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Ecological dynamic of fish farming ponds managed during the growth of matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus)



Habitat for organisms in ecosystems include attributes to the ecological significance and resulting from the interactions between its physical, chemical and biological components. In fishponds, one of the important features is the community of the microzooplankton that é key component of marine food webs and food chain in freshwater. An experiment was carried out in an area for fish farming, located in Assis Brasil Village, municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, State of Acre, aimed to observe the dynamics of fish farming tanks, and the composition and microzooplankton abundance, submitted to two treatments, commercial feed (ad libitum) and tabulated feed. The results showed that environments severely eutrophicated are characterized by high values of phosphorus and nitrogen, and dominance of species of Rotifera, throughout the study. On this basis, it was concluded that researches of this nature contributes for determining the water quality, particularly using potential bioindicator species, that grow excessively in these environments.
Curitiba, v.21, n.12, p. 24678-24694. 2023.
ISSN: 1696-8352
Page 24678
REVISTA OBSERVATORIO DE LA ECONOMIA LATINOAMERICANA, Curitiba, v.21, n.12, p. 24678-24694. 2023..
Ecological dynamic of fish farming ponds managed during the growth
of matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus)
Dinâmica ecológica de tanques de piscicultura manejados durante o
crescimento de matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus)
DOI: 10.55905/oelv21n12-068
Recebimento dos originais: 11/11/2023
Aceitação para publicação: 11/12/2023
Marcos Fernandes Silva
Master in Environmental Sciences
Institution: Instituto da Biodiversidade da Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Campus Cruzeiro do Sul, Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Estado do Acre
José Francisco Souza da Silva
Degree in Biologic Sciences
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Campus Cruzeiro do Sul, Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Estado do Acre
Edmilson Domingues Nogueira Júnior
Degree in Biologic Sciences
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Campus Cruzeiro do Sul, Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Estado do Acre
Amanda de Oliveira Sampaio Fernandes
Master in Environmental Sciences
Institution: Biodiversity Institute, University Federal of the Acre
Address: Campus of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina,
Acre State
Jocilene Braga dos Santos
Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Campus Cruzeiro do Sul, Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Estado do Acre
Curitiba, v.21, n.12, p. 24678-24694. 2023.
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Lisandro Juno Soares Vieira
Post Doctorate in Ecology
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Campus de Rio Branco, Laboratório de Ictiologia e Ecologia Aquática,
BR-364, Km 04, Distrito Industrial, Acre
José Genivaldo do Vale Moreira
Doctorate in Sanitation, Environment and Water Resources
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Centro Multidisciplinar, Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Brasil
Tiago Lucena da Silva
Doctorate in Animal Biology
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Instituto de Biodiversidade, Laboratório de Biologia Animal,
Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Brasil
Rogério Oliveira Souza
Doctorate in Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Centro Multidisciplinar, Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Brasil
Erlei Cassiano Keppeler
Doctorate in Aquaculture
Institution: Universidade Federal do Acre
Address: Instituto de Biodiversidade, Laboratório de Análises de Água e Limnologia
Glebas Formoso, Canela Fina, Brasil
Habitat for organisms in ecosystems include attributes to the ecological significance and
resulting from the interactions between its physical, chemical and biological components.
In fishponds, one of the important features is the community of the microzooplankton that
é key component of marine food webs and food chain in freshwater. An experiment was
carried out in an area for fish farming, located in Assis Brasil Village, municipality of
Cruzeiro do Sul, State of Acre, aimed to observe the dynamics of fish farming tanks, and
the composition and microzooplankton abundance, submitted to two treatments,
commercial feed (ad libitum) and tabulated feed. The results showed that environments
severely eutrophicated are characterized by high values of phosphorus and nitrogen, and
dominance of species of Rotifera, throughout the study. On this basis, it was concluded
Curitiba, v.21, n.12, p. 24678-24694. 2023.
ISSN: 1696-8352
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that researches of this nature contributes for determining the water quality, particularly
using potential bioindicator species, that grow excessively in these environments.
