of balance ability with performance measures and examines the influence of balance training on sport performance or motor skills. Based on the available data from cross-sectional studies, gymnasts tended to have the best balance ability, followed by soccer players, swimmers, active control subjects and then basketball players. Surprisingly, no studies were found that compared the balance ability of rifle shooters with other athletes. There were some sports, such as rifle shooting, soccer and golf, where elite athletes were found to have superior balance ability compared with their less proficient counterparts, but this was not found to be the case for alpine skiing, surfing and judo. Balance ability was shown to be significantly related to rifle shooting accuracy, archery shooting accuracy, ice hockey maximum skating speed and simulated luge start speed, but not for baseball pitching accuracy or snowboarding ranking points. Prospective studies have shown that the addition of a balance training component to the activities of recreationally active subjects or physical education students has resulted in improvements in vertical jump, agility, shuttle run and downhill slalom skiing. A proposed mechanism for the enhancement in motor skills from balance training is an increase in the rate of force development. There are limited data on the influence of balance training on motor skills of elite athletes. When the effectiveness of balance training was compared with resistance training, it was found that resistance training produced superior performance results for jump height and sprint time. Balance ability was related to competition level for some sports, with the more proficient athletes displaying greater balance ability. There were significant relationships between balance ability and a number of performance measures. Evidence from prospective studies supports the notion that balance training can be a worthwhile adjunct to the usual training of non-elite athletes to enhance certain motor skills, but not in place of other conditioning such as resistance training. More research is required to determine the influence of balance training on the motor skills of elite athletes.
Forms of Gymnastics Movements
  • S Adi
Adi, S. (2018). Forms of Gymnastics Movements. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.
The Likert scale what it is and how to use it
  • K A Batterton
  • K N Hale
Batterton, K. A., & Hale, K. N. (2017). The Likert scale what it is and how to use it. Phalanx, 50(2), 32-39.
Joint Flexibility in Elderly Women with Various Body Compositions
  • D A Primana
Primana, D. A. (2006). Joint Flexibility in Elderly Women with Various Body Compositions. JKM, 6(1).
Basic Forms of Gymnastics Movements
  • A Sapto
Sapto, A. (2018). Basic Forms of Gymnastics Movements. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.
Research & Development Methods Research and Development
  • Sugiyono
Sugiyono. (2016). Research & Development Methods Research and Development. Bandung: Alfabeta.