Keywords: dynamic, microzooplankton, fish, environment.
Habitat para organismos em ecossistemas incluem atributos à significância ecológica e
são resultantes das interações entre seus componentes físicos, químicos e biológicos. Em
tanques de piscicultura, uma das características importantes é a comunidade do
microzooplâncton, que é componente-chave das cadeias alimentares marinha e de água
doce. Um experimento foi conduzido em uma área destinada à piscicultura, localizada na
Vila Assis Brasil, município de Cruzeiro do Sul, Estado do Acre, que teve o objetivo de
observar a dinâmica de tanques de piscicultura, e a composição e abundância do
microzooplâncton, submetidos a dois tratamentos, ração comercial (ad libitum) e ração
tabelada. Os resultados revelaram que, ambientes severamente eutrofizados são
caracterizados por altos valores de fósforo e nitrogênio, e dominância de espécies de
Rotifera. Assim, concluiu-se que investigações dessa natureza contribuem para a
determinação da qualidade da água, especialmente usando potenciais espécies
bioindicadoras, que crescem excessivamente nesses ambientes.
Palavras-chave: dinâmica, microzooplâncton, peixe, ambiente.
Functional parameters of an ecosystem attributes to the ecological significance
and resulting from the interactions between its physical, chemical and biological
parameters and these interactions result in the creation of a variety of niches that are
inhabited by various organisms thus agreement a habitat for organisms in an ecosystem
and thus determine the tropic dynamics of the aquatic environment (MAZUMDER et al.,
In ponds, one the important features is the community of microzooplankton
defined as <200 µm grazers and are key components of marine food webs (CALBET,
2008) and food chain in freshwater. They can be protozoa and rotifers that are important
ecosystem compartments responsibles for transferring and recycling of nutrients in
pelagic ecosystems.
Planktonic protozoans are a group of unicellular ciliated or flagellated organisms
that feed on either picoplankton or nanoflagellates and small nano phytoplanktons
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according to their size (FERDOUS; MUKTADIR, 2009). These same authors, also
described that most of the protozoans are usually not sampled due to their minute size,
considering also that, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (about 1.0 to about 20 µm in size) are
more abundant (105 -108 L −1) in highly eutrophic lentic ecosystems than ciliates (8-300
µm in size) in freshwater ecosystems. Only 102 -104 L1 ciliates are found in freshwater
ecosystems. Rotifers can also serve as indicators of trophic conditions (SLÁDECEK,
1983), being called bioindicators.
Bioindicators are utilized to screen the health of the natural ecosystem in the
environment (PARMAR et al., 2016). The microorganisms have an enormous potential
for their use as bioindicators of environmental health, both as a standalone monitoring
tool and via their integration with existing physical, chemical and biological measures of
environmental health (ASTUDILLO-GARCIA et al., 2019).
Microzooplanktons are the major trophic link in the food chain and being
heterotrophic organisms, and it plays a key role in cycling of organic materials in aquatic
ecosystems (PATRA et al., 2011). They are an indispensable group, not only in the
transfer of energy between different trophic levels, but also in the controlling the
productivity of an aquatic ecosystem (KOUR et al., 2022).
The aim of this study was to evaluate how the ecological dynamic, can be affected
by the feeding regime in matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) rearing, controlled by tabulated
ration, and its relation among water quality, diversity and abundance of
microzooplankton, in excavated fishponds. The three different emphasis were: i) to
investigate the microzooplankton as bioindicators; ii) to notice water quality
characteristics of the environment; iii) to find out the relationship between, fish body and
limnologic variables and microzooplankton in two treatments in ponds.
The project was conducted with fingerling of matrinxã (12-15g) which were
selected from the same batch, without sexing, from induced reproduction, acquired at Sol
Nascente Fish Farming. The experiment was carried out in an area intended for fish
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farming, located in the Assis Brasil Village, Bem Bom Colony, Cruzeiro do Sul
municipality, Acre State, with the following geographic coordinates: Latitude: 7°34'43”;
Longitude: 72°49'31"; Altitude: 183m.
The data of fishes, environment variables and zooplanktonic community were
collected bimonthly and weekly, respectively. The samplings were carried out from
December 2020 to April 2021, in an uncoated excavated tank, which was divided into 6
ponds, with black plastic canvas of 180 microns. Each nursery pond had the following
areas: P1=136m2; P2=108m2; P3=121m2; P4=142m2; P5=137m2; P6=148m2, with an
average depth of 1.50m, and an approximate volume between 16m³ and 22m³, with
individual water inlet and outlet, and the same supply source, with an individual renewal
rate, from 3% to 5% per day.
The ponds were randomly assigned for the experimental design with two
treatments and three replications. After the draw, ponds P1, P2 and P4 were submitted to
treatment 1, hereinafter referred to as (T-1) - restricted ration using a tabulated (feed
management with the aid of biometrics and daily feeding rate based on the percentage of
body weight live - VP - of fish. Ponds P3, P5 and P6 were submitted to treatment 2,
hereinafter referred to as (T-2) - ad libitum feed (ad libitum feed management, feed supply
until fish satiety).
The feeding rate varied from four times a day, in the initial phase of rearing, to
three times a day and then to twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. The type
of ration used, and the feeding frequency were the same for all treatments, differing only
in the amounts.
A readjustment was carried out on the fish density (the higher densities in the
growing phase are made to correct the losses due to mortality or for redistribution in the
fattening ponds), after 45 days of cultivation, leaving a total of 504 fishes, and density of
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1.56 m2 for each fish. Following the same protocols, ponds P1, P2 and P4, used treatment
1, and ponds P3, P5 and P6, used treatment 2.
Effluent water quality was examined by analyzing the following variables:
temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen (mg.L-¹), oxygen saturation (%), chlorophyll (µg.L-
1), using the probe YSI-6600 multiparameter. Measurements of pH, electrical
conductivity (µ and total dissolved solids (mg.L-1) were accomplished using the
Combo 5 - Akso probe. Transparency in ponds was measured, using a Secchi disk,
generally, at 12:00h, concerning the analysis of water in the laboratory, first, samples
were transported in Styrofoam with ice, to the laboratory. Total alkalinity was carried out
by analysis of the neutralization titration method. The analyses of the chemical variables
were performed in the Spectrum spectrophotometer, according to the following methods:
Nitrite (N-(1-naphyl)-ethylenediamine (NTD Method), Nitrate (N-(1-naphyl)-
ethylenediamine (NTD) Method), Total Nitrogen (Persulfate method) and Ammoniacal
nitrogen (Indophenol Method) according to APHA (2012); Total phosphate (Ascorbic
acid and Molybdenum blue method), according to Santos-Filho (1976) and APHA
(2012); Soluble orthophosphate (Ascorbic acid and Molybdenum blue method),
according to Santos-Filho (1976) and APHA (2012).
It has been estimated Mao Tau (COLWELL et al., 2004). The specific diversity
was calculated by the Shannon-Wiener index (H’). The values for the Shannon-Wiener
index are between 0 and 1; values >0.5 indicate a more uniform proportion of the
individuals among the species (LUDWIG; RENOLDS, 1988). The Simpson index is a
measure of evenness (MAGURRAN, 2004). In analyze multidimensional of data, the use
the principal component analysis identifies patterns in the correlations between variables
and resizes the initial set into smaller ones and preserve the variance considered relevant.
The new dimensions are formed by the eigenvectors generated from eigenvalues of the
original covariance matrix (HAIR et al., 2005). Spearman’s coefficient was used, and
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we adopted a 5% significance level to test the correlation between the matrinxã
body, limnological variables and with the abundance of microzooplankton. All these
values of the statistics of the work were calculated utilizing the Past statistics package,
version 3.x. (HAMMER et al., 2001).
The experiment was conducted over the lengths and weights of the fishes for the
treatments 1 and 2, all through of 120 days of cultivation, are shown in Figure 1. The fish,
at the end of cultivation, reached an average weight of 324.73g and 379.77g for treatment
1 and treatment 2, respectively. For the final length, the average length found was 26.29
cm and 28.02 cm, respectively.
Figure 1. Morphometric measurements of weight and length in treatments 1 and 2.
Source: AUTHORS (2023)
A total number of 40 zooplanktonic species were identified from two treatments
(Table 1). The individual-based rarefaction curves for the total area surveyed (Figure 2a)
and at the site level (Figure 2b) showed a substantial decrease in the slope as the number
of individuals increased with search effort. Thus, while the upper 95% confidence
interval of the Mao Tau function suggests that not all species present in the ponds area
were observed. As for the diversity indices, in treatment 1, the Shannon index ranged
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from 1.420 to 2.132, while the Simpson index ranged from 0.5866 to 0.8533. In treatment
2, the Shannon index ranged from 1.420 to 2.419, while the Simpson index ranged from
0.5586 to 0.8843 (Figure 3 a, b).
Table 1 - Occurrence of zooplankton in fishponds submitted to different feeding managements in the
matrinxã culture.
T1 tabulated Ration
T2- Ad libitum Feed
Ascomorpha agilis Zacarias, 1893
Ascomorpha saltans Barisch, 1870
Asplancha priodonta Gosse, 1850
Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas, 1766
Brachionus dolabratus Harring, 1915
Brachionus plicatilis O. F. Muller, 1786
Brachionus falcatus Zacarias, 1898
Colurella sp
Gastropus stilyfer Imhof, 1891
Keratela americana Carlin, 1943
Keratela cochlearis Gosse, 1851
Keratela lenzi Hauer, 1953
Keratela quadrata subsp. quadrata (Müller, 1786)
Keratella tropica (Apstein, 1907)
Lecane bulla (Gosse, 1886)
Lecane copeis (Harring & Myers, 1926)
Lecane monostyla (Daday, 1897)
Lecane luna (O. F. Muller, 1776)
Lecane lunaris var. lunaris (Ehrenberg, 1832)
Lecane lunaris var. constricta (Murray, 1913)
Lecane papuana (Murray, 1913)
Mytilina sp
Nebela sp
Plationus patulus (Müller, 1786)
Philodina sp
Tricocerca similis (Wierzejski, 1893)
Tricocerca bicristata (Gosse, 1887)
Trocosphaera aequatorialis Semper, 1872
Arcella conica (Playfair) Deflandre
Arcella discoides (Ehrenberg, 1843)
Arcella hemisphaerica Perty 1852
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Arcella sp
Arcella vulgaris (Ehrenberg, 1830)
Centropyxis aculeata (Ehrenberg, 1832)
Centropyxis sp
Difflugia corona Wallich, 1864
Difflugia sp
Euglypha sp
Paramecium sp.
Vorticella sp.
0 = Absence and X = Presence of individuals in each treatment
Source: Authors (2023)
Source: Authors (2023)
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Figure 3. Individual-rarefaction curves showing as a function of the upper 95% confidence
interval (CI) calculated by the function Mao Tao. (a) Rarefaction curve combining all data obtained for T1,
with Shannon H index. (b) Rarefaction curve combining all data obtained for T2, with Shannon H index. (C)
Rarefaction curve combining all data obtained for T2, with Simpson index (d) Rarefaction curve combining
all data obtained for T2, with Simpson index.
Source: Authors (2023)
The mean variation for treatment and supply water in the limnological variables
are shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the values of the PCA, where one can observe how
so much the environmental variables as the density of organisms living the pond have not
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influenced in differentiating of the treatments, seen have been showed combined. and
across from zero in the graph of the PCA. The axis 1 explained 53.63% of the data
variation and the axis 2 explained 19,68%, Keratella tropica, was the variable most
representative, for the axis 1 with a correlation of 0.97. Trichocerca similis, was the most
representative, for the axis 2, with 0.93 correlation.
Figure 4. Limnological variables in matrinxã nurseries, considering values of water supply, and treatment
1 and 2
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Source: Authors (2023)
Figure 5. Dispersion of weekly samplings along the first two axes of the Principal Components Analysis
performed with physical and chemichal variables and microzooplankton abundance. Where, -1 =
Treatment 1 and T-2= Treatment 2. Ke_le = Keratella lenzi, Ke_tr= Keratella tropica.
Source: Authors (2023)
The results obtained, as observed in Figure 6a,b, in the correlation analysis
between the limnological variables, weight, length and zooplankton showed a weak
correlation between them in the two treatments, but significant in many cases. The highest
and also significant correlations (p < 0.05) occurred in Treatment 1 (Figure 6a), which
were between weight and length (rs=1), between weight and total alkalinity (rs = 0.9221),
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and between length and total alkalinity (rs =0.9221). Treatment 2 revealed the highest and
significant correlations only for weight and length (rs=1) and issolved total solids and
electrical conductivity (rs=0,9874).
Figure 6. Scatter plots and Spearman’s coefficient in treatment 1 (a) and treatment 2 (b)
Source: Authors (2023)
Significant correlations between nitrate and ammoniacal nitrogen and fish growth,
length, were generally positive in treatment 1, possibly because of accumulated feeding
over time. This might reflect the consequence of uneaten leftovers, generated feces, and
other metabolites produced by the fish, organic matter that, under decomposition,
consumes oxygen in the process of oxidation, liberating ammoniacal nitrogen. As for the
various variables in the water column in ponds, most of them also presented low
correlations in this study, corroborating findings by Keppeler (2009) in aquaculture
Concerning rarefaction, based on the expected richness function and individual
rarefaction curves, the results suggest an underestimation of rarefaction. However, the
estimated total number of species based on the rarefaction analysis suggest that the
richness of the study is slightly higher. As for zooplankton, the most abundant species
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under the conditions of this research was Keratella tropica for both treatments. Silva et
al. (2017), when studying the zooplankton community structure in fishponds in Cruzeiro
do Sul, also found species of this genus as the most abundant.
In general, fishponds under different feeding managements show high diversity
indices values for organisms smaller than 55 m, corroborating results published by
Negreiros et al. (2009) and Tóth et al. (2020). High-protein feed managements indirectly
fertilize the water and are responsible for the increase plankton in the nursery.
According to Eler et al. (2003), species of the genera Brachionus and Keratella
are typical of environments severely eutrophicated that also are characterized to have
values high of phosphorus and nitrogen, and to predominate higher abundance of species
of Rotifera, which showed dominance throughout the study, just as it has been noted by
Dantas et al. (2009), when they investigated a reservoir, also eutrophic.
The studies water ponds showed high levels of diversity, richness and dominance
for the plankton lower, common characteristics of fishponds, due to the management of
aquaculture systems that increase of nutrient sources used by plankton in these
environments, when compared to non-eutrophic.
Thus, it was concluded that the microzooplankton is a key element in the
determination of water quality, especially using them as potential bioindicator species,
which grow excessively in environments, due to the high amount of nitrogen and
phosphorus from the feed or from the products of the metabolism of the cultivated
This research was benefited by the scholarships of CAPES (DS/PROAP) and scholarship
of CNPq
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Zooplankton community serves as an important indicator of the health status of a water body. In the current study, zooplankton diversity and physico-chemical characteristics of a sacred, perennial lentic water body were analyzed seasonally for a period of one year (January 2020–December 2020). With marked seasonal fluctuations in zooplankton species composition, a total of 44 zooplankton species were noticed with 2 first reports from Jammu. Of this 6 species belonged to group Protozoa, 24 species to Rotifera, 7 to Cladocera, 6 species to Copepoda and only one species belonged to Ostracods. A peak in zooplankton population density was observed in summer season and lowest zooplankton density was recorded in monsoon. Further to study the impact of the physico-chemical parameters in shaping the zooplankton community structure, correlation coefficient was calculated between the two. The correlation data thus obtained showed both positive and negative correlations.
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With the intensification of aquaculture, the structure and dynamics of aquatic ecosystems are highly affected. At the same time, for a pond fish farmer, one of the most important tasks is to establish and maintain stable and favourable zooplankton populations. In this paper, we assess the effects of different supplementary feed types on zooplankton communities in freshwater fishponds. In an outdoor, experimental fishpond system, carp individuals of 2+ years of age were stocked and fed with either a fishmeal-based diet (FF), a plant meal containing experimental feed (PF) or cereals (CT). To compare the diversity of the zooplankton communities, we used the Shannon diversity index, and to assess the effects of environmental factors and the feed ingredients, we applied canonical correspondence analysis. We described the dynamics of zooplankton communities, where the biodiversity of rotifera and Crustacean communities showed temporal differences. In order to examine the effects of feed ingredients, temporal clustering was applied. The different diets did not consistently alter the composition of zooplankton communities. Consequently, the plant meal containing experimental feed had no negative effect on the planktonic biodiversity, which makes it suitable as an alternative feed source for fishponds at the applied level.
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With the intensification of aquaculture technologies, the amount of feed input and waste material is increasing, creating potentially negative impacts on freshwater habitats receiving effluent from such systems. Changes in biodiversity of zooplankton communities is often used to assess the effects of such impacts. Rotifers are suitable for bioindication of water quality due to their fast reaction to environmental changes. We examined seasonal changes in the diversity of rotifer communities along a 3.5 km section of the biggest oxbow lake in the Tisza River basin, Hungary, that received inflow from an intensive tank-based aquaculture farm. We detected a species-rich rotifer community with 26 species. Using the Rényi one-parameter diversity index families, we found that biodiversity increased away from the point of inflow in spring, but after a summer transition period the situation became partially reversed during autumn. At the beginning of the study period, the nutrient-rich effluent strengthened the dominance of common species, which decreased but did not disappear in summer. In autumn, the extra nutrient input delayed the decline of the rotifer community at the point of effluent.
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Microorganisms play fundamental roles in the diversity and functional stability of environments, including nutrient and energy cycling. However, microbial biodiversity loss and change because of global climate and land use change remain poorly understood. Many microbial taxa exhibit fast growth rates and are highly sensitive to environmental change. This suggests they have potential to be efficient biological indicators to assess and monitor the state of the habitats within which they occur. Here, we describe and illustrate a range of univariate and multivariate statistical approaches that can be used to identify effective microbial indicators of environmental perturbations and quantify changes in microbial communities. We show that the integration of multiple approaches, such as linear discriminant analysis effect size and indicator value analysis, is optimal for the quantification of the effects of perturbation on microbial communities. We demonstrate the most prevalent techniques using microbial community data derived from soils under different land uses. We discuss the limitations to the development and use of microbial bioindicators and identify future research directions, such as the creation of reliable, standardised reference databases to provide baseline metrics that are indicative of healthy microbial communities. If reliable and globally-relevant microbial indicators of environmental health can be developed, there is enormous potential for their use, both as a standalone monitoring tool and via their integration with existing physical, chemical and biological measures of environmental health.
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Os rotíferos são organismos microscópicos e representam um dos mais importantes grupos da comunidade zooplanctônica, não apenas pela riqueza de espécies, mas também pela abundância dos organismos. A situação hipotética para a realização desta pesquisa consiste em verificar se a distribuição espacial da comunidade de rotíferos é heterogênea e se há diversidade de organismos em tanques de piscicultura em Cruzeiro do Sul. Os tanques selecionados foram agrupados, considerando o zooplâncton, através da análise de cluster utilizando dissimilaridade, e ainda sobre a comunidade foram aplicados também os índices de diversidade e riqueza. Os resultados não revelaram agrupamento significativo para os tanques; cada sistema apresentou sua peculiaridade. Abstract Rotifers are microscopic organisms that present themselves as one of most significant groups of the zooplankton community, not only by species richness, but also by the numerical abundance. A hypothetical situation for this research is whether the spatial distribution of the rotifer community in fishponds is heterogeneous and has organism’s diversity in Cruzeiro do Sul is heterogeneous. The selected tanks were grouped, considering the zooplankton by cluster analysis using dissimilarity multivariate analysis, as well as on the community has been applied also the diversity and richness indexes. The results revealed no significant clustering for tanks, with each system its peculiarity.
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BioEstat is a book and a free software for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and teachers, with 210 statistical applications easy to use for beginners, mainly about the areas of biological and medical sciences. The software contains the user guide (in file format "pdf") with simple and precise instructions for each test, practical examples, more frequent usage graphs, glossary linked to biometrics an statistical formulas concerning applications BioEstat. The license to use this program is also free, the installation is permitted on multiple computers.
Bioindicators are living organisms such as plants, planktons, animals, and microbes, which are utilized to screen the health of the natural ecosystem in the environment. They are used for assessing environmental health and biogeographic changes taking place in the environment. Each organic entity inside a biological system provides an indication regarding the health of its surroundings such as plankton responding rapidly to changes taking place in the surrounding environment and serving as an important biomarker for assessing the quality of water as well as an indicator of water pollution. Even the health of aquatic flora is best reflected by plankton, which acts as an early warning signal. In this review we have tried to explain the concept behind Bioindicators and plankton, with particular emphasis on their potential to be used as Bioindicators for water quality assessment and outcomes relating to this.
Resumo A qualidade da água dos viveiros é fundamental para o sucesso da aqüicultura. Entre as variáveis as mais importantes estão o oxigênio dissolvido e o nitrogênio amoniacal. Neste trabalho, foi realizado um estudo limnológico de viveiros de cultivo de Macrobrachium amazonicum.. Doze viveiros com cerca de 0,01ha foram povoados com 20 juvenis de M. amazonicum.m -2 . Os animais foram alimentados com ração extrusada na proporção de 6 a 9% da biomassa até a 14 a semana. Depois de 145 dias de estocagem dos camarões, todos os viveiros foram drenados e despescados. Semanalmente, foram determinadas as seguintes variáveis da água: temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio, pH, alcalinidade total, condutividade elétrica, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrogênio total, ortofosfato solúvel, fósforo total, cloro¿ la a, cloro¿ la b, cloro¿ la c, feo¿ tina, turbidez e sólidos totais suspensos. Este trabalho analisou, em viveiros de Macrobrachium amazonicum, a correlação entre diversas variáveis limnológicas. Semanalmente, os dados foram obtidos de doze viveiros com cerca de 0,01ha e profundidade de 1,0m, povoados com 20 juvenis de M. amazonicum.m -2 , alimentados com ração extrusada, na taxa de 6 a 9% da biomassa até a 14 a semana. Depois de 145 dias de cultivo, os viveiros foram drenados e despescados. A ração diária teve pouco efeito sobre a qualidade da água dos viveiros do que da água de renovação. Das variáveis limnológicas analisadas, as que apresentaram as maiores correlações signi¿ cativas foram entre o oxigênio dissolvido e nitrogênio amoniacal e entre o nitrito e a turbidez. Abstract Correlation among water quality parameters of grow-out ponds of Macrobrachium amazonicum. Pond water quality is basic for the success of aquaculture, especially in ponds containing freshwater prawns. The variables considered most important are the dissolved oxygen and the ammonia-nitrogen. Twelve 0.01ha earthen ponds were stocked with 20 juveniles.m -2 . Prawns were fed on commercial diet at a rate of 7 to 9% of biomass until the 14 th week. After 145 days of stocking, all ponds were drained and harvested. The following water parameters were determined weekly: temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxygen biochemical demand, pH, total alkalinity, electrical conductivity, nitrate-N, nitrite-N, ammonia-N, total nitrogen, soluble orthophosphate, total phosphate, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll c, pheophytin, total suspended solids and turbidity. Water exchange and daily feeding affected water quality slightly. Correlations among water quality parameters were either weak or absent. The limnological variables analyzed showed that the highest correlations were between the dissolved oxygen and ammonia-nitrogen and between nitrite and turbidity.